j k"w Jy.wJ'H I-J--K jg- s,.. v-V" " 4.f i ?. i' i..Jrwj..aBrfTiii....m- if,l...A,AitiilMiUfta,J i. .. . in i i.i " ii.il- i ' .' INDEPENDENT IN ALL THING S. Preprt Tor-Ma giB.OO Per Tear. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, NOVEMBER k 1887 VOL. -X. NO. :51 OETTIWCER BROS. HAVE OPENED AND OFFER FOR IetlLL Stoclt of DrjGoo(ls,Boots,Slioes, CLOTHING, dfco. n e or. GOOD : ill REASONABLE TERMS We offer t wh ! a. P. Loral:-! ,t Co ' Sen. Armour A Lo.'s I'r jvisions, IIU'i Star Ljo nd Ita.-!.. Ziegler Bros. Fine Shoe?, The Bij S'.Ate Shoe nl Leather Co.'s The Celebrated Pearl Shir:.. HarTey's Tuckikv Tot i.v Hon. Thos. M. Holt A.an-.an,' Ari a fall line of Genera! Me at Lowest Market Pre Oettinerer GEORGE ASH, ot II a made it h: aim this oaoa to Merit And romnieDds itself to the better trade. In the higher grides of Mens, Youth, Boys and Children's Clothing we have a complete line of neat and obby designs at POPULAR PRICES! Would draw the spiJ attention of fine trad ATTRimT STTTTS. whiei in materia!, trimxir.es. to the finest custom made wrk. Our SILK-LINED OVEECOATS in l ght, x iiux weights are Beauties, and will be sold at astonishing low price?. Our SATIN-LUTED CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT jtnacst and will be fold as a BARGAIN In KE3T8 FINFTJBNISHINQS line than eTfr, epciaJlyo in fine white, scarlet, colored and stripetl. In HATS we carrj the LEADING STYLES. ir.c:uHr.g the New Fedor in soft goods. Our Stock of Goods thiaiesson is TOO LARGE TO ENTJMERATE ALL THE ATTRACTIONS, bat would like for our friends to bear in mind that we also carry a handsome and most complete stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, AND DRY GOODS, ftad sj-s prepsxed to offer special drives in Ladies' Corsets, Undervestq, Walking Jackets, Cloaks and Shawls, and fine all wool Blankets, Lap Robes and Horse Blankets. All our Goods will be sold low. therefore for god goods cheap csi. .it NKXT TO I. H Messrs. V. M. :11 be pleased to she JONKS of Carteret an: 1 1 V ; : ( ' A N A : cf their friend? through th - ,-t ck nc .1 n. n- , : J Full lines of the above Shoes for sale by HOWABD & JONES, sole agents for New Berne. 11.1 1 I l'i 1 i M v 1 1 h s. - r -T hr mm at i UPTVttO PIMOOS oaa tuxrm ml jft row tr SHAKESPEARE Cannot ,iiive Bacon, Milhr cn Bcon Me Shkereare. but THE P' el.IC may. and as their pat roosc prore. will save Jheir money by buying Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Notions At F. T. Patterson s Stores, 6a MIDDLE STREET. Goods ix M far ahead ner Hotel Albert, where I. cf ail r.vn pet itors as the 'Prepare for Cold Vive tv securiD a p i.r f Wh! ! ; sr. kt-u- . hsndsorne Com fortbJ, Woolen Coder er for Men an 1 NVunen. Neat and Nobby Ties for TOQDf men fine lice of rnir lerea rianu . t-r c mt'i o i ijinirs n i .iruucn.cu. NvnnUu lm ot Hosiery Coil'"- (. uft. w. tl.n.i Hu-lve s. Hits, i ,UUA, . , READY-MADE CLOTHING for Rot.. Yooth and M-n. hirftr V- on "Bill Nye'i" head la astomshment. Dly i'dmngeroas . to come while you have tv- .rtlntin Lhi nntxle mar potstuohtiwskoolngisayniiufwohees nxr. o.f ALE. THEIR to keep or.Iy GOODS, times sell it - 1 i a . 1 ehand! h ier sel.-ct a ok of good?, which ha? Quality, to ak- our PBINCE and fit are equal and heavy is an eifcant LEADER! h'1 a larger and hand?onier 2TO iVjSll'S, Cl'TL:i, MIPPI.I". STKUKT. Ooi 1 w ocldw 1 l .-rmt nri aii jTr'nrrN M(1 IIF.INS -4 MIOK 'Ox JAMVI f,caai4 uiiruou; appn pjin.oolilcl JAMES MEANS S4 SHOE Win act war to lon u JAMES MEANS S3 SHOE, . - , V ' r - - K , v-C3t " ' ' " 1 - -: . ' . -' J CH l! V 5.. Mini . ! - ' aPvies Means & Co. 41 Lincoln St.. Bostor.. Masa. iH.I;MIH!IJ:Ui! 11 1 Jl RKO Hii li. doM mat mini h uMoLm to flmm. or pui lwo i i i .a ajar .it roru 44 rtMlfw Mill, m tfe Ml o f dii pnactM. aj oirw. Minn m tano rflluP". HiifWImil rmdlyamThliMa1 ml TKATBUT. Cm ". . tr Kci.lt nm.0 HARRIS REMEDY CO Trlai cX our Appltano. AU. for TrmI PRICES and Reliible f.-r ts ahead of the hirtj, Merino i ntrnvoar. nawis. i, i i eve Piece G "! ;n fa.-t evervthin,; in at price so that would cause the opportunity and secure be obtained at F. T. Patterson s store THE HIRTH OF PASSION ilfo H. MIRFIIY. The work of God is done! Man Btands completa inAdtim's K'"nt form : IIU heart, unrurtled yet ty passions storm. Ikats silent and serene. The sk v n ever blue : No cloud Roe floating u rr th J ee p ; No ihunder rolls; no lightning leap: The world ia full of f care. a acid ash os Freeh From (loJV 1 Sweet Ee stands neur, vir. ban d blushing w ith miden love. While o'er her neet a centle turtle dove Cooeaoftly to the wind. In blissful innocence The lamb beaide th shaRjiy lion lies. While through the airy depths the eale tiies Unmindful of his prey. Hut, so. content has tlown' The sky is overcast, from yon black cloud . Keho among the hills. The shaggy lion roars And tears the helples-s lamb with gory jaws . The eagle screams and snatches in his claws. The gentle, cooing dove. K en beauteous mother Eve Feels passion from within h.-r m olest soul ; Aid from her I.ps reproaches ti:;,r roll Like drops of liquid tire. Gigantic Adam stands A moment dazed, then like a builinj flood Through all his veins rushes the crimson blood , And scorches as it ilows. And back to blue eyed Ev e Fierce words of hate and murderous ire he hurls 'Till over her cheek she shakes her gol den curls. And broken-hearted, weeps ' FARMS AM) FARMERS Short Talks With the Men Who Guide the Plow. W II K A T S uWI N G, LIMING LAND. FTC. Wheat should be seeded down as qnickly as possible, except towards the gulf and Atlantic borders. In , these more southerly localities sow ing may be deferred tor a mouth longer. Do not forget that wheat calls for a rather compact soil, ex- cept near the surface say for two people during all the days of tihe inches deep. These two inches of past year claim t heir grateful reeof sarface soil cannot be made too nition anil humble acknowledge fine for it. A disc harrow run a merit. By His omnipotent posver nnmtier of times in ditierent direc- He has protected us from war and tions does the work admirably. A pestilence and from every national wheat crop is often injured by turn- calamity. I!y 1 1 is gracious favor iog nnder a large quantity of weeds the earth has given a generous re or vines, which prevents the under-. turn to the labor of the husbandman soil from compacting. Indeed, it and every path of honest toil has may be regarded upon the whole as led to comfort and contentment, good practice not to plow deep for I5y His loving kindness the hearts wheat. After once breaking, let of oar people have been replenished the harrow complete the prepara- with fraternal sentiment aud patri tion. The manure applied should otic endeayor and by His unerring be also near the surface: the liar- guidance we have been directed in row willeoverit sufficiently deep. ' the way of national prosperity. Success hinges a good deal upon To the end that we may with one the regular distribution of the seed accord testify our gratitude for all and the uniformity of the drpth to these blessings. I. Grover Cleveland. which they are covered. Both of, these ends are reached better by drilling machines than by the ordi nary hand sowing and plowing or harrowing it. A good machine will space the .seed properly. It can be adjusted to sow a certain amount of seed to an acre. It will also put the seed in the ground at a jierfectly uniform depth. This should be from one to one and a half inches: never over two inches. At greater depths the seed will come up, and ordinary observation would not defect any difference, perhaps, in the crop, but careful and repeated experiments have shown that when planted deep the yield is smailer. The regular spacing of the seed is of equal importance. If possible each plaut ought to have exactly the same amount of soil, air and light. How seldom, or never, is this attained from ordinary hand sowing. If one ia partial to broadcasting, by all means get a broadcast sower. With proper care and adjustment these can be made to do very nice work, and do it rapidly. We must make up for the poverty of our exhausted land, for our less man ageable labor, aud for the sharp competition of these latter days, by nicer and more thorough work. The time has come when we must quit sliiMshod, belter skelter ways. Extremes are not often to be recommended, but in the case of wheat they are in one respect. The crop is so uncertain and unreliable to oar climate that it is best to sow a good breadth of ordinary land without manuring it, else sow a very lew acres manured very heavily the extensive or the in tensive. Objection to the first is the amount of seed and of labor requfred. Loth may be economised. This land does not call for heavy seeding three pecks per acre will answer. On corn or cotton land cat up and beat down the stalks and cover seed with disc harrow without previous breaking. One hand and two horses can put in six or more acres a day. The roller 1 following will go over the same ground in a day. Land well culti vated through the summer does not ' require additional breaking for an i ordinary wheat crop. It has about the right compactness of which we spoke above, and needs only the surface stirring which the harrow will give. Ueavy yields per acre are not to be expected under such methods, but as the outlay is small and land abundant, the profits may be as great and the risk no greater than under the opposite method. When one has high, well drained land adapted to wheat, it may be , more profitable perhaps to break deep, manure heavily aud prepare thoroughly and sow only a few acres. The thorough preparation and high manuring are expected to l give the crop such vigor as to enable it to withstand adverse circumstances aud this they will do to a certain extent. Under such treatment wheat will make a partial crop, when under adverse seasons, that which is un manured I would make a total failure. The ' intensive method saves seed to some extent, labor also increases expenditure on manure account. It one contemplates liming his land, the present is a good time to make the application. The effects of lime are not appreciable for some ' months after it is applied. For sumiiu-r crops it should Iv a j 1 1 i e 1 in autumn or early winter, lur fall crops in spring or early summer. As lime tends ut' itself to .-ink down in the soil, it shouM never be plowed in. but in ply sea! t erod on the surface. In our leT, dry climate moderate doses only ale to be reeom tneia led Five t" ten bushels per acre is ample. The best form in w Ir.oh to use it is a pond marl. Tweiitv to forty bushels per acre of a rich mail might be applied. The next best form of lime 1- the a;r--iaked. of this live to ten bti-.iiel per ac:e will be enough. I'nnspiii'os contain a good deal of lime, enough peihaps lor ordinary crops w hen they ;)re liberally applied. Direct applica tions of lime are generally made, not to supply plant-fond, but as an amendment to the soil, to develop its hidden iesotirces. Heavy clays and lighter soils that are rilled with vegetable matter are most benefitted by it. As a rule also, regions futiicst north in the cotton belt are more likely to receive from liming than those south. Try an application on a small scale, and note next summer. mo had b rather slow in ; his mat to bene lit farther of lime results tter go . I: is too late now to ex peet lime on t he presen ' w mucii Irom ntet's grain crop. J .ut land to show its effect niol now ought a little on next summer's crops, and still" more on grain crops succeeding t hem. It is useless to apply lime to wet. nn drained land: but wet lands that have been recently drained are quite apt to be improved by lim ing. There is usually an excess of vegetable acids in the soil of such lauds, which lime will correct. If any oi our readers have experience in liming land, will they not kindly .live it to The Constitution. W.L. .1 . in A Mailt a Constitution. 1 II axksi.i vim; pay. A rrcclaiuat ion h the Prc-ideiit. Washington, ('ct. 2. The fol lowing proclamation was issued late this alternoon : A I'ror'amat ii'tt hii r h ri;i nt of th' J'niti J Statt 'x: "The goodness and mercy of God which has followed the American President of the United States, do hereby designate aud set apart Thursday, the 'Jlth day of Novem ber next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, to be observed by all the people of t he land. On that day let all stcnlar work and employment be suspended, and let our people assemble in their accustomed places ot worship and with praver and songs of praise give thanks to our Heavenly Lather for all that He has done lor us, while we humbly implore the for giveness of our sins and the con tinuance oi his mercy. Let families and kindred be required ;o attend worship on that day. and let their hearts, tilled with kindly cheer and affectionate reminiscence, be turned in thankfulness to the source of alj their pleasures and the (river of all that makes the day glad and joy ous; and iu the midst of our worship and our happiness, let us remember the poor: the needy and the unfor tunate, aud by our gifts of charity and ready benevolence, let us in crease the number cf those, who, with grateful hearts, shall pen m our thanksgiving. In witness whereof I nave set my hand and caused the sea! of the United States u be hereunto aftixed. Lone at our e.ty of Washington, this, the L'oth day- of October, in the year of our Lord 1S7, and of the Independence ot the Lnited States the 1 li'th. Gi;rvi;i; Ci.kvf.lani. liv the President: Tin ; a t e MA; W a aii; f Letter From Hon. Jefferson Davis. In replv a letter written bv Mr. I. L. I'ortch, at the request of the Oioldsboro fair managers invit ing Hon. Jeffer.ion Davis to attend the Confederate re union in Golds boro this week, he writes as fol lows: Lf.acY' 'IK. Miss . ct. 7th, 1"7. . F. Ih.r'vh, My Peak Sik: Yours of the jsth has just been received. I have often had occasion to remark upon the gallantry and steadiness of the N. C. troops in the war aud some times to express the opinion that they had received less of popular commendation than was their due. It would give me great pleasure to meet again the old soldiers of your State. " ' Under the cin umstances 1 cannot accept your invitation, though my heart most oudiallr responds to it. Please give my kindest remem brance to your father whose liiend ship for me has been one of the pleasant memories of my public life; and here permit me to add that since the war between the States has closed, though 1 have been pursued by the slings and ar rows of detraction, the voice of North Carolina, uttered by her free press and public men, has never swelled the chorus, tmr failed upon proper occasion to do justice and to maintain the reed lor which so many of her best and In iest bled and died. Please accept assurance oi the re gard with which 1 am faithfully your li lend, di'.i i kks. Davis. eds MORTGAGi; and Warrantee on hand all the time. STATE NEWS Wilmington Star : The steam tugs and dredge boat of the Atlas Dredging Co. will leave in a tew days as' soon as the weather is favorable for Currituck. N. C. ('apt. Snell, of the steamer Louise, will pilot the Meet to their new field of operations. Wilson Advance: Mr. Kd. Lamm sustained the loss of his gin house last Friday night. It was burned and he lost all his cotton seed, aud about twenty goats that were under the building. A gentleman from Johnston county reports that the ravages of hog cholera ia that county are fearful. Some farmers have lost their whole herds of swine. The meat supp'y of many has been entirely cut off. At Flgecombe superior court last week. Van Johnson, a negro, was convicted and sentenced to be hanged for committing rape on his stepdanghier, aged 12 years. Asheville Citizen: We have heard of the following incident wbieh occurred Friday: While President Cleveland aud Mrs. Cleveland were standing on the rear platform waving "good-bye" to the people, an honest American citizen who had just reached the place, and evidently out of breath from his energy in getting there, just had strength to shout in all the sincerity of Ins soul. -Ry Jove. Grover, I'm mighty glad to see you:" Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland ac knowledged the salutation most kindly, the President politely lift ing his hat to his friend. Greenville Reflector: finite a disturbance occurred at the county poor house not long since. Two of the female inmates became very much enraged at Charlie Brown and one of them gave him a severe beating with a large stick. Charlie is a very harmless, half-witted man aud we are told had given no provo cation lor such brutal treatment. A meeting in the church near ; Gardner's X Roads, in Swift Creek township was brought to a close amidst much excitement on last Saturday night. About the time the congregation was dismissed iMr, Frank Moore said something to Mr. John Coward accusing him of being instrumental in keeping his (Moore's wife away from homa and immediately shot at Coward with a pistol. The hall missed Coward and went through the minister's hat which lay upon the pulpit. Moore tired two shots, but fortnately neither of them struck any one. lie was taken before a magistrate and bound over to court. The President at Work. Washington, October 2-1. The President entered his private office this morning at the usual hour, aud assumed his official duties with re newed vigor and a determination to attend strictly to busiuess from now until the Christmas holidays. There was not a very large accumu lation of private correspondence upon his table, as his absence from the city was well known to his per sonal friends, and those official communications which were ad-' dressed to him he would not have been troubled with had he been at home. The oflice-seekers and po litical visitors were quite consider ate today and kindly remained away from the White House, doubtless preparing to call the President's attention to "that little matter after he shall have fully recovered from the fatigue of his recent trip. Secretary- Bayard, Commissioner of Agriculture Cole man, Commissioner of Internal Rev enue Miller, Commissioner of Pen sions Black, aud several other bu reau officers called and paid their respects during the day. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon Mrs. Cleve land called for her carriage and went out upon a shopping expe dition. SKNATOR GORMAN AND THK HIT LOOK. Senator Gorman visited several of the departments today, aud upon every side he was questioned as to the probable result of the coming election in Baltimore. He replied good naturedly and at the same time confidently that the regular democrat party would be successful in spite of the claims of the opposition. It was suggested bv a prominent official that the New lork press will naruiy poke Us nose into Baltimore affairs any affairs further, in view of the political trouble it is having in front of its own door over the district attorney ship. The Senator was heartily congratulated upon his active and energetic work dnriug the present campaign, and the democratic party in Ualtimoro has the good wishes of all the prominent demo cratic officials here. CANADA'S CHINESE TAX. The complaint agaiust the Cana-' dian custom officers by Moy Woog, a naturalized citizen of the coun- j try. has been returned by the State Department for verification by' oath. At the department it is said that nothing can be done in the case. The treatment received by ! the Chinaman was not a violation of treaty obligations. Canada has a law requiring a tax of 50 per' capita on all Chinamen entering the dominion. The tax was regarded as prohibitory, or at least a certain means to keep out of the country pauper Chinese. The laws of the United States covering this matter are much more severe than those of Canada. With ns Chinamen are absolutely restricted from crossing the border, no matter how long they have been denizens of Canada. When they apply for admission to the States at the custom houses along the border they are uncere moniously bundled back to their native country. Si 1 1 ' T II E R N MEMORIAL ASS.n IA TH .. A meeting of the Southern Me morial Association of the District of Columbia was held tonight at the National Hotel to ascertain how many members of the associa tion propose to attend the laying of the corner stone of the Lee monument, at Liichmond, next Thursday. Dr. A. Y". P. Garnett presided, and Mills Dean officiated as Secretary. Pr. Garnett briefly ed the object of the meet 1 appeaied to tho.-e present stitute themselves indi coinmitiees ',o induce mem mg am to e vidual hers to h lp we!! the crowd on that tbiy. it was Una that the association Richmond in a bodv. !ly resolved proceed to joining t he at the lhihi Maryland delegation more and Potomac depot U 10 a. m. Wednesday next. AV. Peachy and Win. Thomas were pointed a committee to make J). ap ar rangements : lie ti ip. Sla HKTAK . -II i Nit WDIX. Kx Minister W a.-hburne, whose death was officially announced to day, enjoyed the honor of being Secretary of State for a brief term of one week. He was eomm ssioiied March o. ISO1.), and one week there after was succeeded by Mr. Fish. It was charged against Mr. Wash buine 'hat while Secretary he made sweeping changes in the diplomatic service. The records of the department, however, show that he made bur one nomination. Baltimore Sun. The Atlantic i;ai'i-t Aseciation. Lei. i us exercise: v.-ere conducted .11 the morning by Kev. Yv". J. Fuifurd. Delegates from Falling Creek Church W. A. Hood. J. A. Stevens., G. p. Briu and K. 15. Houd. jr.. presented the letter from their church. Ia response to the mvitati m to vi-it-ing breth ren L)r. J. L. llufham an nounced himself as representative of the baptist Orphanage and the Biblical Recorder: Rev. C. Durham a3 the Cor responding Secretary of the Baptist State Convention, and Prof. J. li. Brewer as President of Mufreesboro Female College. Report of the Committee on State Missions was read by Dr. T. Whitfield and discussed by Revs. W. J. Fulford and C. A. Woodson, who are mission aries of the Band. Further remarks were made by Rots. C. Durham and J. F. Love and by Dr. V. J. Montfort. Ryv. C. Durham asked for SlOO in ad dition. The churches pledged the fol lowing amounts in rasponse to this appeal: Antioch. 4. 50: Bayboro. 84 50: Beaufort. Si 50 : Enon. S100: Falling Creek, So. 00: Goldsboro. $17.50: Kins ton, 810: Morehead City. $2.50: Xew Berne. 810 00. and Polloksville. 82 00. A committee on obituaries was ap pointed consisting of J. T. Faton. J. C. Padelford and G. P. Britt. The Moderator announced the follow ing standing committees: M s vvhh j"a thrii Wo j J son. Home Missions V. J. Fulford. J B. Carrol, J. E. Bunn. titate Missions A. J. ILn.s, R II. Lewis, J. P. Joyner. Sunday Schools J. V. J,. C. J. Nelson. V. II Hood. Ten-;-ranee T. J. i. J. P. Turner. Joseph Kir.sey. Education C. S. Ui.-b : ei! . Chae Vhitty, D. W. ilarper. Periodicals J. T. Allritt.n. A. M. Prince, J. D. Roberts. Orphanage J. M. YVc-tcn. J. C. Whitty, YV. J. MoDfort. The churches made the following pledges for State missions for the em.su ing year: Antioch. $7.50; Beaufort. $10; Bayboro. 12: Capernaum. 2.0; Enon. 20: Falling creek. 812 50: F'ort Barnwell. $20: Goldsboro. SlOO: Kin ston, S j0 : LaGrange, S10: Morehead City. 340: Mt. Calvary. S10. New Berne. : Piney Grove in Onflow, ?2 '"0: Piney Grove in Jones, ): IV.loksn iile. 610: Snow Hill. Slu. Letters from Fort Pare, well, New Berne and Finey Grove in Jones were read and their delegates enrolled. A committee on Bible work consist ing of YV. J. Fulford. A. J. Hires . nd C. S. Cashwell was appointed. The report on foreign mis-ions was taken up and thoroughly discussed by Revs. C. A. YVooJjon, C. Durham and J. D. Hufharn. A Democrat's Yien s, Li'iTDK JoI'kxal I have before me your article of Sunday last on the return of the delegates from Raleuh, in which ycu say the Governor intends to turn the State over to his successor as he re ceived it. We beg leave to differ with you. If you had been one of the com mittee you would have been convinced that the Governor has a policy for this road, or to speak plainer, there is a deal on foot to turn this road oyer to the W. & YV . as soon as it i newly ironed to Goldsboro. Do not understand that the Governor said it in so many words, but from hearing him express himself as fully as he did, the writer came to that conclusion, and other members of the committee tvere of the same opinion. The Governor would not state what disposition he pioposes to make of this road, which ij proof positive to the writer he fears, and to make it stronger, knows, this disposition he proposes to make will not suit the parties along the line of ths road, nor will it be to the advantage of the county stock. You eay his predecessor never extended the road. etc.. and why should he'.' The writer should think any Governor of a State would like for historians, when they come to chronicle the time he was . Governor, to be able to point to one act section, and not be compelled to simply state; 'Governor was elected in 4. wa3 inaugurated and served his term." You suggest that the people remain quiet until the nest election. This is a matter we can not let rest. The future cf this city and the welfare of all the counties bordering on both founds, depend on this extension. We are com pletely shut off at this time by the R. ec D. and W. & W. at Goldsboro. We can not expect any prosperity as long as this condition remains, and if the Governor can turn us over to the YV. & W. they wild use us as a feeder and nothing more. We should agitate this question in and out of season, and keep hammering until we succeed, and if wecannotaccomplishthe connection before the comiDg election, we should know if the future Governor favors our proposition. We can not afford to take chances again, as the railroads of the State have become so powerful that the Governors fear to go contrary to their wishes, especially if they wish to go to Congress from districts through which the associate riilroad runs. Dhm ax is i . ,- (iovern incut .Mule 1 When the Pender county jagwump'. Bone Taylor and Wiley Stokes, were arrested -omelime ago for illicit dis tilling in the Holly Shelter section of that county, the revenue raiders sized with other property a mule which it was claimv .1 had been used by the prisoners in hauling corn meal from this city to the stills. The mule? re mained in charge of an officer iu Pen der, and recently parties sought to ob tain possession of it tbrcueh a warrant for "claim and delivery . " but the mule was sent to this city. The papers were then sent to Sheriff Manning to serve, but with all his deputies searching high and low, up to yesterday they had been unable to find th-.t mule. Indeed, it is said that the mule in quet-ti has im proved si. greatly in personal appear ance and in morals since h-1 came into the possession of l lie government, that it is doubtful if his own mother would know him Wilcicgtoa Star. SiK.vt in Virginia. STAVNTuN. Ya.. Oct. 2"). It has been snowing hard ail the morning, but the snow melts as it falls. Chap.lottsvillk. Ya. . Oct. 23. It has snowed hard nearly all day. e x p 1 a ; A 7..::.p.. 1 . -; twenty-thrt e -. ,. two deaths. Perkins. L j pee ec Co Boston, successors to Charles A & Co. . have failed. J.iabiiitif- 840.0e0. The Supreme Court of o!,-. -a deeidi d on Tuesday that the Pro! law dries not forbid the sa! , ; by club; to members. A Chinaman named I.o lie P.. no. pan owner in a laundry at No. 02 Ie-lancpy street. New York, was found '.villi his throat cut from ear to car. in the 1 iun dry Tu-.sJ.-y. U;i account cr tu the Springfield O. the strike of the coa trict. the public - h polled to close. The lumber l,:;,. at Washburn. W, . by creditors on c f-cctreity o! Oil! uistri:t. caused I m iners in that d i o's have b.-i.-n o r 1 c. .'L.x -.- . jen att:: :e 1 orfKreKitinrf has b illl-i about 8100.000 reach 8450.000. ihe liabilities wil ino Ecce Co.. whole i U 1 0 sale li. York. Phila o, th leipuia. preba liab 8705 7:1 a-stts a The I Vincta b.-.ui .': "'.o t : J r i v e r i - f : to i embeia a o ti . w.-paper men made tl-.e cr.cs r.t. in i f i t v on Tuesday The river over at this sc-asci: f has not been llfz il r thirty years. 0". T. Sjhultz. a jut..: csster. Pa., was fined s day fur failing to alien in a case in Lai:- 0 and fots M.T.- 1 ;mrr i a t Tut ?- day. His excuse was that ho did ie t feel very well and he thought it di 1 not matter much whether ho came or r. - t. W. H. Reynolds, editor of a pr.-hi! i tion paper at Holly Springs, Miss., ha? disappeared. He was ajaukoJ icceiit ly by two saloon keepers, aud ;t i feared that he has no v.- Icon ):.a ;.-. with by his L-nemies. The British bark ILalakl.u;.. fr. London to San Francisco, was dis masted during a gale and had her de ;k: stove ia off Cape Horn. During the gale nine men, including the m-.e. were washed overboard and drowned. The trial of Robert G. Hall, a variety actor, for the killing of Sophie E. Smith, alias Lillian Rivers, an actress, in Phila delphia, on the 01 of June lust, resulted Tuesday night in a verdict by the jury of murder in the first degree. John R is ton, the coafiOkr.il.ui. : : e ry of B. C. Feu rot. p. resident of the Luna National Lauk. of Lima. Ohio, has dis appeared. He is a defaulter for several thousand dollars; .-up-osed to have been lost gambling. At Hot Spring-. Ark. . J:s; er Duncan, a murderer under sentence of t?-enty-one years, was shot anil instantly killed by Sheriff Williams last Sunday evening while attempting to escape from jiil. Yesterday the coroner's jury exonerated the sheriff. Andrew Henry, a colored de-pera jo. was shot and fataliy wounded Monday evening at Marietta. Pa., by Henry Harris, also colored. H.jnry ha a as saulted Harris's nether and v,fo en deavoring to force his v. ay ir.tjti.e latter 'a house when -hot. Chauncey M. Depew, at Cl.i kcrlr.g Hall, New York, Tuesday night, har.. duced Charles Dickens, jr. . son of the noveliest, for the first time to an Ameri can audience. The audience filled the hall. It was kindly disposed, and greeted Mr. Dickens warmly. The erection cf a temporary building in Louisville capable of seating ' OeO persons has been agreed upon fertile Moody meetings in that city, an-i it will be ready for occupancy by J:;:;u ; ry 1 The meetings i;I . .ntintto for one month. On account cf th- .urci'.y f coai. caused by the strike cf the co.il miners, the public schools at Springfield. LP, were compelled to close Tuesday. The price of anthracite coal has ad v a need SI per ton. and a 100 per cent, advance in bituminous coal is predicted. Frank and George "Spencer and L u:s Raubein are exhibiting in L'uluth. Minn., a large box of gold nuggets found about forty mik-s north of Grand Mara&is. Cook county Minn. :: of the nuggets was nearly as large as a man's hand and fr-.iu a quarter l; three quarters cf an inch thick. The Chicago ea-t bound roa 's have issued a new tarilf on export freight, making the rates the some via all American ports. The rate en grain, which is the principal article exported from Chicago, is 30 cents per hundred to Liverpool, ;53 cent- to Ron ; . u. and 3? cents to Glasgow. Henry Perhayon, brother-iii-law cf Dr. J. Milton Bowers, now unkr sen tence of death for poisoning hii wife two years ago. committed tukide in San Francisco Sunday. He left a letter confessing that he poisoned his skier for the purposo of obtaining the in surance on her life. He wi- .' ' prin ciple witness nc;aic-: Ik; - rs. Mrs. El ward ILiske. wik- ..f the well known pedestrian man, entered the ciike News in Boston Monday Capt. Cook, the editor, w and admiuietering half an 1 -j , rt t f the IV. ind a-saul ith a c.:w hi adezen Ik before sue was o cause of the attack w; erpowere.!. s. an article ! : i:. in the paper att okin.' I '-!.-, now in Europe. The fut.! r.il - ; -e. ;. the rem .;-. ; ..( ii j;, burne will be hei .k bw.ng v terment Thurrda formal ore rt i liOelll burne's de.oh. ar: i !.-..- d the St. te Depa; t.o.ent t.-. c day cf the funeral and drap ing fur ten day;, thert after. A special from Rio (Iran J says: " t-tarr county, along of Mexico, is in a stale ot t ioan bandi:s ride in gone., streets at night, an i . :; : dare ne t sho-v ti:--''nse! v. a party of bank:; came : mailed two letter- at too p to Manuel Cuerroof iknia: e i th. rn to Senor Donacina them that unless (oircii. i: they imp; tilvm.r ii ae ly .'tivelv. c u:d be '. Gov. raised Slod'OO and $?.0i-0. rei-jv. for the bandits their stores v blown to atoms with dynamit. Rosa tion . has been appealed to for pvete CITY AND VICINITY. : - . - I 'curt ( i; n t ( ::t. i .'. c s 1 ay men. iritf .,- ' i ! '. ' vs. Wm. i v. . . . :. - re u aa-.i . '.' . i e. ;. , , f i n d , n, en t for lai : y i f p !a j. imps fr -ia the p rt " Ct I. eh en's X roa js. IJ.-aufort ' There wt re several witnesses cx .mira i and the e iJence. specially r-.s t.. i '. arac'Li r of th'- postmttfter at that o:'i . v.-a ecnili Hi dr. Th case was iiiVo 1 i y WW. Cdark and L. J. Moore f r ::. - f r. in::, and by Messrs. Bus-biea--i l'icble-. for the government. i a c- i i r v ! i akT' A rr.i-j-iria! re- al . and the defer.. lain w ao -.- r t ! ). r. . .x t term of t he T; :.(' I: st co .. t;. ii Jl Up . . S v- ". Kek." and oth. rs. Tin.- is the r;ic n.-ain-t the 1. -urd ..f eanvassrrs of Cra- "f e.ejI'.'V ir; t'-. .- ( ;e-;ti n , f - -. ; f, r f.iiiii;;- to c.u.ot il. '-'i :i r. '.or;.- f. r r' p: i se nt:iti in ('entrees. ( O . I- - Cirri- n r re.o r n A f r - i n , 1 ' ' fcrsdar.ts: Hue bee and Peebles for the g " ( rnment. TI e i" t "-e... , ..it, - to i 1. " f, .. .... tain rs ; iry fr- n the regular panel a prroo' ,f ,ix. win, in 'r.i- n-d draw:, fr. :n the k'.. Th. cvernnsviu being sati-ikd . the dtfeii lants stood aside a juror. The special vetkro having been e xhausted His Honor n.kred another cf t n to !e drawn and eubrt.-rtacd t" rep rt this morning at kJ o'clock. The grand jury having tirk.-he.i their wrrk weio di-tharged for the term. Toe petit jur.r.- not engaged in the trial le .v n ii:,K' v, . re. a Is., d 1-eh a rea- : f , r tie term. ' ' im to a ! f. '." "1 '; Thor- I iv ;o mi-e-. L . rt ." :; v :. ! . :. : r- : .y n; : i o. .- :.t k' o'clvli. The cose of k. S. v.-. R C. Kehee and oihe-vj wasr. -unud. Tiie list of tales juror- drawn en Wednesday evening w fhan-te d bef re the jurv v;i 'on.pieted. The court directed the mar.'hal to pa out an I subp.ena three more: f v m th o the jury was com pleted. Assistant attorney R. k. Peebles read the bill of indictment. i. iiubbs. K. yv. Carpenter. R. p. Wiiiiams. II. k I'.ryan Robt. Hancock. jr.. E. II. Meadow s and J. k. Rhem were sw orn a- witne.-sts for the g-.v.-r nment. 1 1 .t i . ,, . r- ,r,o,. I .i,t ii " ..v.n.lU..l .Utothe r.. !! f the- r;pp 'intment of the board , , , , oi c::nv.:,:-er- nridlhe ret u r lis i . U d 1 y th' n.l. Mr. PiiA'ee real the-ak-tra I f the returns as made up by the board. Mi . Carpenter was examined as to the returns, tiled in his office from the 0th precinct, okh ward, and Camp Palmer, which ho said were tiled several days aft'-r the meeting of the canvassing board and then by the registrars from thct-e precinct:; in resp. r.se to a writtin notice from him. Mr. Pu.-lvo introduced ti; -e to sh w that th j .: f t:!.int - had r j eu 1 'he r - turns fr on these precincts. W. YV. lark argued to the t nut t'.oit tk. ; v a : no s vidcr.ee that these v. - re oikk.J returns cr that th- y ware Oil-- -u !.. l a m rs a ; Mr. Carp- r.: r t. tiii- d f the l.an ';- writ in;: f Mr. i..vi!;. the nhi n r if the Gin precinct. Mr. Clail: rai-iu the p-oint that Mr. Lovick was n t a number of the can v.:?s:ru bvar.L and under the law had n - lkht t . !o.-' thy returns in hk pes- - . . . :.-. !'.: - .- sugge- tt -i in l! !:::. I' int v. n'.d !, rai-- d tuither on. Mr. C C. C-i .rk stated that the dcfeii- dar.t- .1: .-ire -1 to go ir.io the merits o the case at once, and thought that the ca.-eeoul.l I e e.-r.sid. rahly s-,.i tei,e,; ly this courso. Mr. II. R Pi van was e-sankm ! and te:-ti:kd to the inanrif r .f con i u.-tir g th." c.anva--. 1 y th.e I oard. He 1 a 1 a incrn-jianduni ot the I roce. dint-s. v. . 1 1 -t- n cut the next day after the canvass h. o-ed to refresh h.is tnen-.ory. Ho wa.- urder the impression that the car.va---were swern irj and after wards tie se from Camp Palmer and tio- -.1: ; re: ir.'-t of the .th w ard wet e it ; 't- a k eau-e t'nty were- registrars. II. J. l.vi :k vvas sv.ein and ir.tr..-,.Ju.- 1 f- . ti-.e Kavernnunt. He Hap d that l:e v.-a roj.-ct. d before being sworn as a m--; :b- r i f the Loar.i. lie had the returns in his hand and thought he . re- nt. d to- :;i. Ik left as se'e n as he was r. ; ;. i and . ri b .1 the r turns witl e. w a: f xaniincd as .ieh the canvass w as t t..a tr.ur.l.i r i: !; P. -knk.m-. k H. Meadow s and J. k Rhem wi rc examined a to holding a c T.fei a nee v. i;h r.-.eml.i rs i f the board 0 f . .; a- h ' r-.-turns were inva-sed. Th. y knew io lior-g !' nry mch c n fcrrnco. The ge,7f rnn.ei t retted its cafe hi ia . The defeli.ianta w ere sworn and R. . I! kodge and R. C. Kdiee exanjine.k Thev testified that in organizing the 1 ear.; f e:invatr rs they endeavored to f i! ov ih.. statute : t hat they d id not tlo'nk- a registrar could lawfully be a RHSnler of the hoard, and that no re - turn- iv,;.- i r.?ini i iromt.'amp Pal- m. r pre-anei an.i the t'oh precinct, '.th Ward. w!e 11 4. he V Were Called. Atte rr,. y jt e opi n; .i me in gumei.i r the e : vei n n ii nt in w h n h lo- insisted n ( e-i. lid i. a kor and im ;u: returned a a t- r tiemg ciut . 'a : io tah,!! ( , kl- ti. ((hie. i, -..Co a ". ef I o -ria. me- acci-pted a i:o..;-.;: n. . f ;!. Onei kemocratic ..::.;:; .-t . ni a 1; " :" or s j e(.L-hi s i n t hat s- ... , mni'-neoia .t. Vv. Th (iov . . i ..; :- ivs i,e w ;il :;.-t .ii-- ;;-s tin- candi ; ,;. - :. io aai ;;-uea. I nt will cur. eel w ,.h his !' ii . . ; t ... of i lino ' in the interest of truth, frafmuv and unity. ( :,,v. i . rdon is one e! th-. :io-t elo'iuimt and magnetic ap-aht r. m tii-- country, lo'oi his c:.un-e! niie'nt be hoard with t.re.t'o in- --evor:,l R -I.llb! If an 1. . IllClitl)!- J t ' t n Ohio, includin-fiov. 1'oraker Haiti mere Sun. nt from these N v ! : - . . ( . tJX J r - ?" $t frt i Absc-i.t:;'; Sure. This powder nevi r vr-nee. A mirral nf Porlty.Btxenict.'i. m.-i v.-i. .meneB. Mart) economical than t in- .rdinarv kinds, and Mil not b sold In tv-m ; -n wit:; the maltltod ' of low leet. Met! w, ::;0 1 . ;:i e .1 or pbospbt powders. !.:. p..:.s. Kc.tal Blinkj Powdsk .. 1 : ... i; o novls-lrdw L .r eal o: :: v, ;I; Miller. Sali, I . I;i:nt, : i ink I : (!. .mil ;;.is. ;1 . ; : I'laie'ei-. i :n t -. C : Ali (irmk's ( Oi)MN(i AND !Ii:.TI.(; ST(k lis, AT BOTTOM PRICES! U. i l i LER, 2( b & 28 Midulo Street, NPYV HP UN Ik N. ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN Fine Flour of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices, Butter and Cheese, from the best dairies. I hi' Largest m.,1 Kent seli-rtfd KtooU a rs n k.d kih its ajd vkuetaul ever !!.. re i-rotmli! t. New llcrnt. Also. ,ifnM v,u,ey of oil,,-r (mods. uma ,T kepi in a I-.rst-riMK store. (Io.hIh delo.-icil i.t in,,- pat, ot iie fnioil i!,nrs... I Kit MS ASH. MitMIe .St.. IH'M t 1 1 tlllipli rej "!" Ard. Now I?ori.. N. C. . FOSTERS SOUTH CAROLINA GARBLE W0R KSf JlFK'F. N. '- i ; . ai 1 Wfjn ijUirt L - -VssiJ ; H '! 4 l --W Monuments Tombs- AR-: a: . & :r.:i i . t k.u I- .; : i.k work in MARBLE ' . or, r-pt nttontior ITALIA Ord - - xv. S.i-.e ' ir : eo . -j prietor ;-i pooiti li. WV.S su. i -;Vo, A'. C : i: I agen , k--n J Vr , . i ; . . . . . , W o 1 euler in s i ? V GROCERIES ,h . 1: -liaise, j.iiIMJ M 'II !.S KtC Conik'nr.e" i.t of (ira.n. C n and other I'rodui'e solieiied . l'roi.ipt Attention it:.i -tintocd. N. W. I'.-r. S .uth Prent I; nd MiddleSt" Nik.V HlUNtk N. Wanted humediately I 5,000 to 10,000 ACRES LAND, W(. t irllll.r, j j.i, Pkko near trans- I ,ortaU' n' W. 31. 31o el. HEAL ESTATE AGENT. d w MOST 15U1LLI ANT, PURE & PERFECT LENSES Ji tiio .oI-lrt. o . c i lot I i-M M . . e t a,', arftiice to ' . . , -. , .I i e:.ii i'K the a. ,::,-.. i ra! lent". In . , - 1:1 I I . e- I i.M.KS, i . i : l i ! o Ficlam i , ' - , .. I . a . ' le 1 s SetlHtOr. ', . . ' ' ;.'.:-: . !!. Ill nil prO 'i ,1 ' -. : ; It oe : .s nt I rade, , : . en e I ui veil who . ', ! i s . t iiepooi .1 b their use. 1.. c. , I ai i rvr.s i'ittmo mi -ri' r I II I.I ItA Mr.l'.U BY t T-i --, r I, - F. S. LP U f r x , uruggl, k 1 -v i -,v. K J: i

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