T6. HA MP Kit, Priiprtflnn. INTDEHKXDKNT I "NT VT.L THIXGi?. Terms Q2.00 : ir. VOL. I. xkw pi:kxi:, ckaykn cotxty. n. c .. i)i;ci:mher ;;. NO 39. I 500 Bundles of Delta IHook Cotton Ties. 1 ii;i K n hi l t y F irl - N i n ! ti ( i'n;ri " ia Hi b ,i federal I ieut vi) an t - ' Sipl.ld u' si illl UTs, W ho 1 1 I ' I 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 I I ! "v - m::N" Mai i.K a m! .Ni. Illr) immediate surrender. I'm ic- P..Ii.. i "N KhlitiK ATK sni.niKK WH. plvheshot dead the- tlaitoi who W s 1 1. 1 N t . I t ' . Hie. L'0.--Mr III'.N ill I I l.K I m il KD .i'I.Kr.i: li id betrayed him and elide i , .1 -. 1 l'ugh. Ili'Nl Illr ( 'i 'Ml 111 1 1 1 ir i ill ,1 11 ion. ae -o! .i.iFiiM- v:;!i the suggestions ol ni.itiy Senators on !i..th sides a.- to tilt' lmpracticaiiliiiv of action ou it WASHINGTON LETTER. Jones County Items. hHorc ! he b:l i.siiin;ton, Dee. gl, l-vm. We learn that the commissioners rress made an excellent of Onslow county have sent their 3 ii. ctj t3 rt f-4 OQ ii I - I. 1 1 1 II 1 Noil r -1 II I. SA ili aim i I : i . W S-' C3 .--i ft - : e III t -II il. (in III ! the a i 111 ... Iii i -cape. Hi- was shot il.' Aii, i n we s i-r. Iml In 'I . it w a- -a 1 . 1 . u n tl! In- ii.nl killed hi 1 1 . -able. 1 .-e I i! i It It'll "I . t hi- a.-sa, 1 an t s . A -111 .lllll Illl i 1 1 ' I ili-Nii timely i iiil lur mil' -' young iiml so null 'I bravo. Moile-t , iliil II II .1--il III 1 :i g a- .1' ii . if 'I ir; fil :i hill 1 1" iv id i ii g da ' I : 1 1 1 1' 1 1 t I ' i'i H".I t , iiiil ill t!.e holidays he would let (.'on 1 go nvt-r until after the holi- reeoid for the- second week of rhe prisoners to Trenton iail since theirs session. home important :. in hi need , however. bills has been burned. ' , ,'' . ' ,' ,,M'. " !' '"' 7;"'-'' I'csunieii it were passed. . Mien as that repealing We see that the farmers' wood j ; . nini.'i .ii.'.ii:i can uiuiii' tlie tenure ot olnee act by the Sen- piles ; tic eolilerelici' ire continually increasing in ie'i it. and insist upon ate, and allot ing lands in severalty si,-; all on ai'cnnntnf tlp near an-1 ts euli.leia,!.Ii Iroiil d.iv in (lay to Indians, bv the House and vari'. .'.,.'..!. ,un Kli.l,.o I . 7 - " - . , . . . . I'lll.ii u I'l LUl.-l.IWiliilJ. ; ran k ''ii lb-- during he uas brave, no one would have Trade is lively at Trenton now. i o 2 a C5 o p, o S ft 3 wr o JS7 bo as t?. ft. o o FOR 7,500 Bales of Cotton. IIHI lea not, ske I I Il I e . I hi t i : ii i I d i -' I : i a i . i 1 1 d In I oe iv i - Iii ,. -o . I,.,..- I HhIk k- t I i . "I -M. r ' . -1 1 i i Ml Ii I Not the f llle-e Oil ' . , - r o this I I he .! ! ill e , i; ( ; i i n i . 1 1 a; e ol ';s i d 1 1 : 1 1 a i ' . ! ! ; r i ii and rather tlll'lidel.t Nolllli ot I n a II ;' I he hero he sva. ( i K Ml I ! I 1 J N e w li. rn . N t '. I In nt I 111' CO I I ii' 1 1 a i o: i , t a a - jn-i Ii ti i -.11 I e Oil.- a' tin- I i 1 1 1 ' i-1 ..I I em Hi-, i Mm' i ' a j 1 ' 1 1 ' i ' i i r :a M.n. 1 si , I i i . 'A I. o I Y ad k i ii eoilli Iii I ' in ii i ii a. i n I ; -! ed ;i- :i il hi the 'ou ', di I a ' e a i iii lie ! . ' - u i - :r .-I a e 1 1 - 1 1 1 a 'i n i i ' i it'll' o I M .in i 1 1 . or I '.u as a w vimm. .H O o e o - 33 o H co i n; r uc! imi - to 1 a i ie. u liei a 1 ad L.ri - ale i ei in i ed to do so .Mi .Aniii. ii ell.-! t il a concurrent u n r i i . , i po-e. : . ous si; bjects came up for a shai e of r 1, ,!..,,, ul.1,.1, i, I 0,1 ll,.. Ml' WiU,,., I,.-,-, il,rM. ,. ... : i. . ' :. " n,,;.,,,. a,, . r 1 T -l ,l,r ";I1US' Manv jugs have been handled there I "'i--- -i' liesitl.ntto piotitil, ,1 ... a,.. H , .! Senate in Anion,; theiii were trade dollars, during the lasMew divs V ar : ' '-'';. th.'adopt.on oi the report, approp: , arums. Mexican border' soml h ' th that the ' '-v, ,nu, .a, ts oi thepnucip.iisiu.ti At the conclusion m Mr. Wilson's affairs, the fisheries the tariff M)mt,wh'V ot the opinion that the i iu oducn, ..oaatra'sot the w, ,d i,n.uk,M,. Caindc,, mqinred (jl secret execut.ve Lsons ! and t he omlrSrie'0 "iii, a M.-w o seciiiin- mutual Mr.lnlln.,, intent:,.:,, in bill jueventiug Senators and Uep 'J,tn(--; I ai eeini nt l. u Iii. -ii the ( nited i ! to iiiaiiageiiieiit clMie resent atives from takin pay from ' 'iLL pai iicuiaiiy m-.viws s-..;es shall .i-r.-e to admit free ot hill. He saal rii.it he ie-.iided it the Government and from r'lilroa'.is iironuA Trenton, or else the farmers duty su.u and molasses ot such as a wis,-and eonservative measure: at the same tune. ' are holding them back for Christ- iiiiiiiini's, ii,ii ti.iiiMi.irti',1 m ves that i in- c,a;ntrv demanded the it -s a lone "i .Vst-.m... i,,.. "as prices: scarcer than I ever saw N. ! ih sli.Mild .-els un. lei iii,' il l.' ot eiiher con- passage ol some such hd!. .m.l tln.t t n... ,.!.,.. ?,' - them. M.ui.v will, we suppose, have : I loituue. iiactin- p. n ; . provided such conn it w.i the d-Uy m Congress to art Kdmunds .stoo'd' a vear ao "ami to 1 t the old ejrgnog time pass by t"-r to ti u s ailui t lice ol dut v into their Uion;'. A I irge I'Oi tion of the where Senator Hoar stnnik tmbiv ln 1,s''' t.1 .ipit.dits lor in est in, -nt. llu'she coiinti "e-. iiiiiici al. agricultural and tiineot the session after the.holi- on the question of executive pat- The chairman of the board of ! ; is i he u-r im b c h ot iginu .nice and m i n u fact in ed pi mliicts oi the da s would be taken up by the ronafre and nrprnciMrp Mr !-'ib magistrates of Jones county de-1 I'lntcd State-. Api'iopn iti. iii hii!. and m.lrss this mnnds rlnntx th Spnnt,. k tutimr sires the magistrates to attend att '.nglaiid. .The acancie-. on the -binding lull was acted upon promptly and a step backward by retieplino- the Trenton on the first Monday in wliepresi- in the early paitm t he session , it the tenure of office'act. Mr. Hoar January next to elect a county Iih re ;i -1 n ir 1 'ru-. e r i I .illtll. 1 I the Soul 1 1 call III ike a 11 i 1 1 . Ug lit ol ! in- pt I'lll.ii 1 let -ling that i- a bl oad , we o I t ii 1 1 o I g 1 ll 1 1 g e he! tin the Soil ha mm !i ti listiust. Man Northerners know oiniile.l. ami oi s(,.5 ic-s alioiit hei than alioil ired from Whaiion'.- f'r.uice and Germany. bun. lie wa w , , ii in-:, ired from haiion'.- f'r.uice and Germany. They g" eoni :u 1 1 1 1 - ui re lil'ed ': in t iroiiua i.ait.iiion to ht e .nnroati every year; nut nicy neei ihnt pro tein, and the Senate i- oMirii'; -o l-.n' idler ( ".encral K go Souli. i . U I hey do en i m e t o : nr. u pm at e the Windsor 11 it i i" hunt i on, pain . ol the li.-trict of Col oil Wood had or li.-h, or esc.ipe the rieor- ol a bia, was then taken up, discn- it length and passed. Absolutely Pure. I ii-ll ot e. Inc. if ion .NorLlit.-rn winter. 1 lie Soutn i a i v de-irmis to sealed book to a 'n,iorit ot North 1' 1 l .ke. The -rail er.u lloke. illlding hid no a d '." a n r . , g 1 11 ' I '111' he Wis improve Lim-eM. t nitrbf him to eriiers to whom the West is an read and write, and it biiu'ht pupil open volume. ll the present spec lie proved luiiwli to be In I -ill, illative lendi ncy, ot which there to the Maricopa and wa.'ii Hoke wa- promo-, , I to ma jot are so many signs ,dl around us. mad (oiupaiiv, ain general, Unml wa.iii.nle ilivision -tuill enure ti the advantage ol the st met ion of a road to t lie scout, apiwitioii :or whicn lie liiiil Soiuli l eiilistinc; e ipKal in lu r ( emetei at ('iiiintli Miss This powder neTer nnn, A. murel of parity, strength, and wholeaomeneM. Mar eooDom leal than th e ordinary kinds, and ean- . .. "... u; 1L1 1. Ll I. lllll WILIL LIIH XII1ILI US may COme Delore tliem. I or low test. Bhort weight, alnm nr rhn.nh.u w as liable not to be acted upon at regards the tenure of office act as a commissioner and for such other all. and would lad lor want ol time, relic of barbarism tlmr nncriit to be busine. .Mr. ('ui!,,,,, repla d that his own blotted irom the statutes. IJoth. Married, on Wednesday, the '2d i KwoS&rfSSrtM picteienc wouul 1,,- to proceed however, are in lavor ot civil ser- of December, at the residence of ' For sale in Newbern by Alex. Miller. Ann cuiisaiciation oi tin- lull until viceretorm. The tenure of ohice -Mr. George Y. Mallard, in Trenton em Hint' seenieu net nas worrieo ami puzzled politi- township, .Mr. 1'eter Anurews,jr., MPPOiP sPA 000"09 ilia: lie w,is well iii ttil, undevelojx'd industries, we slcpil be Af 10 the mil V Tat iin i i r k GRAY, HHBMWtiSib'res. Queen St.,Kinston, H. C, ti ATI! 'JCBTTrriC n.vs: r and got in stokk 1111: pro ed : hough years old. Sometimes, however, matr biisi ness oppor t un it ies, not to waul adjourned tie m oie rue very unu-uai error in t ne organ i at ion ui sfock companies judgnieiif ot capur:vig too many lor ' lie purpose hi -el i i n g -hares at cri-oner. M my were his success luN'orth. iothing wouhl so Inl forays upon the Kederal -oat-Tptrckly cause a reaction against post, and on one occasion, when the South as the attempt to play Mngle baudeil, lie tout com x?lled upon the credulity of her friends 'in- surrender ol nine men and and well-wishers ot t he Nort li. We .brought them satelv into camp, he should, for example, be suspicious ii id to Ih- told th it mlorniation and ot gold mines, silver mines and ipc ;,r:-oner- was w h if lie had Iveeu diamond beds at the South. The seiiilor, and That however desir- precious metals ami t he rarest gems able the latter might to the I. inner may exist there, tor aught we was olten ot more importance. know, in paying quantities, await The Senate then pas-etl 1 - up t o t he I cee.- grmiting the right oi waythrougi, n oe -o unanimous a .leMre that it cians ever since it was enacted. to Miss Willie Mallard. CaDt. K. R. the Gila liiver Indian reservation stioul d not be pi essed to consider:!- There is a crow in? neiitimenr in ' Paw ni'iicintinfr. Wo pytpnrt tn '"c'lix Kail- ti'.u at Uiis time, in view of the fact , Congress against the CvngrcMionrJ the worthy couple our heartfelt for the con that Congress would adjourn to- h'uvrd, which is daily crowing i congratulations, hopinsr that their National morrow, and tiiat many Senators more cumbersome. I'nder the I davs through life may be all bright. lesired to go home this evening, present arrangement. Congress, is hans.v mid nrosnerons. Take Notice i Our store is filled with Provisions, Groceries, Caaned Goods, lry Goods, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of the eiiate wen' into mat he ,'ia.l only t liought it wi-e too unwieldy and there is too much . ,a.t i.,,,i ..ii.t r!nlrJ,-n "D t. j ,d shortly alter, and piopi r to a.-k lor its eonsnb-ra. talki,,,, n,, i,,,;,., w., "uulaj Vf"cu rtL P aLCU X 1IBUJI DUUUl &UU ', , , - . "V..w i.u.univiiiaui "icu. tne nome oi one oi our wen Known tio.i .oilay. -o that the senator When a Congressman makes a ...t,,.. ... i a I IV.. m low, ,,.,;.- ,.l- ... . 1 i .- : . , 'U lUUI iux'sk Ki;ruKsi;N i ati i;s. Mr. Wilkins. of Ohio, repoitet line ic- sncecn, ami ic appears in tne Kccon rur..i..fa i,.... t ,i, .... c i mail.s on ,. ,l,li 11.. !,'-,. , . uV uic " - "' ii.'o i- j i o .. 'M e- u i.s ue a i iiii) e is (. na se era 111 ' Til t llmnOTi.l i.,inn,il,n.. .wiT,-.. .1; . I.-...L- ..ml tl.,. M....S,. ,.ln,.t,l tl... . , " "a" I'iimcu iui ui.i ,. .....,r.v. easily ne aiiowL'tl to x caver resolution calling upon tlie time: I Secretary ot the treasury lor in lor Brought to this Market. :i -:-.-', - T.-4. --. n,i,ncr Gfonb- of Hnnrlg TLttrtI. . viw-BicnMi.Mi. ing only the ma r- . i huh mail w-.r. i i . . , . i v r i i u J mM v isfm - t . , i , . . . i . - , i , , , ,. fn X . ui ,'i ay . i.-oi. lieu t leiierai i.ni loi-.in iiietn lorili. luit (lure is an irr lauueii ai ivermu.ia 1 1 uu ti reus piwss ol LloiL sort ol speculation in with lo armv corpx, the 4ulMler- 1 California and Nevada. No oilier ate forces at tirt in his front were part of the country can reusonahh entirely insufficient to resist sue hope to compete with them in sup ce-waillv Ins march ujion Urch ply ing the mai kef w it Ii 1 1 a.-hy m in mond. He advanced to the neigh- ing cUims and wort hh-s- share-, ooiuood ol I ' ury's l'dull and, going The South can take a strong hold into p..r ion , extended h m let t mi til upon the Northern imagination. :t seemed liievlUtble that he would confidence and sympains only by envelop th" right of the Conled- means of legit 1 ma' e bu -: n,--- h i iii crate positio.i and get possession offers probabilit o s ol i.c: i.tnri,. o the road to Kiehmond. This tor money invested. I n.bi this movement it was essent nil to check, head her tnauufuet uruig ei. I eiVi i mated the fact tiiat the b tail tor w ant ot tnbution among his constituent mt so iar as he was concerned, and the latter inmn tn Hip ppih-Ih. it should not iii. so it 1 ,. leu) tl,o --ini-i tl. ,1 tii.iin r.-.;i .nation respecting expenditures in ,.w-,.,. tl. , , .IV. 'Zl L, Y -1 V , i ... in- iiuu.uh.-s nut u i Luuworiu in nasuington. uing oi concealing Treasury n,,, s,.;,i,. r,si,i,. ,tc,.i,iura. r. o.,.. ,,..,5-.. 111,11 nnmcUiuteiy aircr ttio recetss. ; wants to reduce the Congressional Tiic bill tbt-ii went over, and the Ixcconl by limiting speeches to Kill to I'-vt-ilillOl ll ft fur 1 OTiw.ri. ("Inrtr- i r -. t-, i t , IIU'nt nations in connection with only "way to do it is bv prohibiting : pt:Un " 7V' il JiofJ, CQ re.-oiu- .rtii,,,rii ...ai.. ..,.. ,.,i. .. n.' , " viiiisuiui.s. hut while they are wand id i-i .I',;, turn reeling that ,t ,s stated in thM un(inislied "t . -ith all the good things i... ., . . new -iei ners I iir the S. . re I :i r v ,, , ., . ., . . ' i , u uutti. it. 10 wjo 1"".' 1 " WO 11 1 .1 1 1 ll o ip w el t n I nn t a roil n el issuing oi conce.ilai note.- 1'he Pillowing resolutions am bills, under call ol States, weiem froducctl: llv Mr. Tuuliiee Kv.i A Shoes. ALSO mounnng gooas lor her to attend j ij. farSOnS & Sons' BOOtS the tuneral ol her son s wife. Y hen , , Q, the lady examined the goods she i SIlU bil06Sl - said, -Aunt Flora, these are not! Every pair warranted to Kivesatis moiirning goods; why did you get i faction. white good;-.'" Case, chile, there is ' Country merchants and the people nuffin- black in Heaven' j ff"J requested to call and ex- I amine our largastock before purchas u e hope that the good people j ing. We will giye you low figures, of our count v who read the JotJE-i We job Iorillard Snuff. ROBERTS & BEO., i would it not he well to look around - -"DirttUd oulj by t! law of giving th- rreivst V&Q 6ood7 Notions, Boot. 9hoe, Hats and Caps. Cloth-.2JAliy,-Wlxlt Goods, Hardware. Glassware. Tin and "'iU'--'joncns"ware, Trunks, Valises, Coflfee, ?ngar. piourf pork. Side Meat, Syrup. " " " Mole Tobacco and Snuff, TTHOiuisr."F: ax r 1 i t i a t t. Qi'WiSnr rral t1u. in ev.-ry Tdir w. rth y- u :y no i.ur- tic mossmrt. dollar for dollar, at -ithr -.f nr tw.i r- r ibr . - io TGoinaand See and Save Yur M-ncv IM . . ... - ?ffiv7 L'S.SiOIl W.I.- Uld the tieliate atljourned. arr:iiii'e.l flint ir -honlil .,-.1 .in ifo iiormif m,i,.. 1 i iWOUillU ,,i .....7,., , i. ,,V ' r18. l" V'1 y" in their neighborhoods and make he'd' rS ti . ,u,nnen' i the hearts of the deserving needy : ?,! . nbnbt ?t.e W 10 !vocat.e; ' glad by sending them some of their the abolition ol the Record, say it iriT. I " rr.,.- IIOl si KL1M Lbl.M Al l,S cm y a question ot time ere it (;it-ns (.Vt,r tuoagLt a nice Alter the reading ot the Journal . will be given up entirely. Then ,i ;,. ,-,.,.,,.( the speaker called tue attention ot ; the correspondents who sit in the oor hnn ,.n,ll(, h(v .nma I - tuv,-CV V' u t u 11U I 1. il OV 1-1 1 V J I would senii on turkey to them! d before the- . navs IL'J. and therelore the Sneaker The interstate commerce bill, i UUK-'A wemimg lns w dy 10 l UUllt ilt.,.1 j n.il tl Il.ituo .i,ll,...r..nil V , which nmnnsnc V. V . .. . V . . L.,v iOI..V (.VI OUlllt.l-1. Lli . j .i-v,-. the lreasury has paid t he intelest placo o;l tUl. c,,ien.lar. on ceii.iiii iioiiueii i mi e oieii ihv-s oi execlltivt1 the I lilted States be lore said m tere-t w as due and w it limit rebate: that -anl advance ot inteiest was fiiio!' i..i Hit- purpose ol altecting ceiiii.ii s-ocks in Wall street, anil mi lie IP ,1- Id. ol i ' Mi. C" ;N. Y.i o lit it-1 I esi cocks , W.,11 street, and S-peuker called tue attention ot 1 he correspondents who sit in the hou,(. .0uk, ha, gthe Secretary to inform hl 11 ',a to the vote ou the ques-, pres gal enes oi the Senate and t)l aWe i;lrmers w0 ,- ii .such mic.esi has been ' tlou a'l.luurLinent yesterday eve-! Hou.e. will give the country all the ' rhr,stm.s (hlv a fat tu iml ,t so win and bv what 1 n.mV,. As ' Tuh as handed to news that transpires at the, . the Chair, the vote stood veas 121. Capitol. , 1 ' LUU,IJ JU,ou commerce bill, among other t )iin it- a nn ai n I ol I n 1 1 etl St al es 1 'i 1 1 i i o i ei 1 i il the national 7VT T r T l ' TO'llEirHlf AHeAT SCAB' UY OK Mi 'NKY M1 I M V.. .--.a - . -THE HOLIDAYS. f.IVF. if IMrpfdinary Inducements 1 ' Tf TniOSE NF EDINif T-lens or Boys Clothing TZHL) , DRY 'l)S- , Ladies', Walking Jackets, Shawls and Blankets. EirYonErrs and children shges, IlatH, nnd Cieiit l"in nishin; ..lss. Conpiisinj; tne Silk Hanilkerchiet". beautiful Hose. ov, u s,-if-am a aiHi Suspender, tHoras and rmbrella, all nbab!e for OHRISTSV11AS GIFTS ! -oxjxds'jrtllv'be sold at Rcck.Bcttcin Hard Fan Prices. . I AM SOLE AGENT rX)R .M K i- HITTLlS' Tl&'I CALF SEWED $!.5Q SELir S j - iti . ! ft t Tlt only stao i.i: I '. :i '. 1 . - -o -:. a K N ' KD; by ua Maufrti:r.-r l"W. -! r I -l'8rtl KRj, v U i ur tJ.- tt.rTMHrdi ... .. any of Uie ai in ..it kiu' wiUiu n;i) o..ii' . -. (1 oat. 1 ir 1 l up. -n i-fU: rn . r ,1 ir. .,,' , ;'. ... Dlnt tO .T II. Of tf'lf. CTHIKRir' S I ' Ul M r Wm Ct I V K A X -T H iiK K - l" I ' - i S - X . I ' v - . K . . "... ffMBtk fltH( o,l ,-lti.lr.- -i. - . rril mom-y. Th'v -rm I It ".'. . i-i 1 ConcttM wr.a Ijio Uf Hh. Jhn InllaiotiUU frai . :w- ,, . ..- tooi(Li.n w no livr. ism - a V i i s-Mi r h ri w.,-ti ur p - . ' "rSjj" kiA pro; oun,- it UK t--i jj n.i I a Xinr, .t --.ti - in:j" 10 r jmf . i,i, MAX SCHWEHIN. -?j)J5IJE,ASH, THE CLOTHIER, Ml IM bguminn iif th.' sfui'n, r i r-..r'i - a . ,:" ar'v T"3rttS riNTTS T STOCK OF CLUTHIMi 11VEK f.XHI ; -XTECf IN ANY O.nL STORK IN NEW Hr.RNt.. AS wefcfJIy hodle o co:u:i,o:: i loth:: g, : -a - ' . . .. goodly VO 0IV guafuate. a 1 most e ei j i fine: : we s,-. jQht line ot Grnti Furumhing trti.xls rv a --i c borfWtbefatest style -ar.d ::o .!: . .w.- ' ' Oat CfUnel' Hair Uni'.ersuits ..- -.'-' .: ir-, : - ..Wfilii 4aptt?d Cor put climate. A big ok ftf Lad ie ami G - n t ' Shoes . .i .. - ( i : : - ,o 'SCMalCSa Oenuloe Kreiu li (' cl-t :i I "HC"' - b : - ' , 'i, ' e " ooahtry aiJ folly worth 0 (ki a ; :'.. c . : - i-.w--, . ,:r. ! Csifkln Firn"h Ktp rtnd ( i ' i . . 14felftlwtll H.OJ S-,'.l Oi'.- if . , . :. o; evex told. , Jistreceived, a job -.:.. Lmh n' v ukin J n k ts. : 1H be Mid at hll pnc. W ..,:, -..'. a ' drv'ng ' . teltel and handsomely trimme.:, r.: -A tll lfw of Drci Goods, Dome s ; 1 1 . s:i iU I ' in ti i . s, !: -JoUoBi, Ftc. "j 4 78t tt0Ck"t branl oc ar.tl ! i - pay thoee who wnn' tio- v i : ' l . GEORGE ASH'S. es liiil iioT i lie troops tlieii af tiatni may properly be cla.--.el. ( Hir mitlei iv i 1 1 no: eipaal to tlie ta.-k,ainl to Snitlieru exchanges aie publishing to tin- llou-e k''-' re 1 1, 1-ircemt-n f time wa.-iiece-- many items to show the in'eiest coa.-ldtleii.se. -u. The iiue-tion wa-l,ow to get ' that Northeia capit.iliHts abeady Mi. Wilkiiis l.i- precious till e (,1-Iii r.il lloke. take in the development ol ; he coal reduce who com in an. led on bo- to,, fed and iron indu-tiie- ni Georgia. b,.ud-t era'e i, etc. ii.-.T'uii.e.l to i' t.-mpl Alibauia. AUssi-sippi and Ten ties, banks. -'iui, i. ii bv a ru-e i- 1m. 1. 1 a- see. Within the pa-: tbir'y .lav, I y M . . ox N. Y. A te.-olul an uuiistitl. N 'ghf wa-i ii..: Iar oil i: i- -aid that a, l.-.i-t a doen ealliiig upon the 1 'resilient lor m- ft'ld I' w..-. I'l' till? .1 l'.'l ,, I - ' III a- lollcclll-" ilae i Iti, i I pill 1"II,I I'.i'ii I e il ding I he eXptllskiil iui . in i uio en. em cuitlil beiiei.iNtJ ' ha-i-d m.iiiui.U't uruig -:t i s 1 1, I bo-e fioia Ku -la ol s. M i.-h.-inaeher. an until darkneiis fell all woohl U we'f. S:i!es- or arc erecting , :. ; Aincncan citizen, on uvoiinf i t his trailing up NiMl. lienerai I ..k- I u r n .ne-. mills and i.e ,,,, Pemg : llebiew. explanietl to him t iie Misition lully properties already -icuied. I ia-c l!y .Mr. Johnston N . C. A rc.-o and asketl if he u-eie w illing to give are the more iuiioriatr u ,i,.h- lution la.-tructing the Committee lo- bP-. il need ii.', to sae Ibi-h Hons, mvoU mg outlays .:, -..tin- on Way - ,t.d Moat. s to it-port a bill moinl. rep)rtel ai high a- r.'.tiiin,. rep-..r - mrii nal revenue laws. 'hoir !,e-.f ..t ion t i.e my ;,,r' fVoO exsh. Similar ni ui a' ; on - i 'U a a: i . : i : :-n in: I ml need a reso ne w a- hardly mure replied t hat smallei scale are ot eeidi occur iiit.o:,, . . i 1 1 . i i wa-, retcrrcd totht be was. e was then dressed in fence. flic pn ss ot tin- S.a.'h i- i'omni.ttt i Ways ami Means. the uniform oi a federal cavalry now naturally er iiopeiul about providing ..i a holiday recess from man ami oi del ed Iir.-t to get in .me her future; and w it it good i easmi Wetlne-d.iy lii! until January 1. way ni'o the rear ot I he l''ederal if we may judge I r 1 1 1 1 , ,- a p pr,-, ; a M r. 1 1 1 -, 1. ca! !e, 1 i : p 1 1 i s mot ion I in-: 'ion and I hen to rale I Mildly, a.- tnmol teal estate a' a 1 1 he'r I m -: ' ' --u - pen , i t he rules and pa.-- the :l i-n'ii mg from the river, to Gener.U 1 Uciri centres, and the enlargement bill lnciea-ing the dutu-- on 1 hit hi 's heathpiarters and report ,to oi her knovrii productive areas of Suiu.i' ra tub ic,-,,. him that the Confederates were coal and iron . I'nlcs.- lur wealth Mr. Moiiison opposed the bill, landing in ln-.u y force on t he James in the latter respect is gi ca' iy e He -a:.', fit S ifurday lat the House, riv.-f on his right and rear. This aggcratetl she bids fan at no' d;s with eoiici teiice U t he gent letnan d u,.-. he w a- I" nib .ecu rapidly, t.mf day toeompete with lYnn liomNew '.oik Mr. lliscock'.dc a-i: ii t ui ir n g t o in- po-t , wiiliout .sy Uania in i he supp ot those two cided t."-; .. have any ieveiiuelegis- waitingto be ipiest lulled closely, great .-taides And this pio-peoi lat'.oii. in blur to increase nor Wo..,!, having thorough knowledge a.- w a iiave jm.hu.. 1 (iiitin re ol the coiiti'iy , rode oil on his per- vions art.itlos-4i. already call- d lion- eirni.l Al'.-i I,,- had b.-.-ii a . great iji.inge throughout the gone lor whi- s.-eined a . ry loiig:;.Sout.h in f.ivoi ,.i proi ee, i , n a s '"in- it ia- observed ih.i- t he , against her old leanings low, ml : in ea-ea i:g ii.t.v.'ineii of the I'ed- tree trade. 1 ',n n -y 1 1 an -a ,- n,,w ' I Ml- eea-e,l, .Hoi It wa- e;,elif and liclicelolih tobr- .cb Miit I hete was soiue change beingl tlefetl-e and ui uno f : o u 1-1 uia.ic in ine.r lii-po-itioiit;. rsnoriiy tective policy by Aiab .u. i ( . Whereafter, lo t h surpn.-p'cl every MisisMppi. Teirties-ee and -o "lie. II" one expecting eel to.-ce other SolltllTtl S'i'i . 11.'- I mm ag iin, W ooil rode Up sale anil puts a new c,e;,; ', , . a ' . -cam I a:ol, -a I at ng Gelid al HoU'W. ' i.-Mtjc. i .-p. - r' .d f ha' ne had carried oiti I us, 2w - Yolk u d-.-iH uo.-i'.- .ijstnu "oi,s to tinj l,;;.u.i'. Ie.lu- tAd- hPnesUy oariad pi".sfHi.y .sti.leujh h.i.l ei'iiA rtyt. Helore t he rtontlt becaii-e sho is .m . . i , :.e- a, u i.ii, g In-i ..a i. -derate rein-! Iftt customers. The inere i-e o ; 1 ' ' - "if u i ', and I he 1 1 .-uli her wealth means mote OUaiiie--"i i in- - a '-. i : : r oat:!.. .! 1 ): ury's for our merchants and f-h i ppei -'. "ii I-' rT an. I the b..rtm. n:.- of miinulact urers, inn bank- mid in '..: r. b.ri.adt 1 i n m i : d.- are! aurauc- oliio-s. A good shaie . " eJ know n. 4 uortln-ru money iud.ciou-l . inx . -: P-ol i 1 Trentou. Said he was very busy oi. directing the Holl.se Coin ,.v:im,.,ti,. J,,,,,-,.,! 'il,- tl,v',,i, thino-s. to mn'-P onitorm raro fn ! oat ht' hlul To lia"e Christmas ii Appiopiiationstopreseut '...,11. was veas ' 1 lM . ' navs 1 "7 ' all shippers, and which threatens I fixin- 1 Auet him on his return iniable plan of Thc t.nilI- ,,ccuired bv' reason, to become a law, is to meet with of -OJ"' fie had m his cart three ot tin- LTear contusion evf-am- organized opposition. Its pn em iP.s .ll,ys, two botties and a kerosene A bilil tu the hail dining the roll call. are beginning to arrive, and in a ' can' "W h,-v' oId man"' 8aid. h Mi. Keid. oi ;.;-.-Tacii we are few days there will be one of the "V(?u inust ;g"i'K to. set up a jug nil ui .-es-i.ui. most formidable lobbies about the fnd 'Mtlii 'Sll0l)- said Mr. Towii-iiei.o.o; Licmtciided Capitol that has been seen thme he: "r;ef "e my Christmas hx- ii.ii ,- I.,,- iloa-e uad refu.ve.l to for years. Thev hail from Chicago, ln-b "Ob said he. that jug has dou:n. ili.-icgisi r:vedav oi Mon- St. Louis, CleVeland, Cincinnati. : n tuice, tnat rye and that other , . niu.-: : -ow ne , ouTinui-d Louisville, New York, ami else- one iias - lasses lor the old oman to The S lb .- ei. .... ,i,,,,.-s where. maive uuer pies, wune mar ootue South Front ., New Berne, If. V REAL ESTATE AGENCY OF " ' '"' " Being in correspondence with several par ties North who desire to make Investment in farms, etc., in this vicinity, persona hav ing farm or wood laud for sale would do well to give me a descriptlor , with price, etc. JN'o charge made if a bale is not effected. Cliaipes moderate when sales are made. W. H. BOYU. South Fiont Street. 3d room cast of Gustoh House. Hull- e tb.l I I i of the Senate. This made it impossib a,. Mi. M.ur tee on W ,y bick 'In- . - - a liobii.iy . L'-'d t" Jaiuiaiy i On motion oi Senate fllcinii:, 'l,e rci ; I oi tin- ",-u rv; ors Arctic cxploiiiig steamer au- for the Senate bill to be considered nette" wa.- concurred in. by the House, ami so between 'he Mr. l'iiigii-y presenfed remon- two nothing was done. Tin.- ior-.-trance- ot ; in- LoanUs o! Trade of mons are trying to play tic- same I'eu.-acoia. 1" i.. ami Portland, game again tins ';nb-r. -o to i cgon. ag i;n-t ; i.i- tiir .-h:p i,;il. defeat both Also, a ineuionii oi thc vessel The Democrats aie soii.c-wiiat ot tile Na!:pn e.atej at tne passage o- the tenure la pa -sage t a oi odice act, as it v. ;i! relieve the ;se sailing v.-.- rresideiit Irom the restraint now m.a. Liughter. There i.s al-o a larger Mormon : IU.L Koa oui i urn to malic nog nun the Commit: hbby here this year than last, in : wUh' :lu,, !),)tt!e Ks camhre and the M. reported preventing legislation against is ii ot casteeii. owuoii t. :; .,-,.!:,:, on lor them last session, thev carried you thmk I am well prepared lori , .... li .i thair r-oin hv timttrititrflu. inn ' uri.-tinas: siierits to i. .giecil to. ot a very rigid bill by the House M:. 1 Inch. m an . Judiciary Committee, as a substi it to the bill t'oi tute f"i' the Edmuds bili of the make me happy, witi i lasses to sweeten; easteen 'o make me a light and i cam tile in! accidents? 1 tell yon . be-.--, 'iiiiiin" like an olc be I'o'-de- wan nigger :,, how. and here is! tjrri,ii j T)4.ii rt BARGAINS IN Meat, Suc-ar, Soap, Molasses And Syrup S P. TEISER, some gun powder; listen out J.iz.i J'a lie's noise on Christmas morning." I promised him I would while be d: ove oil Whistling a merry "Ufie. BROAD STREET. 1 1 : 1 1 , : 1 1 : :n I i p 'he revenue.-, and indeed i"' ii-. dec the question. A:'.-' Iiiillu-i ib-bate Mr. His-i"'l.'- motion a a- ileteated yeas, m; tr, -. 1 Ub. t'n motion , g y; , p, u m-y . ol e Alibaiua, ftom tin- Committee on Mibiia. the rules wele suspended . itid Iin- Senate bid pa.--cd iiicreas e nig the annual appropriation for the m:!;:i i frcin sgoo.ooo to ? Ko.- i POO. T! S... ..ke: ! .al b, lore thc li-'U-e a me-sige pi tn the I'l'e.-i I den" I a 1 1 - in I ' ' ', 1 1 g a repot 1 rt iin thc i Seeii ' it;, ol Stale in ii l.ition to i Cn i n .: at ion 1 1 oni J 1,-1 b it. lilic owner- ainl c-pta al Associat ion I'm bili to place co. is age as co.istwi.-. licit n t-.'i. M 1 . '.'ei bol ;, . tee ou Indian A Indian Approp: was re i'i i red f o the Whole. Mr. ' ic cb". . I Com u. ;' ' ce "i; ; pOIietl tin- Appro;-: tati" ferreii to ; i. Whole. K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in p , In 1 1 en t i.e t mi ni it i resilient trout upon h:m in :u, There was quite a are during the v very close, and u.- ue. thi ne Seti- " i i : i 1 1 was 1 );'mocrats ;::.-. rci'-uted the hustled around in o,iei iio ioii inll. and ir every vote possible. t'n i -'iioiiotcc of Equal interest was i. House when it xva- xoii; i,; .,a,. ttoui :!;c Pol. Morrison's tantl' bill dik'.irv Adair.-, re- the result was iiiiuouncei! l.l.tarv A.-a.K:ny i'e :id w a - re- ( ', The 1 io'.i.-o th- I . '.n ii' into -m mitieeol tiie "ii..ie tut I.e A::ny Approiiriatn-n tr.'.l. There was nc general de'uate. and tiie oiii wa immediately read i,v i ei i lo'i ' , h - 1 .p'-f '.. I i.i I t icl ei ! e in ,tn liltcl- .- ,i' , ', ' . . mi iiiiit.iiii.irii i . mi letoioii oi I'.ibliuaus bioKe iortu in plause, the gallery hi speaker Carli.-le had m.;h : in calling the Ilou.se to -Y moineuiuus que.-tio:. a-,e hire is liistlilbilig .science of Judge Dui hatu lle i the Comptroller Ti easui '. o i li the K. loiid i; ed, an ( engross and the Surplus, i'iie vote ;n the House on the pi'-.po.-if ion to consider revenue1 m, a ire, hows that there is a j CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES very narrow majority who are not, . prepiired to consider any bill for r" and revising tne larin ai tins session. Tiie 1-b Republicans and 2.1 nomi-1 ;;al Heniocrass but actual .Republi- cans ho voted against Mr. Morri so;,".- motion can hardly afford to ConaignmeutB of Grain, Cotton and lei Uic matter stanu wfiere t neir i other Produce soliciced. Prompt Attention Guaranteed. General Merchandise, I5AGGING AND TIES, KtC. i c ti; ciii.-ii :der. ;l i' II : ! iiciioii oi .Saturday places it. It is ititniittcii on an suies ami oy an p.'.iti.'s tnat tiie reduction of taxa- t;oii i necessary. The surplus , N. W. Cor. South Front and Middle 8f wiiu-ii v. :ii acciimuiate m tne next; .iseui y c ir will be equal to the ordi-1 nary e:pen-es of the government, j Ai'fc; : : ".idiiig for lixetl charges; NEW JBKltNE, N. C. c ; Uivtf national t ni lul n n to lie licnt at Adela'di-. . u - t r.i i i a . n 1--7. Kc- M i . 1 ' Ve.l to pa-- a li.il ii oi P n:ted 1 1 patent cases, and . w "hour ,1 e ' ' -i m.iiiiilact 11- -. e 1 , 1 1 1 Is a 1. 1 1 11 -els II - In II ! . I I etl de I -on , All. and O 1 ion - i .-polo- :u bvi-r oi the Me.-.-!-, llauitnoiid G.i niHltii Ohio oppo-ed 1 1 . 1-. iii o; 1 1 1 -r lo I'li-vi i,' a .'. moved 'o .a'l'outli. -' ' ! Kii ib'. Hi-iit tr" Sonth find- r - w av ' l( pets..;,- w te. w.-iCfn. This cannot be said t i "! -v n i' A, ,.,!;: id i:t. mp'edlital auuk in tho.-e miuing Hie i. ' bebee -hit it w.i no.-, in. ii-o!" f '.- . si h 0- i ill I I; e- ( oil Pa 1 1 : "i 'o hive .ii .up I. s he I " -i ,i pe U a ii a tin ei 1 . 1 Pit , '. ' r ' h" el. is,-, p- , r I 1 o'm- me 'oi, ,: , ', ' , 1, e. '- .- ill. .li d Kkcd i N.-..I rfed '" thin, a- tel.i'ed. Ol.ei Micille replied i 0 .it a C.U i :, i r. . 1 ol r' d.' up 'o i t,pi r le-ad ir: ers and n, .ub -; he report "t a; ed , I til t ' ii.iagii lie iW .ullii'U lot ' ei ' 1 . t being a ( ', ui tedt-ra t e : .- -'. . - ; "' de- i ' ned: f h f f I.e . ;.. :. - ': : b -br I. I - ..: re--, d ;::! 'be r.-i'.u , ,-;.:,; ' g i'i d. i;d-n , u :,e;i ,t - a-.ert a Hei i I.i Ik- t.i . -f . t w,i- ' on e ti re -1 . a e , , e r, ' .'e ' ,u ' nig'ut. - 'i'-;,' I I i iw provitl't - - !',.' Llolis of the Wi s! w i. so much lloin New 't So,,;!, ha.s long beg. a -: m la, , 1 ; -p I , i y . . ! i ,, t - 1 1 '.a .1: d ot . : . ! ' 1 . -1 i . I.i-r re-oiirce-. And. a- de the pr ic' ;ca 1 i 'ii-i ii,--- . , a , ; matter, there i- alwa-rea-o u- to n-ioice over sign-of he- t : n, e- a- the S ai : h . p. . oi - w t l.etr coining, the I.i - - 1 . a : : race-, ot -ect ion a 1 1 - m i . I. a .- i . -.i p pea; . i,i,t i i I : ,ei , and l. , : , '.y Iin ll. trait il He- hnii.-l.t- . A : ; . .n : . In., jo.... la-, : CIUU , e a L lias pi e a : led w or L u, i t, and women ; a An,--,:: and a 1 o t hei t o M 1 1 , l i - ' 1 1 g t , . e I . re g .1 d : I, g t I.e p 11 M te.lt li 'II , '! -eite' '.lull, .: t he I tl gli s o! I . ; ill 'lie A 111 -1 eldulll ' '(. ;.!, 1 l.'I II i i -, ui i ' 1 1 a -: patent-. M. --!-. I b'-.i a , No, ' M.Pi , and I i'.a i : M 'i.S A " a . P. P : ..: Mr. lbagg. oi a in e nd niciii w.is t hat when uu .11 ; on d.'pv tr. i-'i P o w iii.'h I ':;.:. ., St. titled t be ;;.i ii;:;i :r - a ::..b and i c p o i t;d to, Pip. ei' i.iii, mini, adopt -.' i ; n coii above ; - ' i.e Iloi;-, ,,,;,:..:;, pa-.-,-,l. M; . P..'. :.-:. -t -; he ( ..mti.-.: :..-.. , a -,.,! ! .v I pros ! r 1 1 a'.'t i a til-. -.i-,.p- ,.lc eleven catria shoilhl be p. Sam's pocket .In-pce of tin -':i-:r loom b.'hite Hou-e -o the Preside done aboil'" .: ne appi-oved iml he tloi.'- it LOOK HERE! HOUSE KEEPERS. lion- o convey t he aipienie 'our' the C.Uiitol i pay the,, i -;; ibl w-'i.P c P. , i Sllch e pi selves, lively men tee! a" liber make tin : r c h ai ges nu i c-i ,(U: i The piodiga: htlarip' .! t ..... atel wll'ie .I'i-' -I'S aie ve:v ) -o.-l.lb!,- people, whell I li dup ' in ; ii li tin-.- o'i s; a- e i iccasioii -inn-: have (iie- rcgaiti to; t : - . nele nine ' irom o the a ;::g ui.t t,f the war debt etc., : ibeit irotii l iie ieoj.'le where -1 ;.- needed. If this money ! i:e aiin-ji"! t accumulate in Tie.isury i. will bring about a j DINNER SETS, 125 Pieces run.-- on; ; action ol the currency j derange all business except the , TEA SETS, 46 Pieces. peculators who feed , CHAMBER SETS, 10 & 12 Tieces. i pr-.;.;. Pen-:, t wa.- 1 1 ml t Th.-y eai's , lit!.-, b;. ot v : : o a - in ,P the I lii-iijl ti , , .A., : I . . , t: - - ' -. I - fi c i 1 1 , 1 InKlilrf itiioj P their lei low in en. Certainly tbe'FINK TOILET SETS i-.-p-.-ti -ib'e tu . :-u ity of the House In- .it' willing t.i discuss be ;ao i. - T.iiiti bill of Mr. Mor-:- ,:: a:- 1 og.nd to present some '. :t ,-. b'.,-measure of tax reduc : ; which they may agree. 'I..- ;.oper method undoubtedly ;d! .have been to take up the b it; -on bill and so amend it as to r.i . the views of the majority. ' :.i:;gto do that. Mr. Randall and .:- Pi-ptiiilicaii toiiowiug are re po .-iale to tin- country for some !, -riate pi'ovisioii for the fiscal n. :g;-:.cy ;n which the govern- it:-':- Itself. ''.-' !ntir!p!: !,i AND A EL'LL LINE OF HOl'SE ECRNISHING GOODS, AT L. ll. CUTLER'S, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW IililiNi;. N. C. t .-el ii Movie' . gh invi el I ill eel ill f I i.u.-. ask, d iaa l- ;, ins its a - 1', e in ster M : '' -- ' Mb. David M. i'"N r - P . rjrt 1 it !i Cr!d fnPnds with h - o! t :;-. , .e , i-ruerf I hT no Conei"lon a 0 h i i thiT - nt.t' li.e n i i . . ;E. V. Mtl.iLl.M 0(111. (!C0. SLOVfK. SmalSwGod S Slover, DEALERS IN GESEHAL HARDWARE. '"Alt". 1 RE. GLASSWARE. 1 1 OODEXWA re. crockery, SASH. DuORS. BLIXDS. GLASS. rAl.XTS. OILS AM, STOVES, PNsl-RPASbED AS TO PEICE AND QUALITY. .iddle street, ext Door to Hotel Albert NEW BERNE. N. V. RAIL BROTHERS, lAffholesaie Grocers, ham: ki Mttvr.i' 'io tiii ii; ,.T0 STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FOhMER STAND. -Aa4 ker of km n it. i i ff. i l K i i -1 . , - s i, i i - f JlUAJBlSfcrH. HALT. IOH ( ( A, I H N1 l.i., an pTCrytlitnff In tlie OltOCKKV I. INL, it I I i I I ' ' l An IAW miCE for CASH 1 1 1 1 1 1 at .41. With 'he m III 'he la ill -e I , i'i no- 1 1 , u g . W llcll lie e! w en ; t, r. d a.-sel thro'. it b ;n- lii-il rfltl -,n a Miu ic b:,:p- H()0K8T0RE. J. L. HARTSFIELD, I'F.M.ER I.X EOOK55 and STATIONERY Srho'ii book? and School Supplioa a specialty. ..ii'iviT. Cignrx. Toys Glassware. ."i"-.'ii ry. Eixl, bi;; Tackle. Etc. door south of Loftin's Bank. Very truly, J E. IIARTSFIELD. v I 5

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