X- - - - "a rl ' ' . . h - . ' v " ., a . -j dZ V Crr.. 1886. . Marks. and Winter Opening. Fall Dress Goods ! BrMia. Diafenals, Tri t.- Diagonala tajhrr!er.T!.v-. Honr. "a. ' Fancy, Dorbcr, Alpa.i-. 'a-. M-r:r. Drew Goods all kinds, iii . ;.!. 1 stonuh the "no.it kardtmii tujh:- r r's "Cloakings---More Than a Big Line. i W hf paotUj of (,'loak.ni; ( i ooU., ud r fT '- m it iJ pottfU. Tkrre it n riaw.-' 'r c '.' r v " ' t.-. - - U WTore porchasir: Plushes 1 Fringes! Astrachans ! Pur brimming ! Bead Trimming! Braids! Cloaks! Hew Markets ! -.JVm Hrjs he Full Sunk, well a.-orteJ ar.d t-'ut IU iin il to pat line npn -.he rark..- i '.-" TWO GREAT LEADERS. DRESS GOODS AND '':f ' 'M' abovght a luxpt Hr.o of hotb rCV- Our line of Prints. . 53 :'1-Bleachings? Canton White),' Wool t ..V 1 fcc 11 maar Of Tito QooJa nd SiRyr;HT2idred Pairs of Sola at 5UQ fOTJDR IIOT STOCK, iX&aXTftX? ..See It It Hmtmwmd, ad we Ixiught Shx fro VJRST DANDSand FOR CASH. War do a jarg Retail Bxuineis, and we appreciate it, and -wa etr for it, and we love to wait !on our customers- -i Mr tiMB til. We lOVB to pleaje them, bat we hire a f- w words to ray . to'4luwf ttafmT that have increased With UStrom year : y ar !uf Wholesale Customers ! TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE ;:;;"-Wj62BayT-that never have we done so much 4;&tqgiyo them every facility for huyimr their C;; Dry Goods at home. illtli-. We Guarantee vTJ-9Dlkate anything bought in Baltimore -i ''t'?' iJt .'Other market in less than ease lots. ' vTtiU-iS: HO empty boast. Come and see us. :, -ssa ' C be waited upon, and we .there shall be no grumbling when yt- iioy takc time to examine tlieir purchases. Ver' truly yours. O. SHARKS. :dail brothers, Wholesale Grocers, UAK BEMOVKH Tt TIII1IK S3 . 2 TOD STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND. AjmI keep of FLOCK, n k at, ofkkk. moak, svhi iv- MOLASalCS. SALT. TOBACCO, SMFK ami , erernftlar in the OKOCKltv link, a i t i i K l t tOWPBICM Tor CASH WILLIAMS' FAST FREIGHT LINE. I t. STEAttEX ELM CITY AND BAS0E JEKNIE REED WEEKLY i.ETW K r.N I mil I C. u: SI:: Lmtn N'e- fit:.- l -n r. u. Lmm Sort-iit T-uri. P. U Coaacta w ith N v : : . Co. TTst ill point Ncr:n jnCK T1MF. AND LOW rlwilK.H; J. V. WLUJ-IMS. Winter. Dress Goods ! :. V.xv.:.-'.-. Bis. !. ( rr. i 1. - ' ' I -, ' it 'a-:.:: '-.;'.' r: l" : ' Cloaks! Cloaks! New Markets! Jerseys ! I... ' : I 'ad;, t-ut - a r w hive CLOAKING GOODS, n ,. Ginghams. Flannels Red and Flamnels, Drills, Dotnetc to be funi it. t :r: ( WHITE BLANKETS, to be Fer Fair, Is : Immense And Complete. lar, but is Twice as Large as we as we did EYKIiYTIl I"G ELSE, T 1 1 K ::eusz l tpzi;t fjvee Steamboat Company Steamer Cutler Steamer Kington. CHp,0K clothier GET OUT x ; H,;; is. L.Y. Heavy li VT oi Satinet and Cashmere Suits :'r -in S3 00 to $5.75. Our All Wo -1 raiuy l-'uits. :'ror.i $5.50 to S13 50 are f "icoly made up that they b-:: a:v custoTrL-riKi-io Suits- PANTB - v. r r-'uh: to th: ity. '. - k -. cr ar ; k w. ! y' u wiK a -krunv:.-.;,;.. that v. -. . - r rr. -re Mtial -:;.'.- t! .Mil "1 (HI (! Oil Sinu'it' Louti .11. i. ; ' - --.il under Manufacturers Fuces. Ovoreo:-ts and I71tcr.; iu liht and heavy Wi ipht, iror.i $2-25 up. Fine Wool Reversible Over coats from $5.00 up. Shoe Department. ! hi: r..;i'. ' x v ' -r f,'r!' liO't'.S. r..v..io a.iir.-: : "A' - -h at,;" nv.!" n rv! '. y ur '. : .i t r : '. h ! at "l r ' -; l. i--- f -.-il- ;i. en 1 !'. t t .- ! - Ki:'.u'.l mv '.v ! n 1 . ' k t !'t'- ;..,r. cs iiiv .r.tao f a !'" pr: '' .'hut i q-ya way of ir.v;'an: tragic, 1-e.t Uo .lira 1' tuii.l up a lark-f h x' :ra n H y .liDparaKiDK '".her reptitat '.e i.-at-T-. t-ut by arTirdir.( riniomiT? a nla-e ; un hisf whore afxiotuU' fairness i a ured. ilur ft "' l'l-av :in I iiri . ii is r- did .rather. Alao our Dotter e.as or isr.o.-.-. ! Ijuii.M. Ikiy and Children's ho-n I nr-irTtionatelv cheap. N w -cmeli.ifc atjut car Dry Goods. i'i:,; Ic. yard: Poplin. i.-' a! wdlo Ikmipspnn. 'c '! i y.l wide H-arr. mvuii. 4.. Plaid-. li;ut;ti.niiq an! Checked Homespun from V. up. ' v i A well assorted linelof WOK-TKli : DRESS GOODS at all price,;. j SHCftU, BLTIORAW, BLAKETS- I)imSticsJcos,FO - "yJ'f' w11' JF.RIIYI, WALKI51) JACKETS and CLOAK t LOW TRICES. ( iUK STOCK IN i TTa.t; ani riont 3nn T,.ini , cannot Le excelled iu price and uual ity- Bargains: Bargains! Bargains: In Ladies and Gents Hose I at V pair Also III HANI K Id I edllF.FS an i all kind-, of NOTP 'N. If j u n.ii.i to ir.akc your . e.c cl -lh,?, come an cxturnr." oar STOCK OF PANTS CLOTH. au.l oa wouldn't ieiiv, . i:r r,- with- out Kfttina .uiwa. 'It 'K STtK'K i 1 V 'I'riinlitM and u 1 i.-si; u ronih-U'ly new. ana wi th p m with a vorv tira;t.el i r nt ir. order t ra.ike r- .-m f-'r daily arri-ni -.i.ij K.-.i ad Shir:?. T" . Mori's Hy' idf l:irt-. :"' I.iiht. Shirt. 4"'C. t'r.dershirtj. l.ravrers. 2V. Corsets. 25e. itentg' Neck tur Rubber ( ioods. 1 " mbrell s. A coord iou-c F.e . Idc L. U alliiau C -rn.-r M.d ilo ar. 1 South Front Streets ' i- K. It J r..-'. MA RBLE WORKS, SEW BEKNfc, . ( Mouuiuents Tombs 1 vi.re c :b'. i . . .1 . ii w 1 . :. ITALIAHiAMERICAH MARBLE 'r i--r - : .-' ic JOE K. WILI.IP. Pio( rictci 'r K. Mr.-i.KU i.i cy authorized a.a, : Kinston miSU-'.vii Ji 7 -r '.. r t r 0- Original S3 tar, l-ifi.-fl of Immi; i. Itonr liFDBlne hoImi bar Inff t h la st a m p JAMES MEANS' S3 SHOE. 4: Uncia i-. I '.--h.-r l: thrt Mt'.rT-.all-iti -f - If -a. - Tb-.uta: J. McSORLEY, .lNA:1: r:,; AN 3 Vill SATISFACTORY mM?- mv e!be' : ,, 'S. -. i- -:ts i- l.fted at lea-t s ; .1 - s r:. ,'v ' .addle .r c, : . . -. . . . - ' - - :roiig:it d 'it! ::. v ' i i t i. ache Tin-: .101 kxai, i O M T ;. I ;t; ( . v ,i v' ; a ; : i -. : : "in,.. I' e 1 1 :.d t t . e e e e 'A a 1 : 1 e . ,1 - tar a - i-O ( a leal. a:. : eia l.c a lldt" lb-!, tliro .v !.: ' li c.i - ; rest - ,. ; '-:. :. - . noble i a:. '-.',-:" tti b.U'K o : ', vailey. Titer- Arcadian .i'.-'i:' ! seen:-; in ano" 1 tie and .di :-ei ...!: so:; .i-,u:' '; ti.,v lev itiak' i-:ie I,.r - ''" unpar a I c.i'-coU is content I" la dou ; , h.ulv nook, and a a t ll e ll .1 " But there wa, , : : ca ni : pit It , ,,.-!, t It the ho'.el - ho;: charm :nto aid. a :' . to his porsua-a ti. eh Clud:n' three lade-. i: - I n a - . 1 1 ed to," t Mt. Mitcheii. ircvi"" make tne a.-oeii. ... . i - ni,,:i,,.,l'eioa, .Y-Mcti.iiioi,o, in, uuiai from the bote toot, t 111- Old II. Oil. in 1. oi l.h ,,,..,o.i.,.,,a ' vt-lt'le. 1.'.. Ila W Ihi' IPillKll Ot t If ieirton. trad is .is mod and rotir- ine as d oriental lad v . lie screens inm-elf behind the gigantic terms o! !::s less la-serv ei ne:gi:Oor.-. ano. as ;m additional pn caution. s oars throe hundred and c.itv days out ot the c.ir, a veil of i u-b which he seldom removes lor the admiring gare of mo.tals. Tbe ascent is hmg and tedious, and the chances are ti n to one that : the mountain will bo w tapped in fog, but if the dav :- clear, tiio pil gnni is amply eotn icn-att d lor all trouble by a vn-u ui.-u; pascd on Ills -'etc o! t tie .Mi !--;pp;. 1 lie !,;;.;e' and a..- : - g' to r.i'lv -is were r.-o. ease. ;;.e aglr i:n-;l t io: n t ed t : in e. :rs utter the I When thev came. ... .i . , ..:. ... tne wor-r an ; :n 111 1 1. e i o . iiii li . . . . me inv usual late and 1 doubted ii, . ,i r.s ability to carry me up the mount a: n . and adv.ee how n: a:, counsel 1. 1 -e.ule nan -eious ino; n : i .VllliO Illlll u I o li i ii.- iu u not to kiil ourselves t ! :s w ludesome rved ' our eaval 'Vii.i' an ati-pt-: : - lor our ;oi;nicy 1 in' ilt-iv ii:i- -j u . , n g a in ;d the , 1 petal- ot the elem.it i - which l.ties the lotiees along the road, the azure .-kv unobscuri d br a single olou'l. the a.r .-" rar tod tli.it it tavor. I'...- ,b :-g exlulara' ing edeet ot all except 1 bice who moves along tno.inor and droop demon -llgges'i appl.oa".on t a s ; de- Hi a', e- ':. t : ' . i . , ........ ' i us. t:iv liore. di". ctcd d.e head. S 'Pie ' a vijorou :.':::g . hi .a.d i ' b---a - van :. i: n :.a:i.-- rse e r v t.V. a. A.. e.p;.-.tc " 1. c:. ta: e State in are ::.e- : : . - -: 1 1 : 1 . g Mo ot 1 1. urpa.-.- .. ny -eau'v ot 1", 1 ' -, J-t I ' A a . :. e a a -I M r. y itchell. but expe- i.'s M'lHt mo that tiio mountaineer has not the (i -, j-.-ion of distanc-. It - !!''.'(!'. A for a little t""ii"H-t. ami mi- : t-" - !::; ,-: Ciotsoral i j' t iii-Tri-.l : ' - ! 'I ;n- " !'- ' i. : i.o.io A -1 t. . . wo :i:. a: ! br.M '-I-,' -' 1 1 - li,' a 1 -1 '' . I I'll i - ol Hi i t ' !' . -e a 1 ( 1 1 ' " l:- :a ! S-vn di'.''! moiin. to-. .-; .-;ia: khn.u' t-ldn it-i!t witli ..-;n -: :'.:ain-' i : !o,,, lit:! -' t i a. in ' --eene "ie:a v- o: Id. o ' I 1 ' I Oeail' a a' I 1 !i. .I--.- la!. 'l 'A t e- and 1 . -. i a ; . i I . : o;f :'. :-!'c: i . n: 1 :'!:' e !;!'!- v. root o ! 1 ." a i s -, i h "IT -:!! d -and iah-- '-n 'in I nca'h. lde- va-' na'nie ; - mi m -o sician.: t !: ir. as wa t- ..l-ie -. Ii;l' ii- : ippoil a o ! 1 1 y an : i a . e i - -1 . dial o! a '.' i : : id ti!ioa;!i "in horse- la.aiiL: noiscl.--! i.i.nii i; r.trpet ;' -s, oar heads ate m-'it.e;ivriv boaed. and the load i 1 1 ; o i i ot a nieii v i ipics' i an set m- .!'..!. . t'.on. A'a H : ' I,el We !n-::: . 1 (a- tace i 'he anient in u n t at n : -. ... : - i pei.d (;' i.sr, and to I o o t ; a I at T ' C a v -i 1 1 lil- I 1: 1 I II d-v.-s haela:, Is a, d 'loiw.ud-. j get 1 1 ng a 1 ; ' ' le b:-. her at each tain ; ing. As vv e h-ok n;i atal see it tw i.-t :: ' il.iii i: ' 1 e mountain, it i ti ,d wj a'a -, ,nc hu-'e i v. b n fue'i . ' i la. 1 1 - - ! i - e - i ' i li I 1 e- i " '.-, v ii to tlie' vd'ev I lie low. , .. . .a t. lis left tar I'ehind, and on looking I up I can mo sometimes three dis- ti,,,. -olio,,,.. ,,f ,, r,,m,v-,nir.nc on l'"v v "'1 th. igag over niv head, their horses striking tiro with their shoes from t he rock- over which t hev -i-ani'de u.,1 o, cor .v.. along this tortuous path for seveial miles, wo suddenly emerge upon an open level spot, where was once the summer residence of a Mr. Patton, of Charleston, S, O. Now only a few bricks ami boards mark the pla'C where the residence of tho old aristocrat stood. This little plateau abruptly terminates in a steep precipice. Some of us riding to the blink, admire the glorious panorama v.h.ch unroll- i;.-elf be fore our ga.e. bar below u- lies tlie lovely V.wteV o! t li e S V. n II a Una, asleep in the warm sunshine, over . hieli ;:..::'-'. like a gl unour of i ii el.antmei:!. an a" use-.; a, n " h" n.o ei;:i -: i , . . 1 i'iii l t,e V.', a , ,i An occasional .. i ... j i 1 ,''"" , 1 ' : T r . gr 1 - th i r e a 1 1 T . ' , e ,. , , ' e e TV ' , e i-vn-HKii .. ' ' ,, ; ' . . .o ne ", , 1 1 c. - o u- ei o , , - . . . I 111' en illl.i.iiii'.i line i . .- 1 1 ' 1 1 1 all I 1C course. Leaving the river, the c:lll..v rise- to the loot ot o-ri.-if Kit. lowv" mountains which, gradually ' i-eoedmg. rise higher and higher. 1 till then la, ut outline is I,-.t ,n t ho I blue of the skv. On every .-i,le.! grc it pe.iKs loom up ilS.lllds Of teet, and.-tand scr.iraels over the treasure at their teet. On the left, old Greybeard ba.-ks in tho sua, and. the Ii -k 1 I.'- a r.n::.ic!e p:e:ces the ;.iii ' ic saw i oot h . O eland- Ihial !a.lv vilvetv tops ol ( raggv, i ,"t ., . ., ',, : -hado.'.s eh.i-e each "s bio id -id.es j-!)e i; , ', .' ; ,,,, . ft b b.1 di gtor ' t the ,-UV. t.ei In- t' -a .'a.i.U r- .-r , i...;,. ! v'.- .i ,,1,'rv-" re.', -r vVlev nT,d I ir.oun ...in. ! !r .-h le-' i, , ... i.i. , i ii a ill 'L .l I I 1 -.' ov, r all. -unound ..H.l i w:rh .-'.'' le .A. :; aetico u hie , , , , Hlli'li- 1 !;l!:il, la,: a r::o i.i'.i-- o: ia::e:d bat:, appe'di -en .- at c rav -nn. 1. .;: llele reca'l- il s to a . -tale i ' :a ti, and Not ii ; :: g b:r rav en ! ial-1 endure ii. and ! , . 'ii K u '''' 1 r :::,' ,"':"'rai :' I, "s v l'l,-:. a, i. c.a-il. m vnuoso Honor I '.Kf I 's 1 te o-t h:.s ot a gi t'"' ' v i..: i I:.e-e u e i.e i-a n i .'-- v' oio.-:ng was cuvciopcd "' " ' W'1', .r.etrat.n- .ink- 'V;:;' . :;ia . - 1: M' W,l.- S in,' n,i s -lhe.vc'1 inta.n- t. ed at A- rw.tr, !- 1 ; ;. n.o : o:n he h . a targ. - t - - u 1 . al.d : -oil o:. the hizhc-t ak o: : he uioiint aia he had loved : u, :;. The 'icintal interrupts tact. on.-upon his story b saving - at there .lie Vet seVell inncsol rii climbing ahead oi' u-. V, ave n 1 tlie e i g ai i : : i I he oi I hi 1 hi. ' :i :" ibe.-iiu.ii,;: . :- "Mini :th tiii'-e : ei -. n :: i cl lev cl excel't bv .io'.i.l! b'.lckeVe or Wild d'h. V -tale! oil both Sille.- . o l tne pa ' n I ' .1' : a . and h : e an aim. iu elo.-e Uolhl. bal-am --:ve -.. no a.: T 1 1. .Id 111 i :;!-- ' Vel i 1 : : a 1 . 1 1 e 1 o I I , i I .'ca-ion ah v u . ride through bods oi wild liowers ' up to the horses' necks. Sorely, I ,' tliink, this is fairyland. Tbia deli- j oato carpet was never intended to ! bo soiled by human 1'cet. That! inosy cushion gemmed with dow-: chops and arched ovoi by Mowers and vinos, must be Tit.tiiia's thmne. I am c.;itiim.liy on the vatc.-li j'..r a :'.uin a.--loop .in 1.:.- b-.! of iii"--. But fin' I'.ili a'...:-:! .11.. I'; .r' :' v,,:,vs. , . We a iv now in t la worst p.u tot t i.i ; r, !,, and I ify the iianttnu horses as they stiuu'le and slip miT the roi ks wlnoli block tin the paMi. and mire u; to ti.oir knees m ''lark. ouap:v i.l e-.-. oi IWist tlieir I, anions the l-al-ani roots wiiicll t 'oead the )at li. 1 eseendi:i il : at .: n s 1. a k . e See. toi : 1 i'.: ' :in:e. ;!:-t ahead .,) u-. Mt. M .' iiei:, hit in,.' up :.i in Uy head all abla.e wit h t he ra s ol t he Mill, and i eileet nie; them into our t'aces like a mirror. The remainder of tne patli is too .steep lor the horses; - ' v. e : in ii i he m loose m a little oi. adow aod climb on too' the aimu.--: n i Men i i iciilai lu-ak. Soram l-;;ii '; . a r a .-lipj.i ry lock." wa stand on tin -iimnut oi itehell. bTl 1 leot abov o the level ol tin- M-.i, the hihe-.t point ol 1 Hid in the l uitod Staler eat ol ii,,. l;ockle. At l.i.-t We have i cached out I'd 1 un ado. 1; lien the ck-nO, that, having , . ed. t in oiie.li f,",cat e.eiliolis to 'can Mine do.--, led object, when, iaae reiiiains bat a .-iule sti p toj .clou- s,-e 111 in-;' it , we haltl-o-. kme 'ia.t l,f.t 'ep and exult i. a- kn " 1. ile ; hat v. e h m-i aily . t t ' 1 i lot t h ciii hand and it i.-. ;;. And so 1 keen my eyes on a.- eimiud. though I know that 1 on 1 v to raie tlieai. aiai all t ! ;e . ' i i iplaiicd I"l io id the seehi.- V. ill , upon mo. The thine- upon. '. i.ich niv I '. i'S li-.d is I):'. Much- ' av- a rude cairn upon u Pied each of us. according to the cii-toni. oasts a stone. No marble '. to:n bstotie mat ks the resting-place ot the old professor: no (lowers arc- placed by loving hands upon his , iao. and no tecn sod grows above it. Bat the errand old moiin- I tain draped in funeral balsam, ever j mourns htm: the winds chant tlieir I dirges as thev fleet bv his lonelv grave, and the thunders fire their aluti ever bis home amid the clouds left bv A sum of money has been his daughter for the pur- I''"1 electing a monument over , his grave, but it seems to mo that 1 mountain, il l oiiee- ui.i ' monument and his tomb," is a more fitting memorial than any work of man's hands. As we turn from the grave, a scene bursts npon us which it is impossible lor one who has seen it to forget, and equally impossible is ' " Jor uut " u ue LI weu u lu : lorm any conception of its snbhme beauty. In every direction the eye is tree to roam for miles npon miles, and so many objects of beauty and sublimity are presented to it, that it, turns in bewilderment from one to another, and lixes on none. The werld is literally at our feet. So extensive is the prospect, that parte of six States are visible. A hundred miles or more to tho west, the cyclopean peaks of tho Great Smoky, resplendent in a tlood of sunshine; to the south, the lof,- Unirrlifo -.f fli. Ti.iliom nml -, . , , . . , ' I co . ,u-:uouf i,ul, pie: to the cast, Greybeard and 'High I'innacle. and to the north. I .i,.. fn.i.ic.n.n. .,.,:., uiainii.uiiL'i i ii .-o ii n e, and the black hump of the lioan. , , . . . ,, 1 , like maiostic pillars support the ircneu auic oi a sty more ueauti- ful than any painter's dream, over cast with every color of tho rain bow and a hundred indescribable shades and gradations of color I,uln almost imperceptibly into CM'U other lllu varvinp from a dull ?VK a',tlie, Zl'mt1' a S0TRC0W .at th, ,,onzOD- lbe sunhfht ' . "J'"" v.fefej uidmo rauiaut lauuers irom tne veivery heights to the sky. The mountains in the west, kindled into ineffable glory by the rays of tlie setting anil, .,.ni .1 loov oi UOIINIC lllll Ull i I TI I i - - i no semicircle oi mountains irom I 1 1 e w , s t To tiio f-' a -ir.. i-t i,l in -i .. " , garment ot many coiors. ihe r . . , , , bright red in tho wo-t changing m vivid alternations of rose and am- j ber into a green of wonderful teu- ueniess, wnicu passes into a tiarK ! purple, and tiually deepens in the c.il- into o.aciv, lUiuiiiiL ,i o.ii k '-U'Kgiounu to tue wonner ui p,o- j j 1 11 1 C 1 LI LUC C L .11 lllll R L l, Uil au .-lues mere 's ;i uniowy sea oi mountains. j;eep yawuing gorges of abysmal gloom lie in the shad ows ot monntains towering thous ands of feet, whose summits borrow their tints from flif sl-r. Tho 1 ,KlL'K t nrows nis snauow ior miles . to the east, and I watch it crawling I , , ... , , , ,1riv.ino. I ,' , , , . ; suriMiino i.etoro it. tin only tne top ! ,,f t la. .1,-1: P,V,.H -I ii, t la. i,-, -hini-s ;;s if tinned i, ,1,1 , 1, a ,,i..,. -o,l ".11. . l-IU I lllj II 11U ,1 .Illlll II I 1 and intense loneliness 01 the spot.! j ,u, nnmeiisitv ot the space viewed. , ! ;uill In;,i,. ,iry these utiehange- j able and iniuietnortal inotintains ' wli:ch have "110011-11100 tlie would i fsan." ai.d tiie whole makes j t a-e ;- : a 11. c t o at tempt to d.e ci .be. 1386 VVHITTY'S 1886 FALL SPECIALTIES. (iii'.lett '- yi.ignoha" Cotton Gin.-, with Feeders and Con do users. I'ratt Cotton Gins, with 1'eedeis ;U1(1 Condensers. Carver Cotton Gins, with Feci or- and Condensers. I'.o.-.-" Power Cotton 1'russi's. dloaiioke" 1 land Cotton I're--e- 'o'liplete Cotton ( 'leaner-. 'ottoti Seed Crushers. I .v, i:ifUii iino, lf an chases of Maehin- ,-ry. I'lttinL,-. Machine l ils. IadtinK. ! Shaftini. I'ulleye. ete. I Saw Mill fiipplied a specialty. Send for circulars and prices. I V ni, r i.ul rn,irn iaili,i'f...l .iri.l - .1 1.. I (,.,; 7,a ' I UeRpectfully. j. c. wHimr, Iron l'mra. Craven stru t. New Home, X. C. r i .. : : har. k - -aiiidiir i a. e-. .. u . v : a w - an u B i a m j Then don't iforget we sell the celebrated Ap-ifvi dGWS,: Clement Weil and Ball Shoe, for ladies and Conim"ission Merchants 'children's wear: every pair warranted. . 1000 Tons Kainit and Guano for Truck ;uul Cotton 'rops. iN i.:. '. (.It A . N. : ii". :iiiv;ii-ia naiiii- . . u c : - ..;:, :.n- i.:s. :,: mnii-r P . ... ',: M.a.ia -m-i-ls 1' .:.:. - I : il' JAMES REDMOND, The Bargnsi S Ergel Brewing Company's Lager Beer, Porter, &c W hich will be sold by tiie Barrel or Gallon at VERY LOW Ginger Ale equal to Best Imported, and superior to any procurable in B d ut NO DRIVES, a (liaiicc to But FINE cooes AT LOW PRICES! Read what we can A Nice Figured Best of Calicoes A Lot of Dark Prints at 4c. A Splendid Gingham at 8c, C0TCH GINGHAMS, CRINKLED SEERSUCKERS. BATISTE, FIGUEED We have just taken we have lots of Goods to sell. Therefore If you want to buy OH US See our Worsted iDress aown. Buttons rand Fringes Corsets. Hosiery. Handkerchiefs and Parasols are ffoinff at almost your own prices. fc O J j Favor us with your orders and we will save i vou money. .15 TTs The Diamond Shirt." NEWBERN, N. C, WHOLESALE AND IN CONNECTION WITH TI3E AGENCY FOIi 1 KKKP ON HAND A FULL LINE OF WiiES km LiQUOiS AT WHOLESALE, T RIG CHEAP I offer you: Lawn at 5c. at 5c. INDIA LAWN, LINEN LAWNS, Etc., Etc. an inventory, and find which we are anxious good Goods cheap, call GoodG, marked way cheaper than ever. Ml LIQUOR DEALER MANUFaCTUBEE OP Ginger Ale,. , Sarsaparilla Lemon Soda- Buffalo Mead. California Pear Cide Etc., Etc. BOTTLING FIGUEES for CASH. North Carolina. A FINE Florida Tonic: Mr. FOSTER S. CHAPMAvS oiif of the landmarks or tbe Oeonrlli 'Zrnir ' '" -' ' ir.Kle, now of Orlando, Florida. WTttea: , - I can hardly select a lna caae at' " -of the many to w hom I have sold -I ' "" -'' I'lontm BIomI ItMHWer, V" i.ui what have been aailnlled. and -fliiil it the best remedy for all fcklu . OireiiBes I have ever sold, and a Vine .-- Florida Tnnie. -j - -4"' "h'OHTKtt S. CHAPMAN e" tf1 " "Orlando, Fta.' , ' A Certain Cure for CtMArj , A SUPERB FLESn PRODUCER ASB TOIICT f Guiun's Pioneer Bleed JUa wijr'j" ' (aires ail ISlood pnd Rkln nfaoitaea. fihmJ i.- It not In your market It rlH' Wfortrarrfea t r? ' ' $"75. Pr'ee. Hroall boUleaLW);iase '-- JSssny ou niood and Siln Diaoaad-malltiil free. ' ' s - I . ,s .' MACON MEDICINE G0MP1IY, llacofL For sale, wholesale and'retatU tr '- N. Dctfpt, NeW'Beine, N.'C. ,Z - - 'WSI: B 'l .'.' - , . sr - la? Mi 'v J. " ... ' 'i' -c-i Atlantic n. C 'Railroad"' ' o' ii "si-ii'j - I TUdK TABLE Ho. ' 1 1: i hif Ji v fa j - 'v. InEtteot 7:57 P.M., Monday', few.'lSr-" 1886. "'. s'."'. i" -Kil r,w wf, east. ' no. ti. a irbtfjmifi-'.-'-- STATIONS I dA b I Arr. L ve. f ETTlTrT -.a 1 1 , - ' T ' . r M., r. M 5 (MlOtihUhnm ill o ID B l.S 7 47 II) a 6 2iiKineton,d"uI T 57iNw BrBe,... IV I if ASW 811 'i jiumueaa uirv.... y. m. p. m. . . j i Dully esoept Suodajt .. -M f.jj j- , I'.., iiiilnrraa;i KAST. No. l. : Mixed Kf t. & : Pasc. Train. : STATIONS. ?aJiral ' Arr. L've j lnllnti.lW. i, A M. r. it. 10 Ooldsboro, 4 IH 8 16 S 41 9 20 9 49 10 26 10 SO 11 23 11 52 Hitl Beat'..: 49 8 56 9 26 10 1C 10 30 10 65 11 28 La Oranee., a mo 141 Falling Creek...,.., Klastun.ua. L...2 1 il ID1, ' . I f SU ' 14H-- (Jaawell. Dotbt .... - Nil! ' I1 1 U mA Core Orek TofCtmrt 12 02 12 11 rj 5i 12 19C'lrke' I Newbern.. j..... p. f. J P. m. -I AM Tuesday. Thnnullvand Bln4.-'o J La 'ii. a. .-r-i . tMonrjay, Wedne day and J'rlday . fctt d - - . H 1" It Train 50 connects with WlUnlnrtoo Wak- " ' don Train b'nnd -North leavlok "Poldboro ll:ii.V a. in., autt with Hiohtnond I Hvtlle e ' Train West, leaving Goldsboro 11M mtJUki ,i'-ti"C-' Train 51 connects with Sichmout AIMavHI Train, arriving at Goldsbcro4:48 p-m land with 1 Wilmington and Wei Ion 3 n front the1-', " North at 4:64 p.m.) .' L .. r v- .- Train ? connects with W. St V. Train bound J Houi h. leaving OolilBboro at 1:54 and 7;0 p m. wnh w 4 w. Train bound North, leavlna " (liildshoio at 5:45 p.m., and With H, IX -ia; .....ii itiuiii,; uiiiuBixiro at o:uu p,m W. Dunn, Suporinw-adcnt --. Change cf Pier in Kef Ti The N. (J. Freiglia; FOR NEW YORK;' ri i 0-'T" BOSTON, PROVIDEKGE; andallwint orthnnd Wortt , , l T ' r I In, .11 will rMSlT (toAN e);jrt t for New Bens at ; . .,, rr ii, iy' v f iMKie 7, NoitTju raV tyice of Aeu York and Baliimot i Transportation Ck v Ilir tail! should remember that thlalSODoffl p.'" ih h.-st steam Ianf out of Mew York; mklair " " v Mir c.jiini'ction with BaJttmoro for HiwtaMh -"a ,11 nif ni,'. iinil onlyone change. ( v y SEMI-WEEKLY STE AMEbW-' -it Between New Berne iad Biltinori' ' ' (Tonchinir etUorfolk) Leaving Now Ilerne for Haltimore TILVKflllAV' " FRIDAYS nt 1 n m. W. Hl,. gl .. - ' Kew Bprne WEDNESDAYS dud SATDBUAYd ' - -s ,,, Agents are ae follews: s jrlSi EUBKN FOSTKR, Qon'l Jfauacer, . " -V W Htht St.. Bal't If ''"' AS W. McCAJlKlCK, A t. Norfolk, Va. . . tH""' W. P. Oljrde A Oo.. Phlladslpku, u Sot f'T' HrTes. .si' Yurk 4 Hallo. Tran. Llne.Pler ortarlw - ;: E. Sampson, lloston, (S3 Centrl wharf. " Sj K. H. Kuckwpll, erovidpnee K 1. . , i - . - O. Mink, Full Rier, Derrick wharf T snipp Uiivf- lloston, Tueedaya and Saiardaia " Ni v.- York daily. ' M ,.-, " Baltimore, Wednesdays and Satordty " Fall Uiver, Hondsjrs, 'Wednssdaya - -' V Frlilays. a.. rrovlilence, Satordayp. hiingh bills lading given, aid ratMgaaraa '' "- u. all M'intg. at the different nBcw oi ' ." ' (lanioi. . Avoid Breakage ot Bulk ud Ship rii -r ' N. C. LINE. d ' -:f Mar irs H 3 RAY At New ;rna k ' Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements, Goat Hair R. O. E. LODGE. CKAVEN STREET, JJelow Express Office. . ' - - " a,e;5-i

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