1 V?' ' . , ve INDEPJXDEXT 1 1ST ALL THINGS. Tox-msai $B.OO X"i. T?"ar- 'f &f,- VOL. IX NEW BEUNE, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C, OCTOBER 1'L lSSii. NO 39.' jllfi J lit fsf Iff 1 ' ' 5 r.e 1 ,500 Bundles of Delta IHook Cotton Ties. t CO a g s 2 FOR 7,500 Bales of Cotton. ,4 5 9 9 a 1 j 9 - - -.-.VP w '. .P bp SO r 1 j ua o O O JC3 u 1 Si owaoova ti 00 040 SBf tms"te Fall Season of 1886 with ;o Finest Stock of Clothing Ever Exhibited in ; atTrrespectfolly invites the inspection of n -. T2t WSta r BL4e 0 tk ne vt deaigns in l)igoQL ted CiAsim. res .' - - ai tjutt Co i U oolorj aai ihtdcs, j V-'.s ' 'k.. ' 1 r'yAal'Kt Unsurpassed in Fit and Make-up. ' V j . OtlT Silk Pique Block Diafonalt r omatiilng nw nd admired - Xn fTATS m( eocnpleU: and varied ajwUBent, rnoninj the "- TiLa4akMX i tUS gOid and the latejt designs in soft haU. l.y. OriT fitOlt Of NICKWKAR onUias the litest novelties. Our em- trPJT "Larjff Tek" hi evesioc fbadn and dark eol.-r ir ti" vrry UUitt aa4 rrj kaadsoma aoU geateT. A.TnnLiae of QENTS' UTTDERWEAR, - i and , trrp4. i Try Vow Igmrea. :' 0rCUEEL3 TTTTt. UNDERSUITS r- ba.-.r... n.j Fr- j-j!arlf reU dpU4 for o plimaK. AHjIg BtOCg Of LADira AMD a.-. UMUlUiUMailrfisd ftaUr worth 6 00 : a full awtee iciJX vnf Ma. I Aft extra rdiaarT Larr rtoek of tLat will aold at aatoniaktag low figures. ' ; OWOjer Botff tnes Freak Ctlfakin with Morocco Kg. Wlrdwcll lox ibi )UJd MWed, m J9tt tkv iking in gentlemen' a dread boots " AlsMllin of Dres Oooda, Domeatics, Shawls, Umbrellaa Hid Hotloa, 4c, .: ASpoclAlty Md of Boys and Youth's Clothing. OirMaim ia acordaac with the Time, and whilst we can u;t the , JMat CaaCidtOW, kT alao catered in - Fr ti.lTl worth of jour money from a handsome and bran now Fa'I GEORGE ASH'S. :-.C - Middle street, next to L. H. Cutler'-. ' .-. I kare ao eoaseuoa with aay other store. :MJM1N(;S i kt I s - 1 TY0 Stores, Queen St., Kinston, N. C., f-C-nivK JUST PURCHASED AND GOT IN STORK Till- "r-Bsst and Cheapest Brought to 'VJ, Directed onlj by the law of giving ZDrj'.Qood; Notions, Boots, '-lay, White Goods, Hardware, Glassware. Tin and Queensware, Tmnks, Valises, Coffee, Sugar, Floor, Pork, Side Meat, Syrup, Molasses. Tobacco and Snuff, WHOLESA T .l ;Y reeetT a dollar in real value la fot kCeeare, dollar for dollar, at either Come and See and Kinaton, V. C . Sept. 'JO, l-o. ,IAX Has returned from Hobby Gents' Furnishing Goods, Shawls and Blankets, Ladies' Walking? Jackets. Dress Goods, Pants Cloths, Etc.. Etc. I AM Acu' ' - i:'.-l. OT'S l Ai.r Kttn Mao -.! BPid m IhM rity tht .-f W A Kit A N r umTi) Mii.cvii iiu,, h , (nry Mir la WHH.t.v I K: . . wy 1t 1 an y r mK sari itf aaisgr-1 prii- -n 1 t trr i : uj KxrnaiM n.r i j o i nr. bW, IomI sc.! -n M.djl sirt:. "Vrar gdatru 1. as Oh o 2r CO ao ao CO O C2 o eo 55 kH w O C3 -spA 000 09 ASH, CLOTHIER, any One Store GtnTa SE0E3 t all price. Clfiia, French Kip anl Whole Stok : oar selection to those of very united ' k CRAY Stock of Goods Ever this Market. the er-'atot valu-- f r !. ;, u-' ii :.. v Shoes, Hats and Caps, Cloth- : ANT) UKTAl r.. ev. ry ioliar's w r:r. of l ur tw . pcj.ul.ir Save Your ',! ire- Mo no v SCHWERIN New York, and is nowlopening his CLOTHING. Boots and Shoes, Latest Styles Ha; and Neckwear, AS. AS 1 Ml- K V (. W r.J It r '.:. u, MAX oCHWERIN, A..-y. J'-.-c.y pl: Br:'.t O.l i a : k :y KXt ha " ( ilM.lthsMoMLl AMtlKVTKS AMI S 1'K Kl HKS :' .'.:.'.'., f. i new .-(.ier putt l;hi'd .it ( 'ii.irii'tti Ami very ably -d:tcd, in ikes tho foliowuio corn ::icn!-i mi .1 1 1 iseu.-.-i o 11 in th;it o:t 1 t'i) I Tlu- i:nlulate.i fur oiires.: iii' trouble now prvH.sint: Ik: h tin- hc.ii!. .iinl hc.irUs 1 f the 'rc.i! of the po'i'Ic i- th ex t r.iorl ;n.rv busineHS ilepreMion everywhere prevailing .itnl ;if!ect ltijj .ill cl.ise.-. All'l tile cr is: 'li.'iC w the r.iue. .mil there is 110 rehel ? The .'.j.'.'ef li.i lout iU own tiicoricj, but it r,i jnxii.tis to hear ;ln several can d 1 il at is jest from 'he people present their views especially the two candidates for I'onri'ni hoping to hear some tiling letter than anything we could ourselvo.s ftigpest. Accordingly, Mevrs. done. and Ko-.il.uid were heard three hours last Tuesday night, on Indepen dence Square, ill thm city. We conies' to great disappointment.. Both claim to be Demorrnts one regular and the other Independent. But we d" not hesitate to say that the discussion was a disgrace to Amerc.in politic. Neither pre tended to argue the great n,ue tions now before the country, but. the whole time wa.s taken tin in I low anil disgusting personal attacks and allusions, anl not one ray of ; light or hope came to the anxious hearers who looked to this meeting; for some solot'on of the diftlculties before them. More than this: We believe the discussion calculated to do immense injury in unsettling the popular mind and arraying it against the recognized principles of government and social order. i We do not believe (as charged by Iboth gentlemen in some form or ' i other) that either the banks, the ' 'bondholders, free trade or the ' tariff, capital or labor, public ex-' travaganco or taxation, internal revenue or civil service reform, ; singly or collectively, is entirely responsible for the present hard times. But we do believe and solemnly assert that in oar opinion the source of the trouble lies mainly in tho eiisttnc dcmnral i nation of fvfh nnSlic anil nrir a f o lifo i tji dissipations, its indolence, its ex travagance, its wastefulness, and its growing disregard of the re straints of society, and its ctter contempt of law and order. And to these we .rill now, lrom time to time, direr; !y address ourselves, regardless ol past party afllliat ions. "As a Democrat we expe-ct to vote the regular Democratic ticket, be cause the candidates are, in the main, personally unobjectionable. Bat we tell oar party friends they mast not ignore moral issnes as both Messrs. Jones and Iiowland did in the discussion here. In fact, that discussion plainly shows whither we are drifting." We read in the papers how Col. Rowland "skins" his opponent, Charles U., wherever he meets him. Must we understand from this that he simply outstrips him in personal abuse 1 A candidate for Congress ought to have decided views on public question, and he ought to inlorm his constituents to his views that they may cast I fhflir Klllrtfa intelligibly. we U'iwi.and is lolly doubt not Col. prepared to do this, bnt prolably he h.vs been drawn into a personal contest by his self constituted op ponent. We rejoice to know that our candidate, F. M. Simmons, is conducting his canvass on a difTer- ent basis- Ile is, in a verv able manner, en leavonng to enlighten 1 the ieople on the great tpieations which concern them, and we are gratified to learn that he makes votes wherever he speaks. And, porhaps it would not be amiss to say here that the same gratifying news comes from Messrs. Latham and McUi.ammy who are now can vassing their respective districts. How to Snrreed 1 1 h 1'unl. Sacci'ss with fowls kept ex clusively for their egg, is gained only by constant care for their cleanliness and comfort. They must have a variety if liuid. n good, large run. with opHrtnnity to ex ercise, or be forced to take exercise in scratching for their feed, as upon a tl oor covered with chaffed straw. They may be kept safely in tloek-. of seventy :oune hundred, but the larger the ttoek the more danger there i tr.un di-ease and from thieve.-. The tree use of crude carlol;c acid ii a great safe guard. It may be applied m saw-du-t or i ia. ttiedry material Inuug moistened by the carbolic acid thorougniy stirred into it. The less ol the carbolic acid that is used tbe better, provided every particle o! sawdust or of dry clay has its quota. The disinfectant thus prepared, may be used in the nests, ;u the "lusting bo, uxin the t'.ovjrs. under the roots, etc. It is fatal al.ke to parasites and to ten de:," to disease in most ea.se.-. It cannot be depended upon ia dirty houses, for fermenting manure, re ceiving fresh additions constantly, will orrpower almo.-t any disin i'. .'tan; "ha: could be saielv u-ed. r .ng or plow ing up a por le runs fretpient ly. fow Is ntul exercise and And a and u , .mi s, ,u,(J w ; t h low N. which are act l e . ..ea. gn: ': . eXel'ilse Ule. U e:ita!i . !! lei't 1 ; i. , 1th. .1 : : .1 .."., ','..,-... A sold iel" i inpn.eiit : an u: toward 1 a". il.Ui. n glial, at Toil Know a ;- por.;. at the bleep person lva: . s in 'ft . levelled 1 ner i uis! er,'" -A Advamv, inter-icn '' i g o e tl; r l.ber 1 n an k -. i ; no!. ;n I'd to; i e 1 the s on n g si lie t' than k- ' ell t he d iriietl thing ! Keal E-tate M. rtga,;ee a.nj I'ctsfor ale at the Journal otlice. A KA.MIIA OK FAHMEIiS. ii"v .nkvf.kai. ;kn"K.i;ati"Ns , . i 11IK III I.I. FAMILY H.VYK. MAM'. 1 Fi 'KTI'N F.S 1!Y TII.LINi; THF. S 1 'II. AND ST K i: A IS IN.;. '1 lie Atlanta. (la.. ( 'on--: 1 1 l 1 001 re-cjntlv gave an interesting sketch of "The Hills of Wilkes," several of whom belong to our Young Farmers' Club, including ('apt. Harry Hill, of Atlanta, w ho repre sents the fourth generation. ,md does it well: The Hill family, of Wilkes county, ha-s won a name throughout the State, oti account of its num. ters, and the general thrift which characterizes each of its members. Wilkes county has long been noted for the eminent men it has pro duced, whose fame was achieved on the lench, at the bar. or on the hustings. The Hills, however, have the distinction of ha mg made their name in the world of commerce. The ijualtty ol getting money and of holding it has been transmitted until now each of the descendants is a king 111 his sphere. Something atouf a century ago there appeared among the settlers of Wilkes a young man named Wylle Hill. lie cnie from Wake county. North Carolina, bringing with him his voung wife. He started in business as a trader m horse collars and door mats. Ho was as methodical and self .assort ing with his familv as lie was with his money. Four sons, Burrell. Thomas, Wylle V. and Ijodowiek Meriwether, were born unto him, a.s well as four "laughters. Over all he held patriarchial sway until the d ay ol his death . In the treatment of his lour daughters he was something more than patriarchial. lie never ceased to look njoii them as immediate members of his household. In all his calculations tor expenditures, purchases, etc., they were incladed. In fact, it is said that ho never made a domestic purchase which he did not duplicate for each of the daughters. In this respe-ct he tnnst have been a charming father-: in law. 1 Lodowick Meriwether Hill, the youngest of the sons, who subse quently became the mo3t famous, hrfan life with a romance. One of vne. 01 hi school enmnanions was h is I pretty cousin, Nancy Johnson. I en,"K (,f the surface. A layer of The boy always took pleasure in ver lin-' oarth on surface pro being turned down in his classes dnces the goo. I effects of mulching by his demure little cousin. Whenlwlth Iltter' (Hc- and the result of matnritv hron?ht them face to face 1 thoroughly cultivating the orchard with lifo thev ioine1 hands and btarted on the jonrney together, with only. one dollar in cash be- tween tbem. Aftr years of hap piness, the bride, now the mother of nine pons and one daughter, passed into the spirit land. Later: Mr. Flill married his second wife, Miss Martha Welborn, by whom he became the father of two sons. This made his family consist of twel 'e children, but one ot whom is dead. To tell the .story of I.. M. Hill's life woald bi to weave a romance' of toil in which abundant wealth, rewarded hard work and patient industry. He believed in the vir tue of Georgia soil, and his belief was never dampened. As he be came possessed of money, more than he could reinvest as a planter, he songht outside investments, Principally in Georgia railroad Btoct, men as i resilient 01 a iwiit in Washington, anl still later as President of the Gate City NutiODal Hank of Atlanta. T.ut in the midst of all these interests ho never forgot that the foundation of his wealth was in Wilkes county acns, and that the dollar extracted from the soil was less tleeting than that earned in bank exchange. His richest possession, however, ' was his family. By strict disci pline, the inculcation of habits of obedience, and the development ol a high sense of honor, the children grew up around him so as remind one of the patriarchal days ol ' Israel, when the father stood as the ' representative of all authority. He put each one at work, and never permitted any of them to cultivate habits of idleness, lie well knew that the making of money was only less difficult than the keeping ol it. and that the poorest legacy a father could leave his children would In- a fortune lor idleness to dissipate. Therefore each one was impressed with the necesity o! self reliance. This habit prepared them for the posts in life which they were destined to occupy. When the late war between do States broke out the nine sons whu were old enough to m-i ve, went tho fiont and -erved thioiigh the entire period until Appoinat"X w.i reached. When they returned home, notwithstanding their four years of incessant service, but one of them had sustained a i'.wi.i!!) tho loss of an arm. Thcv leturned at once to work w ith the ;ni iin h had characterized the two pre ceding generations, and one b one, established themselves as men of business and prolufy. The stor' of their locations a:.d em plo meat is interest ing. W illiam W. Hill :- a lauio i :n V likes. dolill M. li.'.l Is a p;.i!:te! ill Coweta. iHincan (.'. 11:11 lives oil a body of s.(KMi acres in Wilke.-. Uenry ,1. Hill i the l.ugc-; k tanner on T.road 1 1 ver. Tholll.l.s . Hill is the r.crinuda grass man ot .1. 1. 11:11 1;n" s i:i a stM'k rai-er. i.odown'k .1 . 11:11 is l'i the i ate 'i t v N a; .on , ha in: ik. -.' 1 : Atlanta A. V. 11.11 i- ee I':, -..':. ! ol the -am e bank. 1 lil. Young 1 1 ill h as a l; i,e farm mst outside of Y a.-1, ; :; gl on . I'o(.o 11:11 I- the large-; la' n..-: .:. ( )glethorpc coiin: v. t han 11:11 w a- a ; ':,;, -:,-. n . I i, loeatetl in Albany, 'a , , , ; t- j , , : , , , 1 i tew t ars ago. Ti,e i ,n I v 1 1 a 'i g h ; ; . i . : ., w :le ol t he late 1 r. 1 b :.: 1,' ' i- . and I . ves in 1 1 ai lim. When I.. M. 11:11 il;ed 1 e 1. :: an estate ot .'T"iOiImmi, viijually w rung from the soil. He had been a im in tverofthe legislature, and was.it the time of Ins death a director in the Creorgia railroad, President of the bank ol Washington, President ol tho (late City National Bank el Atlanta, and held besides man;, other trusts w hich t est i lied to t lie respect iu which he was held. His burial presented the singular sight of ten brothers actum as pall-bearers for their father. There were present besides, nine grandchildren and thirty live great grandchil dren . This nairative illustrates the fact that there is money in the common avocations of life to those who will be industrious enough toeain :t, and that it is not necessary to court the crowded streets of cities in' order to win success. The Hills m;ide their money in the country, and their descendants of the pres ent day cling to the work of their fathers ami cultivate the fields. ( are of Yonntr Fruit Trees. If the autumn or summer is very dry, it may be necessary to water the trees, but this is very rarely , necessary when the soil has been properly prepared and thorough cultivation is given afterward. This stirring must be over the entire surface of the orchard, not around the trees for a few feet only. The ground of a peach orchard should always In1 cultivated: and of an apple or plum orchard until the trees have attained considerable ngo. It may also be necessary to mulch. Mulching shonld always be done lefore watering: it is much better. Watering is the last resort. No matter what the season, mulch cherry trees. I f watering must be done, remove the surface earth and aftet wards replace it. Then the water w ill reach the roots and no crust will form. Trees are injured by watering, ten times as often as by neglect to water. Likely it is better to apply the water to the branches than to the roots, unless the soil is dry. If the trees are shriveled, or the buds fail to start, wet tho top each evening, being careful not to use too much water. Often when the roots are ouite ueau, a tree may be coaxed to grow by thus watering the trunk and i -it i- uraiu "es' y mnicuing is gener ally understood the application of litter or other material to the sur- t'aee of thA anil tn nroront Imtl, tho r. evaporat ion of moisture and hard is not merely to keep down the weeds, but it secures a layer of fine drv arth, which acts as a mulch upon Aqn tne soil below. American FORE I (3 X NEWS. Sofia. Oct. 12 Gen. Kaulbars has arrived at Varna. He was received at the station by a pro-Russian deputation, ' w hu h greeted him with cheers. Sub sequently he proceeded to the Russian consulate, which was surrounded by a threatening crowd. It was necessary to place a military patrol at the consu late to protect it. The Bulgarian authorities have ar rested and sent to Constantinople a newspaper correspondent who arcom pan i r ent -ono r. Knulbars. The correnpond i -nnected with the Independ i n Ine of Bucharest. i k ..-in Kd, Oct. 12. Four lead i' pu ty w ho were engaged in 'H p:ng of Prince Alexander of tini arrived here. They are era .1 the kio Bulg.vi M. 1' i and M SUI' : rest : int ii i. if. M. PakorT, M. TyankolT KoNulolf. They attribute the of the counter-revolution which 1 l'rir.ea Alexander temporarily ilm n1 to the faint-hearted desire iru.tf to avoid bloodshed. This. , prevented him from causing ' - : . f the opponi-nts of the Rus- to t! of M the -tbt-" . sian Tl imn -bv Hi. p."ip.'rs of this city urt! unin "pmion that decisive action in regard to Bulgaria i- lrn- er.;;. . , 1: i- .i.nouuced today that Prince T'ol; : u kolT is about to go to Copenha gen on a special mission. This nws has nervrd to revive the report that Prince Waldemar, of Denmark, w ill be selected for the ruler of Bulgaria. The Iuvilide Russe announces that supplementary regulations for use in the contingency of the calling out of the army and navy reserves have been is.-ued . Inquiry slews that the Kussian con spiracy to raise a rebellion in the two Bulgaria was of greater extent than whs at lirst bulit veil. Viknna. October l'J Emperor Fran cis Joseph has sent autograph letters to Count Kalnoky. iirierial foreign minis ter. Count Taafe, minister of the m tprior for Austria, and Herr Tisza. HuDk'ariau prime minister, summoning the tit legation to meet at Pesth on No vember I. Bki...i;aoe. i ct. King Milan will open the skuplschina on October 10. Stonewall Items. Ml, 11 of A lor.:-. ) Miller died rning last m Haj boro. n . w ho has had a severe -iu. day ni .CI upt attack uf vale.-c.r.jj. It is ruin ic uior r h ap ; iovtr. is con- red that Josh I'awson is an independent Alex l'owcrr It seems to candidate for sheriff and for lower house. be rather a hard Cb for a I'tiirl ll'U C herrv t entrap a Beaufort ."entuallv succeed. Sparrow. Ii may Who kl:ow-- Prov ideiice seldom ever I 1, -st s the farmer- in tins section in weather for h..u-ing i r ps e,ual ;o what we are i:c w Civ, n. Martin ( ', ifl s. whi, was struck and had hi- -kuil-bor.o fractured by i'uincy Saw yer a few days since, is gradually improving. He was in a very critical condition for a dav or two. J as . R f-.r this. Havbi to I'.er). of Jewell, the register of deeds county, died at his hurnti m after a l,.i;g and lingering lll coiisumi:: ii , n last Fridav n i ;bt o d ma n tturd.i in rr. i n A n The S;nuv y. ur citv u , i. eVelOIIg at the the brother . ni attraction u t r-t cam.- to r, -id, -nee of 1 f the bride. . Ii. Robert- , for , f a focus la-: . 1". Ch. rrv. Mrs. M. M. lele er, 1 f VI'UI c w ford for th m i r r it' ,r.c. N h.,; ; 1. R I.. v. c "d 1.1 -in th i . t . i ; i . - p .mi , . . 1 I : rate n I'll ir. , pi n i p. l" 1; III : l.e ! .,f tl . r..l , pre nt 1 1, tt th m acli in,- ' Trect in ii iMik mm a uccessf u 1 . pr aii'i pi, ! call bo . does fairly go made c ,m plett COALITION. n;mi;i:k se. The present, political contest in this county i f such a peculiar character that no citi7n can be uninterested or passive. It is a time and occasion when iiel i (Terence is al most criminal . and f ail ure to perform one's whole duty repre hensible. To exercise the right of suffrage is not a mere privilege, it is a duty that ;it t!.: 'imeis mandatory in . its nature, anil , unbent upon every ciu.en who deMit good government and the perpetuity and maintainecce of our liberties. In local elections hitherto, ind iiTerence among Democrats may have been pardonable as no hope of success existed in the face of Repub lican majorities; many of the rank and file of lo 'publicans were indilTerent be cause they relied upon their leaders who ran the "'machine" to nominate the ticket, for which they mechanically voted knowing that it was the best and all tliuv could do. Hut now! when good and honorable men in both parties who have long viewed the corruption and imbecility that characterized the managers and recent legislative repre- 1 sentrttives. with shame and regret, have burr-t the shackles and fetters of Bourbonism. and assuming a hiph, lofty and patriotic t-tand. have clasped hands in the common cause of ending the deplorable state into which the po litical affairs of our county has fallen, it becomes the bounden duty of every ooo. f citiz-Ti w itliout regard to his former party affiliations to come manfully for ward and bring to a successful issue this splendid scheme so happily inau- gurated. It is a time when there is "a : tide in our alTairs which if taken at its flood, will lead to" good government' anil thf countless blessings that follow in its wake; to be apathetic now is suicidal , if failure ensues there is no knowing when thn opportunity may again occur: it is a time when wide political breaches may be filled , scars ' healed, pood fellowship and brotherly feeling created by fighting in the same 1 cause and create a sentiment that will I pervade the body politic that will lead I to prosperity and happiness. 1 The election of Clark and Lane means . creditable, serviceable, and able repre- ! sentation in our legislative halls; and ! the election of Stimson. Hubbs and their associates, capable and reliable ! rvor, r.i,o.o r, .- I ';V U " . "r" . : " cuumy oiuces. inese gentlemen are the choice not only of the leaders of the two parties, but are endorsed by the respectable citizens of the county with out regard to party. Of their opponents it may be said that they represent but a flllpflhnnnhlv ronntolilu foftiin F .V, Uepublican party wbo89 every princiPle is subserviant to the all absorbing one of boodle, whose only interest lies in what they can make out of politics, i .t, t . , . , C. i -, . , ' , without resorting to cinchona bark, is olju nuuso piuitoeiuuB oi ieaiuy iu a party they reflect no credit upon, a sham and a fraud. The spawn and out come of a mob gang they are held to gether only by "the cohesive power of plunder" and their defeat in November will result not only in the purification of the Republican party, but will be an assurance and guarantee for the future that its nominees will be pure and capable men. Nt'MKER TWo. The fact must not be lost sight of that the ticket headed by Clark and Stimson i. nor an "Independent" ticket, only in so for as it is independent of a faction of the Republican party. It is the most thorough-going regular ticket ever placed before the people of Craven county. It has been formally nominat ed and placed in tiielield by a regularly created Republican nominating conven tion: it has been indorsed and approved by a meeting of citizens without regard to party, and has been recommended and indorsed by the Democratic county committee and county Democratic con vention. It has been presented in such a manner as to leave no chance for any good citizen, whatever his political prad iloctions. to hang a single objection thereto. The jicrsuii to I of the ticket is unexceptionable, the very best elements of both parties are selected for the of fices for which they are peculiarly fitted and who stand morally, socially and personally the peers of any gentlemen in the county. This ticket has no oppo sition from any source, except a few obstructionists who shamelessly assume to be the Republican party of the county but who in reality are but an incon siderable faction w-ho seek to delude our colored citizens into opposition to our trebly indorsed ticket. Craven county is no Utopia and while making a long stride toward the "Golden era" in the construction of our ticket, it is not reasonable to suppose that nil are good and governed by hih and patriotic motives: there ever was. and always will be nearly as many bad men as good, in fact there is a constant warfare going on between the good and bad ele ments, with varying results: unhappy is that community in w hich the latter prevail and criminal are the good men always preponderating who permit the bad to gam an ascendency. In the pres ent contest there cm be no excuse for apathy or lndufe rence. th ere is no room for grumbling, neither gi or good Republican, no od Democrat matter how- strict his party allegiance, an hesitate to vote for men so strongly indorsed by their respective parties. The Coalition ticket is not a choice of two- ivils. it l- all giod. and the oppo sition to it onlv is evil. The ci .-, ( Jt elements of both parties are in the van ,,f Coalition, and are supported by all who desire pure p l,ties and go., i g..v- ernmt. in. No man u 1;. tl s life-!, ,,-c l ini only ,i r that he m.,v p. Utility : he a 1 that i he p. '. i dergo a he .1 and the pi. ine th better the! It w 1 1 i n t , is the i. r, k- i c,; - ;; s! upports I oal it : "'ii saer l- ;nc:pl he f 1 r the time pty sentiment ,' t of pra. tic U for sent i in en. in;: v mav mi ails ni: the -ration . r,r and t i , I ; " Ttu n ;: v ui' 1 sri.-,' ,t V :r. i n A Ft; wh. ii .'a rd - s Gal i , . : ' : side-f t ' weather I pin all,i a ri ll b- st t 1 i r i. ; The !!" ;iv ay the to s'r.ip- tlamac is slight, cotton on : rtf -i -.he roa,i ;.e wash 1 1 hi 1:,n oil 1 th I ,r. - i i ,1 i tic in 'i on i ; M .-. uri ,v 1 1 . 1 1 I In- I 1, , l : en i ii I! ii U'.iri.: . 1 I.I! . ' 11.1 lIlhT: atei u ili-.ng. damag i t f for 1 ki,, -alvati. n ( ' n it i Ei. Henry Ward Ik-echer h:.s his farewell sermon in l.on- Ucv. preach don. Abram b. II for Mavor of witt has been nominated New York Citv bv Tam- ma,ny Hall. A son of Minister that his father has Pendleton denies anv intention of I resigning. A plot on an immense scale to hum the city of Vienna has been unearthed by the police. A heavy storm has been raging on the Gulf of Mexico doing much damage to shipping interests. Germany has decided to supply her whormy with repeating rifles carry ing ten cartridges each. The large bronze equestrian statue of Gen. Washington for Cincinnati has been shipped from Berlin. Beginning November 1. the tare on all the New- York elevated railroads will be reduced to five cents. Ex-Governor Brown, of Tennessee, says the Democratic ticket in that State will be elected by 30,000 majority. Germany has the deepest hole in the ground as well as the tallest chimney in the world. The latter is 410 feet high. At a Mormon meeting in London the United States government w-as severely condemned for alledge-d unjust treat ment of the Mormons. It is stated that Ireland has more than twice as many policemen as Eng land, in proportion to population, and three times as many as Scotland. The election ha Bulgaria is proceed ing throughout without discord. It is said that Prince Alexander has ex pressed his williagness to accept the throne if elected. The passengers of the disabled steam ship Anchoria give a thrilling account of their experience from the time she broke her shaft in mid-ocean till they were landed at New- Foundland. It is believed in San Francisco that the schooner Henrietta was engaged in illegal trade with Indians on the Rus sian coast when seized by the Russian man-of-war. Her cargo did not agree with her bill of lading. Lithographs of Eton. Jas. G. Blaine bearing the inscription "Our President in 1SSS,"' have made their appearance in show windows of some of the North cl" 1x1 ern cities. He will make a hne can- didate for the Democrats to defeat. With the November number. Demo- rest's Magazine enters upon its twenty third volume. If there is room for im provement, this number starts upon the new volume brighter, more interesting and more instructive than formerly. The illustrations are especially attrac tive. , A process of manufacturing quinine synthetically, by a chemical process, j reported to have been discovered in . England, by Mr. Creswell Hewett, act- j ing upon suggestions made by the late Dr. JIatheson, of St. Bartholemew's Hospital, and Prof. Parker, of Netley. , A great reduction in the price of the drug is predicted. Vv'e catch it on every hand. Alius , sian steamer has come to San Francisco : with the news that the Russian cruiser Carrottee has seized and confiscated , the American schooner Heririetta and ' her cargo worth $13,000. The Henrietta, it is represented, violated Russian law in trading in Russian ports. This viola tion of local regulations is, in elTect, the alleged cause of the seizure of so many New England vessels by the Cauadians. On some land bought by the Illinois Central Railroad was the house of an Irishman who had a three years lease of the land. The company offered him 3200 for the lease, and agreed to move the cabin to any place he named. He accepted, pocketed the money, and said that they might move the cabin to the i banks of Lake Killarney in Ireland. He was in earnest, too, as the company soon found out, and still lives on their land and still keeps the 200. A communication from Minister West has been transmitted by the De partment, calling attention to the threatening state of alTairs on the boundary line between Montana and the British possessions, and suggesting the adoption of measures calculated to prevent raiding across tho line by hos tile Blood and Pigan Indians. Ii is presumed at the War Department that the general in command at that section of the Territory has already taken steps to guard against further raids by mass ing a sufficient force at the u-ual cross ing places. j In a recent speech at Maryviile. Mo.. United States Senator Cockrell said of President Cleveland: "Since the days of Washington firs: in peace, first iu w ar. lirst in the hearts of his country menthere lias not been a President more honest, sincere, conscientious, la borious, painstaking and jjst than President Cleveland is. He is candid. truthXul, firm and self-reliant. There is no kitchen cabinet. There is no buck door for the entry of scheming rlng sters and political jobbers. He lisuui attentively, hears patiently all w h ah and all their suggestions. And ti.cn. w ith all the lights before him. a.-ts as he deems best, assuming all the r, -: ':-,- siL'iiity. In speaking at Brihtou ai dinner, while the British Med: ciaticn was in session there. I J r S. Davis, the President-elect i ternational Medical Congress t ii A-s N.,thu the 1: i !...: next year. va very severe in nunciati1 u " f alcohol. "It : nourish.: it d 'es not sustain hi a: . not assist convalescence; it d-- -' his C prove the pulse virtue in nuis; r etfects. S., far heart's action, paraly.. .- it. hia remark- a u; fever, an 1 it is purely :n stri i: gli. I i. r i n That ; 'tirr-al. however. m,.st ateiy asks whether it is not p ah:, hoi does some good. evei. tl it doe infmito harm, improbability that all ii.s wlc recoc;::. :: i t i n . :.- :1:l r :. : tlicse :-. .-:- ha- taken j la -e .1. fartiier cast. An ai: i: .! ut - person m 'ir.t, '. -w, i i cor.:-:.-: i;:: i.iy I.-k twe'-n 1 ancc August s.-hn.i:i. l.ae ! army. cn:n:;t is an a,: lepts". and the tight was a genuine one. were nine attacks, and all wti, Th o i Blow.-on the armor counted, but head blows were allowed. Ross, who is ex tremely powerful. cut through Schmitt's aimer in the third attack, and drew blood in a stream. Ross won the first four attacks, and Schmitt then won three, alruost knocking Ross from his horse in the seventh. Ross won the eighth, and in the ninth Schmitt struck K.i.-s on the head, cutting the mask and almo.-t splitting his skull. The fight was awarded Ross by five points tojfour. Mr. Mary J. Prentiss, widow of the celebrated Sergeant S. Prentiss, in an open letter to the Rev. Dr. W. II. Mil burn, published in the New Orleans papers, vindicates the memory of her husband from a reference made to him in a recent address by Dr. Milburn, which. Mrs. Prentiss considers "the very worst of all the calumnies ever circulated against him." Concluding Ik r letter. Mrs. Prentiss says: "I feel that I have not long to live, and I wish j before I die to bear witness to the char- j actcr of my husband, which I do not; hesitate to pronounce the noblest and purest I havo ever known. Permit me ! to state to you that he was utterly de- j void of selfish ambition, living only to j servo his country and his fellow-men, and desiring to be remembered only by ; those he loved: that his fortune was, lost by the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States involving his title to the Yieksburg Commons; that he died of a disease inherited from his father, and that his death was hastened by the fatigue and exposure of the presidential canvass of 1S48. and bv overwork in his efforts to extricate j himself from his financial difficulties." In referring to the Gubernatorial canvass in Tennessee a Baltimore paper wisely remarks: "The canvass now being conducted in Tennessee by the brothers "Bob" and "A1C Taylor, the candidates respectively of the Demo cratic and Republican parties for the office of Governor, is as remarkable as it is instructive. They travel together and "divide time" on the stump in the old-fashioned Southern way, each showing to the best of his ability that tho other is sadly mistaken in his polit ical views, but abstaining wholly from personalities not of a complimentary character. The iir6t remark, indeed, that "Alf "' makes when it is hia turn to open the discussion is "Bob is a perfect gentleman, and I'll whip the man that says he isn't." Bob exhibits a like fraternal regard for Alf, and in a can vass covering the whole State nothing unkind has been said by either about the other. Both are good fiddlers. Sometimes their arguments are diversi fied by excellent interludes of their own playing, Bob conceding that in music, but that only, ho is "second fid dle" to Alf. Campaigns in Maryland have not always been characterized by the nice sense of the proprieties that the Tennessee brothers exhibit. It might be well for our politicians to take their example to heart and learn in the conduct of a canvass to discuss princi ples instead of persons. THE EASTERN BAPTIST ASSO CIATION. Nylioiixix ol Its Three Da' Sesniou at Clinton. , Cor. of Messenger. , The Eastern Baptist Association met (rTO A TiTPrtf Jir CCi in Clinton on the 3 th inst., and contin- Aiu' JUJ X; V-'V.j.. ued three days. j Rev. J. 15. Harrell, of Mount Olive, j preached the opening sermon, and Rev. , R. C. Landling the missionary sermon. Rev. J. L. Stewart, a good preacher, i a superior lawyer, and a Napoleon of j presiding officers, was moderator and Rev. J. T. Britt was clerk. There was a good attendance, the speaking w as spirited, and tho whole session harmonious and inspiring. The churches reported considerable gains in membership, and the fact is worthy of note that several new and promising young pastors have been added to the Association during the past year: Rev. G. M. Tolson. of "Wil mington: Rev. J. B. Harrell, Mount Olive: Rev. V. B. Pope, Warsaw: and Rev. Jir. Corns, Sampson county. John E. Rav represented the State Mission Board, located in Raleigh, and j tated that there were some eighty mis-, sionaries at work in destitute nelds in the State under ther appointment, and j tho most gratifying results have at- j tended their labors. ; Rev. C. A. Jenkins, of . the Oxford j Female Callege, read the report on edu- , cation, from which it appeared that the j female schools at Murfreeehoro, Ox-1 ford, Thomasville and Shelby are all in j a prosperous condition, while Wake ! Forest opened with ISO students, the j best beginning of a session in its his tory. This college has now $113,000 of; invested endowment, much of it bring- i ing i per cent., and it has not lost a j dollar since the war. . There are forty young men studying for the ministry,! about thirty of w hom are aided by the j Board of Education, located at the col- j lege. Not more than S117 are given to j any man. Many do not receive half that, and none are aided if they or their . friends are able to support them at 1 college. Some of the best met) the j Baptists have been blessed with have; been beneficiaries of this Board. Yates, ; of China: Pritchard, who died of yel low fever in "Wilmington in IS 62; Ivey, ( Durham. Gwaltney. R. B. Jones of j blessed memory, and many other good ; men were aided by this Board. i The report on Homo Missions, "which j embraces all the destitute iields in the j South, including the Indians, showed', 25j men at work and an expenditure of S'Ji.OUO for the past year. j The subject of the Baptist orphanage was also considered, and it was devel oped during the discussion that this in stitution is exceedingly popular with the people. It is a new enterprise but a little over a year old and almost without effort 13.000 has been given it. Three of the buildings have been com pleted, the foundations of five others have been laid, and already over llfty l.ttle helpless children have been re ceived. The Orphanage owns over 300 a rcs ,,f land about one mile from T!."-::iasville and much of it is covered with fruit trees. There is a beautiful variety uf hill and dale, and the policy ,.; the managers is to have a number of or.e--: .,ry brick buildings, to cost about -': 'Jen each, and capable of accommo dating about 2") children, with a matron and teacher. Mr. J. II. Mills, w ho de-M-r the honor of originating the Ox : r.l M i- i-ic Orphan Asylum, and who . . '..'iti-.'t,i that institution with eminent -,, " i ,-s for iiine years, is the euperin- i. ! ni. though., from what I can learn, t :e :., ,!i who deserves most honor for !.. -til 1 c-hi:;etit of tl',0 Baptist Orphau . : - Mr. Noah Biggs, of Scotland : !'," ii- .t ciily was about the first t ::.,t'- :t. 1 ut lie gave the first thoti s.,:. i dollars it received. i l . i g ii mis.-ions. Sunday-schools, the . -, A iv ''.". and Warsaw High - : .. ' .-.'.I rt ccivtd consideration at the I..!.: "1 l lie Ass, .eiatii ,n. J' .- f nmrm consent tin :! w ere made bv Rev two C. A t. i: best i. ducation i", ;gn mis and Mr. m iiitcrcst tli i- v. n, r- n k. I t om n itahle ho to t at. th lc s t. o d .in.- groan i ti ' young nu n 'claiei lh,at pr ti' women in Clin tier town of its size iu all came away hoping would bring us back little town. T. II. PuiT' 1 1 a hi). : :; any o . and we arly call liaricir.g I "mS a Absolutely Pure." 1 - f6,f--ii'. This powder nerer vanea. A marrei of ' purity, strength, aad wboieaonmiM Sf Of economical than the ordinary kinds, and eaa . not bo aold In competition wlth-thamolUtade of low teat, Rhort weight, alum or phosphate -powders. Bold onlvln cans. , Boul BAauzh. ' Powdkr Co., 1U8 Wall-at,. M. T. no-Tla-lTdw ' Take Notice ! Our store is filled with Provisions, Groceries, Caantid Ooods, Dry Uoods, Crockery ' Etc. We keep a full line of tbe t . Celebrated Prison Boots &nd Shoes. .:'! ALSO if C. S. Parsons & Sdns'JBoQlis and Shoes, ! Every pair warranted to gtaB;8&tie- ' faction. . - V- T ; Country merchants . and ; the tCple -generally are requested io all and ex amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will give you low figures-' . i; We job LoriUard Snuff. .n k-.f ; - ROBERTS &.BR0.V- ' South Front JVewBmte, Jf. O. .." . Accident Insurance. The Preferred MutnalAcoi- dent sodnv 03B KTHW TZ- Policy carried for $13 yearly. i -'; Pays weekly benefits, $25., -Loss of Life, $5,000. . . ;""''" Loss of both feet or both hands, 5,000 Loss of one foot or one band, $2,500. Takes none but preferred risks. Chaixes " no annual dues. - A. ; '-o ;".-'' Tie United States Mutual Accideit lss Costs 1 18 or more per year, and In svao of loss ' of limb or limbs, pays onjy W60. and when2' any of their risks become knma, they -characterize all risks In that community as de--oidedly an satisfactory." regardless, of their ' character or standing. . v. For SAFE, CHEAP, SATISFACTORY insurance, apply to W. B. BOYD, Agent, Preferred Mutual Accident Assoc AGENTS FOR Springfield Fire Insnr'iice Co. r Offer safe insurance on Dwellings and Mercantile Risks. . AGENTS FOR THE VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE IIS. CO. Safe and reliable. Easy payments. ALSO AGENTS FOR The People's Mutual Life Assurance Fund. Policies payable at intervals of from five to 6even years during lifetime. Money advanced on Policies. Ferdinand Ulrich, WHOLESALE GROCER AGENCY OF ' , ' HAZARD POWDER 00. AND Choice Fale Cream Cheese. SNUFFS AT MANUFAC TURERS' PRICES. KICK SACTXCS. T. A. Or ten' a Old Stand. NEW BEBNE, 1ST. O. BOOKSTOBE. J. L. HARTSFIELD, DEALER IN BOOKS and STATIONERY School Books and School Supplies a specialty. Confeotlonerlaa, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Toyss Glassware, Crockery, Fishing Tackle, Etc. ne door south of Lof tin's Bank. Very truly, J. L. HARTSFIELD. KINSETS SCHOOL FOE Girls and Young Ladies, LA GRANGE, N. C. JOSEPH KINSEY, PRINCIPAL. Fall Session begins Monday, August 30. 1SSG. terms: Expense per session of 20 weeks, in cluding board, tuition, instruction, in music, vocal and instrumental, Ancient and Modern Languages, and exercise in Calisthenics, $80.00. Pupils will board with Principal, whom please address for farther partic ulars. jyl4 dim wtf -1 1K uf NOUTH CAROLINA, ) Superior ONSLOW C" if sty. 1 Court. Before the c lerk or the Superior Court, L. M. Lamlon, Ailin'rof John Karnier, I ant I Petition for sale Matile I,. 1 h riner, itunr of land to make l-Riant'i- unci Mrs. s. J. assets Knapp. lit-as at iau- of i I,,:. a panaer, deceafced. 1 I,, Mnttie I,. Farmer, Isaac Farmer and M's. .-. .1. Knapp l:,i ii'Hii'K 11. at a petition has been Bled ,n tl,e Superior Court of Onslow county, and -ua.aions issued ag'ainBt you in a case of s.- ;al FiuciTilinii tor the sale of land to liialo asseib, anil r copy of the complaint baa ' -.-n liiv'MUil in clerk's office of said ,up'v. You are commanded to appear a) :iie t'ifit-e 'f i he Cioi ii of me .Superior Court ;o lie- curl ht)i;se ;n .iiicksonville, on the i li day oi October. !SMj. and answer the eompl.-iini or indgment will beenteredac coi ding to 1 1: e prayer ,f the complaint. Witness 1 1 1 - hand andjieal of office, thta, sept . 7i ii, lvxi. .501,:. A. C. HUG GINS, C.8. 0 neplB wlit '. 1!!2C.' . --'". '- - 'V '"- . - '..Uky-' O-MJSf.. .-fc. 'f V-f C3:- c