JK'4f Lt . a- - - 1 t THK JOURNAL. Hilar. - Ib(1im MMr- tfais.eil it iBa Pact oAce i The caaTVkiui for Mavot S e TorkClty waiw at ',;-. o ' t& BoeutLst candid Ate seems '.- :- xpM:nl. ti"n ..- iv i. rM? i uiul ou ii :. a. n. ABBAJf t. HBWirr ttav ar imhuj to win. , Tax filatw ot Mrs ( i.e :i v - . to rWt the Virjr-m.i S:ac Fair i: RkftsVvaul with her Uabaii.l a::er txnSgtmuU bad ben n. :. r W reception, hiw the :ongv of the goejppr aboat tbo capita 6 their iiclneToaj work 1: ma'. h suhly rrafin toth:- : ias :' the world's population '" that they ca nnoy neh iad.e.s as Mr. CletklaM' nd M s- ''l ' N srs Datih. T1IT FOR ALL THE KllT Ih follow iB g paxatfTarh ;a the BtaleeTiHe Landmark is .i .nr-.bie ud timely aggeation Bill, u old by a corrwponlerit or If tiere I "r finiJJ- . -- br rtnior. of the rTi:r whi.-h IMi prlTU.lr but wbioh hma novpr IPCtro into lh nfvipr i: i rr ;"r th jaJjtnnt of Lh conduct f tH1ilH ih -V twiuip-'n lf-l u.-.'.:! :bir ! fif tV M tui'i 1U '"C. I'- ' e7 ttnifl UuU UiT ioU an u n 1 t wUhovt any prt)TOCu. n . have i.rsi aaitd aovl afterward iiucim gt)4aAta. Let ua vail for all f th Tb ftnt news the J,trai. b vl of the trgily wm from a corre tpondent t Chap! Hill, and we CCrtlcladed then to wait for all the beta before making ny comment. tWe r inellned to the opinion that - tf the tudenUhd rxen wher thej oafht to hae been at that hour ot" " thealj;ht they woaltl not Uavo twen Usvlted. Let both sidej N heanl '.before Jadgment is passed. . so AiWEssMEJirs. V' v" . " official decision ha been snt ' eat Iron Waahington that a gov-"-t." tnmeat ofBdaJ will more likely l"C Jeo?rdle tie offlciaJ position Dy ' 1 coapljiag with a demand for "''- a rUtwAl CAmiiain tkaA oy reioaiag. . ' taU decision w very proper n rpct, but IC goe UJ far. It V ,U1m4 riat to mike a refusal to . ; -"- !caaplj witA th demands of a cam r paign oomtnittM cau for removal 2,V "'frosaolSonetther w it tightfor the ' offlciaU at Waaliinifton to intimate . vOat aODtxibotio ot that charac S -J - tr vtmld ba eaoae for remor l A fOTarawaat official ia piesumeU to '" 'aarv hiavooey, and wbn be earns ..' - It, It U as Much bta fc do whi4t be "v - nlMaaca witb a if it w earned 'cm a farm or in a machine ahup. A . ? o Mrranders nona of hi rights . &a aeitlaea ainolr brt-attM he is an anp4re of the government .'batonc to a party orKaouaCion Uta ai asncb bi aoty' to aaataiu . tStwbrxaaiaation after he get m fflca a before, ad bui party ass, eJ-feeu wall t her have do ngb: to daaad It oT him, certainly eipect hiaa to do bia daty. ftR. MOTT OS THE REFI BI li - -"STAT CDSfE.MIOM. " - ;p.J. J- MoTT, Cbainnaji of the "v. Sepvbiican Stat Kiecutive y. Coanaiittec, pablisbej an ad '. ' dreaa to the Repabhcan I V-oT Kortb Carolina in which he . - adrlaea them not to vote lor the .: , :litlR BOaalaated by the bogn-s con -" Teatioo whteb aaaembled m lialeigh r--"',Oa tb 23d of September. He . dalltti that the originators of vr lb La ao-c ailed ooovention were n - r ' v dearif aiaplj to get control of . Um Management of the party and -avottor any good to the party. The: tbriovtag paragraph in tin letter eoataiaa, perhaps, the whole truth Aaeihar eidac ihoinj brjiir. .1 i alter bad faith to ihe prty of ih tiarlaaaora of ih m Illicit cooimn. n kaiataaa a th quaitdcaoon for jud if ante a ot thoaa aamd in u ticket TVay arw bo mere fit for th pli- thn amaHteab r for soothsayer .We believe the Hahn taction u tbu coonty had a reproductive u that Ulieit convention. It n ip jHopriate that it should, a-s its :', i lowers reaort to anything regular OT Irregular, lawfal or unlawful, obtain a nomination. TUB DFM0CBA1T OK I K t V K N COCSTY. There haa never been .- nee ".. JotTBSAI. ha been published in New Bent, that harmony, unity of action and good feeling among the Democrat of Craven county th.c the friends of goul govern men would like to see. W e snpKse the same local differences ex;-t rnoi, OT lcaa in every community h:c there axe tims when they !ioe.',l be forgotten, and the tnteres the connty. the welfare of the pie and good govertimer. ' k, oppermot in the minds of a. When the proposition came u. a Targe number of leading Republ. eans to make np a I'oople s r ,-k. -t oompoeed of two IVmi-x-rat- t.'i the General Assembly, to i- s, ;,- i by DemocraU, and I'.epu :. ,u; ooonty officer . to be -eh . i y Bepnblicans, and tl?e whole to endorsed in mass rneetrag as.-. :: bled, the fading Democrat New Berne with one or :w., ,-x , -tions approved and encouraged ., movement W ith ':. pro-p,-, - electing two o-)d men to the General teaching the mob re;, re sen A .8e ir. in) crowd 'h aembied in the thea-re i.- a :; lioan convention a le-soti. we .' thooght there wonld !h- t -. - : feeling among the Demo, r n, ' that they wouJd for once lay aside all personal prejudices and work together for the ifod of the county I ' HI I '11 , :i.n'er, .v,- :r,.' a TV. i :h" 1 n .i ' ! mi .i '.l . : . 11. "5 i- Mr r 'hi: 'A Mr 1 lien: .. ,,pen. :,. . Ill I r.ee e.illliet , '.a::re t Vi: si:. . h r i ht .1 pre-lTVe 1 teui. MT.it i ' erir. .noil . i '. i ' pirtv Ki.-;i!.l , truii 1 t M: A 1C K -iHUlill I'.MIl thl iiirter runnut ti n 1 -1 (L.iii I I 1 i-i u :. ' y i ' . ' lK AN to krf fight. They t,on ati'l un.iti :. ' -. i.l .a Mr p Up t llf-e t .I,'' . II .li i--i'ni b!e, 1 : e, en ; m,u-: ,ppr" ei! t he irt'.onot" the eieitntive eiii m 1 1 tee in tr;ni',nf on. .Mes.-rs i :.ai;k mm I. ASK anil it Mr. t.R an ami if Mr. .in t he other PenioiT.it k; .ic.nn - t ACtlou of the ,.onVl n Ihey oiij to sit right square down "ii him. Hv united and h.irir.oi:i"U- ivtion on their part some ft. mil can !' aeeompl'.ihel t',.r ti. nnrv. 1 ty listening to such wntiKl In- leaders aj Mr. HllV A N , who :s prompted b his personal prvjiidice-s aaiust Mr. Cl.ABK, we will thniw a way a good opportnnity. ' A wl TY TH.4T EVERY S A owns j to HIS col TKV W e uQbliih t-nlav an a, hire.--. from i'hairman HtTiri-: to the voters of North Carolina in ln-hall of the Memocratie indicia; ticket ol the StAtc, which we commend to oar readers for careful peru.sal. Mr. BATTLE truly sas that propriety does not permit thesv gentlemen to plead before the people, either by spe" hea or writing, for their elec tion. It would uot ( neiw.irv for them to do so, i f i.roprietv ad mitted it, nor would it be nee nary for Mr 1!atti.K or auyone else to kjv a word in their lH-ha;t. bnt for the fact there are so many jroodi jnd intelligent citizens n; this State who st o little v.ilui e,;ml. 1J .lUf IIIUI Ui tlit- 1-ltO.I'C ,iU ll.f U every pooa citizen wouiu proper I ly esUmate the value of a trivilege ' that has been obtained through 'intanert of strife and bloodshed. the judicial ticket placed before the rwHple of North Carolina hy lic ed ' Iemocratic partv 'ou.d N ' by an overwhelming vote. The candidates for judges ot the Superior courts, w.th one exception, have held courts, some of them in nearly every county ,n the State, and we have yet to hear of a single instance where anything I ke nr ttsan rulings, persona', hi.i.- or favor-.teism o ." an v kind con t rolled j the presiding -ridge. They have 1 mmistered he la- ta.rlv. hon eatly and impartially without re j to party, race, or color, and Ue believe the p.-oil, of North Carol ma appreciate tt.c.r , r ices : to that extent that they w;:, take pleasure in re en lint the great uumlvr of , iti.ti interes- :n ioli' ting as a nii tr t friend, an.l n, ' is a duty, and duty I- is tt.r. the bal 1- t .ha lt through tin that ' lie law - arc the po.-plr then bio h t t he on a. Shrewd, tri.l. . x: 1. so'k -. : in ;. ant '. -"I r by ly :: a.- : in-y are do::; . now w .".err ' Ley a rou-' the : to - i larger :: wh. erei- are n. a . a yy - ..'i.HO raven a . . , , , te. t h ig 1 1. em r., s. Cell both ' V.n ie er n : a rn no rn 1 oret. l.M. ,d Soi-tbern hi' earliev tis.de-rablo Ni'.u.vi':." I ' i i ( I! ; . 1 '. ! P. Tiers ' .iir lumber, oak staves, lilt's .mil ny oak Mr 1'iur. with the I'M'ep :i:;. tin- South e-ained - !.. export, .imi vi-r ' , , s yy i i ' ' . i s ; : , e s s . k:..' 'hi' -''.'. nl- i ' " : ::.:ne::e i ' . . . I .1 I ', '.v ouol -A ,l .IM S ' . ine". I I i;.-: 1 1 5 . ,.;u.' day h.ue; know: v a 1 ; ; i w : s yv h : i i . .!: . .i-.'i. . i, , .i,; I'll i- ; m r . . . . i''i -.n i".:.'i'-l T t;r-' 'r,'.i' ot tu-ri, ,'hll'ltMl. 1' ;i .ill) .1. I'll: ''li ' !'i-'iiii' th.it I'ri.Mi whi-ii r. in iHTtl! rii ;,.'rt;:i: '.: v i.ri'-i rr- .r," ri .lire t.Ht'.- l.r-,.1 rl ."lli'Il -.v l - i,!i' li-Mkril Thi'v i'.m:!.! wh.ir t't' . thov n :.i.l t I ' I .1, .'. n iierll t llltt m :r.-.' :h pin w i , . i i T, i. K w .i.n : : Ltr.i:n. t ! i ii h w 1 , ' i .nut cheri e III .IM'-t '.i' hl.'kiTV. tl ,, .i. !.ir. .in' . i, I , W .l.M e j, .111,1 tin K'rew ; niliiieroil- -peeie.- hi .'. ik SH)theni tore.M.- w.is mi une I poet oil revel.it urn . Man men enp.i'eil in the IuihIht trmle. nr U:iic I. lie e.ib'.uet wmnl.-. Ill their t)il!metv-. sent their .ipellt- through. i,,. f,ref rtenn to examine ami i lei-.i:. T!,.- a ere -pi i v e.ip: ' .i. -' - tl..i . in t'er. in.l w !i :. in. i. ie b ri'l'.e ktH'W ! i e I , . r t : ; 1 1 e - n- lllVe- . 1 n eir..- .ii th.it k i ml ot proper's . A . iinous ihitikt LH'curreii m N estern Nurlii I'.iroiin.i in the e.iriy pr;n ,. --. l)nrmj; the winter qu.te i numb-or ot hliarp intelligent nu n troni the North .Hid W est visited Asheville. nil Rtarteil ont irom there tor a launt thronph the coun trv towards Murphy. It was not the time usually chocen for pleas ure ltws amonir the mountains. Sixin it W.-.S known that theo men were buying black walnut trees, paying the cash, and taking deeds tor their purchases, which they had recorded by county clerks, as though they had Umght real estate. They paid troni one tu three dollars a tree, and expeuded many thousand dollars lireat W3s the joy all through the mountain couuties at th:s unexpected inflow of money. An Asheville editor ht he would ascertain what induced these men to sivend their monev thus foolishly. He sent to. Chicago and proenred a copy of the Vorth western Lnmberman. W hen he read the prices at which black walnut was quoted, his rejoicings were changed to disgust at the pre vailing ignorance ot the value of that wood. In his next issue he . ., i e l . V . 1 . .. poured a uihhi oi ugiu up.u n.e subiect. The price of ttlack walnut trees advances several nnnureu pvi cent, in consequence, out tne men kept on buying nntil they bail every tree the land owners would sell, for a hundred miles west ot Asheville, and then waited lor the completion oi iue exieuio.. o v ro Kill i i i t i i s- before they tegan to convert their property into logs and boards. S;nce that time there has Iteen a gTeat deal of knowledge diffused through the country respecting Southern timter, and vast tract oi wood land have been purchased by mill men and speeulator-s. Many new railroads owe their existence in large part to the prospects of a large business from forest trod nets. At first nearly all the liner wood were sent North and West, where they werw f.whioned into variou-j articles. Hut within six years', there has tteen a marked change, greatly the (tetter for the South. Cabinet makers, wagon builders, anil other manufacturer have car ned their machinery and skilled , workmen to the vicinity of the for e.-rts, instead of paying freight on rough stuff over long transporta tion routes. At many diverse j-H-iint.- are young establishment fitted with the best laNtr saving machinery, and .-sending out goods eijiial to any made elsewhere Young men of Southern birth have also engaged in like industries, and. a a rule, have succeeded quite a.s well as their competitors. All r,,.i.. t,.-.,w in.l in 1 1 u ,r tr.i:l,,l,.' schi-s'hs tor the youth immediately around them, who are proving apt and enthusiastic scholars. The r . , . o .... I . .. T.i.ir orna rn ni r 'M ri 1 1 1 i 1 1 m i and is one of the aries of its rapid powerful auxii de velopmon t . ' ! 'Ho f dn i aft k r' h'' '.'" ' soi-m ir Then C II A K I 1 -Summery--. Ih in, dj lu South t arolina. . N . S. C, ( h". - 1.- At in tin- eai t hi; ii.il-- -ho : . e v - of Friday nea put up since tin loo eh. n, 1st ol An wore t hrow n d .wii . a i . i n g d" over f-.iHio. Th, .11 ( At gey i .or iiarlc.-tc -;:mn;ery mts wei c w.u- atHn;. Ie a tlliilf developed s.l'i. e. : t'.i'.y . - II- .ii ' y . , . i , . ...1 h, c ,1 ( n ie rtield . :: ' he nort ho astern s -'a'e. it has been ram twelve day - out o: a Saturday morning at ngt, ouJ ' r ten . .; ess sky It t'.Ve yy ere y tile s ; .Ie w a! k - hi II. ,1 'to- gu " i-r p:p'- a' t ao :.r, t - yv . ,-av y running water a lain yy o'id yv.i ativ tun is been t yy ci nn and n. !. N . , in- seei 1 ur ; n g ; h r.i: :: tall ,o r ale a; i u. oti In . W hi it e . c ed the rainy -ca-Ker.-liayy coiiiry e centre of the S; i a . irge -ec . cell on tile lol :s said that ti, ui . l 1' y , tin- Contra: COII1II. li,. ed t . tilled lint.. cease1. ci , n : M- Hni kirn's Irul. i vi. ' ir. t." m , r rev. t. I 1 MAT. Kr-M It is , ta ll . ft h - i 'I'.. it lain .; a-.s n:i 1 i , r r. p a i . 1 ft . . i ; . ll'.vriy cir, 1 lh ;;vo rf, ot pati.-f.i-- iuaraiite'd n- n"-1 r m tney refund d . Price 2 ' cor. if '.an- '"'! hr.. '. 1 li L iUia . I .on f r It. f- t. M ' .ir, - U N . 1 ' . . : ' : i . . : I i . T! , 111 i re 111 .11 k I . I'nli' i h I'll i. t' .1 the 1...;;.; ,iir;',.n .i- M: had spect: 111 ' I - for h;s nej.'t ' i' '.nil- w i. I, ( ' cahu.i ' : ! r ! ' ''-': ' ;nd;, .it.- a :.. ':..-: In :. -l " '-"' tried liieiri !.- law. "i pr.-te, 'i .1 t.;- i.in w It h ( . el, M:h - 1 ,: decl.U '' t h '.' the . i ; 'I,, -b v i er oti i in, are the -a to the I . i 'a . ami tii.it t ': n- n ; i ii, 1 ie n : e r- -. ;::,!. '.'.I. , '11! Ill 1't I'll .;'- kllM'-VIl w e! e pe r petr.ited HI, del cm llin-' grea' a' r- ; : ic: ' t !, - I i ceiled uet'-rr. i:j a- I kti ai, ,1 w ii.,: .' .'I !,.. t lie ill.-' rile-I;.- w Slier id III , 1 - w he' hi r : i't i X-'epti' I, ll :i" r ' '. ;h.- ..rd:nar;. piiti:i.n; the j.re-i-n' r ran u . , I'l.ite- : - the mi ii .i 1 1. .; I ,, !,. 'I '.Ulc ere! e W hat , litem hr Wi ll inn's 1 1 . . . lor ; i o n g - pmb he li- t m ell .Hid e i, Id ren . . t ( 1 1 I part . !: : ' h. : ' a' Si:: A ' ' rei:.o a! l'.-rt M .1 : w male ad ill ' - i: e :. ' :. , i . : guard to l'nrt 1'., ke:.--. It able that tie- d: lleri-nce ;n position of t lie captives implies that the actual late of Hero;. '.mo and his warriors is no" . et di teriniiu-d. I'.ut there ;- v. precise in-hcitioii ot w ha" th.- g.. ei ii:i!e:i' . . .n - b'rs Itself entitled to do. If CeronMiio had r --:v-l a--!ii-ances from Con. Miles th.i' in- lite should be spared, lie. of cour.-e. ought i.,-t to be executed, however ' at roc: on- h;- crimes. On the other ' hand, it' there were no n eg. o i at : on -! of this mu t. ai.O it hi- -in render was uncon-ti'ut ion.il. In- might ap 1 parently be tried like any other 'millderel. He liili.-e',! has said nositivelv and ! rei t u e n 1 1 v that he anrron,!.-r..,l on condition that 1)18 ! j f should be secure, and that ho I should be sent out of the Territory : , but li;.- iiiteie-t. of course, is to make ih; sUvtement. l)oubtless the wily Cerommo would not have voluntarily ictit messages that he wished to negotiate for sin render if nv pur,HKS(. was . fof ;l b.lu,r impiy to negotiate knew that he had . ,1)mt i, , n ,r f . ,,v, 1 lomot h i n ir in oiler worth accent an 00. , this ,,,,, the termination of the ' r-im.,ll:(;n ,Uli , ,,. ; rnuinMit peace 1 o( t,(, lri)!1; u,r w ;t limit lurt her loss , , , ,,,, i;n, he mav ol blood or monev. after all have concluded to accept mercy without any , llKS rhances of absolute pledge ot securing it. and t his seems i m plied language that he honor ot" h is captor sell on the mercy llient. In a-. oa-r tin Con. Mors Is . I i r I by Creii. M lies' s trii-tcd to the and t hrew hi m I tl.i ,.1'l'IU t.lllrll ! o !e w;-e no iloubt emellt in d and i I ied icii t . There i : hat. w ha'.ever t he arr.m made with (.ierotr.mo. it was the best one attainable, or, in other word-, as uood as the actual cir c : re u in.- ance- I" the campaign would allow. K i n it' It undcrstandiiiL' r Int t he 1 v, yv . is th, iiO-t who surrender which il e i this would lu- ed should 1 not orhoial w hat t he g' e spired v appear vernment was willing last spring Gen. Crook to grant. I' i . :n tact, effect to yva- re :, broken sent a despatch t Gen. Cnmk. but b i ce'.y ed ( 'uTo-.i I u. 't i. that ore away tot he warpat Int. rrstln- IN ar II : 1.. ' ; - v ; i i i'. K; . i c l'll.e- publishes an coin inn concert; i n l' : ! ern conspiracy and 'he the Contederate .'..v.-ri . . i t i i y a 1 1 e in ; ol ' lllll- 1 1 1 h o r n . r : g . 1 1 Ii g tin war 1 ! "' ' 'x, V, J r'':p ".' ,.x'.'.?.' - , t 111' Or II A Ol lI: o el : I 11; . . ! at Washing- dasse-. has -l)oW 11 as ill l'line- and- ot ::. m lll.nois w,,. ( : ;:io on , y k l'h,.'j. irpos, il" lialld , -h i" .' Nl. ( a.- ,,, ha- i i' th i-y . r e No i : n . no mat.' . -o ry ss and sovor.il ill : ;1 1 continues ; u'll r ;i !i n : n jr. Wlltel null- .etlty , lish ini' .iii 1 1 ! W e u i'f .it j :-t week, .lllll , ; t-r but K" l e -nllle I 1111 1 hue t..r Irmit Ul-'l. Ill -IHlll, Hi.- M.it;,.,'k.s lii 'MM' it tu III!' W.tt III'. 1 1 : I t n ,1 N.i.-l 1 ten ii ! ill e .ill 1 ' A e 1 1 ' ! .1 I''e I III I'S i ..i.; s h, ;,1 ; ;.f!i I I ; le.i- I I . i - t ueek. , i u 1 1 i.l I m'i 1 1 ile ll.e- .it N . ii ! I le.i.-t meet -.; r. ( )n Su;:il.l pie 'A i I e I H e-ell I . I twelve ,I e.teher-. , j.; i , , : i ;.i. .in. .;., , , 'A . I . . 1 e III e ; t hi I. Stu 1'. Cold. And tin I. and ii e IleW O! . ' e i I t I 1 1 i , : 1 1 e i ill. ( '. s. bs. of ,,t the e . 1 1 . d I t a lew . ll I, an, i : -, Mi, i,i ii . , .mi, ,! -Ilel 1 lull-e li. t f. We In- niies n.i e . : i ot 1 1 y ifin a. i'. S. Hew Itt. epi e.-eii t a Sen.ite. 1-'. t- backed I ai :. t : is 1 i i 1 1 1 i l.i elide ot I I the .11. 1 , 1 1 1 1 thi race .1 ( Mlgl e-.-. e A'lie.s. t ot .Mrs. k -i y ear.- old i Freshwater. 1 1. Fresh water. w idow ot t he Into ( . w a- -e el el v bur lied i.-t week l t.n . h i- ml ha.- si ncr d led . 1 he mot u.T the .- in pat h v of the whole fniiiii. unity. i he two year- old child oi Mr. .la.- Freeman died la-" uotk. and Mr-. Maggie l'lilcher. wile ot Fee F.llriier and d.Ulghtel uf F. . Freeman, F-ip. died la.-t Week ot dlop.- ol the he. HI. Mrs. Sarah Hawkins, widow id the late Samuel Hawkins, ns very -ick. not expected to be. She is about -o ears old. .Mr- M . F. Mattocks. ,,t Swiinsbi to, ha.- lirrii very -n-k. but i- -nine bettei at this writing. our typo lat week made it lead John S. W illis instoad ot .1 no. S. W "llktns. who dud on New river, the olde.-t merchant and one of the oldest citizens of ( In ,-h uv coll II t i al, i W'ootcn" in-teadol Written, a- ; hr child who died at ( 'o horn creek. The child's mother is a si-tcr of Mr-. J. W'.Sliepaid. of FolIok- ill,., N. ( '. M.ij. ('. W. Mct'lammy. our can didate and nominee for Congress, r,l me to us last week and gave ns what we wanted to hear some ot ; he best speeches w e have heard to!' m any years. He completely kuockod the ptoiis from under the dissatisfied office hookers and they teli with a loud crash. Avery few, w ho were ushamed for themselves, would no; go to hoar him: those few. I hoar, are secretly canvassing, and though they say they arc no candidates, they want the votes of the people, and say they will serve if elected. But we have no fears for Sanders for Senator, (iorock for Clerk, King for the House, Giles for Register, and Marino tor Treas urer, and we don't know who for Slier i tl, us we have no nominee. The old Sheritl', Mnrrill, is a wheel hoss" but I'arnoll thinks if all the Republicans don't vote for Murrill he. Farnoll, will stand a fair show ing on election day. McClammy has buried Koonco and of course is all right- The Major says Koonee has bulled himself by going into a small hole and pulling the hole m alter him. and we think that is hi : Col. .I.N. W hit lord will be toui.d . it toil nd at all, after the elce A 1'. A coup I.i-I! Y ' recently iiressui i i Nn (Vrn.K, married felt t ho of a wedding nnaneiai tour, but conceived a scheme oy whii h to thw art the process of cus tom, and save the item ot expense. They went to the station, aeoom- i pan d by a party of fi lends, and '11 iw 1 boarded a tram, with goodbyes I said all around, the friends extend jing the. regulation wishes for a safe (and hap'.iv tour. But the couple ,d:dn't remain on the train. Oh, lim! They waiked through the car, and out a' the end opposite that at ' yy ti;i h they entered, and getting oir 'at the opposite side, sped down I W .iter street around to their home, Where th,--. remained m -eclusion a week, while fi lends thought them t.iway etiioying the honeymoon. ' .sj.r. ,; '" '.;' 'i,. That was a very poor yvay for a . y oiiiig couple to begin life. Sham and pretence are ahvays yvmng. ! Instead ot shutting t heinsoly es up ::: the holl-e lol a yvoek, Il these young people had attended to their ordinary duties the young litis- : baud to h:s business and the y oung witetohci household a flairs they i yyo'iid have ga lled tin- respect ol poop it is no dis to incur the :,.',!! . but to glare in e X I r I , -r pi et rt.ii thru s i , y i at I i ' i ' i ' ' : , oil such k to th 1 . -. i I rip and 1 1 o !1 - I IS 1 h liar f.n i uteri I- hoy or- r r: and growri i . he' her ill til i 1 1 dfi yv r open !ai is o! great help. old I.lshlolled Coll. o hot and dry by cellar should hay i It ir: a a i: mu-. : ' ii,.; o in i il II ace etl.piT and bo I: mu-t ol ab.,;r to tli.'dol.ltl above all sa-hes yy ilities. A or stoi ;ng ilcglocs. lighted, -e lirst .o U-elill liar is a ii. is that coral ion l n siiui be kept yvinter. I en t tiry y l'alms. i v i . r, III -e y e re 1 i ...li have ..: th in i i . m -I The pi, II.' may neon u.-i d 1. c garden alu and are too r tne Vo I :l arge .,- holl-. dm mg t h. or bar, -tately Agave. . and t ho nearly be stored hero h r tin yvinter. may be mm i n g nders. an 'llell s ! as , ring the 1 the sumnier yy ii ; c ii keep yv:utei: ger.i 1 , 1 1 1 1 g plants, o keep over; ithol telldel ii the yy ; m low : ; u i - and , t i , . dc-;iril t has and 1 i - an annex t the collar :t aiisyvoi .- a- it u'reat 1 s,i c l i oil." It .' hoi'yy ist sol oni. ! ho a- i u :s : pott-.ng -! yv at in or o il II l.llge I'od, an o'l'si.lo co . may be c 1 1 1 1 s : i not 11 I r! y t ! Ill 1 'Ol oil, " in e. and liirnishei ,!-. - 1 '-o tf) .!' ar. rn' 1 in a bank. yv.illed yvith yy : t h double . U it U v'. Old I I I " ii .r n 1. . . N ii.-, :,ii .11 r. -..; r.t ..n - til C. .'. ii ol hoell had !. si .' n. i m.i : : . , ;- .,1.1 " . '. i . . . Ml! I 1 if. i . .11 I.n !!.s- I,,- 1, , rn: a i u -r-- 1 1 r- . i !"'.. if ,, ii vy i . i, ,i . v ri li ;r d- : f r ol, i it I n dy La Grange Items- We are glad to hear that J. S Wooten is improving. Rev. Mr. liiroa preached here Iant Sunday and Sunday night. C C. Taylor, the Jovkn'ais aent. was in tuwn last Saturday. Sickness, f which wu hayc liad a , full t-hart.' thin ecuseU, i.J , ornewhaL abat- 1 I ir.'r i-rmel w ;m in trmn S.-itnr.t.iv to heur M.ij. f-nmli and the county can- I J id alert. We hear thai Senator Vance will a.i-drx-ri ihe people at this place next Sjt ' ur day ;it y o'clock a. ui. I There was comparatively a small business done here in cotton la.-t week. i The low price probably had much to do with it. Wo are clad to hear that Mi- May Ivouse. daughter of Noah Rouse. Ksi , who has been quick for several day-, is niew hat better. The tableau (riven at the I 'ol leiate InptitutH last bndiiy iiiht for the lii'iie tit of the HHptist ( hurch in thin place, w ;i HUCcet.H financiallv and otherw ise. The utti-iidanih came olT well pleased and over tweulvfive dollarrt was re die.t. 'I h.- iilarni of lire niven nl Sutiilay r.iirht liirie d out to be the burping of a c I . i m no ill the ni.li liri ol Miade Wooten Smoke was Heen eiiinini; llirouli into one of the upper roonin imd it wart thought the house viu on lire but turm il other w ine, w e are glad Krum Th Ju'jiiil'iiciii. Y.. ( arppiiter, hsi . The People's Choice. ( lur eaiHlulato for Probate Judge, F. W . Carpenter, w ill, from present appearances, receive a unanimous vote for this honored position, which he has held for several years to the entire satisfaction of all patties. Republicans, Democrats, ( o. iht loni-ts. Prohibitionists, and ( n eiibaekers and all others, in cluding the women and children, none of whom appear to be willing to have any ot her candidate for this position, which is a mark of respect and token of confidence any man 'may well be proud of. It indicates' that ho lives in the conlidence ami 1 atVeetions of the people. All claim i him as their friend and well-wisher. I especially the poor who know they can go to him lor aid and comfort in the hour of distress. .Judge Carpenter is well qualified and adapted for the duties of this oflice which are numerous, intricate and difficult to discharge. In the management of Ids oflice, no one could have a more correct and honest record. Fverv dollar re- ceived since he has been in charge js norountod for with scrniiulons ; ,.are an,i ;l daily balance sheet is , at an times visible for the insiiec- i Hon of the nnhlio. which pivea the exact condition of his office, o office of the kind in the State lias a more correct and enviable record, which facta are ascertained by onr county finance committee, who have recently given this office a rigid examination. He is every day in the year, alike; kind, sym pathetic and obliging to a fault, correct in all his habits, and pos sessing the patience of Job, which is an indispensable virtue for one in this position to possess, as he has all manner of people to deal with. His rule is to treat all as he would like to be treated, and live as he may hope to die. Being the choice of all parties, all parties and factions can claim a victory in his election and can jointly celebrate the gratifying event. An American Army in 1777.- 1 1 ere is a picture of one of the men at Valley Forge: "His bare feet poop through his wornout shoes, his legs nearly- naked from the tat tered remains of an only pair of stockings, his brooches not enough to cover his nakedness, his shirt hanging in strings, his hair dis heveled, his face wan and thin, his look hungry, his whole appearance that of a man forsaken and ne glected." And the snow was fall ing! This was one of the privates. The officers were scarcely better off. One was wrapped "in a sort of dressing gown made of an old blanket or woolen bed cover.'' The uniforms were torn and ragged: the guns wore rusty; a few only had bayonets: the soldiers carried their powder in tin boxes and cow-horns The horses died of starvation, and the men harnessed themselves to trucks and sleds, hauling wood and provisions from storehouse to hut. At one time there was not a ration in camp. Washington seized the peril with a strong hand and compelled the people in the country about, who had been sidling to the British army at Philadelphia, to give up their stores to the patriots at Valley Forge. St. Aicltola. Short Courtship. The .1 ktiHxaic Trattllt r givi the following as one of the approved and simple forms of courtship among the negroes of Arkansas. A young negro meets a y oung woman in t he road, and say s, "Ily?" Siie leplies, lloyvdy?" and they pass on without lurthor words. Several day slater they meet again. Ily?" says ho. 1 1 owdy f " says she. W hut's vo' name'' Mis' May- Buck." "W'y. how yo' do, Sistah Buck? My name is .Mr. Muse Smith. Is y o' well .'" "Toloible. 1 thanks y er, Brudei Smith." Whar yei iesideiicm' at de prosen' ereasioii !'' ()boi on do .lories' plan'ation." W all, I'll drap obor dar some time an' see yor. Good by!" The next Sunday ho calls on Miss Buck. They greet each other cor dially, and alter a lew rambling remarks, Mr. Smith says, Book hoah! W'y doan'yo' git married?" 'Nobody won't halt mo." 'I h, ur, I knows bettah." ' 1-H' yer knoyved, whut made yor ax nn !" ' '.1 is' t el sec e I eralioiit it." Wall. I did." "1 Udn't." Did." "I klliiyvs Si, 1 1 Til'." y ol 1 1 tel t r 1 1 f body il.it " i 1 mair i Wh.u?" "Kir-ht lll'illl." ho, ii'sr '1 ". " ; ( Mi, itiit yo' looli.-hin'." "l'so i u ai nest.' ' lliiln' think, yo' wanted ino." Hut I does. Wliut yo' say .'" I'se ergrcealile." Not a roinantio di;iloe;no, Imt ihey ;iio in ai ried . 1 t'titli'.s Ciun jm n inn . float Fixctlleilt. 1. J. Avlains. Chief of Pulice. Ki,,.. y !.!. 'I'riin.. yvritos: "Mv family an i 1 ar.- 1,,-i.r li. -iarirs of y ou r ill. .-t i m .-il. in r .--.1 o a no. 1 r . Kind's New Ui-ci - very f.ir ci n -u ni,tu.n . having found it to be all ill. .t .-u can claim for it. desire to tos U!y t" its virtue. My fru-n.ls t., vh,.ni 1 haso reci.mnion.led it. .raise it at r , -ry ojipi .r tunity . " 1 'r. Kind's New lheuvery fur con-.-uiiii'tioii iri guaranteed to cure coughs, colds. brnnchitiD, asthma, croup, and every infection of throat, chest and luiitis. Trial bottles free at Hancock ' Hrcs. drug store. Large size Sl.'V. Mm al ( on! .1-.' ui L'i nT-Ihiy l.ifp. Have the courage to discharge a debt while you have the money in your pocket. Have the courage to do without that which yon do not need, how ever mach your eyes may covet it. Have the courage to speak your mind when it is necessary you should do so, and to hold your tongue w nen ir is prudent you sliould o so. Have the courage to -peak to a friend hi a "seedy" coat, even though you are in company with a rich one. and richly attired. Have the courage to own you are pooc, and thus disarm poverty of its sharpest sting. Have the courage to tell a man why you will not lend him your money. Have tin' courage to "cut" the mo.-t agreeable acquaintance you have, when you arc convinced that he lacks principle. "A friend should bear with a fiiend's in fit 'ini tios.'' but not with his vices. Have the coinage to woai old clothes until you can pay for new ones. Have the coinage to wear thick boots in winter, and insist upon your wife and daughters doing the same. Have the courage to u efer com -foi t and pioprioty lo fashion in all things. Have the courage to aekiiow ledge , . , 1 your Ignorance, latht-I than to seek j creitit lor know ledge under lalso pretences. Have the enur.ige tu provide an entertainment for your friends within your means not beyond it. Have the courage to take a good paper, and pay lor it annually in idvancc. 77o: Christ inn itness. (H)MM KKCIAL. JOL'k.N.M. IIFHi k. I 1,1 li l. f OoTTOS. jrW Y. dull. Sal, October, November id. 2C.- Finn,, s s of -1 .sun 1, :tl ,H . s.sy April. S.-'J May. s W June, ll 04 July. '. 1"J AllgUHt. ti 'J 1 September . I. mod i 0 HO '.CO 'J.fs 'J .-,('. December January, February, March. Spots easier! Middling 1) f-li I,,hv Middling Si! 4: Good Ordinnry M-IJ New Borne Market quiet. Salon of 220 bales at S :! s to K.fiO. I Middling: ?M: Iin- Middling s 1 u; iiooil Unlinary s l OO.Tl ICS C HI h K H I Skkh cotton S?2. fill. Cotton Skkd Si 0.00. TraPKNTiNK Hard. Si. 00. dip, tfl.T.t. Tar 7.5c. a$l. 25. OatS New, 35c. in bulk. CORN 5,,a60c. Rice 50aG0. Beeswax 15c. per 11, Beef On foot, 3c. to 5c. Country Hams- 10c. per II, Lard 10c. nor lh. Eqqs 15c. per aozen. FKESn Pokk 4iaBc. per pound. Peanuts 50c. per bunhnl. Fodder 75c. aSl. 00 perhnndred. Onions S2.00a2. 25 per barrel. Field Peas 65a70c. Hides Dry, 10c.; frreen 5c. AprLES Mattamuskeet, 25a40e. ; God freys, $1.10. Pears 75c. agl. 25 per bushel. Honey 35c. per gal. Tallow 5c. per lb. Cheese 14. Chickens Grown. 30a35c. ; 8urinK 2)a25c. Meal 70c. per bushel. Oats 50 cts. per bushel. TTJKNTP8 50c. per bushel. Irish Potatoes $2. 75 perbbl. Wool H'aloc. per pound. Pot vtoes Bahamas. 30c. : yams. 40c. West India. 50c: Harrison. 65o. SniNOLRS West India, dull and njm- inal;not wanted. Buildinc. 5 inch hearts, S3. 00; saps. $1.50 per M. WHOLESALE PRICES. New Muss Pork 810.00. Siioi i.pi-R Moat 7c. C H.'h. F. B s B.'b and L. C- -,: Flour f:;.00:iti. 00. Lard 7ic. by tlio tierce. Naii.3 Basin 10's, 82 50. Sua AR Granulated, (he Coffer 1 1 a 2c. Salt 80asr,c. per sack. Molasses and Syrcps--90;i4.'- Powder S5. 00. Shot Drop. Si. 75: buck. 22.00. Kerosf.ne 9c. BARGAINS IN Meat, Sugar, Soap. Molasses And Syrup At S. F. TEISER, Wholesale aad Retail Grocer, r,i:o.u sti:i;i:t. J. J. TOLSON, Wh i.nd Krtail L'oaler in Choice Groceries and Provisions, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes' r.i;- i.h sr ki.kt. NEW BERNE, N. C. t;uara!,l i-'.'l .!!' v d : if -- I . ,r, --, ntrd . THE BIGGEST THING OUT For C Ii i 1 1 s IS House's Ghill Syrup ! If v r u r 1 tru-'ri-L o Merchant due; solid to keen It BERRY'S DRUG STORE, j If Hoiisr s ' "hill Svnii. ( ii!- t-.. .-nr.- if s i 'hill Sy ill. I. are ad In rod lo v hack. ol l roc t loll vuiir no n n f'dii K'I i Tlie trade supplied by 1. Icriy, i .i i Ha -yn.. 1 1 r t l-iu- i , i . . k e io. i i , . . ; i ys M. I. I'A LM I K . I I l I 1 ,-T , i 1 ! , 'k , 11 1 I .,-: l : 1 1 : .1 II III I - i ll i ! 1 -. J ; . , r u r.-su , l ,-, i . n a Nl tieMTl !1V r,-.-..-:i!:n HO I lo.l.s an, I 1 .a ,-r :,- .i 'o' -.. , .1 R. " '!,. f.-r, Hni ur ,1. 'in 1 i .: k- I A. r M I --I I li. . ! . S I- s, 1 '. V .S ini f i . an the many lull Syrup fold, u n lioun.le.l s-at bi nd surpriso at its 1 1 y -. lit : ' I .... Not a bottles' Notion- fat Lion -rnoi.- cm ! 11-. ll- '1' bllt tllr 111. -I IS to ri -lilts 1: pn nut t-IK i:. i.EKkY. 'in ,'uyv v, Jin 1 'rut-'ci.-t. E. '.V, IvtHLl.V (.;;. GEO. SLOVEE Smallwood & Slover, DEALERS IN CfEXEItAL HARDWARE, TIX H 1 HE, ( ,'. .-1 o'.S T I '.4 RE, WO 1E.WARF.. CROCKERY. SASH. 1'OOcS. BUSDS. Of. ASS I .UXTS. OILS AXD ST0'ES, UNsrkl'ASSEII AS TO PRICE AUD QUALITY. IVIwWile Street, St Door to Central Hotel, NEW BERNE, N. C. "MOORE COUNTY GRIT" The best Milljtone in th World fr Table Meal. SrnpleH uf meal snt nn ftriiln'atiun. Send fur prices on I '.rt.lile Corn Milin, Upper and I'nder linunersa,nd Mill ht n-fl. We axe agents for KnstneH, HoiliTM, Saw MHU, Cotton (in, Planen, Shafting, I'ulleya, kr . s tu f .r It oiler-Mill Outfit which sa.ve 50 to 75eonta f r the miller in every barrel of Hear he makes. Write gtatmjr v hat you want and term on ish to bur on. Cnr rel-ren.-.' Address. North ( nroliiia Mill Hlune C o., l'nrkt:w.Hl, Mrv C-, N. (J. For Constable. i lu r, ', .inline,. .. iiivm-ii a cHiMii, Into for (.,,-t;,l.!.- .! 1 i.wi sl.i . Nun, I, or 'J loco, Cr.'i-.-!l l.',,lllil :u., I il , I,-, I, ,I J.lrilKO lliyRClf t , x. ,-uii. ilio ilnii.,.f 1 he nrlic-ifiirlessly :oi,l 1 1 1 , j , I r 1 1 TI ! I V . I 1 1 , li I; t ho 1, , !f f, if T hoi I I list Huilrnt;, s nii.l ' nili.l.-iit ly i,sk for their M , , -ort iiihi n . KeKu-rlfullv. jv.-J w::in M. 1'. WALKING. TTITANTKH a r.w. on, i.-, ii- mini, to rep if i, -srut nn. . ., pi-1 nion i li , anil f- pensofl' u..,1hsiiiiiI, o rv .,ne I.uk: out tit ami i.ar- tii-ularh free. i STAN l. Kl SII.V KKWA RE CO., Boston, LA HI K.s want, il lo cot up Tea Clubs for our I'ure Ti an ami Ci.rli i-H. A host of useful in titles to K, u-ot irom as ni-enil n ms. Sonil for llliislraleil price and fieiimnn List. Special Offer: to every tenfli rrmn that answers this n,l ei liseiiient., we will setnl free one I o ml of ohoire lea A.hlress N'A'I I, TK A A Cut-l ia: ri .. liosTox, Mask. noSidwf.iu F. G. SIMMONS, ( 0TTOX BROKER. iiiiiiinii'iit- Sol iei t ol hi: v a s on s. . t , .f i , r, ,ii I ti. I i., ni A Co.'H SI re.-t t u , Hun 1; ". I'l'. ll,).t 1 Ir 1,1 I, ,11 i; i n to the Kale of so 1,2 ilw.'iin C'otlon an,l ,,; h, r l'ro,!ure. New "iillinery. 1 A M fCKCKIVI N; 1 LARGE and VARIED STOCK OK 1W1.K AND WINTER Millinery and Fancy Gocds, fi: at u Kits, i:u., i:t. AlH-MhP I.ATKST STYKS of Hnts and Kon lit'ta irom iNcw York iiml ilaliimore. ami have a lurre assort nn-ni of Novelties, Zeph- is. saxony, fioniiunlumi, Kelt and Kelt Trim mint, which 1 Kt leeteil personally (ac companied hy Mis Dewey i, htkI ara ready to show my IriendH and cuhtoiners, and am eofifldent 1 can jri ve aat tsfact ion s lo iiualHy and prie I'n ss nt himinesfl will prcvoit mc huvln an opening day. Mrs. C. M. V. F0LLETT, SuooesKiir to noli ,K Ini Mrs. MlKV it. Itnyi KY. 5 TON WAGON SCALES, Iron LTrS, Rtrl Berinr, Brut Tare Beam aoj Beam lloi. and JONtCS be p5i tbaf reight for fre Price List mention th panf r aod dJrea. JONES OF IIMH AMTtR, aa, n, K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, ISA (id IN (I AM) TIKS, Kto. Consijnnionl.s of drain. Col ton and other Produce solicited. Prompt Attention (Jim rantopil. N. W. dr. South Front and MiddleSte. n i.w i:i:itsi', n. c. , ,lw if I II. OUTLET HARDWARE, SASH, IVOOliS, RMNDS, A nil 15 o i lil i ii - Iateri:l ot all Ivin ils. EXCuLSIOR COOK AND HEATINB STOVES, And a Full lane of House Furnishing Goods A.t Hottom l'rioes. 26 MIDDLE STREET, GEORGE ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN General Hardware A ;i'i'iil t ii r;il 1 in I o in o n t s. Clows. Harrows, Cultivator, linos anil Axes, Wood's Mowers and Ke;ieas, Steam Clieri lies. Cotton ;iis mill Presses, l-Vrtilizers. l.anil Piaster, Kainit ftloolianios TooN ami Hardware, l.iino. I5rik, Coinont. Plaster Hair, Paint, K alsom i no, Var nish, Oil, (Jlass, Putty and Hair. I'ii'i'7crs, IJeliiyeratoi s. Oil Cook Stoos, Kiireka IJurrlar Prool'Sasli I. cfk.fi, warranted to ie security and satisfaction. PlilCCS VEIIV LOW. a:o. ALLKN A: CO. old ixiiric?s Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE ew York, ISaltinaore, Nor folk, liostni,, I'lizaln lli City, f li i I ad ei ( ii ia, Iro ideuce, and other Cdties. ()N AND AFTKU Mondav, January 11th, 1886, C N 1' i L y l' K T II E U N UT ICE Steamer Shenandoah HftVP. Upon MTll :il -ru Ki.ilr.A.1 i hi of train on Norfolk i.iiblli I'lty. every 71 O N l A V A !H I TIH'HSDAY H-riif Hliiru li.-t li C'l'o '' ry i, UmesNeii Heme Tl'KSDAY AMD FKIDAT i-.aliiiic i :, s,- I'laiu.-ol ajn w nh Nor ii : lu-rn K. II. fur NerttiiTii clt,i. , .1 1 n 1 1 nn made at New Itfrni will) ... f,.r Kmsion, T'uilrk-iille. Trpnton oil laiiduiirP on the Nellie and Trent '-. No freirh!8 reoMiv..,! f,,r shipment on I nn,l Ki i,l?i v( nf irr ;0 .j j, m ili r f.-i war.l.-d promptly ;iii,l low.t,t rates , : .-,1 i ,n- : i it '. . ,i, . It. HOIIKKTS Att't, New Itarne, ;.l Kl'l'KU & Tl 1INEH, At If . Norfolk, V. II . Stan rouD. ilcti ! Fr'i A't, New York Olty I. ' . Tn. Ki K NEW STORE ! New Goods!! WM, SULTAN Has just returned from the Northern Markets, where he purchased a VERY LARGE STOCK Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everj thing usually kept in a Firat- Claas Dry (JoodB Store, and he is deter mined to Sell Them Lower Than Ever. Ha will give Wgh Prices the Worst Sliakinf titty civr liad. Look at some of our loaders: A Good fin t ton Shoe $ 00 Ladies and Misses Jerseys 0 A Good Tie..: 20 A Good White Shirt .. -40 Men's and Boys' Hats at .25 Boy's Suits as low as 8.25 AIbo a nice assortment of Children's Woollen Hoods and Sacks very low; Carpets and Oil Cloth; Trunks and Val ises; a nice assortment of Shawls and Blankets and Buggy Robes. All we ask is to call and examine oar -stock before purchasing elsewhere and ' we will pave you money. Don 't forget the place, Bisio, Knilrtingr, Opposite liap tist Church. Wm. SULTAN Jas. A. Thomas, Salesman. o7dw INVEST ONE CENT Kor a I'oKial l ard and send fora Free 8m l'l''.l'i.py of THK UKTROIT KKEE PBKHB, and a liataliigue of tbelr great Premium and Combination Offers. A rare chance to Beear an nhmiiliinee of the el, nicest reading- matter f, r a y ory 1 1 1 tie money. THK tVEKKI.Y UKTIIOIT FRKE PRE8P. I UK IlKKAT ItOtraR WlKKLT. V -Jv. Le M.i.l Ito-.uialile, Vivacious and Original - r Newspapers. rlfinnlno wit. Pure Humor, Bntertalalng SketrheR, Anecdote, Poetry, Travel, Ro mance ana Literary jessaya oi tne ,a nignest oraer, Dy wrera oi Uenlnsand KenowB. Kcou ii and Admired wherever t be English l.nnRUiige lo Spoken. Mailed lo any aildroBS In IKe United BtatM and Canada for ONK DOLLAR A YEAR. Don't Fail to Send for & SMPLE-COPV Free Press Co., Detroit, iCicfe ft - -1--"- - For HardTimes.f . . . . . .a T- 5hb Daily oukau . DEfAORESVSirk y ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY ' . r; MAGAZINE With Twelve Cut Pipar PttorM f yoar tm4 I . . olection and of oy six. . -o Both publications, One Yeas, FOB . . -v $6.50 (Six Fifty). f flWOREST'S f ' U THE BBS l l Of all the Magazines. '. -rONTAININQ IMoriet, Pom nd hr Clterarl attraetiop, cembining Artistio, SdcatM M4 Household metiers. j Illustrated with Original 8Uet Xn0rw inf. Photogravures, OU nture fine WooArnUt, making it tfceJKoeM JHaynzine of America, 1'' Each Mojrazino contains a COtrPOft ORDEH, entitling tho holder to the selection ot , ANY PATTEHf? Illustrated In that number U . and in ANT 8IZR. DEMO UEST3 MONTHLY ia Justly entitle tho World's Model Magazine. Tbe Lanrest 1 Form, the LarR-est in Circulation, and the beet TWO Dollar Family Mojrazine issued. 188D wlU -t be the Twenty second year of Its publication ; it is continually improved and so extensively i ts to place it in tho front rank of Family feriodioals and equal to any magazine. It coutuins TU pajros, large quarto, 8JW lEM Inches. . floR-rtntlj printed and fully illustrated. Pub lished by W. Jennlnfcfi Demarest, New Tork, NO "f SPECIAL AGREEMENT COMBINED t WII H THE DAILY JOURNAL at $6.5(1 Per Tea? SOS Mercliauts, Bankers and Manufacturer! should read B R A DSTREET'S, A LH1.1.T JOURSAL OS- Tride, Finance and Public Economy. s.i.ieii, I'rtea Kvcry Saturday. Twenty Images. Sometimes T onty-ri four fages. IN K DOLLAKS A YEAR. THE BRADSTREET COMPANY, HiwinoBH liBlalilislicd 1KIII Incorporated 137. Cnpitnl and Surplus f 1, 400,000. Kswulive orlicea. i!79, 281, 283 Broadway, New York. Meivliiiiits, Hankers, Manufactnre uid niiieis : Ukak isiRs In aildltien to our Mercantile Airt-pcy KeiioilH we are now publishing s, weekly roinuierclal and finiinclal newspspsr in mu- nnme of 'BRADSTREETS." Reiaiim hnsiness men, particularly mer cluiiitH, liankers and manufacturers, ltdoes in. 1 ,1,-ai wiih credits or furnish ratines, but reports, re le'vs and discusses those matters. .ImueKillr anil foreign, that have any bearing upon I lie business ol this oountry. Keportlng ihe iTops in detail, investigating numerous in, I us 1 1 ieH. criticizing various Investment se en, at los and reviewing the markets syrssps real nits, while the tariff, monetary, I ih nsMirtaiiuu. legal, bankruptcy, partner ship and liundreds of other topics are ably tn nl,-, I, not ii, the (merest of polltleal parties or ueouraphical sections, but in the best ln- ei esi of in e business men of the whole coun- r.v. i t Is emphatically the business man's news paper. vy e solicit your subscrlDtlon for one v ear at live dnlliirs. Very truly yours. THE bKAUSTRKKT V IMPAST, SI BSCKIBK NOW FOR JUiADSTEEET?S. The Southern Cultivator AND DIXIE FARMER. 4tth TfcAR, Ttt e Grent Farm, Indtistrial and Stock I'eriodical of the South. it embraces In Its constituency the Intelli gent, progrestiive and substantially suceeas- iiu lariners or tills section, ana as an aover rising medium for the Merchant, Mann facto rer. stitck Kaiser and Professional Man, is aksoi.utki.'y rNKQrAia.itn. Mpace judiciously employed In Its column Ih always renmnei-ative. Advertisements, per line, 80 Subscription, per annum, fl.5U. Address, CULTIVATOR 1'tJB. CO., P. O. Prawer 8. ATLANTA, OA. New Berne Weekly Journal and Cultl vator one year In advance, 99, TS api dwtf v 5 - f ' '" ' - " o --feu '

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