IHIftlf" i X I ) K lr K X O K NT!1 1 1ST LL rrHIX( Terms $2. OO 3Er"x- Vanr. Prprrlor. H III XT.W IJKIiXK. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. ( 1 KHIU ARY 2 1 188 VOL. IX. NO 47. r 0ETT1NGER BROS., Kinston, 5S5. C, ABE READY WITH A LARGE STOCK OF FARMERS SUPPLIES A General Which they propose to sell For Cash or on Time, A 1 Reasonable Prit'os. j. w.: STEWART I1EADQUARTEHS FOR Mules, Horses and Buggies, A Cargo of Fine Horses and Mules uist re ceiled. The Ist KugT on. Hie .Market tui tin- inom y. BorM inl Vehicle.- U lure at reasonable r.t: niirlad-Street, New Berne, N. C. jn6 w'.'m. i :' . . . . DAIL BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers, MAVT. UKJIOVKD TO THEIK. TWO STORES, SOUTH OF ab4 ksp or rLont. nr.ATs. MOLJCS9KS. SALT. TOBACCO, r7tM la thr (IBOCKHV U flUCES far CASH MEXICAN WAR SURYlYOftSwi.;1:- not rraaWMk Law. ppijuoo mi- nji tuU ItHmuUM. PniT v--nr n: . rfrt ncf. intr -t n- M. aciLUHttX. J-. Atiormr t-l - F.Ot Vlltlacvui. V. V. :'. d 1 -i. a DTVTHCK1 bf kianHam cKO. P. A MtWlU. CD., 10 tprti- st . InuUo sboat ur proewm-il lin a A. IIP UWUIIiliUW- $ tftf?TB'rf ri 5$1. iMjif-ll pru.T ' ' - LAM U naM to r up T lut" for -o emtm TMad ciTw A "t a -asr'n arU HnHW fTou ma procure, so a. l for llhMn(triimu4rtomt.W. ' l ttua il I iMiwi"! wui Moa IH -.i- pomk a ctKuca T-k. .v.lr Sil'L rt st .. n i fJtjl r-v For elwAnf fft I.V t-l'Tl H. CI . ---r - Far a ,-h-r.- IJt VVl pTTTW '.!- klT-illwnrMi ilinili. tmu.' oi U Mtln .vuwin - W cT T'. : ' Umtiu iMnU V-' .--a: i:.. a. l.iM llrvJ.Ka t ,"ff. f r-.i-.mri-. w t 4rtyci(-U.IJmon pitfi.iv n-mvcT it' 4 --r- or r:v M;i : . m Ruoui, nt yrV. .-.vmn:av IMIIlm AUJ-rJ. w.-.a - ev A'v tod cbek.sor tn.l V -r.:i - r f mmaym. Ulirfi K'l I'i-l '' -rr" K. R. JONES, Wholeio and Rti '. Tv-ii- .- CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Ge coral Mr rc'i-u us . n AtJOls (J v m . 1 1: it Conwg-u Olio's of Cr other Prodnc be ne.i - - : . a :. 1 l'rompl Attention . 1 1 iru n t d N. W. Cor. Sniwh Kroct sr. t '. 'KW BKIO'E. N I 1TRNLJ I KK Parl Saits, Chant-:: Sctr, Walnut Bedsteads Sf.ftre., t hair,, I-oanre, Sulfa, litre Tiit.h - It - AT IKX.lv BOTTOM l'l'-lt I S JOHN SUTir.. m j : ,-tw. s.w':-- - GASTON HOl'SK. NEW BKItC. N t . 9: B. STUKKT . -?i:.. i ':- ;. r.et.-r Ts On OmDltci vo . v-:J niMmfn 1 Arrnt n' . r-. n. : -r mim.1 irmvlrs. TH BAR ni B1L1.UK I) Itnnl I tfOtly bn r'a.--. cti -: w i h -:-. j ' ' v - ! IHai, nil 1 1 THEIR FORMER STAND, cofkf.i:. m oak, svhitk SXt'F F AND (TtiAitS, au I. INF, . H I v ; v ( K and m a'JW- GEORGE ALLEN & GO. PEAI.F.IiS IN General Hardware A trricult urnl I mi i I i m p n I " rlnn, llnrrnnt, I u 1 1 1 at nr, Wo 1 - Mowers .mil Kcapors, SUnuii Cncii.es. Cotton liins anil I'ri'.HM'n, 1 1 II in- ri. I an til 1 Li.-tor, Ivan.it I eel. anlcj. Tnnl. mid lUnlwnre, l.imo Itrick I 'ineiit, I"lait"r Huir, 1'iUiit, K 1 o n 1 1 1 1 ,-, Vnr ni.li. ! Ola.-, I'utt v iiiul Mitir. Krffieri., trfrt(fcrtr. Oil '( imiU Stoves, Krlrekn Biirgd.ir l'ron I' S;x-li lol w.rriinlcil to Sflvp -curltj and .kt i f.. I i on . run i s vi:i:v 1 ov , O I ( AL! I. N A ( i. MA RBLE WO R KS, : iv Monuments Toiubs- ' ITALIANiAMERICAN MARBLE r '. - r s . . , r a . v pr c . ; eat is fa -1 1 . :: g c .r t : JOE K. WILLI.-. Piaijiiicc; ':'. Mt LOOK HERE! it ' ' l r. 1 1 . 1 . 1 l.K , ; , a ; pp, yS ; a ciiAv:.;-:: ; a- p.. v - 1 IN! i' c ; ; i - ; i- ii(v , A : L. II. ( 1 I I.IK - or, n i l : i . I : N I . n . ( A CVLLUD PARMOV rWlubU'.: Ifi.v-i:a0;t r-. in ho", an far t.,-via;. . I .1. !) I iU ; I. r- : .'. l-Trr I T I. lit 1 htn t' i v FV same n will b"rv h"rt st.d it-1 here aui J.' h i . L' il hV, ( w av do in a am L u - count f r d world . r de nt i . i -;- r ! 1 dat w . -' a ! i ! . : n in i A ir .-t-i'fry euuii i ,!"ro:iiin ti' K'"t 'ipj,1''1'' l'! . . . -. r . , . ,., taki'nap '' ' ''" '"' "K' " " l- k- . i -:s-.u I- , i ;.; ::- r.;- v , n i, i j, ,-r.-H the '"wau-rrrt -i'.'-!t! '? i'.-yl..id i.. k .-.- -i k .j. . fa. ' as fiVcoiif! !'. ii . .Hi - !. ilt -U-y 'al t r !ive -W''"'.'r-dtd III dcir WHll :. t , ! v-n -iui.--l 1 -'t . : : . i ;--d i- i.-i. t il . . r ..- Kurd .n . a,ce h .1 r 1 i.-n. :it-...i ml i.v. '" 1::,,I,;:,"1lh:;;; " " i. t-ry d.ty .n,r,.;in..., ,w. ,:.- ; -:.-ir raiit.s fr.-. :. :.rrii.iYUv'U'd; 1. 111 1 -i ; 11: ; , i'l 0 I r. .- N u s.l kn-)- 't'-ul d -la -:. w ii. - i.h : u: I -1 .-l i- is- r-i-t y 11 " 1 ' i n -a; -11 a- m --nn -i a Ki n ana 1 1 . n. ..; 1 ,1. etit -u !.. l i-.r : . -1 . . .. - .: . - . , . r I,.- te :. . , . . ;;-a... .... 1 : r la -i.ifN. : 1. :-i d- o v 1 u. 1-. 1 I il ! -I 1, 1 1 I. t'l I.- ;.- I '. :...-. a n.-i I - . . : . v. a . . . : n .i . i :. a P. : , - : r : 1 - 1 c a r t.fc.- i- .in time Ua ; l.i if tla er. -p. I. da 1- d-. ".I ke. p il ; - u r - u . -. ir : n n . ..11 u- r .- . r iu can pay r a- p a pa - ft i 1. an a ir. 1 ib -ie rows. A n lu-n it- t; 1 n n in - h.it you owe Hut it vou -luit a w. -rk 111' I'l-bcry liuif 1 e sun it hoi. 1 S.-.r r i if 'si w me t t leg you 9 0t i.-it-.ry- Wu-bia-r ti- y . s a -Ira.n ;. i . sure an 1 drive u ihrouah. - An don't hi nurtiu kup v..u. but lo .hat y oil s k w ine I - d- . .".i U 1' Uu Kw.no to . h.m com.n ' out do muil end ob de horu. . - i , . . ' 'U7-VftM'ii n U'nl" " ' 11 s.-ut Williams w,ii 'bhN-a v. bv de rai.sin o". a tune. i sc.. uruii.' j d-.n- i. s t-iut to pahs 'round,. a. mt , .vn dunlin Jjiisu iii...) uuo, when it cornea to dat. qtatt. vtwq SlAltJItWS ...eaoed from Our H, tiling. Charlotte C'-r-onc..- The interest in the atternoon meetings seems to deenand wuieti rather than de- crease. A tidal wave of religious , interest scorns to be passing over i- . . our communis , l ew are, care ess t 1 .i .1 .jue.-tion. Winston ': n-;, . The revenue col , lections a: the "tnston branch office duraip the month of January aiuouiia-t to .Yj,a'' '.i'. W. S. Moore. Itf rch mt of Gre.-n.-boro, has sb.j-peii north tlia- far this sex-oii ' -. o"i rabb.t n-.- A clorio-.'.s revival ot rebpion is .r.-oT-.r ,,.i wi :h. t V. C'nnreh at LVnUvd:,- Over Toia-rsons have irifes.i d re'.iir.on w.th the interest spread;.:.- and aitensi.M.ip. Wasianptot, r(i.;.,x: w,- learn that a peutleman from hiItimorev who is interested ai steamboat btnldinp. visited the new steamer oust week, au.l al.er attiorotipti inspection pronounced her a Uaiu t.ail v.-.-sel and a creiiit t" North Carolina slap builders. The rati- roa.i from Jame.-vtlie to Plymouth u still much talked about. The survey has been made and levels . . . .. .. - .... i ,..-.eu l """ '"l soon bepin in earnest. C, ree:i.'.!e .-.'a n-iiir . i i.a la: m- t-rs are not :n v.-.-1 ; u p tn ;a b . ii fer- 17.-I A pond slpll. i I; in c: ae has i 1 a In ard a few -a t!:e w.ai'd i.ke to p... Str.aipe ; -av the news h.s j.ist : eaciied ti-.t" t tie ser ions in isfor: uue na i.ap: , t.e.i :.. Mr. Geo. Heli'liiT. ..; O a.-; . -ow p. a lew weeks if.'"- 'i--- ar.y a.i . i.- o. ar.y a.i . i..- t! p. h . - - - - -' ' v ::.:,'- ...a-, we ' i-"'ar ; .- a tanner !.-- 1 -u"o M;. i., a ; ,s a tanner "l i on. -t ' r - n I 1 lir- rv ..- w e. s - : ci.ati. 'a . .- ap cloth. Ttil! and ainna,.' a full lolr'i' ..tan.- at; d n a-orders - ao-ad. Tin- lac S"I;" : ' : iotee ot hand.- 1 .a- ;. n tH.r.ay .-but t.ine hereto;.. re Illetl- .abct.d one depart 1 :'' : 'r f,lC -l Stile,,- two a-.ir old sou ot - ne a. a dentally am- : a. ie one ot.-ie ie!' n .:,d on 1 ia. lay nai-on proinp.iy ren a .-- ay tu.-.i.cal a.s.-ist- .p". Loni epheiis, w in. a 1 ; . ; au'o had las lious e de-troyed by .-'. Loss es-; f - Inir- I':..- : eopie o 1 ! -be'. Kelt es- 'ii.- s.iiden and : Dr. D ir. V. y. He d'.edoTi a' 1 io i 'clock, a. a patu ai 'he ;.l , e ., Uat ' ei s ol v . tike!;. lie :. .:.ial:.n to an u.i-in .et ot a ;.-; a n - ,: ---.a.d most - ,.:.". -t a; '. '. ard. ot 'a,.- c- 'i'.t ; w a- ' a. ;i w ; nanciise , ;roas . It i ;,ti. ;.i;iii!, .ii. .1 ''Hiked .,,?. . ... ., ..',, i 1 1, ,,, hV- from a.- The hog was a 1 H. WYanaigt.'ti .Ma mat:, a wuil Know u ..:. '-: u a mitu':i'!i, .I.e.: .it hi- le-ait-n. on outh I'ac.i -!-!: Siiml u ni .in l-li year id ins apt', Hp bud boon ick for many months :t!i -in-inn-tio:). Sevi-ia! i.er- soti binp in tin- e.i.-'ern part of the .".ty report that their eowa have been poiMiiied by eatnip leave- of n"li "r.tnpe euttmps winch have been haalfd out beyond the city limits by the tree- eirt. Tlie -iirv,- ui the Atlant ;e ( 'oat Line, rem Sumter to AUiTllsta. lias com- nieiiced. The eiipujeennp corps, with Col. rieiniiip (iardnei a-chief, itarted out a lew days a.-.c The roai! ill be fonipletfd its about one yeir. Ua,:,,, -Stark S.uipsoii. colored, who w,t lound pub'v ni iiiunlrr in tin' bwciis iMsc, , ,' ,, .t..,.,..i r., ,i ,u Th., Cioveriior will eommute the sen - tence to imprisonment for a term :;. :!..- peiiitt-ntl .r Mi. K. Col i.er: iece;v. d a teleprain Horn his .-on, Saiiaie; 11. Coloert. oi Vn.. -on. .innounc;i,p i.e dea" b ot ins l:;;,e .-on. .! 1 m m !-. a bo ot at-oiit lane .-ars. Tuesday Hon. I',. W . Waters is at lioii.e. h.tv: tip been e h. re l' tic-dea'ii ot j,:-i;t;le , ni.d. He ha- the - mpathy of the entile comuniiHU ()u: propies- -.ve friend- oi tlie .laniesv :ile .V V. .i.-hiii'ot. Ibclr.'.oi i, i ,. j,.. -a p . aced ;..- e i e- in-.-. -r ! ai : 1 1 11 a 111 be r. oil ro ,. Ib-cell'i near i.f.-env:: . lr. . Matter ;tiai'ehid the nii-lor; ime to I.b.l Ifoin h - w.ic.i:,. and i-aiip'fi' hi- head ln-t ecu : lie wapon and tieel. -Jopl'inp- the wheel. Help bemp lie.ll l.e w a- ex'nca'ed w.liiout serious bait. A colored man uamed lbll ltolitiel'. who w.is imitv mp a liphter load of shaiple.-1 hroiiph tl,'t. lock above Tailtepo. is supposed, to have fallen ovet board and drowned. Charlotte f,r..,., ,'. . eu- a.,- broueht to the citv ve.-tnd.iv of of the death, in M al'lard creek fi'cvn- shin, of Mrs. .lohn Wvlie. Mr. ,jack Anderson, an aped citi.-'eii oi this count v. died at las home near Matthews station la-t riaturdH ot pueumoiaa. -Mi .Z-buion Morn.-, a gentleman who was well know n throughout th..- count . died at his home in Morua.p Sur t.w nship. : vesterdav moiiitnp. Mi. Moiris ' was m years of ape. M iss , ovinia Hunter, a la.lv who was well known in Chai lotte and who ;, : unu iii.ii iiniMi line, mt ii iii Grab Orchard town-hip vesterdav atter a lingering illness. As we anticpat-ed last week, t he accessions made U nearly eve: v chinch in our ,,,.,.,, lhM i'PI'i evanp-li,-; ts ae- oomph.-hing a pre.it work am -np us.-The ? stockholder.- ot tne Chlotte P ad mills held a, net- incr vtv-'ei. i and deiidcd to '"" nroceed a ii-i- a. mitii t oi rryu a .o . i....,,i. I II I I Vr .t ii lri' .it I i 1 ! 1 r tht' nauiufaciiae of ; iccor.l- , 1 ilr ;,,,a IUp 11' l ill- 'l .oia tion for the mills ha- ton ,r U en decided upon, ', :r the corpciati 1. ' a ill be within :'s oi the city. 1 he conn-Hoi :n U-: ne.-s. an '1 tK ,,,- ,;.. , ' .... .,.,, i,....,r.. summer is a.i.y capit a', stock ol t n ; n n -. The o i.Mii'. Com- pany. is, we under-t a :. o . iioo. .- V(, KaleiphAe no 1 1. ... . new arrivals were a-,- , penitentiary -a. ..an n I r I i V 1 1 1 - n HUmm,. . ,.: ,: ,; jj.-j, A; ti;,. cios. ; ;i.e ge'r vices' l.wst' S.in'ii.a at V. !. :.!.!. Street Methodist cl h ,- co'.IeC'oti : t: n -1. ; - , ;np U)f lj( "Via;.'.-' ." .aid ' at.oa't .,.., ,"' ...... -.. a . .- ,m, r '"'' some a::. T.!. t- t ' ' c- l.ecte.l Oil old sll!i-e h, ped , i nr-- La-; S.atadav i. 'I r. John Waller nai.iperot :.,. (.,k ( ' - r v M mill ii ' : 1 1 : : Can a.iin. at a pk;r n,-r -Vr,.-(- tte::. !,.- lad while , jHleep ..n ;!..- .. :t -.r ot his ' ilous1, r,, ,i i.e ndo .v .a.d fell nit ot a-botieS ::: w a- 1 m- ,-t a I werw broke'. d'.sloC.lted a H,.v i.-.--. i c a 1 I , n. o-. on'. propre.--: ::p ei w.-'... 'dr. Walker , ls .omethinp ot 'a .-o;n:. ai.biilist and ir-imentl r:-e- :n -.e.-p .an ir-ipientl r:-e- :n :. w als- about ' ;.e I -.. :n . ernor a'.-: ei d.a pa 'tie . e - rn,,r ve.-tcid.a l . a-ion .--': ll.i:i K i-i. u-cl . w 1. -' .- c-'ia. '. nuU1sl.iapn: , ; .a ':.. -prit.p :,- Leinur county :i;..'t ;or cou:". , , ; , ; ni.,,ls.l:-(.,-. t .a !..- .-ara. ' t.-rn. al.,j sentence. 1 to ten e.iis a. t :.. t.elitteiaiarv . The pad. .11 w .,- : eia uian el. . led b , 'lie -..'.'.ctol an d a .ai p.- ia:n.: e t i . .. 1 eop.c ; i:e c..;::a . 1 u. p. ca-e w eta-.b . . op.-. la. ti.e ( , .. r n. -t . w ha h tli,. reconan. cud a' :.. :. -. y c;;v ,ViWl)i..'. A -. .a,." went ...snore i a:i..'t. t .....!. , ,1,,. li, .;;-. a.-, on .:.d.i. i .l. ip. ltui ,.et . tioi: w .is maae a. rescue the e.--el la the hie s.aing ,-rews ne.a by. tea without ..v..:.. ,UV1I1 -,, p. ,. -oriia W, a-l,, l. Il.C h.irk'.ial ia- ,-;,'- ail l.-.-t. 1. . a 1 b.-rt -on . a .. 1. as b . a . b-c' .a! Second l.:.-tir-n-:.t :n : be 1 'a-.p..o Ullk Kaa-s, ;.: -be .u-.a.. caused h the tc.-inat.oti ..; l.ia.a. .uLsworth. 11c wall m.ilve e Cel. ell I -tncrr. ..e :':-!.. : then. every c, iavc lio'-v a-. ;i,;ts"and. the ; cat .. r 1 ,e season w :d bec.al and ri,e balmy weather w .11 on and the t on. pa: at . e '. we.it fer will il.-ti ibute tbi-m . ilpper tv .ili-lS Th..- ;- t !.e .- whentnt '; o.a d o : a g; . i -,. a :. : , - repi.-n.sba.g . a: w.a.;-. d a i-t be t am- general!) :...:.: tor the da.!;, bn- 1 -tc.an c. . inn .- : .nc a ::. 1 w ! :,;;t t be;. ;. a. e Lot . : at - peat a lo i -. V. e hope t l.e e w -. 1 1 eon; .:.:..- ..- ::..- new ; pc ; ..i-sc'.. 'ef '. '. a e 1 be' '. t . 1. i;.-::'.e a.d lb..:. .a a. I .'; .- ai.a .:., a 'I n,- : .: 'na' a..- i b.l lion.;... -n t -: NeW .tii otnln i: ami tin- new line of steamers from New l-lcri.e to lllizabeth City. ' The lVi.ns : ,1:: : a Central basiTOt some money ana mpetition is tin' It!.- nl trade. (robl-noi u .1- r ,un r: TJic S.ilv.i - tion Army is coming to uoUJsltoro. i-ervice.- will be held m h.onicea Jduil, w Lju ii has been rented from the Lit r-t of .Mau l: -I uder a new ariaiipetnent at (be praded M'boo!, i lit-.-malb-st childi en are required to udy altit tbrge Uours eaeb day. This will meet with the approval of all who adhere to what ,Vp eon.-ider a pood thesrv 'hat Jonpr eon lim-ment and x;eii-Ud application to .tudy for lit tie elnl dren is hnrtltil. "All study and t, t,.,i t. il-,.- .I.u-k -t dnll bov " .U1a theliLtle folks require consul ,-rably more play t ban staay. The ,irrnneemeut was found neces.sar in tlie interest of economy in short tor waut of funds to do better. e learn that a,, acc.dent occurred at one ol the big ditch iTossinps. dtirinp the rain Tfuebtlay. w h teh came u e.u resu! t in 28tilisl V. - A eountrwnan came to f&fD with his little .-on aud purchased some l""1- 'i'"1 --o"'-- hi.-ke. The 'oime; he c.iit.ed 1:1 a barn ;. 'he latter in i,.s stumach i,.r awl !e, '"'t it pot into his head bcloit v reached the cro.-sinp. andwa.. . barrel, box and man. tumbled . the,li-ch. liut for ian. K a- at.ee t ie b,, w.-uld probably l.axe dioned. a- thednii. like '"at:. a m ' '1' lu'lat the time. We : 1 u-1 t h at h.- l.-.oti c. m a: ni-d ::i ti..- ti.ir:.----. e . ape icT 1 e '' "' ' 1 "-liei 1 in o ai A! i.etiph ; he ( 1 er 11 1 . 1 1 1 people d" no' w ii to do any la.a,- tiphtmp. lbsliiatek and 'cu M"l'ke have been tryinp To induce 'he Kclch -tap to '.notea-e the arm b -olile oil liOti men. and h-npthen :!o- term ot set tee from thri e to seven e.u - . lint the derman parliament refll.-e.- to Con-idcr the subj.-ct. Tin- ieil t- 1;- dissolnrion and a 'call .-r 1 new eh-cMon. Vet in the 11. al i'lltnte 1- r.-erirded a- III- evaa'dc. Id-man k pro:'.es to 1 kl'l'llv towards Uu.-sta. and de ci a ; ua; r 1- r ranee wnieu waitmp for the vhaiice to attack the Fatherland. It is very certain 11 that the I tench armv is an ennr- u.ou one, that if has been strength u'd with the view ot having an other wre.-tle with (iermany. and the foremost French inventors 1:V' ''" -t work forging new destructive weapons, which are cal- cnlated to g:ve the Gallic armies an advantage over the Teutons. To he n 1TK armies the French to.vo . .l... .,.. almost succeeded in navigating the Indeed, in calm weather. they have lound out how to propel an aerial vessel to and from certain points though as j et they have no; been able to overcome strong wd The nex. war a, hitrope ill be a ten , :.,e one. It will a, lye a "ions; ' c " " 11 1 e ec 1 1 e in e ' w h o ppo.-e . ,i i . f.ch other ai deadly arrav. 1 :- M,a , i n n i .-.ii ,ii ,i u p' a oi .i i . , a. . . . .i . . . . ... L,v iiiigni, eiuuis una ill I' now iie'tip put tortli to k:ii tinman '"dugs when the next cotitlict takt place. Science and art have been euroHcd : n t he sei vice ol slatiphter. '-'t a- . ..-.s: no.,- una our own conn;:, w!' k.-.a. e'.-nr nt ..Pforea'ti en t a n ! em on t -. and that we w: no' -ntb-r from the operations tne ai nr. ,-- ttna will be called in'o ei.-teiice settle the bliriiinp s't-r: q::c-t . '. a I.'-- ii .' a '- -;i: tf a i: M ' -: - Wt- ;. lV. receive.', the followinp select.'. l'-''oesi-f new mn.-u i "Dream niv Ciii.dhoo. son i -i-h. ' cent- i "Happs binb." a waltz -oiip by Hol-r. w'h.ch has a prettv ir.e!o.i and vei ta-n-i;:: ti c-- : p : .. . .i.ea . On! . a eat Ap... -onr e ceo.-n : wa .1 . U al S apeii ;. w .; h tl.n-.C .11 keeo tup: pood soup f. m -in., 1 o e t . An. I desire- -omethaip. nioUplace; ceilt- t he in.-t i nine n : .. , ; piano are t he Pnlnw ' plea.se uio.-t pla ,-r-i a Amour wa.:.'. o. a .i. l'ea:. whose beau'ctiii w.il'.t- a:, -a p..,. tilar. - ."" e-n . doi p.n. -'":i:'":': -:.- by '..- . leilipe. P c U' - : a'ol ' laipaive" n Wi.fi.t-. a l'e te: e- -: i p a ten c.-n.s . Al.;. ono.ee p. . .-; - w : a idrc-s on i a: e ,.. Ce o.. -'ol,. Ma--. '. V. ; t ).;. ei !):-.-:. , ( ' - - - J : C. i;y c i i . . . i t i - li ale ; . a . ne- ; i.eui lo !' ; ii e pi e ' . n - C:....i:ih n d-.-e li ..a .co neiu ;:..- -::nj l..-.i -CU-eali.e. lea ni-.'e-s.i: a ea!::.. and ;,.-:; d. -ae :n ::. : : . .1 1. . 1 .I'. Ol.Ce . lei. - O all, .11 - w . i ! . 1 1 w ; ' a . ; ; i n a . : : e 1 t . ai :n o .ii,. i w . . : : . -! w , ; . ;.!.-.: n..ua. :. i :.': a ... t ' , a S: o:a-vai; It I IU (.IMIUI, A s 5 "! I! 1. 1 '. ecia! t tin.- J i r.v a. uaI.f:-.-!. l i.ru.'.ry '.. 7 sr.N a: f. i'dl v. in,; a r-- tin- i ra:c.pd hill" ir.tr e' raver, c rt pi.-irrs . U.- v a -f.. T:." ' : i I- U-e.1 , w h 1 .- h w : n'L-c. i, i.inni; to canals in ayi to r'dw'P ti- fees of author:.'.-- ,T .lies -ur.tv t r. i-ci:ff! -1 at -n-'h 1 -11 o t h ye-t.-riliiy i.nd p'i-J-d it- second n-ii-in. w.i- mail" 1 ' - -pcc-iil order, on tii.i-i r.-.fin:. : -x t Tih-mImv . H . -II. r k-:i.v v Ma ii r s .y. At laft nigla's tsefsion of the Hi-use. Mr broaden, rising to a uue?tion ff per?-1 nil I 1 ri v iu-ae . denounced the editor of the Wilmington '' ir for an i-dit'-rial in that paper of tie- teh m-tant. Tl'.e bill to iuco: ; -irate the WilniitiR ten. 'nsiow and Ki.-! I'urolina H. it whs rt-fernd t"th committee -n cor porationn. The il-nue. after "ime il-bate. pH-ed on its JccnLii and third readicc- tlie bill to increa.-e '! appropriation f. r the f-a;r colored n -rmal s 'Ivnai.-- fi -ni -2 dia.i t-- .. r, ,0"0 p- r annum. Th.p f .;lo-injr t i!l pn-.-f -i third read me I'o re pes I the chart- r f the ( dent al i-'i-b and t)v?ter Co 1 To charter the Saving- ar.-l ' D,-p..-i; Hank of N. C. : A at -u 1 ; h n.i iii iii y t - the a"t to nu'.hi'-i-7 1 1:-- -.te I '-o it ! - f F. iu.-Hti-m to :: -'in-'t cert on ra-nb eatciN. A rc-olut; ti i,-ki.':tr ('-i!i;'re:- to f x tei i ml to ti,.- j,.ws -if surfnien .ia! ni- iiin r- f 'Ic- I-f- --.vinx cprvia was a-ii-ptcd. The I 1.1 in r- :c i t th" drawing of jnr-.; n. c'rav.u 0, ui.ty w :t tabic il by tie- tsid.r. ; ' :.u hin-i: ini-tit. At tliis t hr r.- v. r c 1 . ' T 1 . : - - ai th" Rap'.iV la- ,1 -d- Tin- f' if - W 11. a; W.-I a nn I- ii. I r-a.i a.-.-d T- - ,i. 1 ' i n-.i ia- - i b a. .:- t- v : a- deia . T the pr;:.-i;-;d iray t I--IU-es'a re cit'.:n- -h : !" -i o rt iiii c sons : T r -f infatr.ntis I'er--s - f r. a-.o..-is of deeds. Ti'iell-ti--- aa,.n vvent i: to a .'inniit tee of t'ne whole on the revenue Tjill, and its c r.si iei iiti -ii I y sections was resume i An aineraiiceii'. t i strike out tiie-ecli t. pi a-, ii iris; f.r a merchants ' purchase tax was voted down, as w,.s also -aie to strike ' tit the pirt of a sec tion allowing -State in- r 1; ants a r- hate on d r n e-mers ' licen-etax. To eveiy ,-e.tian ameiidment- were tfere l. :ii i r. : i . 'initn-.lira-r.t was adopt, -i At 1 n cio"i; ti. . inn. utee ro-N- and r. port.-d tli a it hii considered the r.-veinie bid u- fur the tj-ah section. At I :( the Hi us-.- a ij mrned until torn i r r- -w at '. -1 a. in . SKNATF. R.ii.i i -ii i-et- The (i-iionin bills were introduced i To in .'orporate the Mutual Life Insur ance Company uf North Carolina, to establish a reformatory in connection with tlie penitentiary : to amend the charter of Wilson; to iac -r;iorate the Northeast River Drainage and Land Co.. to c-citabiirh tlie Enterprise Land Co. . to held a February term of Edge combe Superior court. The following bills passed third read ing: To amend the charter of the C. F. iV V. V. It. K.. to allow Beaufort county to ievy a special tax. Tin- bill was taken up to i-o amend the constitution as to declare clerk? of superior courts, sheritfs, registers of deeds and county trea-urers. in'diaible a i-tvi e f. r more than two -uectssive term- 1; p;.-se.! by ice thrw-nf st. r t the if-r. d ih- Hiiptirt aim i i. 'pernio , r.vVel . a!"-ala ! !.'..: -- : a i.v; a Ii of the House ha: i be t reated . that n : a ... una- - i-t-aek of til-- 1 '.llo.in i v i-ni'-iila c'en.r .i" It. io i r-'v; ie 1 r i . x.nuinalaai tl.e'-t a-. Tad-line the p- -a r ia ti.-- npp-;ra n. nt "f ni.itastr.at - in ca.-e- of vac.mev. i" i tlx -o.u-ttor's :'-. er in niaia-latihter - an ! capita! fil na-s ii.-w- th-- v stoak ; ,-A r- W tit r-1! i-L i: Mr. Ma: - at.- in i ti-.'er - t the bill : : . . i.ai. -i ii i W. :--i. r ,;t ;: t. t-,i ; r.. -e 1. I .1. 'I. -t tli .1 1 i i olll U i K- . .' Fr..-. f. a Hill, i .Me--."-. an i C. --a n -mas a- . : i..a. km i. .lit. ar an In lttee . f ilia -.1. : r- mi ::..- i i;- en -. :. - I up t w :.i.-h - -1 i ic j .... ; at. .-i. -e"t ion - : a. . : - a -o on . : . i ; . i - 3 tn-- -Uill .i.a i- -t ;-a, -.. Mi. ; : r in : ; n 1 1 r. -t ; .. in.: H-- ,.d I .C .. la ! - t - l.e rt- :i. - s''.1." aiuatioii il u-. tn.a Aia ' - ii . I: Pa: o Mi : ... w . t,i ; - -t-t'.a u.-.-i. t .-f ti.e la.w- i-roar, r a.g v..,.- UUalter ,L-!y I. ill I.t- i -ti. 1 I Vo - - ; - i --nt i - ti i t demand, d n :- ::. ti.e 'a i - ! r .r - a l ' : -1 . : -. . a . ... 1 t n t-. - a Fpeft h in defense ..- a masterly effort p- in t in tho oues- i t li. i -...it ion . and i o erou - ti-.n. 1; i.ert i-i a ia caid to Le one 1 1 tho very c'i.lo; 1 r made in tlie capitol. JudK. 1; -1 -: t a . I . till.t ti.- vinMi 1 -- ! I lie J fa r 1 ii" v ;:. : all 1 -. -,.. - cut. o defeat I 1 i a r 1; in id : md 'hit, ,.dp,A i 'hra tliere o th." clec--:-o showed ui.ty ii-cn - f can j 0- -nsi.it i' da- whole r to do a.-.Ht what ria- Fpt-i-ch bristled few perfons thought ow-1,,1, au argument, fo clear 1 nt wouiu result m tne a." committee s report. Tlie . n d ro ulc nays ' Iiirr Mr. (ir. S ted in .i v iitte-r ti.e v te v us taken, a was swrrr. in by iVesident Senntfr Claik then bade farewell to his col leagues. 1- rem all lie rect-ived the siutt tstreme courtesy and then- wj-s the greatest regrtt at the loss of -o ;.i ie a ninn. whose services in cororcittte a i--i ' n the f.eer have during all the tii hi ; State, in this IlUSe and n: -f -'sicr. been of the ercr-.trst value aunty, to his ? cti-.n and to las The pijopK- in tlie lobbie-, shared r-rtt. Many members of the heard ti.e -pct-cL t f Mr. Ciart iiv of tiirni rito l-a ie him a sad fa re wo 11 The tci! increasing the annual arpro priaticn to the State Guar 1 to .s.a.u.n yearly pas-od . 2". to 14. The lull to prolabit chik-. retisters of dce.is. slienlTs and trta-urer of couiiti. s to hi id ofbee for more td an two ttra.s unless a term has intervened, pas-ed third reading: 5 a to t '. rthcrn The bill to incorporate the N- and uthorn Railroad p d scccr.d read ire-. norsE. c. moht's se-.-1'.-.n. The House at its session last night aJopted the Senate resolution provid ing tor an adjournment cl the Legis lature March 7. xine'iir. The bill to promote the cultivation of shell ri.-h in the waters of the State passed its second and third readings. Nearly the entire session wa- devoted to the consideration of the special or der, the bill to establish a Bureau of Labor and Statistics. It appropriated SO. 000 the first year and s-1 f'O'f' subse quently, for the maintenance of the bureau. After a long debate pro and con. an amendment was adopted mak ing the appropriation S3. 000 the tirst veir and .-e lien tlie secun.i. I lie hill then pas-ed its first reading. The ' Knights ol Labor, a win be remem bered, are urging the passage of this bill. They claim to n present -10.000 mechanics, and say the passage of such a law is of vita! importance to them fkipav s ria 1 1 t a--.-Among tlie bids introduced wire the following: To prevent gamhiing. to incorporate the town of Bed's Ferry. Pitt county", to prevent the squander ing of the public school fund . to punisli false pretenses in securing the seques tration of cattle; to ailow Mayer Hahn, ex-SheriiT of Craven, to collect arrears of taxes. Tin- s ii";a. na a Was taken up as a special order, anil, the House went into consideration thereon. Mr. LTolt in the chair. The bill was considered by sections. To section 2 an amendment was offered abolishing county boards of ri'i: .c-'-c. This caused a warm debate. Many other amendments were on - red to sundry of the -'- -veil- ns of tlie till, but none f th- tn f ar. imp !".r.ra" were adopted. Th" committee rose at 1A p. m. and reported the bill as fully considered. The House passed the bill in its second and third readings. Tne House then adjourned. I important Kaiiliod 2ffov.?aic-2-.. Li-urna.e- that there v r.- .-oii.e ed: ciais of the New York. Philadelphia and C,rtoik railroad isi thi.- cny ytrtei dv,y and that a movement ol mi porta t:- e was being consulered by the tentleuit n . a Laitihiairi reporter la.-t evening vis ited t- e oilice . : Mr. K. 11. C-oKe. gen eral pasreiigt-r an i freight ag.. ia ...f the road, and asked him what war. the nature of the reported movement. Mr. Cooke in reply s.iid: "We contemplate at an early date to establish a d any through line between the Northern cities and tla se of Eastern North Caro una. ' ur railroad and the Norfolk Soutliern will t.perate jointly in tile matter and make a p t.-ioie t : ::-:gi.t that may lie shipped from New Yen; Philadelphia and other points to t a de livered by the carload, unbroken, .it Eazabeth Citv. N. C. On- will be run through to LliitiOeth City !,n.i at that point the freight will lie tran-a-rred to -tearuers for delivery at Washington. N. C N-'wberne. N C.. and p ant-on the i 'I,. .wan river. Arrangement", have or are about p. be perfected lor this movement and the matter ;ii a- in operation in a lew d .ys On .n 1 aft r the tirst of March a daily ri-h train w ;:. t-e run w h'.cii will leave tin- any in the ni-arnint: an..: reaeb N"e'. . rk ana uit.rt point.- witKiii ti.i-iity ii-iur- tr ail tne I inn- of leaving N rfol k . We wni -p.,n- no fre elfort to atTi, ignts and giv a tit - of the rd to spet d v delivery of this r , clion full North: T. : Off Haf' -as. . b : a . r n i n g w-,ntrv - i u nr. a . -nil I rt teat . tne Lie ard an i - el h. t-y 1 1 it t- r : - u: - t- fur reacn ban g pad t n : pa-: -vr.inall.v and r r -. :' 'th.- ' nai .' .' NETVS NOTE 3. The j'rcciiderit has nominated Capt. A. W. flreely. Fifth Cavalry, to be chief sifrnal officer, r. d!i tlie rank of Briga-dier-fteneral . In the 'West Virginia joint convention j Monday, the ballot for United States1 Senator stood Camden, no Maxwell,' "4: Fcatterinpr. 1 The New York strike is not ended yet. The 'longshoremen have r-eolred 1 that tliev vi- i 1 1 not return to work ei- 1 cept on their own terms Twenty-five thousand prisoners, held 1 for various olTensee in India, were released on Wednesday, in commemora tion of tho y neon's Jubilee. Frank Rivers, aged C years, a travel ing agent for Scribner's Sons, New York, died suddenly of apoplexy Tues day, at tlie Rensler House. Buffalo. TI i'resident has allowed the act making an annual appropriation of ?400. oca to provide equipments for State militia to become a law without his . signature. Prominent Democratic politicians of - Brooklyn liwe gone to Washington to r urge the President to appoint Alouzo Stoto. a prominent mugwump of that city. Minister to Austria. In New Vork Tuesday Gay W. Fos ter, who swindled country merchants by ordering goods from them and giv ing b State' cus drafts, was sentenced to : prison for six years. ' A man who says he is Harry McJIunn, j the Cleveland. Ohio, fur robber, who was forcibly rescued from th officers I at Pivenua. a few days since, was ar-j rested in Pittsburg Tuesday. In a quarrel between two brothers' named Hurt at Ilopkineville. Ky., Hill, ! a by stf.nder. irterferred in the interest ; of peace, when Charles Hurt struck him w itii a club killing him instantly. A s--rious snow blockade exists on the C ntral Pacific Railroad between Col fax and Cisco. Cal. The Overland train that left San Francisco Monday is de tained at Colfax, and i west-hound train at ( 'i.-co. The Uepub! .can restrict Convention at Providence. II. I . Tuesday, to nominate a candidate for the Congres sional vacancy caused, by the unseating of Maj ir Pierce nominated Beriah H. balon by at almost unanimous vote. Mrs. Sarah Rhoinis. was indicted in Greensville, O , Tuesday, for the murder of Alfred Blizzard, whose mu tilated remains were found in a creek lately. Mrs. Phoads was captured in t West Virginia after a long chase. In ; her valise was found Plizzard'e head. Captain V.'illiam Cottrill. of Mobile, Ala., one of the most popular owners and breeders of thoroughbred horses in the country, died at his home in that city Monday morning;. It is under stood that all his liorees and racinjj in terests have been transferred to Mr. W. LI. Williams. Dispatches received at London from ' .iiadbar state that the Sultan of Zanzi- tui Lac id used the atemand ofihelfo-1 tugese covernor of Mozambique to sur-. render certain disputed territory. Sev- i eral Portugese men -t-war have sailed i to Ttima. which thev threaton to bom- bard. There was an argument in the I'mted States Circuit Court at Pittgburg Tin sday before Judges McKennan and Aci.e-on in the case of Wm. M. Robin- sol et ai. v.-. the rtaiadeiptaa and Keaa-1 mg Kailr. ad C'cnipany et al . in equity. ; against the i- rcrt of the masters ap- p at: em p and day ted by dairee of i tober o. i?ro. 1 cm "-.it tee reore-ntmg th" 700 1 aaes ,., th.. pl.ttsviiie -Paa. iron I tr -a t OII1 pally who struck Mon- again.-i the employment of non- . . , uci or pre til an men was without las approval, and that they should be mptly discharge,!. This satisfied sink, i s and thev rt turned to work. Ti - graid jury of Rowan county. Ky.. i.a-s indicted Henry S. Logan, Moigan McCiiay and Lou Rayborn, charging them with conspiracy to kill Judge a. I. Cole. Col Z T. Young and his son. Abie W. Young, county attor- ; ney of Rowan. Jam. s A Hariis. alias Pendluui. has confessed that he was hired to i. i-t in killing tho above per son.-, ha', ing promised to secure four otla r- t . aid lam . Tii.- date t States mint at Philadel phia ha.- secured a counterfeit mo-dollar-aia'.-a half gold piece ot l-a2, for which it h as been in quest for years. A: ttie I'ni'iUJepliia Bank it was pro nounced genuine, and tlie acid test at ttie sub-treasury subsequently failed to -hnw- urivti.aig wrong The assaver at ti.e mint says s-vi-n c-uts v a contains Oltil of g and dang-. only twenty d. but is the r. us counter- est a . perlcCI ."-r ma. , Franklin . held at iln-eiai- Tribute. a a raaiilar meeting if N ... A C A: A M ir i in li. aufoit. N C. . the follow iiiii de and resolutions were re ti , t iiii- --a-ly ;i. i. ipted : Waer. as. Tlie brittle thread uf life a- he-..-n severed by order of the Crand 'aster of the Universe and our esteemed ..- W if P.arl-er has liei-n called u - m tod and labor to everlasting rest i refreshment and. Wnereas. (jar dec-used lio.ln-r was to tb end faithful to his trust, and true t ti.e tenets of the r ler. Tuer&fore, iP-solved. That in the sudden takirg away of ISrotiier Barker, Masonry has i . s t a n e x e ni p b. r '. - a ae a valued : character and this ruber, whose death , e i- i : -r-. w !.o;e absence we mourn. ,o d w i, .-e place in our hearts w ill be : . . ! : niv I v tlie rei allecaon id i 1 v nature. Us .is i w 1 1 1 . 1. u m u 1 e decre- which t-Urleling our - i ami i ly v. e :--n it-r mercy the Supreme : ii;- wi-.lom i thing- doeth and e res-alu-Brother -.- i and -lication. f frank ai -a r '-i Ci ord - tew WHAT IS IT P A Pestilence that Walks in Darkness, Destruction that Wastes at Noonday. We have published in onr col umns from time to time different advertisements in regard to B right's Disease and its cures. What is this terrible disease? We have taken the trouble to make an investigation from the best sources and we give the results to our readers. What astonishes ns ii the gen eral indifference given to kidney disorders. The kidneys do not sound the alarm of their diseased condition, owing to the fact that, they have very few nerves, hence few suspect that there is any dis- ease in them. Irritation, lnflam- ination, ulceration set in, and then the little tubes, of which the kid- neys are full, are destroyed and thrown off, and from this fact aro called tube casts. As soon S this begin8 to take toa-'f' ' nl. a pnCSUonf , llOH. fast decomposition goes on before the diseaso results fatally. If the ' proper remedies are taken before . final decomposition or wasta of these tubes commences or becomes too far advanced, that ia the only and last chance for relief. It is at this point or before that Warner's safe cure proves so beneficial, and may cure or stop the wasting away of the kidneys if it has not advanced too far. The most remarkable thing of all our investigation ig the fact that the patient with Bright's disease has no exclusive symptoms, but has the symptoms of every com- , mon disease. First he may possibly feel a dull pain in his back, generally upon one side, which does not debar him from his usual business routine. After a time he may begin to feel neuralgic pains, or have a slight at tack of what he may call rheuma tism, or headache, with high or dark colored urine, with an un pleasant sensation in its passage, and after standing showing an un natural condition. Later on, come tired feelings, loss of ambition or vigor, or loss of or failing eyesight, which is very common, with a di&-' i tressed condition of the stomach. Any one of these symptoms is lia ble to occur. Tiiis no doubt accounts forth.; proprietors ot YV arner's safe care curing so many diseases. jy regu- lating and building np the kidneys, symptoms ot general Ul-healUi dis appear. They justly aeense the , medical profession of treating the. effects and not the cause. Finally if this disorder is neglected the patient either dies of apoplexy, pneumonia, heart disease, blood poison, consumption, or any other disease that the system is most subject to. . . , It appears that Gen. Logan real izedaiurOJldLtionf 'AndnMtfetf aware that his disease was of the kidneys, and expressed himself in indignant terms at the folly of the ' ""uugu.ui iui tuouu. tism when it was the kidneys that caused his attacks." We have no doubt that very many people in this country have the same trouble as the General, but little importance is attached to this malady ty tne medical proies- SIOU because of their inability to cope with it, either in its first ap- pear an ce or advanced condition, There appears to be some one cause ,or neai1 every other ail- ui LiIC uumau sjducuj, uu uj' to the present time no one has been able to fully account for this terri- iuu.eu8e:,, m , , afa faJ,o- U1C A LI Cl 1 c vi y . II C UUUU1 OIUUU lUUV the ieoj)le of Germany have become aware of its tearful fatality, and have offered 400,000 marks (.100.000) to any one that can sat lst'actonly explain the cause. GOLDEN THOUGHTS. Spend less than you earn and you will be rich. A good way to make children tell the truth is to teU it yourself. Oh, how small a portion of earth will hold us when we are dead, who ambitiously seek after the whole world while we are living. The golden beams ot truth and the silken cords of love, twisted together, will draw men on with a sweet violence, whether they will or not. If we hope for what we are not likely to possess, we act and think in vain, and make life a greater dream and shadow than it real ly is. The deepest trust leads to the most powerlul action. It is the sileiiciug oil that makes the ma- ra,a.. ,a.ov the mofiro nmrsr wir.h greatest readiness and result. Our condition never satisfies us; tlie present is always the worst. Though Jupiter should grant his request to each, we should con- tlUlie 10 importune mm May the Lord give me such an insight into what is really good, that I may not rest contented with making Christianity a mere adden dum to niv pursuits, or with tacking as a fringe to my garments! Secretary Manning Resigns. Wa-hinctcN. D. C.. Feb. 14. Secre tary Manning, after formally resigning his position in the Cabinet, took an afternoon train for New York, intend ing to go home for rest and recupera tion and on private business. He was undecided a.- to whether he would re turn to the department, but is scarcely expected to do so. He left with the President his formal letter of resigna tion, to w hich the Presidant will reply. Assistant Secretary Fairchild assumed the duties of Secretary, and will con- . timu- a act. if Mr. Manning does not return, until Mr. Manning's successor is ii'.nimat.'d and confirmed. ce Hohenlohe for Peace. . Feb. 1 ij. Prince Hohenlohe, IN ernor of Alsace Lorraine, has issued lection manifesto, in which he say government asked the passage of -eptennate bill because it was per iod that Ceriuany would be threat i iny soon, as a part of the Fronoh i. n the tbe -tla lie. .aa ti w is longing for war, and be-a-.s France to be stronger than Oer i iiny .lsac. and Lorraine, not de ariiig wa.:. -i. ou id elect to the Reichstag aiioitorv deputies who will accept h, peace established in 1371. "Thee bii-a " Prince Hohenlohe says, "aro .-regnant with decisive issues." M V'a ' . a - a c;i 'a -c., ' ;. ' . w'lr-' . r ,- .Cr-- ' ' . .V ,: - -A" , - - ca '"' : -;ae ' ' A. I. f