THE JOURNAL. - M.HUPUt - luiuM Hufri ITXW BSB2VB. It. C 50V. 17 IStfT. llllli M f w b-m. if a Ma4-alaM matter. Colosii. Fbxd. D. Graht, the , too of Crnerl 17. S Grant, wm "defeated for BarUry of Stat in -1 jJev Ifork by aboat twenty thousand. Tsm success of tbe Democratic ticket in Sew York baa given ' President Cleveland another boom ' fbr a second term. Bia nomination by tbe next Democratic convention is a fort none conclusion. Now, BfO Kitchen, lets try and elect aim, notwithstanding be has en deavored to execute the civil ser Tie humbug. 8L0SHIXG AROUND LOOSE. ; according to the Nw York Time thr are otn 10,000 or mora rotors in t&atcity known m Independent who fioaik arotind loose," who may be fovnd TOtta? according to circum- 1 Btasee. Ta Boston Post thinks there mm 10,000 mor of thia kind in Mmm efcoMtta. Wilmington Sttr. The diapoeition of political par ties to legislate for party purposes sad not keep their faith with the people is causing a great many good and intelligent men to stand aloof, or "slosh around loose." as yoa call it. The result of last Tuesday elec tions renews tbe confidence of the Democrats of their ability to re elect President Cleveland. But saoeh depends upon the work to be done by the first session of the Fiftieth Congress. If it will heed tne demand of the Democratic plat form of New York and straightway reduce tbe revenues of the govern meat one hundred millions or dol Urs, all will be well. The Democrats in Congress must da this or unmistakably fix v- r-.-i . - .t,;. .l,, ;.-, luo ",luf lu Ol taxation upon tlif rteiiauiicau Senate. If they fail to unite upon some measure that will give relief to the people, and stop hoardiog p a orpins, they will fail to reap the frnlts of tbe victory just won. THS Baleigh Signal thinks Hon. F. M. Simmons should bolt the Democratic caucus if it nominates Carlisle for Speaker because they do not agree opon tbe repeal of the internal revenue laws. Will the Siraal tell ns whether or not Hon. John Slchol favors the repeal ofPIic3"' tbe internal revenue law, and will bs bolt the Republican caucus if a candidate who does not agree with kins on this point is nominated for Speaker? We believe the entire delegation from North Carolina, both Democrats and Republicans, favor the repeal of the internal revenue laws, while in other States . both oppose tbe repeal. We don't know whether or not Ma. Simmons ill answer the 8'gnal, bat it can rest assured that Mr. Simmons is sincere in declaring in favor of the repeal of the internal revenue laws and he will not bolt the caucus. COXTICTS 05 PUBLIC ROADS. The Progressive Farmer is con tending earnestly for convict labor to be used on our public roads. The principle is nnqneationably right if it can be shown to be practicable. If a eoanty or group of counties vers allowed to work their convicts On the public roads the people who 'mre hardened with the cost of the Courts would to some extent be re munerated for tbe outlay. Bat twill it pay f The opinion has gen t -Verally prevailed that the cost of feeding and gaarding convicts for sach work would exceed the bene fits to be derived. Some counties sxe trying the experiment: if it works well the practice will become general. The Progressive Farmer but voices the sentiments of the Joru 5 AX. uttered seven ysars ago when it says that oar so-called system for working oar pablio roads is not only shamefully raefBcient, but is grossly onjnst. The present system is in violation of every principle of Justice, and is a relic of involuntary servitude which should in this en lightened age be inflicted only ou criminals. Several years ago our friend Dorsey Battle, then of the Taboro Southerner, proposed to remedy the matter by a wheel tax. It was a new and novel idea but far more in accord with justice and equity than the present system. It is to be hoped that the counties bow working their convicts on tbe public reads will find that it is profitable. If i: is, the next Gen eral Assembly will be called upon to pass a general law in regard to the matter, so that any county may unite with other counties if neces eary snd work their convicts on the public roads instead of sending them to the penitentiary to be tgansfered from there to some rail road corporation. 210 IJC03SISTE5CT. Tb inconsistency is that the tax on whiakry, 4xr. wicee, apple-Jack, ci gar, etc, is dscLared to b odtout. and still there are newspapers that are wil ling to fasten this "odicxii" rgntrm upon lb people of the State for all time, bat wader anotaer mode of collecting. by he ekerlffs. Tbe Tarboro Southerner rae the first to show up this it consis tency. Wil. Star. If any newspaper wanted a con tinuation of the tytiem under State laws While at the same time clam oring fbr its abolition, then there rcokl be inconsistency. The Southerner undertook to show that taWOTJMAX was inconsistent in wanting the tyttem changed from a Federal to a State system. The JOUKXJJ" has never declared in favor of any such thing. We favor tbe repeal of tbe internal revenue law because it is taking money Horn the people that the govern neat does not need. A huge snr. plus ia the treasury is more dan gerous and corrupting than free whiskey and tobacco. The Journal is not in favor of free whiskey aud tobacco. It want these articles taxed by the State as other property is taxed and the money paid into the S.ate and county treasuries where it is need ed. To us it seems a little inconsis tent in newspapers who adhere strictly to the doctrine of State rights, oppose anything like a "pa- ternal government," and at the same time proclaim that whiskey ! and tobacco are free unless the money collected from the same, by a Federal system, goes into the treasury at Washington where the corruption fund is already too large. We thought the States had a right to tax these articles as well as carts, wagons, household furni ture and other personal property, but those who are in love with Fed eral taxation seem to think other wise. THE EAST AD THE WEST. The following paragraph is from the Statesville Landmark: The letter of Congressman Sim mons, of the second district of this State, on the internal revenue sys tern, which letter is printed on the first page ot this paper, has the ring of true metal. This system is not felt to be oppressive in his sec tion, but Mr. Simmons' patriotism is at least as broad as the State, and he engages to enser neart. ana sout with our other Congressmen in the work of seenriug its repeal. In like manner the Can by system of electing magistrates by the peo pie worked no dangers or hardships in the west; bat the western ieople have breadth and patriotism enough to waive the trifling privi lege ot voting for magistrates in order to give their eastern brethren the benefits of a system under which they canlive. Mr. Simmons has the good sense to see and un- 'Carolina can afford to resist a policy. immaterial to if, which is of ; tne most vitaI importance to some ! other section of the Mate, It tne eastern brethren did not unite with ns in adopting a platform demanding the repeal of 'the internal revenue sys tem tbere would not l enough ; Democrats in the next Legislature 1 from the west to prevent the repeal j of the present system of county ! government. "No man hveth to (himselt and no man dieth to him sell." Yes, Mr. Simmons has the good ! sense to see tuat no section in j North Carolina cau afford to resist a immaterial to it, which is of the most vital importance to some other section of the State. Nothing has been of more vital importance to this section, nor aroused the poo pie more than the extension o( the A. & N. C. E. to tbe C. F. & V. V. To give the Landmark a little in sight into the interest the people j of this section take in this matter, j we recall a conversation had with: one of our most prominent men, an unflinching Democrat, a large prop erty holder and a firm advocate ol the present system of county gov ernment. Said he, "if I were a member of the next General As sembly and the question should turn upon whether we should se cure the extension of the A. & N. C. B. from Goldsboro to Fayette ville and a connection with the C F. & Y.V. or surrender county gov ernment, I would say let county government go." This is but a fair sample of the interest that our people feel m this measure. It is one of great impor tance to this section and it cuts to the quick when we find opposition from a section that will not be hurt by carry ing out the policy we ak. It is gratifying to know that our extreme Western brethren do not oppose us in this measure. The opposition comes from in and around Raleigh where our enemies seem to have a powerful influence. They have circulated wilful misrep resentations in order to indicate the Governor in his course. The news has been sent oat and scat tered broadcast over the State that the people of this section wanted to saddle the A. N. C. K. with an additional debt ol f 700,000 for the purpose of extending it only fifty miles. Of course the Governor is commended for not listening to sach a monstrous proposition When our Western brethren wanted the State to lease or sell her interest in the Western N. C. E. the East did not raise a howl about sacrificing tbe State's interest. Lion. W. T. Dortch opposed the measure in the special session of the General Assembly because he thought the State could and ought to complete the woik and save a splendid property. But the masses of the Eastern people were willing for the West to have their railroad regardless of the sacrifice the State would make in the disposition of it. But now when oor Eastern people want to bo freed from the embargo placed upon our products and put ourselves in a position to deal witb the people of our own State, either by an extension of the A. & N. C. R. or a sale of Paid road to the C.F. & Y. V. paying the State one lf ickat it cct her, there is a tremen dous howl about the great sacrifice Tbe price offered is a preminm when compared with the price paid for the W. X. C, yet this howl Is raised, and e of the East attribute it to tbe influence of the powers that oppress us. No matter how many endorse ments the Governor gets concern- ing uis course, tue minus or me people in this section are unalter ably fixed, and they have not been fixed upon misrepresentations. It Is Plfasnrr, write Mra. Eliza Ann Smith, of Ver million. Exia Co.. Ohio. Co Kill the Udie erywhere that nothing urpM Dr. Btmr'i Iron Toole for all irregular itie." It cured ma whin the phjfi ciM aad all other ram ed lea failed. GERRYMANDERING INFAMOUS. The Wilmington Messenger de nounces the gerrymandering of New York State by the Republi cans which enables them to elect a majoiity of the members of the Legislature, notwithstanding the State is largely Democratic, as an infamous measure which causes the State to be misrepresented in the United States Senate. We used to think it was one of the meanest of political tricks un- til the Democrats took it up. Since then we have come to look upon it as a sort of political advantage 1 that all parties use, and is recog 1 nized by political leaders as per fectly legitimate, viewing it from a political standpoint. The Messen ger says : 'Thieving, highway robbery, bur- glary, anything under heaven is as honest as the state of things which eives a defeated party the rewards that be long of right to the victors. Does the Messenger mean to say that the General Assembly of North Carolina of lSSl-'S,") committed thievery mid hif h way robbery, or something ju.t as bad. when the judicial districts were gerryman dered T To give an idea of this splendid piece of gerrymandering let us mention a few facts: Craven ' county is in the second judicial district : on the Fast and North- ' east it touches counties of the first district; on the North and North west it touches a county of the thiri district ; on the South, South- , east anJ Southwest it touches coun- t ties of the sixth district, but no where does it touch a county of the district to which it belongs. W hen this job was completed by tbe General Assembly the people of Craven felt and feel yet that they were badly treated. But we never felt disposed to be so severe on the I General Assembly as the Messen- 1 ger is, or rather as It is on the Re publican New York Legislature its condemnation is applicable to both. If a Republican steals a hog i: is called larceny: if a Democrat steals one it is called larceny. If it is mean and infamous for Republi cans to errymander it is just as mean and infamous for Democrats to gerrymander, and we think a i little more so because better things are expected of them. The great aim of a political party should le to do right. Wrong may ; succeed for a time but it will event ! ually redound on the perpetrators. Partisan legislation is a two edged sword : whenever it is made to cut , in one direction the time will soon ! roll around when it will make a j swipe in the opposite direction and 'cut the identical hand off that first wielded it. Gerrymandering is one ot tne partisan sworils ; it ouht to bo beaten into scales of honesty, integrity right, and justice Jones County Items. We are having fine weather gathering crops. for The river is in fine order for the timber men who are baaily engaged rafting and preparing for market The proprietor of the French eat ing saloon at Trenton has moved his saloon next door to M. T Smith's store. We learn that the two lines of steamers on onr river have been consolidated. Hereafter the How ard will be run exclusivelv on the Trent. Seed cotton is booming in Tren ton ; sold for cash on Saturdav last for 3 15 per hundred ; corn 50 cts per ousnei ; etgs a ana lo cts. per dozen; sweet potatoes 35 and -iO cts per bushel. Married At the home of the bride in Beaver creek township, on Monday, the 7th of November, Mrs Lizzie Green and Mr. Calvin Oas per, formerly n resident of Bertie conntv, Squire Jas. K. Harrison officiating. Would it not be a good idea for some one to put ud a stam saw mill at Trenton to manufacture into lnmber all these large rafts of logs that aro sent down the Trent! Would it not pay better to ship plank and keep the proceeds at home T Died At the residence of her son, Mr. Jacob Moore, in Cypress Creek township, on Thursday the 10th of November, Mrs. Khoda Moore, of paralysis, relict of the late Cannon Moore, aged about 75 years. The deceased leaves sev eral sons and daughters, many grandchildren with a host of friends and relatives to mourn her de mise. We as usual at this season of the year had at Trenton on Saturday last a large crowd who were spread out on each side of the side walks on Jones street exhibiting their agricultural productions such as chickens, fresh pork, sweet potatoes, cotton, corn and other productions when an old gentleman who had been to New Berne to dispose of a number ol cotton bales was passing who no doubt had purchased a full supply of the "obee joyful"' and had partaken of it so as to make him feel like he was a friend to all and all were his friends. This old gen tleman as soon as he reached the crowd got in the mood of imagi nary hand-shaking and carried it out in his imagination to perfection. After he had passed tbe crowd he cast his eyes down on one of his buggy wheels while in motion and we suppose in the exuberations of his imagination just fancied that it was an old friend striving to grasp his hand so he reached out and caught the wheel but the wheel appeared to give him a full realiza tion for he withdrew It, straight ene.1 himself up and turned his face homeward where we hope he ar rived safelv. A tramp has confided to an Omaha reporter that in order that his hands may be cal-louse-d like those of a working man be carrier a hickory stick which he grasps and twists as he walks, thus keeping his hands in a condition to deceive any jastie before whom he may be arraigned as a vagrant. Important to seren oat of every taa people. Tbe moment oonstipation ba. gins, that moment tbe blood begins. fetrJ be impure and poor, and the system to demtnd the uae of Luador. If yoa want to have your baby healthy and beaatifal, four things are neose- sary : rrean air, good rood, bright sun shine and Or. Ball's Baby Syrup. Tauilico County Debt. Editor JotkNAL : Although Pamlico county has voted against the proposition to issue bonds for the settlement of the railroad debt, still tbe plain fact stares her tax payers in the face, that something must bo done to rid them of this heavy tax. Year after year this tax must be borne until the debt has been satisfied. Other counties are free from debt, have handsome public buildings, and have money in their treasuries. With unsur passed resources of land and water, Pamlico is limping along under this troublesome debt. What can be done to start her on a career of prosperity awaiting her in the near future 7 1. Ascertain with certainty the exact status of this debt. Compe tent legal and financial counsel would soon solve the problem. -. Let commissioners respective- j ly appointed by Craven and Famli ; co counties confer and agree on what terms in cash the dobt can be set lied. 3. If these terms shall be accent able to the Jus' ices of each county, apply to the ensuing L-gislatuie i for authority to issue bonds in 'settlement of the debt on the basis I agreed upon. j 1. If no eiiu'.:ab!e agreement can : be reached by the commissioners, let the case be adjudicated in court. : aud then the bonds issiud to cover the. debt there determined. 5. Immediately on issuing the bonds le the county begiu to raise fuuds to pay the interest on the bonds and each year to extinguish some ot the principal; until in a series of years the county shall be tree from debt. The amount col lected each year should bear as lightly as possible on our farming and industrial interests. To talk of repudiation is madness; the debt must be settled if we would see our county prosper. In the meantime let every unnecessary office in the county be abolished, rigid economy practiced in the ex penditure of public money ; so that the additional tax on account of the bonds may not oppress. I think it would be well for those entrusted with the final settling of the debt to be elected by the people. Too nice a regard to the wishes of the voters cannot be observed in all matters affecting the public interets. It is hardly necessary to add that the stock of Pamlico coun ty in tbe A. cc N. C. Railroad should be immediately sold and applied in settlement of the debt. In conclusion, I will say it is an easy thing to cry out "taxes ! taxes!" to frighten those who do not care to trouble themselves with much thought. But amid all the din and confusion of politicians this proposition will remain true: Pamlico county will never reach the high plain of general prosperity until she is free from debt. Next year will be the crucial test ot the strength of North Carolina Democracy ; but no question in tbe political contest of 1S88 will more concern the voters of Pamlico coun ty than the settlement of her rail road debt. I have wrwten this article with foil respect lor those who entertain a different opinion on this mat ter. R. P. McCoTTKR. Itiyer I inprovcinrn . Col. Jno. D. Whitford, of New Berne, who lias charge of a f iroe of woikmen in the government work of moving obstructions in our navi gable streams under the river and harbor bill, was recently in the city and gave a reporter an interesting account of the methods in use and the success of the woik. This force is now clearing out the chan nel of Contentnea creek, in Greene county, between Snow Hill and Stantonsburg. The work is done from a large and powerful floating derrick operated by steam power and the obstructions removed are mainly stumps, logs and snags, some of which arc of immense size. Single stumps six or eight feet in diameter are common and frequent ly make over a cord of wood each. If the obstruction is loose or de tached in 6uch a way as to make the steam derrick to grapple and lift it out then the work is rapid Most of the stumps and many ol the logs require blasting, to break up and loosen them from their beds For this purpose they use very long augers for boring deep holes into the wood, sunk several feet under water, and these holes are after wards charged with dynamite car tridges and the wires leading from each charge properly connected witk the main wires leading to the electric apparatus stationed in the cabin of tbe boat. When all is ready one touch ot a lever explodes every cartridge simultaneously and produces a terrible commotion upon everything movable in the immed iate vicinity. Stumps, logs, mud ana water rise in one immense fountain, and pieces weighing a ton are otten thrown over the tops of the neighboring trees. Of course the boat with its machinery is pre vionsly moved to a safe distance. Every living thing in the wav of fish, frogs, etc.. which happen to be lingering within fifty l'eet or more are usually killed instantly by the explosion aud quickly gathered up by the operatives, who eat them. Fish sometives receive such a shock as to stun theni temponally but afterwords fully recover, whilst others are killed stone dead but show no mark or wound. It is probably a matter of supreme as tonishment and wonder to a slow and sedate mud turtle to be thus rudely torn from its native ele ment aud sent on a forced flight over tne topsot tbe tall trees, but it does not ahvavs ki'l them, never theless. The progress of the work has been rapid and effectual, and Col. Whitford is a popular and efficient officer. The improvement of these streams will be of great benefit to the counties adjoining them, and open to navigation a large area having no railroad facilities, hope the good work may tinue. News and Observer. We "LrDcle,'' said a young man to an experienced old gentleniaD, '"I am going to propose to my sweetheart thie evening, and I wish you'd post me a little as to how to manage in case she should not l'sten favorably to my suit." "Well, Tom, if she says, in a decided tone of voice, 'I never love yon,' don't lose heart, (or there will yet be hope. Bat if she softlysays, ''o one, dear Tom, has more sincere wishes for your happiness than I,' you might an wall !take your hat and leave at A poet writes: "I know sweet pongs I cannot sing.'' There are a gfat many other persons in the eame predicament, but, unfortunJ ately, they insist on singing them A Men's Manifold Cyclopedia of Know ledge and Language. One of the most extraordinary literary enterprises of the age is the. work which bears the above title. The specimen pages which the publisher send free to any applicant, show the type which is used a good clear faced Brevier; also the form "Ideal"' for convenience, easy for the eye, handy to hold. The volumes will average about 640 pages each, and there will probably be about thirty of them the "mani fold" number will not be inconve nient;when youconsult a Cyclopedia you are supposed to know what "title" you are looking for; t:be lettering on the back of each vol ume tells you at a glance what titles will be found within, so you do not look in the wrong one and the volumes are so "handy' you quickly jturn to the sought lor page. I There will be several thousand j illustrations no "mere pictures," but ever thing of importance that will serve to illustrate. I The Manifold Cyclopedia is to be 1 much more than a "Cyclopedia of i n. ersai inov ledge; itvill em body also a Dictionary of the Eng lish Language including every word which has any claim to a place in the 1-niguage. How often you have consulted App'otou's or Chambet's or Johnson's Cyclopedia and failed to find the title you were looking for then consulted Web ster 's Unabridged and were success ful; the jrord belonged to the Dic tionary rather than to the Cyclopedia. Of vou have consulted1'1 ' ?? , 1100 ' "e.ulor.1. lo Webster, and found little more than a mere definition of the word you must go to the Cyclopedia for delails of knowledge. Or, more probable than either of the fore going suppositions, you do not own either a first-class Cyclopedia or a first class Dictionary, or only one of the two, because of their prohibi tory cost, so you "consult your imagination" and "go hungrj" for lack of the few lines of print that1 would satisfy you! In the Manifold Cyclopedia you will find asnrvey of knowledge which is illustrated bv the KDglish Language and its cost is within your reach, only 50 cents a volumo tor cloth binding, (m cents tor half morocco! In this age of the world, do gen eral Cyclopedia or Dictionary can be in any proper sense "original" each new compilation, if it has merit, is based unon the knowledge found embodied in ad its predeces- . , , ,, , ,, - sors. "Know ei ge ' as set lorth in , , . u i. j k books can nut be monopolized by patent 'or "copyright - only the form ot embodiment can be thu - covered. The latest discoveries (or imaginings) of the scientists, the latest "huds" (or frauds) of the archa'ologists, the latest theories of theories of the politcal economists all are subject to the ''sight drafts" of the lates Encyclopedist. Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia undertakes to combine iu the most convenient and concise (and yet full) and economi cal form posssible, the results of the scholarship of the world, up to the time of its publication. Avail ing itself most of the labors of its predecessors who have accomplish ed the best results, the Mauik-ld Cyclopedia, draws more largely from Chamber's tl'an from auy I other of the family of Cyclopedias, aud more largely from Stoiuionth than from any other of the family of Dictionaries the Chamber's is an acknowledged model for a Cy clopediaj but it is adapted particul arly to England rather than to America; Stormonth is the acknow ledged peer of Webster, Worcester, the Imperial, and Murray, as an authority, but without apeer in the combined qualities of conciseness, clearness, and accuracy of learning. No authorities, however, are blindly followed, but effort is carefully made to bring all matters to the gener ally accepted standard of the most eminent American, rather than foreign, scholarship. Editorial talent second to none in America, in experience and skill is engaged in the conduct of the work; the publisher's past experience in Cyclopedia making (notably in The Library of LTniversal Knowledge, now known trebbled in price as the International Cyclopedia) is good basis for the pledge he makes to his patrons that The Manifold shall be inferior to no other Cyclo pedia in any of the important quali ties of a popular guide to knowledge. Specimen pages free, or a specimen volume may bo ordered and returned if not wanted. John B. Alden, Publisher, 303 Pearl Street, New York. Benefl's of the Moon. The moon ministers to the human wants in several ways that are not so. apparent as its light-giving func tion, although some of them are much more important. It is by observing the position of the moon with reference to the fixed stars that the navigator determines his loDgitude. Upon the revolution of tbe moon about the earth is based a convenient division of time, the month, intermediate between that furnished by the earth's daily rota tioa aud its revolution through its orbit. Doubtful points in ancient chronology hayj been frequently settled by means ol the eclipses of the moon, the dates of which could be accurately determined. The in tervention of the moon in eclipsing the sun gave astronomers the op portunities for obtaining their first knowledge in regard to the solar envelope. But the largest eneets on human welfare are produced by the moon-through the agency of the tides. Twice a day the decora posing organic matter brought down to the seashore by rivers, or deposited along the water's edge by human agency, is swept away by the tidal wave in its course around the globe. Thii sanitary service which the moon performs is of in conceivable value. In many har bors large ships and heavily-loaded rafts and barges are moved from the entrance to their wharves, miles above, by that 6low but powerful tug, the flood tide. An amount of work is thus done which if it had to be provided by artificial means, would cost for such a port as London thousands, perhaps mil lions, ot pounds yearly. Popular Science. The word lioneymooD, or first month of married life, is said to be derived from the ancient Teutons. They were accustomed to drink for thirty days after marriage a kind ol wine made from the honey. Hence the words honey and moon, Or the period from one new moon to anotner, have been handed to indicate the blissful period by a bride and croom immediately after i marriage. j The Emperor of China has a wife named Kan Di. She must be very sweet. Aurora Items. Mr. J. H. Mam street. "Pap." Watson is again on Glad to see you, The Aurora Sunday school will have Temperance exercises Sunday morning. Rev. Mr. Love, the Baptist min ister in this section, is in town on his way to Bayboro. Col: Shafer of Raleigh is in town looking after his farm interest. The colonel has some valuable property here. A law suit in town this week over a bale of cotton. The landlord was plaintiff and a man holding a mort gage the defendant. The landlord held the cotton. Rev. L. O. Wyche will preach his farewell sermon Sunday. Truly we shall miss this good 'man who has gone out before us for this con ference year and we are constrained to say au Israelite indeed in there! is no guild. j Our people are looking forward ! to the treat they ex -cct to have on Wednesday night, the 23d, when! Rev. Mi. Smith of Washington will ! deliver his lecture on Temperance j in politics and not Prohibition as; before stated. Come and hear' him. ; By the. help of Prof. Bonner I! have measured the distance fiom i nunuiK 10 wnmington, j. c via Edenton, Pautego, Aurora and New Berne. From Norfolk to Edenton .iiju.e b uy water miles; Irom Mackey's ferry to month of Pautego creek 20 miles. This is the terminus of the Pantego rail road. From Pantego creek to Aurora 25 miles by water; from Aurora to New Berne direct 18 miles or to Neuse river ferry 1GJ or from Aurora to New Berne via Bay boro 23 miles; from New Berne to Wilmington 79 miles. You see by this route, from Norfolk to Wil- 1 Vm,lh 'ti J ' r through the most fertile regions of North Carolina and Virginia. But very little gradeing to be done, timber plentiful. Why not continue this already built to Lee's mills in Washington county and will be completed to Pantego in a short time ! Why not start from Aurora to New Berne via Bayboro T From Aurora to Bayboro is only 10$ miles ; from Bayboro to Now Berne 1 U AFl I r 1 'X 1 TY 1 I 1 Q I i rnf- y-v fxs-tm n . tf t.n .. ... Bayboro to the mouth of L pper w, i, ; , -.o, Broad creek is only 13A miles, a . . 2 , , , , L. .00, ;) , liui;c ui "JJ inues ui to uiimt Broad creek the terminus would be only 21tV miles. Wben we look at the future of this country, the resources to be developed and are being already developed. All that is necessary is to 6how to the moneyed men the plan and the couniry through which it passes and the work will be done. Turn on the light, invite railroad men to come and see for themselves aud look at que of the best coun tries In the South, at any rate it is a much finer section thau railroads are generally made through lor un fortunately tor North Carolina hfi best railroads run t h r i ugh the poorest lauds. Tell the moneyed men to come to Aurora and we will take them over the proposed lint and show them our Sue lands and what we have to encourage such an enterprise, Now if the A . & N. C It. was extended to connect with the C. F. vt Y. V. li. aud a road from New Heme to Aurora, also from New Berne to Wilmington you can see that this long neglect ed eastern section would soon come into notice and convince future Governors that we are worth look ing after, and perhaps would listen to us at least give us a patieut hearing. Lets hear from the Fam nco coi respondent, Jones corres pondent and all along the line The November Fountain, In addition to its well selected articles on various subjects, commands the usual wide range in its origina matter, as the following will indi cate: Dr. Asa Gray: How to Mount Small Telescope: Footprints of Vanished Eaces The Troglodytes The Cuckoo: The Composite Family The Golden Eod; Oar Legacy from the Geeks; Stories of Mytho logy Theseus and His Doings Letter from California; What to Do; Two Little Girls; Louis and the Ants: The Doors and Windows of Character; Composition Writing DrawiDg; Qaestiona and Answers; Music This is not my home. The Magazine us a whole is perfect gem for the school and home, and deserves a wide patronage. It is carefully edited and the sprightly music of this number is worth more than the price of the Magazine. Price 1 per year (10 months) or 10 cents per number. Address, W. H. Shelley, York, Pa. Uurklen'i Arnica Salve. Tns Best Salvk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ukiers, Sai Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and poeitivelyr cures piles or no pay requited. It is guaranteed to irive perfect satisfaction, or money re' funded. Price 25 cents per box For sale bv R. N. Duff v. dsc!6 ly Atlantic 6l N. C. Kailroao TIME TABLE No. f In Effect 5:00 P.M., Monday, Not. 14. 1887. Goino East. Schedule. Goixo West No. 51, Passenger Trains. No. 50 Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. pm 4 55 Goldsboro 11 V7 am 5 40 5 4t La Grange 10 39 10 42 0 21 6 41 Kinston 9 58 10 03 8 24 8 33 New Berne 8 10 8 25 10 59 f m Morehead City am 5 87 Daily except Sunday. Goisa East. Schedule. Going. West- No. 1. Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. NO. 8.t Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. 2 23 p m 1 48 1 62 1 13 1 28 12 44 12 49 12 02 12 20 11 41 11 46 Stations. am 6 10 Goldsboro 6 46 6 51 Best's 7 1 1 7 21 La Grange 7 45 7 50 Falling Creek 8 14 8 34 Kinston 8 50 8 55 Caswell 9 15 9 83 Dover 10 Co 10 05 Core Creek 10 2a 10 34 Tuscarora 10 46 10 50 Clark's 11 22 am Newbern 11 16 11 21 10 43 10 48 10 09 10 19 8 52 9 57 am 9 20 Monday, W edneaday and Friday. tl'aday, Thur day an Saturday. Train 50 oonneeta with Wilmington A Wei don Train bind North, leaving Goldaboro 11:50 a. m., and with Richmond D a villa Train Weat, learln GJlaboro 8.60 p.. m. Train 61 connects llh Richmond DnvtU Train, arrlrlnf at Ooldsbcro 4:85 p.m., and with Wilmington and Welion Train froin the North at 4:45 p.m. Train 3 oonneeta with Richmond and Dan Tllle Through Freight, leaving Goldsboro at 8:10 p.m. Tialn 2 connecfa with Wllmlngto.. jand Wldon Faasenger Train North bouaf y lDg Goldsboro at 8 52 p. m. " J ' Train 2 connects with WllmlnctMT-jKBd Weldon Freight Train South bound lMrlng Goidatoro at 6mp.m S L Dill, Superintend erti Use House's Chill Syrup DYSPEPSIA. IB that misery experienced when we sud denly become uware thai we pogeiM a diabolical arrangement cmU d a tttomach. The Biomach is the reservoir from which every fibre and tissue mint be nou-lshed, and tny trouble with It is soon felt through out the whole system Among a dozen dys peptics no two will hare the same predomi nant i-ymutomB. Dyspeptics of actfve mental power and a bilious temperament ar subject to Sick Hudtchr; those fleshy and phleg m tic have Constipation, while the thin and nervous are abandoned to gloomy foreboding. Some dyspeptics are won dertully fornetful ; others have great itrita bility of temper. Whatever form Dyspepsia may take, one thing is certain. Tbe underlying cause lh LIVER, la In and one thing more is equally ' one will rem In a dyspeptic wno will It will correct Acidity of the Stomach, Fipel foul gases. Allay Irritation. el J yV fTT A,t "'s1 on- " V!-- i' and at the same time START THE LIVER TO WORKING, WHEN ALL, OTHER TROUBLES IOON DISAPPEAR. "My wife was a contlrme.1 dyspeptic Some three o.'irs by the Hdvice or' Or. Steiuer. of Ai!v:iiStt, he wns indues fl To try Simmons r it c ; r ! t-ci gratifn! trtli- relief Hh-bU'wii 1m r iiMii nuiy all who re. t'i this uliil a - c rt ll :(-.! mi fi n y way , vh t-l 1 ip r -l i r. mlc or o: hf-ru i m-, i;v 1 :n 'i -ons' Llvr Rr-gulKior sn.l I fff-1 . o: r.d'ii' hcMiii vili 1)1.-rcKtoi i d to ail who will do ; ii vised." W M W. Kkksii. For'. Valley. i .Sre thtst you get ill GF.M'I . E. v;tti r-tl on front of wrapper. I'KKKAfiEI) ONLY I:Y J. II . ZilLlN A: CO.. Plillndelphla, Pa THE m 00 nrrniNSvn.L&, Ky., Feb. 14, ISS1 non?1nTYiPn--iv-ven years ao a sore (level npe.l on inv no--e from a finder nail scratch. I trl.-d a fr-w hlniplc rernlica. but the sore would 11. t u-I J. 1 trciv worse every yenr forgtjvni Maiivthounht I haU acau- ctr. 0-T a enr w I cimiimiuil taxing a. S. S., an.l two czt-ii b.i tit's on tirel y cured me. When I l of-.uiwith lira Specific 1 was In very poor health, an-l could hardly draff about. Af rrl li;;' liiilshcl (he course of S. S. S. I was strong and buoyant. mti harl a rchmI ap;ie:re. I regard it un n nio..t valuable for ladies lo weak, deit eate health, it Is a househol 1 meuiclue with me. Yours respectfully. Mas. K. VV. Wiuos. Start ah btjrg, S. C. April 2. 1887. Of ntlemen For twenty ream I have had asoreonmy lert cheek. It had gradually been growlug worse. The many physicians whom I had consulted were unable to do me any good. Iaat fall a year ego I began using S. S. 8. At first It Inflamed the sore, and It became more virulent than ever ; so much so. Indeed, that my family Insisted that I should leave oft the medicine. 1 per sisted In using the S. S. S. At the end of twa months the sore wasfntirely healed. Think ing that the evil won out of my constitution, I left off the medicine; but t November, ten months after, a very slight breaking out appeared. I at once began agirin on S S. S., and uow that is also disappearing. 1 have every faith In S. S. S. It has done me more good than all the doctors and other medi cines i ever tooi. Youxa truly, A. K. SHAKD9. Winston-, N. C-. April i. 1SS7. Gentlemen Two or three years ago a can cer came on uiv face. It soon grew to be quite lars'C. It wore on me. aud my gt neral health was vei v poor. Lat September I began a course of S. S. 8., which I have con tinued to the present time with the happiest result. The cancer has entirely disappeared, there being no evidence or symptom of a cancerous character left. My general health Is good now, and my appetite Deittr than It has been in years. Iam 85 years old, and to day I nm w orking ilT the held plaining corn- Yours truly, Jokas LmtBACH. Gentlemcn-I had a sore en my upper lip for eight years. Seven different doctors at tempted In vain to heal it. One gave me a small vial for Ave dollars, which was a " cer tain cure." It 18 needless to say that It did me no good. About two years ago I became quite uneasy, as people thought I had a can cer, and I took a course of eighteen bottles of S. S. S. The result has been a complete cure. The ulcer or cancer healed beautiful ly, leaviug scarcely a perceptible sear. From that dav f have been in excellent health, the Speeinc having purified my blood thorough ly. Increased iny appetite and perfected my digestion. In a word, I feel like a new woman, and, best of all, the eight year uloer U gone entirely. Yours sincerely, MRS- W. P. CA.KTICJ-V. Trenton, Todd Co.. Ky., Feb. 25, 1SS7. Treatise on Blood and Skin IMseases mailed free. Taii 8wift Specific Co., Drawer ft, Atlanta, Oa. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE." Tha only S)3 BEAMLCSSl bom in in world, wiuk I out Mciu or nails. Vlneat Calf, perfect a and warranted. Congress, Button ana iace, au tries toe. AJ stylish , and durable aa those ' eotlnS5orj au wear line I.. DOTJG 9 tthoe. mm aa Mm m ks, 1 W. I.. DOUULAB fJX.SO IBOI M tux ailed tor heavy wear. If not sold, by yoar dealer write yr. Li. DOVOXJL8; Brockton. Maaa. Malaria, Dumb Chills, Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks. They produce reenlar, natural evac uations, never grripe or Interfere with daily buainesa. Aa a family medlclaa, tney anouia do in every nouaenoia. SOLD EVERYWHERE. IP" Over 9,000)00 worn aiirlng the past six years. This marvelous success Is due 1st. To the superiority of Corallne over all other materials, as a stiffener for Corsets. 8nd. To the superior quality, shape and workmanship of our Corsets, combined with their low prices. Avoid cheap imitations made of variouf kinds of cord. None are genuine unless, "DR. WARNER'S CORALINE" Is printed on Inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 369 Broadyvay, New York City. Take Notice ! Our store is rilled with Provisions, Groceries, Canned Goods, Dry Goods, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of tbe Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. ALSO 0. S. Parsons & Sods' Boots and Shoes. Every pair warranted to (rive satis faction. Country merchants and the people generally are requested to oall aud ex amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will give you low figures. We job JprilUrd gnuff . ROBERTS L BRO., South Front at.. New Berne. N. O ROBERTS & HENDERSON General Insurance Agents, New Berne, INT. J On It first class Companies represen ed in rire. Life and Accident Issuine. Total Capital over Forty Millions o Dollars. Jun24dly 1 1 rfcJ m m m mm Tun s Pills CTJR.B Advertisement. RkaJM RjEl! Mr. L.a PRICE Has Taken A Position At Williams & Bowen's Grocery & Book Jto.-e, And la Selling Everything At Rock Bottom Prices. Read Ti i Flour From 84 To 86; Gilt Ed Butter 80 Genu; Coffee 25 Cents; The Bent Lard 10 Cents; Rice 5 Cents; Six Pounos Soap 25 Cents; Note Paper 10 Cents; Lead Pencils 10 Cents Per Dozen - And Everything Else In Proportion At Our 0 1 1 S ' HE A P oi:k: RED LIOHT :.L00fi. Wear Markst Dock, .;ciiile it is vViikkj. i . r r ,i; i fi.-. : PURE LIQUORS Of every variety, i: AIho the ' l:m: or small ! IN ESI GRADES quantities of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will be aold CHtfAP FOR CASH! John D. Di.nkinb. Salesman. E. WHITMAN, dee.22 .U Proprietor. "MOORE COUNTY GRIT5' The beat Millstone in th World for Table Meal. 5a!nlei of meal lent on application, 8rd for prtfee on r-Ttble Corn Milli, Upper aad Undtr Runoeri and Mill-n-nes. W art tfiitj for P.nclnna, Boiler, Haw Mill, Cotton Gin, Planers, Shaftinc. Pulley, kc, airto for Koller-f 111 Ootflte which av50to75cnU f ir the miller in every barrel of floor he make. Write itating what yoa want o4 ternMjoa wish to bar cm. Give references. Address, North .Carolina. Mill cone Co., farkevaaa, Moore Co., a. C r. M. SIHMOXB. CLIXI9T MArtLT. 3UW40HS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will pracUoeln tneOonriaof Craran.Jonea Uiilow, Carteret, ramlloo, Lenoir and HyJ and In Ibe Federal Court at Nw rrna rhn iawIi Mme. DEMOREST'S RELIABLE PATTERNS An tba oolr eaei that win gi a paslkct MME. DEMOREST'S System of Dress Cutting. Chart and Book of fall directions, enabUnr est od to . Out aad Fit perfectly. Pitoa, $3.00. Sent by mall, pott paid, oa receipt Df price. MME. DEMOREST'S PORTFOLIO OF FASHIONS A-ND WHAT TO WEAR Is alarm Magazine of 80 pares of Fashion Mokes end Styles, ulastrsted with eoout 1,000 Cut. . Bent, post-paid, for 25 cents. THE Demorest Sewing Machine. THIS STYLE ONtY SIS?-0 Hearty S 0,000 aald aaJ trrln aattaraenea. tST Don't pT other companies $40.00 profit on machine hot SO good as thb DEMOREST, but buy direct of tha mao Biactaien. Sent C. O. D. Write for Circular. DEMOREST FASHION and SEWING MACHINE CO., IT East 14th Street, New York City NOTICE! rtr" SO.000 mm aad crrln pwfftna Great Executor's Sale. I WILL SELL FOR THE The entire REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY owned tha late HANNAH COHEN, deceased; ix nice Dwelling Houses, located on Pollock and Oanoook streets, in! good condition, all well renied ; one lanre three etorv sub cellar iron front! building, corner Pollock and Middle building. Also, several Farms in Craven county, near the city of New Berne. All of the above Property will be sold at Low Prices and JCasj Ternn. For furtb er information enquire of . Wm. COHEN, at Weinstein Building. $25,000 Worth of Goods to ba Closed Out, 1 will also sell the Kntire Stock Cassiniere, and Broadcloths and Pants stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and Ladies and j Gents' Furnishing Goods, and a large Mock of Carpets, wh&h will be solj at a T r P t M P r 1 f W' O ftnr4 o trffA ,n DMA" tiwirn nrrAa t a,. nnw,AJbo . n vntnM 1 aDove goods will be sold Jb'lJi'i'l FULl U&H'V lesa.taa their value. Also, a large stock of Saddlery and Buceies of different manufactures will , . . , , v oe soia regaraiets ot coBt, &.W Kemember, I am selling the the estate and they must be sold within I All I ask is for you to come and REMEMBER ThE PIACE, Ex, for Hannah Cohen, deceased, Weinstein Building, cor. Pollock and iffddje tts,, NEW BERNE, N. O. oel2 dwtjanl FOR FALL TJ&iBE Is not very encouraeine in our section, Special Inducements Larger Store. Larger Stock and Lower Prices! In Clothing, see our line of ftlO.OO Suits for $9.00. Full line of Samples Men's Overcoats from $2.50 up. Our line of Children's Rough and Tumble Suite will not rin. Children's L Jersey Suits. Hats 25c. up. JNew Goods constantly arriving. ! Our stock of Underwear is larger than ever before. An all-wool Shirt 1 for gl.00. New lot Boys' Undershirts Drawers, all sizes. We are Sole Agents for Jas. Means & Co.'s and Stacy Adams & Co.'s Shoes. Best in the market. Job lot Linen and Celluloid Collars at 5c. each Qample lot of Suspenders at wholesale prioes Men's Hand kerchiefs 5c. up. Lot ot ligtt and medium colored Soarfa. two for a quarter. Sixteen rib Umbrellas, only Valises and Bags just received. Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloth and Remember we have moved from Store next to National Bank. Be sure Nor Goodo LATEST STYLES! r ' " My fiiends and customers ar intitrd to call and examine my Stock of Uilil 1 nery Goods, which is larger and mora complete in all department than ever before. I am receiving New Ooods two and three times a week by express and steamers, constquently hue the Latest Styles and all qualities of goods. My prices are very Idw to suit tbe hard times, and my aim is to make tha quality and price of my goods satisfac tory to my customers. C. M. V. F0LLETT. N.-w Bi-mc N C. ocl3i2ro A flfc"Cr IT W fc 1 ths world foe tow F WTph Alb. mink inclus, llt aides and edge,-boldias a pM of Oak trwt and Oard pictures wtnt for 6cmu, mtail price, !.. AMhuh MMtif AUma,S xWH Emboued padded sides, fold edffee, rateaaioa clasp, holdinc S2 paces of Cabinet aad Card BietarM sent for SI. 00. ratalU for Illustrated elremlara ritCC Finn Htylks or ALBUDS ronbee nenaaia, useisuo, wn. H nrilTp double their money f HlHIl I X ! Una our BBAKi finished corruaated REFLECTIKG S1FCTT IiKP. Can be eold In every family. Oivae more lisrht than threeordinmrvlasBM. ell pleto iBssss susei mm IsssHSS U 0OSBT1MO We manuxectare a lam line Of household article!. Bend Cor free II llnstrated Circulars to F0HSHEE MoHAKIN, ClnclnnatlA TBE ONLT TE03 HE ON TONIC WIU purifr th BL th LIVER and I Kuroki Ihm H UK Of TOUT. HIU, . DtrenjiD ana Tlrwd rMlin J in ah. oiaieir cured: tMmm, dh- cIm nCL Drrt rMia tvw fore. Knlivwfia tha Bla4 and Kanpliffa Hrain Power. LADIES 'Buffering from cooplalaUpaov- HAttTSBf) IRON TO MIC m Hbt to their mi will find In DJL. .ifa, apaodr ear. GWMieltar, lina.ttiT eoiDDlaxio. II attarapta at oaantarreitins on it aaas u nijop. I J,4.oh. Sample Doae snd Dreea Boafel v mailed on reoelDt of twooente la poataae, I A Carm r?nnatlr.tinn I Dr. HARTER'S LIVER HIUI ) THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., ST. LOWS, MB. the COMMON SENSE LIFTajd FORCE! mm t Of st wf3 Enrrrgctir. bnginttta-UMn wlto!!! fla tt pnp attaav tion, are wanted to handle this pomp in arary ton m Pa . N. J ML. Dol , Va . and IV. GM and wffl ba ae. uorded control of suitable territory mot ilready oaeopiaA CHARLES G. BLATCHLEY RSflNUFftCTURER "JtSS Office: S5N E OH Hafl 8qnare.pharfjhle Da Opp. Broad Bt. BUtkm P. NOTICE! NEXT THIRTY DAYS' f atreets, known as the Weinstein of Clothinc. Foreign and Amflrlnai. Goods of all descriptions: an immeoM ! - - ' TS above property and stoods to eetlle ub Thirty Day?. ? convince yourri-lvcs. and for that reason w will rflT.r To The Cash Trade. cSuits. Black Corkscrew CutawaT I from Rogers. Peet & Co. I iust received. Men's Canton Flanne V J1.00. Full line Trunks, Carpet Lining. our old stand to the lirce RrieV and . see tu before you buy. r vji oar se1 .t IP ' iI;3 I a m. a c w ir r a a jnsW - Sissr1? -li 15' I of