-: .. - s r MM INT 13 EXT I INT ALL THINGS. HA BP, Tormai tt.OO Ior "V okr. VOL. X. KW Rl'MiXE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, DECEMBE S NO. :!(!. r I I ! KB' IT' i E ' .air 1 S3 1 Si I ESI ETTINGER BROS., nxr. o.. Linger i n NUVEMBKK. fretworks of russet and crim- u the m'o anil the HAVE OPENED AND OFFER FOR SvLE TUEIli BryGoods,Boots,$lioes We endeavor to keep only GOOD GOOD8, and will at all times e 1 1 n: REASONABLE TERM We offer at w ho. ':r. P. Lortllard 1 Co 's Snu!-. Araioar k Co.'s Provisions, HU' Star Lye an-! PoUah, Ziegler Bros. Fine Shoe. The Oaj Stat-Shoe and Leather C .'- The Celebrated Pesri SSirt.v Harvey's Old Tuek.hoo Tohc.--, Floo. Tho. M. Halt's AUmncf Pind.v Ard a fall line of Crec-r'. Me-e'r.audlse at Loet: Market Prices. Soft toot-e ml utray R-juiie.li from bluebird an 1 throetle and swallow. A toward tne je.itamine thickets they fl ; Ixiua cnaijti:) torrents, encrusted with ermine Filing from the toughs like a delude i . f tl i m e ; Uoldeu crowned gor.'p und imperial as lers. Yinniing thuir blocm to the front's rui h ie claloj ; Dirk hrjea of storm-bird; pellucid rain ft ingot ; Pasci naif sous from the deep. puU mg n.d . Weird, wuchins fugues from the pines and the Cedttrn. Chorals upmiroJ from the billows e m ti r i n e d : Mvtic Nuvrmher' O br ef intermezzo. Set. ttie jear K"ry and i1)iD(, be t we- n ; L-adinj us into, by rich modulations. Si;Dce nd j-leep mid December's pale bheen ' ti-len Cbae. it has mi diSiistrousl. trilled, illtia tr.itfd in the ujust uiumjuivooj! manner m tti-- cureer and eh.irai'ter of its candidates." H ilnnmrt' Sun. FARMS AD FARMERS. Short Talks With the Men Who Guide the Plow. The sui Ik Bargains ! Bargains ! ! GEORGE ASH, THE CLOTHIER'S. Wkilatomr Goods hare MERIT QUALITY, ey are ilo Cheaper in Trice than tness cf any ether House in the City W re caght this season with a biifer tocfe of good than we eould Mrlc hndlo at regular prices therefore we have TAKEN OFF THE PROFIT i a HOW CUTTING INTO THE .OST OF THE GOOD 8. Hon is Ycur Time to Secure Real Bargains! Mr Working Hants as low down a. 6V. Good warm Overcoats for ouly S2 tKt. Snitot of prtty fair material, oidy 4 tH. You must oar fine sui: tj appreciate 'L F.srgaii.siu theru ; the price r $o low 0O will wouder how tbey can be rude lor the m.-nej ; the j truth ia they cannot, but they MUST BE SOLD, and soon too, no matter what th price la all kiudj. of Goods we can give Bargains that cannot be pro-j eared eliwbere Iu Lddie' WaJking Jackets and Newnjarkerj. Shaw!. acd all wool Blanksu od L-p Robea we ar ruaking Special Drives. nd they arc g ing fat too. A alee Walkii g Jacket for only 1 50 Sign's Wod IJafiat 25c. wortk 50c. Men'afine cloth Winter Hat, bo., worth t'2 bO Biggtat line of Meij's and Boj '9 W1uttrc.p1, of all stle8 and prices. iL Jja itj, M)nt of them just the thing for bantu. g, to be sold at half price. Ladies' Cue Button fcJhoes at Toe. and fl.lNi, good ones, we do not keep ahoddie. A'faJl itock pf Our NOW Celebrated $3.50 M-n Shoes again on Va4, . A tilfrfitwivtn with erery pair. W ww taia awaAoa th largot and mst to.t ful assortment of Neckwear ve fcd- - A fa ailk liked Scarf, new sbap. . for '25c 0TXS-8TOiE OF' UFDERWEAK ia especially Iarg. In order to daff Uwan)Uns itat HALF PRICi- . Elgaat liM of 8apeadara and braces. Eiandome all silk SusrtDddr witik TaMia ada, kspoxted Eagluh web acd hnglh endi. Also Guyot' taWbrated ujBrw(cll Hygientqtiei",'' ao imported French SaspeDder. SUk haadkrchie& af -unique designs and lovelv shade, (reotlemen's fine lisea und csmbric kaodkercniefs, colored border nd hem stitched. Sot pac eaoarh to eaumwrate all oar bai gains and attractions. Hut f. raal good downright bargain call on Ntxt to L. H. Cutler, or at tb Bi ancb Store, lower corner of Federal Alley, in the Btchop Building. Da. VXD M. JO!(S of Carteret aid DAVID Can ad Y of Otislow are i T looking out for their friends and will treat them right FOE FALL TRADE la not Trj encouraging Ln oar section, and for that reason we will offei Special Inducements To The Cash Trade. Larger Store, Larger Stock and Lcwer PricesI In Clothing, see our line of flOdO uits. Black Corkscrew Cutaway Buita for 99.00. Full line of Samples from Rogers. let OV Co. Ien'i Oreroata from t'2. 50 up. Our line of Children's Rough an J Tuttible Sa:ts wiil c t iip. CLilJr n's Jrej Suits. fiata '25c up. Xew Goods constantly arriving. Onr stock of Underwear is larger than e vcr before. An al'.-wooi Shirt for $1 00. New lot Boys' Undershirts j-Jtf rec-ived. Meu's Canton Flannel Drawers, all sues. We ara Role Agents for Jn. Means & t.'o.'s -m i S ic Adama & C-i.-s ?h -e. V, t: ... the market. Job lot Linen in : Ce'. lu'o: i Collars at 5c. each Sample lot of S--pe-.dTi at wholesale prices Men's Hand kerchiefs 5c. ud. Lot oi g i aad medium c-j.'ortd Scarf, t r for a quarter. Sixteen rib I in&relia. only 1.('1. r u.i .ino of lrunKs, Values and Bju.t received Carpet, Rags. O-l Cl -th an THE 1S-.1 i-S FOK EX I YEAR. Mr. Cleveland's Record Makes Hi Nomination Certain. Mr. I). inn. iii B. Ki'on. the well kiMiwn t: vi 1 .--ei vice returmer. w n tos as lullows iii the "urtb A rn -t ica n Ri-cicw: "Notbing sKsiiiod i- hi r-xn ane-Mis decided the eontr.ir ot 1S.S1. There were three uew r liiii new to many voters involved iu it, and they were the deci-MVe Kiices : 1. The remarkable per sonality ot Mr. Cleveland. 2. The principle and need of adtnimtra tive reform as a great l-sne in a presidential election. 3 The ac ceptance ot such a caudid ite and principle by the democratic party i as a political necexsit. Ir s not important to nicels e-titn te the relatl e lutluence it these el men!.-. rnt we neeil to understand tb rn Tin- new man in uaiioual atl.nrs, who n the statesmen ot his party a.ij; lciously supp rtel. whcim it par: is in leader.- accepted in nieie . .leplr of electing one ot their kind, whom Vast DUillltelS of greed ofhYe seekers voted f(r in the le , Hel that they could force him to j universal proncn pi iou this man , who has risen more rapulh than 'any other in our history has, in l the thim two month- t-iuce taking 'he presidential chair, Oeoame not o i j I v the ere-itt-.-t mor-il and po lltloal foice in his party, hut the statesman most respited ami tru.-ted liy thoe whose judgment rt- leasr biased by parts prejucliee. "He h.a become the real leader oi bis party, so far as it ba.s auy as a whole, not by going down the way of its passions, but by calliug it mi to the plane of its duty . In a oabmet as able, perhaps, as any in this generation he is eotispicuousls to re most. It' we except Jackson and Lincoln, no President since Jefferson has be-?n so gre.it a po litical force. His acts and State (inrvors would be -i better platform lor his party than any its leaders could frame. He ba,s elevated tie leadership ot his party and madt- a new career po-sible lor it. Hid death would be the severest lo-s n could suffer, and more than that of auy three men in the country would cnanee all the problems of the iu-xi ; e-leCi ion. j '-President Cleveland is certain i to be renominated. To substitute ! mother, no matier on what pie tense or with what platform, would ; lie held by every voter, intelligent i enough to be an independent or a ! icformer, to mean a repudiation ot his policy and a triumph of the ' patronage-mongers and office kers whom he has 1. tilled and tTetided. "Feeble indeed would the demo ' cratic pany be, hopeless us pros pects. if they d-ependeil on wh.it oas beeu done in Congress, or tv ' the old party leaders. It is the in j iieicn ba ble contract bewecn Pres , ideut B .chanan and President Cleveland which has made bo many I people, fortunately tor it, loret even the nominal identity of the i patty behind them. A new Bu i chanau would rain the democratic i parts . There are hundreds of boosands of voters feebly attached ' to any tarty, but deepls interested . in good government, and having Anarchists Another one of Their t ircul dTi. Chicago, Nov. The anarch is s ot this city have prepared the following circular for distribution ainont: the wotkingmen here: ' I-'iht. Motto: Ruler we detest, tieedom we leijilt-st. to be CQ'lals we us pin-, we will or sve'll expire.'" In the course of a conversation between John Swinton and Carl Matx which took place shortly be iore the hitter's death Swinton asked Marx: -Wnat will the future bring:?' Rhort but meaning was t he answer t he great thinker and social philosopher gave, it was but one short svord. set a word ex pressing vt-ty much. The answer w,h 'tight ' Hosv cleat ly M at X could lo,.k into the future. Yes, , tlht .itiil utiugiile. liven it there i are Borne optiouists in ourrauks tbe majority of our comrades ;ire convinced that it will take hard fighting to gain the gi :lr titial aim svhieh the ttiinking pioletaiiat of nil con n ; i u-s wi;h i! :i : ;i i :ir li-iver is rj-w strugix.itig to re.u-a. I lie picket sk;ruiislii;ig ssir.ch has been d me dililiiU' the last tew eats in 1- r pe as ssell as America m t wa for the erection and institution of a free societs proves there is no use in talking about a pe-iceable so luiion ot this question. How bru tally, without consideration yes, barbarously, especially here in Am erica, the moneyed ruling class faces all those who v i : h pits for thell fellow men and the courage of their con ;ct ion s express their leel -nigs and thoughts m words and writings was shown bs the terrible Cinc.igo -tragedy which ended on N.is einiie" 11; h. ls7. Ivght ot the liest and noldest i;oueei s of t he Worklllglllell SVel'e sai-l 1 ticid . FlVe weie kilied and ihu-e disabled. Yciily such brutal i i iLs law as was shown in tin- modern trial of here tics here la t 'lucigo cannot again Ih' f. oind in I he h i -t ory of I he Wolld Yes. the tllal ot ileletlC-.. As in f.iimer tunes heretics were saciiliced at the slake b.s a fanatical mob, liilunated by biyoted piicsts. o called political ciiinmals svere Moore. Si oO; Mr hunted dovsn and muider-ed t) the ruling class ol then times, so the soeial hereCics ol toil. is ail those woo aspire to social equality are persecuted by a rich mob. We must be clear on this siinject. Can religious and political free Ihiukers and relorme: s express their opm ions without fear of punishment ! i he pioletaiiat of today is without religion. He pays his piiests, sup pints his chinches, etc., but this is only done to throw sai.d into the people's i Sos. While they are making lite upon this earth a lu-il. they can ju-t as well assure lis ot heaven alter dea'h. It is not ex pensive. The p:en-:it so called poll t te il i etor ;n 1 1 ton s are not in tended t- llitelicle With the piisi- WINTER WORK. After the crops are gathered there is a disposition to procrasti nate, to defer work until toward spiing. The result is that the farmer is usnallv very much crowd ed in the spring, his work gets much ahead of him and pushes him n.,, inni. especially is tnis tne case in wet springs. Imperfect work is the consequence, and the evil effects of it follow him through all subsequent cultivation of his crops. It is an old and excellent edge that a farmer should push his work, and never let his work push him. To do this he must look well ahead and plan judiciously; he must be vigilant and energetic. Iet him ask himself now: Is there any necessary or desirable work which can bo done through the winter about as well as any other time T A moment's reflection will suggest a good many. First, 1 all those o;crations which look to the stopping of injury done by rains. Hillside ditching, terracing and tilling ot gullies. Second, re moving obstructions, gtubs, rocks, arumps, etc. Third, repairing farm roads, bridges, etc. Font t h, repair- llt . ing implements, pieparing dupli cate pans to provioe lor accidents. making axe and hoc helves, single aud double trees, wagon bodies, hay frames, etc. Every one ot , these things can be done duriug the winter, and leave the fanner free in spring and summer t de vote his entire time and energy to the preparation tor the planting and the cultivation cd his ciops. Hillside ditches If oho has these, they are quite sure to need some looting after. They will be found obstructed in places, perhaps biokeii over m some, little washes may be tornied j list above where t he water runs into them. The sooner these things are canceled the bet ter, delay only lnciea-es the evils they produce. An o'ost I net ioii may soon cause a bre.ikovei ; t he washes -it breakovers sill row deeper with every rain. Remember that the cause of a break oer is always below the point svhere ir tcctir- too narrow or to shallow a place in the ditch a root or stump which lias collected trash, etc.. etc. When new ditches h ivc to be run. the ground in winter i. in good condi tion for making them: i: is moist Allowa- c-s Made by the County Com missioners of C -,r.vr. Crair.ty at the BegularjMoetinc; H-ld ;a Ncvc-r.-.l-.-r. 1887. For the To-.-: Win. ( : v - . f r eupport of M. H i.-ri-. si.1 o i. fr ; Kit-. 1 -M); S(rah Ilerriuge for M. Ii. Hill. 50 Oh; Henry W!!. s ; VJ; Auiun la Clirk. Si. 5'".. A. Toier fir bin Kee. . 51 V: Mre. Wl-j- (Jray. sj e,i ,ry Oat'.m si .',0: ".'ash. St.iv.-r for W 1 . llerrinton. -"1 J;; D. S. Willis for J ,,- I'.is.s j 00 Blount for Caei-r i'-.i:,ntr. V Nelson, 81 00: A. A. Lloy.L O. MoaJey frr Einev H rowii Betsey Westbrook. - 1.00; W. II for Simon Rhem, ;.0O; Thonvas Jlarrb. Si 00; M. Hahn for Iun M : ry. .?! CO. Matilda Gunners-OD. SI CO: J. Wiley anj family. S4 00; Ciif 2r I'-ec-ton for i..v- !'.' - a: -. '.V. ..; most lui; ;';:.n rtiic Ha;ir lttie '): R. irilVin . .v. ' foaturL.-; "liiitiK a-i i relate to f railroul land grunt ''tot tl v ft.' tor ray app '.lull ! i; nv have ti !ri-prf-- fro;-;! its legitim-ite Ai-y E Becton. .-: ro Si 25; Norm in lj. .. -k f r i house, .31 00: Mrs Kltar.or Sl.25; Shadrich R Dunn. S3 Pearc? for B. ' We.-r. SO or V.'iilett. -s rig . W ot. r.5. Victori.i . V." I T Jacob and fJanoah Burr." .Ji (; ft Carpenter for S.tbra Slade. S-! C". The fallowing clai.-r- iv,T3 allow,. .. the atn-.niH Ui:!.s- tie.- ,r:o as cl.iimc-i unless otherwi.-e Ptiito ... land, keeper of Wil: E. Qui J 1-y . in:;-.r r SlO 00: J hn T. Liio.-i In mont bri 1.-. .-? i 0v. guar-iian. ir.!- re-1 or; U na:-! ire- r- p h r Sen rp. k M.irgar- . i ; .r.uro L. Hah n -.i t;-.- ; i ui rations f ..r ;-. . r. .:0 traveling p.t;. -p. - -E istern 1 lis A-; Moeley. h,.uj rc Meadow?, hny f.r E. II. Meido.-.vf .,- poor r.:ais..- f ,r f -ur m:it:w. J. F I.jr.,? pr : f -ior.al serv is' bridge. ST.o : f cr-.ut !,-. -.--.o . Leep.--r Cler T E. Stover. !.'.--. fi: -,:-. a. !i iu-e, t0 oQ: !-. -0 CO; Jo?tph " '. J. J. T.-lsOU . J. D. Rober:-. Jri i. B.-van to :o. ; G. - .-. J. A. jr houij. Si GO. . niu.jicir.es for Jj 00: Dr. e-. Sj"i.S4; Lanar's the ;-, men is says; th I'jl hold I b that th. verted Congri -; hi I r. t only mad wnicn in. sjme instances exceed" extent the area of a half-dozen of t largest and most popular States of ; 1. nion. but in addition pro i led to any losses of lands within th" Krant limits should he Fati?licd bv eelert-e oi lino-; iviuiiE oilier limits, thus nearly d-e.iblmg the oriKinal grams, i'ndir the land department i a 1 from public ;inpi-opr:a-.i -n n granted limits as rt-'iuif '. also the 1.,:; 3 which too limits at the request of t; companies. Thus enormous oi me puLoie lana wer vatioa to await the conven ienco respective corporati'-na ia iho . tion cf their roads, the seio-t: on . land.s and the uncertain adj'jstn me rauis oy me iiopiiriii witbstanJinc th.se ind n. rawaU v.-, -re ma ie rxebisi n.lei. : of ' oompaiiios. f if any cf thtia. cuetructt d within the time prescribe 1 i :r-g a I. as ..:r t v ; : . ; w h pr. Jffiri;;' ; with rap: : withd rawiti moet iuvari lie land. .State-: an i 7,r; . ; . ' gridircne-d over with raKr.a 1 kt :: and indemnity limits, and in man-, stances the limits of one rua-1 ovet piiii? and contlictinrf with other in the mo. t bewildering mauner. so the settler recking a home c:u! J ly imd a desirable Jocati-t not claim, j by some one two or thi'to of the ma; TI IK archests DECK'S WEFJE FULLED, rices AT M. T. Bryan, c lVi : T. IT. M .Hi cn. e .run.:---and mi'.e.ii-. S "j ' VO V. com , p.T it iem an ; poor. u oo . w. dieru. etc.. 0 : . W. per diem ar.d mil- r.o. S Bates. c..r.-n-r. holdoit: i of Luke Ri-s-li. .jta'.m- 1 lon-ed .:", f.;.; W A. To- -:, .. sf-rvitw to t i..es n uv, r -e. Si -10: R w S.rat!). rep.i bridge. Si4 I','. Ne-v B -rn- -' -10: J. i burials. SI2 CO: i ner. per rlle-n M. Wats, n. ;up-ri:itt nJing - n. c :a i r . 1 . 1 1 a , rn . Corn . 11. I. i. -i on 1. i a d v e r t i - i r . & c . Jket. & mrt ,1 in Wili-s' J t :: i. A llarrell. tic l': Willis 0V and solt The plow alone can do nine-tenths ol the vo;k. .V two hoiiie hillside plow is the proper one. Mark off the line ol ditch, then start the plow the distance ot five or six furrows below the marked offline, and plow up to ir, i browing dirt down hill all t he time. This done, go over and over again, beginning each time one furrow nearer the line ot ditch thau was a wide, deep hd-vards. co wheels for briJg". 0 00 ; 11 II. P- rry. as-essin,j property, claimed S 0 C'"' illowe ! c ' 00; Dmiel Siimson turnkey fee-. SC 00. strvinn suto nas 90c, s.iairnoiniin jurors. Sl" GO. build i"K a f'rivy. eV .- . t'7 CO. f eedma; prisoners for October. Si 0-5 50: O. Iiubbs. pr diem. fees. x'j.. S-iO 0; James A. Bryon. com p-r diem. &c 5-i 00. R-'CHpitulation: Support S273 10: department of ju-tii mis -el laneous dep irtm-n' . SnerilT and j-iil fees. Sto.' Vo. month. ST00 7-3. of porir. :e. SO?. 24; S;9i 40: Total for done bel'oi e. Fm A Card. . N C, NT---, of Craven c t v i : thts of ie lettes ami proi-ei upper ten ; hons.iud. War to palaces, peace to huts, 'L isalle exclo.'med twenty years ago. Wiioes ei has heaid the pen pie wail in their presest distress and desperation, svnose heart is ii-it witht-n-d in his bo-om. ought to khosv that we need men who will t.ike part wi h enthusiasm aud passion in the tight of the working class against the social evil. Who ever joins us must take all the consequences upou himself and must be ready to sacrifice every thing for the cause, even should it be his life. Lite is not the highest of treasures. Finally I want to re call to the memory of our e-omrades the words ot Sohilh-i: -When the oiilifd rinivluTf finds Ins T-iuhf when the burden eauno' be carried 2.';tho H broken by the plow at,v h)::,.r then be trustfully furrow will be formed along the line of ditch svith a broad dam below it. Tow run in this furrow a V-shaped opener, made of stout dank and two and a half foot wide behind, and you will have a Dice, broad ditch without a lick of hoe or shovel, unless there should be roofs or n-ck to be removed. Hut, except tor cutting off svater fiom uncultivated shapes, etc., ter races are preferable to ditches. Terracing is best done in fall aud eaily winter partly because there is then more leisure, partly because more time is given the terrace bor ders to settle and become firm be fore the heavy rains of spring at tack them. Lay off border lines exactly on a level, going down hill for the next one. just three feet be low (measured on a horizontal line' the oue above. Make a broad list along tbe line, leaving the centre R i u here tin : hey w; 1 spiing. st .llelied the base, from the the tninl spi n,kl:iii Jf-f raenbn we hvo move! Storr a xt to National Bak. He 'r:-t I :u: oil sure suo Se- 'n 1 t - us before tbe Urge Brick vou buv. oward ? Jones, CVKiT ran ilH.I.-I.HHIIliiil l M tor Uwo irovftlM. ud kll Vuai . b-M on.y mui to DM UlAtr .o--i Lai TuatSCBlRiiiurLUlCAj Cl RXT) Uouk oat B.-s -t OC laeon tnct .a any wT r..iirJ rot iemie med&l ps-nlp'. Br d.-l vi vh owim y ACXAQiTKT J.1 mM UM foo miI m tsotl. and hi hi IiIiiiii rrln hiirn mrln" ' " T I bwaiMMiflxiiftuaoa 79zl7fi2m both wLmi'Ji ckj TSTLATEnn'. Cij UatX B.rrsllxB. tirif, CJ HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mrc Cry3T sees ir.TaatstrMsT.ixrtrta. mx UTVIULf PSB90MS oma hao FRE8 Trial or our AppHanc. AsH for Term! R. tl. Duffy. Druggist, AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Surijlcal Appliances, Druggists' Sundries, 8c, y OUISNiS PIONEER BLOOD KbNEWER-in valuable for the core of Rbmmatiem. t-,x-t , -r - ST Larttwt. brst delected ard cbearwst line of Hh LMrAKS n tllddty 40,000 just received. The wholesale trade especially locked f -r t t ' -A. r- li r T . : 1 Mates pcialtj of SUPFKlOri uyiur.a ior meuicitiBi 'he courage of their convictions, who have taken notice that the vigor aud moral tone of this ad Ministration will bear comparison 1 with anv iu their time. Thev have s, en with satisfaction the honor times ind dignity of the nation firmly U ohe'.d in every quarter ot the globe, ind would dread a change, i-s i-ci iliy iu a oi.cy of diplomatic meildlesomeui ss. Tbe moneyed nterests of tbe country have In.; i their auxiety and g i.tied coutidetice : in the evidt-uce that the ti nances d the government base never in then lay been more wisely or honestly d ministered. They i.ot only sec a navy being btrlf, but apparently ! without fraud -. 1;' neither our cus t oai s duties nor our currency sy sr ems I oave been materially improved, lies do not see how H would have eeu bet'er had the last election been decided d i ffel en t ly . ; "The not unnatural distrust lest Confederate debts should be paid j aud rebel soldiers pensioned has 1 ttivru place to gratitude towaid a I I'lesuieut who has had the courage I to veto more than a hundred in defensible bills lor squandering the iiro'.e mouey uuder the pretense d pensions for Udlion soldiers, h:ch the demagogues and -etii-iiieis of both parties alike 'united in passing. No bill es i peel. illy beneficial to the South haj I e-n favoied by the dominant fpirty or administration, out such k bill presented by a republican Senator w.wt defeated by the aid ot leinoi-ratic arguments and votes la other words, the Southern ques . ; on is d ad, sectional issues are no , more available, the outs cannot get in on the feebleness aud the faults d those in power. The record of j ihe- republican pJr'y stands in im l mortal glory, but is as u-e 1 less as IVgHsus for the war chariots i the next election. With my I rung conviction that the republi reaches up to the stars and fakes down the rights due him and uses such means as are necessary. When not hing else avails ttie sword will help '" The Fruit (ianlen in Karly Win'er. Iecember is often a prolongation, as to weather, ol November; in fact, of October, also, and svoik suitable to those months may be continued. Howes or m;!d in the first days of the month, cold often shuts down with a snap, and svo should be pre pared at liny day for the announce ment that winteris here." Some it is even mild enough to continue tree planting bu: it' the soil is at all frozen, leave the trees y are. 1 f well b et-K d m , be e I it-ct 1 s s , f,- en 1 1 1 Yoii-ii,' tiees should be by a in on ii d of e.u t h at which sv il also pioteet i'l,iils i ;" m iec ; I u Ol : ng is vrn b ti. io ly me a ; with bio, N'k.-.v Pi:::n r. oi trii peoplo or Craven coiir.tv Ab ut two years ao L. N Kdhur.-. late county treasurer, was indicte 1 in two cases for f.uiing and refusdlj; t.. post at the court h-)iis do r a ttatemcm of the receipts and disbursements of county funds as req iired bv law. tn i the caits. after a mistrial, wire con tinued until Monday the C':li inst., when Ge.j II White, sol ichor without even consulliog mv-e!f an i llr. J. I.'. ITarrisoa. the only S:ate witnesses, rep resented to Dis Hjnor. Ju l,;.' Avery, now lioldini; the f-dl term U.7 craven Superior Court, th it he ha 1 examined ibe case an l found nothing in i: to Jus tify a further prosecution of Mr. Kil burn and caused a nol pros to bo en tered. The statements made by him are untrue and aie a reflection upon the honesty and character of Mr Harrison and myself, the only witnesses on the part of the St.de Instead of perform ing the duty of a prosecuting cfi'utr and consulti::;; the State witnesses, he eets up in open court and defends the criminal whom he is sworn to prose cute. It as a nf.t-jric.us fact tha: D N, -v-.i burn has. previous to his indictment aDd repeatedly since, failed to pubii.-h his monthly i-tateaients of receipts acd disbursements of the county funds cua.- lug into ins nani!?! as county treasure r. ion crams r r iouKres. the desire ently covered by a rail: the setth-r would hardly .- agents of the corporations a claim to u. or the riht t denude it under tb-.- rih; constru.-tion i rlvileo- grantinc; act. fhu of his leftal right-, advise him v.i.p, i law or t bo fa w peace r.:; purcha-o fiom to way these eorp: i the lands y'J.'.u: claimed . n: hi a-i i a great th :u ,.f Ian neitaer : s!i i : . - i . :., r sold by a 0 oo ..; out- i lit cf th. ;:r;: ty the de partmoot tlie purclj-.is.T from th-. himseif in ih? ucfortu o: havia i : b-".:. ! money. Tne" S i o y . Ot UUllio. d by the i'r-. s that c.f ot;.e passace of whereby ti: wa d i recto 1 to each of too raiir ty C'onr-.ss to ai ofra;l:o .as. " The Sec that if the liepartme with auiherky to make in Jem; drawals. as had been d ine ::i instances, the exerci? cf that was a ma-.t.-r eniirely within s cretion. au i not a matter cf ' nation it; any re-p. :. aa I ... - ; onMiyCj. :t;T. rale-.: wcre i;i i u; tne aitteicnt c.j linsisaii mat is actually neces sary. If this list is never disturbed It Will grosv up in weeds aud grass which he is required to do bv law. and and will filter out and catch the llie charges in the two indittmunts dirt washing down from above. Unassisted, it may take years to make a level terrace, by breaking land svith a hillside plosv, throwing dirt down hill all the time the le sul: will be hastened. We commend terracing with greatest confidence to all wno have i-olli.ig lands liable to wash. For filling gullies what better time can be lonud than the present? The fields are iu great measure un occupied by crops, and wagons and teams may pass over them without purposes and from the best information detriment. All manirer ol obstruc- I can obtain there is not to bo found any tions, as rocks, loose Stumps, bushes record as required by law in the office and briars, which should now be ' f ,ho TeUu' of deeds of any di5 . , , . , '- , bursements showing how this large removed, lurnisli matenal tor the aiDOunr,f Tf.ur ,.1XCS have been paid work. It is unneccrss.iry labor to out by th-.t t.tli.-er. The manner in till a guiles along its whole length, which Mr. Kilburn's accounts nre kept lbs-ructions nlaced at inferv.il-; renders it aim i.-t impossible f- r you against him nre undisputed facts well buown to many of tne peopie of the county, and could have been sustained without doubt As a taxpayer and citi zen of Craven county. I feel int'-re- ted in the welfare of its pv-oyte. and ooiv desire to have the lovs executed at.d every ciiiccr and persiu ioj.Is to ob-y the lav. s. I a :ji not actuated by any personal malieo -,r spirit tig d:;;t Mr Kiiburn During the pa-t thrte y.rrs l.-i. ls.j atid lss.j a very farce amount ot taxes have been collected proDabiy not lees than SOO.OuO for schoois. build inu a new court house and other county 1 rom or the slallgh-er ilntlv. pel rabbits. A killmg. and fat eating. M ike curs oil ; b .;; and re ' gun is very o's nre good o d sho rab s tl I tace d i at ns to w a' e i 1 1 oin s mi n g anssver every purpose. These svili catch aud hold the dut which finds its svay into the gulley. aud that is the main point to be looked after. Il a gully is not too deep, plow or cut down its edges so that a horse can cross it. If good obstructions are placed across a guiley, aud they are crossed in plowing, aud the dirt aud trash on plosv shaken off in passing over, it is wonderful how soon it svill nil up. Flow the edges of the galley in crossing but never loosen up the bottom let that remain firm and grow up in weeds and grass. When a gully is a an outlet lor svater. orchards, t'ut cioiis beloie severe weather, label, and store in saw dust. A ini-i ;e in A g nou 1 1 ii 1 1 s . Stonewall Items. The cool wave has reached its with.ut any signaling. On SVe.i ne-d.iy . the 30. h ult , C. 11. Kow.er nairo ly escaped a serious loss. Ihe lint cotton from some cause, sup posed to be a match, caught on fire, was discovered bv the hands in ibe lint room as it passed through the conden ser and was put out without any serious the gullev can easily be kent clear da-nxe. nf IiinIiin a-hioh of her wise I'nio- tin rapidly and deface the field, or also ; .. ....... i. I .l.-... . ... . ....... tlie Ciew Heme colored brass Danddis- i------ -.v.-. ...o. v v coursed the music for ihe occasion and keep them down. ue. and all parties inter- s here rocks are present m C tl 1 to be well satisfied with rivaled fields, if is true economy to necessity n? sutlicient obstructions should be placed in it to keep it shallow enough to allow crossing svith the plow, if not with wagons. Where crossing is practiced, the edges of The Order of Oood Samaritans had pjite a tr;iud celebration last evening; It v as well rh e-te.1 SrellU-d th- turnout and p trade, and all acted their par: with decorum and good be havior. I: was reully an honor to so ciety. This morning at about 3 o'clock Dr. Aumore and family were aw akened by ihe fumes of smoke and foi.nd his hou.e nil tire, and nil the help he had was S. J. Lane aud himself, and Sbd said it teemed that ih ey fought ih.tltmesby themselves for an hour, but at last some of his neighbors were aroused and jy lrirjXioii compounded with care and dispatch. 0X2X24 BOUCITXD. I. IV . MJU FY, 13 dw ' - McTtlMret eor. Middle aad Pollock stA, Haw Berne, K. C. A Ca pari j" et contains the highest and hird tutu they succeded in outing rtn iliHejriAriH fur wnnd crnvornmcrt. i 'rie Ibmes. Itwifl take at least thirty I its success in the next election j -jeetna boptdess, save on the oasis f tbe most alxsolate commitment a0RTOA()E and Warrantee Deeds o tcose great principles witi wnicn xtx remove them. 1 bey retard hoeing, and they inteifeie svith plowing. The time thus lost svould soon pay the cost of removing them. If too large to handle, they may often be broken un by building a lire on them and pouring svater on them when hot. Sometimes they may be quite readily broken svith a heavy hammer. If neither of these reached the premise,, and after a loug are practiea ble, a hole near by may be dag, and the rock buried out of to learn how he has disbursed your taxes I:i df-f.ar.c-1 of tin order of your county commissi rors. he has persis tently refused to p. st his st ti met t.. The laws are ample and suOi.'ier.t all I ask and desho is that this si, oi ' exi cute ! and complied with John O. CJ.sk nco. N --.V Heine. Nov. 00. ;-.-7. A. one of the Stat" whir !- ia i; two c.i-i-5 of Htate vs. D. N Kt'iburn. County Treasurer, wherein h-- tttiioi indicted for fading to post lii monthly accounts of public nemeys r- ceived by him as County Treasurer. I cm truth fully say that i either the form-T So licitor. Mr. J il C'oliins. nir the pros ent Solicitor. Mr. 0eo. II White, has ever s i d anything t -. or had any Con sultation v. ith me in reference to the merits cf toe a o e cases, and that from my knowk ice of the fa ts. lite state ments made by Mr. John t). Grdner in the a ho vp c imrnunie.it ion in reference to Mr Kil burn's refusal to publish his prise: ritr moniniy .-.c.-ount". ccc. a"c--r.i ictr to law-, are tine, and that there were just ground f r a prose, uti-m of the cases by the S j; icitor. J.s C. Hakhisdn. Jake Shnrii'sjCast'. N ess" York, Nov. It w ; I e peeled that an appln-ation for the r.-lea? of Jac.'dj Smrp en b id woull be mtld-e today, but bis counsel, Mr. Cochran, ex plained that he must await the tiling of a nmittur. which has nut yet ar.-ivt-l from Albany. IIj expecij r . sect. re Sharp's release tomorrow. The favc r able dtci-Jion of the Court of Appe.il- seems to have produced little tlTectm Sharp. lie still dez--s resties-ly in h.p cell duritig the greater p rtiot; t : the day. partakes f little food ana n;.-:C-jests little interests in a u y t h i n g to nity dollars to repa l r d amazes . narrow escape. od hand idl the time. sight and out of reach of plow. IXo better use can be made of smaller rock, than to make obstructions in gullies. W. L. J., in Atlanta Constitution. ADVKPTO "dOTtlEIIS. Mrs. Wi:-:.-! ;.v,-'s SooTiiiNG Svi:ti should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind, colic, and is the best remedy for 'diar boea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. mar71 dtuthsat wlv O.OK i;o- i; . :. -. e fk . c .., , " o 'I -, ... ,.: tj.tss a ii... i: u-i. New ,.': ' vi:,',' y. ' .ht.n.glo:; : : going to b ti-i. : . . ' a i , ; : r. c; i . nr.il then a ' :i t ;:"! I; i.e I n t he nea r rn':;',', - ."-V f .' "' ..,'.'. '' - - . ..-..v t'. d t!:- Citv of '- " --.I-"- V , - . I . ----- s.u.i.u i i -.-pel. ' i.i.s sue n.r, -u. i A SI i..K 1 A IK ' n - do ; . : - s a r:eliereoiial lj;! f-o;:;-, t ;:. - ,;,.r .:: ,ar , P.u:... 'HI II I'WI's f,r .e.v .' : - i to I.;-,-- : ar.d most it:; -..d " Ihtspartff BE J"JT tj. ;,r,.a 1t ar: -tie r or ! be third Coa., " V 1- . : i . , . i . 1 from N .r 1 1 k w:. O..".. .. t '.'- - - o: .: Co I. t- ao no !; i .t- 1 I , , , ... : '- - :. i I o i t i Oc boi t ; - ) , . . . . ' o i t -- . 1 ' A -1 .t 1. 1 . , S, . ,. , . . , i. - i i i p . .- s - aid-ounce- .:,;.;,...-. ' ' ' 1 ' ' " ''" nu ct t!.r ugi. the J ii.N.si. i-nr Hore o. .- r -o ' ':.;- ' ; . . : , ;. r o ;; -,- i i aboo l i, . , , , , , , I ;;;;'!; , :.n I. : v... :: ,...e Kr,-a-. 'w..rks:.re ha" . ''' " ' '"'' v. ,-, ewarms of l in'r ' -' )':. r: t!:--n i-'ti.etime allxi,'llrt cu-t m rn. i otamining our , f - - ' ' 1,1 ' n un'.;. d i - a f ; t 1 pri'-i s. ai.d (: ii.g as.-.-iy wearing pmilirg t-: :- ; ';' ' '- ftiram.-t list faet. ..,;!,,! ,-.rrM,i .- d . :. . ! I ,,f bar- ,.oo- -' ' ' ' ctdi -OS and . u b- i i.o - . . fa cf. , , - - -i. : : : . no d then. 1 ! . - - . ... t , . r .- , - . - . , A - v. I : c I . '1 1 I 1 r 1 t . :l ; e s b 'IH t-Af-n ro . . , , ; 1 oo .,, , - . v ,. ' " '- I "' ' - i t'c. utt tie lout' i. and our !--,,-i.t crv is iv :- ' ' 1 ' ' : . o: t:.- i :p- for more s ilivmi n and a b.rger ("tore . -, .- o 1. 1 o; ; . i s - . - it -. 1 h'-re 1- r , ,' ;.: -I ' - :- t -U. .. . c s...... , ,i;mi for .car. - :..tio . , xtinsive , - -. : .-. ; ; .,, fl- . trade. h to-- -on;; seas m.i C ; : : ; '-,' o. t oc on .p - c r a n , i -., . .-:.!-!.' rio.-ril.- ,,-.; ."r- '.... i f-rmmc; ' f 1 '-t-e r - c - i o s. f Co, 1 :o.;,, .. o ;.. .... - fo;rv , . : - ; : , : , a t h - ol . 1 ay . o pp y jj R y L -. iii tl:- .' -pa-jr.). n- j '-' ': ' 1 irrq.r . . i 1 1 J J ' '" ; ' - ; - '" ; : " iv:::--: and - . . r t . c'l to;) ;a vi; r t;;' V ;. ' ,.!';v; '1L- " Bewildered ub a-'V' ' v !; '::";-: i-'IV..1': Compttitors. p., u.: Pi- i-.: rei.e-. t . ;; u.a-.e M 1 1 i a. . . .- . ;t; l i:.,t- t ir.in- --Mci, . f ho-. ''a-V-' '. I :l.;l io.la-i-,.:- 17 ST .ft JIT TlP ' land ha t b-.ci ma . , e ; .-.omt-rs trading " " ' - - s 1 r was this, a: I. ic.oo . ; .' .uu- , i , -.xx II v !'. ' ! i p s''1 I'.IIT-' ' ;; "- ! ' ''-V,',;,-. Fine Goods: :,;v : r:::;';r:. Low Prices! ,v;.v r , -'; ' I- i ti.-'le .-.t.iong tb. - ' ;- - i - ' .o... AM mi" wTh rr. !'t!-i i o n:o''' lo''y whe'b1; Honest Bealiiiff! io e - "' - .' tt.d.lim - tlol;- S. 'CI iul". .- . , , . . "f, . , :!;'l.,.' - ....... I. ; I t s; oh ar. i , :,t : - ' 1 " u ' ' -' a I r ; a I . nd j on will be 1 ;i ho to . roa d b v : ' t ti r - n ; . : tn.ent. . u:i , mat we sen K .( ) v l-.lt . , ,;.. 1 v - .. 1 ' o ;. I ;;-;. , : oe I .i r. ;, TH A N Ti i !; I. WKST - '..'-.' '".' t o,:;0- r . f 1. 1 ' t . I ; i- 1 1 ;; . f ,, i. .- V':.- o o ... O: MM i.:. .., v.rl.u, K Tli" W!- ITrt: .-p.cially ecoivel lb - ;i,ce o- ri' ,; ' : -' dy. t't- ! - ' (f n nants looked after. I to which tr'rcv h,i i v '' ' '-o.:.; , o. ..; o i. caa-o tb-- - 1 lur iior.i ii -;t. :;c ; . - . . o . - o p. es - o n o . tiiivni i-. -.t . ...... . JBM-n t:EElBi U h R 3 L E W OR KS. ' ..: I o- 's ..e in :.i . .i .ar. .- with the ;;oaoir. if ..PTO ' cv'up-.nv f'''-o ' '-a .0-, -ooe by tl..- !a ,. Tb -ie ,s a HMO K. X. V. o or-!, tt-i o.- -O-ol ;:t;-:. g. ti.e tax;-s a,. 1 valu ;- I o, j ;, 't o- v. i.t -i; :; feaoyat low lij,;uies. Vrcg f & o t i; t .Mr .onlin-irv lnrh and hard Vi Kg :,:-, ti;!..- -; ..A w . !.!;, ng oi store s, .. a, fW$&i& Mole, and t..e ;.-: s , o,, ;. ... r. ;l . i,.-. . . i e,.r,-.;u,-:...,, LCjiM; tvrt- ,enl for hi. protection co : w :m tb- l-t thr-w i.:. N . . n- v.a.t. l.W ' settlers, aod refers to ,;... '. d.-.tr-t m .- ;!-.,.-.... u.,t ,. rt. brO , 1 h- lav of March ::. ;-r7. . :--'"', :' ;;v ':' irv ! ' : - , : . - Wf ' s-ccr.caiy of iiie ii.teoei- .; ;'.;;.'': ' ; ' : ;;.'"' , ' 1 ' .- ,'JV z ; f. . iw:at-ji.iteh- ad just " ".yo.-.u -u t...5 ....... a i Vtergs fi''J" ad i.,nd grams ma le mfut. an U!,-n . xpl.,:n.-i and u..d.-,- . rmiT'::. 1 in the ccndruciitir '.i .i v . k- : ...y i .-...tc-I by ih- LtJiii'iiiuiram- was ciothed t t-ooa to t u. - p.- .pie in the rouid.y , g -fffe . -. , " - ' i . ;. , ' :',- i . , . .- '. - - .tf.r $t' -.' cllion-.y - ' - " .... ji; , and d,- : !' ; : :'' '' y i';s:,,,s ..... , .. . ,r . - y s-:;:.- :-bt;ova g. : utoi x.XVix ii 1 1 Lb 1GIUU3- rt 'V ' ' ' 0' a. est a. ' : - it 1 ; ;rJs i irave an J llnlldlng work In pan ;es or . ;i c o, an ; . x t is had been m.iJe ( sb .-,- t ' -.v ... r..e SMO .-: lie- nar lulur- ( . ' . X v H ft; Z. j P U Ui tlt it ilii dav -a :;-.- sal i v. I h- d.-o a n:oo:..ti .;, .c- to- s-ime from ..i , N, b ::. : ."-orb :. ..:;d t: cm- ' a .- t'taiu- i.roit.pl at?ntior isvh-'-''V" dj- .-o;. :: . f . b .. i,-!i will put s .I sfact. or. guaranteed !it,i!ran i v' -t.lv ti.-.- c.ty ..f New 1:- rue out the JO , ' . WILLIS. Prnnriotnr t '.'. .-; . I i' t'.o'.y l ra -n oti siicli a boom - Vf' "-I ',, ih- like !' svl.icii i. -,s nevi r i- en known or to (,..., rgc sv. c.'aypoole) bdo-iii:-: o. iv on- ,i. , s to.- , t, , ..; :,..v ; ;. .. ; , , o, ,-... v M. ii ere -'O'.oci. l'iao:.ou ,o . : 1 1 . b,i ;tor . j-..f. to. b- !p put N sv Berne on a tbrouch line " -" HK'UXl"?, -V. t ,,,"'. of r. olr !, p u : I i enh 'ibe ' 1 1.-' ai n e of . .... , A . . . i t-loo.- , , , , o. .lo .t ::i . r;:-.cd auei t ., .,. - ir or io : : v ;u.o . r- at ' .-. demand for , - . , . . ti g l . a- , ' ' - . I. i . o.s it. .o: diw "' -.':.',.','- s Pi' -' t;o- oit-.'ii;.;; c; t . a com-Mt " 1 ii,-"'.o ; ' . " - -N K as a n.isiaKe. i ;;-k i -r:;n' ';"";-' u'o'i'-r o'-'' '' ' "' i! ' !' -;io- . ; c,.;oun s.o.s.; v. hat Sitr-li, I -. asu! IJ,ini, e, ; j ; :- !. y I ,v i n. ; lo- ,..C,.,.T. . -..;; - cay. :: :'. v. - n-c for the A. .v ., ;i i , i , ;;..., '"' '"." - " : C. :.; . ;. . ;.;- c.ty v.. aid not le bCi-M-iilicis are 000,00,-1 -Ml': J.ZUM!;' d nr-, C 10 c n t i.ml I'la-t.-i. ihcir tl.are of federal ai n :o;o n ' ro :. 1 . . . t. must remen.tc r th:t tiai.- I: is C: tight tber- v.- IH !.r- ;; -;;. t; r b ' : , . r. . . I ; o; .; s. ; :. t t l.-y v e, A N D in the or.-; nb- di'd- M M , .... , ttor-;. o. o. ; - 1 f, :,v cos ;igo. i ,,;; A ! i C I 1 a,U s . . I ( tiid.SN'i AM) ; ' n.o-t.-o.o ; r p o;!" v.pr.l f .c 1 i 1 ties that M.s-ii. Terr :.r : ' .:.;;:. v. ,; t . ?-::.( : idi lin-r cities and towns. U MA VlSi iSVOXV.S, be a j nd - ; . r .- thov w :ii be le f i fir b hit.d in It i, ,,: 1 ti. c c;o;o:;:t.;.l ia c ,e li 'Itit, t:;u;li of BOTTOM PiUCES ! of Lieut Taun.. of the navy. 5. :;:.:o cd yooi . tb ;.':.-sp.ce. Lut 1 desire t. add ,f , " f 1 1 n him t, .:i-.;::s,.i b ;. t m-o. :; le i my ;;.;; r -b st: :-o, -s the rail road , (, LlJ, ... r "oM1-;;! 26 & 28 Middle Street, ,;,J.I!'!)n "'!.' I '"VL 1 ' '":1.'., . m:w iii-:iNk. n. j. :-'r tb::,--Vo ".. ALEX. JUSTICE, tioucl tie irati.- 1, .'::!;::. 1 ( -::' tj.-n in DEALER IN Senator f,.;;;.r.n pvicc tl.-: ; .:..: . Fi.-.e Flcur cf all Grades, billwiiiTe passe: by tb: ere-- during o ; . . c ,. I .... ; 0 g , .' ol 1 11 gelcctcd TeaSi Vurc Coffcel the coming session. Io-: ;. o; 0 - Opt aaer 1 n..,.t ; 1 ,. : A s;-oo ol t i o II will , . Carlisle -itcubl d,cli:K- a :erb-,t;, Is lu , -y,i (Jie.-nshoro ' aud SPlces' and assume tbe : ; ;.;:.r. -c to- m-;o:o; Wo. i :, : d ay in.Ion- Cutter tiiid Cheese, from the in the EI u-e. o ty. '; : c- !: ry. Mr. L. 1'- best dairies. The New Y.tk c, tot . . '-.;- . 1 '. '' - ' ; '" , ' .'Z' 'p'f o i ,.: iTt","- s:;; Or kro-l P. -.e'-v trial ;" - ta - ! ' ' ' " L ' " (.tlM-.DI-lilllSASIl V MavTAIII. . . , . . . v , .' at; ; 00 ; : . .. ; t. .;;-. - !; : ,.- dc!,- . . r o i..re 1.1 .,ia ;.i o, ; 1 .. , ..... U is .-aid l;. at t ;. ; e.d man n : . : v.. i toe . , , , . ..,., .. A .... -. t-i! -.- y ..f r I-. ;'"' ' " r"-1;'- !;::::.' - : !, : . . o i . , : , ' M' "". " ,:" "' '" ' '''' ' ;'!. e ;-; -. .; ; ; ;. ;. v. o .' o; .' -;;...-- 11 '.'.' '. V M . ' .::-.-.-. , ; .... -.i, : - . , " ' ' ' . ' ' ' ,' ' ; ' V.nlibe Si , ai-. I I 1 ; n 1 o 1 ) ! 1 r y " ' '' ' ''. 'V o --o .. . .. : to ::; .are for J os". a f .' Now , N '.' , - ' . - - -. .'..,! - - . . . . . , . , . . o o ; 1 o ; i 1 . : . . . v. . ";:,: ..o ....... , :-pZBr;'. K- - J0HE- ;.o-" rTbVV'lMV '1 : ' "I: ;.o,.o.: -o cibbctl. i?o;lv ; fMES , - . , . . , .,!,; ; : ; ' ; i V, " ',' , am. a.rain c ! i .;, t i -.-.;-.. : s ; ' ''''','' ' ' ' ' ''. !"7 ?a-"'cV;::' ' ' e-'i1-: ; '.l- V .'.toi'cieci u 'j ia! M(.-rcbandiso, tence. i -:...-. . . : ; , '. , . - , -, , : . ! I .. ' o i .; ,i 1 ..; m i - .-Hi. throng: ; .;.,.;..;. so c t a . ; o . t . a . ..'.., ., , , v , .- ... .o.ii. -o1.. ti;ioc.--ioooi -;t ,l.-t ... i' (!..- i.i. '. - s . . : v. .. - - l :; , . ; ; , , , . '. ' , 1 .. ; ; ...r. i . . ; ' i.c no el in L' niiO y-c - ot : ; -.; -. ; ,. ... i ' o -1 g i. no:, ts of Grain. C . on and cadmg to- ;.i:p r . ; t... rrs. . ' ". ." ' ' ' ' . ... ... ', ' tb r Pr b;-e e--1 ie ited . -sl .ngbo r: r' an 1 a M: . r r ' I .! Io . d;-.;,o . .:. is IsTi - o. s.oo, . ,. , , : ; ..... ,.-,.!, s. '. s.- I'mtnjit Vtb iitlim (iua n toed, f . r e n ;. . 1 :o i .- o. -c :.: ' ; r . ' ; t' O t: C. i . - r ,:',"' i V- VL11!"1 ,:,ri, ''' V V ...-.: i i 1 ;; . .: ;. ,b I'r :. t .at: .! M iddlc St nay .a tlx.- 1 .i ! i "i:i tec; '. i -i !. ... . , was sentence : in iloglan 1 to . ;.;.. - : . '. -i . , . f . months" iiiip. I- i. n; -;: ; r ; :..;; : I:: 1 - ' ' -c ' ' - - - . in the T'reib- d it.e k .1. io c i i t o . ' ' wh-n be P.: --it of c -b .. ...... .s . .. i o- H.copc:aod cirtif to tills c o.'.titry. an ; h ,- t ; mained h-re. Nest Mood -.y -,v . ; t . : 1 u - -ri:; , ' ' viiiiG, Edwards & Co. 1 1! -l f'.il ' ' ' . o i.oll'. eNee. 1 0 l n M ach in nc c. : n 1). i .. .,, . i - t be- i- :' "be-- i--e and , -, a..-;-.- r ' r 1 b ; ! . a t r : i. ... ; i ', , it , . . t . b .' . , b , -. i , . . , a b 1 1 . 1 i . ! o ,i , , 1 r y to ii i :; re i . ,". ' , r ...; I. --. a o 1 a i' e j i . j . ; : 1 o tb t a: c ' '''' ' I -: -f uu 1 i -n C.istn ; . ai. ! : i'-i. i ' '.;.'.:!,': I i ; i . ii::.!.. e it a s ;-... , , b v . C I'' V"".- o , ; ; . ! - i . , ' ' . I : i , ; I '. ; ... ,.;i' ,; e-l .'it o pec-ton- .:.. ; .-,! , . - , ., ;;r.o 1 1 or !. goiO a. eel and Co -v I1 i''i, o deleica:. clcodd vio, sv i.l g and ; u.mv- . . 1 -t ....,: . S HO S:.! II oil ' I t;III I .SOllI lll-l E 3 fj 'Ul io'o: o-'-s.-J-ooio-osivc Farmer. .USSH ti: withdraw cause bv a c drawais should not be re.- .b the hearing the orders with lands within the indemnity reserving; the --cm-: from set were revoked and the iand.. n- the public domain and to fett a large number uf cases v h mentioned by the .seen. tar;, amount of land, restore I to tli".. domain through the orders revel indemnity withdrawals is commissioner of the g c;' v to be il CJ j O'.'O ades. I the Secretary urgr the cc, propriat-ons for the ?urv w h i c h rail;- i a i. .. N .-. IU'- !-: oi lTJ ..: , i it the m rob o, ; d to about s-jo t.c . g i - f a iittb-- more tc. .v. 11:-- disbar-- -a ; ;n wo re Usually i .-iv . v t ntialiod the receipts. ' d UjO was p.,i i nut on acc tdit of I: is estimated ;:t lac treo-iir ment that there bas been an i: nearly a million dollars debt during November. io to- a call. it ai price oil wly ouse'sOhiH Syrup .--, -;'::: ("y''----',r:vt..M-