i ?'..v '' -"4"' ' ' -t k -k.' Proprlr lei r . INDKl'I'XDKXT I "NT ALL THIXCiSv Terms $2.00 Per Teara K H 1 iHriH, VOL. IX. mkknk. ckaykx county, n. c.. no "kmher l ism;. NO 31. Setoff I OOBundles of Delta 4Hook Cotton Ties. rt H 3 u O o 3 3 rr DO CD t-l . r? S3 O to J FOR 7,500 Bales of Cotton. 5 S O C3 o Px cd O p -rO JO i-i o o OWIODV8 uouoo jo SPA 000 09 George ash, "THE CLOTHIER, Opens the Fall Season of 188G with The Finest Stock of Clothing Ever Exhibited EV and respectfully invites the inspection of "buyers. "Tk"gSraeo ta ire ma i-' .-f th-- 'wo: - a4 fa est Corkcrews tn iii r- ar. j : .-..- i - t And are Unsur.-'ssed 10 ax SHk Pique Block Diagonal j - v ; ."1-.; Tll'tfATS w hea mot eorr.r'.f :? -ik i -.ir. as-kt:.. r.:.i..:.- ;.''. XOBSIfQublVwk ia StifT good ud tie lato?t i-;Ci- - oft hats ' 'Onli-Stbck Of NECKWEAR contain- r.-v-:-.-s. O-tr ,i:.- r)iiJcT'f Large Tecks" "ui eTening ti-t tr. 1 tir'u ' '. r- tr- 'h'- r - ry . '-. . UliMt mA nry airdrome and genteel. "XFiiil Line of GENTS' UNDERWEAR, whit-. . r,- i r.i v .frtripeit tery low figure. .0xtr'ClMBL'8 HAIR UNDERSUITS re .r.-.-:: iii:., . rtr- : ticwiariy well adapted for our cltmite. , ---JA Big BtOCk 01 LAUlJiS AND (rL is bHU-tS -it t. r-t Vr4uvti ceunuv xc i fully tiik every pair. -,' . J QPtlV OfdiaarV I are c took ( " -V-Boot, that will b told at ajtoni 0.-ODr Boot-" ones: Fresh ( ibie'Buid ewod, u jnit the J . VT "Alio, full line of Dress Goods, Domestics, Shawls, Umbrellas and Notions, &c. . VVi A Specialty Made of Boys' and Youth's Clothing. "" -. . . -.- 0Trtie nrr tn s. c-or lance t- T tk it. i i. ! i-- ' meet fastidious, have ilso cite:-. i- '-. V e&as. " i " riWfull worth -f tour titic-'v :': i '.. it. ti.i ': - Stock call at . .1 - GEORGE ASH S, M. : r. w .ti. it. v ty I have no couzc liMMIN(,S & GRAY. At Ibeir TWO Stores, Queen St., Kinston, N. C, ir'AYE just rrncn ask.!' an; cor in :::: nii: .Best and Cheapest Stock of Goods Ever . . Brought to this Market. Directed onlv by ti iw ' - .' -" wa flr you Dry Goods, Notions. Boots. Shins, Hats an-i Caps. Clotk " lug, Wllltc Goods. Hinlwatt, tihissw .iti , Tir. imi ; Queent ware, Trunks, V ai: t C oil- . Su-km. - Floor. V01 k, Suit- Mt at. Sy:u;. Molasses. Toleiuo .'-:i'i Snuil', AT WHOl.KsAI.K ANI i ; I . i ' . 1 I . You receive .1 i a: - . - - for Ba4urc, do'.'.ir :' r i h i.-, c Come ami Sc- m.'i ic r M.'1d . Kinston, N. . Sp. J". - THE PRICES TELL ! The Quality Sells! Th03" hc . IT . . - r . - -i i . again. Tb--v i . a -. T ' -bovght for th m :'. it. : . That is we w wool nit i' ft "". - . price for a - r t We h avc i a . - - . :. ' -s . - It, Y i- ': i " -.-'.. We arc i --p. ' '. " ' " J .1 9 . Mt JUS 3 . CO Sh"c -received in lot:., iia.. an . 1 ihr Stacv Adams tS. C o. 1'itu su m ss market, n - war-ar.' : (hr S to-- i i- i"-": : 11 at at h '. ! i". : ' - ' - We bav a nice .. .v :" ' -. - t-. . - ' ! . leu sad 1 r-n Mi ll - "Our S -- -.i ... : . "- - - ad good v ,,n-.i' i,h, 1 :('." - ' - ' ' 1 ' $'e Fr 'h S'c--it '!'.-- M - Linen I .iin ir. : i Trunk J, Val.s ,T .- - i Ctfut, n-3.-. ' 1 . i . . Uarptt mau . .ui a-. : ..:.-:. Be nre and see us if in nee,', ut authin in uur nm O QC t- - O o in any One Store 15 lw i i'Up in 1 r. ii- in Fir ala! Mic-ud - . r, vert C'i V.fk.r. HOWARD & JONES. ,rtli tar.dina in War and In Peace C.'htnb rate ..riiiv r.. u. II lit 1 I J ;is :- prop!,- :;i-i- !'i-"i:i ; ; i- re- - vi l! .- . ; ; .;. -r,l k .i it . i r r i i ' i 1 'i -' l 'I a -I- 1': . i -i. : - , a . I. tl I-I 1 ' I i i- ; i ii , Is ;.. - ,.; a: l ::;.iu-:r . : a ' . . : . : 1 : 1 1 -: . : ' i ' ; - -: i -. f 1 1 ' : i i :. ir '. Mu- tin ; v-r- - -' i . i . i . ! . l : it. . ; . ' . i , e .i ixtovv .Ii :. ' ... : w . -. ,x : -. rut : r : i ui; t- : .. :..t.i.: ' " ' loi r - : :. i :. i . : :: ': : I. e ;ui ': r - , ; - r, kk tin ki .r.i il .i,l .,- ,. i I,..,- i,i,1 r I,.. ailnVik as l.itich respect willing to sti . .1 Y ! ti li it . fur I-ki-r. r ' r It t fit ''crt.li III .llll 1 l.rl . ar.l riei ' : ic.l I hltlliclll-- oil ,l!i I I : . 1 V 1 ur 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 no , i . a! ' i I. ' ., k, 1'- tit-p.irt ,i,is a greater Ik . a t 1 ' - . : .- ' i . a :: a :. ii'iir; In : h e i -o t: n : r V . lh-..!e an exin-rimcn; ;at:on hilly r,iu,pp.-.i ai.,1 adiii.r.i'thv coiiiiucleit atol 'hi- iv.h : In- -t-conil State in 'he I ; ... it. t , , i t a kk - ii i . lit it ha.- a nik-r .k. . t fjira: ah.r. w hlch is i -. . t. ' ; -. i : t h . :ii lit :ik' i -, , :. t : i i 1 : 1 1 : i ' : , ;r,.:.. ah ; ir:.-. t:,,l in t.;nr w hi cun ta.ii c k. .ll -oilier r ti I id 1 lir 11 .itu r vealtii to of kilitnl II) every ; . .he ooinitit-.s ot tins i'" it, it , ' ii ,v i i Kecrii'!'. it !ia tn'f mi "pi: i .-us i ki aii c x pi r ; iii t- ii : farm a Ivn n.hes Iruiii th,.- ik'.v, the .:; -,- .-.--kic t" ti-st -iiih plants a- ire .,:.'!). Ii I, err. t'kl that iiavc :.,.,-:, :.:.,,-:, vilkuhh' .-!s,-w titTf, 'na" tkt-rrkv ai'. l-.'ioiis niav bf rikiile to '; van, -: nt fann pro- , ike'-. i t;,--A ca-ii or l.-'iiainl ...raff cik ( ciktiva:,-.!. Tn,- . tr;-, i r t ii. i-nt h.w also inven- t!gkiU'.l 'In- coa'. liehls am! tin- phos phtiti- .itt.l marl bt-.l.s ,1 tin- State, ami ins -itown bevoml iIou!t that jcho-iM comn,ercia"l tertili.i-r.s ,.Ver return to the lnli pnefw which once prevailed, there are materials here for their production in such great .jtiau'itics that thtit branch ai tiniti-trv ,-ati U- c -tabii-lu-il with K-reat pn tit to alt concerned. Iu aiiditi, 11 tu ail tlits work, it lias d.-'t k k.-r.i jra-ii:'oii-: am.. np the ,...;'.. ,;. a , " ink.itnatiun ri-s;'f. - it; ; . ta'- i. -kh.the ci; k -. a' 1 , k. I t.-'-.n ,- . .it. I :) ::.r :. - - : r , ; : : 1 1 . :. ". : ' .'. : - : - : o k .ell, u ij akd a I' .. . - u' I- 1; i ; ::.!::. -1 an ! w -e tr. : :. 1 ' .- t ::. f orm a' k :: : I'lopS. kit'!', .li-- respVe; :np .-- .-' i- the 11, 1 k.-ral -. ' , 1 1 . . 1 : 1 ' i . U-elki ak rnatlletlt.ll wur-l- .Hid 'lit- ;:. r I ., . k a . 1.1 oars.- t :. i" .1 '. 1; :. 1 k. -h e. 1 a Ik i Ik i;::t.l. In Is .,11.1 ; (, r-'ab- .1:1 ui -. !.-,-, ' h S'a'f as uu'.'r'1,,"--- p . - . :, '- V"1 - .. ."i d ...-'. . ' I - ; s , , ; ; ; - , . '' :' r I U.Urh ' t : , S ( ! N.-r:i y ir"!.: the entire k.a'. 1 i.-- A i ' i t - it . - ' I- - I . 1 V . . " i . ' I - l lik-kr.. ". W k. r .I-I I - I pah.V -.a as S.yatieU L'll. KI-tI rii'ily A ppl i-d to N a i ur ;i T I :i A iiclit Damnl t In- I '- i. i - "-" 'P'of ' ''""nin M-ientilii' ui'i'ul a well a- alio n;i vi ir r- h i-rnvinr' an.', t.ri. i n c; I In- I '! I -1 1 ( ' h .hi i , '. i i. -.i i I , , i ak.i I " ,: ,.. I'll.- A A-I.c:- .o i '. :i. 1 : i i : i . - I : i I -. : i , . ' . : i . -. : i . . . it,.; t .ill - ' 1 1 : -1 ' ' r I i ' : : -.1 :i :o tin-. -. ,- -a . lT " - x ! i . ' ' i r s in. ! ' ' . i -, , : : ' '. ' 1 r to : : -. i.i : r ; ii t:i :' ; : : -. - : II. : i a I i..,it ,i . : i - i . . : : ' 1 'a ii ti i ir i-.mal, ; 1 1 1 1 i in ,e i ti -an limir aa:tit a .11 -uti-:.' ' ! ' u v"' K'1 " - w 1 ' h tn- .i::i. I ' i r.i: in-r a,i.nr . ot;i n a ' : i 'ii ,i I r ; 1 1 1- t ha; t lu i- m;-i. .-t;!) iiienl .we in-iii in.p-.i- in l.uii..i ; us! i-,n i ul , ti: n i r.i . 1; i- I jii o; e. ;i!m that i a-1 I ei ! ; t, ' a ; r a ' i ! lull. W i h:i- iii 1 1 -! i ! i 1 1 c i.i'i.'i 'Mi: , . n u i ; h t , i - ( )! i V," , i , i ; n -train ,.r ii.h tfC.i: iin. .ik.i : , .r;ra: i:;: 1 r le . hi hi . ' main: :u I y . a :i 1 I r "US a i; : r.i : i- nt i a n 1 1 ' r 1 1 ; i -1 i w!,i wo-hii in AllHTiC.it:- 1 here IS In 1 111 tunl 1 atr jk, pert rt -team br:ii' -in .fi sn In I . as rin-tr:i-!'. , k -i, a ,r ; - I n i i-i..- ;iy. I ii ;.- t the ; rum uc v, electrical railw ay liiruinot ion Th it i' .ire tflfctnc.il tuotors in uc tuai vr-.moii in Vietma. II, -rim. 1 'irl!-' mrouio. t,u, ,i uaM- com moif than il tiit- wfif inn b "'ani. tt 1 1 1 , elfctiic.il poi-r wtililil t if acct'litfu. even 11 .1 tllke niorr cosily. I)ecau-r of its unci' Ifs-ne-?. anil tin- -luaii an. ;;;,' o! room it wuiihl takr ri'Ui'paieii w.th t tit' Cll III liroll- .-ream h h'i i III i il 1 V i . I)' iiov.-i Mnntii '. Sin Kutal f it-ci natieii. Viirii oiicf a m.u. iia- iluiic a i fiiK miug it na- an .iw . in poari 1)1 llttracttUtf 111 til aini Inak.Iig In til huni'r to l it again. Kvery il tht I '" may. iniire.i. tor a no - nti'iit crcatf in tnc a reviil-irii , t ''"iisikriii'tk lull. .-; ia ng'rr than tn.it rt-vtih-ioti ol c. m -ctt-m-r. i: .-x.-tr.-. -l lascnia; ton over me whi, :, ' s bant to resist . If :s i4 gMea-,ir.:I ft-'cr to tind -i man tli it ha- ih-mt ' do,1 ; wroiij: tun: than to tiiol a ' man that has only ilonc it mice, 1 11 :he wa" 01 tl'i dyke is snninl it wl11 ket'p t'1-' watt-runt, bn; il there 18 tQt' tiniest hole in it. it will all come iu. So the- evil that you do. averts its power over uti It ha.. a tierce, lonpme; desire alter ymi. and it pets yon in its clutchfs. lie ware of t he !i r-- r k -. t r. s . "o a:,- l;v.!,-. ms step t.ii.-n w..i niakf ii." r. k. -''''III to I nco 11, e kn f.--a: . 1 k . ti r.-' iituii w :ii ia- ,.;i-. ' . "'f-K' 1 1 -ll ,i . ,111.1 . .if sr, a .1 shuikiT ;;itr:ul. by a k.orr tupi'ii- thirii. kiith. tin- drups ueiiki.e .1 sliowi-r, ami tin- -ii -n-r berumr- a ue.ar. i n .- i u i : i ,-r i ' i no 11 -of. a. u. ).. a .i.iu ...... r U"U. I'l.c lit '.if .h-s '-' : w itii'.ow . a:;d op.-:; : '.-, ;: :. fur '.i-f i'-p in ,.:-.- :k- : s : 1 1 u . ' 1 1 - tin- p it ii lor i in- Th.- E; :se.pil Cc-.v-. t. 1 ' ' - 1; :;v.;;r;:' t n , '. n.,k.:. i.t I :::. . -; ..:.!!.; mi irti.o. ,n l : : -. : mi:i:,i:,T , :i ,an- is re p. r : , : llleste II Uas me 1 e , , t . -, , i . ' ; 1 :.:.r : . ;ir; i u .1- - r-:- rr 'H', n: n i i n tlie h--rv.ir. i in tli i - n : t c : , ; , ; i '" r'- u ' !-1 1 he res, . t : . 1. 1 1 1 . e I l ops nam:nK- Sk--i i.e-k ak j ai rn.mei.t was n :. , i .ill.l a j ,i I, t - a:: IU k '. '. was :,; ;., ,:.-.,- i t ' t.-k'.t at. i : , e e : e . . : a d a '" -. '1 h - ii-rnt til-:: : -i : --rat i n :' t ..::.-:.. . ::-i : r.k ..- i. : u f .-on -in-: c n id--- : i r - - -'It I lit- kuic to- , in: niiii.-: 1- r. t 1 en 1 1 . - -' 1 1 A,, tn.c. ; att a :. : , ;.s i :.k."r'--s .. ,,s n ,; , : .. . I! the ubj.-ct. I. ui...... ii wi tut reui.r.e , i.ar'es :: mk-i-i r.: t - t. it- -a :. i o. i . : ' ' " l ie , ii :. ..:i.k- n u , 1 1 r k a e r , -e - , ; r .,, - il ur ' it ci- i. at n 1 ne :.-: k r.k t ; i iv at t.'.c J -un..,l ih II ,U' ( -I i ii lt and Stin Ui' Sm it l'ntii-tin-. i- :; . f h n . 1 1-1 1 1 1 1 mi W I -m i Mi n n. i K i ; ! 1 1- .. injj sT.itfiiM-nt: "1 ; .i - - .- .i 1 hi . i n -h'' pi ii .i -e- i . i i v . k -f t In. in .i-i l. i-: I . ii :i il : u : :. ' i ; k , i i ; fi 1 1 o . ; n i i k . . : ' . ! i . . ;.i - .iii- l ! i '- I-. 1 U r - i . i : ' - -a . i : ; . .- ,i . pl.lrr. 1 1 . ! ' -' ' I 1 1 ; --a . i : . i -1 Ml . .1. Ik W ah n r. Tra-. '; . - lit .iinl -' -. i ; n r i i . . .. -: -I ; 1 1 . i. k : ti,- . i . - : - ; . . ' i . ti.ftn . ik,i 'k.tik ' ii i.r ; ... 1 1 .: i : ti lb Ik 1 e.i-. .No tll.lt A . ' . i I . , r t W a : ' r' -.. I I r ak la. htr a ' ' I'll' u'il: or j. r a; i- ; ti ; ,r.v . : i. 1; car' h owr t , i tti -r ci i. r 1, nk r r I tip a . ' 1 1 1 - "'."I'O n i " r I rii rl. In Pel - ci kl.'r I , Ulii.i till' V ar 1 rum ; ek : u : n eh. r i Helic al ca-i - riiti'i Willi il; y r ai ; h. I do1..,- 11 k i , , , -. , u'li,, u- int -Mill. . .. . or Irkvr- uiiiitT pu'.atue-: 1 want th. ti, ui; ti:r ptuliliil. wlir'.f t In K , plump aiol soiikk. anii 1 , " k . 1 1 : r. kn 1 1 "-t hi ! a. : ...: I- ;- no: j rob.,!.:. W a '. 1 a ee ,itt.iche ai.y in. ' , : In- .-:pj," of the niouii. ' in- kill tifMiti" in )."o---: . : ,:.;. ,i 1 ; a 1 t . 11. il: tint pot I bit: , her. his i 1 lk , I r II I , k : , 1 1 .ut t skuk.d he ' k an ice. uf tlllu'.V Up til.' w.iti-r w.l'i i.ik -'atol 1 '1 o r : hr j .ol a ; ur- 1 ,11 - . : : 1 1 1 k . k ; -r : up c , -: : 1 k 11, a ; r : . .. i .1: , -ii k il - P : ra, ! su 111 f 1 I I ki top, a k il 1 cik k 1: p :,. ; :.: mi !: d,p to le-hi thftn s'aml iti.it U"a :i . till -in- "father beplli-s to pet cool; .1 ... . tm-ii coinii:cni-f 10 cm cr nee pel . W'lie ii the vi eathcr becomes very iiey -tiiklhl lie covered with t lie ile of !i ut' at lea-t t iveh c but :u '.vainn-i d ll.ivr a llt'lr .1! '. e.,sr- h : r IV r ..rrpikk i Ik- dun.... ';. ; t -a ; ;, p ; i . ' i , , r r . a hi i I"! a -. ep: t: on, ,-.ir tit ra: kn k r'a -pa pi r I a-, is . '. i k J k i a : 1 1 , r .-! u k s ;: i i . r : : i -e i ; i, i ; i -. 1 M- 1 -. ric Espr.-s Robbery. Vt. The Adams Ex- T- . .r a: N.. :: th- : ru Road. , I i,i-:,t. w . '1 1,1 1'ii.oseiiKtr train I .-... and San Francis- n :.-lt tin city at s;05 i t.l-.i ..f about .".0.'iX i i 1'. : M . Ac-cord- , ; tr.e i x ii-- i- ti.- t -.- v i r i 1. ft this .' i. :!:.. : i t:m 1 -.: l I'-rvhuns. th.. t 1 iff.er I ' ; i r i r .: f ; : ' 1 . 1 i ! .- ' t ik. i.t .--t I. .. :r,-tt l.a.l dt T. th." route .-m l that Mr ; t t. -i -h hi:: A B: ti : a: I ri -. '' ' ' ' ke-r- .--'ak-. i ,, . v1".. 1 .;; L : :": u:-' -- ' '" -!''. ' v -' ' - n-':.'--:"'.v : :;:-!-; na- hrrk ,k ., ,! M I . .:'.-. '-. .. I'a'L : : ,1 ;: , in ::: x' : : - - '- , k tune t - 1 1 I '' " ' ' - - . I ' at, : . i ' I ( : 1 1 . 1 1 . . - r u r i i .' - 1 ! ... ... k - - -: :' i ti . r - 1 1 . 1 1 i i i 1 k i r 1 1 -,.-i,.v -;:: : . : - , k i : r with a j,,,-.,-,.,.- a- : r -, i -., .,- : ).,- r- at : in- in ,,i. i ; .' . ' . : ;.r - - i- ;n:r :- a: "tk . it . . : : i: a f,-w -.1,1 ai.. . Ik i.r ' : ' - - ' ' - th shape ';'''- ;"" - :'.. ! aVh- rwi- ' ;1 i- ..t y .-. .- tk- -- w-.T- t .o t :,r iiih tl.i'i.n. h-.-ivy : - : t . . .rry. an 1 ,h ! r.rt .I. . 1-1 ..I l.-.i-t ii-ti;i i ii : t- nt-. if til-, c 'hi. I. - ri, ,, link h-.. v r (.. t - k . :; am am-, and . u a ki ,1... i ' ' --' -,: '-;V"- :x' t - wli. ti w l- r. :, ; 1 - a-v .. t:,- tram '' ": nl '' '" - i -i-k k nt 11, .- i:k uhk-- r :;::dm rr "1- rut . t :-::r ;.: i, r: i-i .o - ..vri-loi:;- . I. tl 1 h l.r III I I r . in : ti.-- .tiin-'i-r of - s-: ;: ; : j ; r- k t : . r . . , . - i n w-.- ii t,, h.h rs. i ah iveupor. r- bkert.r-t ; ; i at on r frvra the The mis- il 1 .: ip-th- i :t as r that the If. rt- t i : ' -r "pen ui-i : - i..: r :t.k I n. t C' n t-r ai tl : -.tu as ay re- Tie- h uts i r t A try an.l t,n : h in:, reed--. 1 , n it- v I -' t'-i- -!::- th- r- f -re ; r i.rno 1 ;n this . vk "ii Us re n t r . ; :gln ti , ii.itiii- 1 iai e 1 y -US .1 t the rum- pan v an I v tll,-. . hsm - .me i h;e-r wa- weiktiis - a 111 dark t. llethinks a- he ,-eem- one on the 't her i-;h:im . 1 vears old. Mi Ul - Ut - p nin t . tii.i,.:.c '. fr. .nt phk I 1 tn k' t tie- IIle.-- I.e. r. Is .it: i l.v, - ;:. ; ( ie: ut 1 t ! M e He has A, lams Ei- !'-:. ,n ::,,- , n. pr, -- lk mp-.nv f. r , at four vears. k , f the express tn- rikham s rec- -i; - - r 1 n t 1 . h ::: 1 1 c 11. 1 .ny . -a - tn t he 1 e.t . When asked mm was. Mr. Damsel -. i ' :.e up town with : -ut-- :.k- ut. and an- :i tee rn -. t; h --r in w inch r r' 1 i , li- n t ii.i-ii; 1 pr.-siimtd 1 t ; . 1 u . I : . a; ci. w ,- an , ill. -r 1 t the . 1 dins- 1 iv . ni l make : o k.i.trii,,-!.; 1 1, i 1 1 ai..-: r , r cot.tra.iic t tv . f thi- the, i v. Mr. D im-el - ii i he c -uhl l,.'t -I iti- t:.-- ,- 1 a::i .ink -.-'. en. t-ut it waj a:-, ut .-"" i- It is refctaiueu as s-.ncuiar t'r.at tin robber Ki've tlie name ul Jim C'um- mms. tin- only men. her 1 f ebrate-i J .n-.es Kans- !,, , .11 -e ''el is r.t-vi-r "-en act . unt I or. 1 nil! KH V s ft, 'in tr-.- .- . it 1 v a t. d I ti: P Death of Mrs. A. T. St-vart. New Vouk. Oct. 2 j. S;rip;-ed of the . great fortune K-ft her bv htr hurbund. Mrs. A. T. Stewan. wbo'died thU n.,.rU. j in,., was nut a remarkable woman and i thuUKh the pussesa-.r of million?, she was not a wuruan to be envu-d. since 1., r l.u-t ,a IV .ieuti. -i.r ha 1 : vt ; ..; i- turv ir. l-.,-r s i.mi--r. Her I-. t..;y lid- - m hi -r 1-;h avtm:e marb!-i u.o - 'i,i sc.irt iy li.ive bei-nahippy i i.e. S..- 'it i i. it tifture in i.cielv. lit ier name jromi: it in tiie ben uient i-C :: : th .tib-h her private benefac- t. ... i t have been larKe. Her s,-ri- ,t h -always seemed as cold and uninvitir.f,' as a sepulchre. She was rartdv e.-n . u'-ale tlie dour- When :-iii- lid enter l:.e rta-.-l it was in -IK ll that li,.- o; 1 lady s .hie and uikk-.ppy. I tr.fi .it tie is 1 - a v . - :.,'om ; ho -a n f but : . . i 1 v na. .n i v- t .Mr-. St'-wait a.- ..nak.e ia iy ak 1 h-r of.- r...s bt.-n fault. Mi.-. kte-A..rt i.n-i i.-;t u.v la-: I'n i.-.v. wk.ii; -ia- ,!. .. h i::i Mr-, ll.nrv L::l;.-n. w, , - Ja If.-.- Hilton, the friend of h.-r i.;; ban. i. tn- execr.ior of his wiil at-i the a .1 tu .n :-thitur of !,:. t.-iate. Wn rrturn- - .-.iClti o. 1 . ii n 1 iv wa- uu.i a and k. bed. This mornir;s- -he was tie u ,h: 1 be h-tter. but at 10 o'cl" d. - ,e oiek -ueideuiy of cein:etiun of li.e lt.ns ana 1.,-art tr ,ukle. Mr-. Stew art " a- tin-ehle-t daughter ef Jahi.-s Chur.i,. ". pi , titer ir.-rchar.t ''f th.scitv. t-i.-- w-.j I), in in and was rcarrit- 1 f Mr. A. T. Stewart m l---'kl by the late Rev. ik-. Mit ii-:h In per- .n she was small an t .-: -Itii i-r form. Th,,-e wi,-. are in altei. ! .:: -ay ti,,: in death he: face wr.,,1- pencetui x pre--i-,n a- ti,.,ii:i: he 'A'ere asleep, and is very natural ;r. appearance. it was etatwi today by an intimate friend of Mrs. Stewart that the mau- sion and the large collection of paint- ings have probably been willed to the city as the nucleus of a great public art gallery. It is thought that the larger part of the e.-tate will bo left t-i ex- Judge Hilton. The rincinal i i aula - in the marble pt.k, e ..re It a Uj:.h '.- --Horse Fair." David Hur.'.trtgt -Vasiii:iiton'.s Keceptioi:." ier's "Charge of t'uii...--; - . . Di.-puted Riundarv. ' bv ihe iiitifc-e hesliyak :reati. st of I i, rtn..-. t-.knt- th the Hall." Iv A'.f: '. -V. v- :.- p iec y 15 u,: .r- . . on b and manv others. 'I'h.e cr..i- . finest of modern painters in Mr. Stewart did eat, , -1 i master.-. The i - !i. rh ... ovrr SI .CC'k.Cko. The ,!-.:-- cost SIO.oOO. and the Dmha -: Amoo; tiie statuarv in th some tine ma-terpit -es P cv Slave. Kve. Pul t.u ': ':: St"-wart 's weal t h , -tii.i .t .-pOO. .000 to .- .. i-'- 0 Hopinf tor na Zxr.-ai::;t ; r. Rl kiM. 'Nk. 1.1 .-t. - i.--Mi::.y t ; . here are hoping that sorr.tthiup :.::::.. : native may c-ime from tin ik' -iJ- ::. . : from Mrs. k'levi .and exp.ainiiip i.k' failure to accompany tiie Pr- .-hKnt t Richmond. Th.-re no bitter f.-kicn here, for the President made an ex -e! lent i n 1 1 , r e s i e, n aivd wen over ,-ven tiie few wlio were opposed to him ami Dk' the Democrats. But at the .-ameiime there is a fear that the Miss Davis epi sode will be used bv his enemie - against him in the South. A well-known Georgian, who was in this cut and met the President for the iirst time, -aid this evening. "If Mrs. Cleveland would write lit- tie note to Mrs. Lee. stating the fact-of the case, it would be w-orth many inousanus 01 votes 10 me .Democrats m the South this fall. I .scout the idea that Jefferson Davis's daughter had anytoina; to do with the cnane oi pro ttramme. but the contrary re n has been so a-.-iduou-ly firculat- ; I y the Ii.'iltiCal opponents of the I're-i-leht '.hat it w iil be bar : to make a t,' i many nf tiie more ienoract 1,.,-jle h-e-lie ve other wise. A i-tatement has been tuk'.i-'neii in -lime of the Norther:: pit ers. en: an itin : fr'.'in Vashinj;tvn. to the eitect ti. it t!,e Prt-s. lent i-haupt-vi th-.- plan i. f be cause lie was unwi'diuo :, att-n i a second formal reception wi-.ere tlte masses would i:"t be expeet.- 1 -h it ;-. k. tiie h ,veri.. r s mau-i, n. c- , : ,r as e-pt. n iviis :;.: -.-i Mr-. Clt-veiati.i '.- oektht m, i : : ekekt ui the laki s s r.i :.--.- .;i.p in r. ii -.'. Le-- ia-t win:, r o:,.'.i-i,. series i t m- uthly rcc- ::: :.- tr : U o'clock at nikht. to wl. :-.:: tic : was invited, and these rcce; t : -r. -crjwued with ail cltses. jie :s hi,'iuoe:-atic tn this respect. Mi-s Winnie D.it is. so far ;.s t e iiiicpnl in-juiry can e'.i.k. op-.-ned iter lips iti reL'i.rd t - ti attendance of Mrs. Cleveland . Jones County It eras. ' : e n .-no i- too ' h ir iiikli, than I.,. 111:1,1 :,-Ilih Phk ceili riirs of the Atlantic Baptist! Association. . , , , - , L,'M' -MOR.M.NO SESSION, Ki.vstu.v. ednesday Oct. 23. 1886. j E'-ler (.'. A. Jenkens. who was ex-; rected to arrive on the train last night ii-l reach the introductory sermon, ; i f ';i-- to do the'erraOQ was ! wii'ikd r.y i-.iaer H . 1 . Jones to a large -' 'r-trtj. from Matt. 6: 10. After ti.-- m r::. m a trnn a peal was made by Kidi-r li K I'eele for aid to assist in tuimin.- h house of worship at Bay-1 ,ur,-N- i l'ledges were made and a- collect:-:, taken up amounting to At o clock devotional exercises, c- r. iu:ted bv KiJer R. E. I'eele. after wiiicii the Moderator called the associa- lion to crder. Mi::utt! .f ye.-tcrduvV session read, and approvf.i. f.er- iv, ic rend and delegates en r ,.e a ;:. n: the following churches: i m.s i-eiiu-i. Smyrna, 1'iney ("trove k;-i ,,v . Wo;dvi!le. Davis Shore. Fort Th made a complete representation tr la ak the churches iu the association. invitation is extended to visiting brethren to seats. John E. Ray. cor-r,--;ndin st-cretary of the Baptist, "-t.te .'ai.vektim. accepted the invita- ; ut-ve t-ari nn-'e their re- - . , ,, "... ,i.' '.r- ...tueii w,ui the t.e, -.surer b k ki nk -ti . ii both were h i ,-ie i e;, ,i t , ,n State or Associational i.-.-.i..r.- was read by M.S.Webb, and . o r remark- by Elders Peele. Eulford. . ; k'.-hweil and Rro. .Toh.n lk. Rav. -- ri-p-.it was a iopte 1. " Po dge-were made fr, m tiie churches mi a: Tht' liowmg executive board was ,1 f a':'j.TiS: a! or 'nit Nv. nTct' F' Cax-u r' -.i::.- n i-m-n. -term -r calls the association to iti C J. Nelson. i t, r ai:m unced standing , : a era ee- Oh -c. I'iit-ii.n missions, uome , r ..s.-ociation missions, faction w"antea to give sat- t rnpt-rance. minis-1 n,.'t. . . . . ; enodicalst. orphanage. : rp"D,fJ "merchants and the people r a.iicals read bv Elder BeneralIy a requested to call and ex-!:-marks' bdlrs flD"L 7 PUrCh- - 'i, .11. .ll . jr.. W. T. Jones and C. ! r which the report vas . 1 -a-k-tio:! read by Elder I ..xe.-i. jr. Remarks were r- I-'ixon, Fulford, and 1 ll ' Wooten and Roberts. .- w ere made from the churches I r.i: to .--'.o to prepare and send I )y the' mTK? y0UEg men cti.'ii war- taken up for Elder , 1 "; '. y at M jrehead City, an aged -. : : the cro-s. : ' ...-k Eider Thomas Dixon, jr.. ; . :.- i to a crowded house at the! .. I ui'. jii.ir. Subject: The Law of1 .ect. Text: Hebrews, 2. U. After : .-. riiu.-a a collection was taken up state or association missions. 1 .Jjourned to meet Thursday morn - Tnerc- wer-f cash contributions sent iron all the churches amountinir to 07 -rd contrihnlions rennrted for . - - 1.. ,.c. contriDutions reported tor -.:1 ot j- '. :- .'uriupthe year about.SG. COO. Thei e are churches in this associa- tion. m-.st of them country churches, ana n.-arlv everv one of them paid the nb,-i,: full Hndrnnstrf t'nem ovpr. u T 1 M lten.arf.ed from all thp paid them. churches durim the rear. 21S har.tim'. ' received bv letter and otherwise:! ibsmissed by fetter and otherwise, 63: j died, 10; net increase of membership.1 -00. It is estimated thatthe increase of membership in the 83 associations of i uur ilenomination in the State during! the year will be about 10,000. " Thursday. Oct. 2$, 1SSG. THiRP I'AY MOltMXG SESSION . D v: ti"Ual exercises are conducted -y Ki-K-r C. S. t'ashwell. Moderator ah- tit--- tis.-ociation to order at 10 i cbck. Proceedings of yesterday read ink approved. Ike ueiec.-.tes recommend the follow Lk !.,- m u.b, rs .1 the- ..duration board ; r- v . .ek tor in tiie icport of the com t t'-e i , 1 tication : An-.iich. Richard McGlohon: Fort !',ariiv. i il. C. s (.ashwell: (hjldsboro. ikio.-. LiX'-n: Kinston. R U. Lewis: La We.-tmi Morehfiid Citv Mt. caivary. j. x. AibriV r: e. i , nittield : Pm-v - .- - . !; ik Diiiahunt: Polh-ks-' nil . -suave Hill. W. J. Fill- . I ,e, : i e 1 . 1 . o ; .'-a. I . i.iiuu . . rt : Davis Shore. C. L W, H. Hood: dville. W. t :..,;, r Th Dixm. it is a he, i i itv ri tlie vote- of i -: .kite ti working mi chairman of the r!' it dlictJledTDr0 rs Thos. Dixon. W. J. Nei.on. and S123 :e churches, for that e , - n u el'k-.uueut ,-liurches which shows that onlv ud up some--: - elation atol tlk.t cue i:i:..:tt,'t- on rn.tuaiaes. tem . i.-.;t:.-t -Tphanace and Snii ' u.aiie their reports, and .l.f ..s as---k bv aUki! i f the :. .: :. i ; te 1. -.ii. ;- M-kvtf.i as the next : t:i,it,i.t. Kldtr A.J. Hires to ti.,- introductory -erinoc : Eider alfoi d alternate : i k J. Nelsou givis notice that ii.ah" a motion at the next llleet-l.iila.-.- article '. . ' of t he coil st i tu -a iiihl t" the time id' meeting. . -!, 'u. the clerk is allowed -tr 1 0 -' r v i e s . .'. wit;c : a -. hut;. ,n is one red by ' ' bikf r i and adopted : v, 1 . Th i.t the thank of this :,.- i are hereby tenderel ... f. ,.!. ; cit:zens i f Kniri.,11. t . '.:. - A. ev N. P. Ih for the u.v member of th: k tiie Baptist Stat s- ut us as d. !t t d fn n, i: A. i. re- ; : , ut t ; :,e :: u.e -nt h i ti I ; ij.ti.-t i. o .. a. t. a-k inj I , t s .tier tile aid. ri I ,UI L- i : t r 1 1 1 f ::t si j: , 1. .- i I i s i , el. t .:!:" M. ll. : i : - y f r 1 1 e u i i . al.,1 i 1 it, - nil, till v . f Pennsvi case ( f D s- : i. t the r. v. as I .:-.. 1 Ui m- i ' w . and ha been i t:a c. i in add l ess I mi -a I nieeiini'S I 'k M .-- 'in with a p ,i .int v.tii.---: f r nearly every even- :! i i t t oe , ie, t i-.n. The ';-.- !.,- p 'i i- s. ttir.if - ;i tins i -!. '- ",i i.- MI i : . , I . .-!..-i d lor : ' !,, r.i.-r. The -u-j'- ti- -,i ; .,i,riie sioif was : - . t i , n.- ( : i he siis- hi . r- Mr. 15-bloii is a Mr Stone a Republican- Absolutely Pure, ThlB powder never Tne. A maryer of purity, streneth, and wbolesomeneaa. Mora oonoinlcal tr.-. i the ordinary fclnda. Mi n not be sold i u competition with the mnttttod of low test, short weight, alum or pbosphat powders. Sold only in cans. RorALBAOtj Powdkr Co.. 106 Wall-st.. N. T. novls-lrdw Take Notice ! Our store is filled with PftvislftnS c....i r oous, xr y Ooods, Crockery, Etc- We keeP a ne of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. ALSO 0. S. Parsons & Sons Bopts and Shoes. -c ... . . "ffQ 7 f '":,1"VoU - nnre8' AVe job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front St.. New Berne, ft. C. Accident insurance. ' - . .'.' Tlle Preferred Mutual Acci- dent Association or" KTBW TOHK. Policy carried for $12 yearly. Pays weekly benefits, $35. Loss of Life, $5,060. Loss of both feet or both hands, 85.000. Loss of one foot or one hand, $3,500. - 1 noueS.U' Pre.errea run. Cliarge. Tib United StltSS Mutual AcciQEIit ASS'!, :,,-, c,0 I i.i?.13 OI" V?r per ?ear- and ln OflOM , of limb or limbs, pays only J650.and when j any of their riaks become claims, they cbar- 1 BCeTz all risks In that community na 'de- 'cXr'" " - iiiiu, tnijar, DAilDJAt7IUltl insurance, apply to ' f f j W. B. BOYD. Asrent. Preferred Mutual Accident Assoc 'n. (J-TfO ATT T?"rVT jCr ff -iJ JXULlJljjX X JJ.. a rt.,,T AGENTS FOR Spriagfield Fire Insur'nce Oo. Offer safe insurance on Dwellings and Mercantile Risks. AGENTS FOR; THE VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. Safe and reliable. Easy payments. ALSO AGENTS FOR Tk People's Mu Life Assara-nce Fmi Polices payable at intervals of from five to seven years during lifetime. w , -oue advanced, on OUCies, Ferdinand USrsch, WHOLESALE GROCER AGENCY OF HAZAF.D POWDER 00. AND Choice Pale Cream Cheese. SNUFFS AT MANUFAC TURERS' PRICES. KICK SACKS. T. .. Green's Oid Stand. NEW BEKNE, X. O. BOOKSTORE. J. L. HARTSFIELD, DEALER IN BOOKS and STATIONERY School Books and School Supplies a specialty. Coufoctioneries, 7VJiieiv. . njT. Ciqurs. Toys. Glassware, Crockery. Fisldnrj Tackle. Etc. ne dijor south of Loftin's Bank. Very truly. J. L. HARTSFIELD. KINSEY'S SCHOOL FOR Girls and Young Ladies, I. A ( i R A N( ; E, N. c. .TOSl-.l'II KINSEY, Piuncipal. Pall Sessi ,,j begins Monday, August IjO. terms: Exi.ense ier session of 20 weeks, in fiudinir board, tuition, instruction in music, vocal and instrumental, Ancient and Modern Languages, and exercise in Calisthenics. S'CUO. Ptipiis will board with Principal, whom phase address for further partic ulars, jy 1-4 dim wtf i kktlii i A Ki d I NA . i Superior i -i . I 1 VTY. I t'ourt. re t:.- i Ie: ak of me Superior Court. ca i- ti. A. l:a r ot He 1.. bl. Jol. Petition for ale U-o.e I.. 1 k.rmer, Isnn.-t nf land to make r:. liner mil Mis. s.. J , asseLH Km, ;n. h'-Ts lit taw of j I . .li a 1- arnier, deceased. I Tc Mattie I.. Fariiier, Isaac Karmer and Mis. S J . Knapj,: fake ie t ic i hat a petit ion ti 8 been fl led in t ne ui.ei :,r . 'ourt of "iikIow eounty, and a Miiuli. ns ,t-suei against you in a case of p.ela! ek mi: fur Ihe SHle of land to niki- i-is. a .ul a copy of the c"in plaint haa "sc., I in i !, h oflice of paid Yu ;o e e. all mandril to appear ai ,f in,-cii-rK ot me Superior Court, urt house in Jacksonville, on the t,,,. tr, i k h 'lav nt uetoher. I-sK. and answer the ini'l ,n,i iiikmiient wiil be entered ac- eo.ain i e pi.-i eroi I ne complaint. w -kn no hiiii.l and seal of office, this. A. C. HL'GGINS, C.8. C. BCpitj Wtit - e '- -1 i'l- i ! :y- ' 'l-.'-'V;,-," rLv -'-.' i.. yJk j -: .itut k .7' it TPTN A

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