-4 V. THE JOURNAL. THK FIRE CF HOME. a. s. rn. .. HtlPEK - - irw hf.rnf: n ft Altar. s M J iiff r. !1 1 i ; i!i'lr i i vorv neih '. ke ' t:- Tr I.e '. . a i : :-r ' 1 " .! It o .11 . tj re iiler vn 1 1 w i - . i tv- ' . . ' ' n 1 h.ip;' Ne" i e.r C' etin - i ! ve-' 'er-. 1 1 . s be n. i . i ; I'-1 ' e.l mi m i -ri ' All i ! . t -.., 'I ii fur c(t ' Imn KfRiiJ they h.'id li ; - U .' re jU tt1 ' ,re aa ! .-1.1 f ' 'A Il . TT) T h : 1 . ti 1 klO'W ' :.- :!.. 1 in h n 1 - f W 1 O'llAK.i. : ;- rtinJ'.d.i:e' : r :r "' servM rIMMONN, ':. ' -M nearly -.i.hi.sad.1 applied by .lefit?l la thu c-s th? cont.' receive much con -i.il II. '1 e - ,-;e ; reF:?' u: : .1 . tM'KKl.KKM U 4--""ii n-i 'Jfi' r tRUl m. .- .i r.; i x : -! enee . -I :' e : i' s' cotr. tii ;o-' ' r.i , - n - - I . . r . .f noble d e.M . r ! th it ir U'' mankind: riK band taut to oilier UnJ' j !.:;!.: to tin' j i nr.4 blind e io t pr-'ncii . I -'in not m i it ir 1 crelwJtSie f mm . : I i , u 1 1 1 .n hi. 1 re .i ! ', 1 1 1 i ' i () f h..me- t 1 :!.. nst t!ie i.h.i'1'iwiWl. ::i i with my k'ir I and b"j". i v : ' . k ; j b f i p. p 9 w i -. b it b 1 : t !!.- 1 .,in. . Attention, Karniprii! j A happy New Year to tho farm-1 cin, in the sincere heartfelt wish of! the writer. Yh Because pros- I ierity and hajipincss to them means prosperity ami happiness to all classes and conditions ot mankind. Agriculture heinp: the foundation upon which all their occupations arc built, how important then to U classes that those engaged in agriculture (the farmers'! should be prosperous nndhapp! !ut ximply wishing thein a happy time will avail then) but little. How is this good thing ho desirable to be ob tained! No' simply by wishing it, nor even by pas-ing good resola tions, for we are told that the road that leads t hell is solidly paved Aurora Items. Fresh fish and oy.ters plentiful Tho Christmas tree at, Cambella creek was a success. Prof. Bonner is giviDg his school oiiO week tor Christmas. Eggs ''0 t s . , and urn- tVllow say his old liens are on a strike. Prisoner broke our town jail and gone, but uot to Can da. The "ole hat. man" ighs at the rerrfembrance of the Christina. turkey, pork and beaus nw. .jDie Cheap John is gouo to Vah- iugtou on )ulin-f.s, but two iiood looking dn?i 7 tU U clerks al e at ! L-t the Siear is (.rraDxe to py thii th ir iiost ' Pa!itulr quarterly I rhnll iDf-iKt un thi ' ' lolau. Ibr uiantrli piTment plan is Christmas passed off pleasantly. best for preacher and people Try it Sew Berne D!srfft-Flrfi Quarterly Meetlnrs Wj rit- ct , Fremout. Dec 5i, 26 Goid-boru ut . 8il-m. Jan. 1-2 Carteret ct . Newport, "' 8-8 Neuxe Mis. Beclon, " 10 Pamlico ct .ntonewall. " 18 Mt. 04ivk ct . Mt Olive, " 15-16 La Or.mur- ct . Iofikute. " 22-23 Snow Eiill t Suu Hill. 2-?0 Juiii-b i t O ktJr .ve. Feb 5-6 New Uerne utatli-D. " 7 t'ravrn ct , Awhury, ' 12-13 Kitwon xttttiun. ' 19-20 L-iii'ir Mi-. Cr .'oaie " 2i Morrhead Mwim " 26-27 Strnici . Th "erriBcle. Mar. 1 t.ore So'iniL Mih Marin'e Ch-p-1. ' 3 , B-xuiiirt muLiua " 6-6 with good lesolutioiis never carried j The double barrelled Christmas ' this y. r. bretbren. d in sima f rui.i vii V( h.vi sower. - a - '. : ru the pl.icc (' ' .i-Mir . r .'. bainet.s ,i!i vc : Hf.he NV. (iia; . of ' w A' ConJEif uCi.j-h in his t';)jr.r .-a r m ' xad ptru)ti reprnr t t!;e : a-' -The New Sou'h" a: the d:an.-r ' tbe New Kngl.md f r.- . . belli in New '.ir b the motto oi overy m m an i y , bat in onler to tlr.-. lu:s:ne. n:u! control politics. Malr. of ti.e : aesfl men of New l'err.e a:.. I " ewnty liobl to thin v.ew d'ir -t.e recent poiiticA. c.iuipa i Ii tot the iH.tit.ca', ... ':. 1 to State had tven d.ieetc.l : thir interests, and "hes re..'s.-l Co dm all honorable ro?j'i to - ive a vote in its control :n f in : :'.-c They would willingly U-c fi.ep- tician take care of p. ir ;cj o !ng M their in'erest proper ! ".ard el, bat they wi!i not allow mere sieBtiment to control tlieir .o- :on rg:rtll of itmsi uem es hojM tbii the (iener.i. A? nmbly now about f .-nvene .n Rlleigh will pur bo-: politics and ende.wor peoplflsnrli legii at op. &ad oh wii; re,i good of tbS whole ptp; m :h. .". coir.p, ! -ew lit- 1 o f S i ' 1 1 ' er rc i . :r, -a or .. wii; eh NK. : irTr- d:tio:; capa!' deal tere-- pari- Si.!.' biU is t Mi i r e , r. 1 o 1 1 a tl:c Sout. i-Ttion vhere in' n i I .mi Hl" t we w i0 arte:r.:or. In speak- d;fllcult v in a ertaming lata a ,iaf o! a - . l.ri'.le. V !..c;. .:. 7 !. a . . v.-ry i "i;. :i - ( ; r.uie. 'l i in- luiloinu w. ho endeavor , o!:! .:oi :s i vat : .iru, v. g : !. . . '.a: i' :o'i o: : 1 . ; he N .1- i cadily -hould at declaration r.N. i ail T.i rmk ear 1- -omplish the rr. am o; : t ' up fo; ; pa;, i day am. OK FLO It A I. TRIBUTE HE-IRED tree was a marvel of beauty and a i graud success. Mi . Nathan Hooker, of Bay brn o, jintown. Hi. 11. t( iim-ily lived iu I this section and has many friends : here who are alwavs glad to see ;him. , Our popular townftnan, 'Dr. T '. Bonner, has had quite a number!1 h'-key. ar,d Inch stimulate you ,. , ., . for -n hour, ami tht-u leavff jou in ol MMo,- i ur.iig tbe Christmas. W(irSe C(lU,,,llou than before. What r. i higher monj our- ir ' i : may 1h' w.i'i'. r o ! . 1 1. d w : . . d n ; a: A Tl . I s . rn ' -fTe: a ' -. . - a n et Uoi : ' i r ' h e r A . t ;. m.rhol li'. r , ,' t irm : d iTer'i.g f - , hat r e : la ' : prai.-' ;c-. p a n : i :o,. t ,e dare." . s ; i.'v- a'o !o 'if !. :.i an.! l i r.it he to A PLE V FOR ORMA.M U 1 la this iAsue we publi-l a c. naamcatiou from Mr J T. In adepnty ot the Sta'e tlra: UU Ol Husbandry, no. UTgM upon tbe farni.T ity of organ r tion We gre wrh M .-. i farmers neetl k; ' caliat to tlniei . - ;u t letter ' 'i i ' FtroM of hmu.;i- i'it iit.Micen: and t:r r . r not r 't m mi'. h u-i o- .m . tton an u;in tnwelv. we.i !.:c.r. jatematic work. Tiw .m..- -.-good thinnc for r -c.-u' :eatnr aad can tt nide pftr' brinjinjt farmers togc.o. " ' COM tntrKxls of m uoirin ilo! o ttratiug, bnr .ifcr all. the r.- ' -u-MM of the I. um depends a;-:i capacity of the ind;v,d-,i o : cr direct it operation Hi: a- jKMMitle. pro!uo," jiossible with "li. strive to become .ndep. the home comfort. b children a tfo.'. pr. ' tion, live withm -ur noo-n.' keep out of deb', are '.f which enjl.lg" 'I:.- : '. njcht-thinkuif: farmer i v. , uon may a.ist h-.m m i 'h a Mnplliun u the' MntK. I"T i he exercise (pt id-r-neir nnrind. seeding, . u'.'iva' : inn nd selling, proper. ntock, makinghis hnnie i ml eilnea; i u li. ch: only iu tok. tin: u v ; iv.r. preperly .ippre.- .ite :he Mtsi llOW to i , ve -v : ' o ' : ' o or janu.it ion w. T much to him. tOLLr.TH ! TlVtV The law in re rd ro t.-ie o, , ik. M r conib; ions a results. The i.e;, rur.r. 1 )epar" inrii' a . !arni c. : e etr to tamo tr-e iui med.a'.e is a r can cause oalmr illT". o::li oo;,- t .eru'.'.ar e peri i . . r M ' ' rf or e local e I : t) Uborin,: to v- ' ::.-w:r.iot.;e,-t. 'T .levelop n betfr minh.,,1 an.t woni&nh.xod !rlrM To enchance the eomfortu and attractions cf our hemes, unt strengthen j n;r attachments to our pursuits. To ( f. mutual understandinK and co- ' ( sperti r. To iiMinUm u-.viol.ite our '.asnau.lt. i ir.uiate each other in lal.or. to hasten the Ei time iMiunj. To rr.iu-ecur etin. both individual n I -orjirate. To buv less and pro duce mi re. in . rder to make our farms stfif-ustainlnu. To diversify our crop, and rop no more than we can cultivate. To -onder.se the weight of oar export.-, selling les in the bushel and more on is v( and in fleece: less in lint, and more .n warp and woof. To systematize Our work, and calculate intolliRently on probabilities. Ta discountenance the credit system, the mortgage system, the ' fashion system, and every otner system -.ceding to prodigality and bankruptcy. We prep-we meeting together, talk ing together, working logetner. buying together, selling together, and. in gen eral, acting together for our mutual p rotection and advancement, a.n oora- ; s.on may re.juire. We shall avoid liti gation as much a po-sible by arbitra t. c. ;n the Grange. We shall constant : v str ive to secure entire harmony, good will vital -rotherhood among ourselves, and to make our i rder perpetual. We sh.w, earnestly endeavor to suppress personal, local', seclknal, and national' prejudices, ail unhealthy riralry, all selfish ambition. Faithful adherence to these principled will insure our men tal, mora!, and material advancement. essary lor the Grange s deolara;:o:i of war on any other I ; ; no' neces . aJitaoi.ie 'he i an. w!i pilb.'-l: ' pi evtt: would 1 he people llul .1 (V-. t a sc. -oio : a ' e Ui 1 part. . TU . . T ....f I U . .............. ' I . . I l " 1 1 1J 11 l 1 e I l 1 I l III. I V.' UJ j'l l II i t v,!I transform tho desert lntol m i re , a w iM'oim:. i lie ineTit wot or : :i, .nat ions. i - e 'hem :rden tip.-'i : ' l 1 11 Ho' . - 1 . I r ! II d il r ft ! M '1 11 ! . :i e ; i vi-r . 1 :.; in r ; i ff. n- -lie 11 i n (,i; vi i ii i II KM. IUM 1 lr i; I f i: i M: M - .'oti'a County Iterns Di . HIl 11 . I! S W lutaker ' 1 I 1 1TI ' , K t I! n '. H im!. .i.'Ii at 1'ren' of Januarv. n to:i H: told o-cun.st.r. i.nc a; , . u 'bi a ai , '. ' P' lie m i;il-a: ?Iav and Mr. .i 1 1 I--!"' i ' n Mop. day i t -' o-i : i. i -" to Pitt conn' y p ir. :i t i of um u ,,;t!, pot i , M . ' '. ( ridden. re spend : i "a i 1 i s '.v : ' 1: : 'i i i ' Tno to you. m .I Cui i: -a ;.;; pi victor :(' is '. read , read : n : i . : i'io Mi . It i.iT to t o :i in a n.i with rue a :. arm1. ' 1 1 i ' " clo-e ' : t be man-bed h v.ctory ii splelb b . b our. and ever n e!.- : n. e picture ' tederate so his laded winch is 'children oi o 1 1 1 1 1 . i : i -i Is home a' r an iinn. am t turned his Appo: o.o ,;i . pat In i- in k- to L.'rti . '.d heme o J o;i t be ; dier, a- bat :ray -icket th. ,o !ca r tc-t i ;non Ins -.deity and f ice so-it h w nr.! 1 'inn . in n ,ao ,1 V 1 - I.e' ' I Of. HP 111 n ole r, l-s I n.ial 1 Tier, low Mi. 1 1 1 1 1 '. . Apr: all ! c i!lH aged W'.i;: H'f 'be I 1 ' - -f i! Ill e r k I'.ow '. : t n- I trrii : 1 a- 'A li binii-r: k'- w ,,r on t any ol the ale ,di leo i-ir proper s I n e tere- ,1 - d :- riot :e dec prole : l in at e heres. i.inii- hea'. and w ha-.-.-t . t .r.' '.ox 1 ' . .is .-..-tie,, arte 1. enli :-. havm . ho o;;;,. ( 1 1 -I. ii al . oo 1 .. , w e leal b, li '.s e ,,if. 11. ('. Biynn house :i a n 1 -a l '. '. m ove ' here i n 1 u . A bppr 1 'a a s .ii is m. a i n g 'o li. We hope Abllef didn't larkolaiitenis rare him he old plantation. ! . I co. ,"d . 1 at t he county i.oi:-i , ( 'lianey Westbi ook, , v, bo uas very obi ana IHC1 h e;i sick a loan tune. 1 be I nmlv ol Mi. 1 . 1'. Whita ki r. ol C.crninnton, arc isiting tb.M parents at Trenton. lr. and Mis. l'hos. .1. W idtaker. .1 b . iftn. r ai eil. a i ; i ' '. 1 i v - K'iin. 11.1 O 1 I s telr Piie t .1 el l lilac, .nev' C :o,.k. for th s be-' .rtii i ' he !".: ratiou i . . i -e ; '."'.' . :i' . ir i k e : i i ibe sri'l'i .IM tl-.e . . iv a '. r e. : . al A--e 1 rami . cuted o-t Iks ps. . Tncrea.se es of r be ' . I'.-ov uld a '. u p road -t ; eti 'in ;;i:tr a'.al lie V 'in .. a : e in.! Pr. : .atior. ra.lio.nl 'O to tho iron i .. ai "ii i . . -1 r io' -.."'.' Ill lb .I.e lnR!. a 1 1 s with e fanners wa'.r ordain, a. : t'lraneT elev.n i n laut .ml i t'ial are tel'.ow -In; I . recent - CO"' 111 11 li 1 ' lie t 11 titer- n ah i a.; Ii why not i e : ve t hi lts social feature- are and i mpiovftip. The le.-.sn- taupht by the inpress'Ae. and t no -nl engendered b; :t - nnb.e - ;n alnabl : Vi t - r 'A ha '. wli e. fail tic ...d a-; ! i i.e : Id y . ap e -low : does . Went ill the orr.e 1, -a CI i - hrn. '...rod M-. 'i c !i I - n i w , be en v.-:' to 1 ,1 .-. - J 1 ". I ' 1 ' las' i i i lliS i ' III. Id' '. e v. Mr. I'-nlia . li will t the church in Trenton he Tth of Jannary, and nt o e Sund'i v , the t ' h inmo l.a'lnnii and Annie I i'-t'. "ind M; - Macstie i!e Cypre-s, have out. Then we ask again, how is thi desirable end to be obtained? Not by wishing, not by resolving, not by wniting. not by preaching, nor even by .praying alone. Hut by all combined and crowned with honest, laithful, skillful long-continued, well orgrtined. hard-work 1 a bor . W.i.k. honest, skilled, faithful. orga nied, loiio .'ont'.mied work. w (t the Garden of Kden and cause t he j -Married, at the residence of the v-ildenu'ss to blossom with roseR, I bride's lather, .Mr. J. G. Watson, make our fields productive, fill our near Aurora. Mr. W. .1. Bell to Mi-s w ateisw ith steamboat", our pockets Jennie Watson, Kev, G D. Laugs wttli money, our hearts with glad- t" officiating. . I ness and onr months fth songs of Man led, at r :e residence of the praise. Hut work to be effectual binle's moiher, Mis. Hannah; must be properly organized and Hooker, Mr. Robert Hmhiell to skillf-illy directed: nil must ha ve a , M b-s Ail.-n Hooker, l)i. W. LI. definite object m view nnd work Peterson, ,1. p., officiating, steadily till that object is aceomp- Cotton is still coming in. U e 1 -bed or fas Into is the result. ; had st'i pno-ed n was about all sold. N brother I irmeis, if you wi-di 'fruiy ilnsisa goodlv land, and if 'o.- otirselve-. your wives, your . we i,,,d a county to" ourselves we elnldten, and mankiud in general, think we would be O. K. a n.ppy new y ea. . o. gaine hi unee C'ash John sins we , a o.i .., winkiooring aboutthe 81UV to be hen U ' " 1 i I i I l . . 1 I' llfi 'Ill.l . I 1 1 A I l M 1 S I . looked for lb-member, God only helos tliosewho help them-elves. Take for your motto tho truthful words united we stand, divided we tali." and oigamzo not in little sipnids and elubs in each neighbor hood, all having a different object in view, but join at once an organ . Ciin fbuf iw alij(iile Vurinnul that has lived flown all prejudice I weatheri and silenced all opposition and to- I1'-1'' I dny stands with nearly n twenty i Iv- Mr. V3ehe, the new-i years' record gpotless "and blame 1 preacher, has arrived and preached less, never having iuterferred with j two very good sermons. Our the rights of any one, never having : Methodist brethren seem to be very violated a sing'le law, human oriell pleased with him. The par-, divine, seeking onlv to bnild np ; sonage is being put in order and all classes and conditions of man. 1 Mr. Wyche will move in on Mod kind and ad vocal a.g the doctrine day. of the greatest good to the greatest ' 1 regret to mention that one of number. I mean tho Patrons of onr enterprising business men, Mr. Hnsbandry or Grangers, once very j Br. 11. Thompson, has been cum i numerous in this section but now I polled to make an nsspgrip -nt. Ben j seldom mentioned even in the is an energetic and usi d cittteu 1 newspapers in this fttate, but still 1 and we believe will, no ithstand 1 verv prosperous and powerful in i ing misfortune, come again. Ben : the North and West and a lew , deserves success, audit he has a7 'States in the booth and destined 1 fair showing will have it. hope, in the Providence of God, to 1 .- bung better time nd great pro- 1 An A",,d Pedestrian, peritv to our whole country North, ' c Next t0 a f alkinK match is Mr. R R ;, ... , , - . ; Saulter 0 wiilking nfteen rxuleg in oue South has tnnd W est ! day . fiehmg and hunting. He lives at urotner 1. inner, win you neip 10 ; Athens, (iu . ie 75 veors old, has bad a J. T. tAEhis. P E. Brace Up. You are feeling deprtssed, your appe tite is poor . y 1 iu ure bi .the red ith "head ache you nr.- fidgety, nervous, and (jei.erally out of sorti. una want to brs.ee i.p Bruce up. but uot withBtim lant spiiriK nne.i ieiuee. e.r bitterB, w hu h li-ve tor their basis very cheap. SEEDSIjiEEI? Grass and Clover Seeds, , Seed Grain and Potatcce, Garden and Flower SeeJ:, Vegetable & Flowering Tl. r ;. Prices quoted on application. Descriptive Catalogue mailed rn:. .1 Correspondence Solicited. T.ly.woW&sosg, SEEDSMEN, ftO. 10 S. FOURTEENTH ST. Hen t Ion thu paper. 1111 iimoi. 1 you want is hd alteraiiva that will purify your blood stait healthy action of liver snd kidne. restore your vital itT. sr.d. ive ienewed hertltlj and firength Su- h medicine you ill fiud in K.leetrie Bitiers. nnd oidv 50 cents a bou'e t R. N. Duffj 's drun Btore. THE ADVANTAGES OF ljcunfj DYSPEPSIA by attoirj at once on that most important Ijcures INDIGESTION by xLiig the assimilation of the food !tcupfs WEAKNlSS fcy tuning quickly the ehoUsyttem. ue coming. n llie Tth Belaud Bros. This tiuupe with Sarah Bemoan, the Jersey BnU, all been here last night. What town cuii iie.it that? A conceit was held IU Chapill rnrlehiin tho tiTrxl anH drtvina the Hall la-t night by t lie young people of Durhums creek lor the purpose of li 11 i hi ti p the new church at that place, anil notwit bstauding bad had rju te a large audi- IT cuRfj MALARIA tn-aiarUil poison, itirely out of tho body, IT cuna CHILLS & FEVER &!5S7v"l fbvr,and restoring the ftrrres to a healttiy condition. It cures KIDNEY DISEASES hy rn fth ertinffthe parts purififi nglho blood, and relciving all pains in tho hade It cures LIVER GOMPLAINT by t!'.'. ing the Liver and Bowel act prnjtly, carrying off the surplus Jiiif It cures NEURALCIA by regulating anA ttrmgiltminq the nervous system of the heal,acs dt tteek. It cures RHEUMATISM by making the blood floto regularly, emd evenly through the veins ani by removing therejrom xne c vj hj imnp. Sheriff's lice, County of CriTia, New Berne, Dec. 25, 1886. NOTICE To fercbants, Traders, Keepers of Htels, Restaurants, and Femes, iiuJM,ler8 : All person' now engaged in ay trade prutecsion or business ia CrmTB conrty. taxed under Schedule "B of th- Revenue Laws of North Carolina, are hereby notified to come forward ami renew their license on or before the 10th day of January, 1887, at this "ffici- for tbe enduing ear commenvtBg January lt. l887 And all persona d Birinn to euxsKii in any business ninst also obtain a license. Section 40 of the Revenue Act of 1888 enacts hs follows: ' Every person who (hall practlcaany tntds O' , rof-Ks..,n nr use any franchise taxed by he lam of .--i.rlli Carolina, wlthoot haTlng flrni p.Oii the tai and obtained a llcrDa aa herein requ le I. shall re dermed guilty Ola ml-di-meaiH r: and shall alao forfeit apd pay to the -txtea penalty not to exceed tWMTt dollars wbl h penalty the sheriff of th ci.unl In w. l.h U has occurred shall cans tn "e recovered cef.ne any Jostle of Uk Peace 01 tbe county." D. STIMSOM, Sheriff of Craven County. accomplish this grand work and be ; running ulcer on ine leg 50 vears-oue- centurv Red previous to that J day had no; wulkeil ovei half a mile por day for 20 y ers. Mr. Sau iter, the Banner-Watchman ai.d R-v. Dr. Calvin Johnson ay that B B. B. cured tin ulcer and rei-tored him. I ll K I.VM K A I. ASS1S BI T. I i.i-iifr 1' Actnbly of North t.'.ir-;.;;. 1 convenes tomorr-'w. 1 lie i;e.a'.i;.c.in will have a larger repi ep-.-iii at r n . . e I II. rn. , f. 1 lie H'l fol el. lev 1! j ar n n -. t " v I re 11 . lll.t : lot Me n t an d i-.d inii t'n. in at any session since the lieinocrats -.w,!.: tne Sta'e ::: '.7". In the lloa-o they wi'.i h.ivo .us many members as the democrats have elected as regular party. ; has : hrow of J h .'A i T .11 t He loe-ld,-::: !.-i:i' . i s I , V' t M if ar Trent i.n d nrincr t he m osnerons and ha dot. be useful iu 1 hulf M i-n. ,1. A Smith's, your day and generation, provide e.r iovin-s on Monday tor yourselves, yonr wives and your oung gen! and wid children and yonr country, or will ,o!..,.r or.,! h.'come you still remain unorganized, gruni- 1 ble and growl, give mortgages, go . ir, .,, , ,, mto bankruptcy, have your Ijome-I -"h. JoKie. aia lnile gUeful Maud, ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' . , , . ' n- V i wo are coins: to have fonie honey ii -arte 'us :,go. Slid lie had been , "toads laid o(T for you, raise yonr , a( ,nir h)., ,. ..How do ,.ou kyaowK- g a!: h-.s maioritv ..ti ::ch land children in iguoiance and slavery atkt, j Because mammH sent ao.s nmv going to move to the;lUU' ('if unci go in the ground and th-petvgnt after t'syee B. and I don't .'' ,,' u.,. p tiie world and see ! rot unlionored and unwept rt total jkno what bees are ood for only to aiiure, a framt one vrno couia '-. ''' j have saved the country from ruin I - t 1 r nreferrod to nerish with the balance rather than organize and I TnF, IhiBY IS MuKi: THAN Kai take hold of the helm and steer the j mest. How careful we are of our he whi'e "..in .::) c:' 'eithc sn.p inro a poi r 01 saiety t portable property, most ot us. The Patrons of Husbandry ftill , How we cherish and protect a lew have an organization 111 ortn ; diamonds, some real bice, a c.i.-h-i Carolina comprising about fifty i mere shawl whatever if may be live, working granges. The State 1 that costs money and is generally Grange met at Seaboard, in Nort h- i coveed, and yet how careless we i ampton county, on the loth of j a, ( of our own bodies. Ve fold I December last and appointed Dr. ' and air and brush and guard from ,. W. Ses-orns, ol rowelsville, and tno much wear and tear things the Flesh Smooth and. Cheeks Rosy, Itcijoes DELICATE CHILDREN by gluing ti henlthy and regular nppetits, parming the blood and inducing elasti ciljfi't the limbs. If cures BLOOD DISEASES by cluHwina and purifying the blood, ST IS delightful to be talienat ANY TIME OF THE DAY Breakfast, Luncheon, JHtxner or Supper, in all seasons, as it is exhilarating, com forting and snxtnining, providing in a concentrated form admirable, nutritive nndftesh-fimninti Qualities, strength a d staying potrer. For tale by all dealers in Medleins, Price Sl.UU. -9 Tho Volina Almanao for 1887 new ami attractive, mailed oa receipt of a 2 eent stamp. SOLE MANUFACTURERS Volina Drug & Chemical Co., BALTIMORE, MD., U.S. A. OWEN H. GCIOH. P H. FJLUTO GUION & PELLETIEB, AttornoT' ft Xjw south front St., ow. Oabtor House, NEW BERNE, If. C. Practice where service are dealraA. f'rac-.e-e in the supreme Court and !n Keilri! Court at New Berne. i)i:i- or tins Arm will ilwsfiw at the IMr 1- wuig placeb at tln.es speciBed below: 1 rciiLon . 1 ones cconty, Saturday of eaosl and ever, week. a, anion. Carteret eonnty, Thursday ntaa l wek jucksiiii vine, Ouslow con ' t . tbe Orat M ilav in ell ruo'. REAL ESTATEAGENCY W. IS. BrLl Being in correspondence Kith suvermJ par -Wles Noilh who desire to make lnvestaisnta In farms, etc , In this vicinity, panoca'aaT 1 lng farm or wood land for sale woaM do well to give me a description , wltn prtoa, i tc. i Ho cliarge- u.ade if a kale Is not effect A, Chi., ges moderate whm sales are mad. V B. BOYD, Poutb Ficasjtri. . , S.I riMim euxt of Quston Hoos. he cor. !.l not bette' hl- condition. : Whir :sthe i-m-o'' 1 enquired.. W!. ," .-ml lie, d.d oti ever r .:.i- oiiLt. -.ugu; is an . h' and .1 figure is it figure, corn. Sold m New Berne , and K. U. lleilows U. DuiTy 1 .111 r v .mate . 1 t 0 -ti (':.;. -tm.t IeCeptlo-n i 1 .1 Vel od li lied v 1 1 !i del .--t an ' ! 1 'f. e Pool go , '.t several .1 1 got-1 citie:": ' 1 1 it-oen t -en.id v ir.-ph v - : on .HOW Ol h..'.! MM , !a-t scr cun t" ! 1 1 e hi :, pap.T ar or n t lie 1 no 111 : necs 01 . n ' t in- bal an h.U.d- "he !! c-.f -. !: Tiie leni"C; the KepuM.can dependents a:. House, they, the exert cnnsidera -..a; c th-c leg; i . .001 r cv.'titv poor reenblv stir . d.ay bv the large basket icies and nb o learn, to Iaet v u f: o::i onr a heart tor s i u go as a .ti. a vo .111 .1 1 I '.IU m a mch gener- 1,-1 as ': , nioy the ( ' li: : -r m a twn of tjie - th shenfT-' d doty. Vi'.ir titer bwa bee n o i d 1 o roanry. and ri -e . l'rrf, for the . w o er paid nn Ceo' The ha. u. a. A.sjwmbly of ! '. corer thee a- -Secretary ! S- 1 on the del r.o'i'-' amount Ot t Vic- J if not p.i.d lv a ce : to direct r he oh 1 -of connty .omi coonty '" t r :-g - h Stvtte ' : property, an.l payer lt'or--a w er or deni u - w int.i 'h "fT- faxr:.T ttes. .i'--" twen'.v f.v -thereto 1' - frijbten ,:ic :n : AQii i'." O '- of b ti k ' . v - ere luiid .r till anpsi d. ln Z no su' 'et. '.Iti'- it- .-.himbl o capture '. i organ i.ie Kepubltcar. le int'.uetK lat.oti of ti: s:on. Hut why should the ! Uetnoerats atr'agot::.-.' the pendent.?, who wire elect. . I terr.'.er.r -. and .'.oiibrle.-.- 1:1 :ast. inoes wire nt : ti able ;--t:;g the I'.OII'. lllee of eon- ,.ii. There : -non a course ii: :. lenders ate 1 deal w;;h ; lie :ili : e a : pt. i-:. it etnrn of: 1 ivs an d worthy :- h th .1 1 w 11 heal i :i 1 ! t g. n 1 1 1 o l locipors gl id. Married, at tie home ol the in ideV hi' her, on Thursday, the j'Jd of !'ec Mr. Andrew Hanks, of .lories county, to M:--'.s Narcissa (luven. The happv 1'. K tton, of Wudwood, to the which, after all, can be replaced, aud 1 work of organizing new granges : pt rain our eyes over fine print, and reviving the old granges in the ' dainty needlework, and a thousand 1 State who still have their charters, j things until perhaps they tail us. vv rite to either ot them it you wish j , good many people, who would organise. I he lees have Ueen ; Ui,t ruthlessly wear out a tine gar one. reduced lmm three (!o;iars to and :- r.otv in the reach ol ail. 1 'spec; full v, J.'T. Y'ku -pel. -; ' . . . r w 1 ; . - . A - r ; .1 1. 'A . 1 - rreetel nee er t i ..- re 1 at the residence i kr(iV( the ior, Mr. J. Ji. : Larohna in ls.sj. During the year merit, will sit J np half the nighr throw away needful iesi, cat too much of something they know to be indigestible. neglect proper exercise and, in fact, wear themselves out constantly without tliinkiDg of the matter. One who ould not touch rologv for North!0 sPotted sllk thing she Morlnllty fer 1si;. Another year has passed since ;i g.i.:-. put 1 m , k a pm hlligto 1 The i: rr.i 1 lielidel.1 krd gun- : fields 1 , ' . . I 1 : A; iier stepped the furrow; ;.- 1 Tciler. il ie pi .w, and. . . - ti human oil wit h : he :i : e i: 1 n , Moore, oi o .uriie was ,1 oft he -rroc tn's I at ,. 1 1 . ... 1 .. ..; l.. 1 1 n u r i-J,-corl tml f,riT eminpnt eiri7..na .. lowiKS, ov menus .....1 '"'K""; 1, . "V n t. .,,-.,,.. of- - phf. ...i 1 . ., ir- i.e, isivii 1 ip( . inr r ne nsn a ii n n ner o , IO llie lllllll t'-l 01 .es'iu mui nun- . " - " ,lre, I. w ho were bountifully enter-: useful and Prominent men in locah- 1 i.v .1 hue -.'inner Al were ties liai'e gone to tneir rowanj. vv e mi in aile to ee t hem- aie auie 01 euuise iu ii'i-aii uui t .11 n well p e.i -e seives a', home, r.arik". knows ho l'!:.i' worthy ,1: n.ttiistvi v 1 the g ii" ,1 L; . 1 . i r t . The local papers can supply , the deficiencies in ennmeratioti in fields. The list is out perfectly, will '-try" all sorts of she knows nothing. A woman who wonld not rumple r scarf .-o that a I crease should be left in it. will pull ner corset string until ureal n is Land For Sale. Aviilnabie trtct Sflai.d lyl' n on theA. A N C Hi. ilri !(! lour allies west of rOtiston. coiiTi,iDlnii hcie. , 110" e'e-ird. a g.id n.i room oweiiiim g 'd Darns, st -bles huh poo te Rr.i hiiiw-s 01 tbe tract elenty of m ri on the p ace and " i8 in in excellent state of'juiilvatt u. For luif er p-rtii-nlars apply to J. f. HaKOKE. ileoiS Kinstou. N. C. Kinston College. SPUING TERM. 1.?T OpenB on Monday. Jan 8d, ana will close on firit Thursday iu June Punctual attendance of pupilBon first dav of term earnestly desired, us clashes will be for med on that dav. All the best new methods of teaching adapted to a school of this grade are in use. , For termB of tuition, board etc.. send for catalouge or npply to the Principal Ricii'ek H Levvm. A M M D.. Principal. dec94: Kinston, N t THE BIGGEST TH'KG OUT For C Iiill - House's Oh JI Syrup ; If your Iirujisifi or Merchant does uot keep it. send to BERRY'S DRUG STORE. If House's Chill Syiup fails to cure ii directions are aiiUtiid to. oucan gel your mono b.,ck Tlie tiatl. !!;. ied 1) It liorry. LA Ul w iDt d to (et up Tr Clubs for su ' 1 ure T- as anil C tfees. A boat of osefoi ar l-irii tu.orei. in nwi premlumii. He ad fee, Illustrated Price nl Preiutniu 1 )s. apsis 'ij.r 1 to ev ry tenth person that aiiswasa .bis aav-i tlsement. Me win send tree on L-oui d nt cho re Tea Address NAT' Ii TKaV A cot Fcti UQ-. bosroM, Maaa. noaSdTn- WANT Ell-A live, energetic man, to -rap res- n t u. $'h pt- r mom b, and exijensca- Goo'l- sti.ple: every one bujs; outfit and par tieulat s free. rtT A N OA HI) 8ILVERWARK CO. BOSJTOH Fire ! Fire I Firol hard to get, and wear high heels until her big toe gets entirey out of ii.h-.,o b til a.- i.r.o. Win, l;t-0. ", IT, o, I - ii an un m :o; e one l.oi l till l'ATTt.li?.e., Mioe store )e 1 , iwakeu Place- Purely a pretty foot is woi t h 1 . . lie 1: rr. 1 . o !ast ( a- b I ear s (,;.!,.,,, ! their respective tnrfi! f Ian rr univniTii f .' P": : thr.nHit and remind that we too' l1 h("'1- bnt icn.tiorwie , . . . . 1 a way. facn need to the ol her. In fact, even if one sets aside ! kev : Wo!!. ! Mr. It -,v o : k e It for Nashville. - i:..'-.'.''!). on Monday .p!e . t Ti enton w ore t . : : i, i ,nj to part o - 1 o. . d hi m and his ! 1 'iirtstian family, in 1 rtthusi.istic, ah!e . ,;;--e of Christianity; 'Hayi' no.i ev.-r. l.tili .f fioiee'HOlol rop 1 cou.o - l.'im fiov '.In- 1 .1111 LCiuit : inn "ii y 01 f. -t -.I.e lo.in but Int ilir i-a es : n ri!'iiit ii. .. . 1 h W.M. 1. I '.lMhlv. I0I1.1C Oil. 81 it I I It M y !(' 0K1. V N I V 1 IiiNn iit-v u !. tunc nnd t al- .1' the eople. J -Kvii'.- will find , 1 .ve, edncitod. i .0 i er , w i;o s ill. t each ! hem all . 0 ;eii ' 'o '': -. ' d 'us ' t hose who drink away their good looks and reason, there are still plenty left I who would he asron ished :o know it who totally torger the fact that the body is more than raiment every day of their Ijvsjs. 1 ADVICE TO MOTHERS. j 111. WlKf-LOW'S -OuTHI.VO SYllUe I should always to upd or children j teething- It soothes tl ehiM . s.fteni the gurr.F. alleys uh p;,in. curt-s wind colic, nnd ii! the b-st remedy for ilmr hu-.. T enty-fjve cent a 1 oule. I j-iiii4 dtuthsiii wlv i wji- fun i l it-l lii-. t-to. tiow 11 aid ftri'O l:itt-nH u i li cl u in l. colllK. 1-ouriloH, . House k C. 1. oe r- cui'i-rl u. n 0011, p ,-t. CUTe 1 r.o?l lo ! : o. . r, , 11 1 11 in til. 1 to ul 1 kLi, Built-- ir-. . .!.:. ..11 1 ic.ii at. 1, armies 01- rt on mo - ,- ti'" 1. . i K lilf ar..i H"Uhl- 6 ll i. ill.,l.il-ial IV;: 1 - H.,v f -m..i. I . V e l r. lue -!: ;. J 1. 1 . 01 fa pl.er 1 wer. on r d t. fc d. 1 it i: e 1- A lilli U.L (hi :. 1 1 lt'"l : ti i- 1 r o 1 1 i 1 ; 0:1 1. 1'. Il.tid 1'otor Hi . .r :. 1. ear ! .11.1 11: v d ,! i:.. :o o' ! and a ii:i II:-. 1. e its 1 o! Tie tKi.il ;s i-r era 1 ' v called Mr. H:ndes 1 !.. New Jer .- Iti-rne nnd 1 1... was !0 .I hi- broth-r 0 i: : i .r. 1 ti a n-'. sio for v ed to Tren tii l. btotiitt" -. 1 'lolc 1 r 1 i 1 ' ' 1 ' . - . : . e- tor : 1.1.-- :!! ' .: .'".. and his IO..V, are neirtai a-ni are li asten ing to that "houi-ne whettoe no travelh r returns." '.- nu-ritioiii 111. 1 '. ('. lVuoo.-k. Kueue A. Maftitt, Capr. Ceorge 1", Huchau. .Mai. K. W. Ilerndon. Kev. l'.vander McN.ur, D.I). .1 ml 'William d. Clarke, Krof. lie Ih'rniere lloopn, A. V. Davenpuit, liobtrt C- Kalton. A. H. Springs, W. II . Sugg, Kii Modi : t, Ir. James Dnsenberry, Mai. Vv". 11. Itrown, ll. YV. I'ulliatn, Dr. Wni. Hunter. Dr. Jos. A. Drake, J. YY. .MoKlrov, Judge K. II. Cannon, Maj. II. Bagley, YV. I.. Heed, T V r- t A .IipLunn llininl Par. ter, Dr. J. V, StallingH, Kev. l T. ; Appointiueat. of C. W. Mar... b 'il-lrZ IVuu-k, P. H. Kiddlck, I'hilleiLion I 'C. Y Marti of Iudnuapoli Ind., N(l,1(. bm ,he mon uci.ouLdeU sati Holland, jr., Mt. .Mary Kayard ttlil rreach t the folios n,g tim.-e and fflC.,n a6 to PUl,8 UDd bUri,rlee Bt ,: Clirke Dr K 1-' Kobeson Dr J i"al- " ',' " l":t ' lr L promptness tiarM, X-)Y. iv. 1 . i.ooesou, j;r. o . hg churchfc ,,, lht, imervrl ,,f the Ral ' 1 .t arson, nr. 1111.1111 1 riuervvoou. elt, Misfion Kev. Frank San ford, IT. Job 11 j KiLr-teu a.i Sunlay. Jan U Yancey, James . Thigpen, Col. j Uetl.el. Tuesday. Jl. ll Samuel I.. I 'icraoiit, Ivev. Y II , v":' Watkms. i r. M 1 i ton teeib v, Dr. J ' t.ar.ison, i.ev 1 . vicnoi- ; j.-, Knj ; . Aii ei; My ers, John C. j lonnih. TiK-aday. Jn 1. ,1. itiies M. ('lenient, I'atiick i Fvmvi'.ie. Wednerday, Jan l& lis-.o:. " . ( 'a.; -. I'lgene li. V. V. Peace, Kev. J. A. l'lirefov. J run ; n On . I. i ' . n .'. fl.i; t sft a eon i . B'.l rev r.." J. 'H . r'.-bLt. I'H i J tl-, nai,. s L' XwS : 1 I'.iru n't-t'iKi-r I-sf-.r. R BERRY ocl2 ,33iu 2tuu 3m Dru 1st. A!. I.':. NiM't: 11. Y . Inurf t rid 'i y t tu r. 1 u v J; .'in IK n" 14. o1 SuO'-iar, Jan T V ami we proi in tien bt'i'.i'iK-. cDutr.a" .oiia' '2nd N".". : ' sroold Cr'r g ! '.u.'- h paid ' " r -.". Ainorrn" 1. i .iif auabi-' '" th? lit "Ug.. thf 'h-- '" ''' forced r aini.tte '- o:t ''i - re nt'sio u" r.cic.i .'.. OBtf: ni i" lutr ipproi, siemoraTrs!' 1 ll: 'ete ll at l- r 1 r he ir i s i: 1 1. o ;..;.i;io I ..o'l-i, us ,1 . v. '.J. Iti-a-eleV. Col. .s'le.-, i'l.ii.k II. Ihirbv, Jen',,: lis, Di . YY. A Holt. M.ickett. 1 1 . K. Kilers, A. 'iitnrt.-.ng, Nathan A- r . d.-s-e J. Kake,-, ib-v. ". al-ei . '.. ..-I. D D.. Ili'V. J. C. A !e a to hi . ( io"r ge i ; . Host 1,111, Kev . J K. .r:-t.o:.v. Dr. 'A'. II. I'.arker. M i;.!i,l! A lev . IV. i n k Thorn p. s :. .'. s-.. 1 1 . I. r.,1,1;. . ,pt. da-. St 1 0 :i go . and ( i not ge ( i I . to -h . - 11 .Sin i" 1 Red Oak I Ftountrei Jan 22 n l 'J ;. ; Wlwht Sw.-,nii ri isy. J . .-illlU.i n - ; '1 i-.lav .! Kden. Wed nes J Jnn ti Hebron I r: lay. Jan Ilookert n . S.iiur ; iv hi: Jan 20 and to Pro.d Creel;. T'.i" iav. Y ! 8tiDdn '. S1 EDUCAT:,! EUU ATE ! What Better Can Be Doao For 'I he Children? AURORA ACADEMY, ntoitA, c DON'T FORGET TH4T 6IK WILL BURN. Bc mo and INORE YOI3E ajo iion'i f met to tret a Policy rrom that o!J ihs Untile r Uin of insurance Agents, ROBERTS & HENDERSOir KV liKRiN'E, N. C. They lepretu mover $40,00,0ft Ul Oas) and (tellable Companies. - Insure yam Gle an a Inst Lightning, A act ileiifs. Fire, cyclones. Hurt U.i)nakes and Kalsi -V rms. aepl Ttl ii MOORE COUNTY GRIT" Tb. best W1IM0M in Werld fer Table MssJti StmplM of mesl Hst srrliuUoa. Sd (oe stlaw ivnbl Con Mills, Unsr sm4 Uastr BVMuuts sa HUW uui w sra imk fcr Kmrlae s BailSTs. Ben for Um miller in every barrel v rlt itMiDC wiui yo want ana mi Oiv rafsreiLM. Add lone Co., Farkswood, M TM WUI m MT m. BUILDING AND REPAIRIH3 CONTRACTS Solicited by flrst-olaas JCarpemter aod Mason. DELAMAK BROS., Newbern or Kinston, N. C. -decB dwtf "" ... LIPPINCOTT'S LIPPLNCOTTS LffPINCHm Jjtsis all other Msgtxiass Ta Tales of Fiction poems of InteMst A Ne pleasing Short Stories Tnterestinc Miscellsay Jfotes of flHim asARU rnieice Selections as otjfc J en- :. 1 . 1. : . i anil o.",-.-rd Soli pe hatii iron time f er.trHru-- deduction ct eft it v o; 1 11 eCB s;:ir of . : 1 ii in . W, ini-d:,T. F- PL- 0 Kit: H-v .iap. 'l'nur- lay. Ie'1 P I'.lLt. K". SunJoV. Fell 6. Cniou t'hapel Tuet-day . Feb. S I'-frtver I Ibid. Wen n i silay . Feb. 0. Trai. t'-r " 1 reik. Frii3. Feb l 1 M l Foi 1 . Saturday .an 1 Nunclfiv. Ni it rm.'l p . For Sale. : A- 1 I. el, . .a Tr " ! f 1. ii d of about 0o - in 1 '"iiu-Li tiea No. k Township : r county A I . 111 on.- third clarea Stir-h or en (voriibl" j earl) in.-lal ( " -1 uiiiiui vs r To v 1 1 ii . ri ' l;i li-: F.r ' . I, 1 1 1 t r it 1 1 i 1 . - : s v ; . 1- ... .j.f. r.d f. 1 si r, rt -3, San K.o.r s, n. Tetter. I'happod i 1 . - rr.. ar. 1 a '. 1 Hkin ', - 1 . . e' v r tri p. Ifd . ...r. ! I'- .- m'.: irar.leed Io , : -at. -'o. t :i . r money re J-.. e i 1 - fer b-. F r '. v iin-l are 0 , :. j ji. H I', t ! - th" hee I ; ri r- ::,' 11 - t-ver r.ar.lled. u.-'f i-ati-01 '. ' . 1: . w eures , .. i. r. '. .1 -,- ! . 1 . .111 1 . io u h 1 a i ' j ; r.'.ii-i' :-.v -',-,p- of : - 1 p : -atiirrh cure 1 1 v : .: : y ol her nd'. '. C. KiNAii" ,i - MerohantH. Sold in Nuw I'-erne by K N. Tu?v ,r. ! 1- H M-t ! v.i -1 r . u oati 't say VS'e know of r. .and one 1 1 VVo r.u't f C'k lor I.ebai.t.. Ii ill'., e b ' j o. Feth.,o) "U 1 i-.-.D . I.alirar. I ' . sn.a. 1 r.epjfty . Feb. :r. uieij ts K.,r i ; a l - ' hu r-'i iv . r; iny F.-b. ii iv ilie .,-uidav and en. V I wtf aire of F.PERRY; Ki i-uiii N C. : h. v Henderson House. -. Tiielsy. 1 -; - i.".' riiursday inht Feb V) ie. Suniliiy 1 . b L. 1. e, . ; ; o,..!- 1 . -.- e, .f; , , y . The t -riuririfC paiijful d;eae. m u ra!(ia. is intantly relievtd and rat-idly cured by .Salvation Oil. At all drug "Irj;j. 1 ': '. - t wer. ty -!:vi ents. (iOe! for : ou:.i r noNatfO. and nswly i-siil plied 1. . .h tLe best the I -an-ie:)-. i oaiders fcollclted. rr.en r.l ilie siablen to sard n. C1;p - eos reiEniahie. MliS. a. M siirrii. ilrri.r- A 1 r ::. :-i".. apiwlvdlw a.d. Ta nt mwi Onoinal CeBtriBBtsau races in each issce Topics of the TlnMS " Verse Gens A Complete New Novel guperlatirs Merit ly ume ftTsciU sntssr ia sua Io. Giring a library of it new sad valuable works, worth from J15 00 to $18.00 annually, at the Bocaiasi suas of 25 cents per month. Subscription, Sj.00 yearty. Stories by .John Habberton, Frances Hodsswa M nett, Julian Hawthorne, Lucy C. LUlie, etc, SSC., will appear in early issues Circular!, fjtving details, etc. mailed a sppllcatjsa J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPAHT 7ij and 717 Market St., PkDadslpkla NOTICE. The KitioaaJ Bank of Nev Bain. The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of this Bank, for tbe election ot Directors and the transaction of suck ntber business us may come before tham, will be held at their Banking HpUM OS the Second Tuesday, being the 1 jth day f Januaiy. 1887. Polls will be opened at 13 o'clock, t6 be cH?ed at 1 p.m. O. H. ROBERTS. Act'g Cashier. D. cemberll, 1884. td AGESTS WANTED In crow town to sell the Ian proved SHANNON LETTERS BILL FILE Pries, $j.jethe greatest IAaoa-JUvejtq Oi ficb Devics ever invented, and THE COSMOPOLITAN Price, $..5., the best Illustrated low price magazine s tho world. It cost taint 64 parses aoi I Js brim full of rsu Class short stories, travels, adventures, scientific and litas ary articles, by dis tinguished foseiM ers j also entertain ing JuvmL and Invaluable House hold DxrAarxcirrs Oat SAMPLE COPY at NB.WS. STAND or attrf&Q eta, to the Pvausjs. ''o. a A Pile, ass for same witfc Price full particulars. $4.75 In vatae fer only $2 60. tCHLIGHT I FTELD CO., tOeHItTK. . T. W.P. BURRUS & C0.i GRAIN AND JOTJOJf COMMISSION MEECAOTB, NEW BERNE, N, 6s 1 feMfdw i V i T-. i- A 4 t . X

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