'.. W 1'. v.V-f.- .V mm H' - 1 fc HIBFKa, V K i xdkpexdp:nt in all things Terms $B.OO Fex Tr. VOL. X. KY BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. (.'.. MA NO 7. 0 V Time. Some h.ive plenU". -nine 1 1 . i mme. Wo have euoug.i and so much to ,-p.m-To t.ilk to ou natters concern iug- our stoic, wbioh iu fact ami substance is just this, tint we h.iveii't had .m chance sooner, to tek yoa, that oar new spring pKxls h.ive eouie in, what is still better fe have sold ;i good quantity of them already, but not enoagn to breat the immense Assortment In the various branches of LADIIS' DRESS GOODS i the ... w l ading -hades, Ginghima. Pongees, India Lawns, Piques, Em broidired Dreas Robes nd so on. Fine lino of Notions, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Ruch ings, Everlasting Trimmings, Embroideries, Para sols In various style", in for th ladies. READY MADE CLOTHING in any ..umtity for Men mod boji Plenty of Shoes at all prices, besides the well known Ziegler Bros. make. Gents' Hats, Neckwear, and so forth. Pants Goods fr 1,1 '"-- v 7 ;i Furniture, Furniture. Glassware and Groceries, in truth most anything needed tLat may all ti yuur happiness, which you Will Surely prOCUro t y eivii.c your ptra to Yours sincerely. OETTINGER BROS., a.gn of uThe Celebrated Pearl Shirt." MAX SCHWERIN HJHMOVHD HIS CLOTHING EMPORIUM to Um Stire lately occupied by Wm. Holliflter, where with more Rootn to display hi increased Stook, he is. with the aaaistance of llt. HA"MUJb:i . 11. 13ALL, prepared to show and hII at Hard Pan Prices. The FINEST, NOBBIEST, NEATEST, PRETTIEST and BEST READY-MADE CLOTHING, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Straw, Derby and Fur Hats, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Etc., Etc. I AM SOLE AGENT FOR A. 1 BATTLES' MOTS CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES Th only 8ho gold In th! city that ar W ARK ANT ED ; by the Manufacturer T' M K anJ KYMKTOMV Cl'sroMKRS, via; Kverypalr '.a Warranted, ahouul Any of Lbem In any way wuatn any reaaualie time fire out, I wlli upon return of dimxrd pm' i and state dmdI aa to lepftn of wear, iithik Kirrn i the Kuntr oraiTiAimuirv pais i?i miUMii. It u Uia bt. flneat aoJ eheapeat shie In tr.e w.,rl.l f.-r the mouey. They come In Hutton. r'ialn tul Siarj, ToeJ Oonrraaa and Lac t'p Show. 1 have teatlnaaBiala from aome of oar l-fl and iead ln cltlaena. who have bought the ' H ATT LKH SH' ." onie of which have worn one r: r aa ion as 1 .J montiii. ana procoun It the B?at. Choanal a:iU hijisiest W ear Ins Shoe la Uff worid. I reapedally aoiicit an inspection of our Stock and guarantee entire satisfac tion to all parxhaaing from ns. MAX SCKWEEJN. Middle Street, at Wm. Hollister's Old Stand, Sign of Flag. '87 Spring Announcement 87. We wish to call the attention of our Cus tomers and friends to our elegant stock of Spring Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. Our Stock u now nearly complete, and we are prepared to give you GOOD CLOTUIMG AT LOW FIGURES. It U a well known fact th at our Suits give better satisfaction than anj job ea find in the city. Why T Because we buy from the best houes, and when we guarantee an article you can depend on it, and any article that does not suit may be returned and money refunded. . BLUE SUITS, $5.00 to $10.00. Our ?10.o Suit we guarantee fast color ; if it fades we return your money. Our line of $10.00 Suits can not be matched in New Berne . they all say. Be run and ua ir you want a uit of any kind : if we can't suit you out ot stock we can order it for you. VTe hare as usual the finest line of STRAW HATS in the city. Boys 60c. Straw Hats a specialty. Mackinaw Straw Hats 50V. up. We wish to call attention to our line of MEN'S FINE SHOES. Stacy Adams & Co.'s and James Means & Co.'g. We are sole agents here. Our stoek of NECKWEAR is very complete, and being constantly added to. Large line of GENTS' FURNISHINGS, consisting of 'a.hrw.ar, Sus penders, H. Hose, Garters, Collars and Cuffs, etc. Trunks and Valises, Btraw Mattings, Pine Straw Matting and ('arp. t. Nice lot of Porpoise Hide Shoe Laces. Do not buy before you see us. HOWARD & JONES. War, War, War, AGAINST RACKETS! Look Out fox i Iio War I HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM THE NORTH WITH A Large Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, and everything you can call for usually kept in a first class Dry Goods Store, I am determined to open war againat rackets and high prices. To prove the same I juote some of my prices : Hats as low as 5c.; a nice hat for 25c. dream hat. A,nd Shoes, I can astonish the Datives. A l,v I can give vou a Ladies Button Shoe for 97c; a nice Foxed 1 o flftiiesr' Low Quarter Shoes, 'JV. uxk of Shoes, and guarantee prices to suit the times. Three nice Handkerchiefs for 5c. Also a nice Linen 1 1 an. Ik. r. In. f for 5c. lso have a well selected line of Gents' Furnishing Goods. A good Dnlaundried Shirt from 35c. to 50c. Jluge and well selected line of Neck Wear; Scarfs L'jc. up to ;0e. Lookaiihu! Why, I can give y.-u A L:.oe All Wool Blue Flannel Suit, onl $7.00. A Good Diagonal Suit, Black or Brown, for $9.00. AUo, a good line of Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloths, Trunks and Valises, Come one ! Come all '. to the II . aJ.juarterx ef tl cottrineed that I can Sell Yon Goods Cheaper The Wm. SULTAN, Bishop Building, opp. Baptist Church. JaS A THOUAS, 8A1XSXAS. l.ur uul fot w- e t enumerate all we hav. i and f r oOo. I ear. give you a aiter, . nly Cc I al.o have a nice line 1 In fact I have a lurce and well selected W ar Department, and be Than Any Other House In City. man aw THE SEASON'S. W hen that the jocund Spring ia here. And violets blue 'neath hedges peer. When cowslip bold and oxlip palo Adorn the dell and star the dale, Methinka that 'tis the time of year Which moet of all becomes my dear When Summer with her glorious train 'if sultry hours, reign once again: When heavy hangs each rose's head Wuh languor of much sweetness bred. Methinka that 'tis the time of year Which moet of all becomes my dear. When Autumn steals o'er weald and wold. Bespangling many a copse , ith gold , When violets o;e their eyes anew, And sleeping meads are white with dew, Methinks that 'tis the time of year Which moet of all become my dear. When Winter, softly panning by. With snowy plumes veils earth and pky : When snow drope in (iod 's acre prove That death l not the end of love, SIfUiinks that 'tis the time of 3-ear Which moet of all bocomes my dear. St. .lama's (raf(tf. FARMS AMI FAKJIKKS Short Talks AX'tltl Farnirrb tn I'aim MKM"ItANl't"M !;. K. .Nothiiiij contributes more to economy of hilnir and eflicient work than order and nietliiMl. Doin a thing at the proper time, is equally &t imKrtant its doing it jiroin'rly and well. .V farmer is liable in his business to do one ot two things: either fall into a regular routine, or jump from one thing to another, according as each seems most im peratively to demand his attention. The routinist plants at a certain time, plows at regular intervals, follows with hoes, etc., no matter how seasons or circumstances vary. The irregular, jerky farmer plants when he happens to get ready, then piddles about till grass threatens; to take his crop, then works terribly ; hard, and after a long struggle. comes out of the fight with hi.- crons badlv (kmacr.l. Neither course is the wisest. A general i plan of the year's cropping should , ! fw minnwl onr ar the 1 xi n nin .' but the details must be tilled out , of peach cider and brandy .. ache ascireumstaHcesarise. A general nuisance, and forbid the sale ot may decide the outlines and promi- such articles, i nent features of an approaching Lemnr I'onn : Mi. .1. A W ,,od-. camj)aign, but the movements ot of Hudson, win, has been with his the enemy necessarily regulate . family to visit his father. N. 11. largely how its details are exe- i Woods, l-l-ij.. of the Yadkin, called cuted. So with the farmer; the to see us Monday , and reported t he seasons must vary the carrying out : wheat crop on the Yadkin in good of his plans. i condition and the prospect for corn The busy season is now upon the : nourishing. We learn ot the farmer ; he has comparatively little presence at Blowing Hock, la-t leisure to think and plan. I'rgent werk, ot' tw alleged d.-teefves work is upon him every hour, lle.from Kentucky, who -a;d they is very apt, therefore, to forget, or were on the lookout for thu-e men overlook, some things which should 1 ny the name of Uatton. former resi receive attention. To meet this : dents of this county and of Watau difficnlrv. it is snp-P-ested tha: he ! ffa. charged with murder in Ken 1 carry always with hini a memo ! ranaam txkjic ana pt-urii, in whic.v j he shall enter everything to be done, as he happens to think of them, or as they are brought to his I attention. A glance through its i paes from time to time will bring before him all the work that ought j to tie done on his farm. Having I the items grouped before his eyes, I he can arrange the order in which I they should bi' looked after and 1 make thein fit properly into each 'other. One who has never tried ; such a plan, does not realize how ' much time and latvor can be saved thereby. Let us illustrate it a ' little. Small grain harvest is approach ing. When the proper time ar rives the grain must be cut it will not wait. Storms may blow it down. Surveying his fields the farmer judges that his wheat will be , ready to cut by time, and his oats by time. He makes a ! memorandum of this. So many days, with so many hands will be required. Will the condition of his corn, cotton and other crops admit of the withdrawal of so many hands from them for so much time. If not, he must hurry and work up ! to that point. Bring in the help of women and children, and any other i available hands, and get ready for harvest. When it comes, hands will be in demand and hard to get. Usually two prices will be asked. Proper entries in his book will prompt him to do these things. Again, he may desire to put bis grain land in peas, as soon a- the graiu is harvested. Let an entry be made of that. It will say this, if you stop y our plows during bar ; ve-t, oy the time the latter is over, : your coin and cotton will need plowing badly, ahd how can you stop t hem to put iu peas T Arrange, then-fore, to keep the plows going steadily through harvest time, and, then they may be spared a little while to get in the peas. Remem ber, also, that the season is rapidly passing, and that the grain needs to stay iu the field awhile to cure, and thu may cause delay in plant ing the peas. Make small shocks, ; therefore, and set them up in ( straight rows, and in the direc- j tions you prefer to plow the land. Then yoa can plow between the lines of shocks, and plant peas at once without waiting to remove the grain. If it happens to Imj dry fine ' everything must be ready to take advantage ot the first shower of rain that softens the ground. The hard-working, busy farmer, intent upon the job immediatelv before him is not apt to look ahead and arrange matters, weeks in advance, unless he is prompted in some wav. A memorandum book is the promi.- T. iiiii i ; terwe 8Ugget. It Will take but a ; minute at any time to make an : entry it will take but a few min- utes at the dinner hour, or in the eveniDg, to glance over a few pages of it and thus keep K)8ted about the proper order of work. More over, many a valuable observation, made in course of daily work, which might have passed out of memory and bv lost, mav thus be recorded and kept for future guid- ance. . L. J. in Atlnnta Conti tution. The universal language called 'Volapuk" is already in use by 10,000 people ot various nationali- tiea. Ita grammar can be learned theGeneral Assembly of North Carolina, in an hour. A full account of this He w chairman of the Finance Com newtongne will be given by liich- miltaeof the State House of Repre- , ir? i - .1 ' , sentativee, and is said to have special mond Walker ia the June number . qualifications for the position in which, of the American Magazine. he has jut been appointed. STATE NEWS (.leaned from Cur K(iia DlKlli'i: '.. who ;irc w.i'i irnpci :s tor 1 :iro bright. lots ot recruits tlrccnboi Apple -,r- - he ers in i.i :!: 1 k nook i i) ej dow Ti. o -e the ear h.i- :h,i: o p ' 1 1 1 1 v.i;;o'i '. -,;. . i a- even ' 1 p lor niwnlei, i Mr. Clump. .Me',. ;son for - for louse niers ' an breaking into Mi. Ki: knian'.- in t he eountrv. '.' 1 ' . S. block and 17 tor lari'eiiy. Warrants out for II' more tor ' n c. :iy. Tl is a pel t'ect e iiib rno- ot p.--1 cell . Wiiimiifitoii ,'.- : Ti.e Asn tion ol Ollicers of ; he Third N. I n fan try will i-i-le; !.! - :i nivi-i-.ai in tin 1 , lie 1 1 I I the oldest ln-t. It i cla:ii;eil tn be the o! a.socia; ion of ( 'ontedei ate v ivors in the country, having 1 ortranied a few months alter sur iceli the close of the war. of the association I'iftcen members are residents .( ' this city. On Memorial l'a they decorated the graves ot eigiite- n ot their comrade-, who a:, buried at OakdiV. "hai l.,;;e '' re,,, .. .- ( ',,:.-, vi -ing with a number oi tain,, ;- . --ei-day we learned that cotton :- mak ing a pretty statt and tha' a good deal of chopping is going on. The farmers are veiv hopettil and are exceedingly cheerful over th pro.-peets. .Vt tin- tune ti.e look is Veiv elicoin a'ri'i aiol ii it there is no -et back from an un foreseen cause we may i,-.i-,,n i'oiy exjiect a pi o.-j.ei on.- ye.ii wi'h o;ir fa riners. lleaufort ,Vi,!f,i Ti.e con.m.s sioners of Morehead fit hi'.e levied a tax of UM per ainnnn on barrooms. t'aiteiet i-oii a big boom. With menhaden. porpoie. and mullet ti-henes a' work iti their season it cannot l.ol in crease our wealth. The oomm;- Sloners of the town id' lleaufort ; were m session on .Monday n:g Moi They passed an ordinance lay in tax on bar rooms ot 1.0011 per n 'nil - Th.-y also declared t he : .m - rueKy. coining uennite can in learned of t h e m a f t er. .bti t it seems that the llattons have recently re turned to the vicinity of l',!ow;ng Rock, have been in hiding ami that one or two of them were seen a: a groggery there la-t week: They have since disappeared ami tin- de- teotives hav ft pursuit ot l them in the dir. , ;-,.,', . county. Elizabeth City .'.. recently obtained a Newberne. which we searching for for hail which we read when a teen and t hen though; piece of obitn.uy coin had ever read. I ' w a. of the death id ,1,'iin v.iii, i.e. .?: We pape: from have been a century. a,y ot' deb it the best ,o.-;:ioii we tllC I. of.ee S'aniev. of Newberne. by William tlaston. We have a! way- wished to read it again to compare our vouthtul vvith our mature judgment. And upon reading it last week tor tne second time in over fifty years we tind our youth and our age in accord. It is undoubtedly equal to the bc.-t efforts of that great Noith ('aro linian. Mr. Gaston. A man and a boy, Joel Kiddick and Ibivid Spence: were killed by a lightning stroke on Saturday, in Providence township, six miles above E. City, and at the same fine two who were with them w.-re knocked down and stunned by the shock. Abuer Spence and Daniel den nings. They were all engaged in getting persimmon la-f blocks and had gone to a tree foi shelter from a shower of i am. We understand that a beach tree is the only pro tection lrom lightning. Mr. BatJ tie, of the oyster commission schooner Scoresby. made us a pleasant and useful call on Tues day. Of course we discussed the oy.-ter .piestion of Ka.-tein Carolina in its length and bi ea.it h. and we sat at the teet of til..- os:er Gamaliel and leaned mole about ovster- than ever w. knew before. The Kates to the Teachers' A wmhly. The railroads have been in -re liberal than evur before to the A.-cmb'.y. and the rate of fare this year is only about two and one-half cents jv-r nob- for the round trip. This makes the ticket from leading points about as follows : ( t . dds boro, S2.'.j; Raleigh. $1 'J",i Durham. S4.6-": Henderson, t-'i ou: Wilmington. So. 25: Wilson. S3.2T.; Weldon. ?" Co Tarboro, S4.7-": Fayetteville. sa.50; Greensboro. SO 2 : Winston. 7: Salis bury, 87: Charlotte. S: Asheville. 610. Tickets at these rates per mile will be on sale at every important railroad station in the state and an ample num ber of cars will be furnished for the comfort of everybody on June 11th. The attendance at Morehead L ky will He larce and evervbodv will be made perfectly comf rtable and the social and intellectual enjoyments win be greater than ever before. The privileges of the trip are extended to friends of education as well as to the chere and on the same terms of membership. Write to the secretary of the teachers' association. Eugene b Marrell, Kaleigh. - . I .. tor lull par ticulars of this delightful sojourn at the most popular ocean resort in the S uth ern States. NVfof m I CV----. ; Bank Examiner. Washin'ot, -N. May 10. Tue Comp troller of the Currency has appointed ftar.in.-a f-n Tarn of Vf , 1 T V n T O n N' l' to be examiner of National banks in the States of North Carolina and Virginia. Mr. Tate is about 55 years of age. and has. had a large business experience. He was at one time associated with tha management of the Memphis cc Charleston Railroad Company, and has nerved several terms as a member of i rail) . a ;.t p's i : : e 1 1 i I'liK III l; 'Ku.iin i; IS V. '.! ( '!eV ear. nk lie, lely believe land w ill b Who IS , on t lie t:ck' Ml. ; ell Iie ' oJiti place In ante : n va l : able : he pi oi I'acl lee ' , , it or t he V t , ,1 K e her ice-,;. 'A' as eh I roni the -out n . i n i was eh.im b;. t he war. Hut the war ended !. :ii,m twenty years ago. A n . -nh has sprung ur new net ,,;.!- in-du-:nally, commercailv and -o-cialiv , but al.-o politically. The , oimtrv has become leimited "in again. The causes that for a time barred southern statesmen from national political preferment have lost all the force they ever had. Southern legislators, cabinet ot'tl cers, foreign mini.-', is and judges have been wisely faded into the national -ervice. 1- it not time that the -ecolld highest Ost of honor in the government be again opened to the south ? The JI(i (il'l savs v es. The J)ein ocr.itie pai ty can now well afford to name a southerner tor the vice presidency, and it may -reugt: n it- t irk,-: by doing ,-o. What southerner is nie-t w.bciv and favorably known, north a.- well as -outh ? lly popular a.'claim Henry W. t'irady, of Atlanta, will at once be aeeouled that distinc tion, lie has the confidence. n,t' onlv ot the art. but al-o of the entile eountrv. and his name as v ;ce pie-idelit on the ticket headed by Mr. ('lev eland would arou.-e einoeratie cut liu-:a-tn throughout the land. T r, UO is ticket lor 1 s- l'or l'lesiilu-n:. i: )Vi;i; t.kyki.and. of New Yolk, l or Vice T'resideii' . 1 1 i:ky w. ;ka i y. ot CiCoigia. A Story of ickhurir. I- : Here is a story with the scene laid in Vicksburg. It was while 1 was in 'ick-burg starving on pea bread and dodging the Yankee shell-. 1 was detailed to gu to the commissary to do some work. The boys made it a part of theii work to slip something more than was given to them when they went to the commissary, and it was always something to eat. which they would divide with us. 1 though; that as it had come my time to go I would be as good as they had been, if the oppoi i unity aHoided. That we w.-re watched you need not doubt, and that there was reason fur steal ing 1 need not deny. Hut i; makes me feel like a sheep thiet .vet. when 1 think of it. - When 1 was in the commissary. I could see nothing open but a bariel of erackeis. 1 could get to nothing bettei and concluded to take a good supply ot them. I n w a'.k'.ng about the com missary 1 nni.ii- it convenient to go the bariel of hardtack- and slip a handful m my bosom, always watching the commissary sergeant. I worked hard when he was look ing at me. I never once thought about how main of the crackers I wa.- getting into my bo.-om. 1 ni-vei noticed that my shirt b...l was growing to an enormous size. I was thinking of the -upper that the bov s would have thai night. Suddenly the bottom part of my shin slipped out from under the wai-t band of my pants. The sei -geant was looking at me. The si! uatnm I was in can only be imagined. I was exe;;. .!. and it seemed to me that there was a bushel of the d. uned things spilled around me. The sergeant simply said : Viui had a supply." and pas-ed on. .1. II. Mi Daniki.. Of 1st Co. A, Louisiana Ladum. Walking off with a 'Hirer. The most wonderful point about the lelloWing .-lory, old by the Court liiurnal. is that any man could retain tin- powered locomo tion placed in the si-uaii"ii of Mr. Lairett. 1 1 seems t ha: a in tain pel : ion ol India was infested la-t year by a man-eating tiger, who made him self exirt-melv obnoxious to the residents by prowling around tin plantation and eaiiving od the servants. Finally two plop' letoi.-. living together, decided t o . 1 1 - gtl 1 se t h e m selves as natives and watch through one nigh;, aimed, on the verandah, in the expectation that the b.-a-t would turn up again in -.-arch ol lie.-h victims. They proie.-ded to canv out this intention, and sat up till about two or three o'clock, but nothing appeared. Mr. Archei then said he would not stay up any longer, as he believed the animal would n,d come: but Mr. Barrett announced his intention of waiting a half hour longer bv himself. There were several large windows opening down to the lloor of the verandah. and through one ol these Mr. Archer retired. He entered his room, and after closing the window, wa.- gazing out for an instant, when he saw a dark mass land m the verandah, right upon his friend, then heard sounds of a scuttle and a cry for help. Seizing hi- i nle, to which a swoi d bayonet was attached, and tlmging up the window, he rushed out. in time to see Mr. Darren walking down the steps alongside of the tiger, with Ins hand in the hitter's moui h. Mr. Anther was afraid to lire, lest be should hit his friend, so running after him. he, with admirable pres ence of mind, crept up to the tiger, and plunging his bayonet into the animal's body, at tin- same instant lired. Thcic was a roar and a scuttle, and Mr. Dariett took advantage of the moment to relea-e h:- hand, and the tiger, alter tumbling over, dted. Mr. l'.arrett's hand was teisiblv mutilated. T I ',,': in A rceoo Mr. Moody made hi- farew 11 appear ance at the noon meeting at Farwell Hall. Chicago. Thursday. His labors this summer will be conlined chielly to his two schools and convention wnrb, ( li 'laiit am iiT-n-i!l r.-,' crowd iriv-iln.g of 1- r..:- dead r i oph . , c. ur- Idi-S.oI-o IUl'1 -::i!'iiv!,cd ::. Wm l; 11 i til re It !) who is to i. 11, t. -.1 r- 1 1 . . n i ' . : . an i I'oik. Tl . ....! ay v i- on, In i nit'inlji-n I y tl;e oil old town . ,f siiimiinel Tl..- ,'ca-c : of the n- unvc:Ii;it' of .!, n, maiii, , n the h t to the ('onf ederateo wlio I'. U !v contested held of Uentuns eit!,- bi ,uhl of v i-iter- f r .in Promptly at formed at th e .-, ir'n ori.-r lia wcii th" orator '. oe r a vat hi- an i "tl 'dock the cohcour.-o r secti, ,ns. proce-fliun rt house, in the t olio w d. niarshali rarriaere Hon. A. M. Waddell and the N r : i k Odd I . through A 1 ;,-r in . 'v - 1. , Mr . 11 1 . Yv'orthinirton. of Arriving a' '. i .- ,-i:i' -t t-r v . the -us f riu- 1 a : ;;a'- Ii!.-. . Ill ' 1 1 tic M .-, -I.- ir, ir , hed. c !.y ti.e I. .11 1 tk- ' j 1 la-. a.- l.o i ti.-.- ,rn,-r -t..ne '. iiai a:.-! i : a ; -r---1 vo et-l'e- : r. .i i - i i a .tj . ' i ;.. of ne hies. .-ir ' hive Ur ii.-l iepo-lU-d ill the bv-law- , hers of tie- 1. !K,,',, V . A 'ii ,r t ii la V. Ivon. inson. oi W I. (). -, rr.-r st. ,n e or i er. a lis and ; nme L', i Copy o! : of rn-m-nfe K-rate l ii'i . s - - lis pr.'-ei:t w.-re Mr. itrjml secretary . Mr. P b l.minuton. Kraiel masiti-r. ert Pr.idlev. of Kaleiifh. and Mr. ijrand ty entative K t-r. ii'.i-r,- were i.l-ii repre-i'r-om th- I ii.n. F. lodges of . Wil-.u and I'ayetleville iai.ii.'t.iii. cio-f mar-iiil ,.f :.-n l.'ilro l uced the poet o! the Mr. II. I . Worth'.nt, n . of v b , ,! ,1 1 v.-iad a beautiful ,-m Mr. 'iVeiihingtun 1- a the --.hcit -r of the third dis- i. liv .-red the poem at the i :i ;!...e c'ainp in Norfolk hist .nr.... , the ,l,v. 1 , n't'ii.-i ,n . N'.rfolk. original p br,.th.-r oi inc.. lie Pickett-ii Mav. Mr. Ii 1. a ti.- ri. in a graceful and o n i its manner, introduced the "ra ter of the day. 1 1 n. Alfred M. Wad dell. that carnal and talented man ol whom all North Carolinians may justly (.. jr-'uJ. The adlr.-s was a master piece of el , lu-'iice. tii 'iicht. poetic sen timent ana patriotism. N -thing in prais not d of ;. serv. a 'n d- The sj--:ik again bv i u-l h-.i-i ell :g be r- apj-laiisp. nenibered : r t a n e t That n bv the, h-ar it Smit: tier; f. Were somelv aa v : i ..h' ;. 1 w, trener, ' .r- e Y. u r I -'::ained h- r rcputa us hospitality. Never uertained mc, re hand e rrespondent was number of fair faces - N -rth Car ,!ina has stru wi 1- til, pr-s.-nt. more b--a un k r tin There v and thus mar k an -!,:: " ur tli in land r i:i : .i v .1 tonight, will long of John lb H. lit! Kill I I. i. ' e l .: May ; .-.'id.-nt at the 1 '.alter v la hal -s i. f .... 'j ft' j. :.. re was a anti-coercion I la-t night, dock a man seia-ai a meeting A l'-'w minut- w as s. 11 p,; platform. H distributing ' l.::;g uav toward the was bti-iiy engaged m ilijing red circulars. The word w ent r- -u intruder and . arrangeni: nts biisuif? there disturbnic; -i.L. the circular , 'f the I'ed p ipt tc.war 1 ti.e i foil glit w nh th , ,f a bull d -g. I mat ti..- man wa? an e 1 i the C- ..'11111 1 tt.'C Ol a- rent p. know his a 1 la w h" C' inoe t'.' be , : it, 1 hie -!.ir.LT at ; a -,: . an i th-' peddler in ' .lit :ii"i!llv iitlv hu-tled le-l-ted ar. i r. lb le-i- t- nai'i'.v a:. 1 "un or throe c lc. . r ti g e - t;il wart i ue and t.-i b- ( f policemen were calf d t 'the s. tne iii'.rii J, r was 'ragged .-; the bunding. Hi- po.-k with circulars, and a- tl ; via re stui'ed otliccrs shook him i:.t ' s i l-ni ; ---l-jii a -h.nverof red han 1 l-i.ls f'-ii from .-v i-ry fold in his clothes. Tnese eiixular- read as fol lows: "Dy Irisiinieii Ireland will be freed. No H mie Rule. Total separa tiotii riotliiiig els..-. Iiy nam ne an in digestible phi for ,J.,hn Dull, baited re.c!ution-o I C V " No one knew what tic- la-t ihr'-.. b f . r- represented and the dvriamiter was asked to ex plain. II..- would not i-lfer any explana tion an i ti.-- patrol took him to the armory. T a r--p,,rt--r he said hi- name was Wm. I'.. I -n.-patnek and that he was a p ; nr., r by tra !c ' Yes. I'm a d vr.amiter. " -a: 1 ii--. "and I've b.-.-n a 1' el. l..n mite a Co ' w r- ., -ho iv life. I believe in dyna- . r . 1 v p w er for Ireland. rn l't I'.iigla th..t c -:r, i-'e w hen it an Iri-hm-.n ' : preaching wa- lo.-l;.- i ep in , d v n sm it.- W. R hi! patrc. l:. in a...n wi-.o was .: circulars at meeting 1 ,s' a p, )iiee court rix.-d hi.- line d- -tisp.-n de i . ;iri a - d w i, .e di-tribtitii r.-i a: m.i--arra'gicc'i in the ar.:i n i 1 ; : . w till- llioriOl. g. i oe C -'.11 t at V wii.c:. '.v.ri.I'i.-niari it r-'pr.-s. nt- i mat the pr 1 1 1 . -1 : i i v la:- bee: n r v .!- .; 1 lit Ollilke-. ,. Cab. May i ru I . Li . v iu !.v bu i , ,1 : r. gs . domic- A 1 i r- : . n a e ,1V,- 1. avail in,- .a I't 1 ,.('... Kur. s . and m hui t. but the i n fast a- p .-il..ie. -V blb- -.f ti.e mountain near ti.-- -;:y I'- li i, and there wa.- a terrible cm-ii. The fric tion lghlied the w ..,.-. CiU-ii. t.'.e ij--- lief tii-.t a vol "an, I. -ci bi'ok.n .-at at L'eliCia.-. At the Sai.t., bb ha mine the eartliipuake eau.-cd a great panic. The vvhoieh.il f--ll .I ''Ail. s.'ati-'nng r .cks among one hundred and :!:: p.r- n-. but fortunately nobody wa.hurt. 1'.--tricts beyond telegraphic Coimnun i :a tion have not yet been hear 1 from. The authorities are couriers . A special to t Arizona, dated Kerr has mm: v aging l! ri . ... l e C'i.. tr y e.-terday . :ed from m i ucson. -ays: R.J. a trip to Tres Alamos. He reports li l n the sari Bedro vallev earth. puake li.-sure to be n long, tauce below t les man twtutv-hve runes It extends from a short dis- belovv B'.-nson t" lifteen miles Tres Alam.-s At the surface the lissure varies eighteen inches, earth has -unk places a'li-ng th in vvi .ith f r. -ni -ix to i u on,- -i ;,. the -i-veral inches. At cra:k water bur--. forth, but afterwards Ceased :b.'.vii:g. The crack, in many places, is still open to th- depth o: .-evcrai feet, from the Empire ranch, seventy miles south of here, a iisstire is also reported. Reliable inf irmation states that when the earth opened, water an i mud w.-re thrown to a great height. 1 hie spring in that vicinity wa nt dry and twu.others doubled their volume . : water, but on the cessation of the disturbance the dry spring commenced , .ther two ti. wat f, unit l .-tat-- i w l r. . an 1 in ine its .inl Two Farmer Em: Uth-u-. Yu.. May '.e. fiiihu'll. well w a .1; i iuarrelled ted. threatening sight, and both n 1 last evenir g n . and at once tiler. Tripp was Ca: i. ri.'.. W Peter Tripp an I At known farmers. 1 l-: about a fence ami p t,, kill .'ii'-'n oti. i : armed ti'.,'iii-i:i.-nict on a road n.-ai t opened lire on each instantlv killed Caldwell lived until this morning. It is rit will c ntinti" t h be! ievi. f"Ud 1 that the son ii r j:n :; v s- I 1 ti i y Pr, --ident b ll.il - i !:,-'.-that lie coileclh meet inc; S.u m , 1 .. i i i -. n I : , i - r-. ". I..- h i et f c.v in.- :.n ;..r-..-ri. aloe at li, i i I ik'-n i; in 'hi f. th. to l a. n. d 1 iimitin.; - o- , - ; ; n ; .: a i- ;" : i ne i i . i : o) u,v t ':!;::.;::, estion.s p. 1'. '.ard d i . r-o cu f of was read 1 v I r. v . ( ' of Alabama. It -;-A. liroadu-. wh. repare 1 by 1 was in, lis;,,, m r. J. -1 ; Jf 1 1 r i 1 1 1 to read the report . i m .-, i'oinl-d ..'i' that the mi-i much m i.ia-d . f taohev. an 1 that rn ir-eioiiari.-s m -oi:,.- c,i.-. iau-; l.l hoine. bill .'. v. oui i - a- in i I rin them home a to ipp,,rt t! until the r-trinency ; r m,,r,. v pai-scd. It suKKCSted meanJ to r.o--neede.i monev. the u land In discurt-ing th,- r-por; 1 ir of Maryland called altentioii t comparatively small amount ttiv , He rn bv Southern Paptists eitrht CelltH I.er ra. :t I.! : ita p, f'.a-eu ed. r annum. n ru i--1 ai r pie sil' ei Id give to given to the Ma-oi l i 1 and Knights of Pythias. ( hui on ,s bett.-r. ana give licir money to , cili-ivei v while li.er-- v. i.aidi-t-hureii vc a - n-e. 1 The r.-poit !.-.. ! I i ! e . i ,. -. was adopt- d. I ir. Wh irton , :' Marv iai. 1 j r- tie- report oi ma e .imn, .,n .. .- .- - puoiic -a ,.,n . Ire rcinO'. al oi ti..- oi:iv fr Atlanta, the publication, a ,rt. : .n t. : a t n M 1 ti..- Home M1.--10U board . .; .; m-i "J.es-on Leaves. " an i an entirely m: CeSsful system id Sunday-.selinol pup,., cations, and the m-ed of continued an i earnest i-lfmi to make the pubie ni i. lli .re useful and sle.;i.-ful l-V J-'lf.l! them in all the Sunday -cho . I ;a Dapti-t i 'i.ur-h. Ad- pt. i. Dr. la ,.-;, e liai i'aian . ti.-- ;:.:...: on ( i.-neral W'orii ot' th,- 1 1 ,nie 31 . board, report.d tnat th.-r.- had n c. creased support from all the Stat.-- r, j -resented in in-' convention. Th ! wa good work doing under the I- -ard among negroes and Indians, and v.-jthni a year wonderfully successful work i'.a been begun in Cuba. For tul there w a need of money and more work. Dr. Holt id Texas. -r.-tary .-f t-.e Home Mir.-ioii board, .-aid mat me board has always gr.iitiy ai ! 1 th .t State, but et ther,' are s7 cuim. -where they have neither .reacia rs n .r churches. The Baptists number ' - . white and a' '.oi 1 1 colored communicant-! Tile recent drouth had ei'ect, , man portions ,,f the state, but frontier work needed assistance an 1 mu-t hav. :: There arc two hundred thousand C r mans in Texas atid no mi--ionarie-among the:n. vl:-a t if re -':,.. u! 1 i. - at least ten. Dr. 1'enrick of I . i.-iana -p !e ... h. State as a missionary li-ll. H- -ail there are now al ut go.co . liapti-ts ::. Louisiana, with thirteen mi.--i, aiai , - at work who were heart and sou; en g ig a in I'hri-tiani' ing the p.-opb . Tuei g.-,ll o,lo l-relich spelling people, ai! Catholics, m the State, while among them are daily working two Jiapnst miM-ioiiaries. These people are ;;re w ir-g tired of the yoke o. Catholicism and a IttuJ lji.l' Lj tiirim- ...T tlio .itoi il.c. of the priesthood. Many . i th. ni hav. already become Christians, and iht-i-of tlie Creole population will f ,ii should opportunity be giv.-n them. Rev. J. S. Memoe. I r:d iai; M :--e ,;i.o . referr.. ! i" tli- v.ork in Ii'dcoi 'i'-ri i tory. til,- weal:,'-: ma-sion .- etf -.1 with the a---(','iat i .ii. . said . ' g 17.7' 1 Iu,i ia States, not iiududinj 75 .'.' in are ci v : i i ,:. i . !' 1 ' Ai ar sens dres-. o-.-bl mad tue ling guage. and there are - ' " "" ehii Ir. : "i . sen, ;C he 1'. ri it ;! s'tuare m tribes. Ti .11' i .-. va n Ii- . , i ni. .1 . .'e l ci Up m to ..u: area ot C-i . 'g J g dian and ia missionar;,. - ; tists. But w. more help. earnestly p , c Brateriial d' Church next ; 1: and 1 iee;U..- i ,-, .; 'Ulressed tne were, i 1 I . :;!: iai nv-'iilc a; Horatio ib-v . Dr r in... i--! ing 1.1- brieily. They Jones. , .f Bene II. iisou. .,f Chi. a very humor- vdvania. an. ago. Ti,.- 1. i sp, K e. ir audience i . n 1 1 1 tor Tii" ci n- . :.'i n ti,. evening. The Mis- hi- vu;;s Some ot T lie 111 shi'iib- mid other dc.-n Uc-t iv e walk, thelll online then the - - i.ic . ,i;id ciiiet bv I'il'tllig ,-tl del' jdalit - eVell w Their wa 'ik I - .'.il;, us . I.i y 1 ig'h t ii ,J,1 . 'a themselves m h"ies C'.iblcige. when lir letU."e aipl other 'i den, ;: to siiia jibiiits .,1 I he bu in. , ; hem. ("-rm ;:; g m Cut-Wv: :'.:s a .- c . 1 1 1 t; ld.UU - iti i w iibe ni'ist o ,el ,tt I'd; rl- iinr ii i : ihd tc g I . I i I I, lit . III! ,'V hi. gl ' 'U': I h ' - ti e llsi w.it ernii-ioii- f.,1 ,,: l- now an Hiinit.i t he Sin:; in rn S Alt wit i.i li e.i v i . i i " iallt'. -oil! e iiii I. . I : . a '.CO el' ol , em. vv at 1 ne gin',' US .ii-. Call'. .lg"t'S, etc.. iiii. est t b i s T . I , ' i .' a:t c 1m .,; cc -a . : Vil-C- ll.1V e in e,l j, oil t ,ie ; r .it: ie,;-. :. none ut ,; e.il - t , , ' ' s.i eilectiV'e. il- I J hietor A. ( )ell,iei . f'.tl Iiiine; ler Uie ( eihiei U ii.- . ' il 1 1 bu e file id, nit s a; vv.iteliiieloti tiei.i tr.ip.s ;lt ilia dli il e.ieli way. Tlie-e huge or turnip Ic been moistened , side, and then dll: ' I i : 1 h IC ,1 il. - ii-eli i, ; i ap iVe.s. w! Hi the 'e.l w; an Oil cc iv, III O r I IP . wen: v till e ot 1 'ai is green vv Ith parts of lb , hiced over side d, ,w p. .-rated, betel -Bo ' m .1. ur. These the held- leave ai e lied iVe I he a Sheep. The number of sheep is estimated a- ioilow: : o t he late-; :.tt ;,-: South America. Australasia, inelu lu g N Z -aland . Europe Africa A-ia Cnited Slates Canada All either countries T -tal . I n t he I ' luted Sta '- t : v leld ot vv. , ,1 i - ill. ;; - ,1 V, i per head. A I1VK II TO MOTH illis. Mil-. WlNsI. W - s .. ; , should always b- u-o 1 for children teething. It soothes the child, softens ti.e gums, allays ail pain, cures wind colic, and is the best r.-m. dy lor diar-ho-a. Twenty-live cents a bottb-. m ar 1 f .Ue ! Ij-e, t w v NEWS NOTES. ihperatu re from '.'! t in 1 wsi on Monday defjrePF. the ran I'd.; f r the -a iis,,n rii'iior in London that the a.-t,; "ontemplates arresting the t i1.- I r . -! i I'arliamentary par-i- Living be, n given to prepare ici',., ,v -upatioii 'ixly rooms aid. pi ..u. u.-iican exhibition war- opened n la- Monday, and was a great About in. oho persona were !:u'Tilo VM'r "Wild. Weed" - ' 1, i ef attract ion . ' i 't. ,ria ha- performanc .i i,e given at he! Ma.estV imman led that of the Wild ", o elo, 1; today, and attendants I ' r i v a t --t !. w !i:c! w .11 be pr,... n, . i, 'V- rn or Ihii. . ,f New York, has v, to.-d th" A i n 1 1 Constitutional Con v ntieji 1 ill. for tlie reason that it pro v. i. for a partisan convention, anrl exclii.'.es from membership representa tlvei of labor reform, prohibition, and woman miTrage movements. rar:l Ma-tor Workman I'.ovderly :. ri ' . a! P.'nver. i ol . Monday, and i r - i 1 1 1 -r - : the morning. His . i for the ; u, pose of a-sisting in I. rati 'ti '' thenni versary of the il itss.-nibiv. ' " r.,:i)T!iittee appointed by the Cen-A---enib!y Knights of Labor in iiiio'id, to ii.pect the conspiracy s of ach State and see what bear-th.-v may have upon strikes and i r. iab r " ! r '. il: movemtn-.s. lagan its work at urg Tuesday. Yi.li.ini 1 I'lirien. landed in New Til' sday and was greeted b- citi i mat city. Boston and Philadel-H-- will speak at hUwa. Kings- :.i Tor Tit '. i u-hie-s "i:i ai ni the llouri-h-wn of I,, banon. N.-.v Hampshire, b-.trovr-d by tire Tuesday. The li-tri ' covers an area of ten I.--- -: e o, ( ,. insurance. SI 10.- i " su; r-m Thursda v Curt ef Massachusetts ecided unconstitutional , Iau--. no , in the State law providing or... naturalized in any court ntitled t be registered as a, ilb, in th irt v day-' of such natu ,n . "i.ur-iay r.orm.-jg in llyas Knit upany's factory, in Nashville. - pr-eid t" other buildings, and II b an- -d a f,--- ,,f about .s-10.00o. At 1 rt Cd.son. I.T..two soldiers, j e Adams and J. l . . t .ladden. were ir wne.i in the Crand river Tnesdav ',,:! -, imn : or Ibh. , - 7 t - o iw .s .mm Bridgevi.ie. Sussex 'e-'-y- ! 1 cit. that on Sunday ai i i'i o'-n i -toi'in ! hail and rain and uin i destroyed ail the p. -aches and -: ra w b, r r les in its course. I ,ie at Newton Village. N. IB. Tues day i.'.gi.t ,-aiised by a horse kicking . r 1,1,1, .I lantern. destroved tv. nty r.e buildings. Buss s'CO.oOli. A; out masons and bricklayers, rnp! 'V ed on buildings where cut-stone i- ii - 1. -truck Thursday t" siij.p art the t r. . c,;;, i-, ,n tb.eir strike. 1 i g ii re- B.i 1 hey Lie .' V. .- gret va ry much that business ng. -.cements prevented our accepting a p. ago invitation of Mr. Battle to visit lice Sen esby . the oyster survey -I'i.j.ii,. r. on Wednesday of last week. '.'.' exchange I sentiments with him in ur i. Mice about oysters and our capabil ity lor oyster culture, and although h gav, n - more than we sent, it did not i x Cc ,.ur envy but whetted our appe- i tit- bra Irish encounter. Mr. Battle, oi th.- bieid of the Edgecombe Bat- : tl- s.a biothcr ,,f James S. Battle, and j a kinsman .d Amos and Bumbus. and Kemp and Richard, and Dick and Dos- ' -t y. and we like him for his blood. This is the proper place to interject a little i ;oke on our Ousfav friends. When I Win-low . Battle and crew were survey- in g New River, and were staying at Dr. ' W ard s. the Dr. went to a public meet- , leg. in m,- neighborhood, and when Wh,. -low and Battle returned at night tiiev asked hini the news. He replied mat a man came to the meeting in great excitement and said "a w hole lot of daiui.ed Yankees were in New River." But Battle i- not of that breed and we m:..k Win-low is not much. If he is. h-- doe- "just like our folks." as the old mountain woman said to her husband ah ull '. b. Vance. hi our interview v.iih Mr. Battle we dUoussed among j otic r tilings the financial aspect of oys- I i. r i ulture. We mentioned that Lieut. I I'.'n. !.. had told us that it fair and ' s,g , -t i ma; .. f-.r ne pr, .lit of oyster cul i ii-- wa- -j" p. r o. t. upon the mvest- .. n: in the business. After saving mat L.ciit. V. in-lew w .-: u cautious i. a;.'. - an'.- l h-.s e-iiinate within i :. i. - -aid m x . r , r i : ot oyster eul t ii. ia r , i - opinion, was more than V'O An. m i. nt t, figuring i a - i c of oys- .' iv ster i , hinting : . ' r t i'oe i la:.; and t -I 1", c-'i.t a u ii -. pl .nt- at three heb mak ing ; years, when at 1. a-t 1U00 i i g r 'v n. would nut I- and w tt'i'l'tli tlu cents a f,r one c-merit of s.,o. A:, i in ri we hguici on our in n We ,1 1 bv the Bar i i g o w. r- in lly d i. . we think ;- :. told u- ' we can whip it an a, re of oyster bottom p it .''," 1 ovsrer plant . Each - a ; oy-p-j- p. :Uei makes when full grown moy-tcr live times the si.", making : g ", o bu-iii I- of oysters. The plants in i I '.anting would eot SJ7". The phi i. ' d oyster-, when grown in d years, would ;u ,-i he worth si'g.5uu. That I,, k- like tag profits, a. we told Israel, lie then -ail there w.-re some draw i,ra k- old drums, something in the -iii 1. son,, tlimg in mud. stealage. ir--s!i w ater, iind the various casualties that ab i'e-h is heir to. And he BUg- gcStl nal! . sted that w e cut down the profits one- an 1 then there would be left of pr dit on an investment of StlTa at the n i ,-f three years So. '.'"'0. That's pretty go. .d . and beats all other industries in No !. Carolina. And yet our people, the non-residents to whom the - has lifted up the gates, will not in. -'. ( '7.7 A'co.o, ,i,st. An ,,i hi, aged i a Th- r.iltb in the llliuoi- Snake Farin. Ii.n. HI., is a snake farm , i i api . I Ian siover and his -e good p. opl,. I, reed and -nakes and other reptiles for 1 '. ist. rn markets. A lirm in ia takes all the rattlesnakes raii sale Bui ad .-! !o! i" make into an oil which they adver tise , um- rheumatism. Bast month ( dipt, s-tov.-r contracted with this llrru f.,r . .0 I'aUb siiaki s at .- go each, none r., ir,..:i-i:r,' less ilnn four feet in length or to be less that six years of age. The older the snake the better and stronger, it is claimed, is the oil. The farm i- provided v ith mounds where the -uakes burrow, and upon which th c me . tit to bask in the sun light. There are thirty-seven of these mounds on Stover's farm. The farm is a tract of virgin prairie and has never seen a plow, and in summer ita native grass is very high, rendering it an ex e"llr,t plie-e for the reptiles to hide in. PBUDEH Absolutely Pure. Ttali powder never vanes. A marvel of parity, itrength, and vboleiomeneti. More eoonomloal than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Hold only in cans. llOTiL BiII Powdbk Oo.. lu Wall-st.. N. Y. novlt-lvdw For Bale in Newbern by Alex. Miller. RED LIGHT SALOON, Near Market Dock, Middle St-, NEW BEKNE, N. C, IS WilERK Vol' CAN ALWAYS FIND PURE LIQUORS Of every variety, in ar?P or small quantities. Also the FIN EHT GRADES of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will be eold CHEAP FOR CASH! John D. Dinkins, Salesman. E. WHITMAN, dec22dw Proprietor. Take Notice ! Our store ia filled with Provisions, Groceries, Caaned Ooods, try Oooda, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of tbe Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. A.LSO- C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes. Every pair warranted to satia- faction. Country merchante and the people generally are requested to call and ex- amine our large stock before purchaa- ing. V e will give you low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS L BRO., South Front St.. New Berne. A'. O. Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements- Goat Hair K. O. E. LODGE. CKAVMN STREET. Itelow CxpresM Office. iiihy'JU diiawAw K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, i ! AUCJINO AM TIES, Etc. I Consignments of drain, Cotton and ' other Broduce solicited. i 1'ronipt Attention uiiranteert. N. W l'or. South Front and MiddleSf" NEW 15 ERNE, N. C. MOST BRILLIANT, PURE &PERFECT LENSES In tlio World. They ureas 1 1 ai iBparen t ami colorless liyhl itself, ami for softness or endurance to the eye. cannot he excelled, enabling tha wearer to read ror hours without fatigue. Iu fact t hey ;ii e I'KKKKCT SIGHT I'iitKNKRti. i est heonials from the leading physicians In the I nlted States, Governors, Senators, Legislators, stockmen, men o' note In all pro fessions, and in dlllereni branches of trwde, hankers, mechanics, etc., can he given who have had t heir sinht Improved hy their use. ALE EYES FITTED AMI 'I UK III li 1' A KANTKKD BY F. S. DUFFY, Druggist, mart. N K W KKIINK. N. (1. Iy GEORGE ALLEF1 & CO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implement"), 'lows, Harrows, Cultivators, Hoes and Axes, Wood s Mowers ami Keapern, Stoam EujjiueH, Cotton Oins and Presses, Fertilizers. Land Plaster, Kainlt Meelianies Tool and Hardware, l.ime, Hrick, Cement, Plaster Hair, Paint, Kalsomlne, Var nisli, Oil, Glass, Putty and Hair. Freezers, Itefricerators, Oil Cook Stoves, Eureka Burplar Proof Sash Eoeks, warranted to trive security and satisfaction. I'KICKS VERY LOW. OEO. ALLEN' & CO. 1 . .. , i ' 1 ' p il 1 -1 .--.-" v. - - - - . . ' .--'- '" ' t 3 T . if

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