. v kliVv-vir-T-?;;;. a,. I 1 - V t-'-t a- V' .a --K 4 C - ' IXDEPKXDF.XT IT ALT, Til Terms $ii.OO Por "Voa:r. VOL. X. XKW HKKXK, CliAVKX COTXTY, N. ( NO (. III . .. .. V V V I V- Time. Some have plenty, some have more. We have euough and so much to p.ire To talk to yoa matters concerning our s:.re which iQ fact and substance is just this, thar we haven' t had any lair 01..IIC sooner, to tell yon, that our now spnn pi,0tl. have come ,n. ami What is still better we hare sold a Rood quantity f them already, but not enoaeh to break the imruense LADIES' DBESS GOODS th, ... w loaimg .-haJe-. Ginghams. Pongees, India Lawns, Piques, Em broidered Dress Robes l Fine line of Notions, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Ruch ings, Everlasting Trimmings, Embroideries, Para sols in Virions style", in fV-t w- .-ttir..-: .-nu::.ert- a'.', w.- hiv. for the lsdie. BEADY MADE CLOTHING m mj (uant. lor M n and bovs rientv of Shoe? j - . Ziegler Bros. make. Grents' Hats, Neckwear, nd so forth. Pants Goods ' ctJ- rer Jard to ? "" Furniture, Furniture, Glassware and Groceries, in tint moct nj thing needed that may add to yonr happines.. which you will surely to Yoars ?ino T--1 v, Sign of MAX SCHWERIN HHMOVBX) HIS CLOTHING EMPORIUM to Lbfl Stare Utelr occupied by Wm. Holligter. where with more Room t . d isplay hie increeeed Stook, he is, with the assistance of rvilt. SAMUEL Ii- HALL, prepared toahow and aell at Hard Pan Prices. Tha FINEST, NOBBIEST, NEATEST, PBETTIEST and BEST READY-MADE CLOTHING, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Straw, Derby and Fur Hats, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Etc., Etc. I AM SOLE AGENT FOR I A. BATTLES' MEH'S CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES The only Phn aoid in th'.n ritv that are WARRANT ED; by the Manufacturer TO Mt nJ BY MK Tu MY Cl'srOM KKH, vli: ltvery pair la VV rrn ted f ihoaltl any of tbem In any way within any rpasouable time alve on t, I will upon return of damaged pan and 8t to -ment aa to lepgLQ of wear, uniiBKjrivio the .Moy tv OrGITIAHaTHtlKIV PAIR 1 7 IXCHAMil. It 18 the Dat. flneat and cheaoeat sho In the world for the. motiey. They come In Concrea tm and Lar l p 1 have teatlm.al.la lna eltlMna. who have omt of which have worn ooe palraalouic 8 12 month, and pronounce It the Beat, Cheapest and t ajtlest Wear lag Shoe In Ibe world. I reepectfally eolicit an inrpection of our Stock and guarantee entire satisfac tion to all purchaainf from as. MAX SCHWEKIN, Middle Street, at Wm. Ilollister's Old Stand. Sign of Flag. '87 Spring Announcement 87. We wish to call the attention of our Cus tomers and friends to our elegant stock of Spring Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. Oar Stock is now nerlv complete, and we are prepared to give you GOOD CLOTHING AT LOW FIGL'KES. Ii u a well known fact that onr Suit. give better -at.-'.Vn n thn unj jom emn find in the city. Why Because we buy fr.-m the h.-t houe. and whea we guarantee an article you can depend on it, and any article that Jcu BOt uit may be returned and money refunded. BLUE 8UITS, 95.00 to $10.00. Our H'.o.i Suit we -uarai.t-. fast color ; if it fades we return your money. Our line of $10.00 Suits can not bo match, d in New Heme tiny all say. Be nw and see us ir vou want a suit of stock w can order it for you. We kaye as usual the finest Jmc of STRAW HATS in ti..- city. Boys 50c. Straw Hats a specialty. Mackinaw Straw Ha;s .".iv. up. We wish to call attention to our line of MF.N'S FINK SHOPS. Stacy Adam & Co.'s and James Means & Co.'. We arc -ale agents h"r-. Oir stock of NECK WEAK is very complete, an I i b,ing .-enantlj added to. Large line of GENTS' FURNISHINGS, cch.-imI: of I'mi rwear, Sus pender, H. Hoee, Garters, Collars and Cuffs, ...re. Trunks and Valine, Straw Mattings, Pine Straw Matting, a:. a 'arp. t.. Nice lot of PorpoUe Hide Shoe Laces. Do not bay before you see us. HOWARD & JONES. War, War, War, AGAINST RACKETS! Y Look Oxit for llio A :ix- FT A YIN G JFST RETURNED FROM THE NORTH WITH A Large Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, and eTerything yoa can call for usually kept :n a o'a- l)ry Goods Store, I am determined to open war against rackets and high prices. To prOTe the same I quote some of my j-nc : Hate as low as ,V.; a nice hat for Joe: ar. i f r .",Oc. I a:, jive you a fr.e dree hat. Shoes, I caa astonish the natives. w :.y 1 can give y l.u a Laiiiu Batton Shoe for 97c; a nice Foxed Gaiter, --nly boa I also have a nice line of Ladies' Low Quarter Shoes, In fact I have a lar.'e and well selected stock of Shoes, and guarantee prices to suit the times. Three nice Handkerchiefs for 5c. Also a nice Lin. :; Hataikerchief for ,1c, I also hare a well selected line of i i GfinfS Furnishing GOOdS. awisi i Hiiiiuuib mwwmws A. food CJnlaandried Shirt from ooc. to oOc. A Tarts and well selected line of Neck Wear; Scarf- up to one. Look at this ! Why, I can give you a -ar, an TTT ini Tl l c . i 4.17 ff A Hie All WOOl UlUe riannel bUlt, Ollly vb.UU. a n.-i -nt'awATial lnit Blflrlr nr "Rrnwn for fRQ 00 A GOOd Diagonal bUlt, UiaCK Or Ur0WHf lOr & J.UU. Also, a good line of Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloths, Trunks and Valises, Cons one ! Come all 1 to the Headquarter of the War Department, and be eoarineed that I can K 811 Yon Goods Cheaper The Wm. SULTAN, Bishop Building, opp. Baptist Church. JA3. A. THOMAS, SiXESOIA. mar26 dwtf assortment !n !;- various branches of it alirrK'.--, b-sides the w known procure v civiin: vour i.atr..na:. OETTINGER BROS., The Celebrated Pearl Shirt." Kuium. l'Laln d 1 S.larp Tod snow. from aome of our rnat and ,ead- booaht the - K ATTLKS SHi F. of any Kind : it wo cn suit vcu out Than Any Other House In City. A SOLDIER UNDER NAPOLEON. Do you see that tumble-down cottage there Beyond the road by the sycamore tree- Will, ru itj In It, o Krat-in tt- inili itr- ' -'"- panes, nd thorns where the Mower-inns used tn bev Vou never would thick in such a place "' ?0n rNoU.t.n The-B litlle heroic, i ....nfe. in the withered old man iu lua .-..rner chair . Nut a tooth n r a thv.ujlii,iii i.i- (.;un he siw and mumbl.-- an 1 Krumblen there; Hut if ninety years take much away. ILi.-i title, kt leant, will alwavs siuv-- A soldier under Napult llii dun eyes watch his dnuhur at werk . A thin uld wumau m calic. : He sometimes IMU-a her Rr:Uid- -i. play With his painted soldiers all in a r w And he dearly loves his iint of tin. And his black clay pipe, this man v. in hag been A soldier under Napoleon. But Jena. Marengo. Austerlitz, And last and bloodiest, Waterloo' Will his eye not Hash if I sneak theee word. And the cluk;irli ll 1 in In- veir.s burn true- lie n deaf, but I'll shunt them ,ut ml he hear. And in memory n liht. at lea.st. a.p.-i-.r A soldier under Napoleon. ' "Good sir," I say, ' do you reeolleet That last great day w lien, the records u'"' louiouum so urau'iy, imrqau . ur pot Till the last man left of your rades fell.' "I've lost the names." he says to "1 just remember I used to be A soldier under Napoleon ItKOOKI.VN 1. 1 I I h: The boldness and Ire'pieiiey ol burglaries in this city hus develop- ed a general uneasiness and leai amouutiug m some cases almost to a panic. Mr. Perry, of South Third St. went to Lodge the other even-1 ing, and when he returned he found I his wife and children dragged by chloroform, and his money conspic- nous only by its absence. The police force is scand.ilou-!v made quate to its needs. A number of ladies in this victn it y have taken up the cudgels in behalf of Milo 11. Dakin, and are making things lively. Their do- fenseofthis gentleman consists iu the argument that he has only dune what all working politicians are known to do, and that his expul- sion by the Senate ought to be lol lowed by a general House cleaning, These are vital questions, and it is cheering to find women awake to such issues. "Brick Pomero " is again pound- ing awav in the hemocrat. No one would ever mistake this gentle- man's use of the English language, and if sometimes bis matter is a 1 little too vigorous, and lacking in refinement, those who know him well always smile and recall Dick- ens "Bovnthorn." the thunderer and threatener, a man absolutely without guile, and as sweet and harmless as new milk. Mir. l'om eroy has the same fondness for children that distinguished the im placable enemy ot Sir Leicester Dedlock, and the other day took a j whole orphan itsy luni to the circus. The last seven years have been spent by this gentleman m driving a tunnel directly through the Kooky mts. English capitalists have contracted to complete the job. sub. OfM) having already been raised. This tunnel will save -40 miles between Denver and Salt Lake City, besides opening up a number of valuable mines. Having succeeded in this colossal under- taking, Brick" has returned to flirt Fmniro Srntfl to matu lliriil 1J. Hill President, at least tharis what he says. It is reported that Agnes Booth always faints in dead earnest when ever a stage swoon is necessary. Sometimes these spells of uncon- o r i r n .a , .ra o. t- li r t- ,1 i n rrj.iTinu on. I . , ,. . -, , i , iiflnn nf.i,, linr- tinH. a n r, o h lint: (irimuCU uei UII.11UO uuu cut: uno r .u i..- ;., le'ous oi lueuj uic in ii,i a uin- tressed when she is cast for a piece .i. i-.ll l : containing uie tailing ousiuess. Sailor jackets and sailor snits are going to be very fashionable the i coming summer, l nev nave the square navy collar, and are trim med with a blue Hercules braid with buttons to correspond. For the mountains gray tlannel with gayer furniture will be worn. ine receptions oi --atiss l.ioei i ronites. VI a u u 1 1 e v : 1 . e :n ;ne aa;: are crowded everyday, and there tei-ntli and Felon iu ; iie s . x : ei-n ii is to be a moon light excursion id' ceiiturv d.escnbed ;i.:s trie. : la lovers to io her honor next week, lareest :n all Pab-s:;:.. . ,,a,; w A alk over the Frooklyn Fridge is today pcrtectlv ,;,.:,.: aiai is a thourough inspiration at this healthy. season. No harbor in the world The present popul.-.taoi lu-b- can be mo.e beautiful. Staten ron is about .joimi Inusi ,,t whum ai Island with her green lulls and Moslems. Its situation in -i narrow sweet veil of irestiness. the blue valley surrounded by :..'.'. :- ex water, blue sky, and craft of all tremi-ly picturesque. tidiness kinds, with Fartholdis' famous ot the soil, the s.i!u':u;;v ,.f tln- statue looking down over the scene giveji one a truer conception ol the push and poetry of the American nation than can be found any where else. l-.LKAN'iK KlKiv. I'UK (tt'KKN as a liKi.. Futy y ears ago we had the queen, a years ago we had the queen, a dainty little maiden, only 1 feet in inches in height, with a delicate figure, a flower-like face, a slender arm and an exquisitely poised head, The face was a little pensive, but nevertheless mirthful, the corners t,u' m,,ut'1 turning up as do- cide.lly as they now turn down; the tendency of the upper lip was to curl, allowing a mere suggestion of white teeth to appear. A simple gown of soft white India muslin, bound round the small waist with 8atiu riblion and embroidered with field daisies. string9 of pearls wound round the white throat and tapering arms lett modestly bear, completed the picture of the youthful niece of George IV. And now the enemy in HuiiiiiuKiuii iias sioieu n iiinui- phant march upon Victoria. But one thing neither time nor tlesh has deprived the queen of, and that is the really regal bearing, the uplifted head and firm tread, which in her triumphal entry into West- minster Abbey fifty years ago lead the beholders to declare that she 'was a tall woman. ONE OF THE ANCIENT C IIES. Hebron. ;hr i r i , i I i : A i : m i 'I i in- patriarchs, in i.i kiiuih ot ;ue Arabs is us old .is the woil. ular t radit ion ascrmes r- . . . tiou to Ailam ami d.-t , , , , as t lit- plart- wneiv his ; 1 1 : - ; :n ,i: i buried, ('a tin- ii : A ;; Mr, I'lfiiuin luniiri! un. t"l A' r J ! t ' 7:'." J-V-'.V-f .i", v i"" tnurists. I, t!..- tr'ui.V.-H ,'.,t t.ieir at n i : ,. ;i j I In- lioi i.'un; the pa.-sai- to t lit- i-.i- .:id scelid into I' some ;.-. 1m- was oveitaken au.i l t 1 1-.-' ) in- is it.!. ',. in ii.i- . U 111' I;,-!, .:e the w a . i many s ( t -I'll :i u ; W ill' f 1 e , , ' 1 - Same. 'Ahlell w el c i . ' i 1 t h. --, . : lie pa' i ..: ; . :. I no e : e : a ii ..ii: .. n, , . and Its .11 ciil' e i -1 III i ' ! . ea ' e I ' oripinal use as a ei ;-;a:i eiiure'n lis plan is that ola p -I bioa'i am exteinliiiLT du'A n iiilu tin- a:n-. UUU feet in length, l. leel wide, the walls ot which are from ,"() to bo leet iu neignr. .t iuo tour i oniei ofthe mosque atesipine !uii transformed into minarets, t -a o u; uhieiiaie ii.ntiaiiv be m . ! ; - i .. . i o. earthquakes. The w ale . . ' ; : structed ! y giantie s . no- ,,t ; p,ilSl. with ehamiel- a II d eal ; a 's I,- i , i '"" ailm irai ay executed, and .ne iiiin n superior to t lio-e ot t lie i ampai : s , a Jerusalem, tire ai cue was e ;di at ly taken in the choice .: ma'eiials. -ri,,, lflnr,nr, ... perl.-i-- as m t lie uioiiurnents ut the aes ('ii-r.iii epoch, seems to have been ctVeted only by the pruloni-d ni'.li,:, ,,t tin' stent's :if.',ii!ht eaeii i .; in r. M. .Saulcy thinks tiie ; ii eons-rm-tiun dates from the j-ratud ut Solo m on, while other .-.iv.iir-i attr.t'tite ittoth.it ot Herod the ('.teat. The question, so important in its eua nectiuii with the hi.str ut lK-bra:c art. can only be settled li.-n 11:- ropeans shall have live access t. this interesting inoiiainei;-. Piie aspect of its v,ills, to win. Ii time has i vt-i i a ina-iiilicnt rolonng. i so extraordinary . tiiat in spite ut the pel feet pres't-r at ;mi i.tt'ne atne it seems just to accord tu :t a gn-at antiquity. The works t Herud'.s tune show a much greater degree of urnamentat ion m diive' contrast tu severe simplicity. 1 lie wail is fortified at distances by s.piare pillars, sixteen on the largei -ales of the building and e:.'!.' on the others: not crowded by capital- and only curiei-trd by a nniiurni sub base without sculptui :ng. tin- severe lines of which pioduco the most imposing el'ect. 'ti the ioad Irutn IJethleheia to Hebron may be seen another n- inarkable though small monument the t0Ulh of K-liel. 1 1 is crown- ed by a white cupola situated do-e by a door opening to the u est. Jn tm' int?nor is a cenotaph with sloP1DK 8ldt-s according to t he M us. sulmanish custom. Ir.ulttion nxes here, wit b an almos; eompk'i e e.-i - titude, the place where J;.o hel 'elded up her hie m giving life tu tieniamiu. in tin- tuneot yiu-e- the place was already consecrated, anil around a pyramid which indi cates the tomb were raised twelve rough stones in honor ol ; he : w el e tribes. (); these si ones there re mains, unlurtunatep . no vestige. The present gracelui monument, which one cannot view w.'huut emotion, was ei. , :i .1 :u tin- seven teen; ii century . i - an : 1 1 .; 1 . a cs and tig 1 1 ees clusti-i about :;. At the west gleell licids. well eulttvat ed, mark the large til.ige o! I'.eitii- da'.a. wilile III 'i.e soil'': is. soot lT"ri t "e sn.es ui a n a o 1 1 1 o -1 n a : 1 1 tne pre. ty c; ,y u i ,e, a a Northwest ot lii-ar.e an euorn.ous oak w:.;. a ot "'teres!. It is Xlt liatll pitched lit- ten's a:i : ec, :ut At.r.i 'ale' '1 s Il.cA u ': y -t I elidel S may be siippu-ed iie tint k very tree, and f y et his name. 1 ts st.e. at lea it remarkable, whavver tlio credence given tu -,; antiiju;t . At tin- ba-i : has a circumference ut t wenty t ei feet and a half; it divides first into ' three branches, and a.'tei'waid.s , . eacn 01 III ese, higher up. into two , H , 's " trUIIR V which extend out from the ightv-three teet: otic ut them is so long 'hat it has been found necessary tu su.-tatn .: ' SUJiports to keep It trnill lile.ik.t:g. Cutler this niagntlrcent tu-egiuw-a tine and luxuriant herbage which is rare in Syria; there is a spring ot water not tar o;l. a coinb;nat tun ut causes which make ;; rather a !a- vorite pleasure iv-or: climate, the purity aad abui.danc of the water, the luxuriant vege-u tion of the valley . seem ;.. ,i.-t ,-n happily upon t iie race. '- .. a : -- : .- markably beautiful m leatiin-s and tignre. Tin- men are t,l! well made: the woiuei. e slender in term, have 1,11 e. g iii'. it.-a-e necks, and hands .aid : iu-rts, and nands ..-iii tee' i-xeee , 1 mgly small. I: ; , ay ;,. s,.,. tj,,.. they come ol u n. '.. race. Tiny are infinitely more gay and happy than the majority ot Syrians h.e'u fact is attributed to the halt bbertv they enjoy. Thev possess quite a strong municipal indeperideiice. and so far have been able tu eon- tend with advantage agams' :he crushing centralization of tin- Tutk- ish power. In this they have been assisted bv the Bedouins oi the desert, who are ready to ,,nl th.-m whenever called upon. Various industries are pursued by the llebronites, chief among which may be ment roned the man- ufacture of cloth, the culture ut the vine and the making ol gla-s. j. uese Kiass worts are vers l m r or - ant, turning out bottles of different forms, Narghileh vases, lamps, rings, bracelets for legs and aims. the latter of which are very remark able in their design and coloring, These articles lind then wav into all the markets ot Syria and Kgypt. The works themselves are perhaps 'the most ancient in the world. The let1 III r urn' i l I in- :l, ce r Vel if i 'i A 1 1 the ii. r Hi. .:e l'ui. ot ;,, ! !, I ; , . V i - l.d 1 ivid A Illl I tn IM- I'i'iiiii hi- I ' ; i iv iualiai''d : 1 1 i r : . .dilli-i-r.-d U;, : n in in ui:;l fo-md : pi ( sell i - I.i ..:; . ,:! .: : in- ;i: :,. ,r ii- ,i profitable " -.habitant i of 1 1 . in-i ll have ! iins tln'ir fui .-i i wed 'la- i 11 1 PIM si i IMlOi'.v i i 1 rats i Ki-IImI. a con on 1 . t i; ft..d nun i.u :oi i lu ei un Wed: ( 'ietii-1 a! acela m r drawn :;: Tii Hun- e j'lat !u! in u as -. ,1'iIlN Ci. ( Alt I.isi.i: and 'pi,,,; pir; 1 1 i;vi:'. V. at i k.i: leicii::..- to Ji.it: 1 1 . i . o w : aila.i - - ,.s " Y e . ';. el ai e uur yon Ioii in .- , n the iiitegnty and cuii-cient inii- .to votluii tu duty "f ries'.deni (ii- I I 'ieveland. and conurai ulate ' :. cuii ; i ! i y a Ii. 1 the pal t y upon the . . e ce.--lull u! :l 1 leinucl at le aiill. i.. t r a ' ioli, : i 1 1 : ''ii a 1 . ecuiio n i : e a a . i clean, aad we part icul.u ly applaud t iie I 'i e.-aii : : lor I he tide!:: y and courage with whoai he has pro tected the tivasiu y Horn pillage by ils i xer else ut t lie etu pu ei . e fa"or honest civil service reluim. by uir.cli '.'.e nn-ali t lie ell lui ceniell t ut tin' ta: lit ill pel '."i in, nice : per sons appointed tu i itliee i if ad pub he duties i ntiu-ted tu tiu-in, and to t h : - end. as well a- ; . t lie in i ; a tenant e ol tin- spirit ut our I e j . , e--eiit.itise tur::i oi g. . erninen: . we demand the -tncte-' mea.-are ui personal and p.uty i espon.sibii.t y . an. 1 a:, uppi ..-ed tu the siibst : ' u Iron, ;a loom of :i:s Lie tenure. a civil pension li-t. and all other ai'peiidages of a bureaucrat - - i em foreign to t l.e gey :ns ei n i nisi 1 1 U tion s and people. We de clare tile holie-t money ot the col stitutiun guud eiiougii lor : la- p-.. pi.- as expressed m guld and silvei. and p.lpel euIlVeltlble llltu Co'ill uli tiernariii. ana are u sunip; 11r.11 y law-. .u.-eir to a.. We c-tit.-nd ; hat t In i e a : e .ui eady on oui statute books sunieii-nr general law- having a local application tu protect the public nu-rals without l n ii i nging on piiva'e rtglits. We denounce the present war tantV. laid to eu!i!;i-e as Well as to harass the peupl.-. as a master piece ot in justice, inequality and tal-e pre tense. It ha- been ma'.nta.ned by a seli'i-li and false theory of pr" tecta.n. waa-h ride- the many to enrich a few. It has piled up in the national treasury a surplus which menaces the prosperity of all cl.is-1-s aiol every lndu-tty. N'e demand tie- immediate reduction ui' this w.t: tar ill', not meielv a- an act ot redress tu the people plom ised by ail parties, but as the only safe and iH-t Iiietiu'd ol reducing the sinpiiis; . i : i . i in making sueii red net ion we demand tuithei ;aa" the taxes sj, ill jipst 'he abolished ur .O A el eil I and. tinal : I : I : e ' 1: a ' I'Xel -;s . e l.nre.i . govern: i I e fl ties ot , . W e I sel't tile coli- and 1 leinoei a ' a ti ell. i-r o all a . , - IN.ee atr. a . ai. tar :,; home. 1 1 y n a: e r 1 1 -1 e :. . ploy .-. .riieb. " i te co;; i leoils cutae among yo a w,i with gi H nl tu str.n so til at gels tl,.l, thev g. :mpie Always eiicei' orr the men win. g. in for :mpro einents. Y ov.r 'pui -tton ut the cos- Wt'l iie no'hihg b".t what is list, 1 b i : ; ' r k : . 1 ' at an;, p ; . , i . i . -1 1 1 : 1 1 : pi . i einei: t s t .i-ea:;-.- ;: . , I., a a y on: u-, n i';our or iu;- 'ear y "t;r tales ua.l be I.ti-ed !ilt cents. 'A " i;;t i; . ( ) so in pruvein en; . t t M:-:ru-: putatc men ilowp ; 1 1 stranger so in c iithe: 1 1 v, : ; ( u 1 ige pa.e:. 1 o not invest a cent : 1 x -ur rnuia-y out sutnewlieie else. He p.irticti'.u to dtsi-redtt 'in- ::iu tut1- of public spirited men. Lengthen yuur face wheifa stran gei speaks ui locat.ng in it- 1 1 a in an w an t s to buy y our pi op ei" e:;aie ii:in : wo pia.-e- for ;:. It la- wants anybody else's iii'.-r leie and discourage. 1 1 e !":; se i so,- the Hi el :' t tl at:, scilellie til l' dues nut dtree't.V belle ifpn r How miii M ! it It a l l: : ' i l'.Io'A i. ,,; No'h:ng." How mm-h ,). tat-n .'" ! behee i:s , X UilluilVil 1 i a.r's -a, ..ml r ii iousl pmo p. :, e isa'r it .'" I've an ab-a : hat p.a' u it gi es Snanl to deb;: me v. ;h ;: aa : 1 "m don'; mind." A l'.l'.Ai.i.v Sivititi S. 'i:'i .-- um,,l,,i Ctrl: (). yo,: nun ,ne erv"ni stei ions about mw secret .oriel i.-s. Guess vou ,ini k.n, we gii l h r. a Mrirt society too 1" ( imaha Man not: y mi havi well."" teaily. 1 did y i air seei i-t i: w as i oi rued eet ;s a m -ore : . ke i e-. e i.in 'i nic ir.-h' , vou know." -i suppose so." "Ye-:uii .-.e ail a i . -to be ; rin- to e.u ii all 'cn vumstances." t lie I ! 1 1 -1 1 ! b e 1 s he! Ulldel , f Ol course. And tell each othei ail the sec- ; tlie hear. NiTt it snli-ndid ."' I ; . i : , : 1-ta r a, n n i c :. i 0: . Tn " I u ! )U . : ( i t. i o c .in p: on i;-e and fund i tt-ie and n:i- - - -. . i .' W; iu; : ' e ! ie 1 1 e I In ; c upor t ;una' ' . i : i ; or rne i t- ni ; : i ' i r i -' m--.- dui in :' ; i, I' e t ake- le i he c.;-e to 1 :o and an - i La- 11 11 .1 alter . u, e . a oir d ltl htm .'rowing .'ed. I.u c 1 , .i-ll.i-ll to ' I n i lie II It . I - s ' i i .; Wit i 1 1 1 1 I ,,s he . cr at ;e .-: ti.e ti. i Iran a n The i i -; i ' A'. ::i a-;'., - -. " o: i . 1-. t -i ' t I . I e 1 1 lilts yt i . a : s ; il -a. e . I " ' "e i; u ac in at ' el a a i y t.T in; a: ten; l . 1 q.'.l.at le'-ufs. is , e ill a. le ui i; .-: K:is.;a. An ( u :. ti; an u a-i - : ; y i - : at her was k . lied le. '::- th v. a - -, . I i : : : i to now n t ii nte nt o Il ' w a : a Inl.t . ;: em : e. 'in;;. d the as ae . a". ; M:i-eo t -. 1 ;; l a s,. i aitelit . - ink I I e 1 : Aiis- ; : i a . : ! , o a i e I e ' aml l.e contes alia' 1 1 : t lie d.il'e; i i.t I.I,',', '' ; In in. 'l ie n ; he Kta tea: s ; ii.it w in n he d: a 1 . t in ay i 'ec aa e a C ; I li s d,i:t at i i . 1 y eat u'.d g : I I . .las and having eliddro!:. fall :;.:.. : : in, in Fmp'.re. a-.,, llollan i : iii.-; ; ii : ..ti iUIW '- ii w M, n .oii anil t ufpiu x. .I: ,,, :.-kv .- .le.er umui,,-- I I 1 . . -.- : - - .1 . . ! '' lit. ;lll-. C...1II1I ,i la .-eCOLnu i tiie nomia n objection, he wa -v, i., ,ng , .'iectp.1. aarei : -.v , , r ; i a arid (tree i n. . i i waia-fri-'.o la- ;. b v.-;.. s u ha; ( wa- la 1 I. a.-. w '. -, P.-- iiii'Kh' aa- a : tt ii.t was ) 'ix -i I - a' . ;' humor ar. 1 lau-i, n. la-ia ; rial oi heirs.. Mr 1 1':. r 1 . r in ti. n ru o.ir wl.-n i: I ' i .ar;.' 0- r. -a n-111111:1'." ! :i th- - 1 May i- M f -r t:.--acc. i : 1 ti pr nosed t : a- a- n pr .i I'- m Prii.-. a-la' ' -an ". W am la: ana f- 1: I . l n l, r. .ma: a. c t . V, .re L a;e J. Kennedy : . C: ;i:.ei!:,:uu s. IP T. i .. w for mar-hai .' -tn. -diaai: L r;-.w ; . i iceia an a :. t la x : 1 1 . : i -c;. a t ca t- a a . w ,. . t t : II ; : If i 111 e II il e (1 tl i.ul.lll. - L -'I la . i ex...-. A'l. Ma A. K. ILavia- i - T sivt'.- m-a pleasure to -ay'i ijeeli u-niK your el,-,s-..s j ,. past with much satislaction uess. s. ; uu-.-.s. ana for ai. ; tended . they or.- :a-t -a . ; e ll-.at I have e-.-.-r w i r. 1 mend liiem t',!l wh. v.--.;,: U as I am v 1-. -pv.ct : a! 1 , -J -ax Iia.l l.u erin a - 11 . - S Ii: ta I .;id the ht A a o a 11 a a ran -'a! l'v. a at the nr.' -1' r. Perr.e I :i i.,n a i, w s. -. t-', lih::nT v Iu the iiourie of .- 'unr the itiht Hun ::i.th. i ;rsi ! .- -r i of the a la.-.! that the ( iovern . ' that tin- allegations t-i'i-mi-nt- concerning a i ; . a, f the privi v ii'-: - ii-liiiiii'il 1 1 v ,y ' The T: .. r-..m- t! - iftmn f Mr. Charles - .- i n-"i-vati e. member . a . i t f r Nuili Antrim, on . ntiuf: of the louse last . 'Ii.- allt.''-a breach of privi ::....' : ! v ti,-- '!' . . . c. insisting ,L : r I ;.n art i.'le. by that :. i-.n Mr. John I 1 a i on . Home :. r for I '- i-t May .. with faise- - .- i.-iin- i the ,. 1 legations of i . - i 1 . . h n an an ae- i and . t her Invin- . . -iu eaable to fee who e.i. i i:.oii id protest: as l" la. i-sue had been . i ! u h. re have evidence . a ,r .- i f .-very t!img advanced, - t-ii . at: from no form of inouirv I W I though wc do not think the Jl ,..i-e well advised in dealing with the , r i it I u. stion as one of privilege. However, oarnal in the kingdom, and lagt of ui. .he oralis oi the iarne lire ,s afa ' ; ' 'v;- : : ', T hH,i,,na',"Ui!8a,,,e,1,t0 '...' . : t a -tali-mi nt made in the tt I- o 'la.u' to ehallengo this P : r;a 1 a - have .-liiwpn : . -. I. 'lI.''-.- mu-t he aware a I i !.-.- i ra - -i -ail...! as a breach i ; i a,. a. a-I i"' dealt with PC-pa- : v 1 1 m o.ter. ! Irit hilh i l ' r-aaain un it ::;, ar-na: , : 1 -The race for the pi ice at t 'hester today. .Mr Somers Karl ton -i r cap t ' . - w '1 r-' Iron-chid finisa o. Pec'.r's 1 lunejarmn . M ai.. M ,y t -II.-,n. ll.l a . ; a-: r-a 11 ria-d f nan ; i. ; a:ao d ere from Sir a . i t!i it he Sir J. ihn uD w its :!," .i'i-r,i,',. on the 21st 1 v at be iiiiai a seat in the a - mi l win ri tire iiernia- 1 , 1 1 adiali polities. Sir. a ; -a' bl -11 '.'. -1 him as 1 I.-, rvativ. -. Sir John a i a. I irrmaly :: ( 'anad ian i - p. 1 rai-. d t" i v i nn. . -. .-'aay t .n unKliown a i- I . en wrecked on Sable nly Hiformaiion concern-, .rrKlBED LIGHT SALOON, !i,T ':'Vv 'abl'uT ha'u Tnuie ' Near Market Dock, Middle St-, t V .'Pi'xlSamers NEW BERNE, N. C, ! 1 i'e h.-d to the scene from is Wll F.KK Vol' CAN ALWAYS KIND f ir It 1- rep. irted that ina I- u r. ked in the .1-..- o.u- (. Ullliission. . - a:- : n. M .y i -The State Lie a. nt has received and transmitted iiiti r-t ite commerce commission -r i an the I 'tnted States com sal acini at I.audon. Unt.. in ii he ile-eriNi-s the disastrous effect ait- r-tate commerce bill on im iii't exports to and from Canada the t ailed Stales. The- result of :. a - fas been most damag- a- !..-.t I: as regards exports and .-; -. ii.d i - -e erely felt both bv buy a ---u. -1 - I o a rid I i om t he I nittfii 1 i- - ords ,,f hi- ofli. e fer the . iril-i,ow Is- activity and .-ep--ri.s than ever before for the pei ! I. un. I the same lit- believes ::.) -uuii'iut Canada. A set :.: !..:.- i.ortlv he arrived at or :..!.: - w ill receive such damage .. . ink- ear- t regain the lost 1 a., pre-i.'a- v. hen we now afi, eh, i Jiii,- Mi , The mter a: Jilt t today and :; a '-'a i i hearing ttsti-"i-ni of the l.oui-ville and i i-i.vilie and t'hatta '! f-i P :m trav.-ded bv i -: 1 : a . .1 v. is not of a : ' r:i'.-e ri.e c, HI v :ct ion in the :::.s-- li" followed it closely. 1 -a-.- lain been naidu out in r -i a --is closely, and ! rev.- f ;-i mi them a. d th- force of hville ', oiaas di-closed the . L uissille and Nashvillt '. 1 Na-hille r'.our mills a i-iMe.l th.-m to buy wheat at a- it p Nashville, convert it and deliver it at points of :. a.- ciieaj.'.y as if it had into liour at Detroit in the lth .ii; -aving tribute to a m : I U-.v.iewall Items. ". .' un. step-,-on of Klder ' a; painfully and severely cut a i .- t -oiturdav. lr. Attmore tia iiecess.iry eurgical aid and : :.:.: r- ; ,;:ra- may take up ; aa. a- much a they plea.se, j...t pi'.-Veiit certain citizens a, i I'aiiiii.- from getting a -t ti.e sane-. ap alcity. t-.ecially where it . .: a with the Cherry planter, i. i- coming at last. If we can :o weather - rops will be ready . , l:e.t eek. i. Tm r-i iy e vt mng that -. . : Aula la was elected ::..:; ..a. k un :i majority of : . aai, la I s. hat has 'o -,.y t that : i - ' io oi j . u ever saw is a i ar : - -. i, . !. i- mi merry. - .. . ii- : : :: : :" An i -ra pamt- : a'..: g a . - J; -u-e. From a a : - ' - w . : w 1 w ill a-, t.oii m lias pjace and -. i . ii' -auie'.lv ai.d Jas. T. 1 l.i L. r-a. and l r. I tcu. S. t las pj; w ere elected Democrat- a i-l r . i.ci. ai ' . :te:,!,.-r siiould extend ' . -a: c .amy. and to the i . .. e.: a. u here he can ste Mi i.i; - - lie- line cows. - ir ma!.- 1 liree. one of which :a-.e a a a: 1 goo - .aght gallons 1: lei 1" a I-- plenty for . the feea r . la Cows get i. i t at I- ery poor. ; ;'. .. gallon-; p.er t i peiay lor the ,1 1 . at man . ' ! : u . . . l . I I n a ii I in . e - . : . a -a.-: lliapus. Did . i m;a. lai Mi.-ctric ' , . a .- a i -, I ,- -1 r.-me.l -. laverv f in every Lotties, and '-' 1 t years Al ' d.-.a. il.ii.-. druggist. . ..: .-.: :..i':::o:.- The best .el 1- : . V.:'' .Vt-c'eu'VhTtHe Ha' r- i': . u-ai' : - ot otiier-nave a.i.ied ea-: laany. so th..t ttm- veruict is io,::,:- ns u.at l.itctnc Hitter do cur. or v'lihaif'Uarte Z X. Dutrv-V dniK e'.or. Absolutely Pure. loll powder never vanes. A marvel of ?rUy-"r e,gth'.?nd wholeomene. More x'onomlcal than the ordinary klnda. and en- not be sold In oomnotition fth th. mniaiS of low teat, abort weight. alnm or pboaphat ZV& L': yno.ltZ For sale in Newbern by Alex. Mi t7. .. MOST 15U1LL1 ANT, PURE & PERFECT LENSES In tlio orlci. 'I'hcy are as tinnsonrent and oolorless as liht ilKeif. hihI for soilness or endurance to ,iu" e.y'- 'kiimhI i.i- rsi-.-linl. enaliiing the " enrer i.i reuu mr i,. .n: s Olinut fatigue. In r.. ... , 1. ....... l'l-trtr- i-cr sii.iir rui:sKitN krh. lest i ?noi) i;i Ik frmn the IcaiiiiiK physicians In tl.e 1 niled stales. inventors. Senatora vernors, Kenatora, 11 o' note In all dt-o- ' -'' isai Tors, si m-U men . jnen o' note In all pro- fess ens, and 1 11 d i fleretu liranc-lies of trade, luuikers, iiiei-haiiii-K. elr.. ran he irlven who have had 1 lio r Hlcn t I :n. roved by their nap. Aid- KYKS FITTKI AMi "I'll -: Kir Cl'AKANTKKIi BV F. S. DUFFY, Druggist, N KVV HKRNK, N. ('. iy PURE LIQUORS Of every .variety, in larfre or small quantities. Also the FINEST ORADES of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will be Bold CHEAP FOR CASH! John lb IhNKiNs, Salesman. E. WHITMAN, decl.'2dw Proprietor. Take Notice ! Uur store in filled with Provisions, (Jrocerie.s, Ciuincd (ioods, Dry Hoods, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. A1.SU 0. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes, Every pair warranted io give satis faction. Country merchants and the people of the long and generally are requested to call and ox o mmissioners an'me our large stock before purchas ing. e will give you low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front ut.. AVtc Berne. N. V Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements - Goat Hair K. (). K. LOIXtE. I'KAVKN STKKKT. Hclow HxprctiB Ollieo. K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, AdGING A N 1 TIES, Etc. ConaitrnmentP of Grain, Cotton and other Produce solicited. Prompt Attention (iiiurantfMMl. y. V,'. c'or. South Front and MiddleKt" M-:W ItllKXE, N. :. GEORGE ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Imploineii ts. Plows, Harrows, Cultivator, Hoes and Axes, Wood's Mowers and Reapers, Steam Engines, Cotton Gins and Presses, Fertilizers. Land Plaster, Kainit Mechanics Tools and Hardware, Lime, Brick, Cement. Plaster Hair, Paint, Kalsoiuine, Var- nisli, Oil, Glass, Putty and II ttir. rre7.CT, Kef'riKerator8. Oil Cook Stoves, Eureka Burglar Proof Sash Lorku, warranted to trivo security and satisfaction. IK'KS VEUYLOW. iEO. ALLEN A CO. it'" - w 1,-r ?- ' --s ' z, " Z n ,rXZFlTrTTr - , '. -'- j, ' i j V'V" " " " " Co. v r tl. s- ,t i

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