AY S Bp W MS iJPly IP v 111 Ji IXDEPEXDENT 1 1ST ALL THINGS. Torxxxai gfl.OO Per NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JAM ARY io, 1887 NO 42. VOL. IX. Jt GETTING ER BROS., Kinston, N. C, AEE BEADY WITH A LARGE STOCK OF FARMERS SUPPLIES AN1 General Merchandise, Which they propose to sell Cash or on AT JeoxxIlo Prices. 3. W. STEWART, . HEADQUARTERS FOR Mutes, Horses and Buggies. i" s- A Cargo of Fine Horses and Mules just re ceived. The Beat Buggy on the Market for the m.mi-y. dorses and Vehicles to hire at reasonable rates. Broad Street, New Berne, N. C. jo6 w2n Sax sch werin, TO MEST THE GREAT SCARCITY OF MONKY Will. FROM N' 'W I "NTH. THE HOI IDA YS. (ilYK Extraordinary Inducements TO THOSE Mens or Boys Clothing " DRY GOODS. Ladies' Walking Jackets, Shawls and Blankets, UEirS, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN SHOES, IXatf and Giit n iniHiiiog vVooih. ComprUiDff fine Sdk Handkerchiefs." beautittil Hose, iovely Scarfs and Saspenders, Glovss and rmbrelias. all suitable for CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! Goods' toU "be sdd at Reck Bcttcm Hard Fan Frlces. I AM SOLE AGENT KOU A A. BATTLES' MLVS CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES Tooly Sho moiii In atv 0L. 1 will a tMt mat a tn lr (tn of wrar. iiciiik Kiri'b tp. M tr or qiti AXtnuKR Kivt r 4 i a t ix h f.,r t tat. flti"t ntl thapmt ..li u ;.'.' w r f. t tP. a DQOJ T Thy ii'Tn t ;i. t'.i : ;r;i T I taava ltliala rrm : l ,. tnc iK!tn, who t: v nM-. h . i : ;i V 1 .?'.---: I t of wUkfc liAfc trt o: p r .-.t : . ml rfiroun- ; ; t h H' , v. .-a ;.- m,: f i . v . i; lri( ii tr wcr 1 I'. I. W. Jom IL ML KINSEY'S (URLS AND YOl N(i LADll.S. I, A. OnA-PJCiK, T7 . C". Mew LCL- n. Pi'iJ . liMorto Mm EKF1E F.. RtifSf: Pr.- c.u.u Um BETT1F. KINSK . Vc Mw I I I. A WHITr !'- n -la . TTirs' 'c;'- C". - - - Only Keml Fir i Writ for irm i l. 24. DAIL BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers, IIA VK 1CK l ! i l Jill It: TWO STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND. A ad kep of FI.Ol It. n 1 A l . , r I I st t, .1. - 1; ; I-- MOJLASwKS SM.T ItlllVt o -M t I M' iK.Xivs. a,, everythlnr In t lif i ; K H I K I l J . . I 1 I i ( ,t k iih1 m KU'K.J for t V u J-Jl. AfiEsjC A' OF WILLI Ml II. () I IL LIFE. FIRE. Over $60,000,000 6omof the OLDILSJ, tjriiJiKV. ,iH M.'-r ; Companiesi m t i.e. J ' :. ' ' ''' reproetcrT j.rJ dim NTH. i NFEDINO th -iry that ar WARRANT thf Minurnrturfr T' ' M K nl BY Si 1 ' M Y vV bn tn Any wr w'.tnin ;iy r.:.jiMe '.ii' t' return of i tu1 an.l iuu MAX SCHWERIN. P - i ' s.lfs . i Y l.A. SCHOOL . '-...--- 1 . r m.ir. . B JOSEPH KINDLY. PritUipa:. MARINE. ACCIDENTAL 1 WC K. Assets Represented. ! 'i i ... l r :i. Ntwi anil cttivrs 1 H Y (iKN Y. K A I. ASM-i HI V. SKNATK. lanu-kry in The S. nate was called to order at 11 ..-dock bv President Sted- man Sat tird..y ' journal waa read and ii. proved Hills and resolutions were read , . , , r i, ,rr and disposed o! as follows: Hv M. lYmbvrton a bill to i l' md 1 of irticle 10 of tl.'e State constitution, reducing fhB n.r.nnal r. u r t V P T P m I ,f inn til two bundted dollarsthe homestead Heaf. dumb an.l blind institution Mr. 1 lies introt .iced a resolution :n real property to three hundred Messrs. Lindsay, MeCTnre. Over- in respect to the death of Lev. ( . d. .liars; ;md repeal ah exemptions man. Snipes, Lon. Copeland. at- H . ilev, which was adopted, or ..rk and Ubor done, m to all son of lly.le, Temple. Hlevms, Wil IL L. ;i 1 , m relerence to i gen- de!.-s alter ritificuion bv the jhh)- lumson. llolnian. Haves. Patton. cral bankrupt law concerning the .Judiciary. White of Perquimans. farmers was taken up. ' ' M r S Hinders a bill to amend I n sane asylum Messrs. Sanders. -Mr. Leazar thought tfiat there seen. m' 1 di inter 171 lawsot 1 . Haves. White ot Perquimans, Per- had been too much legislation here Indi'i-iarv ' ' son", Mills. Candler, Stevens,! 'room, that properly Udongs to Washing Mr Sunders i bill to make I'atton, Kell. Pittman. Stancill. ton and the people were getting Hogue S .und, in Carteret county, Kwart. Creen. tired of it. He, therefore, moved a lawiul fence. Proposition and Agriculture-Messrs. Pries. Hen- to table t he resolnt ion, which was griev mces nett, Schenck, Mills, Sharp, Worth, done. Mr' Williamson, an act to repeal Ward, Jazer. Holt, King. Lindsay, S. K. .1 1 - resolution to appoint a an act creating a couutv board of McMillan, Williamson, Parsons, committee to consider the sheep eduettion education ' P.eesou, Cherry, Halstead. Catling, husbandry interests 1. 1 the -tite Ti,e hoi owing committees were Swain, Kell, Parham, Snell, Chap- was concurred in. appointed, viz: pell. Creusluiw, Moore, Watson of 1 1 ouse ad journed. Kducation Messrs. lark. Fields, Hyde, Watts, Oakley, Clullcut. Williamson of Davidson. Thorpe, Penal Institutions Messrs. SI. NAIL. Shaw. Steveuson. Winston, and Pritchard. Hayes, Proc'or, Meares, .i antai: Y 1 '. 1 vs7. M.i-son of Orange. Kwart, liell, Shaw, Mangum.Ovcr i he Senate was called to order Unrolled bills Turner, Pemlter- man, Moore, ork, Patton, White, ,u ,yrnrk bv President Sted ton. Shaw. I.iil.ngton and Mat- Franklin, Crow, Pritchett, Proctor, m:u, 'hews. Snell, Meares. Yesterda's lonrnal was reail and Libraries -Cmuse .Collie. McCor Claims-Messrs. I'.rogdeii.l'eaver. ;ip,,rov,Mi. nek, F.pps, Arthur. Crisp, Ashcraft, Hell, surratt. i',e .standing comnut'ees repot i Putdie buildings and grounds Snies, Heeson. Franklin. W mi- as (,now.s: Messrs. S Hinders. Hryan. Spruill, berly, Hampton. Hall, Howe, Ioug. internal i m pro vein e n ts I ; ecu in - P.ro.idtiurst and Matthews. Wilson, Y at ts. Sh.iw, McCIure. niended that the bill to incorporate I e.leral relations .Messrs. uo- ber. F.lias. Wilson, Mason ofOrange and Mason of Chatham. hoi si: The House was called to order at 11. jo o'clock. Speaker Webster in the chair. Prayer by Uev. L. Pran son . Mr C.nv ilem , bv reouest Mr. i. raj, ami. , ,o request, tition to incorporate the National livestock ssociation. Corpora- 1 1 , tions . , . , dem , a resolution Mr. Sutton ' asking the repeal of the internal 'revenue law and abolishing the system. Calendar. Mr Ctatlinc. ind.. a resolution inquiring into the management of ! rl,H d-narrmenf of apricnli ore. im migration a id statistics. ( alen 1 tjar m '.Mr. lliugh on. rep., a resolution ! concernirg cuvicts, and to comel he board of th rectors of the ieni- tentiarv to comply with chapter 17.'., laws ot 1S81. " Calendar. ( Mr. liegan, dem., a bill concern-1 ing a general bankrupt law. Mr. Dongbton, dem., bill to amend he constitution so as to allow a waives of homestead. Mr. C,rav, dem.. a bill for drain nig public lands. Internal improve amend section t't.s oi tin- i o.ie an.l ( (,de. uituts. the bill for the rebel of t.ip,,i- Ana. t to extend the time ol tax Mr. Shaw, dem., a bill to extend and tax collectors, were leom collector to settle with the treasu re time for the registration of mended by the committee on n.d:- ,,.r. deeds. .ludiciarv. ciary and finance to pass. A bill to amend section 1,27b of Mr. Watts, dem., bill to repeal Mclver reported fa..i.ii.y the Code, the appropriation to the State from the committee on the rest hi A bill to make P.ogue swamp in University passed at the last ses- tion to appoint a joint select con: carteret county a legal fence, sion. Education. mittee to look into the advantages passed its second reading and was Mr. Liudsav, ind., bill to prevent of sheep husbandry in the state placed upon the calendar, justices of peace from holding more The following bills p d their Set...-, .d .mrned. than two offices. Judiciary. second reading and w. -i ,,-ed Mr. White, ot Perquimans, rep., upon the calemlar viz: HOI SK. sent forward a notice in relai ion to Bill to amend section '-. a:sd The llo,,-e was called to order at the contested seat of Mr. W. 15. 90S of the Code, --llowmg cases n oV1,,,.c ,1V speaker Webster. Lane, dem.. ot Craven county. containing assault with the inten- i.ravor t,v Mr; Surratt, the member Mr. Holt, dem., moved that, a tion to kill, to be punishable by from av" ;.! -on county, joint committee, consisting of seven imprisonment or jail, as the :idge i,.port . ; Standing Committees from the House anil five from the maP decide. jr ,v on education, rec Seuate. be aprointed to consider A bill to regulate challenging of ommcllde,l a substitute for the in the question of the appointment of jurors in capital cases, giving them u.Tua revenue bill, a railroad commission. The rules the same rights as in minor ones. Mr Ml. M dlan, committee on ers susjeiided and the resolution A bill to amend sections L.',0. aprieultuie. bill to incorporate the wvs adopted.. and U.0o7 ol the Code ol North North -aroluni Phosphate Corn Mr. Pinmi, rep., moved to print Carolina. pany. repotted lavorably. Calen- the bill to repeal the present sys- tern of countv government, aud make it a special order for 1-riday at 1J o'clock. Mr. Shaw. dem.. wanted it made a s,e, i.d older lor Tuesday. Mr. Hoi;, dem.. thounht' the bill should 'o before a commit ttee and let the committee make a report on ;. as that was what t h committees wei e appointed lo 1 :.l not k now what w.us iu the b..l. Mr. Lvon, dem., wanted the tune for the special order to be Tuesdav. the ''.': h, as he would be ah-, ut 'aoout the 1 s;h, ami wanted o be i.re.se:,- uhcii the matter ;,. Mr. Vork. r. p . th..ugtit it a mat or-! ;t.'. importance. The peo- i -a . d to know v. hat the legis . at a i e w i - g..,ng to 1 1 1 . and t hougti t ti.e I : ' r -lioiihl not be post- :.o:.ed. Mr. i.-.o-.i - i,d ; iia' I... doubt each :n. in oad mad.- up his mind, but ' :..r 1.,' h td some stat istics as to " e Aoik :ig ot the law :n I'.laden v. ami t fought t he gentleman i okes would te glad to have a-.-er.t. I ne (juration was n pon t he post ponement of t he ..it ...ii imt i Tuesday the L'.V.h, i w htch Mr. l'mnix called for ie- a:. 1 ii.i-. The call was a.iied a;i'! tiovote was ' t ayes ' ' n a - r. ..! man. dem.. lose to a : pets. -Lai privilege, saving ii . . s r . I . -; i . - e oil Saturday to i'.-.i-- n I'e.ng a traitor to b : r p ir: v . .md . oper g w 'lie i. publicans, he ..' i a-.. i:-.d word,- that w.-ri" :i iii.eiit ti.d :'. r that he .. i i-k pardof: he did not t ' . ' .rsonal in his re I bliici' hesitation countv. ( al. ndar. 1 '.arson's politics. 1 ne lo'.'.ow ing 1 " . i. a-; . w a glad to hear dneed and relerred i w. take b'l. k what he 'dr. Pattoil. bill n. b : ..e . id bis eun a- CnliV.ct force oil t o ol. r ' grii t lein an branch ol the W (-(-!:; .:. road. t aleiidar. i ii. 1 1 . . . -1 1 1 . bad n o ' h . b g VI r. t ray by : . ; u. -' . 1 i' again denounced .t'.tol.sh the countv b.-atd '.-;'..' o--. t :oii . 1 ducat ion . !- t . ::.! . said r Ov.-r- Mr. Watson. ,-i ti- iig :, -a;, ing that he provide lor working ! i. d ance. Kan- roads by tax. it, on. i ! . I oi the po.stroad- and tiiilip.be Mr. Pittman. bn . : . a : i : 'ob 'be gentle- j 1 '. . law s d 1 " ::i : ' ,r :.g ' u .de a range Uuids o t i eg -1 -t - i : . v . o-ge, but would ciarv . . bii.-ii .i nbe oiiesnon Mr. l eltoii, ..', u-i 1. . i o- i I..H1 sections 1.7'.''i .u.d l.soo i ii.an s a , d be w on '. d 1 1 ot i n relation .. .. :g.i.u. 'eit tiia! Mr. Pear dud'.ciarv. : g bT a republican and Mr. Holma:-. ! .. t .! i.:.-t Ir. l'.rown, showt d on w holesale a- vo b o-: :v i k :.d ot a dt-nio- dealers .' crat he was. He liked the gentle- man xrsonally. hut did despise his ixlit ic.s. The chair announce.! t he i. .low- wir committees: Counties, cities and town.- Measrs. Wells, Macon. M ills, i teen, Hampton, Davis. Harrington, l'ar sons, Sorrell. Hall, Manning, Kecan, Newsom. Wilson. Woo.lv. Walters -md McKininion ami .m mi in.ui . Fish Messrs. W h 1 1 e nt.) Yiqui m- ans, Watters. Catling, Cherrv. Kvann. Watson of Ihde. M.utm Slid KwaTt. .umioi. Hanks and Currency Messrs. Holt, Worth, l.rog.len. Allman. Crawford of Haywood. Haves. Proc. tor. House adjourned. Mr. Holt's name was omitted from the finance committee in Satnnlir'g rnrwirt I I i s a ni e m. r --i- ber of that committee. , , ,,,r fr 7 .V l.rown for enrolling clerk. Mr. Sharpe nominated Mr. Kllis ' i . i . . .January 11, !s7. relat ing to the legal rate of inter The Senate was called to oni. r est. 1'inance. by President Stedman at Yesterday's jumnal w. 11 o'.-h ck. s read and . J "l't""'' Bills and resohit ihh- and disposed of in the " tie n- "I lol!ow:ng manuei. -Mr- -Mc ormicK, an a.o to n peai chapter 11, ol the acts ot hv, (concerning the practice ..; m, d: cine.) Mr. Kerr said that the bit! u- biting to the challenging ol Minr- in capital cases, was recommend, d bv the judiciary commift to pas-. Mr. Pemberton said the bill to a 111 amem. -eno-a oi toe cone. A Dili to exieuu i no inar.ei oi tbe Shepard's Point Land Co. for a leriCHl of thirt v ears. uA bl1,1 l? lim,en'.1 srr ;"n " tht ie b-v rlac,nS ;l! ''r. 10 u-t"".,-,.,,, .... .1,1 FAI l.ril... 1-1,1' ciary amenoen it oy placing aner the word died and before the word removed the word re amendment was adopted. The Sen at e ad :ourii el . Hoi 1 The House was called to onlc: x H o'clock by Speaker V Prayer by Kev. .L I - i:"e. "' tin First Baptist church. in TK- M't'Tl- -N 1 1 l'i .iir: : . Mr. l'eltoli.a petition from th. ii slier m en ot i rrel! cotinty . n r.-l a tlOIl to Setting fish t.e's :tl the Albemarle sound. 1 aid I' -!i- cries. Mr. I.e. car. a : a: n.e North Carolina Ti-.nii.i-' A . :.i . tion for the establishine:,- .i a per- maneiit normal school, i. ducat Mr. dray, a petition lor the re- jeal of chapter 171, laws ,.:' t in relation to the -choo'. 1 i , Ld- ucatiou. Hearts of Stand. ng "im:;;::. Mr. 1'eit.m. r.-jiorted bill iroin Propositions and (irievances lor the relief id' the sheriffs of the tate. Transferred to t.nanc.- com m .: t Mr. Cray, lull in regard to , i; b.ci ds o I t he c'.ei k - : - : ; omits, ( al. nda:. lr. 1 .ea ar. b.'.l .:i leg .: . ' t am school ord. : s o u , I alemlar. Mr. Lwait. in ::. : ... . 1 committ.e, i '.1 to pr- ..! .rosecu t . : . g a'tor:..;. : - :v a ii - 1 i-i. , ( ib lii- :.1 ;oi b Kdiica- turn. 1'". Slcvens, bill to repeal chap. 1 ::. I:iws of 1 con ce ruin p the State Imversity. Kdtication. The Speaker ho iiounee.Uhat he had just received a telegram in. forming him of the death of Rev. Calvin II . W iley. ol inston . House resolution b'7. requesting 'Hit Congressmen to obtain addi- r. tionai life-saving and signal sta- t ions along onr coast was taked up. and on motion of M r. Thoim - was U I) .1 1 1 1 HI O US l.V adopted. t he ( ieorgia. ( arolina , .Northern nnroad Co., do pass. Hills and resolutions wen' reii.l ind disposed of as follows: Mr. Snrnill. n hill tn amend sec tiou L. on;, i',(7-' and L'.O.jO and to repeal section 2, 0.7. J of the ('ode. ,n rowr,! tn nnl.lin rnfiil Cron nsitions an(1 grievances. . , - .vi r. Kerr, a oni to amenii section ' u nf tlm rndonf V (' sn as to -.-1 ol tlie Lodcot.t ., so as o allow owners 01 lanus to snoot otus t,,:r n.it Oil ..Till K1U.I. i M..U.-IUl'.l.. , rilrini. ami gnevanc is. .Mr. imams, oi J itr. an act io amend section .'?,.vi.n." of the Code, Mr. Pon, an act to amend section l , on of t he ( 'ode, relating to shoot ing and throwing at trains. Judi- cinry. Tlie following bills passed their third reading, were engrossed and sent to the House ot Kepresenta- nVes. , bill to amend chapters tisTand oos ,,i the Code. To regulate challenges to jurors u, Cautal cases, i To allow the challenge of jurors in capital cases t,e same rights as in minor ones. 'p0 a,io iid section MS of tlie dar. Mr. oik, jr ,,ik, t.ropositions and grievances, reported unfavorably a TUlUoii concerning the seat of a member of the House on account of dueling. Mr. Osborne, lavorably on 11. P. in reference to ihesale of deadly weapons. Mr. AVoith, tlnance, favorably on 11. I'.. Is. to amend chapter !S laws i.f 1-7', to -ettle the State Mr. H ; h . ii n a nee. I a oi abl y on 11. P. os. bill r. .ii;:i :ng banks and ban kei s ' o make .i i 'iii'i t to the t rea-urir. ! N I K I C o i ; s, , , ; i ; i - , , i . i 1 1 N . Mr. L wart . a r.'-uiiitinii to protest against t he repeal td I he civ;! ser vice I'd!. ( 'aleiid.tr. Mr Worth, resolution in r.-t'ei-e':co to the law s of 1 ss. .. Mr. L.nghaii!. a b.:i to amend :.ap. 11'.. laws s-.,. Lducation. Mr. Woody, a lull m relation to ic stock law :n Person cou.'itv. Propositions and grievance.-, ir. '- lmberlv. a lull to amend -cct.on '.il, chapter It), o! the 'ode. in relation to nidges ol e!ec- ta:i. I 'i i -.leges and elections. . I an. 1 -ey . a bill for the pro- t.-.t.oii ti' the industrial :;:'eiest- of ; ;.e State. Agriculture, Mi. 1 'ersoii . a b: 1 1 t o u f veti ' . ss . v e taxation. 1 m ance Mi. M ea r. .-, a bill to i uo- woi king : he publo- i.m.Is. Lai roads, po.-tio.i is and turnpikes. M lb A bell, '.y I o;ilest a bill to icpeal Seen. ui loo", (.i the ('ode. lb leleieuce to o'lieeal ol weapon-, 1 'ropo.-; 1 1. ui- a u, 1 gi :.- v .. in es. Ms. lille y, a bill :u referen ce t o t he colored : ph i u A - ' in a ' t 1 X lord. l'ltiance. I, in hav i iv.-d ! school. m each county be special order, the I esi d lit loll II lela a II t Obi to Ihe III tern a! re venue system id and the I'. I.e. r .- 1 . : ea ' : o n a 1 b.'i w as .1 k e II lip. ' ' Mr. M I -. de III . Ill ' V ; . 1 to : e ! el . a- the vv hole III .1 " el" ' o Ihe rep'! b' i c.l Ii -tate e x . - c 1 1 ' i v e committee. 1 lie c! i I lei . Mr. i i v . -; : : 1 c.-bed ' Me II,.-- lie II. o! i-t t I! . li toll . I M r. I:.-., t-r. 'huiifjlii tin- i o-oi a :.i :i i-inl'i.io .1 on. m.iiiv Moiir-. .t- .: roir.iiiii'il ; i b-rt-iu-e- to tlie Kbr,! bo!. :::! ii. i! n-venue -y ein . t , i i '1 . vti-.. t b.lt t he . I . I V 'jile-tloii to be i o: i -. i le red :i-t i;ow wlni i'o . V '..::,:. ' ' e ' : t e J- ' ' I ' 1 e V e! Oe system .'" The Hlaii bill had been Voted on and the tariff bill was a special order h.ir tomorrow; thought that too much time was being spent in speech-milking and the like, and too little business .hmo. Mr. Pearson thought it was cus tomary to vote on such resolutions by sections and had olleied several amendments, which were before the Hoiisi; il:d pioposc to make a political spe. of an attack on t he democratic p..:: v. That reso lutions similar lo this one had been passed since 17 1 and had become stereo: v'ped: th.s one he wanted a little di del I'll! : that t he . mi 1 1 have put in that he had let! out ! hough: when t he d hei e was much tiie pieamble Many people moci ats came ;,M distill as into powei ;hev co i much whisk v as thev wanted, but that : here were more c.ii-s before in : he western ih Mr. Cleveland's now over L'.oiiO he 1 'edeial court t net t han before administration. He did not criticise tin- President, for he thought him not only fear less, but detiant when he came to administer the laws. He wanted to make the I es. i u t ion .1 little stronger t han bclore. M I . W'oi t i: Ni-ivol to ; able t he 1 1 'soli it ion. Mr. Yoik thought it a matter ol importance, and should be acted on :;t once, wanted to make the reso lutions stronger, lie had been a member o! Ongi ess and knew that Speaker ('.ulisleiu appointing; his committees, had appointed men as their chairmen who were opposed to the measure, and of course the iesolutions --slept the sleep of death." Did not wan: this one to sleep, lor the people all State are ci v nig down luternal levenne system." over the with the Mr. Holt did not ::se to make a speech. but wanted to know vvha- all this talk was for. they had voted on the I Hair bill and all weie in favor of it. and there was no division on the i n tern it 1 revenue system, but if there were more cases in the court it was because the democrats had enforced the laws more faithfully. He was a democrat and stood upon the democratic platform, Plair bill, tarill, internal revenue and all. Mr. York said that the X. C. delegation in Congress voted indi rectly against these measures when they voted for Speaker Carlisle, knowing him to be opposed to them. Mr. Overman thought that, ac cording to the argument of Mr. York, lie voted to sustain the tie mocraev w hen he voted for Speaker Webster, and he had gone back on his principles. Mr. Worth lencw.-d his motion to table. Mr. York called lor the aves and nays and the nays, I's ayes. Mr. Le.ier c, question. C question was amendment . adojHed. and mot ion was lost. 77 illed loi the pievious ill sustained. The upon Mr. Pearson's l'he amendment was the resolution as amended was adttptcd by sect inns. L:-frisla1 ive. Tie i. wus an ani'i.-ins incident in the Ilou.-e th ia morning. Williamson, col., republican, of franklin introduced a set of resolutions endorsing the appoint ment of J. C Mathews, col., as Recor der of Deeds for the district of Colum bia by the President. There was a broad smile in the House as ponn as the resolutions were read and everybody expected to see some fun before they were disposed of. Mr. Worth, of Ran dolph, suggested that the resolutions be referred to the committee on Propo sitions and Crievances. On motion of Mr. Williamson, howev.r, the rules were suspended nnd the resolutions were put upon their reading. The roll was called and there was a considerable vote from the republican side in favor of adopting them, many republicans, however, not voting. Just before the vote was announced. Mr. Overman re quested that Mr. Progden. of Wayi.e, be allowed to vole, he not having re sponded to bis name during tlie call of the ro'.l. Mr. Hr..; den ro-e and com mcieea to explain l.is vi.te, but was declared out of order, not having given previous notice of explanation. The del k again culled his name. He hesitated, then e mmer.'-ed to explain again, when tlie speaker pounded the desk with the g ivel and declared him out of orler--tls.it lie roun vote either "aye" or "n . Aga.n he commenced an explanation, when the ga-. el de scended rapidly an 1 sharj !y . n the desk and tli" 1 h u-. was in a paroxysm of laughter. After this, several ether republicans w . re v. -pu ste.l lo vote. Some trad t iih;.::. but wo re de clared i ut . f . r u-r. A d li.ose . ailed u p. ii aft. r i io- r.-'.l obi vofd " T.o. " and tlu-r. tiiore w i. ha 1 v. m the ali'rm ative eoninier.ced p. cboir.ge their vrc.es. b"lh whin-and . Icre l member-, nuul tin re were , t.tv two or three left re- I I . : V a-, in g men: a- a I ultii: : .a tne aiiirma-w.i- introduce. of trar f..r the live. i apparei'.'. il emoc nil of h.,.. i , g them i i. t li e d : 1 em ma .g.o: t. tie- -b-m- cr.-,tie fav- r i.f the ;,ppoi:it- - t i a iiigli a-. The l're.-i.i. i.t. i r i moill of a dark democrat but voted i and then i foxes got Thev did I 1-. .wever. ili 1 io t hesitate, list the reselu ti on solid Iv : was tii.it Mr. York and his tlo-ir tabs in the steel trap. t kr.'ov wlii h u-jy t-' luro. c. afttfr in ' oh. hem nbr.g a:: 1 and biidlv. ; hawing, ..led Hoc k well's br-t bid pa-re was - iot-ri.1 taur Io' vo".::: ogam- the dark,: bull i s a! ways ah.o i - th.e i .lit 1 a law ar.d rat : bed :-g ids lord-!..;-. Ti.e v. the vitro-.:- otic I'j . , i i Wi- b - -it V- 11. r- .! be- . 1 .. t.tur.. r t;- :':. r Uom-. l'-read ; .: i:.t;-::.: 1" w ',-r. m- i i . :' ; 1 . :. uir.iry -np of i:: -1 -. . '. j r. .'!.:; - f mii- c- -;. u r .)-; . I'.y u-.- .f ti.e 1 : v.. 1 I bib o .; i 1 a b r U.e - , b.irine ";., i f lie- :.r. v. bio:. :.r.. -l r . '- t nr. !.'. : ri v.. bo v. ar e j o e-r i . i ;.!. : b; . i1 Ileal i - IP. a ie m re i.o:r.:: 'b :i ; v c io. to -it- it :i t :i - - in - : t v i f i i i:r. bbe ii yai f; 1' :.v ;. r wo, ,b . ' 'to r ! u : : :r : j r.y i - i i v i. i bio . i v . !, ;r: aer. i . TI.;:-. nmoh ' oir ibai :- iarb in o .lor. r fr :n .!; r -a-: i.-r.-. I beb; w tbo t'::.i-i" lir.ii. - .:. i boer. f ro r:n:v-li h i - ap r . . n o ." r.-..:. !.::! l :o: ! V.i rne.l mt i .... ; , . i ; ; f t .) : :, : e ; 1 1 o n ; b e I.' -. b li.ikiiip: ; : ; : : i :- are in . . : : i v b a v -: . I r. .. I I.;.- 'ii: no . p. i v e r ; : : ; iv i r :o :.; . an i van- til.- V , '. ; , . ; I.-!.:. 1 .. ; .- lie i .v II :: o twi' th w I Jones County Items. Out farmers are doing bib i,:t a the weather is so inclement. We learn that P. II. i'oy has rented the Methodist parsonage at Trenton and has moved there. Lot Davis, col., was sent to Tren ton jail a few days ago charged w ith stealing hogs from .John Mer cer and Gaston Davis. Lot was a citizen of Polloksville township. The late cold snap has complete ly demoralized the hens in our vicinity. Lggs are something like old uncle dim W 's bacon o scarce that he didn't have anv at all. L vol y one .sa v s w hen mi meet him. "1 have never had such a old: I never did suffer so much with a cold," forgetting that last winter they said the same thing every time you saw them. Mr. Abner Dawson, we learn, will have charge of the dones county boarding bouse. Prisoners may rest assured that Abner will feed them well and watch them closely while under his charge. We believe the hog cholera has suspended operation iu our vicin ity. Some have lost nearly all their hogs. 1 have escaped it entirely, while my nearest neighbors' hogs have died with it, our hogs having ranged together. I gave my hogs a plenty of lime aud salt a tea spoonful of lime to each hog twice per week and salt where they can get it at will, the whole year through. Do this and you need not fear hog cholera. Try it. Many of our farmers are jmtting up good comfortable tenant houses. Mr. Lewis King and Mr. John An drews are dotting their plantations with good frame tenant houses with excellent brick chimneys. We are glad to see this new departure with onr farmers, as it surely shows a good feeling existing between land lord and tenant aud will be produc tive of much good. As good houses secures good tenants, others will see it and follow suit. Tenants are having a lively time, shifting from one plantation to an other trying to better their con dition. We suppose they are studying like old Jacob Hanks, the carpenter: srid he had spent his whole life to make himself a boss workman and everybody said that he was deticient in only one thing, that was that it was impossible for him to ream the inches on the square. Just so with our farming tenants; everybody says they can't learn economy. Many of them say : have made this branch a specialty and can't learn it. A gentleman remarked to me a few days ago: "Why do you state in your items the dull days we have in Trenton? Von are injuring the place: you onght to tell everybody that Trenton is lively, booming, and yon will certainly build her up." I will say that the Jot'exal 1 wisiies to have items just as they are. 1 know my worthy friend has the welfare of Trenton at heart: desires to see her citizens and her badness prosper. So do I, but 1 tell the readers of the JoritNAi. I expect to write just like 1 see them. John McMillan, col. , a prominent politician of Peaver creek, ami who was honored from that township a worthy and useful delegate to the late county republican convention, was brought to Trenton on Mon day last before Squire Page charged with stealing And carrying to .'ew Heme and selling Pepreseutative Frank Green's ox. The principal witness against him was a young , white man of Heaver creek named Charles Green, who testified that he sold the ox lor McMillan at New Kerne and divided the proceeds with McMillan, and he put the rope on the ox because the ox would not let Mc. rope him. Green, it appears, had agreed with .Mc Millan to take the ox and sell and divide. So he turned State's evi dence against McMillan, but the defendant made Green own up as above stated. McMillan was sent up to Abner 1 lavvsoivs county hotel, where he will have a calm, quiet time to study polities, partnership and oxology until our next . .mr:. Congressional Items ci' li.tc:.-.".. WashinoT in, Jan. bh Tie- i k-u.-e committee on ways ami means lolay ordered a favorable report on Repre sentative Breckenridge 's bill tonhi.b.sh unnecessary customs districts ana ports. As acted upon by the committee, the bill omits altogether the au.'ninistiat.ve features of customs serv ice and deals d irectly witli the abolition of mimecs sary customs districts an 1 eJH.-es. It provides that .places of unnecessary ehicials shall be Idled I y .-. rt-juisite number of deputies. ! : i- i-nmated that a .aviug of .--100.000 will h-HT eted under tlie provisions of the bib. 1.1: 1th. services ot bo employees .1 i.-peasi. .1 with. Sixty customs lii-trCt: are a! i-lu-d under its provisions, leaving s. v-enty-li ve d i-'( r lets in ail. Tic- f . d io w i v.g distrdis are aboli-ieo! 1 !n Virginia. Alexandria. Ch-rr st.-r.c. l'eo rsi -irg. Tappahnnnook una ibohmond. " .rtli t'arolina. Albemai IVauhot and Pa ml ic o. s. ,;,;!, , -ar. ..a.;,, ti ..-..j r get o w n licorgia. Atlanta. Itrunsw Ck urei s.thit Marys. lioiiia. 1 . rr. iii-i loo. Au- 'U5tinc a:. 1 Natrln . on 1 'bUMii:; u-k. D-. ..' :: '-. J .-. . i.i le;.i ir :. ) .r i Lib. -i 1 bea-l. is ( , :;. r k:.' n t . !.o lir:ti-!i J io. - :.- .r '' .- : N Colo. -! lb M -Ti;-.- fa: b;r ii - y b: : ;. tibirs ar. ki own no:iio.::.: ::. t-..!.!i Lord I 1 ie-hojb. k 1 ..- !.;. -.- r taineil. iioiiiti', that i '; .s - .;;: -iidiler.lv lb th:- liSO-n, ' :. v. i .' nfer. n. -e with l.ori .--bi tr-l a : . . o. : '.bat death eBr-u-- 1 rbortiv after. '. o I; hus now b- i-1: a- 1 1 i that 1. -rl I J.J.-.-Jei.vrh ..- !. t to, a w ilh hi? fatal lllni-s.s v. h lie ena i .:: p.vo-r-ation v ith 1. ri c .'.;-! iry. !;; that lie fainted v. h.b- a- -. n i i; ti--tairs of Lord Sal i-ht: t .v '.- . :b : d :-:- l-t:ce. ill I.1WI,iP. ti'L-t. a- i e v. a- abi.dt lo virit hi- b i ;-b;p. ! b .. . ttiken into the .nw ::;'in!-' : ; :o i -il.'ii. .-t instantly x-:re.i The Irca Cbinob.:. i Jan. ". ' J . A soeevh 1 .: k .ii the i iermar. jb-i.hbi y r :ay p ro a 1 . laio i. i- tli it ; : - ' . ' n r 'a tbe yr - oi i-a Ar.b.hoi Earth ;: .a.-: . - . -. ; :. n ! - . Jan. '. - - A-oo. r-b .eh f earti.o'iiihe v a- :. t into.: a.ty at. : v : o!i.: at i o b b .- n: :. :n. tie- t retm .r l.i-l'.ri ' - ' n 1 -i ate s- - r. : : 1 Crand I.od:e of Masons. The Grand Lodge convened in its one hundredth annual commun ication in its hall in this city on Tuesday evruing 11th inst. Grand Master P. II. Kusbee presiding. Nearly one hundred lodges were represented. Many distinguished citizens were present as members of the fraternity. The following officers were pres ent: P. II. Kusbee, Grand Master; P. II. Kobinson, Deputy Grand Master: S. II. Smith, Senoir Grand Warden: H. a. Gudger, Junior Grand W arden: W. K. Anderson, Grand Treasurer: D. W. Bain, Grand Secretary; liev. W. G. , Campbell, Grand Chaplain; J. G. Gidney, Senior Grand Deacon; J. W. Gotten. Junior Grand Deacon; W. ". Kenton, Grand Marshal; P. M. Moye, as Grand Pursuivant; P. II. Bradley, Grand Tiler. The Grand Master's address was delivered and referred to a special committee. This address is spoken of as an able document. 'The Grand Secretary's report represented the condition of the i order as encouraging and showed advancement during the past year. The Grand Treasurer submitted his report which was referred to an appropriate committee. Committees were announced as follows: On Jurisprudence E. S. Martin, W. P. Murchisou, Eugene Grissom, John McCormick, E. F. Lamb. On suspensions and expulsions No. 1, J. A. Leach, N. T. Eiggs, ! M. P. Stancill: No. 2, W. T. Old ham. J. W. Paison, D. A. Culbreth. ; On Grand Secretary's books and i report S. II. Kountree, N. S. Stewart, W. A. Moore. On accounts and claims B. ., ;ogers, A. II. Stubbs, EAV.Hardie. i n unfinished business E. V. : Minor, T. C. Pobertson, P. A.' Draughau. On propositions and grievances i A. W. Wood. J. E. P.rown, A.O. 1 Edson. j On orphan asylum J.W. Black-; well, S. D. Franklin, W. F. Beasley, ! C. K. Edwards, A. B. Daughtry. Suecial committe on appeals T. P. Bailey, P. A. Wilson, jr., A. J. j Ellington. j The Grand Lodge was called j from labor to refreshment until j Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. ' Wednesday, Jan. 12, 1SS7. ! The Grand Lodge convened at 10 ! o'clock. The journal of last eve- j ning read and approved. The directors of the orphan asy-! lum and superintendent submitted ! their reports which represented the j asylum as being liberally supported during the year, After consider-! able routine business, the election j of officers for the ensuing year wasi held and the following were elected: I Charles II. Eobiuson, of Wil- j mington, was elected Grand Mas ter; SamT II. Smith, of Winston, was elected Deputy Grand Master; ! II. A. Gudger, of Asheville, was! elected Senior Grand Warden; John W. Cotten, of Tarboro, was elected Junior Grand Warden. Xctrx and Oh', ' re)-. THE MOTION OVERRULED. TliF.l: I'b.CISION IN THE M. BAIN, .JR. CASE OK GEO, A l.rx a xmtiA, Jan. 11. The United States Circuit atid District Courts met at 1! o'clock today, Judge R. W. Hughes prei-idin. Among those present at court were Mr. William L. Royall, counsel for the council of foreign bond holders of Virginia; Col. J. C. Gibson, district attorney, aud James Lyons, jr., assistant district attorney: Major C. M. Itlackford. of Lynchburg; Maj. L. R. Page, of Richmond; Attorney-General Ii. A. Ayers: Judge A. M. Aiker. of Danville, and Richard Walke, of Nor folk. At 1- o'clock Judge Bond arrived and with Judge Hughes, and proceeded to di-patch the business specially as signed. Ja j. J.. ;. Page, of counsel for Geo. M. Bain. jr.. convicted in Norfolk, and whose motion for a new trial was ad journed hero to be tried today, then moved the Court for a continuance of the motion because of the absence of Jtulcre W. W. Crump, who -was too un well to be present. After the conference the Court or dered the motion3 in arrest of judgment and lor a new trial to be argued forth with. Mr. Walke then began the argu ment f.a the defense in support of the motions. Major Page also argued in support of the motions. At the conclusion of the argument ihe Judges conferred for a lime, and then Judge Bond announced the opinion, overruling the motions, but knowing the fact that the defend ant intended to apply to the Supreme Coin t of the United States for a writ of '. '-. : postponed sentence until the court met at Norfolk, and without entering the formal order, but announc ing that it would do so. adjourned the whole matter over until Januarv 20, at X.. i folk. ;i-;ki' a Si..vj i:. Tbe American . ii i.Uui recommends to its ib-rs the keeping ol' a slate iioianduni. Uy forgetting to ,1- repairs in season, it says, or, io odd jobs when there is time, hi is lost every year. A good i; is to hang up a slate in a con c!it place in the kitchen, with neil attached, so as to be always !y lor use. Ksamine tbe tools . machine, and write on the o what .should be repaired, and :; must be jirocured to repair :n. Also make a memorandum i'labs necessary about the -..io! bp.ildings. As fast as ie. mi 1 'o Ye 1 1 e, a a -e ale 'ioy.e. erase hibi. aihiiiiib 'nun the memo :me to time ,t tab b. On the re .si.it e. phm out what , ii leublbt; ib a ho : hit e.i me! o- i i . - i ; 1 1 o :i o can I c'j IK! ed labor should be , s ti il ir. Jlavo; and house-wife, memorandum, ; med about the iiiiiMbi!iv assist to Succeed Logan, b-.. J in. lib Charles Ii . . . ,,rw. ... : t'hicago. wag nominated t : 5 l.ocan today on the second : bi " !' r- uldiea:: legislative cau- E.irth-t'.iake Shocks. C . ..:. -: x. J:.n. i 1 There was a Miji.t e.i:ti ,;.,' ti. :nr licre about ..' 1 k t r ;ht. Ii w.i? l. 'it at Sum ii.. i . ,ii' . t b . ! ; net iv. No harm w.a i : . . : ' i v ; i s j- i - h 1 1 J . Do .ti. : J '.:: Roaeh, the Great Ship BuiMer. N.- '1 .Tin. '.0. John Unch, bi' i;r.'.it t-Jiip b i ' i '' '' . .lei a" o cioek this irirninir. em III ' P8IU0EB Absolutely Pure. Ttala powder nerer Tne. a niml of Parity, strength, and wbolesomenaM. More economical than the ordinary klndfl, and can not be sold In competition with tbe m altitude or low test, nhort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Kotai.Bakiv Powdkb Co.. Wall-st.. N. Y. noYls-lraw For sale in Newbern by Alex. Miller. "lake Notice! Our store is filled with Provisions, Groceries, Caaned Goods, Dry Goods, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of tbe Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. ALSO 0 S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes, Every pair warranted to give satis faction. Country merchants and the people) generally are requested to call and ex amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will give you low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front at.. New Berne, N. C. ' - BARGAINS IN Meat, Suar Soap, Molasses And Syruu At S F. TEISER, Wlioles?.le and Retail Grocer, BROAD STREET. reaTTstate agency OF W. . Boyd. Being In correspondence with several par ties North who desire to mnke investments in farms, etc.. In this vicinity, persons hav ing farm or wood land for sale wonld do well to give me a doscrlpt ior . with prloe, etc. 'o charge niHcle if a bale In not effected. Chaises moderate when sales are made. W. li. IiOYl, South Front Street, iia room east of Gaston House. K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, BAGGING AND TIES, Etc. Consignments of Grain, Cotton and other Produce solicited. Prompt Attention Guarantee!. N. W. Cor. South Front and Middle St" NEW BERNE, K. C. LOOK HERE! HOUSE KEEPERS. DINNER SETS, 125 Pieces. TEA SETS, 4G Tieces. CHAMBER SETS, 10 & 12 Pieces. FINE TOILET SETS, AND A IT'LL LINE OF IIOI SK lT'RNISIIING GOODS, L. II . CUTLER'S, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BERNE, N. C. uk yonr roUtler for tbe Orlslml S3 8ks. Bwmre of Imitations. None Genuine unless bearing: this StJS) JAMES MEANS' R3 SHOE. I Made in Button,ConST Lses. I tifSt CW7 BKttl. UHWOTMWM pearanct. A potsl esrd seat . O Ulnlu LII 11. jruu 1U1 JS. tion bow to get this Moa vTa. la anr utate or iemiorj. uostsn. BUTTON This shnc staii Ji tilgber In (he estimation of Wtarrrs than aio (.Out in the world. Tnouunds who wuur li will tU you : lie reason If 70a ask taesk Howard & Jones, Sole Agents for New Berne, N. C. augCi dw m)OK8TOKE. J. L. HARTSFIELD, DEALER iy BOOKS and STATIONERY Scliool Rooks and School Supplies a specialty. Tobacco, Snuff. Cigars, Toys, GUtssiaire, Crockery, Vxd'n; Tackle, Etc. ne door south of Loftin's Bank. Very truly. J L. HARTSFIELD. v 1 ff" I i vr . ... jfr w- rm "-fVP""""

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