" j I--;" V -'a-'.-.-.') i- . : . V -'"-,--.- T. a . ' J i ,. vv-. - - --r , w ' - 1 ' - , ! y s - If. ' INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Terms $U.OO Fez- NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JULY 21, 1- r VOL. X. NO. 1(5. 4ik J f A V r V Time. Some have plenty, some have more. We hare encrh and so maeh to spirt To talk to you matters concerning onr a tore, which in fact and Babstan is jast this, that we Laven't had any fair eh&oee Booner, to tell yon. that oar new spring goods have come in, and what is still better we have sold a good quantity of them already, bat not enough to break the immense assortment In the various branches of LADIES' DRES8 GOODS in the n w leading shade, Ginghams. Pongees, broidered Dtoss Robes nd s.- on. Fin line of Notions, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Ruch ings, Everlasting' Trimmings, Embroideries, Para sols in various tyle, in fa.C. w- rann.it enumerate all wo hav.' for the ladies. READY HADE CLOTHING ia jaantity for Men and boyt Plenty of Shoes at all prices, bes-ides the well known Ziegler Bros. make. O forth. Pants Goods from 10 cts. per yard to $1.7". Purnitnre, Furniture, Glassware and Groceries, in truth most anything neded that may add to your happiness, which you will surely to Yonrs sincerely, OETTINGER BROS., sign of "The Celebrated Pearl Shirt.' Fourth of July Celebration! illD BUY YOUR SULKIER GOODS AT HOWARD & JONES'S. We hare in itore and constantly arriving, Seasonable Goods for 'Summer Wear, consisting of Drabdete Suits, Seersucker. Alpaca, Serge and Flannel Coats and Vests. Our ttaek of Underwear is the Best and Largest to be seen n the City. Iial Thread, Balbriggan, Game and Net Undershirts and Drawer to match. Boat Bleached Jeans Drawers, 50c. Ia Shirts w have a rar variety. All who have used The Pearl Shirt ara wall pled both with fit and wear. A nice set of Triple Plate Buttons wits eaea half-doien Shirts. We will guarantee onr Boss UV. hirt to equal aay 25c Shirt in New Ben. Plait! Boa on, Pique and Colored Shirts ; Lawn Tennis Shirts and Shos. New lot tf Jas. Means & Co.'s $3 8hoes just arrived. Collar 10o, Cufla 15c; Celluloid Collars and Cuffs, full assortment. Haadkerahhefa, Silk, Linen and Cotton, all prices. The be: Linen Hand kerchief joa ever got for loc EL Hoce, VVnito and Colored Neckwear, new lot just received. Initial Scarf Pina, all letter in a few days, only 10c. Porpobe Hide Shoe Laoes. Gent's Garters, ailk and cqtton. Sleeve Supporters, Cuff and Scarf Ii tainer. Bathing Suits jnst arrived. Firemen's Rubber Oats, Hats and Boot Trial a, Valises, Straw Matting. Carpets, Rags, etc. Be sure and calHon us before you huy. HOWARD & JONES, Opp. Episcopal Church, Pollock St. PJ AX SCHWERiM HIS CLOTlimG EMPORIUM to tha SUre lately oteapMd by Wm. Hollistr, whara with more Itoom to display hia tncrvg d 8took, he ia, with the araitUoce of MR. SAMUEL It. BALL, prepared to abo w and Mil at Hard Pan Prioea. Th riNEST, NOBBIEST, NEATEST, PRETTIEST and BEST READY-MADE CLOTHING, Gents' Fnrnlahing Goods, Straw, Derby and Fur Hats, Boots and Shoes, I AM SOLE AGENT FOR 1 LUTTUS' ME5'S CALF SEWED $2.50 SSOES Th nlj RhoM gold ta thl rUy that are W A RR ANT KDay b MAnoIacturrr Ti M fc nJ BY ME TO MY CT"S"rO M E HH , Tlx: Every pair la Wuruudi should aayof theca In ny Mir w.tnln any reaaoiuble time a1T out. I will upon return oi dmaaed pair and itAt. men I m to lff ih of e.r, kitubk Rircjo the Momr rsmiscoTsn nrvr rm rv ik huoi. It la toe 1 tkMrt. flnM mnA ehnAtiMt KTi,), In ' r-.. wnrla fnr the 1 r 'temT. TiMT Mme In Cfcrrvaa tad 1a- Cp Shoes. 1 hare tmtlmemlitla from acme of onr bet and lead toe eitlrena. who hare bonght tne "B TTLES 8HOK." Borne of wbleh hare worn ooe pair u long aa VI montna. atyd pronounce It the Beat, Cheapest and E&aleal Wear tac Bno In Lfce world. rarpeeially aoltcU an inapection of our Stock and guarantee entire aatiafac aoa to all purcAaaing from ua. MAX SCHWEKIN, Middle StTMt, at Wm. Holliater't Old Stand, Sign of Flag. KXNSEY Cirlsand Young Ladies Grir-cvjng-o, INT. o. Fall corps of Teachers. Boarders. Write for terms to janl6 dwtf aVuasJa MMM taw PIU r r ar i o nomiommm w,mmm. w-mmwm i mm Wholesale Qrocers, HAVE RMOVKD TO TUK1U TWO STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, ,AadkP Of FLOUR, MEATS, COFFKK. Ul'GAIl, SrKFPH MOlABSlSS. SALT. TOBACCO. SNUFF AM) CIOAlt8, an 'rrerytalnc ta tie GBOCERY JJOVf FBIOEJi for CASU. Em- Gents' Hats, Neckwear, dj procure bv giving your patronage Dry Goods, Etc Etc. Botton. PlAln toi KhAro Tol SCHOOL, India Lawns, Piques, i i l i New Building. Ample accommodations lor JOSEPH KINSEY, PRINCIPAL, i' i Hi ; . Mki ST akaHHwaBvawaBWaB(aVaaaB,aaiaSaawaaaBBBB dJr. IbrtaW twaaws. BJfcd mil VoaWfU, ou sum i so pihw UUMf flfr auwaa, or pawa urate ia var TarlM tTMdjeai prtnetpaaML Br dac1 ratfaMiio to Lh saal o ( diswa ila spexaW Win-T r fcll wttA-st 4mT. TUasasmnJ a of thm latnaa niganisaa raac rao. tm ad rapaafUy gaJsM tymtJ. m a ajaa amsuu TttATsfOsT.- Cj Mali 13. Tt. KolISL Tints HARRIS REMEDY CO., Sri OnrvT Trtal of our AppiLano. AM tot Tnn4 BROTHERS, UNK, a full STOCK and at 34b mmmmm&rmrm . - . . i. X - ,i u-: 1 reaJ not lon; ago. how a'.l tho ti Of sacred traagcs vra with crimson dyed . In the dark hear w! en 1 1 the n d im spread wide: How hungry ernentt wi.un tin ir miiu- ous way Across its laBO? face aud watrlied for prey With baleful Kleatum eyes, and when at Iat The helpless bab upon tln wave was caat A sacrifice, wiili nmMi'ii spr.i)t( they'd Klide Hznltingly. their crul jiw spread wide And so it was that in a crirunon tide Of its own blood the little form would float ' Ileadless and limbless, while the liends would gloat And wait for more. Oh, mothers, heed, I pray' More cruel than the Oanges is today Temptation's sea, that breaks in wave lets sweet. And murmurous rhythm (it your dear boy's feet. More pitiless than India's reptiles are The human fiends that lurk anear to mar And mutilate hia youth. Oh, love di vine Of blessed motherhood' let your light shine So lambent clear about him all the way That his dear feet may never go astray. Guard him with jealous care, lest future y oa rs , Be locked in silence, searched with burnind tears. And you sit lonely in the fading light And say, with lipe that tjuiver into white, "Alas' I know nut of my boy tonight." Boetofl Transcript. FARMS AND FARMERS. Short Talk With Farmers Toplca. on Farm r'AM. I ROTS SOCIAL COURSE INTER- Snrincr mid nmmpr r-roiw bein ' disposed of, it is well to plan and begin preparation for fall crops. We are apt to feel like taking a rest now for awhile and within nrnner proper limits this is light and proper. Farmers ought to visit each other, inspect farms and compare notes. Nothing is more profitable. Each one has his own way of doug things, and if one plan gives betlor , results than another, it can be sosn i by all and afterwards adopted It j ia a gTeat mistake to suppose that ' any one farmer knows it all. Some may know more than others, but every one is sure to be benefitted by examining bis neighbor's ways , and methods. One is apt to get narrow and one sided if he stays at home too mnch and farmers above all others need to guard against , this. But whilst resting and in-: dulging in social pleasures, one can , plan and think, and talk over his j plans and his neighbor's. They may offer good suggestions from ' their experience. One may have . ' tried just what yoa were thinking ! of doing, and it did not work well. ! Another may be able to suggest : something better. Rye, barley, oats, ciover and grass are the leading crops to which ' attention should now be turned. It ' will be eii weeks to two months : before it is time to sow, but the preparation of tho land should be ; gin at once. It is often too dry to break up land at this period ot the year. Hence advantage should be ' taken of every rain. Once land is j well pulverized, it will retain mois ture aad start crops much better than that which has to bo broken and worked at, jast at seeding time. Deep and repeated stirring ot the bu.. iw.v.y u i,,.uu makes it dry ofl rapidiy. break it, therefore, in aavance. and let it take a rain or two before seeding ume, auu n i, ia nucir iiarruweo auer eacu lain, so iu.i a crust raufhfl ,,.fr th(l ..,,., ,;nlv r,ar(r not form, it will be very apt to be in good condition when seeding time comes. After laad is once well broken, harrowing will keep it in good condition abmost indefinite ly. This is a lesson which most of our farmers have not sufliclently learned; they rely on the plow too much, on the harrow too little. Another implement, whose im portance we wish to stress in this connection, is a heavy roller. It onght to follow the plow and pre cede tha harrow. It makes the work ot the harrow much more thorough. Moreover, rolling the soil greatly facilitates the coming op oi seeu m ury wearner. lmu you never notice how mnch better small seed, like the turnip, come up! in tracks made on the fresu-stirred 1 soil ? Loose soil dries before they have time to germinate. Press it down, and moisture continues to reach it from below. Notice in the early morning how much wetter it :s in a track than in the loose earth around it. Now, good reader, if yon have not a good heavy two horse roller get or make one. The present period of comparative leis ure is a good time to do it. Get two cuts ot oak timber, eighteen . inches long and two feet in diame-, tcr if you can. Eighteen inches will do, but two feet is better. Turn them twice as you would the rollers of a sorghum mill. Bore a two inch bole through the centre of each, and put in an iron rod, which should project four inches at each end. Put a washer in between the two rollers, and adjust them iu a frame with tongue, and you will have an excellent implement. Two short rollers are better than one long one, the first turns more easier than the second and is more easily bored. For breaking the land you will need either a good two horse turn plow, or a two-horse scooter. The latter is preferable, as it does not expose the soil so fully to the sun as the turn plow does. For harrow ing, the disc harrow is the best. It pulverir.es well and brings up noth ing which has been buried by the plow. Having selected the land, break it once if the soil is wet enough. If not after the first rain follow the plow at once with roller, and it with the harrow, and leave it thus until the next rain, then harrow again, and continue to har row after rainfall till seeding time. One who pursues this course, and is watchful, will hardly ever fail to get his fall crops started in good time. Those who put otV prepara tion to the last minute are very apt to be caught. L. J. In Atlanta Constitution. J"., I s- 4 Round Knob and Surrounding. 1 promised a further discriptiod of this place in a former letter ami will now endeavor to t n 1 till the s.ime. Mr. Helper in his book on Nnith Carolina mountain ceiiery says: "Kound Knob may well be called an Acadian nook of repose," and that description so completely expresses my own impressions that 1 borrow and endorse the lan guage. A vale of about a quarter of a mile in length and six or eight hun dred feet in width, penetrated by Mill creek, for the passage of which this amphitheatre seems designed. which is the real head waters of, Catawba river, eutirelv encircled! with lofty mountains in every direc- j tion sloping down to the rocky bed 1 of the stream, constitutes the most complete mountain dell that imagi nation can piet lire. A gt assy plain slopes down to the rippling sriv.un in the center and is lost in the giecn forest that bor- der it as a hedge row doe a tarm 'n the no-fence State of Dcleware. From the eastern part of this grand enclosure the railroad de bouches from a cut through the rim of the basin tally eventy five feet dee) and at once ha - to ; .ike t i Its o er til'; -fi et high to cross tlo' wile and creek. Having, by means ot a til! of that height, gained the western ledge. sharp cuts groove the mountain side lor its passage entirely around this charming nook until it returns again to within fifty or sixty feet of the track, just below the vale. Notwithstanding the seemingly slow advance iu a forward direc tion, yet it has gained an ascent of about one hundred and thirty leet perpendicular, and winds away repeat similar, but not so well to dc - the ! uucu' ual" iu ''I'l"""' 8nmmit of the great chain of monn- in5 wb,ch see,n eh'x been Pldced 'n Portion to defy t he pass- : ae VL 1 ue ell'u" "UI sc tu llJt 'aL westera slojie 1 eyond. In this ! men are DUSy preparing it for the bcautilul valley right within the , roof. When this extension is fin circle of mountains and of the rail . lshed, Durham will have one of the road track stands the Kound Knob ' most commodious railroad ware Hotel. The road lands you at the houses in the State. A most second story entrance and you are interesting revival of religion ia in inside the hotel by the time you are progress at Carr church. Sixteen fairly out id' the cars. No omnibus, have been converted and great in hack or baggage wagon is required i threat is manifested. to transport you to the "haven where vou would be," for von are already there. This popular resort is one of the finest, for the tourist and seeker after health and recrea tion, of any among the many line resorts in this mountain section. The present proprietor Mr. V. I). Sprague stands away np in the list of excellent hotelists and all who have ever stopped with him un hesitatingly give him a splendid reputation as host and landlord. The surroundings are of the greatest interest and will keep one bus" for many days and even weeks in stndying them. Standing on the eaern porch you have .1 love'v panorama stretching out hrfote yon. The creek pushing its way through the viaduct of the railroad slipping and sliding over great broad rocks, and leeping down miniature cascades festooned all along with blooming chestnut trees and the charming mountain laurel or mote artistic rhododendrons, cttr ves suddenly out of view behind one of the spurs of the surrounding hills, dust be yond rises with a rather abrupt as cent the Sunrise mountain from the top of which a delightful view of the hotel, plateau and all. is had resembling that of a s'erescope. Bnt frum tlu. wtorn porph vu pore I maT. .,,, , ,,,,. ,n,, link and t bought ,oof untU'V0U a"ro m j W0Ii(K.r yonder to mountain: directlv in front cd' von towers the pinnae Kidge. dust to ti Potato Top" an,! in a united effort t noerin g at M ; telle of the 111 He right stands Green Knob" shut oil' your s IVak." seem- ing to say to t he eager gazer "put of! the shoes from thy feet" for the spot we guard is - Holy ground" Here rest in greatful remembrance the ashes of the lamented Professor whose name the peak perpetrates and who in the cause of science and learning lost his lite, and now sleeps upon the tallest pinacle until the great triumph shad call him up to tlie great white throne abov e. Nearer to us. nestling in the green foilage, stands the convict epiarters whose white smiling outlines, in the morning sun light, is more sug gestive of the home ot luxury, ease and virtue, than the goal ot vice and wickedness undergoing the penalties of offended justice. Still nearer we have the winding railway threading its course through tunnels and cats, over tills and trestles onward and upward toward the clouds. Kound Knob Eight by us stand which has plateau in christened the whole, its name, and is now throwing the highest fountain in the world of pure sparkling moun tain water. On the top of this knob and close by the pipe of the fountain lay cradled the remains of a child buried there during the time of the building of this railroad. No marble monument rises to at tract the eye of the traveler as he Kisses by, but now, science lias se lected the spot for the location of this work of art and the unpreten tious little cemetery will be one of the most notable sepulchres on the continent. Koads from here to the -Pinacle." Mt. Mitchell and all points on this side of the mountain render th s'op for s va' ion . s by far the be-t ich vi-itat ion an i dace to ' Blaine Ahead. Torsive i).. July 12. Tie- Toledo Weekly Blade, in May. sent inquiries to il subscribers in all parts of the Union, asking them to signify their first and second choice for President on tho ltepublican ticket cf lsss. Answers have been recived from 21.390 persons, or about one in four of those addressed. The replies show the following total re sult: First choice Blaine. 11. loo. Sherman 0.64; Lincoln. 2.2;;7. Allison, ?4 : Ed munds. 117; Ingersol. 1 1 "; Harrison. 101; Ingalls, &": Gen. Suernian, "J-l ; Evarts, 7s. Hawley. -17: Depew. 4; Foraker and other votes, ii-l 1 . Total, 21 :i-n. If Vou Willi n .ood Artlcla Of Plucj Tobacco ask your dealer for ' Old III p . (Cl 1 d wOlll . i a a'J STATE NEWS (.lelKH'd Imm (tur K( li.l Durha: tions of been bles tions are i Kecoldt )urhan cd with parched, I : ( .!' i count rains, ot : r ; sec have icr sec- and corn i ing. Greenville Ucllector : Some oi the Reform Club committee visited two points in the county on Sunday. At Tyson's school house they se cured twenty-three signers to the pledge and at .loyner's school house , thirteen. j Elizabeth City ( 'arolini .i.: In reply to "Inquirer," we would state that "The Elizabeth City rair As sociation is in a sound and healthv i condition. Its management has been on the line of acting on busi ness principles aad meeting every obligation. Extravagance and debt, the bane 6f too many fair Assoeiatiotavae been avoided. Charlotte Chronicle : What ad vantages has immigration capital, manufacturing enterprises and in dustrious settlers to the farming interest ? will be discussed by Capt. 2s"att Atkinson, the great fruit raiser of the mountain section, and W. .1. TVele. Esq., of Raleigh, at the Grange Encampment and Stnek Fair at Alt. Ilollv, N. C. August . 10 to 13. Goldsboro Argus: There can nowhere be found an officer who discharged his duties more faith fully than diil our old friend Alike AYood as tax collector tor this city. In settling with the city last week it was found that the city owed him some forty dollars besides his commissions. "Well done, thou good and faithful servant" is the i plaudit which greets friend Alike ! on every hand. I iJUl'Uam XOOilCcO i'laili: 1116 wnlk at the depot progresses rapidly. The huge extension is rapidly approaching completion. Hie slate lias arrived and tne worK- Smithfield Herald: Advices from i all sections of the county represent 1 the crop prospectus equal to the best ever known. So far, the enterprising lirm of Blake Brothers have shipped 1,700 quarts of whor tleberries. This is the first firm iu j Smithfield that ever engaged in buying berries. They propose to . engage in it on a larger scale next season. Rev. Mr. Darnell, of Durham, will begin a protracted meeting at Oakland Presbyterian Church, in Cleveland township Fri day before the 4th Sunday of this month. Wilmington Review : One of t he young men in attendance last night upon the meetings which are being conducted by Elder J. P, King at the Second Advent Church, became converted and was so impressed with his condition that he could not rest until tho ordinance of baptism was administered, and iu accordance with his earnest wishes he was baptized at the foot of Queen street at about 11 o'clock last night. Elder J. P. King, as sisted by Elder J. W. King, of ficiated, and there was a large gathering to witness the impressive ceremony. Raleigh News and Observer : Col. Thos. M. Holt will deliver an address on the occasion of the Grangers' at Mount Encampment and Fair i Holly, August 10th to i li'th. on the interesting subject "The effects and advantages of manufacturing to farmers.-' Col. Holt is iu every sense of the word a thorough practical man, one who has had success both as farmer and manufacturer, and we are confident that those who hear the address will learn much that will be to their advantage. The subject of buried in Evergreen Cemetery. New manufacturing is one in which our York, Tuesday. Lie w as a d warf. three people are and should be deeply feet high, and had been exhibited be mterested. fore an tbe crowned beds cf Europe. Elizabeth City Economist : The After the thirtieth of this month, time ot holding the Elizabeth City , twenty.8even leather manufacturers of Fair has been changed from the , 20, ' Newark N. j.. will st working on 27 and 2Sth to the IS, 19 and UOth days of October by the Board of Directors.- There have been very few porpoises outside the surf at Nags Head tnisseasou: Their con spicuous absence has made a sub ject of remark bv the beach buil ders and other visitors. We are gratified to learn from a private but entirely reliable source that; T. B. .leruegau, our Consul to Hi ago and Isaka, Japan, is indus triously discharging the duties of his important office, with credit to himself and satisfaction to the State Department. His reports are admirable State papers and he is winninsr distinction in the dinlo- matic service. Wilmington Star: A correspon dent at Buck Horn, N. C, writes that the cotton crop iu lower Cum berland is the prettiest that he has seen in years. Corn is not so good, on account of cool weather that prevailed in the spring, and the ravages of bags. Cape Fear river planters say that the outlook tor a good crop of rice this year is promising. Keports from other sections, however, are not encour aging. On the Savannah river the indications are that the yield will be by no means so gieat as that of last year. A number of planters have not taken interest in the crop this year, and have allowed their land to lay idle. Along that river there are 2,-50 acres that were cultivated last year that were not planted this year, and this will cut quite a large ligure in the aggre- gate yield. The cool spring kept back the early rice, and it will be from nine to twelve days late, but it has not been injured. Lieut, (iovernor Hehiuom Dead. Asheville. N. C. July 12. Ex Lieutenant Govornor J. L. Robinson, died last night at his home iu Frank lin, Macon county, aged 49 years. Eor two years he held an important posi tion under the Indian affairs division of the Interior Department. He was three times speaker of the State House of Representatives, twice president of the spnfltp. anil flprvpri nno mrm oa lieutenant governor. In his death the State loses one of its very best citizens. Si J..--.'-", - ?.... .-i." mJ"i 3 .. .-aUt .. NEWS NOTE 3. ain fin ac ;o??ip. Turret in Iiei '" JUIV 2. f ict.r . ' WVi. . t l ive n:i;r l.-i - :.;ive ley county. S ( '. . -in ke- Considera'.'ie ;i uviiy i' reported the Kichmond too w : The ev.fi ii. er-- at.-l Brooklyn :.,:.; 1 market. ii remen 1 1 J. i 1 1 o a d i , f i i i e struck Mon da-. There h:,v.- -i two new cases of yellow fever v V.'t one de;nh. A pleasure y.iht caps!. . F! 1 r:v and r N e w 1 chil- York and a number of worn dren were drowned. There are i:i'i l : .ii-5 .,( a bolt from Mahone on the pjrt of tr. colored Re publicnriHi in 'iryiiiia. The r.ew steel cruiser Atlanta ;rdled from Newport, R. I. . yesterday for (iar-diijer'.-i b.iv for naval practice. Ia Virginia, the town of Culpepper and district voted in favor of license to eell liquor by a small majority. Logan E. Bleckley was Monday (elect ed by the Legislature Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia. The citizens of Missouri wi:l . r.d an other delegation to "Washington to ask the President to visit them this fall. Dr. McGlynn's attack on the Pope and on Archbishop Corrigan will not be no ticed by the church authorities in New York. Judge S ie, in Cincinnati, yeterisy, rendered a decision declaring forfeited the charter cf the FHelity National Bank. Tho West Virginia edi.'al Associa tion will hold its C0:h eessiun at the Greenbrier Whito Sulphur Springs, July 13. The workmen in S. sift's Iron end Steel Works, in Newport Ky., struck Monday because of a reduction in und Association cabled :."2.000 to the struggle for T. mi.. Mondav, wages. The Parliamentary in New York Monday Mr. Parnell in aid of home rule. Fire at Memphis, damaged tho building occupied by F. I ether proper- Ozanne & Co., stoves, an tv. Loss Sso.OvO. I As the result of a boas t j i uni e can 1 labor ipv can vass the leaders of the party in New York claim th: Cate fz Dwinnell. th ? manuf tur ero. of Vadley's Falls. "e'.v M.n 1. ;. T. TI.. here failed. One hun.'re.: .i.ds are out of employment. Gen. Fairchild has publico- : ,i letter from the executive commi.i- e ia Sc. Louis with regard to the Grard Army encampment in that city. James Elolcomb and John Dece were shot and killed near Litchlield, Ky., Monday, by William and Jake Oiler, whom they had attacked. The board of su per v i sots o f stan. e.mon county. III., have discovered that the county had bef-n robbed ,f thousands of dollars by ih- j rcs-ei.t a:; 1 former sheriffs. In tho municipal election a'. Annapo lis. Md., Monday, the Democrats elect ed the mayor, counselor and four alder men. The Republicans elected two al dermen. The yarn mill of Bernard llarcill. Germantown, Pa., was destroyed by fire Monday with contents, including valuable machinery. . stiin ited at S3 a. 000. A light with tiiin glovts took place at Pay Point, near Toledo, Ohio. Monday, between Jack Dempsey and Frank Neritt, an amateur of Toledo. Xevitt wa8 knocked out in the third round, lie waa badIv pushed . The icemen in the employ of the Knickerbocker. Consumers' and New York Ice Companies struck Monday for , higher wage?. Tho strike only lasted until noon, when the compan ies grant ed the men's demand. Thos. Darand. colored. 7 years old. known as "Japanese Tommy." was hides. It is understood that this is a fight against Ihe Knights of Labor, and that when work is resumed it will be with non-union men. W. A. Garner, of Royal Centre, Ind., was awakened yesterday morning by some one groping around the room. Seeing a form at a window, he thought it was a burglar and lired at it. "The body fell . When he got a liht he found he had shot and killed his wife. While the wife and three children of John Bankhead were standing on the yeranda of their home, near Opelika. Ala., Monday, they were struck by lightning. Two of the children were killed and the other child and his wife were fatally injured. A member of the Hull Yacht Club, of Boston, reports that on Sunday, while on board his yacht, which was anchored between Deer and Long Islands, in Bos ton harbor, he saw a boat containing five men capsize a mile away. All are supposed to have been lost. Rev. Wm. W. Turner, of Hartford. Conn., for many years principal of the American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, an associate of Laurent Clre and Thomas II. Gallaudet. and one of the earliest teachers of deaf mutes in the country, died Monday at the age of eighty-seven . Col. SVm. J. Reynolds, who died near Sumter. S. C.. Saturday, in the 7'J.h year of his ago, was. fifty years ago. one of the most promising young men in the State. He fell deeply in love wnh a beautiful young girl, belonging to one of the first families in Claremont county, and finally won the consent of her parents, but they broke off the en gagement at the last moment, and after brooding for a long lime over his disap pointment, he te-ok for a wife a negro girl who had beer, his slave, and lived with her to the last.Iregardle-ss of public opinion. He reared a large family of children and ciieu- up himself a will providing for the.n all. and putting them on an equality with his own near est relatives. Ho left r.n eitate consist- , in of 80mo thousands of dollars in monoy and 4,000 acres of laud. KMVI'r-p..:!. . Carnegie pubii-i to th1 failure : admittance t ti Friday on I;. v. tion ei' the fret writer, iii wb ;ej Blaine met with ankle, caosir.:; thp l-.ritt 1. r.r. i Blaine 's ai rival . accept.1- rp.-pon.-:! tions which cr; the otiiciala of d i.-cou rt. ?v to .' in e; e eX;,! fiigiu i n i u i y , to re! i :n'eir ''i Li. i. lie.' Tun no'lIMON S 7 London. J'lly i Common?, t b i - Thurston Ilcilan : for the colon ii . had fir i -en bet wee laptla an 1 t!e (. Columbia. Ti overtun ? to th" ingt'T, to -.!.. if:. Oomini en j;.ivk, that no ence: r:'..--" Indians by the I." ment. In renin. tha Ir. THE IN', l Ii:V London, Juiy the Cass case w adjourned. Sev i :. The m-pect testified that hundre Is been convicted in London proper characters en tl , single constable. MONSI ,N' '7: l'ltSlCei"-- Dullin. July 11. Hons; the Pope's special envov, gnor i isited of the Dublin churcher Alonsignor Persico intend to Coolgraney. County V witness the evk ti-. v' progrtss there. 1 kiotio at r.cu'Asr .'": : . '. Duulin. July 12. Fifty '. '. - a Orangemen met at Lurgac today to c ebrate the anniversary of the battle the Boyne. Tiie Earl of lime prcidt A crowd of Catholics stonrd Orange procession in Belfast. Pol;:, men fired into the crowd. Wu no n was hit. Afterwards the p"li 'e eh.irg upon the Catholics. The latter r si-tt d. an 1 and many of them were pi clubbed. Numerous arrets ".-er. One policeman was seriov.-ly in.; a the affray. Liverpool, July 1'J. The Ora.ii emonies hero today resulted in ; relv r;. The parades were attacked bv cr r.v.Is of Catholics, who threw stones ar...l othsr missiles at the men in th" ranks. The police forcibly removed the party emblems carried by the Orangei.e-r: About a dozen person- were arreted. Many were treated a: h'-.-rltnir- f -r cuts and bruises. TWO EMI'ERop.S T MltKT A" ' Berlin. Ju!t 12. The llmperor Wd- ! liam will arrive at Gastein cu Mou .a v I next. During his stay there he wdl make the Bodeschlofs Hotel Ids h- a : quarters. In that hotel, on th -4'1: inst.. the Emperor William will n:..et I tria T rv Tfrrw T-" r- -i s i .s T,-,u-.t.- of Aiit-.: VOC l, IJ1 JCIWI 1 I'lULKT OOOCI'U 1.1 .1 Ull III- L'ntil this meeting of the emperors the policy to be adopted in regard to the election of Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to be the prince of Bul garia will not be determined. THE ALVA IN RRJTWH K'ATil!.-', London, July 12. The steam yacht Alya. which left New York July 2 with Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt and family and friends on board, has arrived at vueens town. After obtaining a supply of coal she proceeded to Liverpool. On Thurs day last, during a heavy gale, u: f..-iv-topmast was carried away. the xr.v.- rri.-.AitiAN oamm : . Tir.n'Ova. July 12. A nevv cabinet for Bulgaria hasb -cn formed , as fellows : M. Stoiloll. president of the council urA ad interim mini-tor of linunce: Natchevies. minister of foreign a:7;.:r.-: II. Tehomakoti'. minister of puti.'ic in struction: M. Stranskey. minister of the interior: Major Petrull. minister of war. M. Stoiloff has telegraphed to the prefects of departments, ordering them to release all political prisoners. THE liLEOTI aN l uK ol":LiN , ' ; ;:::-. . Dulli.v, July 12. Tne election for the seat for Dublin University, made vacant by the elevation ol Attorney General Holmes id the Irish bench, took place todav. There were two can didates. Mr. Madden Richard Clere Parsons, tives. Mr. Madden v, ceiving l.-JTe v.o.es opponent. an hot Hon, iv-- -TiX W :l.L N . aal'L". July i; C' .nstan tan persists in h convention with rofusal Jl;in to Eypt in i:s present 1. 111. :E.v; i.va: ' Lo-N'.'jN. July U.-Mr. ley, conservatiyo, will op elyan, the liberal candid; test for the seat in the H rnons for the Bridget .ci o l Y go w. Tin-: pope ;:... Rome, Julyjlo. The Pop? is svuf. from a slight stomach affection from neuralgia. Ho eats little and an d ling crave3 iced his indispo.-:-hard. drinks. N, lion, how-.-- 'tW FEARS el' AN ATTA'. I i'- e . . i- !'.u.: -. PARIS. July Kh The iY::e : . ; . dents of this city have !. oi :e:- '. ; remain indoors tomorrow durin.: tt:e celebration of the anniversary : f t e fall of the Bastile. Beer Agai::. Considerable interest was m .nibrt-.d yesterday when it was learned that the cases against Richard (iiersch would be heard before Judge J. I1. M'rriuv n during the day. Giersch. it will be re membered, is the party wha made ap plication to the board of county com missioners for a licence to sei! beer a.. I wine at the Yarboro II. use. in a pr. hibitory liquor law territory, a:.,! ;1 license haying beuu granted he was ar rested many times for violating th-.-local option law and bound over to ap pear at this term of Wake Sup-a; r Court. The case was regularly i-dl. .1 and the jury found a special v: k! : Upon this verdict .Judge M.'rrbn: n ,:,' clared Giersch "not guilty. U v.-...u. i seem from this that the t-mi ". : r o uous liquors" does not ernt.r.n-o " sn- ous or "coot Inner, an-i ;.s U tion lawrea 1 only "rpirituoas of course beer and wine a: eluded. Then again ar.cther comes up. whicn i-;. that tie. having been amended by th lature to embrace " la-.w liquors." which went into ei". 1st of July, all liqoors are ir: the amendment. But it seem law has never been voted n;i, thought by many lawyers t effect upon the law uclc-r ' election was held. The board of county com: having granted Oiersch a 1 their June meeting, lie ye-:, cured the same from the she: rale of beer and ino in y::o. a drink to one quart. T for six months fr; m July be-r olst. and as n-.on a- .' up in his sale, .p. ho diviur. I open and that he v. i- rt-.e.y n'jss. Tiii.s case has create 1 ; much comment as uuy tLv. before thee ejurts iu son.c th-. State haviiy; taken an a;-; ..! promo Court, it will v. r ; iarly and beer and wine will a "prohibition territory " u'it cisiou of the lower court ;-; r, qu no ti. ad it i v e : Ich l -i.l l'; ( r.relill.l il-e. ; eh 1 . 1 ;. .rid . of the I nited i .! i.'..ur sitting in chambers . y.-.-t--rdiy rii jcii'ied a de y Juej.. Aug S. Siymour. ' : S . . 1 ',, , u lL ( ',,,1 rt f()r i.na. i'l li.e i i,e ,f (!. '. i i lai ie1 ;(. ia. and John ( 'ahill t r: ton. tiaiiin;.; as Jarnee 'f l'..iluaiore. against the ! 1 1 an v ( ; i 'u Nteam Transjjor N . " 1 1 1 iams, Thomas I I bui , all "f New if V. The M:it v-as instituted c nf winiiirig up the y-orn-iling th" piopeity to pay i'i.e property eoncisted the s'eumhoat lilin ' between Baltimore. Nor ewbarn. uri'ler a leiise laniM. --v : i , own liftv-one ,e st.-r k. Messrs. Clark t uol i -i . .f the .-;0.omii e'.!i;..;nv. Jn 'ire Si.yniour the ,,;K -h:,;i!d be hoid at h July ft. " . l"t cash . re. hi : , i favor of the .(n ice !l ,r, 1 ro,;ye,,, tl,t, f. -A "11 Tun ... a::-1 lnit the steamer be y a;, l for the payment cf by tile company anil not "ill r ti I l! i t 'me mortgage, .dessrsj. I. 11. nee. ( f PaieiKh, N. (".. and Harry 'in. of Baltimore, appeared for the :itin. and Clement Manly, of New f- r th defendants i:itlli.ir ' i rrhiiie Banker .' v.- 1 i-v packed m the last lejrisia- 'I iile-: "That all incorporated ii:l;inr; institutions now organized or at may hereafter bo organized, under " laws of thi State, whether savings gem rai. and all private banks, ehall reouii'.d to make to the Sta'e treas- r -tatenif nts of their linancial condi- 'C. s'l.-'.i ti.-ne-i as the treasurer may ', 1 ' r lo"". not hss than twice in a :.;: : , very year, and also shall .' !'-h -'u-h statements in condensed i:" l':bli-hed by the nati rial -. in s me newspaper published . 1 rintc i oi tho city or town where h b .r.!.i;e; i a- ine--i is i-arried on. : t ;.' ne t.'.ere. t'.ioi in a newspaper l'di-i: 1 ;:i :!. ,-., n nearest there ii.it a.",y banking institution failing t( niply with ilea provisions of thin a : f.,1- a period longer than ten days .after i'ei.ae; ailed upon by tho Stale :r. :is';i,.i' f,r a statement shall be sub .! a ! to .a penalty of three hundred h IL.rs. i-;.o. . etc. Pa compliance with this law Treasurer Bain is looking up the various banking institutions in the State and calling for statements. On account of the great number of private banking institutions oi :!:e State he is experiencing some diiliculty in finding them all out. There : no provision for ;i ystematic "look ing them up." and the treasurer is v.iealy dependent upon replies to in-' e'liiie; sent to county officers for his nil rmati in of them. 1 ndividuals op erating -u 'h institutions would do well t , .-x amine the law and prepare their rrturr.s. from the;,e returns the condi- : ti, n of t 1 , banking interests of the State ni'iv be fully learned and irresponsible parties, if there be Any. shown up. So far. reran.; have bet n received from over half the counties of the State and others are daily being made. Tho re turns will also be of material use in ad justing the bank tax. It should be re membered that while tho treasurer has no authority to compel the publication of the statement the lav. requires it. -Vi ""s n,fl Ol"-rvi-r. Aiooher irniialion for fir' l'r"ident. Sr. I.i July 1 1. Interest in Pres ident Cleveland "s Western visit has in tensive 1 and spread out over the State sine- ).;s letter withdrawing his accep- ta.nc of i l.e invitation to St. Louis. The -it;. tens have determined to bring a string ii-.lluence to bear on him. and a number of letters have been received by Majo- 1'ianeis from citi. un from various p.aits ef the State making another appeal. Accordingly, with the idea of , ,bta;n ing a moro general ex prf Krion i : opinion, the mayor has i.-r :ie-J !. 'i add ress to tb e people of Mis souri. 1 it he has requested every county iu the State to appoint ono or more representatives to join a St. Louis eoir.n-.ittee and to accompany them to Washington to bear the invitation. The blegataoii w;.l. therefore, not be a city delegation alcne. but a committee representing the whole State of Mis souri, all working to one end to hare the President of the United States honor tho people of this State by risk ing i.s chief city this fall. Tho mayor n ee: od this morning from Charleston. M ,.. a petition of two hundred voters of M issi-r ipri county joining in the in--.eate n. The committee will probably -tan from here next Monday and reach Washington about the time the Prosi er r.; ia turns from New York. 1 he V lii -kci Man-Hire. .: T July 12. The facts in the -ieat whiskey shortage at Frankfort i.e.veje a cometo iight. Special revenue aeec;s Kellogg ;:ud Crawford, from Washington, with four U. S. gaugers. e::..niiued every barrel of whiskey in '.l.e two bonded warehous located at I-'rar.kiort. Ky.. and owned by the E. 11. Taylor Distilling Co. In 17 UOO barrels eontained therein, they found 4.400 which had to be rcgauged. Fifty bar rels oi that number were almost entire ly empty, while 1.2i.i0 were tshort from 10 to i gallons each. Onu barrel the Inst cue entered iu 1 SS4 . which at that ii:ue i-oniaiiicd -1-1 gallons upon ro .au,;iie; was found to contain 34 gal I' . The company has employed Green 1.. i;. :. i". inniissiouer ol Internal -v -.-.:.-. !.-. their attorney. He wan in 1 : ,r.,. c lar-r week and t ok tlio defO-se,,-i givointnent t mployees. who btivf tw-i n at work in ,in distillery. It i- found ihatthe coopers, whose busi n is to look after leaks and repair ' . I cooperage, had frequently been I'vk-H q, in the warehouse for hours at :. t,i.i',. and that a typhonand bucket i.a i b'.-en found in one of the ware houses. I.'cal distilleries, as well as proprietor-, clilm lhat the excessive s'i.:ta.;i li.VJJ Kl Ions could not have 1. -en caused Ly equalizing, but was s i a plyj-t-den. The proprietors will I -a i.y '.he affa:.- about S7a,oJo. Not Ta.l This , .,,-. s one has discovered that some th.i,,;.- v. Iii-di were taxed last year are -or : Tel this year. Tfi! laws of !qw7. p.-.-:. : l-y th1 j,.,. l.-i; i; hit ti re. male no i c:-! -:.,' ' whatevor t h.ory btatje-r.o-n si. 1 ether- wie'koep horses anil 11 h:: 1- s f.-r h.:re. liy tho former laws. l!ct oarties were required to .v a ; ,:.-! for i ach h.,r-e k. pt for bin-. iij':-'.' ii intirelv omitted in the (re -i nt law s, and no tax can be c d-ie-. i- .i 'i ' at f.'crc. p. is alsodis 1 "1 ch.u-e I--, ii. old law r ;t::ri::.' a lo of one half of one per :'.:;;! i -nlheeross receipts of hotels "1 bo'irdii:g houses is omitted from !, i:r.vs of '.s-7 an,) t!ii tax cannot be a-co.i. The !:ot i keepers and 1 ;ve: yn.en ihii.k that th.i' last legisl.'i toi'e wa- etif of the be t ever known in th: ' a - - Wilm ington Review. i.l'iih :':'ANo i ,'; .; ac ' : S:;-:ar e. ,.-.: t ' : 1 ' - .' Kilbi! on a Irisllc , . lent Villi lecn . Jinv 12. o c l rtai i h is ne u n- li v. on the E ist Ten aiil t leoi gi a Rail w a v . her niece, Mi.s Alice i a -1 on. ('.a., were walking i r e: !:( 1 nild way of u i the C ist express train i e,i - ve. :,n.l re: fore the top h i -i tram the nr ioe so l.iioTHr !:oih. 1 ! oli - U. . Grue: ieiids h .... . ile.it the iban- .n,d mm roffiii Absolutely Pure. Tbla powder never varies. A marrel of purity, strength . und wboleaomeneaa. Mora economical than the ordinary kin da, and can not be aold In oom petition with the maltltod of low teat, short weight, alum or phoaphata powders. Bold only In cans. Rorax Bakiw Powdb Co.. 108 Wall-gt.. IN". T. DOTlS-lTdw For Bale ;n Newbern by Alex. Miller. RED LEGHT SALOON, Near Market Dock, Middle St, NEW BERNE, N. C, :s( wiiF.nn -or cn always find . LIQUORS Of every quantities. variety, in large or small Also tho FINEST GRADES of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH! John D. Dinkins, Salesman. E. WHITMAN, dec-'2 dw Proprietor. Prepare for the Season Blatchley's Freezers, (Will freeze cream solid in five minutes) Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Wire Dish Covers, TTirp WinflflW LTlotih VV 11 C liluJW W1UU1, Fly Fans, And a Full Line of House Furnishing Goods, I AT L. II. CUTLER'S, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NKW IIKKNB. N. O. Take Notice ! Our storo is filled with Provisions, Oroceries, C'aimrri CJoods, Iry Oootls, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. AI.SO- Parsons & C. Sods' Boots and Shoe Every pair warranted to give satia- faction. Country merchants and the people generally are requested to call and ex amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will give you low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS & BRO., South onf ., ATeui Berne, N, C K. II JONES, Wholesai .n,l Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, AOOLNO AM) IIUS late. Consignments of (Jrain, Citton end other Produce solicited. Prompt Attention tJua : nteed. N. W Cor. South Front and Middle St" ISilW HillCN'K. n. .MOST BU1LLIANT, PURE & PERFECT LENSES tlio World. 'l'hpy are tiansparent Hlnl rolorlena 8 IlKlit itnelf. and for nufinpss or emlurance to Ihf eve. i-annol Le riiTllnl, -nalillDg the wearer 1 1 T emi i or hen rs i t liout fatigue. In fact . t hey me rKKFI'.C T SliillT l'KJ-.HKKNKKH, Wow n- 111 tl.e I l 1 a U'.s.ale a's from ti e leadlnK i)iylr1ns I'll SlHtt'H, tinvcrlinrK, Seiialora. M,,i-kiiien. m ii o ie le In all prn- f.'hS, l 1I1H, Hllll a.lti-MT,! I,iann tn-B of trade. l,:lki"h. lisve i,H'l I . ti 1 1 ', , - s . el,-., i-mii lie (Oven who ii h!j;lil I in proved by tliilr Ufe. AI.I, I1VMS IT i I I1I am i in. i ; I l . I AHA M K 1 . 1 1 K Y F. S. DUFF Y, Druggist, Iuio,. f. l:V MI'.ILM-.. N. ('. ly GEQilOE ALLElT&'CO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural I in pleinoii t8. I'lows, Harrows, Cultivator, l!r.,' and Axes, Wood s Mc-.versi uiui Jteapera, siMim Ilntriiies, Ct!tt);i JltiM mid 1'rcscB, F-i tillzors. Land l'laster, Kainit Hccliaiitcs TiioU ami Hardware, Lime. HrieU, Cement. Ilaster Hair, Pitinl, K ilsouiino, Var nish, Oil, Class, Uutty and Hair. rn-czcr, J IV i nor at ors, Oil Cook Stoves, Kiircku IJurplar Is! oof Sash lccks, w arranted to yivo scourity anil sal Islat lion. u;n( s;s vt'liv row. (P ). Aht.MN At CO. X ' :-i,'t A, .-- ... , - '..; XI e "V. v .3 l.Al J, '-S' 0 yv 'a.

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