B1 Si ' M IXDEPKXDENT 1 1ST VT.X. TillGS. Terms $2.00 Pear tr:r Prjprlrtri K H1KPKU, NEW BKRXK, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, OCTOBER LN LSSii. NO 30. VOL. IX. 5s I Mi t3 W&A H 1 ,500 Bundles of Delta IHook Cotton Ties. t3 oo a fl S S . 2 FOR 7,500 5 o ,!? CJ O t: o 1 Bales of ,ri C3 S3 as o c3 O . o CO o o EH -t-g Cotton. 2 owioova uowoq t SPA 000'09 GEORGE ASH, kl , t tt . ODens the Fall Season of 1886 with FheTinest Stock of Clothing Ever Exhibited in any Gne Store :iaiid";Tespectfully invites the inspection XVTfce 'laments are made of the newest ; .kat faeat Corkacrews in all colors and &y:tKn(i are Unsurpassed ?"V-.V. OatSSkyique Block Diagonal i - somethicfr new and adiuir?d - T 'li!JBULlS kaT a nMt oompletc and varied aaaortment, running the Yunnan fcloek in itiff looda and the latest desipnj in soft hats kU-J0tif St6k Of KECXWKAE. eonUma '.. , I' Irojdered iarge Teck'' in eTeninz shades -1 , latMi aad varr haadoe mod eenteel. .Tk. fnir Uim of GENTS' UNDERWEAR, -hi: y. abiped, at Terj low figure. ' 'r'bnrCXKEI.,S HATS UNDERSUITS arc pteial t arji - 4" V. ticatarlr well adapted for our climate. : SLBi' Stock of LADIES AKD GENTS' SHOES a: u. rr-.e . V OlJC5linilea4 tfKMrit; JrriiA:; Caiin Shoe in Ba!-. an 1 C .inrees V- - T"0( U bestin k eotmtry aad fully worth ')(); u guarantee :m-,n :' " with ry pr,y ' ' 4AtatrsrdiiiaTT Wjre rtoek of Cal'skin, rrench K:p acd :.o.e t.-ck . Jetsj that. will be sold at aatonLshing low figures. ' Oa wOpcn Boot,w ineat Freeh Calfskin with Morocco Ii,:. Wardwel; . - IfajulM taild sewed, is just the thing in gentlemen's dn-ss bor f.r -V'7,Ab,'a fall line of Dress Goods, Domestics, Shawls. Umbrellas ; Jt"?r-fA Specialty Made of Boys' and Youth's Clothing. . ' .. "'QmFriea are in aeeordance with the Times, and whilst we .-an s-: -,h. r ' irt ftatidieos, have aluo catered in our soleetion to tlw?e of vrry i FbT tie fall worth of Tour money Stock eall at ; GE0EGE ASH'S. Middle street. nexC to L. H. ('::! r' . fyIha-ve no coBnection with any other store. T, Mir At ibeir TV0 Stores, Queen St., Kinston, N. G., ''' : HAVE JUST ITRCHASEP AND GOT IN STOltK TIIF. Best and Cheapest Stock of Goods Ever Brought to this Market. Directed only by th" law .if .: .: :''. ' i t" r a-' :: wa offer you " Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. Cloth ing, White Goods, Hardware, Glassware, Tin and Qneeniwarc, Trunks, Valises. Coffee, Suiiar. Flour. Poik, Side Meat. Syrup, Molasses. Tobacco and Snuff. AT WHOLKSALM A N 1 WKTAIK. Yon receive a dollar m r-:a. -. a . ::'. ry .. xr - '- - 'ir ' tit measure, dollar f r l '.Lr. a- T ':' .r . :-; ;. -' : -. Come and See and Save 1 mir A1ik , KiJMtoa, N'. C , S. p. "J", is-,. MAX SCHWEMX Has returned from Xl'.v York, .v.:,: : ::u'.v : Nobby Gents' Furnishing Goods, Shawls and Blankets, Ladies' Walking? Jackets. Dress Goods, Pants Cloths, Etc. Etc. 1 AM ! - - . v . Bol's 1-Ai.r -fcvi r : j..vo - old In ht . -' . . . A larvr To KuM' H'; H 'l Kvrr r:r r v . k. . wmy wt4Aia nv i." . - KITH KB IHH V' T'C v : hMt II nn: : . I A GO . X. :-. E : O co ' CO O CD 00 3 05 o o o r2 - t Sz O co a: rt Of des-gn. .a l'."! a:. J Cv- shale., in Fit and Make-up. yje litest nortltu.-. Uur em and dark c ! r- ire the rrry :r. - a;. froi: V. it-. a:.l & GRAY CLOTHING. Boots and Shoes, Utcct Strl:: Hi: ar-d ::::t;-;-. V t N AS. MAX cCHWERLN, i u i in . . ii - fan ami lie Klictfd. N ( 1 1. r.i; eon ! 1 ' ' 1 1 -1 ' . . 1 .'!!. T .1:1 ; in ' !i . .il! ,'llnl t nr. ' 1 if :n :-ri .inn' . - i: :.d in. i- i-re in-j 1 .irfil to li 0 a r !: . I "i ' lie 1 ir snr j 1.1--1-1 1 : :. 1 -1 1. - ni. - i:..i :!'.'; -rti-r-i . :. 1 ii.inof f-T oil-1-n c " " 1. ;iinl i' 1 : -k :. w o s.i t I1.1t 1 f t lie ii ri hi ohiMi t the d ; net 1- ii. hit w urk cimoM 1 y v . ;is t iiov ,-l.ouKl, ho ijlli'viiun In' oifotod by .1 -: 1 I! I, 1 f nil ' 1 r.i ; I ruin :1 .11. '1 111 t 1 i i i i 1 i bo 1 1 1 1 I 1 .,.i;to ,k ti.it S: in in. tis w ; ! nut; mmoritv. Mr. II tiring to his ;i;il anil o a hiro number ot in huuo.-t, l.iw abulintr. support cj'.i l'Ollt, State -loving Kopn bl U'.m Th:-; i nut ilno to ili t li at par ' . 1 ui t i n iu the tht-v arv tin williiifj t o .ii'tinii nf thf ciinvt-ntii'ii prutlucoil ul'1i tlisurtlei !ti alt to tart that itlnrso tho Inch hurt anil ron- l'uslun in th ,i m a o iiiiii ir rank.-: euiiploil with rtant re.i-son. that thev bihevo Mr. Simiiiutis a jiuror. let ter ami mm ii nioro cmisitont poll t:e;a:i t ban cr !u-r i'f tho Kopublioan ear.'i. dates, w hi' when elected oan do tho people el tho district. I'o ardlcs ol ra.o or party, much more good anil render tar more eiVieie:it service than either O' J Lira, Abbott or both combined, which is ver.'.y trne. M r. Simmons will very -'it'll aildres.s tiio people of Hertio and Northampton counties, notice to that ertect having boon piven, and your correspondent would urge on tho people of theo two counties, white and black. lemoorat and Kennhlie.in . to fa nut nnd hoar him: thev wnl h- weil paid, andean deci.lo intelligently for themselves as to the merits ot this honored son of the second district. W.irret: county is being aroused Uur ntga.. atioii has ln-eii com I'ieted bv nominating Mai. Kohert ANton ai.. c'apt. .1. V I. each for the lion.-. . with Col. . U.S. l'oirgwwi. oi Vance, for the senate, and with such a ticket . and such men as Simmons and lhiuu as our standard bearers for Congress and solicitor, the Democrat will poll a larger vote than they have for years. Thk lib". Conte"TI' n cV I'.tornal vigilance, with active, Noktiif.rn-iioES Citizens i i- N. vigorous and constant work, has . ('. Tho citizens of Raleigh are for its reward victory and success; , taking such steps as will cause the then it is incumbent upon every I visiting Northern people to form a voter in the district to strike his , favorable opinion of this city. What tent of inactivity and indifference, are the other cities and towns do and go to the field, and there work : ing? They ought to look to the until the setting ot the sun on the ( main chance." They ought to take i 2d day ol November, the result of which will be a glorious victory. Any less, i 7 he J uilk ial Ticket. j T' ' 1 UK. Vi-TKKS OK Ni'HTlI C.UM I.INA: j K u.Einti, N". '.. et. I'.', lsii. , As propriety dee i not permit candidates tor judicial oftiee in this i State to plead for their election bv speeches or writing. I beg to sav a word in behalf of the Democratic ! candidates on our judicial ticket. I (inr candidates tor Con. tos-. for gres-. tin- 1 SoiiCl ha ve d.n.r shall tied . store d"iib! that tl.ellt t hat 1 1, a i and .egi-laturo. for tin office of or and our other canvassers told you what Democracy has lor the State and why its rule bo continued that it li.i-.set-;ir State debt: t hat it h is re our I our credit: that it has :n:!cu'i' ot railways: has g:fu iis holiest giivern that it iias reduced our taxes: iia- c:x -ii us good (H'hools. iias given u peace at home respectability abroad, etc.. These tacts are all true and a sufficient reason why Demo :o ofhrers m all .l.-par: nioiits continue to serve r.s. Noth is more important to any poo than a pore, fearless and able are era' .-h.i pie judiciary. Such a bench wi have in North ( arolma am now the voters of ; lit' 'ate must, see to it ng ;s continued to less to do in "i e t ban :. am . s , " ,n; r r.unl: supreme co;: r r . t he v ens; . ute that Mel" I mon: w : - m v, Vl ' . and mam :-s anil ' U I t I lit i , I' ,'h- 'ni.or, lliel'N . ' ' 1 ' r - the t'Vi-rv M --s ,i:,- in a . M. ri : ain ui .1 I, i-.e :n s ug can. a i s the that can due I ors .1 b hi- 1 ! . 1, I t llx Kuir Njtes 1 in- ili-pni t mon t o t m. i. If .1 Minorii ox In bit :ifino;i; ' ;it A: 1. m oM'os:! ; .it r..wtun. .it the St.to .Uli .it Now r!o.ins. i'.u'o wrs l'h.i; oh i'f ni.iilf h 1 i- now In- it the Litter f r v li no t . T : ret v . .. i l.nr u f ok. .111 o ilur. 1? 1 . i j : ;irr.mni in bin hi mr. u i put i'ii ,m 1 in ,i 1 1- : i-.nl; : 1 1 1 l: i ni'! ; niint-n m' ox 1 iu-1 1 ; I1.1- li.nl .1 iifiv r. ,i 1'fi :i 1 ! : 1 1-r 'a ; r tin' 1 civ pt iiui iloo: l'i.f ti.. - v':.i n '.v i 1 S.Uli'.- H"i : 1 1 -"1H i-:;: S ' . : i-. ileod t i .11 ii ,i i '. i-i lit f n in i. ii . : : ' , o i: iiio i- pc-.it ;. -ii . in S'i.v tlu t ; n i w ,;i in- even liin-r . 1 1 1 1 1 lai 'i-r t li.in t iia: . to br ,--aii n ci c n, r M.my tiling? f xlr.bitL'l .1 i-ro oiit t' tin' o poi; ., 'Ii . but N i-w ( )i loan.-. latf r. A II soi t s oi in in orals, w oods, pr v ou s stones, crude products of ail i on eeivablo kind--. fruits. cereal-, gr.isses, will bo 1 1 pre.-ei. ! ei 1 . It will be an e jkis, ; 1. 'ii m i;.-e', l and will boasouice of dehfTh: to tiie visitors from tho North, -o manv oi whom will be here. A correpoudent of the ' if nui Observer from Woldon iiiijuires why the premiums offered b the State fair association tor "rutiinug races" ate so small. To this wo reply that the aggregate amount of premiums offered lor races at the approaching State fair foots up to $1,470, and this.is as largo a sum as usual, and larger than the pre miums offered by any ot the county fairs to which relereiiee is made. The total amount offered by the Kooky Mount lair i -fl,. (.": by the (ioldsboro fair, Tl.C-.'; and by the Weidon fair of InM 74o. l'.ut the correspondent is correct that the premiums tor '-running" races are small. They nre made so design edly. Thre-o fourths ot the pre miums go to the trotters. The ag ricultural society recoguies the trotting horse a-s the animal of especial value, and its policy is to encourage t-lio training of trotters and the improvement of stork m thisdirection. The American trot- er " the horse combining at once beauty, strength, activity and "aelulness; and the premiums offered by the State fair are prin cipally appropriated to the develop ' meut of this most valuable class of horses. It seems to be correct that the State fair appropriates a smaller proportion of its funds to "running races rnan any ot the county fairs in the State; to the trotters a much larger proportion than any other. Xi ics and Obstrvcr. such action as will cause at least a part of the Northern newspaper ( editors to visit their towns. They ought to send up a delegation of every Northern-born citizen in their county and as many native born and lot this joint committee urge upon the newspaper men, and the Northern prospectors to v;sit their towns and counties. Hv all means 8ft vonr Northern-born citizens every one of them to come to the citv li""'iig the Fair for they can do V0llr section much good. They can U'll of their treatment by the im tires , they will speak o tago.s of our soi 1 and cl is a chance for North to work for themselves. t he advan iiliate. Now Carol. in. ins Tiie people are eomiiiir, who and w hat seci i, tloll will got the greatest advantage is yet to bo seen, but we can tell this much in advance. The section that h.us the greitc-: i. umber of Northern-born residents at the con vention atid fair w .'.i receive tiie -t 1 1 1 ' 1 g! eatcsft bctleti'.s. Hi Our Malt' Fair, i t : :ii. iitrii : 'j: Tio t r.u k f r the tr i l r.u k f r it. f -; h rst'H was L'li . . t vi I - iilln'iiif-iii plan. The plan drawn !y K.DKimv-r of New York l'it . in. direction of lien. Wilkt-s. 1',- j of the New York Spin.' ,. the r t!; lit' The TnllowinK is an accural tu n of the track : I.custh of truck, s... y-ir : m i M e , mi- 1 1 y . e x iilana- Width . f lr.; k in tsr it-. ; - f . ; . ?dt-m l lis cl . ti . : . fn f. ,1s Kr. m i :isi 1 '. . : i eacii. I'lirv, fo. t. fn Th f track ii in-: ie i r.s l : c i' p. '-trt e x .c t V 1.. tr.i.-k m ill i.V :' . t' r.-e f'-i t ' v.ir Is . Ti:.- tr-.a 'hv. tic It -I ' i w : "1 AC. a r. . was Ir.jllf: ttio registi c i to ; ; i c ; 1 1 t r em hie: si and mob Mus- ! Mu-h.i.gU "No; that don't scol ll- II. I CO VI.IT10N v : ki: rr. 1 . 1.. it i:,-- r- icnt ni:iii;i ii.t-T-: .: ,r-- 1 -i.f A AN i' : : li :i !- ij.r.i line' I. liril tin' rou.i ;; l i" r ;. n -: r I ". ! y . r. ' : - 1 n i-es r 1 r. ' pi - . ; i . i -i:.f. i. i.iiailv i:.. ..: I ih-ifit vi : t t ! mix- i up witii .r.i s. Th' ii.:. ni-.r.t w:ir-- . ivc : w i:h iippr -i-.-tl nr. 1 n -ti let : i t . - :n- 1 w.k.-.i f-r. u wu 7'. ' i ; ; 1 :: anv nn-mber of lh r.i .1. :i . - : . i u u'. i Miirt !..) ' ' I ' -. ' I. '. i ' I . I. -. I' I'.TC.; .. . . il- . 1 ,i . '. ; r ; . . . :' -: in : r tM, m 1., A 1 ! . . 3. "J I l . ' 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 -J ' . i r : . ihi o4h : In iii 1 1 u - i n.i'i.t.iiuy f it 1 ''-in octatic i; . trior, t h ui w h.'itev.T pohtienl 4ti"'ii u a- taken it wniih 1 be in the iii'.erWft of that party :.i.d in c r.l.irniity I" the poll "' f 'nnu l.ited !y I i.-iii" T:it conini i 1 1' cs and conventions. N..V. TSi the fact : hen o'.iiili-ui i'e e.iiiie an accom pi i.-he.i f act. w as formally .ir. 1 ' 111 daily saiu'tionci by the 1'oir.' -ratio party of (.'raven c Minty. it wa d i-ciivi r.l that the Pr si ii r,t f ti..- A. N. l'. It. It. and every oiTe.-ial of any importance w ho expressed any opiniuu "ii the subject, w-ere fount! in oppositi ;n to the movement, and still wo'ee, com bining and acting with the ultra mob wintf of the Republican party for its de feat. Tins is not mre conjecture: henchmen of the Halm faction who ordinarily cou! i not buy a ticket from station t" station, became tiaily pa--peners over the road : iu Tresi lent sud denly became the fr.tpient asoeiate of Hal.n and they mutually visited the various hinging out places of the Hahn cock u:ii he became an almost con stant alii r.dent at anti -coalition meet-ink--. l,e cn;p!- yed and sent an ollicial siiii np.ir to ar.cehoro. accm f ained !'v a biaiant lb publican denia K ii-ne. ti,,. one t r- port, and the other to oiTm.1 the speech of Jas. A. Ilryan. I-i : 1'C at a rr.eetiD); at James City ad dressed by Hon. C. C. Clark prcmpteJ anti-couiitionists to pr pound iiuc.-ti'T.-f'T answer thereby atter.iptin,- to alTcct tiie harmony of the meeting, and .' . i-;..-r.v7..!i'.'y i !vi.l mvratx t-j :..( il:!-::..-t IJ OI. ' '. C Cl'Vk. Now in view of this genllemau'r life long political pred il iction? is not this action the most unaccountable -when attempted to be explained by any open or above board argument or reason: is it susceptible of explanation by au; rule poverning honorable men. unless they have an ulterior and underhand seliish motive'.-' It ie not. and hence we are forced to the conclusion that the unh lv alliance between the railroad an '. :':.!. n-.ost disreputable winp of the it j -. a:-. ;iarty hides w itlr'n its rami tica: ' - i scheme that bodes no good t" the ; t 1 1 c r interests of Craven county : it u .-louioious and unnatural an alba:. t.. u even if there were not grave .:..! important i-auea involved it would aroiise suspicion but now. when an. -oasionhas arisen an opportunity oil : d for the partial redemption of Cr. c. unty. when its wants ami gr.i s may be suitably presented and ':' lies demanded by its most tal- :. 1 - his w hen in fact every good man. and eepecially every Democrat w ho ha.- i verything to gain and nothing to lose is called upon to come manfully forward and help the eood work along. vc p.nd iliii. viiUcruan and Lio aso ci.o.i s combining with the very worst elements in the community and we are forced to the conclusion that the motive will not bear the light of day. It is a striking illustration of the influences that govern a man in public life: this gentleman who in the ordinary affairs of life is the peer of any honorable gentleman, who would scorn to stoop to a mean or dishonorable act. is yet. be cause i- we are forced to conclude, of his -!. m otion with a railroad ring is rea i !' -la-p political hands with any eleint i i that w ill aid in the defeat of Hon. i' i . Clark and thus prevent a mount - I. f obstruction from being plant ! .: i:.3 way of the consumatiou of mi i-'ir-s proposed for action in the next ' ral Assembly. Il is a grievous and ! oiicntable spectacle, win n such person d influence and means aroused in a m ci t.dary sense to again put upon the i p'.e of the eountv the Green?. 11:: - - 11 -,!.:. s. I! movk.i I. an ' : ot dirly th" deft at fl-u.li m.n as t ' . . : :; . l.-ir.e. -:ini-";i and IIu: V. l- lb i:. ti.at - ir.c railc i i scio me. wh. . l. i.. iii-t wi uM 1 e roa ki: ' n . u r pei j ie m the f'.ibir'. j sil I. :. ,r !'.-r ti.at they might JU ige i '. it- n : : ' -. l- l" t put through V IK 1-V'l: l'o. ! I TI- N . Mr. ( alio run - Kst i mate of ( 1 1 . land's Strength. 1 n an lie i-rview a; 1 1 ..; i is! uii g. l'a . l'licsilay la.-l. the venerable ox Senator. Simon Caim-roii, said: "I h ivo ti" hesitation :n sa ;ng that Mr. Cleveland has made a:: excel lent Pre.-, b :i'. Ho has d"iir some things, purely matters of admini trat:e detail, atiollt which a few people m his party are disposed to grumble, bic ;t any Republican thinks that that wf.l be an element of weakness in the Democratic par. in the next campaign he will be 'Ai'.-m'.'.Y deceived. I know some dug "I 'in' Democratic p.nty. 1 v, as in :' ainl ol it beftre on r grand lb n'i:v'- in i ai ' was formctl. Mr. i ii-l o. I w . . i"- i i :i "in : n a ; ot 1 li,'. b"-i i l-i . uioi he v .Il bo a c.ttti!:-il.-.-c '.. i. ui. .'. w ..I 1 eijli.t e eVi-n I 1 1-, 11 ' . ..- I. i '' e I o tit Ie . s,..,. null t t n 'c- o: w i '.I in a t .imn.iigii. but tin- Vote do '.hi- electing. The 1 C II it'll .1 ' - 1 : 1 O I." -ei: t : im n ' . l'i.cV bl ill', c .11 Vo'l s. All t ins pdk anon' 1 1 : ; -e1 :i - in : m 1 n n .e: a ' : p u' I ' t i.e c. -: i -er .100 I I'.V . i :i i 1 1 1 1 : . ' - ' -' nothing In I .-'. : ; e'..-t w I. ' I i a i li 'en i u i n w.i n ' an oil. .- .ii..; . ;,: '. "in- c ni g. ' :-. W'. ii ol ' -.line : : oiil.l,-. ;., ;.. '. 1 "'.'. ... I . I. I ' I . ' 1 o I I . ':,--.; ; i' .c i , la;. u's I ,. I,. i ,e U . . . -Pi - 1 a-t-eioi in i ; :., , ::.' i ot iii-: gr. 1 1 . i - ' i . iii I ), u: , cu.i o : M : . ' lev, , i : ,' i- ::..: ;::.. u .11 ,1, u: : i : ' . . : .- t m t - : A Gr-.it K::.a:: -.at S h- ::: "' " ,' ' ' ' " "V ''' ' ' '' ' ' ' '" .' C ' " ' t'; .rillg del t oi the a:, i . n .:.g ti.- !'- a- - r : A in-- :' t : o : - u : : no f a--.---.ug the ' k ::.- -: : g u:r.t u:i .r.s l'toin -n v, .. -: n: ::. i.-agiae,- t!.:, p,..:... . : Istlic (oiveir.ni" Kosponsihle .' Kin :: .T i.Nai : In the .V. :-. en i i ' ' f the fjth intant I notice an ar;i r-. i- ri u::g to at: article previously i aj'P'- .t in ' i-i ' ur i i per in reference to : th" opp.,-:ti in of e Tt .ui public olficials to th.- i ..ahti-'ti Ti !; : in 1 1; is county. m wh: 'h ti in r '- the X.-.c and O:- " ' : I- - ii. .: - i arc ---t kir.g to mix G vi ;i. r is .;! up wnh cur county s 1 :: i - - . I.o :- --" if G 'vernor ?ca!cs has p ,n . .-..iinoctPd with the op'-:!i n 'o ' ' n in this county. Washington ! -r ... the gentleman to w hose ,.j p...tti n r. I'eii nee was made, is the Pre-: 'cni t f th'- . - Nr. i '. j:. i ' !):.! '. :i n"iroe ! :.- a I't ni 'rra; hv G.-v. .-.-.!.-. I '. 1 ' !-. or -.1 h- governor of tin- c- . M -. I'ryo; - - t.h.-ref re a 1 'e.-u ri ,;i ;, . t; i:.t .t '.y comit et- 1 w:v; G v.-.-,! s :t:: ', ,1 irt-ciiy 1 1 - p t.-o ;,. ... ;, .- r ni ir.ageiiii r.t of thi- iii 1 -1 1 - rop. rty. He was appoint ed for th" ox pre--:- purpose of managing the ro,i 1 upon biiraness principles and elm. ir. c u.g it from p'litics. lint r. hat is he .'..it g in his '.; capacity.' lie is. as :- w. 11 known in this community, using p. ' only l-i- personal influence, w bicr. anicurtr. i- out. Iiltle. but 'lh e.7c-(,.p po-itioti wliich he holds undur ( i'ov. S ales as Pivsi lent of the A. il N". C. It. 1C ( otn p-iny . to defeat not the Re- ''i'-.' . i-irtr n of the C'oalition ticket but the ';-, o-....ii:.. i0 publicly an nou n-. t h it li" will expend every ef fort and invest everv dollar that he can control to defeat Hon. C. C. Clark, the '. im.rr.it;.' itididate for the Slate Sen ate. 1 am assured that (lor. Scales has receive d information of this state of af fairs ami vet it is permitted to continue. Hov can it be expected that Gov. Scales should not h connected with this or ganized i Oc i..' opfosition lo the Dem-ocrati- nominee for the State Senate in tiiis county. When Washington Bryan ceases t-i use his position as President of the A. iV N". C. li. K. Company to defeat the action of the liemoerats of Craven cour.lv. thu people will be satisfied that the Governor is not in sympathy with the opposition, but until then no reason able man can a-k that ti-.e Governor be permitted to escape the responsibility which the o,;,,-;,,':' action of his subor dinate imposes on him. i CM - HAT. A :i r.i I." . - i !i K; .r : Ibi' i issue of the ; pp. ii. -t . "-. , r :;.- name . f P. M. I'ears ail. a stal.-m- lit setting forth that he , I'earsall liad I o a informt i that I stated in IVaue r; l hal he favored me for the Senate. I n.u-t. in justice to the people who wer- pr, --r.t at the dis cussion in I'caufort. s..y that I do not think Mr. Pear-.dl r-'fi ived any such information. If any one did so misrep resent me. he certainly partakes largely of that quality of the gentleman from Jones, addicted to having very Iittl re gard for truth, as no such statement was made or thought -f by me. Yours, etc. . J. N. Yh;::-"i::.. Fe-auf -rt. Get. isih. Is-it. New I!i me J. u i.N il. co v and send bill to J. N. Whnford. The St: ike Practically Ended. Chp A',-'. Oct. lv. Tlare is no change in tiie situation in the packing house district this morning. The armed guard now consi-ts of f.uO men. The Armour firm now ha- siiQ men at work, and began slaughtering cattle this morning in a small way. but has not yet attempted to commence operations in us pork-packing brand:, and does not expect to do so today. I. Tlli:. The great strike at the stock yards is practically i-e:t!ed. Delegate Barry, of the Knights of Labor, has just stated today lo a reporter that he would have an interview -with the packers this afternoon and that he would tell them that the men were prepared to work ten hours a day, as demanded by the packers. He should use every en deavor to have the packers discharge all non-union men they had brought in. but he would not keep the men out, he said, even if the packers refused to grant this. Armour ii Co. said they would no: discharge any of the men they have brought in. and that as far as thev are concerned they feel almost in dependent of the striktrs. They killed ii'o cattle yesterday w ith their new men and ixpe-t to kill six hunlred lodav. Cnn o . ( ).-t. 1-.- The strike of the packing ho'i-c workni'-n was formally ei.ded i:.:, t veiling. The strikt rs ha i a ma m ::i,g ah :.: n "'elo.-!:. at which I'.-t Weel; t - ' '"I ail 1 I I ' ' '', '.'it J I ' I t . Tie- ii p .-it; i. : return 1 w : 1: t :: ti.,- ;. .ur : .-. v. .- . arri i :.l::: s Sh -ol::-. r v.-.. u '. . a r . k -. : : :: n . n w t re p i .v in car- f: w a v tl.e so .ek y ar i- I i.-- wire:.- ted an 1 st -nt-d by a ' r.i-.cl ..; -:::!. r- roar i ', rtietli sire. I. ' '..l -"I" t:. .-ir.. m t xasp--ratio n . finally ur-.-u 1, - Wo, !,-,t-r r: - into a e r w a i : . r ..i.: g h t! .- ,r w : n i w . ir.'-r-tally w..u:. i.:.g 1 1 nun- P .gb y. a wc-Il-t"-.l" t- :i::i-t-. r. At: ::.-r train load of I'liiki rt- n n.- n i.l st.-. rt fri m the yar Is this af:.-r:. "ii an. 1 seiuou- tr.-ui le is feared as the oriuds are I'uruus ai the shooting and v.c.v vi ngeancc. It is said that a large number "f striker- are dissatisfied at in." er jVrof ti." exe.utive cDinniiiii'i- iing th--m h e-k t- w..rk and are holding s. cr--: no. cuss the .-itua::- r.. rd w as mime 1 i. -.tely L'b.it'iig" iiiiti: n:;-. -. an i n: val of the t -.,;: - .- r-- th-- ' P;nk'-rl"i: m n. t . -g. : r forty n u-uiu li w rktr.'-i: a 1 i on lie- : nr. u . w. r - liro : tiis- the ' of some wt re u an 1 -lead -tr ed with I v a The North (.'aroliua Kxperinient Sta tion ami Slate Weather Service. Rauiuo-h. Sept. fj. I'-'l Mi: Wc take the liberty of app! i:.g to you for assistance in establishing a weather obs-. r ing and signal station in connection with our State vveathor service at our ) lace. For the v -'.kings an ! 1 ts-effis of such ; servl -e. - ,. a-'l: you to rtf-.-r t - ihe .-iccompany in rj paper. If we are to give yciir community tho immediate benelils of the sy-tein there are two duties wha-h will have to he p f run ,1 there. ". :. V.'e will want a reliable ami i.--ruia'o ly .-.-ucated man or -woman there wh v..!: take charge r f the mtru-:ie- nis the i iuop.h t'-rs ar.-i r-. ,::-ga,: g- and report the : .j.it- t t;.- :. :.,- :.:;:. It must leu i i rs n wh.- ; - --i it t stick and v il' ! .- r-ii!:!'- : ' person i- r:'i- n tl.t v. -!;;:' '-. v -i obst rv-r. natc-.i t i r. '.-i-. e tic .'.aily : a a. m. weather indications and warnings, and to pui up 11.- -;--::al iln,.. Tl.: tc rois. displayman. ii convenient, tb" :'rt person may do this. This is a purely volunteer ruu-rpii-o and we have no funds to expend f r in We will supply instructions, blank forms, and f-tationery franked en velopes to mail reports to us. an i w . will secure the instruments ami in-.--for you at cost. But we will only be able to exurnl the benefits of this system to your com munity, in case you can get the services of the above persons and can raise the sum of 62a to be expended for instru ments and flags to be used and kept at your jdace. Sometimes the observers prefer to own their own instruments costing about 817. Often the money necessary iJ provided by the town or raised by private subscription. In some cases the money is raised at a public meeting called for the purpose. If you can provide these things, v. -are prepared to telegraph you. free of cost, the daily weather indications in cluding the "Farmers' Itulletins." fi and storm warnings. We urge you to call attention to th i matter and let u? hear promptly w inn you car. do. Yours respectful'.'-. '::. W. ! . : y . I". In. Stonewall Items A. II. Whitcomb had th- ' no-: or : :: .. to lose his herse Tue.-day night : disT.-' not known. Schooner Flora. Knapp mar let. is ai A. LI. Whitcomb "s mill leading iumht.-r for Philadelphia, and will s:io ,, -.t . inst. We are about as dry as i.. ticsinaLic. To be nearly live weeks without rain, never was a better time to house crop", and the farmers art? taking advantage of the fact. Martin G ibbs, the young man w !.. . wa. so seriously- wounded, teems to haNo quite a hard time: tirst better and tb.t-n worse. I understand he is now- suffer ing with erysipelas, yet there i ron g grounds for his recovery. The county is being canvas-,..,: by ihe regular and irregular a-nirants f .r office. It is rather singular how- ;in u and time change. The lb. publicans seem to have surrendered to tiie inevit able have no candidates in the contest. So the fight is entirely with tiie regs and irregs. The speaking was billed for this place for the 20th, and besides our county aspirants. Charley Warren, r r of the nominee? for the State Senate for this district, Jno. Small and Geo. H. Brown, Esq.. of Washington, were to be on hand to cheer and encourage the Democrats from their lethargy, and if possible get them to the polls on elec tion day. From Washing-ton. Washington, Oct. 20. It is under stood that several national hanks have signified their purpose to enter into voluntary liquidation and reorganize under State law. The reason for such course is tho difficulty of replacing their called bonds with others on ac count of the high premium. A with drawal from the national banking sys tem involves the surrender of circula tion, but the bank? which have c m." to this conclusion are of the ojiini- n that the profits of circulation are not -uh;-cient to compensate for the he-' v pre mium on bonds. It h -b.--:. -cgci .n u to the i:a::ji:a! Cr'.s th .; ri,.-whit-h ri:.-. :::- b' :. - n u' - :. the sub 'cot v.u u! ! r.-ca t v-.-i::. 'V.-:b:'. tion i t th- ': re... try !.) pa: ::n ' but the stiggLSt.ci: lo- i-.; -op- .r '. iiavc U-ti; r.'spji. led lo t a: .. -:.: :.: In his forthcoming r-.p-.rt li. . i !.., troller of the cu.rc.Dcy wi'.I :.. -.11 ; : 1 ability, discuss the qu-st:- of to. . ! ing the law relative to -. .-n: i' " r bank circulation. The President entered the- li.iSL today ar.d began his rt eepik u prompt!;, at 1:30 o'clock. Hctlidi.c; a; per. : ti. least disturbed in mind as lu- gur.ed the unusually large crowd a-sembb u to do him honor, hut rather or j -y. : iia brief remarks which some of hi- calhr. directed to him. One old gentl-'mai: grasped his hand, and as j;t. sh.-ok it vigorously said: "I am a J--r... viu .u and a Democrat . an i ther-' are ; h.-nty more like me up in Jersey." Th Presi dent replied that be was gia 1 to hi .r it. The next caller in line was a Virginia::. He said ho was from Ihcl.m 1 . i: re they were making pr.p..ruti l- g.'-a the President a hearty wt 1c :. ;'. occa.-ion of his visit p. th - M o- . ':';.-Pn-sideui replied : "I wub 1 ..:' ;. . t. i:i Kichmoiid p'nurr "':e--. -were 1 the ' ii-giio.iL. "l.oic v:., iv ;t .' I r-o; ! - there u, gr, , : ;. .. i'... , pie la .n.g a very i :g : v. : - 1. lurt.e : t- -lain- hauls . 1. .. u::g 1 i iy who v,.:s ri. ::;.:. g a -i-.v'-' ' rr.-.r v. :.: n'.iv ; rr--. at to the Pr. -. ':. in. '.:'.. u: drops, ing her dog. Th-r.-w-:. v . ral Scoichnti; u in y.v : w :. . ng : ..t .,.-'. In. i ; : K- ; i '.- r : pbr 1. - :. V. .. -no k I. ii . i u 1 i .-. -. y sav-. ; . !...rge ti. .: ! : .-p. Lly vi late th-lia-y are. as a rul. as oL sc-r ing all of tit-i.i-.ed Si u:-s a- any class natural, and until r v-r th- -ugtit otht-rwi-e r na :-.'. othcers when a! the r.-l.t;ves and Ire : ! make ur.' ha-t s f. r s .i e- i v a ii aval , 1 the W. -: 1:. I. -- ; : r FOREIGN' XEvVS. ri't: rr.rto'H cabinet crisis. is. Oct. 13. M. De Freycinct, tho i ime minister, at the cabinet meeting -id today to consider yesterday's de-1 -at i' f the government in the Chamber i lipputies on the question of the I .- i: -iuko. explained that the ad- :- ' :."tf thf Chamber affected the --! -usil. :;ity of the whole ministry.1 hen up. -ti 51. Sarrien. minister of the tcj-jor. and M. Sadi-Carnot. miniBter i i t'.nan- e. w ithdrew their resignations, lie cahir.'-t decided to await a fresh ehr.te antl vote in the Chamber of uic s to ascertain distinctly the feel- : g :' lite iiiiij Ti'-y towards the govern- e- :. in il.,- meantime M. I)u Frey :u t v. ill ii. luivor to roach an under inuin,: v. lib ih leaders of the ma- I- . C.i ::gu: tiiat M. be Freycinut j ni 1. :o.ae io patch up a temporary! - i.. iwei n the government and the I i ity. but a concensus of political J .ni ti show s that the present ministry j l: o. io.e.i an.! cannot remain in power! M. t lemoncean is beinp; urged to atandoii wire-pulling and assume the re. ponsibility of oflice. I.. 'VI'.'N. Oct. 20. The Grand Duke 'oeholas. heir to the Russian throne, w in) is nliiicietl w ith a pulmonary dis t -as, . is in a precarious condition. It is ir.-l that i:c will not recover. it oi::. Oct. 21. Cardinal Jacobini, Papal Secretary of State, following the Pope's instructions, has sent circulars to all Papal Nuncios abroad, directing their attention to the principal political and ecclesiastical questioas of the day, and urging them to cultivate good rela tions with the different governments, with a view towards improving the situation t th,. hurch throughout the WO! i.l. Ci n-t atini i ni:. Oct. 21. It i-J re P .n ted that Germany has joined France and p.iss:-. i ". urgint; England to i vacu a'c il.typ .'.;... .: VV;..i.-;u-. in Poor Health inn:::. Reliable private a : ;ci ! r. u I n aiiirm that the bul ' I'n.iperor William as n , aiih are positively un- tru.c. a tt) tho--- advices the ui: r ject tti d - 'y attacks of y. prol ngi-n drowbinesss, . : : ' v v.;i.- in a s- rni-comatose : :i ; :' t . enty hours, from which ti. , - : r- 1. 1 i .. unable to rouse him. 11.-conn i: ion is aggravated, it is said, by chronic disease of the bladder. It is ired th-.' il w ill he impossible, with ' ulu.o t car.-, to preserve his lif for ret.::.:, -v.- months longer. r':a -V, tucks the American Tar: if. I.' tn :;. Cel. 10. The Times makes an attach upon the United Slates tariff. " i'r -lectiom " the paper, says, "lays its 1: t.vy weight upon every item of con--uiro iion. The whole American nation loses in its convenience as well as its purse by the system which Mr. Blaine ashes the nation to commission him to enforce. The sentiment of the Ameri can public seems to be that neither the Democrats have sufficiently violated their pledges to deserve eviction, nor have the li. publicans sufficiently re d saed t'-.-ir dubious past to earn rein statement. 5ir. Blaine's rhc.oric can not change that opinion. " Cpp.'sed to Alexander's Ueturn.J M-. PKTOisr.t'iii.i. Oct. 19. All the powers, including England, have for mally assured Kussia that they disfavor Prince Alexander's return to Bulgaria, and will not approve of his re-election to the Bulgarian throne. The St. Petersburg papres are bigin ning to prepare public opinion for a Turkish occupation of Bulgaria. Tur key is indisposed to comply with the Russian desires in this respect. Minister Cox's Resignation. Wa-ou'o.to.n. Oct. 20. Minister Cox hal a -ccond interview with Secretary; Bayard this morning and indicated a de-ire lobe relieved of his duties as j ministr r to Turkey. Fie was informed ' that lie would not be required to return j t ' Turkt y as the charge d'affaires. Mr. j i'emlb.t n King, is regarded as fully' Ce'-upt t-.-ri: i.-i ti ischarge the duties of the 1 miui.-'.t i ial oiiico until a successor to 5Ir. Cox o.tn be appointed The formal resignation of the minister has not yet r - -.-a ::a-.:.'i-d to the Department of, .-':..: . in: i- cxpoct'-d promptly upon , hi a-,p;:.u. e tf the congressional; ::.::. !...;.jii. . hi. h. ill i iow of his ac- : :::.: i ing. is now- belie-vet! to be 1 ; : t. t. Mr. Cox took the 3:50 p. u. ii.ii.i for New V'-rk, where he v. ... u. t i ' ' tumittee appointed te. a ;.:-. !...: :' his nomination as Ropre- ,-:.: -.'. : . 'a lit ninth New York dis- ' .o:..it.i Awful D:y. .. . .la. Oa.. i int. 1'J. -For the first p. . .' .- ; . u lay a complete pro h. ;'. ". ami not a drop of any in- t M.u-.'.u:.; liniili can be legally sold v. ;t!.:u n.s limits, and from this time pi gin- tin-real test of prohibition. All li.-. Larr-.. u:s closed on July 1 last, but -.o.ral v. a, de-ale licenses held over. Ti. y i... . o b. en expiring gradually un til t 'v. . w lo n there was only one in the t in. , and ihat would have expired six - from now. but by de- gi -. :. oi :!. Supremo Court of the State t i .;n that -I- re was closed, which shuts i'...- I.-.-: p!:o . Twu weeks ago the city e -.a :! p :- . i a resolution allowing ::. . . . . i : . ery to di liver beer in the ,:y . i : :.:es ,.n order. Mayor .I.. --, r :., '- night vit d the measure. .. i '- .- makes the city absolutely :: .: hue- city authorities are n. o. :. i.b ui u;-ts and the law will !. .- i ;g; t!v i r.f reed, prohibition will h a. I'a.r lu.il from now until at least .-;:: in C v: '. :v. ' liv.lcs. h-t. -i vi! S. rvi 'c . -rly an i !. man haw -vn-' i ' ''il'l . . -. i -i n of i i. i : v : I i r :.. r- ai W. -:.::-...: n. an i ni- :,-:: c, , 1 tin- 1 .cal .n.lm-rs. ihi- e- nclusion i 1 v L . a; ; r- - 1 1 v th. ans-i-io- Mr. h-lgcr-I: i n-.-railv i- a fact ::.! i.: . : the i.-eal board :::: :r g . :h a i s . w i; h- u : v. hi. .w ti.. hi: s , t th. n 1 fer It, ai : . n :: ha e::;o -in nt ; . ih.- nm- -a .1 1 I . r. ier.-, a to :- li - g:., linn will lv r : ; -.,.:., in ;:. g an : h n n . ; 1- . ; -, r.-:..v-4 1 r-'in :-.-:. o- . a- i r '; 1 ie.-. and .' n lei.-rn-'oih.ai.phn . . ::.: i.- I 1 ;i (-xiiinin-.'..':-. I n.-.-es-ity ".' n ' n ;. '. i. i '..It. -n l ;: - - f en j-i iric-: rc- - ' .1 ie tc.-er- yield of - :,,i- .ii. .New York . - i" 'it m circle!, have i ir tt rest in this ijut-s-i : K oiifman eY. Uunge, r -i . correspondents in , : .-,-- the statement that li e Texas top-crop not to hah - under the most . !,.; .!.-:,--. They also -. , r one hall of this late '. : -! ; w i in y-:ivc coun : : ral Tcxa- ii-tricts: ..v.. -i Texas wi!. supply t , ir -i ; mat. d n 1.1. In :.-.! a . t- ; r i. w iii . ;e .- ei-t -t- -r- - w. re for i BMk MM Absolutely Pur;:8 This powder never varies. A marvel or purity, strength, and wholeBomenen.- MOT economical tban the ordinary kind, and a not be gold in competition with the mattitiMt of low test, short weight, alnm or pboaphat powders. Bold only in cans. KOY.AX BAXTHo ' powdkb Oo.. lo wall-st S.T.- novl-lrdW - , 'aim Take Notice! i Our store is filled with , - Provisions, Groceries, Caaned Goods, Dry Goods, Crockery,; Etc. We keep a full line of tbe . Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. ALSO C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes. Every pair warranted to give satis faction. Country merchants and the people -generally are requested to call and ex amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will give you low figures. ' sur- WTe job Lorillard Snufl. , . ROBERTS & BRO., ' . South Front st.. New Berne if. Q. . Accident Jnsurance. The Preferred Mutual Acci-. dent Association H Policy carried for $12 yearly. Pays weekly benefits, $25. f Loss of Life, 5,000. Loss of both feet or both hands, $5,000. Loss of one foot or one hand, $2,500. -' ' Takes none but preferred risks, Charges no annual dues. Tie United States Mutual Accident IssX Costs $1 3 or more per year, and In case of loss ' of limb or limbs, pays only $850. and wheav any of their risks become claims, they char acterize all risks in that community de4 cidedly unsatisfactory." regardless of their character or standing. For SAFE, CHEAP, SATISFACTOEY insurance, apply to W. B. BOYJL. Affent, Preferred Mutual Accident Assoc 'n. GEO. ALLEN & CO., AGENTS FOR Springfield Fire Insur'noe Co. Offer safe insurance on Dwellings and Jlercantile Risks. - ' AGENTS FOR THE VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE IKS. CO. Safe and reliable. Easy payments. ALSO AGENTS FOR The People's MatuaJ Life Assurance IwaL Policies payable at intervals of froift' five to seven years during lifetime. Money advanced on Policies. Ferdinand Ulrich, WHOLESALE GROCER AGENCY OF HAZARD POWDER 00. AND Choice Pale Cream Cheese. SNUFFS AT MANUFAC TURERS' PRICES. i I c: 1 : S ACKS. T. A. Green's Old Stand. SEV 13EKNE, N. O B00KST0RE. -J. L. HARTSFIELD, DEALER IN BOOKS and STATIONERY School Books and School Supplies a specialty. Coufoctiorieriea, i"o;n ;.-. Sutiff. Cigars, Toys Glassware, Cn-ekery. Fishing Tackle, Etc. iie door south of Loftin's Bank. Very truly, J. L. HARTSFIELD. KINSEY'S SCHOOL rou Girls and Young Ladies, LA GRANGE, N. C. .lOF.ril K1NSEY, Principal. Fail Sission begins Monday, August no. terms: Expense per session of 20 weeks, in cluding board, tuition, instruction in nui-ic, vocal and instrumental, Ancient and Modern Languages, and exercise in ( "alisthenics. SS0.00. Pupils will board with Principal, u 'com please address for further partic ulars, jy 14 dim wtf - i i i . ' .1- N ' I it H i nv in u.INA, ) Superior ' 'Nsi.ow c'oinNTV. Curt. Il.-r : c lh-- . 'lerl; of the Superior Court, I ,. VI . I.umien. Aeiia'rof .lee:. V ar.-iiel-, i.i;t 1 Petition for sale Mrtti'.i- I.. pKinu-r isiiac ', of land to make Kunner :iml Mrs. K. ,1 assets KiiHi-p, heirs at law of: John Farmer, deceased. I To Mattie L. Farmer, Isaac Farmer and Mis. S.J. Kiiaj'p: 1 ake notice: That a petition lias been flled in the Superior Court of Onslow county, and a summons issued acainst you in a ease of -jeclnl Pu leeed i n tz tor Hie Bale of land to n .a k i usee's, a tul a copy of tiie complaint has been il. lei in i leik's oflice of tald i-o-ai -. nre eiiiniiiamled lo appear a) tin i.ih, - .f i . i lerk nf tne Superior Court s ' rh- ...... r' louse in Jacksonville, on the '!. ! o. ,; , , -. ii.-r, issij. and answer the c -mpln :.: oi iu.lionent will be entered ac- . .i .1 1 ne- ;.. 1 1 e ii ;i5 ei e.I liie complaint. Wit i: ss niv jiarul rind seal of office, this, sept .7in, 1.J. s. :,' A. 0. HPUGINS, C. 6, C. srpiti in. 1 . - 4 v-vse- . :.' , ;?:f -. ; . j. K ' c s s yT t : iortgagc? una! oihac. vQ iwtr pit-a.se cop tclltlotl Iie.' ,

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