3. ilf f rtit Mil : : v , Jo:. :lht HI INDEPENDENT 1 1ST ALL THINGS. HtMPgfk, NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FEBRUARY 3, 188T mm: VOL. IX. j ' -A 15 -0 (J - ZZZIJ r ' " ' i " ' ; p-7" " 1 f 1 ..Mi' i. , QiETTlNOER BROS., Kinston, N. C, 1-- HEADY WITH .aiu 4 FARMERS - AND A if h ? rVi -Vi qtt nKri or Cash or on i ime, - AT Wo.. CliWSEY'S FOB AND YOUNG k.i. . ne IXLArS. YELU (Oroboro ,XrnX-KDUSE, (fwCT louiat) ,,J Spring Sesdcn Opens Ut? 3TailaBoaiDC School u tfai aeeUon of the Sta:- f U'" 10 JOSEPH K1NSEY. Principal, jAZS. : L Granga. N" mmi. STEWART, HEADQUARTERS FOR ,..- LTules, Horses and Buggies. :L Crargo of Fine Horses and Mules ust re- rkt4 for Horse M V6eeiB te1ire at reasonable rates. Broad Street, New Berne, N. C. JKbresafe Grocers, HAVE REMOVED TO THE1B -(Ol(,.nJ TWO STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, .kasa of FLOUlt, SfKATS, COFFEE. sCOAB, syKFP MOttJaJBsks. -SAJL.T. TOBACCO. SNUFF ANO CIOAt, ad i;- lathe OKOCEKT f It teat PRICES for CASH CICHQE ALLEN & GO. DEALERS IN literal hardware " AjrriItanal Implements. rii, Barrowi, Cultivators, "iJ: Ha and Aiet, W4 Jffowen and lteapers, gtaan EDfines. Cotton GLna and Presses, Fertilisers. Land Plaster, Kami t "tfeebantes Tools and Hardware, llin Brfek, Cement. Plaster Balr. Paint, K also mine, Var Uakv, Oil. O laa. Putty and 1 1 air. PrwMn, Kefrigcrrtto rs. Oil aja)k 8 to Tea. Eureka Burjrlar Prof gash lxks, w irrantd to EtT security and aatlaiWction. " PRICES VEltY LOW. QIW. ALtF.N CO. M IIET1 CUOLI.H BLE WORKS, ror BXE5E j. c. Hopuments Tombs Aa4 all tata Oravi and Haild'.ni wort n ITALIAM4AMERICAN MARBLE Order will receive prompt tur.tio MftgfajajTTTi roaranteed. JOE K. WILI. 18. Proprietor tBamWnr vo Ooor w .Clay poo.i Cbr. BSOAV A N D CRA V'.V St. .V sew BKRyy.. a O. X. Maxn la my authorised agtii ma30- rd I A LARGE STOCK OF SUPPLIES - Merchandise, nronosp tn cpll - rices, SCHOOL, I 1TI7 . . 11 1. I Pkixctpal. Teacher of Muuc. Tcber of 0rino. Tcber nf PTattiiry Dp in Primary Xrp Jamiary 17, 188 i. ...ri the money. BROTHERS, I.IE, a. ri'l,L STtHJK and at .Mb mHE CiKNEKAI. AUEN'T for North Caro- :nt will vim NKW BKKK In i lew aajl f(r th purpoac of plrlnK The Nltlf.'jll Mutual Lite amociaUoh of waili.L.ctOD. O Ttiii iiaoclatloD In barked by capital, payi kamra proa pujr and tm fa u TM oCcmirt taadlnc bnliiMi mea of WasotBtUia. Tke p.mm ooramenda uiU by im iiasplMtr ai w"U aa MtnrllT, An enrnfffMe Ml nit wint ed for .New Bern. Mill n've dril-cliei rf-ern- A.lJrrei (iio. J. Kkiim, Gen'l AgeDl for V C, .New Berne I'. O. JaolMwlm and Watikey Hw ICa cured it home wtUi oatplll. ool( Uewlirt mi rtlE. B 1 WODUJT M R. WEAK. 0NDEL0PtJ)PAirr8 lminwlritn.JSl? MED. CO- BPTFAiAXl. t LA 1I Km want d to 1-ure IVu nd r. feet np rei Clabe for oar anlrln In ie-i Tt ro ai prenunm Sen-1 ror UUiitrAlrM I'rtoe tirwl enfiiilnni ' lit. Sp ml O-Bmr i lo mvrry tBa pertoii thai iniwari Hill alvertia.n)nl. we will Mid mm one vilX-Ts'' n-im . Wa ' T k i re ii l u A :!vp rnerifllf n in. u rep u. I i pr mon h.tttJ tipfni rt.l ltpi utri: ind par- I'NUAKU MILVKKV .KK l"l To Advertisers! For ft check of fi) we will print t ajv,-ri.aw em in Or.e Million inui lne tee of Ir.at Aiiifrlfai. . ewi p,n l "h t . i rial1 ..I only t - flft.fi of a ruui n line ro- 1 iM . irctii.: ii : T.i- iuivertim di wii. -r- p:c-J 'T-mr- luie Mlhlon DirriKOT nrwiMie: i r.rr nni r ' - or rivf M 1 : 1 I n 1 ; x . i. k iv. n . i !. wi.i 4 -:u o . a e ni ut wo'di Ai'' m, wnb "r A-lv a .-1 ct.crli orfid ' ,-"-t for h ti ( '.' ia:. M i 1' K A V I. i . : ' i c- Ni w "i i.r k t J tl I m Marvellous Memory DISCOVERY V t H. 1 ' 1 r , i v i i - V - h . : : .-:.!.- r r ' I'KOK. I.OISK1TK. 4 17 Klflh renur. ri i : ! . 'r I)H. J. D. CLARK i i . tiki . f K W B K H . . . r O fflo on i.r.-n LrL Mtvwn Po.iwl nJ Br. l' lorT ldw:y "in,'- SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORN KYS AT LAW W 1 . prrUc. ; n met oDru iftri,rc.- ori L'Qllow. CitrlriL, Pam ;lc. Lnolr mil Hv.i. ind : Lh Ksier; l ourt ll Nw lrne fetx." Awl rmpiur.i . in; in BILL. O i- of the most important measure.-. piif(el at the preseut session ol (inren is the lnter-Stat Com - merce bill. It is said to be a Heavy blow to the great railroad corpora tions, but doubtless before it is In full operation, schemes will be devised for evading it. The follow ing m a synopsis of its provisions: The bill as now agreed upon by both Houses of Cougress in its first section applies the provisions of this act to any common carrier engaged in the transportation of hollv bv railroad or na-snnpers partly by railroad and partly by water when both are used, under a commou control, management or arrHiigemenr. through more than one State or Territory, or from any place in th United States to an dj tcent foreign country. It de- fines the term "railroad" to include All bridges and ferries nsed and . i i .11 operated bv any rauroaa. ah u -i r n r.--x, dered in the transportation of pa.s- - u n singers or propf riy Buaii w 1 riwou Uieuujui,Dunnuuju,l.uu unreasonable charge for such ser ... . " . , . . be unlawful. Section 2 make it uulawful for , an v such common carrier to charge, demand, collect or receive directly or indirectly from any person or ! persons a gTeatr or le8 compensa- tion for any service rendered in the liana r-vv i-t atinn r T rvti aa n (TA r fT property than it charges, demands, !t-illctj or receives from any other j f-er-on or persons foi doing for him, or them, a like and contemporan- eons srice in tbe transportation of a like kind ol traffic under sub- IIUL Hill niUlllttl LlltUUiiilBUltf , J.. . and eonditions. . i w i, i .fi orcuou o mmw n uuk.wiui iu. any such common carrier to make or eive mv nndae or Dnreasonsble i "rS4n"yr parUcular person, company, firm. . coruoration or locality or anv r"1 J 1 J ' particular decription r f ram Ul L 1 tttJL I r.very sucn common carriex snail, ; a.x-ordinr to heir respective pow- era, afford all reasonable, proper and equal facilitieJH for the inter- cb nKe of traffic between their ,. , , .. repectne lmex, and or tho receiv-' i ti it. lorwunliui? and uetiverinsr o i forwanllUg and delivering Ol , ,,1-enger- aud property to and I :r.m rhnr - ,eral liue and Uioae ! . . . on uecr 1 1) if herewitn and ahail not 1 i i -ei lui i na' ! in rheir riw and : cli.irkreH 'in-' vvtt'ii uch conuectuig I line-.. Sect i, iis 4 and 5 :4 1 1 1 short haul pHliug (the long fections) I Hie tollowe: ' M-.. . -t. That it shall be unlawful for an commou carrier, subject to the provisions of thin act, to charge I or receive any greater compensa i tion fu the aggregate for the trans- Hjrtation of paAseogera or of like kiud of property, under eutietan tiallv similar circumstances and ditions, for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same line, in tbe same direction, the shorter being 'ncladed within the longer distance; but this shall not be con strued as authoriring any common carrier within the terms of this aet t o charge and receive as great com pensation for a shorter as for a longer distance; provided, however, that upon application to the com mission appointed under the pro visions of this act such common carrier may, in special cases, alter investigation by the commission, be authorized to charge less for longer than for shorter distances for the transportation of passengers or property, and the commission may, from time to time, prescribe the ex tent to "hich such designated com mon carrier may be relieved from the operation of this section of this act. SEC. 5. That it shall be unlawful for any common carrier, subject to . . r ... ' .J . the provisions of this act, to enter J into any contract, agreement or i combination with any other com- mon carriers, for the pooling ofl'ntioo. and it was rejected yoas 16. freights of different and corripeting railroads, or to divide between them the aggregate or net proceeds I of the earnings of such railroads, or any portion thereof; and in any i eaae of an agreement for the pool ing of freights as aforesaid, each day of its continuance shall be deemed a separate offense. r ,k., ' M.urii i" HKva6c u l 111 (11 1 , , 1 tVIIIUIUU 1 I Cl je't to its provisions shall have printed aud keep for public inspec tion schedoles showing its rate?, fares and charges, and in addition to requiring the railroads to give j them publicity at all of the depots on their several lines it gives authority to the commission, where it is proper and necessary, to require tnem to give pnolicity to ' their rates toother places beyond ' the lines of their several railroads. It also provides that the rates, fares and charges shall not be raised except after ten days of public notice, bat that they may be reduced without previous public notice. The Dotice, however, shall tie simultaneous with the reduction iUell. Section 7 makes it unlawlul for ,ui common carrier to enter into any combination or agreement -to prevent the carriage ol Ireights irnm leiiig continuous Irom the place ot shipment to the place of diJ! in .it ion . Sec' ion S drclarcs th.it any com mon carrier violating the provisions ot the act shall be liable to the person or persons injured thereby lor the full amount ol damages sus tained m enn-equenee of any such violation, together with a reason able counsel or attorney's fee. The ninth section provides that persons claiming to have tn-en damaged by the action of common carriers may proceed for recovery of their dam ages, either in the conrts of the Tinted States or before the com mission hereii. provided for, but not hefore Hith tribunals. The tenth section makes it a penal iifiVnse to vitiate any of the provi.sioiit. of this act. and puts the maximum of the tine which may ! imposed at io.CHHJ. The eleven following sections contain tii commission teatures of the bill. They provide lor a com mission to consist, of five persons. whose term of office shall he for six years, except for the first ap pointments, which are to be for two, three, four, five nod nix years. iThe members of this commission , t jntp.i in- the Presi rjenr, by and with the advice oi tne Runur. Their iinncinal oflice sni.ll be in Washington, but they may . dnced and disposed ot aa loliows: bold sessions at other place's than j Mr. Mclver, to alter the consti Washington, and a single member tation of North Carolina. Judi of the commission may take teeti-; ciary. monv an vwhere, as may b directed ,' Mr. Broadhurst, to empower the by the commission. These oom-' county boards of education to pnn missiouers have salaries of i?7,500 ish contempts committed in their each. The commission has the ' presence. Education, power to appoint a Secretary, with; Mr. Parcel!, to prevent the spread f .00. and to of hoer cholera. employ and fix the compensation! of such other employees as it ma find necessary to the proper per formance oi its duties, sunjeciio the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. Section 22 provides t hat nothing contained in this act shall abridge the remedies now existing at com mon law or by statue. Section 23 - A . . . Altui JUKI f.ii. tha rnr. 'ippruprmucB v" t-" 1 rvAdoQ nf t ant lor trm nfiittl PHr ending June JU, lv Keetion i r--.-t.la t li j r tl.. nriiviriinns ot r" " ' 5 vu , 11 iti,1 1 if thin net. re . " ' '., arinf to lie ailoi ru men 1 aim. j. : f . I. -v.nt-i r-ir-v i 1 ri ti herein provided for, shall take effect immediately, and tne remain- ing provisions of this act shall taee effect sixty days after its passage. Female Suffrage. yDA cranky women in the t'nited 1 c- . . .: i I 1 - K a ' right of putTrage. They hsve at last brought the Senate to a vote on the question of submitting an amendment to the constitution giving them the right to vote. The following are the proceedings in . , . , , ,1,., the case, which shows that although , , . , the preaence of a large number of these - ic-rcea me e nate io give icem herin, there is yet some back bone thatc-not be -wayed even by women: A hirndred ox more Udiea from all . I .w . 1 i ;, V. I pari ui iud wuuu , icuci iu . . . v. .. I ; woman uurmgo muvemeui. wCi iu tuo amie iiiry whea Mr. Blair moTed xo wstpoae the pedinji busineaa for the i pnrpoae of diaoaMiDg tbe proposed con-1 titutional amendmeut givicg the right ofufftfe to women Mr. Call, whoae resolution relating to FU)rida wa8 ucdf.r discng.i aion. insyde a. plea, acainat Aa . r.iUa -.i, iiw. nmrni tion to displace it. Mr. George called attention to the a : . I i r . l. ,. Kill I . U UUUD""U v"" w - -k-v iiuuit ataXions. setliDE forth its narlia- nneotary righu. and protesting against any action which would push it per manently aside. I Mr. Beck reminded the Senate of the DOUoo he gae last night of hie purpose , pr the railroad attorney bill today, I and allnded to ho long postponement of the meaaare already once passed by . the Senate and brought back for recon ideration. A very distinguished lady (M iBa Anthony) had ent for him three limes this morning, and he hud refused to go oat because he knew he would be unable to refuse what she would af-k. Mr. Blair waa importunate and backed by the inilueace of the gallery, proved too strong for the array againut him. Even Senators Call and Beck, npon being brought to the iBSue, voted against their own measure and in favor of the ladiee. The vote was as follows: Yeas Messrs. Beck, Blair, Bo wen. Brown, Butler, Call, Cheney, Conger. Cullom. Dolph, Evarts, Farwell, Frye Hale, Hawley, Manderson Mitchell of Orsron, Morrill, Palmer. Plstt, Plumb, Ranaom, Sherman. Teller, Wilaon of Iowa 35. Nays Messrs. Berry. Black barn. Cookrell, Coke, George. Gibson, Gray, McMillan, Morgan. Payne. Pugb, Salisbury, Sawyer. Test. Walthall, Whrtthorne. 16. The following is the text of the pro posed amendment: "Tbe right of citi zens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by tbe United States or br a State on account of sex. Congress shall have power, by appro priate legislation, to enforce the provis ions of tbe article Senators Brown and Vest spoke I against the woman suffrage resolution and Senators lxilph and Klair in favor of The latter said the real question Jor th? n was, not whether it favored woman surT.ra.re, but whether u wouid C0DSeDt to 8ubmit lhe question the Letrislatures of the several States. The vote was tb en taken on the reso "TeMeeaBta.r, Bowen. Cheney, Port 3 wrl"n PCll and not Conger, Cullom, Dolph. Farwell, Hoar, m a proper shape for presentation. Manderson. Mitchell of Oregon, Mitchell; He desired to bo allowed nntil to of Pennsylvania. Palmer, Piatt, Sher- morrow morning to file the report, man, Teller. WUsoa of Iowa-16 : .Mr. Pritchard withdrew his ob- hurn Rrnwn. Cull. Cookrell. Coke. Col- quitt. Eustio, Evarts, George. Gri-y. Hampton, Flarriti, Hawley, Iugalls, Jones of Nevada, McMillan. McPherson, Mahone, Morgan, Morrill, Payne, Pofth ..;8aulBbury, bawyer. Sewell, Spooner, Vance. Veit, Walthall, Whitthorne Williams, Wibon of Maryland 34. Pairs were announced between Messrs. Chace and Ransom, Dawes and Maxey, t.orman and Frye, Stanford and Camden, Miller and Kenna. Butler and Cameron and Jones of Arkansas and Harrison. Mr. Plumb was absent when the vote was taken, but after wards said he would have voted aje. How to Injure Your Tgm :i (Oppose movement?. Mistrust ita public men. Run it down to strangers. Qo to some other town to trade. Liena-then your face when a "tranger speaks: of locating in it Do not invest a cent out somewhere else. Lay your money Refuse to advertise iu your .-ill ago paper. If a man wanta to buy your property charge him two prices. If he wants to buy anybody else 'a in terfere and discouraRe him. Be particular to discredit the moves of public spirited men. Refue to see the merit in any scheme that dues not directlv benefit you. HOW TO MAKE IT PROSPER Don't fret. Talk about it. Write about it. Beautify the streets. Patron ize tho merchants. Be friendly to everybody. Elect pood men to all offices. Don't grumble about hard timec Keep your sidewalks in good repair. Avoid jjnssip about your neigh bors. Do your trading with your home merchants. Nell all you can and buy all yuu can at home. If you are rich, invest something: employ somebody, be a "rustler."' Remember that every dollar invested in permanent improve ment is so much on imprest. Be cour 1 teous to strangers ihat come among y ou . so that they go away w ith good impres sions. Always cheer on the men who go in for improvements; your position of the case will be nothing but what is just. Don't kick at any proposed im provement because it is not at your .a a.- n .1 ri r nr f.ir f..ur i-inirOiv-.a ill I ... , raiscd ,iftj. ce.-if,,,,, . Hnn. fleo. B. Pickett, one of the mml prominent citiiens of Wise county. Texas, has presented a memorial to the Teia.s Iegisla'.ure setting forth the fact that there are 2 ooo destitute people in that county, on :cv -unt . f th." gr--.it drouth of 1 -:G. ,Oon1"reeJ ;from tkce Newi ft Obgtrver. THt GENERAL ASSEMBLY. SENATE. January 2o, 1S87. Senate was called to order The f Dy rresiueni oieumau auiu cioc. Bills and resolutions were intro - Mr. Gnftin, to prevent prelerence cn i-reiiiioin in iw.'iLuuicum, on- dietary. Mr. Arthur, to allow swine to run at large in the stock or no fence district in the counties of Greene and Lenoir frcm November 1st to arch loth, after enactment, Propositions and grievances. bl'i-.l 1AL UUDHK. A bill on its second reading to i - o r - v. f raise the salaries of superior court ' , , . .t . .1 luages, and 10 prevent tueui aim 1 . . . . , supreme court juuges 11011. .- ,.t, r,. c.nJ n,inr .,t :it a , ' . i 8nm f a00 bo aHowed each st , rjor conrt iujge payable nuarterlv, i for travPiiinfir expenses. M Williams, of Pitt, spoke against this bill. lie thought there were no judges in North Carolina wno could be bribed by a railroad Mr. Williams, of Davidson, made a motion that the whole bill be tabled. Carried. BILLS ON THE IE THIIiD HEADING. A bill to prevent the buying and selling of futures. Mr. Warren took the position that the bill was unnecessary . isiacion, aa it was Bimpiy ueoiauii-1 tory of the law as it now exists. , That it could not ; be enforced for, the reason that the contract are ; executed beyond the state; and that V. 1A, 1 ; nAnf.n.ifna rvnt-arnfl tuo ica iii tt anuo ftw ulu. , . , . . , mat it made tne contract aepena for it. validity upon a matter hap- penmg perhaps twelve months , after its execution, to-wit: the delivery of the subject matter of the contract. - Mr. Alexander said that onr cot- ton mills were sometimes unawe to , buy t he cotton, so they purchased i f . . , . . , , 1. . , . . C V, ,i ton mills were sometimes unable to iului er. iu im- umouuLut uai uuoj' ueu. , ilr. Williams, ol rut, said ne thought the bill was on the side of 'mnralitv and ritrht. .Mr. ( lark moved that it Pe made , ;l spt-fial order ,4t j., ojjj ' ia ft,r- 1 oa alle! tor luesday next, : . 1 for the previous Oliest OH Carried ; que,suuu. vaineu. , The bill passed its third reading, llie Senate adjourned. HOUSE. The House was called to order at 1 1 o'clock by Speaker Webster. Prayer by Bev. Levi Branson. TVPTinnTti-iTrnv at? TJTTTTTriV c Petitions from Craven and Wake i counties relating to the stock law. Propositions and grievances. Mr. Lane, petition from citizens 0f (jraven county, to prohibt the sale ofspirituous liquors within two miles of Barnwell church. Propo sitions and grievances. The committee on privileges and elections reported that in the con tested case of Hussey vs. Lane, from Craven county, they found that J. E. Hussey had received a majority of the votes cast, was daly elected and entitled to his seat. Mr. Crawford, of Haywood, gave notice mat a minority repon irom the committee would be submitted tomorrow. Mr. Pritchard objected to giving the committee until tomorrow to submit their minority report, as that report was ready and before the committee yesterday. Mr McMillan H:iiil that thf re JL'"U allowed until tomorrow to make a minority report. The judiciary committee reported favorably on the bill to amend sec tion L.so' of the Code, relating to drawing jurors in Craven count'. The committee on corporations reported favorably on the following bill To amend an act to incorporate tne town oi Deauiort: to incorporate Richmond and Danville Railroad until the Beaufort High School Associa- the matter had come before the Legisla tion, ture. This went on the calendar. iMRniti'i'TiriN ok tut T s The -)oint -"'nmittee reported that INTROIH T ON lili.Ls. Josephua Daniels had been chosen Pub Mr. Snell, bill to aathonze the lic printer at a meeting last evening commissioners of Washington and had duly qualified, giving bond. conntv to lew a special tax. C'al- endar. Mr. McMillan, bill to repeal sec tion 1790 of the Code, relating to crop lien law. Agriculture. Mr. King, bill to amend section 217 of the Code, relating to public roads. Kailroads, postroads and turnpikes. Mr. Lane, bill to prohibit the sale of liquors within two miles of Barn well church, Craven county. Prop ositions and grievances. Mr. Doughton, bill for the relief of widows of Confederate soldiers, who died Irom sickness m the war. .Judiciary. Mr. Watson, of H.vdo, bill to amend chapter 71. laws 1SS5, re lating to dredging J-'ish interests. T'ic hour lor the having arrived. II . be entitled ".in act lor oysstars. special ordei I!. 17, a bill to to repeal the county govern- present system ot meut and restore to the people tin right of local -elf government. was t aken up. Mr. I'ritchard .-end lorwaid an amendment as a substitute. This amendment included sections 71'i and 717 of the Code, a- well as sections -1-. -l'J and sl.'(I, a- ill the original. Mr. 1'iiinix said that this was a great State, but needed more peo ple and capital, that immigrants were going to all the States except North Carolina, we boasted of being free when the people have not their lights and the State is losing conti deuce, all due to tlie Democratic administration. He allnded to the present system as the "Tory sys - fm f mrarnmont'l T,c nana demanded the repeal of this system, Mr. Holt took it for granted t, ,,. ii the Republicans would vote for this bill and the Democrats against it: ' tn.it tne debt oi tne state put upon if. Uv onnhiMn rn o wna vrhat deterred 'caoifil and immigration deterred capital ana immigration from coming toNortn Caiolina, and not the question of government, We hear of iu. . ration, and cap- ital in large amounts going to Western North fornlinn tier -,0- n I- u u 12j, allot which bonds are worth is due to the Democratic adminis- tration. The svstem of county government does not anect via- ......- - ... .. ...... going i; i quesuou oi "-Negro. rie was opposed to negroes ruling over white people, tor that was never intended. ."Mr. Pritchard said that one of the greatest leaders ot the JJemo- cratic party had voted for these snpr'i:i1 tav bonds, i he alluded to special tax bonds, (,ne alluded to -,- T'l.r.i.j.. T t-v.r,. ' , t , , ,r a.c vjut . i uuuinn tj tmi wo . aim ucii i - i T - - r,,ArIil ,V Htt-mifinn i immint.n t 1 terms of Mr. Pritehard's officiousness . fd the Democratic party for not arreat George . Swepson, .t prominent Ullfai rness before the committee , Littlefield, but here Mr. Overman ' v f 01 them. Thomas Jell'erson was tlie father of the original Democratic .rnrnmon. ,,. - t n, nrP.nt f" . , SVRTtMl . :i It 1 I 11.11 (' Llt'N 11(1 W unoer iemociauc rmo eie issuing j Mr York at this point called the pre scrip worth only jO cents on the ' vions qnestiemf. The call was sustained, dollar, which equalled the St;ite of The resolution of Mr. Hayes, that the affairs when the eastern counties minority report be adopted, that Lane n-o.Q o.,;.i tn i,n nn.iAr t a , , i,l i n be entitled to the seat, came up. The n CI C OiVIVi V. V w iiuuvv ini.i'uuin,ii plunder role. The Democrats have the appointment of poll holders, and they appoint the smartest ' Fries. Hampton, Holman, Bull, Holt, JmPr lne counties named yesterday . 0n of Donegal. MKGMrYyftnitslgr Democrats and the most ignorant I-eazar, McClttxe, . Paona,. Sutton, om the ' P"nof biii; 3y a Toteof Conservative, will 6pioae him. ' ' -npn-r,. i,, or.lr tl.t fhn whif-p and Worth voted with the noes. l?1,1? 0 the Houae rnest yoted dwn . ,; i in ifTW negroes m ordei that the white, . inAolaninehiB vote.said Holt's amendment to except any.coun- ' Tfense hotfsaWdflfflinerTa 'XVdlre. men could manipulate tne negroes. in auuuuu v v tut. vuhiilivu 111 Craven county, saying that there had been appointed there two coalitionists and two Democrats as poll-hoiders. Also to the Demo-, leg-.crats ol" Warren county paying . " . ' attorneys Kes to come nere ana lobbv against certain measures, which 4uaed any expenditure ever made by the Kepubl.eans of J.8Q8. He then read a part of IT ' . . . . 1 -.. t ;iui:o a a ee.u ti dubluu . . . . . ... Mr. Haves ottered the toilowintr amendment: '-Provided that this act shall not go into effect until after the republican party has ful- filled its oft repeated promises to give everT negro forty acres and a mule.,' Mr. Turner said he thought it an outrage on the peoplo of the State . . . . i 1 1 l . . .1 . mat iney were not unoweu to eiect tueir maciscrates ana county com-, nnssioners and was ready to aid in , the enactment of laws that are , ,l,m.(i.,,i i.r tl,.. f t h people. , Mr. Lindsay, ind., said as he be j lonsred to that uncertain element he thought it right to say a word, i It waa i Kfrnno-n idoa that fhp u waa a strange idea mac tne . clamor has arisen that the people were demanding more liberty and : freedom, wheu under the first form ; of government after the adoption of the first constitution both the magistrates and the judges were elected by the legislature. The , i system worked well and was the i !w for a great DUmber. of years. I Now the modern philosiphers have j just lound out that the great need j all matters relative to creation ox a ran is more liberty, aud that a change, i waT commission; bill giving magistrates no matter how it is brought about, slnS is reformation. They should re-iin aato!7. member that an officer elected by, the neonle does not always make an hnnpst ml 1:1 inist ra t ion nf t hp government. ,lr. button Sent lorwaril tlie lOl- , lowing amendments as a substitute: "That the whole matter be referred to the committee on Southern Out-, .r t . i , Mr. Lane objected to the Craven county case being brought into the matter; thought it unkind aud ni,nni.i - nn;.i.,,i nuuum uui uo wuomcicu. M ,, i: i . i ,i . i r. Wells did not think that so many speeches could change a Sin- gle vote, and went on to tell of the workings of "this Torv system7' in 1 Buncombe county, which did not meet the approval of the people. Pending discussion the House ad journed until 11 o'clock to day. Rai.eu.h, Jan. 2G, 1SS7. In the Senate today a repolution was introduced to raise special committee on railway commission. Among bills introduced was one lo incorporate the North Carolina society for prevention of cruelty to animals: bill to regulate ap peals from decision of county commis sionerB was made special order for next Wednesday, as also bill to so amend constitution as to exempt new indus tries from taxation for five years. Bill to allow commissioners of Hyde county to levy special tax passed final reading. The House today received a resolu tion introduced by Mr. Sutton, protest ing against any extension of tbe lease of the North Carolina Railroad and the etc. He goes into office February CI Among thp bills introduced in the House were: To appropriate S7.000 for rebuilding the quarantine hospital, wharf, etc., at Price's creek, Bruns wick county: to prevent the spread ol hog cholera: to prohibit the placing of fish traps in Neusp river: to protect fish in Johnson county : to authorise Cleve land county to levy a special tax: to re duce the fee- f r marriage licenses, to suspend the statute of limitations in certain cases. rNi up .-i:s. The House took ciuestion the matter as a privilege f the coDtest of John K. Hussey for the seat of V . li Lane. The report of the majority of the commitue on pri ileges and elec tions, in favor of Hussry. was read, as was also that of the minority of the committee, which is in favor of Lane. These reports were very lengthy. They went fully into details of the election of tin- canvass of th.' v. -to. et . That of the 1 1 1 : i j rity a-s-rted that there was no intimidation, while the other report said that there was intimidation and threats. Mr. li ivt - , :;Vr.-J a resolution that the report of the minority be ad' pred. lie sp-ke very ably in favor of hiJ resou:ion and laid bare a irreat many facts as lo tic election, stating that m one l .-x the v..te . at i rijus sev ill l-s4 wi lo ut-d again An iii.nien-c mass of i i 1- i.ee wa- submitl com m i : 1. s, m each part of the ate of this, particularly the te wa- r imoiiy "f Matthews, a witness, i.i as part of Mr. Have" remarks. Mr. Hayt ab t- ' -t ea Mr. 1'rr.e report . f ;h charge 1 the w ith the gri the people i p-.sed to th.. 1 em -e rat-I-lM. an - was lioar k 1. iif an h e and .'ur. was onlv h..r.l K- p. .b-fer.-b 1 the i- in,; ray I'umn.H'.ie. He c-tuv.i-i:ig b- ar l of ("raven sse-t frauds. He eai-.i that if i raven "er- plainly up i o iliti..u .-. -heme which the aiel sunie diseruntled Re : ,.1 - ti o p t. - fc:-". ttp-n 'them. He said the statements of the ; minority that there was intimidation t wern ahanrrlnnrl ha VipnnnH rirliVula i Pn be- He was also severe upon , tbe committee. He Baid the mtimida-1 tion claim was only a flimsy pretext, which rcmld not bo sustained. He said ' : m naa ,iouu m nis nanas to ce , m ouyinir up votes mayor aieaa- ows had Paid a neKr0 ex-convict S3 to : oue. He took violent grounds against go out and get voteg He had Bpent,the present system, bat at the another S3, and the rest went back in ! end of his speech was, utterly his pocket and he got credit for buying discomfited by a question by '. a great man. "If any man was guilty ! Co1- Holt 818 whether he had not, of intimidation at James City it was i fouf years ago, left the epublxcan 11113 111:111 xueauowH, saiu rruciiaru, "for he had told an old negro that Dr. , Shackelford was a U. S. d eteotive. " He said the story about pulpit threats was all a falsehood, and finally declared tnai ine soie purpose oi tne coalitionists in this entire matter was to thwart the will of the people. , Mr, Hiyes, in reply to the denials of ( intimidation made by Mr. Pritchard, brought out some additional evidence, ! to the effect that it was the custom of James City ,Pple to use such in- ; chased Judge Clark into the river'and ! j into water np to his neck, their anger i havint? been aroused bv his atteniDtine ! ( having been aroused by his attempting ( tn HTinlr. Mr. T-Tft-rpB nnnVfl in flfivprA I . i... tt 1 Hnri nU riiamo-ard nf the PvidncB Hnrl i of the attorneys. Mayor Meadows' ' evidence was again read, bearing on ' the noint that negro women ruled at- ,. - .r . - " 1 . - j ayes and noes were demanded and taken. The result was ayes 28, noes 77. of the Democrats, Doughton, Felton.' . thftt though a mamberof thecommittee ne Daa not signea eitner report, lie . thought the cdrnm'ittee should have ' censured the board of canvassers fpr , ineir maaner ui u iiii , jiesiug l i n- rtjLuru. - Mr. Macon said he was a Democrat, t . i lV,rf i lb h. i, ,w it ; t neither: Lane nor Huseey sit upon the "-" r-r . iioor. He .denounced tne use ot tne Sl.SOO as a campaign fund. 1 i ' , Vlnghote. , said thaUhe evidence of intimidation , l lT . . -. . . i i 1 , at James Lity was ciear to mm, aou ne !.. , - . , ... i tnererore votea ror tne resolution. j SXSLtS lUtaHon ( at thrtwionict j Hr. SnQton said, put it. as one would, .the result was not against Hussey. He , wanted to vote to put down every fraud nr chicntiPrv i Mr Snrratf nslid o he ercuRod from , Bg. dsd Mt- 6maS (the latter j , frora DurelT personal reasons, he said), i h J . 1 ., , , . Mr. worth saia ne always tacea a question, ne was opposed iu iwddi- caiuies. inougn iEei.a8 ev,Ueuce ux :;,J"h 9ho.w that tbe .!!"ulTt 0.aW . u.anA : 1 so fares regards Lane, if the votes , were thrown oat which could by any i fairness be thrown out. ue tueretore voted no. 1 Mr. Beeion who at nret vowa ; rom votinr. I The report of the majority, that Mr. Hussey was entitled to the seat, was then put and carried. He was at once 1 sworn in. j At 2 o'clock the House adjourned. Ealeigu, Jan. 27. 18ST. In Senate today principal bills intro- ! rtnrprl wpm M Terta hrmipt,Pftd law. n -a 0Dan(.ti lin legialatnre; resolution was passed raising joint committee to consider Seeakmof House was very interesting , Among nunaerojis bills introduced fol- lowing were of interest: To prevent sale of lottery tickets in this State: to ihcor- porate Central and Northwestern Kail- rVimnanv : tn nrevent clerk of su- I periot court from practicing lawor , drafting legal papers; to incorporate new county to be known asBadKer. Senate bill to repeal section 1066 of Code in regard to freight discrimina- tion- passage of bit! -was tirged by Holt, and Overman offered a substitute, , Ewart said the bill had been hurried thrniifh the Senate and that attemDt - . , iL , was Deine maae lo rusn n inrouga me UouBe- BOTOrman:fl Eub8titute wa8 adopted with amendment that shall rot apply to suits instituted prior to date of decision of the supreme court, and also that principle shall be applied to large unuiiii ui -' " ones. House took up bill to repeal county governmont. and there was another heated dtscussion. - - - Shaw (Dem.) opened ty attacking tne bill, an4 was ioiiowea dv vv imams colored Republican, who defended the bill and attacked the Democrats for their course towards negroes. Ewart, Republican, offered amend ment to except from provisions of bill the counties of Bertie, Caswell, Chow an, Craven. Edgecombe, Granville. Greene. Halifax, Hertford. Jones. Pas quotank, Pender, New Hanover and Northampton, all of which bavo negro majorities. Ewart said he did this to test the sinoerity of the statement of the Democrats that the cause of the.t: opposition to the bill was that it would give negroes control of the above named counties. Overman replied in a withering speech in which he denounced Repub licans. He said he was about to offer the same amendment Ewart had of fered and said that the Democrat would vote for it. put Republicans on record and would then vote down bill. At this point House adjourned. "lioVsE. Kai.KI-.h. Jan. 3, 1 --7. A resolution was otlered to raise a joint select committee to prepare a bill for the establishment of savings banks and strongly urging the establishment of 6uch banks, as needed by the people. Among the bills introduced were the following: To establish a bureau of labor statistics: to incorporate the East Carolina Railway and Land Company : to define tho untie- c 1 clerks of Superior Courts The bill to change the name of the town of Shot' Htel to M is ton passed it final reading. The House took up the count;, gov ernment bill. Mr. Oakley. Republican. :Teie-d an amendment requiring county commis sioners to give bond in 82.300 each, for the honest p-.-rformance of their duties. Mr. Oakley said the; people demand.- : the repeal of the law. Mr. Pritchard. Rej uMi.'an. ma le an other long speech, in which he violent ly attacked the present Li w. declaring that the statements made by Democrat that they only oppc-cd the bill because it woc.l 1 place eastern o'i:u;i - ur. 1r-r negro rule, were false in fact and th o the real reason was that th y wmutrd to keep political contrwl of the ta:c. Pritchard was very abusive. Mr. Holt said the rpip.-ti'n was n, of political ecnnomv rnthr than of true politics. He accused the Republicans of being apt to change their vote on this ouestion. They had introUuced all -ort of amendments He felt sure, from tlie appearance of things n day. that negro uifmtvrs had kick-d it: :-i-t night's caucus against Kwart" am'-n.i-ment that the bill -hall not npplv to negro counties. He made a pow iiui showing of radical misrule. Jiei.iTt.-red an amendment providing that when it j that a '"tintv ha n tn cro nn- 2OIli7 then it shall be excepted from; ! the provtsiona of the bill. He said-he I did this to put the Republicans On rec ; ord. He did not think it coutitatlon-. WOuld Pp08e ' and the bl" . Mr- Brogden made a long speech, reading it all from manuscript. It was r.'"-1"7 J' "t". ... t yj v - i -J .-- ' mending the county government law. I Mr, Brogden said he was not hereto defend his past record. . Mr. Parsons, Democrat, spoke aWy ' c"" ojoiuj, Dalu rBUlouJr lor uiuiiunesiy on me i part of county commissioners was their removal. People were sometimes dis- satisfied, but it was with individual commissioners and not with the law. Mr. Macon said it was a plain ques- tion. The people-demanded the repeal of the system. ! Mr. Ewart said that once there was a Republican party of fraud, but now it was a party of pure men, the 00 tt ' equal or eaual of ftn-B- nart-tr. TTa tt,rh 'demolished him by showing that the fw-ure of Gov. Vance to .get Littlefield was . because a Kepublican Judge in ; o ivciiuuiu,u uuvcruui m New Jersey had refused to give him up l ,wart Sutton, Democrat followed and attacked the bill rmnix made the closing speech m j favnr nf Kill PT ovf n.il0..'' iiv oci. amendment. At 2:0 the previous question wasj taiuea. nouse py a vote oi iuu to VrtaA 4nnrM TP J . i, vted down Ewart's amendment to ex-1 ties in which census showed there was i .pi. ' - J J ' Tb? Ho.n8e then came to Vote-! 'on f"tcKhf l"b""uie OTf "flf bH1' i . 7 -- . mas tuauajaa. yatmun second raadine by same vote. 54 to 52. amidst tremendous applause on the , , ,, v. .., iJiitj,. ,7, i, , "J 'VU"J; pf,ul5f?U' k 1?r Hu8Bej w&B paired , with KeU of Mscklerburg, but he denied this and tnnfltyri 1 Tinrl lofl- iha mtv loaf -n IrrV, . - -" MnaatiTT vnlafl . , , Ui&h&vS (Rep.) m regard to allusions which the latter made to Meadows in & speech ; Tuesday1. Pritchard disclaimed any intention or renewing uponaieadows nonor or nonesiy, ano so tne matter ended. Investigation of Clark-Green, case is in progress this afternoon before com- rt- .ll 1 1 ..- 1. ji.iicKoo ouu wuctwiib. n. - -v v,iWu6u tum otvt . T f K. . ' In Senate today among bills intro- dnced wee the following: To amend Code in regard to homestead; to prevent catching mullets in purse seines . in Carteret county; bill giving magistrates jurisdicHtm of offence of carryini. boa- ctjoiou nrapuii nai mint idiuuii w dirt that tn inanrt h nitand ) nnu yesterday in place section ,J.66 of Code regarding freight discriminations; bill to prohibit the hiring out or farming of convicts and to provide fOT their em- ployment on- public buiMIng-or' public road was defeated on second " reading on tie vote, president casting deciding vote. Stonewall Items. An addition to the mJpuiatiotiof Stone-1 wall last Sunday; the addition-was'to the family of Jno. W. Brabble: a fine boy. . , ,, Mr. S. O. Roberts and lady were on a visit to F. f Cherry from Saturday tin Monday. "William Cahoon and Sarah Banks were married on last Sunday, Eider -Holton officiating. . After a painful and prolonged suffer ing Mr. Win. -Grubbs died in Bayboro at 1 o'clock 25th inst. Lender the direction of Thoa. MiUer, Eli ja Lane is about completing the wharf and warehouse for the use of the steamer Bettie. Mack, the little son of D. B. Hooker, is gaining his strength from a severe foi, TI -wo utiL...u.R. ic.ci. " been severely ill. Miss Rena Sparrow and Misa Annie Snell, of Beaufort county, spent the latter part of last week on a. visit to Mrs. F. F. Cherry, of this place. Lena, aaugncer oi uenj. MCiJOtter, and Roea, daughter of Jas. T. Lincoln, have been eent by tbeir parents to jOBeph Kinsey's school at La Grange, Rather bad fox a Stonewall chap; ins visits t0 the now ditch wili not oe 80 frequent as they have been. Some few days since Jno. A. Johnson Ioit or had stolen from him his pocket book containing S205 dollars, and sus picioning Simon Jones, col., got a war rant and had him arrested and ordered to trial on tho 20th inst. before W. T. Mayo, J. P., on Bay creek, and the party assembled and before the trial, which did not take place, being post poned to a future day for some cause which is unknown to me, Jas. T. Lin coln assaulted Johnson and bruised him pretty badly, and then the party started to return to Bayboro, making; a halt at Cash Corner, where Charles Whitehead, of Aurora, took a turn and added con siderable to Johnson's bruises, aad Johnson says if it had not been for W. T. Caho and Sheriff Dawson it would have been the last of him. Devoured Dy Wolves, Manistique, Mich., Jan. 25. Joseph Armstrong and Frank Holmes, of Pent water, were hunting near here Satur day, when Holmes cut his leg, and Armstrong fearing that he would bleed to death, left him and went in search of medical aid. When he returned two hours later, he found nothing but some bloody bones and pieces of clothing and the carcasses of five wolves which ! Holmes had killed in his struggle for i life. Wolves have been UnUSUaily i numerous and bold in the npper penin sular this season. - "You can get a pretty fair idea of the The Inter-State Commerce Bill. heat of the fight m tbe Indiana" LVgla. Tasiiisutos. Jan. 20.-A letter waa Ut where the parties- nra' rMHy todav sent to President Cleveland bv ' . ,. , ,, the national legislative committee o"f , evenly divided, said a gentkimafroa the Knights cf Labor asking him to , Indianapolia in Chicago last, waefc, ft'hr veto the inter-State commerce bill. te fact that when some ol the tAaaeinj They claim to represent over 5,oe0,00, bl en there heard that two OernQoraUp or nearly one-tenth of the whole people 1 ' . - . ' fl in the United States. Their objections j members of the .Illinois House ad to the bill are: first, the commission died, one of them said: "The WrAtnT clause: secoad. the arbitrary po.ver cans of Indiana never ha-f any-4'11 conferred upon the commission; third, ! luck as that.' I verily belUvAthat.iL the exclusive jurisdiction given to the i federal courts to hear and determine , auses arising under the act; fourtn. the acknowledged uncertainty as to the meaning cf nearly all of the provisions of the measure. A Short Bill. Ti.e shortest bill ever introduced in the Maine Legislature, or in any other, perhaps, was presented last Thursday as follows: "Sec. 1. The dog is hereby declared to be a domestic animal. Sec. '0. This act shall take effect when ap proved. This is not a Maine joke, but an act aiTecting every dog in tbe State. It is the affirmation of a fact which has been called in question by Maine law . courts It is understood that this bill .- nurotiuced to avenge the loss of a d. n-hed tlog, because under existing Maine law the th it i could not be con- vi t'.d "! larceny. A citizen of ChtcagfJ Hamden by name wanta to be one of ;fifty Men to adopt kneebreecha tor oonanfcarfr. : The other forty -nine bngAftok. tr ',' Got- Boss, ot Texas, ntommwiAl&t the conspiracy laws, which hire ieea . 'V'. ' d i " 1 ' .-- used id, against labor boycota ahallb ae!JappalifoVilwl mai The numerous admirers of a Jfoalan greatma'nWcfentiyiavhTriJafeeV( dinner. It consisted of three eohl'fca The' khfgan ?fiou.e aL passed Mr. Ogg'a bltf,' r6hi&Kt,& importation of PlnkrttW-' 6IW8)nVo the State, an4 torbiddiag (feurtraceUnfaa officera within theBtat. 161 d udm , ., . ' ' Pweidenijiae ert.f tWnRa te j, the, agination, pjCBWBa je,yiapf 1 Pennsylvania, to hn'rvminl .-' f.X.r.. an1 Th:; R TTiflfWr. of Legation lior M eile'd. --',t .. . 1 m.- 1 i '.; i til t .1ntl' aritien- uabinet COnnciT yim held at Windsor, Tuesday, at which the An approved ' the speech5 to oe cjeliye een ered from the throne' oil the' 'rWfflnirtJf,lltr- liattent, .'-t.ltu9 mM A 5ollisiorr between-'frelgri trarlijrf n Kth LoisvUlevlffer!AjllHinyadcaift0 roan ,,ueaaaj, wrecked, ttvojwoijctatta and a large., Wisj.eMs., '.r" , .- .l . mimh b : rT ' V1 ' , owui. jucixeii. ine JJCisn, writer and i :b..,.. ' . .. KrWI t Afmyffa ' a 1 Protstant, has .been nominated bjihe aj! NatSonaTistii to hteei lacTnWi Irarnntary'seat in tn'lffieVi?CMa-' Seothttid, Sbbtli'tt hiiTeB!foijilfib1r havoitrOck for a4 itireWhgt4ailic -day in tlwrmgesi tm mumA that all , the; Scot , pJliaf je, wuMm- come, involved, Tuesday, njnOw reception, being repeatedly cheered all along" the iroifte" tfottt' t&C8eV8t6U''': xeaMenoe. 1 1 u"" " tm . ! sOffleert 'of the Old'Donttiftofi1 tefeain. ahipCtorarpanyeiiy th t 4tt ftWtMl' tag oregotiaoiwpWwdIttjiiJii-. directly, jfitJOiffxik. anAOfi' men with faWtfa&it&f " tlement. , The hard coal handlers at ITe Xprk' have been defeated, and their'etrikee virtually'oyer. Men have been pat I ifrork lii iheti' 'liceB Ubd iVbelet tere. The' twftSY6daIH&en,1l(iLf went out on Monday, bd noriai- ions to stay out i -j '!' tvA-i tm The Lynn and Boeton Horw Baflw4y mpany. baa ccede4i to.th aestf ite drivers and ,con4p9tqrf ttp $ffi$r hours making 1 jbora thVi'gnd 13 the average at' a day's work, o Another severe railroad wreck .oc curred hear TifnnVd T'needayV1 Tn entire iJastftngtjr' triln'elnWiwV (rona the track 4y arlefteett kVtta fireman alone waa kiUadahwotkerataa oapinglrooaliby.a miwcle,!,,! , The stadente at .Tales ,6mdum selves unable to go as.fljm.aa tbacegp lar course prescrib.baTonned tm amateur dramatic company, withJoha RdgersVfr.,' AnaiKegfnold ttLHr&mk rison, both bfXew York.as'aUlrM A Paris correepondent''8ay'ir1lniUTdii is a true Bt0TyrA little B re-year-old daughter of Ameiican pa0Mi -tiMbed on her fathei;'a kneBB aad hakedlilaato .tell beta grea.gjwat ecrt. VJSqll born in Parur." 1 Oh,: what a .pice B'ret! cVfed','ftie "(Mi gi'r'l.',Sr2 mKmmaknhw?'' ;H 'i.wi w6 Senator-elect tocWbridge.Vrom lcn igan, spent a teool $00,000 efl'Ws'Wn maKoo asanaion- (3hoi(ly after lit WrAitt pletion ha obaerFed ta a friendUaCtle one additional tbig4 needed. ,.ppg p parrot to sit over the front, dop m& greet him every day with 'the remark, "Here comes that fcr agak ' J The Charleston ATir ! and Cowoli' serves: "TnenCh' propers Kir togarih cotton because ifr can make cettWlnVb'Je Cheaply than ian bet nmdt iBtlAdM. It prospers in iron bfxwi, 4tm,Mfi iron as cheaply as.it can, be PfftfVf.ff England. Its prcerity,a.c denrj- ' ent on the tariff. " , The Shelby ville (Ind , JDemoerat favors Dayid B. Hill's nomination, for the presidency in 1888 on the ground that he is "a fuil-blcded,' r6lr4rJb, JackBonian Democrat, a) dislie'lieief lti civil service reform, a to wt oTtvtttijth against mugwump. peuuttiogBiktffcf faithful dispenser of rewards ,f or. pay services'." "I don't. care!" excJairrd th,e jjoung woman behind the counter, when ah heard of the marriage of an acrjna ance to a rich codger old eattgli-tdlM her father: "they rlneer atifl'benae I am a ealealady, but nther-u(i saleslady tMn a. lady that iadwjlhf j Boston Transcript is, entile erd ; for this, but it is good for any latitude. 1 T . m ittk Lord Brassey writes in the ftineteenth Century: "Turning' lfrompoiii:c& bnsiness, an impreBsion prevaiB' there is mere alMrp'praetidai3tt)a4fe United States tha in otherMiaA In England there are n' w,,fH"fl fofrPf who would J&z6-&ax&uLaj&jDL the un- wary. Dishonest menonly auccaad. in ni n r I r-u an lnno. no Ihov or. nf rminrl ..- '." (!- out. - . t I AO 1 member of the Hoosier Legislature should die tonight the party "wMoi. would thus gain aq advantage fakl fire cannons and get drunk." tt - ! A Massachusetts man, just back irom the West, said the other day: ""I h'a've been astounded in going1 fhrobgrr : ttrfe western country to note the rHmarkttMh stage of improvement which tiiey-a attained. If you get off the oacflM)? town of 3,000 or 5,000 inhabitsjrjtapr larger you will find yourself in the midst of a civilization that is 'eofvlaT t any of tbe great oltieeof the as iilTev find electric lights, perfeot, telephep and telegraph district fnetterigef ' ser vice, modern irn prove rn eats i Si SsieaaaAr of sanitary drainage, Street arsA &fifx public buildings and perfect fire fcer- vice. Thev'ie way ahead ot'KenCug,- land towns."' ,( w m Si J ,.-V'v' .sf'Ci': " mi " 1

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