- n.. .- , '. -it - -"vsi '5 v. . i,& - J Y ' . S - "t- Y$- . -- .... - . s : .4- . - ! Ill igi I INDEPENDENT IN VH.TL THrN( Torms 0H.OO Per Tear, NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY VOL. X. MAY l.s.sT. A NO 8. f 1 1 4 4 A -' - Time. Some liavr plenty, some h.i e mon, Ws have enough and so much to spare To Valk to you matters concerning iur store, WkicHta Qd RUbatanc is jot thi, that we haven't had any fair ebiaiee sooner, to tA yoo, that oar new spring goods have come in, and irEsTissBH befter we have sold a good quantity of them already, but not enough to break the immense assortment In the various branches of - tAPnyyPBlPM GOODS h the leading shades, ? kGfigliiDJiPonye, India Lavnas, Piques, Em - - AjAnedipTtn Robes so on. ' . I : I C' VlMliiJ tfNotioM, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Rnch- in". Iraxlastinff Trimmings, Embroideries, Para- l- i. n. in a jim j - for the ladies. READY MADE CLOTHING in any puantity for and bojs Plenty of Shoes at all prices, besides the well known Ziegler Bros, make. Ctenta' Hata, Neckwear, o forth. Pants Goods irGm 10 ctfl- VT JEr to t1-?. Ptirnitxure, Pnrniture, Glassware and Groceries, itt truth most anything needed that may add to your happines?, which yon Will Snrely procure hy giving your patronage to Yonr sincerely, of IMt SCHWERfllrvl I1IS CLOTHING EUPORIUM tola fitre Utalv occupied by Wn. Hollister, where with more Room to display - wiwimmwei, wou Mil. SAMUKL. Jbt. BALI., prpar-xi toanow ana fnnfl6ai,flUfli)JUiai,i.ati,iY1''A auu ntADY-LlAUt OnU' rttrnlshiBg: Goods, Straw, Derby and Fur Hats, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Etc., I AM SOLE AGENT FOR 1 1 BATTLES' ME3TS CUF SEW KB $2.50 SHOES Tb oaly Saom sold In thla city that are W ARK ANT -KU ; tor tba Manoiactarsr TO UK and BY 41 K TO MY CUBrOXKKa, Tls Every plr la Wimu4i ahouKl UMf of tbea la any way within any reasonable time give oat, I will apon ntani of lama-d pall and atata bu(h lolaita or mr, iith kkvubd the Momt or gitb AifOTHaa w pair n iichaioi. It la the beat, aneet and eheapeat shoe In ttio wuria fur ihn lOoey. Taey eome in mil and toe Up 1 aava IMtlaalili laeiUena. who have an nf ihl h-n aatl proBoaaee U the Bel.Cbeap8t and t &aeal v var tOC Bha In the World. ipeirU iet aJ Inspection of tion to all pare baaing from ui Middle Street, at Wm. '07 Spring Announcement 87 :T Uri ' 7 ' We wish to call the attention of our Cns tomer and friends to our elegant stock of Sprias Clolhing and Gents' Furnishings. Our ' SfcV 5 nw nearly oomplete, and we are prepared to give you GOOD CLOTHING AT LOW FIGURES. Tt i a well known fact that our Suits give better satisfaction than any you can tud in the eity. Why t Because we buy from the best houses, aad when we guarantee an article you can depend on it, and any article that does not rait may be returned and money refunded. BLUB SUITS, $5.00 to $10.00. Our 1 10.00 Suit we guarantee fast color ; if it fades we return your money. Our line of $10.00 Suite cannot be matched in New Berne so tkey all say Be rare and see us ix you want a suit of any kind ; if we can't suit you out of stock we can order it for you. - We have a usual the finest line of STRAW HATS in the city. Boys 60e. Straw Hata a specialty. Mackinaw Straw Hats t0c. up. We-waSto eallattention to our line of MES'S FINE SHOES. SUey Adams & Co.'s and Jamea Means& Co.'s. We are sole agents here. Our stock of NECKWEAR is very complete, and is being constantly added to. Large line of GENTS' FURNISHINGS, consisting of Underwear, Sus penders, H. Hoee, Garters, Collars and Cuffs, etc. Trunks and Valijet, Btraw Mattings, Pin Straw Mattingi and Carpet. Nice lot of Porpoise Hide Shoe Laces. Do not buy before you see us. H0WAED & JONES. rar. War, War, vv J AABMST Xook Oxrt for tii o rivx HAVESO JUST RET UK NED A L&r?6 StOCk Of Dry OUUCO, xi.vo, , , . ,- . , . r--i0 c,,0 : and everything you can call for usually kept m a tirst claM Dry Goods btore, , I aa detnnined to open war againat rackets and nigh price. ! To prove the tame I quote some of my prices : HiU u low u 5c.; nice hat for And Shoe, 1 n aatonuh the natives s, rm t- j DU)D oow ir io.; dict ruituutiw,, vm; -o - .r . i-.i t i ... ci. . qw in rrt T hvf larc- and well selprted toek of Shoe, aad guarantee prices to vkree Bice II and kerchief for 5c. Also a nice Linen iianakercniti tor oc. also have a well delected line of Gents' Furnishing Goods. A good frtlaaiadcied Shirt from 35c. to 50c. A largo and well selected line of Yeck Wear; Scarfs L'Ac. up to ode. Look ai tbia 1 Why, I can give you A iTice-'AU Wool Blue Flannel Suit, only $7.00. A flood Diagonal Suit, Black or Brown, for $9.00. Alao, a good liae of Carpet, Matting, Oil Cloths, Trunk and V aljLte, . Cum nan I Com i ill 1 to the Ileadpuarter9 ot the War 1 lepartment, and be convinced ka( I jau 811 Yft Q$laV Cheaper Tiie -vTJin. fiid..'. fvt we cannot enumerate ftl we have .Men OETTINGER BROS., The Celebrated Pearl Shirt." o. ULUllilllUe Etc. itaiton. cim dj tmrp loeu 8hoee. from eome of oar beat and Imut- bought Itic -B.rrLKS MlloK. ' one palraa lone ai 1? nionlln. our Stock and guarantee entire satisfac MAX BCHWEfilN, Hollister Old Stand, Sign of Flag. S s RACKETS! FROM THE NOKTFI WITH rMjii-i'L -rt j. ! GOOdS, ClOthmg, BOOtS ' ! ways, "uuuuo, 2oc: and for 50c. I can give you a fine U liv T pin pivp Tnn a T.adiea' i i ,1oa o m imo suit the times. Than Any Other ftoiue City. Id SULTAN, Bishop Building, opp. Baptist Church. mar26 dwtf A POXH BT KUTO LCDWIO." D , u. rT . . . Believe him not kooest, kxowe er hu (use, Who would im aught assail thy f rieud good nam, i Though all the world thte friend of 1 thine decry. i Trunin him i till, and give the world; the lie. i Only the love that lives on to the a faithful end Deaervee Heaven's royal gift mend. ; The world no boon or bleeiing can im part Of worth eo priceleas aa a friend's true j heart. I Of sacred power poMeeeed, this magic i tone Worki miracles for steadfast faith 1 alone. Tarniahed it g-rowi if doubt's breath pass it o'er. broken once no art can it restore. t? HUUU a tfem ,nlruBleu to wl tare Guard well the treaanre keep its luster fair. Let the wide work! within its compaes TUt Be bat the ring that holds in setting Thieone pure jewel 'mid the worldVOur purpose, and it is the line upon Uox i which we think independent ncws- W boee potent spell transforms ita grief to joy. Art thou a begger of nil else bereft. Thou'rt rich and blest while one true friend is left. H.Ht won the loftiest throne, thou rt poor, indeed. If no friend's heart respvml to thy heart 's need. 'The late unfortunate King of Bavaria was endowed with poetic gifts whichbe chose to hide carefully from the world. A collection of his poems exist in a luxurious edition of but a single volume aeaignea for the authors sole use. The above lines area close translation of a poem written by Ludwig's own hand. This noem. inclosed in a plain gold frame, hung above the writing-' deek of the King's study in the royal palace at Munich. Frances A. Shaw. HOW TO RESTORE W0RX01T LAXDS. The following item, which we clip from the April number of the Southern Cultivator, shows that we ' have one lawyer farmer who is : willing to give his experience on the farm. Several of our attorneys are interested in farms, and a year sought to le done at the evpense or two ago one of the most success- ofhe general pood, the chances ful firms (we mean successful in ! are that such a journal will live or . . , i die with the scheme it promotes, the practice of law) engaged in , if not) afc best b(. roguized poultry raUing, but all the infor- as ft mere organ, and languish mation we could ever get from j through the years of its existence, them as to their success was that a j commanding neither confidence nor fellow on the farm lieat them so 1 respect. Another class of papers . . . . , . deal in sensations, and are ever on badly in racing the poultry-that thp qui rirf to fim or ioTe gonie. is, be raised them from the roost . thing striking and scandalous, for they considered it beet to quit the which it is supposed the public business. But here is an attornev appetite craves, and in which they f well know the scandal-mongers re- that comes out like a man and . . . . . " joice. The independent newspaper gives his experience: move8 H1 an entirely ditrerent orbit. I have seen, writes L. .!. Moore, : xt eschews identification with any of New Berne, N. G, much written job or scheme, whether political m of late about the best and cheapest otherwise, keering in iew the gen plan to restore wornout lands, so I eral good of the community at will give you a statement of my hirge. and seeking to promote' that experience. In the year 18.S.J, 1 af distinguished from all other sowed broadcast a plot of poor, ' ends. It recognizes the fact tha-woru-out land with the ordinary I an public questions have at least oow pea in the month of May. I j two sides,-and that the truth does did not cat or disturb them in any , not lie wholly on one or the other way. They literally "covered the j as a rule. It was long ago found earth," and not a ray of the sum-. easier and safer to steer bv a star mer's sua toueued the ground dur- than by the headlands of 'a coast, ing the year after they were aD(i when the guiding star is the pianieu. in January, isoo, i : plowed the land with a two-horse plow about ten or twelve inches deep, thoroughly turning under the vines, stubble, etc. I manured the lands adjoiniHg this piece of which i am writing very iieawiy , out ou this piece l put no manure 01 any j whatever its ups and downs may kind. The result was that the . j De ju tne nrHt instance. Its public piece of land I sowed in cow peas anti usefUl character will at last be brought nearly a bale of cotton to recognized, and from that time on the acre, while the lands adjoining J it becomes a leader of public did not do half so well. The secret (thought simply because it is known of restoring wornouf lands is found to be honest and sinceie and to be in this shading the land by sowing j 8eeking an end that will best pro peas broadcast the year preceding ; mote the greatest good of the plowing in the. vifcfls-. It is better ; neatest number. Ye find manv than aid the oompoatumg ; thus we thousands of newspapers published Bavo the. makingof compost, the iQ this country, and very many of wear aad tear of teams, &c. : them conducted upon the most liberal scale of expenditure. And INTIMIDATING VOTERS. i yetr it is certainly true that the The otatesvule lanamar. re-1 rtl.l V, nnwaan 1 . r n ' I ecu ia,v iiu ui mc jtcww.ui.iih jl colored men at mat place De cause of their political action. They were sorely intimidated and fright ened by their dominant race be cause tbev dared to exercise the riehtof a freeman and vote as they ! pleased. It is a great shame that I Leuch things can occur in North I Carolina. Bat they have often 1 while an opinion ol similar value in occurred. The main reason why so a paper of questionable character few negroes have voted for Demo- j falls dead, because the public mind crats is that they feared for atheir ; finds it difficult to regard seriously lives. How long must badly dis-' the expressions of a journal that t)osed, malignant, ignorant negro has earned no title to its conti )nUies be allowed to terrorize over i deuce. There will of necessity their fellows and prevent them j always be a class of people who are from voting for such candidates j incapable of understanding the and measures as they may prefer T policy or conduct of an independ In the North there is a constant 'ent nauer, just as we find revellers misrepresentation of the conduct of Boutfaern whites in the Republican papers. Wa quoted from a Chi- Ceo parjer recently to show now falaelv accused the whites were Bat you never see a Northern ite- paper complaniDg of Cr eMuring in the leagt the intimi- dating and bulldozing of colored , voters Dy tdeir wn race wuen sain I colored voters presume to vote tor . Tflmcrat8. To threaten, scare. ininr rr if ill m nrnn i wmocrirs is i -"J . . ftl 1 riErht in the estimation of North- prn Itflnnhliean shoots if we mav 1 jralge Dy therrHuc. 1 ducted upon business principles can about the critici.-ms ot Longstrect These criminal persecutions of , or ought to be led into wild freaks, ami Tecumseh Sherman on Gen colored meu who dare to vote as no matter by what name they are eral Lee, I will say, compose yoni they please should be stopped. If , christened or how respectable the selves; there's no dangei from such the law is oowerless to protect snonsors hanoen to be. An inde-' assaults to the lame and character K - 1 I I them the white men should organ-1 pendent newspaper proves its inde ize and resolve that this is a lree ; pendence by keeping aloof from country, and that all free men of the bad and impracticable or mere every color and condition shall ; ly selfish ideas ot men or of pai ties, have the right to vote as they ft looks for the good in all parties please and without peril of life or 0r movements that all'ect the pub property. They should protect the . He, and does not hesitate to advo- weak against violent aud bad men. A free ballot should be a guarantee of all. IVif". Star. The canvassing board of Craven county, which was composed of both Republicans and Democrats, in canvassing the returns of the last election, thought that under opinioc was lest appeased by pan tile Code which authorized them deriug to its prejudices ur capnees to judicially determine the nnmber ! the "organ" nourished and . , , . f, t , , , ; the independent press iw rather ol legal ballots cast, they had a t3lerated than aooroved. It was ; right to exclude a box where there 1 was unmistakable evidence of gen oral intimidation. Eat the C.enoral Assembly said, ant. in tuee words i bat in 8ab3tance the same, it makes no difference nnder what circum stances the ballots arc put in rhe box, when found there, '.hey should be eonnted. And we believe the Star said the General Assembly did rifrht. 1 XI) E P EM) EM NEWSP.VI'EKS. The Italtimore Sun, which h.is jost celebrated itn semi centennial ' birthday, has a very sensible edi torial on The Independent Newg papers," which we copy in fall. The course here marked oat is the one that the .Iotenai., since its birth at Kuiston near nine years ago, has endeavored to f'oKow. It may be that we ha e not kept strictly on this line all the while, but we know that sueli has been papers ought to be conducted. We commend this editoiial specially to our readers in New Heire. I ' r in it we think they will lind ; he reason wh we cannot espouse the caiiM- ot'a faction that has simply cue purpose in view, which chiel!y is victory over thr opposite faction. Wo recognize with the kindest appreciation the many testimonials of trood-will that wei eiit to meet pa-scd i-iir i'eetn and U3 a( (jlt3 time when "o nrnv. . , i- fimf ,h nule-pot. 1. confidence are plants of t nv growth in all departments ot nasi nes, ami j more especially in these pursuits where those wlio conduct them aie l)rougijt into frequent opposition to the cherished purposes and plans of others. A newspaper, like an individual, must ouiid siowav in m, 1 ror-tion hnf h ere no rea son why it should not build surely. if it is honest and sincere in its course. II it seeks only to advance the interests ol a party or a taction, or to build up some puitioular en terprise, aud especially if this is public weal, it is idle to waste trine over the changing shore, which is more frequently skirted with breakers and rocks than with safe and navigable waters. A paper so conducted must win pub- njc confidence in the long in the long run, numner deemed renaoie and lookea rt f. .. s .1 1 1T' tK., rhnn rrht fill up to iui i.ouu.sCi tj mv , uuu i public is by no means as large as u ought to be or might be. W hen a newspaper becomes a teacher, as well as a mere dispenser ot news. its responsibilities are m proportion to its rank iu public esteem. An opinion expressed in its columns will not be apt to 1 a 11 unheeded. ! and scoffers at everything good or sacred in the world. The partisan 1 is lost in amazement when he finds a tournal ot good repute seeing political movements to a different light than has yet dawned upon bis vision, and if he happens to pose as an enemy of some public wrong, which his feeling or bis in- i terest has unauiy in.igiiiiieti, lie I m despair at the moral ublaputy I of those who hold aloot lrom bis ohnn-p . w urn arp nn ire a s n a rrn w v.v,,,.. -j. - an d Hellish, as a rule, as auv he , would rxirrer.f. No naticr con. ' cate such policy as promises, the best results to the general welfare, , it prefers the position of an adviser ' rather than that of an advocate: but when tne interest oi the public demands it, it knows how to enter the lists in defense of the light. There was a da, when public the novelty of the day at one time, iandhaito wiu its spurs. l!ut it coiKjnered its ; I .i ci in public , ti ination slowly and snrel.v. Mid sn hmg as it is true I o its inisvion. -uid keeps steadily in view the public welfare, it will nut ! call, d um ii ti abdicate. Sack li:s b-t-n : he course of Tin Mn, aad we trnst it ill ever be. I JIK I'lllVfUS (iF HIE OM MIS SION HEM NED. t'li.lillh.lll T. M. ( 0('I.K. el ti;e intei state eoininetce com in issn n , in a lettei : d. A. IIam.kv, traflic manager of the .Minn. k N. V. liailway ( "omiany. w'.o urg. d the prompt malcing of an order tor the suspension of the 'dong-a'c! -liort-hanl clause" 1' r Lis load, deiims the powers of the commissi ui. and reminds Mr. IIam.kv pension of t his clause exception and not the The follow ing oitmct : ter ontline.-i uiu poe.' commission will likely "The first questions ; he commission upon i tion were raised upon that a Mis is to be the genei ai i ale. roiu the il-:-that the adopt: to confront ts organ:. i- app! ieat h 'II.- for relief tiled by raihoad compa nies under the fourth section ol iie act. The jirnbability. or even !:( certainty, that injury to corpii.i tions or to individuals will result is not by itself under the net any ground for a suspension anywhere ol its ordinary operations. If the law in its general operation were to pro e generally and equally mis chievous m all directions, the oni mission. instead of having the greater power for that reason, would, on the other hand, have no power ot suspension whatever, ler the simple and plain n-ason that there would then be no exceptional cases for it to act upon, and there fore no cases referred by the act to its judgment. But there must and will be exceptional cases. In the absence of any specification id' these in the act itself the commission was obliged to determine as best it might what cases were probably m the mind ot Congress when the ex ceptional relief was provided for. The suspension authorized by the act was to be ordered after investi gation. This was plainly deter mined by the act itself. The com mission, however, deemed it wise to grant some temporary orders on an investigation not as complete as it expected finally to make. This was done in the belief that no con siderable mischief could follow from allowing an existing condition ..f things to remain for a brief period, whether it was then suffered to stand or not. and that harmful re sults from a sudden change in the law might thereby to some extent be avoided. This course also g.ne the commission such an opportu nity tor careful studv of the s ,!. wh oh ( 'ongri'ss undertook to i . foiiu as would otherwise have been wanting. If the new law had been left to operate universally, the old state of things would have tu-eii swept away at once, and the com mission, seeing only what had been substituted for it, would have been deprived of the best and most sat isfactory means of making jtist comparison. Such a comparison was important, not merely to ena ble it to pass liually with full knowledge upon the exceptional cases, but also the better to pre pare it to make in its periodical re ports such suggestions and recom mendations as might naturally be looked for. You speak strongly and earnestly of the reasons tor granting your application. Hut in order to warrant its being granted, it is not enough that the applica tion if considered by itself appears to have merit. The commission must consider in each case what effect the giving relief to one appli cant will have upon other interests, and your knowledge of railroad matters must enable you to per ceive that in some .-etions of the count ry the granting of one appli cation may so affect the interests of other roatls as to create a neces- eitv for the like relief to several . .... . , - jpiorc the satistaction ot one claim begetting others, which are equally Iriontorious, until, if all are sacs (ied; tll(. t.XC(.lltl,,n i,CCOmes the rule 1Uu wheu ,;,.;, a result is ,,robabie the reasons for declining to make any temporary order are verv conclusive. The commission cannot consent deliberately to enter upon a highway where, to all appearance, there will be no halt ing place within the limits of its lawful jurisdiction. If a general suspension of the -long and short haul clause" of the statute is not to be made by a single comprehensive order, neither should the same re sult be reached or approached by the granting of successive orders in individual cases. In whatever the commission may do, it must keep in view the preservation of the general rule. In these views the whole commission concurs. erv respectfully yours. T. M. Coulky. ( 'hairman ." (.en. Lee's Critics. ("..ru ral .Tubal A. Early conclude a communication to the .Richmond n ate on ' inn ' ' i-u critics, as nfederates . r- tollows: 10 tnose c who have been so much concerned of General Lee. The opinion re cently expressed b Lord Wolseley is i he expression of the estimate placed on the character oi our great leader by the enlightened people ot a ! 1 nations, and ton-shadows the judgment of posterity. Ami. in conclu-ion. I will say to all reno gade Confederates and vindictive Federal otllcers wim arc disposed to assail the reeoid of our beloved chieftain: 'Cease ipe:-; ou are biting a tile." 'iVlicii l'aradh-c Lost" was m-t published in lbi;7, Ivlmuinl Waller, himself ii poet and cutic, said; "The old blind schoolmaster. John Milton, has published a tedious poem on the lull ot man ; it its j length it has lie not considered a merit, no other.'' ; 'a l. rep.'It "! denial: . gun n: t: . V. l.l.'ll '. . in a ies v. as be - today. la C. lir- t:"V- trench l. el re li.iiam rlair.i i. ernne ;.: menu i .stal)ii.-i. ihr-.-jeh in ,;c ta X i 's. mio-l the U'nt. nt i'tian : tie.' '. ' riu:i. the cini '!:r,i! t ; ; i - MM. I): 'lau-'ial i 'rcmiT i th;' pr. eial h: l'u ma ii -;t i 1 r. eint t: 1 ',v v ; k a -.v ..f n. He w;is i. ;i ruittee w ;ti, t!... v, -.v cacieus r"in- i i" sired to bril.v.c- i fr-sh tax.v.i r, i: i: - mulling th'it y: r.i ti 1 u - i . L: a r mi i internal r- : icy a :. neither . -vhie;- -and liru.Lii--- . i "per.ilf :ifun wilii th leave c.!U :e a- the r.l eel,. f.pl The C'li iin1. r. ! a rej-'et. .1 the nro. i-a mtnt. at. j 'H. ;v'i.. or;'.er of ihe dav. M ilobUt th.n ai. caei!;.-t v.-..ul.i r-.-f in. ann- r r.t had ! i,' r- '; lie- ', : v. -tr. merit df- von found uuffiittee'ti .; avrciiirtit's policy, in w isj. an r"ady to co rnniitlee or to m o 1 :C govern-i-eisH ihc d tuat the an a this .' the nietn -u-c. en t! re iy . .f otii-'ted of otioiiaries. vcira. -. v.-id :ab:m t f- .'. s . : mad. t lie- le Vide Hp T ! bii r"l" - -'a a li'.iilT'jl I'ren I're.-i i tion i f o. t n a. A' l,a by th- r.ec tic-:: ie ed 1 y Chan:: n '. x ' . rv loo tile re: aL'ii's. e a o i ii 1 u llil t n . i hi t 1: r- -.'luti'-n v.-as proposed omnmtee al!irtninr the "ptuiK new jdans for re i.o rrs.,:ution wa? adoct . i a; .' to 1 r.. ami the );ir: u M- i V I 1 s. 1 e,e li'-hap:- on tile cot- p. a n h Sir Willi i an a:;e-ta; i in pairj all s re-umed this evening, rnoti Hareourt moved e. ieptuiK from secret edins relating to pub a ;.'rarian movement?, a.a; ions u obtain reduc- a., p tilths he rn inc iml i ioj: ,i tions of rent, ernmi r:t w ipuirios auth such r-:T-.t.-. lightms." ar bill nn,h: p deal u:i a. be a mea-; a there "a- a land . won 1 lie "e c ,s in d inn said that if the Kv 'Utent to direct in i or the bill to isr-b r. arson . "nioon- ilating ' d cattle, the Ti.e Id! would then erba. it wi:u!d not .at;:!.; idTetiees. If 1 1 ad es-union m Ire loll suppress it- i t! .Cheers I; s o on what ground did the di-tinguisli bttween an union and an English , 'in . rs governneuit Iri.sl trad e-s trad :on - i r four. hief siiTr'.a v f ol I re- lar. i 1 that o-asur and t! t :T"r'iM's embraced been rutlioiently 1 amendment, if y r'-nder the (all ar ' v ali ;i;r irian in th dehiu adoptr !, v a; fnti'e. i'-av inf Co ensos. Mr. I iilh :i am.' i.'an:: ' meat w . m! i I a d that timers tiie . e.te i the jjoVf-ril- to luipris. 'ii every poiitieaily obnox- ltd bo 1 v who m'uht ion-. I.anJlonis iht lr r ii'.s ic.r;l,t ti. .n t c .nspir.eo ptr;oi;s t ' I-: 1 i.qu : 1 . 1 : : cpae-'.o r.s - a pi i .- . lit d a - 1 'to b vho had not received wear out an inforrua- . causing ail sorts ot b: ah.l u 1 1 for a bogus :. v r- : a.-.'ii to answer i per - - m igh t be i ni i' a- tie' gov. riaii-iit i ic ir. i car a- said he rigrett d thai t had failed to recogi-iio-;rantiug tile Irish tenant Mr. the govt rum-i the justKC of the same protection thev atTorded tiie Englishman. As to the boyco tmg. the government must explain what Was meant by that term. Was intimidation included, or !. .cotting fading tc ex clu-ive dealing 'Heal' Hear" When Mr. Hal four said that the government refused to y ield to obstruction, the op position's response was that they h..il a right to refuse p iel 1 to t wanco.. ! Cheers Thomas O'l'oniu r i.iid tiiat Cuinl ina tions of landlords to keep rack rents at the starvation point would be permitted, while the combination of tenants to de feat extortion would be made a crimi nal (..lffiLse. Crits of "hear. hear. ' He asked if there ai the slightest chance that the measure would ever be u;ed against a combination of landlords. The amendment was negatived by a vote of L' 1 j to l.O. Tiie first clause of tiie bill w i-- a i"pp d I v a .tc of Y. l to Y.i Noli, ments cipal ( cembii g'a n or igi.lv amenU c nd clause, tic- prin- which seeks to exempt of tenants from tiie of e olause. This wili be in ar Charles liasfell. t" I. ill. ration ' if le troduce.l by Mr. 1'aineil wilt try lo appear iu the House of Commons tomorrow afternoon. He has been adv:.-ed let to attend tiie evening sitting. a M'i;ii:i ThiiA-o in: !' sJY" tea eo. L' 'M" 'N. May Yi. Ti;-' financial sec retary of India has ad i-cl the govern ment of tiie discovery of an immense amount of treasure, estimated at ov, r S0e.ee.. i.o, n. which had bt-.-n secreted in. the palace of Gwalior by the late Maha rajah. The treasure' had been sunk iu pus under tiie vaults beneath the X nana. an 1 the secret was entrusted m a few eo: YJeUtial t rvai.ts. The s.ci, tary w as pr.-.-ii.t when t'.'.e tr .:-uro was uneariiied. After rcnniving tiie earth to a depth it Bix feet the woik meu uncovered great hagstones. 1C neath tia.se .-tones were several j-'.ts filled to the brim with, -iivir. chie:!y freshly Coined rupees. In each pit was a plate recording the amount of the treasure and tin- names , f the ehCia!. who had assisted in secreting it. 11. c Indian gi.ivernraont l.as taken th: i:o.ird as a loan fr.,m the y,.u:.g M.Yaoajco The native papers pr..te-t ao. .-t t -action of the govei lament. T UNIT:: THE PAl.KAN ih l: r-. HccHAUEsT. May 1 ' . It i- n-p rt- 1 here that the Ituigarian regents are meditating the proclamation of King Charles of Uoumania as l'rince of Fal garia. thus virtually making if the Danubian Balkan provinces en - king dom. Kiumania having, it is sai l. vn- sented to the scheme. This attributed to tiie initiative of and is said t . lie a; ; r ' many. , 1'' li .ire I'.Uils. M,.y day of the -jewels. Yhe amount lo a t- .Till: . : Ui' rh'' s 1 , .f s - lie C-iieli ill'.' urth ou n St. I'ilThh EUPIl who t' " in tiie plot i March '. ". ho. May liiu IU' 'h p l-sa-:in;ile ii.llienl i:e c'.ai: i .. :..-'.. slay -nu i:s in Commute,. : the con-i'ieiaiie a; the Irish eruuts a.. This clause pr. ,po-. s juri- iiction cons V'-acra-- .; ;:. th-- W Mr. M'aurt-.' H.a! an amend ment 1 i mil li.e clause to io .n-lii-' p o -age i 1 tae a , a bv a vote o! i Mr. Timothy 1 :.!;. that hi fore at y r cuted under tie- pro the liai , f th, .: T, s worn ir. f aa . c . to tained. Th- : a. vote being 0 Ya t o ". ; a .11, ! e i s a I ag Ii oilhl I ,s of tr t r .'. ? el; e i ' Uight lion 1 i beral mo v s.o-tinn ma!;! ( '. c c r g c d the omi -ha w-1 ,"f' livrc ion cf th.e sub '. e ! v ! "i rn '"- y n i is!vV . a '. not t' or t ill"! 'I Mr. s. o!u.., i e i n it-I a w-I.e 'A ill' i r.-hvr- v a- in .-a of the lr r. r.t r trihuiri (:-.. otie! .-'at: ai the in. t !a ,.-'; Cierci- ; -ciais t Yi , e i i W. It. n v, I i V" te , f motion i ii i n th aul 1 1. ' t'.'i! ' ' was ,r; i li, 'A h .11 -a. ;th. tii'- co-.a-rnm-. at i.;a lo-;ir.a !'! i- v. a-' earrie 1 ! .o to Mr. c 1.. f..;.- tlen r-- -"t-d . 1 1 " v- .'. to ; j.; ,-iu.l th.- i'.-j-,. i r 1 ! v-' : n t jourie Ilr. r Il.-.t-wo r. f (.'. irurno! l.ar.'e rnu t' this nf term . ri . r. -iial leaked f" an 1 enociated. At ! h- meeting of the today i . dot r.. th a 1.1J;!V Mf.ld" "bib to-'-ar ! Mr. 'a-p. . . o , . . . icy . 1 ; ' rie m r- v ; ... 1 .; 1 f home ru!" and a,;'ii:: -m. r a a,, and .'. vcted in favtr rd' ''O(a f io;; an 1 ao oia t Ii mo nil.... .V'UiAklA. liahLPE.-. IS III -sIA. S. l'KTKi:ac.t-Hc. May 1 s.TJie rioting reported from Xarvu. to which place troops have been sent, is the result of embittered disputes between peasants ata 1 land owners regard in the owner- I i: 11. iri lh" v i unity of M in the ipiarrtd. It i-; 1 paa. ,ant leave af.ai.'i; d t but further than t'aat nt about tiu- riot. Tin: ati an ami ti:k k: U' on:. May !. The J ir.g " .mim-d Cardinal ho a i ; e r in-"-- : lav i l i ti"at :oii of ( a, in fa. - a- of 1 hi al ( I ibbi 'ti 's in. nil the I'l'Ti rmaail .a' Kni.'hts of J , ,1-, ,r hv nt . n ( 'a he China-ii. ha- instructed Cardinal Sjimooj.i. prefect ol" the propaganda, f confer witli tie .-a. ear iinals ! --trie the ;iiP-h-.:i in w : i. views c 1' the atiean. : .'ih 1 '. v 1: .' ' h wu v. ST. Ih-rcifspri:,;. Mav and Czarina arrive! Y the capital of the 1 I ,n i '. -tills naimiia: They . nt t . is'. ui" t .'. .r vo-Teh.erk.a-k. -aeks r, .uiiirj-. in state. I;iu ssiu.s. May : A IVrlir. t to the JifUj,, ,..f. i: L'. a'o says police at Novo-TcherKr.-k h: earthed a plot to kill the t Y ir. ; thirty arrests have b en ie.:; j,.. 1 hid It. u". It::r .Mil".'.!. 'P. Mav r, i. i. o AY' the under'gne : . ,a o : ;n.n appointed by I "city I.ode No , of lr. S. and D. of S. iu Amei ia;a to pp pare suitable resolutions m the death of ;. V.Y c. p. c. Abbott, a consistent mem! r recur i t I-: a. 1 r. Lodge ' . o wl do part. t.u : I ' r riaav morrnnc. .M:iv . a; !,:. a -e o 1 1 war- That it i- -. 'T V C. . I 1 ; ;. ; , 1. . n. do: -tut:. tt. oe.;aioll ol ti; uiemt'ers that di. i ' .,1th' .le, Hi be paid to hi ; n Mr. I. ii. Ah'ii' , of ou r race vei v he pro 'd h lins, his race, lie c tile Samaritan ate nta: a a- If d hi Oil', ti. Onh j when the u-h r v. a ' the Stale .1' Noit : never as .i San.ari , his iiblicalio." iiicr ' tent l u:s . no re . or.s. more iiidofaugai'le i uitanry m hna. there e l.illilful p. tin i: : - in -todatv. an 1 ..Ii lilu. earn, ra-o ,1 h.is eli'ort- to le i jr tit vance tiie irder n the Sin Carolina llian tins d. :i 1 hi. ft:, of lira Tiiat le assumed the positi-on , f Chief of the Order m tin- v.-.t.c Carol i na. October 1 s7s. i le wa. Grand Idiief for live oi six term He was faithful in tie- disoh duti. s i;npis,d upon iiini". he h.N r. d faithfully and iv.iiiest m tie' eau.-e f advancing tiu: Sainantau Order '. Keueiai.1 . and hi - death u e s ; sorrow f u! 1 v lament. Tie- Order h,a i oi,.- (,f .t str. ingest pillar-. )i;o. 1 );. Abbott w.is truly charitable witi h is e,rt!il means. Fu i 1 of noble deeds and sacri liees he was kind, friendly to fellow man. and love of cieti-a-. He play i-d a conspicuous jiart in the I". and A. A. V. M. and G C O of O F. H" a,-,, played his part as editor lie was a devout husband. a kind father, a cool citizen aid a true Sama done, faithful brothi r. th nan. u ha. : thou calieu trotn laoor to rewara: tnou con tended wilh tin' . 'I'-iny; th- t! ha-t tri umphed at last. As an e pre- m ;. .! pr-'l km grief. ;cnd a- a lit irhc... i .air ivi trious and lamented dead wo wi-h t pear lestiruonv. and place upon rt- rd our appreciatK'U of our bclo . as an earnest, zealous; m-.enbe Order, and as a nan of stri -t l and liberal, charitable v..-w- U' Solvc C Tiiat a pap" of our ook be devoted to the iiioii'-n ta iliir n coiai of Mr. I. H. Abbott, on v. hYh tic la.' inscribed. Resolved. -That a r py of tin-a; sent Mrs. Abbott, the widow of o ur late ompamou. itid to the and t'i h.s New i ! e r n i il- ar children. ..n.m for n , Ci:::t .! Ih Mai.v A. o W Lib jr Trouble. C;n A' : -. May 17. The the lockout:- nnciiangid. remain hrm an 1 give , ; ''oiiiing I an und, i si.,: brYkiayerr dtchiie fa-iiie 1 to work for any employer to pay on Saturday. The' penter-, the 1 i nie -d oah r-. paint rs. t he sh'i.e piarrx fact all contractors have . , onciusi, u that now it is master the a.; HI' t" to. :r turn l" Tills Will leg I i lh rnai ike demands on their l.iei: f - Tmaliy lie done at the ineeloig i i r-j 1 esentaliw s ..f the vole n :i , o the 1. i:l !:-' !'.x h o-.. l no u Three delegutes v. !.i I '. et.t li'om t . .di t:t b -a cole of l.iwj lhr ti.e g' .v, : n n of employer an 1 employee w;;l t!" i r-erfecteil. A ina-i, r ma- n. : laker, an a -live I -urt in th..' resent ceedings of his association, said tii.,1 code, among oilier tilings, would u on the right el the master masem- to gage all li.e apprentices they can . :li;:l the walking di legal-' i. aboli-hfd. and thai the f r-iu:i:; n not belong to unions. Ail wo hi who apply f"r omnh ynu nt ar. 1 pi less tut iil'.o 11 I ae term- . ... work. A genera t : :koUt i: ir; Ui be inaugurated by the Mas icnters' Association tomorrow id-.e ma.-t'. r earpeut', rs ho v" ; ". : ' ' i ni',s. 'uj. O began ; New V- ;k. iiiUi i.iy , . . . , : .-. i." .. n-i of ;' mi i.'ci.oli,e. I Te.:..-. v. . . - ' t I .11. iace.l t Vi i. i o -1 Sulbv,,:, a.- o ie; ' ini uy ... ;,t;,li'o ei a State of v.ii'.cb i...,-.-g.. t;.i ttmg. Ya-hingtoii had n-.-vi r h, ir i '..1 ,. r T 'hiltree. in reply, said i. !. , h e, id f V, Yishiiigton had bi-.-i-i i ; ' in. : o ' -1 ... yhjod. His la tiier. to... ., , i i y ' ' ' i. : of -j-,., . The 'YoloU' 1 did a t kr . :u A e ; i youthful l-i'i' ian .. e. tin.. W. -o.i a; i ,. : ... I- cud -ecun. d a patent e to- eh i ry i-a-in,--- lie. the! - fore. ; : . o m- vi.d of lii- t.uliei '-eiir-nw tr. -r ti. . ! .:. l Kis father and said : IY;',- i I tell a lie; I cut that ch' iw tr. i w . "My father. " said ti.e ( ,;, c , i at me and said . ' You d id . o ; i . a . u little red headed scoundrel .' and fa n lie wi re out half that tr-.-- or. I don't think I've ever told the truth since. Several mini in - Ci : -e ief ,re 'I'll e wi ! red 'iW; NOTE : e the ntcr- !:ort i; oil f the mc rer : -ti.'Uated thai or.e liuif of the a 1 'hi 1 adel ph in will bo elosed iv 1 cense law . iv-r. treasurer of (ireen V.'od.lford county, Illinois, : ! o parts unknown with mnl.. r tin ,T ... .' . I ndon. ' intario. ia eonded, leaving be- and a quantity of rf d to d heavy ;.av,- aij. 1 i.ahi I it ',. for; pap. A bloody ten too! ound f.rie light with plnre in ( 'leveland last VI s t fii-h; : - 1 r. Sar ew.art and Jack at' fJ Won . f r t u o years past lasninrck. Dak., in emu are Haid to bo tro r.r I , j 1 r.rt. oat thirty leai.-. s. with their con- ten:--, m the Chinese quarter in Fresno. Cai.. were drtarovprl hv rim r,,io evening. Jyis. S5n 000, Civil Servi Commissioner 1 'Jw rlnn ! v. oiiiiiHss.oner j,ugerton - ami, r treatment of an Indianapolis oomlift. and will nr-t return to liis du t a s i or i. t i Mi vet. ,,r- ' - -N a former resident of oY w Orlrar:.. d iod a t V.'inFted . Conn., -I ay. from apoplexy. Ho was a - ureeon in the I Yn federate armv. I- - i -arned that the truste.r, of tbe t i 'niversity have made a Hi ai to e-l.'reaident Hayog to the presidency of the university . -iti '-' meeting of S.000 persona :.'"-r. YI.. Sunday night, pap ed utions a nouneing coercion and e.ihiua; with Gladstone and Par- ' verimr Adams jirebided. only couples nn'mluTu of the mi; I'a ; Social Chit), colored, c r.cthlchcm. Pa., last night . i d a -oei dde. aiei were refused a r- .,: the l ot. ! there. 1 hlean v ,o say- ' The bitter tha'. would show itself at Mr. A r. iommation would quadruple i mugwiiinj, contingent. Mr. Itlaine's ticul future iu behind l.irn." :.ato;s :,.ck and Allison, of the ial senate committee, heard evi ''' in Chijago Tuesday in rcirard lei; . --is lo and', rvaluatiun by importers and ai-tom-houfe inetlio Is in general. I'.'esi iei.t Fitzgerald, of the Irish National League of America, has sent a cablegram to Mr. Gladstone tendering him the hospitality of the Irish National in 1 1 Im -honld visit this country. i : i ;nd Harry McMunn have at 1'niontown, Fa., for i Iietective Hulligan. of . arrest murder , lat. -h"i : time ;ev ha ago. The th, right , i e:-i. iu,. unif.l police were killed by a hami oi Fdaek Foot Indians near :!"!:::. e Ha:. N . W. T. A squad of J three luiudred men pursued the Indians 1 and after a desperate fight captured ; forty oi them. ''.'r.i.li M'.diiianey . gentral freight, ageu; .,f the New York Central Railroad . Couipaijy. was discharged Monday by Mr. anderbilt and Mr. Depew Mc-. I.haiiey was accused over a year ago of mf,. zziing s't.1.") (inn The case , r tju. people against C. 15. , it yields an i x-minister. indicted for' blasphemy. wa called at Morristown, 1 N. J.. Monday, tmt was poi-tponed until j next I'buiday Colonel Kofi Ingersoll 1 app.'.ro-l for the accused. 1 'ih r.ver I) .ro. running partly under J g: and thnugh Granada. Spain, has1 eur-t 11- hanks and inundated the sub- uib; of that city, eau-ing great damage aii i su:T..ring t-. the inhabitants, com- ; p - 1 ehi- tl v f the p-,orr classes. 1 Thr pas-iaigi-r agents' meeting, which i 'v es l i lia e been held ill New York on Tii - i (y .'. as postponed until Wedncs- ; :.i At this me- ling the Baltimore i and O.oo and Ontario and Western j diiiicuuy came up for settlement. i i'he gr .'ss earnings of the Atchison. J Tupeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company for March were -1 ,702, (i27. an increase ! over those of the correspond ing month! of lar'. yo ,r of SlY-h'iTT The net earn-i ing- war.- .-L'Tl.fC. an incii-ase of Mr. Fu, lip 1;. SatiLUway. a well known raiii aad builder, died of apo- pi xy at livaustou, lib, Monday night. He wa.- president of the Joliet, Aurora1 an 1 Northern Railroad Company, aud manager of the Idgin. Joliet and Fast- 1 .1 .. i . i . ; 1 , . '1, : i i ei to be an e x o n-ive secret : : ui of , h ip,l farm hands aud , t n.it.t- Y -u:h Carolina who have de- J tei ::...!. i to strike I jr higher wages and , 1 r r- nt abi-ut die fust of June, and h ; uops -p di tinb-s- t'lcir demands nn rs al tiie hav e been on I e nsid- raid I l.i.ell. rook i,I'a.) a strike for some trouble has oc- S nurday six families were tiie compauy 's houses and .'id goods are still in the f the women evicted was 1 1 , . ' 1.. hh an- emph yed al tiie stone oi.iryo' tin- I'onsolidated road, near i airnehl. Conn., struck on Monday for an ii T'oiMi in w ages. The Hungarians v.. ! willing to work at the former v;:,o a but were prevented with threats an 1 icv.'lvei-s at the hands of the Ital- M.--: l.eh'.ke and Jedin lieyer went bi.iting at I. a Crosse, Wis.. Sunday ' Neuiiig. with two German friends, and lh lattc r k'- bv r ought to frighten king tiie boat . Th Miss boat ' Heyer .-.. 1 and Mi ! e di' ' W iled ': hi .vaid M mp.,1. d lh" 1 anbailks ny . .a" ' Tne.i-su. cables, he i.a.- cocclll-led a cou- m dr.- tii " ; r ..o'l.e- e k ;:i, of canned meat ' h l'r- n h army aud d OOll.OuO kilos tie c . Id. is -,s staled to be tbe ".t ,'nt::.". "yi mad.- w ith an uie .o. ioo, l. 1, foreign govern- Y o : ' a . !'. ..- M.,111- a:;i, d Sun. lay morning, go- - t. ' ; '. y . a; . .', with their o oan.p,i, ,'iuiii the- windows iu u- u Ut ciotm s. Duncan Me Bean, ;ram dealer, w as burned lo death. had just received a large sUrn cf :ncy from his lirm. aud foul play is -'!( e(.rd. Absolutely Pure. Thta powder never rartea. A m arret of pnrlty, atrength, and wholeaomeoeaa. atora eeoDomlcal than the ordlnarr Hnrt inH mo D?t b "ld ln oompetlMon with the mnltltoda oflowtaat. ahort weight. alum orpboaohata powdera. Sold only ln cana. HotalBiiui Powdbr Oo.. 108 Wal l-at.. S. T noTla-lrdW For sale in Newbern by Alex. Miller. RED LIGHT SALOON, Near Market Dock, Middle St-, NEW BERNE, N. C, IM WflKKK Vtif CAN ALWAYS FIND PURE LIQUORS Of every variety, in large or email quantities. Also the FIN KST GRADES of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will be Bold CHEAP FOR CASH! John I). Tmnkins, Salesman. K. WHITMAN, dec22dvv Proprietor. Take Notice T Our store is filled with Provisions, Groceries, Canned i Goods, lry Goods, Crockery, i Etc. We keep a full line of tbe Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. ALSO C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes. Every pair warranted to give satifl- faction. i Country merchants and the people . PflnArallr nm raniioolu ,t 1 1 .1 Av amine our large stock before purchaa- ing. We will give you low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front it.. A'cu) Heme. N. (J Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements Goat Hair R. O. K. LODGE. CUA i:.N S'I'KKKT. I$lv lax press CMllce. iiiiiv-" ,I2hwA w K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, AGG ING AND TIKS, KtC. Consignments of Grain, Cotton and other Produce solicited. Prompt Attention Guarantee!. N. W. Cor. South Front end Middle 8t ni:w lii:UNE. N. 3. MOST UKILLIAST, PURE & PERFECT LENSES In tlio World. I'liey ureas ti ftnRi'Rreul and rolorlecs aa liKhl itsi-lf. biiiI fur will own or endurance to 1 tlif eye. cannot be excelleU, enabling th weHi ei lo leiul ror lumiK illioul fatigue. In fuel . they me l'KKI' K( T SHillT I'HKBKRNEBB. 1 pri 1 111 on In In from tin- lendlnK physician In the I inteil Slates. ( .overnors, Henatora, l.etiiKlal'iis, sloekinen, men o- not in all pro ' fessioiiK. and ill didereni luancliefi of trade, bankers, iii,-, liiiiii H. el.-., ran be given who have had their slht improved by tbelr use. A Aj KYKS FITTEI AMI I1IK 1 11' (ilAKAMEKD BV F. S. ! uiarh DUFFY, Druggiat, NK BERNE. M. C. Iy GEORGE ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implements.. I 'lows. Harrows, Cultivator, Hoes and Axes, Wood's Mowers and Reapers, steam Kiijrines, Cotton (iins aud Presses, Fertilizers. Land Plaster, Kainit Joebiiiik s Tools and Hardware, Ciiue, liiick, Cement, Plaster Hair, l'.iint, Ivalsomine, Var nish, Oil, Glass, Putty and lialr. Freezers, Kol'njjerators, Oil Cook Stoves, Ihireka Burglar l'rool'Sash Iock., warranted to Kive security aud satisfaction. PKICKS VEltY LOW, ,.A- ' 1 0 r.. - '.- - r. -Yjrr. -!W i '"i - -r-r .-tr--- - s V,- "A .. j -l.S. - S , S , 7 V :mt:sim&' ; - y -f-l.; :.- v v i - r..v . : s I -ts 5, " .-4. ' Y,."5-'-. : ;-..: - ''' rt V -JL '

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