:-s T ., ci ' T . .MM... 'II III1 t . ' ' . - . i.--r ' 4'n III Ml 111 . II II INDEPENDENT IN ALL THING: Term 9B.OO Jrx" 1Tmmrm U VOL. IX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, MARCH 18" NO 52 V mm i i ii ii k-. a HUT e .-ft GETTING Eli BBOS., Kinston, N. C, ATtT! BEADY WITH A LARGE STOCK OF FARMERS AM fieiieral Merchaudise, ; : Which they propose to sell Gash or on Time, - AT - v ii gone buy v. . o' OF ad lies AND r.r Misses Qt is his V p v . bring a of such things , jr Ladies wear than usually brought here. r He will return and them tell SUPPLIES - - aker North usual to lock oods! intention to Finer Stock is soon about you in this column. LIGHT IN THE FISHER MAN'S WINDOW. The niht wa.s dark and the wind u high. And tho sea was white with foam. And lonjr tho fisherman's children watched . But their father came not home. In tho window that looked out toward the sea Their mother had placed a liht. And prewcd to the window a little I .e e 1'eered anxioti-lv out in th nilit. And th" mother'- :'a K-rew pule -iie th.uht diUK-r and wre- ' and d-ato. And a the loud win In piped over!. . i Mie listened with bated breath The su pjr tab le had h 1 !u t the tea jj still n born ,- i r. m ad e . Thuujch the kettle KRvdy sar.K' name That in the old lireplare I ia , a. Put the tiaherman where wis he- i er the wave Mia biat I'.ew, homeward Lniund. And little cared ho fur the ehriekii.- winds. i r tho breakers that roared arour. ! For he 8w In his window a beacon shine. And bu heart by it- liht w-a cheered i An 1 Rayly he laughed in the teeth of the wind As his boat o er the biilo ws he s tee red . And when he had landed and hnme ! ward went. He sanx a cheery sea sonr. And to anxious ears it welcome si und By the wind wis wafted along. ; And the door of his c'.t3e wis opened i wide. i While the light on the night etreaim d out. And there he waa met by his w ife's I fond kiss . And hia children's gladsome shout j J . M . Ii . ; NEW BERNK A JII.MSTER S KIRST VISIT. : Hew ('. S. FARBiss,;a8sooi;Ue eli- tor of the Biblical Recorder, of j Raleigh, made bis first visit to New ! l'.erne one day last week ami pens the following lines about the "old j town :" In an age of lightniDg, it is not a forttunaUs thing for a town to have historic localitie-i as ita chief points of interest. Factories are better. New Berne used to be called the Athena of North Caro- j Una. Its historic associations , transcend those of all other North ) Carolina towns. Baptists see much ' poetry in its past. That is, from this distance. It was more prosaic and real to them daring those times in which the Establishment im prisoned and whipped them for preaching the gospel. We wanted to see those records, bat they are missing; theaoooant of the trial is there, bat the record of the Hogging was taken away by Mr. Hawks, the historian, and never retained. However, testimony hi not lacking. Prominent men in New Berne are ready to make affidavit that they have seen the record. Therefore, there is no one to doabt the history, except he be a jack or a man so prejudiced he cannot tarn a corner. Bat although New Berne is not today the second greatest town in the State, as it was in former days, it is today a place of some thrift and a great number of very hand some homes. This, despite the black cloud that nearly deluged it in ruin, there is a wave of prosperi ty rolling through the place. The finest court house in the State has lately been erected. A modern hotel, with water works and elec-j trie bells, is going up. A canning i factorv ts there. But nrobablv the ' crowning industry is the manufac ture of sweet gum plates and wood pulp. The founders of New Berne would open their eyes iu wide sur prise could thev look npon the establishment of the S. H. Gray man utactunng company. The cypress and sweet gum of the swamp are advanced bevond shineles and well carbinjrs. The housewife of the j North and West, now buys her small lota of butter, lard, and other ! groceries, in vessels made lrom Carolina sweet gum, while the great dailies of the Union are printed on paper made from the ! North Carolina cypress. Warner ! Miller was one of the first to see a I great' fortune in the cypress and gum. It gave nim a seat mine United States Senate. This was the writer's first visit ; to this aristocratic, town. Ot course' we made our way at once towards , the Baptist parsonage. We were , stopped on the main avenue by the appearance of the Baptist Church.) ! People of tine taste they wrre who . built that house. Ot orick, massive entrance, surmounted by a square tower with parapets, over which ' ivy cling with English picturesque-1 ness. A large church yard filled with elm., willows and evergreens , completes the picture. At the parsonage we were re ceived with ooeu arms by that apostle of love, Dr. Ihec Whitfield. The parsouage is one of the hand somest houses of the kind in the State. And tlnw who know its inmates are u be congratulated. We are not striving to be compli mentary, but desire right here to voice a sentiment that the present pastor at New Berne as perfume follow-, flowers, and that is, that Dr. "Whitfield as pastor, and Mrs. Whitfield, a-s a member, is a source )f pardonable pride to any church. Apart lrom his pastoral duties which he always faithfully per formed. Dr. Whitfield has a large foreign correspondence. As one of the Vice-Presidents of the Southern Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, he is known all over the world. Missionaries know and love him. A better informed man about our :''r:gn field does not exist in the Sou'h. except it te the much be- ved Dr. Has:! Manly, ol" the om : r, ary . While .n New Berne brother W. G. Brinson made us see much that we otherwise would not have seen. Much of our f;r.;e w.ls spent with ii:m. He has his own way ot draw- 'tifc proplr to him, aud with the writer he succeeded completely, l'here were o'h.er 1 '.a; t i.-'s there that we mf and cf whom we would I ke to have s, ,.!i ::.,.rv. Mr". F. A . Hancock, ot.ro! ;, promin.-nt ;. outig mere i. .i;t : -J oi the c"y. is ais.i a 7e,il ris elrare':: :;.r!:. St-r. and worker tti the Sun-lav School. Hon. i.i.i l.irk , ' I ll.ijoi-'. one ol" The .iidest l.iwersiu the Stale, the rmt el-xi'icn: man :n K.iftcrn North L'.trolin.i. l'.ut we torbear. THE i in v u:r t v u u rn.it i It in. I', or '.Melt I NoKli (.';iroi:n:.tn ol :h:il.i '. Ii.tvc re latoil brnilv ,i ' i .'. il.a' lew know and the incidents atieinllll K1KST ColllllCt lutuot'll tilt' AI.Ki of tho .Imjiv "' 1 l ViJ 11(0 .ind t he i A V A i.i: "i the ' ' A V ft I. ' in .1 rut v " ' 'ii ii' .Hot th any loll ot North wlr.rli IH ii ii i ' : l . the iiior I'.lrii o Caro'. ; n a '.iv a '. r . a part tortinal the (.'oiitederatr that l lt;s I sk :rmi-h i ' h oral ( avolry in 1 01 . On Sunday, the 1 !' h o! 'til, the 1st ('avalr ol N. the command ol the writ c.un: near K'.direwav. N. Avairv l,r l'rd ( )r ober. ( '.. under rr. broke ( '., here it had been org.ur..rtl and prepared tor the field, i'.nd marched lor the army m Virginia. The aggregate strength of the regiment w as about SjM. We arrived at Richmond on the evening oi the fifth day after stat ting, and remained m vicinity of the city several days, when the regiment was reviewed by Presi dent Davis. On the L'Vth of Octo ber I reported to Geu. .1. V.. dohn ston. at C'entreville. and ramped tor the night upon the battle la id of the lSth of July, just noith of iull Run. having cro-st d it at Fdaekbnrn's ford. That day we heard the first boom of cannon a the big guns upon the Potomac saluted each other from oppo.-ite sides or tired upon passing vessels. While lying in this camp we voted for President and ViceT're-; ulent, and mustered the icgiment :Ust of October. A day ur two later we moved to the north of ( eutreville a mile or two, and after I had ridden over the picket line some tilteen milea to the frout, and across Difficult Run, we were as signed to guarding the central part of the front ot the army. There were upon each side of us two Virginia regiments, four in all, whose force present bnt little ex ceeded that of ou'f single regiment. Gen. J. K. B. Stuart commanded. the whole. The custom was in my regiment to send every two days a squadron to the picket line, the men carrying cooked, rations for the time. Very soon the men became familiar with their field duties, but they were not a little annoyed that discipline with them was so much more rigid and exacting than among the Vir ginians upon each side of them, but they learned before a great while that armies are worthless without discipline, and always cheerfully responded to strictest regulations. In a little while I ascertained that the 3d Pennsylvania Cavalry picketed i he Federal bm-s in our front, and through the devotion of a bright, handsome and patriotic young lady, living between the lines, I was made aware of the time at which we could "make, perhaps, the personal acquaint ance" of that spruce looking and not over modest body ot Pennsyl vanians, who, through a handsome young Major, had sent me mcs siges by the mouth ot that tlas'u-ing-eyed Virginia girl that they would "like to have an introduc tion to the 1st North i ito;:i.i Cavalry at close quarters." On a certain day. about the Jo 'h of November, 1 had a detail of about 10 men from each com pany Ln camp, except that were to go on picket y that ordoii. Wood. dav. and with Major ,1. P.. day, and with Major Captains Whitakei, and perhaps others. memory i we started one bul 1 knowing When we got to the the squadron wh.ch i picket joined my part; ( the squadron wn.ch had been picket joined my p i: ., mak'.iif about l(3d or 170 stiong. 1 I proceeded a little c.:o...:oi towards the residence ol mv brave. fair friend, who had engaged to detain the Pennsylvania Major and his party, that she might xcxtm. the meeting. Having promised to be punctual to a 1 o'clock appoint ment, I anticipated it about 60 minutes, hoping to get ,-ome ail vantage, for you know "all is fair in war"; but my disappointment was grievous when, with ilushe 1 cheeks and ilamiug eyes, the dam sel informed me "her beau" had not 20 minutes gone, notwithstand ing her most winning blandish ments to retain iiiin. She showed me the way he had gone and said he had, perhaps, 20 or ;0 more men than I. For about two miles I followed his tracks, 'out in mg then more than twenty miles iioni camp and going directly tow.ud that of the enemy. I concluded to return, but not bv the same road we had come. Diverging to t. r.ght we had not gone over a mile hen the leading videts galloped back and reported the "road full of blue coats."' We were moving iu column of "twos" and at once closed to that, of "fours." JNot a man present had ever heard a hostile bullet excep ting me. Some one asked what was going to be done, and I replied. "They are between us and our picket line, we must go through them." There wa.s a straightmug up m the saddles, faces changed color, but all were ready ami will mg to dare aud to do. We p.ussed through the little hamlet ol Vienna when a frightened woman snatched up a child or two ami hid in her little hoiiM'. and as wt- uiiierged into a broader road come in clear sight of the rear of the "blue coats." Just at this moment Major Gordon rode up and asked. "Col. what shall do." I replied. "Major, j list what 1 know v oil most desire, lead this 'charge." His face liu-died ;:h manly pride, and I ordered a lew men to fire into their rear and corn- in added The charge." let aehnieii ' lo Company le to 'A lueiits ail wrre ir.in 1. squadron under Capt. Barrtngrr. which had been on picket and liel 1 a little in rear came up led by .;. I'owlf.i afterwards .-. ',.;.. now Kcpre-ni' at : v .:. tigrrs-. It w.u a ju:ok !r:i ; i-anny. taken unaware-. :.r ;:gh wood, over ite'.d .u:d !!!,. and i very man ot ti.ein seen., d ;,, struggling carry ir. h. :- v-- iroir. :u' we -;;(', t ak : r c .ii "i; ' lillv, i.c b.ek i.onirciin;. with -I ;ii over wr - .i r : : -i I heir iiOI'ses 14 IO r-itupnu-nt-s. cir.l .v l'itlt with the re.-u'o ni inn tiit cout." Wo learned liom the pi isomers that their young Major, ambitious and enterprising, intended to have attacked cm picket line with in half an hour, and hence his leav ing the smiles ot the winsome lass who had so desired to introduce her "Yankee beau" to "Her. N. I'. Colonel." This little atfair was a shorttimealterv.ini- highlv com plmiented by Ceticral Stuart, upon the occasion of presenting tntirxt nf' tin Cunt', fit rnt' Hat:!' Fliio to the regiments f his command. We lost not a man and h id no cue serioHsly mimed. The horse of Serg't. liavis. Co. II. fell, and leaving his iidei. .-.tunned, over took the thing Pen nsylvamans. and went with them to their camp, when it was believed I had been killed, as the horse was a very fine one and Davis had a very showy equipment. it is not intended particularly to mention or omit any of my brave comrades in this little reminder of past days, but to revive memories which, if as dear to them as to me, we can recall with manly pride and patriotic enthusiasm, without one jot of abatement in devotion to our now happily united country. The lesson ot that.ft'rar skirn, 'i was never lost upon the "i cavalry regiment in either arm (Generals Wade Hampton and H. F. Lee i. for '-Get the bugie. go m and win," is as fine a motto lor tho cavalry soldier as can be adopted, when acted on with un hesitating celerity and dauntless vigor. R. Ransom. STATE NEWS (ileuneil from Our Exchange. Fayetteville X in: It is thought that the early fruit is seriously damaged by this cold snap now visiting us. Capt. Kd. P. Pow ers had on the market this morn ing, caught in one of his seines, a rockfish that weighed 25 A pounds. Hunters will bear in mind that I the time allowed by law to shoot and net partridges aud quail ex pired on the 15th inst. Twin City Daily: Mr. Henry Wilson, the student who died last Friday at Chapel Hill, and whose remains were brought to this place on Saturday night, is the first death that has occurred at the Uni versity since 1SS1. except young Freeze, who was murdered last fall. Mr. Wilson's home was in Yadkin ville where his remains were taken yesterday. straw up to a short time 3go was only considered fit for cattle beds and compost heaps, but it has be-! come quite a valuable commodity in commercial circles. By step-1 ping into Thomas's you will find it converted into beautiful matting, manufactured by a Wilmington firm, and it should recommend it self to our citizens from the fact that it is thoroughly North Caro linan in all its details. Morgatiton Star: On last Satnr dav, March 12th, while two little children of Mr. W. T. Dula, of Upper Creek township, one o years old and the other 1'." months, were phi it::; on the creek bank near the 1 house, the youngest, Nettie, fell or was. pi:- '., d by her brother into the creek aid drowned. At the quarterlv meeting of the directors of the Western North Carolina Insane Asvluin last week, the former executive committe of the board, v,: Messrs. W. J. Yates, cb ..r::...: .1. W. Wilson and 11. A. Pei kins, were re elected; Mr. 1". M. S.-roggs w.iv re elected steward and Mis. C. A. Marsh matron. Br. W. P. Ivev . ,s designated as senior assist. it.: physician. Greensboro .Vi In the pro tracted meetings ar the Centenary church over eighty have so far been converted. At the Presbyterian chureh there have been about thirty converts. Sixty-t hree membeis have been added to the list ol the Presbyterian church, of which Rev. J. Henry Smith is pas tor, since August. Of thes-e, !! are in consequence of the rel:giou services lately held m that church. On Sunday evening, while a number of gentlemen were sitting in the porch of Mr. T. S. Hayes, they beheld a very curious phenom non. They saw a regular rainbow rise in the South, and it remained there for some time. There were no clouds, and the atmosphere was very clear. This may seem pre posterouv but it was seen by a dozen or more witnesses whose testimony is truxttcorthy. Kaleigh X-irs and (Htrr-r: The series of meetings which have been held in the Firs' Baptist church for some time past, and which will continue during this week, are growing in interest and resulting in much good spu itual work. Five persons have professed faith, and many are deeply interested. Rev. .1. L. White, pastor, is preaching with great power and effectiveness. Besides being spiritually good, the sermons are fraught with good sound reasons and arguments re lating to the duty and necessity of humanity in giving time and atten tion to the ail important question of salvation. Messrs. Cook .Ni Foster Bros, 'nave gone to More head City with a force of painter-, furnishers, etc.. to enhance the at tractions of that famous summer resort. The coming season will be a grand one tor that place. The Teachi-rs' Assembly will convene there ainl other organizations will be present. President Cleveland is to be specially invited to make a M: T. Bag-A-ei: Bos'. red Membership. There was an i r.tere.-t ir.g and . ing seen-- at trio M.-thodi-l church terJay. when Mr J.T. Bagweil. .i mer no mi r f ): N - '. t on f ei en. h- M .. Church, s- citrr but w h . i -h- V - - "f. r . . f ha i I r-'-i. r. st hi- 'l.e pis 1 a - r ire' g hi: h w i.ic:. . mer.:. a:: ... . mei.; W Kigwe.. u .;.;;( . tho Meth !:-l i ap :. N .rt: Hw in.ii.v f re i. as ::i i i.a: 1 to at Li- re-1.. rat i n .''' . - Kepi c. at ni i e Kiny and Hie Planters' Railroad Charter. 111. Hi.x.vps. N. C . March ;-7. Kmt ,k J"1kn aI.: 1 ever u i.-t.i.-ie-tai ne wrpiipt-r c utr. t-r.-ies may b . it is s on et l m e necessary fur one ivere to i-ui h tilings to take part m them, and as my attention has been directed to an article in the Daily Jociinal of March IS. and ai-o to another in the edition of Mareh 1. both ovf r the signature of the -iltf.'l ni.-mU r of the liou-e of Kepre s. ntativt- from I'nr-luw county in the last Ceneral Assembly, in which ihe ri'o-r sei-p til t "i ike allusions to me aud to n;y coi.n, n with certain rail road project, it i '. nut of place for me to give to those nrlio.ti a pasjii g notice. It is not true that L'r. L'ha- Bully, sr. . ' 'Mgnt d away the 'Junker liridge road to build the Pianu-rs" It. It. tin," or ' thai he petitior.td the ooimty roil-misr-ioio-rs of iinslow- county to do so." and I am authorized to say . neither i it true that Dr. J. L Nichols )n stated he had dune so, nor is it true that I said tie had done so. as is alleged in the first of paid articles: but it is true that Dr. Dutfy. in common with hundreds of otiier good citizens of Onslow anil Jones counties, signed the petition to the General Ar-.-ernbly asking it to re enact and contiuue in force an a:t to incorporate the Planters' R. R. Co. with certain amendments to the same. This is a very dilferent thing from signing away the road, as will appear bv ex anung the petition and the bill itelf. which were contended against by the member of the House of Representa tives from Onslo.v county contrary to t ae ex pressed will of hundreds of the petitioners and in disregard of the in structions given bvthem. An uncovered letter from Dr. DutTy was handed to me before my last visit to Raleigh, to be delivered to the mem ber of the House cf Representatives from Onslow county. It w-as given to him bfforc the Senate had acted upon H. B. 4V0. and ocojy that bill was transmitted to the House with the Sen ate amendments. This will appear from the acknowledgment of the time of its reception endorsed on the letter when it was returned to me. and from tha date of the Senate's action on that bill, and the subsequent action of the House, of which body the recipient of the letter was a member So he had the communication from Dr Dully in ample time to have complied with thJ writer's request to arrest unfriendly legislation if he had intended to do so. The aforesaid member informs Dr. Dully "that before the Eaet Carolina Railroad and Land Company can get the right of way and the right of do main over the Quaker Bridge or Core Creek road that the bill provides by amendment that the said corporation should first get the consent of the board of commissioners, and the consent in writing of the board of edu cation of the State," and that Senator Warren, chairman of the Senate Com mittee on Internal Improvements, "put on" that amendment at the suggestion of the member of the House of Repre sentatives from Onslow county. The facts are these: The Bill to incorporate that company originated in the House: he says it was introduced by him. He waa ' present twice with the Onslow delegation before the House Committee on Internal Im provements, when that bill and bill , 728 to re-enact the Act to incorporate the Planters R. R.. was considered. How many times he was present after our delegation left Raleigh, we know not. but the House Committe reported favorably upon that Bill 4S0, witliout ' the amendment "put on" by the Senate Committee, and the bill passed its 1 seyeral readings in the House xviOiont tliese amendments and was transmitted to the Senate without them. Vide, the Bill as it passed the House. Who then is the author or originator of the Senate amendments .' Evidently X"T the Ons low legislator, not withstanding he takes the credit of it. and the statement in his address to the people that his Bill had not changed it.- complexion ma terially . is m conii.ct with this claim. Why the Senate unu ndments to that bill were subjoined will appear by the inspection of another petition, numer ously signed, from citizens of Jones county, introduced in the Senate by Dr. Sanders, and of s'.'dl awtifr petition, numerously signed, from citizens of Onslow county, which went to Raleigh with me on my second vis::, and the purport of which was made known to the committee by myself. The member of the House of Repre sentatives from Onslow county is pleased to reply to that portion of Dr. Duffy 's lettu r asking that the Quaker Bridge road should be completed and its la.e of construction extended to Tar Laniing. by inouirmgif that piece of eonurut late.i roi i runs through the S;:.te la:.:-. Sj; pos,. that the pub- lic i. -.' 1 lea-l;:.g ir -n: th in K msti n. to the r i v t i Niu-e river near Kinl I'cir county Quei n street, bridge across n. which is to be graded and improved by convict labor pursuant t an act cf the last It-ueral Assembly f. .r which the Onslow legislator gave his vote. j,a.. through the St itt :-ind?-'r -r.'ut thereof Now by what sort of legislative jug glery the aforesaid member was induct.d to support that proposition, and neg lected to obtain the aid of convict labor to complete the "HuiTman road." in Onslow and Jones counties which u'eos pass through the State lands, and for the construction of which previous legislation had been j-ro'ured. unso phistocated people are not a ivi-td. and information ou that p ;nt wvul i t e "in order. In the address l f ihe at' res o i mem ber of the House of K-preseiilatives to the people of Ruhlands and Onslow- county, he says that he was censured and asked to resign because he would not pander to their w ishes and demands. The Onslow legislator again misstates tac tile people, er he is use Of Wolds. ,;, agent for the ejst. cure lewd women i misrepresents rtur.a:- in the lint o means -'to act as f "tiler-. " "i ' pro- for others. .. Shakespeare. W rcester and I am sure thru no v llll Webster . :e ni Onslow countv, in any way connected whh tV-e Planters' K. K. project, lias soli -ited him to do any such abominable thing, how ever favorable may have been i.n vl'iurt:- - for compliance. During the month of January last I received a number cf letters from parties in New York city ottering to construct a rail road from some point on the A . eV. N. C. R. R. through the counties of Jones and i 'nslow "if the piopla of the two coun ties would agrt for the railroad com pany to have the right i.f wav over the graded roaas s territory at. i the the company the the w amp lands wav, as had been Planters' R. R railroad sh uld ' point f c tcirii c i '. R. K "; ihe t tuate.i with, in their .trite would donate to alternate sections of , n the line cf the rail done :u f -70. to the i 'o. ". r.r.d when the t Complete 1 f Te 111 Its : n" . n tr.e A. oc N. J a c K - in it v c .mpanv. pie along ork north iie-re with with assistar. its 111,.- we'll i t i Norfolk. V other ihrc'ig and wealthy 1" North and 1 1 e West cemp hav-' ro.ol Th.-s. f th n e - an 1 w i i ete 1 tic th - j r; . i Jiis gr-.u wotk ti ill t' i and cont.nue in force an .e t rporate the Planters' R R. Co.. rtain amendments to the same, pared and taken to the county Onslow county on the 7th of lebruarv. li7. by Dr. J. I.. Nichohon i and a duplicate was carried by me on the sarne day to the county seat cl Jones. It was then that the two coun ties by the unanimous action of their respective boards rf commissioners, agree 1 in writing to cede to the said railro.-. i company the right of way und the right of domain over the graded roads , and all that remained to be done was to obtain the necessary legislation ratifying the cession, and donating the alternate sections of the swamp lands, vv ith such additional enactments as the circumstances and situation justified and seemed to require. Therefore n petition signed by a large number of intelligent and imlu ntial citizens of Onslow county, and another also sub scribed by numbers of cili:'i-ns of like character in the county of Jones, ask ing the General Assembly to re-enact and continue in force an act to incor porate the Planters' If. R. Co . with certain amendments to the f rame, were attached to the bill. The people of the two counties, with a unanimity seldom known in favor of any measure, gave all proper assistance, and we cherished the hope that soon we would be able to announce the passage by the General Assembly of the char ter with the proposed amendments, which provided substantially for the increase of the capital stock of the com pany to six hundred thousand dollars, with the privilege of subsequent aug mentation to six millions of dollars for the extension of ttm road. North and South1 for enlarging the number of corporators: for the issuance of inter est bearing bonds of the company, pro portionate to its stock and extension:, lor securing the payment of the bonded debts, by mortgage on its property and franchise: for ratifying and continuing all donations, grants, cessions and sub scriptions : and for a subscription of two hundred thousand dollars, in behalf of the State to the capital stock, to be taken when twenty thousand dollars has been subscribed to the capital stock of the company by solvent parties, and live per cent has been paid in cash, and , when the railroad has been graded ' from its point of construction on the A. & N. C. R. R. through the counties of Jones and Onslow to New river, in the latter county, and for the levying of a , State tax of one-two-hundred-and-fiftieth part of one per cent upon the taxable property of the State to pay the interest on the bonds subscribed by the State, redeemable at the end of thirty years from date of issue, and authoriz ing the Governor to appoint two direc tors to represent the State's stock in the : company. 1 Supported by the joint action of the I board of commissioners of the two 1 counties in the cession of the graded , roads therein; specially favored by j hundreds of the leading citizens in both j counties, as manifested in the petitions to the Legislature; sustained by friend-1 ly Northern capitalists with sufficient I means to construct the work and push 1 it to rapid completion: here was an, application for legislative authority to ! build a long, continuous line of railway ; from the northern to the southern j boundaries of North Carolina, passing through at least half a seore of counties, developing their vast resources: afford ing a speedy, direct and sure means of transportation for their various prod ucts, augmenting the wealth of the State, adding much in revenue to the State treasury by enhancing the value of taxable property, and contributing immeasurably to the riches, conven ience and prosperity of all classes of our people. And a bill providing proper legislation to inaugurate this splendid enterprise, sanctioned and encouraged bv our wisest men. is what the Great Onslow Lawgiver, with his astonishing penetration, terms a "wild cat scheme. Was ever such stupendous folly as his exhibited by any one outside the walls of an asylum for the insane '.' And has such extreme stupidity as his ever been seen in anything else but in a blind jackass 'i It is not true that section 7 of the amendments to the Planters' R. R. charter revived the subscriptions, the word revive is no where found in the section, and tho expression of opin ions by learned lawyers in the hearing of the Onslow- legislator would have convinced a wiser man than Le that a vote taken 14 or la years ago. on the simple question of subscription or no subscription, and hut taken in accord ance with the plain provision in tho constitution forbidding any county, city, town or other municipal corpora tion from contracting any debts, or loaning its credit or levying any tax. except for the necessary expenses thereof ''ini.Vss hi a vote of the. via j iriiy vf the ijualitiet voters tUeri-iu," would give no power to the board of commissioners ur any one else to levy a tax in 17. or any subse que: t year. Besides, I am informed that the coun ties never did tubseribe to th stock, no organization of the Railroad Co. ever tool: i'liiee. and there is no recra oi such a thing extant. It is nut true that the Onslow legislator found any addi tions in the bill he read on the cars which were not embo lied in the bill he heard Dr. Nicholson read at Jackson ville. Nor is it true that the bid. in any section, asked the State to jrant two hundred thousand dollars ot the State bonds to said corporation. There is a wide ditTerence between a -jntiit and a ubserii't ion. as any one not an idiot ought to know. We did ask that the State siberihe two hundred thous and dollars to the capital stock of the company, which we had a right to do. and a reasonable right to expect it. The people of the counties of Jones and i iiisluw, as well as those in ail the other counties upon the line of the proposed road, have been paying taxes regularly for scores of years to aid in the con struction of railroads and different public works in other parts of the State, to some of which millions of dcdlars have been subscribed on the part cf the State: and from my own observation, the people of these two counties, for years, have been oppressed by the bur dens of taxation and in the payment of e ,-t attending the incarceration, trial and conviction of criminals, sentenced to hard labor in the State's prison, and multitudes of these very criminals have been employed unter the convict system of legislation iu building rail roads, constructing other public works, and doing other th ngs to foster the material growth and wealth of the State. We did not grumble at this. We rejr.ee to see aa.l hear of the ad vancement and prosperity of the people in every portion ot our c monwealth. but when v thc State's subscription i : t wo hundred then-:, such a 'crreat en' these counties and the State a partner ;ti value e l its uwn l..n:s. r increasing its annual re think it w ris j:.;.; "..! Legislative b ly. bet it v and uneenerof.s in in herit' -fore hav.- -bared in th -tate's aid to th,- ir ol. l aid'!: fat: ra:.k g th limine mg nd in largely . nues. we do nip .litic in a i- 'unpatriotic iv iduals who - a bountifuily r sections to disallow our request, face of the fact that ti. And this too. in le-vviug of a spe cial tax to meet the intere would not a id nv. rv tnan am tint of State taxes an: the a !.- r f t-u th.--;- o. f pr p -rtv. Tic f.ii'.'ir s:;c,c. s a b-i-t ; pt : :. may ::i p ir t t o .-u r m : -!" I : ' : : ll ti . b I;- 0 ' ,ik --v:.nip 1 roe c -. ;.. . , i i.'i. slow legislator say sjthe House. ' ' nc ir.ilteo - eiiied t I :ol:.".t .,; . a: h ,r v :,; -.1 i.ll. ie th, . . " - ment re-en ac to Ha waii c, was pn seat oi the committee took a vote on the 8200, b'oti clause, and it was struck out." So it appears he disobeyed the will of the petitioners, if he caused that section to tie struck out. He ought to be bound by his statements, yet I am charitable enough to say that I don't think he meant to assert that. But he does de clare that he told the committee thip, "that the first proposition H. B. 480 was the best for the State, but the second proposition iour bill 72S) was best for bis county, and as the people was petition ing f or it, he must decide in favor of them and he hoped the committee would so decide." If he was sincere and honest (as he claims to be) in this, why did he antagonize our bill at any subsequent stage and contribute to its linal defeat in the committee room ! At the time ha made that statement, the bill considered by the committee was precisely the same as the one that had i been before the poople of Jones and j Onslow counties, with the exception! mat tne sections autnorizing the State a subscription to thecaptital stock of the company, had been stricken out, and according to his awn showing, was then shorn of all objectionable features, real or imaginary. Ho then says, "to the surprise of us all, the committee re ported the first H B. 480 favorable, and H. B unfavorable. ' At that juncture of the affair it seems the committee was careless abcut what he wanted. And upon inquiring the cause was told that "if Koonce would put his bill on an equal footing with Humphrey's," they would reverse the report. '' Reverse means to put in an opposite condition, and here signifies that the committee would report 728 favorable and 480 unfavorable. He further says that he called the attention ot friends of our project, to the matter, and that 1 said I could not do it, as the Northern men whom I represented had not authorized me to do so, and I would not. That much of his statement is correct. He then says that he told the committee if they would report the bill without prejudice he would be glad, AND "THEY AGREED TO IT." Here arises an issue of veracity between the committee aud the Onslow legislator, with which I have nothing to do, for he says again shortly afterwards, that "the committee agreed to report as to H. B. 40 favorable and H. B. 72S unfavor able. According to his own showing, this report was made "afterwards and the others agreed to let him amend the bill so as to put it on fan equal footing with the other one." At one time, when the bill was not upon what he calls "equal footiDg with the other one,"' the committee agreed to report it without prejudice. The committee did not do this. At another time the com mittee "agreed" if the bill was put on an equal footing with the other one they would reverse the report. The Onslow legislator was"let amend the bill so as to put it on an equal footing with the other one, " and the committee, so far from re porting favorably, or reporting the bill witnout prejudice, recommended that it be tabled, Here arises other issues of veracity between the members of the committee and the Onslow legislator, proceeding from his published declara tions purporting to be a history, (see Napoleon's definition of history) of his connection with these projects. The decision of the "issues of facts," in no way concerns me. But the truth of this whole matter shows on its face, as appears from the following endorsement on House bill 728, that the defeat of that bill before the House committee was accomplished by deceit and perfidy, and by no other means. Here is a copy of the report of that committee: "Committee on Internal Improve ments have considered this bill" (which is H. B. 728, to re-enact the act to in corporate the Planters' R. R. Co., with amendments.) "and recommend that it be laid on the table as H. B. 480" (which is the bill to incorporate the East Carolina Railroad and Land Co.) "An been agreed upon by all concerned a.i a substitute, which bill the commit tee have favorably recommended. Holt, for committee. That report states something as a fact which is not a fact. We are concerned, and it never was ayretd to by us, or by any friend to us or to our bill, that it should be tabled and the other one reported as a substitute, and I challenge any man to prove the agreement which is alleged and stated in the above report. If any person or persons assumed the author ity to agree to any such thing for us, or fur the petitioners, it was a fraud, and we would like to know the names. We positively and emphatically deny that that report speaks the truth when it says H. B. 4t0 has been agreed upon by all concerned as a substitute, if it means that the petitioners in Jones and Onslow connties are those who are con cerned in the re-enactment of the act to incorporate the Planters' R. R. Co., and that they or any of them are parties to such an agreement, and they are cer tainly a part of all. On the contrary, it was agreed, if the representative from Onslow states it truly, that if we would put our bill on an equal footing with the other, which the Onslow legislator himself admits was done when he says we "let him amend the bill so aB to put it on an equal footing with the other one," that the committee would reverse the report. Who now is the Loyola ? It is well known that the Onslow leg islator was present at every meeting of the Senate committee, and his course showed plainly enough that he was there for the purpose of influencing the action of the Senate committee against a measure which he says he "told the House committee was the best for the people of his county, and as the people were petitioning for it he must decide in favor of them."' And for his opposi- j tion to that measure, which the people favored, and for disobedience to their instructions, he was censured in a pub- ' lie meeting, and while I am not the , originator of the meeting. I believe the censure was iust. ' If the aforesaid legislator thinks he ' has scored a point by referring to me as ; the attorney for the Northern syndicate, he is welcome to that much consolation. 1 do not practice law for fun, nor for fame o.'o'.'.. I have some care for the profits I get from my profession, and I always endeavor to faithfully serve the j interests of all those who confide in me, ! and invariably obey instructions. Can ( the Onslow- legislator truthfully say : th is much '' , It is not true that the bill introduced by Dr. Sanders in the Senate, at my re quest, and by request of many others, . asked for all of White Oak swamp in ' Jones and Onslow, and all of the State I lands ia Pender, acid proposed to pay i nine thousand dollars in cash in nine i months. See the bill itself. There is u,.,,c difference between nine thousand dollars and eighteen thousand dollars, aud between all the State laDds in a county and "the State lands on the railway line"; but if the Onslow legis- ' later has not sufficient discernment to . perceive this difference, that certainly j is nut a fault of mine. He says that I ' could not tell the committee who were the men w ho backed me up. and did not have a single incorporator from the ( North. He did not know, when he made that statem.-nt. that two letters ' were exhibited to one of the committee j containing the names of .'fee men in Neiv Vo. '. ' a'v. whose names might have . been inserted if the committeee wished 1 it o ne. It is sufficient for the Onslow 1 legislator, and for the Senate committee . ;,i i toe iicuse committee and the whole 1 Legislature, to know that I was there in . the interest of the people of two coun- , ti--? iu this State, who hid petitioned the l.- g.shuure io do certain tmngs. 3 rigi t to do, and servants to . h 1 -i their that i.exi morning I tried to to introduce the : of .ensure, and failed. , t true. I hr.d no right to ask ul'cr to introduce the resolu ; he meeting expressly instrnct- ed the secretary to forward the tflflOia- ' tions to the Speaker of the House, to be -laid before that body, and to forward a y copy to the member of the Honae of " , Representatives from Onslow county,- o' This was done by the secretary, gave " the copy to the Onslow representative ,'r in person, and delivered to the Speaker' -' of the House the resolutions of censure. ' accompanied by two petitions from citi- - " zens oi unslow concurring in sentiment and judgment with the resolutions ' adopted by the meeting- He says they - ,1 r - will not be presented unless he order it ,1 n 11 J M a. -S' C'H ;"- oij wcu, u uid signt vl fiOM -option, which is guaranteed to the people by the Federal and State Constitutions and the method of introducing petitions ,-J, prescribed by the rules of the U. 8. House of Representatives, and also by those of U. S. Senate, are to be rer thrown by the will of a conceited, derelict and censured member of the -o House of Representatives of the General Assembly of North Carolina, by ptha approval and connivance of the other ' members and the Speaker of the House, ir it is not surprising to bear him say that , he is more popular with snob members - . ' than he was before the onslaught' was 'ot made, and that as evidence of suett ia-- crease in popularity the Speaker bad'.. P called him to the chair, and he presided c over the deliberations of the House, t' ' Selah. He is a very proper person to -preside over a body composed of such members. The wonder is that ' such - rare parliamentary knowledge as he " seems to possess was not discovered at - .- an earlier period; in that event his fel- " low members in the House might have elected him permanent Speaker of that ' body. Quaere. Where does be Btet the- notion that one member of the House - " can make an order f ; i - ' The Onslow legislator is pleased to refer again ss tauntingly as he knows how, to my profession, and says that I am known from Rowan to the seashore ' V as the oppressor of men in the collection "' ''-- -of old debts. Well, I never created the old debts. I had no hand in making or - -shaping laws providing for tbeireollec- -tion, nor in the interpretation of these - ' laws by the courts. My experience in -" that line teaches me that those who pay ' ' the least make the biggest fuss. And r in spite of all my ingenuity, skill and - -industry as a collector, I nave never yet - -suoceeded in collecting an . old debt, or a new debt either from theO L . In every instance when I have run foul of him I have had to resort- to bis sure ties or friends in business and collect - ' his debts from them. Verily beseems to be Executive proof, and I feat likely to remain so. N. B. Some other fear the same thing. v,,,,--,w And so he is not going to entail litiga- V ' tion and bankruptcy on the "people of Onslow. Nobody wants to do that as I am aware of, -but the people of the V county expect a very vain thing if they . look to one to shield them from litiga- ' tion and bankruptcy, who baa not been " -able to shield himself from these calam- ities. -.--,! ipj'j . Farewell, Mr. Speaker pro tern of the N. C. H. of Reps, in the G. A. of 18871 -The place which knows youc now, will soon know you no more forever, either as Legislator or Speaker! notwithstand- -ing your demagogical and palavering appeals to the people to not censure" you. -and not ask you to resign because of the self -assumed importance of your one vote. "Few die, none resign," al though you were told lo do so Almost any decent, respectable man belonging to the Anglo-Saxon race who has proper . self-respect and capacity enough to earn in any department of lifers busy scenes - ' the amount allowed as a salary to a State legislator in N. C, would not have ' hesitated to do as he was bidden. I can forgive the Onslow legislator for his bitter, and venomous personal attack made on me, although be does not ask it. I am only a unit in the hundreds of those who censure him .for his course.' 1 But there is at least this much that may ct, be said in his behalf, "Where ignorance ' - is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." v . . ' Koonce of Onslow County. , ill s Absolutely Pures- This powder never vanes. A marvel of " "" ' parity, strength, and wholeaomeneM. Mar economical than the ordinary kinds, and en- a not be sold ln competition with the multitude .. of low test, short weight, alum orpfaoapbat powders. Bold only ln cans. BOTXI. Bakimm Powdis Co.. ll wu-it.. H. I. novU-lrdw For sale in Newbern by Alex. Miller. - ' REAL ESTATE AGENCY w. Being ln correspondence with several par .-o ties North who desire to make Investments -A ... -v.-. in farms, etc., ln this vicinity, persons nav - -.-j ... ing farm or wood land for Bale would do well to give me a descrlptlop, with prtoT: etc. Mo charge made if ;a tale 1b not effected Charges moderate when sales are made. W. B. BOYD. South Front Street. 3d room east of Gaston House, Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements. Goat Hair K. ). E. LODGE.' CRAVEN STREET. Below Express Office. inavAl d2aw4w T. . OREKN. C. E. FOY. SIMMONS HiKLTC Green, Foy & Co., BANKERS and Commission Merchants. - South Front Street, fel d wly NEW BERNE, . C ; v,-' . af"3i- " 4

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