JOURNAL yew bebsie, y. c. pot, ao. ist. Kitrston Items. Dry, powdry weather yet. Th rir la too low for itimbot- Out Iowa b nlruily healthy not a oM t htiii noknm ia known. Tha Timm oi otM fourth a a oqi his n imi tha oottoo to oooae in ifim. A Trry larga shipment of flh from Horahaad to ihia place, on Saturday. Mr. Haray' turpentine distillery kM bn rebuilt and now ready fur work. Cotton went to 0 1-18 cent Wit Satur day. Some two Hundred and fifty bale were on the maxket. The A. a N. C. R. look away about flvwbaadred b alee of cotton from Kin toa laet Saturday. The it earn boats hre been praying for rain and their prayer are at laat aniwrrtd Prof. Wm. B. Phillip, of uur State Caivenity will lecture her at the over hoajte on Friday night next, the 3lt int- Subject' BreiJ ind Brnct ' The lecture ia free public iq'iUhI Mr. Jainea Hodge' More waa broken . - . .... into last Friday night and robbed of about one hundred dollar's worth of goods. The entrance wis made by bor ing through the back window The thief hae not been caught. There should be a very emphatic ex preeeion of opinion to the Governor, by the committee appointed to wait upon him, in retard to the on too ot the C. F Y. V. R. K. with our road. Some of our beet men, including Mayor Hill, will go up Thursday. La Orange Items. The weather has moderated tnd to- day is pleasant. Arnold Borden from Goldsboro wss here laet Thursday. Est. Mr. Rose filled regular appoint ment hare last Sunday and Sunday night. Xiat !illie Turnage is visiting Mrs Henry Fields and Mrs. Di. Hodges in oar town. J. F. Mew born and Cooke, cot ton buyers from Kinstoa were here last week buy i ag cotton. D. R. Jackson is hauling lumber to build a residence near Moees Joyner's, about one mile from town. H. J. Sleight, formerly a cadet in Dvi School, was here last week. Ws hear that he is on bn wit to Bir mingham, Ala. Lake F. Bassell of our puce, and Miaa Long Sutton of Institute, were ruarriel laat Sunday. We wish the happy couple much joy. The reopening of the Baptist Church' la this place appointed ior the 5th Sun- i day in this month, has been postponed ! till the ithSundar la November. Mr. and Mrs. Oardner of Pitt county, paid a visit to relatives in our town last ' week. Mr. Oardner was frT favorably , lmprsae si with oar place and especially with oar schools. Oar town continues to prosper. There i are two additional new residences in course of sracucn, and that others will be built this winter we have no doubt A town with such school advantages is ure to build sp. Two or three days iasc week cotton wee on a rash and boom. About 300 hales changed hands during the week at prices ranging from 8 55 to S 32 1 ! The highees price paid today i Monday 1 at thta writing ia 9 S3. j If Mrs. Rumor is anything near cor rsct, there will be a number of mar- j riagee to record from here in the near ' Tatars. There are four or five on the i boards and others, probably, to hear J from. Let the good work go on. Protracted meetings have been held j at the M. EL Church at Institute scd Pmey Orore, Mr. Rose's charge, re- i cntlT and a number of cooTrion and ! addition to the church took place. Mr ' Rom fcaa done gooi work on bis circuit ttttriog the rear and it ia the wish of the people that he b returned He n wtMmtd 'ery highly by his ccn C rogation. Stonewall Items. j S. W. Fereb. C. H. Fowler, Jno. F i Cowell. Frank McOottr, W. T. Caho i and othn are off to the Stat Fair. j My information of the prisoner aa re ported in my lat u incorrect ail got j oat ot jail, the ironed one and all. The achoooer Hooper, Thomas master. ; ie ready loaded at A. H. Whitoomb's wharf with lumber for Philadelphia. On the 18th inat-, at the residence of John D. Dixon, the bride's father, Miaa Martha Di xon and Jas. FX Harris were married, J. 3. Lane, Esq., officiating. If any one wishing a good job of ohimney work I would recommend them to Thoe. Dixon near Orantaboro. He has done a job for Dr Attmore of this place and one for E. I. Homgh of Beyboro, that woold do credit to any-J mason and tbey were done ia short order At the reaidence of Noah West, (he brides father, David B. Nixon, of Campbell'! creek, Beaufort county, and Miaa Alaetrm V. Wset, were married, Wm. Potter, sr., officiating. Another yotMff geatUenan of Staith creek forti fied with license to aaarry the same young lady waa oe stand on the 11th Lnst- for the same pvrpoee, but she hav ing oaade ether arraagtmetits. he loet hie prize. The etiissna of Pamlico, in mase meet ing in Bayboro on the 17th in.t.. ap pointed a delegation to meet with those svpsKMBted by Craven, Lenoir and others la Raleigh to see if there is any chance to get any help from the Oorernor that wili be of any assistance to the A. & N. C. R. R- or to this section. I fear that it ia all in rain, for the Governor seems Co entirely ignore this section. NCMBIS 11. The entire South has almost an un limited capacity for producing material for green manuring at a very moderate ooaC bat the) eastern part of the Atlantic 8ta tea have another fertilizing element that is almost equal in value, and when combined with green manuring pro daces the finest results. We refer to the well known shell marl, which an aVrliea so much of the land of eastern Carolina and which has been used with ncceas for many years, by a number of our bat farmers. Ia conversation with ilr. M. W. Car man of Craven count v who hven a few miles north of New Brne we learned that he had used marl on a portion cf hie land during the past few years, at the rate ai one hundred to one hundred andAftf kuebele or about fire tons per acre, with marked results. The plan adopted by him was to allow the land to lie Idle t vtu and to be covered with a growith of grass and weeds for turn ing in. The marl was spread broadcast in the fall, and plowed under at some ooaeen ient time during the winter or early spring. Mr. Carman states that land which would not produce cotton i two fe4 high without manure, will. tftr beiog mr led produce cotton four fet hib, sad will double the product of liot per sere. Th msrl on his lsnd con tsi as about eightr-CTd per cent of lim. The avenge marl does not con tain over sixty per cent of lime and a larger amount can be used with safety. We thins: that moderate application ot marl erery few years will give better results than a Large amount at once. A crop of oow peat vines, an 4 from one t3 two hundred bushels of marl per acre, will po the land in condition to pro dace dOobLe quantity of cotton or corn, with no more labor than is now expand ed on a poor crop. Labor e x pe mi ed in preparing land for a crop usually gives more profit khan th labor expended in Cultivating the crop. It is almost impossible te produce a profitable crop i : j i a p;.Hmnnih.i.m.n,,iT; f,nm ik. f t , l . r c a 7 iLrLTiTJr;'"-'T: VT !v-u- "k"" Tpr?W c'li1 s'-at Go! . '' j' "'.v, ,K' oi marl and ooMidered it tha rat ren- : OTmtor for tha atern counties of North j Carolina, txperimaoi. maaa iui yBi , Charlotte J. Ii, with Craren i rmnntj isarl far Ane nanlta, and bowed UiU t woia pay K) transport it totaa day billa ot Central Carolina . for s wtiiiMr or roormtor. Farnaera, try it on joor land that has laid out thta ytsr. ...A.-.. Piprt with the Jearaal Clah Bates. 1 We have made arrangements with ! the following publications, among the ableatand most Trimble of the country, whereby subscribers to the Jovrnal can secure any of the below named, at the following low ratee, strictly in ad vance : J'TRNiLsn 1 American Farmer 82.00 Amer'n Agriculturist 2."0 Southern Cultivator . 2.7. Demorent'i Magarina 3.X "Scientific Anerican. . 4.25 St. Nicholas iVntury Detroit Free Presa .... To i as Sifting North Amer. Review ' New York World Star Country Home Home and Farm Southern Bivouac " Courier Journal Newg and Obeerver. Harper's Magazine . . Weekly 4.00 5.00 2.80 8.25 5.25 2.50 2.25 2.00 8 00 2.50 4.50 4.70 " Young People 8. 10 Atlanta Constitution. 2 ." Chicago News 2 .25 Old subscribers receiving the Jour Sal, and deeiring to hae any of these 1 PP' cn 1 fha r tT ,s k in by making application to the office in person or by letter, have a statement of their account on our books showing what they will have to remit to entitle them to any of the above publi cations they mar selact. rCRTHU ISPl'CTMiXTS. Every subscriber to the New York World clubbing with Jovrnal receives a handsomely bound illustraud History of the United States. To Our Patrons. We will bein soon to send out state ments of amounts due us for subscrip tions, and we send th-em out for the purpose of collecting the money. We cannot give longer indulgence to those in arrears. Rend us the money at once orbepreprel for our agent wh-n he c 1 ! s . The price of the Weekly J-vrnai. has been reduced to $1 50, tr.hi rui in aiitxince. The Presidential canvass and election will be on hand tha coming : year. The Jovbsal proposes to keep The Oyster Faur. its readers posted on the progress of the t ur friend Mattocks, of Onslow cgub campaign as well as on the general , ty, who has studied the oyster business news of the dav. Send one dollar and considerably, don't think we could get iahalf and get a good , live newspaper for one year. CITY AND VICINITY. Pamlico sencs up a strong delegalu n on the railroad extension. The dry weather has somewhat dam aged the sweet potato crop. Capt. Th S. Howard is making ex tensive repairs to his ship railway. The warehouse of the A A N. C. R. at Morehead City is nearing completion. Humphrey & Howard otTer rlour slightly damaged by water, cheap. See ' ad " Mrs. Koiiftt announces new millinery goods. Read advertisement and call on ber. Now you can shoot partridges, but. don't he greedy tb-mt it. Isre lome for another season. I Pleven does were p ioned on Metcalf ! tret nd vicinity Friday night. Soma dog hater evidently on the war pith. John C. Whitly ' old man i tickled bcaue he can purchase hm aoods at hort crop price. Se how he amiles. We call attention- to the change in F. T. Patterson j ad He haj a large and T,r,e,i .Uvk. wnich he i orTerinz at low The United States District Court will J convene in this city cn Monday next. Juror art. not. reouire.1 to be Dresen t ' until Tueed ay . Rice is beginning to come in and the price Is good. For several days quick sales were made at ?3 1-2 cents per bushel. Wilmington quotes uplands at 75 to SO. The large boiler constructed at Willis A Edwards' shop for Mr. K. E. Terry's steamboat for Whiteoak river, was taken to the wharf Saturday for ship ment. Our "Green Manuring" article dis cusses marl this week and gives some actual experience. Theee articles ae worth reading and preserving for future reference. Wm. Foeter, colored, of Pamlico county, was arrested in this city Wed nesday and will be taken back to his county for trial for an assault and battery. The A Sc N. C. R. evidently believes in Royalty, there being three members of the Royal family in the service. One at Goldsboro. one at New Pierr e and one at Morehead. In this issue can be found the adver tisement of Max Schwerin which con tains a brief sketch of a portion of what he has in store. and the prices mentioned are low. He has long made a specialty of the Battle shoe which ii bringing it self into renown as a good but low prioed shoe. The A. &. N. C. R is now bringing in heavy freights of cotton which the E. C. D. line, is taking forward promptly. Seven hundred and ninety bales were brought in Siturday which with tha: brought in by the boats and on carts and wagons made over ohe thousand bales brought to this port Saturday. Pe.-rUss Ccttcri Mr John C- Parker i. f Jones county says tbe Perlees cotton in hit neigh borhood hia stood both wet and drouth better th3n any Dther. He procured a few seed last spring and finds the crop from them much bettor thn the bal ance of his firm No E.-ror. In the quo warranto cases from this county Judge Shipp has beea sustained by the Supreme Court in overruling de fendant's demurrer to plaintifl's com plaint. The cases' coaae back now to the Superior Court when the defendants will file their answer. A Cracker Factory for New Barne. Our young merchant on Middle street. Mr. Alex. Justice, has machinery on the wsy for a era-cker factory and gen eral bakery. It is an en:erprise that will, if properly managed, pay hand somely. He will not only manufacture crackers, but bread, cakej. pies. etc. Major Dennison'a Gin Home on Fire. A spark from the smoke stack tired the roof of Major Denninon's large and extensive gin houe near the railroad bridge Friday about noon. 'uick work on the part i f the Major and hia force and the fire department saved a machinery, cotton and j . . . . , , "Z rrame ouucing many remaraeo, ice Major ia gone this time. " but they had j forzotten the efficiency and daring of ! our fire department, whicfa arrived in , gooj time and made a quick and pretty ' . . . atnnnn. tho firtf, f . " . . , The building, stock nod machinery were damaxed probably to the extent of on thousand dollars. Bat notwith standing, this tha Major had hia gins nursing tin inrlasa thajs two hours. t Promote. The many friotfds of Mr. John H. Bell, who is now in the iension bureau at Washington, will be pleased to learn that he has recently been promoted with an advance i.f two hundred J.'llarH per annum on salary. It is the more ap preciated by his because the promotion j made etri.uly upon hi ment.i and without the intervention of ir.t'.uentiil friends to f.vurs it New Berne High 8chool. Mr. J. C. Bryan of Jones county, brought down his daughter last week to enter New Berne High School. This school is starting out well and we predict will soon be as prosperous as any in North Carolina. Its corps of teachers is second to no other school of it graie as to fitness, tact and ability. We specially commend it to the people of the surrounding counties. Prepsr.r.g- fox Another Crop. Mr. Needham White of Polloksville while in to renew hn-subsrripiion to Jovrnal last week informed us that he was preparing a manure for hi? next crop which was rather an experi ment. He has considerable rock on his plantation and he is gather in i it for the purpose if burning. He haa already ten cords of wood cut and seasoned for the purpose, and will proceed shortly to make a kiln for the purpose of burn ing the rock. We hope he will give the public the benefit of his experience. A Hallelujah Wedding-. The theatre building was crowded to overflowing on Wednesday evening to witnees the marriage ceremony of two of the members of the Salvation Army, Mr. W. A. Saddler and Miss Susan Patrick. After a most solemn and im pressive charge by one of the Army ofiicers. Rev. Mr. Bull solemnized the unim according to law. The bride and groom were then called upon to ad dress the audience and give their Chris tian experience. Of course this was the hsppy hour of their lives. up an oyster fair that would be of much advantage. Furthermore he says, intima'es that theovster lanis are ah or ut all taken up in his section. The fact that these lands are being rapidly taken up is the very reason we ought to have the fair and encourage the improving of the gardens. Many oyster farms ha ve been "laid out." but. if we have been correctly informed, "laying out." or entering, is about all that is done. Sime few in every sec" tion of the oyster lands have improv-d their oyster gardens, and we want them to come together and exhibit'the pro ducts of their labor in this line and encourage others to improve their gar dens. If we have the Pair we know that Winberry will have a g'od sample of his oysters here and his methods of planting . and cultivating would be sought a f tor . Wbi t A.--f.t i-i n TToTinr.i Aoout ix months ro the J ; i:nal, ! beinf? anxiius to set on fixt some I scheme that would bring our people in harmony and united action for the ma terial advancement of this city and sec tion, began the agitation of the question of extending the A. dt N. C. R to some point on the C. P. & V. V. It was not a ne-w scheme. The Eastern syndicate. organized some four years ago by gen- tlemen of thin city, Goldsboro, Raleigh and olher places had in view the same object. They wanted to lease the A. & N. C. R for the purpose of making the extension and offered a good price for it. The Directory of the road at that time opposed the lease but favored the extension and in a letter to the Gover nor, written by Hon. 0. C. Clark, out lined a plan for extension and prepared a bill lookicg to that end to be sub mitted to the General Assembly which was soon to convene. This bill met the approval of Governor Jarvis. tbe out going Governor, and many other promi nent men familiar with the affairs and condition of the A. & N. C. R. Unfor tunately for this section and for the A. t N. C. R ., the incoming Governor did not approve of the scheme nor of any legislation that would save the exten sion already made to Smithtield. Py this failure to act this section and the A. & N. C. R were given a set back that will not soon be recovered unless the preeent move for the extension is successful. The constant and urgent appeals made by this paper and the Goldsboro Argus for the Yadkin Valley connection have aroused the people of Wilmington to that extent that they are almost ready to concede any demands made upon them by the C. F. & Y. V. corporation. It has done more: our people have been brought Into harmonious action all aloDg the line and if no flagging occurs good results are bound to follow. We verily believe that if the bill sub mitted by Mr. Clark and other gentlemen to Governor Scales in January 1S85 had been backed up by such united action as we now have, we would have been connected with the C. F. A V. V. R. long before this. But we must not stop now to consider our sins of omission, only to draw a practical lesson there from. We must lock to the future: we must present a united front when we propose schemes for the advancement of our material and industrial interest. We have begun right, lets keep the ball in motion. The Ljajht Housj at Pamlico .Point. The-dep4Vtment at Washington hav ing issued an order 'discontinuing the light at Pamlico Point in Pamlico Sound, Capt. John A. Richardson, the collector of customs of this port, know ing the great necessity of sustaining said light and having others estab. lisbed, forwarded a petition, signed by a large number of persons acquainted with the facts. aking the department to rescind the order. The officer in charge of the light house board writes Capt. Richardson that the light had been discontinued on account of its having become "dangerous through de cay and the encroachment of the waters of thesound."' A lighted buoy will be placed en the shoals ctT the point as early as practicable. The officer also writes that for two years an appropriation has been aked of Congress for the purpose of con structing a new light etation . but none has a yet been made. Hon. y . M. Simmons will bare an op portunity of assisting our people in this matter. It is important that the light shcuM be re-eetab!ished at once, and new ones made. Had there been a ia h t a t W ll k 1 n so n a Point the steamer r , u .i, ; auu.b the blow of laM August. The expense of getting her off was yery consider- able and had to be borne simply because Congress had not done ita duty for the encouragement of commerce. This is a matter that affects Major Latham's dis trict as well as Mr. Simmons', and we are certain the two will secure the necessary appropriations for Pamlico and Nense river lights. EXTENSION AND POLITICS. TnP foil v;:-g :j from th (i.tldsbor Ark-u- tie' '. 1 : i; i:. -t ' We I v f :i r t h it an i sr. ".l tid N w lie r lie g i v i ii I i p ! r. . - - l i'.ry " I; iv,' in; ; :. , f i Iv a:; 1 ::; or b-r t o : i r ! r i e rui - 1 n ure too much re determined he A ,V N. C. 'et r. they are talking Rhe. i n;i 1 1 n g an i fleeting a I i .i vp r nor on that plat form . W e are e'jual -ly iiiiiioii- t . have the- r mil exun led: we d . i: : w ..: t run :i c.ind i-l:ite on a j 1 it f r :n i f t !. at -T! iin I with but that one plan k in it. The truth of the matter n that if we can nhnw to the present tiovi-rnor ' r to ar.y other man likely to tie il.nvri: r that it wili bean spvuntage to tlie :ate or to anv con siderable portion of it to extend the A. AN ('. K. R he will len 1 us all the aid in ht-t power. Tni is the reasonable and we believe the sensible view of the situation. Argument will discount threat? anv .lav with a brave an t sen sible man. We have suili 'i r.t reus, ins for believing in th necessity for the ex i do, tic: er i, re a t: -non of t ; bt I,jt th 'nt to our r. We c; .- A A. N it theie wb present ex in conceive an 1 we a p p-'a r sti f -e!l-nt (b.v- of but one : '. i i n which any weight n against '.:.e pre w..u!d be likovti l.av w 1 1 h t h e G o vei r, r. mil building of a road f r -m that is that the h re to Favette- v 1 1 le or Sin b r. i mifci ht i inter'-', i : irs i r. tlie r N . 1 . value K Ii. of the S.ate 's betw i en tins Thru is a f 1 r-,:,-(, r,.. th. a so which t lie at. i it is well this fact and argu-a-k our New ( lo vern' r will r-n-; 1 r . for us at once to fao fortify our Stairs iiith su1 ments against it. We H-rne friends to flrop j. an I join us in Combatting i : i s a w ii 1 1 e rem a busi ness ftanopoint the fallacy or this ob jection. To meet objections like this requires argument, not pa-sion nor threats , f p j 1 1 1 1 o a 1 damnation. We. therefore, a-k our valued contempo rary, the New Berne Journal, to open argument againft the soundness of tlie objection The propositi- now is simp'y p. ex-i tend the A. A; N. C. U t ' some point on the C. V. iV Y. Y. 1: n ml t make POCli if th tin: vai ;i d i-p -siti - ii of th i" ' i at all. and - a :lirms b. sscn the in the N. 1 vi rn r i r any . e i'!i i x tent ion w .'. I .if the State 's inure.: C U.. l a:l: rm. k-volvts upon him or whoever uch a proposition to show it. But admit for the sake of argument that it is the ultimata object of the ad vocates of this extension to have the C. y. it Y. Y. control ;uie A.ocN. C. K either by lease or purchase, w hat then'.' Is the State's interest in the N C. the i cans, in a U, . i V Sta'.o won 1 guar: fai r .; d- pr.-citid ' N ,t at all. bin r h in 1 i : will be appreciate i . t "-.- C y ,V Y. Y. w oild tie n bo -i:i 'ii t 1:1 for the N. C. U e lease ' f the ii .V lb ex;ir-s. ii : u: t i; . : tl.sit tlie C. P. it in a Irase or urchase of the i n : r. oL ln the t'Crfectiy w f an i utlet t. A. it N. C. R. i'hnfi to give a the N. C . R. on in the event to the R. A- D. r we'jl i be a bo It' mat. t r. m.-o: rms r, d V t h th fh'' i : i - r. future for M re! prom is: n- as 1 r r of, in t h a t it w c on 1 1 : f t two .cad City as bright and (""aid weil ever dreamed aid become the ocean treat liner of railway extet..i;.-.g tl.rou -.h the S;at from East to West and S mthwest. and from the Southeast t Northwest. Py this ex tension, the probabilities i f i r.hancinp the State s interest in the N. C. R. are mudi s;n ic r than the eh.anes of de preciating it. As to the political af ; i ct ' f the matter h: -n the A r -;us d i ri c:s stt n t ion to. it it.jv he ri,;ht in suggv-rtinis that our people ,ire too much given to politics. But we one heard a prominent cifoion of New Heme say there is more or less poli:i-s :n everything, even inthepur-i-h i- ' a c , .kinc s: vc. f r. sai 1 he. "t'o ro i- p. litieVi economy in it If r. .'th ing tl-e." We have watched the grow- j iDglowr.-j m North Carolina, and we I have w atchi d the fa ers bestowed upen them by th'' powers that be. 'ur peo-j pie have been patient and 1 ng sutler ing un ier many acts of gross injustice j prompted in some lr.t-tar.o s by selfish and political motives. Under a R-pub- ; hcan administration, aided and encour aged bv a few interested Lh m, crate, the i N. C. Rulroad we leased to a corpora- ; lion wnose intt-re:s were foreign to Eastern Carolina, and the State's mter- est. that f the pnva people cf this A. ,V N. C. i: ered for a :n .inert C. R. passed into the poration a change cf :.-ckh ers and . s.-cti. r. . in the was cot C1 insid A eoon as the N. i hands of this cor- : guago was made I and the ; -pie of thi'secti :n absolutely denied the right of any business connec tion with the people beyon J Goldsboro. Our corn tra le which .amounted to near a half million cf dollars annually was almost entirely diverted, for no dealer could afford to ship corn to any point on the N. C. R. at the expense of trans fer at Goldsboro and pay the rates de manded by the R. & lb When the A. & N. C. R. went into the hands of W.J. Best and he began an extension, he se cured a favorable rate on corn over the R. it D. and New Berne bean rapidly to regain her corn trade. Put no sooner had Best failed in his project an 1 retired from the field thin the old embargo on corn via the A. & N. C. R wa? reestab lished. Our friend, the Arus. will now see that it is not a matter of politics with us but one of dollars and cents the thing that is apt to make connnuni- j ties, as well as individuals, squeal. Now let us see if the Argus hasn't got as much politics in this matter as the people of New Bern-1. H-re ure the candidates for the nomination for Gov ernor all standing on the Democratic platform, the planks are ail in the plat form and they all stand solidly i-.pon it. In looking over the number the Argus sees one who. while b'ving his whole State and wouli en ie.av. r to do his whole duty towards every section, has a kindly feeling for Goldsboro and is anxious to see her put upon the road to prosperity, n t at tl.- expense of other towns but simply by seeing that justice is done her; others on the same platform are for their' sections of the State even though they would have to make a foot ball of Goldsboro. Under these circum stances we unhesitatingly gay that the Argus would go for the Goldsboro man, tlrst. laet and all the time. Now this is just the fix the people of New Berne are in. We do not wish to be kept bottled up here for fifteen years longer with the trade that naturally belongs to us diverted to other points, merely for the purpise of waking to see if the R. o; D. wants the N. C. R. for another term nor f years, r.or da we want a lover- I rth Carolina that will expect . us to longer ubn:i This i- all the poli: to such, tr, tb- re :- i; atment. Knjoy 1.1 f. . Wnat a truly t eautiful world we live in! Nature gives us grandeur of moun tains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means of en j jyment. We can desire no better when in norfeot. he,ilr.h hut now often do the majority of people ( feel like giving it up d isheartened , dis- i couragea ana worn out witn aiease. when there is no occasion for this feel- ing, as every sufferer can easily obtain 1 Ffttl8factory proof that Grc-n's August J-'l rwtr will make them free from dis- ; ease as wnen Dorn. i-rvspepsia ana Liver Complaint are the direct causes of afflicted since. I also beg to state that I seventy-live percent, of such maladies had tried other remedies with no good as Biliousness. Indigestion. Sick Head- result. Have also used Electric Bitter3 ache. Costiveness. Nervous Prostration, ' and Dr. King's New Life Pills, both of Dizziness of the Head, Palpitation of whom I can recommend, the Heart, and other distressing symp- , Dr. King's New Discovery for Con tiim Thrpfl dosps of Hunvr Riimntion. Oouehs and Colds ia anld on a j wjii pr0Te its wonderful effect. Sam- ' pie bottles 10 cents. Try it. A Bess Deer Slayer. 1 '-. mpsey Harper, a farmer l po of the J iiv a I. otlL-e. n w a f armer near P.ney iImio, Jones coutity. paid us a visit itmr; hive , it. ag A g d. rr a-: week. When asked by the why he did not bring them a r of deer he repiitd that he could oi.e ,o if he had only thought of ,e killed one only a dav or xo 1 .-; iry is told on Dempsey as a hunter, and we have it from a rce that justities us in vouching fur truthfulness. Sometime, ago he and uder trother went to Cattish lake a US an i few mile.- from Polloksville on a fishing expedition, and after arriving at the lake concluded to stay all night. They went to work to secure material for fire when a large buck jumped out of his resting i lace and plunged into the lake But th- waves of the lake were so strong, there being a strong breeze, the buck coul 1 make no headway in crcss- in. i i k as t i.i 'U ... t tlie v I-, ed a log jumped in: i the astrad d le i: .- knife t deer, circuit a:, trying to lake and Dempu-y of it with a pol 10 hand knd sticking in the log started for When near him ha began a 1 get the buck goin; round, keep his heal in tie dn .ction of Ins assailant Perr, p-ey d re w In making the circuit nearer ani nearer until he could reach the buck w ith his pole and then gave him a heavy blow on the hed forcing it under water, and when he raised it Dempeey was near enough to eei.-.e him by the horna, draw his head across the log and cut his ttuoat. At another time Dempsey was at work on the farm w hen ho heard the hounds trailing a deer. In a few minutes a good size buck rushed out of the woods near him and jumped into tbe ditch. Dempsey sailed en him and he run down the ditch until reaching a pool of water and mired down with his rider. Then Dempsey (-hoved the buck's head down in the water, out with his knife and cut his throat. Iu-jpstj stands over six feet in l.ii stockings and no live deer escapes him, gun or no gun. Meetinir of (.itizeus of Pamlico. Pursuant to call the citizens of Pam lico county met in Bayboro on Monday tbe 17th inst. for the purpose of appoint ing a committee to visit Raleigh and co-operate with the citizens of Craven an ! other counties owning stock in the A. A N. N. R. looking to the extension of said road to some point on the Cape Pear & Yadkin Valley R. R. The meeting waa called to order Ly Capt. Jas. S. Lane being called to the chair and J. P. Cowell to act as sec'ty. W.T. Caho was requested to explain the objects of the meeting, after which a motion to appoint ten delegates to wait upon the Governor and to co-operate with the citizens of Craven county and the other counties owning stock in said road and favoring extension of the A. & N. C. R. waa car ried unanimously, i ne cnair appointed the following committee: W. T. Caho, r. raci-oiier, c. n. rowier.j.r. cow ell. Wm. Potter, sr., S. W. Ferebee, L. B. Midyett. J. B. Martin. R. D. McCot ter, Jan. Potter, sr. On motion the chairman was added to the list. n motion it waa ordered that any other citizen of Pamlico county who should attend the meeting of the committee be requested to act with the committee. On motion the proceedings of this meet ing were ordered to be sent to the New Berne Jot p.n a l for publication. The meeting then adjourned Jas. S. Lane Chairman. J. P. Cowf.i.l. Sec'y. 1 lie AtPeiitist Doctrine. E:;toR J, .vknal We noticed some time ago that your Jones county corre spondent desired to know something about the Ad vent doctrine. We feel it our duty to say something in answer to his re'iutst. In the first place we be lieve in the personality of God. We also believe in the unconscious et3te of the dead, and in the near coming of an i ascended Saviour. We believe this globe or planet will be burned up as Peter says, and that there will be a new heaven and a new earth. This will be ' the house of the righteous, and Christ ; will be our king. We believe the wick ed will be .burned up, as"Malachi says, j and their ashes trodden under the feet , of the righteous We also believe that I Satan will be burned up and destroyed at the last dav. We believe that Chris- , tiarj:, will receiye immortality at Christ's seeond advent. If man had immortal itv now there would be no Deed of j Christ coming back again to this earth, j for he said, "When I come again I will receive unto myself." We believe in j one Lord, one faith and one baptism. ; We beli-ve this earth will be the home j of the righteous, then Abraham will get his promise, as he died without it. Also the thief will receive his promise , at that day with the redeemed. We i believe that none go to heaven at death ; but go into the realms of death. "The! dead know not anything," says tbe Psalmist, his sons rise to honor and to dishonor and they know it not. In the very day a man dies his thoughts perish. If we had space we would give you some Bible proof of our doctrine but have not. In conclusion we would say, read the prophecies of Daniel and John the Rev elationist, and you will soon discover we are living in the last days. Remem ber the parable of the fig tree. The Sa viour commanded his people to watch, j ilay we nave oil in our lamps ana nave them trimmed and burning waiting for the coming of the Bridegroom, at what ever watch he may come, asleep or awake, that our names may bo written in the Lamb's book of life, and our lives hid with Christ in God. v . urs in hope of etercil 1 i f e. Adyentist. Walter Bingham Again. Asheville, N. C . Oct. 1 j. It is reported from Yancey that a deaf ' mute answering the description of Walter Bingham was seen a few days! ago in the woods by huntsmen in a wild , section of the county. His strange con- : duct excited suspicion, when they ar-( rested him and started to the house of a Mr. Hensley in the vicinity. The deaf mnte on the way attempted to escape ; but was stopped by a show of guns. 1 Upon reaching Hensly's, after examina tion, the mTlte was allowed to depart. Soon afterwards suspicion was aroused that the man was Walter Bingham when then the party started in pursuit but he escaped into the woods. A day or two later the same man appeared in the Pensacola section of Yancey and committed rape upon a white girl and again escaped. The men who saw him have no doubt it is Walter Bingham. He wrote rapidly and was intelligent in conversation, He was in a bad plight, showed the effects of long exposure, was heavily armed and said he oame from Haywood county. There is much excitement in Yancey and the people are on the lookout for the mm. News I and Observer. Fourlli Onarterrly Meetings cf Neiv Berne District. Rr.v. J. T. HAitRio,; Eluek. Sno.v Hill mission, at Tabernacle. Oct. 22. 23. Lenoir mission, at Nunn's. Oct. 23. 24. Mt. Oliye circuit, at Mt. Olive. Oct. 29, i :-i Carteret circuit, at Uarlowe. Nov. 5, 0. Beaufort station. Nov. 6. 7 Straits circuit, at Tabernacle. Nov. 9. Core Sound mission, at Springtieid. Nov. PJ. Morehead Station, Nov. 12. 13. Goldsboro. St. John. Nov. 10. 1.3 Grange circuit, at La Grange, 19. 20. " Wavne circuit, at Sauls. Nov. 20, Nov. Perioual Mr. N II. Frohlichstein of Mobile. Ala., writes: I take great pleasure in recommending Dr. King s New Discov. ery for Consumption, having used it for a severe attack of Bronchitis and , Catarrh. It gaye me instant relief and entirely curea rue, anu i nave not oeen positive guarantee. For sale at R. " I Duffy's drug store. Our Wealthy Men. Much has been sai 1 in newspapers of men who have m.ide large fortunes in comparatively a few years in various business industries. Many of these ar ticles are written by correspondents of prominent newspapers, and copied into others of les-er note. Correspondents1 generally are seldom men of businessl qualifications and wrongfully picture these men and their business as a thing of accident that is not the case witli th .se u-e have met. We find that when men have made large fortunes by their own business talent and industry they chose with eagacicy and forethought such businesses as would lead to sutv'i---when handled with business judgment No man has been brought before the public as an example of success. Loth in wealth and magnitude of his Lusi ness outside of stock anil railroad men more prominently than Dr. CI. (d. Green of Woodbury, N. J. He is at the hea l of many large business industries, an 1 yet comparatively a young mau. When the fact that August Piuwer fordypt -aia and liver complaint an! P s hue's Gerinnn Syrup for coughs and lung troubles, has grown p a wonderful sab.' in all parts . the w,,rld. it proves that it was i;. it at; a -cider.: r spontaneous strike at wealth. IP.- medicines ar- recognized :.- 'uable an I enablUhe I remedies an 1 business has grown gradually and p manently during th last eighteen years on account not alone of Dr. Green's abilities as a huskies -i man or his "good luck." but on tlie ac tual merits of the two preparation-;--Copied from the y. V. W-.-klv S m r :' Dec. 10 W'oiltl c r I ll 1 Cure. W. Ib Hnjt ci: Co.. win lesale an.'l re tail drugsists of R, in", (ia.. say: We have Leen selling Dr. Kind's New I'is covery. Electric Hitters and P.uokb-n 's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfac tion. There have been some wonderful cures en"ected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by usp of a few bottles of Dr. King's .sew Discovery, taken ni connection with Electric Potters. We guarantee them ;il-3?. Sold by P. N. Duff v. All in P.:- ..: of 1!. Fear cc Yadkin Valley Rail road extension is just now engaging the thoughts of a large portion of the people of our section. At Kinston, as well as 1 New Berne and other points, they have i hell a meeting and appointed a large committee of their best and most in- ; fluential citizens to call on the Governor ', and ur-e upon him the approval of some ' scheme by which the A. & N. C. R. R. may be extended tJ unite with the first mentioned real. Since writing this, we have met Mr. J. A. Pridgen, of Kin ston. who is himself one of the Direc tors of the A. & N. C. Ii. Iv on the part of the private, stockholders, and he says that every stockholder from Goldsboro to Morehead Ci'3- favors the proposition to extend the "A. ec N. C. R. R. by mortgaging and issuing bonis. He thinks that if a meeting was held, the vote in favor of the extension would be unanimous: he knows that such would be the case so far as Lenoir county is concerned, including the live hundred shares owned bv Pridgen is a live. the county. Mr. is a live, energetic, wsll m- formexl business man. and ho thinks that this movement promises great things to our section, and especially to the A. i'c N. C. R. Pl . and for th is reason he is heart and soul in favor of the movement These facts w-e hope will engage the careful attention of the Governor and induce him to give to this movement the sanction of his of ficial approval. Argus. e of Societ- eople. A prominent society lady of "Wash ington being asked by the Prince of Wales. "Why is it you people here manifest so little fatigue from dancing, receptions, etc.'.-" replied. "Why. you see. we Americans regain the vitality wasted in these dissipations by using Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic." Obituary. In Wa-hington. N. C, on the O.h day of October. 1: after a brief lliness. Mary Washington Blount, daughter of William Augustus and Mary W. Blount. Again has death entered our midst and cLimed as its victim a bright and ac complished young lady. Only a few short months since she was on a visit to the home of her childhood, in the vigor of life and usefulness. She was a grad uate cf St. Mary's, and many of her old schoolmates mingle their tears with those to whom she was nearest and dearest. It was indeed ia her home circle that her unselfish devotion and unt irine elfort to contribute to tha hap piness of father, mother, brothers and sisters will cause an aching void that can never be filled in their pilrimige through the vale of tears. Art thou weary, art thou languid. Art thou sore distressed'.' "Come to me. saith One. "and coming. Be at rest- " News & Observer. Dental Notice. K. Bagby will be at Polloks- Dr. G ville on the 1st of November and will remain six or eight days on proiessionai business. If "a numerous household is the safe ty of the Republic." it might as well be proclaimed at once that the remedy upon which such household should be reared is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. A good cathartic is worth its weight in Rold, yet Laxador, the infallible reg ulator of the human system, is sold for only 25 cents a package. MARRIED. On Wedneslav. October Pc. 1??7, Libbie Piice. of Brooklyn. N. Y.. to I). P. Henry, formerly of Ne v Berne, N C. No cards. At :. M .. N Ipoce cf ("lunM county. on Wednesday evening. October 12th, Mr. Henry Allen Ipcck aud Miss Lucy Pranks. At the residence of the bride's mother in Onslow county. Oct. 12:h. Gabriel L. Hardison of Thurman. Craven county , to Miss Julia P. Mattocks of Onslow countv. COMMERCIAL. COTTON MAHKET. York. Oct. I. 10:CO a. opened steady. Sales of New Future.- bales. October. November. December, January, February, March , 9 "i2 April, 0 TO 9 44 May. 9 7- 9 43 June. 9.0 9.40 July. 9 92 'J t'i August. 9 03 September. New Berne market quiet Sales 120 bales at J 5 - to 9. as to grc.dts. of DO.TIKSriC HAHUST Rice firm at 82 1-2 in sacks. Peas, new crop. .j?c. Corn, new, 4"ic. Seed Cottvn ?2.7-j per hundred TrHPKNTINH Hard. 81-10: d.p.S K' a2 OX Tab SI CO&81.25. OaTS 37;a40c. in bulk. Bkuswax l?c per lb. Bsef On foot, -Ic.toSe. Kqgs l3al-")C!. cer dozen. Fbbsh Pohk 8a7c.fDer oounc. J Pkascts Oc.aSLOOper bushel. Fodder New, 50a70o. perhundrci: Gmonb 52.00 per barrel. Chickens Grown, 60c: spring 4"c UsaL ij"ic per bushel. Applks- Matt. 75c per bushel. Irish Potatoes S3. 00j3.-"0. P0TATOZ8 Bahamas. 30c. : ynm?. 40c. , Harrieon. 40c. Shingles West India, dull and iij.t. Ina!: 0 inch 82 C0a2 CO. Buildinsr. ' inch hearts. Sa.OO: per Jd. WHOLESALE PRICES Niw itESS Pork Sl'i eO. Pork New family. Sl'3 Ob Shoulder Meat 7c. C. R. 's, F. B's. B.'s and L. C 9 c Floch 83.00afi.00. Lard is. bv the tierce. Nails BasiB 10's.?2 50. Scgai. Granuiated. 7c Coffee Sou 30c. Cheese 15. Salt S0aS5c. per sack. Molasses and Sybcps 30a45c- Powder S6. 00. Shot Drop. 81.60; buck, 81.70 Kerosene Sic. I Hides Dry, 10c; green 5o. ' Tallow 3c. per lb. Wanted ! A White Lady to assist in ii .u in small family. Address Puor. dpi . I). MEAPJ oo, o w2t Kin.-t.ui, I Advertisement, i p. f : -. J ) Mr. L. f . Has Tak n Williams Grocery &. A P. & 3o wen's .book itOi And Is Sell in Ever th: Bottom Prici s. H K A I Flour Prom .4 To ; G , 1 1 t r. 1 ii The p. l : uti r t I.ard Poun is C-r.t. t 'o:i'e- c C-.-nt-1 0 O r.;-: Klce r, i Vnt? S n;, ij'i Cents-. N--te P I-M-l Pencils 10 ( Vr.ts p. An 1 livervthing El" At "ur r I i i a n i: A ! Ii.s Ii HIV i.KN A I u'Ain;!: 1 11 1'.SX 1 1 Llt-s a Pears, ries. G. Llar.-k A; rapos. . r a .i Is, webrric--. V.'alnu'.s, 1 . :i ; 1 Chestnuts, Putb r V sirximons. Pecan?. Hardy Hiado Tr-, s, Shrubs, Vines. Kvorgrecn?. Ro-ef. etc. Catalogue sent free or. r: ; piica; ion . TUs James Grape a Specialty 1GO ACilKS. MOIU: OK LKS. "Will ba sold at Public Sale. On Saturday. 29:h r.f October, at th Court House door in New Bern.. it PJ o'clock, noon A vahiaiCe lem.ia: . a south sitie of li.e N , i : - - i.i. : -, half mbes fromi;... e.- i.i N , i ; , . . U:ie heiiilreil a-ia-s e in l. ; :e- !, se;: able for trucking, o ;r:i. coie.e :oM r : n.pK. Tlie balance 1h-h ..y t .ne-ia !. (Joo.I dwe:;in, out ! 'in Id : i;os, ite n , i-hnrii. 1: has a line rtshery l'ri ,a i ;r, !::, 1 f a Mihe on ihe lieaea, where taere a:e h .;! hanks, f ii.ari that can never le f .:1:iu-;t-ii, fri -in wh loll vessels ran lead with e;.o Aiso s w. le ji in u !; i ; 1 ; 1 1 . ii ;i ii c and fa-i-lv o' !rt: led. : :s a very I .ev.i rci-r,: :er a i:e:i is and railro-d and Its cured at home wiL:i ont pain.- Book of par ticular? por.t FREE. afeS' --t aii tu., Oii. oGico WiiitcUiiil tits For Sale Cheap, ONE n END RED AND TEN Id FLOUR slightly damaged bv water. HUMPHREY cV IIO'.VAI; oidwtf LS Fall and Winter MISS HARRIETT!: LANE Invites her friec.L- and the put ;i" gen e MilH-cry erany to cail and see ner t;:: Goods. It is surtiTicnt to - ay selected by herself, which is hey were i s'Jaran 1 of nice tee that th?y ar an quality . The L-.tcK St vie?. ( , and the best bar -rains arc- tiiwiy 1 : 1 1 found at her store. Styles Unequalled '. Quality Unsurpassed I j Prices that defy competition.' ! :..::..: ti.ev ;' She hopes all will call wish to purchase or not. New Berne. N, C, Oct. New iiilinsrv yi 'f S &f s I have r-.-tur: received a ire:;' I. :k ai.d Complete St:ck cf Fall and' Winter Millinery Cocas, : also Velvets and Plushes, wh; -h I sm j offering at extremely low pncis. Ii haye also a large stock of Novelties and tancy Articles. .My Pattern other goods are open, and I friends and customei : to e fore purchasing. Am too busy f-.r a r ;.'.: day. Hats Rud invite my , arsinc be- C. M. V. F0LLETT. New Berne, N. C. oclOIwec I Crops is MIGHTY SHORT, but I r.EEN EUYlXi.i mv HAliDW ARE. MA-! CHINERY and AGRICULTl'RA I. IM PLEMENTS from J. C thereforeI am all RIGHT, prices help out ?. -hort ere; WHITl I t- on his ii, ;lv. aKa mtm i Our store is Q'.Ied with Provisions, Groceries-, t Goods, Dry Gc;.h!s; Croi ! Etc. We keep a full Hue of the Celebrated Prison Shoes. Boots ALSO 0. S. Parsons & S( and 81106.-5 Every piir warr.r,!..; faction. Country merchants a:; generallv are requesteJi 11 r.inl amine our large stoc ing. We will give yi We job LoriP.ard S South front st., ." fore purohs." '- f. i fO, I seHouss'sGhii! Swp NEVv EE R.N FURNITURi The Bess Install: Dealers in ' i ik-. r lt'.. le- on wet ly an l i: i-- cf :.:; P J. Middle St., opp. L. II. Cut!-. rzn ii a a Stia & . Wanted, ) TONS of COT TON SKKI. lit; lit ( t Ca.sli 'rice- paid, le !cr lie M E . IX VS. (I lb t . d Cheap For Cash. 'oriv five Saw (iin and thirty feel 'o o f. , io :;' I. 1 1. Cl'TI.ER. 3rO TO 13 WATERS, Jr.. est and Cheapest Line of lenfs5Fyriiish5g Goads HATS, SHOES, C.othiEg, Jmbrcllas. &c. :1th- Pate: t Novel t if s a! v. ; i s in stock. tie oliar. ( i..;1 1 IT 5 . J I'. ! . ; lw ipa! ( MM "P.I. -st bo tbe heart that knows no guile. That feels no wish unkind. Forgetting provocation, while (iood deeds are kept in mind. '!' -v.- v k:m: i ;.,aii rim ! . ) . I n: i l. ill f III it ' i I '.y lnmie ; I'A I A! h K. ' : i Kl i 'Ml h u I :.! n, e N (' j hciesaie Grocer. HE Lowest Prices I Eico 8acks on hand. laments Tombs- i'.Z vpori lii iLLnfl&AEOiCAN MARBLE J S P. . receive prompt ion ."-.p.rantccd. ittentio- LLI3, Proprietoi . 1 a A ". ' .VA 3tf. WR.T. A. :.fc'r 0-5 yd r. Q. i Ml. NT MA" ft! AH L Y , t i-i -.3 yj si ATTORN r Y;5 A ' iAY 'A'::: ;tiic:!"s ir. u.irtsir i" raven, lunei i'co. !.p?-.i,:r nd Hy.l. :r: ut New lrne. l eilSJU . I ii . I : . . '! ;- li:eu' '""" Listen and Listen Again I can beat Pistern North Carolina in low prices of good Engines. If you think this is wind, write for my prices an 1 specific;. lions, and I will prove it to yi u. ' . X. SUPPLY, Agent. au20 whni Washington. N. C. AUOUSTA EVANS WILSON'S NEW BOOK : ;.tk'-- ' ' : ' iilar ink Mr. I'Mlm unc.iiU That lir ' r w c.i k h a Ifirpc ; 1 1 '. t . 1 1 : ! 1 v t h ' u i , tl , ;i. wriil-n a - 11! t ' W ll n'.iU.-i! 5' Mercy nfak: Price $i cf Titerius" .00. t :, : : i i ::er t m o.ume. 5C0.CC0 r r:i. MAGNIFICENT NOVELS. l.Mi. SI.'': ?I A (A K ia. ei, ; im-:z. si.:.-,. (Ml. I VFKl.JCi:. 1 (Kl. 1 M e Anilllii Vmilel ::. ' A i T UK M 1 Hi - 1 ) It r, n c Iv 'A' . 1 1 l.I.iM.HA.M, 1' .r 10 1;. V. Car Cs- :,i ST.-, t. New Y'.lH. OLSON, Wh Ib-ta;! Choi Groceries and Provisions, :h!s, Eocts ?a:d oboes C. r, pro- t.l ( ror aaie yneap 'N iV bKO. J oil n son K .Mills, N. C. AGENCY FOR iaBiLE WORKS,' SEW BER.NE, S.C. GEORGE ALLEN & GO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural I m p I o m e n t B. I'lows. ll:u.-ov,s. Cultivators. j i 5 -. a inl Axes, I Wu(.:l Moirs and JCcaperg, 1 .('. nil Kiir'iiOH, ( ' 1 1 1 v : i 2ins l'rcsscs, FTti!i i-r. l.:i!il !'l;' r-r, Kainit I iIo liat!i- To'..!-. ;: ml Hardware, i F j Lime, lirick, ('cnieiit. I'lastr I Hair, Paint, Kalsomine, Var- ni(,li, Oil, ;!;;. ., Putty and Hair, I'rc7 i ., K'lrin:'r'atorst Oil Cook stiiie , !;urka Hurtrlar Pror.l Sa-!i F.-x Ir-,. Tvarranted to trivc o i'uril and nat isfaciion. I'liK I.S , IliiV l.OW. oro. a ?.i.i:n -v. co. r i 'i w ' i i iz GARRIfiGE VVGRKS t S made and band at C. T. RANDOLPH'S, I da Mil S r.. Ni w prioN - C. fPutronic Homj Industry. bin,' to purehaM' will find it anta.-i to call and examine lia-m' elKew here. "I. !cfi oo in r 1 1 1 Joil lit a i a mi !l ( j .,1, ,1 p. , ,m. i b ne i.t t h it :e lice. t. cii.'iranti i-d .n work and :! ',i wtf j to tij.-ir ad-. befure pure i I 11 1 1 i i i . nonf nriti, e, ; REPAIR! I iSatief.-i'-ti prices. Over worn durln-? the post six year T i t '! r!C .r'ilh.ri OVPr i.' : '.' r ( ', rts. '.:.'.!' :. f-tmpe :, aLblned :..'.-' ! variouf V a.lh... uidos ;f:PALINE" al-1 ,, v with : DP. 1 prii.:- ..;..:..:::... i . for jtLE rr .-i i. icD'!-! 1 .:.;x:-,ams, WAT! BROTHERS, 209 Cror.-lv.-sy, r. Vcrk City. ESSENTIAL OILS .ASS.U'HAi', t'l TC.1K.K :..eL-h: I N I ! oN". non i , vi- i'KAll.'HM', Ac. : . oo , ,pT anil n;i- DCDGE - W 11.1 6l OLfJOTT, v -t; v ; -. f v.' ORH, .MOST UlilLLIANT, PURE & PERFECT LENSES In tlio World. Thi'V nrpns 1 1 n spn ren t n:el roloiiePB as ottht ilKiof. hii I fur MitlMi-sa or i-iiilunincp the re. en wt'Hr-r toll fuel . II. Ci ,o l'i.i:! i T.-st Ut .... !n tin- 1 lot .(Klbin'on-s. fess nns, ii ii bur, k-i L. ii I'XCI !r, i : I s -.1 i 1 1 . i rnalil inR tho lu ct flit 'triie. i li.i:sKi:NKHH, !,.. i.-nillnt; ili-8lrlftns i e. ei urns, senators, i:iii o le a ln al 1 pri- ii i I laiiriit-H oi trade, i n n Im- k! veil who iiij.riive 1 by Llielr HBe. i:. hav 1 lo.-: V LL h . n : i '. : KVi S I'l l r ::. ii i i : i i, D U F I A H n.i.i' in F. S. Y. ! KM Drugrgist, N. -. ly Eminent OUHES Scratches, j Spraina. ; j Strains, 1 Stitchea, ; Stiff Joints, I I Backache. I Galls, Sciatica, Rheurr.ati' Bum;, Scald?, Stings Bites, Brui:, Bcr.icr.-, CoDracted ffloiclei, Ernptioiu, Hoof AU, Screw Wormi, 8winneyi Saddle Oali. Piles. I Lortii, CCi OLD STAND-BY 'i rxa. llviviiHt iHclalmeil ... f i- ii,,- (.-ivnl i,niularltj of f, : inii.i uulvcrnal i 1 ii. i'.'h me h ii medicine. .-. .'. - 1: 1:. - iu i.f accident. . : : r I'-.neral family uss. 1 , : . t ; -. . s -lini hln nien. 1; :i-. . oil Lla work r re t . ii p pUcn.i lit y . 'I'Aic I .u nib; it nn '1' h t 1 1 nu f i ' T::i r . Tin- Ik. i.i Tiio Miner The I'loii. . : :.. Th r i "ii i r.: r : ar. 1 hlo ..-) v- i T li r '."a in I. . i ; - without It. LL- Blaljle, it I in n n ccoil II T li c fr! ti-: Tli- I. -!:. - it hl beat o I: It w i:i buvo him - ; i.i ..fin HilllP. oil nn.i it 1 11 uoi'd It so a,-.-1 I- nti. nii.l 'ImiKera. ... , : . It. I I..Ti is uotlV r..r 1 : ' l.inK-'rs '" lita- r ii Til.- : r t , I. ll The U :i i I rn il nta r. n ' .s :.: 1 . v viol -.- i ll w nt U (I'l t in n n Til lllali' f -i l.k-h purr Ui. l 1 oiei-r. .Tl erili.'i :il -t H ,0'..i:t I Im suirc aiming his i-:..;! yo-9. A.-ei It i.i M ill I...1 l"'ii, i.nd when t,'n"e c .nieti.. HiwinirUBtK".: I- '" ntt'l t ' Keep a Hoi: le in lb' 1 2 "'- ' 1 ' "'e ct o econi'iiiv. J Kces n Ilnlilc in tl.'' l'ni'Ii.r . Itk lmmedlt use lu case ut nivl.I.'nt saves i ulu and loss of wage. Krrn u liottle .Uini) o in tbo Htable for nae when wnnieil. I I'Ti;sT- 'i.. ss i ( ; ; i i ! ; '. . -: . t ! . oil f ii.Trssrr !--iMai .vwigaafiM Mustang

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