THE JOURNAL. JKWBEBHE. N. C MAY 2 Calar4 It Ik Toat oc it Bra. N O aa eoa4-4 aiiur. THEY keep lying- on President CLEVELAND about .1 -ecoinl term. Firet, he would not be . .huiilul.ue for re-election tinder .iny em him stance, now, be is not only t . in dicate for re-election but is exceed ingly anxious to head the lVrao cratic ticket Again next year. It is not a prominent Senator"' :h;t start this last story hut a Nw York politician. So says a special irom Washington to the '. Y. UVm'm The negjo jersecation of neg :. who rote the Democratic ticket a disgrace to the race. One o: thaA w:.o surrounded at 'he si-eond ward polla Monday by ncrow.l w-.: h drawn knives who seemed a -mi tl.ey would cat him to pieces. Anothei was struck on the head Tuesday j morning with a rock by one o( it:s race, for the same otletmo. no! bled freely. The air ha-s ail the- week ' been fall of threatenings against . the negroes who voted lemom.-,tm j in the mnnn ipal e.ect on. ana me has been a harden to h-m. Si at ex rills Ja nd um rk A Democratic General Assembly in the Clark and I.ane ies sus tainetl sach ball dozer-. TUK I.egislatn; e "l 'A- e-' r ginia luis elected a Sen i or a' i i-'. JadgeCHAKi .KS.lAMK.s F.v i.kni:i: U the man. We h lieve ha Wn afared tliat hl'i'ts. the (iov I vm - emor's appointee, will attempt '" ' . . ; r - . holdover. The Kaltinmre .s'wwsaysj ' . of Jadge Faulkner : ' in, I,.. sn'.'t'.'.'f.'io , In the prime of manh.d. .th ; ; aa nnnsaally clear miellect. and i . ' ' r' with well developed hamts oi .,. jo.. a. m- - ;--e dastry, Mr. Faulknei nny be . -ne .::nv l':.f. a s . pected to make his mark :n :i..w C..-:ier.i ! ' :i : : . - ii : i: the Senate. A- a lawyer oi I , -t. th,. ,-,. x: extensive practice, and -, n e , a ciricnit indge, in- ha.s i ''' ; " "'- giveD evidence id' capa. .ty h:ch in.vrn o'..:.. t. 1" promiaea the lH-t resnlts ::. the -n ;;he lera-ra! - t i.e.; Urged arena to which his services j IH.:,.,i rj. ,j are to be transferred. Tne bun ;,- .,M. r,,,,,,,- that he received within one oi the ' entire democratic vote :n the West ' ':r N '' Virginia Legislatnre shows that .v orh.-r i ..! ti.r.-ugi. the place ha.s been confer: ed on r..,; '. made .le-.-late. him with practical una:nm:t and it is to lx the new Senator's credit that his record wa.s ,i riear that the democrats ot all facf..n- con Id give him their votes. Mr. i'aulk- ner is about to years of age, and a son of the late ilon. Cha; b-s -I ames Faulkner, who in 'ongre.s, both lie fore and snne Mie w ir. and as I Q,tel Mat jn.n.s.. r to France, s-r -d Ins eo!irrnents and coantry with gre.i .i:n;:' . The son in m.inv' ts st.-ong'.v resembles his distinguished f.tther. particularly in hi habit s ot nnlus: : y and remarfcabie perseverance. iiKLISLF.S OPIMO III nit: PREMIUM. Iu his 8i.M-e-h on taking h.s sea; as permanent ehairman m the lrii tacky Democrat ie State t'onrrn tion, Hon. Jon" G. ( ari.isi k said : "The country will b? rery fortunate if it can always gecure ihe service.? of an executive so thoroughly ilevoted to the real interests of the people, an, I so just and impartial in the execm. r. f the la w! . aa the present one i- Tho signs of the times j..hnr in evitably to the nomination of Pres. dent Cleveland in l-oh ami .-ir friend 'at. Kiu hin might -;;st a. well get ready tor it. The oppo sition to the President by Demo crats has generally arisen out of his determination to t-nfome the the civil service law. I he .!m i; XAL has for sometime regarded the civil service law a a humiuig. bnt we cannot blame the President for his efforts to honestly adm;n:. tr it. If it is a bad law. an honest, faithful administration of it w;d re l if, f.UlT- m.i -I-,., i,.i.r.h n- '! i mi it..-, i.'iii .biivi in demand its repeal. peop THE (OLOK LINK. It is evident tha' :1m "lore.! people are iginti ng to exerc -t some intelligence ami dmeret .mi ih the nse of that great'--.' b..o:im American citi.ensh-.p. the pri lee f the ballot. There na b. Hem ocrats who ih not can :. have them vote in any other way h an solidly for the Hepubhcan part., bat in a coinmnnity like ours we must continue to appeal :he:r reason, ami insist on au intelligent ne ot the power confided : iln in a.s citizens. They a.e e;t;.:ei,s: they have been invested w th tin ballot; our interests in man, re spects are uientica . ttieii v ay should we not contirmr to e'iucat. I them to exercise independence and , jadgment in casting the r 1. allot! ! The following from ; he New Voik Star shows what progress :he ar. making down Smth. and we add with pleasure, that the most intelli gent tokred men in this community are beginning to think tor them selves, and are not airaid to cast tlieir ballots for the mmi of the. r choice : "Last Tnesdav s election ,n Montgomery, Ala., resulted ;n a Democratic triumph, which derives special significance from the fact that a large JemoTatie coloied j vote was polled. The opposition : n-aa fsm m K xr n n m 1 1 n t-i T m n !i tween Republicans ami independ ents and it woa upposetl the ollisnA tirnlil gaii n flit i innrf mtiauw j V4 ov v i v 1 l t ol colored citizens. This instance is one of several recent i I lust rat ions of the breakiDg down of the color! line. The desirable change :s no : confined to the Sonth. "Tbe course of the President re garding the Kecordership ot Deeds of the District of Columbia has . made thousands of triends lor his 1 party. The colored people have learned to discriminate between the valae of Democratic perform- ancee and Kepablitan promises, ana tne uemocranc canaiuates will poll no small proportion ot tne Colored TOte of the country at the t- ;J .l l.l ' BcXb proBlUCUliai Cicui ion . "Those who opposed the Presi- dent's nomination for the place vacated bT 3Ir. Doagbvs.s will have occasion tb regret their uarrownesa ! ai.rnnvio1 (rn rn nrp.inr.n n.i uu wn. v it - well aathe Sincerity of Mr. ulere- land's statesmanship.'' 1 VANTK AN D HIS CONST ITl E TS. "nator Varies iniro;. resent ihe i. 'rii io. r;n ni .-otlc. i ar ima a:: i r.i- attitude n iinwrjij f :heni Tim ,ii o t' '. l "I . I'ommn am: m t i,;. the '..: :s- '.,. o:i 1 1,. (';-. k ; i I : ,llr I).--. . : Sen on several N a' possible mr : . tn the .'! t' v and mr: , : nusreiieen ' -North Carols ih i : ' ; . . I. m , h . I' Sm Y w c.w..ip.-m r.sMrr mr re.-en: .t v, m. ytlU pv ,itin , "' -.. Vi:m: peojee N ' 1 ! a .i. :; a : nin's- a I , Ye: de e V, t. ia- eoi: ; a j". II" .'; i a he'n . and loo ii.i a the:: ba. k on h : :r ' U' ' l,e 1 U " ra' -i. I. ' : i ' - - . . i. g never tut nr. l I e : epreen ; N o : ' h 1 HMSsK U tiv vii Mil P V v- in ( ,ei: heard "i his p; op III. j ."w.n .e:-r j ' ): ..n . .x j M.i ..r Holmes , m i ad . V .:ie!n ' a - My I tear M a "r 1 :. e I reported rei e:;t 1 n the ; j papers that Cen. 1'- II. S:..-r i.. . . conrenip.a'e a a j d.r- arm her ;:j. ; e a 1 . Shrhau peil that ' I ' . do.ii: a!le . i ha 1 h ,n:r 1" va'ie-. -U. : aga u be desecra'c ! by h.s pi a ;-. (':.!. ruel aiai : i;a tnt:t !. the en ,ra ter : 'h;, who fondi'. cherishes mem ones ut' tin- wild, wanton waste and desolation wlm h his barbar-uis torch spread through the valley, laying in ashes the beautiful and happy homes ot innocent wmneh. young ami helpless children and aged men. and who over t i ese rums boasted tha' now a crow , aa not tl'. ovt-r tlhs valley withuiit carrying rations, (leh. Sh. i. dan has do'.e no h i ng since t he war "o atone for cnn l barb.urn during the wa:. 'e hac nut tur giittt-n that during his reign .n New Orleans he a.-ked tha- our fellow. oiti, :ens ot IvOuisiaiia ne .giit proclaimed banditti 1 1..' h;it he might set the dogs ft -ar :i them. 1 'nave foigiv.-n the rave men m the I'iikui armies w hiiii hut honorable bat : ind "ho I'm ally triumphed oei :n '.he great struggle. Among ; in : . 1 cm now name many of m warmest and trues: and most pr . ed 'rends. They are good ,,ml ti: e men. a:;.', t :i:nk none the h-ss m u i vVitlg ! ''.ia helll Ithieed. the', esteem him Imrhest unong-t him leg h' the hi 1) s w ho hum 1 1 ' tiiein t he hardest She: hi m. s not mm m this k ; ' d Ul'l lie h as he et' ai'Cc i; ded ' o ns 'hat i icai-e a i, ;cli ( 1 ; ah : .roc! a ; m ed . ! h , cv sj you. a: y ilea; Ma or. a d to oc,r gallant . 1 1 , r . u '. s u i,o ate now i ii : he v.tlie ' . t ha: I hope vim ni'.l a.'.ow this man to h.ake :..s ; : ; u m ph a:, ' : de u p : 1 v.. 1 y . : peace, bu h iv. ii .c go :'n- a ir: mr le or . . rr-. g '.s ' '. ' ti hit:. e"s ; 1 :; a i: hi v l ion 1 1 1 mam i i 1 1 i: i s in K A It Ml Nl. r:. '.' AM' mi -hi. tic . ...' tmn m ' We ic w m.oie ' he rathe' a o w ; h " s rep, i a I me : s , I'm: '.e eim .:- va i iio: -I '.erne . , far me - ..llhos ;imy m. h e ale . a : a ; . ii vers, i m a im: 1 1 eVel'V . in Ve : v i : go", i ci, and s m would be m- s nee ; he ai". 1 '.u: t iie A'- , i 0M; t.lKt' -she , ; i to the Condi t mu o : on dlSCUsse.s the 1 i ia- all peop: ot m but tures to farming, ami ,i - : contain some good sngires :. s, a,- em , : entire: There may ne other papeis ,n the South that can unit a more doleful picture oi the powiry ot that sec- tion than the Wilmington N.( .. .vrr, but if there are any su. h we do not, know them. I o say tiiat , the South is beginning to prosper. ana i uai grauuany u i oemg lined our ot tne overty ot t tie j.ast. is to the Star what a red tiag is to a l.,, ..., ohm. j. iici e i.-i hu iaivl e eci l.i in w .n of arousing tne ire oi our esteemed contemporary than merely to hint at the progress ot the .South. II the Star is to be taken as author- rv. oriii i ir i s wan ic J l . . coming poorer, but we imagine that tbe other papers and the peo-. pie generally . 'f State wi'.lj liarilly admit t "it- coi reel nem of: - ;'ii'h ,i h a statement . I It-re :s me ol ie a-.ulmg papt-. i.;' the State: :i' ! -V aire: d. i : la. :: - o t he W 1 1 1 . i ' .: rh mno.m.i .s grow- orer. and s ;lis doing all ;ti ' ' - p.r.v ei . - i. e!i.-: ; h'm . : a n ail !y o; j dr - r ile t 1: e pei iple ! Ci HI w . - 1 1 1 1 ' ' . '.'. . ' 'hi-;: ': i.ul e. uid . - ; ni' i :. 1 : lv y ! t he ; e.r : a : . u !:,. :: ga; . . . . . . ;,,-:e. N.e. ..,. : . i 1 , t :: .I'.'- !l).;e .. ,1 S-.ite t ' S -t ', ,al ) ' ' " ' '" li die.', n , ; I ; ; , b.mU I I ,M , . . A ! : :;e A d w , ,. the '-' do : rii i ' . . ' - We k:i.- : reasn:- , :i ' bee ,t Mte'i a iiater ol a .Ml. ".e... 1 I . : e ' a i . !' : ii i ea :i --ee no ': i . e'a - . 1 g ii any ;i ng h e .11 eonie to gna'l : i--. v. . long as : h:e M : li.-lds, , :, 1 r..'V ;s . . :,r,,. .e , a:, : i he '!'' a-e ;i, a;ri : ae: n ; e-. . u lia r i ' : in : n :i d ; :i r..;lrad . oiiNirie wat. : . ' "U . g '. . u g : nl; ' ab.e employment : , . ' ii... nd- . i : : i : 'e:: "' t housands ir,:;:,h- : "' :. ::: is. ; l:-:le i.; no pleas- , , t , ;: 'h :ne biv.i::-' wrongly .n-:r :.: i g: ne tiiat .. tie lis a.! done ha. h ' . r: a r u. ! r I. ';". r " i.rsr : rr.--. nut l":v th.-;r .mi e a ii n --d a : :; " .!i i; : l:;s is til '.! ia -h li tne "in ,u. u lae; u. i :,g rir n" should seek , .suppr-s these n s we do n " ku" w . The Ma iv i x .' -i ii as i ed t aese ! : u: iegaroin, the onr- e ii: toodstuils ,n ;he North and es' aim urged a change un a, ' , . ' has almost beCi In e in on ot o :, , - 1 : : ' : i 'he : i r m f : s w j . , , , a h d V- ge '. I bi e '.e. : .i.g "i sympathy? There :n,i he humd same slight excuse hu !"-' w ho pa t heir bacon . " 'i. anal' a:. hed goods, but hone, we can be OlK'Ted foi 1 1 ios,. w h ' d. not rod ; n e e eh "he r butler and vege; abies. I'h. larniei's. says the !:. aie p. .:. "c.. i'.iii "in ui' ii'l devise ii -et ter ways f,.r . ' i.e. r e. .11 . : . : hi :ii,,;i ' v t h f ell "ar.. genii :h o: in,niui,Miiit' : M an a ;.tct ures ve empio uieht to i',':M::i;i'h"' ag: : i n '. " ural nodiicts. h ". s "i : Id : n g up a horn e mark et he : : he ii.'. el -.hed products of a : 1 1 :i. . I'.i kc a ' oiin ' y that is no w : . . y g:eu : ' cot 1 1 : i raising and ,n w Inch t lie i e are no inanufacttii es. 1 ' 'hid b. tolly to preach divers;- e i ag; ;eul ; ure. t lie raising of hh.hs. vegetables, poultry, etc., fo: s.ta . '; crying and similar things tin- i anhers m ; hat c.-unty . because he:.- s no home ma; ket for these ;.: . "!h. ; s. a;.,l ,,nly : n -c p: mnal Isf w re ; : .ui: u t at mil h : .. tit sh;;i them. I nt :,he lehteh n tll.l CilUhtV Oinp a I', ihiihgham w.;l ;:s tln'.isan.'m m i-;'.s- un-, 'aahi' s, .,r,d you a' nil i i earn a ma: k et :, r v. i y t lung t hat ':,e : iru.t-r cm raise. Instead ot :: : ' . ire-, 1 : i . i .use . ot to: : at a .iss. !,,. r.uihei can turn his a-mi. s;i:.. ; 1 ,-r, , j, . that br,n g : h ! hii.hi-y every week il the '.ear. d ill plaee Ot pioclty he is s,,., making a com lortable l.ving. la. i-r. tae;,.ry and every tHinace .starteit ami e ery mine ..pencil lit tie Mii'i! i neiping on tne goon t:me when t he Southern farmer will iia long.-i be forced by circum sMiie. s to raise cotton and cotton mh! . If the man who makes two blades oi grass grow where only m:e grew before, is blessed, still mm e blessed is t he in a n who pi an t a ia, mry where there was none beiore. and thus not mbv furnishes em p.. - . me :. , ,o ai.e nahos, im, o .lie liaihls, hit crea'es a m.nke' lor the prd 1 net s . ! t he u : rouiid.n g larms. 1". as matte: m m most pmnti-dly j h. Iia low :n; from . am V,,,'.-. ,-, j Nor A f r. ar, . i-.i-m e.m-.-:i of Alamance u v J.i! 1 - i tip "1 can pi amc'iiie; farmers of my fi iin'.v and 01 twelve ars ti,,rr,iw s-,,, o,,., a per csnt. "How Jo you account for this i: strentii - ' we m, mired. ' ;'. is largely o w i r. . " saal he. ' to i th fact that we have several lame cotton civmt employment to m.oueandri who mut be fed and furnish markets f -,r everything almost that our farmers liavn to sell. Vou would be -urprisfa m visit any one of these factories and pee the great varieties of things brought thre by the farmers to sihh They sell everything, and hence they produce everything and get the 'ash for it Here is a hv-oii f .r the poor, for the farmer. f..r the manufacturer, for the apaalist. f, r the merchant, for the po litical economist and the statesman. 1 ..vers:t..'.l industry is the true and sub--tar.t.a! ts.-..- f healthful and perma nent i r .-perit v. When w ill our people. a r p 'at;,-lan-h on r capital is ts and leg is- ! Co r- rea i i e ii. is a 1 1 a rxi portant iru in 1 : is wh.r " 0 have for years ah trying to impress upon the people oi : he South, and the sooner .is It'S-iiil learned, the sooner 1 fa i mei's nl ; ha" i e orOsl.i-l i semmri '.ecomi Aurora Items. ' .si. h :.;: 1,1- ia.l'l I he A ; , rora i hi p: o ', mi 1 e h ' ass, 1 : . .b lb I'-onner has in, ugh- m, e ass-n.-es , , f . I . . WatSoU. e aw hu. s t)oi mm ' it 1 ii' hi l psoh . ( haj ci' has ,si;,!m:mi. 1 .1. 11. jlo Il North, : ami w o i -b P.. Till hel id IJ.iV ; -oi P l ss. , 1 i 1 I ' ' , g il ' . ' W I I I II If.-'- i I Kd :.: : mi a v sp to . el.r r. es. W 1,' - i: ' im: oor 'oiks a;, iiegi oes . a, no: 1 ike chocolate candy W:!I some ot' ..i! l eadei s answer 1 ne "ole hat inati" sa s he has e prettiest corn oh the creek mid e lies' co'lee ,Uld i lhd V tor I he l'ia town election passed oil ..til I . . ,1 1ST,- , , , , I , . ..I l''i ' i ii'iiuniu ,i-u i ie ii leu, I V ainl IOIIOW lllg geut iehiel) wa re elected : .MeSsps, 1 liOs. Mav-h.-w. F. C. Puck. .1. W. Chapiu. P. P. May., and S.T.S.dbm 'Two dry and wet. Vour oi respondent took a i ide ;n the eountrv this eva-ninc and , a.s delighted with the outlook, Messrs. V. J. Wooten, John Pate, .Mrs. P. Guilford. V. Ih Guilford, D. P. Pen net t. Henry Ponnm, A. i. notinett, un seem to nave thmr hinds in line order, crops planted, and were plowing corn, and strange .... 1. . . f I iu Mil e ui-.ii'i no ni ui curlew ougs. 1 he Kespass road is one of our rich farming sections, llenrv Bonner and l'enner lh (ludlord have farms that are worth on one n ni m oo ars it :irre ipintr I -- - - v. ... & the judgo. We have other pros-' perons farmers on t his road. Curb-ret -u- "'. M , : :; ' .. no .M... ,,.,, w a,h lie I ' a I the , 1 I- 1 . I n e r i ha ' awake are s ' n g s W 1 1 111, I 1 he p," : level. ip- mporta: : h : ee ti s i n - ah '! .., (j v , e . a . a . 'lie I.e. I . :ne:.hinig : i e ell bring - m The -h' - m ! .1 e ' n . e id , e a ' i 1 1 e I r i e ' . " g i ' . 1 used .11 f'r.i.'' :, i . 1 ih"' i .-Wf lei ' W.lli 1 ' -. ' '' a.s. , I ; . , ! ,:,,-,"! "da I la-!,! ,h : in- la I in i 1 : ' 1 1 i ' ' . ' i i e a ' : e 1 1 ; ii g ' t ' I he ih.inilll i :: limehm.' -t. .11 I .' I Ih a' as eh A ' V(i. li alal l'hhs ,, . a , 1 1 was an' :a! . ;1 tirttri-' cn.uu st i uct n iv m 1 1 The ehiallell well a 1 1 1 1 1 1 u i 111 ell t a hi I h i all did u rl the large . , n , a t I lie ih l h his to s pec! h 1 Will h'e i ' w a - a ' I e i to ei audmnoti , . s mr la i p: eseh- . Miss lab . home m M,.'eh. ,1 ( and w : a ea : v w ' a .Ilgs o' hel p..;, N. ' I lllll I ' . i,.,.., ., i I . e i ; i s l , , ( t , !i, ... ,. in '.h.i'ill s I , e h a 1 a a h p i e e i ' .1 . . Swansboro Items. her M. ( ) a - a.oo, i b " 'lie : , i g . n :, n g to i v -. Oil! lailhets looking bet ' e r h and sol m ' ' a a so Ihel .i.oti,, ; week, ('a: i: i a hud m the If, s li a l j 1 . e M a 'h c Ml. ( leo. 1 h M 1 i io , ; . i , i ' ' ( IU ' h s e i: . i : coin hi ;.:. h ( W. 1 le.i.iy g' ' i, s a, ;: ; Week h, ! , w- the e 1 b. . ; .,. doing vei v ' , h i c, . cn ii'Ilel s (mime..'. I ' . e , . . h i I Milium I ,t t a iio w , a ; ,oi t . Ward :; d.-..;, 1 ' ::y. Sel.r. 11. I :a a. ill.,' ibe" ii i leal ed t, u Nmv l:.'.er -o tab.- to I '. a 1 ; ; i n " : , . I 'nl'uii ; :.ok::.g wed, is eo: u. a a c . i o i , , s i:as coin Miee-n igll . I a e W a i d is don e coin and I'' ii. e.i oil his en: ton. The un ion mop amand Us i,,ol,-s ' 1 . 1 i . , i i - o the 'r.liiii: I b n gl" e l-llli- a . l : ll.iVl' i o ; , ; 1 a i I ee i t aie e! V mm: ce e'. i e.i n c s ,ii e j ! e 1 1 ' : i 1 . g: ' ., es' . , ;; ah ' . f y o : e v e : m rii ;ii ii a : u a ' m Pi i i . i W . e ' i 1 1 ! t 1 as ' a ii : .foil' 1 "'! , oh ia. o : age s 1 1 1 h e c I a i ' s . b Is of Iia i a ' cat:.-, v,-:;. oh. ap ha: : : " : them . a . t'api. .1. I. .imiibh i . is gai . Um j .(-as. M . i ; im-, ; I ; isii poi atoi-s. 1 )a e best liittel;. Mac .b'hl coin, M.s. I:. Poster abbage. Mis. II. P ;!eas, M,s. N. llaiseli grass, ainl ( a p' . A dr. '. . .i. le-' nm W lb:- Iio I as' e s : . 1 1 n o ; i eoiimiiin y Messis. lb (,. aid. A. .1. Ilhi'st, W. H. llhlst. ( ol. b. W. Po, l)a and A , 1 ', I ' 1 1 h . '. . si . i. , t.. have film crops. 1 ,, .- i I ', , i , -1 i i a , . a preacher I : i m M ; gn 1 1 a I 1 1 1 ! i n county, is ;n mw . preached !! us t In ee t and has .m.s. .Mi. Poiteris travelling aioimd in the interest ut h.s ('hurch. Puptist is an ecelimit pi eacher and desei m gi ear eied,t im h.s eamn expound nig t he Seriptuu-s. lie has been blind all his hmi m-v. r saw the light of day but cems .. p.;- i. ciiy.'.r home unmn-: mo eople. lie has a l.ihm ol s own with raised letters, and . an mad u;rh 1. ... ..1 L 11.1 mill li I'.hr ,e "in' mho n i s , , a e e Mghf. lie i oe .m-i ot Mr. md Mm. town ... II I nil u l.ll n l.und lilli 1. of Pr.,- T..nm.-.. n-k van dedor im om m,. o ' ,ii,ia.n STATS NEWS 1 b an . ,1 t: a.iii (hi I' 1 ( ll.miri -. ' : :... ,. . I M . I a;, k ' ' 1 . : ' i.e a n :, :ia 1 inn ; : ' b M. i. ' ' e - . .' I . oh I - lie . a ' - h'. 1 I.e. I :,, : '- :-el,r : he I :.i:. 1 ::!'::.!, i. !.-. . .1 ' ' ,:...i i 1 1 1 i ' .,'... 1 : ' ' : ' . : i . : . - 1 1 : e lea e : A I. d 1 '1 ei a '1 "II .! i. a g a I. i ' . "ii a ; ' I : I . . t a . s , li i : I " If-'l u ,.d. hi mi eii : o 'in- hs 1 i . -' an 1 1 ,.s ' . . ! . . I s , ! 1 1 , . I I , I ' , ": ' -e.,-.oh. lie -I., i d MUlie ' : ei t h g.i :' .ia,ca'i i n .htv M. aiilav. -evi : al ' eih c Oil hi is- ee I. ' s I i . a ii h.s ' a . , -. i : . . 'in- .1, i : i ' 'i hel : . . p , i , . i ei h ' s : t i il- i h i ie 1 Hi i de. V. e -.hjn's, i,,. ; j,,. ii it ', ; ci 1 1 : s a a s ii, . 1 1 . than : i.e value i h.s h-i s,. and 1. . hi sel ; lot t iie day i a hist ,11 iib!a:n:n. liie leimtt atice. M ih Ilka.- I I ai i i -. v. le. iii v -te- i ..... i, , I , . .,,,. t ..,1 . V . , , 1 1 i iii , 1 1 1 t I , ag,,. i'l th'ihed hmn, ;,. .tenia,. Ile si C.r- tha- rn. won, an uelit o'll will, , ., . , , , a , hi a s i i 1 1 1 1 i ; i a 1 . , i h . I 1 1 1 1 1 a e hail,., , o , lea o : a ! i an i Ion , h g I a Hi i 1 V. ' , , , t,,. , - 1 MeTl . I i,i, i I I ! 1 1 ',,o - Thedimioi ., clonal uiTh ;:l I'.ahlu in '.cAiishp. named! .1,,,. i n', ,,:,k-., . a - ba: ued all ; , i .,;, ,-. a tew das a.;o. All he ! inuiv wme .r uo'ik iii a d is-' an' held a' the tin.,, m the id... and , he- :, chm ': m r! f he v ..-a . .on h, i u m k. m a' es c hh ill i . ,f : T , e , i hi i - , ,". . 'lime's oh the 1 1 i 1 b i ' heh t he ive.stpeati,,,, was ss. and 'he .pies- a - : . e ; 1 iv : : ! i . ' i ess, oi t i.e .ilellt ON' O N'.- Napo'.eo..'s inaishai leii.a'.iis a s- w he: c ;t w - s. Those w ho be i ; m.'e ' he wel c iie a h d the same all.- pleased beeam-e their theolV i,,is a,,' been disproved. ,r d those who ia .Id the con: : ar v aie j .leased bee. : so the i 1m that i oh l'a iled to i' ti;.' identity. The mot ..I bmies have pass. ,1 ;nto du-t. Ti e under 1 a w was I on n d . v. i t h iii.m, , i the t cc ' 1: i a : . . n a hood state-: : a .set vat mm . um t high hohe'A.i.s io.:id rmimmmg wiiole: a.o'so: . . em':. n wm .mound, ami he sc: i-ws w 1 :ei. i:ehi '. timethei'. : :' though the eaith was sifted i I ma a s. ,,1,1. 1 he s 1 vem ; ' e wh'.oh. I , : has been m d. was in the kiiii ,M h's'nai N'ev. was me m:ihd. nm 1 weie .my ot the bullets which he i v. as :;..:....! !: ive e it t ed t" h;s Richlando items. l.i : ti: ed ic- i he Pap! isf ( 'hurch Ah eee!!' ht Sel'- al c , M'ccdlhgly h ! I e I a ' ' ,1 good hi , s coining hp s ho: the Ihisior d hm se last w cel ls : i . . :..-i! ' 1 1 hi- hah lial al i : w i Mi. P, . o s i . a I-. 'I : s ih'O i : . e W hi -Ilge ' ' o I wh.r a , ' as- . : ilay 'alley, '. e c.iU .: .!! in As it all h.ipm 1 1 1 1 ii e 1 . . . i ' h -'ti 11 Hie! . e ' V i.M-s Oil Pack All. I . lib. i c : i . w g'm ' 11m :.e 11 hie h Il Vi '.lc i ol aim "!l H I I S . I 1 I ht s I - i hie o ! I s : e I im' been I 1 ;.e ' o , : i eh I I i a dved ot .hid mi ,o M o 1 1 1 1 a . - I i ol May . the el ito ai da ,,1 I l ed. A boh iiln hail ot the him popu lation hole candidates. Alter much ele, tioncel ihg l no io. nm i n g: to. Io w 1 II g entlmnell .air dlllv elect ed : i il. .1. W . lb ( oihin issionei s. i .1 ohll ( iem h.e I '. 1 lumjihrey and M. P. Steed: Constable. Noith. W look tor a ear ol peace . ,.l good oi .U-r wh.-n siirli geiitn- 111 i ii h a e colli 1 ol ol a II a 1 1 s. I : i . .. in in iiuli'.l l.y ., tiii' IiiI.iiiiI. : Tex as. A " "" ' ."'-M: X,K- IIXV' , L ies un- ileasiire m sa UkiI l loo 1,,., - n nsiim' vair Kl:.sseH I .r s. .me 1 1 me : pasi tb ncacli sati-l actc n . i or clear- in -ss. : tn. ss, ana mr an i m r n is.-s in - t-n.b-.l. they ar- ,,,.1 u rpasscl by any u , ., ,, J. won hi reconi ,,.,,, ,),,. ,.,p u 1,,. umii :eii:,ii aiaiiy -. . 1 1 r r . .1 ii I i'.Kh a N h. (iov em or of Texas. ... .! .. i 11 th i-ri illtt'il lltlil I'll' lit uuiauiccu at 'the dm store ..f F. s. liuir.v. New j licrne. myfi im ) in Mriioni.iM. t'.h May. aein.u's wonder, when 1 er..s the : :t'l An 1 da? led -lale u nii tb itl.el ,,in. fare I.. ;, ,v, ,1 i,.,. ti. i,ii n, inei-t rin- ; ' 'i alt the .b-.-ii .in- . I,., lane j.;. an- '"!"r' ' I la-a .i u:!! . :..: ; a- C 1 i'!an-it i eo.' II,- lai.tin-.- ibat I -hull Le -ate-:,. -il ' i. 1 i ! w in i i ' i li"H to l.ll It 1 - at" n'l-rllnn ir - ". radiant ' id". lljlt 1 1 I, ,nd , I ail the he. . d i ,.t ii, v bitter tear-, 1 1 f i"",i.-i . a 1 1 a h mi---" , l d ' - ii 1 1 '. i : . i . i . ; . i -: h i. h,r Me- an ;, i: i ill I lire. 11,1. . i t jo ' a. ! i.-n ! r ' ;'" , - , '. i i I , v , ,ii : r- -1 . i,- d . 1 1, a t li i h -.!!,' hi i..dl a ii- to na il - ,,'lletin" - n.a in dia ain , i i-t 1 1 1 a h r . -: , i k i n i : i i -1 h- u k , ', f r tie-" i ' l . title Vi a a ie- u I 1 h Ml el i i in 111 d i- 1 11 1 11 ' siiiiiriit-r iti'iin-j hiant:.- huh -ir. 'lies t ' ' hue - w i-et" I' 1 1 ) 1 1 - i e I h a 1 1 h ) hear i I a.- l : w .is. he olid the , a - la h ic'iieu County ilenih 1 h, ! tl mel s are s ot i a;n: ha vi ia g li ice tor the "a: n.-ighboi .1. C. Mooie. lis,., .s fi sa-k with! I'e it. I i; . 1 . '. Wood! v is gi :ng him I h e 1 1 , e a I a i ' e 11 ! i o 1 1 . I in- 1 1 i s ! i poratoe clop is teal na e ;; ns. Ilinpty tlnwer bar ie.s .Mi- :n demand. eiiitiiries are 1 a . made hu ' h .-In 1 o s) , ; he i : o . hell lt'.nh". e tax assessors have their 1 'li ne sir. :ng. taxes and d death at.- . eit.iin. The histtwen- - ;ydis mi .hum i- ; he t line i met s. s,- :,.ed '-y law lor Iisriim. h We leain that Mi. .1 oh ii A. Kin- 1. s,- . , , p.,.as a-r ( ' i eek ha.s be eii i j u He e sa h. I'll! ,s now i eco eiaiig last, 1 Hopes aie entertained that he will i be up a ii il out .main, lie coin clop is looking We. with lis. oat- aie promising, and oill galdelis too ale looking fine, but general giei-n i s m a rs h al i n i' his i, i. ci s 1 1 '. . . I it- hp : in meet d a! 1 1 . 1 1 1 . i ;!,,. :.n eiectioU 'J , , , hl'st Moll. lav, . i; ai d u as elected .Mayor. ( 'om missioners .lames Learv. .lulm 1' ;r..:de!i ah. Mr Imirelb chief of I .1 .1, ,111 I i i ,,, ,,, ,i , , i ... i i .m I'HliliL, 111! M.l.ll l(ll. l liai, . " ' i i i 1 rn- ,lea.s.ure d grasjung the band ; d I 'Iotessi ,1' I'lauser, who w as at I ll eiitnli to aid our voung ladies ; mde-ent -in cultivatiim their mu I sical talents vo.-allv, should t hev ' He su e II . We leain that SherilV Kooncc' " I''.-nft will start for West 1 ;"nt s,',t' 1 " ,hlr'K "' v hei'e he w i enter as ,i cadet. e preuici a iinguc lutnre ior nun there, as he hits been heretolore a '-'" hright promi-ing youth. u (1 learn that Captain Page's m 'Il ''iinie near being washed away a feu nights .since. The water had forced its way through the .bam near the gin house when it w as aeeiden I . 1 !y discovered by some c. ilmed persons w ho were return- 1 um iroin I'lilireli uf 'I'ri.Yitnn oinl lat i.iii.Lu.i it In- known in time to save it. we leanv iioiieve tnar ,i ones . ... ., i'. .. i , ., : '. '"' 'a ,,, ; ; I chickens on hand than I have ever! seen Here. I musr say tllilf it ap- ears that all our good wives cer- are ;i v ry needful auxiliary in making the pot bm 1 during' the long summer months, most espc i. , , , ally where the smoke houses are a "tie empty. .Mr. Sam .hums and Mr. llenrv loggerhead turtles in the Trent tha; were engaged in a real turtle tight, scratching and biting each other with a regular im, both had the water still clung to each other and it was hard to separate them, llach of them weighed I'M lbs. Messrs. Parker vN Simmons are placing at the river in Trenton a! : Huge pile ol excellent evpress lum- 1 her which will be shipped in a few davs t,, a firm North who have' ! given them a large order. These , , ., , gentlemen are real thorough-going. enterprising men, who are ever on; the alert to pick up the dimes, and while picking them up they man age to sprinkle several of these lit tle necessaries among their neigh bors. Such men us they are are needed in every community. Had we a few more here it would not be long before our sect ion could I io,ist of ,i real boom . He tl lllg ( ar leiitoii I riem i ! to accustom their hogs to learn to be satistied w ith a lonely country life by driving them out of town e ei v morning: in the woods. Some 1 o! 111 uppear delighted at the I ' change, but occasionally there is : in old sow and her progeny t hat ; appear a little refractory ami trie. itonmlm their wav back to t own. im; when nmt by the colored Lov 1 'tup. I 'lixjandhis favorite poplash, will re- milled i Ul. lt ;i jt(ll t,ari- turn around j r.d bdiii P. I head towards town and a. pear to' least a wistful eye towards her hap- ! py ol 1 range. i N I I N M AN S I I-t A MKU. - 1 The new I n man and I nternat iona 1 teaiiisii n ( 'oin nan , limited, has 1 contracted with Laired brothers, I Pit Imnhead, for transat lantic teamship. She will be built ol m ee.. w 1 1 u 1 1 ij m.s ei .an s,. .u en K i ues steel, with triply expansion engines j and I win SCI e Ws, and Is I o be sh pe- i im- iu speed to anything now Her dimensions will be Length over all, oOO feet : beam, (l:.' feet : depth ot bold, 4.1 feet : 17,0o( horsopower. m.oOo tons register. A feat ui e of I he ship will be her longitudinal bulkheads, which, in connect ion with the usual tram verse bulkheads, will greatly in ciease the number of watertight 1 a . i ( m i pa i i meiiis. nei wnci.i ami engines win oe proiecieu u sine coal ounKei's. i i er i a rge passen ger . .,,-,.,(.; r v ,r is jm ended. Will be lif ted up for.;. "ill tirst-clas.s passengers. She will be delivered in the carh "II s prin g of 1 sss. The construction ihe sliin will 1 ir followed bv tbnt nthn, ami imnnrhiit I m nroen J f-'ncl'i I'tla Til mi 1" ments in sinjo oi tne inman line now in sermce. Anotlier "ar 1'oeiii. zlN Oi.u Soldier in tiik Atlanta Constitution. 1 -ee many sketches a nd incidents ni ilm ...... .1.1;., i 1 ; 1., ii Lin- ".it jitioiiiieu in tMii a t u aoie papei ann nave i lei 1 eu iinirn i . i , . ... ii i i . . i pleasure lroin n a.: i; them. In to oi.h i emit 1 1 uute my mite t oWUl'd - t h a t de J).l it IIH-li t of VOUT greai iaper, 1 end you the lol- hi W I II g i II ( a dellt o I 1 1 i-oll life dill- ingtlie winter or and 'ii.". at a in i . Chase. Ohio. Jt is not my i 111 en t loll f o peak of t he suffering weenduied. as that is past and L'OUld 111 no u a V be mitigated. Illlt I o pi ueeed. ( 'oh iltel ' , ,S. 1 1 n k i ns. oi lt-niiesee. during the earh' winter of "HI and '(' was the most widely known and beloved j mail a nioii ii- t 1 ie in i soners at. Cliim ! ( IniM-, ( ihio, and allhoiiLdi not a legulai minister of the gosiiel. lie . 1 was ; he niosi eloquent and interest- ; I) IT evi'oneiit ol i he I loI Sei'iDturts ' I I iiave ever li-tened to. It Iheselew lines -hoiihl haiipen to eab h ihe ee of a eonleilerate 1 . " , W liit In i --!ol 1 line it was in have . i .i . , i .i aei II loea'eil a; ( amp ( hae ill the u intei id r. i .uid "0.,, j,,. will re Un hibel inc. eagerly We .u oiihl rush r lroin oiii 1 ia uacks whenever it as anincincee; t le t olom ! Hawkins had fill,' m, ei lioin pli.soii to see , ns. and v. hen lie would mount the steps and begin to speak " or preach lie cmml hold us spell bound lor bonis w ith his i loijuence. 1 He win an oi acle in e el thing eon he 't ei with our weli.u e. bm h " sp: I 1! 11,1 I a IH I i elllporal. but his greatest a oik was done at ihe Miches ol the sick and thing, and I he is living today and has not be i ii piosjiftun- in temporal a Hairs, la ea n h e t he gl a n ti colisi i at 1 o n "t be I II a' entitled to - iil 1 tlla I iia is polity: ' inch tan miot be taken from him . Colonel Hawkins m Ins dailv loiillds among the sick and dvine had lound a young soldier who realized he was not long for this woild. He was engaged to lie mar- liedtoa lady and Was an.MOU.sly looking for a letter llnlll her, that he might once mom read her lin ing words before he died, but the letter came not unt d al'tei his death. vhadi was humiliate lor the'poor c.-Uow lot instead ofhn ingpi onuses. she had wi it ten to break oil the e n gtige m e ii t . ( 'olm, el Ha wki ns an- swm ed t he mmg lady 's letter to the dead soldier :n the lines which 1 hae enclosed for publication. provided mi should think them of .siiliii'iehl interest and have Hot already been published in iiiiil III o -' e v eel len t p;l pe I . I), (i. W'ATK INS. d e in be i of Kein per's 1 .it t cry . Not t hem arm v V u ginia. t lalk-burg. W . a. M 1 I .' I F. N I h i ar letter i aine. hut eame liu late I ,,r l.eavi-n had claimeil its nwn. b' Mi lilen clianpo. fmm prinii bara Into the e;reat white throne. Vihi ytt 1 think lie wouhl have t-tayej I or one inure day of pain. he have read those tardy wordd wntcn y ' hi nave sent in vain. Wh j d id vcu wai t. 1 'air la.l y . rt-i l ihroughao manv a wearv houi n.ld vou other iovera with y0lI. In that silken dainty bower- I'id others bow before your charms And twine bright garlands therm ; a' 1 w ei", m Uliu luro,,K 1 id spirit had no peer. spirit had no pc I wish that you were by mo now. As 1 draw the sheet aside. To Be how pure the look he wore Av, hile before he died. Yet the sorrow that you gave him Still lias left its weary trace, And a meek ami saintly sadness 1 1 wells upon that pallid face. 'Tier love.'' he said "eniilil change for me The w-intcr's cold to spring. ' ! Ah' trust of thoughtless maiden s love i Thou arc a bitter thing i l or when these valleys fair in May I incr more with bloom shall wav The northern violets shall w ave. Above his humble grave. ! . . , . pou, dole ot scanty words had been I I5ut one more pang to bear: i k" l" ''"- "--cu .i... ...u 1 This tress of vour soft hair. i inj nol put it where he BaiJ. l-'or when the angels come. i 1 would nut tove them tmd tin- sign ' u falsehood in the tomb. I The wiles that you have wrought I To win t'iat not'e heart of bis A"'1 med it. fearful thought' , What lavish wealth men sometimes Kive ; -,r a trillle. light and small. What manly forms one often held In folly's tlimsy thrall. Vou shall not pity him. for now lie's past your hope and fear: Although I wish that you could stand With me beside his bier. Still I forgive you, Heaven knows. For mercy you have need, Since (iod His tiw-ful judgment sends On each unworthy deed. Tonight the cold winds whittle bv As I my vigils keep. Within the prison dead house, w hero Few mourners come to weep. , rude plank coffin holds him now. i et ueatn gives always grace. 1 had rather see him thus lhan clasped in your embrace. "l your ro,oms perhT are gay ith wit, and wine, and song, An,l you are emilinK iuBt as if Vou never did a wrong. m our hand so fair that none would think It penned these words of pain. our skin sa wh ite wouhl ( tod . your soul Were half so free from stain. Pd rather be this dear, dear friend Than you in all your glee. For vou are held in grievous bonds j While he's forever free. Whom serve we in this life, we Perve : In that, which i, i, 1 I e c hose his w ay . ymi yours, I ,-t ' 1 Pronounce the i.tting doom. AI l( L TO MOTH lilts. Me-; Wivnijiu "s S", ,. .tii isa : Svina, should alwavs be used for children teething. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oli'h and is the best remedy for diar- h" a. Twenty-live cents a bottle, marl? dtuthsat wly W P DIIDDilO 9. pn w w v m WWI) GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, n c.w RKitNr:, s. c ai:i 1,1,111 V. A. POTTS, Jr., ATT 0 R N E Y AT LAW APIIOIIA. N. C. .,,.,,., ., , , -, , r.H , ,f He(U, ., ,, , V(1(. ,. l'ioih,,. U'7 wbiii y w AI I U (.1.0. SI.dVlR. Smallwood & Slover DEALERS IN OF.SKRAL HARDWARK, TLX H'.IKf;, (J L ASS WARE ' WOODEMVARF, CROCKERY, SASH, DOORS, RL1.XDS' (H.ASS, I'AI.XTS, ons ASD STOV? UNSl HPASSED A.S TO PRICE ANDQUALITy.i - .,... ... T . M ' d d I 6 Street, Next Door tO Hotel Albert, NEW BERNE, N. C. The Flowers that bloom in the Sprinu movemanta in favor of the Siamese Twins. F. T. PATT The Middle Sfree I I V Gentlemens Furnishing Goods ( 'on - i-1 . n ' SllSliel. a .-1 -f i 1 I . A I ..;- 1 com net n :, N'ovoiii,: n stoi i. if y, not i-a- " .. ' . f ! V ' f r 'in i , '.It1 li a rii if i 1 0 -1 I. KIM '. A Specialty of Fine ' Furnishing T..I .. ' r . y . , I . I ... - 1 .1 j . v K.s r J 'osl H U :' Vl: b 'KS. 1 Mil Sail- are slyli-h and wi-l! i u ltock I'.i, than lhaei -. h,i l,n.. ol 1-1 KN 1-s I I ; -i.-s In Wl.M: an 1 si IK t I M i Kooiirf that an- .r. am.n- ,,f 1 1 , . a i : . h, plicity . 81 S'l.lSH HATS- 1 "l hie.-. I it-hl , Ida. qualities, an.l Crush 1'neket ii.UH m Straw ilat-i. latest si;,,os. h.-nnin me anil Full HtOi k of LiUV i.O d)S ami Nl )TI to huh the tim.-s an 1 your pocket!.. ...k. We ar,- t-till havinc a hii- run on our . - - CL iu Hal., and C..nKres-. whi'eh are a, kni.u ledl-ed the nicest ami bent Shoo in the market A full "anu arm e e. o. en null e-.ery pair I.11 M. J.'M.s ..f i h-i 1 1 ; a i will iislonit is at i fin louittuuu aii, -Vti xn icqti maiifMi so pa OxrlTV pTAD a Iotko proportioD. rALmUft.,.f whom took a full treat! c-sent and were restored to health by owe of M?S?.F. SEMINAL PASTILLES, A Itadical On re for Nervous Debility, Oraiin VeAknea BndPJirsicBl Decay in Yoonor M dleAeedMon. Ttd for PichtYfturn in t thooBand oasea ther Abeolrit;!? mrtrfl rrf: jLtnmh agenl and broken down men to the full enjoyment of torfect and full Manly fltrerurth and Vioroon HhhI: ft. To those who suffer from tho many obscure d ifWAr--i hro ugh t about by Indi(cretion, Kj inmnm, Ow-ltmi .i V orlt, or too free IndnlKeore, we ak thut yoa eeul t t yifur name wiLu statement of your trouble, aiid nnir X. lilALtAOKAOE FieKR,with Illuirt I J'am,!J..t RUPTURfU PERSONS can hart FRLs mm li The Little Store 'Round the Corner" , Has doubled itself. It i witli all. ijiiaie in Our old triends have long been cmi a need ot this mm. and il will take : only one call from now ones to posit iv.-h assure them. Hear in mind j we are always able to put before the customer airythmg and everything -we advertise and at the prices named. Listen to the wonderful inducements we aie oileiing this seaHon, and remember we have not the slightest fear ol competition ; our prices can not be met by any house in the city. W h .' do mi ask f It is a him pie story and easily told--- WE PAY ( ASH ! SPOT ( ASH ! Thus saving the time pi ices and the cash discount, which is a very large item. Uur customers get the advantage of these in our very low prices. Mow see for yourselves : Heavy I nbleached Homespun. ard wide. ".. Good I'nbleached Homespun. I ("rood Gingham, ..c Plaid Homespun. I he ei best , .iIk-och, .V. Lawns, very handsome patterns ami good ouabiv . .'.. India Linens, from Sc. per yd. up. Plaid Nainsooks, all grades and all pih es. Striped Nainsooks, all grades and all pins. Colored Stripped .Nainsooks, only Ibc ard. Embroidered India Linen Suits, only $2.50. Beautiful Cliambrays. Saimes, Kmbroidered Sat i no Suits, the season, elegant and very low. Cashmeres and Woolen Diess floods ol all kinds. Percales. Dress Gingham, and Gingham Dress Suits. Large sie all linen Towels, only Inc. An elegant knotted fringe bleached Damask Towel, only ::..., and the lamest and finest Damask j Towel in the citv for guc. and im,-. Endless variety of Napkins and Table Damask. Stamped Linens of all kinds. Poufe Searls. Splashers, Tidies, Table Scarfs, etc., with the best wash wanking mlks m all the new colors, only 4c. Skein, and the very best Piench W oikmg Cotton, turktt nil, blue aud white, at Hc. per dozen, math L'.V. Rick Rack Braid, full 18 yd. pieces, 5c. All linen Torchon Laces. Inc. do.-, yards. n line imported Torchon and Medici Laces, very low. (Mir rmnt il and Pgyptian Laces are cheaper than ever seen. Ladies' Cape Collars, oc. and Io,-. "hilil's Imen Standing Collars, Sc. Ladies, Cull's, Hc Lace Setim. lull w :.Pii and beautilul goods, only lie. per yd., worth HUc. Cambric embroidered Ldges and 1 us. -i t ions, embroidered Cambric Flounces, Swiss I'louuces, Cambim All Overs ami Swiss All Overs. Ladies' Corset, good, J..c. Ladies" sohd colored Hose, Ic. Gents' i Hose, oc. Gents' Hose, Punish, no seams. ;ic. pair. Gents' . Ilose, imported liritish, i'c. Pants Linens ami Cassunei e.s m all kinds, a good Pants .leans, Mc. Gents' Soft, Kelt and Still' Hats, and ask bu mu pure Mackinaw Straw flat at ooc. Gents' nice linen Cuffs, Gents Collars in all the very best and latest stIe Gents' gauze Shirts and Drawers of all grades. Ladies' gaue and llalbi igan ests h um pi.-. ;.. :. Be sure to call for our hole Shoe, only And leinember we have a complete In ;' l.idif Children's Shoi s of tho very best grades. W e aie at lea cent, lower on dents .shoes than any home m town. Pe sure and look lor us. Our stand h t he sa me old place, one door j lroin Pollock mi Middle stieet.and much ciilargeil and altered in ape. N PAN' PPIINK, N. C. N. P. 'Ihe linest and ci best i, cuts' Sim! ever sold in North 'aro lina can be found with lis. at only Too. Kciimmber it is made of New ork Mills .Muslin. L'l hundred. I. men Posom. Collar Pand and Cuffs, and Inniil mailt- huttnn holts. Wo guarantee them to be as good if not better than any shirt ever sold m .New Pei ne lor l .. If not so we will refund the money to any customer who is not satisfied. Ask for Ives' Leader Shirt. .1. V. 1VF.S. DAIL BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers, HAVE ItF.MOVl TWO STORES, SOUTH OF "d keep of FLOUR, MEATS, MOLASsrlS. SALT, TOHACCO, SNUFF AM) CIOAltS, ai everythlnir in tho O ROC FRY LINK, a f I'LL STOCK and at ; LOW PRICKS for CASH. F. M. SIMMONS. n.K.MKNT SIAl.l.V. SIMMONS & MANLY, A TTOiPVUvo Am t i ie ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In the Conrtsof Craven, Jones Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde and In Uie Federal Court at Ne w I'erne. febiwly have nothing to ilo with Garibaldi's Hut RSON, Merchant, I.I h 1 1 ' i, d I nd I mi it wear. I it". hi. i 1 1 1 i , a h that excel eieiiii.i loli piaeeH. 1 1 "a tin- lianilBeme . , . ;, i a i ii.ul it y . do ' a i n-v . nil ne w , lit i k'i'niTal Ktock, in 7 i wfini ASH, THIS A Si N Clothing Goods, and Gents' ''a to mil l h" mo it f;nt i i un u the f ' ! i-t fui f 1 1 r i and a r e Kohl at ,.,,tl ex..,vU,.i.,j that ( ienllemen ubo. K I I ; 1 1 1 I . I v.,- are fx h il.innn a lim of 1 ., ,, d ,,t . n in their eleK:ini sim k :,l 1 1 raw 1 m I I ; I H of ! I hiiiiima uriil ad eoi.irs. ..nlv 7m. Hil- asHorlment of rheap. i.NS. I. ,, In - and CfntH- SIio.-h at prices A Iidie-h I ,,m-,1 ( iaiter only .'.tic. :: :,n i:..,. ir..n,.i-, t'oUh.r. vk,,.,. pi ea- .- i to in. -ot Inn obi friends nrxi GEORGE ASH'S, Middle utreet, next to L. II. tutler's. II Att) i1 Um tntpnwtiua oi pretontMua mne. i. ui. w- irouDiei, ana aii viackh, wwjwdin; aim IH IQ ie1 UlAir f lo- tiius Tfcke a 8URK Rimu'T iimuuaj wilh WTOUon Ut buiinui. or r&uM nam or inconvenience .n any wiy J oundrd n srienUfic modira.1 rjr(tn-ir.i Hrfi.- kppiiration to the rtt o dueur iu spcciflc HiMnrfia ff I t tvtttiont Hl.. 'T-v. i ("unrtionn of th humaai nrirkniim ir,.rm, 'rv. WuteUttiminne rlenwnti of life ur Rivr n l.k, the pKtira Decora cb Uiuerful auil rapuilygaiaa hoth UX((LU aud baua TBEATKEHT: Oio Kosth. W. ToMoi.t5. Tim, tl HARRIS REMEDY CO.. Mfc Chemist. . I 300 N. Tonth Street. BT. LOOTS VQ Trial of our Appliance. Ask tor Term I shap,-. ainl 'ijiiaie in its dealings Um. latest am ' I e i I i e s t 1 1 u v i ty of the, only 16 2-3c. per pair. mil very low. i I ti II e gl lOils. Ladies Worked Button- 90c. per pair. Misses and L'a to "ill per (hough the store has been very nance, it can be easily found. li TO Til I I If THEIR FORMER STAND, COFFKK. SUOAB, SYKITH a241 DR. J. D. CLARK DENTIST, NXWBKK. O. Offlo on Craven street, betWMn Pollock and Broad aprMdAwl, w run rir A Mi 1 - --XI 'r ' :':V;!.