v t 4 1 "'-4-- 4 ' -t j :- . - ..- .... .,"..' - : i-.'.': '-r . . r. ;. .-'' ' dt v. . v '.- V V ' i'T- ' y4? '-44,- --4 . ' .-V.T ; "S -; V. ' i n'-4 .-4t -l i r H II :Hr' i 1 Ba.SSA i El I ! f ffSUlI I 11 J 4 WW luarut, I X 137 FEN DlTXT I ?s ALL THING Torma 3H.OO rer Tenr. I' r.- VOL. X. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, X. ( .. Ji XE 2. i NO. !). Time. Some have plr uty, some have more, We have enough ami so much to spare To talk to you matters concerning our et-ore. tlii tlvif wo liAVAn't lisul iinv fair comment on the above inscription is whi v. cUW. . , , - ..Did you ever he&r or read four word 3 CbMee' sooner, to tell yoa, that our nw spring goods have come in, and more pathetioY'T wSiit'k Btill better we have sokl a good quantity of them already, but My packet I've closed and for label I'll w mmm h . write an enigma ther not enoagb to break the immense assortment In the various branches of Let the dullards hereafter unriddle it. ''Only a woman's hair!" rXtom J)RESS GOODS the new lead.ng shades, "TJ.; 3 Ijinxams. Pbngees, India Lawns, Piques, Em-, ButKtoofV.dai" keen " C brpjdflTt DrflM Hob68 80 on- -nci where the love so pathetic as that t. iiif-'j'- i ' . whioh would fain express M ln W XOtiOIlS, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, BtlOh Endearment by mimic assumption of " " - 1 . . . . , . , , slighting and bKterneesV icxt Everlasting Trimmings, Embroideries, Para- . 4 ii v It was "only a woman's heart, so un OlS i TinoM styles, in fact we cannot enumerate all we hare 8uiiiea and tender and ay, f m- , i. i That was wronged and fretted and . " ' W ' broken by ruthless neglect and dslay? ONLY A WOMAN'S HAIH. ORTlf C.VKOI.IW IN Til K WW. ! Written on a paper containing I "Stella's" hair, by Dean Swift. He says elsewhere that she 'was looked j upon as one of the most beautiful. ' graceful, and agreeable young women in T,ondoii. Her hair was blocker than a raven', and every feature Jiistlv proud of all 'on federate m1- - . rm i . ' ... oi ner iace m perieoiion. laacneraj a diei'S, Vet as Citizens ol t ins Mate we have a peculiar pride in the I'KOM MEMORIAL ADDRESS AT",YII.. MIXTtTON OF Mlt. TI. A. l."Nt IT riTTST,! R( i. "While aa Snulliornei'-; we are ( arteret New- i'nriii..i 1 iiiinu' Crojis Siiiuhij s, huul Pii nil-- sti.l i- I lniFui: .1 ' ! " i: n ;. : - i i,. : . .; poise Ik.I'.I Oi ln'i a" the .':. Ii Path" fishery un B.iue b.uiks the first week in May was rxeeeded ly the same crew the s un, week, tins II ! ! i:m!I' thf ( ! "ai'fi in in a An fTjfQT MADE CLOTHING ia any .paantity for Jfen AQd boys Plenty of Shoes at all prices, besides the well known Ziegiar Bros. make. Gents' Hats, Neckwear, "d M foTtk. Pant Goods from 10 cte. per yard to tl.75. Furniture, Furniture, Glassware and Groceries, in truth moet anything needed ti at may add to your happiness, Wka yon Will STirely procure by giving year patronage to Tours sincerely, OETTINGER BROS., sign of "The Celebrated Pearl Shirt." soldiers of North Carolina. N'n State in t he i-jonthern Confederae.'. did its duty more faithfully than .North Carolina, and no soldiers in the Confederate army lonuht more bravely or sutl'ered more heavily than did the troops from the 'Old North State'.'" Without wishing to draw iuvidions eompan-ous or detract in anything from the glors won by all Confederate soldiers, yet ujxm this occasion 1 must be pardoned for brietly e-illing ar tieular attention to some of the exploits of North Carolina's sol d iers. vna one ana tne same was tne outrage which her of her life bereft At the beginning of the war the And me to the righteous doom of a self- white population of North Carolina p. isoned solitude left; was only 021), and vet he fur For twas T in the pride and unrest ofj to tbo Confederate army my spirit, w4h deigned not to bear near o; 0nn soldiers Tn otheV The restraint of a bond even silken as I nearjy I-0" souiiers . I n othu "only a woman's hair!" ; words, one-fifth of .North ( ai olma's enure wnice population was in tne Conderate army ! The total num ber of soldiers in the ontederate last haul running up : is believed to b-- the 1 haul ever made u Neail ? 1,000 was fishery in two da s. is not contiuuous. i,i r !A1L ii I11S CL0T1UUG tLlHUHIULl to the Star lately ooenpied by Wm. Hoi lister, where with more Room to display tUfl luufoasei Stook, h is, with the assistance of tr SAMUKL it. pr9ci ttt abow mad sell at Hard Paa Prices , Tha FINEST. NOBBIEST, NEATEST, PBETTXEST and BEST iCEflDY-rJCDE OLOTIIHIG, Gents Jtraishlngr Goods, Straw, Derby and Fnr Hats, ... Boots and- Bnoei, Dry Goods, Etc, Etc. I AM SOLE AGENT FOB L L UITLEJ' KTS CUP SEWED $2.50 SHOES The only Shoes sold In this city that are WARKA-VT-ED- by the Manufttetnrar TO MK and BY US TO MT CCSroMKRH, Tic Kverypatr W WamMtoi shoaht any of them In any 1ry within any reasonable time civ eat, I trill wpan rtnrn o damaged paii and stat mmxtm to lei(U of wr, iithib urcso the Mohit orarriAXonn xiv paxr iw hchajqi. It la tbe .bwat. ftaaat and ehaapeat Shoe In Vne world for the mootr. Tbareoaae la Bntton. Flaln ol Sharp Toed Puns i and lc Up Hh 1 have Little raven curls! you were "only "the frame of my darling 's face! " You are "only" all that butvivoh of her buried bauty and grace' You are "only" a type of the heart strings uncoiled from her level above And entwining my grosser nature with tendrils of faitband love' 'Mid the rankling of blighted ambition, the goading of savage despair. She was my "only solace and safeguard and you are "only" her hair! Temple liar. STATE NEWS Wleaned from Our Exchanges. army was auour oou,oio, so then, North Carolina furnished i ink-fifth of all the troops that constituted the Confederate army! North Carolina's troop consisted of (!( repiments of infantry. 7 of cavalry. 3 of artillery, and battalii ns of in fantry, 7 of cavalry and 1 of artil lery. While we refer with pride to the large number ot troops fur nished by our State, we recall with etill irreater pride their unsurpassed ralor and heroism. Alwavs placed Fayetteville Evening Neics : One at the post of greatest danger in Nathan Hodges, col., attempted I the front in every assault and pro rape on the person of Mrs. Lenorah tecting the rear in every retreat Baie, a white lady, near Godwin's ! the soldiers of North Carolina on Station, on the Wilson Short Oat ; every battle-field immortalivd lYeiwctfuUVwcirlc tioa to all purchasing from ns- mlala from some of oar beat and lead- Is eltlBMia, who bars bought the "BATTLES 8 HOE. some of which have von one pair aa long as 11 months, and ftrooonaee It the Beat, Cheapest and Easiest Viemj Ins. Enoa tn the worth. ft mn inspection of our Stock and guarantee entire BatWao- R. K. yesterday morning: . and j was bronght down to Fayetteville for safe keeping. ! Washington Progress : We have j daring the past week interviewed a number ot farmers from all parts of the county, and nearly all tell as that their stand of corn and cotton MAX SCHWEBIN, Middle Street, at Wm. Hollieter's Old Stand, Sign of Flag. prospects for a good crop is very flittering. f Buteigh Xetcs and Obterrer : The total eost of the new Edenton Street Met bodst ' chnrcb, which was f-dedieted lawt Sanday, amounts to over WioSmv, all of which has been paid. To raise this amount ofl money required pSMeot and care fal work. March is dne to the noble ladies of the church who wltb unswerving devotion and energy for the building cause Mpi&g ;lnnBUnGemeiiI m. .?C2 .-AC 7- vi.3 ei. -.1' - . cS&Cl71 to call the attention of our Cus tomer. and, iiiends to onr elegant stock of Omt Stock ie kv nearly eemplst. ad wo aro preTvare-l to give you GOOD CLOTHING AT LOW FIGURES. -TjM f!Qliowii aci that our Sixits.gire better satisfaction than any woa eaA tqd in the city. Why t Because wc buy from the best houses, and ajaen gnirantee an article yoa can depend on it, and any irucle that does Jiot rait may be returned and money refanded. BLUB SUITS, 15.00 to $10.00. Our 10.00 Suit wc guarantee. East ojor; if it fade we return yonr money. Our line of $10.00 Suits can not be matched in New Berne so they all tag '& aa4 see us ix ym want a suit of any kind ; if we can't suit you out of stock we eaut order it for you. Wo havo as usual the finest line of STRAW HATS in the city, We: Straw Ht a speeiadty. Mackinaw Straw Hats 50c up. Wo wkh to 11 attention to our line of MEN'S FINE SHOES. Adams St Co. ' and James Means & Co.'s. We are sole agents here. Our stock of NECKWEAE is very complete, and is being constantly added to. , ; Layg line of GKNTfi' FUitKISHLNG3, consisting of Underwear, Sus peiidera, H. Hose, Garters, Collars and Caffs, etc. Trunks and- Vahaes, Btraw Mattings, Pine Straw flattings and Carpets. Nice lot of Porpoise Hide Shoe Laces. Do not buy before you see us. : HOWAfcD & JONES. i . ii . i . Boys Stacy themselves and their State, lu the first battle of the war at Big Bethel, on tlie 10th of June. l.St'.l North Carolina troops under I). II. Hill gallantly repulsed the Federal troops under Bea"st Butler; and on the historic hills at Appomattox, on the Oth of April, iso'5 , North is much better than usual, and the i Carolina troops under the gallant Grimes were the foremost in the last charge and fired the last volley. In every battle fought and victory won by the glorious old Army ot Northern Virginia, North Carolina soldiers were the heaviest sufferers. In the seven days' battle around Richmond, in the summer of ISO:.', there were 92 Confederate regi ments, and 40 of them were from North Carolina, and more than halt of the total killed and wounded were our brave North Carolinians. i i pi n-;ii.. M., i Jii ' rtnrinc the, mnnw r wirntrnpttftn " ' raised and contributed over ?3,000 i th,ere wer inf rb" of the amount. i ?,des' .an.d f llU the ot-'derate? . T . i there killed or wounded, one half BOJUioke &ev$ : It is rumored were from North Carolina. On the that the Lobdell Car Wheel Com- faUl tioltl of Gettysburg North pany, ol Wilmington, Delaware, Carolina had .JS regimen ts and -has re;ntly purchased the iron ( battalion, and the dead Coufi-de-property near Gaaton and will soon jrate8 fouml fartherest in the i'ede commence. the development of the ral liuea ou Cemetery Bulge were mine. In this county are said to North Carolinians. At Beams be conslderabre bds of hematite. Statioili in Augustt iot, after the Thia ore is known aa specular, and first e)vurts of the Confederates to Contains some magnetic grains 3ia- dislodge the enemy had tailed, the semltated throngh the mass. It tbree North Carolina brigades will assay up to GO per cent, metalic of c00ke, JlcRae and Lane con iron, with some phosphorus. All; 8isting of orjv 1750 men were or these ores are remarkably pure and dered t0 the charge, and so success are adapted to the manufacture of ful wer0 thcy that tbey uot only 8t6wl. J routed the enemy but captured 2,100 uarnam iieir: j. wo more iami-; nnsoners. At Snottsvlvaniu in prisoners. Mav. ISOl. Ramseur's brigade immortalized itself by a charge, lor which General i4ee in person lies left Durham Saturday morning, en route for Chattanooga, Tenn. This is the fourth family that has gone to that place daring the past ; thanked th-em. telling: them that month. Three of them went through ; "thev deserved the thanks of the the country in open wagons. The electric lights in Dai-ham kill War, War, War, AQCST RACKETS? IjOoL: Oxrt for tIio War country tbey had saved his armv.'! During the whole war no arjouc ou WDaccoraea every nignt, j body of troops sutlereu more and at least quart of mosquitoes j heavily in any one engagement are taken from the globes every j than did the oth regiment at Wil morning. At the least calolation Jamsburg, the Uh regiment at one tobacco fly will lay 1,000 eggs, i Seven Pines, the '.rd regiment at each of which will produce a to- Sharpsburg, the 20th regiment at Gettysburg and the 27th regiment at Bristoe Station. At Williams burg, on the oth, of May, 1SG2, the Fifth North Carolina regiment, whose colonel was your dis tinguished townsman Duncan K. and missing l'.7 out of 2 lit. At Seven Pines, on the 31st of May. 1802, the -Ith.regiment, commanded by the "bravest of the bravo' Bryan Grimes went into battle with 2o officers and o20 nou-com-missioued oEBeers and privates, and of that number every ofticer, ex cept one, and 4t2 men were either killed or wounded. At Sharps burg, on the 17th of September, 1S02, the glorious old Third Regi ment of which Wilmington is so HAVDTG JUST RETURNED FRO.M THE NORTH WITH A Large Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots . Shoes, Eats. Caps, Notions, aa4 etjt$ing you eftuvcallfor usually kept in a first class Dry Goods Store, I am determined to open war against rackets and high prices. To prove tie same I quote some of my prices : . 'Had low as o.; Srniee hat for 25c.: and for 50c. I ean give you a fine ureawai. eVud Shoes, I ean assoniah the natives. Why I can give you a Ladies' Button Shoo for 97c; m nice Foied Gaiter, only 65c. I ilo have a nice line If .adieu Low Quarter Shoes, 9Se. In fact I have a large and well selected wuk ot 8hoes, and guarantee prices to suit the times. Tnre nice Handkerchiefs for 5c. Also a nice Linen Handkerchief for 5e. aleo nave a well selected line of Gents' Furnishing Goods. good Unlaundried Shirt from 35c. to 50c. A Targe and well selected line of Neck Wear; Scarfs 2c. up to 0c. Looafut this I Wiy, I can give you bacco worm. Multiply 750 by 1,000 and you have 750,000. Thia is the enormous number of tobacco worms killed every night by the electric lights. Enough to eat up twenty five two horse wagon loads of to bacco. . Charlotte Chronicle : Burglars operated quite successfully at Black's Station, on the Air Line Toad, last Saturday night, making a big haul of greenbacks. Some tftne between ten o'clock Saturday night and daylight Sunday morn ing, the store of Messrs. Lipscomb & Howe, at that place, was broken into by burglars and the safe in the store was robbed of the sum of $G36. 47, of which only $258.55 be longed to the store. We are not informed as tt which the safe understand that it was the work of parties who are believed to be ex perts at the business. It is thought to have been the work of a party of sharpers who stayed at Black's long enough to look about and And out where they could make a good ban!, and that after getting in 2 lit. This argest -injr.,. tin-- const, n 1.0 it- by this 1 r this luck iii a 'poises do no! mil every day. and the sea is often too rough to llo.it t h'1:- This industry is an impoi ; aa; ad dition to the business of n.ir ji-dn-! -men and merchants, and we hope for its long last. Porpoises are voracious lisu eaters, and it is be lieved and hoped that catching them up will allow a large increase of those Iisl oil which they prey. There ; . -4viiJt"t....P, preuiiar about a porpoise wonderfully alei:. and one of the strongest and swiftest swimmers when frightened, vet thev will allow the flimsiest en closure to pen them, and then they become quite as lambs, bobbing up and down in the water without the slightest etl'ort to e.-cape. A eine is thrown around them made . f twine as small as a perch lis!, ag line, through which the smallest porpoise could make his way wit 1: much trying, yet will not exee;; under extraordinary circumstance -;. As soon as penned with this long, tiirusy seine i; nn:r si-art rnv these jiowerful fish, me of them over ten feet long, become gentle, and allow any amount of handling without resistance. 'To get them on shore a stronger seine made of one Quarter inch cord is used io draw t hem up. Bogue sound fanners an- doing well. Tiir seasons since May cune :n have been favorable and crops are being rapidly cleaned of grass and are looking well. The "wink ing out'' season is about over, and corn, cotton, peanuts. ie., all are being '-sided up" with clean fiesii dirt for their permeating rootlets to supply the plants with food and moisture. Manured crops icith hou crtili-erx uone others are used on Bogue sound), are es pecially looking well. Thus it is demonstrated year by year thai feeding crops makes them vigorous, strong ami productive. But though everybody knows that manuring makes better; crops, improves the laud, heightens the hopes and en larges the pleasures of the hus bandman, and withal it is well known to be, without doubt, the most reasonable course to be pur- ued in the farmer's vocation, yet this is generally neglected. The wonder is so few practice what is so apparent to their best interest. Ihe stand ot watermelons this season is unusually good, and though the season was so back ward, the vines are putting out runners, ami in ten uavs more wi.i be three or four feet ioug. The Oak Grove Sanday School of this place accepted an invita tion and joined Hull Swamp Sun- lay School in a picnic not long since. I lie day was pleasant, the lir ladened t'with the mellow per fume of the odorous jessamine and honey-suckle; the trees and shrub bery bending beneath the weight of their rich green (oilage, added to the charms of the .surroundings. uid heightened the joys of the oc casion. e received a cordial re ception at the hands of those warm hearted ami liberal people at Huh Swamp, and nothing was spared on their part to make everybody hap py. The dinner was just mag uilicent. and in a large sense de monstrated the liberality of those people. The Oak Grove School with a grateful heart hopes tore-' eiprocato this kind treatment next spring in a similar occasion here. .We shall do our best, and it will take our best to repay the kind at tention which we received at the hands of the Hull Swamp School. We regret to have to chronicle a store robbery that took place a few days ago at Pelletier's mill in this ownship. There seems to have j been several thieves in the gang, as they succeeded in carrying away a heavy booty of plug tobacco, sugar, &c. Mr. L. F. Pelletier was I the victim. He thinks lie bus a Icluetothe thieves, and has had i precepts issued for the arrest and t rial of cei tain par a - e regret to have to announce, in this connection, that Mr. V. has been opposed by certain par rej' I.'.i -Th- ::. ia-' i' ( '-irei ll. , al.ie mwn i,i time-ii Tr,i' l i i ; i r hi' i-(,:. m Ceiac'e ry Mi- 7Vn .1 : I '.ilh- 'irrd iri We.i ni.'r-.i - v 1 r. i J. "i:ii w lu re ; j f t!c tr. ire m:irk 'lern : r.: -le.'per--. k in .u n i ! over thf air - a : i ; ii,' .i i i 1 : ail : ,-tiiii c ri'ii(r:i- the oi,i aiiU con-(venin?;. 1 structure un,,-.,l by u urrrunomc-'i . ' I irefathers f.iel memory ef various ii'1 humble " lUiin, but : !- 'v.'. : -!ei:--.. oi.- -r..t.- I Ki'-nii'N. "nil the mn -tillni" ' hehl; friends. conipuniot:. kinilrnl. loved ones en earth were ;ill around us. many .'nrk.'il by Ati'.telj- pili s el monumental marble, others by j 1 .i i n rlabs that told the simple story of tli- lives, other. s'.iil by sunken mounds: s,.ir)ie names were traditi su. - im.-bwt a riieninry aud some had faded from t!," rnemoiy i f living men. All dust . Ail i ipial i:i democracy of li;iil . its nif.u r:: fu i walks t ii,...:;:ii , "J-,iJ- l tlir Itoarfl of inn m lsv!onf-r of Craven County at :;;-iilar Tlonllilj- ?lerlnei H-lil nnitf VI rs t ii on !n y I n 71 ay ) 187. 1 :i re-ccuDt of p ior: Wm. Cleve for :;. I' o r Cf. for II. Kite, $1..0: Wm. lit i ri- ! ,r V. Moore. .-J 50: Sarah Ileri fi.;o. If :.nd ehi;d. .-i.fo. for M. E. , ,! .1:. oi': Ili-i.ry Wells. fc-J.Oi): Aman il.ili i'iaii.-. .-'(.!: A. Toler for Dan K i M-,:. V, sley Uray. 2.dO: rrMH Ipurk f r J!. I.atliinghouKe. .' ' : ? I .ry l-itlin. 81 )!': Witsh. Spivcy f..r V.'m. 1' iwpn. s'1,',0: L. Austin for van i; v t- liav W,, ' thai i r-. : i U r i: i II f : the many-peopled We pondered amid if lessons of human we ti lt that it was well for us u I l.-ft. we tru-t. a - i e :.. 1 1 1 1 e l gunou I 'll y i: Wi - ii-' Ur-in-,' ,1 ri'oiu ., r J 'la. i hi d,e.- i d' New lierne a loinnoLtie I n meet a com -ti,.- liioi'i-se of North Carolina !in:io,th!y if it could, a dispute twi-en the two diocoses as to ; ret c ion if the will of thelate y !'. Smith of Orange, in its be i h uacy to the then undivided f N'oitli Carolina, and if not tl.i u o;herwip. legally. The n was aj'firovpd and afterward ' i' ii of appointment came up. nuttu'B of M-ij ir John Hughes i ric. Hon. V. p. Kodman, of ton I Ihincan K. McRea of t m. w-re sutTt-sted ai the com- linally it was referred to f the Ih ieiseto make the F.-r: t-.i con;: Ti. w r' s-.at; i '-n . ai rcrle i chnrv -pretei.r. I'acl,. l.hi.-h doah. l',i yesterda and r - ln. .nada. v.-:: :d:ics-.I:iv. S.;n An?' : . a, o; ii ; ( 'oal i viinp&t;y. l . , were suspend i y. Nearly one wr r- f!::.;. ye ' in deiinitf-Iy asp.nil ir."n -r Ae-'in. .--1 "i': ( 'elia Heritage, '; .1 iiri H. Hell for J. W. Cox.: ' F'-.r-r.e.. I .'Rott, .l.-W: Ilagar ' : ." Ce'sar ( 'onner. jjl.r.0: Ret-. N-l- p. -1 1 1'1: ,. A. I.loyd. sM.50: 1 . C . " e, ly for lidney Hrown. Si. 50:.' Westbroolc, si. 00: W. H. Griffin r s iinon i .' a cm , S 1 .(-0 . Thomas Harris., i f M. ilahn for Dan McCray. 1.50: I -ii 1:. Cunnersim. -1 00: J.Wiley and I : - "i en. Jt-ir.-i - on ('. Davis for J. , 111. r.arii-c s "'. Caesar Hecton for ii. 'I ii i ".a M .rv . . Willett, 1' ie f'l.I.iw n, i.iaiiiM were allowed, c s.ime in each case being the same claimed : Rachael Ireland, keeper Absolutely ure. ! Willi, Thl powder never vane, a surrtl ol pnrlty.itretiKth, and wboIeaotneneM. Mot oonomloal tban the ordlnry kinds, and un not be gold In competition with the mulUtad of low test, ahort weight, alum or PhoanM powdera. Bold only la oana. HOT XI. Basi. PoWMi Oo.. 106 Wall-it.. N. T. DOTU-tvdw For sale in Newborn by Alex. Miller. to app .,o m I tie" "'f t' ' ad j ii -1 iri-:to- 1 the in'o-i; Ml.-- M ir. pil'st ( 1 L)l' iC- r . am i -aoly n solnt i- e the i;u.'S and tii of Now 1 i WasioiK! ". ilmm. mittee. but .the I i -in p app oi.cti:!' i,t . Tie- di-cussion of tl.o subj-i t was 1 y Maj r Hughes. Col. At kinson r f Wilmington and Dr. DeRoa sett of W ll m i ngton . Sermons were d-liveredon Wednes day night by li 'v. Dr. I.iw is. Rector of iiareh Wilmington, on Tiun- by Rv. R. J. Walk clh Cavanl on Thursday '. Mr Fvorn of Crusswell. .:'ir:-.tr the session of the communion was on Thursday morning. pari-hes were represented 1 sixteen clergymen Ciriuan. , was lo.l i eartii c ivt killed, .iiiod f .it. iph Ft " i:v.' '.: y ir.d i r.rio . eomini that institul; The thirty- (irar.d Lod was au-i: J ' v. as laic impr tiarv aruier r i : to dig m and the Joseph II 1 it) juries, u- r. . who i:. Vurk 1 1 l ' a w v i 1 . w i o n i h yi;iii: ; v. ojr, i: iiTT. C.-C 17 s Iri Pr. ST. 00: E. Quidley, f art house .--10.00: John T. Io p-r of Cii-rciniiiil bridge, ! . 1 ! untt r. for build ing bridge r pr ng (,f siocumb s creek, . Near Market Dock, Ittiddlo St.. l.i' a. i i j tr i ".mm liuunc1! RED LIGHT SALOON, toe t'. ion by i ;.n;-i: -third iimuiid e of Cood T .- : :n Z him--'-' ,-e; .-ion li.plars a e St. James' Thursday ::i er of 11, iz J niiilu by R v and by other Council. T:. Celebrated Twentv-three in the Connm were in attendance. Its proceedings were h -.rniomous. and no question of ecclesiastical polity or practice disturb ed it- deliberations. A ri iution. ir.tr. duced by Dr. De ll s-i-:- -,nd tinaliy referred to the Com mittee ..n canons that the parishes in the In .cose that were m arrears in their assessments should not be entitled to representation in the Council, was de bated at some Piigth and referred. We regard this resolution as an unwise pr"p;isition of an eminently wise man. It s.rik-s us that it ten Is to disintegra tion and uieUr t xtraord inary circum sl.vees mi;ht I- ave the Council without a 'rnmni f.- the tran-acti.T, cf busi ness, j A resoluti in by Col. Atkinson, to de termine the nr-de and qualifications of v,ier.s in th? elections of tiie parishes, elicited soioe discus-ion of an earnest character, the eaalitication of voters without refer. ::.'e to the old customs oi some pari-hes beint: advocated by Col. Atkinson lor the resolution an I op posed by .Mr. Suteron of Williamston in opposition to the resolution. It was finally referi e 1 for report. The report of the Treasurer. 1 c. De-Ro?s-ett, we regret did not. show a very healthy !'.:ia:.eial exidbk. The atriug ent times are felt everywhere in sacred World id b-. ing held at S.irat";: Neaviy every c-.unlry i;. tie- . ri presented. Tiiere are '.-.vol: session, the hi.;h: Vor:i.v C .n and the Rigfit '-thy ' !. I the World. John Tii -in; a b '. Hamilton. Oi.t.. left Tuc- :.:y i a row on the 'o.,y in a s"iii:T. t..ki him his wife. Mjcj Vincet.:. hi sister, an three chillrcn. It posed that the boat was. upset in which sprang up shortly after tl started out. as Mrs. Thompson was washed ashore Wedm fd.o . The walls of the dilapidated 1 Nos. 5 and 7 Hall Place. No-.-, collapsed yesterday, burvirg t.-r ers. Three were e .-. tricate.: un! Seven were iujj-rcd morf or 1 ' ously. They are Frit;' Ftipp, Kopf. Daniel Duschale. -Vidian man. Cnarles S;-hriedi r. '"r Breekall and Chnrle-- Pt : i:. The tomb of t.eti. 1 1 rant, at R. I Fark. wall agaia bo d"co flowers on Monday next by Post. C27, of Brooklyn, assisted by F. D. Morgan Post and Alexander Post, of New j ork ei;y. Tuere wi moria! service read from Army ritual, and Rev. . D.. will a or ,ss r seoi fl'i 0; Marearct O.idmun. cook, S3.00: Dr.. I. F. Long, professional services, s.'".s); K. (. Meadows & Co., medi cinv'. :'r I'.'o J. J. Till -on, ag't.. rations f t poor. Sa R l.t. C. Mosely. house M. T. P.ryan. coftins snd "yh. J. A. Bryan, Com., p; r . S. W. Latham, Com., per : .ge, .-i.hu; T. II, Malli i diem and mileage, $5.00, i n of l.i idgo. ?2.r,0: W. C. r uiem. ct.PO; . M. p- r diem. .-'9.00: O. . of deeds, fees, etc.. ,ng election returns, in. sherilf, turnkey fees ' our o i: a a : i: 0 J mi tl. : 111 . n. Can. ' ; -: '. r.cor:! D. Stinis i r 'iual par: j era . i . - -- ... c '. c ummonmg jurors felci-OO, con ', ', ing lunatics S9 :J0, feeding prison ers. Si'.- CO. court coat 63.30, paid to 1 i ive Manly . "i. attention to board of c anoni-sion.ors 00; R. W. Carpenter, C S. C. court dockets. $22 US: New ! err.'.' J.e'KNAl.. advertising, 12. DO; M. Ilahn. home rent. 87.50: Smallwood .; Slover. merchandise, 1510.35; II. B. Dully, t0.2a; II. 15. DuUy, S18.2 Minor, repairing bridge, 650. CO. T"tal: support of poor, S252 partmcnt of justice, SSG.5G: miscella- uc ''.:s. .- ''20. Sj; sherifT and jail fees, l -'.'oar,. Agcregate for month. S66.9C. i NEW BEBRTE, N. C, IS WHERE YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND PURE LIQUORS Of every variety, in larfre or email quantities. Also the FINEST GRADES of. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH ! John D. Dinkins, Salesman. E. WHITMAN, Proprietor. dec22 dw Take Notice! Our store is filled with Provisions, Groceries, Canned GUods, Dry Ooods, Crockery, 5: R. N. i Etc. We keep a full line of tbe de-, Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. . o r i -Frank IFrk- lt:-d V. ith . S. Grant be a aic- -AI48O C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes. ing. We will give you low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS & BRO., ami s-'cu; the Dioce past yeiir Some of ti tneir ariear.ages and an anditiou of a small amount wa- made to their annual assessments. Tie re were other proceed -ings which e w ere un ible to attend: attcrs. The income of shows a deiicieney in the onie four hundrel dollars .' parishes were relieved of Thompson. oration. At the li.'-o ,d' l the Sharp trial then jurors in the box. hearing to friends the Ives poo! Fill. ruinated :-! -rl; Produce rcorganizati .' oi i Hi! was ;: Now "1 for lla. servici pleted o I i.i. wt ri Cov. ar.d op; A lex and i-r-'sid :xchan;; n of ti: Tin: i'i:i.s 'Nm.i. ee t; Majjr John Hughes, is apparently, intellect est of the lay meuiber and probably Dr. Hu ville.' and Dr. Lewis. Church. Wilmington, members. Major Hu: earn., .-t. oi:s brisai his ,.; Uusiii but C' and i Dr. I.- C ' . N E.NTl- iN, i f New Berne, .ally, the strong- of the Council ke. of I-'ayette- of s:. James' of the clerical lies is a big- thoughtful man and rrv much weight. Dr i-toms it New York is nearly corn Mayor Hewitt has decided to veto the resolution of the board of aldermen granting franchises t.; certain electric light eompanic:- under nutri tions. Twenty '.ran:-.- Ljar-F.- ! a : train on the Now York Penn-v 1- a. vt uerable. sou,ew hat iimrni. n -ci. nt ious and thoughtful nua s always heard with attention, wis ;s a younger and more vig- and Ohio WediH'S-Li;. liler.ddy p. Kent, local the tramps . Railrr ad . an I . frui: ; the the party ere w ..r K'-: 1 th anl provei is caj ture.l r - u i'a r n.. a.l an i . '. c. local train : ell'orts to brine; the uc- ties in his euseil to trial. Such lawlessness ought to receive the condemnation oft-very honest citizen Hmong- us. and instead d" hampering an ell'oi t to ascertain the guilty ones all should join in and give our cordial aid in ferrettinc out the thieves. wounded, among the latter being ; E . Imui is inri0cent in law until its gallant commander, Col. V . L. I provcn guiltv, and it does not at all DeRosset. In the first day s tight I deti act from the character of the at Gettysburg the I wenty-sixth : accuse(1 to be anestcd if he shows Kegi meat lost 54! t men out of Sun, tl ial tha, tue arrest was ground- onuis man. with a head that a phrenol ogist Would smack his lips at the sight of. and what he says is no protest against his phrenological ii-vi lopment. Dr JeRossett is a wonderful old man. in the manhood of his old agv. Lie is on the verge of octegenary. but an ac tive, alert, vigorous man. full of vivaci ty, but of that genial oignnied vivacity which becometh t 1 ! ag lie is the sole survivor of 1; memorable graduating class of 1 -s-l vvbi-m pro duced a Graham a I'lierry. an Outlaw, a Moore, a Promf.eld Uidioy. a John ston, a Simms. and others known to fame, whoso memory long lingered there as the ablest class that the Univer sity had ever sent out to fields of u-o-. fulness and honor. The father of Dr. DeRosset closed his earthly pilgrimage at 'J.' vears. and may his representative a or., i Kent. climbed into a box car. and were locked up by the conductor. Just before reach ing Akron they kicked the do L.n.1 jump ol from the trin -. nil speed . ! 'lie. lire Raiaied (d'eaf I.w f Life. P. 'da.--. -Jay 25. The Opara Comique j aught fire this evening, and in a few moment- the whole building was v ,a. , , . i a v- ' ,very pair warranted to cive satin- wrapped 111 1'amen. Nineteen persons 1 faction K 0 1 " a:--' laiov.n to be dead, fourteen of i r-- , . .... w horn were killed by jumping from the lnJ0 merchantf the people windows. Forty-throe persons were I fS"a"fIP JLTT'PJS in icred. It is feared that manv wpre . mlne Our large Stock before purcha.- crushed to death in the galleries. The lire broke out during the Orst act ' of the opera "Mignon." One of the wings caught lire from a gas jet and ! the entire stage was immediately envel- South Front tt.. New Berne. JV. O oped in liames. The fire 60on spread to - the whole house. Madame Merguillier 1 T? frr Timn the Craud and .MM. Tasquin and Bernard were on x-ixic, John lihev , the stage when the tire broke out. All ' the actors ran out in their stage cos tumes. A large part of the audience got out easily, but the gas was turned off be fore ail had eft the building, and it is 1 eared that some were left in the upper j li' rs. The roof soon fell in, sending : showers of sparks as far as the Place de , ia i;..)ur-:e. With the exception of Mad ame Seillier. who perished in the dames, till of the actors escaped, though several of the supernumeraries were injured severely. 1 ive oo iies. terribly burnt, wire con veyed to the National library. Among i rhein was the body of a woman clasp- ing a lutlc boy in iier arms. "Jhe money . receipts were saved and deposited in the Gaulois oliice. MM. Ooblet, Thi baudin and Gragnon were on the spot soon after the tire started, and they re mained throughout with the fire of ficials. Nineteen persons are now known to dead. Many of them were supers. 1 'no man who wanted to rescue his hi "tlier and ristrr raved and tore his hair and menaced with a stick the peo ple who stopped him from rushing into tue blacmg building. The cene out side was one of the wildest excitement. F ailing embers struck horses in the surrounding streets, causing tliem to plunge and rear. Flames shot out of every window, forcing the crowd into ' the narrow streets, where the crush was 1 gave .cnts 1 IF ' it ;-n: pen full Plaster, Cements Goat Hair .R. O. E. LODGE. CKAVEN 8TKEET. Ilelovv Kxpress Office. ranv22 dliawAw SC. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND the manner in justly proud went in with ."CO.1 was opened, bnt ' and lost ;.;. nmstly m the slant 1 space ol au hour and a had. (Jut of its 27 ofiicers. -4 were killed or ' live to t.e a nonagenarian lie to chronicle that fact, son. of Wilmington, i.- a .-; 1 "a 1 man if God , the Thomas Atkins m. of toe . North Carolina. C.,1. At':: unlike his father in pi.y.-a- d tiun. with soinethinc of his practical good sen on with apparent sincerity of niaum pose, and the same unot-r.t conscious forgctfulr.oss of .. in d mav va AtU in to at oe- Pishop aa s- of i is r. it la-e 1 D Colifo I. lain the ; r and al iou -. e ' ' h -: including its youthtnl regiment were panies lrom Chatham county, k,nU ir.tn l,.,t l,.lttl,. ,,-lfl, 1 Y U IO tl CU U 1ULU LUaL I'rtllR 1 L 11 165 men and lost 107. We doubt I , their wort:, they left the town on j the gallant Harry K one ol the early morning trains. in this Goldaboro Mestenger : We learn that the suit of Mr. Jesse Scott against the Western N. C. railroad, which was submitted to arbitra tion, has been settled by the rail road company paying Mr. Scott the 8nm of $3,000, besides the costs in the case and a part of the medical expenses. The Hornets ! Nest Riflles, of Charlotte, will A Klce All Wool Blue Plannel Suit, only $7.00. A flnnd DifuronaJ SniL Black nr Erown. for $9.00. Al.,, .- tW Cp.U. M.Uin-. Oi, C.,1,.. Trnnk. 1 KC. W Z titnefcfter the 40th of Jane. The day Is not yet positively fixed, at which time Mr. Bon it z will make In I fall explanation of the causes lead- Cmoi ! Com all eoBTtowtttaat I tan U Good to tbe Iieadquartcr? of tl, Cheaper Than Any -The City. War Department, arid bt Other Hovise "'nel , less. When oflieers ol' the law Burgwyn. ' com,. out passionately and boldly tWO Cl.dll- ' ....surf tint the accused roirfies iro , ClOOll lOLll 144.. 1.1,... . ,H,11V.. HI' innoeent before the case is heard. ,md actively engage in throwing nlKhn l.'i; in the W.1Y Of lnviMU'i- if there was 8nch a loss in any tioQ .iml trial? it sets a bad prece other companies in any battle cl dent and violates their 8WOru ob the war. At Bristoe Station, on ligatioil to the State of North Car,. the 13th of October, 1S0J, the two:,m.l as ieaoe officers. We hope North Carolina brigades ot Cook!tuat thls mav never again occur and Kirkland made one ol anion" us ' '. V, S. bloodiest charges of the whole war,' Samlers's Store. M.iy 20. l.s's:.' probably join the Goldsboro Ilifles one regiment alone t tne iweuty- ; - in tne Jioreiiau jiy encampment "i up; was ( auef tl ABm i i next moathf-y It is with feelings losing -'Ji out oi uo. i comic 1NG VND )RlyKyC,. I-. O of deepSfrrgret and anxiety that mention numerous other instances Lenz Ur ('rernia!1 traveller wejMjfee the mere Announcement i Lue u,ea . IL'- fUiK,ul ; has lately retuined to L, urope tbJsmdrnine that the .xemoval of -onn . aronua uoop. u M'r ' io . ari.(,s the Afl.; ta irtasT?vm?T fft'tha aoitv nfpatience were not already ex Wumlngton iajontemplated during ujumcu. uui c-u.-uu uas um, thelatter part of Jane, here it : cited to prove that there were Hf rwttnVJiiihw. .siailiT t.n wwtlv I charges made by North Carolina in d as self-sacrificing as the world re nowned charge f the immortal "six hundred'' at Balaklava : miss that tir.ely bene vob nt face heavenly mann. an 1 ma 1 e ni1. n : modu hit and that r that w d vt.: suave, an all 1 i-- y r ei rue I ur i! n t we that , ily. art - FOUI.D.N Nddd -In 'Vt ii.-re ( an It lie I on: El-IToH Jot I.NAL:- In lie- J Wednesday. "Lnouirer." i sioii. sas: "Now we woul 1 much to kno w where The (.; be found: what organii.e.1 body has been made the s de of truth, and consequent. y tl, authorized t admini-tec things." As an humble dit-ciple o; Jesus Christ, and having r ad of God more than the man;. ;' creeds which weld tagcth' r t ous sects in the world. ;. the Fhble that Tbe Cm. i n wa.- inaugurated and fo'ioae co.-t. the day on wha 'nl' t. r ; the terms of pardon to a'u. n the great ingathering o:i tna that thereafter all who were the Church" became Chii-l:a plying w ilh toe s ;;oe t'-rio-ttiveu lo- Christ :'ist bel'"la- la to his Father. Tin.::, fv bo.'ly (.f Christian believers Church in name, the Chin d: ' r Church of 1 i : a; oi ai 1 --.s i the Church wai v the same si'irit and judgment. T.e . the same tiungs. t o-y o'ae .-.i con. man, is. an d en c a a d promiiej. : k". ed or stiou : . a i v 1 lie-re Wa acticed t' i to 1 ! ill! s 1 Jan i pair 1 1 i. -: o Com mens cl- ait-mo-m Sir James F'erguson. p-irli .mer.tary secretary fur the foreign cUce. intimated that no ri'ply had y, t been received from the 1 "cited States government to Lord Hal isburv's ii ispatch of March ci in rolsti-n p. ing to the removal. Ve may say, however, in this connection that ' ACC'ErTINQ His. Al'"I.eiiV.- Have never gien you credit for aid - t ; fesliop Building, opp. Baptist drarch. . JjJ3, A yaOMAflr StT.XflnOrT. mr25 dwtf I the friendship and welfare of ! knowing very much madam."' s. ! Goldsboro and its ood people will a blunt old bachelor: but " '-Sir."' 'ever remain dear to the MKSSEN-lshe interuptcd, "do you wish to iu- aiEH and its editor, and arrange- suit " "Bnt," he continued. -I have ments will be made to thoroughly , always admired your giaco and represent them, the removal not-j beauty." '! accept your apology." withstanding. said the lady. car w 1 1 o after a journey across tue Atricin caci tineut, performed almost wholly c:: foot, preserved perfect health (hir ing his extensive explorations. Ha never ate raw fruit or drank unboiled water," says the Vienna correspondent of the London Tina. "He liv ed mostly on rice, chicken and tea. Wine and spirits he did not touch, lie was also caiel.il to avoid bathing in the rivers and pools of clear, cool water, so tempt ing to travellers, but which so oKen give deadly chilis, lie divs-i d ::: tlannels and exposed hin.seii' as little as posfoie to ;;:gl,: :i:r." He did not have even :i sin gle attack of fever or other seiioiis malady, and he attributes his im munity largely to these precautions. to i he iisheri ures. Ii approa f. roe 1 dispute. ; sa i 1 . woul I be Inn,,' il.-hi. i i- miliar mi .Pled for u as v. cia a. ernnr .ul ii: t; l n '. ' tnt-r a: Crew io; 1-iU.V' ia 1 Pal.::- i-iv day s-Iil M1. e r., leaver t liiiilie an. I!"t. M. M. l.mcie that a ca: Du F-rc. who. ecu r.'e .- ; ;go ti: i- . . la sav t Maruf. f'u: men;-. irregul t! hilz:- i An -r.il n 1 Fr . i'le was e c : n e t t :m a cahi ly reCelVe J l. beaeving n i. .1 undi. r 1 :a ycin-t. ;.aa :vc the t to idol 1 V for.h .- ,:,- l. ni Then, iht re were iiriu,.- of the roe differently named b.uies w!,i. now- iind scattered over th.e lan that day there were "chuichts. they were known only Fy ni. hi. is Riven in the Word of C o,J : ;i: followers cf Jesus were known . as discij.les of Chri-t. or Chr: L',ut when apostasy entire:, making be.-an. and mime;"- c w ere organiz-d . each bavin; a differ in;; fiom anotiier: and slowly accumulated. 1,01111:1:.: names, belt:;; i i . . v- r: . . i ot until we rettirn '. t' . "f Apostolic t. 1 dona a-oi - a. vested of ci'Ce: c i. o.o.' a- '' ' 'c .. ' as . ;; r . , a' fe.-i: t ractn e. will we be d a;. ":he i.u ileavi niy Father." d'iie sa:: of pardon fur alien sim;.:.- in A; .lays is ihe same law ,, t. a:: i tinue to be the sano- v.r.t 1 " '. ... be no more. Therefore, ia ansv.a t,. '.: . and all ( th.er seekerd afu r ti .:; '...uld say. that the i i,n-a .a without any creed but t-e Di " who teach its simple term.- .a p ; sinners, an i who prat !: things as did Christians io A: ti rrn'ic. . iigiirjiito Says there were 100 per - as oi: th" lage w hen the tire broke it. She heard the glass falling like a had -nrni. hut told the other girls not to mind it. Hut while she was speak ing a column of llame burst through the v. ings w ith a roar, and all rushed peil-meil from the stage. Many police men were' in jure d . L''M''.v. May 20. The liav as Newt. Agoney of Fans places the number of P- i - - killed ami injured by the lire in lie- i o, ia Comique last night at r -:y. '1 ti.ea're was completely de- . a o ', , 1 F : I- Mav 'Ji! --'Joe i iimli'T of per- a ..... i is: their in ; - b tlie burning ! : i... )j i r.i Comique last uight greatly ' a !- the previous estimates. Fifty i - i.a.a.' already been recovered, ... ': - :::.. e-timate.- place the number a :.;:. a and wounded at not less than t .'. ' i,i!.:.!r,'.l. An excited crowd to i. . - a ir. ,ii n.l 1 the ruins, which were co .ci' d 1 y a military cordon. Many . . :: o-.io s Tin s w ere witnessed v, laio the friends of the victims a waited e : , .', ', -. ry of tluir remains. The : -.a i umeni proj-os. s t" idosp several of the i'aiis theatres because of their de- ii a nay in exits. The oiiicials are endeavoring to '.o.di.a rate the lo-s of life. The large noma, ;- of bodies found has alarmed : ! .e public. General Merchandise AOOIXO AND TIKS, Ktc. Consignments of Grain, Cotton and other Produce solicited. l'roinpt Attention Juaranteed. N. W. Cor South Front and Middle 8t N i:Y HERNE, N. C. : : ; i 11: Advantage of Insuring in the oiiiietticut .Mutual Life. 'i ae Company is peculiarly strong by tec-a-mof the character of its businea and its liuancial condition: with over f jrty years experience. It oders no speculative inducements. It has no special class of policy-holders w ho are to get the dividends earned an 1 forfeited by others. It has no so ekholders to absorb profits directly r ina irectly. iavery policy-holder is, therefore, sure of getting his insurance at its actual cost to the company year i v -. ear; the surplus earned being ro- F fo him lie:. hi, it the end of each year, risks ith great care and r. -w bn m, '.' f..r as tla ii! pei mit. of our own only at such ,Ti tinue to give -t. at least as all in the rate : 1. . t, .. ith t '. . i. .' troops, w who OCCUpi gcmer.t v. I v t! days, is l uiem too depository whi -in are conimitte ti ai in Iv thi. ;-s ' : :iv : , - u re: 1 : i t.-r : n or, - in W ill a. I w i I a ,ov ls.sueu proviiies that, sc aftr two or three is re paid, it isf fully o,i' unt staled upon the any anion on the part : al- o gives large cash ars. w hich are print e policy: hence each id he pays for. and o ti iei- ie Afci. ,nv otlier memDer pays N :.'.' i ia ide to lose because he .oo'; c ntin.io paying; no one else a-'is at his expense F'or full particu--.T inquire of William It. Oliver, ... ,.. y.,,vi r:, x ( '. MOST BRILLIANT, ' PURE & PERFECT LENSES In tlio W orld. They are as 'transparent and colorla as light itself, and for Hultness or mduranoe to the eye. cannot be excelled, mauling the , wearer to read ror liours wltbout fatigne. In I facl . they in e , I'KKKKCT SKillT l'KKHKRNKRS. 'I'eKliirninialB froin tbe leading phyBtclans In the I nlteil Htales, Oovernora. Benatori, Legislatore, Blockmen, men or note In all pro- i fes8 ons, and In dilTereni branches of trade, bankeiK. meolianlcs, etc., can be given who have had their sight Improved by their line. .I4L4 EYES FITTED AND THE HI' GUARANTEED BY F. S. DUFFY, Druggist, marK SEW BKRtS'K, N. C. ly GEORGE ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implements. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Hoes and Acxes, Wood's Mowers and Reapers, Steam Engines, Cotton Oins and Presses, Fertilizers. Land Plaster, Kalult Mechanics Tools and Hardware, Lime, Brick, Cement, Plaster Hair, Paint, ltalsomine, Var nish, Oil, Glass, Putty and II air. Freezer., Refrigerators, OH Cook Stoves, Eureka Burglar Proof Sash Locks, warranted to privo security and satisfaction. PRICES VERY LOW. (IF'O. ALLEN & tO. ; av'-:-4.".,v - . ."tv - V-V-i -...4, j. 'T r: v.. J ' .-- . ' - ''! '. --taV- mi . t 44 ;'"1 . ". ' - ' . xK- a--' 'fa 'ft. '' 2C t .5 ; (1 ;

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