it , t H ' r , V ojr-. -7 (i v, 1 ' -'J 7 si t t" I T V '4 r- 1: STEAMEB3. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH. The Ft Freight Line BtTWlIJ Kawtt-ara. EtUra I Jlarth Carolla : Palasa, and Xarfalk, Baltimore BJ Philadelphia. Mew T.rk.Bud., -la Ellubatta Clr r ComaaueLQ.K APKI L 2." th. In-:. Uie .-"cum ra KaGLK f and VKSPKR will run on ir .: lvr ached ala time. t!b Newberne c .-r MONDAY, Tl'ESDAv, WKPNtsii.M and KIDA.T riVE r.M.. for KlliAOti .'av, and return on Ihe, following day. TtaM itwatit la connection with tin AtteBUtN.&K.K. Norfolk Southern K H.. flaw Yortt. Phllm. and R. K.. and U PaaylTMto K. H.. form a reliable ami reenter tia -oOtertag superior . (acimici for' - ojuek rportUoi. So traaiai-er xc at at Oily. a-. Vhteh SOMfc freight w 111 be loaded on car to J fo Ihroog- to UuUoo. Direct ail good Vr b shipped via KMtera 'ChrmlB XHapawn aaiiy aa looowa : bTN.8. R, R-; Ralto. by P. W. A '; rrealdent Hi. station: PliiU. i Ptaarrlntla H. K.. Dock St. .station New Torkbf Pu.R. R.. llr JT. N-rt!i Kivn JTwTldOBOw and Bottoa by V rk ml " Hw Kalaad H. R. Raaaa Ww and time ;i. a v - aiatr Una. At additional boat will n nui or. . rout aa early aa practicable, au.l at-i.-ii airmacad tor foor triaa ecb week. rabdw Ncwberne. . i" BIB BOMDHOS STEAMSHIP COMPANY ' RE-OPENED. The Old ttoaalaloOv Statahl Coin; . aaaf Old aad Fa-rarlte Water Bamta, Tim Alhaaaarle ml Cauaaak Carnal. TBI-WEEKLY LINE FOR Varfalk. BalUaaara, Jew York. Phil.- dalphja. Boat an. Pmi Oiurt. And all points. North, Eat tni Wcct. Od and after FRIDAY. KKBRI'af.yiiv WSR, maUilnrUiar aouce. ::i-, Sltizoi Jfw imi ud F.mlico vin aall from NORFOLK, va., every MON DaT.WID.NESDAY and FRIDAY, at HlX AJi for HKW BKK.NK, via Waahlngton. AaaJBa etoea eonnortioa witn tne s-Leamrr- oftAeN.dlT. R.H.B.LO.. for Klnaton Tren- .- loo, and all otner laadinga ou the Neute ( bm Treat turera. KAtarnlaa. will aall from NKW BKRNK eyary MONDAY, WtDNKsMV and KRI . laY at THR.EE P. U.. for NORFOLK, direct. making connection wuh the O. l H, Co. . ' ahlaa tor New York. B. ti. P. (.'. teamen tor Baltimore, Clyde Line Shir for 1'hila - dalpbta, aad Ja. A M. I'. Cn. ship for H-. ' Ha aad ProTldence ." Oar anttrln effort to pleaae our pttrons, ' aad our aim oat aerfect erv-lce for the paal twelve ear, la the beat inantntee -p -an ffer aUablpeera aa to n! we win ,io (or taeoa la the future. : . Order all gooda car of o n s. Co.. xr : folk. Va. , Frelchtd not received for glilpaient after 11 a m. ob aatlloK day. . Paeaeacers will and a corn tahie. comfnr'. BbM room, and every coarteay an.l n tpr - tioa will be pld them oy the ortloera. . E. B. ROBERTS, Agent MlMU. CULPEPPER A TTRNER. Agenta. .Norfolk, v . dT. H- STANFORD. G. F. A P. AU. New York City. THE ITETJSE & TRENT RIYEB Steamboat Company Will roa the fbUtrwinc Sehedula on and rtei January lal.1887. Steamer Trent WllI leave New Berne for Trenton every Wedaeadar at a.m.. returning, will leave Trenton avery Tnaraoay, tonrhmj at a.i polota along the river. Steamer Klnaton. For the aosonimodatlon of tru -ker- on Naaa River the Steamer Kmaton will, on aad after May 4th, run rue following ernedule doiinj the trucking aeaaon: Un Klnatoa oa Tuesdays and Tnurajays al Ten o'clock, an. Arrive at Kama Landing, lay tver, and leave Harris rending on Wedoea day aad Fridays at Ftve. a.m.- Arrive at New-Berne at On o'elot-k, making rloae con Bectioa with Steamer ewberne an.1 I'aai lieo Of the O. D. r. e. Co . fo- Nonolt Wuh laajtoa City. Baltimore, Phil trie I phi a, .New " York. Providence and Roe to u Ketarnlng, - will leave New Berne for Ki osioti and Inter aaed late landings. WMnnUy at Three p. ni and tsa tar-flay at Five am. Kvery etfort will be maile to give tr -..-k shipped by this line, quick dispi-h J. J. DI308WAY at Nwbra. W. F. 8TAWI.T, KlBItOB. D. 8. Babbcb, PoUoka-rlil. I T. WIXBON, Agent at TTenton. i. P. diratuT, Jolly Old Field. ; J. B. Bahii, Quaker Bridge. J. U. WHTI, QeB'l Manager, tils Klnston.N.C Hyde Line Company. NEW RER5E, N. C. APRIL ICMMX SCHEDULE OF THE sti Mt MARGIE, Togo Into effect on nd after Marin Wadneadk.y Lte New Bern at SIX K.N A.Ja. for Bay Oorrt, torp ng nt A.tann Cret. rimtUa Creak. Vindrnnir and sion. w all ThnracUr Leave Bayboro at K KN A. M tar Bw Bm, stopptnc at Sionewall n,le- aaara. Smith Craek anu A.lamn Creeu. Ha.t rtlay Leave New Brne t skvkn A JH. tor Bayooro, stopping at Adam i riea . ttmltba Cra:. Vandfmere and Stone l n Moodajr-LemTf at aKV'tN a. M lor Naw Berne. toppiQg al stonew;; an- dr. HmllhiCmk nn.l A.iama Or By thla tmntemtDt we are al le to mak? eloae connect Ion witn ine N-rt-tnern iWame'i lo hiTlaf food arromm.Hlat irr iv,,in loi pa anrar and (r ixhi at very lo rate, and mak Uw marebaata ana prndureni !,in aa Una to Iitb It tbalr ehearfal aupport. r'relgnr reealTed ssdr oover every d. of tee week Kor rnrWer Informaoon en-.u'.re a: -fTe, foo. Of Craven itreet Or any o Ita amenta at the foi lo-' : -.. ABE LEE. 4 dam Creek. H. L. HcGOMdAU Kmith i -.-k IX H. ABBOTT, and me re. C. H. FOWLER, Stonewall. KOWLEK . COW ELL. Bayboro apg9 dw W. P. BLRRt s i, M J. J. T0LS0N, Wholesale and Retail Elealer m Choice Groceries and Provisions, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes BROAD STREETl. NEW BERNE, N. C. 4vJr (rood gnarantrd a. represented . ocl9 d3t wtf E. M. HODGES, MANUFACTURER OF Carts, Wagons, Wheels, And Wheel Stocks, Axles, &c. Repairing done on short notice. "Work 'guaranteed, and prices lower forth) same work than can b obtained Ue wher. A liberal discount orTere.t to the trade. GIVE M k-j A TUIAU Queen btreet, Kinston N. 0, NEAR NUNN"S HOTFX. FOB BARGAINS IN f!l..Ua.!x..a.A 11 I I t 1 I I B J CALL AT THE New Berne Furniture Store, WEST SIDE MIDDLE STREET. Wtort li eaa b found in ktmc ritj. rnmitura not in stock will b ordered at B mall per cent abo-ra cot. A linnl thar- of public patronage aolicitfld. J. M. HINES, Ilanafer. mnrUdwtf POISOII III THE ASHES I "r t What the Ml. Lebanon Shakers Found -Incident in the 1-1" i tory of a Ouiet Comiminit y. i v , The M.. :: I, ", i - -v York) Sliak.-v tiinnitv, -"'!'i''i''i n: I-1 wi i i't 1 1! . I he v :i 1 . i r-v, r. '!: -ti "i 'ill- 1 '. i. I'-i'i'i;- n' yv,. Til- . 1. Klk.-'-l.. till ' ha- -i ! !!:' i e;- A f. 'A l:a-. tin' -' Mi- ; M;r:v v.. ! - .1. !,-." :.. ;. , ., the l .-;,':! ( .- i . !; Kla o"!.. i hy .'i '- ' I : -r I J t a- pel ini'-iit j , flil'l 1' ' -.. ,1 1 " . i , - :i-' '. n rou i i e.V ;ti :....1.-M : .i n ' . d' lie A'.'.'U I V. .V ' v.t id 1 ii.' e !.' i . . i til 11'. -1 1 o ,. u -: 1 1 i'i i it i' . y I . ..' rate aiiiu-ius, :,!:! for tlio ii nr -i'h'. to -j r vc t liat tie' 1 ten'i't.'.o ain ! t i n 1 i .it'n n li-- ehi' t' v ii civil ami 'I'", '.'a ml 1 dir stiou ate 1 ran ( ti.--- "'I ii:;,,' tli" -!.M'.:.' ' w .M'k. ai;.'i ' . . a'- w a- h ! t l,ak. i s id' tins : i i MO ! ;- ili-M'il- Tli. i ' ii .d tii" e in. at- ti t orjiir.-- t" ! : ' '; ! lv the l" 'i- t! i; - v tel-vtVllii'h l.'imh'l ;;!' V h-hi t n;r." i n ix ' 1 ' ' e ' i 1 ' - 1 ' ' " ' i 1 " " I liavo 1 ..'i. a i i- M i .. !, v. -a shall hav ciMi'iiii i-l .TMe; 1 -i.''ia ami N'iV'-o.s . h.-o -ion. Ami i ie-v v ' i '' '. Knmrinc: tin- '. i : T n 1 . i i ' , p,.w.v of Shaker Kxtrart (S.-i.-l Svrind in h' ' 'iiiplii'iiti'il tlllMle;h 10 1 1 : V tlmy re-oM.,1 tu . - ill this. T h ;i ' ! f.M- ihed.r ti" ;. n-inetly it; ha.i'iii 't which h; .1 '. !. )!-!. cui'ithh'- .'a i ' r!' ! ill r'eVY i';--:il. i li I'ei't n e: ;. - ' . . . ; ie.aeSi : Mi'i Y "!'"' ill' I their ami diet ;..'il..v..,l. .ami Kx iy Aim'ii T' ater or wi'i'i' si-"1: ; ' X.TY.MIS 1 ''.-,' ; - ' haust n mi i- a j - i ; . . i can dist-a-.'. 1 a h-S OXtellt i: lit' tie . cf ;, i 1 tllU C '!!'.:! V - i 1 : in p -1, v ' -. Ill 1 I ,ai'-' t he :li!!l-t lllh ; i"-ui -' -, ivuntrv in tie- w tiiitnv i '. ..' i ' ' a- to civil!'' from this : leading -Fre j ii -1 1 ; ache ; h i ! of the Id a. seou.s t r i!:-', ,'l:i 1 t-11 it 1 1 1' i. -in i ii '' ti ii M'. 1 1 , 1 tlu-e ; I inn -s a ei M ; 1 1: t ' li-al '.ai n at the ha-' i -a l ' M'"itt h : trail :"i:.; the i -i -i 1 1 of sour ai i' 1 p' ii ' ' oi fi on U t j the throat ; a - f ei a '!'-- mil ami laaiim a! th.- jut .d the vt..mci.b tiMtoi,.,.,...- Nv.k.- . U.t l ( l I no . 1 . n a . . 1 1 a , " .1 K' tnlnoss an. I . ! gimf w r ! 1 ; ! weak t r a a 'in I or si un v ii .at 1 in tlm on at' ii , ing 111 t !n tin CCate. 1 t"'. t -t.-p; ,1;.- V 11 V 1 1 ' 1 1 .ti' : sticky h-' terth cr a 1 1 v i Ml ris- t I ! I I'.'' I .'111 nI1,l . liall'ls at. dry ,u' 1" j! - tlm li t r IIILJ 1 ' 1 , . i .'t''11 ''i; i 1' r . : ' " 1 : . , - . . i'. ' ,p.,l .. ' s, , a . 1 ' I " ' ' 1 '.-': ait a Mi : ..a 1 uT.t v f , V ld,'l- c:n; - a' i ' !, tiM: ; 'i MlJ f'are- CT'-np i ,.d's (' ' 1 M ' 1 ti'Mi iija.n -tion and jiailia'-- ain tin- fnm'Ti.M H.--1 1 1 : ! '.at ii Ml ,'f tile f. str- rg' n- ii nt d Tin i at ! ci. iiiein- i , ni . am -1 1 1 air soul njH.ti tm;!' no--'."!:, wlitie all x a-i-' mat t.-r- ( t p. - a-n-'Si d 111-- s hi'-') ba ll l.i.i mm ol p'.i-ni i and k:'. .. nr- . M tnTv t li : ' a ig li t i;o r . i li..m uie i"5. i1''- iievs atn I - in jnt rat ' t '. r toned .".mi : V.IohI. A - - with it- . a .'. and j m ' i , ! ferer "h lim !, oned all In." another wo':', d '1'!..- w.-ak and '.lifted 1 . , , ..; i ,i ,' I;11'1,''," -u.t. Ilea, tip ts, Lleijig tl rlna '-. a 1 -at O' 1' see'. a v CIHT1Tf1 I flT!TlYri Af.F I IX I V U IIV I mmmvm kJUUlM Grass and Clover Seeds. Seed Grain and Potatoes Garden and Flower Seeds. Vegetable & Flowering Plants I,s. ' am T.W.W00D&S0NS, SEEDSMEN. NO.10S. FOURTEENTH ST Ment:n thu ppr. RIihionI). . HM00RE COUNTY GRIT T M :.i--a s i -i f nil Ma: ti hmi M V.j a n W orld f - Tnblr UphI. f anl : ni,ii.--'-r "n-i r i r . n r.rn, rni".:rn. fa. i t rh m .r in every bsrrrl of flour i i- - r-'rn-Ali- Nort tl I'-roliDM 1 il t- EDUCATE ! EDUCATE , ' What T?pttPr Han Ha Tlnnn Tor 1 , , 1 r uiiiiuioa . ATTT3fiT? A d r b TV f XT aiUttUttii JibtLVLm. 1 , AI-HOR4 v ' 1 if r.n. iKiN. n-Ai.. Miss E. b Lano-T' v. A 1ST a.n r. i.nd rSITum mriiZZ. Pudii are charged from tiru of entrance . 10 ,n-2rll""t"B 'I0,,rt a. Kor mrtfier Information apply to R. T. BONNER. rrinc'pai THE JOURNAL. NEW BERNE. N. C MAY lb: THE CALHOUN MONUMENT Tu ri !'.( wit; U.- -ire a the braiuifni i-ity. -MiuUen l.t i .u tl, in.ikf an.l t : 1 1 i - .in 1 -torn) . U ill . like th' -::ir . f th- iif v arier- 1 ;!.-rimi in j.r.rei- at: 1 'H.iil.kf in : urm . Tl. .tiian.i inw irather- i :r.-ni moun tain aboard. I1 -a n from the heatli-r an ine from t!,e (.r,e :: ana i-ni:;!rv e .,-t!: I'm . r. u i ii t ha : r c i ft - ; : 'ne :m ,. . 01 . ni n -hrine where tn.-tn :e.: 'r-.o, il, -- -il "f the :irti --'.ape.i bv i!:- . iH-.a u ,r.- T-.l w hat ti.nuie : in:, t, i,-v .. inn 'A 'man hi- i ;:e .it- . r ,.ur lain) If. r". eut in niarhi'.. mt r,ate , .f statesmen . r. if ned with tie- Uun 1- !., Mi n. er 1 erm . ' '. I i i.f the i ' m: ni' 'ii w t-.i . : :. ! f the - i .e. ' l.n '. I lllil .'111 -111, 1- ;..,;-'.,- ' ".' f r in the mtrt ! a:, i : r i .: mat thn. je hi m . I.-.lals i t -ilr,T ami ; n.;n U' 'a-t F;.earitik; the r.v T.i . f nni.l y aehieve ments . W mugh t by h i- tr. : uA . wh. ii f. rever shall : in the hearts .' the truc ana bravest. Here in the lionies he defemied -o well, hndier than gold an.) more lMmn than marble. -'ill shall Id- nan:-' an i hi- m.-na rv ''.: -at tie- m air. tain "L. h Ptan.N by the river Mirrors itself in the -wil'i nvm' tnie. " on the current of aes his figure lill the unchanging '-hall alnn'iv abide 1'raise for the cuv where thus he ie Eionored ' i'ame for the artirt w hi. !i nothing can mate' I ve for the women w ho gave u- this treasure' 1 'eathlees renown for the champion of State. ' '. H"n;,(ir-J. mi AV"' i I ' V It II F AT IMH STia . m:: i.i. N 1 1 ' nr. ni .pr. i i . r o't ri'N SKEP A FKR TILIl'.i: lli S I i m K Ei m ID 1'. 1 i: A' lli 'N dt-' THE (ill.. 1 oi nearly a eentarv the southern One of the farm problems was how to et rid of it. A lew years ago somebody discovered that cotton seed was tin-one perteet fertilizer lor the cotton lands; that the seed held the essential elements that the cotton -eed took iron 1 ihe sov. Then t-vct'vbod was ashamed of iiavnic; destroyed the seed tor o mill) peneratii mi-. Slowlv but sarel every ton w,e utilized a- a fertilizer. Later -omeltody di eoNered that it was an excellent food lor -took. Then the fanners bejjan feeding with it. Along in l70ati obp-etion was found to cotton seed as a fertilizer ami stock lood. It was too rich. The excess of ml m the seed pre recent pi ,po-i: nm- mi w.n e.--els. ented quick decomposition in the an erxtraoi dtnary degn , .! peed a--o.h and made the wool ot sheep , demanded, a- inuch a- : v. .-nf and too kinky. At the same time some-: twenty one knots ,m hoar. l'lns ody diseoveied that the objection auieonwouiu sen wen in mill ami, o the first cotton seed oil mill wa- estaiMisnci. i lie ministry was na- .meuelyprotitable.and in less than ' ,. nte year- i.e. 011 mills sprang up H tl) 0 b V - iviirnTi'i ..- . ' i , . cii, ,. ton ot cotton seed vieldstoitv gaboiis o f oil , worth in its crude stare iin. The hulls .1 tin seed aie used a- fuel to run the furnace, j and the ashes t hereof sold tor pot- ... .. ' as ii . a 1 1' i cm ; oil ?eeu in eai st ri pj -i i oi i; - ml i- more valuable to tlm ... . i .inner as a lertilier and stock i 1 than it was when it held the ".1. Tins sea-oi, oOii,iKo tons of ' ott.m -eed have gone through the tntll-. lroin which worth oi . i-iol.. .,il I, u Loan for-.,,, ti,., ... - in.., "o ii L.m. ii. in cake ietniaied to the sod with- on -he oil h. is lost nothing, m hile rh,. s.,iirl, loi niin,.,l mm Diwi The iTiliie 0.1, however, is 'refilled, Inch quadruples its value. It is , -old mo-tly for export, and returns to America asolie oil. The mills . n iv tlio tumor -ilo.r will i mi, f . ,, t ".- ' . . .ilttnn s.-.-.l thrp,. nl' n-ln), will make one ton of i-otton nn-aT. . .a l i ,... , i, .. , en o act to t in- tanner foi for feitdming or feeding ( purpose. Now se tin- progre--. Twenty .(.us .i$;o nmuii oecu was unrnt (i ;or ,i0fitl,ive,i oa 80Uth,.rn farms. Then it began to be used as a fer . tilizer or stock food. Last vear I , .(Ho, o(Ml north of crude oil vvas i t a k i"1 n oa: of o(H),(XK) tons of Sffd I without iniurinc its value for othei ' pnrpo.s, which oil was refined up ' :o ;i raiUt. 0f n,.rhans l'(.(KrO.K)0. f. I This enormous industry, which 1. , as vet treats but 500,000 'tons out ., ot tons of the lull crop oi ctton seed, has lately attracted the attention of northern capitalists, i; ".s said, cspfcially the Standard Oil 1 compiiiiv. and a remarkable com- pan-nas peon lonned. Last season -duced acid seed, very unfavor - pr le tor oi 1 purposes. The mills which had been making immense iTorits. losr rnoii'-v, Several of rhoni . ii. plied t 'New York ioi mom- . Others wore oiVorM for '. I " -. . .. .., Tnist ne. i ne . in r 1 1 an i otton ini Has organized. A score of mills were pooled, and agents ot the Company went to buying up un; il our of the L.n ml mill's in the counti tin- company owns about 1 d'he-e mills represent a cash va'aa- .a .;,iMM).(Ho. The stock ot ; ne company is ::?.ii(.KI.(K. It is as'ed ;n the New York Stock hx change, and m now selling at about bo, so - hat the ? .;, 1 m 10,000 w orth of miil pmpertv now ha.- a selling v,l!'le ot JI .1 KM I OOO.. 1 . I.w.Ns a n 1 1 Evi;Ki;RKK' 11 1 1 king: a new lawn, the tirst point is the nioner iirenaration oi tbo i- .a.,,i 1 1... .1 - 1.1 1 -."I. 1: Sliouei oe I uo 1 (Jl 1 Ul UUO deepiy tilled, with an abundance .a well composted manure worked into it bushels l'hen sow four to mx t seed to the acre. In making a new lawn, it is well to lav au edge ot turf along the paths or roads, and aloutr the marcins of the bed- that are to be 'made 111 ' the lawn. If oaths or walks are to te made, whatever the material a... cure a trood foundation bv ex- cavatmg and tilling in broken'stone to make a solid bottom. This is the m0ntli usuallv preferred lor transntantine evererreens. The es- sential point is to prevent the roots ironi drying. i- rom t tie minute they are taken from the soil to the 1 me wueu lur K Ul, 11 Zlu uie roous miisi not urv. oueuer them from the sun and, if possible, keep them wet. America) Anrirnt. turixt . liill Arp mi Farming. li is a wonder iii !i:e eVel hod v don 't o i . ! ,i : 1 1 : n g. I . i u 01 - .liii I row : i i in pol;! '- . loot ol - li IVC P i . i i i n i k i ,1 war mi -. .Mi HI. i l" 'I'.i.u : ei ii I. :h; . . aio: i ki-i J ! - li pi v an d : n he'. Ci'iiiii iii a: . .ii-. : eei 1 i II iS. I 1 1 1 1 'he I mm - 111 and : he . .ei : l. he ll,-,: i.ipel sue d.i'A a! the e w e ! i - : ' - ' 1 1 IS 'A the e. : 1 1 :nl a ,'i k : 1 1 ; wliee,-, I h e . i ; i e k . . 1 Tin- t 1 l fill e ' e - ' , : : he e, m. . : ' aii'l 1 . i k i i ' I ' i ' 1 e . i ' .'Mi. :. va a 1 - o- liei no i a . : e - -. i i . .- , : i . a : . t- a . . ' a , ; . , -i r n i uehe - -U' ii 1 1 e - -a. i: .: ' a . i:.d !.....:., I i , ,-. , ,-1 , . i , ,, - ". I : .in TWO HOSES Sllc il ' lie-...'. ; a o IV , . .-. ' i. i- 'A . ' i: A i . i i m 1 ! I h . - 1 1 , 1 i 1 1 1 .-.!ll'll. 'A he; ,- I ', he "I i I'nl d" in: till- lolie; '' ' ' ' 1 ' 1' '' !'!'' lnele- no 1 1 , . . i , o ; . 1 1 i;,':, ine MUnp.ti t : . - . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ! el' -b 1 1 I Vel - 1 , . , ... , a ii i rose -pake to a cuv ns" laim. ll.eie- -":i:e:n,n i., a in . oii.y tu,.,ity two le.-t tel. Hv. B;l.l is hie '' 'ei d.i . .Hid : ". cii.nijai ui ,. and ,, hall niche-, wiacli was i.n iins- ihi-ki.-nf tlie wind lliat bl."iH hi , ns . a ' o ,ul "i. e . i in u-. 1.- : a n i i ;.-., i ! - , I : all d h.e ai o,.r ,p.. In the open lie 1 d v i,-re the glad stream tie hue. Hi i aiie e ;.'.. 'ale-- .-i i.ioe.'.', :, have ln-ili '1 'Ws. i;..e. .ud li :i...t '..a ad , a , ; .. 1 -a . , , , ,, , ; he ., , 1 , 1 -.-11,1. n-1 t he d a - w a h -umm-r , , f,-. .1; ;. : a . e 'A , ..o ; - ' e a , i ; , " o , ; -a, 1 1 ; ; . ; , -,- I . , ' ' , ,. . I y 1 1 . a ,-1 . a ( 1 y -o, d i . alii-r i lie l"i -r - a i d '' i a -. ' he p. a,- f A.' . i c 1 1 e -. 1 1 1 o i i ;:i 1 - - 1 . 1 1 : ' . a 1 I "r she 1. ii.-vv vi,at things ur.- b. t and -o'a and lie I... ..nd i i.e Cr ad.e.vni .'. ei t h aia; l"l the " "A" l,u!, v"" dream of lac. v. i lamb-, and t n- eh,, kt-ii- a;.d in, viipei ,.. t h.cii tin- a inaeii t , ' !ul'! , , , , , . , , , " Ullll- V'.'l 111.- "Ill II, ill,- IrlliO -1 tlllkeV-. and ee. . C "OI , 1 ee k - pi o i ! i! pos-es-,-,! in the wild' i)li ioiuil, .n.ii niiM' i' nil! a a, api ! .e.r a Ml o ; ,,' p. i w e ; o 1 t h e - e I -ie.-p on my 1 idy - In . aildnie.i'. al.d doiil I: e to o e 1 1 i i ' e e I e - . " Mo- Oeine 111 the I ia 1 i i m ae . M 1 s; i n j.' v o i : ' . , k i . ' ' . ! . -. ii i 1 1. : i a -n-' m : I y a-; n o tie-in. it 11 if lid. W h" V.-.ied 11 - in' '.oaoo-o edit. if ! r t li'V ei illhl have I'.ill Arji Oil Nl -iiapei-. w r ' t ' I ) .i i I, 1 1 ' 1 1 1 in,- 1 o 'a : i ''aa n - hd u ainpiii-' 'a i ?h t he in ,. pnhlisl, (1,,. lollowino from crati-dou'i .-.-.m b.e-, a :,.i ne nei:i .l..ird(- h,e d,-' an. e thai it I in- p,-u ot 1 '.ill Arp, not because it crown oi la- a ii -ime ii,- -a: 1. hi- be, -a p.,-- -, ,-,n,-i n mod is new, lor Hill wrote it years ago, our gie.ii lug h a-n.lh ineploe. ei ii ' .no--. , I,,,; eveiy newspajier read- I may . -a in : -; ak. a . ba ; ' -eem- The ; '' ' ' H nipie n ou-ht to read it once year. It to nie a a' ' in alu-i .jin! "ip -une- a, a,- :in,e biiL'th-- ; a.ood tor all I i me. I'allsav.-' p:tn '..k ', !:! ' ' a'ee iiaiiie!.. ::.,. .,: ii,. ir ,- .a -Soiiie ; i.i ,,r.s al e not nanh .ie 'eld- .0 -a h- c liei 'i.e .i-..:. tig "": .' a- ... a-- ea.h-d. and roiiii; ;is to appearance, but 1 never tree- ai.-: bine n a- i a- 'in- w , b.-c.ia-,. ;i.,- n ,: ot the :,,,,k one that didn't pay me in, and ilea: tile d . . '. e e. ,. . ; II (',i,.,;.. 'oo! I! ; . i - I ; ; e . b.-ag Coll solll e W ay III OI'C t h il II I pa i 1 1 tor it. to her mate am, ;i,e w .- pj : w:l'. lin ,i le,--. . .,, ! . cm; i,-e : ( n,,. tune an old triend ot mine si ii g a w eh oine i . : he nigh' a a, a t , 1 1 ,-- I' : i - i : - i i : t a. .a- 1 1 v e i 1 1 -1 1 1 a i st.n tcl a little paper away down 1 n hunt 'lowers and tmbhy blosM.tii- i-;. ii,aii ,ae md lo ihe other and south v. estern Georgia and sent it w it li t he .li ld i ea . a nd i!ia:,e vt !.! b i.-h n.'.i i : and the i icnl, twelve, to tu.-. and 1 subscribed ju-t to en- tles loi ',-in aad ii.-at Va :.'.-.. a. t: . 1 t . ei.ty : twenty "in l,iae-oi-i. eoiuage loin , and so alter awhile it see 'em ae' alter a anip.a' leg tor the v. nam- :.a...:l- an- inn pabln-hed a notice thai an admin- a garter -n.ike. , 1 ;aiO be-;-' eleai a- wlieii r -a .n- l.ikaig t-tiaiei had. in order to sell sec nests, and p.lii'he :n in- b: a:., a and ii;.- hiiig,--- d-'anee. this would on eiallot-of land at public outcry, get duty ami wet a ..- . ami 1 v i e '. I .'''..' hnu't-h lee, or m-t ami om- ot the lots was in my watch thei: iieiniei!- and -a 'dimd ..vei ;w.. ,nnl three quarter m:ie: county. So I impiii'ed abont the exprugssion when ! '! , go heme, and '. w lien the S '.tlmi l.adas lot and wrote to my friend to at- Mrs. Arp look- a: ',-in w :'li aa.a.a-. d i o pped d 'a a 1 1 cad i mi ci hd pie 1 1 n g tend the sale and run ir up to fifty ment and ee!a;m- "Me:. .mi t b i - c. ai t ap; aiently a was not dollars. He did so and bid off the me: d:d eve: a torn :i. '!:.-: is at- eon-td.-i t-d a maiiei of gr.-a; sur fM for sb'J, and 1 sold it that month such a si- V: '. 1 e ei g.-t d.,ae pi:-,-, ra ; wa- evidently tiioiiglit a to the man it joined for S10, and making eloih.- I'a- : he-e on womba' ,1 pel lo: m am-e tot an sol made sixty -eight dollars clear right elean th;- !;..; n ::a. : 'M nfo-'c to b-- abb' to rm -o tar. by taking the paper. A I y father another eh-aii ra g .n t i.oii.-e ' . oa " i; ; ai m-r w "aid tnakeiight told tne that once he saw a notice Go get nie a m ireii. nglr :ra:ght. ot such a distance, and i aces lor that a school was wanted away off .go! 1 will not stand it"' I'm' -be twenty ncles and more constantly in a distant county and lie went will stand it, and th.-y -- take pi.e-e.- .m''..- .yco " - " . there and got the -itnation. and a 1 iriinib e- Ma y OUght to be win I ipe. I ' ' "em. and b ' h. t inn - ives . w : ' e i i I. 1 em i ie-' . - i . : a and some dm thing ale li.'.'.nd. and ; there is any cake in the noi;-i they get it. 1 '.!e.--ed mot iu-r : lor tunat e child reii ' What won h t he v ib ' w . ; hoi i in ; .' W 1 1 in very scolding mn-.e :u in-; tel der ea i -. I'm ; a a a k i that :hei are some : h a i g- ; ha- ei i aer ; a t a domestic c'i'ele that Wa'i -Me, can no any nor money king- .!. crease. d thniid 'u.t 1 1 . Fleet Steamsh;; Will be noticed t h a ' : a a : , ; he - : calls for a light e-.-el. powa-i fal eir gmas. ami rvin,r coal 1 ''ii,ir;:- lor car , . . A t I . i ti' N fil'l MINIMI .iiii'" . i v. it i - i i i ( ompany has e i ai-ed - 1 .000.1 00 , ,, test eertau, patents, wlndi. ;! mh- . 1 cesslul in even! ;oii. a;.1 Inmg .1,:, . , ... , ,,1.1. .-Htllll.-ll..'- Ill,'' .Vl.-ll.lll. ,',,.,11 WI itoss t i e ! a 11 ! I e 1 !i 1 1 -. o 1 : 1 s 1 ....... . - ' - That is. they will appioxiinate an average ot twenty-live knob- hour. Tin -panish ( aive 1 iiiueiit has recently contracted tor torpedo boats which will make that time on .I. ...,! ,,,, aa .' ..I 1 1 '''"'"' no w make a n a erage speed ,xt' tn-onti- l.,.t Km 1 "'' "'. " wi.hthis increase ot -peed. laete have been, runon-b. enough, -uch 'V'"'1' 'mpn-venieiy - ,,- nave give, Ult VeSsriS mole III I'M a : tie V ty net an pa--engel - "-Vs0' .-mm w i,ei , ' lin1'' Teigh: . otdd be a i i.i. i i. i . propeoel' li;.i..ei! ''ie -O.u oil ''-'idthe f--e!. tni etb-e Kfea. sa nig :n .1.. lneI- Ita-otlierie tr'm'' to,,k I'1 em.- impt. "ii 1. 1 a'ai "ti in steam hell the com- POllIld ellgllie a a 1 V e 1 1 I e - w'as Oa-eiloli tne . I . o . ' 1 c r ',,ni"s ri.-ed e p!f--llle 'ei to, -ay. Ot tie sea 111 l'".ui'is ... t,,. .- rf.pnred the cui-uni true in.'li. st i toll oi a little ,e lMe--!,le to sou, tie inch. "mree,..,. toi.c-e , .. . : Nov. wh.h itaonldbe .hiii.-ult !. i ; n i 'brectly tl ilgaies ii n 1 1 1 -1 such a pi- ssiire. a as toiind po- MU, ; u ' us'' '" -i ecomt ,y ,,n- ' I1'1"'1 l'"""'" tne P- er ol t hi-s'f am drawn n om tl, high pressure iesfio:r u: n-l.-r red to. '1 Ins perm. tie. 1 .Ma great contraction in the space taken un b-v the engines, and in the quantity UUI,J""""" ... pi ope, a s..aiii i Vl a -' 1,11 1 """-" " w-lttr- u b h ; ae e. epi nm ot t he un eniion oi, --.eei-anu perhaps even this exception snoual --e ,,ioio ; nanie a 'hs-'-ven of mo.b-rn tunes mvhi' h has produced -;mh nnpoii ;lnt changes: r .:s e ; 1 , , r has been to biing the win-at Is ol Mi.-.-;s- VV Valley almoM t he iln'il s ot ' tlte K" STi '--h bread c.n-iniiLT. Tlu-n OOOi.ifl.o t.ii,l.. i.Tt.r,,,., i.i.l lo, 0.0.0, ...o L1KI anuig am ija ainip... engine. -then impioveineiits admitted of the old-time rate of .-peed at a vm mmh reduced coal consumption. or the old-1 1 me con -mmp; ton , with a very much higher rate oi -peed, l''e:gh' steamers i:iy:ng ,'"" tons ot merchandise can e: 0.-- the -Mian:;.- in Jen da - : ; n an ex I'enditutc m one ti-mii t i.e - - -1 iv- ' 1 11 1 1 1-1 1 i 11 1 he steamers 1 a ten e u - hack. The new steamer ol the An row L;ne : - to be ",,000 ou.-, and her length w:ll be r -. : t 'een 'iine her width. She .- -.. be eaih-d : he Pocahontas, and ' -he -iieeee,!-. a in-w ,-; a will have opened in o, tratii . . ,,, .l,Oi' ' . m Si' nib H 1 m-1 : . la the German army, the experiment is beinc trie.l of mount hum he ai.b-s and messengers as well as some members ot t he .-tail upon lucvcles and 1 1 icycles. Tin- roads and t'ields on the continent are 111 such e.-e'. lent condition that these wheeled vehicles can he ea 1 1 v 11 -e, 1. s:- well known a bn-vcleem n time run down the swiftest horse, and then it is cheap to keep. u course, horses would have to be used for dragging heavy art diet v and mr cavalry nurooses. Horsemen can no longer be used t.u .-barging upon lines ol miantiv J he maga ine rifle has put an end to al simii eipions.i.uu o. r aids tearing down leieijrapn poles, CUliine oil ueiaen ment.-: t regiment ot wheel men . . . v w -. ....... might he oiritf as useful as a troop of horses. ), ., m,, l,o,,i. Athletes ut Ancient Times Outdone by Moderns. Wi: ii i 1 r rt'ii oo tu the a ucient.- w e k in v V IV little 01 i hi; leal pel ; i 1 i 1"! in ance- el i hen ,;; hlei c- .. !i.. er .io!i.i,,y that any nl ' "'' ! h .' a i.LH s lel.lie de- and - 'ine i. tho-e me nhvi- l i t i us; a in i i t is , i i . i , t ; , in n i ei ' : I e. : i a' . i e ( i ee a n i o , , , , , .. . w M. ' "! 'i.iife.Tes. leaped a l.Manee nt tiltydivc leei. "II .!:.-.-i-n" 'Arie something :ii)l- hi: o':i , .;!( l.;v. u h;,di the die. -:' ,d :;i'io-.i ii.llitis whde leip.: 1 ni'.'' pa' the. I alius I . l 1 . .:: 1. -a:i.; ;ii; tin-in t'orwaid v.,:h i -addeii iiioiioa took the ,.,,, 'i.,,. , ,, ,i ,i ;,. , 1 . , '. 1 ' ''' " 111,1 ' ;'M' eil .1 ''I ' heill ' i al 111 p lull her I I n I ! I !!' ' ' 1 ' ; i ! d in! e 1 1. Mie a ,li.llt t lie iii . I ;..-:.e- I.e,:i t.t . . , .-.) i ejn-i, Xi- .v Rau-dy t : ti No.... ha' : - it i.istllll s 1 sleep .' N . e .' o 1 : . : t . e : n ha : Mi an ' - o together. besieged tow II- h i e been know n t ' -h-ep . tilt h the roa; oi 1 mi ba i dmei i f. 1 -"al to waken vii.l, l.-nly vt ben the I filing cea-ed. .Millet s i, -oine time- -'.ot up n. on shop, awaken- .-die ' ii, Hit'i i stopping i M t he ,. Ill i I It, '-1 . The 1 at t ie ot a ! nil 11 ; .u iii"' a Mi a . II : 1 1 1 i nee s Ii ep, .is ail i i .i -. , .,- s know. And la-i . not lea-;. ila Meei nl lliiatltS. the - o ,.,-t a-' and so leep ol all. is p.omi.fed ..y M.ui.d. ihe po'i-M, l.u x ew. then, tliat noi-e distuibs -ep. mo-t.popuhu vn-ws, .Mil', i a lelie.- t la ; ru gl a-p i' . The t I lie ou. uof-iiui Ul-e ol diS- ... i . n,u,'ul" .nie.ii pnon. .Miy Sll'llieil ce.-Sat lull O! I lie COIii lllllll V - () silnicc or ol -oiiikI ;i waken i .1 i' 1 ... 1 l : . 1 ' si'1 ' ! 1 1 1 1 n --( M l 1 I I ( ) 1 I 1 l 1 1 1 H . , ,;; , ;; . , . , j( ., , ,. on 'h- "run -,'- -ih-nce k " " 11.11 .0 .nini. That -.mid- im-f.- ,.: mechanism. , , , . , , , TI,,- , ) , ft, 1 ,lvO,l i.l, TOO I 1 1 '' . I . ,1 I I I l',"l K. IS O.I-t'U ,,I llIC . ..i ......... .. .. ... ..,o ,.n..i,.i,ijii,ii,..,.ii -deuce. t.arupis Now 1 1 1 1 g h ; 1 1 " ; . sip fe-ts the -wi ,-,,,;, , ,;,,, I .!,,, nm I, ll equally connivance he made on the s ,.. ne 1 1 1 ec i ni n a ai aiiici ues. urn , a," mi' inioi- ; . . , , . i .. , na , ofta-tamu -hep by -ound.' Its ... 11 11 ;''v''" l"',;'' l-i-oiis ospec ndic. -,. .ard be undoubted. Call it ti.,- niorph. t er. t lie .- nun i leran t. ,., give i: a 1 i enr 1 , : ; He. and chins- :,.;i ; :, pr, srl , 'l.a: ua. g. i tale-.-i Mnne. or sN e a name. i ihe way, ndt:u.'. -magnate od e so iiai.lilii pro- i , ep a - ! " IhM I e t In- -leepei d;-t a ban. .md , uim a able t aa.t -t . ,!,. ,, pjj-i, bnlw ,n k .e1 t a sudden -let-per- by placing a . i ' . . ' . i : ... .... 1 o ' e 1 1 ami shock'- "I exiruneou- in ;'' '-"'tr --'.'ep presei ver dr. .a- . nioao-onoa- '- humming top. not so . ,, ;,,,,, ;lv e he.l! d an ailann nig ; mi' lou.i eiiougii t.. iiiown di.-i.u. ; v. hen placed eh -e a. the bcl-ide ", hung ..vei the l,,:i"'- N- ' .!"; fir ii (;i:.. in., i i i ; W . . m kn . A M.i--.iehiie;ts woman, having an hoaror two each day to spare lioiii hoii-ewoik, and v. i-hinr to e.nii a lttile noMiey. decided io try - i aw net a :es lor in a i bet . ilei p .a e oi land ii'iis tiftv seven tcei long, ami a ei aged fifty seven v-mm. Trie plants were well taken ,,;m, , through the season, and the la-; of o.-tob.-r the b.l re- ,.(.,Vl.(1 A A l,, ,t-, n gr. and a little t,. piJ1)t- -,.. mulched ai)0,,. fa ,. in. Ins d,ep with pine n. ,aiie.-. lb-bae the pi. kinu (tominenceit. si '.ngained with a in ,. i ki t in ;i a . a mil distant, to take all h and a half r bona.--, by iliHi'.vili; :;m. a- li s -hare, n nir cents a oasKei om ,1.1 oeri ie -oio lor twenty cents, and over, ami , ,, , .,, 1 1 those bringing less, 1 n pa-king. -he as careful to put in only sound iruit, to hae as large berriisni the bottom ot the basket as ou top. and to have them heaped as high as the crate would allow, p ol- ng a poor ye, 11 for s-rawben a-.-. ..wing to 'it"iitli, I. eh d, : 1 1 no- a licet her low ground I ec- Ve' I e -old I'M b "d pi Ice-. i,nc the observation of scrupulous clean than mteeti cents liness, artificial pmpagtion would 1 aa-Kei. im- eiiine ciop muu a-KeI . 1 he ellt n e crop was :n baskets. Im which she re rrivi'ii lift;- -two iloilais and eighty ..-nts. Lxpeii.-, -'- ; wi-n : y . aie il.ehll- and lit' . live 1 -t-nts. leaving n,-' pr.Mit ol tlm t -om- dollars and eii'v hve -.-!i;s'. .1 ...... .; - .1-- r ..'.-r,v'. -. In -i,a kai.ini;, A voiing man who went to the West tilled with ciithu-iasu, and a dfsiic to -grow up w;:b the country." surprised his friends b leturning home after an absence ot bm three weeks. He said that while he was out 1 a 11 ii h nil t i II Lr in what he thought tl was the L'ardeu-snot of America, he came across a boarded-up claim shanty. Hi the boards nailed across: he door he found this in scription. which explained Ins de- i.arture for the East: Pore miles from a nayber .sixteen miles irorn a pwsioms l'went -ti e miles from a raleroad A li 11 '.", ) I. A hundred and ate.v I mm timber ' .' lb" I t U lllf'I nlaeo like home, Then - L We've gone Last to spend t he win- ter wah tn wile s folks. THE IDEAL. i' hn k. ir-i k 1 know sweet songs I can not sing. I l-.or-Q lll . .1..- ,1.. . I .1 -. ' on.c I'llH U1UU"1HI1 I UHIf hill breathe, I i , : I p h t r 1 1 111 c i . 1 f.inefor me -liOuld riII A n l crown my brow u :th laurel " ream. i . i i i , I f tales untold 1 can not tell. Though they should bring bio wealth and fame, tnl. through the ceaseless agesstatni'. ' " gilded words, a deathless name, This hardened heal t mua ever bear 1 u silence, through the years to eomr. 'ls disappointments and despar. S" day hy day I 'm nearing home. And w tien that song I learn to sing And hreathe t.'.e thoughts that burn within. This piis' un-d - id will surely wing 1 ' ' end le-s eight from r:ef and sin. little gul was sent to him. After iv. bile -lie grew up mighty pretty on, sweet anil hp fell in love with jjer a,j married her. Now. if lie midn't taken flint teiiier irlot do y0n sniM'Ose would have become of me 'oIlldn't I be some other ,a(1w. or mav lie not at all. llui'icstim; ( a-tnr Uean-. The beans are produced in small i prickly pods or capsules, which ate borne in pyramidal spikes or clusters. Ripening is indicated by the tnrnino- brown of tlie nods. wljoli coon burst onen mid scatter the seeds. As soon as the pods at the base of a cluster begin to turn browI, tl,e chlfiter js harvested. Tlj0 stern ot the spke or cluster is ,.ati, ., a,, i.;r t,,i .ou "ill, .1 r-ll,)! , llll II j LllJ'l I lie eluter thrown into a cart on which ii sbt-et or ot her cloth is snrvad to . " 1 -v i , . i i . ; b " . . "afT ' -iru 1 6 K ' , h6 18 ,fe V , iinn; runners aroro oiinnMi tn linil "hi.",' V'",,., , :n , oiui.iii;c uoi;uima units, a miiic 1,,..,,, fl,i .,1,... ,l, and the clusters are thrown into . . ' the boes. When the boxes an filled they are taken to I lie "pop ping yard." A niece of hard ground, say a hundred feet square, ,.. .,.., '- I'm lieu wei, nnc 'l and rolled to get a hard surface, and surrounded bv a board fence. The ,., art. phlC01 in tho centcr of tllls iter two days the spikes !n,lsr p,. turned, using rakes lor the pur,lllS(., At t he end' of four or live days the beans will have popped I lM1r, v licn tin- refuse is removed.! T,( (; iH.:ins ;ln. ,-w-, lip, to be j ,.i,.ailti(i t)V a ianniI1o- ,!, ana; notiiei lot of clusters brought. -I i;o rii iit A'rii'ulturisf. , , In 1am,t, o cleanliness FiBh Culture. i ,,n,. (ll tiie ,naill reasons u hy j artilieial propagation of lish is si'i- n,-r;,-,r . fl,p i.-uiirnl muMiml i in' this particular. The eggs must be , uej,t free from sediment or dirt in any form whatever, or else they can never reach the hatching point. Wo will take the clear (lowing brook as we observe it casually : it has the appearance of being free ; from all foreign : substance, but, by examining it closely, wo discover that in the bed of the bnok a great deal of mat ter is constantly moving I downwartl; tins lias tin- tendency to cover up till eggs which have been cast, and, when this occurs, the egg will never come to maturity. In hatching eggs artificially this is guarded against bv filtering the wa ! ter through llaimel screens, and! also by having a large tank into1 which the water (lows before enter- i ing the hatchery. This gives the impurities a chance to settle at the bottom, and the water will become pure: and when it afterward ilow- through the ilannc-l screens it i puriueu to a sun greater extent. Put even with these precautions a great deal of sediment will lorce itself through into the hatching ap- paratus, and the eggs have to be' looked over and feathered nearly every day in order to keep them1 bright and clean. The batching ap-; paratus itself needs frequent wash-: ing to keep it free irorn the matter' which accumulates on it. Wit hout mu, in nns icspect, oe su- icspect, be pei ioi' to the natural.. Si: 1 11 t!i:i'.KN. hi A mart can Agri'vltxtris! . Lbl'l 1I.VNDE1) llCiiNOMV Young Housewife want a cake of east, i compressed yeast. 1 think it is cab' led. How much is it t" Grocer "Two cents, ma'iim." ! . , . . . . . . . . , . "ami is mat t ne least expensive ou nave . lausnanu sain 1 must econonii.e wherever I can And I uon r. like yea sr. anyway, lunent you some what is cheaper t ban that, perhaps .' "Yes. ma'am, we have some here 1 mv," 1 neCiV ,, ZZl- : I u 11 r v "eZ P roun l Hus andsav Dana says a p pence earned. Oh. it you haven't got some ot those delicious Japan preserves: 1 usl dote 011 them. II.. w niHch are they, please . x w - " .i-m V-' iii 14 ' v. 1 imjci 1 111.111 iuoi ci,. a eu as 1 00, now o. ugiteu m 'V- LJV.11M. IA1X IK .V vaw.-.a 11 .1 U( .LIl jars, pleas--, when you send roun(p rn..o . .11 i. uieveasi. iu.u an lo-uuy. -.. 111.1,110. JAMES REDMOND, IN U'JN'NKOTION WITH THE AGKNCY I'OII 1 : l I Id N (i The Bsrgner & Engel Brewing Company's Lager Beer, Porter, &c, I KEEP ON HAND A I'l l I, LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE, W Inch will be sold by the Harrel or Gallon at EkY LO N l-'Kil'ltES tor ('AMI. Ginger Ale equal to I5est lin orted, and nujierior to any procurable lii.Votih Carolina. 1887 SPRING. 1887 Look ! Look ! Look ! .MARK You will find at the Largest Line of Dress Dry Goods, Notions, Children's Shoes, Boots and Slippers, Cloths, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Gents' Fur nishing Goods, Straw Goods, and in fact everything you can think of, to he found in a Dry Goods Emporium. Our Store is packed to overflowing this season with Drives and Bargains. We can please you all. Money is not plentiful, so look well before spending it. Our t li 1 yd. wide llomi'Spun ""' Our i l l I 1 yd. wide Bleaching "-. Our good (tinghams - . . . Our East Color Prints Our Pants Goods Hie. Our elegant line of Wor.-teds for 1 be. Our elegant White Lawn very wide "'. Our elegant Hamburg Edgings (5,00') ydsj "' Garter Webb lc Ottoman all silk It in. wide Ribbon? ac Nice large Towels - oc. Pig line colored and white ( 'upe Collar- worth lOe, Crochet Needles de. Colored Hamburg -c Buttons! Buttons! Buttons! Buttons! G ents' -t Hose Ladies' Hcse M lsses' Hose Children's Hose Straw Hats J, adies' Gloves lleautiful Ilandkcrehi' f ( Ladi.-.- barge Handkerchiefs i Men- : Knitting Cotton (b-?t Pocket Looks Tooth Brushes Dress Buttons ci dozen) - White Pearl Buttons (g doz.-ub 'Paw Silk" Handkerchiefs 1 ,1)011,000 Toothpicks for Nice Cuffs .Men's Linen Collar (latest style .Men's Liic-n Culls .latest styh Men's Linen Collars I'-Dude" N ice .Jersey for N ice Corset Nice Gold Plated Brea.-t Pin Large line beautilul shades "Cheese Cloth All linen Crash Pice Buttons ( cards i Ladies' Slippers Kick Back Braid? Toilet Soap ( nice) Nie- Linen Doyley Elegant and Beautiful Line of Dress Buttons, One Half New York Cost. Paper (elegant note) . . . Envelopes (to match). . . 1'ine Turkish Towels. . Biggest and Cheapest Line of Goods Ever Seen in this City. Novelty Praids Nice Dress Silk Nice Satins Cream Crinkles Colored Crinkles i lovely), Peautiful line Seersuckers l'.eautiful line Organdies Lit lie.-' Handkerchiefs all Ilm.-i, .. See That Beautiful Line of Etamines. Fans! Fans! Fans! Novelties! Novelties! Lead Pencils, rubber tipped Jerseys, all wool i "big job" ( 'hambrays (imported) Suti-ens, beautiful line t worth b"c yiuslins. loV'-lv line Hat Pins . . Velvets I iahy Shoes (nice i Turkish Bath Soap I '.eft 'l.r Shoe 111 the city, l'.est LOU Shoe in the city. I'.cst 75c. Shoe in the city. Pest .'.o.OO Slme in the city. Spool Silk ( eiiib. : Parasols, nice Largest line of Parasol ,-.,,-,..... iiriorn codqutq . i;. r.n i 01101.10. ana WHOLESALE -More complete than ever. We cater especially for the wholesale trade. guarantee as usual to "DUPLICATE ANY BILL BOUGHT IN A MAPKET IN LESS THAN BALK LOTS. TTTrDTrDATIVii 1U' XiVil& Z JSUXI X I -e would say. that anv Goods purchased from us that are NOT PL'LLY AS KMPKESEM KI), can be FULLY SATISFIED before leaving. We want the trade of every one great and sman, and it will be to V.i fr-rl. -rtl, .-, o i r nr nnvfliinir in nnr 1 h nra n u 1 u V. JUAXtXkO. 1 0110. n. , ,.r ,rl ,,.,.. . NEWBERN, N. C, WHOLESALE ami Store of 0. MARKS the Goods, Plain and Fancy, Ladies, Gents, Misses, -.'. . . lSc . . Hc . . Klc. . . - ic. im . ,ir. .10c. . . . 1 . c . . .-40c. Sc. . . . PhV. lo,-. ever brought here. . .U for oc '.'lo. U loc. P-'m 10.'. 10c ode. i.'.. 1 1 1 , -r '..-.. x Uu inn m . oi-. i.r hi li'S prices. DEPARTMENT. be returned and the purchaser wili every person's advantage to see linn TArT7 frnlx? -, a." xlim-rv -S-.i ni -., .- n r,! . Wijhw .fcA-n y-ri- . i.J " ,v ' 1 . - "O..S-: -'Si -. . ' r--- :' - .'.v-fra,.' .tMVJ1".;.:..,'..1IWWIIiim w.r.. .. LIQUOR DEALER"! bhia; ' ; Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla Lemon Soda Buffalo Mead. California Pear Cide Etc., Etc URN NdiiTH CAROLINA marble works, iai i;!:kk. n. c. Monuments Tombs '-n, ITALIANS AMERICAN MARBLE OrderH w ill receive prompt Hltentior sfitisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILLIS, Pioprietoi , -i 1. 1 .-..Hfl, T li, Uh.:o' W i lay p.oie Cor. UliOAh A I) CliAVt; St. (. K. MlI.LKH is my" authorized agii mufO-hdw ustang iniment cauj-iES n h. i iiBton . i ar' s' y& HI Sriati" i Ecia". ). 1 Contracted turn! a-'. .c;-,a.3. Muacles, Rhou:.. - S:.-aii!', lirnption", ; Burns S-'ulr!:. v. Hoof Ail, , Scalds. Etirl Joints, Screw St:ng, Backacl-a Worms, i Bites, Gal!?, Swicney, Bruises, Snrcs, Saddle Galia, : Bunion?, F;riv.n TileB. Corns, . C.-s'-':... THIS COOD OLD STAHD-BV i, , ,;; ,',, : r . .- a., i io ... '., a a u. iia .1 ; -.1 ,rlu ..f ' - 1! l i V ,TN-l I ! la n.- r i..., i. lout. mi T. on lly il no . is ,.!l,l l.l men. .,11 lil.s ..rk tl.O M-:s?:i'i"- I I.-.i- . I u ,) p 1 1 1 :i li 1 1 i ( 5 . ' T.ll r l.utlllic riliai 'I' hi' 1 1 fi a i If ' 1 Tin- ( '.'limit -r i , The Mvt lin n: i j f'.-tiidi. n !,.!,: The Iliicr -w : The l'i o n cr r ii i 'J' lie I'n rinrr ' 1 't ret . i ! i r i k wlLhout tt. 1 1 1 , to.-.isf libi btal.lf. and ii :.- .-: k . r '.. The Mcaiulxinl m:tn ot ilir lUintinau u.t" Is It In s-jp; ! :i.t jiii :ih. -i c. Thf lloi'-c-laiK i I I M ,N it t 1- 1.1- L"t frl'-iiJ aii I Miff'. nm ". Thv "tocli.iou cr ! l: It " ill save him 1 1 1 1 i -; 1 1 1 1 1' d . ;imaii-!.-i .u, i .f i r. m Id'-. The K ri i I mad innn m-cdrt H and will nerd It b LtnK a-- lii.s iif'.' is a r'Mind f atvMonts and danirerH. Th Hack wood-iinnn noeds It. There U n. t h iriK 1;U- It a-i an antidote for tin dang to UfV. loi,!. an ! i'..ti,r.rt wlitrh Kurronnd thf pionerr. Thr .11 f rr hunt needs it about hla store anions :!m eii:i 1 .yt'es. A'-'-idt-nts will happen, and wIim thfP f- .rnt" the M .isfanK Idnlim-iit Is wanted at oiit-e. Krnn Hoi t Ir In t he Hou-c. TIh the tRt f e -n- "n y. Keep a Buttlr In llir 1 iirturj-. Us immediate H8e 111 -h' -iT act id'-Iit saves pain md loss of WBfi. K rr i n Hoiilf Alwuvs in ihe Miililc for a SO u ben nnteI. Over 9.000,000 worn during the past six years. This marvelous success ls due 1st. To the superiority of Corallno over aM other materials, as a stiffener for Corsets. 2ii'l. To tho faiperlor iuality, sliaie and workmanship of our Corset?, combined with their low prices. Avoid cheap imitation.- made of varloiy kinds of cord. None art. euumo unles "DR. WARNER'S CORALINE " la printed on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 3B9 Broadway, New York City. ROBERTS & HENDERSON Beneral Insurance Agents, New Berne, TV. J Onlj first class Companies represen. ed in Fire. Life and Accident Iniuranoe. Total Capital over Forty Millions oj Dollars. Jnn24dly ti V 4 '1

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