US- tf " . .r-. a.,.-..-;.; e- 4 '" - s . ' . - IN'DKPKXDKXT Is VT.T. THIXO Torm $B.OO Per "TEa:r. vol. ix. Xi.w ci;. i: county, n. c. xoykmhek :... ism; NO'34. 1500 Bundles of Delta -JHook Cotton Ties. - CO a Its w C3 .- bo era P e 5-i -9 ho oa 5 5 FOR 7,500 Bales of Cotton. o o v-5 o J? bo CO v si a -,. S3 ' P eJ O i o .; o cn o . .. f v H i uqwoo J-O "SPA 000 09 CD IMINCS .5 4 ? L ibiir TV0 Stores, Queen St., Kinston, N. C, IIAVR JUST PURCUASKD ANI liOF IN TOIIK I I1K Test and Cheapest Stock of Goods Ever :X: Brought to this Market. DlreeUd oalj ! the Uw of givicz the erfit-st v- t-r ;h- m v. Dry Ooodi, Notions, Boot. Shoeg, Hat and Caps, Cloth njt"Wtlte Good. Hardware, Glaaaware. Tin and 4 jQnecnaware, Trunk, Valiae, Cofifee, Sugar. Flour, Potk, Side Meat, Syrup, 'Molasses. Tobacco and Snuff, 1 Yea reeaiTV a dollar in rl value in far mi"ararejloIlM' for dollar, t either :'Como and See and KIa3toa,ir.C,Spt- 20. 1SS. ill ' C::s Clolhirig.Dry Goods,Shoe and Hat Store. . " ,' I ' SajSlkaS witaot fear of eontrad'ction he has the CE3T AND HOST COHPLDE STOCK OF CLOTHING Ir "J ' -111 aer ' in Uaaj a day. I 10 prepared to show the finest Corkscrew, a? t ' 11 itl TtMrt faaimir and other Suits in .inre n 1 rouui out Sack?, i'.jh ia. (JaLaway Walking Coata, ranging from t'2 IH) a Suit up to ?Y ii". rar.ts from eta. a pair ap to 6.00. Dltjonal and other Fine Overcoats, real Beauties; alio a grt-u tlriety.sf ReTersible or Turn Over Cots. I ,-!! tha oJ enrrcat Xew York Fall and Winter fltr' " f Dcrbv ir. i Soft HatS. made otithe' 'Danlap Block." the ic-.-pt, i 1,j!::.- at: 1 ft.'.v f. -'.:o a all CIiX la JTew Tork Citj h French" EJp. DUohlne aaJ Fine Calfskin Boots ir . i Mer-. i LaiaUt ial ChUdrsn's 8hoes, I luid - oi-.1t th- v. r i . f. :.-.: : 1 tf "tt Mianfjtnrr, aad sell them mihiy low. 1 ThsIwieslaBd latest Stjles of Neckwear, Hosiery. Suspenders, I Underwear aad ether Gents' Cloo.!-- a -p., -alt.. "FullVanQ Complete Line of Dry Goods, wis , ra.hTOor--Vf0TSted and Popl.n in al'. haies au.l c 1. r-. C Mco Atoaxi eta. a yd. ap. liet N . C. Caeck- i H ::.;. -r ,7 . A. yd. wkla jaabieaeLed Homespon. onl j l cm. a y :. Ctstafr. Keataeky Jeans, ami other goods ur Pants at. i Su.t.. "Ladled Walking Jieketa, Shawls, hlankets ani He i l( i i's !. a: . I AVI SOLK AGENT Ki'U A OUTLET MlVS CALF SEWEH $150 SEJFS Tt oe ly xa. : '. by in tr. 'il..f CI'! r" H t K . I V any of In nv ... w r. a glT net. I W. I o r-'e .- i -.' , Bnt a tolentn of w. a- . :rn ih Kr- s: ftrnmin itiui - n.' -:k v . , i s . c Dvt. ft at u.l .-' . . ' w Bloo t y . lavy corn,. . H ill. u. I u -i u f l'inr.a wo-l t' .' : 1 hT IMIlBiakli 'r- :r. .:..- .' - -loiclt mii. Hou.' o lu' -.a- lot', i om. ef whu-li Uv- w -.-:; .- pa - . . aoU pro ,,u:'.-. :'. .ri H.-t.v :-.eA'. a.-. : .- a In sifio In tn . we r .1 ' jMls.lMm. i rm" GME ASH, ' IITtng replenkaed his St. :k -a :. t. - , ' ' i '.asfaataA beginainf of th 'i.on. an r i-- - - .THE . FINES r STOCK OF CLOTHING EVUH FXHIIJ '"tl.ITED IN ANY O.-nE STORE IN NEW GERM . - v JU tr Jiardlj handle a r.y c ... .. -' ' fgmxlAp wq cao gnantntee linn-'. ev. : . g -. - 'i.Oa Us of Gents' Fu-niahing Comts V oootaios the latent i l s d . '. .-. ' " f Oar Camel's Hair Umiersutt s - Veil sdaptwl for oar elima'c A big stock of Ladies and Gents' Shoes - (' .: - . 8eBlaOenaine Krer.fh ('a't'-k -. i'"- -v s. i ; T cooatrr dJ folly worth " - a : ' - - - Caifokfo Fftnch Kip-and i .a ! 1'. - - v ' ChlT. Waniwrll H in! S-T,..! V : . 'ever sold. 1 Jnst rveeived. a "HI be sold .U half pr- e A e brCMtOi SOtl hindme! ri:n-: A loll limi ot" Dress Good. Notions, Ftc. ; Oar stock U brand ik . ' . nav those w ho w i". ' - , I kare uo wnne, DAIL BROTHERS, Wholesale. Grocers, H v v r. iii TWO STORES. SOUTH r - .(4 kp of FU'l It. it H i !'r 11 M,i. i;l I-- MOLAs5t SAU IdlllKo, M AM' an TQTTtllliag in tho GIUC KliV I.I SC. a HI 1. Vll.i K and H IOVVB1CE8 for CA-8H O cn o & c AND KKTA I I. every jfilir's worth you buy. n, .1 of our two p pular jtore. Save Your Money. n- :: '- . r--: r -.--. -- A I . ; . l ? . '. M ! I ,tTUlril: -1 MAX SCHWERIN. THE CLOTHIER 5 L i ' Domestics. S h iv. i s . I'r.r GEORGE ASH'S. ' i i 1 1' l m i I i : OF THEIR FOi.MER STAND. h H i IM IS s OK V t A N 1 i.l! Win i 1 I 11 K . N K i 1 N : : i v. ri: r-K n l : : : i.i.i ;. r. i r. n i - ; ; i ii A.M THK :i m .NiTlIi ;. iir 11, - . 1 ( .1 11: il r 11 t . ...f.t. .-. :. :; ,,, c. -r: 1 , : .- ! : ,-. w ' ' " ' S i ' i . I : . I. : Iiu-d : i: . 7 .s. , ; i . : .'..-ite ! ; :i . . . ':..; S ' i i 1 : . : - -a . i - . - a . . : , ; . . . . i -" 3 . 1 S . f .lie:: .i -- .f ; a- ' t '. . '.:::.,1-. ! .J seventy- ' a . . ' uic'.fs . l II i .'io i;:i-u. ii-fs. . 1 'o :. , i : M , j! ,: t ; . i ' . i r . - . x. ... 1 .... -1 ... , I.- O.s i.,d ' . ao - i . . i . : , iii e in the . w n o : ' p. I , i e. 1 ' ..::: . the , , : : ! ': .! 1 11. rh.itii. atid CO . ... , : . .!:. . : - ;i : . n w n :c.i i : ; . . : i -! . : 1 1 1 1 : . . : i . t : . . I . 1 1 . if :': . . v men t to :.-s . ; ::, .il e. Tile I , .-. : . -' : . i ' oil li ! !.e coli et.- tl.'ii. a:, 1 a wie and lli.istel ly ail- C dress c, ,.:;, en d ; Ii g it to the lienom t I'l.i'i :i. w i re wiittel) bv the IJeV. F ! i ' ii is M litli. loiiudfi ot the t i .';,, i.' !: ' '!' t , I he Hapt 1st organ W . ; ; ne S: .-. and grand t. it her ( it t he K.v.lieorge .Men-dull Ti.Nnn, the j'Trseu: pastor ot the r.riHiklvn 1 1 1 ! hu reh of ' his city. This c- .nciifi'ii is not a le'sla : i c ur a , :i.l cia I In ui ; it m .ikes in I iv i, .nuts no pastors, tries no iii-e i .. s . -i i i ii il. n't rme or eharae : : if.lffl. r I'Xeri'lsi'.i no control iiii.i'rvrr f : 'lie e ii a 1 1' :. es and ,,l r ii . :, , i eprese n ' s. e Xiept the : i,t i"heient in the ot -s :'. cm::. etuis to thc.r f.ivi.r 1 1 1 1 1 -u ; i ; h i ' . It is a i Inn : ai asein luy of t lie i f present. it w s ot the e:..iifiie to funnier the genera! mtriiS of ri,.- K'ligdoiu of Ciirts; more u ;iffi.ul iioii.e and foreign missions. i liri: :aii mI ticat toll at.d Sunday M-h'x'N. il.e pollt of the Baptist Cnuri h is peculiar. I'.acli church ls ,i sovereignty an uidependont little republic competent to man- age its own and et author ie l to make no laws, but simply to .iil,ninisft r the laws winch .Jesus t hn-r, t he ! ' f ad of t !:- I hurch, has Himself t'l, ,1'ted for its govern ment. 'l .r- so ereignt v. it is cl.r. tneil. 1 herent in each church, iinl c.iiniot U' surrendered or trade ot ow lorne h.i.s been miiii w.uveilj .iioi vet for the promotion larly disposed of. o li.ive heard oi tiie e.uise oi rel'gion it has been ibut the charge for c.rrinp a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w i so tor these independent , hogshead of tolu coo from Ibirh.ini churches to associate together and 1 to Danville, is the same as the iitiitu ttie ir i tlorts in extending the t.ii'h. 11. nie, eontigtiou-churches , ,. .. - . ., u , I Tin si if . ,i i n uis; i ui' en in c urn in min ions unite in State conventions, ami these State con 1 volitions U'couie constituent parts ' if a general convent ioD. eorupre , bending all the Southern States, 1 il i s con e ii i ii'u u as i u i re oo.ii ost . or executive committees toattenil toineioiir special ueparimeuis 01 work: tho Hoard of Missions H . , 1 I.' ,i rrr, K.,( ... ome and r ore , gn -located at Kaleign: the Hoard ot hdiicat ton. locateil at Wake Forest College; and th" Sunday school Hoard also located at H.ile gh. The mam bii-iness of the body ii 1 lie t he tl i ui of t he i e jort s submiTed by the li.tTeretit boards. . , i; . w i a i i Tin; i: a i' i : s i i y Nii:ni i Ai:('i.t.N.v. Iii 17M there were 42 churches, uiiifs'iis iiil .i.77ii members. Io Is; wereL'nl e bur fins, 117 in ' n isters at.d l'.o7 ineinbers. I 1MJ there were c h ii relies, '' 1 1 iii:nis'e: s and ll.o7t n.cinbers. la 1 o,". 1 there Were .'.''' i li 11 relies. i;7 ininis'ei-s ai.d 1 1 .tiT 1 u.eiiibers. lu 1 iio there weie til'J eh il rebec. ;7I m-.iiist. rs and 77 members. In 1 7i; : in re -a e:o 1. VI fhtirclies, 7'.' m : i , : s e t s a-,,d 1 "-7. of o mem hers. In ls(i tia-if were 77 asso ciations. 1 . '. 'O. i c ii ;i 1 1 i . c s .i 1, 1 1 1 .'.'.'." 1 : n e m i a i 'of i, ' 1 n 1 ss. ; ; he v ii ti n. i 'f l eii min is. The I; ipti-t Al 1 , I 1 l . . s ', u e s e s t a t 1 s t 1 f s 1 1 1 1" 1 s s si,,--. , .( : ,;, s, '.. ti i "i , h u ; i iie.-i il.'l U . t :u ' '. ;s. 1 1, ; s es 1 1 in ,r , ::., ,'i'iis .of, Mi-..,iii.iry ; !,':-. ' ' d " s ,;;:'.; .,ce t I.e , .... Ted ft. .:. :.fs, w i.i.-h i, uu; tn r a ;', 'A .;, ;:: 1,,'oeis ;, in the wl.ttes i.e e ,,f ' tt UI es bettigi tot ,ll Co! .fed i:,,-:;. : '. r-. '. i J. - 1 ' : t . - ai w litre. i : -.17';. s ;.;.::::. i ;s uPo.,- eVcr tweiit , , ..r,. .: .-.: : ,i ; . :i d.s .... ; i , , , e , i : r i , ' f ' : , .1 S t a ' f ... -'- , a , ,:, .:: --a, : d.-p hel . ' he was , i! h i lu.p.f . "iij; ii. ii-' (., ,; . tn i r ; lu uis, o .. t h. Ill se , i s. j ; , . t r ri ;1 i:at ...ti and .te to o.r ..ud not b I'Vi-IV at- 1 : ss::.g art sat i - in-. 1 :, ii w ; i '. Fi" ti i .pa' o ' i . , ' : i This period ol' the . erld's i :s may properly bo dial acti'i i the Ivogintdng oi' Iu,lu-t;:.I lb opmt-LH; lor altliougti m Kn, aid .i t in 1 .lli f . UMrs ago, ct the pr hid1 ii.:.iIm-. !.;it . ! I .1!: IT (-i .11, i r,r,! ; , i r he mnii i r 1 ,r ii r An. ,'!.; r !:, ; ; ,: iii :,i;;.ii. i i : ; i : ' .. i i ' :. !! i ; . ii"-: nf 1 1 ,i. Ic, : l.f ' . u i.'t ' i::.,-n ,.; .;:.! I. in ;; u ; : ; i-. I :, Kiii.t:..; :t -' - -.j '. t 't t .''.;!. i- r ;:, ;;,, i: , r - t-1 ! i i in ri: i ki a ; i :, . : ; .- ii 1' i : 1 1 1 - I . 1 1 , : . i ! : . f fi'i, in tin iimlir :,f :n t l.iuil .s I'c a', .ill v.i n : i r ;n ... , 1 i ii iiu.-r i ic l'.'if imi in : , i - . . ; t - i A . i i '.I in i m- i . 1 1 ';.!:; i i . ; . ; : imr'iiw -.Hf at inw i r i ,i: i - t :; 1 'f n i. i .ui t .,; ,i N. a in 1 1 N. a n ii t Ii :i - ii ,i i i . ! .i ; i : c i i tr.-l !' liif in'i t h'A .-; .: I..- l In-:r , I., .,: , I :.i v imi : i 1 1 . A : . . i . . . . ':. : 1 - li.i f : ,f c i, j . . ' n ; l, hi in! in- i-...-: . ,; : i i , ; I ii :i. l'.ilu .ird A i k i. i j i i-. 1: I'll t i Ii .it ii Most on '.v i 'i !v :n ,i n f 1 II (illf f u I li i i in 1 .. !, - luiiii t'liif iiro hi- fiitiic i j :-,-.- r tiT nut' vear. l!iK tt i ll..i : is bi'iii' m.ulf in if. ' rates to t he m i n l m iif : . small margin en (. , men work, the little pii.iit t;.,-. make, the tieree euiii pet i r imi tln meet, ail rum In lie tn liivt: 1 1 e -li : rates w ith the leate.-t i 1 1 -. cj.n'iifv. Absolutely it ! t: n. ilia' charges im t r.uisp, .rt at ;. ii. . : in i ne ; tie !i .i ; u n ( oi e , i.., m a i, : t : i. . It is m view el this u c li.u. regarded wuh siiih u'.''' ' 'i.fe;- the proposi; urn to peipe-uate another genera' if n t lie ilonn in. .ii . Kii'limond over North ('aifiiia business ln'eres's. Wilmington is very laoialii located tor ci rtau: lines of bnsine.-..- part lenlarU trade in salt mid molasses. Hit i n. mrt ers can oil .-r to .-ell tilt so unifies at lower ti tiros than cither New Voik. Haln- Diore or Richmond. Yet while Wilmington once had a tine trade in salt and molasses in central Car- olin.i, now, as an effect ot the pros ent lease, ; baiiier has been put to it and the North Canlina s. a; o. r cuunot deliver the-e art icles on I In 1 ' no of t ho Nort h (,'aroli na r.t : 1 1 oad. while liichmoud does. The coin ; charge for carrying it via ! and "ew York iuto.s.s t he ocean to I I uu, ... , , mi um ,et-i i i no. V'e have heard It. lint we have before us two freight bills as tub lows: Sol Hear Dr. to freight n font barrels of whiskey from Lexington, i . i id y 1 1 ni 1 D g On , c 1 1 - Sol Hear Dr. to freight on four parrels oi wnisKey Irom l luciii nati to Wil mine-ton. i"i 40. rr- i r , . r - , x- ... The freight from tho North ( aro- Una town to iliningtoii is ?J li'J a barrel: from Cincinnati it is 1 bo a barrel. From Cincinnati the di tance is ..;i milt s; irom Lexington less than L'oO miles. Relatively the charge lor hauling the iN'oith Caro lina stulf is iio times what it i . r hauling the Cilict.n , ' i s;:,o. Sticll ;s otic (d tiie e fleets, if tie lease. '.ei olie sees that our North Carol. na interesti nuit be stitied under such a s Mem. ):iiei States may grow and flouri-li m the period of which u i liave now reai'Led the dawn, oi;' under this s .stein Noitii ('arolina cannot keep i otn lull. with tin m. Wo are strangled at hfli.e. iff coti'io! ot our Sia'.o highway ha mg pa-si ,1 into the 1, anils nt out siilvis, we are i:i t I.e con il : t un id the lilsii uinii-r the ill' in , l: loll and "0' i I o! t :.i . ; a 1 .-i n 1 1 i landlords. ' iiei' ia 'in u: u :. : t o s p. i p: , , :i : a !! engage in i : , d u s ' i , . i ,. : - u : ' -but N-.; tii ('up'. 1. : a :. s , :, ; , . ;:...; hlgliw .i id t Of ts'.i'f .:: o ;: , : , tin- o: i ' s;, le u : ; ii a . ; - : a :, ' ., o , t i : a ' Hi lis.- 1 1 e ' e i ! ! , e 1 : u s . i. , ;' g , sllc 11 ail -ui ' ai, '. .1 g f t o I ,.; , :: ,o... pet ltol s a lid leaves 1. p. p iiope for success, in tin-:: Hlgs. So we iegird tl.,-.: t . a i that renders t Ii : s t o p . a n o il. and i ' sl.ouM n - : : ,- : . new ed i.. "a . unless t i. .- j ...... . , : ; i,i State :s ;,, ki . u : .. C ::. pel pi t iial ! .is . p.,., :. : I. ' tile I . se s ,. i . t i : i : pei p! e . A ' s ;, !, ,i c :.-, . ,, : , , l a: l l i a. ) N i :i i a n -A ..Id., do d ; p.i As;. ,,.:n a I.. 'he loos' 'li the ; ii s', . ' n ' .. :. . cl.i'l ci.';. i d. a. , y , at.,: ; eh.f ::. : 1 lead- As p.. .. .iidoigeii ,:i : ... s;n' ,i . w a bo . i in-in ei .1. :. : n la'A . no-d .f : hi ..ppc. lied to. at. al w ay . ( i i a , ' committee, on elitel ta::.i .1 i' hi- "I'll Ml I , iffoilip.. . ... ' .er a .111 p a a:t:::,g Ins; f . . ' , I '. 1 1 Ta- Pr,rs:di-nC . as -o Political A . .vity ' Oiilcehoid-rs. Wasiunot. .n . N..v. IT. Tin- ),r .it lit lias il in-, i. t liie l e i le-lali-men I i.f I i ai . M f. I - lit -ri . w in mi lie r-uspt-iweii Ir. in Hie i lli.-e i I Time 1 -tatei- .llslrirl rttlfii.iy in M -s, un iiurii t- the 1 i-t , i mi'..i n ii I . ' r taking inn ,,c 1 1 . . rt in ;; ..:. - ii; Ui.o s-.,te I leKr a .iu ' N , e. : . -i : V. - ! n : . i, vi r, e t, . A:- : i.. li.i.ii... liii.o.a e .!:i , i. ; i.,; .' l - :ol li.. ir: I;:, h i.i- tis k '. -i in.- imp ecu 'o.i si, that h- .ii.l n a , l i . . :. : - ; i . .i . .-1. 1 -t I, : s . i n - l . r, . 1 . -. ,o..l - : . -p.-.k ,-,r-' -te.i i 1 V ..,' h" I ., 1 , r er I h: i . llhl I.-- , II. s l,f.-i -..:, !. . w 1. :.' P. Mr. : I'r. -I- ' , I 'la l... I : ' I r. i : d ".: i'r. . ' ,.f N .v. ;i' a : , . As ' I v.,r Si Y. ur Iff r f th l- .''. . .I t . , l he All. rn. - l I . l. . i , , : . - : . :. -1: ! :r . . t. .i to ir,. - al..l ear, 1'e i .-..'.'.. : I Is 1 i -oi k tn, ;,iei ad I a . f u r , 1 :ir, r ' n i i. r-s- n . : !. truth : - t : r.a :: r. ! -t- .i t u -1. ':! : - : - -a I I ' ; t i'i - . : . : ; : 1 1 : I - I . 1 , i i : : ; . - -i : ' i : - r . 1 . ; ; . i : . '.. ' , I ..-.-,' 1 If ' I. I, . 1 , f 1 if ., , i . . r . 1 1-,, i" 1 1, ; n i , i: t . a v.-1 a f 1 ; i : ; .1 s;g:i , n ;i.-' i rt of polili,- .1 l.iri:.- a. anif V a!, i i V. , ii a r I ass iif- i '. r: :(., 1 1. . I u ! ge ii f e l : - ; - i.i. or the pr- sent h ! tun: i-i i a '.::,tl. p r n : i a, s :i. t ; v it y " i n I 1 i i s .:.;!;,-'. h ; f Ii n v . a r t , i n g w , s . . . t. . 1 ), p.-d . If I'.oir that I, v a mi. r-i : r oi n i f the spirit ..s .! i- t!.-" f sU'h w .iruir.g :h - its g. . .) f.iith i:, ;. n Ji::g P. ri p. : in.:' i . t I , if : 1 1 : : . , - t . : ' s i : . . a i . - ng af I . af.l t he la-e . es Hpp! it t ' i iifiiii,-' ii:n wf.ii it f --il le tor ne to i-p.-i-ify. . . !. t Hit.'!. I 111 COI 1- II. 11 li-' l:i . K 1 1 : g 1 . . p 1 : : ; al - pee, h hy a I - i : a! ti: I 1 li: l.f igh hori and frien i -I, r ..t -l: I If.-- an.l t.lHi-e wh'-re It wa ll . n . ii: , ii i.tal if the -pecch il". It .v .- ft ai: i fair Bui I ilo i. tti. 1. 1. '.1. it -',. h a" 1 tticial f-.u ei.ier a- . t us.?., s -. ,i p. ,1 ; t if al ca in taig n . a : . f f sen 1 1 n , to a I -ii g list nf en gag. nie nt s to a t'.i.itifHl riu-etiniCH, wi lt-l Hejiarated ari i of dtulv ri-i'iirrtnci'. nil .-uch ellgageni. lit- without II eg 1 ef 1 1 1: e I.i- luty if In- holds un i lli -e wi.ui. Inn ii g le r iv thmit ukuii: with him n, the e .nvasH his ntiicial power an.l mt'fi er.ce. Therefere this Course is e,,n d. ni i: ed . Tiie m: ruber of speeciu s that can he prepi-rlv made cannot he hptci-ti-d nor the time h.-n. tile place where. ,T the circumstances in which thev are proper, nor fan their eharae ler be ;: es.-r i hi d . Hut a correct line i con lu : c ,ii I e determined on without .! illi.-j 1 : . I believe in the litriitof a t to. low the -pint ot tin m inti' n given by divorcing ti c o n - mot ot a i niz-n the use ot otncial mtliience in politioil campaiitns. illus iriitir at all liniesthetruthlhatollicial dm is t-aramount to partisan e.-ivice. inai m . . 1. 1:. i he d 111 it of o lii ' 'i' ho I -1 1 1, e , a v . i , i . i . s ai v pretense of control over th- i .: : -d act "f lploe to tie- p.op.etl il action of others bv rea-on and teic hi fz the I ss- .n p-opie that public positions art' not be-t on ed or held under a i ii le i f wct l v e p i r '. i - an sr rv icf "A pro. li d list, taken from a news paper aud submitted to me. contained enH. iin-nis to speak, made by your consent, daily for quite a long period, and not unf'requently twice a day in different parts ot the State of Missouri Au,i 1 wart led to believe that on many ( the .lays specified a court at which T ou had duties to perform was in ses cuu. . . . - - r t ...... . w ... e e c c cli!tt. , ,iHl:rar.t. defiant neglect of of- ticia! .am ami propriety, and even with ih. e . ill ii i:iii n, yeuro'-ur-e ap- p ! hoiiahtl, and at least pears : SU I'J . ' '. ho: : i-h.-n 11 pl I : the ! rf .- 1 1 ' - ' l i : r - .- ' trip : ' e-tlv - a : I I : m- t :- '- oi-m -latemert . u your letter .: u Oil n -t prmitcam- -'iu.u.:s to int.-rf- r- with 1 ' ' 1 :!i -i d duty, y ur . ti-. h ire . f such du: i r f - ui an i a b 1 i . -1 l:i tl. j ur allocation that y.-u h. n- d you nnl.t prop-rlv do - .. lually done have indue d u i t he . r i. r -u-i . n 1 o - . u 1 t i r- u P' t! c: , if. t t. : : to.- 1 r, r- p. an d p, s area ,n .'. I s 0 , red I n: of th. lit ia.-t -i ru:- " ,s the lust tak. n up. ..:..! , u n ot. ii N'lrur r I,, i.e:.,; jet-ks i i- ii. 1 f r. . ! ! a ru u mu: t 1 111 -. I: ts II, If, ,s-e. W I, it'll - 1 iv. red . Tiie p ::.:- in f : - lil.'i.r.I !. v. l 1 be ro. i ' ;:. i :. f ... a 1 1. o , rd.-r: First as ' 1 I I. '.: .,.-:: - f tl.- e.-.ptur. s . : ' . i ' f l.f 1 . : - . -.c hi in--" ...u.s, .. i'l.ii.ce t re ahai.doiieo t the I t. .1 St..t, . 1,.,'i.uni. thev were , - . r ,- b.e'.'uh.rl,... iu, acknow ie.ige.l I, al nity for them, , ! t, v . r F. :i v n.g m ad any sat isfac turn . i . - ,,'iv, riai'.i'iit f..r thetn; third, that : - u I a f r. in ad miralty court - i ; : iu . : . ii ri i ii'i'.c.- ..f its legality. a: 1 its lieauty mu-t b" shown by I J i r i :l i it, mu I A I tern, I . 1 .1 1 '.r-r.iS. . .:;'..-!. .1 i I . o : 1 1 , . ii THE OHDXaNl'E D?AET3iENI. : : ::-.: i ui.r . . -t' . ! r.XPi;- A I ,. . - . . rng.-C.en. 1 s- A" has rt fa... secretary ..perat.'-cs of the, t -luring the past . -.t.s th..t t.iere is pies.:: tun" the V a- t. . N -.el,el, , I, let ,i i.r.Mi m.uie h . s i n n u:il I i I Wur. .-: 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 il. "i t ii. oi.-"; in 'r '! ..e r t-; . 1 1 ir. lb- ii -tit ; Ui .t lit il t..i-il:li. - , :r- :. it., -. i , i : . t . in r k -: l n: p. rt i:t i :i,i;i--the , I:- lie." of llll. I ' ,- ,. . .i,. vf.-,r " : : . I trial: lug i'i.-; ' I he i w . 1 : .' .1 ...'I s . tee'.. Tie ..!' Ill If- from .. f i, I..e -a,-:.- '- p uu v.-us re lif trials were f. uu, if tif u of 'lo- imed with ' i r h.ngmg i i : i. n ee The :'J inch iiiiiz-.1- were satis- fi:i strength. i : 1. 1 o o iii iti" in v. s f- mud tir.' . : 1 1 i i -1 i : t i n g -ll-p. l.Jl-'l p, 1, 1 1, : h I c u : i . v ri'siiu- : .- .e ! , u f ta,lor a Lot : the: iiri'ii r ,f' e -s ,rv ib is u h -U-l'-un .. .-, "iVs !.'-, ' ii'ich U work is 1. .v.- t' d ,y ah' '" .s et. ib. s. ii.. ; ; t i.-s. to prod no ere :-i one .ui facili- I fe i . -r i i , f the it-qiiin , . 'ia i i : i s ' eight o. f ie s e,,hl re. .Jl'i pL tif .U V i 1 if-:, and the I r. e, h r smaller forgings f, r ail i . 1 f'nn of 'and heav- ,. ,,, ,. a iihifs. There are two est a t' i ish ui -m . s ,w able -o nro- luce -he arm i .hers and mU.-..l- Ui.eous form.s loi' oUn-,,f small call- bre and ho p- of a v. rv considerable ' M7... Tin- , ,. i, r. seeis .p.. l est ti.nt -. he .lone p. u.v n th.- steel works of this I count r . i,i,.i oi son ., re-peets their . ,,,',.ri7nf.. is .i ... . la,..,,.,, of their plant ai.o f ami n , - . liuiited. ' that a ileal .!' p',,. i- r, .of -ite for the r- - : ii ti a..; i: .. p -'-r "'" I lie Jlacim .'luti' Tid (.n.liuls. A c-. -i.l iiii t i an :, i: . m. r.t on the ' Cist . f O.-tobir m th-- ! 'n... the intii I o vein her Italic n,o time up pointed for a n, of Company L eral of tne niemijeis 11 Hi-use and crtan . I iman, ntly bv ' eleotin: S. H. I.-.i ! in i hairman an,"l ;eo L Ki.p.arick st crct .i v. . ;U I T 11 Ol.Tlll l' ITl.-.-ll HI U t Ulf at h,w: ,,,t,r ia f,,., n-.-.nv v.-.r. t ;....:. a i .-. . ,r of- ui. -u ..f of rs w as .-no . i; : u K bottm f - . ; . , r o : r. i g to he nomi- rated . i n m ! : n Aili li. the p. Y. li Move and m u i lib ers w ere unaunnousi .- t h ,c k . C qu, .:.-.: J u.,..,llt: ,.... 1. K Tl... ( lI:f. ,. n i - i t J i . I e el , o jj,,u, .. ,!i . ;..v K'-i.i e ... J., Sutton. I' !:.': j wi .te i u: Dr. .loan A. Pol- en T. i'.i..v. I-t Idee- : i: ( utri -0. s. . im :-- .- .1 urranee- t. d : s 1! l.oftin. W. , ii n. It W. Pope. Ash- i 11. s est,,;;. Jj. f. :. si,., : J..i ko:i, Jos. lb' ' ' of officers f ! Aujust meet-, :u. pi fe is to be i I;..-, shall i . 1I.L.-S. : el -- al. . If Pie t : c r . : -' If u 1 li in Km-t; :. 'i I.e If -it. ail t: t . e i n .. . , i fi :.o : Ui.'ii-i 1"7. ing to apply for their old positions. . if. .;. : n f i MttiJ- There was no disorder of any kind, of'-"-! i- j resent at About twice as many men were engaged r--i -p u - ii f ,li 'lied, yesterday, and were selected from the a crowd this morning and ordered Vj re- TIN', i i-u. part to tiie various packing hou.-ts for ! Kn.i vr-.i k. S.-.-'y. duty. The militia have all been with- ;. V 1- k ,drawn from the outposts and are now i in barracks. Gen. Fitzsimmo:.s litis re commended tl-at the soldi--iui be wiFu- i. -- .-. i; i si n rt-.'.m i if 1 A M . N - IT ;ss,; oaf to lls burn--t iiiorht. "p I.ln;; v stood oi s .: the p liai.k er, .1 i . wlil ' "" C.f'inr.i if.rk o: ad eau y b- KOI pe 1 1. The IPU.-.P.' '1 a : p- C. 'U r-- p.eli .1 A I, . lA-l'r. siiu ii! Arthur iaii. New okk. Not. !-. Lx-PrtsiJont Aithur died tins morn- 1D- LMr. Arthur hart been sulTerm,? fo;j.c time from a complication of disorders. chief anion;: which was a heart trouble. lie has oeen gradually failing for months and death doubtless ei-.riir- to him as a mereitul release, lie was elected to the icf-l'residency on the if is i four ticket with i.h.r'ield and sueoeea-d to ; - r:, . t ih:.f. tiie executive orri -e on the death oi the s. "lei l i.i latter. He hud served some tin-.e he- : '-in:y . 1 :'. to us f liector of the port of N""w ,t iiiop.,. i . York, bivin-i been appointed such oiii- ui.i' ii.: i'.t lir.r.t. He was a man of rt- i-t f- the fpi-cta: ic puns but rf no great f-.-rce '; ; i.t a., i of ciiura : : -o that liis admin istraiion i t t ederal alTairs was ' fer cohurles. lie married a dauh- ocfiy ter of l "oiuici dor.' lierndcn. of ; titi u Yirgini.i. and a son of about twenty-live : I'i"-.' and a uaughier scarcely yet out of ;. r ".'ir- teens are tii" fruit of tbit r, 'if l---' - '' must have been in tl; ff: i .e h" i . f .:::- in- sixtv (;.! s of age. Yiiy t -ic Statu o Is Ur-lightrd. u'a-::ixi;T". N'.iv. l"i Tiie ;V;i;, morrow '.. ill pu .iisii up. urtiff' s..ying tin- 11. .i:i. : .. -' ,1 if r :; .::.- u:. lighlfd b.-ai.- dill"- r, l,r;-:::e';i-.s r f the uovcrnnieut arc waiting 1 ;r each other to take 'die At the Treasury De; :.rt;r,. r.t it : : i-Lnt-d tiff the department i- powerless- to act lu -cause the statu .- has if t beet; iurt- u evert" the i'u p-i'i nient by tif 'i'i--:-di-nt. as it i- niuintained tif 1 i-v re- iiuires. Alt:.,' " nil..' ilou-o ;i i is s-'i 1 that the Presi lent bus im object i -n to making the .r ier re eessarv for illunii- nating the statue, but lie uniVrstand- that the statue is. under t'lio law. sub- j-ct to th.e control of the lisiuiio'ise board, and he is waiting for that bureau n i lay tiie . matter before hint through the Serretarv of th.e Treasury. ' -ni- mod ore l'fking. of the lighthouse board. sai..l it would he pi. ?.-:'.:.' to ligiit the statue from fund..-- e .r.trihu:, ; by private persons, but he did not think such an extreme course rieocrsary. lie believed that funds could bo found in the lighthouse appropriations to pay f.a the illumination of the statue, provided the President would order its illumina tion. At present their bands were tied . The lighthouse board is said to have collected a large amount of data regard- ing the illumination. It tind that ? 90o a month will be required to illuminate the statue with the same kind of light as that used during tiie unveiling cere monies. The lighthouse board has ais.j i'iven considerable attention to th.e mode of lightning. It is thought tojjie impossible to illuminate the v, r. ..e statue so that it will be seen a: night. (,svini' to it? dull,, e ting nir- co. Tho Substitute System. A S 1 1 1 A ' . 1 1 e . lO - v. . . LI . I f Oi l 1 . t-ary Manning intends to break up. tiie anuses oi me suosuiuie s-. sieiu in department, under which heretofore employees who were sick were leu to l1"1 0:1 .suo.--i.uie- 10 n.i uitu , P'-ios. 1 ne system is saici to nave p.. en greatly iiuu.-tii i.. empioj m ew health supplying -ubstitiius who re- ceived only a portion of th.e salary of the pos 1 1 1 o p. u su a 1 1 y one nan ot it , the other half koiiir to the regular em- P'oyee. -in oruer lor cierr.s w no are represented by substitutes to return to their desks goes into tdTect tomorrow. ; lnere were rouay auout seventy-ir. e substitutes at work in the department. , The order will probably not be enforced witn a severity tnat amounts to cruelty, i,,,. th cases will have to be nf nn doubted merit where exceptions are made. . (jit, piembers U-iao jjapvsLs iii vyuj-ivtruuiuii. '. i .vairy. scv- , Baltimore, Nov. 16. The fourth an ". m the Opera nual meetinp; of the Baptist convention 01 tne united Deun m mis ciiy todav. Rev. W. F. Hatcher, of Eich- monil . Va. , in the chair, and Rev. Mr. elCOlt. OI IN e W SetttLJiy. 1T.C V . UU D. pepper. of WatervilleVaine, read n naner on th "Insniration of theScriD- lures," which was discussed bv Kev. O P. Easchus of Now Jersey. A paper'. on "raith Cure. sent by Kev. V. H. Whitsitt, of the Southern Pap-4 tist Theological seminary, in Louisville, w-as discussed by Hon. JamesBuchanan, of Trenton, and Rev. G. F. Downing, of Cleveland, Ohio. The convention is very fairly attended and will remain in session until Thursday. " ' Chicago Strike. Chicago, Nov. 10. Large crowds of men assembled at the Forty-third street viaduct, and at the railroad tracks on Eoot street in the stock vards this morn- drawn tomorrow-, as in his the civil authoriiiis will L. needed . Invadin tF' iiiJian j.;vu.. K:i:i-tu 'Fv. . i n rs ! b, , :. : !.- -u Fort i: I-- t. .:t . the Tu !i n r: L'ALov.r.i.i-. company ot .... to this pu.e prospectors n The greatest to -..nds of ciaini i:ie Territory -liver is 1. -1 :- v '. ities. Ho ving- a C:- M O.T:t tL-it .. i.,y L.-i i. cr , c urt h ui---. -' .i -.llt ho bv ' ; ur iaro :": ite uifht nr. v..,' --.aye been si. .if u c io..- e'ai .iv. , :i. Hem: r..scos CoiFitlin-g on Gambling. V Asm.NoTOX, Nov. 15. There wasan i-Oerpsrer-l rrnu-ri t th Intarinr ripnnrt,. i iL-nt tf nay to listen to the argument of ; iL.,-e Conklitig in the Field-Wylie tel- ,-.-.ipk printer contest before the Chief Kxamiuer of the Patent Office. In the preBentatiorj of the case Mr. Judson, tiie oppo ing coursel. sought to throw ,i,,l:bt -jpnn the character of n Mr. WriHit. ..-:, of Mr. rtonfclinr' iritnonR. b-..:-. e he bet money on horses, . ( : rejr.inder created much I l :.:. ;-.: . Ir was delivered in the I i .r.f li::.- o.-i'l icst manner. Mr, Conk- p.o-.v :o consider tho only thing ! i: lf nir.g eagerly, I have heard, I wan the palpitation ot tho gen ii pure heart of my evangelical Jr. Judson, as he thought of friend L' :! lr.l'u . iree upon the human mind -.r.t ing money at hazard upon the r.- .-s i f in ; -i s. I regret that I have at !...!:! to give to the learned coun--. . .burst which I think if possible :. !. more vivid, more electrify - f -i ti.o i..nguage of his brief, and . . l ...iif the other Sunday from the T--.b-.age. ia the City of : b.e-- and of pools. lie alluded to biu.g a- that haggard transgression e ! I y a garland i f crime which had !- -"..ring down the ages. How li f. s -nr.d to you. Mr. Examiner? 't . of, ti ink yourself that it is fully U." .C'-.-ription which came from : c r pu:p:t that my friend occu- :. - .i-.rt ago '.' Is it. not rather -d, lear. addressing a tribunal of . c xf .-rieuce in the affairs of men. b'un.,1 taking judicial notice of the in which we live, a serious attempt id be mu le to discredit a witness u i.e buz irds monev on the run- it: . uo l. c . Y, :,. ,- hi-u : u::y do j . ' ., t ii hap b: . leari.t-d counsel says 'gambler!' . I may say. in order to propitiate ;cn,i an i ingratiate myself with Wi.i.'h i am very anxious to do, .'.ever mys.-Ii put a farthiug upon !- r.: . and. unfortunately, I - know how to gamble: that, - ; ihf ; usun 1 do not do it. .. t f '1 to remember that ... r - have lived and died i. - uu ; ..f'ljo iy in tiieir time dared '.'n. a: u .-e amusement, per- lif-.' ma -ter vice, it was to J, rues I-"ex was as great a gumbh i w.-.s itritau: 17 .- us thfci" was in England, and b -tr.-r ! o.ved than any man in i d n believe that in all the Commons, on division night or any other night, or at any of the ho.- tii g- from Cornwall to Northumber land, w as ever any man impu dent and impertinent enough to im I ut;n nis integrity or bis veracity, upon oatii or otherwise, becausfl beplaved .ines ot 1 , o - aid for monev. 'T J.-P. -Csi .iiGts and Lord Salisbury i. uu ... Nov. 1j. The council of the svu'iic, Pemi cratio Federation will eead a K-ttcr to the Marquis of Salisbury de- mai.uiug t mm that he, as prime SMn e:. le.-eive a ueputation ot tioem pinyca workmen next ounday alter n' - n ct ,1 nt-ar from them a statement v.. ii-u. -s lor government assistance. Tl.o later will give as a reason -for naming Sunday for receiving the depu- tation mat it is the onlvdav convenient fur the persons who will compose the deputation to wait tormally upon the prime minister because, the letter will sir, they are compelled to spend air their time on tde other days ot the week seeking work, and the document -will caution the premier from attempting to evade the deputation, and ask him to refrain from following this week Ills custom of 'going into, the country n h Saturday. Kussia Must Keep Out. Lo;iOJf, Nov, i5. The Standard says: The plain English tf CouBfcl&ir- noky's declaration ie that Russia shall! not occupy Bulgaria; if she does she will have te. reckoa with Aastria and England, and, in case of need, with. UermaBy: Copenhagsn, Kov. 5. It fe stated on authority that Prince Waldemar ie personally willing to accept the throne of Bulgaria. p; Sofia, Nov. 15. rumored here that Russia is mobolizing troops. Gen eral Kaulhara has demanded the dis- missalof tiie perfect and sub-Derfect of its Philoppolis because the patrol, , late awr Russian consulate a Russian cavass. who had refused to give his name or tho password when challenged. Captain Nabokoff. has been d-elivered to the Russian Consul at Bourgaa. TI13 Evanish Tobacco Monopoly. Madki;. Nov. 15. It is reported that en . i' I'uigeerver, minister of finance. ;::tr du .'e in the Cortes a project to te tobacco monopoly in s-, ndicate of native and rs v. i..a will t-i'itt lllfl Pile . . .. .. ... - - . rental exceeding the -U.iue which the government i ,iu that source. :s Arrested in Russia. Nn-. !c.-six American i .'. e bwcii arrested in Southern preachiug iu an orthodox as- j ltassians. Mr. Lothrup. the ! ..s minister at St Petersburg, i Cult. avoring to induce the au- ioase the prisoners, but so insucctf-sf ul. Ijaiia's Xluler. v. 10. Hus.-ia has desig l:if!,o!as, ef ?iitigr.'lia. as : . -r tiie thr.,ne of l!ul .: r ..ia ei-s have unaui- : -. : if him as the succes- ' Aic-Vinf, r. and have m-i.iiv.- to propose a sat sfac . : l.i-r i . i i'.i..-t with the ' , , 1 re.pu niiy na iuf oy i ihti p jwdt-rs that they ', . liscuit. or eak raised ",'.,. '.'V'1"' '"'"' s ,isL. ,,. a. i impure .us. ana is csn-cu either ..mux alum .introduced .,:. article), by 'Ff impure .1 c'lara.'ttr . or : of,, t! . t .. ' ' l U I''" I S O other m--i.uninc-v i r, ie r n :. ::.-- I ;. :u . 'Ti.--e .. I. u .- m il.e bread il 1 . Flue. . Ui li:. fiuni. I iff if-niiy. tastah:.' in a : 1 liVSIi-iallS i i .s..- fi I U U ' i- Ftl. . .'. 1 V s l.fs IS .' j i ut ::..".'! I juopor on and l.'"l t !".- hi I he p-r ;!.or u ..- be- a. .it: .;t. . l'.ck- 1 far !- i" lie:,- as "s i, r . . ti -". a iav Pi Absolutely Pure-" lli is powder never nrui;. A- marr-ai of - Purity, strength, and wboleaomeneaa. MOT -s -BconniDiral than the ordinary kinds, ud mi- ' not be sold in mmDetltlnn with th u - of low test, fhort weight, alum or phoaphmt powders, e old o a I y 1 n cans. Ror ai. Baxivw rvwiimui). iuo w ail-st.. n. x . norlMTdw Take Notice! Our store is filled with . "' Provisions, Oroceries, Caaned Goods, Dry Goods, Crockery, f ' Etc. We keep a full line of the ' . . i - ''- Celebrated Prison Boots 'and Shoes. -uu ALSO - ' - f " ' 0. S. Parsons SonsJdote" ?r and Shoes.VT!,:;-- Every pair warranted to give atls"-'-";- faction. s Jl4 Country merchante and the"r-eople - " generally are requested to ealt and ex- ; amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will give you low figures. - - s We job Lorillard Snnff. . V & - ROBERTS & BRO.; - South Front t.. NewBeme, N. O -s Accident Insi-rcncs. V-o -p. - i Jr. ; The. Preferred -Mutual Acci-o dent' Association , :' : Policy carried for $13 yearly. -f . ' , ..'' Pays weekly benefits, $25. v Eoss f Life, $5,000. . . . liossof botheet or both hands, $5,000. -Loss of one foot or one hand, g2,500. --' -' T6 Jkki li&iiliM ie'eidest i:s'n, - l$er more per year, and in case of loca '. . of limb or .Umba yaya only S860. and when -; " any of their rlska become cfalma, they char- -acterlEe all rlska 4n that commnnlty a"de- :- oldealy nnBatlbfaotory." jegardlesa of their ": character or atandiDg. , -PotSAFKITfflEAPSATISFACTDBY ' insurance, apply to - . arreterreu aiucuat Aociaent ASSOC 'n. - . - GEO. 'ALLEN & CO., S 4 .,'r'V'?' -1BiV , . ,-u uo.urtnx3 (Ua . r ' A SpripgfieldFirelnWnce Co " - , Offer eafe;'insarance 'oa Dwellings VX t Ud Mercantfle Eisks. i - s -- s,- ', ' --i.'. s. . f Safe and reliable. Eas payment. , - , . ' .-i "'' t'- n"1 -s'. '. AlJ9r3i-A(jENTS FOR ' f h PeopIe'iMiial lifa Issurancis 11111."" Policies payable at intervals of from -f fire to seven years daring lifetime. , ,ve ; Money advanced on Policies. s ,t Ferdinand' Ulrich, ' 1 nV.h;- g, WHOLESALE GR0CEE AGENCY OF . -n-n . HAZAED POWDER 00, AND , choice Pale Cream! Cheesed wawmiami nunww ' '' ' .:.' SNUFFS AT M A "WTTP A C TURERS' PEIOES. ; hi c;u SACKS,', T. A . Green ' Old Stand. NEW BEKNE, S. O. SKINSEY'S SCHOOL FOE ,).: Girls and Young Ladies, LA GRANGE, N. C. jo?i:rn kinsey, peixncipai- Fall Session begins Monday, AUgns CO. 1-'?C. terms: Expense per session of 20 weeks, Jn- cU(jllt; hoard, tuition, instruction in niusic, vocal and instrumental. Ancient and Modern Languages, and exercise ia r.,i;.,i,,',, wi tin Pupils will board with Principal, horn please address for further particular-. jyi4 dim wtf J00KST0EE. J. L. HARTSFIELD, DEALER IN BOOKS and STATIONERY .School Books and School Supplies a specialty. ai co. Sua?. Cigars, Tojs, Glassware, 'rockery. Fi.shing Tackle, Etc. ne door south of Loftin's Bank. Very truly, J L. HARTSFIELD. J. McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKES, POLLOCK ST., NEWBEEN, N. C. SATISFACTORY. I'bP.UVTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Pension Office. Washington, D. C.,Sept. 16, 188C. MR. J. McSi.'l'.LKY. AVtr Berne, N. C. Sin: I tin close herewith draft for :;?,"o, in payment for the shoes. The style, tit and workmanship are satis factory. They fit me better than any . - hoes I have had in twenty years, Verv respectfully.. V. E. DCLDU. ii. f - "s . : i7 F , -v ID) ID) iOa JTK