A v. -- Jo A- INDEPENDENT IN ALL THING Terms &B.OO IT or Ve,ir. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, OCTOBER ;. 1887. NO. 27. N". .v ETTBWGER re HAVE OPENED AND Bfy&ooflsrBoots,SIioes We endeavor to keep only GOOD GOODS, and will at all times soil at REASONABLE TERMS. We offer at wholesale r. Lorillard A. Co 's SsnutT-. Armour ,t Co. "a Provisions, Haifa Star Lje and Potash. Ziegler Bros. Fine Shoes, The By State Shoe and Leather (Jo.'s hhoes and Hoot, The Celebrated Pearl ShirL", Harvey's Old Tuckahoe Tobacco. Hod. Thoe. M. Holt's AUmancc Plaids. AvJ a full lino of General Merchandise at Lowest Market Prices. Oettinger . It woakl b to 89 Napoleon crossing the Alps, with ninety thousand British - - eaiiieB, in an opn boaU BUT it is a greater sight to seethe crowd going to the Score of F. T. PATTERSON, The Middle Street Merchant, W IK) II VS A PINK IASE OF Gentlemens Furnishing Goods Cbmtetiag of LINEN, nd SEERSUCKER LIGHT WEIGHT SUITS at HALF PBICS. Shirt, Collars, Cuff. Underwear for Summer use at your own figure. TRUNKS and VALISES, jast the thing for hot weather travel, at way down 1 unit make ruora for Fall ner Uoodi only, so I eive my customer the benefit ot discount. DOMt Mkal to enumerate our stock, but come riht along with the crowd aa4 makeyoar selection. - Srajrythinn jovag man wanta to replenish his wi-drobe. Nuci Wear, neat mnd at Ikh, knocks the fignrea right on the thermometer. Straw Hau below uf). Carpets, Hocaepun. Shoee, they just walk away at the prices we offer then, tad ail other coodt at LOW PRICES. my 7 d w6m IjNSET Girls and Young Ladies Full corps of Teachers. Boarders. Write for terms to janlC dwtf OLDEST AND LARGEST Walter D. ftHoses & Co. 01- MAIN STREET. X i Cotf tfondnc licltd. Catalogue mailed free on application at the ofhc ur Nrtt Carolina A stent, iLdolpli Colin, At Mrs. f. F. Stanly's Book Store, corner Broal and Middle S:s , Jual7 dwflcn Jb'U JrJVI JL'JL" LJ JrZE ! Parlor bult. CItnobr Sem Wa'nut rted-tcub. 15ure.un, Ward robfl. MattreMK, Chairs I.oiiiijjps, Sofa, Centre Table?-, Etc,. Etc . ftt ItOCK BOTTOM IMCILltS JOHN SUTEE Middle Street.New Berne, N. C. - - Ttew Ha MHI4I MlT It. nt mm til- rS J m - TViTI llnoa nf. friA ahnvA ShnfiS for snlfi hv , , ., TAvmn i II0T7AED & J0I7ES, solo BROS., , 3NT. O., OFFER 1-OU SALE THEIR Stocli of HINO, cfco. Stock, henco will not carry Sum school. 3NT. 0. New Building. Ample accommodations JOSEPH KINSEY, PRINCIPAL. MUSIC HOUSE IN VA. RICHMOND. VA. Pianos and Organs on eapy monthly plan at factory prices. Old Instrument taken in exchange, bought, retted aDd repaired. lnnai Stork of SHEET Ml SIC. Iaj-.ruciion Book! of all kind Sr-'a: Iv. count to Teachers ami tschooln. ( aiAKxcue mAtid Ire. Aumortment of Mut'.c enton electllon if de'.roI strins :or all Musleii orn of iiArn'Md nukw ftom t.i .). Agent of Iojj.):i 1'roft silor.ai Sl.ver Beil Barjo. V'.o:iiil.A,'-or! o:.i. a :'. i oe:y:i.'i 1 :i tiie Mua eii Llae. of NEW BERNE. N. C, lr .f t R -. f ' ( I t r r"; - JVMH IF. 4 SHOK r i - J.VMH M L4 H MI OK. -"r- r-j.n j cr rvrO I'w.r y rVrw f roaUK iilirss xi r lLxr p ppAn plAitCj ad Ul K XA. JAMES MEANS S4 SHOE JAMES 'MEANS S3 SHOE r-s- -.r - - - - - - e - i 4 i .. :n .:'- ' -.- :r . , l o l .1 M t A s i.i s Hn; . , ...r i - ,i James Means &l Co. Al Ulnccln St,. Boston. Mas. x- vr-. ri l agents for New Berne. ' FAI.I.IM. I.KVVKs. MJ1J.VM Do you hear the sad. sweet musi -. Which, like some .Lilian strain struck by warm winds' unseen lingers. Comes and goes, and conies again ': Tis the plaintive voice of Nature. Singing softly while she grisvps. l ist ' 'tis the funeral march of Summer 'Tis ths dirge of fallm: leaves. We may catch the faltering accents If we list with bated breath: "Time's tireless wheel in endless cycles Brings birth and life and death. Why are the brightest j "y 8 the ileete.-t Why sing, if song must end in sih '.' Why smile, if smiles so soon are faded .' Why live at all, if but to die r" Thus is the mournful. whispered cadi nee Borne through the air on falling leaves : Thus nature, like a sorrowing mother. Sits by her dying child and grieve And my heart has caught the echo. Beating time to the refrain. Dying, dying, thus around me ' Is there ought Death cannot claim '.- Arouse, my heart, be brave and earnest ' Throw otf the chill chains cf despond! Have you not heard the glr ious promise Of a birth and life beyond : Though the leaves shall fall and wither, They will surely come again: Though Death claim you for a season. Life immortal waits you then SOI riIFK ItEMM ss The Bright ar.d Gratifying Prospects ofthe Future of Southern Ir.dustr.es OlIAl TANOi h;., TltNN The Tradesman, in it review of the S "utthern quartei ly iiilnstri.il s tuation sa s: 'The ast three months, alih and embarrassing midsummer ugh per- tod, snows no cessation m wonder fill industrial development in all sections of the South. While specnlation have been restricted, material growth has correspond ingly increased, ami reports to the Tradesman from the commercial and industrial centres oi the South betoken a most gratify mg condition of affairs. The crops everywhere in the South are above t he average, and the general volume of business is increased. I'p to a lortnight ag") money was easy, and while collections are some what slower now. the movement ofthe crops will improve the financial situation, is very active, and manufacturers are crowded with orders, and the iron works are running on double time. Railroad building is in ac tive progress in many ofthe South ern States, and the rolling mills in Chattanooga and Rirmingham have orders lor months ahead. Returns from Southern cotton mills show important improvement, the con sumption of cotton having increased over '20. 000 bales in the past twelve month nr neailv tivo :in.l one-li.llf per cent. The total number of mills, np to September 1st, 18S7, was 2-19; the number of spindles l,l?13,34b'; number of looms 27, ftf. i; cotton consumed nor year 401. 12 bales. New companies are being rapidly formed. In (l,n .r,.sf V, r.nn manths thirty-two new factories have been organized, divided as follows: Alabama 3. Arkansas 1, Georgia Lonisana 'J, North Caro- , Una 1J, Sonth Carolina d. Tennes see '-. Texas 7. Southern iron masters have been tor' greatly perplexed over the scarcity of coke, but this prob.em is being solved by important development in this branch. In the past three months twelve coke companies have been formed 1 in Alabama, 4 in Tennessee, 2 in Virginia and 2 in West Virginia and many others are in process of formation. The work is rapidly progressing on new blast furnaces in process. In the past'qnarter 1 1 new turnace com panies were organized : five iu Georgia. 3 in Mississippi, 1 in Ten nesse, 1 in Virginia and 1 in West Virginia. One of the features in the past quarter has been the re- LU.llKL.uie uu (.'lujiuicni in j-;"ili ami silver mining. Much attention is being paid to this industry, and vastly improved methods of mining are being adopted. In the past three months tflteen smelting works have been erected in Arkansas and 31 mining and quarrying compan ies formed. In all the Southern States, much capital is being ex- penaea in searcn none has been for natural gas, found in p.ning prospectors are qnantitie ut greatly encouraged In the past quarter 31 natural gas and oil com panies have been formed in Ala bama, 3 m Arkansas, 3 in Ken tucky. ! in Tennessee. in Texas, in Virginia. In the past quarter the wood working establishments formed in the South, exclusive ot saw mills are: In Alabama 22. Ar kansas lo, Florida 1, Georgia 10, Kentucky 1, Louisiana M issisip pi 3, North Carolina 13. S uith ( 'aro lina 1. Tennessee ',. Texas 1. Vir ginia 3 and W st Virginia Kighty seven raiaoad companies have been ineoi p irated in the l ist thne months, of which Alabama has th Aikansas 12, Florida '1. Geor gia 21, Kentucky 1. Louisiana L.', Mississippi 2. North Carolina i, South Carolina 1. Tennessee lo, Texas 7. Virginia ' and Vt ; ";r g n;a . Ainonc the general companies formed in the past quarter are 2S brick works, 2il electric light works, U tcel railway companies and 2'J foundry and machine shops. They are pretty evenly divided among all the States. Live glass lactones have been oi g.ini.ed 2 in Ala bama. 2 :n Tennessee, and 1 in Georgia. A great diversity of other indus tries have been found, among them rlour and grist-mill.-, of which 1 1 were in North Carolina and 11 in Texas: steel-works 1, saw-mills t'l. waterworks companies 2'd, coal and ore mines and quarries 13-h miscellaneous, including land and development companies and miner industries, 133." A PcMl'ers man, with a very red nose, recently p.o e the iiews boysand,bootsMacks a "talk" at their lodging house. He asked them a great many Molish ques tions, and the boys got restive. Finally he asked : --What is a bou quet!" ''A -bunch of Mowers, " answerd some of the boys," -And now," he said, with an air of great importance, "tell me what a nose gay is." "It's a ncse covered with rum blossoms, like voure!" veiled one of the older bovs. and the lecturer eat down amid a chorns i of laughter and w-yis. J -- '" STATE NEWS Asheviile 'itien: WY ivn i to he ir that t lie tror dul some d,im rt.ire in M.idison. The i.iimers ;ire very bii-y otirtin ;:.e:i toba 'en now. Thai which was ie ! hurt l tlio frost very good. Wilmington Review : i'iie babies cry lor it uow. We mean building association stocks. A friend of ours dropped in this morning at the Secretary's office and took out 10 ."-hares in the Citizen's Aoeiation for his litile b:i'-y boy. :'it two weeks n!d. I it r li i in RcC'irde;: li:h'.t' dra hum court. es;erd.u. we me a great many f.r.meis liom e ery section in Alainai, c county. They itif.imed us thai they liad the tines; crops f tobacco tliey bad over raised, that it v,.i the t;::c.st I'ureJ they had ever m c::. R ileigli Signal : (:, 'l'iiursday evening, the Srii 1 1 1 -1 . . .Mr. Archel Jacobs t a barn of tobacco bv fire. Mr. Jacobs livt s on Flat nver. in Durham county. Also a Mr. Mas. of Tailv Ho township, in Grain ille All aecid ::!:. Mr. ( leg. i: e., r r onnt " ntal.' tithl ie one Py lire. I'rid iy. t he gum had his s; brekt n bv ( :i Mai aim. ('.It I C: Venn has r , i , .-. :i a 1 1 ci . : ( :ir lL-!idii, li : en :id. Mr Kd. :m. v.-rv sing Ab.'.ut Hi attack o! " i ceo ven i berel" of ui. uly arilieted lee w eeks ago d seutery. but . v"hen he was b,th healing recent ly. he had an was i:e.u I sudden 1 v and speecli. lie remained in this condition for a week feeling quite well otherwise ; when both hearing and speech again returned. Wilmington Star: In many eases this may bo accomplished through the Ruildiug and I..). m Associations on easier terms than through any other channel. At all events, every poor man sin i;l 1, if possible, be come a .stockholder, and thus lay the foundation of a futuie home. The cotton platform, a box car and til;y s i x bales of destloy eii by l;:e Mil Tatum 's, o!i the ( 'ape i'iill"tl Wele day night at f ear iv Yad The 1 s is kin alle R i:!:o.k about S'l ooo. Li:ibeth 'ty Leon,, mist: The arrangonient !oi the grand tourna ment ball at the Aibemarle House with which the Flizabeth City Fair will close on the night of the L'oth of October, is in charge of frank Grice, ljugene C. Rotter ami Louis Selig. F. S. Fish Commissioner NN'orth is now in this part of the State collecting statistics as to the Catch of tish dlUIUg the last seaSOI). and other information about tish in this section. He was in Washing ton, 2s". C. last week and will be here in a dav or two. Durham Kecordei ; 'Ir. W" Keda.ond is out securing the right r- f.r- tl, tnr ,1,,, V. VlV.. ,. Kailwav Company. Yt ,,11 further state that Manr J. ( Winder went North a few days ago to buy the rails for this road. It looks from this that the read will be built at once. Col. Kugene Morehead. banker and vice-president and treasurer (f the Durham Fertilizing Company, has wonder- fully improved in health during the past three wu-ks. His many friends will rejoice to know that he is ex pected home soon. Charlotte Chronicle : Hurt Wil- ijams, colored, who was emploved a3 a fireman on the Carolina Cen- rrai road, wa shot and killed at a colored festival at I.aurinburg last Saturday night. Wilson had a 'layover" at Lain inburg Saturday, and as there was a festival m town that night, he Concluded to take it in. During tiie progress of the festivities two colored men became involv ed ill il jrfW a ie;stol row and one of them and tired at his an tagonist. The buiiet mi-sed its mark, but struck Willi, ims in thi eve, killing L i in instantly. Goldsboro Argus: The through freight yesterday g"ing south was drawn by t wo engines. There wc-re 51 cars besides the caboose, h'vi dently somebody is buying some thing somewht'ie ami the country is not so cut irely dead as the ancient and venerable croaker would try to persuade you. n yesterday as the jailer. Mr. 3. F. Uobson, had two of the piisoncis confined iu jail at woik in ihe corridor of the jail Ulilig it out. 1 ope ned the door of t he i ui and t'ne v made ;i dash for liberty. One Morgan Hart, w ho was sentence of 1 months, captured by Mi, Ilobson other, w ho was in for s: if them. ei vmg a was re but the months. made good ins oca; e. Wilson .Vdvatiec : The tiitet lie grocs w an aceo las: ue Feel !.:. pipers taking ( he inf iO rob ed Mi Fi an 1 Hl.ii' eh's Ad van k his j v , lie ; 1 herein cot , g ive Mr. book and the .lined. alter lit ail t i ;m.d : mom-v he had. last Satnidav. They were three ot the dittiesr. moet ragged looking negn es 1 ever saw" said Mr. Feel. "Tiie sun was all ot two hours high when the robbery was committed." The Wilson Cotton Mills have just put a new Denn's warping machine m their factory, the sight of which i well worth a visit. The m ichine cost ?1,UW, and with it. "i.e man can easily do the work of throe on the old machine. Tobacco Fiant : The hue of the Lynchburg Durham railroad has been established between Koxboro and Uragtown. about thiee miles from Durham. It i now ready to be let to the contractor. 1 ly refer ence to our first page it w ii! be seen that the building ol' the load is pushing with vigor. Durham county, on last Saturday, turned over her bonds to the L. v D. IL li. company, and took out her cer tificate of stock. Hurry up the road. All sorts of rumors relative to the D. II. and D. vV . nil roads that Durham voted for on the Deli and 17th ol this month, can be heard. "The D. A. ( . is go ing to Raleigh:" --r lie D v II. will never be built." and all such re marks are Irecly made. Wait awhile, gentlemen. It will be tunc enough to aba cause. Wait. when we have Those gentlemen who seem to be on the inside say built, and that both roads will be that speedily. ' '! "ui. ,. ... .... I'AII.MS AM) FAUMEI1S. Sho With the Men Who G. the Plow. ii. n; 'i.i: s.. ( Maim fact nr 1 TON 'N 1' A KM. is, liarties remote 1 1 e i i i tne cotton lields, and not familiar with farming the average farmer as very Iv in the handling of his jtersons regard They have i )ne. appreciate two things which much to do with the matter, t hat t he cotton boll is en- vol ope vl by leaves whi(di hug it very closely ainl adhere to the lint when the boll is full open : t t. boll leaves soon dry up and become so brittle that they break at a touch and are gathered with the lint, unless the picker constantly stops to separate the two before he de posits the cotton in his sack. Only the first picked cotton, that which is gathered vbilt the leaves are still green, pliable and tough, escapes this drawback. The other thing is that the negro is the chief cotton tucker at the South, and the farmer must adopt his methods and arrangements to the negro's nature. He cannot change his child like, careless disposition, and cannot impiess upon him. either by rewards or ot herwise. nice d;; inc t inns or delicate tnanipalati-'i's. Very low negroes cm be taught or induced to run propel ly a gni, a:i engine, a mow er or reaper ; and he who undertakes to get similar woik out of a negro to that which he gets out of a white man will, nine times out of ten, fail as com pletely as the one who tries to get the movements ol a thoroughbred race horse out ol an ox. Again, in favorable weather, the farmer is unable to keep up close with his cotton: it will open much more rapidly than he can pick it out. even when allowing his hands to push ahead without regard to trash. Consider the possibility of rain and wind blowing out the cotton on tha ground and staining it. Which will bring h;m greater profits, leafy and trashy but white cotton, or storm, dirty, trashy and stained cotton .' Unquestionably the fir.st. And the farmer who pushes on his cotton picking as rapidly as pos sible, who shuts his eyes a good deal abie.it trash, and lias in con sequence the least storm cotton, exhibits decidedly the bestjudg-' inent. Let any one inspect a gin through which storm cotton is passing, and he will quickly under stand why there is oltcu so much dirt and grit in cotton: and ap preciate the injustice, when the farmer is accused of frauduen th udding these to it. Rut there is one thing in the handling of cotton about which most farmers may be properly criticised. They neglect the dry- ing of the cotton picked early in t , , 010(111 IT )PT1 if 1 (TrfPn 3ni that nirke.l ParlvintliP mnrn in o- ,.. . y V; ' nnen uisweiuew. uamp cotton cannot be ginned so as to make a tine sample. Much of the cutting of the staple and the knapping ol it, is attributable to its dampness. Now this is a matter which a far mer can manage. With compara tively little outlay or trouble lie can dry his cotton. The substitu tion of sheets of cloth in place of uaskcts will ueip to HO tms. t OUOn spread out on sheets will dry more rapidly than when packed in bas kets. Cheap plank scaffolds can be provided on which the forenoon picking may be snnned in the after noon. If cotton is bulked so as to get slightly heated and then opened and led to a gin through a feeder, much of its moisture will be di lapidated. Feeders also contribute to the beauty of sample, as they cause the saws to do their work better, by the uniformity and regu larity of the feeding. Feeders and condensers are most valuable and important additions to a gin, the tirst for reasons already assigned, tha second for decreasing the risk of fire. A lint room is the tinder box of a gin house. Tne protracted dry weather of late has prevented the perfect de velopment ol the last formed bolls and can.- lsed more or less premature ; Of the same. It is more opening iniiinrf-l than usual, therefore, to ..., , ....... . iuo. .v,, five seed liom uie earner pickings for planting purposes. Separate them from those of the later crops and see that thev are no bulked , eovii-.ii 10 uc.iL aim -oun. itiiLua- to lllima- tore ami imperiecr. seen otten come up very promptly when planted, but fail to produce strong and vigorous plants. AY. L. J., in At lanta 'onstitution. it((ittary Fairchild's Views. Secretary Fairchild's comment on the action of the Treasury De partment during his absence from Washington is modest but compre hensive and statesman-like. He appreciates fully the extent and possible consequences of the strin gency that has prevailed in the money market, and rightly ascribes it to the greatly increased business of the ennntrv. to which flip o-ain nf S7u.0o0.000 in the volume of carren- , , , , . cy that has occurred during the past year is intirely inadequate. Tiie bonds purchased under the recent order will raise the volume of currency to the extent of S20, ooo.doo, so'that we will have in use throughout the country not far fiom SD.'u. 000,000 more money to meet the demands of the fall trade of Pi than was available in ISisG. The Secretary's modest conversa tion about his own part in the re cent Treasury doings does not suc ceed in concealing the fact that the relief that was given to the country by the purchase of four per cents was with his hearty concurrence. Mew York Star. Reporter (to Teutontc citizen j Are you in favor of Sherman for next President ! Teutonic citizen --T shust vas dot. Dis country needs von Sherman for breident. It's had too many American alrot tv, don't it .'" Out in Nebraska a man invented a new tly trail a blanket saturated with coal oilwhich he hung up in his house and burned alter it was full of Hies. 2s"ow he is trying to find the house. ...lUJ 11 - I- . I ' . Terns villi li.ltid nil." omproiiiise' spects of.; '. ide in 1 1 tarill 1 1 MllOcl.ltlc eaiup Oil the .-i ion see!:. - to iiilpl'ive. i K e,i ; ueky : Si' jt t a i.i 1 of I n i. -. 1 an i.i, anil T; Singer Mills, o! scl wirli Fa ire hi hi said, be TeX.i:-. ha the I'.-e-. The T CI: lirm.m e . i : "i:;:i aim M m will, i t i s iiie Ways ::e.t winter. Loin the in i:cesion to is expected :ng down of neeossai ies. Mill Mean ! 'ommitti e TobaCC lis to i 'i; fl'ee i ternal reve-.: ,:s a e Randall. -. i. : ; iu :i i consent sc customs duties the Herem. tluy say. is -mi-: patty. Jt his be,-n :i shown that i i.e 1 1 peal ol b.icco tax is :m: .: en.-iipro:;, surrender to the tarill' nh a millions ;;cji;ie annuity Treas'ai li.mi thi- s.aneo without exeense of coliee entirely without hardship people who pay the tax, l f ir the " M'.;e!H 1 y ' the 10 ise but a Thiity to 1 the . almost, iion and to the It is a veluntar" t r c 1 lui'e to the Govern y the consumers of u ment I1KH I ti x a r v . If this is give annually .: iiilleis (if ;' Lie. trom 1 u : :;b . t .(ken plain .- poor e iieh ObH.(H)i) inn,.: from the (..:.. necessaries el' and temporal ami self indu! of the tobacco th a stt i: i ii' i.bng I t ; loi m . Since;; i - n o Mr. Randall w;ii h. this : s.noe j- :.- to ni t i ; e lY:!ii 1 v.mi.i niole e.igon' in th.- p ch..-,.s uioagiully p self w;rh ;;i in ali t he it may bo ih it fieo taxed v, in.skey eons thing i h it is to I e J, may not. ho'.vevo:. e 1: a e. meed i d '. i II. iitupri-ter i. ;r; v which he I leotily li : 113 h.ieeO e the d fr, and host It . oe amiss to suggest to tl,o-.o w terms with Mr. R.: procure from him so ho would make iilall tli.it they me deiiiii'e and do ndablo assui nee this that lie will concession, o r t he sur o the tariff. make return Kandall care plus : he is e ; Iloihin; tliillitted It wi stand vice be a wonder inde d i by and sees his fave-i ito e ir lauiideriug tin 1 iu its ellVctivcm i - marred Kandal! watchin T r. w dl bear a great deal of :. Chicago Herald, hid. Th. (."ra-.il Army Mta tinu-, 2i5. A national Sr. L' T is -pt. -vilute d the from Camp Wa-b ton herald t tir;t day of the Grand Army meeting, and aroused the army of visitors and the committees w hofe duties called them to the early trains. A line mist damp; ned the atmosphere early this mornieg and gradually irjercwed into a stea ,y disagreeable rain. The first trains of the early morn ing brought more warriors, more visitors and many children. The West and South in their great crowds as steadily as the rain dropped, and Kansas, w ith its grasshopper badges, came on in force, joining Nebraska's corn-badged fellows at the camp at Washington Park. The gray-haired 1 warriors and sturdy farmers filed from . uti:"'' i ia U a ia u OlIU , u,f uacla " suau.uers u. 1 1- . .1. - .. . 1 1J asKing only tor a tent, while the women arJd children toddled behind prepared for anvthinc. The Pacili: slope had s:arctly set tled down before lie; nearer West poured in with Colorado. Aikan.-as. New Mexico and Texas. Ij-.va and Missouri contingents- n ported many men. and announced the coming of thousands mere. Several hunired have reported from Pennsylvania. Early in the morning Kentucky pasts escorted Kv t Vi o i r fn irfnt.inf nr, m mn liir' f a V-i ! headquarters, and then moved out to the tented holds. Ohio, Indiana and Illinois quickly passed through the streets, seeking shelter and gie:-tirj; friends and comrades. Ia the tents groups of men assembled, reviewing the past and drifting into war remi niscences. By noon the railroads had brought in ten thousand citizen lers. V; hat a Cent Can Do. It is almost impossible to attach any importance to one cent, but at the same time it is a very important coin at times, says an exchange. It will take a circu lar to California, and it will make you madder than a hatter and a March hare combined when you go to pay your fare on a horse car and find that you have not four cents and a ten-dollar bill. One cent is very small, but when it is added to the rate of interest you re ceive on a stock it possesses a stern, magnificent grandeur that carries you away like a strain cf music. The penny, il seems, was made to put on church plates, and. although a man may eay it amounts to nothing, he will strike matches and lift mats and crawl about in the straw on a horse car to find the T0U have to take elf vour elove to take you have to take oil your glove to hold of it in vour pocket, and vet it is so large, when the babv swallows i:. the chances oi the baby 's lining are some- LlIues n.'t o 1 1 li it cc'Lii. .vitnoun line cent is less than ten cents, vet one cent J. n 1 HoqI larr-nr limn o .t'mo ,,! ir,. ,i,n jjanv a man has gene thirstv ill dav with four cents in his pocket. For the want of that one cent the four were as useless as the eleven men on the j'lry who are held out against by one. Dry Goods Chronicle. The President's Seeeial Train. Wilmington. Dr.n , S.pt. 2-. The special train of three cars w hich are to carry the presidential partv on their Western and Southern tour is beiDg completed at the Pullman shops in this city. Over fifty skilled workmen have been employed on the cars for the ladt ten days, and they will be the hand somest in finish and the most complete in the world. The train is made p of the Allarata. a vestibule car of the Pennsylvania Railroad, the Ve vestibule sleeper, and Mr. Pu asco. a 1 man's Private car' , P'fP' C An engine and dynamos in tho forward car wnl furn- h electric for the train, which will also be furnish with electric call- hells. It is the mcst elaborate work ever done by tne ruilman company, an i its value will exceed 6200.000. The train will leave for Washing On to morrow morning. A lifiy -Million Morty.irv. WiLKESr.AKKi:. Pa. .Sept 20. A mort gage for fifty million dollars against the Central Itailroad Company of New Jersey and in favor of the Central Trust Company cf New York was tiled here today in the office of the recorder of deeds for Luzerne county. It was dated July 1. le-7, aDd is to run one hundred years, bearing interest at the rate of o per cent. This is the largest mortgage ever recorded in this county. A ii nr ill ist Nit-be at YVotk. Joli.t. III. Sept. 27. Oscar W. Neebe. the anarchist, spent lat night in a solitary cell. He was teken out this morning and put through the usual pn-on preliminary trails! on . :r g into a full-tledged convi -t. lie assigned to liborinthe hnrin-ss under the iegist,.re 1 numb? r t- ;;73 sentence is 15 years. li i ra was iiis The Choi ra IV.'ienf s. There was one cholera stricken N k.v.- Yr.niK . S -pt. 27 a'lth today among th passengers of the Italian steamer Alesia. w ho are q lai antined down the bay, that of a man -17 years old. An- other death is expected. The other : patients are reported to be doing well. ' , " M 1 ' ,1L i-B m i., IMU lWmmE UIL "o.'akinr The p; ..; NEWS NOTES. C'iU-jitial i.U, .:-.5 an iv. i ir. Tue?'l:iy. t-rr- i. ir ;:: . iu -bi.-"li--;, I", el: Ti. - i ..: ;:. ; . i: i-..- . ; (";,; timit- s th.e e- rn cr-..p of t r r 7 thirteen him ire I million l.u-'a. The Improved t;-wt-ra,..- and - ( s It .'Ut wage l . i tinz uion Company, of New Yur i, i , "-en iJi-icei: in tne lianas ct a receiver. Gl-ii. L I ward FJopkinu. collector customs for tho district of St. Juhn Fia.. .Jivd yesterdoy. in the TTth year :.as 'A,, i. . T;.e l hie, io. Burlington and North ern iiLi given notice of withdrawal if.-ni me w es tern and N .rth raiivviv fre i -ht bun r.u . rn iii'.' mutiny ci i:,c c .-!.-. i Creek I'tiin. , mi---i w:i Saturday hy shutting oil the at i -ui' v e n '-which fcrcod them to iuld. The schoonei Charles C. Li-t-.r liuai Wilmington, with coal ran ashore on Fire Island Inlet Wodne.-dwy. Tiie cap tain has abandoned the vc;--c!. Th .' Ciarmakerd" International Union at Birmingham. N". Y.. Tu.--Jay ad pt ed resolutions pi -jto.s-.in-; i.gainrt the aboliii'ja cf the internal revenue t .x. ,;. The meeting in Fuueuii Hall. Bo-L jn. Tueiday idlit lo ""appeal for jast ice t" the c-Ddenintd anarchists in Cr.kaK" v,-as w o : r, TI: ra I e-- thinlv at leii' m Leing in ti.e ;..ij;e:a. National I'on.non.l. I. Cleveland. ycster lav maridtr in-chief II. A. ington. D. C, and olhi D.,1 -:-r etii j The ouesiion of admitting a woman as a lay delegate will be presented in the next General Mcthodict Conference, the Nebra-ka Conference having e'e-ct-ed.'Mrs. Angie Newman a lay delegate. The steamer State of Nebraska, which prrived in New York Tuesday mori.i ey from Glasgow, had on deck a y.ud.t which ia to have an elwctric motor. Up to Tilts-lay the actual returns i a the petiii m for clemency to the eon demned anarchists showed about 15.000 signatures. Oa the list far preachers are the names cf two prominent He brew divines. The Westinghou-g FieeaL- Light Company, of Pitteburg. and theThotnp son-Houston Electric Light Company, of Boston, have arranged to consolidate. All suits between the ccmp mirs hr.ye been withdrawn. Duke do Yeragus. a dtceadant of p Christopher Columbus, writes to the editor of a Staten Island paper favoring the proposed exposition on the island to cemmemorate the 400th anniversary c the discovery of America. Nine Indiars of Buffalo Bill "s Wild West Show arrived at New York from England Tuesday on the steamer Wyo ming. The Indians came home, they i ,-, ,- , gain, oecause tne iLngiisn cumate am not agree with them. A magniiicent race was rowed oa the Susquehanna river yesterday at Owego. N. Y,. between Charles E Courtney and George Bubcar. The rice vra3 a mile and a half and return fr cl OlO a side, and was won by Courtney in 19 Cj Tho la.ge wholesale liquor housj of Adams, Smith, Sherwin & Co. . Chicago, was closed by the sheriff Tuesday, un der an execution. The firm is ihe branch of a large house in New York. It has been doing a business of about SCOO.000 a year, Mr. Smith said he be lieved the action was due to linan:ial trouble of the Eastern house. The board of directors of the reor ganized New York, Chicago and Si. Louis Railroad Wednesday organized by electing E. L. Caldwell president. H m. K. anaeroiit chairman ot toe board of directors, and Ally n Cox sec retary and treasurer. K-rSulutio' i were passed authorizing the mortgage for S20.000.000. and ima diitely after the stockholders met and ratified the mort gage. Sheriff Wm. Melverton and parly met Jno. Graham and Charles Lleius. out laws, in Pieasant Valley. Arizona, last Thursday. The sheriff ordered them to surrender, which being refused . both were killed. The sheriiT now has a posse of Eeventy live men. and says that the Tonto basin must bo righted. All the Tewksbury faction not killed have surrendered to the sheriff. Only one of the Graham nirn is alive, and he is wounded . Ex-Cunimissioner Wren, the convict ed boodler, was brought into court in Chicago Tuesday on a writ of habeas corpus, which, if sustained, would .lib erate not only him but all of his boodle comrades. His attorney claims that section 40 of the criminal code was re pealed by an act of the Legislature at its last session, when a new cor. piraey act was passed, without any saving clause, however, and that, therefore. Wren and the other bo:et!;rs were tried and convicted under an act which did not exist. The case v.-a- p -ip d till Friday. Pardons Iiel'u-.cd. The Governor esterday con-idcre 1 an application for pardon from Craw ford Walters who is now in pri-z-en for slandering an innocent woman. This is the man who was tried before Judge Clark at August term of O.dumoa.s county Superior Court oa the novo charge, cf which he was convicted, and he was sentenced to twelve month-;" imprisonment and lined . 1 '::. lie was a man of very good tt..n iing in the community before this sentence an i the resuit of the trial created much interest and aroused some excitement. Walters took an appeal and w,i granted a rehearing after which he was lined the costs of thetri.il and sentenced to eight months imprisonment. ThD sen tence he is now serving out and the Governor could find nothing in the ca. e to justify a pardon. An application for pardon from Al fred Gibson . cel. . was also considered and refus-. d. Gibson was tried for burning a mill at the fall term of Guil ford county Superior Court. lSO. con victed and sentenced to thirty years iu the penitentiary, broke into the n jin Of ' ar t; To. Guilford county, took th quantity of tP."jr, meal, gi.oi then burned the building a:i : which was ali new and v. In the examination of tea Governor learntd that (lie. opinion of some people w as ; -1 e ( '-J. e. the i a t ho f USt d. a I,;, en n acter and dangerous to anv and the pardon w as therefo-e r. Gibscn conducts himseh will in the "pen,'" and it is said, is sometimes entrusted with the keys to the gates News and Observer. J.1L. .t.. I. A-UILLl UMl -1..-. Ut I UjJB miWW- r ir M. XEtVS. .-: :. v u :. - '0 'i'iiu following de- ' ' a received concerning the i ; .its.: en the 1 i ,'inco- ierman near Lan-Sur-Plaine: On morning a party of five i 1 four Ijea.sters were fol- path (ii French territory, dsfromfhe frontier, when a anding behind a clump of is if.:r ; , i'. '.viiiV' -.even yr pcroa as tret t.'ie (J.-rnian Hide. bOyardti from f i i.cti: r. lired three shots at them. t f lii.' !;rt bullet did not hit any one, but ti '-he .'-tend killed one of tho 'beaters f n m-.e ! 1'; i.-uon. and the third severely v. eua '.i .J a vntlenian named Wanger, a i'U;.:l at the Saurnur Cavalry School. 1 iie German ctii-.-ials declare that a Ger man ol lier named Kaufmann. who was ib taif-d to a -sdst the forept guards in prev-niinc iin.i'-hin;.'. tired the shot. U'jcfiii.oin ailitrns that he .shouted three lime- f .r th" party 'e halt before firing a: Cea i- It-' l iie'.e.l that they were a li,-ri,i:,!i t, rritory. Tne pportamen 1 ii. cl ir,- taa'. tht-y heard nething. The i '. iiea.W- on bct'i tiid-a of the frontier are i n ali in..,' in!uiiieb into the bhuoting. Tiie i'aria j'lf.erd urge the people to leg iiil th:; p'nootinjr a flair on tho fron tier with calmness in order not to em- harras tne government in their han dling of the case. At the name time the government i.; urgi d by tie- prees to d mand full r. p ii-ation. re r It f f. U : a- Ii'. 15 in r conferred with the iiif iirs an 1 the min h.tion to the frontier 1" of yirt. ire.idti:' after the receipt of the ,fii :ia repoi t of the a:f;iir. ana it was dr eidei to tvVAi a note !) li-ilia i "one-ting the i 'mem c.;v rntn.-nt. in th-- intert st of i a' caitina U- n ' ! f : i'a. . ,y relations, .n in .ua v ia'o the aii' jir ) in-!ii!iic :. ithcut d- ! ay li i;::. S -.", a . lleaal or.ier I" r. n: to S-.r.-hurg f t a ilctaih-d r: of t .e fr. n:;tr alfair. Comrnis-r- hav g ac tij a.-.-i rt iin the exact '1 1 1. ' :- r Hrign in and ofle'er Wam-e lired. re -landing when Kaufman i.e frontier lira" wlir-ri- the eiurrtd is very irregular and apt to mi 1 Bismarek. ' Iliee. has ad any one. C unt Herbert secretarv rf the foreign as sent a fricn iiy note to the embassy suggesting an early French cummun. olii -ia! in i n of the results of the .ry, and the French minister :ea to t 1 r. mi-e ample justice G rman official be an 1 it'. I' EVP TiiD A'SL 1.7..V; i I.imi:i:i.-k. Se;i. 2 prdice were p.-tsent 1 tion of Michael Lane their holding on Col. n wi rn or Ms, t. Military and oday at the evic md family from Meadow's estate at Ardnacrusha. The Lanes made a stubborn resistance, and during the struggle Mrs. Lane, with a poker, (split ' open the skull of Inspector Riley, who was directing the work of eviction. Mrs Lane, her husband and brother were arrested. When the family were finally overcome by the police their i arms were he'd and they were beaten into a condition of non-resistance with 1 the butt ends of guns. IiN- .Ia- i:M DtHi.IN loINI.VO TUi: IUIsli LEAGUE. pt. U.. At the fortnightly meeting of the Irish National League in this city today many Englishmen were enrolled as members. Lord Mayor Sul livan, who pros i led at the me ting, de clared that the government's attempt to suppress the league was a dismal fail ure. All theallairsof the organization, he said, were in a prosperous condition. Mayor .Sullivan congratulated the mem- l,or nnnlt,ft,hatml ',mH f ;lt!.!(; ... ....,...,,... free Qf cla.e branch was continuing to hold meetings ! '.,,. ?3 U-Ual 1 CKJilo CASJLl. "b " ' Middle St., next to Humphrey i-EriiATi:,., the plan cr cami-aion. j Howard. New Berne, N. C. Di ei.iM. Sept. 27. Tho Irish land-J . ma,'.', awtr lords' executives have hit upon a new T1- n -r -.- n -r method to check operations under the'rUii i'AKCAINS IN pian iu campaign, iniy aro attaining the banking deposits and company shares cf non-paying tenants. In the; Dublin courts today the judges granted writs of attachment against the phares j c: three m public companies. !.::;-; o i.i) ami vna;s cur. C' !:!:. Sept. 27. A number of the rails on the railway between Coik and Youghai which the police must tra verse in order to reach the Ponsonby estates from Cork for tho purpose of aiding in the evictions to be executed there today, were torn up last night. The tt legra; h wires were also cut. Tlio iilo'TS M.v.ieii;.. Sept. 2 AT 1'ON AI I . 27. The riots on the in the Carolines. Oc They were caused by deringthe arrest of an I-, md ol 1 .n.-ipi currod in July, the governor s o: American Protestant mis-innary. This excited the natives, and they ro-e up against the authorities, overpowering' the garri.-on of izO men. ;-!:;it on (0 riiiau J en il or . bi.i.i.lN. Sept. 2's. The public prose cutor at Colmar has made an inquiry into the circumstances connected with tho shooting aifair on tiie Franco-German frontier, near Kaonsur-Piaine, on , Saturday last, and reports that Kauf mann. ihe soldier who was detailed to j a:;irt the foret guard in preventing ; poaching, and who did the shooting, j saw twelve persons in the pine forests on German territory, walking in thedi- ' rection of tho French frontier. Kauf- . man a called three times for the party to halt. buL nj retention was paid to his : sumui and he fired. Then, seeing ' pun - leveled at him from behind some tree;; en the French side of tho boundary he retreated from his position. One of the furs s-t g'.i ird. named Linhof, was a wir;u'-v to the whole aifair and corrob- ! orates Kaufniann's statement. Two! largo blood spots were found on the French tide, live yards from the fron tier, which are taken as evidence that) iiignou. the game beater for the! r re ich j arty o died from his 1 wi n n Js. u r after being -s.i.uio time, prints v. es e -ged himself to the spot ' -unie.l .1-1,1 bivt'nerp for : No blood marks or foot een on the German side of ', there being a high growth ; tiro fr- ni o. .-. t! ot heaiLi r th densit ot the oemg a nign growtn , readouts. 0ung to the e undergrowth of bushes 1 and the- thie r.e.-s. ot tr.e trees, it would nave from seen been the s, rnpossible for Kaufmann )t where he tired to have uace w nc re tne oiooa marKS t faction. 1 or to have shot any one Country merchants end the people is therefore assumed by the , generally are requested to call and ex secutor that the thots were : amine our large stock before purchas- ok elfec: on German terri- ing. y0 will give you low figures. North German Gazette (ie- , We job Lorillard Snuff, incident, and -avf: "We . the result c f the judicial in- ROBERTS & BRO . t-,i,-t - n;i pi : tion in the n-e The Ni-v.s Abroad. .. 27. The vacht race at v York t ion xtt i re large c: evenirg ar citi d little interest in, VsaVitmb anil li.e bulletin boards ( iiices. di-iersing, how e result was announced, can interested, but the, : ; " u d attention to the pioi: ' ; l n th keei.lv ; e ti e people were 1 inie t .IV o listed in the event, betting w.is in r of th. Thi.-tle. Cable dis- e pu'eli.-I.'-d in the afternoon tl e Tnistle would certainly e .neri:' er f the This-ijuutc-d. in which the ' American-: may boast a. r. but th ir a -htfl- Th, iunt o c III.' the Volunteer Kur il who wi re awaiting i't;-1 rcMjlt will be a o 1 :' ich achts- l-iua i u 1) n. t. rare. Gla:-. . S-irt. 27 It has been do- , eided to give the owners and designers of the Thistle a public banquet on their return home,'whtther the yacht wins or ' loses the races for the America cup. J. ..-yWtBW.aJ ... A. IA.-. BH- B ' ' I. ; j ; I ' . ; Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of pnrlty.Btrength, and wholesomeneai. Mor economical than the ordinary klnda, and oanrf not be sold In competition with the maltltod of low test, short wplghl. ftlam or phosphate powders. Hold only i cans. Kotal BAXIirw Powd-cr do., l.m Wail-Bt.. N. Y noTU-lrdw For sale in Nr i-ern by Alex. Miller. MOST BRILLIANT, PURE &PERFE0T LENSES In tlio World. They are iir t iftiiRparent and colorless as light Itself, and for holiness or endurance to the eye. cannot be excelled, enabling the wearer I o reii a rr ir 1 nr. o t r. , j fact, they in o PERFECT SK;ht PKE8EKNER8, Testimonials from the leading physicians In the t'nlted Htales. (lovernois Rsmtim. legislators, stockmen, men o note in all pro fessions, and In different branches of trade, banker s, mechanics, etc., can be given who havelin l their sight Improved by their use. AM, KYKS FITTED AND THE I I r (I t ' A RANTEK1) BY F. S. DUFFY, Druggist, mart Mi'A liKRNE. N, C. Iy ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN Fiae Flour of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices, Butter and Cheese, from .the best dairies. The Largest and HeBt Selected Stock CAISSKD FRUTS AND VEGETADL ever before brought to Isew Berne, Also, a fall varieiy of other goods, uan&i kept In a First-Class Store. Aii.,nvn.i . . ... v,v,u l pun oi me ore, CALL AT Ti!K New Berne Furniture Store WEST SIDE MIDDLE M UEET, Wb re it can be found m reat variety. furniture not in stock will be ordered at a small per cent abovo cost. A liberal eh arc of public patronage solicited. J. M. mai '4 d wtf MINES, Manager. KSROWSR Saslt, I ; i lie Blind, Paints, Oi is rand ; lass i.ime, Ceiiieiit and Plaster, A N I) Alidades 1 ro!vIN; AND mkaiim; stovls, AT BOTTOM PRICES! L. II. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, n'i:y js;h.ni:. n. c. Our store is tilled with Provisions, Groceries, Canned Goods, Iry Goods, Crockery, tc- " e Kte' a IU" uue OI lne Hl Lto fJ T-n',r,- T3ofo nrl V -Clo Ui a LiDU J. i iOULt U UU Lo QUU Shoes. ALso n, rt T, . . . on in U. k5. rarSOLlS CSD BODS D0018 and Shoes. Every pi ir warranted to give satis- South FYont it.. A'eio Berne, N. O. Reopened. Edwards & Co. Have reopened the New Berne Machine Works, and have added Toole to their works to do all kinds of Machine and Boiler Work at short notice. They have bIho added a foundry to their works, and are prepared to do the best of Brass and Iron Casting, Ilouse Plumbing a specialty. If you want good work p;ive us a call. AH w ork guaranteed and done at prices to suit the times. i y 1 1 wly SI M MONK A M AKI.T Green, Foy & Co., BANKERS and Commission Merchants South Fi-.ont Street, 4edwly NEW BERNE, N. O. Use House's Chill Syrup WJIU f " I