1 t to to 'II Mill Fr.Frl.t.r.. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Terms 2.00 Por VOL. X. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, AU( i 1ST llv 1887. NO. 1!. 1 f II 111 II I r - 4 2s, Time. Some have plenty, some have more, We have enough and so much to spare To talk to you matters coucerniag our store. Which in fact and substance is just this, that we haven't had any fair johanee sooner, to tell yon, that onr new spring goods have come in, and what is still better we have sold a good quantity of them already, but notenoagh to break the immense assortment In the various branches of . LADIES' DRESS GOODS in the new leading shades, Ginghams, Pongees, India Lawns, Piques, Em broidered Dress Robes o on. Fine line of Notions, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Buch- luffs. Everlasting Trimmings, Embroideries, Para - BOlS in YWiottJ style, in fact w. cannot enumerate all we have for the ladies, ' READY MADE CLOTHING in any ,1Uantity lor Men aad bejs PlBty of Sho Ziegler Bros. make, o forth. Pants Goods Furniture, Furniture, Glassware and Groceries, in troth most anything needed that may add to your happiness, which you Will Surely procure hy giving your patronage to Yours sincerely, OETTINGER BROS., sign of "The Celebrated Pearl Shirt." Attention! Cotton Ginners. Do jou want a Cotton Gin that will gin green or wot cotton satisfactorily! Th hay th DANIEL PRATT J. Do JOB Wtntt Cotton Gin that will gin rapid and at the same time clean the Mi pwfecllj t Thn buy the DANIEL PRATT GIN from J. Do jr WMt OtUro Gin that will hy ih DANIEL PRATT GIN J. Charles II. Fowler of Stonewall, Pamlico county, writer On the 2Sth" day f SenUmhr, I8S6, I ginned with a fifty saw Pratt Gin over Fifty-five Hundred Pound of Lint Cotton, making over Twelve four hun Jr4 pan4 bki " TJali TO wfford to buy any other if this statement is eemott joafc rk Mrr Fwlr postal card and see what he says. Mr. Aaron F. FarU TWad!Iill 4m tatter "work than n v Gin I hare Uajie mtmA it clean as tub want them, Jeehna L. Taeker, of JohnJton'a Mill, Titt county, says: I have used a BOhr of different makes of Cotton Gins, but the Pratt bought of you beats tkm all on f&r thai tfcer in no comparison. It i the onlv Gin that I have arer ud thai will gin wet or green choking. Nw,if yon want any further evidence just let n.e hear from j uu, and I will end jou a Pratt Gin on ten bales trial, and if not satisfactory, No Pay, and I will bear the expenses. I flEAN BUSI NESS, and if you want the Best Cotton Gin, then bay the Pratt. It U arranged with Revolving Heads, so thit you cannot break the rolL h idea the Feeders and Condensers are perfect, taking all dust out ot the gin room. Write for circulars and prices. Terms easy. & Bemember also that I deal in all classes of MACHINERY, HARDWARE, Etc. - "g4 MAX SQHWERIW HIS CLOTHING EMPORIUM to the Stare laUly oocafied by Wm. Holltater, where with more Room to display hk increed Stock, he ia, with the aaaisUnce of MH. SAMUKIi 1. HAI.l prepared toahow and sell at Hard Pan Price. The FINEST, NOBBIEST, NEATEST, PRETTIEST and BEST READY-MADE CLOTHING, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Straw, Derby and Fur Hats, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Etc., Etc. I AM SOLE AGENT FOB JL 1 BATTLES' MEJ'S CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES Th only Shoe iold In th! pity that ar WARRANT ED : by tie Manufacturer TO ME nd BY ME TO MY Ct'arOMlCRJS, vtx; irery plr la Wi-rmti ahould lay of tliim In anyway within auy reasonable time flra out, I will upon return of damaged pa" and tate BntM to lepgtn of wear, iiTmsiirrJD the Monet or o iv a ajfOTHaa msw fus is uchajbi. lt la tbe (Mat. finest and eheapeat shoe In the world for the mouey. They come In Hattou, l'la'.n o4 trp ToJ Ooncnu and Iee Up ahoea. 1 ha tcaUwawBiala front aome of oar beat and lead U eltlrana, who hare bought the "BATTLES SHOE." omt of which have worn one pa'.raa long 17 month, tod rooounc lt the Bat, Cheapt and tlaaleit W ar lac &h In tbe world. reapwctrully aoiicU aa iMpection of our Stock and guarantee entire satiafac toa to all parcbaainz from us. MAX SCHWEEIN, Muidla Street, at Wm. Hoilisier's Old Stand, Sijjn of FUg. TlM Flo vara that bloom in the Bpring U la favor of the Siamese Twin. F. T. PATTERSON, The Middle Street Merchant, HAS A PINE Gentlemens Furnishing Goods Coaaiailnt "of Coilara, Caffa, 8h Lrta laundried and anlaundriej, Underwear, BwsMlrm, Half Hom, IMle Thread Olovea. Silk Umbrellaa, etc. A Daisy line of Net and Nobby Neck Wear, in styles and prices that excel comMtUioa. I bought for caah, and am determined to slaughter high prices. Koyoanc man"i wardrobe oomple&e U jOO want Suit of Clothe. wy down in price and way up in quality itan-t oa Um order oi jour coming, but come at once. Mr ttoek ot Hal knocks all others rlt. frh. tad th UtMt style. Also PryOoodl Home pan, Gingham, Notions, Carpeu in fact a general stock, ttom wkJoh Ttrrbody may select, at Rock Bottom Price m;7 dw6m OADL BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers, HAVE KKMOVED TO Til F.I It TOO 8T0RE8.80UTH OF kMn of FLOUB. MEATS, MQI.t 8A1T. TOBACCO, IWTtblaX QBOCEBT UOl rSIOES for CASH. at all prices, besides the well knows Gents' Hats, Neckwear, from 10 cts. per yard to $1.75. GIN from C. WHIT TY, -ewbern. '. V. C. WHITTY, Xewbern, N. C. not choke or break the roll ? Then from C. WHITTY, Newbera, N. C. Onlow county, says: The Pratt Gin tver ued. Kuns light, gina faater, and will not choke at all cotton, and loan the seed without have nothiDg to Jo with Caribaldi But LIVi: OK without an addition from thm handeme do all new, fifty per cent, lower in pric. THEJR FORMER STAND, COFFEE. SUGAR, 8YKUP8 SNUFF AND CIOAtt8, n UNE, FULL, 8TOCH and at a24b GO PROf E YOl'R WORTH. Farewell, it is our fate that we must gerer. As happy lovers, meet no more forever. Our lore is like a flower eelf sown and vagrant, That blossomed out of place, though fair and fragrant. The thrifty gardener's eve too soon will spy it, And even living room he will deny it. So with this love of ours so gently grow ing, Into our hearts it came without our knowing, And blossomed into light ere any dreamed it: The crowniDg joy of all our life we deemed it; Hut as the gardener pulls the misplaced flowers. So does stern fate deny this loveof ours. I cannot disobey my own loved mother, But I will promise you no other lover Shall ever claim the hand that is de nied vou : ! My heart shall hold no other love be- side you ' And I will wait, thus bound, but leave you free, Until, some time, you may comeback to me. I Vou may come back by earnest, strong endeavor. Freed from the fault that now our fond , hearts sever, With all the barriers to our love re moved : And, O, how faithfully vou shall be loved ! My powsrs will follow you; I will be true. My love belongs to you, and only yo.;. I do not love you leas that I obey Those who have loved and guid d me away ; And if our natural love be strong and pure. Through years of patient waiting "twill endure. Go, prove your worth, dear love: the Koal attain. And then to vour true lova come back again. Abbi Kisxt. A GREAT COMBINATION. ready in t he bones and pour into The information which we copv the mass sIotIv, stirring briskly bvlow from the Baltimore Sun is iui- ""ith "oodeu paddles. This should . be continued slowlv until efferves- portiut to many people in many ; ct,nM cejseg an(1 tjie m;lss becomea sections. It is evidently the inten- 80ft and semi-tluid. It usually re tion of the great railroad hues to quirts about 1"0 pounds of acid for icombine and consolidate all lines, UK) pounds of bone. Stir the mass patting them as far as possible nn- occasionally for ten or twelve hours, i , . alter which mix the whole with der one management. It is to De a SQme drying miUenai. such as very l tight of railroads against water fine dry stable manure or scrapiDgs lines, and the railroad that is not . from under houses. in the combination will be com-' (f-) The next plan i to break the Spelled to have a water outlet or go 001168 ;ls be lore and stratify in a nU(er heap with strong ashes, keeping ! The' authorized announcement of , the mass constantly wet (but not i a freight traffic agreement between dripping, i Let stand six or eight th Pennsylvania Railroad on the ! months, or until all but the very one hand and the Atlantic coast ! lines, the Richmond and Danville I and the Seaboard and lioanoke I Railroad system on the other, ia one of the important transportation I combinations of the year. The Dnrnoae is the establishment of i three all-rail tlironh freight lines ! uto cover all the imrxrtant Soath-1 ern territory reaehed bv the roads i oat of 'Washington." One of these i lines, as has been stated, is to run ! i by way ot the Virginia Midland and ! I the Richmond and Danville; another by way of the Atlantic Coast Line, , and a third by way of Wilmington, Norfolk, Richmond and Portsmouth. These are to be essentially all rail ; lines, and as such will come into, i competition with the water lines, 1 but it ia claimed that the rivalry i will be friendly, and that rates ; .wars are to be at an pud. Lach J system is to furnish its quota ol ; : cars, of a similar pattern, to carry j i 40,000 pounds, and to be marked with the names of the several lines, jthns: ''Atlantic Coast Dispatch,'' i etc. Kach company has gone ac tively to work to furnish the cars for these through "Dispatch" lines as early as practicable. It is the 1 first organized effort to establish permanent all-rail through lines be tween the orth and the South by I the united sction of the several im portant southern systems. Balti more will have the advantage in , I beiDg the nearest of the great At lantic seaboard cities to the South, , and she is promised the lower freight rates to which she is en titled by her geographical position. These lines are to be organized "in order to overcome the expense and delays by the numerous transfers I incident to the shipment ol freight ! from the cities and interior points in the South destined to points North reached by the Pennsylvania Railroad system." In the new order ol things the relations of the railroads to the water lines will differ from what they have Ixen in several important icspects, no doubt. But the fact of the exist ence ot these two rival systems of transportation should serve to se cure for Baltimore the lowest at tainable freight rates to the South. Fertilizing with ( lover. As regards keeping np the fer tility of the farm, bought manures are "too expensive, and it is hardly possible to make a sufficiency of home made manures; we then must resort to sowing clover, rotating crops, and resting part of the farm. Sowing clover is our cheapest and surest way of fertilizing, for when growing on the land, we can graze it or mow it for forage, and its 1 effects as a fertilizer last for several years. Waldo F. Brown, of Ohio, one of the most intelligent and sue , cessful farmers ! this of clover: of the West, says "With thirtv-five 'years of careful observation of the i effects of clover, I have each year valued it higher than I did the pre vious year; a crop of clover cannot ' be grown on my eoil withoat bene fiting; no matter what use it is put to whether naatared eat for bay, allowed to mature a crop of seed, plowed under, or burned off, and each farmer who grows clover can 1 determine for himself what is the best u he can not it to: the roots of clover are the most important . faetor in the fertilizing value of the soil, because their dried weight considerably exceeds that of the dried weight ol the top; and also because they are richer in food ele ments than the tops." Southern Cultivator. A Salutary Kulk. Several of the regiments that camped out in June voted not to admit intoxicat ing liquor into the grounds nuder their control. In war and in peace 6uch regiments are likely to give a good account of themselves. 1 onng men of the right kind need no arti- ficiai aids gayety, youth, iteelf 1 beiDg the best kind of champagne. How to I tilize Jtonos Harlt'j J'.for Horses Best Winter .m-c. 1. I have plenty of oltl bones. What is the cheapest and best way for a farmer to dissolve them and how much to the acre on poor pine hill sandy land! How loii does it take to dissolve them! Is barley a jrood leed for horses? At what stage ought it to be cut for feed? What time to sow tor winter pasture? It sown in a cotton field after laying by, will it grow without being plowed or har rowed in? ". Name the three best winter grazing grasses lor this latitude. .Iack, West Monroe, La. Answkr. The principle element of value in bones is phosphoric acid. This can be rendered avail able in two or three ways, of which we will write directly. The next element is ammonia, which is pres ent in fresh bones t the amount of four per cent and more. a.) The first and quickest plan is to burn the bones in a log-heap and crush them to ptjwder with heavy pestle, nsing ashes altogether. This method involves the loss of all the ammonia, but requires little labor and no other expense. t ) The next most available plan is to dissolve in The bones must be not larger than smaller t he bet ter. venieut vessel of sulphuric acid. woken in pieces cliesimts the Provide a con wooil a large trough or tight hall hogshead will answer and till one -lourth lull ol the broken bones with just sufficient water to cover them. Let them soak a day or two if convenient i. Dilute the ordinary sulphuric acid of commerce with water at the rate of four fallons of water to one gal Ion of acid i including the water al- Darde8t pieces have become soft aD(l easily crushed. Then crush and m,x Wlth an-v drying material. x 018 I)lan 13 tuo oest ana cneapest, except in the element ot time, lt everything of value is saved. (( ) Tfle last plan is to sell Bv the bones to a manufacturer of dis- solved bones or exchange for acid phosphate. This is probably the not 1 1 - r .1 oesc pian 11 un til J tanee 1 great to haul. Sulphuric acid is ver to handle. A drop 111 a man's eye will almost surely destroy the sight, ami it is very dirruetive to cloth ing. - Barley is r. 1 1 s i 1 1 r t d better than either ie.or oats for stock of all kinds. 1 letter plow them in. ". I "sing the term "grass" in its botanical sense, we would say bar ley, rye and oats are the best three winter grasses. Excluding these cereal grasses, wo would say tall oat grass, orchard grass and Texas bluegrass are suggested. Would also add perennial rye grass. The best way to find out a good wiuter grass is to sow a mixture of the seeds of the most promising species, and await the "survival of the fit test." ' Southern Cultivator. (iiiirrnor and l'rt Mdeiit. It is coetemplated that the Gov ernor of Virginia will join thePres- ident when going to Atlanta and escort him through theo'.d Domin ion, and that the ( io vernor of North Carolina will meet Inm at our northern border and accompany him as far as South Carolina, where the Governor of that State will join him and escort him through South Carolina to Georgia, where the Governor of Unit State will attend him. It is indeed tit and proper for such attention and respect to be paid the President of the Cnited States, and the courtesty will be more appropriately rendered since the honored guest is the honest, fearless and independent Cleve land. But this exhibition of re spect is iu striking contrast with the treatment accorded to r esi dent Washington by Governor Sam Adams, of Massachusetts, when Washington visited Boston. As the President approached that city it was understood that the Governor of Massachusetts would not '-all on him, on the alleged ground that the Governor of Massachusetts being within the State held the higher rank and the President must first pay his respects to him. Washing ton, if we jecollect aright, become very hot about the matter, and after reaching his headquarters, had word conveyed to Gov. Adams that he was in town, and the next morning Adams proposed to call, but Washington treated him cav- alierly and soon left Boston. But aitnougu Attains lam stress on the the alleged superiority over the President of a Governor iu his own commonwealth yet his dislike of Washington doubtless had much to do with his course at the time. ; Some of the ultra republicans those who opposed the Constitu tion looked with great disfavor on ; ashington, who warmly j advo cated its adoption, and among these ! was Sam Adams. In like manner we have heard that our Xorth Caro- 1.1: l , i-,, , ma rcpuuncuus, wnose nospitaoie mansion was accustomed stoppine place of all the notables who came that way, refused to entertain Washington when in his neighbor hood and made him look elsewhere for lodgings. There were some pretty stiff' necked people in that generation, lint for our part we believe in honoring the President of the L'nited States. News and Observer. 'Young gentlemen," said an old doctor to a graduating class ol medical stuents -'Young gentle men, keep your patients alive if ; you can : dead men run np no 'bills." FARMS AND FARMERS. Short TaIU Willi Farmers on Farm Topic. FAI.T. oAT.S WHEAT. If one proposes to sow oats this autumn it is none too early to pre pare tor it. In the first place prop er seed must be procured. It is of first importance to sow seed from crops which have been continuous ly seeded down in the fall for several years, Seed from spring oats is not suitable for fall sowing. There is no question that plants acquire a certain adaptation to seasons and circumstances. Tall sown oats get the habit of growing through a longer period of time of tillering more; of resisting cold better. Those plants that are feeble or unable to stand severe cold get killed those with opposite quali ties survive and transmit their characteristics to their progeny. Thus a race of winter oats become established. In like manner spring oats acquire the babit of maturing in a shorter period of time, of with standing hot weather just the re verse of the fall oat. Now if fall grown seed are sown in the spring, and spring grown seed are sown in the fall, all these acquired habits become upset : or else no habits are formed, and plants uusuited to either fall or spring sowings the result. Whilst the oat is not as resi.-teut of cold as some other grains, there are varieties of oats which with stand cold better than others. What is known in upper Georgia, the "winter grazing" oat, will cer tainly stand cold better than the red rust-proof. We have tested this to our entire sal isfaciiou. Now it is altogether probable that what has been done either accidentally or by design in the case of winter grazing oat, may be done bo intelli gent procedure in the case of other varieties. By purposely sowing seed of the rust-proof, which has survived our coldest winters, con- tinuously year after year for many years, it is extremely probable that a cold enduring strain of that va riety may be established also. We noticed on our own farm, bunches here and there of rust proof oats, which survived the cold of the winter of 1885 and '80 one of the most disastrous winters to fall oats we have ever known. The same may be seen to a greater or less extent every winter when the oat crop is killed out. Now, why should not these hardy plants transmit their hardiness to their posterity ! We believe they can, and we urge upon tbe reader to test the point of trial. Fall oats have oeen Kineu so Dauiy 01 late vears farmers have become discouraged about sowing them, but the crop is too valuable in itself, and fits too nicely in our rotation of crops, to be abandoned without serions, de uigerous stermined and intelligent efforr to perpetuate it. Bet us try to breed up a strain of rust-proof oa's. Aside from sowing proper seed, something may be done to help the oat to withstand cold. One of our most intelligent and successful far mers in an adjacent county, informs us, that oats to which stable manure has been applied, are rarely or never killed by cold. If the seed are drilled in, so that the plants are a little below the general surface, they are somewhat protected from the cold winds, and may thus sur vive when others perish. Cold wiuds, unquestionably, intensify the effects of cold fields protected on the north and west sides by belts of timber especially old field pines, are, therefore, best suited for the crop. Rolling land, just as it thaws, after heavy freezes, would counteract the disastrous effects of , 'heaving." Soils that are least heaved by frost, should be selected for this crop. These are points which might well be looked alter, while seeding up winter oats. In all cases sow early, that the plants may get well rooted before frost if too forward graze a little. Manure enough to make strong and vigor ous plants, but heavy doses of ammoniated fertilizers in the fall are not advisable. They will make te plants too sappy and unfit them for resisting cold. They can be applietl as top dressing in the spring if the crop needs them. Plans and preparations lor a wheat crop are also now in order. If not occupied by auother crop, the land should be broken several times between this and seeding time. "ne good plowing, with several harrowings with disc or acme harrow will suffice. The surface soil should be in the finest tilth for this crop, and if the soil, after it has been-broken is settled by rain so much the better. Only keep the surface well pulverized. W. L. .1., in Atlanta Constitution. ( ure for Chicken t liolera. Iu the June number of The Cul tivator one "J. B. P.," of Wake field, N. C, wants a sure cure for hog 'and chicken cholera. I will give a recipe my wife took from an old Cultivator of 18S4: Copperas, alum, sulphur, still rosin and cayenne pepper, equal parts, pulverize and then mix it. For a dose take a tablespoonful in a gal lon of meal, three times a day. to stop it. Then feed the fowls on it once a week, to prevent it. At the same time it is a good plant to make white oak bark tea for them and put in troughs for them to drink, except the sick ones, and you can pour it down their throats My wile followed the above directions with good results. I would also state that she used crude carbolic acid as a disinfect- ... , ,, . , . ant, a tablespoonful gi me acm to a eallon of water, sprinkling the houses and coops and all other places the chickens frequent. How to Refuse a Loan. A young city clerk who felt inclined for a trip to the seaside, called upon a friend. "Hal, my dear boy," said he, "I'm off for my holi day, and I find I'm a trifle short. Lend me a ten, will you!" Hal, after a pause, which apparently in cluded a mental examination of his financial arrangements: Yell Phil to tell you the truth I do not feel disposed at present to make any permanent investments." NEWS NOTE 3. Two of the Gulbreath lynchers were brought to trial in Edgefield, S. C,. Wednesday. Treasurer Itjbie, of the New York Soldiers and Sailors' Home, at Hath. N. V., has been ousted. Hi accounts wore S9.0"0 short. In a shooting match at Lynchburg. Va.. Wednesday. I'r. Carver troko the worlJ"s record, killing fifty pigeons and making a clean score. A extensive Tike of coal miners in Bohemia has i to numerous riot". Troops have beei, pent to the scene Twelve rioters have been arretted. . jbehr Pasha, the Egyptian State prisoner, haa been liberated, having signed a paper binding himseif to good behavior in tlw future. A body of representative men from the principal towns and cities of Florida organized at Jacksonville. Wednesday, to devise the best means of securing im migration to the State. The Chicago Journal's Peoria special says that Justice Craig, of the Illinois Supreme Court, in a piivate conversa tion, said that the Supreme Court would not grant a new trial to the Chicago an archists . The IndUns at Ailkin. Minn., have been committing depredations of all sorts. T.vos'iuaws Wednesday broke into the residence of a Mrs. Henderson and Drove Mrs. Larson and her three children to the woods. Miss J-osie Holmes, late exchange clerk of the Fidelity National Bank of Cincinnati, has been released. It is understood that ?he has agreed to give the government the advantage of her knowledge of the inside workingsof the bank. G. B. Delamater. of Meadville. Pa., has this summer been the guest of John Brown, jr., son of the Harper's Ferry raider. Mr. Brown is now CO years old, and is engaged in grape growing on Put in-Bay Island, in Lake Erie. He is a justice of the peace of I'ut-in-Bay township, consisting of eight inhabited islands in this part of the lake. Many notable persons are arriving at Moscow for the purpose of attending the funeral of M. KatkolT. which will take place on Saturday next. The heirs of M, KatkolT will continue to publish the Moscow Gazette, and will retain its present staff. In the trial of LaDgston at Petersburg, Va.. for the murder of Ruffin the day has been devoted to expert surgical tee timoi.y. The conclusion of the ybysi cians thus far examined is that Rufllin's death was caused by the bullet wounds Inflicted by Lingston, and not by the surgeon s tmre or any fp nr nnv I tflf nf pvnfiri - ence in the operation KxcesMve Exercise. The newspapers reported the following fatal cases, all of winch oceured during the first week of April, and all from a similar t-ause: In New York, a young man who was in training to enter the inter collegiate sports, died from heart disease, superinduced by tiie strain of excessive running: In Chicago, another lad was at tacked with hemorrhage while pole vaultiug, and died after a day's ill ness: In Philadelphia, a student of the the Pennsylvania I "ni versify died from the effects of too protacted strain iu rowing: and In Bet hlehcm.a student of Lehigh I'niversity was killetl by the break ing of a pole over which he was j umping. The newspapers al.-o contained accounts of three other accidents to young men while training for atheletie exhibitions, by which tiny were lamed or disfigured for life. Now it would be folly to base on such accidents as these a verdict against all athletic sports. But there is as mnch difference between the athletic exercises which strengthen the muscles, develop the chest and conduce to heallh and cheerfulness, and the feats, both useless and dangerous, which are undertaken simply for display, as there is between a canter on a safe horse in the sunshine, and the mad excitement of a race ground. Parents and college faculties should note the difference, and put a limit on the exhibitions on these athletic sport da s. It is not only the boys, however, who are ready to sacrifice them selves on the altar of vanity. There is a strong dislike among young girls to any tendency to stoutness. Tight-lacing, fortunately, is out of fashion. But girls sometimes diet themselves excessively to reduce the figure to the desired sym metry. Self-conceit is always dangerous to the mind, but in these cases it is actual murder to the body. Don't Complain. A country merchant was one day returning from maiket. lie was on horse back, and behind his saddle was a valise filled with money. The rain fell with violence, and the good old man was wet to the skin. At this time he was quite vexed, and mur mured because God had given him such hard weather for his journey. He soon reached the border of a thick forest. What was his terror on beholding on one side of the road a robber, who, with levelled gun, was aiming at him and at tempting to fire! But the powder being wet with the rain the gun did not go off. and the merchant giving spurs to his horse, fortunate ly had tiruejto escape. lAssoonashe found himself-safe, he said to him- self: "How wrong was 1 not to en dure the rain patiently, as sent by uulCLi-H-iiiint' provjdeilce! if the weather had been dry and fair I should not probably have been alive at this hour. The rain w hich cause me to i murmur came at a fortunate mom ent to save my life, and preserve to me my property." From Austin Tex. i SLatcsman. The effect of Ilawkes' Crystalized Lenses upon the organs of vi-don is sim ply wonderful, as there are several prominent gentlemen in the Land Office whose sight has been restored by their use, and hundreds of similar cases throughout the United States can be re ferred to. All eyes fitted and the fit guaranteed , at the drug store of F. S. Duffy, New ' Berne. aug 5 lm C-: ers of Craven Co'-.y.ty. The county commissioner- a--mhU d in the courthouse on Monday the ' -t day of August, being the regular month ly meeting, at 10 o'clock a.m. Present, Samuel W. Latham. TI10-. II. Mailis:,n. W. M. Vaton and W. C. Brii.on. Th" chairman heing a r-f'' r:t. eioni-r Latham was pro tern. a. man ' 'r.ler allow e i i poverty 1 that Mrs. 1 per mi- .nth iiiit 'irth an I i:::'.rni to. til orders. I " p :-n r xaminat mitted in relation . f tli. valuation ' : 1-0") acres of land in No. 7 fwn?hip. listed by Caroline Wolfenden for !--;. it is adjudged and ordered that the val uation of said lands, fixed at TV. by the board of equalization, is j.i-t an 1 equitable an:l that no irr-r.-a-.- r-hV.: I made . Application of 7. .h . v.,r 1 f. r relief was referred ; or. :---i ro-r 'Watson. W. G. Bryan, E. S. Street and Jona than riaven9 were appointed cotton weighers for the city of New Berce for the ensuing two years upen condition that each of them shall foe proper bonds and qualify according to law. Application of the stock fence com mittee of No. 1 township j raving th- board to levy a tax in said territory for the year lST was taken up according to agreement. David Tripp. Sr. end (". II. Brewer of said territory oj. posed the levying of said tax and wtre examined by the board. Upon due consideration of the application and the evi ienee -ub-mitted, it was ordered that a l-.w of fifty cents on the one hur.drtd d..!Urs valuation be levied for the year 1--7 upon the property returned iu sai I ;..ok law territory. J. J. Wolfenden. for Caroline Wol fenden. presented a petkion praying a reduction in valuation of 120". acres of land in No. 7 township for 1--7. and upon consideration of the ,- ;i;ic it is ordered and adjudged that the valua tion of said lands shall not be re.'u"od. Commissioner Brinson moved thai the valuation of 2010 aeres'of land of Perry Bros, be increased to ..i.7". . be ing the same valuation rf the V.'olft-n-den lands. Rejected. Watson it Daniels pres.. i,u ,1 a peti tion praying a reduction rf the valua tion of 313 acres of land in N . 7 town ship for 1SS7 and upon due considera tion of the eame it is order'1.! that the valuation of said lands be reduce-d from S2.000 to Si, 000 for 1?,7. Ordered that voucher No 73 issued January 4, lrs7, to John Dunn. On., for 3112.50 shall be en.lor.d I : ,-o v-.ble in payment of taxes." The . valuation of 7 ,.,'r. :: ' ia:,d listed to Primus Foy in No. t was reduced from SI. "50 to f 00. Board adjourned to :J p. m. evjcnix., sr.sM o W. (i. Bryan presented his cotton weigher which, was o aufiicient and was appr v- !. Bryan was duly sworn. Mr. Jonathan Havens prose bond as cotton weigher whii bond as at:,: Mr. eh being the same considered good and suffirien was approved and ordered to h.- i;:.- .1 and Mr. Havens was duly sworn. The clerk was ordered to advertise the poor house farm in the New Berne JoL'IcNal for lent to the highest b i I Jt r at the court house door on the first Monday in September for the yar l-. taking notes for the payment of the rent, to be approved by the board. K. S. Street oilered his bona ;.s cot: ..a weigher which being c: n-i ier.. J g -.-d and sufficient the same was approved and ordered to bo file!. Mr. S;rr-et wa3 duly sworn. Ihe consideration of the fence committee of the Nj . titL.n of lown.-hip pray in 2 the board to 1. was laid orer until the f. September, and the o! notify tho fence corn mi vy a for.ee tax -t Monday in ri; or.L red to :U-o t-" lurni-i; the board with a list of all tax pavers and taxable property subject to Kiid tax in said stock fence territory :: or be fore said meeting of the boar.'.. lioard adjourned to meet Tue-Jav. Board met on Tuesday at 11 a. m. Present. S. W. Latham chairman pro tern, "SV. G. Brineon and W. M. Watson Ordered that the valuation of the franchise of the A. ec N. C. 11. Co. cer tified to by the Governor. Auditor and Treasurer, being fifty miles r road in Craven county at $51 i por mile -SIT, 200. shall be turned over to the .-or -ai assessors of No. 8 township be entered on the tax list' f to ship. D, Stimson. sheriff, guim.r. port which was approve .o: 1 filed. The monthly allowainv i f Florence Leggett for her sup discontinued and her name crt w a --r.d stricken from the list of paupers. The valuation of two acres of land listed to Susan Jones iu No. T township for 1S0T is reduced from G0 to c 10. The valuation of 23 acres of land Mary Eliza Reed in No. T township for 1SST is reduced frcm to .-'.V1. Board adjourned to mr ot on V, I"... - day at 10 a. m. Board met pursuant t - a ij urn:::-:;:. Present. S. W. Latham ehairrnari. Tl.-. EL Mallison. W. M. Watn ae 1 V, G. Brinson. W.Cohen presented a p. tit! n pray ing the board to reduce the valuation of certain property in No. T are! town ships for 1S?T was lai i over until the first Monday in September. WT. The board took up the cxamoiati n of ex SherilT Ilahn's accounts which con- sumed the day without comp, .-Lit the . r n - settlement. Adjourned ur.ti; t: ing at 10 o'clock. More Earthquake i,s CHlCAiiO. August 2 I'ispatcht .- fu.rsi Jacksonville, Central ia and Jjiitolci o. 111., this morning indicate 1 hat the early earthquake shocks noted at Nashville. Tenn.. St. Louis and Evansville, Ind.. were general throughout southern an 1 central Illinois. The time v. . 12 -l" a. m. st. i.. t is siiaki:x I I'. St. LH-is, Aug. 2. A sli-ht ,:,.th quake shock was felt here at 12.:'.'. ; l, i s morning. Itwokeupthe oceup mt of houses but no damage is repn -. d . The movement was from south t r, nil. and the vibration last' d frm i?,t t ten Feconds. A SHOCK I.V HrNT- II. I.e. IIint--yille, At.... Aug. '2. At 12. -'O this morning a distinct earthquake Bhock was felt in this city, arousing sleepers by the noise and motion. The vibration was from north fo south. Proceedings of Board OKLKiN NKWS. v vi-yv- . - -TANI ! Y. :! '. AujC- 1 A dispatch from Sr 1 de L .ando. dated July .'il. says: .Jar.sscn. fiovernor of the Congo Stat', writes from Bom a that since iving the news of the arrival of il. y at the camp on the Aruwhimi r no rnes?age has arrived from the r Yi:go. and that the lirst news of accident that may have happened tanley must be brought by the Con 0'ite inroneer. who is expected to at I' .ma in a few davs." I M'.l " M Fret rece St:, ri ve u pp. t Si axama:. ri-m:i;it mmttk. n. August 1. Sir James Kergu- j .1 r I lamentary secretary for the foreign o;i;ce. announced in the House of i "yir.iuei;- today that the communica tions bttwee-n the government of the ' "n.t.ol States an.I that of Oreat Britain -li'ovo.l that progress was being made in the work of adjusting the Canadian ii-lu-ries dispute, and he added that the Briti-h government were hopeful of at taining a satisfactory settlement at no ! i-t int time. :...: ... i. :.::: . i ; i:. . . t . ot i.. , a m a . i .1:1.1.: '- . Aug. 1. It is reported that i 'nnce 1 erdinand, against the advice of Luc uehe r meuibeib of the Saxb-Coburg family, will start tomorrow for Bul gaiia, and will take the oath of office as Prince- of Bulgaria at Tirnova on Thurs day. i:1 --:an- 1 ! 1 1 i : a T I N 1 1 'p. sn;i;itiA. 'T. PLToKH'.iiKi. Aug. 1. An im-meu-e migration movement is proceed ing in Central Russia. Peasants and farmer- are going in large numbers to We.-ti rn Siberia, where free pasture ;::! an. id. 1 Js abound. . t i l. - 1 .Till. ig.Tin; 1 ii 1 -1 : . I, M oN. Aug. 1. The liiil of Uoso-ht-rry in the Mou3e of Lords this even ing asked Prime Minister Salisbury to coi.liri:-. i.r contradict the report tele grip!;, d from Shanghai that an Ameri can '.lajuny of financiers had estab lish, d a bank in China with a capital of .-j'-fl.u O.i.' .o and has obtained from the Cnmese government a franchise which secured to the corporation the exclusive control of the financial development of the empire. Lord Salisbury, in reply, s -,i 1 the government had no informa tion on the subject: that the matter was not one withn the cognizance of the foreign office, and that if such a report really w as current in China tho British agent po: -iMy though: it un.vorthj-of notice. A Ig". I.AMAT ION I; V Till: AMIItl:. C.U.. i ti a. August 1. Advices from L'andabar etate that the Ameer of Af ghanistan has caused a proclamation to be posted in the bazar in that city in forming his subjects that tho British government is holding six infantry divisions, each consisting of nine regi ments, with cavalry and artiljery, in readiness to march into Afghanistan to suppress the revolt of tho Ameer's enemies in the interior. The proclama tion adds: "'lean pupresstho Ghilzais without them, but they remain ready ' ia case liussia takes advantage of the rebel, ion to invade the country." The Ameer invites the rebels to return to ! their homes, and says he will only puc.i.-h the chiefs in the insurrection. i lie Tobacco Coincntiou. The Raleigh Tobacco Exchange is bestirring itself with reference to the State Tubacco Convention to be held at Morehead on August 17th. At tho regu lar meeting of the Exchange held yes terday, the following delegation was appointed from Raleigh: W. T. Lip.i eomb. chairman: M. A. Parker. T. II. Moseley. V.". C. Reed and T. N. Jones. Alternates: L. L. Fleming, Jeis. E. Pogue. E. B. Aiken. C. F. Harvey and Ceo. B. McGehee. 11.11. Roberts was ( .lected secretary to tho delegation. Col. P. F. Faisou: chairman of the committee on transportation and ac commodation, presented a letter from the cificials of the associated railways, making round-trip rates to members of thoVon vention at about three cents per mile. Tho convention is strictly a North Carolina affair. Every Tobacco Enchar.ge in the State is entitled to five vot -.'3 in the convention, and bhould ap point a- many delegates who can at tenl. Matters of great importance to the t'.baeeo iuterest m the State will be brought before the meeting, and every section and town in the State interested in tobacco culture should co-operate through delegates at this, the first to bacco convention ever held in the State. A large attendance is expected, and special rates will be given to delegates by Me.-srs. Cook & Fo -ter Bros., of the Atlantic Hotel at Morehead. News and e .-rver. r 1 'resident (.'alls a Hall. V.-I!INot 'N. August 1. The Pred-J-nt sai l today that he had felt it to be ..n al. e.uie e security that he should in ev. ry oa-i rcouest the.se cities which prup. ed to -enJ delegations to Wash r. ;;t 'n conveying invitations to visit th-m on his Western trip to forego that formality and forward their communi ovo r. ; by mail. He has a full appre "iatiti ot the cordial spirit which prompts t-uch courtesy and v hich is DWt p ratify in;- but it seems to him unr.(-C'.:-s:iry that such journeys for such a ptii po-e. at this heated season of the vcar. i-h -oi l be undertaken. In addition to thi.s consideration ho said it had been his purpose to feel free to absent him self from U13 capitol and tho White use as lie c-uuuiei leel uisposeu uurinir i month, and to make no engage n:s which would require his pres- 1, at anv d time It is I 1 1 '::.! ic that he will leave here the last :. f S. ptcmber ati.l go directly to St I. ::!.-. nn 1 from tlcre to Kansas 1 -it v. lV.ul. 31; n nea pi. I is. Milwaukee. Co: -.:;'. Nashville and Atlanta. The st. Lou ; arol Atlanta elates Deinj; nxeci, it will v.-ji be practicable to deviate from this programme. The journey will be made by the ordinary route of travel between the cities named, and the disposition of the President will be to see as much of the country and people on los route as will be consistent with limite 1 time and positive engagements. Almost a Kiot. To. .".!. red excursion from Norfolk ve-.-tv-rd.iv cam:' near terminating in a : -cri iu - r: .t . The excursionists, some t!:ou-an 1 in number, left here about 4 .:' p. m . drinking and noisy, and aft. r the train had gotten oil" a short time they compelled the engineer to re turn uili. the expressed determination to r-tay ail night. Their conduct of de thin ' became s disorderly that the Mrvor called on the Pasquotank Killes t .. quel! the disturbance. The Killes quickly responded, prepared for ugly woik. and w hen they appeared tho se rious aspect suppressed the disturb ance. Four of the leaders were ar rested, taken before Mayor Scott, pre liminary evidence heard, aad sent to j til. to be tried this morning. Two considerations aro suggested by the occurrence. First, tho value to the town ol the military company, and tbe im r.ortar.-'e i f sustaining it to the full standard of members and equipment. Second, the duty of Manager King to s ;:d with the-e 1 xcursi. mists a police to in Ko'.e- Ill-ht blood. The . order. The Pities, and the r.e. preserved the town last -.1 serious d i-tut banco and Norfolk authorities were tele d to make further arrests upon rf train l i t liL'ht. Klizibcth A SI V I ( Ie TO 31 OT HE Its. Mlis. WlNSI.. -V S SOOTIIINU Slilt IT -h..uid always be used for children teethinc It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the boht remedy for "diar h.'3. Twenty-live cents a bottle. piarlV dtuthsat wly roup 113 Absolutely Pure. This puw.ler never vanes. A marrel of partly, suouRth. ana wlioli'Hiimeneii, Mor economical than th e ordinary kinds, nd eu. not be sold In competition with toe mnltttwto of low teat, short weight, alum or phospbM powders. Hold only in cans. KorAI. BAKIKw PowdbbOo . 1U6 Wall-et.. w. Y. novls-trdw FYr sale, in Newberu by Alex. Miller. RED LIGHT' fl'LOON, Near Markot Dock, Middle St-, NEW LE11NE, N. C, is v. lihhi: v-r cn always kni PURE LIQUORS Of every variety, in large or small quantities. Al -o the FIN F.ST GRADES of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will be Bold CHEAP FOR CASH! John D. Pinkin:-, Salesman. L". WHITMAN, dec2i2 d w Proprietor. Prepare for the Season Blatcbley's Freezers, (Will freeze cream solid in five minutes) Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Wire Dish Covers, Wire Window Cloth, Fly Fans, And a Full Line of House Furnishine1 Goods, AT L. II. CUTLER'S, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW 1JKRNE. N. O. Take Notice ! Our store is filled with Provisions, Groceries, Caaited Ooods, Iry Goods, Crockery, Etc. Wo keep a full lino of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. AliO C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes, Every pair warranted 10 Rive satis faction. Country merchants and the people generally are requested to call aud ex amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will give you low figures. We job Lorillard Snufl. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front at.. Sew Heme, N. O K. H. JONES, Wholesale an l K. tail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES General Merchandise, BAOOlNd AM) TIES Etc. Consignments of (irain, Cctlon and other Produce solicited. Prompt Attention u;i : 1: 11 teed. N. W. Cot. South Front und MiddleSt" NEW It E UNE. N. C MOST BRILLIANT, PURE & PERFECT LENSES Iji tlio World. They arp as tTRiiKimrent und colorleM as lit;ht Itself, and for t-eflness or oiitlnrmnoe to Hit; eye. cannot !e exct llr.l. ennbllDK tbe wearer to ren.l mi In uis ulenit fallgue. In fact . 1 hey an. ri.Hi- KCT SHillT rUI.BKUNKKa, Test I ie on lain from the li. ailing physlclani In the I'nltiil StiileH, Coventors. Hen a tort, l.cKlKlHlom. Meek men. men o note lu all pro fessonK. ant) 111 ilillereni branches of trad. Imiiki'ik. imi-liuiii.-N. etc.. can he given who have ha. I iht It blhl Improved by IheTr nee. A EE EYES FITTED AND THE HI' (il'AKANTEEl) BY F. S. DUFFY, Druggl, mailt Mew BKK.N1S. N. U. ly GEORGE ALLEN & GO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural 1 111 p 1 o ni e u t s. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Hoes and Axes, Wood's Mowers aud Kcapors, Steam Engines, Cotton Ciins and Presses. Fertilizers, hand Plaster, Kaiuit Mechanics T00N and Hardware, Lime. Brick, Cement. Plaster Hair, Paint, Kalsomine, Var nish, oil. Class, Putty aud Hair. Freezers, Kefrigerntors, Oil Cook Stoves, Eureka Burjflar Proof Sash Eoek-, warranted t give security aud satisfaction. PKICES VERY LOW. ;i:o. ALEEN & CO.

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