- - - f i ;,- .-' -' ' - r . .. 1 ,V. THE JOURNAL. H, HUFEn. Balaaa Nauftr, JCKW BEKNE. N. C. (XT. 21 18S6. Cat aXlk roro4r J Bwi. ! -'- . ' ti'll. Ur tt-t : PBfBfiN? C-UVkLAM) L.LS bea,Cshiar again. This tune lie Minever W Wwt Virginia, cap tared ' bass and a fine back. lie 1 lucky LMiermdn And this will ipake hiiu popular .1.- caa4tdAtoVor eood term. TaM Democrat of New York hT Svfiited a Hon. A ram S. HUriTT for Mayor. Their divis ions way and tricks ure a stand iag menace tp t)ixnocrtic satws la " Prtidintil contest, aod i: einathftt Uy weJect Presidential WtiAiiVrntadiTideaudwranirle. It will bo hapry dJ for the Dem ocratio party when it becomes in dependent of New York rity poll tics. : A X3WtMTOirD3i of the iv.. C j , . gtmtimt Ftrwur demDd8 that the i T:. '" Ciwit7 djrorjre the 75.X") - . Ua J 4ript aod that it be applied ".- ta what it fM intended for, the etaUIahinBt of aa agricoltuial CTf aj4 aKhMlieal tchocJ. Col. Pi lk. r . th editor Of tb Prgraire Farmer, slbakiof atroag effort to ware r , . 'What' belong to the afrncultaral . eJaaa. aod in thia be sUoald receive baarty aapport of aJl farmers. - .. . TBS STATE FAIR t Tba State Pair begin on Tue daT. October. 26tk. at IUkiigb. :-'v -"by the. pteM t the capital to in- .crowd to be present. -T.i" -;W would b) glad to see more in- ;i.'t'ara takeo io the State Fair by t tp. " anatern far teem. Kihlbiu there i- -Tif ' goi adTertisemeTit for oar l - aeetioo. Krery farmer who can . ' i-l. htU riatl the Fair, meet hn v - hcothax faraera from other nations r of th' Stat and team what they . '. axedoiag. And wheu the Tarmer - ef goea to the State Fair be ooght to i 04 aora to carry, the boya wbe hare 'uwsefced bard daring the year Io ' r'.vJ' wiaka a eren. It will do them eood v and Lata tendency to e a coo rape t them to rtmaia on the farm. Go to ta SWso4 earry the lxy. SOT A fiOTXBXJirST OF C LASSES. .; IldK&ialv a HrvriTT iu his letter: aceepti the a otni nation for " v ; Hajbref Yew York Citf ottered trathlal-aeotiownt when he said "the :'Alneriea KerolaMon wiu a protest agaioat claM gove: noieut, . - Oj.'p.Tepreaented by the arintocraey " of-.Oreat' Britaia, aad when iui- - . ' TpebdeBOaa.aJiaved proriaioo v " ' ' agaiaat thgrowib and existence V' "of"'aasariatoCTtic cIm in thia " . j eoon.trj. 'JX& i; (be lave of this , . 4 gjeaft, fuiidaiaenUl truth which ia ' C ; embodied i the spirit oi oar Com , . atriulioa- ww aea v argaafaatiooa - - aprtagiog op lor tne arowed por ' .. . i po ofarrajiag one cbuw aguiuat anal aorv to array Jaoor acainai . prcpertj, aodsubatitnte for Kepob- , - - -1 tea a goTernateat the ide of the anaxvhUt. eomnanUt, and socialist. , . The growth of rach organ iiat ion. - . ia aa daageroaa to the small prop- ertj" JiokWr aa to the uillioaairv Tbe vja4,wh, has acqnirrd a little V"- propertj by hiaiadaatry, abstinence - aad ecxaoaiyf eajoyt It aa aiacb, if ot BQ9rf' ,Uaj the maa or large ' , -fwrtane. if there ia to be an or "gaUaU effort agmlaat the right and V ' owaerahip of property, one hundred , poof mea will suffer to erery 7"t wealthy mao. v '. Its.U a caaae of coagiatalation - ; that these dlatnrbera of the peace , . Hid, quiet of oor farored land axe : v, Cewr and to Drereot their growth the aalla of oar legislative bodies - . . ahoald be panned; the people should . .' b gotenied by . intelligence and --''. . . ' aooad jadgment ia the ex ere use of t( - ;tae eiecare . mncotse ana thus .; : .prTa cUaa kgialatioo, aod above 7 ; . aH "obedience to- aad rarerenoe for - ,'"iho lawa of the land and of the Oon r. r.-V, atifutioa la a tafegixard against all " .V troobleA. T't ieiSIBLE TALK. ' It nu( Im remembered that the JOOISIL obiecteil to bnneinir the O UcoBtl XOTentmeot question into ' e.. BMMUit nnlttical rjtnv uej PRNat political canvass . Tlera Me newspapers in the eaat .'flTlnt5onmldt.b4 spce anil time V'l";'" t4TOCtbig "coantj government" M t&oagVft vat a thing to obtain, V-" v0C;7ifii aoaiebody outside oi the sy. ' Epblli party was opposing ir. ; " . Tbe " 8tatBT7Uo Lattmark gives - the following nenaible paragraph 6atit&. Babjflct. We are glad to ee that the ciaim m1e In the west thai thia system of govern tent was given to the east at a great aaeriflr to the west, is con flaa$. t9 politicians who hare axes to griad. We aee no reason h the ajatem doe not work well . ; the fttt as welt as in the east Doring everv campaign there ;-j wxafcaajrea an altogether une.-es tse'lau-u, Z. :L arr alarm lest the et ahonld re I tm. Deunx ra'i padlate the present system of,.;vst Satunlas 0UtJ fovenmeat. Speaking for;raet ,i: l;.eh!a: d aiargv pan n ine pieomont nee SMy we can saftHy aay that there ia positfrely no public eutiarent ;n favvr at a chaage. We aiax.- no rbrtae f standing by the est :ni this natter. Tbe east stands bs I the west la its eJTorts to secure the ' repeal Of the mtemal revenue ss s tewt ia which it .the east) has no! parti cal ax eoncern, and it is a: best aa aaal obligation. I'.a: the pre at system of county government wwrks well with as, aud the pt-op c TQ mot clamorous for more e.t c tlooa, aad they care nothing at a.. Abool how magistrates and counts "ttHBStiaaiooers are chosen so long sm thejr sostinae to be as good men aa to present jstem has given S4 eoauiaaeso give as One of OOX eastern exchaaes was very a oat wheo it aJfegel recentlv ihat the west has a habit of claim ing credit lor ajret, in .igu annuity ou this account, and pleads it 111 bir of any further claims on the part of the e.vst tor legislation for it benefit. K utprn men need pa no atteution to any western iohti nan who goes to Kaleigh and tciU them that unless they do thus and so the west will go back 011 the present system "f county govern ment. Thr west will 1I0 no Mich thin. and every Mich politician : ut'.eiiii idle threat-, lie li t.- smiie Pet -cheme and w.itit cistern nicn.lers to i,.dp :' ti.r-'ii h. (I'd - n i ' r ad : i.' l: n ; " n t itc . I' v IHi NUl TIPS IMH S' KIU i.kow r h. The Rrcord eap'.'.a! in Cew lial 1 1 more M'i 'i u '-i- ' -ui; np he inimiti' i :i 1 cap : t a ' 'ock ; n e.-t e "erpr :.cs, .-t: lareme b ' old plants and th mills alter iwiug retMi'l J : n lulled iu i ' S.nth. tor the tirst nme the e.ir !;, and 1 1 n mon t h the t tal to be .S.i.s.i t.2H .i ciist ; Mi" lor the first nine month- oi year l -.. Kentui k . it -viil e'U from (Lie t ;ures i -1 i S'ioW . make the bes' Arkansas has t h iiowing. though largest increase l".' ." lie U-iJf... f js.m3 Alhni. f vOH VI"' s "-4 '"'m Arko.i :4.s30iX' VXl i X' Florid 1.219 CM- 1.23T.OV. Gorgi - i.055 of' i Cs'J.OVi Keotuckr 2'i aI2 Tiv. -.4 0W 0"V Ix5uwin '. .M iW f 9.VWH1"' iMarylmnd rt.:W0v K7.Sx MiMiM'ppi '44 K ")7l,.V-0 North Cxo1id J 9C2 20o .'.v43,lVi 9oothCrohoa 71S(XX. 1KV1 Toomhs . 7.W9 1KK1 J 'MM, 0 n.i Taiu 4 1S31X"1- J 21 0- o Virgioia '' 74.0m ..7;-.'( CHKi Wnl Virginia " 47:1 -0"' 9 Ml 000 Total if -M 2lV J.-.2,:W. 3s." These figures are indeed gratify iDg. The South will yet Ivecome a manufacturing as well ,ts agricul tural district. Hut it l - more a matter of pride mid congratulation to know that she 1- maVinp; com. mendable progress ,n agr,cn!tnral , . . puremt-s as well as m n:if... -turinR. N hile no rejoice to coming in and the see capital: opening of i mine, building of lactones and the erection of mills, we would also ex tend a hearty welcome to thrifty, industrious farmers and stock raiser who would help to reclaim our waate lands and swell that diis of our population, the honest yeomanry of the country, in whose bands the destiny of our country lie. Iu this immediate section the greatest advance in industrial on terprises seems to have tHcn in the a erection of saw milU, bnt the mot inviting field lor investment hsre is io farm lands. The adaptability of the soil frr the growth of grain, gra and roof crop make it a one stock growing section. Some efforts are being made to embark in this bosiness and they will sure ly aacecetl if conducted on the right prinejpU. Tbe climate and soil are all right; what we want is brainy men who understand the basin es. Onslow Items. Plenty ol fine mullets at Swans boro now. Dry, dry, dry, and so very dusty. Turnips, potatoes and gardens nearly ruined. Farmers art most done housing their crope and find them very short indeed. . D. Koonce, Ksq , is a c-audi date against laj. C. N . Mcdammy for Coogresss. Frank is a smart boy, bat on the wrong tract again. Messrs.. W 11. Kornegay and K. M . Koonce both have good schools at Hichland.4 and soon they will form a partnership and run a high school together at that place. We wish them aucvesn, for tnev deserve it Dr. .1. L. Nicolson, of liiehlands, has a second crop ot wax bunch beans in his garden, just ripe, and they arr delicious, for we tried tbetn. The Doctor is giol on gar dening as well as curing sick peo ple. Revival of religion at Kichlands last wetk in the M. K. t'hurch. lievs. A. G. Oantt and . A. Forbes oftictating, the latter from Magnolia circuit, Duplin counts. Several accessions, amont: them Mr. and Mrs. Ja M. Franks, (i. W. Ward. K. K. Franks D. K. Sandhn. Va.. ha- a'xn;t sixty fioe fattening hogs, and Mr. 3. V. Venters nearly a.s ruanv. Greasy collards keep oil tlu Lhol era, and tbe Stonewall itemizer can profit by their example by sending for a few seed, price re dnocd to '.J." per ounce. Mr. (i. W. Ward's m Ihso exami nation came off lant wek and was very good, so those say w1k- w it nessed it. ilaster K Iward Murr;!!, "Giaut and Dwarf;" Mr. lai. Tas lor, "Farmer's llos;" I'ani enters, uKuni Seller's Sign;'' Misses. Katie Venters, "Waiting,'' Annie Frazello. '.'hrist Our Substitute:" Maude Murrill, -My Little Hand:" Eflie Frazelle. "Trust n, t0d and do the K:gV:" Henrietta ( anadas. "Both Siden, or l',e 'i'nteli'ed;" Katie Wn-tc:i, "Fven;:.g I'raver." Ail were ginnl, aio! the compos; Uous Tnrlnence," Uy Miss 11. Can- aday, and P. Venter-, were heads. The Kepjoi: tn make no !' tell ess, ' I'd ' b Katie older 'a' li.lS e it ions sear jpend l our I'oun'v. Severn ! ; sve e uegrotv c t u. aw i at . nil Se a a ;ro- 'In- tie 1 made I ' i.cU : . ciola:.. c irwh iin-eiln- ( i n en d:- cii a..!. lur M i : r r 1 1 1'or w:!i." A""'-ii said, '-.i ii'j W i i 1 j 1 1 d M . r. bn ait vit ml .i;i ' Murr: i s e t wo U V . 1- rt,.- N.- a j : ;.,:.! romr..;. ' d jv w : : be 'ti : niotin-r N, ir Uir'i sa n iijc: -1):1 yon caret iii y. Torn n;y '" home." w.i th spon.'v. h.m, ih 'ar. 'h:'i, "Not :i r.4tt:,.- ,.4i.i e--er J i.! re STATE r AIR 01 r m y. IMKHEsTlNLi- NKV A Hi VI THE Ci iMlMi EVK.N 1 . A reH)rter stepped into t he office oi the State agricultural society , otenlay. and found the secretary busy oK'um letters, making en- ; tries, etc.. for the approaching fair. i He noted in looking over the entry books, department A, tic Ul crops, that one enterpriMiig larmer had made lilts tise elitriet-. ;Mid another about thlits . Last sear a W ake i-.":n's farmer led in the hiiiiiIkt 't is. Imt up to the present a western f '.inner is a head . In addi tion to the.se. i number ul .-mailer entries have Ix-eii made. In de p.irtineiit H one lady has made eighteen entries of fanes work, most ol them very haudsouie. Iu the department "1 cattle one sts k raiser ha.s made lourteen entries (t .registered Short horns A number of entries base been made in the other departments, and next week there will to pub li.-hed a list, trom das to das. a entries are m.iic. Sccretars S'i.OiIj u-ivh ih.it the li.Hiku wall be retrularlv opened next Mondav and will te kept ojx-n at h:s oflice until Saturdav. L'dd inst.. alter jrhich ilate the headquarters wil l af ....,.. the lair eronnds. Those i allien who I'onremnlate inakintr entries making entries at the office here before the book i are moved to the fair grounds. A number of entries ment. which promises to In- vers interesting this fair. Theoflici.il programme ol races at the fair will bo nnblished bv the National trotting association. Mr. W. M. Flviin. the secretary, will be here and will publish his color pro gramme and provide all tins ers ri.l.irw irith rv-ilnra si Lr an.llirOUl satin jackets anil caps, which will , krp,,a I tt i t , iha ivilrtru in tliA programme. The cards trive the colors worn by each driver find uder (a cap printed id colors lH?mg oppojit each driver's name) mak ing it very convenient lor jndgee and svecttr8 to distinguish each horse in the different races, a they cme nd" the wire" T'118 W!U l i the only programme allowed on , tbe Kroun(i9 dorinc the meeting. jr. Klynn is lrom the office ot the Torf, Field and Farm, New York. He was at the races at Klackwell park, Durham, hist year, and his management was so good as to win the praise of all. The races this year are special features of the fair. This track is now on the great Southern circuit, with those at Washington, Rich-1 raond, etc.. and some fast horees will t here. Tbe practically new track admits of sjveed and of course any former records here win te broken. Special preparations are in prog ress fr,r the entertainment of the memters of tbe N'srtbern press who will le here. The convenience aud couifort of these will be looked alter on all occasions. Lunch tables will be provided, at all hours. A number of special contributions for thee tables are coming iu from the North and South. At tbe proper time announcement will be made of the contributors. All things show that tbe fair will be the greatest ever held in the State. The attendance and exhib its from western 2north Caroliua will be remarkably large. Very hard work is being done. The movement to have Thursday of the fair as a Raleigh holiday is popu lar. The Governor's Guard will visit the fair and have an exhibi tion drill and dress parade. Tbe music by the nne Raleigh silver cornet band of twenty piece-s will be very attractive. .NVir and Oh irrrrr. Aurora Items. Mwm. Thompson and White hurst each have their gins busy. Rev. James Watson, of Hyde county, us m town visiting relatives. Mori1 cotton has Ijeen sold here than ever tefore at this time of the year. The biggest jugwump I hive sen was a hogshead of mgs on our streets. lioys mind how you shoot birds in this county or you will kill an independent. Mr. H. H. Crawford, oi Gold loro, is in our midst looking after his (arming interest, etc. Our school has opened up iq good shape and istill they come. That's right; send on your boys. The farmers are having beautiK;! weather for housing crops and the cotton aud rice is nice and clean. If son want yonr old coat made new by having the gre.iy pot removed go t" the "ole hat man.'' Mr. W. A. Harvey says Mr. Langston has good apple butter to sell but won't make a good repre sentative iu Congress. Mr. Lang ton has his card in the (hi:et(. Mr. Newbold. one of the trentle- I ni.in i ri rli irir.i .I t b j ... '" " o i-'iu' f,v v. i in. i "il ill llsde county, is in town. He savs the work is done on the State canal and they svill now go to the head of Pnngo aud make a road from there to Plymouth. We regret to -as th it Mi. F. W Guilford died la.-t week of hemor rhagic loser. Mr G. svas. a prom ising young man, a thrifts, indus trious farmer. He extend our -s mjiath Hid chih ti IxTc.ii ed Messrs. returned "No ,,!, r:ght. bos st as and liuck aud Uryjti u roni Charleston, ri like home." That come back hoine . belli build up the v' i i .Inl North State. A 1 we need : home, be so . t.ir "'.er Sil. ill nrld. our Ikis .- 'o sr.is a and h is e idlist rums ,n;d wt w in- ! -t eii;:n:rN :i; ;hi I I u rn 1 1 . Tiu'ir. jisuii :.- h i . i, : 1 li an led 'hi bu, id ,i :i m- I,. : r M rs W A . Tiinm I--. .i, !!.- '. 'e leu . lie will buy co: tuti , in.ikc i)tron, tu:ld hnu.-vi ve eil:Hi'vmel,t ti tin- b . aiM :f I -' i ' i : s k: Hll. lit v I I 1' - l.-'K. A !s. wh i i . 1 1 !.::,'c U-yon.1 h:s depth iii t ;'er aw gracious liHik i n i iitleiiiau dU) coniplaeet,: : .. .ii h : :ii trom t !: !a :i s ' !:, :: ' :..-:; l':,e . ri..-.! -Ui; ' IV ' i .i :,r. )'!:.' : :i, ' Nn - I;i-V,-r 1 l ' N e 1 1 . 1 never il ii-1. u.lher l'i..i: l.e re.o" ::ck ! viTOi : . : :i : . the !.i:i.i. ' Irvntllit,'. but nt ph:'.i.-n t.e llH.- pbTN. Greenville Items. I it It'll 10; CI it'll liOi i i e I 1 g . h:s hands street. wili tin n i i n g will soon move to omc residence i.n Kvans here his excellent ladv h hotel accommodation.-- to t he public, boarding Imn Her repu t at ion as a e keeper i- too ss ell known 'o iieei from u--. a n om men t Jlie col i u ei I pei ter t a 1 1. nu n : l-'udas gave an en is nig.it. .Mid s e ins o t t in iii c m to rl .lie i . i ' : 1 1 i : 1 1 r i as Well .lli.llL'll'll ' 1.- I b'.llol all d troln it (heirs e , . 1 : . ' 1 1 . '. 1 1 ' 1 1 in Mas , i .! ime-. Les::mo!: ,.ld Hall sv.i- -i which imh-m1 li than the rrivii ' I'i.ele P;!.:. liii;- .: r .. .'. . ;. per a nee mm in to in ake other wh'-ki'S and no tavoi ot i'. In more tor him: " de mtliienti.il good l.ijllol . d r e i tki 111 i 11 e a r ; 1 1 1 j i ; Til has I.; i. ire will I il ls to e.lli-e e , i r llice o t i ; e 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 S pile ilese i at ever son g tolks aint i 1 lie I -hair i 1 1 or s ol di- b i 0l'I,0M"d to it. Rons ol : em pt a t i pal 1 Vm on "'u' Hie IHT Mr. -heritl King Fobs or r ( 'apt . 1 Mr. Suggs oi ,.-. W" h i te a i u t n ar one ot n- . gs me to g ' I n e to gill w 1 1 1 s i - u a- to I'jtl ul. lined it I :- ! j me an s thing that'll 1 .e key, and et oi.e o m i jille I'd whip his legs tO pull Ills bl Itl'lie.- oil o :i i. d hat 1-1 il- he, nl dod bliitne hiin. I ss on!' -;o. I 1 He gran.i temp.-ra 1 lie grand tern in s emeli t Me.-.-r.-,. some uih : ng j here lias been a iiiin.-s ! Mabee and K:;gli.-h ma ! of the most powcilu id appe.us we n.iv 'S el listened to. till' 'iled then dge to ab-t.iin ink.-. Mans ol ;cr , naiIil s JOO ' II i i -i he lie aicoi thesi . been are men addlcti wh . tors,-, lias Much gooil h 1 cU'.minp th 111:. :i a : ! pio.eViIV s ii and coin the youth of our to mnnity. The members have formed a working club with l'rof. John Dncke'.t as President. at;d ate now preparing to throttle ka:'' alcohol ,., ine and hurl him lrom his thioiu ladies have also tormed a co opera tive society with Mrs P. K. Danes President, and they have over 100 members who wear the white lib bo u as their badge of distinction. The)- are a determined bods and fully understand the responsibility of their positiou. They will be heard lrom in time. Success to the glorious work. The Spirit '" of the 1'ri -ulent's Order. A correspondent contends that inasmuch as cause his u as that of tiie President can resignation, as well ii- appointees, the "spirit" of his order to federal j officials about interfering in politics ' will reijuire him to resign in case j lie snotiM i nominated lor a sec ond -term Tin-, because he can exercise more inlluence to cause his own re election than any of his subordinates can to cause I heir own or their parts 's success at the polls. The trouble alxiut the ''spirit" of civil service regnlat ions is that, like most spirits, it "is willing-' beyond the ability of the rle.-h that is to say, it is alwajs striving to exceed the limits of the practicable. The President was not elected to resign on any account before the close ol his term, anil being the creator of all civil service regulations the tenure of his office is not subject to the letter or spirit of his creature. His continuance in office through out his term is a political necessity. His sense of official propriety must !o trusted to insure his abstention from efforts to reelect himself. He does not need to chop logic m the matter. The r.i.-r that he issued an order tin- direct efTeof of which must be ' lessen the influence of his admin .-t rat ion upon elections, and thus lndirectls lessen the pros ect of his own re noni i n at ioh and reelection, shows that President Cleveland mas be trusted equally with such men n. Washington and Jefferson to act properly should he like them be nominated fo. a sec ond term. This is al govern u;e:, : n-q n i rt s. practicable peip!e a'i alleged ".-p:r: t " of i ; s ; ders and regulation- to notwithstanding. .'.Ci I t hat giKd iii 1 1 all that : a-k. the si'r iiv or he ci .ii t ra i i turn i :n. Washington and I lie Sen I tors W asm n :t on had ci.n-:,nir aoiili it cations lrom pci-oiis sjljo wished to write ii.- life oi print In. portrait. There was ,i sculptor, named Wright, who undertook to get a model ol Washington's lace. "Wright came to Mount Vernon,'' so Washington tell- the story, "with the singulai reipie-f that 1 should permit him to 'ake a model iii my face, in plaster ot Par:-, to winch 1 consented With -ome re luctance. lie oiled my teatnres, aud placing me ll.it upon in;, iv.ck. upoa a cot. proceeded to ,1 hi'i ms face with t!:e p! l-ai . Whil.-t 'l w.us in this ludtcr 'i.- attitude. Mrs. Washington entered t he i oom, and, set' in g u;y lace tii :- overspread with thi. pl.ltitei . i 1 1 i 1 1 . 1 1 i : . i I' ; ! s c claimed. Her c:s disposition to -iii'.a mouth ,i tdigh: t u l slon ot the lijis. th. I'M , ss ! n il gave my iu eoinprcs now objierv- j able in The b;i-Ts at'tt-nvai d in u'.c." - w iiii-h Wright A in oi e .- uccess ss ho sva.s com m is a to make a statue j till was llou. Ion, ' sinned In Virgin ol Washingt plaster mode in . lie alsi took ii and th tun at tie Ir i w iiicu iiv inane . ; A portrait .ai: I ai.-o paid a s i-i ; i i. . i i .... and- : Kii'iimoiiil. ci . ::.iii.cil l :ni', r:ne. errii in ' 1mm ds f 1 ur: ii .ibonr 1 Ins time U .i.-h: win ui, Ti is aii i tn the S asii:', : -1 i l.ir ,i , . Id .er ill" . ,i' 1 .I'll r I le:r Lie. a nil i 1 1 Ilea' is .1 J, w il.l' At r:r all i il. I; I'e S. W III i th 11 nr. I. -fun d:ei: dr.i iii : i y : t r' :vrti e.id t !n ..i. I .1 11. ,t e rh i- tin ' I iini. v and Jones County Items. ( 'otton nearly picked out; shorter t ban ever. It is rem ii kably health v in dones at this I line. Mr. Kedding May is set in a en t lea ! condition. Th: is one of the drs' times; a f ci in 1 1 Is about stopped . ( ) u r ro u 1 1 1 v caiis ass com mi in i d on Moudas at Vhlte Oak. Sanmoii- will, sve think, lead mil' t a ki t l.ir i n Si j a 1 1 1 el Ilou ; i j 11 1 1 1 t hem. ail van ce ol a 1 1 ot hei s. uniting is the sport a plclitilnl supply ol Tlii" I'leli! Iisel is ipnie losv but the stiaiiiei- make lien il.-ual trip-. A i - ale 1 1 t s' 1 1 1 .1 ' ' -ie that I hi . li illi ll.-el I' line, cool u eat he r tarmei's are as id ol it slaughter- ' ll I g .1 tell pie;- ,, variety . I lie ei 'II i n I I -- 1 oil e t lie i on t ii ou.-e ll, ml JMlMHIg lieu sea1-. can 1 a- -i - a : e 1 1 . Mi. cont ractor. W'e learn that ie ( )c"o'oei are h i s i ng h'S at ed and . e 'e I Ih i Is d . 1 1 d I I w Lien! I -II 1 . 1 1 1 pa.-.-ed through Tieiilon on to Rich lands and to .lacksons llle and other points, m.rking mans einpiines aboii- the conntrs. Unmoi has il that he l- an advance agent ot the gn at Noi folk and Southern li.nl I oad . What has b( coin e ol the long I. inked lor and much s anted ware house at 'ore Creek T W'e had iieen led to believe that the rail road allthoiitlcs sseie to have erected one thcie befoleliow. We leain that there is not eseii so much as a public shelter to protect articles that might be shipped there. The chairman ol the boanl ol commissioners of Jones county in forms me that J ml ;;o 'lai k will not be at Trenton to hold court until Wednesday morning. This will give, those who may wi-h it a chance to stay at home Monday and Tuesday and prepaie lor vo ting. We sincerely hope that our -people will turn out and just show , ...i, i i to Hie world how large a vote Junes county can voll . Just do this and nil will he well. I had the pleasure of meeting at Trenton comradt on Saturday last an old who shared with us t he dangers and hard sufferings of a Koldie- of the (idtli N. C. Troops. 1 found him a real lfynum man; -aid that he knew him; said the Democrats had hit in the. right place this time. "Why," said he, "where is the man that can bring any charge against him. When a Roldier in the army the soldiers all loved him; how conld they help it, as ho was always ready to help them w henever he possibly could." Yes, Lewis Iiyuum wns an officer and a good one, too. Not one of the 'highfulutin'' class that thought the office made him superior in character to an honorable private soldier and placed him so high that he ought not to mingle and asso ciate with his men. Why Lieut Bynum was known and respected all over the camp of the Goth Regi ment for his kindness to the pri vates. Would visit our tents and mingle with us; share our rude hos pitalities. Yes, and my word for it, the priva.e soldiers ot the OGth will remember him on the 2d day of November; will roll up their sleeves, work for him with a vim: when the votes are counted you will find nine and nine tenths, of the-e old gras headed soldiers of thebbth Regiment have deposited their votes lor him who was their friend in the time that tried us all. P.snum was a good soldier and a fiiend to us all; in fact, his whole life has Ix'cti ;i success. Yes, ;uh he w ill be a success if elected to I t he Legislature. Whv the people mas need hiin then: look at the List Legislature, a strong effort was made to dismeuitxT our county of a portion of her most valuable termors. Psnuin will watch all such moves and thwart them Kfforts may be made to place upon us the stock law. Bynutn is an uncompromising enemy to the stock law and will tight it to the bitter end. Don't say if elected; Fsiiinn will be elected. So let us jail go to unrk. ice every one, tell linn how important it is unit every man should labor for t)ie good of his counts and the good ol this w hob- .sect ion . P.yiiuni is a live, w iii( asvake, progressive citizen and hiii lve;n a success m all his undertakings. Sow we need him for he will not fail as a legislator. I know him; he has the will, the eiiergs and limitless to succeed in any thing. We must, sve will elect hi in . The Indians Disappearing. Tiii' Jjcs. Dr. Farrows h.us re I'cntly published !;!. views on the Indian question as ileiiioil lami u thorough investigation made in the West in the .-mniner of 'So. This i n ve.-r igat ion goes to prove t hat the Indians, instead of increasing in iiuiuIhts. as la'els reported by the Indian Commissioners, arc "wast ing and disappearing." In Fsi'o, it was estimated bs a government official that tbeiv cie I 7 !l In dians ss ithlll the bound. il ies of Ihe I nited States, and to tins amount must be added the numb, r of In dians in the territory since annexed. According to the census taken just then, the sum total of all the Li lians within the present boundaries ot the I'nitfil Stutrt at tliattimt was . js .,:. i Mir last census puts tlicui at J.").",'.' Alaska not in clnili -.1. The decrease, then, would eeiii to he i'h."o 1 . These tigures, I e.-peeiai I y trie original estimate, are extremely uncertain. Jir. Harrows plove.s t)i,it ariiimg the rivilled and scliii c, ili.ed ind...iis :!.. tailing nit' i- U.lMio per annum ' lor the iast e.ghteeli ears. Allowing these figures to he true, tlie increase, il 1 II deed I he; e he such . ol" t lie savage Indian-, u ho iinniiiei' only ."''.(MM), coald i;o; balance the lo-s among the olher juii.iMio. He therefore coin i tide- : he Indian- are wasting .iii.i) . Tin- icsiil: may have been i iie :' a! 'h : : u;' on e can not but think '1-. it w:th !'!! p: e-el: ; c l : 1 1 at i on . : In- -1. '!': .;:ld have been bet j ticib.e lor i,:y s 1 1 : 1 1 i 1 1 o 1 1 1 a s a e; ler.-oii , re m c ill 1 ii i ! h a I Hod ;.- J I J '; s ' J Ml'!, th ill, ',1jc;i I jn-t."- ropoMl 1 1 n .1.1 ir ru,. I i. (i., :i. it lb. l-r I i i . .i.i.i. : i. . -I.i k n. w n t f a i .i . i - , a '. I s,-r .f- . I. ii.- id i. fi.'i: n..i L. - in . i .i .ii ! , in J II -.jui- -ra. K i lnf- r.u- f-'i'iii...-- Complaints. . i.. '; t- tin m fur ii Im k :u 1 v . i. 1 - r f u 1 .'a.-t-s uii ru II.-.'.'.-iii i. .. 1 . -1 fr- t N-.-A li. r: V'eadowrt. iv .. i.i n bv li N. Ibi'Tv BRIEFS. Incoming vessels at Now York report very heavy weather at sea. In the fourth Virginia Congressional! district there are five candidates. The employes of Armour, the Chicago king of pork-packers, are on a strike. Large and destructive prairie lires have been raging in Indian Territory. A -(xjcial from El Paso gives a rumor of the assassination of (iongale.c i x I'riHident of Mexico. An encounter between two mrn with pistols at Somerset, lvv.. resulted in bolh being fntaily shot. The United States have upward of 100. 000 miles of railway or more than Kurope. A-ia. Afiea and Australia Combined . The Riitish Scientific At-socialion ia making preparations t ) semi out an ex pedition next ipriog in Pi-nn-h of liie S- nuh Pole Hon Abrani S. Kewett bus accepted v 1 1'- .n 1 1 in ,i 1 1 in ii n i ii a i ion i or ii i a vor oi New York City. He is an excellent man and will prol.ably In-elected. Two very foolish voimir men 1 i vim: at I "-t ( ri ek Pa.. s:i i-,l (he railroad Hack t" see lew close they could let a j Irani approach llu-rii before gelling off. , ( ne of lliein w us killed and the oilier bad ly i n ju red . ' It is astonishing how much of the I new ii lcgrphi-d over ihe country is: liiifounded. The latest was the ,i- i.ounc.-n.ent of the assassinatioi, of , . , w , (o n. l.onzal.n, ex -President of M. x.co, I w lin h turns out to be entirely false. 1 Kurther particulars from the Sabine Pass disaster state that 101 persoDS are K missing, yo of w l.oru are known to be drow ned white and .ri5 colored.! If the one hundred anil fiftv houses ' thai made up the little village onl' five main. The largest sale of blooded horses ever knowD took place at the Rancocas farm in Nesv Jersey on lh 15th inst. It was the property of the famous turf man. Pierre I orillarri. The lot consist ed of eighty-three horses and they brought S142 s9fj. Texas has been visited by another very destructive storm to both life and property. Snbinp Pass a little town on the Sabine river, was completely washed away by the high and raging tide from the gulf and more than fifty of the inhabitants were drowned. Liability of Monar cits to In . . i"(- imuimj ' iimn.iii.n I lo 'usauuj prouamy owing io their loneliness aim to the ettect ol power in releasing the will from healthy external compression, is greater than that of other men, and is in creased iu Europe by their habit of intermarriage. Two clans prac tically reign in Europe, the Catholic one and the Protestant one, and in both the disease has repeatedly broken ont, the Spanish Hapsbnrgs in particular constantly showing the predisposition, which is attrib uted also, in the form of melancholia or insane fury of temper, to the house of Romanoff. Its existence is often quoted as a final argument against monarchy, and as absolut ism It is no doubt a serious one. It is difficult to see what can be done with an insane Pope or Czar except kill him, which is impossible except through a palace murder Rnch as has, In Constantinople and St. Petersburg, once or twice created a vacancy in the throne. As a rule, however, some Minister mas ters the maniac, and iu constitu tional monarchies the argument is not worth much. Kurklca'i Arnica Salve. Tuk Bkst Salve in the world for Cute, rjruises. Sores, Ulcers. Sau Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corna. id all Qkin Eruptions, and positively cures piles. It ia fruaran teed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv Hancock Bros. ly . Need of Banking Capital in tuk South. Wo have, frequently had urged uikiu us by business meu iu various localities iu the South the need of more banks, and our editorials on this subject have elicited favorahje cqmipent through out tho South aud havo attracted considerable attention among cap italists in the North. As a result of correspondence occasioned by some of our recently published ar ticles on this topic, we think a uuiou for this purpose, between Xortheru capital and Southern need, can be brought about, and we shall be glad to present the claims of any town w here banks are, needpd or where there are banks needing additional capital. Parties deiiing to be put in correspondence with capital ists with this object in view can communicate with us. Of course cominiiuicatjon of this sort must come from some responsible source. A simple vague statement that "a bank is badly needed here" is too ndelinitc to receive attention. Mn hii 'act (,)',4 Record. ai1vk e to mothkus, 1 Mk.-. Winslow's Southing Svkip1 should alw-.ivs be used for children ! teething. It soothes thf child . softens j the Kunm, allays' all pain, cures wind J colic, and is the best remedy for diar uea. Twonty-llve cents a bottle jaji24dtuthsatw" v Wi'.i.t. Said. More colored peo ple will vote the Democratic ticket this year than at any urevious elec tion. They liegin to have conli deiieo iu tjteir Jleiiiqcratic friends', iiud to realize that tho supremacy ol' that party has not taken away any ot their rights. For many years they were told iu every cam paign that ii the Democrats car ried the election, they would be put back into slavery, ami many be lieved it. And now although we have a Democratic President, and the State gocerumpnt in all its de partments' is controlled by the Democrats, yet the colored people are as tree now as they were when (Irantwas President aud Holden was (lovei nor. Can any juan deny ' this; i;ot only is it true, but the! colored people ae muiji better oil'! now than they were then, and their! condition is Improving every year. I Clinhiun Kc'orL Atlantic Itnptlnt Adulation. Tbe Atlantic Haptint Association will meet w itb tbe church at Kin.-tou. N . i ' . in xt Tuesday an.i Wednesday . Oct. '.'6 iiii.l 'JT. A rranenients have been mad e wnh tbe Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad rx tiass delegates and visitors .v. r tin i r road at2 cents per mile oacli w:iy V- ti. HitiTT, Clerk. A lin littl weu't timidly in , mul a.sUotl the shopman how j iii.lliV .slinii atrinps sho could gef lur a penny. ,111 f t belli '.' t heln tn keep i 'idle ul si ' ilow lonp tin you ' he nskeil. "I wan; ." w.ts the iiiiswcr. in lit surprise. A AKD. To all who are suffering from the er rcrn and indiscretions of youth, nervous Vf ..k':e., ei.rly I'ec.y, 1"8H cf manhood, etc., 1 will mSAii 'a recipe tout wul cur? you, FREE OF CHARGE. Tliis gfea't remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send aself-addresned envelope to the Rev. Joslph T. Inman, Stutwn D 'c York City. nl7dwy ' Not a Member. Deep Run, N. C, Oct. 13, 1886. Editor Journal: I see my name as the Vice-President of Trent township of the Prohibition Society of Lenoir county. I desire my name to be dropped as I cannot subscribe to the rules of the Sociuty. 1 told the jieople. when called upon to make a speech, ihat I was not a Prohibitionist. I am uoinn to vote for whom I please. I think I am at liberty to do this, therefore I shall not bind mjself to vole for whom I dislike. I am for the people's rights: not for a few to say a Country shall come at their hiiblini;. Let nvcry man speak for him self. If w-e e.aiinot do aH we cIioono, w e oulil not la want to ruin everybody else. I-t evry man ami woman set Komi examples and others will follow, liou't ti v to compel men to do. but per suade them by i;iod and sound reason ing. Respectfully. 1 1 r. SKY ( ' l ' N N I N Oil A J 1 . Wlml ( nil lie D.iih - Uy trs nig again and keeping up . courage many things seemingly iu.pos i Pi 1 do may be attained. Hundreds of hopeless cases of Kidney and Liver trying again and keeping . , i i. .. i. i t..i ( oinpiaiiiL nave ueen eureil uy r.l(Jeiric j Bitters, after everything else had been tried in vain. So. don't think there is n. n,re ",r v""' "'H try r.leelnc Bitters. 1 Iiere is no liu-di ine so sale, so pure and so perfect a Blood Purifier. Klec trie Bitters svill cure 1 Ivspeiisia, Dia betes and all diseases of the Kidneys, j Invaluable in affections of Stomach and I Liver, and overcome all Urinary Ditli-I culties. Large Lotties only oO cts. at 1 Hancock Bros. - i unur snniK.iii: The CMyid .dates on the Coalition tiek.-t will address Ihe citizens of t raven COIlntv at lm, U,,wi,ig ti.ms and places: li.iveloek. Friday. October at 12 m' . , Maple Cyj- ri ss. Tuesday . October 20th, fttl2in. Pleasant liill. Thursday. October 23th, at 12 in. Dover, 12 m. Saturday. October 30tb, at R. H. Meadows. Glini'n Coalition Ex. Com. Di'in,t.v, 1 R. U (Tim 'a Rep Ex. Com , of Craven Co. Public icakinir. V. A. Dunn. T'-ip, th Democratic nominee for Solicitor of the Second Jud icial District, will add ress the people of Craven countv At Barnwell, Friday, Oct. 28d, at 1 o'clock. At New Berne. Friday, Oct. 2'2d. at niht. AtCroatan. Saturday. Oct. 231. at 3 o'clock. Other speakers are expected to be present and to speak. All persons, regardless of party affilia tion . are cordially invited to attend. O. H. Guion, Chra'n Dem. Ex. Com. "One fire burns out another's burn ing,'' and most pains suffer more to be cured, but Salvation Oil is pamless and certain. It costs only 2a cents. Lenoir County Canvass. The candidates for the Legislature and various county offices will address the people of Lenoir connty at the lime and places below named : MoseleyHall: La Orange, Saturday, Oot. 23. Trent: Woolen Roads, Monday, Oct. 25. Pink Hill: Anthony Davis' store, Tuesday. Oct. 26. Woodington: Woodineton School House, Wednesday. Oct. 27. South Wet: Cobb's Mill, Thursday, Oot. 28. Sand Hill: Daughety, Friday, Oct. 29 Kinston: Kinston. Saturday, Oct. 30. Nuoae: Parrott's School House, Mon day, Nov. 1. The above appointments have been submitted and agreed upon. J. W. Grainger. Chm. Dem. Co. Ex. Com. W. J. Pope, Chm. Rep. Co. Ex. Com. In compliance with tbe law I shall be at tho ahovt named places with tax list, prepared to receive taxes. J. D. Sutton, Sh'ff. Our firm Urllrf. Atlanta, June 22, 1884. It is our firm belief that B. B. B. is the bkst Blood Purifier on the market. We are selling four or five bottles of it to one of any other preparation of the kind. It has failed in no instance to give entire satisfaction. Merit is the secret. W. P. Smith & Co., Drnggists. Sold in New Berne by R. N, Duffy and E. H. Meadows. Public Speaking. F. M. Simmons, Democratic candidate for Congress for second Congressional district, will address the people at the following times aud places: Scotland Neck, Friday, Oct 22. Enfield, Saturday, Oct. 20, 12 ru. Jackson, Monday. Oct. 23. Rich Sipjaru. Tuesday. Oct. 2G. lew iston, Wednesday, Oct. 2t. Windsor, Thursday, Oct. 28. Colerain, Friday, Oct. 29. Polloksville, Monday, Nov. 1, 12 m. New Berne, Monday night, Nov. 1. Mr. Dunn. Democratic candidate for Solicitor, is invited to speak at such of above appointments as may be con venient. Other speakers are expected to be present and to speak. Ad citizens, regardless of party, are cordially invited to attend thesc meet ings. By order of Democratic Ex. Com. It. B. Plkli.es, Chm'n. An errand boy in a Philadelphia fancy store has just been left 500, 000, but it is thought he will die early of consump tion. There is nothing better for young children that are daily exposed than a spoonful or two of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. COMMERCIAL. Jochnal Officb. Oct. 'J B P. M. COTTON. New York. Oct. Itf, Futuu-s closed dull. Sales of r.'J. 700 bales. October. November, December. January, February, March. 9.0:' y.o:l 'J.07 9.1a 9'J'J 9 ;:u April, Slay, June, July. August. September. y. as 9 47 9.5 G 9 ul 9.70 Spots ijtiiet: Middling 9 Id: Low Middling l'J 10; Good ( bdinarv "i-lfl. New lierne Market iiuiet. ,S.il,-t, of 1G7 bales at H.oO to S.70. Middling S'13-10: I,- Middling 8 O-Hi; (food Ordinary s ." 111. DO.TIKSIIC ItllKfT SKED COTTON Si.flO. Cotton Seed ?1 0. C0. TuiiPENTiNE Hard . 81. Ob. dip. Si. 75. Tab 75c.agl.25. Oats New. :','c. in bulk. Corn 55ufMV. Rick 50af0. BEBfiWAX Ui. per lb BKF On foot, ijii.to 5c. Cocntby FIams 10c. tier Ib. Lard 10c. per II Eoos 11V. por dozen. Fkesh Pohk lla6c. per i ou,i PKANUTfi 50c. per bushel. Fodder 75c. aSl. 00 per hundred Onions c.OvaS l"! per baru l. Field Peas 65a7pc. HIDES Dry, lijc; irreen 5o. Apples Mut tamn-heet , ?ki40 freys, 81. 10. Peaks 75c. ajfl.25 er himhel. IIoNEY 35c. pier pal. Tallow 5c. per lb. CllKK.-iK 11. Chickens Urown. ,"o,i:ir,c. . 3na25c. . : (Jod- -ipriii Meal 70c. per buahel. OaTS 50 ctH. per bushel. Tuknips 50c. per bunhel. IltlSlI PuTATOKS S'J.75 i-r bbl. Wool 10al6c. per pound. roTATOKB uanania8, ouc. ; yaois 40c. West India. 50c. ; Harrison.' G5c. 8niNOLK8 Weet India, dull and n .m- inal;not wanted. liuildic. 5 inch hearts, Sii.OO; saps. 81. 50 Der M. WHOLESALE VHirpe. New Mkps Phhk-im SnuL'LIiKK Ml' T 7c C. R. "h. F. H's. Ii. '- and 1.. C. Fl 'i u It ?'' tui.i'i.OO. LaKP 7ic by the tierce. Nails Rasis. 10's.?2 ."hi. Sugar tiranulated . lijc Ci iTEF- 1 ' al:'c. Salt Oac'e. 'por sack. MOLASSE AND SyRL'Ptf--20a4 Powder ?5. 00. Shot Drop. SI. 75. buck. "J '.u. Kerosene 9c. House & Lot at Auction. The Lot and Buildings on Hancock street, adjoining the premises of J. F. Clark and Mrs. Dicker son, being one half of Lot No. 348, will be sold on the FIRST MONDAY in NOVEMBER. 1KKII Sale at TVy KLVE, M., at the Court House door. WATSON it STREET, It Auctioneers. THE BIGGEST THING OUT For C Ii ills IS House's Chill Syrup ! If your Druggist or Merchant does not keep it. Bend to BERRY'S DRUG STORE. If Houbb's Chill Syrup fails to cure if directions are adhered to, you can get your money back. The trail' supplied by It. JJerry. House's i al.i.e mul hill Pyrnp a H,cl. it an iiniiic-rn.-aiii-iil rnie ht-.'ote one linltle was nseii. K. I. I'.STl'KRSi )N, Shoe .St. l e. "Iln..- mil every liiii.lt- of Home's Cl.ill s nip I oi Kl obinin from the iiiHmifweturer It noi only broiie the Chills but leu ihe par- ,n rohti-t Iu iillh Wm. L I'AUtKi;, Jobaccoulat. ! "I was completely broken down and snf : fered intensely wi.h dunib ohllis. Four doges j House's Cnill Hyrup resulted In a complete ou' f . I most heartliy recommend to all who snller from ( hills ana Cover as harmless, 1 certain and sure. j Kdhti. O (CROCK, Photographer. "Mjself and i lu-ei; children were cured by House's i lull Syrap. J cous'der It the beit malarial remedy Iu the market." A. a. CARROLL. "Have used House's Chill Syrnp in oar families: cheerfully recommend It as a pool live cure for Chills and Fevers." JOHN SCUESSLKR. CHA8. I. JONES, FRED, 8. DIXON. At Erdman a Cigar Factor-. Not a single complaint from the many bottles of House's Chill Syrup aold. Nothing but the most unbounded satis faction as to results and surprise at ita promptness. R. BERRY, DrugEist. oc.12 d:im 2.aw w3ui J. J. TOLSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice Groceries and Provisions, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes1 BROAD STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C, fiaf Goods euaranted as repress ted. oc!9 d3t wtf e. w. suHLWona gi o. slovei Smallwood & Slover, DEALERS IN QEHERA.L HARDWARE, TINWARE, GLASSWARE, WOODENWARE, CROCKERY, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. GLASS, rAINTS, OILS AND STOVES, UNSURPASSED AS TO PRICE AND QUALITY. Middle Street, Next Door to Central Hotel, NEW BERNE, N. C. New Millinery. I AM KKCKI VINCI MY LARGE and VARIED STOCK OF IW1.J. AN1 WINTFK Millinery and Fancy Gocds, FI!THi;iS. Etc., lite. Also the LATKST STYJ5S of Hats and Bon nets from ew York and Baltimore, and have a large assortment of Novelties, Zeph yrs, Saxony, Uermantowu, Felt and Felt Tri minings, which I selected personally Ouv eompauied by Mrs Dewey), aud am ready to show my friends and customers, and am confident I can give satisfaction as to quality mid prioe. l'rts-a ot business will provent me havlDB an opeulng day, Mrs, 0, M, V. FOLLETT, Successor to or 1 4 d w 1 ra Mm Mary D. Dkwky. Oysters and Restaurant Mrs. S. A. WOMBLE baa opened a First-Class Oyster Saloon and Restaur ant, one door below Cotton Exchange. ana is prepared to furnish OyBters in every sivie. Meals at all hours. Families supplied attlieir homes if desired. se28 dw3m Why Not Divine in hookas, glorious In pipe. "Wheu tiptwith amber mellow rich and ripe, et thy true loveis more admire by ftir Thy naked beauties- jlve me a cigar !" 'I'liese you will flud in B. w. TansUls 4 CQ.'e line brands nf choice cigais, always kept by wm I.. PAi.MiRatliint)azir. If you want the best, come to me and get one or more, the best by far. Next to the earner of Middle aud South street, east side, New Berne. N. C Wm. L. PALM Kit. For Fall Planting. Cabbage. Kale, Spinach and Turnip Seed . K. n. MEADOWS & CO. aut;2l d w K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, li.VUCflNG- AND HUH, Kte. Conicninentrt" of drain. Cotton and other Produce Koliciced. Irojiipt Attention Guiiriintcoil N. W. Cor. South Front and Middle Sta. Ni:V 1JE1SNE, X. C. o-i dwif WANTED! IN ACTIVE A1D RKUAHI.E PKRSO.V TO IlKI'llRSKM A LIFK INSl'KAXCE CO. l.iliriRl Irriiii anil arrangements. Ad ilii's nfi'rni'(n NATIONAL MITIAI, I.lfTIE ASS'W 14 ill V nllnuloi, O. C. DK. J. I). CLARK, iJi::iv,rirsri NKVVBKKN. n. r. Omoe on Orr.ven atreet, i till II r tail between Pollock prMdAa--y. ' I- K H. ItL'I.i.v. I' 11. I'.KLLKTIKR GUION & PELLETIER, s.,i-tii Kiiiint St., OPP. tiAsroN nersit, IVKW BKR1VK. ft. C. l't ..-I ich u iiere Rervices an- Ii-nIi-i'iI. 1 '' "I i. in t he su iirrmi' roun , and In t 'I- nl 1 ' nirl ti i New Pern-. i'i ..-.. i.'iih linn will Hlwiivsbe nt the f,,I--ii ;.,(. I;,, 'k iu I iiie-s scirieil llow: 1 o-iiUjii . .loins ci.,, io , sannilay nf oa. li : ,,i .., ,.-,- ueek. li. uuiort, Cui ieret county. Tlinrsday ofea-li dackaouvlllo. Onalowciiu' ty, tho Urst Mi duv in eacU mom NEW STORE I New Goods!! WM. SULTAN Has just returned from the Northers Markets, where he purchased " VERY LARGE STOCK OP Dry Goods, Clcihins, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps,. and ever thing usually kept in a Pint Class Dry Goods Store, and he ia deter-- ' - mined to ...... v Sell Them Lower Than Ever , He will give Hhth Prices the Want V Shaking they ever had. - ",f J Look at some of our leaders: A Good Button Shoe 100 .50 I .20 - -40 -r- .pvt. 23 i Ladies and M isses Jersey , 60 " A Good Tie 4. A Good White Shirt ...... Men's and Boys' Hata at......... Boy s Suits aa low ae Also a nice assortment of CnUdreaaf Woollen Hoods and Sacks very low; J. Carpets and Oil Cloth; Trunk and Val- ises; a nice assortment at Shawla And Blankets and Baezv Robea. . t All we ask is to call and examine our V" stock before purchasing elsewhere nd we win save you money. - - Don't forget the place, - a'' , Bllio, Building, Opposite lSftpl-v -..! . tint Church.. A "C V. OUiiliVCH. Jas. A. Thomas, Salesman. o7 4ir.' MALE AND FEMALf ICApEKY: ; nuiiuna, xi,' Vc -- . f The Fall Pesslon opens October 11. 1! ,-Hn.uHia in a moral ana j Kor further liiforruKtlon a It. . FWnclpal.. ' ; ii MOORE COOKTY GHIT" o Tbe beat MUtatoa ia Uw World ftr Table lft, ', n.u.p,.. ui mow pan w ppumo n. am iqf , ftoaea. We ar anatti I Mills, fottaa Oina. 1 Jw for Koilrr-Mill OBMtaUeaaauw7ci ' rogreMive lowm.-' ir: fzicut a m aaa uaaor aiaaaaia aaa aiiie -br Haiarlaiea. BaHan-Haai. ' i - ' Plaaaia, abaltisc Sullera. -."' .' fur ttim miliar ia every btmlifltw aa auUua,. .,- . : Write aUtinc whal yoa waat aaa tem TOa wua to Knr aa. - -iiy- Oir nfiiraaaM. Aaann. Narth CartUaa JUUl, ; For Constable, I hereby annonnc nyielf f ndTat( tif .. Constable or Township fi umber Tbree, 'r-t- , ven County, and U elected pledge myaelf - to execute the dnrtea of the olHoe fearlesaly ' v' -and Impartially. I thank the people for their past sidrrsgea, and oonfldently aaa: for UieUr ! support again. . . , jy32 WSmTTT '.. ' tST.KAUiKO. - i .1. t .. ? 5.TOI7. lMi-Sia&ijs;iV! Ira tamra; ataal Saaatan, Baaal f .i W luaaa aad la.a ,a- And WHawaaayaffaaflalgaa. ajrajaa Frtaa Ual Biaatt thla aarwraaj MMMJOMH rllll... , i. ..I , 6 i i , a .iv.-. ---- - in mi ii J'r 'Tlitnii II nn i - ' WEAK. ONnEVELflPFBPir! V Of the body enlarged ajia Btmnethanaa7FiiU pur imt" ' lam aent nenliwi free.ERIE MED.OO BOFPALO.N t i W. P. BURRUS:C0f5: ,-i GRAIN AND COTTOn: V COMMISSION MEEdEAUTS, : new nEitirBVto. rutin dw . . ' i F. G. SIMMONS;; COTTON CoiitiigrnuieiitM Sollcljteil f) Office at W. G. BRTAN'B, eoSoatiy Fmtt f, : treet, two doors west of Qrcen Jfoy A Co,' . :. " Bank. .1 .7 hrti j i iv V Prompt attention gl ven to be ile of -, " Cottqp and other Podnee. - ap4(lr)tm- rHENCH'S HOTI&d-v; CITY HAtX SCitTARK. MidWi'dHJCih.'. Opposite City Hall and the PoMtilk' , . Tli's Hotel la one nf. Ue moat ajcjanplet k -i' - -its appolnunenta and fomMnrajOI AW -HOT8B In New York City and la fjontlbctc on the EIOa',aV'Vv- Kooaus only One iuollar perdaw fialf tnln-. nte'a walk fiom Brookl va1edR.K. All lines ol mvn Br rldira anil ia I naas the door. vaiedR.K. All lines of can paaa the door. V Most convenient Hotel In Nov, York) foe Merchanisto stop at. l'lulng iiiHima, Cafes ' and l.unch Counter replete wltb ajt tb lnx V urli-s at moderate prices, . . , . '-Jj7,,Jily "..''&, C : - ' I i ,r .ii.,',X J - For H ard Tfrs;; , he Daily oURNAl-:; AND . :. ' -i ivr ' DEMORESTS ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE With Twelve Cut Paper Pattern of yaar 9W both publicahohs or imi i ; ; : $6.go (Six trif-rv)."Ai THE BE S I Of all the Magazines. ONTAININQ Stories, Poena aad otJiarLHarM V ' B,4r.4inn. ..ml...;.. A wtimf.n ' to tt n . m J MoutahpTd .;.Vt,rV. " " ""-f 7M Jflifirvtid taith Qrtfinal Steel JBhptwm ing, Photogravures, Oil firturrt and . fine Woodcut, making it the JUodrt Magazine of Amcrim, - r" Rach Magradnn contains a O0rTPO OHIiPiK. CMtit linif the holder to the aetectioa m AN v PATTEK v illustrated In that number t and in ANY W1ZE. ., nKMoitESTs MorrrnLY is imtir entHhi the WurliPs Model Mairazine. The Lara-eat In Form, the Largest in Oreulatlon. and tie beat TWO Dollar Family Miifrazine iwiucd. 1886 wU he the Twentv second ye-ar of ita publication 1. it is eutitiuuiilly Improved 11141! iio iHilKllvilv r' fe . .V4"; l 'u 1-ho tronCTlw 'Pf Fairtlf,,. JcnoilieiiU. and equal to any luagazine, fl contains ihikcs, litrire quarto, nil!? Ipebei, f Ples-antlj printed ana fully illuatratod. Puh." Ushed by w. .Ii nniiipa Demoreat, New York. NO r. SPECIAL AQItEEMENT OOM BIN O WITH THE , ' DAIXTf JOURNAL at $6.50 Per Tear rNVKST ONE CENT ii'or a Postal (iaril nipt send fpr a Vrae te4U ploc:upy of TH K DkT&OIT KHKK PHKrtR, and a Cataligue of their great Premium and Coiiiblnatlou oilers. A rare chance to secura an abunilanrtrof the choicest reading matter fur a very little money. TUK WKKKLY KKTKOIT FRK I'RKSS. TlIK Gheat IXlLLAR Wkkki.t. be Most lteadnble, V'lvacloaa and Original f Netvapapera. i il I lcMuini Wit. Pure Humor. Entertaining ski-ti-lii-s. Aneciiote, Poetry, Travel, Ho iiinni-e aud Literary Kseaya of the Hiphest order, hy Wrltera o( (.leniusand Itenown. wo and Admired wherever the Enaliah Language Ih Spoken. Mailed to any Hii.lr.-ss in the I'nited State and Canada for ONK IOLLAR A YEAR. Don't Fail to Send for a SAME CBf ..i Free Frees Co., Detroit, Mich. e- - S"2 -"V i- r 4. if.

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