(t-J-J- ...4 tJl nlfk' t V www ffi'ri'iwV tMW. yr'S'S fit: y& v "'j f - - -c .i ?y7v lit lltA -- '4! IXDEPEXDENT IjST ALL TJH.L(-iS. Terms 9Q.OO Per our. VOL. X. MOW HI2UNE, CRAVKN COUNTY, N. ( .. APRil NO 4. fe jyj !i Si B W 13 f n Cs V 1 "vf ' Time. Some have plenty, sooie hie utore, W bare enough and so much t -Arr l To talk to J9Q naattM" ooncerinnfi our srort'. Vicb ta fact and substance is just this, th;t we haron't h.nl any fair ebaaM4Booner, to tell yoa, that onr new spring gools h;ive come in, tnd what i Still better we have sold a gol qantity of them already, hut eaongb to break the immense assortment In the various branches of LADIES' DRESS GOODS m th. nw leading shades, Giaghama, Pongees, India Lawns, Piques, Em broidered Dresa Robes "J n . , 'iatliBe of Notions, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Ruch- ' f ' jTinsn, IrerlMtiiir Trimmings, Embroideries, Para- "-kV ... hi. " Tiriou BtjUs, in feet cannot enumerate all -we have ( BEADY MADE CLOTHING m jumtuy lor Men aBi koji Plenty of Shoot at all prices, besides tho well known j Ziglr Bros. make. Genu' Hata, Neckwear, J- O forth. F&nta Goods from 10 cts. per yard to fl.75. Purnitare, Turniture, Glassware and Groceries, j in troth moct kDjtling neededlat may a. Id t.i your happiness, which you Will Surely to Ybnra sincerely, Sign of QAX SCMWERIN HIS CLOTHHIG EMPORIUM to lb Star UUIt oocupied by Wm. Holliter, where with morn Room dmplay bia ioored Stook, he i. with the aiwinlauce of IVlIt. BAMUKI. 1- HALL, prepared toahow and ell at Hrd Pan Price. Tb FIHEST, NOBBIEST, NEATEST, PRETTIEST and BEST READY-UADE CLOTHING, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Straw, Derby and Fur Hats, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Etc., Etc. I AM SOLE AGENT FOR 1 L B1TTLES' MEI'S GALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES Tbonly 8ho old In thl Hty tht ar WARS AST ED' by Uu UuaOclum 1X U ud BY MKl'OMT CCrOlittrt. Tlx: Jt vnrjr pir )s WurulUi hoaUl nv nf ukm In umT within inr reoooifil lime , rr oatZl will npon rmrn of damaged vmp and tt I wentaa I 1kUi o wrf. kith Hrr x5 th Momr or Oiv a u k aw pair ii iivh.i m m baat. lwl and n twain fit Rhoe Ui tne wnTlJ fer lha money. They oor la rratton. Main ,od SlrpTol Oomm and Lc T 8ho , , J I iia.T I II ! from aoma of oar )vat nl lean In. elUxana, who have booght tu"B ATTLKt MHOIC,-' soma of which ha.T worn one pair aa long aa 12 monim. and prODOQnoe tt the Bt,Chepai and Kaleat Wear ing Sboa In tka world. I rwpectfollr solicit an Inapection of tion to all oareKaainc from ua. Middla Street, at Wm. '07 Spring Announcement 87. We wish to call tlie attention of our Cus tomers and friends to our elegant stock of Spring Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. 0r Stock is now nearly complete, and we are prepared to give you GOOD CLOTHLSG AT LOW F1GUKKS. It is s well known fact th t oar Suits give better satisfaction than nj ja eaa iad is the eitj. Wlyt Because we bny from the best houses, and vkea we guarantee aa artioJe jou can depend on it, and any article that does aot suit may be returned nd money refunded. BLUE SUITS, $5.00 to $10.00. Our $10. U0 Suit we guarantee fast Ir ; if it fades we return yonr money. ' Oar line of $10.00 Suits can not be matched in New l'.crue o they allsay, B I are aad eee us ir you want a auit of aDy kind ; if we can't fuit ym oat ofttoek we eaa order it for you. We hare aa usual the fineat line of STRAW HATS in the city. Hoyi 50o. Straw HaU a specialty. Mackinaw Straw Hats ;Oc. up. We wiab to call attention to our line of MEN'S FINE SHOES. Sucy Adams & Co.'i and Jamea Means & Co.'i. We are solo agents here. Our atock of NECKWEAR is very complete, and is being cocstantly added to. Large line of GENTS' FURNISHINGS, consisting of L'Dderwear, Sus pender H. Hose, Garters, Collar and Cuffs, etc. Trunk and Yalises. Straw Mattings, Pine Straw Mattingj and ( arp.ts. Ni lot ef Porpoise Hide Shoe Laees. Do not buy before you see us. HOWARD & JONES. War, War, War, ACADMST RACKETS! L,ooIt OxtI for IIAVLSG JUST KETURNKD A T 0AW TW-rr JX LUIKO OWtfl. jjxj Shoes, Hats, aad eTerytbing you can call for usually kept in a first clas Dry Goods Store, I aa determined to open war against rackets and high prices. To prove Ut aatne I q,aote some of my prices : Hata aa low as 5c.; a nice hat fer Joe.; and for 50c. I can give you a fine dresa hst. . rt, W . " C .V. . i n . W l.T ...n .. , . T n 1 . . ' an. a cu uu ... " - JSatttD Baoe unic; a nice ro eau i-if iavjiLM uuirttr enofi. rc. taek nf Shoe, aad tmarantee nrices to Three nice Handkerchiefs for 5c. I also have a well selected line of fonts' Furnishing Goods. rood UBlanndried Shirt from Soc". A urge ad. well selected line of Xook aft tkisl - Way, I eaa give yoa A.5lce-All-Wool Blue Pkcnel Suit, onlj $7.00. A GoQtLDiagonal Suit, Black or Brown, for $9.00. . it i r-m-m.tm Mat One- nil rintha, Tmnki V T a' -r Oome one i Lome an . to ue uuHu...ua ... .. . -" eoaTtae4 iMt l etn Bell Yon Goods Cheaper The Wm. SULTAN, Bishop Brilding, opp. Baptist CIluicIl I JAS. A. THOMAS, Saixsxxx. u25 dwtf procure y flv:n your j.atr n a e OETTINGEE BROS., "The Celebrated Pearl Shirt.' our Stock and guarantee entire satisfac MAX SCHWERIN, Hollister'a Old Stand, Sign of Flag. FROM TI1K MHilll WITH P-nnrlf, P 1 rt i n rr Prtnto uuuuo, vyiwi.uiu5, uvuio Caps, Notions, ." . , .. r, , : : " a r , . . , . m mi i iua' uu wtn noccitu suit the times. Also a nice Linen U an Jkerchief for 5c. to 50e. Neck Aear Scarfs -jc. up to tSOc. Than Any Other House In City. BANISHED LOV. VIRGINIA B. HARRISON. ( rtlieplienln' have ye wandering seen A winded boy with blinded eys';' 1 drove him from me yeutert'en. Dpite liia tears and pleading mk"8. Hh trars a pretty bow, and keen Tipped arrows in his quiver lie. 0 shepherds. tdl me, have you seen TtiU banished Ijve come wandering b,' Vh sliineM the sun. regret to mock. Why rlaunt the flowers in hues so Kay Why skip with j y the suowv tlock, When poor ioet Ixve is far away .' Unfeeling shepherds, wherefore smile And point toward my breaking lieartV What! close behind nw all this while.' (I swt-ei' w c two iu more nhall iHrt. I'. B. Ferrel's Reply. "(ieorgiii and A labama are not 'Rip Van Winkle. ' Tlie 'Old North State' must wake up." Kkrrkl. Editor Nkw Ikrne Journal : 1 havpj nt real in yonr iasne of Lho 14tb iust. Mr. C. U. Eerrel'.s reply to my criticism of his lovie st.ito- ment in detailing Lis method of manuring cotton laud. He beems to bo peculiarly un fortunate in being indeflnite--for hia reply whirl) ouglit to linvt' con tained an explanation how he sixty deei plowed trenches with one wagon load of maiime or con lewsetl his misstatement f.uls to refer to the matter at all, and were it not for his positive statement that he applied only 2,.'5(Xi Munds ma nure per acre, we should as in the first instance be left to guess his meaning. My criticism was only iutended to show the absurdity of, filling sixty deep-plowed lurrows with '2,'300 pounds of manure which was the induction in Jlns letter to lier. S., and 1 still insist that his statement was so indefinite a.s to mislead some and disgust others. When we give our ex- , perieuce to others and that ex perience involves somothiug im-i portant and unusual and some thing IdesirablG by everybody, we ; should necessarily be careful in ; our statement that the thoughtless ; may not lx? deceived, and that thei thoughtful do not discern an ab , surdity and turn away in disgust. , I do notjne8tion that three bales of : cotton can be grown on an acre and do not doubt Mr. F.'s state-' menta aboat the results of his own 1 farming are true but ldeny that 1 2,000 ponnds of "Farman's For mula" and 300 of "Alabama Fer- . ... nil j , , tiller" can fill sty Jeep plowed fuiT0W8. and-Mr. h . ought not have i soTnBtrQcCed'in his letter to liov. ; S. I hop in thefntuxe ho will be I more careful in giving to the public his valuable experience and talk Uyd enough .to awake, and plain e ncmjfh to iostract we sleeping and doll Carobniang. Bat there is another inference in Mr. F.'s letter calculated to mis lead and I will say here that the farmer who may entertain the hope that one wagon load of ''Farman's Formula'' contains plant-food for three bales of cotton irrespective of essential aids of the soil, will be greaUy disappointed at harvest time. There is no doubt great vir tue in this manure because it contains stable manure, . cotton seed,acid phosphate and kainit but this in qoanity of 2,000 lbs. per acre on some of our lands under the most I favorable circumstances wonld fall one-hall Short Ot three Dales Or more, l To seecure the immense results ' claimed by Ferrel, Tait, Truitt, i Wortham, etc., the SOll must be' nlrpiadv rich in nlant food nicelv already nc i in piant-iooa. niceiy lQCOrporated Otherwise how did ' Tait, with only GOO pounds, beat Ferrel who used 2..100 ponnds of i the same manure! Furman thought , nl.l mn.l m w.av u- ...ii vu.vi ..i., yield maxium crops no matter how i perfect and plentiful your first ap plication of manure but that by degrees the fertility of the soil, could be brought up and our: poorest land made to produce three bales ol' cotton per acre. There is another important truth to be stated hero and it is this: after a certain amount of growth and product has been reached, such increase of orop requires a propor-i tionately larger application of ma- ' nure. To obtain the results of (ieorgia and Alabama where Mr. I Kerrel sajsihatr two and three i bales Of COCtOaio the are IS getUpg to be .mbfOni'' we mOBtir mautire mdrt,2Cinire: ietfer Td,irSliarifl j th'nesaarccvof our ieitfl '"by jq- ' ... "TrT . . . , a 'i J diciOtl tatiou. ori parphrra has been lagging eupngb, find ill ( tbalaognage f Mr. F., it is tiuie: 'for tba Old orth State to wake ' j ' ., ra tw-.h;..i ;.' a nnft.ni i l. r ' , i e .ivii.im ... tt.ivu.ie. ' crop r crp that Geor'iA larly ex la us, aud a crop of gr po mee tne melon cfoj. It ia a notorious fact that the melon crop ' Soath of us, aud that North of us commands better prices than our own. The superior puce of Georgia crop is alleged to be dependent ou its earlier maturity while on the other hand the better prico of the melon crop of Mary laud is ascribed to the nearness ot the market and the fresher con dition of the melons when sold. Hat what are the facts in the case ! , The demonstrations of lS.sii proved beyond a dopbt that iNorth Caro lina melons do not command as high prices as Georgia melons even 1 when they reach the same market ' at the same time. Why? Evi by? Evident ly for no other cause than that. North Oarolina's are iuferior to Georgia's. That is a good reason why Georgia's ought to command more price than North Carolina's ; , f Whv- should OfioriVs melons out wny snouia ueorgia s melons grow larger than North Carolina melons! Because the climate is warmer, some will say, and mpre favorable. According-to that same . reasoning then, North ParAli no. , melons ought to be much superior i in size to the Maryland melons. a comtnanu a proportionate higher price as the Georgia's are Carolina's but on the contrary Maryland melons rank aa far above ns in size and price as the Georgia's do. Wbat's the matter f Why are we excelled in growing this im portant fruit by the States both north and south of us? For no other reason than they leed their crops more abundantly. Can we rpasonahlv hon to fret nnt of nnr reasonably hope to get out oi oar land ill prepared and half starved anything else but a stunted ;i:ul inferior crop ! As Mr. Ferrell s.iys, ;t is time for the Old North State to w,;ke up." We are behind, and for our lethargy, called "Kip Van Winkle." We can grow melons as large in sie, and delicious in flavor, a any State, and as this is one of the many crops which we can utilize cheaply, it ought be no longer neg lected, and North Carolina ought no longer remain t i:e sport of her more progressive neighbors, but proceed at once to develop her im mense posMbilit les in this as in the thousand and one advantages sh possesses in neaily ever; depait ment of agriculture. That we can grow large melons, and profitably, I will cite just two examples in this vicinity: Mr. .V. M. Weeks, on a sand ndge that would not make five bushels corn per acre, grew last ear over ."M large and very fine 'Cuban sweets," and iealized i'.'-JO per acre for his crop, while those around him who manured less abundantly made almost a total failure. Again, Mr. E. 1?. Weeks, on 21 hills averaged C large melons to the hill, some of them 'weighing over "( pound-. Tin-.-o t wo m-tanees prove tha: wo ill grow melons as large as any body can, and under the mo-' adver.-e weather c reum-i ances. when our lands are in order and wi ll stored with rotted and a-.-iinulabie tood. .Now, in conclusion, let me say that I hope the twitting of Mi . Ferrel may do us some good. 11 is "(ieorgia and Alabama are not Jiip Van Winkles," "the Old North State must wake up." ought to ex cite in us at least a spirit ol emula tion, and it ought to glow and increase until we aie well in the van and arrested only by the fullest extent of our incalculable possibilities. Write again, Mr. 1 '.. and : how to make corn, eotton.eti how agi '.culture can be made able, and teach lis amidst tin :i us , and I'otit- gen- eral complaint of hard times that there are practical farmers lanneis who make money , and are happy in tha abundance and luxuriance ot their crops, and who are !.ving example- that, under righ man agenient, larniimi mys. .1. W. S.mi:i:s. Sanders St; ore, N. C. April lo. 1-7. Tuscarora Items. . . ,, . At LUwson s old Btanfl. on recuse TO&d Messf8 JIay tt Spearl..u.0 01,enoa a general grocery business. The saw null of II. Dvis has been kept pretty busy of late sawing material for boxds, etc. We noticed at Tu-ca- j rora a few weeks since a large supply of cabbage crates a thousand or morei. being shipped to E, II . J. A. Mead ows, of New Berne. On Neuse road, and facing the road leading to Tuscarora, a new Episcopal church is soon to be erected. Lumber j is now being hauled and everything made rtady for the carpenters. To the untiring and unfaltering elTorts of Mrs, Mary Wadsworth is duo, to a great ex tent, the consummation of this isubie work. Our truckers are much more en oouraged over the prospects of the pea crop since the recent rainn. We now look for about one-half crop. At one ; time even this was despaired of. Pota toes a"nd beans are up and looking well, i Some complain of a poor stand. We learn Judge Green has plowed up about one-half of his crop of potatoes and planted the ground in cotton The Judge says, far once lie used too much manure, thereby entirely destroying the germ of the pocuo. N.,t a single tubersprouted. Mr. Washington I'.ryan, t'a-- popular and energetic president of thoA.ArN. c KaiIroaJ ia ullv aWitk., t the inter- Mt of dippers ovJr his line, and for their convenience is now having erected at Tuscarora a large covered platform for thp reception of mi -k. a -ha Piat- ' ha bdlv needed f r years. The Neuse and Trent River St.amhoit Company also propose erecting, at an early day a warehouse at Spring Gar den. This, no doubt, will add greatly to the freights of that line. At present, all freight shipped from New Heme, when put off at the landing, is wholly exposed to the weather and the ravages of 6tock. Petitions aro being circulated for the ests blishment of a semi-weekly mail route from Tuscarora to Cobton. with offices at May Spear's anil K. Wa is worth's. The present route from Dover to Cobton will, in all probability, be discontinued, aa the proposed new route, if granted, will lill all the re quirements of the old one. bet-i les fur nishing mail facilities to a thickly pop ulated section of country. the two new offices will bo known repeeiivel v as "Eula" and -Myrtle lhil." We doubt if there is a section of country m e w,h,0'e co,!nt" 'VT u:,h" h: 'f by additional mail facilities ilian tin- propOHed route w,n give the r-0pie of this township (the Oih . At present a distance of fifteen to twenty nnles is to be travers.-d mail. The every time we t inc. r.voi,ii-r,--, t ou r t- a v nothing of time an i expense. . an w.-i! be imagined by our nere f -rtim i'- and favored city friwi.ds. Wi- tins. ' n g ressman . m mons will aid us in tins matter with his active support, f r we assure him there is nothing that i'.i 1 more appreciated I y th" e .;;; p.-.p'..-of the township. Stonewall Itcrds. M r. J5enj. J. Parkins, n-e 1 7 1 e.,rs. died at his home, on Smith - t're.-i;. on the 13th mst. Au old and re-pccte.l Citi.en gone. He leaves several t itii dren and many fri--n 1st - r ..!.-: !,. going. I understand that W. H. S i-.vy.-r. ; Bayboro, and H. K. Mayhew. of Golds boro, have formed a copartnership to carry on the mercantile busme-s m Bayboro, and that Jno. F. (."ow.-ll and Dr. F. P. Gates are going in tlie drug business in the same town. Our wharf looked quite business-like on the 20th inst. The schooner Hooper, of Philadelphia, was tying to the wharf and a few minutes later the schooner . D. C. Willis, Dowdy master, was near- ln? the aart, and before she could Kaln the steamer Bettie. Capt. Eason. 9teamed in aDd ma de flMt to her whrf. So you see it looks quite business-like. ; Two schooners, loadad by A. H. Wlm- , comb with lumber, had just left the i da.efore or Philadelphia. Weii.it ' 111 dvuiiuuc.? lo ti , j viie iuiij oer from here if T. H. Hadder continues to cut lumber at the rate he is -now mak ing it. Twenty thousand feet is no un usual day's work for "Short Tom." with a 30-horse-power engine. The new mill is getting under way, T. A. Messic at the saw. II 6 surely nandles the lever like he understands hi- husi- ness Ministers Protest. Montreal, Quebec. April :20. The Protestant ministers are protesting against the bill now before the Quebec Legislature proposing to place cruci fixions in all courts of law for the pur pose 01 strenguiening tne oatns of wit- . umuoB- ln ministers say it is a serious - outr the reli iou, corivictl0n, 1 0f Protestants. STATE NEWS t.lr.iiit d trotn Our KmIi.i.i.-. -. W : 1 : i .1 ' i tt u ' f : A va -1 "'"Hit ot fcrfili.ets have lu en sold in Wil- son t!i;s year. It ill take many a bale ol Tlie tteeey apf- to pay tor what has been hauled away trum town. win-ton it:: 1 lie vn'c in Winston and Salem townships stood l..".T'. for subscript ion and L't again-t. Only two unfavorable otes were cast in Winston. On Thursday i n l, 1 1 1 sojkc one wired Col. Andrews i, .-.end on h:-- ;: ,'a :'"d carts. Uurhain .V(i." Tiie court iioijpe tor Durham, now being designed by V,. A. l'ugin, a rrh i t oct, will have a seating capacity for 1. ((((), and its estimated cost will be !?.",- opo.oo. '1'lie design jiresents one of the most convenient court rooms we have ever seen, kinston I'ii 1',-i.ss 'here are now lour piisiiuer.- m iail. one white and t hree colored. 1 lob Lee. white, for beating hi- wile. Ceo. .lenkins. for stealing use of horse: lt;ll Mitchell, for hog stealing, and .loe.l.ejes, tor luiiinng a mull driving h;ni into a burning brii-ii- lie.lp. ( '. reen-li. .! o , nrtii Slut, : l'i : e Were seven competitor- for ;;c We-' l'o'.n ea.le'-hip Tue-d . The pi l"o wa- e 1! I led i:V ty 1 )oilglas Settle, soil ol .lildge Settle. Mr. Settle :s a -tndeiir at New ( ' arden school . Ills pn dicteney and high guide ol -eiiofir.-ii 1 p shows we!! for th.r ecc!!e:r :nst: ! ut ;on . ( i teen 1 . i . 'V, A g.-'it ie- niiin told us Satuiday Muit nioie I'l'tmi wa- p'.anted I u the time ot ; e.i! til in was ever known heie ai i. nit -. flat iy as i ' . - in t be s,.,! Mill, see!..i t.limel'- ale 'iiloligh planting. ( aids .ire nut tor the marriage id M:.--.M. Itiuce Moore, elder daughter of our townsman. Marcciltis Moore. I!-. . toMr.d. D. Murhy a j.ro.- peroas young 1 r.c yer of this town, on Ttnnsdiy evening. Us:h :::.-. N"iIiningtc:i ' -r: 1 !., i , - Cii-nera! ( 'oiifereiu e ot the M. Ii. ('hnrch South, which, met in K:cb mon.l. A'a.. in May. lsii, onloied that tiro third Sunday- in' May ot this year be set apart as Children 's Day." to be observed throughout the Church with appropriate ser vices, and on that day a collection is to be taken up for the aid t needy Sunday scV'oN. A pro gramme for the services ot the day has been issued. Charlotte Chronic!' : Mr. (leorge W. Polk, of L'nion county, died on the 1 -rh mete, at the residence d' his son-in-law. in Stanly county. Mr. Polk was one of the oldest citi- zens of Union county, being in the !()th year of his age at, the time fd his death. The V. M. C A. building land is progressing slowly. there beiug a lack of about l.oOb or 'J.oou. A pleasant surprise occurred yesterday when the Sharon Y. Si. C. A., of Mecklen burg county, sen' a special messen ger to Charlotte with 11.00. -'A fellow feeling makes one wondrous kind." i v., -, ;.. - r w .. ",N-" i.-'o. . .x. ... .in. tin linished planting corn la.-t 1'ri - ilav. in plowing over an old Mill- , house place he excavated a gallon pig. the wooden stopper ot whicti ; tl.ut cl Ullilhed away (town into the tlllllll 1. 1 1C lllCT WIS tWO-t lillS ,'n ,',.,.i ..,. ; i 1 U il ' ' 1 I'l.lllU, L 11 (l L is l . H i o L ii ' i i years o , as no stillmrf h is been done at that place since the war. ' , , ,. ,- , , i.o. in. a.-,. ua- ian.ru .-u "f-.o flurry ol late and we hear of sev-; eral cases about town. Ir has even taken liberties with the medical ,..,',. : , -.,i i.,-i i r--rlf ., t,t ft,' it j ait o i.nu i'i. nriu on his back. Mr. Charles L. Cortev. ' f. at a. .ii. . mil H 1 j v. win . 01 Lower ( ieK. was quite sick with g-,-,. i wherever n is cii-uia'.e '.' pneumonia last week, but is much ..' ime W.Hi n . ).. r , better now. 1 I take great pleasure m aekn-.evledg- r, ., ing the receipt of the adv mee sheets of larboro Sou Co nvr: 1 he Odd y,,ur new 00l)k. ..y. , lMn, i Fellows of Tarboro will celebrate have read them with interest and pr-ait in handsome style the i..th anni- Your plan of uniting adventures with versarv of the Order which occurs the subjects of natural history is a new on the'iy.th. Friday night, dur- one to me. but I cat. plainly -ee its great .. , .. , " . , advantages. eu hav.' made a wonder ing the storm ot hail and ram, the fnllv jmt.renting a- waii.-a wouder baru ot ('apt. F. E. Knight, who ' fully useful bo..,k. and I predict that lives about six miles from this it will be one of your t sucesful place, was struck by lightning and works ..'e- ' h- burned to the ground. lie had m p,''l,''' ' l',s' e," r .. . , , , - . . iLis.au , X'- ft- . H ii o.ere.,1, a. it about live hundred barrels ot com. out aoout unit was saved, thiuigii it was much damaged from -moke. 11:- Ios- ls about two thou- sand dollars. He had insurance on his bat n and coin to the amount ot' -..o. It :s believed tiiat lighteh- :n : a!.-o struck a fodder- acK. to: two m the field far off from tiie bni n were also burned that night. Wbuiing'rtl Th" FleUei; llfiil ni-war I I'ii'ufl'ifr was sighted oil tlie bar ve.-terday afternoon, and during the evening M. Loeb, the French Y.ce (,n-;.!. received a telegram liom ( 'oniniandant l'.oi'.te! annoanciiig her arrival at Snp.t liv.'.ie Pei son- interested in the p!o;ect ol bii.Mihg a railroad lioni Wilmington to Wrightsville ;u e pu-hi:ig the matter, and there ;s i.o'.c :;ttle doubt ot' the comp'e- i oi tin- road before anothei season. We were shown a letter yesterday liom parties with whom negotiations had been pending. expressing a willingness to fultill their contract and con.-tiuct tin- road at an eai Iy date. ('hailotte ''(?( '.'. : doe White and Henry Kowhind. colored, were yesterday committed to jail in this city by Esquire KentVo, of Mat thews Station, upon charge of com- 1 1 i -i i t - ni t 1 1 rniiiiiit fro in T-Ttn i n tr a flair near that place. These two men appeared here i.isr aionuay as witnesses in the trial of Henderson. ' who was sent to jail upon the same .charge that secured their commit- -The wind storm of last r.-i i , 1,, i , men i 11a,1.. .lol .,1.;,l..,il,l., ,1 rri. jiuuutti vim i oncinci i.i.vj ..niuagc throughout the county, so it would seem from the reports received yesterday. At Esquire Hilton's - , g ,111, i place a largo shed was blown down and the Esquire's pet cotton pick- ing machine was smashed to smithereens. A large tree was blown down in the vard of Mr. tt. . ltoid. and in Long (reek and Lcmley townshijis. fences were scattered and trees were uprooted, entailing no stnail loss upon some 01 the fanners. Eavetteville c : The New r.enie .IdI'KNAL. td April 1 Hll. ".I'a . o l.tor iiad - on .Vpni b; h. T-:der;ng tne on. c'.i;. ' -. i r dnVer.'iieo :a tli,if. t-r o:, !, '.jr. ('. aii.'u: ; otic, ., we ate a farmer iti th:s -i r, l.i-r ,' .-.i.fi ii,.en ,.; make three none has p.,, or hav the stoc VV,,y . , ..... green, and ! her.- tor cows to g,.-. ryo wonld rhiy . Mr. .lolin place. h,;- placed branehes imlleii orchard.. One b and tbeutiiei of ; ci . w I . lie U 1 n l.-ng t.v.!: and - i ' i i i ' ' " " 1 ' 1 i i i ' 1 A ! c-:es in ea". a:. ianner. men: : n; -' : that -e:'t:oi!. T.e e. full grown rij e one Well. F.ivetteviil- . e. aul'-'-y . ' this i'..a: :i 1 o ! k t wo j all. -tio-a lis peae) villo. s nig o; the early : robb- rv toe I ;it van et V. i'he e i rl v cro; i seems to have nil been r. ! 'I " icle the ! ite is nil 1. s ;ys if !.. rhing hap caches fivi'ii in nv- out an .('!:. 1 iinv of line "-'I1 T" . '"' Nv''' l; 0,t's' K t'.. !g Wei'. I ! a i in Ue a - "i i,.ni' , 1 .. If It , roll. : s n o;ii Cam . .v ....... i I tal ! Ill' e-c lli of ri.- e o it'll t'l the boor ot one i ml l'i ak i n g t heir i l-:;o!e in the dark- ! a o I.e 1 1: V.ele W.ltCl tug t .ion - a to 1 .'.tii -toi in and i j u ; ' e a c c! t nrougi: Mtddie i t t!i -o:: ' in ; a j : : ' - : !o..-. A i 'iw passed iwn-h.p in ' c,KlU- .doiol -, e e . : : - course l ' hea-t. was and lloUl -o A e .sii lera ble- ord. and i e III r; ; ) . -y.e ;o.,t eti i ,e'A i,iV!l his ile-tioveii : ios d e . .-he U aIl,. a- ! -i:-:n I c : . . : i , i;,c p . e c. - , ,i - iio- pi : .'. ' a ouau; :: oi U'.d -ht-d- v. . : e ,oi n to sin, ,1 i .1 I 10 U--- oil ; ; o n 1 1 i iigtng ' S .lolje. A u.ule I - do Ucs was ; llillliol. . bh wt -. w;i a ' . ' r y ot :;.:;! n-i was I io t 1 . 1 ge 'i.e.- w el e 1 :i "a it i.ani countv-, i between nui ! ' ; i t.s boro. i t he bc;i ; iiici. i; swept wa- fr one toi.rtiiio rtlif hall a mile v It-I and fin- to: CP - great ,-i . Tree.- ! as large a- a i:. air oarre. were ; .'. i.-ied , ntii'ely o;V ,.eai toe ba-e. leaving -tumps with long fibres. U 1 1 ' ell 111 1: V . I e 1 - ' I 1 i h,v.. -K t 1, e whipped . r . . r-1 .. ,. ', o . - , i e i I . o - ' OT t ill Mr. .'re meets a K i.lgl.t wa- ! lown t()i 1 tile good- scatteied in ' all direction, j, 'yar,;,, jo one bur t'ne cvcl.-nc atl(1 e, ;-'eUu nt ,iu,ii..,i leported hurt, -i d gie it : fight -.j- ...... .1 va aint I. and. Tiie gre;... and good liuel. Wh it :s s aid of it . 'A" our plan ot c inn ining b. ok a- ii l.j'.'.ir.ii h.. -'.' ! .' adventu.-fs wuii cin a: creatures des -riccl , ..-im . -: lrririj in ... .s ana -i::.. i!mo-t like It i something ' an in-pirat: r. t , m new and cannot ! to be intenselv jio,u,ar w i v.-s i tie ; e. ,.!. i no hook d' w ii! r-.-. iv. an u:iu-ai illv large :,. I roust nf- that I h ivc tak -n it sh(.;ts ij V(,ur" nw bT. ,k. s-., ;H-l .,,,, J.' i think I ,iv, L-vo read tumlhr ':,,..!.- : e. too ",.t,K- tit a ..... .......,'... W...'. . :., .., .... .... .i jit, i. h .to ,,m-.,i mi, vviii . eifP hi I '..,-.,. tv"'a 1 1 -1 u 11 ; r,i a 1 iapi..-,,e l ,- tensive cin-u!ati..n of rhi, book Its adventurous feature- w ill attract thou- sai; J - of r ea ! ers amoLi g ill voting, ami in p.erusit.g uP br:gia pag- - tney wm b arn mor..- about natural hbt.-ry un 1 th- w.-nderful things God h i placed in the sea and on the land , t! ;m th"v wr ufi t school. com;,1 i.-li I ' i i r - i i i - - rit ii . . useful bi circuia Look tt J"tv;iig U'.ll ill.'. P-rhg-. way.- ir. ih. : . : i A N..3..v:,;e : i r i . : e i 1 1 -.. ii g i v 'a M:s. James v ci . :t was a. m.e-dVij . r ') ' re i. M r- m'l n. :. pre-el.t. th i en. . !r lit: H-- : I'.hk - 'h.llt. K.-aiv .n.o.';. ti u ere gr:iv km, -a Accepts Hi" t ab M.4i. 1 .'y111 1 ' 1 :" 1 ' ' i. e f P: pa r in tit. DiXoIt's C1C..1 l4 1, i .. " 1.. -. v. u.niiig 1 1 1 -o 1 1 1 . 0 r '' 1 b 1 spread 1 pre- ., 0j,M1 u.,.. , speai, -r ami pia He .-". .n .i. J' ' llt' - ',1,l'r';?- , 1! great il-T tl Ulilii-Lr-l, S.IP1 lii tifniiijihttn to i he ( "in isr inn workers of t- . Kaleijli. i ne w i , i -a s , ..j r -.j caarcu wm , give him up v. i - gret. at.d c-.t .v ;t:i . out an eiTort t. get him ba He wil. preach his first -e, m m is P e -m- of the Second Baptist church "a t:.e "v, vang pf lh(1 rst Stir. v ):. M ,v ,--. o.v.m,-. )ii. X n S'Veo AV '' ''A' Apni ,j.,mt!. ,...,untv. t!d- s.;.te. i .vrc !rj,.u is vintu'y.--: :-!.. .iiuii.-i:o they .prirr- 1- ' . ;- t ' i Both men g. .r v..i,ei .- iniukanev.us;y :.:, :. both w. r, stantlv killed. ' ar.- n b ang through the temple aal't.v p. ' n bullet in Ids heart. car ina ai. .. ". :r ; in 1 i irima. f r m": g lawyer and juri.-l ui N On. be i i i : !.:;-. in tiic rj ih rear c: i i nti.'iial an ct-. niak nig c ven ere mvi" '") ?!..n'i-.-. .".! 'Jreen- r t " . . . - ! c til : ;v. v Dr. '.V. S. liitciieil. suruu of tLe I" irbt Lvui.-iinna 'Jonfedera'-e Jtegiment during the 1 .lc . a.-, die in N,,-v Or leans TuChdiiN . George Bancrou. the Historian, ar rived at Chattanooga, Tonn. . Weunes- nay. en route to las h ton from Xa-div id-. ;-.-. r.ic.,- . ia i.. a:i:i-e r a ::i'.;.-:iiig iJci.. on Mundrtv nig c icted r-:--..rt- to r.rur a V- . 1 1--1: i. -1 1 watT-r-wor!: -l:r.'-!; 5!;;!' .-.dvauee '.f -l: r, nts in wag-Tin- -var ii. New V. II; margarine ae -rs w:. - i- nosday y.ou. mor-- il.-i cV- i: v,rc urr.;igiu i ai s j,,.,,,, UD u 'ta i...:-.a.a. , f i , . aa 1 h.. L -v ;' ' irvighi and p i---ng. r "dngt- n and :.".:rt:..-rn pMit IJj.el- ! -i. !. - l elf. M 1 ; , me:i-':r' - ar t ' i.; t ".!: -. ' t'.-- i-i-iir- piif-c :n- rh : ::, At the Kn. ::.- 1 1. rv i.ic alone about '.i:!- (. ,v ,. , n slaughtere. i A rectiii ol the liis: tout y . - a :a -tven s-tory badduig m Pitt-buig. occu pied by Tate Cv: ilyer-i. coijiiuis.-i .n 'J.. r- Atlanta. coUi-j'S-. a V..nne.-Juy J.-8 ab.jut SO- 0iih TherWiil of'C-U.aiiae J ,au i..k , j of Phila ielpr.ia. bciueat 1 W - 'es t7s.oi. o ... ariou- eharitatue institution;, in mat city, and taat of Jo-nr. i 1' i, i wr i.ee given StfO.uu.' . . ; '- -Marshal Jsc.-n s 'trsyilio. T'a.. l.t !;isi.; years- Durin th war -Marshal lb -r .... .. ii .. .1 I, it ot ileitis- . . i - i it j 1 1 .vit men m Penu.-y lvania. "OiJ Sput." the horcc v.Li-ii ' vh . ' tfilpatriek rode m ins famou- exne.ii- , . ' I u-juouui.ug vae wil ue: . ut I't'cser- , town. N. J.. a few day.- ,g... lie iv':s I :hirtj--three y..arc old Rel-.-r's tinwate mauuficturm ii-hiii, nr ca Fr.rl.-io: 1'. i i .rge-1 ' plant "f the kind in Western p.-.in-yl vania. was destroved hr - '.V.1 nesjay t ., -:ja The Uii'l. ClLipi iyi ihv mei. ciupi ye i ..l v .-n niml-er-yards. no Nw ton -truck la-t Monday lor an m C. i.Kes, - aud thu p lioe ha t' tea. m to -uppress -h disorder -voout xveavers ,mi A bout li" 1 wea .,-,.)- t and ) mills, oi the Ham Won. at Amesburv. Ma- .truck , , Monday on account -i i-saiisf action : arising from a cluing- ef tnanat-mei.t. I. airy j.j!iii,.v,ii:. Ui,- bridge jumper, was arre-t"d at the Itrooklyn bridge entrance Monday, it having I .-en re ported that he was to repeal ui-- experi ment for a large amount ot money. Justice Duffy afterwards center: 1 h,m to priton for tiiree mouths t em pi I 111 til (ai j K .-M. 1 ii 1 1 o i. - The following resolutions -'"IT i frum the Statesville Lcudi n ' Mr ' Woutten is a native of -rave. ..ntv. , , - -, , - " , , an 1 hi- partut are riill in-re. us well as his brothers and sisters. He wa- one of the "beys in gray" during the late :tr. Mrs. A cotter, was a Miss J- .-n a" -.".ir li.-ter city of Willi. met 'r. i A: a mei ting of th-' v.-stry ot "-'.. LuKt ' parish. St-aford. lu-luwure mi ti ... Li,..' i it. ,o v. . : -ii'tt'i,: ! lis W .'ill pic' At tiie becalming :" .-. nv. year we deem u ii-n: Ol Us L ri". '.-."A ti. 1.11.- -I and t ,. -. . a !,.:- '- t n parish, a" i p t..s.- r i- i in 1 r.-t-bi. WiiitHMA; i.-'lcbiastic oi i proper a c h, i- ; , i ,:: :;. th 'i' ;!.i;o:r ilii'IeVi:!..: dee-- r ) s. miidv ;ni 'i:u -nts b.lb; t v -ar "esll;, i arc Jul! i r. them to our ro-."ir'!v-v ieui fi r his won l.-riai .1 ... ai and abut, h.m hi... r the v.-Uj ill c.-rr , . t;g ci s -t -e '' 1 .. .: tratious among as. ',y hi i:..liistry . gi'"at iTJsi .-.ai .oid !.:; . ben-'voe di', . he iia- won 1, . 1 . deuce and ---'eee-. ' ... U mate regar i Rc-Sijlct ' i . .7 '"!; . ' .iw .r-1 ..-icy . t'-.t i i .ti dily ;i. , . irg tin : , ; r- v - mcere thanks to Mr- noble genet iy ... 1 . arch Witu . 1...:. isotie- -!-,;;,; '' Almightv ! . ).'. recent danue ! ":. Mai:: .-.enioi Wa " t : : i ' Jam r W;, v. ia.w. Li M iir; - J AMP'S . .;. e ban k -cif-'r ing covorv f mm ' 'thi.Y 1- -t 3- P Ilei.eoi I :. H. 1" V t.f .- -' H. s;7-;. , i,l-i' i ih', . V : : 1 1 1 '. Mr Wo.nten 'w,,l m..v Tei'.n.. 'J0i.ii of M.iy h -a an call lo the rector -hi; ; : , h e.rch. of licit 1 ! ce I.... : v' ' tiMt i'A l.XKl.l.ITJt-. J. . y -r 1 1 Mr. Gladstone . .ke .d (h- . ;tin. r gu en by the Eighty i'1 t!.;s evi r:in;r. Ilo said he had r erin .-t oned a uspicion that the: '!l::-s ::soci,iled themselvep with, :ir.f. ::; ! liis ..filcia! knowledge was ic-'-e .j ;r. .. ! ;s that '.f Iord Har- ::gten ;i hoped tl. liberal-unionists , h i 1 ni-i-rajiied from voting on the 'on-1 r. i i:iif of tlie crimes bill wonld 1 tmiaf-ly tally against coercion. Iti ; oii.r.y uiiti ue that lie had tried to ::"e .a.- i.ion.s'.s to work with the r-tni" liberals for nartv nurnosos : o i t i toe Irisli oueHtion, but had ; d :n hi-- endeavor. Hut bitterest of :: i!..- -ji.t of iibcrals supporting t col-!'-i... bill, ile la ietly criticised 1 pai p.. ... of alleged necessity of the and said mat the .uestion ",), a t.- r-frrr.-d t' t!;c judgment of !h jrxt :!(. lie Mid not wish an early dirsuimior, of Parliament, but they mu-t arouse rellection on the part of i th- eiecteis. and he believed a dissolu- . . :. would produce that effect. j nui: rorn anp the knights. 1'AP.is. April 10. The Cnirers says' in" decision of the holy ofhco on the j X.-iigiits of Labor question, given to i Cardinal Gibbons before his departure ir-.m Koine, wa nil tnuorctir, signify ing that, in view of the representations made by the Cardinal in hid memorial ' n the huV. ject iher was no occasion! 1 : iii:-n nl :on - n f,.- ,,;irt of the c : : i :- j i .'. poi...:i d bri-. I oi. ile- Washington ' .'.iver-hy v. ill bo given to Bishop K"!ii:i' of Richmond. Va , tomorrow. Ttii: am;. rah- i-ok.-i's korTitn. :i:e Afghan .-ommander 'who waeent i by the Ameer with a 'orce of 5,000 men j : all .cl; to'1 ( . h: :r. us. wa..-;. met and i o 1 1 '. 1 -oa'.h of Gimzni by tin- rebels. i The Khan f Dhir lias rebelled against j .iiie.-j. lie ims ?uLai..iieu ami iif - i ieaced the Khan of Hodshors. and cap-! tared one of the latter villages and a ! i'oi.Li.v oi oreecu-ioaning rines. i i sT FI'.o.M TUT TA-MANIA. I I . N'i . n. April iy The captain, two1 hCeis twenty-two Lascar stoker i w.-re iir.cvri";! from tie- wrecked steam -ii!., "i'a-ma.'iia Tie- r.-maiinler of the ;. v.- ana to- I 'is---tu', rs ,re all he- 'c-Ved to be ..f or. a i a t kkixst ted. : ." -n Al'id is '"lie features of T.'-r in t.ii.i.tht "-j t.rocerdings of the :(..n,.. ..f 'i:ii.,tn were the govern a a.' - r, I i-d to revoke the suspen--: "i t M ' II, al the .igr'Tment of the ;! in ' I" 'I,., neeond reading of thr eiv;on nil! . and Mi t'arnell s etate-ite-r. 'ear'ictf'rii'iiig as a forgery the - 'Tii ;i f t r , lei T e. 1 in Hire in l ),o 7Vuj . v ' tl.i.- moaning The Jlealy incident w:is 'cr-.agnt up t.y Mr Sexton, who asked whether the government would consent to rescind vhe suspension of Mr. lealy, n i Mr V II. -'-ruth, first lord of the tr. c-'iry replied that it wonld be utter ly out the question, when no apology had b-et) given, to rescind the suspeu- - Hj. Sevcn. i-iontiiiuinc -id fluit in tio Biisen.c" 1 hMr. Healy he was au- thorized for liim to sav if Major Sann ....... .. ; . l. .1 -i : i . i - i ,, i , to which Mr. Healy r language was in reply. Mr. Healy would withdraw the excresions deemed by the House ofTen- -;v... 1 !e than moved that Ml Healy I heard at the bar of the House.. Tii" Speaker declared that that could r.ot be dune, and Mr. Sexton thereupon asKe'l J inr ssiinnersnn to wittirtraw. in-. aMs.-rtions regarding Mr. Haly, and which had exasperated him into mak- "h-T t he responses for which he wa sus- Pnd.-l. .... M tjt.r caunderson remaining silent. Mr (,iadstont- put to him direct the .piestion v. hetlier he was preDared to rcn n ue ) louse anj- assistance by ih" " nhd rawal of his offensive expres-sont-. Th. ;"ionservativeh cried out! ' Xo' ' "llnn't"' Don't!" .'i ,j i iviiinderson then arose and said he had never alluded to Mr. 1 lealy ' direct!;, or indirectly, because he had 1 i"lt as regards Mr. Healy. that he was' luabl- to sub-tantiate the charges so as Prii;.,' conviction to the minds of m-aiilier- th.- II.iie. 'Cries of 'ii"ir' ' tle-u' Th" ruatter was; tr pee i i tiiA r lc ::nti:N' !'i. ; ''. i i:i.-i l ie . Apri! Ji'. Six of the ! n-.e't arrested for complicity in the plot' t-t ii- -ism nate the Czar, which was to' -cee carried out on the llith of i !! hav" been sentenced to death. 1 Th- other conspirators have been sen-i-!H'.'il to imprisonment for life. The ohc; at Kic li and idessa have i : -t-oveied plots to kill the Czar by I U-, ing -ip the imperial train in the ver.t .f th" ' :r't. visiting Southern! IPls-i.i ! "!-'.o- i a: si;i.i,;.i. mii.itaia sl. kets. Is :: n, April -IU An Irish non-com-! ;i,:-sioiied otiicer of artillery, who had for -mill- lime been em ploy ed in a con- :i l.-ntiai capacity in the ordnance office at the V..nl ich Arsenal, has been de- grad-'d in rank aud dismissed from his IMM1!t'"" ''"'nt trial, on a charge of J 1 1 a v a i g , n.i,-ed old secrets of the ollico. A iinpbce I is.- also been dis- i nr. i in sap ,:.vn .ikweLS. I'M.:- .iril go. ihe exhibition oil etv h crown j.-v. ols v as opened in j uv re. The induce was thronged tor., mainly ladies. Orders I i:i'-r!"ii. especial I- from the j - . ; nip-,: st.it. - Senators, indi- . '"'' proir.l.le destination of the ' . r p n t ol tie (, ivel.-. I i.o p. Tin: i;. 'Yap i-AMihv c-r -HitMA. : - i .N April "JO A dispatch from j ... t tne Sciiiuard sin s that the : a. et h. oar. ilea from her' .:. :. iii;g. Jiii.'ih. a.-.d returned to1 .mi., in Jiussia. Political and! tic d.!T. reucer are the grounc 1 -epai :it. mi i: i.'.i'i at- : in- ukuki..- .'tpril C. Advices from in- that a battle ha.- taken r : 1 e.-ii tie- Ameer -t ti.-oh.i and the i ebc-l , ,., - ;, ,s- w, :t- oft v ar'd il -A u-,, e i ttl a w 1 mil it h t ir.-iuaii and , v Tich paper had implicated in 'i.1 iie r.itams. : i : r onia.nii- '. -t tie- . tin;, ,s it or- ir. hav ' ad : r .a iulcnt r..-turns : ..11. c,:,; ,f fla ir compositi m a. u-,-.', he h v. ere knowing ' p'c 1 bv tie f i, man and entered .'.' 1 i. iy p., utioii account. H :. ' lit- Uc- paper wa- -bdrauded out ; east - 5' 1 .-. v.-oi k . trail was di-ciered by means: 1 an-. itvtt ais letter to the manager ;o paper i iie six compositors were , :i if.fi.rr- .1 poli'.-e magistrate today ;h'"-i.'! guilty. Pitt at the man - n ;pi ; .-entericc was suspended. , ir--!-: '.:!.! . '-, several :' -,.' o .... i ' a 1'. ebideut. - x. i k : -. ..a recently quoted ; ' W "e in. as speaking i . ' r:i. - t i 'rosi lent rlcv-lo'n-fil I ;ragg h is promptly de- l lif ,', j,-,u ,,,,, :is a fals-eliood. - " I te, in complete sympathy .'" ' el-n.d'n personal adminin- ' 1 1 d" n.-.t believe it could be ' -i"-c !" lion.'-ty of .urpose i he.-. . ' t t rm i.'ii'ii exocu- " ' -e ' ! ''' p'p.etmnent in the ' if ui government ' i;.j- 1 :J I '' h ,- Pe.-n hy whim- ;'-; v. !'e-;....la! ions aii,i Pv an " ' I. .'. .! .miuittee of his own nialud. Attentive eeryante. Table sup it -.vers.. ; ; o j : v.-oi i h f -ss . he plied with the best the country affords, ip.'.i-di' tl wonders in the rehab- Terms reasonable. Apply to f the democratic organization Mrs. A. J. .SCARBOROUGH, -tun ..f jr. o.l government ' Trenton. .Tones county. N. (.'. dw iPtatca, , . ; tn o Absolutely Pure. Thli powder nerer varies. A marvel of purity, Btrenirth, and wholeaomeaee. Mot economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the mnltltnde of low tost, short weight, alnm or phosphate powders. Bold only m oana. Rotal Bakik Powdsb Oo.. 106 Wall-st.. E. Y. novlS-lrdw For pale in Nowbern by Alex. Miller. RED LIGHT SALOOH, Near Market Dock, Middle St-, NEW BERNE, N. C, WHfcRK V CAN ALWAYS kink PURE LIQUORS nr - . . f e y va",ety or email uantu.es. AUo the FINESTGRADES TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ah r.t r,iu .sn i u CHEAP FOR CASH ! , John f Dinkins. Haleshian , F. WHITMAN, dec22dw Proprietor. Take Notice ! Our store is rilled with Provisions, Orooeriofj, Ctutnrd Oootls, Iry Woods, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of tno Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. ALSO G. S. Parsons& Sons1 Boots and Shoes. b Every pair warranted to giveti- ' faction. . Country merchants and the people' generally are requested to call and ex amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will gire you low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS & BHO., South Front at. . New Berne, N. O Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements. Goat Hair K. O. K. LOI)(xE, I'HAVliN STJtKKT. IJelow I-xpress OfTIce. :iiav'-'2 d'iawiw K7R. JONES, Wholesale and Hetail Dealer in P U ( I P C CAMIIV nRnPERIEQ AND General Merchandise, AGGISG AM TIKS, Ktc. Consignments of (train. Cotton and other Produce solicited. Prompt Attention (inn ran teed. w. 'or. South Front and MiddleSt" NKW KKRNE, N. C. KASTERS NilliTH CARULIJIA MARBLE WORKS, NEW HEHMK. .. L. Monuments Tombs- Anil nil kinds lira vp and Hulldlng work Id ITAL1AN&AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention satisfaction guaranteed. JOE IL. WILLIS, Proprietor iui .TiB.ti to Uvorge W. Claypoole) Oor. HROAD AD CRAVEN 8U.X NKW BERNE, N. C O. K. Mii.leh is my authorized agen riKinston marfO-lydw Private Boarding House l' lil'XTON, N. V. lvooms comfortable and well fur- '3g- V''d ''it- . t i- ' 1 .V ... yft 3 IT'. --4 "I; 1 me ..V ' r-il J .rv - -v; :.g'A. ',iri-..iv. d :j',..rt'T-(...'o.-i!'j ; .--.'-:'...-.-.j'. ee f - . .': ,., ... t . . . v .. : - '

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