" 1 '''''' ' ' v 1 Prfrltt r. IXDEPEXDKXT IINT YTLL THINGS. Terms $2.00 f ex- Yer. VOL. IX. XKW I5KUXK, CHAVKX COUNTY. X. (, J AX I ARY 887 NO 41 0ETT1N( Kinston, fJ. ARE -READY WITH FARMERS A N i General ill ifita 1 1! s Viiich they propose to sell Cash or on Time, AT For --3: W. STEWART, i HEADQU ARTERS FOR Uiiles, Horses :.A.;Cars:o of Fine Horses and Mules just re- ceivecL 1 1 . mV Tbe Best Briery on the Market for f Hones amt Vehics to hire at reasonable r .re -t- j Oi vr v.i.i jaruau ouecL, new uciiic, . mm, mmitmi mm I n n i t c-T5 f - r- . ly p- m. i u c. l ne iii t Jm ' . THE HOUDAV-. ..IVF Extraordinary T(4THOSE -.oju: 'i r.Tens or Boys Clothing DRY GOODS, Ladies' Walking Jackets, Shawls and Blankets Cal'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN SHOES, fj.S. ana uenw tTovpiisinff' line Silk IIndkerchif8. WautituI J Hose, iovclv Scarfs T TaSdSospenders, Glovw nuil I'm! rellas, all suitable for W JL .a. a CMRI1STJU2AS GIFTS ! V-?Sfifel7DI:l3e sold at Reck I AM SOLE AOtNT FOR A. A. BATTLES' MSN'S CALF SLn"D $2.50 SH0:S , Tb only sho oM Ui th -Uv ar. wakraM ID ; by tb. Mnufciurvr T M r ami HY M K 1 M Y ' tU8rv)Me.i, viz: fcYry p: wrrjitii i?u .: any of Uiem !:i any wry w.ti. i any re.tiMe rin.H gtve out, I will upon reiuM oi iifmartl p. i uJ La. la ment utolfPfta of w.ir. iithik kirvrm :h- M nfy or oiyi ahotii mm nkw r a i k t . m -. x h tKt. nnt n chtip-t : 1 1 1 wr.fr r:.e nOtirjr. 1 hf y om ' i'.' :.. t' i . r-; 1 -(! CoorrM h.ni L-r ' -v. I hT tstinlal 1 ri: . ! , r 1 . . - lac ctl.tena, mk0 h- o;ih: ' r'- 1 1 t - - : ; t .)m of which have i e ;; - i h ) v: 1 ' . i ' : - anl TOC ODtlff It .:! H" ' 'a' ip--'''. ih ! Ut.ev . a - Jh- In ti w. r.J 0. M. Counra, I MuXHunoii I tONSEY'S t Iz-xXllli VlaZSKZ- V mJ GIRLS AM) V()lN(i LADIKS, XjiV OnANGE, ISJ. Wril L0LA H. PELL. lir nsboro ETITE E. ROUSE. Pa.-e Ins-.a BETTIE KINSEY. . IV, ice htiiaa, IJ7LA WHITFIELD, -t.iamon. v,.j Spring Se:si:z Cres Only FemaJ Bordini Schoo, .uh: IHff iur Ifima io Vmc H- DAIL BROTHERS, "Wholesale Grocers, HAM It 1 ' ' I 1 ' 1 ' I H ' I TWO STORES, SoUl H OF THEir K- r, E! STAND. kp of Fl.ol'K. n 1 . i JOUAJ&9ie&. S A I.l lUIHl I e, Terythlne In th.- .(:; t i Low ruiCK-s f..r i wn.i.i: m UFE, FIEF, MARINE. Over $60,000,000 Borne of the OLDKST. sriK N Companies in the F n.t. a - i -: J3dlm A LRJE STOCK OF SUPPLIES and Buggies. . ... the monev T) . vt n n.ivr' it TI 1 tri. t, t ,1 il rv'TI I aiu.tr " n.i r iu -i . n Inducements NEEDIMj r uroiMninsr uooas, Brttcn Hard Pan Prices. j MAX SCHWERIN. SCHOOL, J M I . t :. : . :' Mu'ic i r :' , : m i d . c a --r t i'nm.irv I ' t ; l r. 1 ' r ; :n ii r v 1 1 I ; Jazuarv IT a '. --,;. WW I . imm -' i wtr V JOSEPH KINSEY. Principal t i 'l i i i - i . i i i - I i ! V im i . ii. u i'i; accide: al Assets Represented. w is i . !-; ' hi -p. .-: ;.-. -, ; NKvi;i';i;.. N. c. i i m 1 1 m. 1 1 soi I a l. I, i;im, j a .; w vie. INi K'S i i l "i;. kmi :--":if XN "'" J ' ;, A. An- drew 1' -;" N I hi.-Dec 1 I in :,... -ii i't :.. -1' . : : in-..- -t ie. :rw.- to 'In i W"i- .ir, K . i ll ii . - i. : will i r i i I . ."I'I .: ,-t t er 1 in .i'i '. i 1 f i a. . ii i i;. b - ice f. n 1 . I . i V I'll , i iait-8 ot i ) laria ; a. ui ik t a ai -. al ai .iiia:ni.in: .will 'ihhI. u.-ra m.iili- .-u in, in- - i h tin- an a taat 'lari- .1 ,i an - aii' I ' -,' "lit Ti-.i a, a -ii aa il a .i.u n. in 1 ' 1 1 -1 t a 1 1 ! V, it I'll r a....i . ..uii- .a, - iti airnhula- lniai-i we ,.. , i a. ul 'ha Hi nl .1 . I I'll! 1 1 . K e ,11111 .. i.r.in.ly u rn- not h .liminhiii; ainl i ae.ip. If ans nt my .iialitm.- hap; .eiie.l to he in K.iMein Nnitii ('.irniaii ilai:n' 'li.it tituelie will aou'i ,ess h.ive a e irt hui n i n reenh lectiniis nt tiie apple hi.uiih he Inaiiil tiiere. nailer the sninewliat m stTioii ih-iinniia.itioii nt "New lip." I'.nt I shall do what he pel Ii 1 1'-. did not I'oi hear Laa'ti- lei.' V'i, t,lr,l the eh. mi nt tin- iau In r... i.n oi n in-iiia-ei ih. an? nl the scope oi eonntrv from ll!etl the .11 111 X ohtailled Its slip- pi ie-. 1 1 lie came necessarv mr tne States to forbid the u-e olKrain ,, , . 'for distillation, various other sub niie. it lne.mie nt cessarv lor the H"' ' 1 stances were adopted. A dnnk as made rou, potatoes l.nm rice irom pumpnu.s ami unuips. auu from the domestic snirar cane, called sorghum. A bran.lv was also made from persimmons. As to sorbuni whiskev 1 cm onlv sav that in l s tlaMir and its effects it was ilecitle.llN more terrible than -an armv with bani.eis." On the shortest notice it could furnish its victims with the panoramic view ot - V -Tu, ti , r ,i.,.., if Son li a well direeted stream from a lew barrels ol it could have been tired into ir rauks, yon could never tiae aved to honor nic by oin .titi-uii tonight. As to the '.r..nd in nb- Ir.mi Hie native per- Mm i, a,, p ,, ,,i Mime k.hkI traits, ,.i tih, a. tvas ih.u it partook ot ne ai-m.t .Minigeiit qualities o! ii.- iu: . 1 specially commend it i. 1ui nij; the c nii.i!e;n 1 "! it kioeinor p. 1m4. a -.i en win eii I made under the : e n.i,, nt i I i ins lluid was pio- .. alli ed iu;e nf t he Pes t n I my lite." a: v .t.tmtrili a a nds declaring it to . c 1 1 1 -1 1 . tieeau-e the Hstritifletr. driiii- ii. el ' I to shut in' up inn i hid saiil le.-s than Usual! Ci. art -s coui, 1 not do wiser than to put chase a ipianlit nf that oe erage for it s o n u-e. Applause and laugtiter. In the matter ot tea. coffee, and sugar we were very badly off. No one can in. gine. until lie has seen it tried, how de- pendent people become upon these gentle i-ever.ig.s. -spt eiaily the agetl and mlirm. Whilst there are s. Venn tolerable substitutes for ..a there is Lothim' in nature that can at all suj. ply the place of the gracious Arabian berrj . It stands alone in the catalogue of generous, refre.- a .ug non-intoxica'iiig stinui lan's. atni mote so pei haps to t he pen pic nt the Sou Mi than to anv other iu Christendom. W hilst our mall stock on hand lasted, divers and smithy expedients weic adopt- ed to prolong its existence, by v 'are- with ar...us subs; an. ' .edit. corn nn a.. ch.-Mnuts. o lira an,: -ueet p..;at.-s were .......' i .... 1 ; ... i iiin-U.eu tii ii m 1 1 a . i i aa u i 1 1 1 1 s o i coll. e in the roasting, in the hope inai ine roai oei r w,ui,,i a.-er; its superiority b i in part l n g at least a per ;,.n of t! . or t o t he ignoble ennii'iind r.u: tins pmed a de- -''-'d -"ire. The l.nk.d sweetness iv; a-, a to long diawn nut. Nature a tUiored the b: lei 1 1 a; s m : see L'i'it a ' inn . and the thtoe.- ot .1. .i alt 1 1 1 : r - F alntie Ielldelcd it -Utlei.il.le. A wag nia e lie, in , I. .1 , . .... r . .1 .. -I, . . . , .. v. ' 4 , : .'I ., . . . ,, '''" '"r '"' "'-"!: ' l :: t:.f i.loce- ,, r.'asMng. i I foa Id 1 ' ; in J . i .;, t . I t he . i U ie.l V - I I, c ill in ; c t. a i !. lacia-a .1- Ilee a.- go, i, Far w:,ii '' ' I i, n, .1 : 1. ei - 1 1 1 , 1 Ii I i - p.Mi a . i , t - a 1. , nn' mi- 1 ti . ia e.i;.; ni eii a i . oi : . a . i u . ; i i : ; . then. ; ; i I t h e a . 1 1 , 1 1 e i e a 1 . : ii a ' - . .' . u r are h a j i - m ,-. ai d . i i ! . n. 1 1 e - p.l : 1 'I : . 1 - e ' ' . e U'..tl the Son : iier tl e.i a -e ,w 11 li ' he tl , r ; he -h.oh I 1 -e , 1 ', ' 1. e il il.T .'I let' st r re. lac. .1 a. the loin-' 1 1 a' !: : a - a i ; o , : a . i rt ti k in a le i ail I e - A e e ' I t , e 1 It . t i . 1 1 1 1 ' I . 'i i.l i--e-: Vi an a . ! i e er tl.ei.ItC " It 'I..- M L- -t . -.1 tl .e , .-. a, .. ( mi- I'i o . ri ii i m- ii r (I ii f ( mi ii ; v ( oui- iti;i-.uT-. f i raicii Count) at tin- l.iiiii.ua M-etinij, li. Laud e..nveiie.l ,1 a. . .hi. Present: .1 .. A. 1; . .. . , , u ( 1 1 . i ; t n i 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 -. . .M . i ; i : -; i i li. ::;;im-:i, S. W. Latham ,v. M. Wat m.ii. W ( )nl .-I i ll . Tii ,i ; t hi- v. ilu.it " 1 .'. '.A iHTr.- nl 1 iml ;:i No. ' ur.vniii li -;( il !i S l: 1 ). 1:1:1 in- i-!: uil.'1-iI I'luiu -j-iiTu : .HM. tin- ri", valua : .. -a . i a' .i i i : i . .;. i-crt . liril : 1 1 t .i i i -hi . : . -r i la 1 i ' in ii 1 1 i i a i I I . I ' i i i : a i a : 1: a : .v 1 1 r.. li , hi- n a ; i r lli ai nil ; a 1. . Tin- In. i. i.v i n -.vcri- fi.uiti-il la-ri -.f- to rr'ail 1 : i j u i r tnr iau-i-.r.' UiO!i ;i;l'll tin- It 'pel' t a . ii,i;a- liuu.Mii'i --.it i -1 act . t i- a 1 1 1-1 1 . . - o!' (.''. i.l i-liar.iriiT: Win. I '..I! ' ;!i a' .-. ait li -.Vf; i-nllit-r nt ll.ii.r, , k nil ( a. i-n Mi'it-i.- j j 8i-o;; uii .aidilht triet bi-luw Sautli I-'rn::'; Huch '. Lnvu'k at i-ui:n-r nt Oil.',-ll .111(1 lh-.Ili- .MM-.-i.M N.iah l'ow fll mi (Jui't-ii tivr', iii-arjii 'an nl Hnaiil next ih'nr t.'.l. 1 1 u kburii : John L 'on k I ; n , inn i li i-t ... ii ,.i ii ...I. I ' i 111 1 i 1 Willi .lllil i i . i 1 1 i 'i rw streets: K. 1 lr. mjrlitna in DulTy huiliiaii; mi MiihUe street; Win. I. oreh.it Ills pi. ice of la:.M;ns on 15ro.ul street; Ilarrell V C'-iopt-r i-u eorm-r nf Mnlillc ami Smtli l-'imit st reels: ,1 .lines F. Ta lor. est snh- of Middle street, smith nl .1. I. ( Tar k' s bri ck store; . I ames . Sin i t li, in Ins store, south of S. H . ScottV: lid. Whitman, on Middle stre.-t. next door to K. K. .lime's and next dnor to .1. 1'. Clark-s: M. W. MeAl 1 1 M t r , I'll a 1 1 1 1 1 a e s.leet, ai Unhhs s'.aiTe his place nt .1. .!. Westbrook. at lUMin-ss. uii Broad ,,1. ,, ... v.. it- I'nrn.. Mieet, near in - 1 1 '.' i. m n . m . w.,, i- , i., a r i.r-,...,a ui- (.ndiier haMntf ptoed rhit ),.. a- I ,,i..r f; I'r v ..irs nl.l t"'11 lK w (',r cars old, , ... .. ... ii -e e.i ei ,r, ,r , memo! pnn X ". ... ... ... y ; . - --. ; r.-is., meiiit.ers elect oi tue couinv board ot education, IVppeared and .piahhed according to law. T'he valuation ot property on Middle street, listed bv John Dunn, guardian, and Ma-y ( ). W I ndley. reduced trom W i to .-Lain, the former valuation b.-m.u an error. - - 1 unr' , .. . ( .irnetiter. t . i cost 'or I i , . .in. Kefm I ed ; 'i 1'. OI I'mil missioners l.nns.m a n I Pan a, examine and r. i if : n. - w- A- Thomas. :i-'.nv of No. township, apj , .. : , d ; ', : : e the boanl, teiulere.l his !.,.!. h was approved, aud he Mia :,,,: cording to law. It was ordered t: ' r fur two dollars be to Jefferson '. l'avis h i i Jacob and Hannah ):, ;i further ordered by the ie. .: A vnuchel nf tell d ,!,,: ordered to be Issued to . Weeks lor work b, ,1, : n poor house. The clerk ol the bo,, id w a ir dered toccrtity t he oi del jiassi a ,.: April meeting. and anicinhi': at Jin v meeting of the same iai. laving out a public road be.; ;. a .. at Lane's chapel, running 1 K I West's to I.u by llmise. eor.f n. i to hltc House, t i Fort I. ,. '..Ti road, provided th e Iayifir said road sh. ill be no .xi ei-e o the county. The application .in-, j,,, Put- man for aid was leleiled to t'nni niissioner Watson. O. I. Ijiock was ahon c.l to !;-1 his property in No. ! tow i. ship lor the ve.ir 1vi; with Tax ollector Ilahn. and iie was relieved Horn p i nieli' of double t ax. ., ni,,; ,,5i the accounts of D. stimson were' referred b the audit, jg eonimittee. Mr. Ah-x. M i'hu apt-ear. .1 before t he b. ..i i d a ::d can a! a 1 1. e, 1 li ., t t he v-,.1 .ilii.i' '. t mieMiareil . h:cd bv hi m in No. S town- h I p w a s e X Cess 1 e . t h e tine : . i a I tH,,.u valued a! I'm . n. T'he valua tmnwas ordered to be ehan ged t,. sii.iKi ar.d t he amount . f :axe-i!r.e ,, ,p,. valua-mn -a . ". nt ' - Pe : i a muled t o M r. M : h i T:.e ap; i:eaf :, .! 'ia. 1 .::,:.: w.Uamis tm red a,t ; ai : i a at : . ai ,,. ,. ,i ,;.,-rT on ' tx a M , I : u , . ; , ', , , , v ; , I . ; . . . 1; ' , , Mle b. 1 1 d . l"-7. A propoMlloii to pa'aii-h :n a.'aa. . - , . ... .. ...... . ,r. . , - T l.i" l ( ' II. .! ! , , ,,; ,el er; "m a g t. ip.it , ,1 i ,u .:,,) , .,th..r i.'..:-m. ' a.. l. , ,r,l ,,, , , , i , ... .., ,, i , i, , N an n ,v 1 1 arper. l'a hi ;.-iiei - N.-w l'.erne ,L I K.N !.. I.a : a , . t ' i 1 .",1 I.l I" j .I'I A I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I . tl , 1 i.r,,i e I. ,1 -' e.i e r; e c. II.''.., a n t a -,;,-( , : -. 1' ho e.el 1: u I - 1 : . .'i.e. the ..,ii ta that I: th-m.-t i a . : with the coin :t. t ;. .a aecoa :. : . ; i - e . : i -1 i c . i c . i -. - 1 1 : i : i : i i . it :-i,ict lot: ot : :.e i " ei: 1 a ti ae- : oa ; or t 'ie o ; i.a- a, .a. ' , aiei 1 .at:., d a, :. , f .,a h a - .1. W a Kli-hn 'M a ,-. township. K . . i . I . ' . : : .nii. , . .1. W . ., r ( h . S. 1 i .' i : - -1 -1-. A . !'. I : L 1 : I L -. . Ii.-:.:-.. i: . .. v : iaii-i.; ! !' '::;;'.'r M i-.-:.- : The elei k v. uMl.T t 1 . . - ..: !. !.:! t.. i-:u- .i:. :i'l Ml r'l:uil.t!i. ti.r a'lii i' li.nm-il 1 : i i .' t hi; IV ; u ' ' 'i : !ifv wi-i " )':" 1 ": ' Ml m !i: i ' .1 I 1 ' .1 . Ill . Il n.ivul I ri; a ; a a in i,r ! . 1 n- I 1 1-: ; ii- tax 111 No .Miii-r.it am - ;.,i-ii .i i-vcil I r i ;i Uii' lill C' llJL-. l'in- lia,'.Ma ,1 (j, a I i-ijuim t lull t'l.r M' a wits ;i I ri i i i i . ai. . 1 lil' l ll'lh Il.s 1 .IM . ;U i 1 . J .. ( hi! Kl' t hat t 111- h.l: UK 1 1 1 i l - tnr I. Mi- nt Cli'i I" 1 i i v '"'1S I'st 'W ( I ih i'ed t hat ad Vnacael I'T .mi pp'.ns I in n lshed 111 .1 y he eti doiMil Receivable for nil ivnt fouiity tax- poll api.pcation i, tile h ohlei s. A voucher foi r 1 1 ' ."0 w.i- : i to , I oh ii Iliiiin. naid iaai. In: ti -rest mi notes a.iin-t tin- c held bv s.r.d Dunn. Whereas, the tax h led ha t nut expenses is not sufiii-a n t to meet the expense nf the county. I hereby ei ea t nit; a deiicl t each ear n! near tmir thousand dollars. ( M ditiii. that the board apply to the ( ii In a il Asm-m bly at the pits ent se-Moii lor an act to allow the ion a spema, annua, ia.x '" i-l'e imndied tl'lli lls .tl aiiloll lul eUIICIU e.X- I'd ses a il Iai tile lloatlllir l.i tu , ,, .. r . ; , ., , , VTlllIlil Illlilltl, Ill.ll ile CuaiIIIl.lt , ...a.t.r, , i iiieseal a eonv nl this reso'lltinn to . (. (. r a r,que,t that he. ha,' and p.esetit a ,ll to . , ot'Conitni.-sioiiei.sol f'l a en conn; y, and also to W. :. I. me with the li-ipiest that In- co operate wit !i al r. (.Talk in securing such legislation The trt.,. Mirer was instructed to collect trom .Mrs. ITed I.ne rent for use ot county property. It also appeared that she had paid same to February l.-t. 1s7. T he clerk w.L4 ordered to certify t . t he eon n ' y ph.Mcian, the over set ; . I the poni and the contractor loi a.iuishing supplies that all in. i ai-- pertaining to the poor of the i. utity during the recesses ol' the l-.'ird had been placed under ('.aaaissioner Watson. Tne del k w .is leipiued to notify ,iii laidge keepers to make their lep.-ttsto ( o;: . in :-,; aier llrinsoti. t la :! t.lges of the coll lity having been ; i.u ed under hi.- charge during t he 1 ece--i-s ol ! he boa; d. .i n.ie.iielne to an order nom the boanl. ; i e.x treasurer laid lebrc tile 1 ' i the di mis in his posses simi a i . .pn ;y -aid by the s he l ill lor i . a - ,.:.d I'taeha.-ed l'.y tin mtliiii . .witch were 1 elel ted to t he el. i -.titli i n.-t ; net ion.- to ex. '.mine the .-aac and make a minute of tl.o.-e in regard to winch it is ad :sab!e lor the ci.uiit t o take act ion aial iepoi: the same at tae next meet a (1 t he Hoard. IT . ! ::a ait hi alh . w a.nce.-' t or p.ii.; . i. tlier Lsiis were made ana . . ,1 -.djaunied. a i '. - ":a;.i: at i'ia 'ti;!:i: " ' l . i i a ; . 1 sii. The n-...g claims vare pre- se :i . ' a I'. e.te 1 from the funds 1 1 in en t nf in-' ice. the 1 bed: g t la- same ii. ('Tin.-. Solicitor, - I. it ham. -. a .'Hi; II. K. :::,-. SJ'..0": T'. W. . - o., 1 1; . p'. Kounttee. J. I'. Stanly. Constable. K la an. 'C.ti: .las. A. -;s no;' . M. Watson. . W. 1. rh.un. ssa'.i n i; T. 11. a. r.'To: . ( ', . Ihinsoa. .' . I '. S: i: a v. ( '.ai-t able. . .. l-w -i t ;,a. I''aI tnr t an- eh. a. T 1111 lay,: ii. .ie. v ;i i.i a ,r a s 110; M. c-l.-aeV. . I jo. ; i ;, i. i lie I !'., w ;t.g at.e-s Well- in a, ie aa ;ae -a p, n u't ot the nail : Win. I ii vc. -r.. . l.'Hl; Win. Ch-ve. -r., -l.'ac S. ". I.ithatn, -.Am': W . lh C.riiliti. -1 ; Win. Mo,,ie. r ''.." o; S ir 1:1 1 1 e i i i ' ige. . 1 nil; S it ah ll,ai:'ae. -'.": Ilea:-, Well-, : A :i. .:. ia t'i ,;k. i' on. A. 1 ,,: . - j i o. : , -,,.v (i: ay. N a m u, 1 .,,;,. - ' Mat v - ', "cc Si n, ;,. - I .. A : -' a . i '-.. I 1 1 . ; I ilig- - : . 1 ,- F ggett. rl H ir.ii Fl ata. -:.i: i;, -;;e a:. - 1 no; A. A . l.',o ,i. 1 ,r,u: Mo-e.t . 1 o' . -1 hi': . i : i- II i:i:-,.:i. Mali: l lira,-; We-t- l.iilati. 1. i on-. M. ! I ,,:;. - 1 1 1 : M P !a'.a:a . -1 i. M.,: A . Se.II .-. f 1 I'.--JO.II.I; d. .1. ;.''; Newtnti P'l-o '.', , i, aa t .. 1 ones County item:. : r i. i. ..r: v: s in:.,;, li-aaiia a. ii a i a it - - a 1.1 I, ii a . ' . i . . r,f f'-r e. ii an i U1K r Hi; 1 ,l!f i. IS ;' -v , a a .;:i. 1 a m i . : r ; . in i: a in--a. - i, a a : : i .!.: n a aria i:." i'hia-!a';- !. i . i . - -1 1 -; i ; i :. i iii ;. .- -1 a i i : . y i a : : . h" : a ' .1 r - an h i -: ea to ,.n i ::. , i u i. aei ;.r i.iiv ai . ' W,.v . " - o i h -. .,; ,,ii f. i a. i . . I : : '-ai :':. i a :::;:: aat. :a..i . mt.a, chock fall f ; r-'.i.i ly a'.d .aii.iiie itaaioatya .- t u i i v. i:. a. he i iil- hi' ; e i.u a puh Il eal he j d P : i:.i;,, - ,h u ra.d dar .1 at ta ; iaat I .;.-!. :ael tb n si n.i dar ho i.iii't -!i- i.-.i.T. : i: i'.f t,iat ,ley Ir,-.',' liere' t ; t ti-.-1 j,,-i'i.:e" ehr.ice ia Jona may. A.a.'i I ri-la.- Ves .-ir. uinj..t-rw:i;e ; uhl;- .a i a; i . ain't it.- V.'e li ,r:i '.i.i.t Mr I ' i.i in, i a Pro's, sr.. :' i ; ie--s . k ' f- n-: , ; ; . ui-il dniiia; tie- !..-; ra i.:h. i.ad i.e. a ly s.i y ai s V,", ure a. : .jria- a fr.-:i I'e.i.ihle :.!!'.!', .lev ;!.:.: the . hi aei;;!- 111:111. be fore tl'.e ' -a', tv, i- ia ; -''.lent circam--tai.ri s. i , i: p. -a.-" ,1 w;:h siuvie au.l C' n-i it ra a.- ha, i, a r.-j.-rty and ha 1 a, .;,-- i.i.a :. v. a:.:- .: ia- aeath to the va'ai" i f titty ; Ie.,-.; --,i i ,hi!lr,r-, whit-h et.n't i i e'.i. at-,1. We are further ha :;a I i!,a tiii- r- mark able uid i'ii .' a -.v .- r sai i nor war rant !. :. iti.i r .: i ie -ii,.. i r w ar rant an v en-'. Tt.i g.si. i oi l man iu the laia p-.rt . ia- de-.-lininrf year? w as a,:;ifu lot ia iinlitaait circumstan ces, hat was e .r. fu'.iy watchnd .aver and at ten led to by his re phews. I-aac and Hen j.iniin I'aich. Jlr. I'.rock was a r. auark.il.h- hur.t- r in hi-i urg days; niai yw-i re-.il ' eaj turt- . f bear, deer and i ther ame. I have often heard peopie remark that he . .aid exhibit more ani"i.il !; !...- lli.'ti. any . til'.-r nn.R living. V.- are net certain, bat we be lieve that i. . , i ver ua- laarra A P.rfect Baking Powdc-r. Tie- treat uccu.-i f th It--yal Ifakiug Powder is due to ;-.e c x.rerae care t.-rrei-ed by it-mana f a. t u rer- to make it entirely pure. umtVrm in a'-iality. and of the highest lea-, ini.eg j. wer. All the sj i en i ai l.i.ov. ii d j... ,- . j ,; aa i e k i 1 i attained by a t'-v a'.y yeare' j-ractical exp.Ttenec are c n ; r . Lai -a-d toward this en. I. and no j.liarmai-enti'.atl prepaia ti.'i. can I e di-p, a:-ed with ;: gieater ac curacy. r. ..a a a aa i . aai.e-s. Every ai ti.-a- u.-i .1 :iam!e-r , ;' eh- ; te.-t the i ei: :h that a-- t x .at ; ' hin ! n v. : a I -n i ; -1 v f. r., w :: . chai.ee. and a the i:a -. ..rat . r. or li.. in. iia, .... : ' is ie a aa ex a rt ; f the i t. i:'. a -: - . a , t a ,'I. ,y i .i t. .f . ... ; ir ..-redi-:.; , a r, ! - i - , : ti :m (. i niVli'o't.i a . : ,: n: a- i .ai- uj. , a ui.a a a.- ie-e. il . K .val hahatg I'.cvder i era.:. i f , .c, h : - e u h ;. s..me :a. ! tea- 1,11V. He 1 1 I , x i -.: . . .it !.:,.. . v. iy r. and w iii r tain ii- ( ,.w . ! - a: : rt iuc the -i.n.e and the lag;., -t !i :- ei.irg i i -fi-c: in any i .iniap'. -: -y.y m;;,.. i:.. ii .virion, in t'la. ini-l-. alter havi: g aa i . v ,-. .. a aii tlte pi n: c ; ; , d I i aa .1 - i a the market, in tin ir ra, r;- i la '- a the Ii. yai Pikina 1' waier i.: the iaai f t lie i.-t ;' r n, e .-ir. n.-'.h. '.;;,:'. a:. : .v h ei i .-. uneii .. s.-. and iheu-aieh- , .. f - ts a i I i. . , r I ' e , u : . . r v : i . i v , ; a i : : . r . : . ; a - , .l.Mr.ip . lie a i n P.. i.l. a.d If T:':;v J.a n the H. iV lay ia- rial ' v : . . a . o a I i . .- ta , a . ::y i, - :, : tig 1 f wr rk pi.e. ed since ! v v. i e A I a- i.u- 1 no n ie.t 1 1 . . ; - i . Rel',.' ; v f I'-. a -ci- .1- at .- ; i'i'-'. 'ie ; c ',.,,' l-, ' i', leic. t i r. , - a , ; lh- aac : ('. ! r- a e. a ; a a i : : - !C . r. ..l.i h Jan ;. a. ' :. a : t 'ia , ft;..-i .-- a:c. rtr at tin- ! ' ae . f li. ; rv.a i ; . a -a r r,.a p; :. .v.- ! trip to Uell'a Frrr - Mail Futilities .Ni,.liil TeiiMir.inii. ,. (. i'i ii 2: a t io n i- I '.y uf l.i ; . r f a i t i i .. i v Lerne. ., ujiil j;- ;.t!t at in h.a't f f : ; ' C'ravi n Mrei t tiie fli iictr ' ';;..;.'( a :'--r IJ.-iI'!. I 'i : ry :-.r d t'm touriia- !:.,y w.-re tb 1 . M. I'.iih V. I". , ' and uii vv'iiiici. Cuy V.". iV.jie. . 'street. Mr. ''l.i Mrs. A. il. a, i ehiiJren. rf. Moi'ae is. a.;-' Lane. MicS iiiama Hectcn .- '. :e I'ahsc u. ! was o.'il i and ihe laaah n-ind : a:. At at: ai i i our o Vied; the v. ;h u i'.istleat Joliy O'.d Field. : i- : i a. t'avn ( f Hell '.- Th"re w.y .aa i and secured ..:. the "t- a v.- r:-.-y, : the Mr. r. i. 1 ,.!-ha. ; had kindly a i x r.t le-caaiaoaathji: for uu-i.; Il a a: b a i : three r car., ferrv. : 1 We ia:l ,..t the illagc ;a:l before i.tht, aa ; f. uiei homes around the family fireside- cf seme of the good pcepi... cf that thriving little town. The place h i- v. -.jti.lerf u!ly itnprovcd for the lj.-t ti ' year:'. A number of nice cot tages and large stores have been built and a . aurch is now in course of erec tion. If it should continue to improve for th . next few years as it has for th last few. it w i.l be a town of some im portance, bait the place is fadly in need cf better mail facilities. At pres ent it takes a ietter longer to go from Deli's Ferry to Kirston. a distance of fourp cn miles, than it does from Kius tna la it .-ton. Mas?. A daily mail from Kicstoa with the present tri-weekly mail fruiu (.ireenville would give them ju.-t what they want. And our repre sentatives in Congress should see to it that they havo the daily route from Kinston. and it should he no longer neglected. On Tuesday, at about one o'clock, the marshalid and knights actsembled and the tilting began, resulting as follows: Knight cf Good Luck. Id. E. Bland. 12 rings: Knight of Morning Star. Fred Brooks. ('.; Knight of Colden Star. J. H. Brutnn. 14: Knight of Slow on the Track. Jesse liruton, 7: Knight of Cen tennial. J. A. Jackson. ?: Knight of Old 405, L. A. Cobb. Co. Knight of Cjuick on the Track. J. 7. Prooks. Pi1: Knight cf Contentnea, J. II. Helen. 7: Knight of Bell's Ferry. E. A. Bland. 12: Knight of Old Ferry, Buck Eruton. 1: Knight : i Seven Stars. J. K. West. It was announced that Knight of Gciik-a Star had won the first honor . and was entitled to crown the Queen j of I.cve and Beamy; that Knight cf , liood Luck and Bell s Ferry had tied for sicond and third he nor, which they had t ride over and resulted in a victory for Knight of Good Luck for second hoi;; :-. Knight t PellV F. rry third and Kr.irkt of Quick on the Track . the feu it li. Mr. J. ii. liruton distinguished1 as ijae-eii of Leva and Beauty Mi3 Sailie Faison. of -tew Berne; "Ir. It. E. Bland, Mis llattie Calloway, of Pitt, as First Maid of Honor: Mr. E. A. bland. Miss Ed-lie Smith, of Pitt, as Second Maid cf Hor.er: Mr. .1. Brooks. Miss Henrietta Calloway, of Pitt, as Third Maid o: lluli'T. The coronation look place at o'clock. A 1 ,t ,e crowd assembled and dai.-H-d until -.bout 0 o'clock. New Peri.e -trna: b.v.d made th-j music. CLUVEEIUS' CHANCES. .. . . a ati a ia.si'oa-i;- To las a; :.,.;.- vi;;..iM.v u.VOUKs.-MEN IS Tit!: iUVi. Tiie Richmond i; ' a'ca sent a special envoy to tlie point in Path, county where Lillian Madison taught school- but the interview with ai iss Kinney, at who-e house the unfortunate eiri resided, de veloped only the old story of Cluvt-ritt? h.-ir.g the sweetheart ii Lillian. The ':! c. however, lain;- lias in i ;,:.. r i to the case : "The rumor wi K ly elr-'ulaivt -though it seems '. cry iuiprobah'.i that Hon. John S. Wire's vi;t to Ch.i Vt.raa day before yesterday, made at the pris oner's reaue.-;. wa wi-h reference to b r i n c i n l- ?e bef- re tht- i cited --tate- I ourt i n a v! ir of n ei. . a .Mr. Wi; du.'liiiis t i be i a t , r v ie .. e J . "'.If the i i-j memuors .,f taetielierai Assembly, twenty one have res. .or.. led to Willie Ciuverias' circular, ana eighteen cf these favora'ay. '1 las wou'd indicate t e failure of tlie .-eUemi.-. lt: .leed, nothing that is witi.in th.e knaal ...Ige of the hecch;. a; the present writing seems at aii Lk.-iy i w , : k oat a fu.-th.cr respite cr reprieve 1 r tie ;ai-i.:ur. Ii now seen..- oiate .artaa ;;..; the i xccatiiu v.a.l taia- ; l.;Ceea like ll;li ia-t. i'.ut the prh-'iti-r evi-ie:;;- ;.' He is bope:al: i.r th- :-;-tht-is-i f the ;ubl.c kr.i.'.vs i, . lie ha ie t mate any confeisi. a. tie i.ar- s.o ; ;aat at iu tar.e. to n mac. ..amitttd his gu.it. aa i :; an possible for hint -. aa t' t; - innei-.-:;t mar.. 1 1 ne ev, r will i , -- b. . a ceh pr -an 1 L'' '. :;.iii;;;i.i. . u . a v .. r i a - Tilt (.F.VEHAI. ASSEMBLY. Tiif Indrpniilr i, combine Willi Hrpubilcans, to Organize tlie House. E ti : rr I ii,!i pi mien t Vote Willi Demo crat. tprejai to the Jucnxai.. ItAt.itian. X. C. Jan. 5. l"r7. '""he Senate was called to order' at noen by Lieut. -Gov. Steadman. All members present. Only ono contest Green against Clark, from Craven. Clark sworn in. R. M. Furman elected principal clerk, W. V. Clafton door keeper, was the oniy business done, The House met at noon. Clerk J. D. Cameron called lio roll and 11S mem-' her.- were found present. There were three notices of contest, from Wilson. Surry and Craven counties. Democrats were in each case sworn in. Two ab sentees are Allen Jordan, of Montgom ery, and D. P. CafTey, of Caldwell. . The House was packed with spectators. When election of Sneaker came up. Nat economical than theordlnary kinds, and can not, be sold In competition with themnltltade jlac'ii). Independent of Franklin, nom- of lowtest. short weight, alum or phosphat powders. Bold only In cans. KorAL Bakiru inateu J. U. Webster, of Rock- Powdbb Co.. lufl Wall-st.. N. Y. novls-lrdw For sale in Newbern by Alex. Miller. mgham. and A. Leazar. Democrat of . . Iredell, nominated L. S. Overman, of Rowan. Webster made some remarks asserting that he was still a Democrat and only differed partly on the question of county government. He said he did not favor entire repeal of that law. Dr. J. M. Worth expressed disapproba:ior of Democrat.- at Webster's thus allow ing himself to be made a Republican too! to defeat Democrats. Vote being , taken. Webster was elected speaker re.-pivincr tie) v.srr r.i .".7 for Ovprman. Every pair warranted to give fiatis- All independerds save Long and Par- faction. ham and Walters voted for Webster. Country merchants and the. people 1 generally are requested to call aud ex Speaker took the chair and spoke brielly. ; amine our large etock before purchaa- The House, bv same combination of in- 1 ng. We will give you low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff. dependents ana u?publicans, next, Dy vote of GO to 5i, elected G. M. Bulla, 'Rep.) of Daviison. principal clerk, over J. D. Camerom. Democratic nom inee. This ended the dav's work. Organization C'onipletetl Raleigh, X. C. Jan. 6, 1SS7. Senate completed its organization today by electing D. B. Xicholson read ing clerk. John W. Gudger engrossing clerk. A. M. Noble assistant doorkeeper? Formal notice of contest In Craven case was given by Lockey . f New Han over. Senate adjourned a- mark of respect to the memory of the at.e M. R Greg ory of ;t district. The House elected the remaining of tieers as follows: V.. G .Purkhead, Dem ocrat, reading clerk, Win. M. Davies. inder.ere.ient, engtossing clerk; D. R. Julian. Democrat, principal door- keeper, and William Rcit.el. Democrat, ' Kelng iu correspondence with several par--5itart docr-keeni r. ties North who desire to make investments Pearson showed his h.nnd by express-. ' farms, etc . in this vicinity, persons hav-a-i - c '.rsitior. to courtv gevernrcent in ing farm ,.r wood land for sn!e. wonld do w-cstern counties. la-solution of instruction to Congress men to su'iporr the Flair bill was ofTi-r. iy made special The S ,ol e pi ii il cn l?. Minitiie' Thi-ir I tan it. i! f.i ii iiioti il 1'iai-sou Auai It Hie Coim' iy ..o eriimrut. ilAr.iaali, Jan. 7, lc7. In the Senate today nothing of special irapoi laucts was done save appointment of committees' On Privileges ami Elec tions, Fields chairman: on Corpora-ti.'U-.. Wiiiiaiason chairman; Salaries at- '. '.' a raberpm chairman; Insu rance. Thorpe chairman: Judiciary, Adam-! chairman. Xotiee of contest ot Timrce's se'it in the 7th district by . Republican, was given. ssi.n ot the House was quite a tid the Radicals and Iudepend- heated. lied matters with a high hand, refused. Ly a v-ve 0f 57 (.o 54. to , the Senate in electing an en hik on joint ballot. nd I'i arson ouij they intended ;bine- , f the sort until the .pues- .e i;.;ht of Lane, of Craven, to v...,. s ttled. He charged that .- to it and that llussey latter ia'd been de ce.l . f i.i- rights. He asserted that --ev ;; aa the j-hc-riiT's certificate of tier, wiolo Lace had none. Pearson - s. -vereiy rebuked by several Demo ; . i. -.ne spoke, saying he had the i.a s ia rti:i.;ate and did not want the ant.i l.e v.e properly entitled to il. .:;: ti ia-oaacn cc,. iiy moved i ,y , a the tabic Scn-:e..-.c.ae pr..pv.-icg t- elect a-.c c'.eil;. and Radicals and tiu.ir ale r.t aii h s adopted h: t m.'ti'U. re 1 e. r, ,ti Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purit v. strength, and wrioleBomenesB. Mor Take Hoiice ! Our store ia filled with Provisions, Groceries, Caanert Goods, rrj- Goods, Crockery Etc. We keep a fall line of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. . ALSO fl Q Paron-no Rt fjnno' yji Kit xuiouiia x uuuo uuuuo and Shoes. ROBERTS' BRO., South Front sf.. New Berne. N. C. BARGAINS IN , Meat, Suar, Soap, Molasses v And SyniD At S F. TEISER, Wholesale and Eetail Grocer, BEOAD STREET. REAL ESTATE AGENCY OF . Eoyd, well to i;i etc. No i icirv' (lcsci-iptior , tiMh prioe. na:.l - .1 a srflt! is not effected. rule tt !e a sale-aire made. W. 15. IiOYL, Hiuah Front Street. . 1 r 'ti-in east i,f Gaston House. Chaiirf-nn K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES General Merchandise, BAGGING XJ TIES, Ktc. A Consicuraents of Grain, Cotton and other ProJuce elicited. Prompt Attention Guaranteed. X. W. Cor. South Front and Middle St" NEW BEBSE, N. C. LOOK HERE! HOUSE KEEPERS. DINNER SETS. Pieces. jja SETS. 40 I'ioces CIIAc.ir,Elt Sin;-. 10 cc VI I'ieces. FINE TOILET SL7TS, AND A I-' I'LL EINE OF H O F S 1-1 'FllMSIIINO GOODS, L. IL ( i TLEirS, 26 & 28 Middle Street, Nil W irKI.-NT.. N. O. ;k vour ic.tac.nr f-r te Oricinal 83 Sho l.c-.Yiire of Imua-.i.'iis. hone Ccnuinc unless bearingthia Stamp SHOE. i "TnripjT: Futton.ConffressftLac. Ljtajf Cal.r tiicin. tjnexceiiwi a I ,u i abilit u,Comfort and Ap- jirc-aiic.. A postal cara sent t j lis v iii iiriuy j uu luiuiuiB- t ion now to get mis ouuw . InaiivStatcorTerritoTy. SsL4- A i2.tf S. 41 Uncorn St, Boston. a.aM. icAcr in the ftlTnation of - in Virlcl. Thousands i - uj.;U ir you uat tUenu r-vw. " s.iio Agent for IliHiK sroRK. J. L, KAETSFIELD, .'Wl.VR IX uO a : h;: ; STATIONERY - ' Schoid Supplies i ialty. z: .- n fo ctioncrics, . a ' ' : - . '';.- Gltlssii are, I i c". .'-', , ; nj : . EtC. :.e .;. --.iuii nt La f tin's Bank. V ia trulv. ! L. HARTS FIELD.

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