HlJtf "y-prtr. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Torirm &B.OO Per Vok.r. "VOL. X. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, NOVEMBER 17. 188 NO. 33. r- i ' -- v jJJ AND Sli0is5Boots5Slioes, .ta?frj r W ndcTor GOOD tad will st J1 times sell at REASONABLE TERMS. Ws offer t wholes). P. Lorilisri 4Co' Snuff, -ZAfmw A Oo.s ProTUionj, ' BfclFt Btv Lja and Potash, Ziegler Broe. Fie Shoes, Tie Bey 8Ut Bhoe and "Leather Co.'s hhoes and Boom, The Celebrated Pearl Shirta, Harrey's Old Tnckahoe Tobacco, Hoo. Tboe. M. Holt's Alamance Plaids, Ard a fall line of General Merchandise at Lowest Market Prices. Bargains ! Bargains GEOBgI ASH, W3E CLO-TFHtEl? - .WkUrt w Goeds hare MERIT and QUALITY, tej taperln-ltliancsscfto City : XVW are eamkt tiii Maadb- with a' Mgrer atock of gocxi ian we coald " Lr triiaM kual ai rermlax bricet. therefore we have TAKEJT OFF THE if PHOFTTLaad ar HOW CtlTTINQ INTO THE C0ST;OP THE :!:tj;M3lYei.rTImo!to Secure Real Bargains! . ?f l'k Warkif P.ata as low down as 60c. . Gw4 Vans Orerijoau for onlj 92.00. . - osuu c preUT latr material, out r To JBwat onr';fine aaita . t appreciate tho Bargains in them; the. frioe arc low w2J wonder how they ean be made for the money ; the mt k. Ihaeaanot, bnt they mnJST. BE SOLD, and soon too, no ? xzxttax Whit tna price. . J: r'i la all iiadj af Goods we can give r'-.v In Ladiea' Walkinf JsekeU and JTewaurkota, Shawls and. aUweel Blanket : sad L9 Bakea w are aiakinr 8 racial DriY&I. and -thotarft inif fast aaw Bis. WaJkinr Jacks foi oolr - rd &0e. v UfH fa alota WiaUrHaW&Oo,, vonlr f50. . TtlrfMl lis a mf Ma'a mxi Ra WistnMTK. tit alf:st-Iasf and -o4aea.'iilviM.vfTAatf imtAh. vhm..!. kiA.m k -v j - . J 3r -Xdi tna Bnttoa Shoes at 75e. and avfuuoL. ,. fall atoek of Our NOW Celalrrated S3T.0 2JenTs Shoca again on aaaa. a. mil t aaraatM riren wiur stbstt par, ' '-Wa aavtatt season the largest and most tastefnl ssortment of Neckwear ' . aavo sraf kad. A. tne silk lined Scarf, new snap. forS5c - -OXIS 8TOCET0F trSBEBWEAB- is; especially, lwgs. In order to ' dioM sf itvttn soiling it at HALFj PBICZ- " f: , . . leraai Gao of Saspenders and raoee, Handsosie all silk Stppenders. wit tXastio-sads, naported English webs and English ends. Also G a jot's eleVraUd "Hretellee Hygieniquea'," an imported French Suspender. . . Vkhaadkerehvsfs of aaiqao designs and lovely shades. Gentlemen's fine .. "? Ha-sa aad caabrto kasdkerehiefjs, colored borders and hem stitched. r vKoi rpso"nogb to snsmerate all - Teal good dowaright bargains call on JText to L. H. Cmtler, or at the Branch Store, lower cornr i. . of Federal Alley, in the Bishop Boilding. JST" DATED M. JOKES of Carteret and DAVID CANADT of Onslow are lookiagoat for their friends and will treat them right. mi i -fT - - Fnllflines of the above Shoes for sale by illOWASB VJ0HES, pole agents for New Berne. 1 n tot r ! lllT1llt(l l tm raaa SHAKESPEARE JfaflfcfT cmB Bteoo mti Bhakeapeare, bat THE PUBLIC n will M thir mooey by buying Dry Goods, Boots, AF.f.r Pattersons Stas, 'V-mnM v rmfrf . Alhrt wor I1W PRICPS it Itali hhli Hjitrt tui mkfA p t All oooj petitory the Volunteer waa ahead ef the MIr FrVre for Coij YTaVaa by ecaring a pair of Wool Blnku, hand some Oom (mUMyVooUa UcUrw f I'M and Women, Neat rad Notoby TUa for ngg. Aim, fin Hwt0 of Bovdarrd Handkerchief for Ladiea and (ienttomen, - oafrtt rfcM-erTBMMry CoIU". Cvffa, Sbirta. Marioo Underwear. 8bwla. ' amkaJ"H. BBd 8atcbl. ZlaU. Cape, Piece Oooda in fact eerr thing in MtMlIBMnSI to tDf DIJOD. EEADY-MADE CLOTHING a 9ocil(r. for Boy. Tovtha aad Ha. at prioey ao low that would caoee the CtarMEJtHr oa "Bill Hye'e" ha4 ia aetooielimeat. jZeUjm are daactrooa, o eon while yea hare the opportunity and eeeure VertLa t ' : Th to! atlo ef thil prale may to obulaed ht f. T. PirtUreon'i Store ; OFFER FOR SALE THEIR C&30- to kep onlj GOODS, i ? 'S. . , BaTfaiDS that fcftnBOt be pnyl;fXrpflrm U--tttt iO. JJenV, WooL Eats at 25c. " - f ' . : - - wr . 7 -uuftfuj (T'VuwtD'u'ui f 1.00, good ones we do not keep our bargains and attractions. Bat for pt:n. Umr mma l nm.n m wyt An ronrmfTrr & JAM K-4 I1MSS S HOK V Um JAJMKS MKAKSSJSHOK.MMltii(MroariMill TVmtrr"y woi imm gai miu iryMra flMmif tnm talm. JAMES MEANS S4 SHOE WlB Bat wv m kmc at tba JAfYIES MEANS S3 SHOE; T-rstrw I snsv-i tr mn wSntt crptrr i r rwr'f M Vrstel to cali for a litter and mora dr y ! Una i iAMfl MBAVS 3 SHOE- Oir 1 Um hmm wtaihirsrsrd for ttwtt a pcrrABfiU rpatsUjoA tmeotm&xt a-st UarabdRjr trcri UumM that bu ntrkiwti tbm Kforj of ls) irasV. So ccmprtltorv an Asiwt9rcrj t- 1H Jirar ytnra sV 6hoe ia Rs .t ttjIUA, ami :t 1a aa rttirmbU? any a.o of tti rM vvr aora fsxfufrl. TTa couMmlfy utn I" at la tttt vrtai n apcc fNa Jamra Mc-ani S-l Shoo vJl iwai-wvU llyvt rV-h hMrn i:l-m rrtScd 4 rr T Tt hl I w-rsj.! tr? ir.! t-.-3asrs csOf ai-'. It Ym m awrt:w inKH b-Ktcxn a t'- It f t r ft sTtswtn. a&si rrotjli pa "Hrval-lc fc- rrlVcfw ttw fit X m It - wrn jmvtm wfis ami ' 8wf vtn th fl-ft ; h fnifT7 f bxtfTT'y af-:-! IT mo In tirfc d'upfnlttsd ir nfrsrr iJTrrrjH Sb. r'f xrf"-'w orftU ro taM-l 700 iKat it i aairr to b-J v t "axi Bid -f ra4T a irrK-m. nt! r thai t s a ai y tm . ;Vrw7r. T Jvm sor in HiM If I .U rrto:ltrt trii-riit ta Cfi'l Satr. wo w r, jj'sir" OMta ilv wuhia yf ra--h . uj an 5u:i tr Icrr.i-r-, if yosi Will aa4 aa a poaLai carU. James Means & Co. 41 Llncofn St Boston. I'ilH.H.IINiWIin 4 all w ml, (.jo bi tMm. tea. Taa ftrX$ (aim uu ui la'UO OMaM); faa at fnaii siSk srsf! Sis Wtaa 9 MMkaaiaMHTia TKATHIST. S KaiU. p. Tr. HoLlS. ttet, H HARRIS REMEDY CO- Bra Cmar r.Xtoax. Bfo. Trtsi cf our AppiMano. Aof Twinti may. and a their pat- 8hoes and Notions nsa - f w SOOWBT For Th JotfWA.L. HEREAFTER. . The trm of life, it flows on, in its way; ) Be whit i( may, we know not what It U. i The (rMt Creator rule, and to his away ' We bow, and know fall we.l ail power U hU. Man, insect that he is, in life's short span Seems somstimes to forget, on earth his star Is bat a moment. Yet, oh foolish man, . Hell dig and delve, and strive to have his way ; A selfish motive prompts his every set; For gain he barters all he holds most I dear. If onoe his mind could only grasp the fact How brief at bt hia journey can be here. ; uui uiui is setfCDB, iao uuu tun iuin , above , In great omnipotence and in glorious mood. 1 I) . . l . l r " J . V. . . ' Hae blinded man to all but selfish love its members will not see their par- Of what to him may bring the greatest j ty flag trailed in defeat that brings good. j dishonor with it. The apparent And so man Uvea within and struggles . . . . ',, . i, oj,. B Democratic victory means that the Each in his little way, his progress I People of Philadelphia have re makes; solved to boas the bosses, and that And 7fcne doth watch man's course, j 18 the whole Rtorv." from night HI morn; And Death too, now and then his toll he takes. Progress and onward! let this be the shoat. The world was made for man, but toim prove The spirit, taers is breathing within bis frame Tr At Kim tnr m smir tTthr kata Within these lands the darkness fades j will be gravely announced that the ; motive power is still farther cheap fiom view, i men who wonlrt make the Sabbath i ened sav in another generation 1 His eyee are open to his selfish greed, tr7e downfall, and we shall be as grave Hi heart will turn, when from Time's 'y asanred that the strict and care shackles freed . W.J. ! fnl observers of the day were not . satisfied with him. Reasons will ' t : i Ukl . COMMENTS 0 THE RESULTS. 1 VIKW3 OF THE LEADLNO PAPERS ; DKMOCBATIO REJOICING. j CommsntiDg on the results of i Tuesday's election, the New York ! Herald, ind., says : "The elections J are a complete triumph for the ad I ministration. The victory is along the whole line. The national, state and municipal administra tions were alike on trial, and the verdict as regards President Cleve land, Governor Hill and Mayor Hewitt, 'Well done, good and faithful servants !' We cannot overestimate tbe significance of thia verdict in its effect npon na tional politics. Whatever the faults of the Democrats in the part the stupidity and caprice shown in ifeaftsg jritlrtbe.war and fW issues 4b'y-'hv&tt won toaoi aublic LcOwfidjjDce:- JvljetSft? tbli,i owing to the b.nr&trri.dT Of t'leve land or 'tie aiioiral rn&Uaet to be HbpBeat Wite kjiaw.".LBat it is $ itetna t&.s$w xptK Elections the- Democratic irtj'' is $octj, to use a sporting lfoaHnav0rit." i Jyt-Xvk.itoesrep. : "On the CC4ss)rttf!el9ltted ia the canvass iSSUAnii oahe Be on the I)emocrtio aide, the verdict of Tuesday is complete, satisfactory aad convincing. Mr. Piatt is hope lesely discredited as a leader. To the fortanes of Piatt as aBepubli can 'boss' this ueteac ahoaia be disastrous. If it be not that, then it is sure proof that disaster, and disaster only, awaits the Bepubh can party under his domination. The vote of Tuesday serve notice oa the Republican party that Piatt and "Biaine, whom, for the time being, PUtt represented, must be given np or all hope of success in tbe presidential campaign next year ranst be abandoned. That such notice ha been served is a great gain lor honest government, not only in this State, but in the nation." New York Tribune, rep. : "We see no reason for Republican dis may in this result. The Democrats have won by the moat trt mentions exertions. They have been able to assess the employees of the Fede iai, State and municipal govern ments foe funds, which were swollen to great proportions by the aid of liquor dealers who were determined to pan is h the Bepablican party for enacting trmperance legislation. It is notorious that the Democrats have beep supplied with money in this campaign to an extent only seen heretofore in presidential cam paigns, and it has pot been wasted oa processes qpdre&sed to the rea son of voters. At the same time the prohibition fanatics have at tacked the other flank, and by sheer iteration, and activity have j produced, a considerable result. ' i New York World, ind. : "The re-; salt of tbe eleetion ia thi State j aettlei,three points as thoroughly , as any political event can be settled ; in advance : President Cleveland will be renominated by his party. ' f r UlainA vi!1 nnf. hu iArnm i nflf prl ! by the Eepublicans. Mr. George will not control the election next year. New York is the pivotal State. Mr. Cleveland's frienrJsi have had a complete triumph. ! They are entitled to the fruits of the victory. Grover Cleveland is indeed a lucky man, and James G. ; Blaine may be said to be a dead : cock in the pit." New York Sun, dem. "Due credit for the cohesion and confi dence that brought about the glori-, ous result of Tuesday should be ; given to Grover Cleveland, whoso manly and sensible letter was as ! timely as it was wise." 1 New Y'ork Star, dem.: "The 1 . - j. i: r l T . : 7 a acre, npon land need as a hog pas ted States congratulate the people t ' and the 9 wiU be deoy. tof the country on the magnihcent ed ,Q tfae d h of gix jnches A victory that has been won here llke proportion of lime mixed in part ui tae country, uar sigui 6ncc68 insures a Democratic State victory next year and a Democratic i Federal Government for (box years ! from March 4. 1889. The mae - ! niflnAnt PHnlt im. 1 - r r It- d na f - tYa ajd Df federal and Stat leaders to Cleveland and to Hill, no less " than to Hewitt and the hundreds j of Democrats of national renown, who have magnauimonslj, without I solicitation, taken a neighbor's part in our defense against the combina tion of open foes with secret trait ' ors. The solidarity of the Demo jcratic party won in 1834 is firmly fixed. The question of tbe candi dacy for President in 18SS is no longer an open one. ' Cleveland toel bjr Bfw York, The peopte'ance Anarchy, Beer and Clatnr. of New York have already answered C'e-Yftland."' Commenting on the result in Philadelphia, the Time?, inil., of that city, says: "The election of Krambhaar and Dechert, Demo crats, as sheriff and coutroller is clearly the triumph of the Repub lican citizens' committee and the j ; 1 ! ( ' ; individual Republicans who re volted at the arrogant assumption of individual power in party con - trol. The triumph comes to the Democrats simply because in pre - senting Mr. Krumbbaar and Mr. Dechert they taught the important lesson to all parties offering candi- dates who are of clean record, irreproachable character and posses- sine admitted fitness lor the public . . duties thev sought, and when the dominaat party of this Republican stronghold Bball learn that ltsson Philadelphia North American, rep. : "There will be many reasons assigned lor this crushing and over whelming defeat of Boss Leeds. We shall be told that the liquor dealers and rum drinkers defeated him, and we will be told that it is ail due to the pro d i oi t io u i s t s . it ja Je8t were the cause of Leed's I l as pieiuiiui a tviruienLuuco iu i the streets, including the explana tion of tbe boss himself that 'treachery done it," but in every heart there will be the conscious ness that this was an nncompromis inz strucle between the desire ior c-" r- try pure and capable government and tbe demand of arrogance and in- competency. It was the boss against the people, and the people have won. Washington Post. dem. : "All in all, it is a triumph all along the line, and one with which the demo cratic party in the country at large may well be satisfied. It settles the country's status, and demon strates beyond question that the election of 1888 can only result in continued democratic ascendancy' How to Make Money. RAISING COTTON AT THE PRES BY ENT TRICES. Firstly The head man should own a -yaller dog." By having a dog of that color, lie will take in more wild meats, such as coons, 'possums, squirrels, rabbits, Sec, than any other kind of doe ; and that is the way he will have to get bis meat. Secondly The head man should be cross eyed, nnd if not already so, he should get an oculist to cut a small cord on the inner side of the eyes, so as to turn them out an angle of about forty-five degrees, lie should also be a good gunner and trapper that whilst he is . l i : : i i. ii l suoouuk a squirre., u coum ue , 8ue thfl OQCe 5 tm the looking for a rabbit or bird at the map js recat upoa thfi laa pn). same time. vided, and no one shall desist with- Thirdly The proprietor of the!0utthe consent of the other two. cotton farm should own mules that are crop-eared, blind in both eyes and bob tailed. The object in hav ing mules of that kind is this: he can buy them in for two dollars and fifty cents, for that is all the money be can put in mules. Fourthly The cotton planter should have bis own force and never let his children get of age ; as their birthday rolls around, move np the dates. The boys should be freckle faced and red headed, and should wear chip hats, with the tops out, so as to ste the 'bar;" also copperas pants, cut so as to come about halfway between the knee anoT ankle, and should go bare-footed with one suspender, and that fastened on with a wooden peg Fifthly The head man 6hould consider it a part of his religious duty to keep his children in igno rance and work them 10 to 13 hours per day, and never visit the towns or cities except to sell produce, then keep in the middle of the streets to prevent being tempted to buy anything from the "land sharks :' and if a guano agent should mention fertilizer to him, i stretch him out at full length with a club that he should carry along with him. Sell his coon skins to pay his taxes, live at home and board at the same place. Follow out these instructions to the letter and there is money in cotton at the present prices. Should the foregoing instruc tions catch the eyes of tobacco planters, don't feel stuck up, for the same rules and regulations will apply with equal force to them, only I think a little more so, for whilst he is catching one "wornim"' he could be looking for another at the same time. Jacob Never .Sweat, Jr., in Progressive Farmer. Lime Destructive to Hog Cholera Germs. Dr. Salmon is reported to have said at the meet ing of the Society for Promoting Agricultural Science that lime will kill the germs of hog cholera. It was advised that the lime be ap pueu ai me rate ui uii) uusueis per ! manure piles containing the germs, will also kill them. : "Uncle," said a young man to an experienced old gentleman, "I am 1 tfoine to propose to my sweetheart ha pvpnincr. And 1 wi.qh vnn'rt rutat (me a little as to how to manage in I case she should not listen favorably .. . to my suit. "Well, lom, if she says, in a decided tone ot voice, 'I never love you,' don't lose heart, Jor there will yet be hope. But if she softlyjsays, 'No one, dear Tom, baa more sincere wishes for your happiness than I,' you might as wall take your hat aud leave at once." ' The A, B, C of socialistic disturb EdisiB oh tht Labor igfcon. Thomas Edison, the electrician, when asked by a newspaper inter viewer what he thougLt of the Keely motor, replied: "I have never seen it, so I have no opinion about it. But ail the results he is said to have obtained can be got from compressed air. All the air in this room can be condensed into ; a liquid that coald be carried in a i 1 filbert shell, and it explosive force ' would bo tremendous. Skillfully i 1 released and reconstructed, it would move a great machine.-' In reply to the question, 'When motive power gets to be four times as ' cheap as it is, Mr. Edison, what wili i j become of the laboring man!" i "He will be enriched by it. . Ma- j chinery will be his slave. See how ; machinery has multiplied in the j last fifty years. A.a direct rejgUt, workingmen get dobhs Che wages of life cost only half as much. In other words, a hand worker can to day buy four times as much with ten hours ot wort as ins lamer could fifty years ago. tor the first time in the world's history, a skilled mechanic can buy a barrel of flour with a single day's work. The machinery in the United States represents the labor of a thousand million men, Or fiftv j times a-s much labor as that of all ; toe men in me country. nen ,' believe that the unskilled laborer, if sober and industrious, can have a house os his own and a horse and Iarriage and a library and a piano, ct is terrible stupidity that leads some laboring men to suppose the thing that giyes them indepea dence and even fieedom. With out machinery society would drift into the conditton ol master and , slave. The multiplication ol machinery means for every worker more food, better clothes, better house, less work. In fact, 1 believe that the indefinite increase of machinery is going to solve what , ,t. , , .. , tolkscall 'the labor question- that is, the desire ot hand workers to eet a bigger slice of the margin , of profit." A Reported Quadruple Alliance. The intelligence that England has in some sort joined the triple alliance renews the interest every one must feel in this great combina tion. As entered into by Germany, Austria and Italy the alliance is said to be primarily defensive, hav ing for its aim the maintenance of peace on tne oasis oi existing . treaties. But the alliance provides i for offensiye action, in concert, on j land and sea, against any power I which alone or with allies under takes by an aggressive act to break the peace of Europe. Any act looking to a forcible disturbance of the existing distribution of power in Europe or in the Mediterranean would be an "aggressive act" with in the meaning of the compact. The territorial modifications to be achieved by the combined action of the three powers is stipulated. The powers obligate themselves to pur I The inclusion of the Mediterranean in the area under the care of the I alliance shows that it is aimed chiefly at Russia, with France as a j possible ally. It is not asserted that Lord Salisbury has brought j the British Empire into the alliance I without some reservations. Prince Bismarck would probably insist npon limitations upon his responsi bility for Kussian attacks on India, or lor French proceedings ia the New Ilebrides it that was still an opex question. But he and Salis bury have common ground in Bul garia and Egypt, and EQgland, it is supposed, eugages to act with Germany, Austria and Italy only in questions affecting English in terests on the Danube and Zs'ile. Balto. Sun. The Remedy For Social Ills The advocates of the new theory j of property, in their revision of the Bible, would giye ns an improved i version of the parable of the Good j Samaritan. They tell us that when the proud Levite and the selfish priest had passed by the wounded man, a Kind communist came down that way, and began to whisper in the sufferer's ear: "My friend, you have been much in error. You were a thief yourself when you were amassing your private wealth; and these gentlemen who have just re lieved you of it with needless violence have only begun in a hasty and unjustifiable manner what must soon be done in a large and calm way for the benefit of the whole community." Whereupon, we are to suppose the man was much enlightened and comforted, and became a useful member of society. But Christ says that it was a Samaritan, a man of property, ridiQg on his own beast, and carry ing a little spare capital in his pocket, who lifted up the stranger, and gave him oil and wine, and brought him into a place of security, and paid for his support. And to ! every one that reads the parable he savs: ''Go thou and do like- ; wise.'' Here is the open secret of the regeneration of society in the , form 0f a picture. And it we want it in the form of a philosphv we may get it from St. Paul in hve words: "Let hin that stole steal, no more (reformation), but rather ! let him labor (industry), working! with his hands that wheih j is good (honesty), that he may ; have (property), to give to him that needeth (charity. "-Forum. The water that tlows from a spring doesn't congeal in winter. i Sothose sentiments of friendship l .ll C .! !. i which now Irom the heart cannot be frozen in adversity. Actions, looks, words, steps, form the alphabet by which you may spell character. A Nevada man who started out to look for a gizzly bear found him in time for dinner the bear's dinner. j The future destiny of the child is - ! always the work of the mother. 'Napoleei. Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners of Craven County. ' The board convened oa Mcnday, Nov. 7th, at 11 o"clock, all being present. Ordered, That the double tax imposed against Robert Agent on E ist Front st.. in No. S township, be reduce 1 to a sin gle tax. The doubld tax imposed agaiuet S. H. Coward on 473 acres of land in No. 1 tow nship, for t! vear 197, was remit ted upon con J it. f his paying a sicgle tax. J. J. Bryan of No. 3 township was re lieved from double tax for the year 18S7 upon piyment of a bin'e tax. The valuation of the lot listed to B. H. Ipock in No. 8 town3hip for the year 1SS7 was reduced from $250 to 3200. , The committee appointed to settle the ! accounts of Meyer Oahn, late sheriff submitted the following report: j enounty f Commissionei3 of Cra" j We committee appointed to i make 8ettiement between M. Hahn, ox- sheriff, and Isaac Patterson, county treasurer, beg leave to submit our final report, which embraces nothing but Schedule B, as we made at a former meeting a report as to general county taxes. In making our examination of the records in the office of Register of Deeds 1 we discover such gross discrepancies in me Beiuemem 01 ai. xiauu, ex-tiienu, with ths county for the past six years, : tbat we were compelled to examine his account for that period, so that we might make a correct report. M. Hahn ; qualified as Sheriff of this county De- j , cember, 1SS0. We find that he is , ,' charged with schedule B tax from and ' j including December 3'.st. 1SS0 up to and ! I including June SOth, 18SC. a period of I six years, amounting to S3, 37G. 72. For : i the same period of trme he paid the The county and State tax being about the same, and if any discount or allow ances were made the amount paid the State would show the balance after all ( allowances were deducted. His settle ment with the county for that period of six years shows that he paid the county ; S6.956.62, showing a discrepency of 1430.10 in favor of the county and un- accounted for by ex Sheriff Hahn.: Should the allowances and deductions ; ! 51Ioed SheritT Hafhln reduce the amfJ": i due the county to the same amount he, J id thp State then there would be a discrepency of 51,168 07 unaccounted I for. We have made several appointments with ex-Sheriff Hahn so as to c've him an opportunity of explaining and show ing to the committee that he had paid the county what he owed on the said schedule B tax, but up to the present time he has failed to keep said appoint ment and meet said committee. Therefore we now bring the matter directly to the attention of the Board, and recommend that a suit be brought upon his official bond for the amount due the county and the penalty . To recapitulate. Amount due county for Scheiule B tax from and including Dec. 30, lSsO. up to and including June 30, 18S6 S8.376 72 Amount paid county 0,940 62 Due county by ex-Sh'n Hahn SI. 430. 10 All of which is respectfully submitted. W. G. Bkinson, S. W. Latham. T. H. M ALLISON. Committee. The county voucher heretofore issued to Jefferson C. Davis for the support of Jacob and Hannah Burns was ordered j in future to be issued to Mrs. Victoria Perry. i The clerk was ordered to issue a . voucher to Chas E.Slover, guardian, for S91.50 to be credited on note due him, j endorsed receivable in payment of . taxes. The petition of L. J. Chapman and t Others for a public road was taken up : and tho report of the jary laying out eaid road, beginning on Neuse road at ' the old cartway about two hundred jards below River-, side Church, condemning twenty feet for the use of said road i running to line of Amelia KirkmaD, I thence across the lands of Amelia Kirk- , man to Zeb Loftin's Hue, thence with, Joseph H. Dixon "s line and John Vi", : Kirkman's line to the said Joseph H. Dixon's mill, thence to the lot gate, from thence with the old cart road to Vm. Kirkman's, Sr.. cutting off such points as the overseer may eee fit to the I advantage of public travel, was con- firmed and the clerk ordered to fHrnish , the supervisors of roads and bridges in i No. 1 township with a copy of the order. The chairman was directed to endorse receivable in payment of general coun ty taxes vouchers No. C37, 517 and S03 issued to Dr. R. G. Cobb and No. 795 issued to W. C. Brewer. Vm. J. Moore, on account of poverty and infirmity, was placed upon the pauper list withe monthly allowance of Si. 50 per month. Joseph H. Dixon was appointed on Fence Committee of No. 1 township in place of W. H. Adams, resigned. T. A. Green and others appeared be fore the board as a committee appointed by a public meeting of citizens to ask the board to order an election on sub scribing 40.000 to a railroad to Wash ington and 60.000 to a railroad to Wil mington. WT. H. Oliver and Jas. t . Clark appeared before the board with a ' petition asking that the consideration I of the question be postponed until a j future day. The matter was postponed I until Tuesday. i Willie Jones, colored, was granted ' license to retail liquors at bis place of ; business at Rose Hill, No. 3 township, upon payment of the required tnx, he i having proved a good character. ; Board took a recess to 3 p. m. On reassembling S. AV. Latbaru was elected chairman pro tem in the absence of the chairman. A. W. Nelson presented a petition asking permirsion to build a bridge across Bachelor's creek and to establish l a ferry across Neuse river six miles ; above New Berne, was granted upon ; condition that no expense of same shall I be incurred by the county. The rates j of charges on eaid ferry were made tbe j same as Street's ferry. The clerk was ordered to notify V. B. , Lane, chairman of the board of 6upei- visors of 9th township that complaint ! has been made t "" l.U-CI about the condition of Core creek bridge in said township and that he cause said bridge to be repaired at onco. His attention is also directed to section 2031 cf the code. Action was postponed on report of jury on petition of P. II. Wayne and others, and V.'. H. Ellison, chairman of board of No. 1 township notified to re- nort to the board the condition and ' character of the bridge and report to I the next meeting of the board. Adjourned to Tuesday. TUESDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. Board convened Tuesday at 10 o'ci All present. J. C. Harrison reported to the b the collection of SI. 7, Lenoir cOur an; ty'j proportion of expenses incurred in ap- praising the value of tho property of th A. & N. C. R. and produced a receipt from the ccuuty treasurer fr the same. The value of lot listed by W.1I. John son as agent for hirs of James Dove, dee'd. for 1S7 was reduced from 100 to 650. The double tax imposed against V,B. Moye on 1006 ocres of land in No. 1 township was remitted upon payment of single tax. The chairman of the board was in- t structed to bring suit at the next term ' of the Superior Court of Craven county ; against M. Hahn, ex-Sheriff of Craven j county and his bond for the amount ! due Craven county by said Hahn on account of taxes collected by him and unaccounted for during his term of office as sheriff of Crayen county, and also for the penalty imposed by law. I Win. Cohen, executor, presented in writing a petition asking for a reduction in tho valuation of 114 acre of land in No. 6 township, known as the Ilaskttt land, and the Weinetein building. The land tvas reduced from 81, COO to S700 and action on the Vinsteia building postponed until (he next meeting and the assessors notifie 1 to appear .ind us tify in the matter. The double'tix imposod against E. II Hill on property in No. ', towrifhin wn remitted upon. condition that he- !.;t the personal property an 1 pay singlet"!.': n all. E ll. Meadows, Mayor of the city, af,- peared before the board and asked the board of city council quarters in court house for tlie city governm j The application was rs-fuecd for war. sufficient room. for the int. The double tax charged agai: ; Congdon was remitted upon pay:;: .-t 1.'. .nt i-f . single tax. j Sabra SiaJe. col., .vsa placed on the pauper list with a monthly allowance of I S2.00 per month payable to E W. Car penter. Board Look a r.-co.-s to hail p:: 2 : o'clock. j Board reconvened at appointed hour: j all present. I Commissioner Brinson offered the fol lowing preamble and resolutions and moved the adoption of the same: Whereas, The commissioners of this county have for a number of years seeti j and felt the necessity of havicg a bridge across the Neuso river at some point ' near the city of New Berne, but owing i to the impoverished condition of the j people and the heavy burden of tax ation that they have been laboring under for the past twenty years, they i have been unable to build said bridge. ; And wherea3. the county of Craven ; owns shares of the capital stock of the ! A. & N. C. R from which said county i has never received any return for the 1 investment made. Resolved, That steps be taken at once by this board to sell said stock of Craven county in said road, and the proceeds ! of said sale be applied to the building of a bridge across the Neuse river at or near New Berne, and if after the said bridge is built there should be a surplus j then apply the said surplus towards the liquidation of the bonded debt of the county. Provided, that in selling the said stock it shall not be sold for a less price than twenty-five dollars per share and not without sufficient guarantee to protect Craven county. On motion of commissioner Watson the resolution was laid over until the next meeting of the board. . The question of ordering an election on the railroad propositions was Egain taken up when Hon. C. C. Clark and James F. Clark addressed the board in fayor of postponing action. Hon. F. M. Simmons addressed the board in favor i of immediate action. Commissioner I Mallison moved to postpone until ti e first Monday in December. Commir , sioner Watson moved to amend by ; postponing until Monday Nov. Mth. Mr. Watson 'a motion was adopted. The account of Silas Fulcher in favor of the city of New Berno for forty dol lars was disallowed, it having been ascertained that theacquedudt from the jail is stopped by deposits from the city sewers and not from the jail. The monthly accounts and ether claims were allowed and the board ad journed to Monday the 14th of Novcm- ber. A Notibl Conference in Washington. D. C. A call, signed by about cue hundred distinguished gentlemen, has been is sued for a Grand National Conference to meet on December Tih, S:h and tuh ia Washington City. It has Lee a in augurated under the general leadership of tho Evangelical Alliance of tbe United States. Among these eminent men we see from the Methodist Church the names of Bishops Key of Ct.. Dun can of S C, Bowman, Hurst. Foss and Foster, and Drs. Haygcod and Vincent: from the Presbyterian, Drs. Iloge of Vu., Strickler of Oa., Cuyle-r, Crosby. Marquis, Pitzjr. Pres. M:Cjsh and Prof. Schaff. From the Episcopal Church. Bishops Whittle of Va.. Bedell and Clark, and Rev. Messrs. Phillies. Brccks. J. E. Grammer and W. T. Sabine. From the Baptist Church, pres. M. B. Anderson, and Drs. MacArther and J. B. Thomas. And tho Moravians. Cor greaiional ists. Disciples and others are fully rep resented. There are also the signatures of Gov. Colquitt of Ga., Z. Fairbanks of Vt. : Pres G. W. F. Lee of Va., Ciilman of Johns Hopkins I'r.i versity. Seelye of Amherst, D n ight of Yale, and Fairchild of Oberlin: and Messrs. G. W. Cable, M. K. Jtssup, Chas Dudley Warner. Geo. II. Stuart, II . Thace Miller and Felix Pl. Brunot: Wm. E. Dodge. Pres. of Evange- lical Alliance of U. and John Jay. chairman of executive com mittee. These men represent a wide range of talent and views, and all se'etions of the country. 1'ui what is the object of the convention? It is t consider the mo mentous an i peculiar problems, moral and Bccia', emerging in the c;j--ing years of the nineteenth century, and bearing cn all forms of Christian works: the planting of Christian institutions, directing popular education, allaying growing discontent among working men, and effectually mteticg the great conflict with tho saloon. This study will center around throe questions, v;s. : 1st. What aie tho present perils and opportunities of the Christian Church kand of the country' 2d. Can any of them be met but by hearty co operation of all Evangelical Christians, which, without detriment to any denominational interests, will serve the welfare of the whole Church? 3 i. What arc the best means to secure such co-operation, and to'awaken tbe whole church to its responsibility V The intellectual and spiritual wealth cf many denominations has been drawn upon to furnish a programme of excep tional interest to all who hold dear our American institutions and our Christian civilization. While the sessions are to be opened by selected essayists, the meetings r.ro t: be practical confkr esces. The following special invitation has been received in New Berne by Dr. Vass : Nnw Vi 'i:K, Nov 17. Rev. L. C. Vass, D. D. I Dear Sir: Enclosed ploase find a copy of the call for a general Christian con- ( ference at Washington, eome notice of j which you have already seen, also some j information as to programme. About one-half of the time during the day sessions will be devoted to general discussions. We are sending a number of personal invitations to representative men in the various demoninations to be present and participate. May we not hope to see you atoi hear from you at Washington? Yours i i th great respect. Jcsiau Stkono. General Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance for the Knifed States of Amer ica. T.;;; anarchies i . ni.n. ALT jL'il'.r AT CHICAGO 1 I! : J-'i-liNAi.. ov. 11. 1 ni-.t'hed s 15' ', .1. .;:t was yr.ni nee the rrat ! their armories iire Ail troops were i: and tbe police was ready for l;u. ini .p at a moment's notice. Th:? death-watch over the anarchists in jiil was thanked at one o'clock this morning. The deputy who waa-then j re lieved reported that he had a long talk ) w:;h Sjees. who s'.iJ he had no reason to j De afraid, and then launched forth in ; vituperations against the courts. He) assorted that ail the Judges who had 1 any connection with the case had reason i io tremble, while tho anarchists could , hold up their heads and walk to death with steady footsteps. The dep uty also related the manner in which i Rev. Dr. Bolton was received by Spies. ?olton asked him if he would not ac cept spiritual consolation. Spies with a haughty shake of tho head declared he had no use for any clergyman. "I'll pray for you all niht,"' 6aid Bolton' Pray for yourself," returned Spies, "you need it mere than I." ! At 9 10 o'clock thi? mornint; Chief Deputy Gloaaon arrived at the jail with j the fatal documents authorizing the exc- cution. Capt. Black, counsel for the anarchists, held a conference wilh Gov. Olaaby this morning. The Gov. an-: nounced his final and irrevocable de cision not to further interfere. This news was at once wired to Chicago and ! great bustie and excitement followed , in the jvil ofli;o. Spies was apparently consumed by fever and drank wineand water freely. He wrote a great deal. Ho wrote many autographs. The other anarchists were like Spies, entirely non- 1 ehalarjt. SjOe after 11 o'clock a fioai lunch was eaten by the condemned men; ten min- , utes later Spies, E.ngel and Fischer were i i in their shrouds standing at tho grated i cell door and saying ood-byo to friends in the visitors cage. Dea'h warrant were read in succession to Spies. Fischer, En gel and Parsons. Parsons. Fischer and Spies asked for twent- minutes each on : the gallows for the purpose of making j rpeeckes. but their requests were not granted by the Sheriff. At a quarter to 12 o'eloek the death march to tho scaffold began: nine minutes later the drop fell. Fischer's' last words were, "Hurrah for Anarchy. " The pulses of anarchists ceased to beat ,n tnirtec-n ana a nair mmuien. iiiu; coffins, were plain black ones, were soon brought up and the bodies placed ! in them. A3 an illuf tration of Parsons' wonder- , ful p'uck it may be related that this I morning early he entertained his guard j with the song of 'Annie Laurio. " Ho sang it entirely through and then re- i peated it. His fortitude was the won- ; der of all who heard him. Schwab and Fielden's sentences have i been commuted by Governor Oglesby to imprisonment for life. All quiet. Lings- Commits Suicide. CiiK.v.o. I'.l.. Nov. 10-9 a. m. LC'uis Liog. the bomb-maker, has junt committed t-uicide by ehootiDg himself through the head while in his ceil in tho county jail, liow be secured the weap-n with which the deed was committed a a mystery, as bis cell and clothing were again thoroughly searched yesterday and to all appear ance the guards that sit in front of his cell have watched him every minute. 10:40 a. m. It is now learned that Lingg ended his life by means of a fumigating case nud not with a revol ver, as first stated. He had the case in his mouth and lit it with a candlo which was burning in his cell. The explosion was the first warning that the jail peo ple had. The guard seeing him with the candle in his hand supposed that he was lighting a cigar. From the effects of the explosion half his head was firn a w.i v. T!k -'RedN" at Work. Kaj.si? City. Mo.. Nov. 7. A union meeting of socialists and anarchists has be-e-n called for this evening to take ac tion on the case of the several con demned men at Chicago. It is under stood that there will bo a call for vol unteers to go to Chicago, to be present next Thursday night, and it is the gen eral belief that an attempt at rescue wili be made at that time, as there will be a gathering of "rods" from all parts ' of the United States. There have been ! great preparations going on here for some timo among tho anarchist?, but it is impossible to ascertain the nature of the action to be taken. The Crown i'ri'.;;( Ei;i:i-iN November San Remu state that Ur, (ieclari J that an opera! i Throat. Reports from Mackenzie has n on the Crown Prince's throat is almo-t impossible, owing to the po.-ition e.f the newly dis covered growth. A consultation of speciali.- ts will he- h-!d tomorrow to de cide' wl.jt course to pu:sm'. It-:i ki! d in HI. (I. er -A I'LKVKLANL ..'osliocton . O O , November 1 i.- p Uv ii sav.s tha a tun- iel on the C. A. ml A. Hailroad, caved in last twelve miles west uf here. niht injured ' -- men wen illed and others Arrival T .Mr. ( liamhei lain. New York, November 7. Mr. James Chamberlain, member of Parliament for Birmingham and delegate to the Fish Conference, arrived from Liver- a pool on t'neJStruria thia morning. SHORT CROPS Need Not Caue Long Faces, FOR Duffy Has determined to make you smile b offering his Mammoth Stock of Dry Goods AT Greatly Reduced Prices D. ubting Thomases will do well to scan the list below: 10,000 yds. standard prints at 5c. peryd 1,000 yds. Pants goods, from 10c. up. Lined and bound Brogang .75c. Gents' Gaiterp 75c. Ladies' Shoes 76c. Boys' Boots 60c. Men's Hats, great variety . ...30c. All linen Handkerchiefs 5j. Shawls, large iz-; G5c. And in addition to these and many other bargains we would like for yon to see our elegant line of fine Dress Goods; the old and reliable East New York and C. S. Parsons' Shoe?; Urge assortment of Stiff and Soft Hats: all wool Blan kets, Shawls, and other Staple and Fancv Articles all of which aie marked down at Hard Time Prices, TO THE COUNTRY MERCHANT we will say that wo have kept an eye to your needs, and have packed our Wholesale Department with many at tractions both in goods and prices. Cill and see for yourself and save many a hard-earned dollar. Don't fail to drop in, as we will be delighted to show you goods and gije you prices. Carpets sold by sample. Call and see our Carpet Exhibition. A.Byron Carroll, ) 3oI3Dmr, W.U.Willis, Salesmen. EASTER5 NORTH C1R0LIHA ARBLE WORKS, XEW BKKXE. N. C. Monuments Tombs- And all klnrti Grove and Eulldinc work In iTAUAH&AfclEHiCAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attontior .satisfaction guaranteed JOle K. WILLIS, Proprietor .'.. oaeeor lo Ocorge W.OUiypoole) -,.r ii .H O A 1 1 A D OR A VEN 8tt. .SEW BERNE, N. G, :i ay authorized aget t i i IvicstCD. Susli, lt ors mid Blinds, Pa' nt Oils mill Jlsiss. . iine, foment and Piaster, AND All Grades ol COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, AT BOTTOM PRICES! L. O. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BEliNE. N. C. ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN Fine Flour of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices, Butter and Cheese, from the best dairies. The Largest anil llest Seloct.d Slock :. K1H ITS AND VE&ETAOL I ever before brought to New Iieme. Also, a full varleiy of other goods, usual , kept In a Fli-Bt-e'lHBS Store. Uooils delivered at any part of tho free1 of charge. TI'.KMS CASH. Middle Ht., next to Humphrey Howard, New Kerne, N. V, mnrTTdwtf EC. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise K AGOING AN!) TIES Etc, Consignments of Grain, C . ( ' on and other Produce solicited. I'rompt Attention Guarnnteed. N. W. Cor. South Front and MiddleSt" MOW lti:KNE. N. '. Reopened. Willis, Edwards & Co. I.iave reopen--d the New Heine Machine Works, an 1 have added Touls to t eir works to do all kinds of Machine and Boiler Work at short notice. They have also added a foundry to their works, and are prepared lo do tbe best of Brass and Iron Casting, House Plumbing a specialty. If you want good work p.ive us a call. All work guaranteed and done at prices to Buit tho times. wly Uso House's Chill Syrup f "TV;