THE JOURNAL. a. muni. - alllM IhMfar. tKW BISXI, 5. C. FEB. ' ISSs bun at l r om at c The Wilmington Star gives the old man lrom Wayne a evere bMtittg for his antic in the lions. - " : " THB uanal .prion flood in npfhwMt are rarinz. The to of Ljrona, Mich., is threaten! with utter detraction. Thk end of to prent Congrw Li sur it bukI. It h made big kol is vlM inrpliwi and haa not p4MMd U TtT.ATTt bill to do it. THX fTt strike of "longshore and freight handlers haa about tnd4 and the strikers are no bet ter off than when they qait work. fior. HILL, of New York is loots is ft aP as the xt IHmorrstir eaadidftie for Prvaident. It seems tfe&i ta Democrats run t get out of Ssw York to find a candidate. Ds&PTTX th fact that and Oxrviaaj both declare tUey lo ' Ml war, the war rumors ron tiaae. and both are preparing for . , ...... . , I U. I i predicted that actaal Uos tilitiea April. will b(ia aonetie ia ' l . i S&CSYTART MAXSmnbH been elected Preaideat of a newly organ- Ued bask In. New York, and Treas arer JOKDAJI has been elect ei Vice Preeideat. Thes new ttioos utoabtlcna bare soffioent indace aaaaU to eaasa rheai to send in Ueir reiltaatioas. PSXSTSXKT CLTBtP has ratoed the paaper pensioa bill. Ha deaerraa the thanks of the eotratrj. Hi position o tb ia aio fraatla oafki to g. Umg way towaiUaeoaateraotiat the ievlint7 . afalaxt Vim fr kfeplng Repnb - r ru Thx faberaafoiiai timner is oe tiaaiar to float around. At the GapUai, while the General Assem bly la ia aeeaiOB, is a food place to taroveat feelers. The Denaocrats -aiast select theirs with more tbn . ordinary eaxa or it might be re- . r 11 11 1 r . BXriXSSXTATlVK A1A.XH. of 1T1 1 aal. i J Mwit mi In the (Inaae - ... ri' " i . al HMwaMtitim it Washisrtoa a few daja ap and toUI Tbe IVnio- crala . soaiethiur alxml xtrarA- bat Mat taiak it anrts to ten t ken ' tha trnth etrea thoujh it is s gainst faaea mmI waste of tke aqJtis, we IHT 1PI wnw a a w sia vi Owktato dfiwir m tlr n-xt cum .THX Beaata braaca o the Oen arai Ataemixj a as passes an act v Uaiitjtg the appropriations to the Acrkaitarai DepartaieBt to 20.00. .draw I ta aapport froa the tax on - iexuiwar. wnjca looootra to over 4d,00Ct ftnnnallj, aad was paid en - tiraly Jby tha faraaers. We had aa IJ.. I V. AW. I . taaaa ' tya vsw sjwareraii uamwj & . i . . i w 1 rM 111 v.n am. la i" .wwu via . ttua aiauar anniu. wj mo in.- eaaieadatiooe of the two faraiers' ' aoaTantioaa recaatlv held in v fialeicau -Bat the Seaata seems to - hare become impatient. Perhaps a majority of Ita members are farm- III raQvar coaimisaioa bill aeeaaa ta hanf fire ia the General 1 safimblT It ia a liinlir fart that all the prominent railroad atAfoiata aiai awiat if fr Tadv W. HlItflDAXJE pobliahes a long lejrai,. arxnment in the (Mcrrrr afaiaat it. He takes the ground - that m eom miss ton eoold only inter tare with a part of the railroads in the State ia regulating- tariff rates, the othera being protected by their charters from soch interference. He also eaya that the statute against diaeriniaaiioa passed at tbe ea ent aeaaion of the General Aseem My. ia aoificient withoat the ex pen sire machinery of a railway com miss ion. Tn Grteasboro Forth stste ba.- eoaeiadd that it doesn't pay to Cona wmibtMtiona ith indfnd at Denotftt. It rerievs a nnm Wr ot tNjmbiD-es"' and codcI ade laai Uon wito Dr. Tvbe Yobk i tke oaly on that haa panned oat aajthiaf like aaceeaa. Speaker WSBSTEB ia aceaaed of deaerting the Laat "coubine1 and going orar U the. raaka oi the enemy in the aooaty gOT era meat neaaare. The Bapabilcaaa hare nonkeyed aronnd aith independent Democrats antil laey are tiek and now the Srth StU propoaea be are forth to let the kJekiaf Democrat Sgbt hi own battle or joih the rernl.r army. BOB 81 SO THE PEOPLE TEI0THM. or a In the8enate on Wednesday last hen tbe bill concerning payment Of mileage aad per diem in certaiu m .a. k;c Senator CLAKX, of Craven coanty, is reported in the W Obter vtr m saying: oxrid lo aa ztrtm old foT jb . ProfrMUTi la)lslsllon carried to u ztrs U Hilh atlia Tier i too. too much fcrtmkiatr at lima owlag to the ho tMd erj ol a faw popU who object to MMmt; aad wii le(ialatioo. But to taiiak ol Mria aca mtlac now roaosad aa iausovatioo whollr un wise, hwiac both hanafnl nd aoaecea mrj. TV pnoadMt would rob the fmopU ot patrxxiatn. Let a stop ihe atrit ot sitrnaii rn innovatioa and lire naaar taUv of our fortthrt which haa aaaa aooad aad good aad whoia an , aad wttaoat hardahip to any on. Theae are words fitly spoken. In many respects we hare wandered too far lrom the laws and customs af oar forefather. In former times taere were plenty f good honest p.;riotic enough ' of .1 ua! ii'e of I Ai'f Thev have !e-en I ( t r lot is m ami ' he people are leing robbed of thou sands of dollars annually on account of so many petv and trivial offenses being brought in:o the roorts that the magist r,r'n .nd constable may t their lees. We recogiur.e the tact, to I sure, the changed con dition of things bronchi .ibout by the war made man v ol our lest peo- ' irp . . ID taw . " v j - - dischargi the duties oi tne orace without pay. bnt with two or three justices in every neighborhood withoat pay these duties woold not be so onerous: trivial offenses would not be sent to the court and the people would get rid of many lulls o f cos l . We tlunk it would 1h a idea to aliolish nistices" fees ,,nd restore in iart the forme, pat ri.'tmm of the people. tii k cnvr ok roon for a nfin HANP. WIkd you cooaider the iiueuon of DKMurr food for a Meld hand you will thai it eoata luile A band can wrll o $1 7J a moaih. proTidaxi ai men who were hol'l the oftii without py. robbed nf thi cooking haa not to t paid for. A buihl hranci0 mnl dMbu. quarter of a powod ot meat day will cost cnt. and that Uarea 40 won for noolaeae. i .-4 mii.r iiru That will brine U ttTiaa-np to S1 a yaar The fanner who boards hi hand can do it at una b( iUick- do .iu. to h. vegetable and froit and the occauooil cbirkea p4 cm extra oceeJavon. If any cm a should bira a doxan haoda and hire 'a cook foe ibaaa. lhy could b bosrdad u fc y-r Url0f thap It waate and ntrtTMin , tiiaX ruin mol p.ipj . .innrinnri-j - Waste ami extravagance does rnin most people. Uit the alove board bill i too cheap. A Meld hand may lire on a quarter of a pound of meat a day when? the wood is fall 01 wild fat pigs and where the chickens roost low. but if yon would teach a hand to keep oat of the way of wild hogs aad respect the rights o poaltry aroand the barn yard, yau must do better than that. ir we were going to con tit the cost of feeding a hand for one year we woald put it about like this: S lMth el of meal, .'X): V) pounds riour, 12.00; bashels of jotitoeK, 2.XK 200 poanrls meat, 14.00, five cents per daj for molaasea, aalt and regetablea, 18.00. Total. U2.00. This would gire a band plenty of good, wholesome food and there voald be no need for trepasiDg on his neighbor. Onslow Newt. Fish very rearce; none in sounds or rivers aa beard of lately. Clamming ia still the order of the day. Oar men and boys are mak ing from 75 cents to f l.o0 per day. Our people are all well, and if we had a dozen doctors they woo Id bare to do something ele besides doctor the sick. Died. Feb. 4, at the residence of B. Lb Kellnm, near Jackson rille, Mr. B. M. Hawkin. in the r4th year of hia age. We saw J. Hiram Bell, from Jones coanty, and from looks and reports, gneea he will carry some one home with him soon from oar coanty. Married, at the residence of Mr. Benjamin Scott, in Jacksonville townahip, Onslow coanty, on Mon day, 23th January, 1SS7, Miss Alice Scott aad Mr. Major Morton. A. N. Sammerritle officiating. We hare in oar vicinity a lady, Mr?. Soaaa Humphrey, who is 47 years old and is the mother of 13 children. She looks now quite young, and can get a boot as nimbly aa a young girl of twenty. Dr. C. Thompson found in his marie bed a genuine petrified log ger-head turtle, all in perfect shape and about a foot long. -Cy." says be will keep him awhile and try a a meas of soap made from him. Mr. A. G. Ilnggins, we bear, is getting np a petition to the Legis latnre for small flsb protection; not to allow fish nets or seines smaller than lj-inch size. We will sign all soch petitions at that, bnt we like 1 inch better. Mr. Dexter .Morton is teaching school on "aw river, boarding at A. F. Farnell's. Dexter is a good boy, and teacher, too, and has some smart pupils. Among tbem are Misses Nellie and Sallie Karnell and Annie Gillett, and Masters H. Bender, tSol. Hewitt, Loo. Kellnm. and others. His school will cloee soon. At Jacksonville the first Monday, and as usnal, a big crowd was there. We saw lots of fonuy men (we don't m'ean toxicated men, for i mast say 1 saw leas drinking that day than usual . John Krvin and Barell Dixon were as usual full of nonsense; W in berry with his oys ters; Bryan and John Cox, with their fine stock of horses and males; Bob Ward, who had just taken a wife, looked spracy: and C. Creroek, our new clerk of the superior court, who is liked by all. was there. We stopped with A. F. Farnell, sr., aad Sol. Gornto, Esq. liotu of these men are go-ahead farmers. Aaron baa about 5 fac bogs yet to kill, li of which will weigh over umi poands eacn, 10 months old. There was a calico dancing party given at the residence of Jobn Oil diod'i, oo North -Fast lait Friday night and is said by all who at tended to be one ot the beet of the season. The ladies, yoang and old. were dressed in pretty calico suited for the occasion. Muie bv Messrs. Wollim l!rvnr and Hpnrirsnn A Dne gripperwas given about mid' night by the young ladies and gen tlemen. Among the beautiful and lovely girls were Mises Sndie rrazelle. annie Hewitt, l.ilv 'ard, Aggie Haggina. I.iiban Ren der, etc., etc. Several young men. we hear, lost something there that night they never saw. Miss Sudie Frar.elle, whose name is mentioned above, if tbe acoomplushed young daughter of Mr .1. O. Frazelle, of Piney Green, who is now on a visit to Wilmington, N. '.. and ( 'haries ton, 8. C., prospecting for a busi-nea-s opening, so we hear Wew-:sh you sacceAg, .lames To BE UKAIi WITH PHASIC. A gentleman jrratnlatin -i triend tin on his rvceii! in ,i ma i.'i said the ! .i t ' ei . r h .1 n k 1 11, his 1 ' w "i 1 1 .;' and t he 1 : ' h ' one. nothing like it i and ;: IH'K w .1 s ' In 1 . - : !, mi i on in. 1 1 1 there IS O'll ih'li't get the right llliltllll.' ! ' k lie STATE NEWS t leaned from Oor FTrlitn Ualeigli 1 ititor: Work on the e.istern extension ot the street railway commenced today at the corner of l-'ayetteville and Morgan street. The iron lor the ronte hrws .irri ved . Winston ''My. The Salvation Arniv has organized an armv at Charlotte of converts made in that ; city, called the Charlotte Home Salvation Aimy. It consists of aloiit seventy members so far. Winston Republican: Petitions are being circulated in Stokes county and freely signed, asking; the Legislature to declare the! whole of Stokes coanty under the stock law. with rules and regnla tions as govern other counties. Iyoaisburg Tiwic.- Quite a s;n sation was caused in town one day la.xt week, by the attempt of a small colored boy Humphrey Haw kins, to poison Gen. V. B. Haw kins' family. He put "liongh on' Rats" 111 the water and coffee. The boy, who is alont l'J years of age, is now in jail. Ienoir Topic: 1W year Mr. John K. Webb, of John's river township, raised 10 sweet potatoes weighing 10 pounds irom a single slip set oit. The Patterson Fac tory Company has built a new house 60 feet long And added the neces sary machinery and will at once go into the manufacture of plaids in addition to their other lines of goods. Kaleigh Chronicle: The V. M. C. A. of Italeigh has held quite an interesting series of meetings at the Christisn Church dunne this week, under the leadership of l-Vanupliar K I .. Smith, of New York. The meetings were largely atteuded and it is hoped and be licTed resulted in much good. The Association is far more active than ever before for the welfare oTyoung men . Charlotte Chronicle: The largest crowd that has yet attended the Gospel Meetings at the Tryon street Methodist church, was pres ent at the services last night, all the sitting and standing room being occupied. Mr. Pearson preached a very earnest and impreeaive ser mon. and the style of bis preaenta tion of Gospel facts was interesting a nnni-iniinir TKa mptini'B k.. 1 a .Za -.vcuv. j v.w.., the interest increase. Wadesboro Intelligencer: Some days ago, while digging in his gar ;den, Mr. Willie Mnrr unearthed a petrified dog's loot the only piece of perfect petrification that we ever saw. Tbe toe-nails, eren, are in a state of perfect preservation. The only missing part is tbe mar row which has disappeared and left a hollow space about a quarter of an inch wide. It is a rare can jtoeity, and may be seen by calling at the Intelligencer office. The the I balance of the dog got away. Chatham Record; Mr. Jaa. Wil liamson, of Smitbfield, had decided to remove to this place and had rented a store here, and was on h's way here when he was taken sick at Raleigh and died there a few days ago. We are pleaaed to announce that the grading of the Carthage railroad will begin about the first of March. On last Friday a contract was signed by the rail road and penitentiary authorities for the grading of the road by con vict, and Col. Hicks thinks be can grade tbe road in seven months. Battleboro Headlight: Tbe resi dence of 6apL Francis Hedgepetb was destroyed by fire on Thursday night of last week. All the farni tore, etc, was destroyed except three beds. The captain who is a cripple from rheumatism, was car ried oat. Supposed to have caught from a stove. We regret to learn that tbe stables, barn and three tacks of fodder belonging to Mr. Joseph Braswell, who lives near Whitakers, were destroyed by fire last Friday night. The fodder was some distance off to the windward of the house. Tracks were found leading from the barn to the stacks and from thence to Whitakers. Sap posed to be tbe work of an in cendiary. Oxford Orphani' Frimii: A lady in New Berne wrote ns two weeks ago that sbe had shipped as a box oi books, magazines, etc., for oar children. We have been look ing for that box ever since bnt it haa not put in its appearance. We would be so glad if some one in each town in North Carolina would volunteer to get ns np a box of books for oar library. It would be the easiest thing in the world to do. Will some one please try it. We want books, magazines, papers, and everything in the way of read ing matter that would be interest ing and useful for children. Old books, of no service to those who have read them, will be thankfully received. Beaufort Record: The luited States coast survev steamer BJake is now engaged in investigating the currents in the gulf stream, and for this purpose anchors at sea when wind anil weather permit. Sarperintendent F. M. Thorn, of the coast and geodetic survey, has given notice that when at anchor she will display during the day, st the foretopmast head, three balls or shapes; during the night, three lights red, white and red one above the other. During February, March and a part of April, 187, she will anchor between Cape San Antonio, Cuba and Yucatan, and between Florida Keys andCuba. During May and a part of dune she will lay in the Gulf Stream, off Cap8 Fear and Hatteraa. Masters of vessels navigating these waters are reqoested to keep clear of her. Shelby Setc Era: Mr. A. F.Whis tanant has discovered a tine mica mine on the land of Mr. Win, Hicks, on Briar creek, in No. 11 township. The mica thus far obtained is ol the finest quality. The supply is ver large. Deputy Collector Geo. W. Means, Deputy Marshals Alex. Ferguson, It. S. Jones ami J. A. McFallsmade a raid in the South Mountains last Thursday and l'n day and succeeded in capturing three prisoners and two large stills, beside destroying a large quantity of beer. The prisoners were brought to Shelby and tried before Com mis-sioner Groves, who discharged one and bound the other over to court. Cotumbus F.aker. wn ol Mr. John F.aker, who lives on Ixng creek, Gaston county, was acci dentally killed last Thursday. Young Kaker and a colored man went out squirrel hunting and while on the John McGIll place, near the Cleveland line, treed a squirrel. The colored man started up the tree and, cut oft a limb which struck the bey iu the forehead, knocking hi in unconscious. He was picked np and taken home but died about lit o'clock that night. nil i. 1 N I 1 1 1 F 1 AN A : 1 II. KIl. I II K i i o , a 1 : . r . . m ri y. ik. 1 1 . AN Al IN 1 A Ki I. I N Thi. '(' I (II .1 ' !iil ifn ''H't' t Si'.c:i..N 1 chapter To. ,.1 Carol 1 n a. of t iie aud : he same bv inserting m I A 1 K I 1 ' n - ! ; : i; IAIN l; HI' r n n 1: ; 1 V 11 ,,,, ,, .. That the la - 1 -CSMl'Il 1 ' t s he re by l;nc t;f. ,1 ,. 1 , .iinciided woi d 'const nu -ted . " t i ti worls: through it 111 the of said lands." and m-er line seven, after the " r 1 ' rin ity inp in "llt'lVS- 1 or t lie 1 : i , c n 1 sary, t lie luiiowin woi n-: drainage thereof. : !o mak nore accessible, .r d : " 1 their resources Sec. '. That t he S; .r e 1 ; 'e K.uid ol ,s hereby 1 ion danes .iiging to :; t ua 1 su 1 ve s Kducation be, and 1: authorized to cause the of t he swamp land bel to be ascertained t ac a'ld marked, and until t the sale of an art of is done, 1 land :s 8 118 1 0 II lc 1 i . Sec. Thai t lie said 1 '.uard shall not construct an road until the county or conntu-s ;n whirli the said road is situated shall a (free to devlare the said nad upnti its nun pletiou a public pud. and shad agree to keep t ne saim repair 111 the lu:ure as in gi ,1 pul highway, at the cust and epeio of such e.iiinty ir conn; ;e Sec, i That section 1 m! chapti 70, of I he laws of eighteen !. 11 (air. and eights live be amended 1 by hull ig in li 11 n ! he . ll.e striking out t he wop dred and fifty. " and lieu thcrei'I ( lie w unb dre1 and twenty tive ui e r ' : 111- h ree I'll 1 said coin !:. diatfly lui 11 i.hc. h by the 11. , I 1 Directors of the l'enit i n; iar to I he said State l'.oan il Kducation. from the tentiary on vict s 11 o w in the 1 'en j and Ir. 111 : he lon e now on the Factory l'-raneh engaged ltailroad. when the contra, t raid road is completed, and the said number ol three hundred and twenty five convicts shall be kept up ami maintained bv the said Board of Director ol the lYinteii tiary; and they shall be trans por ted, 'fed,' clothed, guaided and inain taioed by said Hoard ot Directors of the Penitentiary . rtec. o. That the w.uks htiein after mentioned shall le under the i direction and supervision ol the ,,., D,l,-0, 1,1 ill.. Srate cukiuri 1 i iiifii'; 1 ' , ....... Board ol 1 .dncation. ami no new road, ditch or canal shall be con strncted or cut by the said State Board of Kducation until the works of internal improvements ant horized and directed by tins Act shall be completed. Sec. (j. That said State Board of Education is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to cut a canal from some voint on lroail creek, in the county ol Hyde, at or near the bridge crossing said creek. to the head of navigation on Alli gator river. That said canal shall be sixty feet wide, and shall be cut by the convict force as deep as it is jxissible without the use of dredges. Sec. 7. That for the purpose of constructing said canal, the said State Hoard of llducation in hereby directed to increase the convict force now employed in constructing a public mad in the counties ol Washington and !eaulrt to one hundred convicts, and alter said road shall be completed, to transfer and work the said force upon the said canal. That said number of one hundred convicts shall be kept up and maintained, and shall be kept steadily at work until said canal shall be cur to the depth aforesaid. Sec. 8. That il any part of said canal shall pas t hrough lands not owned by tin- .wd State Hoard of Kdncation, ' " said Hoard is author 1 d an.! i-ii. ; o w iTCtl , mi run- siderati.": .! he bene (its accruing to snci: ;.::a!e lands, to receive lrom the o .. :.i-r or owners thereof, a conveyance of such part of said lands, including the right of way for the said canal, as the Hoard may consider jut and equitable: and when infants or persons compoM iiienti-i shall be the owners thereof, his or her guardian is hereby authorized and empowered to execute such conveyance. That tbe said State Hoard of Kducation shall hare all the ngh sand powers over the land thu-; acquired and conveyed, as they now have over other public land-. 'That il the said Hoard of Kducation and the owners ol said land- are unable to agree as aforesaid, the said Hoard shall tile a petition belore the Clerk of 1 ho Superior (Hurt of Hyde county, in the maimer prescribed by ll.'T ol The Code lor the drain ing of lowlands. That the com mis sioners thus apHinted shall, after twenty days' notice lo the said Board, and to such owner, meet upon the said land, and, alter being duly sworn, shall proceed to ascer tain and determine the benefit which will accrue to the owner thereof from the construction of said canal, and the damage winch he will sustain, and ,cny excess ot benefit over damage, tne -a;.t com missioners shall allow and a-s;gn to the said State Hoard ol laiucatnai iu land, particulars ile-i r,b;ng the same. That the -aid commission ers shall report In wilting under their hands to shall confirm the the Court, w Inch J canal m the county of Hladen. sub-,-ame un less 'ood si 1 1 n: i DiT the word Hladen for the cause be shown to the contrary, and upon the confirmation of the said report, the same shall be recorded in the Kegister'- i.ftiee of said county, and the title '..the.-aul lands thus condemned shall be vested in the State Hoard ol balnea tion. Tli at iitlier part shall h.u Uie right of appeal l:cm t he older of the L lei k ot ot aid eoun" u; That iinmrdiaicl r ( iv: 'HI alt. 11 g ate the ol said (! .ii . Hoara right lauds of t he m issa of the shall ot lm ' i-r u ; an.i said beg. I 'Mil i i u .lid . Ulel i, Sii : have i i ( ' .1. . e e, ill ,i change t lie r. to pre- cr : ! .e ' i shall be const ilia afore-. i mi ami 1 i eut .i iliree s : a ' t 'I. -h anl ii:.l tlleN -d.i 1 all lleee: vrv i and n. lie in dr.r.v fur II ii i 'I! I I SFi it (true; e er afiires a oad ( ha:; ': d )e:. 1. Ti.. ee. 1 K.iiil niie eon : rue teell K river, tin eon letr. load in ; ti "I .ii i c:i e sha! i hii.ii iMi;t. const I'll Ml 111' . Ill and r.isquutaiik. beginning on the east side of the main road called he-'l p Hiver Uoad." in Perqni inaiis county, at the corner o John 1). Parker's fence, and running thence to Richardson's corner, 111 Pasquotank county. Said convict lorcc shall be kept steadily at work until said road is completed, and atter its completion shall be trans leiied and assigned to the canal from I'road creek to Alligator river, and theic kept at work until s.ial canal is completed: and after said transfer to the said canal the said loree of one hundred and fifty convicts shall be kept up until the completion of the said canal. Sec. 1'. That the residue of the oonvicr force granted and allotted to 'he State Hoard of Kducation by ehapter s.veiitv of the Iawh oi eighteen hundred and eighty live, 'tion. as amended by this act. after de dueling the aforesaid force of one hundred ami fifty convicts assigned to 1 he construction of the aforesaid canal and road, shall be assigned to and immediately set at work on he following other works of inter nal improvements 111 Kasteru North Carolina, in the following order: I . I pon the road 111 Carteret county known ns the Carteret County Turnpike, running through the lands ol the State Hoard of Kducation in s,.:d county of Car teiet. known as the Open Ground l'ra.iie, and connecting the county ot said county of .11 teret, the town of Keautoit, with Merrimon :. w n-lup. The said turnpike road ;s io 1 1, 1 i .111 j dot and made suita li'e loi tra el from the head of the Noi'h in it road to the end ol said ; u i n pi ke road on Adams eicek 111 s.i d county; and the said 11 s due ol -aid convict force is be steadi ' kep' at woik until said tuinpike load is completed and made suita ble loi travel as aloiesaid at any si a vie n ol the vear. I he uml con- foieesh.ill cut a.ongthe t-ldes ol aid rortd such ditches as may be nece-.-.iry to keep the same well dl .lined ,i!ld in good condition. J . That after the completion ot said turnpike load in Carteret county, the said residue of said convict force shall be transferred immediately to Onslow county and assigned to the construction of a road leading through the public lands, beginning at A. .1. MurriU's, on the W ilmington and New Berne road, running thence to Hatch's Fork, on the said Wilmington and New Berne road. That the said road shall be cut in the manner de scribed and required by chapter iL'tJ-i) two hundred and sixty-eight of the laws of eighteen hnndred and eighty-three. Tne said con vict force shall be kept steadily at work until said road is completed. .! . That after the completion of the said Onslo comity road twenty -live of said convicts wo as signed to work on said Onslow county ioad shall be transferred to the conntv of Lenotr, to grade the public highway leading from the loot of Queen street, m the town of Kinston, Ienoir county, to the iron bridge across Neuse river: Pro riilnl, That the said county of Lenoir furnish quarters for said twenty live convicts and transpor tation of said convicts from said county of Onslow to Kinston, Lenoir county. Alter the comple tion of said road the said twenty live convicts shall be transferred to the county of Titt immediately, to construct the Grindle creek canal, in said county of Pitt, of such depth anil width as shall secure the drain age of Grindle creek, in said county, beginning at a pnblic road crossing Grindle swamp at a point known as the Kmily Daniel cross ing, and running thence with the various courses of said creek a northwesterly direction to the pub lic road crossing the said swamp at or near the town of Hethel. in 1'itt county. Thai all the provisions of section - subsection of this Act shall apply to said canal in l'itt county, substituting the word l'itt for the word Hyde in said section S. t The w hole ol the said con vict force assigned to Onslow county as aforesaid with the excep tion of the twenty-lire assigned to Lenoir county by sub section three of this section, shall be immediate ly transferred to l'ender county, and assigned to the construction and completion of the following roads leading through the public lands m said county: One begin ning at ('room's Hridge, on the North Kast Kiver, running through Angola Hay to the Ihiplin Koad; the other beginning on aforesaid road alsHit one and a half miles from ('room's Hridge and following the line surveyed and marked through .-aid Hay. The said cou vict force shall be kept steadily at woik until said road is completed. .". . That atter the completion of said roads in l'ender county, the said convict force shall be immedi ately transferred and assigned to the construction ol a canal in Hla den county, leading through the public lands lrom some point on l'.lack Kiver. :n said counts', to be designated by the said engineer, to and up oily swamp, to the head of said swamp in said county. That ii any part ot said canal shall drain the land- ot private individ uals, all thu provisions ot section eight ol this act shad applv to said word Hyde, wheiever it occurs in said section: 1'rviuled, That the land conveyed to the said State Hoard of Kducation, shall be recon vened to said parties at any time within live e.iislVoiu ihe comple Hon of said canal on p.nnient to 1"' lr'1 ".' , u'" u sum as the said bo ud may agree to accept loi -aid oind. , , . , . ii... . .... i. . y.T after the eouiiiet;uu nf till' .t ! c. ;n l.i.uleii county the .ii'l eonviet leree I be i in ! in t-il ; .1' ( ;r,inferreil .unl as.-ineil 1 i. -! met n in el the fol !o w ; ng :i peii ei ;: n t 1 : lie 1 ,1 adMiau .-. 1 , uiiliiij,'. l.ii 1 1 ne ! ie! t en t he :,. I'ciiMin and ,1. 11. - Kims .v.unp. run- lo the head ol aid . 1V;iiiii:i;;' at the ; ( '.dial ie and e ;eiid he head of said stream eces.iry lor thorough ' , l'.e:iin;nsr a; the : :e I oh.u le and ex : head of aid :,,iy l'c necessary lor''. That ad of h. 1 1 ; 1 1 :i w.un .-. Il . 1 .Ira inni -i-et: n ei'dit .-dial I l n the county illtt the Word . llvde. hel .section, eoini'lelio!! ol Il count V. t he a; it alter tlie s ;:i Samp :rt lotce s .1 n a lia ' i i trans- I ',runs n U c o ' he ei'Ilstr;;. iMliill: 1 'n't; : n li i aecuinaw 1 ; rirv. r;;tm;;m iiit. and :on ot the i ' at some 'er, near ; hence a Southerly course and connecting with Calabash Eiver. That all the provisions of section S and sub section five of this Act shall apply to said canal in Brunswick county, substituting the word Brunswick for the word Hyde, wherever it may occnr in said sections. s). That after the construction of the canal aforesaid the said con vict force shall be transferred and assigned to the construction of a canal connect:ng Elizabeth Kiver and Kockwood Folly Sound, in Brunswick county, which canal is 'provided for bv chapter '28" of the Kaws of I8H0. Sk l.'-f. That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. Skc. 14 That this Act shall be in forco from and after its ratifica- Aurora Items. i his is a hard section on doctors 1 so healthy Another accession to our school. ,t .cm come , ! "Ole hat man" has just received 1 a new lot 01 goous. Mr. Harrison Roberts and wife ( are quite sick. Hope they will soon oc up. A schooner at wharf loading rice 1 for Chaileston. She brought salt , for "Cheap John." Our farmers suem to be full of ' new life and vim, bnving ne-plows, mules, horses, etc. m, ii,ioipo io 1 ready for the paint. Aud the Parson is ready for an X. Mrs. Margaret Koberson bought Dr. W. II. Peterson's dell ing and will probably move to An i ora. Mr. Martin, of Norfolk, in town. Mr. .Josephns Tripp, mayor of Kob ersonville, is in town visiting Prof. Bonner. Mr. T. W. May hew is up to Raleigh looking after cur new county. -Mr. .M . is a promising voiine hiwver and lias manv lriends In this section. - Pamlico Items. Farm work U vioeTOaeina verv lowlr . Mr. R. S. Daniels of the State Citron- iclc is among ua quite often. Mr. S. B. Lane and a part of his fam- . Hy are on a Tisit to Wayne county. I The saw mill at this place haa ben idle for five or six months and there is ' no indication of a start. The nefrro seems bunt on obtaining a 1 little dook larnin. ocnool u now going on with them near this place. A Bible class haa been organized near Pamlico. The members have resolved to meet at 3 o'clock p. m. every Sun day. It is reported that another couple who t live in this vicinity will soon be ready j to join hands for the remainder of their 1 lives. Mrs. Mary Whitehurst returned from her Bell's Ferry visit a few weeks ago, where she spent about a year. Wonder how Robert is getting along? Rev. Mr. Becton, our pastor for the year, gave ns an extra sermon on Fri day night of last week. The commu nity is very much pleased with him. Mr. Ambrose Jones, keeper of the Neuse river lighthouse, assisted by others, killed, a few days ago, a seal weighing about one hundred pounds. The animal was captnred at the house. Miaees Pauline and Mary Whitehurst have decided to try their luck farming this season. Would not some of our many timber-getters b acting wisely if they too were to try the same busi ness' Mr. Nelson Jenson continues to be lame from the effects of a nail which passed through his foot some weeks ago. Misfortune did not come singly with him, from the fact that he lost bis horse soon after he stepped on the nail. Stonewall Items. Wm. Potter, sr., is supplying the de mand for horses and mules in Pimlico. His stock is at Bay boro. John Flowers and Miss Mollie Messic were married on last Sunday at the residence of J U. Cary. on Spring creek, J. U. Cary, J. P., officiating. Schooner Marvel. Shaw master, with a load of lumber from A. H. Whit oomb's mill, for Philadelphia, was towed out to better sailing water by steamer Be'.tie on Wednesday evening. On the 10th inst. an election was held in this place for the adoption or rejec tion of the stock law. There were 102 registered voters and 37 voted for adop tion and 33 against it. It is for this section lying between Trent creek and Bay river. So we are to be a stock law section. We are, and have been, a no fence section for a long while. On the 5th inst. a raft of logs were passing under the bridge in Bayboro and the tide was flowing rapidly, when the raft struck the posts of the bridge and knocked them from under the works above. The consequence was a collapsed bridge, but the damage is all repaired and travel is not discomoded at this time. The following is a correct list of the Misses who have been sent to Mr. Joe Kinscy school at La Grange; Rena, daughter of ex-Sheriff Hooker: May, daughter of Win. T. Caho; Louisa, daughter of A. H. Hamlin, and Lena, daughter of ISenj. McCotter. I learn the latter baa been sick considerable pari of the time she has been there, but is better. Perhaps it is home-sickness, it heiiuj so healthy up there, or some other cause left behind. I would ad vise Lena to not be discouraged but to apply herself to her books, and all will end well after a while. In mv itemitonsrne and n.ui iu niai nuou, aauxuivl Ol u E1B. X. Lincoln, had been sent to the same school I was incorrect, but Bhould have said that her father anticipated sending her tifn a little older. The Civil Service House Com mittee through Oen. Cox repori in favor of increasing the salary of the commissioners from $3,500 to $."i,(i"U and they are pleased to add that the "reform has come to stay." So sorry. If the present mail ser vice continues a free press will have to close up business. J t really looks from recent speeches in the Senate bv Democrats and known f aC tS I that verv numerous Republicans in , offu,e arrived in Washington ; n i manv 0f them in the war and soon after "had come to ' 1 sfav ' H thutntilni) tnr ,TI 1 1 w em il mul tlii liiormiiL.'. i lie. II lle anl. a.- leli'htt'ul it is it not. ('icely. he hurst into ! t In loiidoir of her friend. "Are von 'rom'r to take a walk?" .N'u, I think not tln morning. I am prejudiced aaiu.-t inol uin walks." Voll didn't Used to he when yniir fall .-uit wa m style, you k:i"v." And thele followed a li ! I nut li i ui; : w :". 1 1-1 1 1 1 1 i" -b I t it a lu-w . .-: iul "A lair hand : mii k:i", ;:i tliux- d.l they e t li'- Illu-t pel t'eef ei iimteri'ei t ui w a nt 111 LI I 1 "1 c. Ale Vull this : v imt ulie Shei alehl Wi !!. it yuii think it'- enimtei 1 1 :i 't ull 1 n-t t el 1 : n : t "" TilK Ti ill .tND A W 'MAN'S I'M. I K. -T'nt out niir Tongue a httie further," said a j'hysician to . i !e:n. tie iat it-lit : "a little fur ther, nia'an, it you 'lease a little I i;i ; ln-r -t ill." --WTiy. Dm tnr. ilu oil t h l nk theae is no end to a woman's : i m u'.ie " ei ied t h- t a 1 1 i:,.,!iii. DEATH IN THE "WATER. Is the Element we Drink Decimating the I'eople ? How a Universal Menice to Health May Be Disarmed. A few years ago the people in a certain section iu one of the leading cities of the state were prostrated with a malignant disease, aud upon investigation it was found that only those who used water from a famous old well were the victims. Professor S. A. Littamore. an alyst of the New York State Board of Health, upon analyzing water from this well, found it more deadly than the city sewage! 1 The tilling up of the old well i stopped the ravages of the disease. 1 Not long since the writer noticed I while some men were making au i excavation lor a large building, a (stratum of dark colored earth run- niK from near the surface to hard Pan' There it took another course 'rt,,a We','- "n The water rom this well had or years from rcceivin ue-cn laiuicu wilu me cirainings vault, the perco lations of which m.,t Hiaw - , - ..... .. .., VAIOV-VIWIt.U bUC earth: Terrible! A similar condition of things cx- ists ' every village and city where well water is used, and though the filtering which the fluids receive in Pilssdg through the earth may gi ve them a elear appearance, yet the poison and disease remaius, d'ough the water may look never so clear. It is still worse with the farmer, for the drainage from the barn a,s:yard aud the slops from the kitchen eventually find their way into the family well! The same condition of things ex ists in our large cities, whose water supplies are rivers fed by little streams that carry off the filth aud drainage from houses. This "" is eventually drunk by rich and poor alike with great evil. Some cautious people resort to i tlie filter lor purifying this water, , but even the filter does not remove this poison, for water of the most deadly character may pass through . this filter and become clear, yet the l poison disguised is there. ! TheJ wno use filters know that they must be renewed at regular periods, for even though they do not take out all the impurity, they soon become foul. Now in like manner the human kidneys act as a filter for the blood, and if they are filled np with im purities and become foal, like the filter, all the blood in the system coursing through them becomes bad for it is now a conceded fact that the kidneys are the chief means' whereby the blood is purined. These organs are filled with thon sands of hair likc tubes which drain the impurities lrom the blood, as the sewer pipes drain Impurities from oar houses. If a sower pipe breaks under the house, the eewage escapes into the earth and fills the house with poi sonous gas; so if any of the thou sand and one little hair like sewer tabes of the kidneys break down, the entire body is affected by this awful poison. It is a scientific fact that the kid neys have few nerves ot sensation; and. consequently, disease may ex ist in these organs lor a long time and not be suspected by the indi vidual. It is impossible to filter or take the death ont of the blood when the least derangement exists in these organs, and if the blood is not filtered then the uric acid, or kidney poison, removable only by Warner's safe enre, accumulates in the system and attacks any organ, producing nine out often ailments, jast aa sewer gas and bad drainage produce so many fatal disorders. Kidney disease may be known to exist if there is any marked depart ure from ordinary health without apparent known cause, and it should be understood by all that the greatest peril exists, and is intensified, if there is the least neglect to treat it promptly with that great specific, Warner's safe cure, a remedy that has received the highest recognition by scientific men who have thoroughly investi gated the character of kidney de rangements. They may not tell us that the cause of so many diseases in this organ is the impure water or any other one thing, but this poisonous water with its impurities coursing constantly through these delicate organs undoubtedly does produce much of the decay and disease which eventually terminate in the fatal liright's disease, for this dis ease, alike among the drinkrng men, prohibitionists, the tobacco slave, the laborer, the merchant and the tramr, works terrible devas tation every year. It is well known that the liver which is so easily thrown out of gear'' as they say, very readily dis turbs the action of 'the kidneys. That organ when deranged, imme diately announces the fact by sallow skin, constipated bowels, coated headaches, but the kidney when diseased, struggles on for a long time, and the fact of its disease can only be discovered by the aid ot the microscope or by the physician who is skillful enough to trace the most indirect e fleets in the system to the derangement ol these organs, as the prime cause. The public is learniug much on this subject and when it comes to understand that the kidneys are the real health regulators, as they are the real blood purifiers of the system, they will escape au indefinite amount of n n n ecesfir v I on fVe r i n cr unil ;ol 1 1 I ti at 1 1 of 1 1 1 a and happiness to their lot. Onions inhaled cause .-deep. Ie-t and repose. The soldier on hi inarch and the eshau.-ted Jion Woi ker ret l'eat strength from eating the onion. Tie a froh onion around the in-ek and linii-e it to make it- odor thorough, and you -eelire -ound -Ieep linin it- night lv inhalation. I Tiif V.i or Wild. 'icinrs BuVS. A vuti'iaii Main srhuu toaeher l ciueliil u-i s a iliuul in w liii'h Le Lad seven wild, virion liu. vhoe aim in life seemed t lie to tonnellt the teacher, , teacher recently visited tin prison, in Thuinatiiii. and three ul those lmys there, others a;-,- in the letui'iii sclnj This State ti uind Foin Tlarvelom. N ash-II. i.e. Tenn.. Nov. s. Is-r i 'ne of my custonitrj. 5Ir-. L. Wil liams, has been using B. B. B. a short time and reported to me that it? eltects were simply marvelous, and that it far surpasses all other blood remedies she had used, and that she could heartily Banction anything said in its fayor. as it had given her more relief than any thing f-he had ever used before. YV. H. Owen. Druggist. Sold in New Berne by R. N. Duffy and E. H. Meadows. Notice. Messrs. E. II. & J. A. Meadows are authorized to make contracts for us on Early Garden Peas. Those desiring to plant for us will call on them for further particulars. jan22dtfwlt MOORE & URADY. BUILDING AND PAIRING Solicited Mason. by rirst-claKs Carpenter and DELAMAR BROS. . Ncwbern or Kinston, N. C. Uec9 owtf OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY RE-OPENED. Tlie Old Dominion Steamship Com pany's Old and Pnvorlte Water Route, via Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal. TRI-WEFKLY LINE FOR Norfolk, Baltimore, New York, Phila delphia, Boston. Provldtnc , And all points, North, East and West. o,?11,-.''"'1 Rfter TUfcHDAY, FEBRUARY 2M, 18S7. nothe, the aauAr" Steamers New Berne and Pamlico will sail from NORFOLK, Va everv MOV DAY, WEDNESDAY .,i' vT, iTaI-5.. S,v A.M.. for NEW HHKNE, via Washington, making close connection with the Steamer' of the N. I. k m. U. to , for Kmston Trln ton inn all other landings on the Nense and Jrent Kiver. Ketiiriiine. will sali from NEW BERNE DA at 1 a KL E. M.. for NORFOLK direct, mating com eotloa with the O. U f. S. Oo ' tor New York, B. s. P. co.'s steamers for ealtimore. Clyde Line Ships for Phil a delplUa and M A M. X. Co.'g ships for Kos ton and Providence. Our untiring efforts to plcrse our patrons, anil our almost perfect service tor the past twelve y ears, is ibe lest tuiranlee we can "fler oil Hiipm-rs at to what we will do for them In the future Order all f.MKis rare .if I . s. f. Co.. Nor folk. a Freight.. u(,i ifccivnl for s-hlpaient after 11 a rn. on silintr tlavs. PuKseimeia will rjnrt ii coort table, comfort a.) e loouis, and every .-ourit-i-v and atten tion wil. he p, ,1 tl, em ,,y nieoinc, is. F. Ii. ROBERTS, Agent MESMts. v FLPtPPER A TURNER, Agents, Norfolk. Va. A'. IT- STANFORD. (j. F. A P. Agt., New York City. KAINIT, ACID PHOSPHATE, -AND- AMMONIATED GUANO Parties desiring to purchase any of the above named goods at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, will find it to their interest to cad upon or write U GREEN, FOY & CO.. NEW BERNE, N. C- feblO wlm Thurber's Gcods a Specialty AT E. B. HACKBTJRN'S. MY GOODS ARE Fresh and Well Selected, And I propose to sell them, for the CASH, CMPtR THAN ANY STOBEinthe CUT. nW A trial will convince you. Broad St., between Hancock and Middle, tebi dwtf "MOORE COUNTY GRIT" Tte bant MUtitoa in th WnrlH for Tmhlo lHo.l Samprea of mul aeol om application. 8nd for price on 1 'or table Corn Mills, Upper a&d Undr Banner and Mill stones. We are agenta for Encines, Boilers, Saw MUU, Cotton Gin, FUnera, Shahing, PqIIoti, e., alto for Roller-mill Outfit which saT50to7&cQti for the miller in every barrel of floor be makes. Writ itatinp what yon want and Hnurra wiah to bar on. r,ive reference. Addrew, North Carolina Mill 1UUC lUtj 5 VW., 1 . V B00KST0EE. J. L. HARTSFIELD KINSTON, N. C, DEALER IN BOOKS and STATIONERY School Books and School Supplies a specialty. Oonfeotlonerle, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Toys., Glassware, urockery, fishing Tackle, Etc. ne door south of Loftin's Bank. Very truly. J L. HARTSFIELD. Notice of Mortgage Sale of Land. By virtue of the judgment in the case of R. H. Rountree vs. John W. Rhem and wife, Inez Rhem, Qeorgianna west ana ti. t. West, pending in the Superior Court of the county of Craven, ODtainea at rail lerm of said court, 1886, I will sell, aa commissioner of said court, for cash, at Dover station, on the A. & N. C. R. in said county, on the liith day of March, (Saturday) 1887, the lands mentioned in tbe complaint and mortgage in said case, being tlie lands formerly owned by Geo. W. West, lying in the county of Craven, adioin ing the lands of G. A. Richardson, John R use. dee'd. heirs, the Jackson Kent lands. Edward Hill and others, lying in. on and near by Mosely creek, a part of which lands is now occupied by Geo. W. West and John VV. Rhem, contain ing 1200 acres, more or less. Sale to foreclose mortgage, A J. LOFTIN. Feb. 1, ls7. Commissioner. Pure Lime. We own the only Lime Kiln in this city, and offer Pure Commercial Lime for salt-, free of sand. g.VOO to S6.00 per ton. packed. W. P. BURRUS & CO., Commii-"n Merch'ta and Grain Dealers, Market Dock, dw NEW BERNE. N. C. REAL ESTATE AGENCY W. K. Boyd. Iit-a.g ; n coi Tegpoiuieiic w! :h gereraliar ' i Xnriii who ilesire to make investments . f. i r r: . .--a' . iL:a ica.ity. i c-rsons linv- a t arm a:.-J Ie: fea.'e w-uuid do li sorij tiop . with prloe Ki'.e me .urr- li.hJ-.- ..' a .i.r :i- not Ift- ruudt rate- v. hi ii iaies are tuaiie led W. Ii. BOYD, South Front Street, ia eos: "f Liaston House. EDUCATE! JEDUCATE ! What Better Can Be Done For The Children? AURORA ACADEMY, VUKOKA, '. C. The Kali session wlii ciope Keb. 4. lv!T. SpiUiK session mill open Ke'j. 7 and c1ob Ji 1 u.l ;,)!! fii.73 to SI and boanl 536 tm per nr. n u ' i . l'up:isnre charged from c.rae f entrance u L-iid i . f tessioii. No deduction except in nss -f protracted lliress of two wfeia or in r-. r or farther Information applyto rv. I . BONNER. ITiucipal. NOTICE TO Truckers, Merchants, and Others. 500 BARBELS OK GENUINE (PROOF LAST YEAR) Early Eose Seed Potatoes. FOR SALE CHEAP ! Do not buy, nor make any arrange ments before seeing Ferdinand Ulrich, NEW BERNE, S. 0 T. A. Green' Old Stand. Dr. G. L. Shackelford, Surgeon Dentist, ew I Jerne, IV. Office cm Middle street, opposite Bap tist church. dw Ask yemr retailer for tbe James Vftsng M gtjp. Caution ! Some dealers recommend lnfartor gcxKls In order to make a larger profit. TfciatatlM ori ainal $3 Shoe. Beware of k now ledge thefr own Inferiority bjr aUempdaff build upon the reputation of the original. None iacnnine unleae be.rinc tfcia BtaeBftV JAMES MEANS' sTop Ccitlcaci, nn CUC Made In Button, Cort great aal celled In Dmbilit. Ctatfbrt A w xracr, A poual ear Ron t to us will hriayycm ra- i iiumivu uuw to sec aui Shoe In any State or J.Meaaa&Co 41 Uaooln M. 'BUTTON Onr celebrated factory produces a larger qnantlty of Shoes of this grade than any other factory tn tba world. Thousands who wear them will tell you th ?.a?viyt.5ro9.ask.thein- JAMKs IHKaVs' k-f Full line of the above ehoea for u) in New Berne by HOWAED & JONES. lanSOdwom Wanted, SAW LOGS of Pine, Ash, Cypress, etc. also RAIL. ROAD CROS8 TIES of -White Oak, Rock Oak Chestnut Oak). Also a few Heart Cypress. Apply to A. H. WHITCOMB. Stonewall. H. O, 8. RADCUFF A CO.. Kew Berne, N. C. Or call on or address Messrs. HAGY BL.YE, Lumber Com. Merchants, 205 Walnut Place. Janlgdlm Phlladelphis . Penna. Take Notico ! Our store is filled with Provisions, Grocerietv, Caaned Goods, Dry Goods, Crockery, t r i I vri t "saanjuir. fwfMi. aaai a i- "ea mm - Etc. We keep a fall line of tbe : l Celebrated Prison Boots? iiifil isnoes. ALSO C. S. Parsons & Sons Boots -and Shoes. Every pair warranted to gire satia- . faction. Country merchants and the people -generally are requested to call and ex- ' amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will give yon low fig uraa. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front st.. New Bern, N. O ' IBLEY TESTED vegetable, Flower, Field st Plants. Bulbs Implem'is. CS r f bt mall oa kDDUcatlon. r rv E. Cm Don't neglect witUny tortt, HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHICAGO, ILL. 823-326 X. lUia SV, U-UI.QukM. SEEDSIJEEDS! Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Grain and Potatoes, Garden and Flower Seeds, Vegetable & Flowering Kan Is. Prices quoted on application. Dir.riptive Catalogue mailed ir: i Correspondence Solicited. T.W.W00D&S0K SEEDSMEN, NO. 10 S. FOURTEENTH CT. Kentioa this paper. RICH.tlo.M. vi. E, tt. HODGES, MANUFACTURER OF Carts, Wagons, Wheels, And Wheel Stocks, Axles, &o. Repairing done on short notice. AVork guaranteed, and prices lower for the same work than can be obtained elsewhere. A liberal discount offered to the trade. GIVE Mk A Till Ali. Queen btnet, Kinston ,N. U. NEAR NUNN'S HOTEL. eepO w6m J. J. TOLSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice Groceries and Provisions, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes BROAD STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C, fciT Goods guaranted as represtBted. ocl9 d8t wtf DRTjT D. CLARK DENTIST, NEW1KR1. C. Office on Urr.ven itrtet, bVwii Pollock i and Broad Dr7-ldAwlyy T. M. SIMMONS. CLEMENT KULT. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In the Courta or Craven, Jod Onalow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde and in the Federal Court at New Tern. febfciAwLy oktT:. for oar new TMGtl EEDli

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