- Xt, i v ..'T fi v-"- vvv " J-r' T- " : . .. -. -t -- .--.- - ."i " . t ..rf" v4 mi mi rz ;ai (s as INDENT IIS" ALL THIInTC Torma &Q.OO I1. NEW 13 ERNE, CRAVEN COUN TY, N. C, JCN'f- .Ii VOL. X. NO. 12, i 'a fl la! gS II If 5! V '- V Time. Some have plenty, Bome have more, We have enough and so mnch to spare To talk to yon matters concerning oar store, Which la fact and substance is jast this, that we haven't had ny fair hJface sooner, to tell yoa, that our new spring goods have come in, and w tut Is still better we have sold a good quantity of them already, but sot enough to break the immense ' fijfoTRa, DRESS GOODS in the new leading shades, '."BijBuikir "Pongeea, India Lawns, Piqnes, Em broidered Dtws Robe nd so on. Flia of Notions, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Ruch inx Everls ting Trimmings, Embroideries, Para sols in virions style , in fact we cannot enumerate all we have for the ladies. READY MADE CLOTHING in any quantity for Men .. tad, boy Plenty of Shoes Zisgler Bros, make (ojrt.-g-ani Gh)Ods from 10 cts. per yard to $1.75. "PiiniXtate.iPTiTniture, Glassware and Groceries, in truth Batt B jtihag needed tbaf may add to your happiness, which you wHI' Surely procure by giving your patronage to Yosts smoerely, Sign of OAX SCHWERBW I1IS CLOTHING EMPORIUM to tb Star httetr occupied by Wnt. Hoi lister, where with more Room to display hi iacraaied 8toofc, he ia, with the aaeietanoe of IV I It. SAMUKL -E. BALL, nmrJ koahow and aetl at Hard Fan Price . The FINEST, NOBBIEST HEATEST, PRETTIEST and BEST tnini'Miiii- nr fivititin Gents' FornishiAg Good. Btrmw, Derby and Fur Hats, Boots and Shoes, I AM BOLE AGENT FOR luimn'EDrs cilfseveb sebes ;Thl7 Hhona aoid in thti rltr taat are W4.RRA.yT- iD ) by th Masoiaetarer Tt) JK and BY ME TO MY 1. US ruM. Ha. lit Jt very pair la wuruuti aaoaia mmj Of Um 1ft aay war withta any raaaooatde tin ova oat. I irlltopon rotamX damaged pail and ital BMgtu to)ict& of wear, iithis hetcsd the Hohit ar sm ikotui new pant ur uraiiioi It 18 era haat, llittt and ebapat Shoa la tn world for BMr. Thayaooi la Bolton. JJln acl tftara Toef v OOojrxwa maa lea Up Sboaa. . - if I ktn i mmt I i ! ! from aoma of oar bt and ! lacelUnna, who have bought the "BATTLES SHOE." aoma of which have worn one pair aa long 1? month, and proccmnea 11 the Beat, Ubaapeat and E&aleet Wear ISC anoa In le world. I napactfnllrwOlicit an inspection of our Stock and guarantee entire iatilav km to all porch aaicr trxxa aa. ; MAX SCHWEBJN, Middle Street, at Wm. Holluter'l Old Stand, Sim ot Flag. "OrSprin? Announcement 87 We wish to call the attention of our Cns tomeis and friends to our elegant stock of Spring Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. OttT Stock is now nearly complete, and we are prepared to give you GOOD CLOTHING AT LOW FIGURES. It u a well known tact tL at our 8uits give better satisfaction than any yon cia fiad in tk city. Why t Because we boy from the best houses, and when wo guarantee an article you can depend on it, and any article tl..".t does not suit may b ratarsed and money refunded. BLUB SUITS, $5.00 to $10.00. Our tlO.OO Suit we guarantee faat eler j-if ii faxes m ictorn your money. Out line of 10,0O 8ita can not be matched in New Berne so they all tay , Be rare tid a it you want a suit of any kind ; if we can't suit you out ot stock wo can order it for you. We have aa tunal the fiaest line of STRAW HATS in the city. 50c. Straw Hats a specialty. Mackinaw Straw Hats 50c. up. We wish to call attention to our line of MEN'S FINE SHOES. Adams & Co.'s and James Means & Co.'i. We are sole agents here Obt itoek of NECKWEAR is very complete, and is being constantly : of mine. At all events I would de ddd to. ; sire Mr. ClevelaBd to know that I Large line of GENTS' FURNISHINGS, consisting of Underwear, SaB. have made bo secret of my opin ,w U TT- fJart. foliar arl CnffL n. ! concerning bis policy at any Trunks and Valis8, Btraw Mattings, Pine Straw Matting? and Carpets. Nice lot of Porpoise Hide Shoe Laces. Do not huy "before you ar. War, War, y j AC A II W ST R A C K ETS ! Look Oxit for War ! HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM THE NORTH WITH A Large Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, and tTerytbing jou can call for usually kejt in a first cUm Dry Goods Store, I am determined to open war against racketa and high price. , '1 a nroTe the same I oaote ome of my prices : J TT. m m . . Tf Kt for 0 4r hat. " AadoAOttr i ea ajU&Lh th natives. nv I can give you a jaaiea' ) cokof ShoeA. tad gnjarnte prices to Bieo UAOoxerobieu for oc- alto nave & veil Mleeted Hue of Hants9 Famishing Goods. A Coei (Jnlaandried Sli'urt from 36c. JtXtfgft xell elected lice of Look at Ibtf f. Wiy, I an giie you 'ASUd'iJl Wool Blue Flannel Suit, only $7.00. -tfonrikffmral Suit. Black or Brown, frr $9.00. AlLVjr4 U f Carpet., Matting, Oil Cloths, Trnnka and, m BWW u v " ' Valisca, Coma one ! Come all eoarinead that I can Bell Yon Gooda Cheaper The aaiti. SULTAN, . Bislicp Building, opp. Baptist Church. ;'"r '-gi assortment In the various branches of at all prices, besides the well known -rr V..V-.... ,nri vreubs Aiot o w , OETTIHGER BROS., '"The Celebrated Pearl Shirt." Dry Goods, Etc., Etc Bb7 Stacy ( see us. HOWARD & JONES, ir.l for .tt)r T enn uitp vnn a. nn I suit the times. w j Also a nice jinen n anuKercniei ior ac. to 50c. Neck Wear Scarfs le. up tei iOc. r 1 I ! to the Ileiihpnarter.- ef the War Department, and ha Than Any Other House City. mar26 dwtf . -. 1 c - . - ' .-v . SFATOR VANCE AND THE PRESI DENT. SnniB nf nnr Sfatfl PXf.hanPCS havo been somewhat concerned about the apparent breech between the President and Senator Vance, and their regrets seemed to be that Vance don't fall into line and stop his opposition to the President They do not stop to inquire where in they differ, but jump to the con- elusion that it is bail policy and in uau n.i . ou..,.,. i 117111 w shallow we have said tins helore. with the President. bat cannot repeat it too often. It Mr. James L. XoRRis, President : is a matter of first importance, of the Jackson Democratic Asso-, The whole surface, or as much as u 1 can be reached, bv the plow, should oat.on, Washington, D. C has re-; be aml cently addressed a letter to bena-, weedg may be killed and all the tor Vance informing him ef the 80ji given "up to the corn. A gen lictitions interviews being publish- tleman told us recently of an inci p1 in TiAvrsnanPrs. t.n which he ro - plied as follows. We would like : for our North Carolina brethren ! the press to read this answer and iwv,t. (Uv orn witli tha LUv LI OOJ Tf UtlU. . IU J " i wiv President or Senator Vance: Dear Sir: I have to thank yon for the regard for my political welfare which prompted yon to write the letter which I have be fore me. In response thereto, I have to say the interview to which von allude a given bv the St. Louis Qlobe-Democrat never took ! Suppose each reader try a like ex nl T ham net narthlv rofMlPe.. i Pri men t on a sm all sea le . L often u., nrr. i,;n infr.lcotton seed, cotton seed meal. having ever been viewed by a correspondent of that paper; bat, while I disavow the in terview and language attributed to me as used toward the Presi dent, I cannot complain of a mis representation of my sentiments concerning his policy. I am not in harmonr with him in several important particulars, bnt believe I do harmonize with the Democratic party, as its professions ;antJ practices h. , cipies know n to ive made its prin - me. I have favored the double stan - dard of gold and silver M ithont cow pea does not fruit well, till the discrimination for or against ! cool nights of autumn threatens either, which the President does 'frost. The sweet potato develops not. I its tubers most rapidly at same I have favored the payment of ; time, for similar reason. Cotton the public debt in the legal coin of! must be made to realize (speaking the United States according1 to the I figuratively) that rampant growth plain words printed on the face of ia not to continue forever the tb securities, and the President ! stimul-ating effects of frequent ffloes not. ! I have favored tnat "honest civil berTiee reform' which the Demo- cratic Convention at Chicago, which nominated Mr. Cleveland, demanded, and which the Demo crats of the I'nited States thought they were to get when tby voted for him; that reform wbieh consist ed in ejecting Republican officials j spoken as if the plant had intelli from the offices they had prosti-' gence whether it has or not. the tnted aDd abused, but the President j facts are the same as if it had. does not. Untoward influences threatening I have favored the application of I destruction bring on fraittulness. toe principles of "home rule ' tot the District of Columbia, the only disfranchised portion of the Ameri can people, and a deference to their wishes in the appointment of their j local officials, but the President j does not. In these important matters and : some others not so important, I have the misfortune to agree with the Democratic party rather than with the President. Bat, so far as I am aware, there has been no want of harmony in the personal relations between him and me. I have said nothing of him in any way unbecoming the language which a Senator should nse toward the President of the United States. If he cannot bear, without offence, the candid criti- piom tf f Vina a f'riiinfifl whn HifTpr with bun, he is unworthy of his great office. Should I, for the sake of the patronage he has to bestow, suppress or forego my honest con- . victions, I would prove unworthy I time. 1 do not abuse him in tue cloak room and praise him in pnb- lie for the sate of the meagre scrape; which fall to Democrats under his ; feet apart. Gather what seed you interpretation ol reform. : want, or let vonr boys do it, and Whether or not he is of that ! next winter break the middle be stamp ot soul which can honor in I tweeu two rows, then with turn others those qualities which he I piows throw the two rows of nea olaims as the chief ornament ot his Vines on each side of this middle, own character, remains to be seen. I ou jt. tuus making a bed. This Notwithstanding the numerous ' wni make beds live feet apart other letters besides yonrs which 1 (good distance tor t orn , and en have received of the same purport, neh ,.ach i,eci wjth pea vines. I believe I should have permitted : Would not this be a good way to the newspaper gossip to go unno- heerin preoarat ion lor next car's troea, duc ior ine aesire i ieei io 'correct the impression that there : was some personal disagreement or grievance between the President : and myself. i 1 am much enjoying the rest and ' recreation of my summer home iu the mountains: am doing no harm j to anybody, and sincerely trust the newspapers may leave me in peace . until December. Verv trulv vours. Z. B. V a N k . i Gombroon, near Black Mountain, : N. C, May 10, 1387. ifhUirem's Literature. Alm0gt the only recognition of K.Mn 'a ritrhf t raaH in f ha ,lim 1 tn rA.aH i thn .lava 1 fnnr futhorc wan in an ma nhiim w corner oi the Church paper, where ! migHt generauy te loan a a grave ' perhaps, frightened as from at tempting to De goon a ki ,an cavQ tieu wi.on she was a girl she invariably re-: r. v,- ohrimoo n,0"t ., frid ni. a nane.r of nins. and a bit nfrikin xu- air t.hfi rtpur r-t,Dfo, iu .nH tw on that one day when love should 'seek every avenue ol expression. k pvprv nvpnnii nf pxnression. In juvenile literature the fried pie .and tin paper of pins have van- isaeU. Today we have a host of I J ow to etfhoUj oChild'8 heart. The best and ptfSf pna truest to-life stories that 0ar6' mrer been written, are taste- ffoTt-rservM up, in these years of gracv Same of us, who scarcely knw f ay books for ns but HFirxrtniT$ TrocTe'7 and "Robin- son-tttsQB,''' thank God and re- new" OUT youth. American axinf. 1 ' . "-''.'.'- " 'v YvlLA wmrnw ifaitnMa. - A-iner 'of fjniions ' were announced in Chicago. Sfr :Hlnr3t .a, fait - , tk.Vrv , - 't. J ' -: '-TTT . '- t'f.J-.V'- If. , -ft.', Mr-','. K.VKHS AM) KAHMKKS. Short TnlU -Vllh I'nrmrr- oii Farm Toi 1 1 . .Much 1 the coin crop is imw bein "laid hy." This hould he done before the tassels appear. Experiments have hown very de cidedly that corn sutlers greatly from its roots being cut alter it tassels. We mean decidedly more after tasseling than before: it suf fers, however, in both eases. The laiif rlrn rrli i n rr thnn -.hnnlil hf VITV 'ai wnicu snows, inai ntiuu im : iae of the crop ), it is actively tiikinc food from the soil. A noted 01 farmer before the war had intend! j ed to apply cotton seed to corn at 1 timft nf nliintinr'. but, something I OT ' nreventeei and lie oui not nno an c I opportunity oi uoiug it tin iaun was iaui oy . ne inen tuiew ;i handful of cotton rotten' around each hill of corn, without covering it up (as the crop had been already laid by.) The result was one of the finest crops ot corn he ever raised. guano, acid phosphate. statue manure, either, or all of these might be tried and result noted. Something valuable might onme out of it. Cotton wili soon begin to iruit. Heretofore it has been making weed, all the food it could get and ' prepare, has gone in that direct ion ' Now we wish a goodly portion of it I diverted into fruit making. How 1 is this to be done : iy making t lie plant fee!, so to speak, as if it iwere approaching its end. The workings must be gradually with- drawn from it. Later (say tirsfc of AueusO its head may be taken oil (topped) to strengthen the impres sion. The instinct of preserving the race comes in the production of seed becomes the important thing to be done. Fruiting takes the place of growth. We have "Poor lolks tor children is possi- bly an analogous case. Cotton should be worked now at gradually increasing intervals. The soil should be stirred just as lightly as possible just enough to seeure health, not enough to promote rapid growth. In a month or six weeks from this, it would be well it growth ceased entirely, and all the energy of the plant was thrown into maturing its fruit. New growth and yonng iruit started after the middle of August is prac tically lost. The farther away from the tropics (its native homel cotton is grown, the more it beceinos an anDiial plant, that is with com pleted growth in one season. Seed, therefore, from the northern por tions of the cotton belt is generally best makes a more prolific cotton. Raisers of fine cotton seed in upper Georgia have found their best cus tomers in southern latitudes, as far down even as Florida. Jnne is the month to plant peas, when the seed, not the vines, is the chief consideration. A farmer can hardly go amiss in planting peas. Plant every nook and corner plant every rain that softens the ground. A friend suggests the following: piant neas in drill two and a half corn crop : in Atlanta V. 1. ion. swindling llie Farmer. Slray Cattle. in Canada, as in most other com munities, when a farmer picks up an estray animal, he cares for it, advertises it and calls upon the owner to prove property, pay charges, and take the animal away. To the ordinary mind this plain transaction appears very straight forward, and to otl'er but a small opportunity for fraud. But the mi ml ot t he rtwiniller is ei.n.i til the occasion, and can convert this simple matter of advertising an estray, intoa swindle upon the estray, into a swindle upon ' aTme T WHO UUNtlllstes, illCSt swindlers, as usual, hunt in couples. Harnia (Ont. T, read the local a farmer publishes an estray notice. No. 1 calls to look at the animal. ine Mrmer snows me oeast, anu the felIow decides it not his: then h.Q returns to his partner and dt tribes it minutely to him. No. : i Roes to the farmer and after prov- ine by a thorough descriptn in tha ! hu 13 thtl wru-r oi the auinrj al, sav cannot take it awa, an.i offei.- to sell at a bargain. Ibe farmer buys it. and in a few days the right ful owner comes and claims the animal." This is a swindle which may readily take m an hone-t farmer and it will probably 1 1 r be confined to the other side of the border, farmers, beware bow ou purchase estrays. . 1 m riiin Agriculturist. A wolf-bitteu patient fiom tfpain , who weut to Fans and was there j treated by Mons. 1'asteui', has died of hydrophobia. The Pasteur i system has proved less efficacious i in cases of wolf-bite than in any others. V .TATE NEWS i-.ned from Our Exclia -ton Jaih;: There W .i: , Jl shipped today by Messrs. '. Fries L' f.."( )." yards of white to .Messrs. J. J.. Stifel o gi o( Soi Wheeling. W. 'a. Seaboard Iilct!i,r: J A cry through freight train that passes through this place going north is heavilv Ioadcd with southern rui: vegetables, on their way to the northern nnu kefs. Oxford Orphan x '; friends of our Asylum in tiie t a.-t-ern iait of the S:ate h.;e b, en showing their friendship in a 'ery substantial way recently by numer ous and valuable contributions. Greenville Reflector : A reform club wa organized at I-'alkland, Sunday with 10 meiabcrs. W'e learn ;haf "7 new momo- rs v.-ore recei'ed to the Detliany Keform Club on last Sunday, giving them a total membership of more than !' How is liar for a club iusf i nn-hswu. Greensboro JW'Ta: t-iutne lew o; the ninety pigeons whieh lefr lieu Thursday morning rea' hed Pi..! i delphi, i before night, but the . " majority were behind. They p.i- 1 through a heavy storm, which ..! ways retard their lligut . Sonic ot the best birds were among those not heard from. So the expeii ment was not a satisfactory one. Greene 'ouut Fnterprisv: Me. ('. Evans, of this county, who was tried in Raleigh at the ('. S. Court for counterfeiting, was senteuced to twelve months imprisonment at hard labor in the Albany peneten- tiary. A committee from the Snow Hill Temperance Reform Club went down to ( )rmondsville hist Sunday and organized a club. W'e have not learned how many signers to the pledge were secured. Charlotte Chronicle: Mr. Tuns. McCord, one of the sturdy farmers of Paw creek, owns a pig that is something ot a wonder in its way. At the age of two months the pig weighed oil pounds, at four months' 08 pounds and at five months 1 is pounds the last weighing showing a gain of 50 pounds in thir' v days Mr. McCord expects to have a ooo pound hog this winter, and if the weight of the pig -continues to in crease at the present rate Mr. Mc Cord 's expectations will be real ised. Goldsboro M'xntnger : Mr. C. B. Aycoek has been elected chairman of Graded School Trustees in the place of Mr. J. A. Bonitz, resigned. Mr. Aycoek is a strong friend of tin' school and of popular educa tion, is progressive and will dis charge the duties of the position with ability. At a iiue'.ing ot the Wayne county Pemocratic cxec utio committee held yesterday. Mr. Bonitz resigned the chairman ship, a position he has tilled, with a two years exception, continuously for 12 years. Mr. C. B. Aycoek was chosen chairman for the unexpired term. The many friends of ex- Sheriff Grantham will regret to learn that he has been obliged to make an assignment. It was hoped that he would be able to get through his financial troubles with out taking this step. Messrs. I. F. Dorteh and W. R. Allen have been appointed assignees. Tarboro Southerner : A murder was committed recently in Halifax, near the Edgecombe line and in the northern part of this county between Red Bank and Kill Quick. Two negroes whose names we have been unable to learn quarrelled. One of them determined to kill the other, so ho secreted himself with a gun near the road along which his enemy must pass. Soon after get ting into position a colored minister, Alfred Arrington. came along, was taken for the other man, and re ceived the contents of the gun. which killed him.- According to the analysis published in the bulle tin of the board of agriculture the phosphate rocks sent the experi ment station by Dr. A. B. Nobles from his farm in this county con- tained more phosphate of lime than the rocks in any other part of the State: which goes to prove what we have all alon.u' contended that KJgecombe is the best plaee in the world. Kaleigh n-nntol Oim-rrcr: Yes terday, Governcr Scales commuted the sentence of tiranl Best, of Wilmington, who was sentenced to be hanged on the 11th ol July, to fifteen years' imprisonment in the reniteutiary. Grant Best is the young negro boy who some time ago shot tie of his (omrades with a double barrelled gun and killed three of them. He claimed from the first that the shooting was un intentional. He was tried in New Hanover superior court and con victed of murder, and sentenced to' be hanged July 11th. The judge presiding at the trial t bought that the case was one of manslaughter, in which opinion he was sustained by many good people, and recom mended the commutation. The solicitor asked that the sen tence be commateu to lmpnson- Inent I(,r lite. The bar of the court sustained tin- opinion of the judge. After a careful and thorough examination of the facts and evidence bearing upon the case, the Governor commuted the deat.h sentence to fifteen yctrs in the penitentiary. A wonderful gns, savs the variety ot aspaia London Standard. has recently been discovered in Central Asia.'-the stalks ot which are affirmed to be nearly as thick as a in, ui's arm. ami to attain a height of live to six leef. One of them indeed is said to be large enough to supply ten Kussian soldiers with a sulliciciit meal," while the :l,ior is verv highlv commended. A notion which has long vailed is the idea that some cial relation exists between character of a man's pulse, high or low tension, and his pie- spe the ;iS to vigor or bodv or mind, iu the Croouian lectures on the pulse, recently delivered by Dr. W. II, Droadbenf, the lecturer declared that he had beeu unable to find any evidence of the existence of gwh a relation. V , - -? ,v t ' ',-. .- CGinjiletf ' ;i t 1 1 1 1 at !J ,r:f n:. :,n . T;i ,f,i,iy. A i:. v Kat:--i- i ip-.r irtvnils to fa tain a wid- eirculaticn under the eu-h--'ni vti.: rv - f -i-.j. :;.x." S iiSK' I ,v:i ;, :.!'.' tr i;ig to nvike from cuiii-t:.::,.- :t the iucreduloup 'IT th'.t i: wiii n : ,'iat t fhueks. I-.;t;l.ti us t.i'. i,:- .--.i-.rt.'.; in the Corin tf.c.u repa-.-.a . :r : - v V.-ik Monday. The AttaruL v. en. b..atii:S ti.e (Jalatea. Mr.. Cn-.v.-r Cievelanl attended the l .r.-t I!.i.:i-t Church at Oiwego. N. Y.. f"th iii Ti:ing and evening, on Sunday. Janit- A. Clark, banker, ..f Puli?ki, i . a ;:'. c.i , DemO'.'rat and prc-f-a! ' . . ; , d:..l la -t m;. Pr,M I'Vmr.le ii- i f.i pk'xy. A Pu ',ie,' t Thrt-H l- :,t J I . of the Southern Li ( Jrange. Ga , -y niht of aprio- ii a vi-it i h i i r. ii Ur. u in u 'me girl ek. sr. 1 I iic'L-nrLS to ' Spring--, -u -v'eeded marry the ? Fla. . lart ws :.t e -. Luiir.f ; ' r i - Fjirmiiiij in 1 )-. SometiD'.t s a hiir and I lo'.v s a'.;:y leaving a barren . Charles V. . -1 w :'a wbae c mes along ..wed soil, o v euiii saay tally injured an 1 W ;rn K near Rincp' scallol i in..-;. The f c . Ord. r id K , held in Chi.- ariii c. m in :' 1 :1:Z from .'. e '. .n of the "e raj hers wiil be i.m n-jing Jur."' 1 '1 . r tl. r. ' days. h- .-n convicted of - d oj.', t-e at Mount t! 1. ilhn of his ; ;-. i -.i.,r. and Phillip .' . n 1 three others : v '. y an explo . .-.' r. ,;r ;'..-c9port. .' .'f a.'ui lake trans led at Cincinnati i't is to protect their i::U r:' t-- CC-r . i.icrce . on. a v,-;althy resi N. Y. . has donated vrsity cf Rochester Parehiy mui'i'n r : Hnlly. X cousin, K r 1 ' r.me Si'h'ieiT. sevi rel sior- ;v Per.!'.. A ci.n portati, Monti'. y in te rt la w. D..n . dent of .-?'.' ' ' to end and l.i-r : e r "ni' O.ltl. "cor.orry 0 f New ,'ivil ser v York. T'i - ; a v M rii. .en. Il:i:l ef (It Ihe r-- state (,f , in BiiiTilo. eh xv. 1. 1 r. : ne rn ; j.ne .e' iLtmp.-mr- S.-nat a tin Housi- met in jjiut convention Vednes d.iy and declared Win. 1. Chandler elected United Stitcs Senator for the unexpired term ending March -i. lii'j. There have been no new cases of yel low fever at K-y West. Fla., and but one deati lat ed' Mr. Hoilman. There -- p .'-oris under treat- are 1. 1 teen . ment. Prep 1. ..v ' been made in St. g into etlect of the which all saloons, LOUIS lor th Sundav law puttie U C d e r beer gar Lns. billiard rooms, shooting and bowling galleries. theatres and base ball parks mu t cloc-?. It ij reported that the Pennsylvania Railroad intends running its ferry into Jersev C.ty from Exchange Place to the foot ef Fir-1 street, and that the road will reach the river front throughout that street ou elevated tracks. While J. C. Ryan and Harry Treloar were drilling out a blast which had ,,...,,, ,--,. . missed lire m the Paint ILver mine t-t C.-ysta! dlls. Mich., recently, the blaf-t went elf. blowing the heads and arms of be.th m -n .md horribly mnno'iiro- their bod ies. Last Saturday Lei Backus and G. D. Stoddard, neighboring farmers, living near Yernoa, Columbia county, Oregon. quarrelled over a division line fence, and Backus shot and killed Stoddard. Backus was r.ursued and killed by con- etable Mollinger. At Jackson. Miss., Moniiay. Chancel leir Peyton decided in the case of Ham ilton and oilier.-, charged with con spiracy and the murder of (Jambrill. that Hamilton and Eubanks were not entitled to bail. Albre-cht was bailed in .?j uO'L Hardy and Figures wili be discharged, fed. Hamilton wa taken t . jail. Ti:e deal by wi.icii t:.e' Ne-rf ". ik ai.d Western Kail road c-xp?ct to ("ntred the Shenandoah Valley contemplates the purchase of the majority of the lirst mortgage bonds of the : .ier.and jab "alley an.' the i-'-ue of new fecuritus after foreclosure, which w:!I b" i;ued to old security hjlders as t'. N .rfolk an.i Western people ce';::. A disnatch h-.s been reCs.ive.1 Villa Marie, a town in Areviitice lii - pubii?. to the effect th..-. a I e Vol uti 'H which t r ko out in the prov:;-. of Tucuman. i.-j that reubos suppressed by th ge'iieral g with a le.-s e i . iive-. Ti: also state? lh'.' the ti ,v;i province and !.:- n.in:-;. r taken prisoner-. The Ha.r I i f A hi i l k.r Ireland un.'.er L-lad.-tone. upon in San Francis M ;as been e rem t n t d. pr.teh r of the l.-e ; - uteuar. t was called jtiday by a : prominent it and jus v. too pre a pressing .-e ; ntnent of ') fiom S..I1 a br. th- r. I : !' tl.c A' ie--. delegation of :.) t.t citizens, it., Iu jir.: tices (.-f the Sup re I : m "Jr- ; !'.. .; four '.urial Sented hi; approval ,. ins huena; Ireland. he i Ari '. Francisco ; T.-xa- t and will :!'.:' , coun'.i y. A ay i l anip ( ,o SliNAND'OAil. Pa Shaw, a noted IL : n ( ; u ii . an .-Jack e i .1! of iav and Shumokin. vieitei attracted much ; along tlie streets Blaine-Cleveland tl: tie ut ion I y t-t rolling oeitless. During the campaign he worked hard for the Piumci K'ogl.t. and. when lie l"arr,t d rf l;i- oe:e..t. he ex claimed. "I'll ie w, :r a eoat while a Democratic '': -i.h-et oc".pic the White House " Ik- h:'s U, j-t hi prom ise. II a lias jti-t r --.timed from a trip to Scotland, wh.ch iri.j he also made coat less. In winter h - dens two or thiee suits of underclothing, and is thus l ; : abled to withstand the '-old. f n J' j anii . . . her kt.-: "!! liom. ;:-.'i !r v;r rt( Iri-h a .-.! : . v; -ii . i ' Kli iU '.;, (.';; v. i ! Mrs. Chapnii.n rw f;l ret u ni c i i i l r 1 1 i- . - te. 'it v i . rtiaiei . II IJ. 1 1 '.. iy f I; ,yb in t!io r e -.-" r-i.in -,f :i t re.'w i oy ur. .... .-. Aumore 1 well i le.i' rd "s L ) v'. -Jy or any one k-l.-e f caiifp. i. o.. a fine bo v. H 'j; r the anie th- 5t- r io"3 not have the Iiappine? to him-' -'.her liuuichol'Js oharo the joy. A t-iion tiini1 t-i;ico liiie Mr. A. White. :t-.b vr:i on :t v: -it , J .- if. . 11 ho 1 an i Deans fit Parniiro. r. -.; ties did tlm unaiiant i horse V stable mul muti p:.r;y ct t y itc her tn llfl.i ;: . ' -...".' r " . U. W. nays ihey .ir. w - !,'"si.t t. . laurels, for they did nt !..-c :; 1 , l.-n-.-wn who they are. On the 14th a tenant hou?? cw:ie i t y C. H. Fowler and occupied by Alfred Brin was completely couKumed" by fire. The j.ru-umpii'in i-- tliat it c.ciKht fiom ?park fmm lie? nv-n.'.l!. T:.i.tc norne in tlif- b ju-e at tli'- t i:or- i: t 1 : lire. Mr. Fowler V Uy.-a vii'. appr..! :nate one hundred and iift v dollar. Brin !"-'t all iio had except ,a ci:- - and a .-ewiD' raachiue. our liiard of County C-..mn. and Justioe.; ol' the I'e.ace oi tl met in j drir ?es-i -n en t lie !:r; t ae;r"eable i i law and a -es--d e eountv M-nday rn" (iol- lar and twenty cent." on the hundred dollar valuation of property the ensuing vear r all purposes, and eh-cted ieo. Dees, Jas. I . iirm-cn nnd W. T. 1 'nhn finance committee. J. F. S.iv.-v J.. B. Turner ani Jas. I-'. Brin 3m education, and trans.-!,-!- d '' ness pertaining to te.eiv,. Cur section wa literally covered i wr.tf-r on la-t Friday (y ning and Sa urday. the h -a ae.-t fall ot" water at an one time sinrje the 10th of June. ic- especially fi rn Sn.iih-- ere. river section to Baird creei section in find around 1 ' ov disastrous ho 1 1 fell .hen:; damage to crops. j'h" ' been too wet with u; riuec May, still crops are loci, ins well where (den. Grei 11 In ' ' ml 1:1 ti - . -- t k epar: o i 1 e r i : , t!: re re. 1 n-: o nie' . a.l :i ( t t ; possession and fortili.-d. ."e hard v.a.r 1: farnier:; h:.ve 1 will have to r are -.-cclient w-atlier P .;'. 1 i;i'd," ( (iiniiiiUcd Al'R' . Jur Mrs. Lincke. wife of P Can Line ho who was murdered here a few days r.go. was arrested this morning ;,nd corn ti.a ted to jail beiru ac.'i. r ry to the crime. She made a -taterc.i r.t to t!; . nrt oi which she admitted thar sh" hji lain across the bed with Mr. Potts, the t-up-posed murderer, and that he ha 1 lain across her bed, but that was wh. n "he and iie were sick and nursing each other. She also admitted that he had kissed her. but it was in presence of her husband. She ftated that (die was on the bed Asleep with her husband when he was sin. t. hut when awakened by the report e! the piitol could r..-t tell whether it ww in th" house or 1 r.t 1 i doors. Mrs. Lincke .-cee!- to i ... v.-ry cool and collected. Our comniunitv in very iniu'n - hoeh. d and indignation is high. I: i t; hoped that cood order will prevail. ) be and and that the perpetrators of s cowardly n crime wi'.l In justice. Some liiridewc of the Pre loUl tr. i:eh: t() AdiiM!lu.lck l"ihii!fj Li'oiiinN. Dr. J. G. Risnian and his w if- win; went with President and Mrs. C.eve land to the Adirondack rt gi r turr.v 1 last evening. "We had a delightful time.'' ..dd the doctor this ' morning. "The Presi'b nt and his wife occupied the Gotham C ' izre. and the rest of the party remained at the Saranac Inn. A.mong others who were there was Mr. Edward V. Cruik shank of Schemeihorn Btre. t- II..' i; a scientific fisherman, and was invit'.i ', join the President's iishing paity. "A rather funny trick was piajed en the President bv one of the reporters. who resembled him. very much. As the train ran into a station on the way out the crowd yelled for the Ir. lent. and the modest reporter stenp -d forth ii - ir, , , ; . , 1 and lifted his hat. One l.eiivion il 1:1- gisted on the suppos.il l.es 1 .-f the nation accepting: a caseef wine that ha i remained buried beneath the cobweb. in his cellar fsr a quarter uf a century. while another presented a he x ed choice cigars, cepted . The and gilts wtte 1 the c ijntry away sat: ! th it they h b- honored "The President is not wiiat call a spoon, llrs. Cleveland accompany him occasional! v. u d but ha? been married kng enough nou realize that there is no sport lisi.i with a petticoat around, t; !e' ns. i to to just steal away earlv in the in '.mi:;.; and not show up again unit 1 r,i -i.t. lii the meanwhile Mrs. I'l'ivehirj-i wulii sometimof drive oat with Jlrs. L iii'Dy and Mrs. Ibssraan. or the tr: wo is I t no rambling in th woods. A v j-v aro.u--ing incident occurred M -Ji-'.isy. w!-.. tho ladies were hunting sjoo' ii.i dowers not a great distance' from the hotel. Thov met a milkmaid, and Mr-. Cleveland 1 : 'Ibeli-ve I cou! 1 her v.-orfe." "Do try." exclaimed one of her friends. She drew Iter undress. J kid from stool, bu u r right hand :u; unfortunate! j'. at on t ! ; had experience, she placed t! the left side of the cow been a Mugwump cow spect for caste. The p: when her eow.hip p!a into it aral Mr- i 'e v. 1 --.ad!-.- - th' ! " 1; l'.'lVi end l::.e ul w.; h .-.I ;. hi: tilii .1' I w .to. r-, bio Oliver Twist v s d i;.c";ve:'( city yesterday, in Alexi-n b-r small sized 1-i -year-old boy from Chicago. The Fagun i i as describid by McKay, i black beard-. d man. the rhi, i of robbers, whun- heado'iert sotneiienin tie- sootlicin p.o city. The boy'.-- story is tha day. in Lincoln Park. Cine.. invited to drink from a I : man befoi e mention... became uncotisciou uainc-d his s- s he f 1 1 box car. with th" nr-. train. Ti:. y rlo. p el a Iowa, and too tiri-i train, an h ing i:. h L. J-. ; The boy v.-a- l .!:. n to "a th-. railroad y :ird . rlie he t.-.e gang, and kept a rhw wu t xplams i! to hi:.i th:-. npo; pectod to ai :i pociict-pteing. , : ened with death was sworn to sec instructions. Th taken out by a jar to try P. is h .:id When they read the boy yell -d t -. saw, help ' help-! him a terrible b! so far has escaped taken in charge 1 vnd his fatl.t r ii cated with 1 y te the story of ! 1 - i ance. rro. -t ::e Cf Ci.ic.p 'grnp.h. '.-'.llie. Police nlies a: rn-we- 0 C;; v.Tio r;:i:Li; v ii.ix. June 1 ). it j-j re pi jrted ili.it njvcriitneiit mt'-mls to prnsecuto - u"rvi'" .lh im.u '' i. 1 I '. fur Fast Clare, .t:n,; the l'...dyhe f nant- to reeist " '; ' "i ...Jan - II. In connection t iio cotton spinners' short time tin 1. 1 iavorable replies have been 1 from spinners representing n niiibiiii spindles. Decision on' . ui'j.'1't ha 10 ;.t. v. Jur defe, . -fd. until Fn- -In on: eoueuce of 1 1 1 w-ai of the section of the Parnell 1 t niiit to listen to the advice of 1 .li'i-tet:. win) suggested that only "veiKo'-ier points tie discussed, little :r-e was made in thy House of :m c.s with the Coercion bill, the ile evening beintr consumed in dis- i j: , wl u-f-ing f.selve iines of the iifth clause. night a 1. umber of scrappy amend '.n:s v, .vc pionosed and rejected, the -tr: treating each in contest man the Liberal leaders refraining ikine;. Tin- result of this ab- ee p'.fc r! the attack, will bj . j"5 u- e 1 : he won't tro loll wil esc ;ipe the amendment when ! tho ( it'.. ;re i-j lii ali v applied Friday !..gl.t. 'ii:-.- c irrespondent adds that nothing more is definitely known regarding tho ou: stnn of reconciliation between Italy and the atican, or of the establishment Lv I ndian. 1 and the atic.n nf ,i jplo lo. iti ' y.. I.,: i .t.s. ill : F A vi.'-!;i-KKAI l e.N .-1 I ii A( V . L'-M--X. .Iuiio Hi. The Central Aries : -111-5 tho following: "A dynamite plot, to be carried out during the 'ue'elJ i 'I he pr, d '-tails tonight jubilee, has been discovered, ice are reticent about it. The v. ii! probably be made known The f.llo.vieg ii from an official -ource: "Information hai been re cur, ed in London which leaves no doubt that dyui.mi.ers have arranged to e m m:t ;-.n cu'.rage or a series of outrages d. u-.r.K the jubilee week, but the au thorities have a full knowledgj cf the co !spiraey an t thwe engaged in it, and are confident th it they w.ll defeat th ph Iters. For month- I :i-t the repo;t- rf the movements f prominent plotteis e. !:d tiieir probai'le accompliiH-s in Eog- i .i: i ;.:te Pe-n received in London al !;..:-; . t :i : ! -v. a-.clo-d he chief ports have been ;rn:;' the same neriod in f th. rival if certain suspects '".:; previous notice having been re d irom Lntiah agenu abraad. The in ct I mo . a :ur-i,t:- -.f Patrick Casey and his as' ' :at. h in Paris, who have been very active hitch', have been closely fol lowed by spoeial detectives, and others outride of the asey ring are also L'no-.vn.to ha ; been watclicd. lijssa's mplai.Mt to the New York police on J uno ., vea-i rib ur.l requireH little j watching. Oth- r-: in New York una . j.- c v. re le are ni e important, and are m' : :-f- or. rtfiii. and are constantly I id are constantly I l-'iiig sha'Iow'n-d and r-ported upon." a!;:nm;; ti:i; crimes mm.. L. ;: 'N. June 1. In the debate on the crimes bill today Mr. Finlay, lihi.ral-uni'-nist. moved an amendment that any association or associations pro claimed be specifically named in the proclamation. The government ac cepted the amendment. Mr. Healy moved to omit the words "or associa tions." m that each proclamation should deal with only one association. This Mr. La-four, chief secretary for Ireland, refuse il to accept. Mr. Claucy, nation alist, said that Mr. I'miay's object as a lib-, rai-tinionist was to enable the vice roy to mix together tho National League and some murder organisation. Mr. llealv's motion was rejected bv a vote of IL'U to 115. Mr. Gladstone dl close the debate on the ciimes bill on Friday with a criticism on coercion and the general policy of the government in Ireland. Mr. .Smith proposes to stop the debate and to declare the bill through the com m.oee stage at 10 p. in. on Friday. It ii cxpfcted that the members of the o; , ositioti "ill thereupon, without v.e :r,g. leave the house in a body. lit " -I A Dl -MANDS I'AYMP-N'T. i ' on -TANTii--. oi'Pi:. June 1.'). M. Neli di if. Iius-ian ambassador here, has re minded Turkey of her liability to Rus s.a iec.-.'ir - o the indemdity due on account i .t tie- uu.-s )-1 urki.-h war, and .ici.-- u;uiii,iumi wiui. n Lilt- iiauiuiy IS I1UL i met. Kas.-ia wili take pledges to guar- j ante.' ik payment. Count de Monte- I : .. . , 1 1. . .'.... i: o :i:. ; . not liello. French ambassador, and M. Neli .lo:f i.av- hod a conference wiih Kiamil l'.c. ha president of the council of min isters, it has been indicated to the Porte ill at Turkey need not entortain any Lais respecting the outcome of her e nduct in concluding tic new Egyp tian convention with England, assur ance being given that Germany, Aus t'.i.i and Italy side with E-cgland in the m atte-r. It is believed that tho conven tion wd! be ratoi -d before the 22d .: ' : n cr vac h r u. !. -:.:. June ". The steamer Nor' ham i'.i.-tle, from which tho Prince of Wales started the jubilee yacht race yo-terdav-, reached Harwich at 5 o'clock ilus morning. The Genesta passed the Nurham Castie during the night. The Dawn parse. 1 .',' minutes later, and was f'i:u.''d ii.i'.iuU afterward by the Al.iie. Tn-' Am i ., an schooner ach'. Daunt 1 which is taking part m the jubilee nee around tiie liritieh Isles, was run into i !f Aide'i.urgh during this morning by the -t-. amor Pandora. The Dauntless r. .-eo- i'd jsi.ly trilling damage-, and will .-. .;.! mue ni tin., race. Tin' reports re eci'.ed oi the positions of the yachts are confusing. A line wind from the - ;!i et prevails. n..t: in the ti.iai. at i.r.irziu. 1 i" l;i IN". June 18. The evidence taken yesterday in the trial at Leipzig t he members of the French Patriotic .cue. who are accused of high trea- .ti . -howe.l rloo Hlprlf llmi of Ihp nria- r. iia,. uonatoel largely to tuo lie ::c Franoaisa's fund for the :: ii !' a monument to (iamie-tta i:.u:Ti;vt'AKC shocks. o!S. June lo Earthquakes visited 11 .che-i-ur- Yon, in La Vendee, today. .. j,,..,.,),, v.-er.- frightened into a tem - :ry par.ie but no serious damage :.'i' '.. Jam- ;". Slight shocks of Ji ou ilo- w.-:e tell in Smyrna today. hie .i -::i ric.iu KilK Four Mexican--. i:: v- . June id. James Taylor, a - p man. of Scurry county, Texas. t v. ... Me. ican slivep herders work for him. bridav the- had some nolei 'standing about tiie work, and light tha. followed Taylor worsted ii bu'.h. Ni :;t da', as Taylor came :: camp, he f Uiid two more Mexi ;. and before lie was aware of their i.lioiis the lour made an attack on ! Tim e had knives and one had a hooter, while Taylor was unarmed, i r ii iiii athletic young miin. Iu ':;:'; t' i it folio'.ve i he got posses : C" rix-fh'i-'lcr an I immediately . i th.- 'a'de-c lie killed three of ' . . :: ! I " iiiur.-i, r- ; . . ai d afl the r- i t i run he sprang to his . o ..i'ii. o il Winchester, and ' . t l is a-sailmits at a dis- ' ai .-. inl'i. ting a fatal ii -r ;ave himself up. ; -' 1 .!. tl o'i' II igli 1 rea-o;i. . Jut.e :;. The trial of the A . : : pit ii- : for high trcaaon, ac i." i.'i fU!p.-st:ug attempts to sepa i : ' A .-.co i i'o:,a (.ermany. uai begun 'o- i y. I'r :;:..:.,..t. of the TTibunal of .' ii - . -. i teei led, and prosecutors 1 esr n.l-.rf ieei Tn i'.m represented the Slit--. 'I ie p ilriots were defended by iht' local a 1 vocates. Ledder, Lehmer, 1'rielag. Fels, with Munokel, of Herlin, t;t and Scheitterstir.. of Strasburg. and :--. resbar. of MeU. (JEM INE POETRY. We have received a copy of .the Doem ; rccitod by I'rivata BevetJy D. Tucker, 00 im once was, at the dedication of monument to the dead of Oty' Batte- ; ry. to which the reverend gentleman 1 bplonged during the lat3 war. Wer- . gret that we have not irjiace for it all, ! but we take a few stanzas from bia fine, 'resounding Lay for the benefit of oar I readers: EXTRACT 1 u: Comrades from the farther shore, Wart j ours the sadder fal, 1 Who full bofnrAtha fioh.nW wniiBt ict ry held the gate? I Who fell whilst vet the voice of Fame ' .- r Was rintrinflr in vour ears: Who never bbw your eountrr'a shame, Nor mourned her cause with bears. For you tho -vision never pitied. The liag was never furled; Ye fell, -whilst yet its stars prevailed To keep at bay the world. Today, that banner only waves Where falls the silent dew. To bless the flow Vs and grass aadgraTea TV'oich hido the brave and true. We lived to see how vain the trust, How vain the Btrife and toil For that alone which holds your dust Remains Confederate soil. We saw our armies forced to yield. Our visions fade away But ye who fell on Honour's field Still wear Confederate gray. Norfolk Ssandmarl: The Color Lino in St. Paul. This is the story that William A. Hazel, a colored man of St. Paul, tells: "I am an architect and designer of mosaic stained glass, and live in Min neapolis; I am, however, engaged in St. Paul two or three nights in the week. I have had the greatest dif ficulty in securing accommodations at the hotels. Last night I visited severals hotels, but "Wo're full' confronted me everywhere. At the Clarendon I was told that they didn't want me or any of my kind about. Then I visited the Astoria, and the moment I mentioned a room that familiar sentence. 'We're full,' fell from the clerk 's lips. I said I believed he was lying, and he grew angry. I said I would appeal to the ! luW for justice and protection. Finally ne caueii ine proprietor, who told me to get out or ho would have me ar rested. I declined, and he rang for the patrol wagon and I was taken to the station, and it was the first lodging house in .St. Paul where I didn't hear 'We're full.' " Baltimore Sun. (.old aud Silver Mints iu Pill County. The good people of Bethel Township are iustitiablv excited over th rliarviv- ery made by an old colored man last week that ernld exist in lure a mi An tit inn in the bowels of the earth. The old man has dnir onvnrnl mio-crnta r,f trnA m the farm of Mr. Gray Carson near the town of Bethel. Mr. Guilford Andrews who is our informant says that Dr. James has assayed a quantity of the ore and says that it is unquestionably gold. Rumor has it that the old colored man has a blue chest full of the precioiM metal as e result of many nights bard and secret toil. Eight on the heels of this comes the discovery of silver on the land of Mr. John B. Kilpatrick of Swift Creek township. Mr. Kilpatrick found a considerable amount while cut ting a ditch through bis farm which has been pronounced by a chemist as nice silver ore. Hurrah for Pitt county 1 we will back it against the world for natu ral advantages. Greenville Reflector. Yellow Fever. Key West, June 16. There have been two new eases of yellow fever to day, making a total of 29. Sixteen patients are now sick; 3 were dis charged cured, and 10 are dead. The sickness has been confined to a class of mechanics who flocked here after the fire. Many of them are dissipated and unthrifty, and have not saved enough to get away with. If the board of health could send fifty of these people to New Y'ork at a cost of about $1,000, nothing more it is thought would be heard of the fever here, and the city and its interests would be relieved of the in cubus of quarantine and the adjacent country freed from contagion. Absolutely Pure. This powder never vane. A marvel of parity, strength, and wboleHOmeneas. Mora economical than the ordinary krnda, mud can not be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, nhort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cans. ROTH.V4UH PowdbkOo.. 106 Wall-t..N. Y novli lvdw For Rale in Newbern by Alex. Miller. Prepare for the Season Blatchley's Freezers, (Will freeze cream sol id in five minutes) Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Wire Dish Covers, Wire Window Cloth, Fly Fans, And a Full Line of House Furnishing Goods, AT L. II. CUTLEirS, 20 & 28 Middle Street, N I : V UKItN'K N. C. FOR BARGAINS IN u mi t ure, CALL AT THE Ne7 Berne Furniture Store, WEST SIDE MIDDLE STREET," Where it can be found in great variety. Furniture not in ptoc.k will be ordered at a small per cent nhova cost. A liberal Hhare of publio patronage solicited. J. M. JUNES, Man(W, marll dwtf mm. 'v -.1- ''it :"W. " . ,-'-P- T.fr a5- -T -J. - H. t-.t 'V -'- It i i 'I: W -