7 " - "ti' 4 i'-T-s- I . a," ' ' C V ' r ' t - .T -&? 4T " rr t i - i. ' r t ' , Vv S - -"nrr INDEPENDENT IN ALL THING S. PifrtUrt. iUEfKJt, NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JUNE ). !ss VOL. X. NO. 10. 1 i. W Time. Some have ptauty, some have more, v"' - - We have enough and so much to spare V1 To talk to yoo matters concerning our store, whicb ia fet and sabetance is jast this, that we haven't had any fair htfflefeWxier. to tell von. that oar new spring goods have come in, and -wbailOtm better we Lave aold a lOI CDOflgQ K) DTCSK luc immeuai: X2Jj$ST.2B3S GOODS in the new leading shades, ? - yhtfgtik.mu,- Tehgkan, India Lawns, Piques, Em fcroiereire! Bobes and so on. t ' " Qiail-atlo&s, Handkercliiefs. fntoni, ' injs, Everlasting Trimmings, Embroideries, Para- nla in various stvleo in - f ZlLTrti fctATlK CLOTHING in any quanUty for Men and kJs Plenty of Shoes at all prices, betides the well known Ziegler Bros. make. Gents' Hats, Neckwear, "d to forth. Pants Goods from 10 cU. per yard to tl.75. Furniture, Furniture, Glassware and Groceries, ia trath most anything needed tb at may add to your happiness, which you will surely to Tours sincerely. OETTINGEE BROS., -si of "The Celebrated Pearl Shirt. 111S CLOTHING to th Star lately occupied br Wn. Hoi lister, where with more Room to d isplay , i MnMMdi Stook. It ia, with th assiatanoe of . - prvparsd la stiow and sell at Hard Paa Prices , Th FINEST, NOBBIEST, NEATEST. PBETTTJEST and BEST nSJUJY-UADE CLOTIIHIG, Gents' WuTiishlng Goods, Straw, Derby and Fur Hats, . i ., Boots and Shoee jIi' 'J . - Drv Goods. Etc.. Etc. I AM SOUS AGENT FOR tn l i iiniES'in's cilf seud U50 shoes P - I Tfeorr Six soM In this eltr that arc WA.R3.AJrT 14 ED: br Xbm Hf""" TO MK sad BT MS TO MT I 1 CUarOlUfBa. vie Svsrypalr Is WwtwMriliNM f taref tbm la aay '. (l-r NI.I win asoa v ax a a luuteHiliiiCnw. uTHUBiivso istagnii arervs AJfonaa saw par nr urawot It is th test, a Mat aad ulissixsr &hoa ia ths world for th bmbt. TImt earn ta Battoo. flaln aad Saarp Toad. Ooosraas add Laca TJp Otinas 1 aara HiiIt- TrTr frosa aoma of oar bw and laad tm dtlxana. who havs bocht Vha "B A.TTL.JSS 8HOK," aoaaa of wbtok havs worn ooa pair as Vonc as If moatha. aad aroaoaao tt Um Best, Chaapaat and Easteat Wear tag etaos In ta world. TMKWeafaU 4a Inspection of Uoa to all vorehasias froas as. Hlddl Street, at Wm. a ' mm w '07 Springfltinouneement 87 tWOi.wisli to CaU ihJL ttetitiou of our CnsL tomexs and frienis ta our elegant stock of "Spring Clolhfng and Gents' Furnishings. Omr" Stock ia nair nearly eotnplete, and we are prepared to jjire jou GOOD CLOTiUNG AT IXW FIGURES. IrW'a welVhwwi fart that er Snita give better satiafaetion than any worn aaa &4 ia tfea eitj. Wh j ! Because we buy from the best honsca, and vhea we guarantee an article you can depend on it, and aoy article that does ot suit atay 1m returned aad money refunded. BLTJ SUIia, to $10.00. Our 10.00 Suit we guarantee fast ior ; if it fries return your money. Oar Um of $10.00 Suita cannot be matched in New Berne so they aUiay B sWo amJsee as ii yoa want a suit of any kind ; if we can't 8uit you out ef stock we caa order it for you. a'aave as aauai the fiaest line of STRAW II ATS in the city. Boji 50. Btraw Hats a speeialty. Mackinaw Straw Hats 50c. up. WawuktooallatteationtoourHBe of ME2TS FINK SUcy rV.a A Co.'s and. James Means & Co.'s. We are sole agents here. Oar took of N"ECKWEAJ ia very complete, and is being constantly add4 ta. Larga Ihrapf GBirTS f UBNISHLNGS, coniistiDg of Underwear, So pendsrt. QJBom, Garter, Collars and Cuff, etc. Traaiaaa4 Valiaes, Btrmw Mattings, Pine Straw Matting and Carpets. Ilioe lot of Porpoise Hide Shoe Laces. Do not buy before you see us. HOWARD & JONES. War, War, War, ACiiT RACKETS! Xook Out for tlie War I HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM THE NORTH WITH A Large Stqck of Dry Goods, Clotliiiig, Boots s Shoes, gats. Caps, Notions, aad Ttrjibiag jon caa. call for usually lept in a first class Dry Goods Stote, I am determined to open war Yvgainat rackets and high prices, la prove the same I quote some of my prices : jTJaU as low aa 0c.; a nice hat for 25c.; acd for 50c. I can give job a fine ohai Aad Bhoe, I ean astonish the Batvrej. .Whjl can give you a Ladies' Batkm Shoe for 97e.: a nice Fo'xed Gaiter, only Coc. I also have a nice line f Ladle Lew Quarter Shoes, 98c. In toek ot Bhoso. aad guarantee prices to suit the times, three niee Handkerchiefs for 5c. Also a nice Linen Handkerchief for 5c also have a well selected Use of Gents' Furnishing Goods. A. raad (Talaaadried Shirt from 35c. to 50c. A largo and well aelected line of Neck Wear ; Scarfs 2$c. up to f)0c Look at AiaJ, WJ, I aa f Joa : . latca''Wfiol Bine Flannel Suit, only $7.00. 3 'Afiood Diagonal Suit, Black or Brown, for $9.00. AiM.temuMai VaVJ HW, VaVlUctS - ' CBt) I Ceme all ! to the Headquarters of the S ar Department, and be oarlswraalTean 8U Ytttl Xnr6 Cheaper Than Any Other IJuae In ' l' Th City. i , 1 -. ...rVvmrnriq-VirTwiT. VJilfS good quantity of them lS.f wuui uucut in i.uc imiuua , ti.n w fact we cannot enumerate all we hare procure by giving yon EUPORIUU way ftuu any nuooioe tun. ratarn of dmaal patr sad stat- our Stock and guararrtse entire satlsfic- MAX SCHWEEtN, Hoiiistsr's Old Stand, Bixu of Flag. fact I have a lsrge and well selected Matting:, Oil Cloths, Trunks and rv.MrvT ajaUa li maVHVJf Bosi Bi3i34i2ig- opp. Baptist (touch. marzo awtr SUPERIOR COURT PROCEEDINGS. j Trial of Charles V. Jone for the Mur I der of hi Wife, Tempa S. Jones. On the lit of May, 1887, the body of Tempa 8. Jonea, a white woman, wad found in Neue river, near Maple Cy press. An inquest waa held, which re olted in the arrest and imprisonment of her husband, Charles F. Jones. On vrus Dill or inukcimsut ior muraer. ia rrai UtkaohL Messrs... tl-M p qWt'Wrnit appeared aldfie for -the CM. T tM ras set far WdsM dt,bhJa, and special erfrs' of CM handrad o dared. WadaMdajr norning at 10 o'clock court was called, "a considerable crowd in addition to the special Ten ire being present. Th prisoBer, a maa abojt five fe,t ten inches, dark complexion, jet black hair, brown eyes, short thin whiskers and mustache, head of rather an idiotic shape, of stout build, weighs perhaps about one hundred and sixty pounds. patronage , and it about twentjr-fivB to thirty years j jury by witneB8M maJe a cas4 Gf rre jold. lie was brought in and seated : meditoted murder. as charged in the i near his counsel, who during the pre-; lndictmerit. Ue joined the evidence jliminary arrange men is for beginning the trUl held close consultations with i forced jt with ft hiRh depr(le of ,,arne8t-him- nees." m i ; , it i t . iu special Tiwixe oemg caneu , .w licitor White called the witnesses for the State ajrd. anaennced his readiness for trial. JThe prisoner's counsel, after some dsiajr to ascertain if witeesses w e rs prewegK announced that they were readAl&'browed. TfifcUoirtag gantUmen of the regu-; -Juror- OUver MiteoHoott, . wv k. ionn, noan Powirt, ooI'W. ''X Gaskins and W. N. TinglaV 'TrtnVIM apeoktl venire, lied -ding Mctilii.cL, W. H. Feilderson, col., E. Taotar, col., S. S. Ststsn, col., W. n. S. TtrrnOT, Samuel Black ledge, col., and F. Boesser. The solicitor read the bill of indict ment, the prisoner standing during the reading. The following witnesses were sworn fox the State : Susan Wcstbrook, Gaston Weetbrook, Pea roe Ransom, Mary Bays, Charity Daly, Joe Manly, Shade Ktrk man, Henry Brown, W. H. Adams, L. w. amitn, iraeiKoacrj. uarayette ivirt-j man. Dr. R. a. Cobb. ! Qu.art took a tepees to one o'clock. . j :CoSut c$mmeacai sit two 'slock. j The testimony was voluminous and j entirely circumstantUf. The evidence waa that the prisoner masied in Octo ber, 1SS5, Tempa S. Weetbrook; that they lived together for a few months with his wife's ftber and mother, that ey did not. Ura in peace the whole of the time; that their trouble led to a demand by Jones in May, 18S6, for a diyorce, and that he said if she did not agree to ! court took a recess until 3. ih would have one anyhow; that there j afternoon session. was a child' born in August after the' At 3 o'clock Ilia Honor took his seat, marrjiagy October, and that Joaeavdtd j Case 50, State vs. Cyrus Westbrook aetKvew4th her after that timers j fttld Dempeey Bell, was called and set he went to the north side of NeuBe j for triai t-ia morning at nine o'clock, river and waa working on the farm of ! TnE closino scixes of the jones tri a i.. a Mr. Kirkman and staying at night at J just M the hands upon the dial of the a Mrs. Haddocks in the neighborhood, ; great clock in the court room pointed and that he asked Kirkman if hecould at g:15 the door jeading from the jurv not get a divorce for him from his wife room gwung open and the solemn pro and license to marry a Miss Haddock, ceeaion of jurors filed into the boxes, and he waa informed that it could not A breathless silence prevailed while the badone: that he went to the house of his ! cjer canei the roll. Gentlemen of wlleti father on the last day of Ap id, the jury,'' said he "have you found a 1877. Staid with his wife that night, was very restless and slept with a knife under his pillow, and also appeared to be on good terms with his wife and wanted her to go with him to the north side of the river where be was at work; ! that she left her father's house on Sun day with her baby and a sack of clothes with her huband', that they were seen on the same day about twelve o'clock about one mile from the river where aha) was said to have befti drowned, and that be was abusive to her at that time and told her she would repent her bargain before he got to the plaoe she was going, that be was sees a the north tide of the river the ssrnje day between three and four o'clock In the afternoon with Ura child and sack of elothes;.ttath told that his wife had been drowned by the stnkinwof the boat in the middle of tbe I rirer, and that itre told him to take the child and save it and himself; that he said he swam ashore with the child. ! It was also prored that he had lo wade ; across a slough in going from the river and that he was not wet above the waiat j nor was the child wet; that the boat which he crossed the river in was not ' sunk but was safely landed ou the north ids, and that it belonged to one Pearce Ransom wbo found in it a stick which he saw Jones wttb on . th$ cd$y he ! alleged drowBteg; tha traek;of a man and woman were BeextrwHar this boat landed and followed upto an un- j occupied house a few hundred yards from the river and back to the river j blow where the boat was landed ; that signs of a violent scuffle were to be seen I on the banks of the river; that Jones j whan asked to give the particulars of the drowning stated that his boat began to sink on the opposite side of the river anc? -64 "or V yards belaw where this soQfSa occurred; that the body was found aboua-twenry-five or thirty yards below where the scuffle was and on the same side of the river; that there were thirteen imprints of a thumb nail on her throat. It was also proven by Dr. R. O. Cobb, who made the poet mortem examination, that, in his opinion, death was produced by choking, and that the body was in an unconscious state before Doing thrown into the river. The above is a synopsis of the evi dence upon which the State rested its case when the court adjourned to nine o'clock Thursday morning. SECOND DAY. The prisoner was brought in. looking ; somewhat dejected aad much more in- tereated than on the first day. The defence offered no evidence, resting the case on that already intro- duced for the State. THE BABY IN COURT. The little child who was claimed to bare made the perilous passage across the river the day of its mother's death, was regularly in attendance during the week, in the arm a of its grandmother. It frequently reminded the vast assem bly of its presence either by its innocent prattle or wail of discontent at the un- usual eurrountiine to whicli ubjecte 1. His Honor recalled l'earee II in som and questioned him in refer ence to the identity of the bout t ikon hy : Jone8 on the day of the de!ith Defence movod that the irn.-;(i'uti n be confined to cue of the trl i-o'.ints in the indictment, which was nol KriltlteJ by the court, ami exivpti"na tatcn hy defence. TFIK Ahi.L'MKNT F. U THE 1'Kl'iCNi i: was opened by 1'. II. I'uiletier. who, ia the courne of remarks. ie- elared that the whoie i-:ine rt-sted on circumstantial evidence. ;nid ij-ioted the rules governir; ouch jvidenee. claimiag for the prisoner at the liar the benefit of any reasonable doubt that might be in the minds of the jury. The circumetances and evidence were ably reviewed ,and an earnest appeal made for the unfortunate prisoner Geo H. White, State's attorney, then opened for the prosecution. He re echoed the language of th9 gentleman who had just addressed the jury, that they had a grave responsibility resting upon them. The law must be respected ; the jury did not make thoeo laws and were not responsible for them. Ho ran over the evidence and argued that the cirnumstanops ax dtailrtl before the to ; , j u? manDer and erj. j p0 argument for the defense was resumed by W. "V. Clark, Esq. Mr. Clark opened with the assurance to the jury that what he might say in beba!f of the prisoner would be the last words submitted to them by any one for him, and he felt the responsibility the greater. For him8elr and the lury he invoked tho ; direction of God Aim ig ghty who alone was able to guide them to a correct con clusion, Mr. Clark with much ingen uity raised the hypotheses of murder in the second degree; or willful drowning by the deceased, who after crossduR the river, and going up to the untenanted house, had resolved to go no further and returned to the river with the intent of going back to her father. In the effort of Jones to prevent her. a scuffle eneued and he may have unin tentionally choked her to death. In his efforts to get her to accompany him to their new home, in the heat of njm and rushed maaly into the river, to her own destruction. These hypothe- see, it was ably contended were more reasonable than that of premeditated mnTAT . hv thn imMscnHnn. His Honor then charged the jury in clear and comprehensive terms, re- o.nitntin7 with irront. carpf n 1 n pss t h e evidence in the case which was for the benefit of the jurv. The eridrafo, His Honor stated, made either a case of" murder or nothing. The jury took the case at about 2 o'clock, and the verdict '.'"' "We have. " said the spokes man. Mr, F. Boesser. "What do you find V" "Guilty, said the spokesman. The roll was again called, when each i juror responded, gunty. The prisoner received the verdict with comparative composure, making no visible display of emotion further than that state of agitation plainly per ceptible throughout the proceedings of the morning. Counsel for the defense made a mo tion for a new trial, which will proba bly be argued this morning. The prisoner was remanded to jail. A paper addressed to Judge Shipp by the foreman of the grand jury, setting forth that witnesses and jurors at this term of the court were not receiving the cash for their tickets, was then read by 11. K. Bvran, Ks.:.. at request r vo rrr Mr. Jan. A. Bryan, chairman of the; board of county commissioners, ex- j piained that the reason of this was that ; the treaBurer 0( the county had received i D0 fundg Irom tne tal collector, the rfar.tsT havinc- rmid them over to the late treasurer. But that arrangements would be made to pay the witnesses and jurors. The case of State against Guilford Johnson and George Johnson, larceny, was taken up, a iurv impanelled. V,'. K. CIarte appearing with the Solicitor and the L. J. Moore for the defence. The jury took the case and had not agreed up to the adjournment of the court. State vs. David Hines, was submitted and judgment suspended upon payment of cost. State against Petteway. A nwl )rus was entered, the defendant being now in the penitentiary. State against Bryant Gaskins. An alias and continuance was asked for. State against Wm. Johnson A. M Ii. Guilty. Three months in the county jail. The court adjourned to 9 o'clock Fri- day morning, FRIDAY'S P110C IIEDINOS. j At 9 o'clock sharp. Judge Shipp took ; bis seat on the bench. Crier Quidley mads the proclamation and business i hsgun. The lirst before the court was the case of State against Cyrus Westbrook 1 and Dempsey Bell for larceny of one ox or steer, the property oi John Henry Jenkins, jr., which was allege 1 to have been stolen and taken to Kinston for gale. The witnesses were called j and all answering. A jury was t of case lm-wit-was 'panelled. After a long lis ; nesaes was examined, the ! argued by W. E.Clarke and L J. Moore for Westbrook; Clement Manly for Bell, and the Solicitor for the State! ' His Honor charged the jury and the j oase was given them. After a short re- tirement the verdict of guilty was rendered. The jury, in the case of State againat Guilford Johnson and George Johnson, rendered a vBrdict of not guilty. "William Moore, who had plead guilty br'i'ii.'1 .t in e.iT i th J:-.:.t a a.-.ch.-r. i:. , hi i h lh ;m tence It'1! rt.-- e:.r- r, t:, ; . tiar;,-. j n,-teaclu-r a:i. i pre tunite h.".:r for , hi." iMilin.: 1 an u :.la w f ul a ; lot of the fine ' 1 , i u;nor rifk in , - tb.it of iljba.'s or u il nig up a Mr. J. L. lihem and taiii; .' Vm r th" river to rtell. Tiir caw ji .u-.ie ag;iu.-,t (.'. 1; l'oy. ot'' "f the ju-itices '( the peace, indicted for failur.' i" re-turn e;t,s tried, waa taken up I y r'-pi-'.-it. Slmni ;:s & Slanly attorney f.-r the -iefVii.l.Uit. A ::i ;ion to quash wa- mn-le. a. i w.-.- .;ra.ii--l by t le .curt Tlie .:ate ap;e.iled, t.n i ill th-' oilier ca'es against the ju-ti'-e re con tinued to wait the result of thiJ. Court a i i lurned to M.m lay ne .ri: ; n ..lo.-l;. if V L A lil- A i KN. i.At 1'Al li IHU'EATS HIM BY IVifU ).?..! AT THE CAI.l'MKT CoURsi'. OiiK'aoo. May :So. The threat three , mile race between Ilanlan and (iaudaur occurred at the Calumet cour?e today for the championship cf America and S5.000 to iHakpp. A slight ruu;;huei- of the water had no deterring in il ueiK-e. and the start was made with prompt ness. Hanlan wa. at once a tri!! in the lead, pulling a short nuiek ctr..l; . i'2 to the minute. Gaudaur kept i l.e to him with a long, steady sweep, about f) to the minute. Gradually Ilanlan forged ahead, and at the etd of the first mile was fully a boat length in ad vance. It had been the go?sij- that if Ilanlan could lead to the turn he was nearly a certain winner, but if Gaudaur reached the buoy tirst Ilanlan would never catch up on a stern chate. Great, therefore, were the expectation? of Ilanlan 'd friends to see him nc irintr th turn clearly ahead of Gaudaur and gaining all the time. The rain now be gan to fall. The lake was soon lumpy from end to end. and the downpour was almost blinding. Hanlan turned first, two lengths ahead; time, 10.02. He was pulling about 05 strokes a min ute at this point, and rounding to Gaudaur struck about the same gait. Hanlan stopped an instant here for some purpose, but did not lose the lead. He , kept well to the front from the start until entering the third mile. There Hanlan commenced to Hag. So uneven did his stroke become, and so great an effort did it seem to require, that many ucnctou uin uvat tvao ituuiu ui 11.11.1 shipped one of the choppy seas. Gaudaur was rowing magnificently. He showed the long, steady sweep he had taken at tne outset, Dut taster. w ltn machine-like precision he passed the straggling Hanlan. A boat's length of water between them could be seen, then another, and at last one more. "'Hanlen's beaten,'" murmured the crowd. "No, no,"' shouted others . "bee him spurt: see him spurt. " And spurt Hanlan did with vengeance The mul titudes on shore and atloat held their breath, then, regardless of rain, tossed I nat8 and umbrellas in the air and started f to yell like Comanches. The cheers d ied on their lips. Hanlan could not stand the pace, and again Gaudaur's ! great sweep began to tell . It was then that riaiilan lav back ju. t ar ir.Rtfint. and, turning hia. face from the rain, shot a glance over his shoulder at Gaudaur. The single glance wa? enough. Hanlan saw himself irretriev ably beaten. Gaudaur was six lengths to the fore. Seeing Hanlan surrender all hope. Gaudaur magnanimously slackened the speed and passed the stand an easy winner by four lengths Time, 19 ao. It was a fine performance under the adverse conditions. Hanlan was seen by an Associated , Press reporter immediately after the , race and asked what he thought of the result. "I do not think the best man won. " paid Ilanlan. "'thouih I acknowl edge I was fairly beaten."' Questioned how that could be, the ex champion grew taciturn and would only say that ho did not wish to make any excuses. Persistent queries, however, brought Out the statement from Hanlan that he had not been in the best condition. "I have been suffering from a cold." he said, "and it told on me exactly when I most wanted it not to." In sharp contrast to the glum appearance of Hanlan was the cheery, sun-browned face of Gaudaur. "That was the hard est race I ever rowed." said he. "T just had to do my level best." he said, ' and I did it." The reference of the 1 race was Hanlan's choice Hamilton Busbv. of New York. Hanlan gets forty per cent, of S3. -"00. the total gate ' receipts. The time .19:30) was this evening de clared official. Gaudaur, therefore. i broke the record, the best previous time : being his own against Teenier over the same course 19.54. Hanlan. though beaten, not only : forced Gaudaur to break all record-, but also broke them himself. Hanlan "s ' time, according to tho official record, was 19 34. His backer. Peter Duryes. taking courage from this fact stated j toniKht that he would send Hanlan to Australia to beat Beach, and then re turn to again attempt the defeat of ' Gaudaur. Mr. Duryea attributes Hanlan 'o de feat mainly to the fact that his boat was unfitted for rough water, while Gau daur's was peculiarly adapted to it. Hanlan also inclined to this view later. ard brightened up noticeably after it i was auiiounceu ;ia certain mat ne nao surpassed record . th world' be: previous NEWS NOTE -. Vv'al. Whitman culcbraud hi-; ?i.xt y eighth birthday at b.is home in Camden. N. J. . Tuesday. He looks unitholder and is scarcely able to walk. An Eng lish admirer sent him a '.".0 note as a birthday present. An order has been issued ia New York requiring Madame Mancisca A. Barrios, wifo of the late President of Guatamala. to iila an inventory of her husband's estate or show cause why an attachment should not be issued against it in favor of Marco A. Soto. Soto has a claim of 9.543 against the estate. The Michigan and Detroit stove fac tories of Detroit, Mich. , resumed work Wednesday with large forces of men. Tho moulders of the Keely stove works, at Columbia. Pa., who have been on a strike for some weeks against the St. Louis patterns, will return to work im mediately, the trouble having been ad justed, A special from Bloomington. 111., says: "A strange disease, communi cated by contact, has caused a great deal of havoc anions horses in Dewitt county. It is believed to have been communicated from importe.1 t rench stallions, and is said to be common in France. Forty mares have died from it. and many are now ill. Nine .-tall-ions are under treatment." The Canapian government has made inquiry by telegraph into the somewhat alarming reports that are being sent to the papers from Winnipeg and Ottawa regarding the condition of atTairs i.t Batoche and other lia'f brecd eeule- ment in ihe North wt .st. Reliable, in- formation on ihe subject is to the elfoct that tbe half-breeds are in poverty and inclined to grumble, which aprears to ho tho whole etnrv. r f l.;r "!: v. w ijro'ii." t in :iim -f-n- ill i I . W VIU) OF PRIZES. the ;o, in: i n;r vi in; in a fiKTs U .' r I ',:- 'I w, 'i;iK. asiiin(;t( x. P. ('., May The National drill came to a most agt eeeble conHui(n this afternoon, wiicn the p: w. (ieneral Slieri compel ifoi's. silendetit up troop.--. a ; In company i n and fully Jo. cheered as t ht ed. .Soldiers and cheered, i's wen. awartled by come to an end. From a mihtary lan to the successful j view the drill may bo called a snc Tiic --'.ui shone re- 1 cess, but 1 ln's (;: n hardly he said of ii the gaily attired the enture financially. The last vv.erc drawn U in and closing exhibition of the pyro :he drill grounds, rania of tho historic naval engage--oeetators, who raent letw( en the Monitor and the i::;cs wore t im-w up the while faii- award- ir hats ladies their parasols ,n,i as the eoinpanies were mrt icularl.v ceiveii the aw. ml i. iiiilkeichief's. in which they interested re- the result ot their win k for Tile ..v:inl mom lis iasr . s v;! of in.i he owing order : ;. Ri'.oi I'ilst ii'egimen iliXTAL. irgini; oh- computitor. II. n. Fl Al.loNS. 1. Washington Light Infantrv. i! ' s : i 1 1' I.eirion. of Ken- .1! 1 .-lam ; . .. F. 1: Minne Co. Ala elill.! ( civ I). 1- r KitU in. 1 Texas. I. ' I). C. I.Ml.s, shington. ..iti Aioonia Hi lies. Texas. Indianapolis Li.U'ht Infantrv, Toledo Cadets. Washington Light pauy 11. Volunteer cmhu hrons. 'o. A. oth llhode I- tnau: i ", oiii : : i. in. 11. IL. sh : re 1 t. 1st " l.V id. tiua. 17. Ohio. and M uscat ine 'itles. Alexandria Light Infantry. Sheridan Cnards.New 1 lamp Walker Light Cuards, 'o. V., irginia. ( aster Cuards. I'd Michigan. Fort Wayne littles, L.M Indi- Woo. Lo k. 'itv (iuaids. th IS. n li i lies, 1st Michigan, i lb. L'O. ginia iana Killes. nond Cravs. 1st Yir-: "eale I; 'omjiany New Jersey, -d, Company li F .Moliueux New xi oi k. I-. 1st Minnesota. Kiiies. Co. D. ,'J2d 1'".. Co. A. Washington Cadet Corps. l'i;. s:h a; '.. i I'jehester, New York. 27. Govern North II s ( luanl. Carol i n a. 's. Stale Cu.li.l, lr.iioi Co. A, 1st Virginia. o. C. I'd ( 'onneeticu; . TV. r.W.W t:Y . .i competitors. V. I.KIHT ai: 1 1 1.EEU . I. I'.at'.ery II, 1st Regiment, In- nana Arriiiery or Indiana Light Artillerv .. poli.s 2. 1st Light Hal ten of Wiscon sin ,or Milwaukee Light Iiattery. Lattery K, 1st battalion of Vir ginia (or R. II. Lee Lattery i, of Petersburg. Ya., drew lor place and accepted programme, but did not appear for drill. vr. AC MINE (Ii 1. Lattery A. Miio or Cincin nati Ratten 2. Ratteny A. Louisville L.egnui. VII. ZoVAVKS. 1. Chicago Zouaves. 2. Memphis Merchants' Zouaves. '!. Leek Zouaves. VIII. CADET ciiRPs. 1. Miehigan Military A.-ulciin Cadets. 2. Mankind Agi ieultural College Cadets. '. Bethel Academy Cadets. 1. Peekskill Academy Cadets. - Cayuga Lake Cadets, ih Sr. John's Academy Cadets. IX. inm vim al it:.. 1. Pnvaie II. C. S: ronio Rules. First sergeant ( rad, Company Ik San An- ir'. Con sliingtou u 1 w Light Infantry. ''. first Sergeant d. R. Wagner. Company A, Louisville Legion. Signed bv the board of judges: Col. II.' M. Rlack, 2.nl Infantry. Capt, i:. C. Woodrull', 12th Jn taut ry . C.i)t. d. T. Haskell, 2dd In fantry. ( 'apt. '. M. L.mea-tei . dd Ar tillery. 1st Lieut. 'n.-taat'tie Ch.isc, Id Artillerv . First Lieut i"ied. A. Smith. 12th Infanrrv. 1'irst Lieut. li. JI. ltin.foph, kl Artillerv, first Lieut. R. K. I-:-, a:. ad jutant. 12tb Intintry. first Lieut. W. () Claik. 12th In fan try. ItRKAKINii IT lAVi'. There were signs of appro. h iiing dissolution at ('amp George Wash ington early this morning. Some of the organizations had already taken their departure and others were getting ready to break camp. The Second Virginia, the Sarslield Guard, ot New Haven, and the Cayuga Lake cadets lei': tor home during the day. and several other companies will leave tonight. Ly noon the camp was quite deserted, as most ot the companies that had not already started homeward were participating in the Heooration Day para lti of the Grand Army of the Republic. Several Southern companies, including Lomax Lilies, and the Vicksburg Southrons, to- .1 ,-,-1 vi .1 ...1 .1 w m-t- to flir, i A v"-v - " - vi. . it, wmcii liiciuiied a uouy ot col ored men. In onler that there should be m misunderstanding, Gen. (.'aruahan notified the com- mauding officers of these organi.a- tious t his morning that tin be colored organizations line, but no objection wa re would in the s made. When t he Colo A. K. passed, I presented a:;:, same honoi s , -posts. As soon as awarded, the gave brief ehi 1 Lost oi the G. Sou! hern soldiers pay ing t hem the a e 1 i i a 1 d 1 1 ! nei the prizes weie various companies nt ion it ills, ;itid r ' li 0 ("clock aiiroao!inl ' hi' An nx-i! in roralar line for tho (in .1 lrr-ss parade. Tho troops wpro rjn iclcl insppored, and tlip order "company, right wheel hv fours" soon left the green lawn without a dier, and the national :ingle sol drill had Merrimac was witnessed tonight by J.".no0 peopie. The Star this evening pnvs the following graceful compliment to Virginia: "Washington lia a smile for Virginia and a leproaeli fnl shake of the head for .Maryland. Like a sociable neighbor, the for me! to unbonded l.e.ad-- 'i::. l, ;o the invitation to tie- National Mi i!l by sending its Coventor and a whole brigade of sold;.-rs. and gratetul Washington v, i U he glad f o reciprocate to the extent of its powers when the occasion is offered, llaltimore, which is indebted to Washington for favors in connec tion with a long lino of pnMio en terprises, jgrioted t he N.iiionai Drill i ii vi t at ion. without e en --e tid ing regnns. ( 'onsecpK tit . the two cities do not speak as they pass by. and the snirgestio.n that wp hereafter send carloads oi rep resentatives to help on Kalrimote :n its oriole or other festivities spoiled at. and the Pistr.ct rearly to aUiim that Marvland not -..) M.irvi.md." " '.. .. . r- TH K GHANT MOM "Ml ".NT. The New York Star, in pndeao: itig to raise sTl'0,000 for (he moiii; meiit to Ceti. Grant, gives the fol lowing reason for asking the Southern people to a.--i.;t : "In staying, as we did a day or two ago, that we intended to an- peal to the som lietn people in the matter of the Grant fund, we announced a p of serious deliberation. monument irpose born More than that, it is a purpose so seorm-lv founded on expectation that v,-(- re- inrd it as already achieved. '-Southern men. with their inili i i i - . , . . Mary instincts, ineir i n; nusi.istie s. 1st Maine. j appreciation of valor and achieve '. 1st EattalionJ ment. their spontaneous recnynii ion i of mananimit v and their fine scum- of justice, are peculiarly ipiaiihed to understand and to admire the soldier in C. S. Grant. Whatever resentments and heart burninirsinay live today as the legacy of the dark interlude of reconstruction, the men I who wore the .gray between 'ill and j 'Go cannot and will not withhold j from General Grant the credit he , tloservod a-s n commander or the gratitude due him as a gentle and j magnanimous victor. The noblest 1 utterance of the whole v.nr was ibis when, on being asked .ha! ' should bo done with the horses m i the conquere.i Southerners, he said. : I 'Let them go with their owners. They will be needed in t he lields m t' The braves! and most luci s()i in loyal act in ail history was his when a handful ot titter lanaiics proposed to violate ihe terms o! capitulation at Apponialo t arresting and piosei ufui u southern leaders, and tuiude treachery with as stein and l lute a front as ever he had t la the s I set against t he enemie 1 C I n ion. bound -CI V ice- ! the 'If we of the North U lee to cherish his respleiiden; in our behalf, our tretlin South must realize their obligation to requite his maguitieen; '.renerosi ty to them. Lrave men can a! ways honor a brave adversary, but the swiff kindness and relenting that anoint the wounds o; w;u can uever dje in nv mir m !!i'- t-v-nio ry. Ttic erection oi a sintdoo monu ment to the great soldier has now become a common duty. We leal ize that popular feeling favored Washington, our common property, as the most appropriate place ! sepulture, but circumstances have ordered otherwise, and it must lu be re i 1 r nowhere har Ceta ra! Grant's glory is commemorated. The undertaking can no longer be regarded, as being under partisan auspices. It has escaped from thai narrow groove into the wide tield of national feeling. And we be lieve that the South no less tli.m the North, and with as creditable, and manly an iinnul-e. e. ::I h i -t-n to promote it," lleu: I Was II IN i. Ren : Rel'leV i It j !' : . on. May I'oore i w it 1 (i v rc polled as slightly bet lei earlier edition j, died at the ia ai i-bbct House in thiscityat 12 .'Mo' sin rounded by wife, nurse a; lending physicians. j:s. I and Harrison. R wa.-i i'e; yesterday that Lie was a shad tel", but last evening he glew idly worse. His physicians siitnmoned and a fe w L lends for, but by the time ;he lait lived he was dead. dijor clocX d .,; l.lXte Ol iei e be! rap v . re nt It; had becu a suherer liom disease for several yeai.- as I he cause of lib ilea; a. Major I'oore was born in L20 on Indian Hill Rami, ucai 2s"eubury port, Mass., and alter learning the printer's trade moved to At tens, ta., wheu twenty-one years of age, and assumed the editorship oi a paper in that town. The follow ;iig year Mr. II illy ard, who was Minis ter to Germany, ehose him lor h.s secretary and lie went abio.oi loi live years. Ou his ietnu he b came Washington en. i v.-oonde:. : oi the lloston At'..'. He ei.l;-:id in the Ancient an-.! Honorable Ar tillery Company i Rosbm when the war bioke out and v as couiiins ijiolled .Major aud assigtivd to n.e duly of drilling recruits in thi-cy. In lsd2 he was appoint d ',. sk oi the Senate ('omntittee on l':i:.tng and held the oil Ice ever sin.-.-, aioi also acted its eoriespoioieu; u-i a number of newspapers, lie v. a - a Mason of the thii'tv-i hi : .1 d.-gicc. Major I'oore was ot a i,ou;:ald s position, fond of a good s'oiy air! a lover ol social entertain!. on ' . lie leaves a wife, iwo sister a'ni a grandehild. S,Tiie Reformed I'resbj teriun yu. .1 'i the United State- and Canad i t at Newrnrvb V X' . in, liii-Awiiy Train. a story in the June there i iitr A n-it;i of year-old son ot gineer, who hai his father and a boy, the fifteen-, a locomotive en often ridden with new the engine i pooty well. Indeed the engineer had frequently let the boy "drive'' on a long stretch of straight track. ne night he left "Dave" in charge of the engine on a siding, while he wont to supper as usual. There camp up a furious wind; and, after a little, some cars shot by. without any engine. The wind had started them. Koy, think, qun k ! Downgrade! The Light-' uing Kxpress is to come that way ! . Nolexh near. No telegraph, wire. The train aie headed to-: gefher. There is less than an. hour in "-ateM those run-away cars i on! in,!! i hem oui oi the way. Ko t iui" for hesitat ion ! He springs to 1 the iov.-t. pn-ks up speed ;ind tears awa "ith grade and wind and steam like a whizzing arrow. Thev are miles ahead. The i rushing minutes are full of sudden comprehension. He almost sees; iiiiotiirh the dark, tempestuous' l ight. What set hini (lying to ward this plunge was thought of the lightning express. Now dan ger take hold ol him. What if lie j is jim too late! 'The runaway1 tram is in sight ! Off steam ! No,! on agaml Let t he oi v-1 eller tell the ie.-r. ' : He mils' siow up, but do it SO nicely that, when he does come up! with ilrem, there shall be the least- ,ibl e Sinn k: for Gere is the hardest part of the business. He has nnliody to help him "couple.'' He inu-r be. loi the once, both en gineer and switchman. He had not thought what a formidable job this vois until i' stared him in the face. Ou he ilevv revolving the situa lien in his head and adjusting his engine with the nicest care until he was upon the very heels of the run ny, ay; then, with many misgivings, .slipped out of the engine house and crawled along the side of the loco motive, and down on the ''cow- e:itchcr." Here, seizing the long coupler in one hand and holding on with the other, he stood watching with breathless interest the approaching eullidoii. The suspense was ago nizing. The situation was perilous. A gu.-t of wind might sweep him from his place, ho might be. shaken oil or crushed. lie was almost panic-stricken. ' A dozen times he was at the point of turning back. To his startled 'ears the air was full ol" uncanny .sounds the sweep of another tor ! nado. the rush of the "Lightning" jiiist aheaii. Hut he had in him the stud which heroes are made of. The hero, remember is not he who is insensible to danger, but rather he who feels and realizes, but yet 1 1 v el ei cues it 'The "Meteor" drew nearer and nearer the living train. Dave had Used excellent judgment in regu l.umg it came up speed: for at length it with the iear car with a .-hock, so that Dave iei; over and drop in the scarce t Co. 1 e en e;.;:;;ber!n ii.u-k into the ie house w iih t rembling eager he seize, i t he '-throttle.'' To n.'..emcHt the train did noi instead ol the "Meteoi'.s" ..ng the runaway, the ruu drtigged ihe '-Meteor" along Iicadlong Might. Have was lies ili- awa; in i ' horror -truck. He had thought the tram would stop at once. He had no! calculated w hat a tremendous impel its all 'hose heavy ears had acquired . Now. then tin- tussle! The train began to -low up. It came to ; stand-still. Then the backward pull but Slowly they got under way: the wind and up grade were against them. Have began to get anxious. "The Lightning" muxt be due by this time. lie kept a sharp lookout be hind and whistled like mad around thecuivcs. At length he entered upon the long, straight, level line oi toad which extended clear to Llaiiktoii. Dave breathed lieer. It was the home-stretch a good ten aide run. Hardly had he congratulated himself, when far behind but un m istakably he heard the scream of ie Lightning's" whistle. He going already at his topmost d. He was making not more was i. -pes e : il. ;li m ' i : , on at ror h next long! c! 1: iiiiity-tive miles an hour, the Lightning" was coming the rate ol sixty. With hor heard it gaining on him; the whistle was nearer, and at ; when ne had made only i: ds t he distance the gleam head iiirht came shooting and a vouded eiiive in his rear, (tatot ihe very despair of the omen; Dave gathered calmness, e In: lied hi- back on the pur-uing dti. he e:st no look behind, he h.s ears to lis tm coming roar; ed straight ahead, kept his eve lo ;. i rhel: u-k, bis mind ou his duty. He is almost there lie ?.s there, lies past the stat ion-house, I the switch and down at last upon the side track. It is all right. Jake and arc there. They have thrown switch back in time: and "Light mug"' gees whizzing Jim the the and shrieking past. When .lake jumped aboard the Meleor." his son fainted dead wav in his arms. i 'IstLNslNG Poisons.. A bill til egulate t he dispensing of poison ous di ugs and chemicals, introduced into the 2s ew York Legislature, pro vides that poisons must be kept in glass mis oi bottles, placed in such a 'a. '.one; ;h.it the leinoval of the inc vv.li set in motion an electri cal . : nil ehauica; apparatus or ap pliance giving an audible signal.'' A much !: ter plan, it seems to us. v.eU'.d to to reolllle pOiSOUUS snlJ stance- t' ! .e distinctively colored. 1'eihap.. the most common cause of i ittl errors in dispensing drugs is 1 he similarity of white powders of 1 liferent kinds, such, for example. - moroiii i'ion of latter to ne and ipiinine. The ad some harmless coloring the poison in such cases . o 1 1 1 1 1 pr lirke. event f he possibilit y of Absolutely Pure. This powder nvr varies. A marvel of parity, strength, and wboleaomenesa. Jtfore eoonomlcal than the ordinary kinds, and oan not be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In can. Koyal BakiKi. Powdsr Oo.. 108 Wall-at.. N. T. Dovls-lvdw For sale in Newbern by Alex. Miller. Prepare for the Season Blatchley's Freezers, (Will freeze cream solid in five minutes) Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Wire Dish Covers, Wire Window Cloth, Fly Fans, And a Full Line of House Furnishing Goods, AT L. II. CUTLER'S, 26 & 28 Middle Street, XKW UEME. N. C. MOlGHTSflL00ri, j Near Market Dock, Middle St-, j NEW BERNE, N. C, j 18 WHERE YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND PURE LIQUORS Of every variety, in large or small i quantities. Also the FINEST GRADES i of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH! John D Dinkins Sales ru an. K. WHITMAN, Proprietor. dec2i! dw Take Notice ! Our store is filled with Provisions, Groceries, Ouanrrt Goods, Iry Goods, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. ALSO C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes, Evory pair warranted to give satis faction. Country merchants and the people generally are requested to call and ex amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will give you low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS L BRO., South Front st.. New Berne, N. V K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, AGOING AND TIES, 12te. Consignments of Grain, Cotton and other Produce solicited. Prompt Attention Guaranteed. W. Cor. South Front and MiddleSt NEW KERNE. N. C. MOST BlilLLIA-NT, PURE & PERFECT LENSES I ix tlio World. They art-as transparent and colorlen Unlit Itself, und for Roftness or endurance U the eye. cannot be excelled, enabling th wear?!' lo read ror heuiB without fatigue. In fact, uk-i me I'KKKECT si our riiraKKNERS. Tentlmonlals from tlie leading phyalelam In the l:nlted states, Oovernora, Heoalora, L.eRisliUoi-8, sloe lonen, men o note In all pro fessions, and In date rem branches of trade, bankers, mechanics, etc.. can be given who have had their sight Improved by their imp. ALL. EYES FITTEJ AM THE ril' GUAKANTEJiD BY F. S. DUFFY, Druggist, main NEW BERN K. N. C. Iy GEORGE ALLEN & GO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implement!. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Hoeg and Axes, Vol's Mowers and Reapers, Steam Engines, Cotton Gins and Presses. Fertilizers. Land 1'laxtcr, Kainit Meclianlcs Tool and Hardware, Lime. Hrick, Cement. Plaster Hair, Paint, Kalgonitne, Var nish, Oil, Glass, Putty and Hair. I'reezorn, Kefnjferators, Oil Cook Stoves, Eureka Bunrlar Prool 'Sash Locks, warranted to give security and satisfaction. PRICES VERY LOW. i:. AI-l.tN & CO. -'? j ! r! 'X '. t.ri m s "' .- - i'r m i 1 t.- ... - '' t hi;-'. v,- - 32 . u " f. (-I t "a i. i e-fc' t- j! nt: 1 .s I '.V lol ..V .Ayu t f - ;"V .W'r" FT. L it ' - s. " - vc --. s t ft i 2 p. i a : -- ?5 4.1. . -Mi cr''y,-;-e? '': rt--'C.;-' " - 1 - . I- . , - " - - wt-v--,,,,.-.- o. - .-'r.' r. -r,i-j:-v , .

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