'tit. 'M '.a I 'shl 'jrT '.SJnHf I it . if IX, hi H IHPKH IVDKl'KXHKXT IZST ALT. T1I1X ( T - Terms 98. OO Fox Vera VOL. I. N"'-'xv HKI.NK. CUAVKN COr.NTY. N. ('.. DKCKMISEli 2, Pssi; NO 35. fit 1,500 Bundles of Delta Hook: Cotton Ties. . HA KsGIVi . G DAY. 9 O 13 83 03 U C ex, 1'" II. I - i ,' I (' 11 llil 1 . In .i in e : i : , u . ,s u . k i i , , . , published, uii'l led ,o ! .i -li.'i ; t.a., ; in the column.-, of Tit. 1'r- '.; I the author uinlenakes i 'm r r , , i - ii -in ?H'a week is a seta :,-tp -urn :nr V" an.i more. ?n r-"'.''. lu-i..l -p :- n l fr:wu,i hi i kit:- I'''!, arid th.it 1 : h 'hi- son, i...; k v t h , st or v :a--' Th i kgivn.kj L.v Pt "r Pilgrim Fathers n. e -o i r n , .i 1 in (1 ( a n il i il . When ('jell. .Sherman cnteied t Mild.-, 'mi 1 1, . ('.. .ilU-r his iu.ileii ' o i lie sea. on his way to joi 11 . i ,i n t helote K :eh IDOIid. thele dwell ill ' ha: town ii I-, ,mi (Ad. A. ii i 1 '- "'lie ot : i- il. -: Pallid Srce- -pa, .-ps t h.p e '.'.' lie p,un,l. 1 1 ,.- It .- . f . .. i . i . 1 : . : i . i , , power .u i lie lii 1'heri i . . i, .1..- i i Waters. n. 'impendent- I. : er-i a O ffl J O o o O w .2 U pl fcw ft 3 - es es cs o O O rf3 o Hi FOR 7,500 ales of Cotton. 1 o fc"' -4- o u C o o 51 " a..- I 1 ;jii.k ki. i. ' it.-...:. I, Jh.. t . ,1.-1 ' I- M- 1 ri.ii . -el : t ii .lieui. -; - .. i .i. i - , re i n-.ai. ' ' : .u-vr i.i- he.i i ' ! ' ' i s-. i e.e. i ;, e,i i r r. le ' : w h . ' ' r- .1 ' -I irnui'.e i- i .! 1 i . : hi., i i . . I r t !., ; r hn; .1 ' ' ' " " . i u r tnee ' ' -v r i - - : i n 1 1 :; . ' 1 I ! ' :. ii : I ; ;1hi1 pr.s- : ...(. :- . - : .: ! v ,-. i: j ;r..;ll. : ' . . ' - n : r . . i : i . i i i , i i ; i e r m . - :: ' "x l.tw ,lr.-w near. 1 ti, ii .pc . i Ii mi. k f u i In en v ; ' Mi. . inini I,,. v , ,.r. IIi'iO Mild ,-M' -iileFlee -e. :i i- !;. u 1 1 II 1 , 1 e 11 t e r e II d ul r ii . -.ill, e ' . :; Shei in 11 a ' . . . i : lie -I'll II : l,e uiie M a M d ' (M iped ! !- in 1 1 1 1 M I 111- ( '.'lehei. P I'l-ll. y!fTed I . a ) -hi; I il P 7 p t SPA 000'09 GHMINGS & GRAY, AtLiSirlTUO Stores. Quen St., Kinston, H. G., only ,Mil)t.uitl il bii: del : o.u .-.m Mim,--.- vv.t : t u.i'ed in ll.e nuilii ' 1 ,r,, :' '"'1"r,' te provided in Mitlii-nsit amiiii'.jtie,. of tiie e;t and at the ei,d ,. ., ... 1 - I l.frj Ilea.l Killd-. "Tl .i 1.1. M. 11.11 111 en-. - lee -1 ) I I! .1 . I ) V o ; : e ei 1 1 i : ; 1 1 I -.. I'.v m.-utii lie. . tliew.uk - llj : lti."Piii- Pee. i r.nvti Iroin tt,e-nu:p would .- ........ o 11 11 1 ..e, hi-, .hi wo: 1; is u : . 1 i. , - i, .i -:s .. ., ..si.i..i 1. l'"--- the 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1-,i I ; ; .-en-:P'.e : h- ..w ideas atmii; li 0:1 -e k ee p : n c. atnl W r:i-ti, whu'li in, ikes .1 . u 1 1 d -a jjpst ;. ai - ..him- :nt- .is to w.i s and mean- 1 a e lleel 1 a e ': 1 tv -;,( a :m 1 - i doiiiestie eeoiio.ni 1: ;- a ijia-- 'I (',,. ', lesaie, tlou. hnueer. a-li!e tioin tne li.ais vvim ua- out on h; f-'1N'n .is to (tie pi -p . mi; ion 01 : h.-in, and an elln-er. salu: Mie h;tn " . dishes ami othei pr.o ; lea 1 1 n loi in a asked w ha! h is sen : ; men ! - vi a Hon ot U-e to housekeepel il an i er u d to the war. thiu (lenetiel.il is aeeoin phshed -o "I am a stione I'tiioii man."" an- ' 1 u as eoiieeriis ios-;.,r j i :i n i .1 1 -c,-ed the (.'i-loni-l. uuh a resups. I'h, it is to -a . lot ilio-e -Hide. "dio nave ai.iii.d.iiit means -.xita -'Ah. indeed." -rd : he otVa-ei. ' uhiehto provid;- their ludei. the 1 .it her sat east lealh : "and how lot, - tor qtiMstlon wtietlier the e pen 1 i 1 1 la e havcou lieen ,1 I'tnoii man."" ' is limited In rln .1 ueeko, n,.; is ! have Peen a 1 11 loiun a n . " .-ai d not in ,iu j;ri-.r. irae ieai 1 : 1 1 . 1 t 1 ne ( oloiiei. slow I . a 11 d a- n eon .one. iiie until loase:e- I , , i ''i' I i li. His Uolll-. "I-V1T slPee 1 a.,.j ,.. . ... lia e to provide looil lor thfr l.mi saw you and your stall come into pie--:::-. , r. ' ii. llie.s lor consider, ibl less lh u ln il.c end ol that siieet. alioul tiliieii - n. :. j.-i ;. r t :, . per Week .i.iv- learned tlu-..---oii m I n 11 1 es a eo " l "mi i lie i :, i . p ol economy iu the haul seiiool T he ea t.dor i n t he P'oh intd s n-pi ' r. "''.'" :'li" '.H' oxpericnce. pie.,-ed (.en. Sherman, and i.e or- -(., T'V' f'.'V: . There are a trri-.it ninny lamilie- -ti-red a j;ii.wi. il.u-ed around Col. m th-l.-i-Y: a: . - undoubtedly u ho-e income woiiid X '- p: oj ei t y a ml dm i ug t he eu t u e ' 1 i..-. . i i- . ,r warrant the expendiluie of pis' -ta olthearmv in (roldsboro.ini! t'f . ( t ti.:. I pr about iplu per week lor lood sti,i- a fhitiij was mole-ted in r around 1 "" a.;...,e- IllleS. I Ml r t Iimi Will n. .rillll or lit! Il's 1. 1., tills. .s i I I.. ,,,,tI ,1- Hl.lr'l 1 ,!eL! 11: lie ' ... , ii on fin i pr.i. I ... v u . r.- li t' derrun this .sum as a weekly avei m.tii v ot the tinr private n wtdl as ' We ;,r. m - i i'e in accord, nice with tiie de'ife o 1 1 ' i baadipi;- u.-ie Inirued and v".-itets u i. v,a ot allei'tiou the ii.tx e for their .'Mailed lh It- it Fr, , V, w. stomach, tor home adointnen'-. p.i hooks tor Ihe clolhes in hi, n :i.y Landseers, L:o. a! c ill i a ed. llie most liue.il aliil l-iml-.-ii tad .o. extte i.e o;,,'. -ireful Of hon-ewr.es haetlieir "'""" ' ' "' "; "' l : " 1 111 ' k 1 1 ' i'-:- owu pel economies and ollelilhell 'i'e ol I. oils, and lio-u the t.n.e owiiltt'le ex; ras aeanees. tl n, w ' n . a s a lio . i- dissect, al on,-. otf-ettaiLT and count el lial an, -in.; ; ,e '"' " ",1 '" - ,l,;all. the bod ot evei other. 1 lie .iel ,o'e lioii-e tiol , I !i, :'":'a' 'li''l in I.'ndon. Diekeli- plett Wed ii;. to i;- a.eouie hetliei it be small or ri--it ,; ni;,'ht ai ' i ie r A ,.i:ii pru if,.!,), - . "il.- f In. lie art 1 ' -1 I ' ' r .-. t i Hi- ni er e a- -. 'pa a M.i ,,pai i toil ;n t, Hiitunui. ehihiren. vt..i, i in. dr. : .oi,i twenty one: 11 1 ' -r if lien ih.-y inn. led V I .J tie , .... I, beU i..i r: ,v i..n u, tnll N, ,vem b- r . 'hir ! i, iiik-n iriir fe.st is-preml. i- it..- m;i e ti i ,.--n, a-., ire, i i-us torn ' ' '-' 1'. . r mi- 1 1 ,m s- MIK'e d end . V.. . a:.p i ii v r k i. , w th- t-rror In. 1 1,. l'i an!. i,-,r v- jtrs Hgo. - ' 1 . , : i,. o -i i a . i; 1- - , - e a -. m : i. r . 1 a ; .- , it. I . w lb- !:..- Colonel Buford acd the Danvi.k. Tiie N, iv York Mail '..-..;,., aie I. ..lance of -a.-:Atthe adjourned met-tiiifC , t the Hep.-, -ei tativeM. Terminal r.e.xt week nothing will be ;.:- oeiteii to done beyond presenting a brief n-jiort. - K-'prc- and at the annual meeting i.ext i.n-nth - .a-.. The the ntw- board will be formally el, ctc. : :'.iiT in- by the Htockholders. The ipul-ti-':: of ' '-" the new board for tin; Klein:;: : . aa, ' .. e :. thw Danville ha- not been e, ia'a.: . .' ' yet. hut it in under. t a d th.e : . : -'' ei- . ,y the r PI dir. ete I- u ill rer:.-.:p. w I "-Mb!.- exerpta r : ,.(. j.u;. r,p' : : ! 1 ' 'V v. hi. ie adie in : i . ' . ;. no .,,, ,;:- : thin,; ha: 5 rai-,- to pie. xtei i :. !' '; 'M- - .. ai mi , tie n . . ;' at pr, .-eld. ana it I -. :,. ,4V !' I li:'I ' -" . t'.e ::(',- manage' :e;o ' '.!. I inaii.cori ;- harnv n ii. n? riduti: -:- ':' ne eratie I i ; -! e v. . ; h t k e Ka-t Trnnr-nc. ";r : ' ': 1 "'e? K"':a :a: i (.; , : ::ia. and the othi r y. a;h- '' ' !n road- . P. ;- r, t U:, v ti. a ti 'i'e - ' ' ' : ""ill be ;.:.v e:::,;-,;. ,n ti.i- n p. One ot t!. t;.-.. , r.e;c. , f r , ,,. -; ... '' ' - niin.il IV, ird will l.e te c;.;::.- tip ! ' ': th.e Vosti rn North ( 'ar, 1 : r ;-i a i . ; - : .: ' ' I ""'ren-ia Mia iand and r. More :l.e : -- t- ' ;!:" t:-;; Mi 1 1";,: the trea-urv of the ". rr .: ' e eo ; ;., , ' ' ' ran a. '.! K- : . . :': ; :';!: ':t The State! ar;.; -. ..- : , ... . ' : ' . :,: v V' ;i ,!;l-v bei.n t": ir w. : k .-f ti:.ti;- '.. , ' "' " ' v't" V'-te ca.-t on the I iii-1 - an! ;::; . . ,, the CoukT.r-.-ional fijrure?. with the e-'- ception ,i the Mitcheil county i , -. ' which Lave r.ot vet b-. en r.a c : - . ' I V " ' "! -'" supplying thi-e naming J-jri.r. s !;.'.-'' ' '" our lilor-. it .ippears that I. aham i :' ;'' ' elected in the iir.-t district bv a r p;...-'. ' V i,! ,,ny t-y of 2.700 over Barrett, hi; J"," ...a. ,e una ,.r,.ont.ut. Simmons is t-lect.-.i , second district bv a plurality nf J i ' - . I ie.er.ee over O Tiara: McCinnimv. iu' the t..j,.: : .- i.i r.jcs district bv u plurality ot m", y. r 1 : .. .. . Koonce: Nichols, in the fourth Lv : ;."-inj c'' Plurality ,u 1.41J-- ovir tirah-r-- on. in;,.,,) Brower in the fifth bv a i-Iur.-v ,' Wltl l'- of 1.5-0 ever I.-id: " Howi.-. i -a" " v attne :.s thi Mx.h by .. , :;;r,.;,v " '.. 1 o er Jeia .-: !a-..ia. n :::: - - . ' tnat Mr. ,.iuh i v u .ur. , ., .. T T i . ,-nr,. tieir -o- ii. - .. -, .- ' - l' - o aiKer: . owns m tl'" :"'ri'u ' I,art-V: ralitv of -4.IJTJ ov,r (i I I 1 . : i I , 1 L 111 ; I.ITI.KARY. i r-l ; ;.Ir. Charies Dudley War i 1 a.-., en a series of "Mexican as tiie rtouU of his visit to Mex w inter and spring, i.e .-.a llrv Society, in its forthcom- ''.a.-.e of Sl-,el!oy"s Works, will a n: : '.;:. "a in poems and essays by . restive to Shelley. . , da a-el" cyaiop, alias are said 60 : , r : : ..a ,. by numerous inquiries sucli Bible p.'i.-c 'igeS as -:. i. next to (jdliuc-os. "' : iu I ua auction -ale at 'i veial rare old MSS. !.,:;..-.:.. be inciuiKil the first i h tt r ' ' "e!i:u.b:i -. in relation a e v, r;. 1 -.' America. : '.. oiaa:,. d "Iiiatraud Master- i :. .a A i..c i icin Literature, so- j : 1 1 . in s.ty a u thi ,rs. " is being ed - I :y l a wai l T. Mason, to be pub-j : y l a- l'rtnan:.;. iri three vol- j '.': C-a.-'ia::- once marked 5.000 j - a, a n-'w- edition of Webster's I Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of Dlirltv ctr.nn,h .. .1 1. .. . . j , , , . - wuuieBuineueu, Hon .1 ! be en presented to economical than the ordinary klndB, and ean. r. . av'r.g that fcr a ' '""PetltlonwltlithemnMtoil - of lQw test, Fhort weight, alum or phoapnat was tolerably free ' P0,rder8- Eoldoaly In cans. Rotai. Bakihi. PowmkCo.. iue Wall-Bt... T. novlt-lvdw t.apr PLiiric- Dickens, inher-r.t- and tastes from his father, '. "laz." is editing a jubilee Take Notice ( l r : . . ! N . Kl.ial. - I I . - . I 'li. 1 ' -; f r :. -, .,., n t : r A a i ti.-n tir-t Tnsi.kn init I . inn. I.N M tlKk Co -ton in th" ninth bv a t !nr.-,iii "v, r 3:aeaa, . Uwdi ! -" '- " iisures do ie.it diiV, r matt tho-e giv, n m thi- p ,; . r after tiie election. A'. - i ::. a . : iv i :i:ic- ..onion of Tennvson e :: .i vopjir.c-s, to be published dir. S Co. --s ' a- of ;:ge -would seem to i.-.t- to commerce a literary - :. '.- II- id: but that is v. hat s A.":.: JtltA 7K J CtiT PURCHASED AND COT IN STOKK I 1 1 1 : ;Best:and Cheapest Stock of Goods Ever x. . Brought to this Market. OwtmUJ only ty the lit of jrivi-j th irrti: vil . fr ':-. : 1-: .-. wt offr ?a . f . - DrJpOdv Notions, Boots, f hoes. Hats and Caps, Cloth - Jas;T White Goods. Hardware, Glassware. Tin and ' -s-f. - - - Qaccniwire, Trunks, Valtses, Coffer, Sugar. Floor, Poi k, Side Meat. Syrup. .PP' '; Molasses. Tobacco and 8nuff, JS WHOLESALK AXI) HKTAIL. Ja"XeiTta ioflir in ral Talu-- 1Q ev-ry .i. dmr's w rth t u ! uy re for mOSSUre, dollar for dollar, it either of eur t,' pp'jlir :,':. 'omc and See and Save Your Mniiey - JOutomis. C , Spx. 20. 1H6. -n ; . , -n u vk;. iikp. npi... ipws N : :ik i Me r. pp. ia Ni.'a V. i;k. N.h LV,. ilenis d 1 e-e, t. I to,l.. p.,..,, iM.,i li. ookiy li one ot 1..- ( 1, .r.ietel Is" ;c -.a mun-, iitrl ei.e tl. ii up; p,. sure o e , t, -, d :-eu--:o;; , e-p. e.ai ly t:i.t p ,rt reiatii.e to socialism and the a'lor and land ij le-'iou-. He be ,!1 ,,v co:iip.ua;j,- th.s country - " 1 . and can ' last me; he - "I .,: a d in utr.,1: y i-xtnij; et . en laiiope.iii n o tot,s n , t Ii ' pea -e e o( aecoid : ii.eli el-t 'A as in : he ua ap ot i e.ar . n g that : ane occa-ha,. w hell he and othep- P i.ila pate it; ami V" ".' ''""-V 'lie aitlsf a ser. '.'.I'M o I t II - in.., : I I 'ases roiiy repiillics, he ' .1 d l-cord be ' n cell p- Jrnod to the SCHWERIN, C3is Clothing; Dry Goods, Shoe and Hat Store. d .( i ' ' I BajtOtat without fear of contrad'etion he has the -ES1AND-U03T COMPLEIE STOCK OF CLOTHING Wooa-lti Wr ia maoT 4J. I m pcepared to show the finest Corkscrew, as Well M tit trool CaAimtr and other Sniu in iare and ruml cut Sack", also condition ot oar American democ .' .a 1'n; Slid. I t ! . e ; 1, . ''' h 1 !. people are taxed to in .liii'.nii great lup'itary establish u. eiits. on a ha h the I, to ot the n.itiotis d. peiid. Oar armv is but a '" P a a!'- gu ird compared n ith ' n r ot t o i in in Our navy and j ,.i in ai.- ttie con , :,;,' ot the world. ' 1 ad be : h il, ked I,.: ; h .1 1 . Vet a movemen- ha., been started t.tvor ot spending millions to build Useless ship- aud useless coast de feiises e have ail the defense that we need in our schools and most be said liotw ahstaiidiuo- the tact lb.it P. I,,., s AU' '"'eled ami asked. "Did on is much le iter paid in the I'lit'ed "r' i,r a lion, mi f " n, 1 1 ; ,,s the Sates than ,ui where el-,-. th, " " ' ' I . a t 11 1 a I thai- in the uolni. lie .-lies' - I e a ted t i I 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 : g I ; o u - a ' 'on 1 t., el:-.-; . in: : I i ted a a, oe t:,r- a,, U ot I he de id N- f." ot : ,- Ze.niiii'.il (iard.-n-. -peak ol saving ;i-.) diiia.'. w h:. n w ' ' :l ' " many t hous.imi.s do. ,x ' l aaa The American people a i ,,; , p 1 '' lead lessons 1 1 o n i to,- t , ,, i . , , , ' ' s in .il 1 a m o u n ' s hi i 1 1 ., , , a. ii , o- h.-r , ,.: , i , ., I. ... I he- ax era gv hou-e hold ha- toe M it ll much greater thill Mil olved III -fK) ,i , tm older to keep out ol debt Ii i ; i i -I : i a it: i i ;. g u a - u, , , ane shown in a e evening part'., g' had Ix-el! the tlou, hell a l.nlv I- a: ne had et d r.i Ii I. i! i t.i i : a, 1 1 - ,1 - o t . . I ::,k I e, : 1 i lie same moment. , . ,1 . P..- I I. O I l.o . " ' " '' ' " r !l ': ha' be done, and 1 m m ed I a t e 1 -a a -i ' oon ' . i pep el Is ,i n il 1 1 re w a horse s x r Ii ea : a a , a . e p-a nd and a r i I,,. 1 - e i r Hi i , i : li. in.,-' I .i-es i ue.se if- .. - ale i. a : 1 1 el M Ddeserv ed . 1 eo, , a, a;, i airi, -like to live as weli a- tl,,- a . and very proerl so. It is (,.-:.;.. o j Keep ooiiy ami soul log.- m . .,n ., j very small pittance ai a u ia u d .. I necessity compels it, -.,..,.;. can and do get along' about asch,-apU .... 1. T'.. . ... iu iue i uueii stales a- it, ; v lll.cd country but i; t- no' a healthy condition ol things when a larire nurti.m ,,t' rl... ..... .1. .... " forced to this , tiennt . The star r,'U'' " "' ': i,! t mic wheJi L.imi , ,l ''''': vaiiou basis is not a pie-want one ', " ' '' ' . " 1 " 1 th .t r. i..u-i I to coutem plate, iiini the lartherre- nou--' lor cuurch j ust as his butler i.p-:a : ; moved ,the mass ot the people aie a-eu a iren canvas on the easel sun. from it, the more the have hs.d, '"''"re the painter; on his return. mree tnmrs later. Landseer had conij h-:ed a hie -tzed iicture of a fillow deer, and so well was it done r i ; .. ' fail, tin. e rehl'i and at r i-'s head wit h t he I le painted with great j, : he ..pc.. sent to t he ch: bi. . ' 'ire ' I raabits painted 111 r : ot an hour. Mi . e s -a tot 1 1 ua: e , ; : I:a rhiirchnw nn.. f o - t h, K- r-. scs on the elobe." Mr. Keeeher "olumf- MK,nP b. ane com sjKike of i:uro,e aa trying with I L"' . b T lt ' 1 1' i.,Hn,r ooo,' k.. k..,:. .u viduallv and lor the n.itn. l-.,..,r, LV 1,111 IUIO LUC N tivelv. ltldl II l'i 'l.CC diat ; ahei he nor the artist could 1,,, it. rVaa. Wklkin rt, nxfrn. frnm (HI Suit nn to "S ll Pine. r.ii'V V.n ed mil is -,ltu U n 1 .1 m 1 1 ICS U .1 C t O i : i e 1 II Meu with la lemo.-r.m,. forr,,. 1 1,., ...... ,voi me parts o I l.uropelor an aver a men:, the settlement of' the lano i?e ' ' ;! . 1'l'r W,""k '"' i , I 1 ne or llieir 1 anil iini a c.erro , from T3 eU. a pair ap to tt3.bO Dis;onl amd other Fine Overcoats, real Beauties; i grVr'ty f BeTertible or Turn Uver Conts. .." I sell ib ottly oorr-rct New York Fill nJ Winter S?l.- f Derbv Soft Hat B, made on the "Danlap Block," the sccpt. i hiiag ami . tdy t he near tut lire lor Kngl.uid. Mr l.eechcr tlo ti proceeded to a dps cii--;oii ot tt;,. problems which are now conn on; ;ng ;i,;s nation. He leipiired retouching an I tl. ii. : l ti.c ii r;g:,:s les a; i i. , m ami Irish n.iestpuis crilie lorn, ,a' ,T,,e.. , .... .. ccouomic.il Or pilule':. ; . . , w . e I W, rhau men in th coiintrv u ho ha faahioaahl Block im New York Cut la French Kip DitchiDg nd Fine Zalfskin Boots a: i M :..-, . Ijtdicw sad Children's 8 hoes. I ht d en!v th- v- ry I- -: ig a fron MaaaiJCUmra. and eil them m;gh:y low. lTne ehoteest and ltet Stj leof Neck wear, Hosiery, Suspenders, 'Underwear, and other Gents' Furnishing Ci ..is a specialty. i three tunes that s'.m weekly tor tl support ot themselves and Piniiia The only ditlereiue is lh.it the ia in A Full ana Complete Line of Dry Goods, Tis ; Csshairrun, WorstiU and f pi u,- in i';: hii-'s ard c lor-. Calicoes from 4 ct. a yd. ap. 15-st N. '. Cheeked H -iu. .-t ua. ' -. a . At divide an bleached Hoa.epu:i. otily 4 ,t. i j.i. '.; Caauairs, Kentucky Jeans, : il other o.ni- f r I'lrn i- : S : ;-. Ladis WalktOf Jackets, Shawls. Hlinkrts sud Bed ta.lt c:a t a , 1 Aii ?ULr, .a,til,.s i ri'.'i A i-BATTLE MS'S CALF SEWED $2 50 SHOES TTw 01. ly -h- :; '. . t El' by th- Msnukr '-r r 1'r"MrK--. U: r . ftn of tti'n : :i ' i I'.Tf out. . W . m p. - r- , ' i . - men: i ai -' a-: (- a Or ;iv a. a h lH't r r 1 s. ; !l --I - h i . . mo ' j ii : k . i "nr am I ; - t alV tft(lDlDUI : la im -,. - -l. r-.-. im r tr.v ii h - - s (i i r.i : r-.' . 1 1 Me tid ky M h Y ' Warrant' dt : . : i t a . y t . ri : ' ' ' :nr j,' a " " ' k k ' r .i ;a - W c 1 -v n ; l 4. ;i M f ! T . . r- ..... .... .1.1 1 . . 1 ,,, . x,.t. , , ; ,, i it,ls tx tit-r linn , nr:n .1 . i t A t r - i I i it' Uj i M I .it . "tC I,4l , n,." he said, -as ,, ! a sk , n d is- Comtnoilious t. e.ic- The agirario,,- now g,g ,f ,'"l;"ul'sWfni''' '.!' a, among the hii.onng men. while i 'Kl- U au' temporary embarrassment,,;',' 1 "f """ :. ,.,.., . ,s a lde-s;,,e- ,. hll ,"' '"nntriesot i.:i: ...... .,, . i ... o . ... lewisU the il.Itelelice '.icicC'-n " 1 all,'.- . e i . ge UCe . "( )t , , .i,,,... , ,.,ia more mai ked than l i-. ' e-rn- - ni. ami t;. reiicc . , , ,, , , . , u . - 1- -,. , i -i . ' A iam;l can i l v .- m the 1 . i.i m o. - . . j ,s w . n bi o: her to . , . i ,. , . I, . . i i , i . iat es on less t ban 1 u a u , e k . a- o a tl. 1 U-i on ela, he said , . , ... Z iiu, ' iueaii.s aspiration, t.ivens ' base already sap, ; ,,n a tamny iiiwti a.' bo- --a:l e.i ,r. . can easily spend miicii mole than , l u j l r 1 1 ii ou i ia, i n g t n e II i -e I v e - i aoi lag men . , , "a. :, ged.e 1- a IleW ,i,vti)e:V."" , liaig, 'l' i ,'i 'i 1 ' brin.Tin , f r.Aee.ssne iiouselloii expell ' IU, Priuging'l . , , , , ,, f, i-. indeed, rare ch.u g.-,, ., ;, t lo r, not b . .- , , ., t . , , ..... . . i . , . , . , " ioi 1 1 )ou aion e l , , t he m .,:i , : P 1 -j. ..." a.I bv raising the Is still il,,l,l,lj T I . . . I'ottoin " ot the. ; . , ,' h ." . , ' , ,, , .,,.(,.. r s .-.) , i, 1 'outi co us, ii iocs a 1 ll g r t eau-.i..d Tiie upr -lag o I' I ne k . men U i 1 ' mean- t 1 . c. i- -e - ; . . a MAX SCHWERIN. 6mm Aumiv. i Jam H. Ucomo. i "i. .d op; terate t he expe a i , a: - ami -tar; society ' !: '' act basis t hap t heir - -a-'-. "I ,!.. in,- know ate re;, re. if Ii-; .j,.. The 1 1 1 e ' , r tn ai ,- t he ui . i. i : M; Vrl GEORGE ASH, THE CLOTHIER Ilaviag replenished his S' i- - , aa ia tha beginniaj; of :L-' sea ;. . a . . THE FINEST STOCK OF CLOTHING F.Yf.R LXHI'd '. ITED IN ANY 0E STOKE I.N NEW hKRM., A we hardly handle an-. , -. - : -- jood. we can guarantee aau - e, , - . -a ., , -. Our line ol Gents Fu nihing Goods - fcoatjaioa the latest s'y les ..-..I . . - 'Oat Camel's Hair Uu c; suns - well adapted for our caai i CA. big stock of Ladiea anil Ci ent ' S noes Seamless Genume Kr- :. , a i , : - s i - - i , - eoaatry and follv r:;. -r. -,-.-.. Cai&kia Franco K-p- md .. - Oar Ward well 11 a p ,1 S - c ! o . , A erer sold. Just received, a l, i ; i - v i A '.,;...- s , wtlt be sold at ha'.: prn e . , . breasted and han.l-i.an. A lall line- of D r es a G o o s Dcau a. u s. r. iil I :: . t : e ; 1 :s Notions, Ftc. Oar stock w br.m '. p.-- i pay tb', who ;. 'i.e , GEORGE ASH'S. 'I . -" i a I )i i a Mb. IbiviP M i n - . . .- - olil fremls with h s id I have no eon nee !,. : r - I, a : c ot bis exjienili t ure, tuit it decreases ,n pioportiou with the -rale id l;mg, and in the hoH-ehohis ,1 the w, d to do becomes -co. ; . i i i ; to i , ,. e her e peud 1 t I. I c -. It a I..;,, ,'ou i -e o : re ' i e a . . : : i a , : .,,, i , - a I'd ai aa.. .-: .-. y . ,. .. -;u e . a-r -a i . g , .... ; a. , :) . , . , a e pc;. a . ,.;.. ; ; p . ; ,. . ' - - I'l.ow Do.n There." I ia ' :- a gi ".it deal ot imma:i na ! ni : :. i , :, Id; t hen , IT is so art less ,' i" r - in tn ' test at ion . A citv si', I., '''' - n te.K-her go: togerhel p .y. a cia-- ot boys trom the sheet-a "V11 m a . ., '. ol new sboys rial boot ' ": ''lee-. Oaeottlie tirst ipicstians ,;.;' ':' i asked w ,t: "Is theie 1 i .. . 'ii'.' .'.:! this class r In-: mily in .- n " i '' : cam,, irotn one of the '' '' bia.ua-; iad- in tiie class, who poaa,-,. -,, ti boy a- the other end ni'..t. "t t e.t-s. said. -Ves, that teh v' do a ; acre." , . , 1 h a ' i - i a - : the way people dt i in t ' e i iiiirch. When they hear a sei mon -'.'.'' with a "peisoh.il application'" they a lo i ne ui se i e. uu i oi t h t: 1 a. i. r. : :.a t i ; nits "lii.lt Iel lo w o Vel ml p'- a ,:,.. n Iheie." Iti this rt spect men arc a, r,a . e t:,.- but , h ad : en ot a l.u l'i- r grow h." tie- u a k ::::. - 2 A ,i'' ; "' '' Ti e Sa:y ct a Murder. ' '. s '"- 1, ' ;-.ip;k K.. N .v. s-b-A T- a - g... - P' ' - l - A I e pi a t I', as re a,' tied All- j, , ... , , , .a:i,-l -a rg . K . th.,. the I'oelatnily. p.I; ae il s ia e 1. n e neen ili'pirn) r J DV pre t.,j in K:e x o :i;.ty. a ne nth iigo were m rt. , r-.citj laura-rea b neighbor and t. , u l-.om 1' ,e hud -I ighted j . r en ! liv chinlren n:a a.el - p lie ' ' : ''i .'. :' . a':' :.: I. jL'I- ;i.I.i.. N .v. '-d. I; -ova:-. , 1 - .7,n:- ' Ken.u kv. "An h a . ' V ';. - ' - , .Piivn in iiu light. :.:,: p.. ,P; : . . : ; , . . , . . - ; ti;,. juries Isave Ui-n :i(n4; j t trv ;' a. a : - i: j a..-;-, nereis. Craig Toihver :-::(', ei. I i :, i: ;- i ' a : pi. rev wire tiie leaders . . i. iiai i : ions, and m tin- pa-- tw .a:- a.: - ii ' f c, ,i j a ;,,..;,., j cri:.,.. .v; , . - a :,- ; J. l'i' the fu: 1. A u w nionih-" ;. , p.' ea-e- agaa: t ti.e-e . i;:-::.r a:- . .a n he:: ooipruiui.-t.l on conduit n that t':. . -.bat wonl.l leave th.e fctute. A:, th,- ::!,:,- ; 1 op;or- ll,e comproiui.-e tie.- l.a.v-ab. ; u.g . A- tt.ecdiii nunt biiieveti ti.atrthe . r.d v. .-.-":. ..: . .' .eh i,.u AH per-ms engad in t':a- a;:;, v. . :v : : . . .t tn ,h within the Ijw'.-. c1a;oh' - . r . ii . ! - ! toiie arrested at any time. 1 ne piaiaaab 1 n a lea ,-reii were in court, the nulit .:v h ,i.d :' ar- .aid r,,,-n enforce r a,-, s. and a j a r v w a -,c, i ,- ti. ,n bv tin.- totry.it a-aire:! proteeaon fr..:r. i - :'- saint! h ai.: tiauhl their v,-r ae: b,- one : sa-a . u a; a a: to me "f death. A reap; ninp; f iicea.iita- tn.- r:ht choice in lia? occurred ti.u. early, with a p:ab .- I c. iii.i m ver have bility of the sheiiding of ir.i.r,- i. h , .a: i.-a bv the tioward b.og;4n lrt the taa-t vic;::a tui- : . : ei- n. how- time, with a slight liesh v.-.-.und in l.A a:.-, who leK- Tiie old spirit of revcr.ge is i-.gain a 'a- I lo.e the aroused, the town is patriae d i-v niAd,: : : : an; na:,; in w'th armed men. and an outbreak i- . e-.o'iei.t ne- expected at any moment. Logan now . .'an wash swears that the "war is on." and that : i - : i. . he neither expects nor will give cuar-1 ter. It is reported that Ilunmhrev :ui,l : A pa Ms " Tolliver have returned and ic is prnha ;i p.i- hei unon ble that the murderous v.v.rf.-iro wiP be - e.-.fu, i .;lU., t: e br.a.d renewed. ." f a ,-i . r i,i p. osi bp- th,. ' ci: a- : S;-, --.v. y. Analyzing the Baking i'uv, ilcr-. Under the direction of the New Yerk ' Mate Board of Health, eighty-f-aur ia:- ' " ferent kinda of baking powder:-, em -' a N ','i ili-ts bracing all the brands that re.uid he e,, a o,,-iyu:g found for sale in the State, were sub ' arioue mined to examination and acalvr h- !..v ' inti-ic, Prof. C. F. Chandler, a member , " : -- a- hear State Board and President t.f th.e -a-ip'.-a- Among York City Board of Health, as :-: " ' ' 1 ' a- .v.n-:. our Prof. Edward (t. Lave, the wcibk : , v i t.thtifg and b'n i:ed States b ,v. a::::, en ; el.ena-: ' 1 lk ' - ;i ' : ia n-.- " The Oliieial rej a't -: a,w - tiiat a b r a rygn.n up number of the pea, de;-exanan, a v , : , .- . a- ra ntineents found to contain alum or iinie: ::...: ,; r o. i d;,. band- them to such all extent as t . : a": r d h-' pei, pie them Feriaii-av c.i -j-rr-.-aa, hie : ; ;:: , : the g'-o'iaanent the preparation of human fc i ... ' '- '':ien the Alum w..s tuta -.l in tw.-r.Tv-r a .aa. a -a ' na.g-t r, : t pies. This C.:v.-': aaeoy , ... ; . . ;: ' : ah i'!:urcl:iil. awders t 1 ci,e..;;n t'..i":r e ; ':'..'. ' - I - crane- presence of ; ira:- a- a: :: a -,- a ; , ; ' a i . a 1 , 1: . i w i e, j t urc (Ttiini : I t :r'':i" t : ::!:::- -; ' the gap-s in their ni ::u .can; . :- :. d e- . ... a a. a Iai-1 tartar w;, s a!-:.; ;a: d - .a-a .:.::::.:;; a ; . , ' a. a- ca contiiiu aire ta i ct:. r :n:-!";:: : a some s..n:ph - :a p .- , xp ra' . : . -' re wer" Cent, of their entire i. .'g..:. - -' '-" ' "aiu ni- All t'-.e baking p-owd,-.- ; ',': :.- a- a. aa.d ket, with, th.e fir.gio jw; n "Kayal" no; ir. dui:::r the :.aa:- :. . ' ' ' iiyn b phosphate jowder.--. v. P. 1. v...- - ha: A: each since !;-". .rded as uu-ed'e ; : . : - a r - aaioii was ny prudent !: ,::s,da ej r. - a ' , :: raii'-n: from the impure cream , :' : - r - '. - ' : .: .are ng commerce, tin I cons-aiu- ---" .- ; t lime to a ,-'?i're?pondinp ex'o-.a. ' . ! 1 to The only baking pnwiiery. .:.::,. 'a. a gton chemical analysis to be a,:!:. ;- !; ' ' ' : c n- from Knie nm! abfoluti !v ; are i- ;. "-a : ::ry "K-iyal. " Tri- perfect purav y a a a. i hi: from the exclusive u-e of cr-.-.t:n :' : r ' ,'::.;. :: g: :an- t ir spt cia! iy re'inod ar. 1 pr, t ;:.-. t ,-: a ;" of ;': patent pr- r-esr-'S which t.t.hy :- " ; a. : - : :..-- a. t:.e t a it rale of lime and p ': ,::- . : .- ' . . Our store is filled with i i.e lh. k wick Tapers, " and Provisions, Groceries, Caaned Ooods, Dry Goods, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. iron nthe "rtof 1 0. S. Parsons & Sobs Boots ir.:, rr,- wi.-hiDg 1 and Shoes. ::. v u; :,rtaking. Every pair warranted to giva satis- . ' ... A -tic is the ; factJn- Acad for the ruibli-! Coun,t,ry merchanta and the people ay oi over.d l( r ' generally are requested to call and -. ..y M, otred let- , amine our large stock before purchas er p.- V. i..-hmgton to, v e will give you low figures. r. Same-! Washing- ; We job Lorillard Snuff. A?, and October. : published in the ROBERTS & BRO., South Front st.. New Berne, N. C Aocident inswrance. ha -a a '."'eni. "Curfew j dA'!j;;a." was composed i .. . a- La.chfieid. Michi- j The Preferred Mutual Acci- i - - f .-ixtetn. Afterar-I , A . t a-:::...- rev, ral times she i Cient AgSOCiatlOn a;ide as U a ,-.:t is factory. ; OI 2NM4I VV TORKi ' Airv,..rds. being ill. and Policy carried for S12 yearly. V,pj." by the Detroit1 Pays weekly benefits, 25. . " c u i n .rip '!' ; A'.- r. t-lie sent the v. with an apology for It immediately became :a us. gieatiy tj Iter surprise, but not e (.-.. r.t Pa her pecuniary advantage, i'he writer. and artists cow travel through the Southern States in a ;v..ie Per i.i i.'a.-j., ;-'.s' 3lurtzine and Loss of Life. S5.060. Loss of both feet or both hands, $5,000. Loss of one foot or one hand, $2,500.. Takes none but preferred risk. Chances no annual dues. The United States Mutual Accident iss'n, Costs $13 or more per year, and in case of loss any of their risks become claims, they ehar Hcterize all risks In that community as "de rideal, mm atisfectory." re(ardle8s of tielr a i: - . :; ch . :: : . aie the guisis of the well- I character or standing. ai pubhe-.-t ir.ted ict'on mer-' . For SAFE, CHEAP, SATISFACTOBY ..hi-. If. Inman. of the firm of j 8rance, apply to wane: Ay, who planned the' W' B' nYU. Aaent. i-reterrea Mutual Accident Assoc 'n. a -Ir. I -.man is a native of tha South hc.-uio'p a.t'.'- .-t in its indus . v, U ; ic.vi.t. and it was with a . .' i isugiijo ta the attention of aa.. lives t.f the above mentioned hiii-' a... pr. a.-r.t remarkable mer-! a. a emer.t in the South, and the I DIXNER SETS. 12.i Pieees LOOK HERE! HOUSEKEEPERS. Attending it. that henronoserl tt- e.-in-n . 1 I rr,A 40 i'leces. -. - CHAMBER SETS, 10 & 12 Pieces. ivSCK DAVIS TALKS. ; 1'IXE TOILET SETS la e Pir.T .s ON pi r- , : pi.; day. AND A FELL LINE OF . a:a r l: , e treat crow;! sena- l- aa- and hi- party drivmg ' IIOESK FERNISHIXG GOODS, a'la.p.' i.nti inii'.-s to hVm- AT ovation wtts the :;.AAh, I'yiA hA: I.. IS. OUTEER'S, i, a ;taa:-i oe:ii ;ue 7 2o 0 Middle Street, aiar.,.! ei th,. so-aiii : : in j: the i.-ait he talked a, se ny wiioni he was -..v- - u. , v, ry marked A ::s ' i " .est it 'i: of :; n K. rl JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in wdide readine GHOrGE FAMILY GROCERIES 'Aeited S'llt.S utia w hale', i r. A5I) General Merchandise, : . you may :e: it I' 'position that a'melftolally ,5AIX AKD TIES, Etc. Consignments of Grain, Cotton and ink of th- Biair other Produce solicited. Prompt Attention Guaranteed. leru mar. anal a strong ie, -trine of state rights. ..tic.n of ,ne people, but X. W. Cor. South Front and i, A na I i : . V y iii.- ladies nere :. I ,,-lies if t tie de- t. -: r , - ft::., tnti r or ,. - , . - a I" I :'.,, an. a: , ;, " a. ! t :eS. lie- fi ,-: cream f ta.rr; any o ! a r. end r c vt is ased i th" "R -Va.." Pr. d . ! v, . 1- ran, l a i: . b..h mai government ed.ucate our Ae tn aeecpit Middle Sts NEW- 15EUXE, N. C. era dwtf KINSEY'S SCHOOL r i rt i , ; for i.: . - an t Ii i !::-r. t .:.e up- 1 1 ill , 1 1 Aa.ed h. av-:v and a: :;. W! :, "u e i. .- , r ;. . ,i, . !.;. i. , : i a i ! 1- ne V oi N.. w L i.e 1,..- . I,,-:;, r r. - : A,. i Cult Girls and YouDg Ladies, LA GRANGE. N. C. Ji)-Kril KINSEY, Ekincipal. fall Session begins Monday, Augus Ac :--i;. Tia.Ms: Lxpeiise ji, r session of 20 weeks, in eko.i.ne boaiai. tuition, instruction in nan a '. -. oca: and instrumental, Ancient and .MoOern Iaiiip-uatres. and exercise in i 'aa-thenics. .!.l,0. IA:; ils will board with Princinal. ph a.- c address for further panic . jy 14 dim wtf " h U I 1: HOOK STORE. a . a lor na; :e t ' ' r- a e, nt Ar. L'.,,ii , . a - ( DAIL BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers, 1 1 A V 1 ". It I il ( ) 1. 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I ' TWO STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND. Astd keep of Fi.olK n v l , ( h" K I l.it. A i;ri' MOLA8,lKS S.VI.f 1 iM ( to, -M Id' AMI ( I ( us in rytllloe in tli- OltOt KKV i.INK, . ft ' I Vim h rtiul LOW PBlt'KS for L'AhH ,i'4i. 1 u fis ,i s' ; : . : h ;s .ai :i j rat her o.i li cam : a. . : a.. W .aitie ' d ; er.i,l eii'pre : i.r a . ? :, test. n. a'.,:ti. Now said, d the triA.h to the tumn'Auoiish . ra--llse they Win ;i,0.,,l. tellderA. a' t; I am I ltd to b-e takinc, her utile-.--:::, c 1 te.l the truth m l;s ,c, ,,. --And u in a, ,, ,,p w ti ah " aaa d to tell."" nai: c '. n. imp 'At, a-. . - a P a a i a.c p up- I . 1 : 'elriirt "A i . a V. here ,ia! i , . a . . N ', . Virta r- A. , ' I d. A a ib i , .1 bp l : coipient f,a; a;,:i j,.s s, il a a, evoke J. I. HARTSFIELD, Ti:.LER AY Bjua'S and STATIONERY Sol'.c.d IPaolo. and School Supplies a specialty. Confcctiouoriea, 7, ; .- e.,. .scr -i,i.,rs. Ttys. Qlaswcare, 'an':, . Fining 'I'w kle. Etc. v.: door -outti ,,l Lofiin's Bank. Very truly. J L. HARTSFIELD. Farhr Suits, ChamlDer Sets, Wairrat Bedsteads, Uu r-a u ;i , ,1 - .,;, s. Mi,!trcM', 1 duiirs, I a ,1 ll oe;., Sofas, i i-ti .' Tiibles. Etc,, Vi i: k "K i;ri,yi ITUCE8. JOHIT SUTER, "I ' a. Sh Peine. N. O. r. IU ,t CO., ;aAIa AKD J0TT0N f'OMMISSION MERCHANTS,

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