Sri? ? 1 c il si ' jit ft 9. -www if, $ I X TIT7: P7'X I ) KTNTT IIST ALL Til 1 ( ;s. Praprlttart. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JULY I I, Y:QL. x. Terms 9B.OO Per Ter. ' ",c !;7, NO. 15. i v - M i - 'V -A v. T J . . . Time. Soma have pleuty, some W.liare'Aangt and so .rTn fclfctd matters -whictkia fact nd substance is jost Vaw bZo. 4n tAll rnn. tht onr wht U stIU better we have sold a good quantity of tlu-m !r.-:dy, hut not enocb to break the immense assortment In the various branches of V LADIES' DRES8 GOODS in th. new leaJin- -naies GJaghama, Pongees, India Lawns, Piques, Em broidered Dreaa Robes and so on. Pine line of Notions, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Ruch ings, Everlaating Trimmings, Embroideries, Para sols in rariouJ style", in fact wo oannnt onunicrat.' n!! h-.r-.-for the ladies. 'JSBADT HADE CLOTHING in .any quantity for Men tjjyf tPUnty of Bboea at all prices, brides the well known wSdigter Bros. make. Qenta' Hats, Neckwear, nd o'fortK. Pants Goods from 10 ote- Pr 7ui to 1-7r'-Furniture, Furniture, Glassware and Groceries, fii truth SIMt anything needed that may add to your happiness, whtch you will surely to Touts sincerely, Bign of Fourth of duly Celebration ! QCUY YOUR SUL1MER GOODS AT Mi Ml) We hTB siore and oonfltantly arriring, Seasonable Goods for Summer Wear, onsiatiug of Drabdete Suits, Seersucker. AlpOSl43rs;e and Flannel Coats and Vests. wejtof Ju ftfx er wear uiaeueii ana L.argti iu ue sreu SlWLvU Thread, Balbriggan, Qasie and Net Undershirts itud Dravcrt to auitch.-T J&at Bleached Jeans Drawers, 50c. :IaOirtSr whH far Tariety. All who hare u?ed The Pearl Sbrrf ar well jlead both -with lit and wear. A nice set of Triple Plate Buttons wi&eah. half-dexen Shirts. We will guarantee our Boss COc. Shirt to equal any SSeiShirt in New Berne. plajed. J3oeoaj-Pitt Jid Colored Shirts; Lawn Tennis Shirts and Shos. lotof Jaw. Means & Co.'s $3 Shoes just arrired. CtoJJarrllI15i.C Collars and Cuffs, fi TjBifalSjjIaaLSaJrIiBen and Cotton, all priors. Ti katchJet joa te-atXcr, 15c: TI-lM1fcVrrUjaj)tl Colored Neckwear, new lot just received. Sari!& !n'.i& Tew days, only 10c. Porpoise Ride Shoe GentV Parter8iik' and eetton. Sleeve Supporter-, ( "uff and Sei tainers. . Batrtfne' Srilta iast arrived. Firemen's Kubl - r ( oat--, lla's an Trunks, Valisea, Straw Matting, Carpets, Kugs, etc. Be sure and call on us before you buy. HOWARD & JONES, Opp. MAX SCHWERiiM HIS CLOTHING EMPORIUM to the Store lately oocapid by Wm. Hollister. where -with more Room ; hia iuuixind Stook, be ia, with the assistance of MR. SAMUEL J. 13A1.I.. prepared toahow and sell at Hard Pan Price. Th PnTEST. NOBBIEST. NEATEST. PRETTIEST and READY-MADE CLOTHING, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Straw, Derby and Fur Hats, Doots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Etc., Etc. I AM SOLE AGENT FOR I i. BATTLES' MEl'S CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES The only SfaOM told In this rltr that are WARRANT ED; hy Uv Manufacturer TO ME and BY ME To MY CfSrOMKRH. Tlx: Kvery plr m Wrmtdi hou J tuay ot Uiem In anyway vithln-n,noDAblr lime arv oat. 1 win upon r ntaa to lj(ta or weatr irti ardjri) tMuntr WSITIUiothii Hi Pa urtfSXaAJMa. It tr the .'Mat. aaeat a ad obaapect -Bttoa la fltta Vortj fr Ore momey. T. rbT com CHfrM Mid Laos up 1 harm 1 ti ftali lm aiUraoa, who have txsuht lha "Hri'LL8 rtHQt. ' aoaaa of which hava worn dm palraa long aa 17 mnnit:. ni wimmhiiii II the Bar,C1iepet ami tw!nl W ear 4n4 hoa to ta vor.d. I rapetftrrwHrit an taspertkm of tioa to au riunjjusiag rtom a. Kiadle Screwt. at Wm. BENSEY Girls and Young Ladies Full oorpa of Teacherg. Boarders. Write for terms to j(inl6 dwtf r!?!r t tfcvr r? Sw.aar Cji ffiTli If kl A. wA Iiir 4 Pram )tt . a. gfyT V ft f wWO- M bONw FRU BROTH Wholesale Grocers, HATE BKMOYKD TO TUr.llt TWO STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, And keett af FLOUR. HEATS, COFFEI'. wUOAI?, SYHl'l'S MOAJBaliS. SALT. .TOBACCO, SNUFF AND ciOAatS, au TrrtMax la the QBOCEKT J.JIiE, a FULL, STOCK and at ; MV JnUCES for OAJBU. have more, much to spare r-oncornintr oar tore t h i , that we bnveu c hud any tair new soring coods h.ive ri'inc in uiri procure by giving your patronapt OETTINGER BROS., "The Celebrated Pearl Shirt." & mm full assortment. he best Linen Hand- Initial Lices. irf j: T.Oet Episcopal Church, Pollock St '.i3 play BEST rtun ot eaarasea pan ana Bi ai - la oonca. riaia an l aearp loco 'p Hnra. la Ban K&rxa. from tome of oar beat and Irai- our Stock and gnarantse pntire patisfae- MAX 8CHWEBIN, HolIIatar'aOld Stand, 8in of Flag. SCHOOL New Building. Ample accommodation.-; lor JOSEPH KINSEY, PRIXCIPAL. L'iHtlrltllHit? wt ail OaAckA nai. Tai a 8TTRS ELaaMT UtM qaj UMID naii. ohm oat Snterir al PTtDCilWSW E ? - tb Mat o t d !msm rt av-c is Ht wtthool dtiay. Te nicrij frimi oikw) tsnAtinc Raasaa ornninn rrscra in t aiifwT.ii 1 nBjrliTmoa been Btrtnffii aati aa J life are fVm fmcb , t& piia totctt.- nxnz 7. u HASRI8 REMEDY CO.. rc CHfvT BOOH H, Ton Mi Street. ST. LOTOS. 1TO. Trial of our AppHanco. AM, for Terms! a24b THE GIRLS THAT ARE WANTED rtsegirlnthatare warned aro good gi rl--"rood from the heart to tbe lips: Ture aa the lily is white and pure. Krom its heart to its sweet leaf Up-" Tlit RirU that are wanted are home KirU (iirls that are mother's right haui. Thnt father and brothers ran trust ... And t!i-- little ones undestand. (iiris are f on the hearths tor. i. And when nobody sees. Kind an i sweet to their own folk. lleudy :md anxious to please. The girU lint are w:m:.l are ise K'ir!s That know to Jo and to say . That drive wiih a smile or soft word The wrath of the household away. The girls that are wanted are girls of onsr. Whom fahi.n e:in never deceive: Who can fallow whatever is pretty. And dare, n hat is silly, to leave. l ii ' k'ii'iJ th it nte wir.ted are careful :rls. Wlin ci un t h hat a tiling will cost . Who u -e with a prudent, generous ban J , Hut ,-ee that nothing is lost. Tne girls that are wanted are girls, with hearts : Thev are. wanted for mothers and wives . Wanted to cradle in loving arm', Tne strongest and frailest of lives. The clwver. the wittv. the brilliant Thev are very few. understand. girl Hut. oh ' fur the ire, loving, home girls Tiu-ro - a n.n unit and -Heady demand . New York Ledger. KltOM TH K MOINTAINS. KlUIi-R ili'CKN'AL: Wc have had our resr and again ready for the homo stretch. Jut abore where I left you in my laot, which yo i will rt uienilicr wa at the west end of the 6wannanoa tunnel, is; the water divide where extremes meet, and the beautiful clear water, runs off towards Tennessee, in i obedience to the Greeley in June- j tion. "0 west." How I did hate to see nil that sji.irklm.i;' Atua I'ura running away from u. w.hen it would be such a comfort to us in the low lands of the ear. Hut' tlie,re was another case of a meet ing of extremes here. While I was siting for Major Boomer to escort ; tne to the snmrnir on my return : trip which 1 was to t ike alone, j a man came along with a double ! barn-lied shot gun. and a belt tilled ! with cartridge who inquired of i Lhe bystanders where was a good j place to find some rattlesnakes as be'wifehed to kill one. 2s'ovr here ! was one man who wanted to find a j rattlesnake, and upon my word and, honor, I was one who did not want to find any .-mkes. Heseemedex-tre-mely anxious to find one and I was nuiti' as extremely anxious not to, so extremes mtt right here. The. conversation turned upon; rattlesnakes and sorai rattling snake stories were told. I listened with deep interest when the direc ! tions were given the snake hunter : of the place most likely to lind one. j i It was my full intention not to go' i there. Hut fortunately thedircc-j tions pointed out invariably were j oil' my Line of return and the further i assurance that rattlesnakes were quite scarce this season was an 1 evidently gratifying crop report to me. We were now ready and otl for the top right over the great long tunnel, where there is a beautiful view of the western slope and many other slopes. A field literally taken wait daisies charmed and delighted me and we gathejed quite a posey lor the hotel people, l-'ioui the point in eueheiian par lance, having ordrrci up aud 1 was to iju it ah'Ht. My route was down the ridge on an old stage road wide , and eo in modioli, frte from brush or weeds, and owing to rhe snake stories, before mentioned. 1 neither) j went "to tjie nghC.uor the left, bat keit in the middle of the road.-' . The n jik down hill differs quite 'greatly from a walk up hill, but in this ease it was a clear walk over, any way, and J, vn i 1 1 1 but little 1 trouble- crossed the Swannanoa gp. where so mueh labor, capital I and skill was employed to get the railroad over. Keacbing the track right at the eastern end of the ' tunnel I was directed to the railroad and upon my route 1 would pass! through four or five tunnels but 1 none very long, aud with no train likely to pass up before four o'clock, but in I did mett a train iu one of them, why just squeeze up on ; ono side and there need be no col lision. The route was simply sublime aud the scenery as wild as any one could wish, but somehow 1 (w other the idea ol serving as1 wedge wood to stop a train passing : through a tunnel was almost as in 'eiiMl:!ig as mv previous thought ofbeiiiL.' a leethmg ring for some juvenile rattlesnake. Though for tune l.nors the brave; and 1 was brave aud fortune was favorable. The longe-t tunnel I had to pass through has a curve in it and when looking in at one cud you don't see out at the othei end although you are morally certain that there is another. While looking into the matter and wondering what it w.istha' "darkened the hole," the joyful sound of piek and hammer broke upon my ear. m fact 1 believe it broke all over me. There w;vs a party of workmen in the tunnel as was aNo made evident by the glim mering tapers flittering about. If there is a sp"t on the earth or under it where you want company, and want it badly too. it is in a tun nel when you don't know how soon the train may come. This, however, w i soon passed and the Rubicon was crowed, the others were short and ymi could ee right through be;'.. re entering, and in addition to that, 1 overtook another pedes trian with a gun on his shoulder, a valise hung on it and a banjo under Ins arm taking an observation oi the achievement-of engineering so el itvoratelv di-ii laved hereabouts. We formed a coal down in second tie Vole, to the Knob where I while lie movi d tion and marched ward -.v le on a le iel at Hound ! unied in to rest on towards his home in Hurke. Thus I had successfully performed the great French evolution of marching up the hill and then down again, The sights seen in the journey being sufiieient to remunerate for a week of such walking. L Ilound Knob, Jnly -, 1S57. STATE NEWS (;i aiii d from Our rxchiliisjp. Ho:!..ini In part- oi ( 'a-' ' prevails, a-tariiHT- t'fuin veil we tli i i 'Hill are t!ronD;lit l!lf on inncd bj- Wilniiugion '.( : A eorres pondriit inun Siiallotie. llruriHWiek county, says lieaxy rams on the L'.'.d and J.'itli l '.lime injured crops to some extent the iowlands were o ertiowed and cni. nitatoes and cotton washed n;. I' pi. md cotton is very good, but on lowlands it will Lc ahno-i a l.uiure. Other crops average very cll. NVdson A',, : Monday of ljst week a colored cirl. named Mary l'ndpen.was hilled by the fall ntp ot a gum tre( in a swamp. This occurred nn Henderson Bag ley's f.irm. Her head, neck nnd foot, were broken by the fall. Yil niin 'Hon cit ic Mr. John engineer, is Neimever, the veteran ! credited with the best run yet made on the W. Sc W. It H. Sun day night he ran from Weldon to Wilmington in hours and 18 minutes, the actual running time being ; hours andi t minutes for U2 Hides. It 1 posit iv a y 'stated that a Dev.. large steamer is to be snortiy put on uie i iv er net ween tins ciiv aim oinuiiviiie we oeg pardon, boutliport. As yet it is not much more than a rumor, al though positively staled as we have said, as a fact by those who are unwilling or unable to give par ticulars. Greensboro .V ". : A rumor is atloat in Haleigh that a large pub lishing house with an immense capital, will soon be established in that city, under the auspices of the Southern Presbyterian Church. Mr. J. D. White, the city cen- city cen- sns taker, commencing his labors on Tuesday morning of ten o'clock finished taking the census of the First ward at 1 p. m. yesterday. His book shows a total of 414 souls. Of that number there are 319 white and 9.") colored people. With in the limits of the ward there are 124 children of school age, 87 white and 37 colored. The property valuation of Guilford county has been increased 273,000. The Xorth Stad' thinks it could have been raised to 700,000 without in justice to any one. The commis sioners will meet again next Mon day to hear complaints, etc. Charlotte Chronicle : George T. Tnrner, the wealthy proprietor of the Valley Falls cotton factory at Spartanburg, who last Sunday week so brutally murdered Jalins Mezkia one of his employees, be cause he askod him for a settle ment, aud for whose apprehension Governor Richardson olfered a re ward of 1."0, was arrested Monday afternoon at Try on, N.('.,by the Fisher Brothers, formerly noted moonshiners. The train which left Charlotte for Statesville last Tuesday night was fired into by j some unknown party. The bullet I entered the express car through a window, cutting a small round hole j in the glass. It was lired at short : range and the weapon ued was evidently a small calibre pistol. : There is no clew to the guilty party; ami no motive is known for the deed. If the shoot ist is captured.1 he will be initiated into the mys-; teries of peiiiteutiary life Dr. : F. Scarr, keeper of Elmwood ceme tery, has made a success at pine apple culture. The plants were grown in the hot house and were carefully attended to from the very i day they were set out. Yesterday : Dr. Sc irr cut a large and finely matured pineapple from the bush and brought it up town to show as ; a sample of Charlotte grown pine i apple. It is as line as any ever imported. Last ear Dr. Scarr ; raised a first rate crop of bananas Washing-ton Items. All ol our editors expect to at tend the Press convention at Hen dersonville. Prof. Fetter and family are Ocracoke, where the Professor engaged to teach. Several families have gone at is to rale Ocracoke where they will ri themselves these hot days. Potts is quite lonely in his cell. He complains that the steward of the jail don't feed him well. A boatman tried to steal a 11 year old girl Monday, by dressing her up in men's clothes. The father caught the girl aud came murdering the boatman. near Solicitor Allen and dierilT Sut ton of Kinston visit last week made us a pleasant They arc true rep resentati ves of the Democratic1 party, and are worthy tho honors they have worn. I Messrs. J. 15. Bonner and G. D. Langston. of Aurora, appeared be-! fore the commissioners Monday ; and entered their protest against the sale of Whiskey. The coinmis-1 sioners granted license and s(l the bad work goes ou. Mrs. Liucke is enjoy in g the q met summer breeze at her home. ludge Shepherd admitted her bail on the sum of -roOO by consent of the solici-' tor. The impression of guilt is. stamped upon her which was evi dent from the character of her own testimony. The Normal opens Monday. We expect to strike bauds with Capt. Lane, Ivy Sutton and the snake correspondent at Swansboro. If he wants additional light on snake ology tell him to come over to the Normal and Prof. Graham will give him a short lecture. The oration delivered on Inde pendence day by Mr. C. F. Warren was a master piece of logic, rhet oric and philosophy. It dealt in America's past, present and future. The historical facts brought to light in the oration are food tor thought. It is published iu the !it : tt . The custom of beating on a tin pan when Ives swarm, in order to make them light sooner, originated in hmgland and is still practiced in some parts of our own country. Many experienced apiarists, how ever, do not approve the plan ab worth much. l'.illiiko ille Hicll School. The closing exerci-es of this school under the principal-hip of Prof. W. I-'. Wootcn, began on the night of tiie -oil of June, at s o'clock p. m. The academy was crowded . The audience was entertained for three and one half oi- four hours by declamations by the boys anil read ing by the girls of tho school. The pieces were well selected and ren dered in a manner which showed careful training and reflected honor on both the teachers and them selves. The programme Ins been lost or I would give it, but suffice it to say, that all did well. Some showing first rate elocutionary powers. Next morning at 1 o'clock we hied our way to the . mirclr where the address was delivered by Dr. Vtanlv- rf U'aL-fl Vi.rosf f-l 1 & era Notwithstanding th. inclemency 1 oi ttie weather, tne vJJOctor had a large audience who were well pleased with his ready wit and his deep knowledge of the subject, "Preparation for Lite." in which he gave the young folks much good advice, varied occasionally by a rich anecdote which made his address highly amusiug as well as instructive. Ilia lame as an orator had proceeded him and none were (i8appoiuted when they had listened to his eloquent appeal to the youths to prepare themselves well for the time when on their shoulders will rest the prosperity aud advancement of our govern ment and the welfare of coming generations. At the close of the address, Prof. Wooten in a short speech presented the speaker with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in I behalf of the ladies of Polloksville. Iu the afternoon the trustees met and elected Prof. Wooten Principal, and Miss V ilhe A. Bell assistant for the fall term. Both are excellent teachers and their efforts in behalf of education are much appreciated by the patrons of the school. On Friday morning the steamer Kinston was at the wharf bright and early ready to take the chil dren of the school and their friends down the beautiful Trent. After a stay of fifteen minutes at New Berne we steamed away on our way to Kiverdale one of the most beautiful and picturesque spots on Neuse river. We were allowed the use of the grounds by the kind owner. A bountiful repast was spread on the green grass and under the old factory by the ladies who were afraid it would rain, then the wants of the inner man were attended to. Onr stay was cut short by the hoarse whistle which warned us that our time was up and unless we made our way to the boat we might be compelled to stay at Kiverdale longer than we bar gained for. Then commenced our journey homeward; the boat stopped at New Berne 30 minutes thus allowing all who wished the opportunity of viewing the new Hotel Albert. At the end of 30 minutes we were reminded that our brief stay at the city of elms was over and we were again making our way up the river Trent. Some enjoyed themselves dancing while others looked on and chatted musdy with their friends. From all appearances cupid had slipped aboard (without paying his fare) and was making sad havoc with many tender hearts. The young folks danced in the academy till a late hour in the night, then sought ; repose in the arms of morpheus, and to ilream pleasantly of their trip. Thus ended the commencement. A Very Important Convention. On the 10th day of August a i very important convention will as jsemble in the city of Atlanta and : remain in session perhaps for ten j days. For the first time the far mers of the South will meet in a ; convention of their own to discuss j the unsettled" problem of Southern agriculture under its new conditions Of the ten cotton States it is cer- tain that eigbt will be represented by full and conpjjlete-delegations. , it is hoped the other ' States Ala i bama and' Mississippi :"wttl bo i heard from in due' fjrje. ' ' I The subjects of trrrdiscuasion at this convention are practical and ' pressing. They teach the business as well as the scipnee of agricul ture. Commissioner Henderson ; and his associates have divided the subjects, giving each State its special topic of discussion, and able writers and speakers are now engaged from the Oarolinas to Texas collecting such facts and ar- rauging such argument as will be useful and convincing to the far mers of the South. We hope for great good from this convention. Politicians ap pear to have been excluded from its discussion and matters confided mainly to practical hands. There are many things in Southern agri culture yet unsettled. Many ex periments, results of which are not yet ascertained. It will be strange if tho ten days' proceedings of this ; convention of five or six hundred , nropri! farmers does not fpach n , something we did not know before, 1 confirm us in right ways and lead ' us back from mistake and venture. Atlanta will welcome the conven tlou and will see that the delegate aio made as comiortable as pos sible during their stay in the city. ' Atlanta Constitution. A Peculiar Region. One need not journey to thu wihU of the Park Continent or hunt up a desert island iu the Pacific or In dian Oceans to find a spot on the earth's surface where taxes areTun kuown. There is such a No man's-land in our own country, according to a recent item goiug the rounds of the press. It is a territory bordering on the northern line of Lincoln County, Maine, called 'Hibbert's Gore.-' It contains .'-i;j4 acres of land and ten flourishing families. It is bounded by the lines ol three counties Knox, Lincoln, and Waldo but is not claimed by either. The inhabi tants do not maintain a municipal organization, and cannot vote for President, governor, members of legislature, or town officers. Stockholder-' McetiiiLf. IV AN" EYE WITNESS. Mohkuead City. July I. !--7. El itor Jul hnai. As it not infre quently happens th;,t a k;.'u,i listener, by reason of remarks i!ia!e in his hear ing by bi ail site?, ami by close obser vations of the actors, is enabled to form a n-.ore correct opinion of tho results at which men aim. and to gain a more in timate knowledge of plans and schemes than their uuthor would care to have him possess. I propose in response to your request to Rive you the impres sions made n; n an observer bv-the meeting of th- '-holders of the A. & X. C. II. Ht thi- , ye.-tc-rdav. June 30th. Circulating amoiij? the little groups gathered about the hotel before the hour of assembling. I eoon learned that the majority of the stock had been gathered by one man. and that the proceedings of the meeting were, so far aa related to the election of directors, appointment of committees, etc., already "cut and dried, " with the cutters and dryers on hand to see their program carried out. called to order irectora put in the cnair. a scowl or dissatisfaction was ap parent on more faces than one, and when the names of certain gentlemen from Wake wera announced as directors on the part of the State, and the name of a gentleman from Chatham as proxy for tho State, that scowl deepened into an ! expression of Bnger that was noticeable j even upon the faces of some who rank themsel vpfl among Gov. iscales' friends. 1 hieh class of individuals, however, in I this part of the State I rind confined al most exclusively to the recipients of his patronage, and those who hope to get i something from him. Ejaculations of' 6hame! shame! in tones scarcely audible ; but full of feeling, fell from the lips of , many, and conveyed to the writer the idea that fom great wrong had been perpetrated. Upon inquiring thecausej of such an ebullition of feeling he i learned that while tLe gentlemen from j Wako and Chatham above alluded to , were personally much esteemed by the . people of this section, still inasmuch as ! neither of them had any known interest i in the country along the line of the road, ' and none in the road itself except the ownership of one or two shares of stock, ' just enough to enable them to hold the positions, the people almost to a man, who understand the situation, who live in this section, whose money has gone ; by the tens of thousands for the con- ; struction of the road, and in their heavy debt taxes is still going to pay for that ' construction, and whose prosperity and welfare is largely dependent upon the efficient and friendly management of the road, feel that His Excellency the Governor, in going outside of their ranks to select representatives of the State in the management of a property situated iu their midst, and in which they hav an interest measured in dol lars and cents, paid out about equal to that of the State itself, if not greater, and many times greater than that of all the present controllers and managers put together, has not only perpetrated a great w rong upon them, but in making these i ppointments for the third time, in the lace of the nuny protests that have been made to him, has offered them a direct and premeditated insult. which at the proper time they will not j be slow to resent. j Another caute of complaint was. the inability to obtain a copy of the Presi- dent's R;-port, and as it is customary ! for these reports to be printed and ready for distribution among the stockholders ; when tho moiing assembles, thereby giving them n opportunity to consider 1 the "URgeetioT. and recommendations therein contained before they are called upon to vote upon tliem. it was not sur prising, when the President, reading from the only copy of his report that seemed to be available, suggested that the time of holding the annual meetings ' bo changed from 4th Thursday in June to 1st Thursday in August, was considered by some as a snap judgment, and the reasons assigned for the change received with some grains of suspicion. The idea, said a gentleman on my left, that tha business of this road has increased to such proportions that it requires more than a month to get its accounts ready for submission to the stockhold- . era, is all bosh. Just wait until July, "8? and you will see that the cat in the meal tub is a coon of another color. The North Carolina road and all other r0ads, some of them with a business thousand times greater than the busi ness of this road, make up their ac counts in thirty days. The accounts of , this road, when doing more business, and when ita receipts were greater than they are today, have always been made up in thirty days, and if it is indeed true that the present president and his numerous assistants are unable to make ' i up in thirty days, accounts covering a i business amounting to the petty sum of til i ,uuu, lees than the business of any, first-class merchant in the State, then His Excellency the Governor ought, in justice to himself and tho interest of the stockholders, turn out the whole con cern and appoint men of some business papacity in their places. But, said he, as Col. Morehead closed his protest, jwhat's the use of protesting without or ganization; watch the proceedings and you will see that the president ij run ning the machine and the Governor too; he makes the nominations hare, and the Governor's appointments are made in accordance with his wishes, and if but one-half the rumors are true, it is thought by some that His Excel lency will, before his term expires, attempt by lease or otherwise to place the whole property under his absolute control or that of his friends But when the time for leasing or selling as the case may be, comes, unless the ne gotiations are kept from the people and a deal is made whereby the transaction ia virtually consumated before it is made known to "outsiders," those who are now manouvering for the possession of the road by buying up its stock when ever it can be had, will while putting a handsome profit on their investment in their pockets, be astonished at the price the road will bring, if his excellency will permit competitions in bidding for it."' And then, when too late, those who have up to this time parted with their stock under the silly idea that great good was to come to the road and incidentally to them by consolidating it in the hands of one or two men, will find that they have parted with it for a mere bagatelle in comparison to the sum it will yield the purchaser, and have sold it to men who, their inlluence in the control of the road having gone with their 6tock, will have about as lit tle use for theui as his satanic majesty his for holy water. Many other comments of this nature. I might give 1 you. but it would make this communi- cation too lengthy The feature of the meeting which seemed to elicit the greatest attention was the discussion between the Hon. F. M. Simmons and Mr. James A. Bryan of your city, and Mr. Jesse Ken nedy of Lenoir, upon a resolution of Mr. Simmons authorizing the directors of the A. ifC N, C. R. to subscribe to the bonds an 1 stock of the East Carolina Land and Railway Co.. a line to run from New Berne to New river in Onslow county. Mr. Simmons portrayed in glowing colors the advantages of the new enter prise, described the land through which the road was to run as llowing with milk and honey; its rivers tilled with millions of bushels of oysters, and the land itself teeming with abundant crops all merely awaiting proper transporta tion to make their owners lich and the country prosperous, while theroad ccn controlled a road way 20 miles in length, equal to any in the State and virtually ready lor the ties. His speech was strong and telling and if the discussion had ended when Mr. Kennedy cuggest ed that we had heard enough, his reso lution might have been adoptod and a subscription of many thousands of dol lars made by the A. iS; N. C. R. to the stock and bonds of the new road. But Th. Mr. K-juu' ly ! -c -.v-in..- i;r. :::;vv'c note?. na. -f I Pryan took iL Simmons ' re be g!;Jd to s--: the Stat" and & N. C. R. I where thy fact, woul to lu;: ! Mr. the A '. hi i.i t i --i.-. ;,!. or. ! V tion I'ui to of 11;; i, nr. eiarcd that i; its ta.i.- even think ..f s - t- was tr." veriest f while .-ill 1 1 j i v.;.-. was niortg.'e-J !- thousands of dollar , had been. Finco hr knew it, regarded by him as a erty; that if proper!-.- inar.r.j-ed an I i resources taken caro of. it would roon pay olf its presont debt and become ,i dividend paying property. That the people of this iectir.n huo Lv.Z Their eyes to its value an i it.-. jv(-rsh(lw:r.z inlluence upon their trade and r.:.?;H r- lty. and at one Umo soeir.od to c-ir tie what became of it: that shrewd capi talists, men not giyeu to Kivo-ung ..hear money in dead enterprises, had drifted among them, am1 seeing the great capa bilities of the road had purchased lartre quantities of its stock and were still seeking to get possession of it with as much eagerness and avidity as if it rep resented shares in the mints of Gui conda. and they would double nd quadruple their money too That th cry that the road was a non paying properly wa all humbug; was made to coyer a purpose. That the president said the road would do better ,n private hands, that being so let the Governor put it up for lease or sale to the highest bidder, tirst giving the public proper notice of his intention. If olfered for lease under those circumstances, it would bring a sum that would soon pay off its debt: if offered for s.ib La thought it would bring not icsh th;in 600.000 or S3o it per 8bare. l or thete reasons he had adyieed and still advised the people of Craven county not to sell their stock for the figures at wnich it waB being bought up by those ans iou to get control of the road, and he ad vised all others who owned stock to hold on to it for the present at any rate, and to await results, which he thought would in the near future, give tl.rm r, cause to regret their action. He said that in regard to his nnt tion with the Eastern Carolina sydicate. he would state to Mr. Simmons franki v. that he did favor mortgaging tt;e A. or N. C. R. to put it iu order just as the present managent has done, and to build the link from Goldsboro to Fayetteyille or to Sanford. that was to connect it with th Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Road but that Governor Jarvis would not permit that, and that without permission, they olfered to lease the A. & N. C. Road and. pay a yearly rental of 3 per cent, on its capi tal stoak. That if that proposition had been accepted one would now have had a N. C. line in fact as well as in name, and the dream of Caldwell. Morhead and ofhers of a line from the mountains to the sea would have been reaiizad, and it would not have been many years before we would have been by means of that connection in direct communication with Chicago and the west. That his proposition would have de veloped this country and built up the ports or .cw Heme and lM.ore.hcaj City and placed a large amount of money m the treasury of ihiRoad. but that plans were said to be en foot for the control of tho Road . would virtus i:y t .ttK up the people in this section ci country, and put money in tbe pockets . '. a few private individuals only. For these and reasons given before, he hoped that the counties and in dividuals owning stock in the Atlantic Road would consider well be fort: part ing with i; t.; parties now trying to buy it. This 1 beiiev e is a fuir statement oi the two speeches, and while Mr. Bryan evidently sttuck a very .-ympathetif and respcn?;ye chord, nnd no do-ib- in the main portrayed the facts as they aro. there are some minor points m his speech, to which jit .i lhr-r w may take exception. Several other matte..- A miliar im portance took place, but a- this com munication is already longer then I in tended it to be, I wili bring it to a clooe by stating the conclusions . hi h li. procedlugs lei. to-wif 1. That the A. iX v.. u- property whose really fjreai uluc- mauy of the former stockholders having failed to see, have parted v.-iih their stock at figure-" far under what it wa worth. i. Tha: shrew ist8. men alive capabilities of t vaLe caaitiii alue and the sre making the toad. persistent and determined t fT possession of a majority of with the view to obtainit, control of the Road itself. 3. That his Excellency t'.e r'.s to get the stock . erno .at th is considered their rrieiiil. ar; d t entente corditile bjtwe-en thTn to be perfect. 4. That his Excellency ti.. for reasons, various ana sji excepting those who hoM ht Li ., sa i ntr dry. has positions under and through hini. more ai mirera uuder his o wn roof than ho ha-' among the people along tho line c ; the A. & N. C. Road. 5. That the people of this s.-c: U-n are pretty well arou9d as to what then real interests are ; that they have opened their eyes as to who their true irienda are, and that knowing what their rights are they .irr determined 10 mru'nta:n them . M'.uo-. A vo . Stcnewali IterA'i. Edmund Tingle lost one i,: .,io iu;'.;.Li twin boys a day or two ag . Whoor hic cough the cause. Charles McCotter is on a yisit to !n.' friends and old home. lie has be.-u ia Florida for five years. Messrs. Kuglers had the entice a: one of their mills on Smith's creek com pletely wrecked on last Thursday. It had only been at work for a fevr days. Asa Whitcomb is having the Yande mere mill thoroughly repaired. It is being done by Mr.Crabtree of your city, as efficient a machinist as Eastern Caro lina affords. C. H. Fowler has returned from a re cuperating irip to Morehead Ci'.y aud reports a very enjoyable time and a large crowd. John B. QuicU. Bob. Lewis and many others are off to More head City seeking plsasure. The steamer Bettie is mate: iany u is appointing Mr. A. H. Whitcomb. She ia or bus been fast on the mud i:at in Clubfoot croek or there nbout. having the cylinder bringing to his mill on board, and nothing can be done v kn out it. It had been to lhe shop for re pairs. We had an escti-.-iva- fan uf v it tor last night, ii inches fell in less than -hours. Many were sa.iiy d isar-pointed in not bein'-Z able to he in your city cu the 4th. Th? steaaio; Mur;;;.- cc.- .p pointed a I;.r.;e crowd at Smith 'j creek in not being i-n hand in th; marnir.g of the 4th. to u them to Nt-r Bono. SlOO.'MC' in !Mni;-' and A-de Cincinnati. July ti. A special Grafton. Yi'eet Yirginia. S'-iy-t: A broke out yesterday iu a bu '!;- , Latrobe street, and before :t i om lire on v as most checked totally consumed, with all their contents, twenty eight, ings, including two cf the IttrKv-t two furniture stores, t wo 11 stores, the Stan-laru-Enttrp' i-" paprr cfli-'C, one jewelry -;"i clothing More, an 1 a r.u cater of stores, offices aud private dwo No iorgaaized lire department other lings, exists here, aud only by the uaro','t,t wo the part of the citiens wai h liuallT controlled. The total cm- n he fire s- will if only reach Si 00,000. with insurance 812,000. The lire is supro'"--d been of ir-cendiary origin. ..:.,erh.l,..l,,iitl,at.,:,!r. fl 1 I K "I t:.i-t.. ill. --ia . v. -.-uid -o" i;u' cotton crop of 1 I I I A 1 I -vjr c ild be p!r.:,;;,b ;u .. nr. :i,:.r -,t;.i I'etcr Hurley! It k' j ' . , 1 not ob -it io its su-'isci-i! ii.? .. .. ... i.. El SZXSlrZSl!?. " t i . V:;m- ;.Vr'' near N.unic ne. 1 Monday. Hurley j jBB 1 :i',l!'ll;-'iiliv''w '-'ec-ta tl.eir annual session at ! W5V --i 1 kev.. If r..i.n..! r i-.-iciiiai-oii- Wcinesdav . H.-tween iOO ' F I ( a f , ,i. .. ;p;yt:.;r.e -n i ! 'egau-s are proscut. Ixl ILHv J&J ..''! 1 s.dd u:-u . . A rwm -' ,n.j t'-r. r -- e.T;iution tiu presidents and I ifmamftft . 'Vf se-. oral hundred fu -iitieac-f the colleges in Pennsylvania , I jtVSlTr J ;"r'ii t was, aD.l a! ways becan at i.acrastfr. Pa., last niirht. to I IfV. -x' r:iutejn of tiu presidents and .'3 of the colleges in Pennsylvania began at Lancaster. Pa., last night, to tate college asscociation. i u--grs were represented. aindred and fony Pinkerton de- sei:t to the coke regions l.iy. It is tviid that five hua- will be in the coke fvr- ti:-- ' -t:d of the week. l'..-nii.-. lvi;nia Rail- thrown from the track by a collision :.t Dillerville. 1'a,. Monday night and the contents ignited. Three oil cars, three cars loaded with flour ana a cabin car were consumed, caus ing a loss of twenty thousand dollars. Trot by a l loon Pc-t'.a Chas H. Grinly. "-paper reporter, scansion from I d. Me.. Monday. accompanied made a bal incoln Park, At a height of 0 000 fee sea. An the balloon was carried out to itteinpt was made to land on one of the islands the balloon deseendi shore in Cisco baj'. ia the harbor, but d three miles from The men weio res of tho vacht Mer- caul m a , : t.'i. row 1 OKLKi N NEWS. ..':;. i.Mv nii-AKV V' v.v LfMiliA S Gr.:.vA, Juiy ". -A committee is be it.js organized here to arrange for a cel ebration of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbia. All the States of America will be invited to en I representatives to tho celetra- , II.; TO RATIFY HIE CON- . TIN TION. L"Mjon, Julv a. In the House of j I.urd. this afternoon. Lord Salisbury i announced that the Anelo-Turkish con vention in reference to Egypt had not ' ocen raiiiiea rjy xurKey, ana mat oir Henry Drumiuond Wolff, the special I'.ritish commissioner, had been in structed to leave Constantinople. THE VilW MINISTER TO AfSTRlA. Yiknna, Ju-Iy ". The date for the , official reception of Gen. Lawton, the new United Statfs Minister to Austria, has not yet been fixed. While it re- mains uncertain Mr. J. Fenner Iee, ' charge d'affaires, will conduct the busi ness of the American legation. TUH FRENi ll Al'.MY TO BE MOBILIZED. Faiiis, July 7. The cabinet have de cided that Rouvier. prime minister, and Gen. Fenon, minister of war shall in form the budget committee of the Cham ber of Deputies that the government will carry out its proposed experiment of mobilizing the army. It was also dc-'idud to dismiss f roiu office ai! French mayors who were in any way concerned in the royalist manifestations in honor of the Count of Paris during his visit to the l3le of Jersej'. i iiMCM-i; WINS THi; IMPERIAL CLP. London, July C. The race for the Imperial gold cup was run at the New market July meeting today, and waa won by the Duke of Westminster's four-year-old bay colt Ormonde. Sir G. Chetwynd's four-year-old chestnut filly White Fri3r came in second, and Lord EI acting's three-year-old bay colt Lsv eroi ! third There w ere no other start ers. VCET.- T' ' Hi 'USE I'lIINCK. Ti::rnov a. July 6. The SobraDje is holding a private meeting to cheose a prince, dec! in- Alexander having absolutely 1 - accept a re-election. UIOM WASHINGTON. la answer to an advertisement issned last month, tho Navy Department today received a proposal from the Mid vale Steel Company of Pennsylvania to fur nish ten sets of steel forcings for six-inch-breech-loading rifles and one set of chase hoops for a ten-inch gun, aggre gating about 05 tons of forgings. The prices named in tho proposal are 850, 909 for the forgings if rough-borod and turned, and i-o8,S?-) for the turned, and o3,aiv) for the same pieces if the department undertakes the work 1 I ot rough boring ana turning at tne Washington navy yard. ' Gen. Lander Post, oi the G. A. K , of Lynn. Mass.J arri vad iu the city tonight from a visit to Richmond. They were welcomed by a committee of local G. "A. R. men. and will be bhown around the city tomorrow. The Secretary of the Treasuary today appointed John F. Boyd to be a gauger and storekeeper in the twenty-second district of Pennsylvania. About SLUOO.OOU three per cent, bonds 1 were redeemed at the Treasury Depart- i merit today. New York Cotton I'uturts.. . Yoi:i. July 0 Greene &Co's rt on cotton futures says: There rer hi.-.- ioor, sooio pretty ibtral trading in Id crop again, but with a further decline in values. ine neavuiess seemed to be due in a great measure to tame accounts from Liverpool and the nor. combative policy of leading bull operators, who aeem unwilling to take up the offering coming, but under effort to liquidate long cotton upon which the general line of holders see3 no prolit. There has, however, in a quiet way, i been considerable buying. New crop j advices continues very promising, but ; there is a noticeable absence of positive ! depression on distant positions, and in-1 deed a pretty good demand up to the end oi the year, with January getting a j f.tir ;-ha:e. . . I AiteuijiU-d Murder and Suicide. Wilmini.ton, N. C. July 7. This morning Alfred Soyke. a German i employe? on the farm of T. J. South erland. shot a man named Mills, super-1 intendent of the farm, with a pistol, j thret times. Soyke then went to bis . -oom and shot himself through the heart, dying instantly. Mills is not i seriously hurt and will recover. Soyke j was discharged by Mills yesterday. This ' is thought to be the cause of the shoot- i ing. 'i'lie Prell r Murder Case. Jk.p-fkks-City, Mo., July 7. The j State supreme court in the case of Brooks, alias Maxwell, condemned for ! the murder of C. Arthur Proller and j ietit-nce-J to be hanged August 12th, . to iay ov( Milled the motion for a re heiwing. A reprieve was granted the defendant until August 20. The de- j fence wi.l lake an appeal to the 1'nited S;-,tt s ' a ;rrm cent. ratal Ex plotdeii. .:on. N. J.. July 7. Au ix- urro.-i ai the Cellonite Man tis; Company's works at 11 A Swtde named August and aua Muchruore were instantly I Ot? '. ai ui'a-fari o'c!o'-k. jiisR At k.llod, and about twenty others were seriously injured . none fatally. The 'vorks, three brick buildings, wnre totally destroyed. The loss Is 850.000. A number of stores and houfes were 'damaged, aud people were thrown down in ho',is, from th" frce of the explosion. SSj 1: a co11 -ion. Fif. rtJ2 Hi Absolutely Pure This powder never Trie. A marrei of polity, strength, and wboleaozneBaas. Mar eoonomleal than tbe ordinary klnda, and eaav, not be sold In oom petition with the maltltoda of low test, short weight, alnrn or pboapbaia powder. Bold only In cans. ROTA1 ISAKIBHs PowdibOo.. IDS W a 1-st.. N. Y. DOTlUTdv For sale in Newbern by Alex. Miller. Prepare for the Season Blatchley's Freezers, (Will freeze cream Rolid in five minutes) Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Wire Dish Covers, Wire Window Cloth, Fly Fans, And a Full Line of House Fiirtis-hiricr Goods, AT L. II. CUTLER'S, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW 13KKNE. V. C. RED LIGHT SALOON, Near Market Dock, Middle St-, NEW BERNE, JU. C, 18 WHB.RK YOF CAN ALWAYS TWD PURE LIQUORS Of every variety, in large or small quantities. Also the FINEST GRADES of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will be Bold CHEAP FOR CASH! John D. Dinkinb, Salesman! E. WHITMAN, dec2dw Proprietor. K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, AOOlNti ,VNi ni;s Ktc. Consignments of Grain Ci ten and other Produce solicited. Prompt Attention J nan n teed. N, W. Cor. South Front and Middle & NEW BilKNE, N. C. Take Notice ! ' Our store is filled with j Provisions, Glrocerics, Caaned Goods, Iry (Joods, Crockery, i Etc. We keep a full line of tbe -t -i . i t T)i. jj eieDrated .trlEOn J300tS anQ firinp? OllUcb. ALSO 0. S. Parsons & Sons Boots and Shoes. Every pair warranted to give satis faction. Country merchants and the people generally are requested to call and ex amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will give you low figures. We job Loriliard Snuff. ROBERTS & BROs, South Front ., ATc Berne. N. O ! HOST BlllLLIAXT, ! PURE & PERFECT LENSES in tlio World. ' Thev areas transparent and colorlea as 1 lighrttitelf, and for softness or endurance to the evo. iRnnot lie excellf.l. enabltnir the 1 wearvr lo read roi Lk uib without fatigue. In I f.ict. Ihev nre rKKKCCT SICJHT I'KklHKHNKRP, I Testimonials from the loading physicians in the Vniuil Stales, Jovernor8, Hcnaaors, Legisiatoi-s, siix knien, men o note In all pro fess oDS. and In dttrerem branehea of trad, bankers, mechanics, etc.. can be given who have hail their eight Improved by their rise. Aid- BYES FITTEO AM TH K Uf UUARANTiiKJJ BY F. S. mart) DUFFY, M-;w KEIt-NK. Druggist. N. ll. ly GEORGE ALLEN & GO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implement. Plows, Harrows, Cultivate-, Hoes aud Axes, Wood s Blowers and Iteaper, Steam Engines, Cotton Oins and Presses. Fertilizers. Land Plaster, Kainlt Meclianles Tools and 11 ardWitre, Lime, Brick, Oement, Plaster Hair, Paint, Kaleomine, Var uish. Oil, Glass, Putty and Hair. Freezers, Kefrifrerators, Oil Cook Stoves. Eureka Buriflar j Proof Sash hocks, warrantt pive security ami satisfaction. CitlCHSVHKYIiOW, 1 (3 P.O. A 1,1. EN CO, - -;v'-' ? .-. v f ' '!'.' I 'm "5?,: I I.-..;-1 ,':- 'i'.a; I If -is K I av? " 6 - I . w f '. --.''''': ' 'V; i -' j - f 'VTv''.i- a 'i-' rtt if .vi i '- .'..-j. f - ta i - m. " : ;-.if - .LS aK .- 'X- "-1- 1V 1. "A', I A 1 ..!- ..V- , , i ;iv f V7 i i l RC i v . T.. .Vf. .A l?-i. -raS,--..AL S - f ' j -Li ..ii'.-j.-.-!-. . -i'..' ' .' . ' '

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