'-. V ',-'.;: v t TILE JOUENAIj. 11?'' J them more money I m necessarv for the oeo- m. mi. nomical administration t 111' - , 1 . . ,HUW - ncr. government, tuit.l i' i - ' " " : " that the li'iMc wr-Ii'.irc (iii- ;XWBg3g. K. C. DEC. 20 157. m im, he c..,)ll,,t:,,n rl it shoalil b ;!i it the inniifV wrongfully taki n m :n : n-: ; i -hill be rrtnrneil i !'n- i : x - t i , 1 i ;; pose-. 1: - t.il.ci: li.'-i. t!.-n.tk-es : in :.o :--".-r r. -..:i '.' , Jones County Items. Tivnton was a l.vi ly ; !,,, Saturday lar with i"..-ha; horn-- ;u;.l !::e -raekci .-. giod !;:r!M V. ('. Ki nil ' i n ( )m :, v i ii vr o.m -1 1 : licxbi. arm. r Ill" ai-c Mill n. SOXE of the officers of the pen tion ofHce in Washington are still endeavoring to proscribe Mexie.vi BOiuiera ium olwCc 1UU lUv . r NVe;lare dom i:ili South, in the war between the ,o ?..; ( j u, ; Stares. They will continue t.,,.ot!ng pub'.'.c l n:! enrenain mis iirjuuinr .-i. .".i ollt cret.ks tire war is uesigniteu a-s a re bellion. ti;i" : , 1 a- ' i' i . . ihil r: vcr-. !1 w;;h t'.iM't' tn !ir!;i v.c:c all busy taking in the dinifs m t-cliaii-- !''r i'iui : '. ioiii-rifs ,nnl ; 1 s . : : I : -' a. i - 1 . i - a ' r . m d the ! ; s , ,J iid . :) . ( "t 'rn a 1 1 i-"U!d 1. in i' I tu :: b.uih" at ; : s i 1 as' t ar im : . " and in vtits can't now 1 c lumgiit for less ban "') and (in cents er bn-lnd. ( nr larihe: - a' that there ;s but '. i n t he conn t v to -'til. 1 r . .1 H. r.ank" two little sons l c l 1 1 v i : ' i . i 1 ),. y --t of ('"'! e..!ii.-;: which o 11 f . ,i a An ivd in .it !; : n the a. i ; :, ' i h i 'i"sc 1 1 i i r . ch.se Ml :!,. in a k ; ii a t i : i ride i a t .. :. i Mount fi; a stai ted. ..liil ' i ; a ' 1 ; i r i . a a : C t Ml .' A lev t a'kc t ':.. -t c tit ' i t'f : vo.i c ;n tl.c n.a'ter f 1 a d B ' I k 1 1 til ! : J i ; . - - Hi' I- J ;;a,t! : l . Sate::.::, : h; ai'ii n;;: v es 0; ii k i n:a illdei i.e w 1 : i ' 1 1 1!AL1, I) 10R ( MRISI M vS TIM' . Toe bells are louJ . tne bei In are Bwoet. alont; the winter land ; The trees are bright with frosted sleet, ioai like raaiieil warriors btand : 'be wirai eiuj liown tlio southern -io e df v.i, leys Hint; wi ie. the V at mil-. Ciiiic-. ol I'liicrl), i !i d i ; 1 1 ; . 1 1 . !i,,is lie (Una 111 c ili.se i jiieiice u! t heir woi k nut biiny ot .i ii itaie, or perlbrnied under ar n. in ; a i: : e -. caltai 1 ,; t .1 'n iaodi.ee wv.i.lli. A man may le attacned t some partieul if sou: of ground, and may prefer woi kmc; theie bu lei s;na!i eainuiLTs to woikuiir an win ae ei-e forl,ll;;ei earning-. lie T'-e rea-tir.l-i-ry .vchi ma-, ie ..-.r, a. .1 in a p.trtieiiiai , ,lh"ll1,mi :: i.,..i, 1 .. ., ,-) . .,, ,, .1 i. A!1 ! ' thl" ''"l" f' "'. , """r" sentinel lioili Ml. le. i men befcr than liiui-ell Ai..l tierce and l.ia'i lie rajrtiiwii a i e g. lining .l.iutu- ( iie ;t:n 1". other i roais liown fr.-m tii- t rt .unr. cniplovnicnts. He lua lier.-lsl hi A!' 1 '--irs f .r .-n -l: -iai-.i rl ' u .V . iig ;th aht to ti.it cd I ools. i -1 . i.i i in if 1 1 st' a na-' or narr m- riTerr t'ii : icK cl I aorr iiilli ,us tail b r I: la le I'T' i . n ml .a i lit a : e ci i . i . , - , i : 1 1 'i . g' cd lit ll"! e i:e a u.i'i t in- r a . d i ; .-. i ;e -i quet.c Liif in i li IcdtiCed ill l ari uiii inett et t 1, m i il n .o nl' 'li-t 0:t tr ; l si. is. "i'iui' Seas 'iiaVe I'res' wis. A pint of go; e lor Tut : ie, three palsies for fairclnld. A mn,zlc for Mr. Illaine. The '!! 'ody shirt" to bciaiker, and a punch ina.de of p'lwiler. tin msroiie. -1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 n , .1 blood. A si. rue '.I b'..i r.:, I ' h n Sliei in a n . A giiicai i.i riiivii 'T'o:.i! and v , i ; t a Ing ill-. F a . c-ie- .,: d a i:a.! . i'h ': it - 'i.'hi ,r : he N"i ; li ...le. In; Si'ii t'i i I ', I in n ml -. .,h(l ruite and . 1-. sion for George Ash, THE Wi ii m - " I a 1 1 1 1 I a m -r-v ra i ss n n -a ra There are dotilities-ol-jeet tonao.e were out otra nnnttr.g w tien one 01 i an ,i 1 1 10 oilice-r j .rom ; .t ! . a dered t lie features :n Mr. lllair's bill. We them tired and woinided a bird, the j oK1 po-,,. t0 ll;sin,, i;,,iUkgot - A .1 ni i- ,1 -r i other ran to ca t cliitanii ran in jp., . ...a., '.,-,,-,( . .,,. .v ... . . , . hmiA isv si n i' nun 'i i In ere . . . . . no w n . . n 1 1 .. . ij n '. i n a i i i ... e n i s a . 1BI repaoncans Q3ve a: iaoi - (rout ol the gun while he was ad- iuiptuNed iti.-t i lui. en!.-. lie may woik at t mugs which has lellow concluded to attack the President's should be notion. Federal and hold the democratic , interference w;t! lusting the hammers which slipped ' ternblv daaualated antnm! measage pacty responsible for the large snr pins in the treasury. Senators Plnmb, Teller, Sherman and others have opened the ball on this l.ne. and it is evident tb.it they n.tend tb oppose every effort the demo crat may make to reduce taxes and prevent the continued aceutnu lation of a surplus. of t tie large s ; p.-opU- cati at: '!.. : : a W":: -a.'i . lll'llif; s!l I". pe. : 1c ff the r-.i.iv ibang 111 ike t - ' tiT ' p.'op'.e. an - .th tiie a pott. .'It. a a'a- tak.-n ' laid be r otl Van M tin a , i a , ; l o uudeistano i or:i:g : do st'tia '.i t.aanc; il cati l.t; ai v , a u 1 when til. a; lal'i rt 1 w e an U- II. II all tre'l' ;:i, tha". DE1TH OF EX-SEtBF.TAia MVS- a: a Ios lion. Dantel Manning, l'.x Secre tary of the Treasury, died at h:s home In Albany, N . Y.. on Satur day latt. President Cleveland regarded him as a true ami trusted lie :al and loyal associate m the discharge of eolemn nublie dutv. His life was a useful and successful one. i : '" ''"7 . r. - - ti t a ' 1 k . o -HU management of the treasury cnea.a.rc r. i department was considered able ' K"r-!"':1' w ; lniere-1 ::: : and sound, though severe criticisms several y ears p ert were made upon his effort to induce 1 w;l n,?,J ' , . .. I tni so c.i n ir. I !.f Uongreas to suspend tue coinage 01 : hts b j r silver. Be was a life long J emc- ; between . -. . . . - - . .. . . Dearvrt'. crat ana am vaiiant service iu tue; i'ii a conduct of and accidently discharged the other h a-', barrel which struck his little brother .,, and killed him instantly. The , w'h.'le I'lin.'ir.lir.'.v deep! ilep'.ore tic- sad accident and tender to all 1' ' ' 'b' 1'itriia and f.itn : :v t1 ae'.r heart ., ' ' ' - -'. m pat 1. :es. 'c The -ect"eta; ut t .1 .-. a'.. 1 ito- i,- , . . t! 1 I . inner- Aia.ata e w ! 1 es l.- --aal tli it li lie 1 iti cunp.et' tiie III iv- We: : - 1: .11 ; itigcii:e:,rs t a 1 be w;.l s w a ; 1 : ;.,rc' the abiatae and lirmei- ' eii-. :i-'..'.v a" .1 tck-on ille "ti t!.- -' - ill lir-t It: ire .: December and h cT.re them on .;, a-., -i, :.. lining anl farming ititere.-ts. al-o ; a . ..; Tient'ai. .' ties c uti'y the :;i.-t !! uf December. e trust t h H e cry l'.o.nk member of the alliance in 0111 ti.i::si coiin'N "id tr.te' I.i m and make it oigat .. !.:- dut v to -ret e erv farmer to a'- , H. r marts lac. , i ravi-.l t'a- rturmiest ' ale-. III! I Wo.,t-d ll;e r-aftiert breez-. ! Ari,jnd t be Lu ea I; m- - - i f i h hp Hnrn hi-r! cratuies do not care for. or have outwar.i v.a.j eh,- b ire. licelltly cea.-ed to (aile for, and And met the ra 1 lain lit-ht uf nmrn on: wbie'i t lieref'oi f. a- t lie 1 .resui t -At Calif or ia's el.tre. , - ,.,!-. .. .!,.:,,, , a. v . 1 ' ' ' 1 " ' 1. 1. III. All 'lll.l.l' ."-.IIiIIl;IIIVI1II11 1, .r... ai.,..,5 .1 'J 71 wealth. Lett with the nnooutrht sailed to far Cathay articles on his hand-' he is as poor a.- ii he ,p.l not wi 1 1. .r all. Or he may exit' aims, a; ia -ipo-! t ion ti V I, .11 I.e 1- not :. a - : n cul : i ar fiicer ciinmanded 1'. dd: a : d ia i ai t I.' 1 1 The to take Hi i : e i . .d. wavtr c-he B-low her cour-e the coral wavt--ireteheij lor lona leagues away; " i'.' ir l the ti-r ftiu'-a las lu-. e m tic-tar, t t-.r:a-ii. A I. l - w i i SaL I Lively &tabUs. . SCORES TWO POINTS: t'tli-: Ft CM- 1 1 1- a I A M H n A V 1 I ! 11 A H N A I ', i M I 1 oV hiis ef-n ats- ; r, . ,. '... I bv h- .)th j H "'a are telling hoi,'- oi i i, . i tr. "f v 1 1 an M Il:,h Will dH lit.,,.. ' l ' ' .r : 1 1 e -s ii - l- v Imitation is the sinceri btfLaTTKbt ' "tt ElL tbeTiELER" Uas ri'lim.i'.l fnun Nort'iern ifft'kiti wnh the Lirg- t, Most Complete and V c i i Stock of W; tclus. Diamonds, Fi E JKV'riLRY, Sii:i;i,IN(. SILNI.K AND 1'L A I 111 WAIJM ... i i - ,', i, n lie IniH o l, t i . 1 1 , I cm oll'-r I he - - i - a. 1 .1 tf TO ADVERTISERS. ii . i i imi" me i,,,a. 1 jr- (1 , Vldtxl 1 i lo wal te heiA t en I ' . ', i el 1h', i-K 1 1 in, I, in t i i hir k I :.n On var um 'iv 1.1 I'. II. A c . ' ' ' - I t Iture, 11. ,-. i-i i . New Yorn. t.t f r-- the w , it b ,1 Ant -a t ts i : r o v . 11 - K AM' HV'I I K.-l- - ''ll- . ' M I - ' ' " . - ! e I . ' - the rnrnmm sense W I. V. I We 1 w l tn to l a : -e a'..- -aid th.r i , pa-Mae. ( M a u 1 1 i , 1 1 1 ;- i : , : :, . r -1 r , ." - - ! . u t . , I. a r j i : : i;. i n ., a . t ' i : . i r w , I h , i a n i 1 1 h r . i . e e f r ai 1 1 1 1 First Point i -la 1 li.l-iill li ..ht,-. . ! - ' .i : T..e l;;:i' li ", tia a u a r w . aa a a a. : - i.t. i sio . -j i!l '!( ). - 11 i I N . I. i Or . I . . . II i; - h i N K - a n -I r.f s . M. HAHN & CO. 1.. r w: s, ,'1, t ; . r a. 1 I. C.d al th.r i' will g; St it:.',' re -"t A NORTH ( Vltol T V F N V Tr.- b:i! t-y - a r ' r e r t '. a L a; campaign which elected Governor! Cleveland Fresident. i and e Gen r i: . I sen at ; ve ,'. North i ' ir.'bn. CHBISTMAS. Deno'cr it;.- c.a Tolav bffins the Christina.- fes t members . r; tivitiea, one of universal merry-' who wi.l i a- t:i.-;r making, good cheer and special j Sena' .or. it a ; o' greetings. It is not confined to needed in I'lm!"" the rich and prosperous, but in its . p-v ' t nie t-tr..-fall significance embraces the poor. - eal and c.i: : tithe- sick, the yoang and the old an'! , "'a-- -- ' ' : 1 ! all person who recognize the great Dt'r-J tn eiu-r i. girt of eternal life embod.e.i :u the will f'i :h meek and lowly t)rie whose birth we celebrate. It is recognized as peculiarly the children' holiday be cause it commemorates the birth of Him who had a tender regard for little children. It is the annual oc casion of interchange of kindly greetings, of family reunion, n -newing ot old friendship and to forget for a time ti e gr.m n;f--ry that lags along the pathwjv of -life. It- is a time for m.kwig other r. - -I., 'A-a icj m : 1 -. i'.- s a: : a fur i :r tr.,". 1 It m-ma v v he ati K'--t Ir an :e r. x . I ';: -'a'-a r . an 1 w c.a :p : ' a a i ; . 1 . e ; :- . : li, r e pe.aoe "1 mere! V t he end on t h it day. i .ina' I hin.'- Ilajipiai siiiuel nie ami W hat I ii- y Miu'irc-f At a S ibbarh School in Onslow aain'y, near K. 11. Terr 's mills, a tc v 1 1 . i s -;nae. the house wa-j-.n-ked with 'allkees. sons uf l'.rai. and Tat heels. Then blue cared New lltiglaiidt-rs. M'.chigaiiders and Tar t.iei-: and again Portugese, Scan dinavians: and another sandwich .ng oi Tarheels. &c, Vc, until like ,e plum pudding ;t was impossible to 'eil reallv what it was made of. V 111 I b'i.-! Il Mi petit, :.:.;. i 1 1 to -a;, a p ..:: ' a.a g lined, '."t ; m p : o : i c 1 1 , m i lllste Iti i which i saving a i ac , ie l (la the in,l of one bench was tha wh. rowded four small, miserable. 1 one - i Ve a : ; n ; d l-couratred. racLred. bareioote aat canebcf p,vs, when all at once someone Pr;;,,'T b; A-si aii'dv t aal -ittbciently luml to be heard, P"-o !. r wo::'.-1 buy one of the boys l'ia:i . i ,a vlioi's- iniitlier s;li,i he Colli. 'U V tl a i a a le e it tu be t'a, :,',!, 1 ii a r :!. t- ,. ,i I't'ii-a - "i -p i I aci.ey. N'C.v, t ::: ' ! i i e p i : : U. e 1, ' " ' i : W e si. .nl-! : on a ti, "fc i ' i i. el r.- lia : e s.i : l 'lit ,1 m .a. a! a i i j n i ! , : a t : c port li ; m - e ings. ila. it pit r man a but iie m at leas w: detuMi bar : ; t ic 1 i t a : i a i ::i i , " a ea : n ia li -w a t i -. w , 1 : t ..,!,- his .a - a ;! b a ,-p m i 1 r mi ;.' t a - t a ni 1,', a a th caps c.r .ml ch.miy V , .- ' '-an's la", at .a V Cab;. ' f ihe lai.i il.e 1-s I'Hi" tbHt Ii '.r ..is'..-r -h . b--; i leudeil rkv, t i.f ii : - i ae k l ana . I a w iiti ani hli. f .loam. Y I. t a: ..ia : t a . v ( ,r ,i As l.'-.I: The Price! trr. C Hi I .. llll- ; a 1 1 - an , - 1 1 " w a ' I ; i .- t a i . ; ' s : 1 ; i -f wa t h the same e . I'll formet' may bt' t he 1. aa tt'il t he better c'rizea; .st al -u be t he t tei - ! a m: ! v e 'li t i a lies . It is desiiabli. de h nariot brings the Curisluias tab-. : , w. ie n : e &t,.I the cheer Ti.it in each fan a hi m ibah Ik ie. itrown 1 1 c ar r e- ory year: Taa heanh lire 110 a. hriaht and warm, a:.a ula.l with t cackling sane While out at mm the win-Jy storm gr,.wg j a hi ' ii. t ar. J ;: tr a) T. ill i,:.: i.i a,-,- T . po: n a i a - in no A-s i . rt a a em oarat : i : I- hearts glad by giving something, whether it be of intrinsic value to those in less fortunate circumstances or only a kind word which steals insensibly iDto the heart and en kindles a warmth of friendship and good feeling the beacon lights that smooth the rippling waters of life. In no better way can we commemo rate the birth of Him whose cradle was a manger and whose minis tering angels proclaimed peaee and good will to men." The gift of Him is precious to all mankind, and to cheer, fo gladden, and make light the hearts of the poor, the sick and the lowly is ,1 work that commends itself to aii. The Journal send special greetings to all its readers; may jroa be happy and cheerful by mak-! wav Wiu Mii.l We k;io' r is Ser.atur to p.n tion to Ir.s c ins ties th.r are m friends to the Geiar,.: that wall a; piectate -:: by ca.-ting their ball, ts tarn of said S a i'ur. ' tainly wrong to : :.'.:::. return depends tij.i a '. ance ol spec; a.l m rv counties. New llerr.e wants a p; ing and is as much ::. r. at Charlotte, on cm not I'irom i-e any heli in be in, Senate, but we 1. Ill'- ill 'ae : s. ration t- a 1 t r a' 'eti I the i i em !v tt. send Assembly 'a si i v :ccs I 1 r ; ac re . I i.i.v hnes fur another am u '.. we c. i . . . . - . ss time than it takes me to tel. e '"" .. -'' ': " h shoe.- w.-re provided for all : '' acc 'ti;,'.. 1. : ::.. -t.it. V r:d . iual!v quick monev was pro- o:-i,-a.-;ng a -mail -::::: , M.'.ed to'buv goods for suits of i"'11' !!'s " ''.-tng a -m .. -:::.$ el. a htng. and others found to make ap,.::t by v.a;ca w- a: ,y r.-.t '' them up. Then hair little bovs tea t:m, s t la. tarn w, l th it thoiu'bt thev hadn't a friend - 1 1 w, n t a " a r wh .,- t ,. m , i ; i . a ai i.e tne in wii.ua i:i-f t ia m tiie wotld were made happv and1'11 to feel that eVerbodv was v.TV ch.ll.ee ol II. .King wnat w. kind io them. N'owthe'cold winter ii-lrai'il,. imae aa ant.ig.aa wind will blow harmlesslv en lour Si. h ..: e s.tt;, pi,-s , , ; !., . ; . i ... n ...i i,uv lor c uisideiar ion b -ovi'i - xA'e bave not seen such bet'on we want to see more such dings and -andwitching as de- J -ci ibe.l above. i Moral- llmnili lor the railroad I exercising t hem '" a- ct .a,. ,u ir;t)r, ,,..,- o,ni.ivm.ir,t con.-itiei ation. 1 or til.lt hi. "in l' tb,-:-'r". rl',-. m inv h.aallries ot I Ulan V well 11; call i II g .(.!, g- ''.l . erform (,ndow county that we may see r cert tin many such sights as t his, and in fact th.r. all men should b ti. i Coil 1: t I V C ill be Co ii giit s'ate where oelibaev i- 1 "U any : biit e'. wi.eie stub l- tiie older ol thing-, may who miriy must tindth .ta family i- a i a ie of ioe:ty. Tiie ntmo.-t eii ir;.-shoiii-l he in ado t make maniige a s aire - ol Ie ir to none : but until a:- j- done . the less ;ibh in ea. a depaitmeut cm only mar ry at T h e i i s Iv 1 1 1 1 1 e i ' y . Such an i. " . : n ' ia a r c i - e. la co.nes 1 :.: t le 1 1 'a e!.i-- ,i -. ; ii several of t he .C o e e l'.-- - o! Self produced It o. ,.r; -, -v, -eptiag t li i I r ive rliiip brea-is the sturdy blajl. :,l .1 ei'ar-l lla. pcli, i ' f-r.t. married. jam! p,,,. breakers on the reef are cart, l.-ideled 111 a ieep c;.n.;; the iu.v racks' drap". ced Wiiy .-hints' no le.icon from the beiiiht. door . wiier- . lint' a giant jno-c. The lighth". u-e through the Fobhii g nigii'. lK.wts c n the dreary coact'." 9V 6Mi r.rk. '.in - r : ot - . .tel. J xv. i.. tail (, i.as e-j.no j, un.- , : i f a . :a. t- - a-. I f I. a - . '. u r t. ai!,.-r ': - W. L. D0L G1..V-. JirueCliin, itasi. S M u H S i-.i k ill, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. SK -V Th'AC. N. C . Will move on r ;iv, o'jt Janu.irr 'fi:h. lss-. to their r.e-.v Itb-e. over t til ing H'iu-e of tii'-.-en. I' uy it iv Hotel Alb.-tt Second Point 15 ink- . three II, re the ,p ant I- rev. m but alwai a r. LECTIO NOIIf N . vi e can pierce the euiien roar that ti'.'. the fo.iming reaeii. Wh r-- rtem waves hurl the icv .-tore a SJATF. I ' tig the soda en betch: ihoiers ThMc'l-m in watche? for the -tar that 1 r- an the I ret I ;r j,' steep .-houii rl.r-w the bar I rr'e frothing bar. an o l.gi.t the pathless deep. Two j tai-.t- ahead he heads the ship, rii'aiaht for the reef he steers, The it tee. w aves by the deck sides slip. tne wm 1 is iouu wc.n eneerr laaasa t i: n i a - ' ' ;a li, KS'K. I . : . v - s I'. ...a'a i ni -- The Qmilil v S ':--, .- ay l : v,ai i ., ,; ,,,, Thnr-ilflj-, Jniiiimy riGili, . D lu--, a. I.-:, : a : m :1 . ' i.e I a : : !,c g o eri : re- :.' a; i i:ii,a for Iiu I'tirf.iHe of ,-rai. m-i wha will giv It proyxr ntten a t . ; ..,,u,. tli.H T.timji In pv,-) t.vn la ! I'. l , :,1 N C. rud .-,11 , co , i al I ter- il-y not already aiir.iwd ,i ! M .- if Slid I sci a a i ir llie sum cs a, I: r i'kiuihI !.:.:. d aa 1 I-Laliwav o II e W- .1 a: '.vi'!: the good tcel- I.'-aih waits urn id theveaity wrath that ' a 'tis l'hey are too apt to force; that they cu'ald P( j make in "re by e.ei t-i - i :i g id aa, a:-- ly the w lit T- en erg: is ol l i.i ,i m.mi in an important p;;;-u:t. tu.m b U ;::i iC'io't el less example, l.o.v : s ( 'i m 1 1 k 1 1 1 1 ! t !ia ab-a-'a. r w-i'l abvi an i:n bgli'ly (...ail Rules fur Winter. lit s ike reef along. ill ic.ny lingers point the path where dangers thieke.-t throng. cut b.ve has oft ti the gloomy tow er, end l.,ve is d.-ath r.rtrong foe . '.I i ; 111 ; ,'oun: I:.-- . a-a-: : a: ,f r a; v i :.o m-1 ,. so :i-iv "f : i.e t.ar a: o. . : Cei'ii ic.y A.l i I'l-'.e.s ile-aaia ;o v.a.-f.o s i:U trop, . . U:;i "i m;'t:.p.', i-ii-i'a .i. p -sit in the lnis pcant is npwar a. ,,: aox. ic tne v(,;i:i; tivcii.c, where he Til l-t- .-li ' a ; 1 ! , Vote, ot paper wit h !,-,, u . . -r- ii tne vr.inl "Sf a- a : v ms ' ' ,-a her ntien or kDOW th Cilirt-f Tnpn call at otiae anj 1 r nt. ,1 the:' ju.il ill pe' vn.s ilesir i:g i o ! ote a;c :. -t sa : J, , ,',. of ,,:,p..,' -I'milt'S, :::.,'. pruileil or written ti.ereou. 1 Men f I ui i.i-lnngK. Drv Ci io!-- It, .,:H ernauf'te.l tinner CHARLES G. BLATCHLEY "rt ' Z D r -'til nil.? nD'l Ht V I. ntn i.i ivouu H Ui'n, L a. .lrivs P-ilatteijiiiia, f .J;.V. I PM.p..a:..tii..ii 1 deposit a j see our Sa ck of Handnome Clothi"i: wan !'- word- 'CVu fni- ' ' h 'J l:e 6iit!ilfc;:,,:o b er go to Oe w ; c!, I oi d imp And where the shadows deepest lower, li11' a:ue iu :.-. uid"eu!ut oi.k preseri.,. il lor and Sil.'.ef.. . , .. .... , : electi mi of nn-muers of ttu- nenerai at-seu.blv I I oi oi.e raven coun'y en at or 1 Ian .-cm not on this account w.tlihoi a i. v aid that he can remit r :n .-ecu: in g an appropriation lor ihts purpose, by the house mother, who cries to He is our Senator as well as the, him: Senator of the Charlotte section. i "Welcome .' Christ is born 1" lie answers meekly an echo to .. .. ' her words. fe,ln ,he inen,-T- , "Christ is born." Colonel William . Lang, the The Christmas guest is then taken Cousnl at Hamburg, has a charac-1 int0 the heart ot- tbe fam,iv, and teristic reminiscence ol Snitheiu tvith t hem visits the open in their oghtmg methods during the iv.ir. s'alls. the shee( in their folds, and voionei Circeue oi iae. a- .t the fowls ami go.lt.- ilashing. invincible ca ,ilr oiiiia-r, tj who rushed r.recti'itatelv into Lait drudging aa: t heir o c-. toi'uig l:,ve -laves, a I to save so n.t'a !i a- ,i few pennies a day. w ho. if t heir iudu-f i y were I'opu ly ditfeted. would make dollars in.-fead. with c ::;!. irativcly little trouble These people. I' i-oliiolis, make or save their p.-tinte- at too dear a cosb lu::ng the time that tlicy h,ie been -a:ng tioar let. others by a I.;t!c mole t"ic-!glit. hac m a it' a i i rg' i' sum. The penny saar is, theretore. b- no mean- of corn which is thrown in his face i the best manager ot atla is: in one not i t:'v be willing but able to act w h.r Christianity means. tl. The ( hrislnias (iue-t. Theic is ti beautiful cm-torn among t he derbs ot the Panubian v.iiievs to invite into the familv on returned tl e ( hri-tmas t-ve a stranger guest now that he w i.l who p- tor that time one of them selves : he ;s welcomed upon his en trance bv the traditional handful tea' . a -. el ieati w it h t ia- any tiling that 1 - e. 'Id. Never begin a j airitcy in.':! breakfast has been eaten. Never take warm drinks then immediately go out into i and winds the loudest blow. With brave heart speeds a winsome raai.i. the gain- the lighthouse saair. And soon, amid the windy shade, cut siiiuer a golden glare. the -r ;.v.ng t hem and repeating the ehso is a prcdig.il sp, u kin ift. I.earu to Iateu. In order to keep all the elements of a company sw'eet the ordinary rules of politeness arc of course necessary no rudeness, no offence to each other's self-esteem ; on the contiary. mutual liefeteta e is re ouired. S :net ' tues. la i a - .-: . t'neic In? weary helmsman eees .li e rign. her own betrothed is he : : mil He llings as do the stinging brine, and I , H, t ears the helm a-lee, And c eavint; throuen the drivinz foam : eon.. . i.. k. ... t, u,.i i tut. tii i, uuri 3 uci iirwi. Never fll.it iegular bathing, lor . While on tbe reef the breakers comb j unless the skin is in active eondi : ten fathoms from her keel. i tion , t lie coltl will close the pores ; Ring loud. O. Christmas bells, ring loud! and fivt'i' congestion or other d:s- ' the morning splendor wake. t. 1Ses i through the rifted mass of cloud . 1 the am her g lory breaks; Ala't I'Xriaa1 el any k m, t.c.ei The Minlight ripples through the town, rale in an open can lag-- or near the, the sen-bird wing their way window of a car for a moment : it : Whre. with saiii furled and anchor NilAiaviiiiH to health or even life ' uuwn. a -nip nues in tne Day When hoarse speak as little as possible until the hoarseness is re covered from, else the voice may a a i ers u s ilt-Hlrlnu to voti- ni ciitl election a:e r uirea t ha e th.- r nume ret;1. si.. red before Tie- it a ' of elerlio!!. l;v order "t tat- po n-a. an. v a i urn -i -. Hi-airo-i of i ..-.!.. t 1 d wt.'. J- s utile. u I erk. k t- J. J. TGLSON Also Newmarkets. Walkirg J., Shawls, IiiaukeU. etc . ntc. etc. The reason will so. tie ma e i i clear Oh. love is stronger far than death, the souls of men are his; Gloom fades before his fragrant breath, izrief dies beneath his kiss; bo permanently lost, or difficulties , Who dares for him will deeply drain of the throat be produced. : the wine within his wells, , .iiit.it;! The maiden's heart has loet its pain. Merelv w arm the back bv the tire, ! ,, ,,,,, , r. ri. i ,.u - i u u i . w oiik iBt lJ acs urn?, i- tie withon any pl..ti- cc; e notions. lb ing others happy and cheerful. None of as are so poor bur what we can do something to alleviate the sufferings of mankind, if ;- O t 111 ! I! , os com mailt! or .recoil aid a simple With reckless enthusiasm. Whenever old Grteno tugged i.ts wide brimmed hat d iwu over his v e.- at.d shout ed. I'.av s. 1 ff.'.ii ' a b ate to I v.i ,'eiTS, every one Kr.ew r si.i- d.o or dte. nothing more than -p-aking a ! In anticipation ..: G. t.t-ra! Wet7ei'.- : :.- ms a. h' , ; :o,;,, ..;:1 -;;;.. a ies ur : ;.t- : i . ;e I i ; ' .. b. h- i g u ertd'garr.soti.i 'o'.oi.el 1. ;t.g -.utt-d r- t ho ;u termed : a'e c a General T.u aa-. ut t : i nfantry, pcinneii and battle. Greet the couuc.l an,! i out with h ;s l .;. mi the a-.l vanetng Cm retract to draw : h bush ef 4.0 "i ;;; i . lerv. Ti..- a, tie; customed , , s warfare. a n ceiving the oi bu-r head ieseutiuih". tin ng; pleasant word or deAiog some act of i march ir.au N'.-w h-imA. k:..i. , :. .. ilUtl.-on w ; .;. t.OM eeem triding, may prove mere precious to some than a e vstiv gift. May yon all enjoy 'he Chn-tmas holidays to the fall, and in a man nerbecoming a Christia.i people. ITH AT WILLCArSETHE TROl I? I.E '. The Blir bill u indeed, a dingerous OO, sad will cium the white tople of th Sooth much .au tie. "hr iotte Democrat. Will oar esteemed contemporary teir as wherein will arise the trouble T If edacatiog the negro will cause the white eop!e trouble, then, why not abandon it altogether. Bat how, and in what respect will it give as trouble ! The whole thing narrows itself down to the question whether or not the negro ought to be educated. Cnle.-s there has been a vast amount of hypo critical legislation on the subject, it has already 'een deemed ne. es sary to educate these people. The laws of 'orth Carolina distribute tbe public school fund, paid princi pally by the white tavp.iyers. equally among the white and blacks. c an i w tie 't. led, ri ::.' -roe; W.IS called to tie C t v IlluV o j .j- lo. I", to "Il ill .r: 1 the:) a - ' ' a . . a in :: 1 art;! ie spoie nea :' a in ul.i : The t- ice of God be on thee 1 This is ;,i in-:iie good luck lor t he eli-uillg ear. The h visr go, st is t'nen ii. sated o .v i r i ; : tic ke' th- e!:a:n." The -e:;- ii ,'e a tra. i:;:, !i that thi ciiaiti can i.e ver be warnn-tl tui c."ir;-:m.!s mghr. since it had been tot:, died by the Virgin Mothe: when Chri.-' was fiorti. And that ;s why they burn -o many u!e log 'it:ug to ii:!j-e Leat into the si li ken metal. Tiieti there ;s the ia-.- ot peace live", from that the Christmas guest is no; debarred. Ileniaykis. the prettiest maiden of the home. ie mu.-i also ki.-s her boarded brothers as well. d'his chosen .t a Ve 1 1 k; I t I'.ltiVfl's.l ; . . i v. a i ; i ; 1 1 Tni- mo. : !:c:e b, ing 1 ' o .- j e i K . oil to li-'eii. Oi get Giell :;:,.: ,r ; t-n t I oil . w lie! c bo,' J f.iniiiiiii: g"ed ! a , i . i . : . . I fi a tjtu-n: . a: ...I-- b "t : too gi ea ' a e. : -1 . -: 1 ; I and .-:ua.i a d;-p i I'uo n,a:.', a it' eager i idt'.l c . : . 1 1 i tl, 'l t ' ' ;,,ii : .tinl : 1: c c. -o -1 , a ac ; - a tin' j no; li r g : - ia a : d b.r broke: I -: i . r i a : i s and 1 1 a j '., u t - ! ib -I Colli -c, in w ;..ah t h ' c , - n ' he; rot,: n : ente : ::!.:: -tr . n-ai, .-tc:..- ; o '. a a t . m , 1 1 1 c i ; i i t u .- a y , ie a m.ik'- a iclati ve or ad d: t it ci illy . ': 1 il -1 r.r : e i em at k. bu rn ay be b e.i ; 1 ; oi a m . n ii t e. i ir a t is w ;; li man; : im n. oiiieiif lii- am 1 lack aeon o: he! w never continue keep e.Vpo i d to Ileal af tt me a; an foi t a i ay warm . i . Thoma-SJ (' l " n ,s He a m Hi' u :n o-t c, aa in i v ! - wan nu ; t. rou ; an a wai to a m i de r u : i !;; i h Usui s,. a : " : h i - p ; - - i g n -e e an in: N , I U -1 .ttei h.r e i ' t t ' w here 1 wind.-- ha!t a lu U m itt nee. ami i to he. or Ob lest he is cabe 1 c. 1 01 re .! ha i. na.lv The General Assembly has estab lished normal schools andaro.ro j Tin I-riat-o.l m,-,no.- f. . - , o - t r , , r . o r, I CO U i d III f tW.V U UJ Ll, J 1U1 lil-t.UvtlU tolored teachers, and the only trouble arising from this is the meagre sum left for educating the Ioor white children of the State It is a well known fact that lack ot j noney is the cause of the iHsuf ,-et.i!n- ,.,. r:i,I;;v j, ; Hciency of our public school-. The: right 'em !:! United States government gave to i News. the colored people the right of citizenship ; it have them the privi lege of the ballot and all the rights that necessarily follow such en obeyed without any uttered pio test. His command on th.r mem orable ocoa-icii w as a (dejected eil, come along b ;. -was mure of ti.,- i. ncr.i! martial mv :u" the ,ulv .inc. tar ter having got bev.-tid the .-:gl. headopaarters a rbm go c the spirits ol t :..- c. '.ami.. C ret i.e halteiC.tntl ;a a! .- t la - ad 1 tt 'Hoys. I wan; a !- e ! a u it-rs.' bill- 1, a. g, loud shi nan i-ie! lam When iLt'V i-inif ::. - gtr ot 'tin Cuionis's a w lid. -weiping charge wa. ma.de wi;h Gtii-ne in ti e lea., I. and We:. :el and I.i ; en: .re eum m a n d w, ; e c i ' il ."e d , " 1. ' a. 1 a was cou.pl 1 1 a -: . ' I y v. ;;: g .' ' 1 rXI'fi'h-.l v . , ' . i ; , ..; n - , a . : , . . a1 (!' Gret I.'.- imp, ' ippea.-e T., la'- i r m and iiisap, ointment, h c.v a ; . "Vuil have d isobev tl im.u .::.! sir." a:d he. -T td 1 v : pi only to on I v feel the en em y 'Well. Genera:,'' ivpi . v 1 tiie Texan, pl.ivo'g -ii.-c;.. -uly v.::.. the i i m ot hi- u t ' , "aa 1 k m- in t he language f the c u rt t r y a -T'olaik" is not always old or ill favored. Indeed, the merry maidens of a family will ait it into the bouse father's head that such and such a youth has no Inane, or is a stranger and should be a.-ked to their festivities, and among those innocent people no harm comes of a genial custom, i'ci; the kisti imorintetl on a earl's a.'1'ie ro.-y cheek, even though it be con t;i tntJ ,i.,.r it, ,i- el, I lw, rifaioaT-i-Inf ' , . 'ut ,i ,,i. ii i ut j't a t t. i t nil o ( hri-; is born." not often sink- in blissful sweetness mto her voting u',rr hearb making the bald mountain la '-;.! t here. He - .11 an I ae lrglie-t attainment for a . n g ia an is to be a man, This thl ; - ball o! c 'tin terfeit s. Hut it a grand tiling to. stand upright :n ili teuec oi truth ami principle. 'A : a n pe: - e'-u ! lo.u comes, some h lde ';, r t ices until the storm passis 1 ; others cm 1 o bought b r a i draw bre.it h. ttie other atinges iti with what if had to .-ay. being . -met hing tjuite of ; nother strain, an ! referring tu another su'.at t t. He in hi-tuin is interrup'etl by a third, with the ellUI.Clitlon i i some f.tvautte ltie.ls of l;:s, i ipiaily 1 1 i'ci a live : dlldthu. convei - it ion Liecaii.es no cativcrsa tion. but a c mtelit ;o;i P i permi.-. sioll to speak a lev,' bullied wolds, which iii il ii i ly cues to hear, or takes the double to ;;i:s'.V r. Mean while, th' modes and v. eak sit silent and u ngi at ; lit a! . The vyant of regulat ion is heie manifest. It would !.'(. better to have a president who should alk.'.v eveivbtiilv a Icq, .at' lend ' wee n the -h mi 1 covert d: al-o. I lie "ected. 1 1 sleep:; est a in ; -!i 'me hp ' trough t ;.,- :;o.-.', the tiipu h open. S m.iaiiau. : -: o e: ,i i ly i 1 PoieS. Wei. a--' vv el! pi o a .. cold roam ol ic i a" lia;g '1 feV.-r with A i: art In in the I a:'- laai ii" The K'.i-.-ain Cz ir h p-. it seOtus. j to contend with o her rebels than; the wo'.al be king killers ant!; N;h;!:-b-. The New Vcik World; ipiotes rtie subjoined anecdote from a St. Petersburg letter ; fraiiiing ilie C mot y I lie ei ; oi,t oils idea th-.t pci'son- ite Hat in miait-iire IcSPpU-IpIc foi die p. ov er of I heir memo! ie.- is si btOll heal d llum the lips of but h . uiin g and obi ! h r we turn t lie iitoi i d pen o a icf con-i-leraiion a thi- -:;:: , t. Tiie i ;-a - e ui' rating in-n.-c :gla.d t I . d o '.v o j e i r s ia a diiec 1 at i a to t he vai ai lis ib gtt . -i.ee.--- a'la'n. il by them in I'd-, I- o Mat t-v nii-nr to ea ! lui ib mon -'ration. ( lui' improves the glfts Ii.it a ic ui him; another ;n gleet- iii-ui. S,i it is wiih memory. One 5-ubjects his retentive faculty to a eveie training, and ir gather tu the same wav that the ami o the athlete develops muscle. ; Another iievote- no attention tc , cultivating the memory, and 1 1 ! -oon la cia'P't. - veak . ud uatrusl worthy. i W hat many call the u.-e of the ; memory i- not its use but its abu-e. Ft.-vv peison.- indeed, after iead ; ing a newspaper or magazine f ,li to. Ui fin ijieii -a ii i-i I 1 1 a r i ptiTinur-r Whole-ale and R-tail Dealer in Choice Groceries andj Provisions, Dry Good?, iiccts iA Shoes BROAD STREET. NEW BERNE, N. C, Goods guaranted as represent ed or-1D as- tf We beat thA world for low prices. A handsome kod Strongly Bound Phjtt)-c-ranh Allium as. llC inches, gilt sides and c,1ko8, Loltlinu 22 pages of Cab- AGENTS inches, eilt sides and aiao inet ami Tard pirturpg ent for 15 cenfs, retail price, d JV A Bed Plimh Photograph AIbain,5 xl" . Kinh.jst-ed ptddod buU-3, go4 edses. etensuJii rt-p, iiui.ii(isT .,i put:' or aomet ana ( ard pictureo l,u, w.. t .. f. Til 1 I ALBUMS George Ash, Middle street, Net to L, Ii Culler. David M. Jones if lia.oifort an 1 David C.inrtdy of uslow are oil the lo kout for tic Ir fiiemls Htiti will sell them NOTHING PUT BARGAINS .A al' -1 f. r i . arr of the iil'ovt' and n F:m r. Stm.e of AGENTS REFLECTING SAFETY LAMP dmiMo thr-fr montt Beijing' our ukam finighed corrugated Can en Id in every family. Gives iii'-re 1 iff ht t hnn xbree ordinary amp -Send thirty five rend for com ptete lamp and le eoiiioced. Ve uiarmlacturt & large line of houehjId articles, tfeud for freo Illustrated Circularg to FORSHEC&UcUAKIN, Cincinnati. Ni i initiates ai:o tornifj lit cr. sfrrnsrth eu I Iio iie-,t i e or cans, rjjii i ate t tic boucW. unci are M V; T J ed ixt, :ty. ANT!-SIL!OUS MEDSCINE, In miilail;il!is!ilc:, (litii tirliKMii ItU-l.v It'lDIlliltll. 1IH I lie liiiSHias ji . ii liar ruiTt i-o iti 1 rei iii- I Ii . .. , i ,., from tliut toi-oii. IIj;iiiiIv 'mi-ai' I'tiaied. lo-o muuli. rl-i-, a.Sct-. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., Now York. Ovor 9,000.000 worn during the pa&t six years. This marvelous success Is duo l-qt. To th" superiority of Condi ne over :tii other itauerlals, as a Ftiff'ur J"' Ccrept, ind. To thn suporior quullty, kbapv fir.d wnrkm.'tiiphlp of our Corsets, oomblued With tlif ;;' ly.v pricos. A",l ejieaji Imllitt it ns lemieof varloul l.hid.-i of cord. iciie .-u-e geuuiao unlest "DR. WARNER'3 CORALJ.NE" is priuted tin iu-Ide of steel .-i v r. FOfl SALE CY ALL LEADING rtTtCHAMS. VARNER BROTHERS, 359 Broadway, rjew YorV CHi ULilET AND LARGEST MUSIO HOJ. IN VA. ed and intelligent abstract of it. Il' we would recall what we read. Two t tl.c Czar's children, who) n.i 1 i i , 1 no n- i ' I , t 1 1 o i ...i Im I flltl.tlVl ill'., ill IIU,l-lt-, it fc , -. ,,- , i , ; we must rcati with this obiect dis- tust-il to take the phv.-ie i irt-scn bed . ... , , 1 i w w - -s' s V- """ jt--i' I .... tBt apg HBg, i-SSPfiig A."Vy TEE ONLY TRu3 m&.m i SSTi H TSZr BUB r,'w'-V-t. Vin fl 'Will purify the BLOOD repilate 4l LIVER and KIDNEYS aed " UrSTORF th HEALTH andVIO .iBi OB of Yonfit nr..,,.,. '. X alte oses U14 .UA.X Sl'UKKT, KICHMOM). A. O. ::ii -.-i?.Sbt-f'iE-rETJ: ie irt-sonoei Tiie attendant- nsi-ted peoj'le wele m ni tor. Itinctlv in view. If we would re in i mi nut ill freed i !' Ill sip -I I a at ; a . alp :. K w 1 1 h far them. in vain. i ha onn nu! to hi' pcl'siiuilei!. r 1 , :r i ,. I ' , i' t, a; ' ,i,'i; licit hupl'tcnls tvrrc i ll;iVe t!'e l;"i!i: 01 1 L 8 nit-uiber what we hear, we must I make .-pt-cial tli'ort to retain, i WobsttTj when u bov, is said to , i n ia a J . Harniuu i-i t , ' i ' i i a l ' i . 'a - rv, Tec el i l.tl sp,,v fa t! In- 1 in.: -, !'. I'...ri.tj ipp'-.i:- ' c. la i n- el J',a : i pin such a one I av : ' : .' i a pc i . i a way. 15 at s t.t ml by a J'lieml : j eni'rs ; he .alM't; ' a; a man : t! i imt i on a aa w hen ; ea n b ' . wiimn Mr. ; Cat v a -'IP j by I 1 1 i thl- t nti a'ail. he began t,i scold, liven I hat did ;: a ai,ri"-tl, so. ai 1 1 1 1 1 c to the ii Ui - e. : in- i i r sai, 1 : "I can do no mare; an 1 yet j n-t ' leak t ha' in 1 1 a ms ot sub j ee hs ''-a- in,', while tliese yaaiiig atrip ;;ajs a,. iae at detiance." M v I'l he -e a ; tierce. ,i 11 1 tire ar read.- 'ni 1 1 1 all, ; ii bKNAiVIZS v .in- it a: ,t I , h,,. ;a have introduced ' '1- ia 'I.e S.-na-e trovidiug ha the t!i-i-:,,'i, ni ; a!,... ings at hai 1 ' t e a i; 1 A-h-- bui 'ia"-r ! h i cat ei; s i , , , ve r w he 1 ni hi in "tn-.-lf. Think f"r yourself. lb' cl 1 backs and tlread men's la.i-s. The eye l- the window to the -, if. 1 : use our e es and hold V'-ur tongue. If opposi t ian comes na ef it mantully It' success crown ii ur ed aits, bear it quietly. Do Vat fie, t h In i. iLig and keep your fieri own secrets; wor&i;p no man lor i seen in ips lineage or his weaith. I'me'-cw 'eit hers don't always cover line Id .-a' bud-. lie sober, be honest, be cl at! A lip' I 1 1 1 '. ! : n ."a calls cv Tap." a i. d whom I 1 i ! 1 1 . P l t ' ; Sa ' a. I a ut w ml I ale .ti.i a; ,u ,-'I: t ed b V i i. i a iilgepci t la-i I a a' 1 1 h. The er s MTiiion in mind by counting t he ni oil the rafters ot t he un li ills hed church in which he wor-ijipped. The i;;ethiid of Thuiiow Weed may be baitnl useful, when one is so Militated as to be able to ;a;t it in perat ion. 1 1 e savs: "P. verv night, the la-r ! " thing betore retiring, I told my wib simplf la arabi-:. e er t In n g I con hi remember that A high iSi-hoo! b".v went ii.lo one , had happened to inc. or about me. a i ',r city bi'i.kstoifs and a.-keil h r ' dm -ing the day. 1 generally recal i ja-n atal a ijt i e ( b a '! aci c lei 1 t!ie wry dashes I had had foi , tj. r. ; iueaUla.-t. dinner, aud tea; the pen "llo'-v many sheets In a quire?" pa' I Dad seen and what they had !. 1 h" a.-ked magiiiiiacutly . as he :i;p said; the editorial I had written I'm replace 1 cd a quarter on the i am 1 1 r, in paper, giving her brief a List racts tii-a.-troiis i "Twenty four." an--v. red ! lie of i hem; I mentioned all the letters b ab i giaveiy. I had sent and received, and the t!;e hail-: i-it possi : ee." i ii i j a : i ei i a . 1 1 1 e u v ei y language useu, as nearly a- of Appetit", lndieitioD.Lack f ctrengtn ana 1 ired t eel inn ab- eompsir cured i tioaM. mus- ana nerroe receive new force. Enlivens the mintl and (tuppliefi Frain Power. I n niC K Jiar to I heir nei will find in DR. I f 11 FlbU HABTES'8 IBON TONIC a safe, speedy cure. Gives a clear, healthy complexion. ' II attemDta at counterfeiting only adds to its popu .arity. Do not experiment pet 0RIQI-' a I. AND Best Dr. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS Cure ConstlDatlon. Liver Comolalnt and Sick h ileadache. Sample Dose and Dream Book! mailed on receipt or two centa in postage. T H ; 0 3 . Ki3TR MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO i6ffcl.; 'i.2 C . 3 l'liirinti an ,1 rk-i.ii3 o:i i-ut-y niicthl j.htu al lupiort pru'ei.. u.tl liihtrucrientii taken ia exanaii.-. In.ught, riMid anj r.-pHiri-tl I ii tn ii a st It of SIIKIiT ,TI I'SIC. Il III- l.., ! . kr of 111. Kin.lt. .-pe -,bi Pis, '''""' I" I ' t'fl.f h hiiiI schttiilM . HUiltigites .'iHli.ill ri'. An - II ui. nl of Mntili' t.e..,,ii leetll. ii a tit-tar .1 -Inncs ntull Mualrul I i h l n i.i . n s , l,w hi :kIi I in,,- ' I 'ia i it t itutl t ,ri . us a s- ii I.. I n oi iii -i k ft. i tun fi- io c.tiii - oi r. I i of-'fetiloniLl -ipe;- Hell Ct)rret"pondeDC.- stilicited. 'as .., Hu-rj ,s. 'ir, in . , VllS 1 .1 . i, 'l I ot s. ttiel t-vi-ryl In '. tto Mme. DEMOREST'S RELIABLE PATTERNS Arc tbe only OB.'-t '.hat will give s. vjjirfecl fitting garaaect. MME. DEMOREST'S System of Dress Cutting. Chart and Booi c? :aa !:rr;.m, ptalllif :.ro-c- . . Ca'.ilotits mttiletl fro,-. ,,,, ,.t ii... ,.rr... . , t u trt& Citroiiiui Afjnit, Adolpli Colin, At Mrs. S. F, S.itjty'a P, .iU Scoro. cam -r H.au I an I SJi I. II,. Kn . j'jnn ''''l SEW Eli NIC N 0 orses, iViules & Ponies Pcica, $3.00. of price. ben: t-rLporvw read; h e-ca pe- i '1 t i il unit less as tiie ttiith went our. "that a b j pas-i ble. when I had walked or ritl Amene in l(. when ipturuig the j the grammar sctioo j.tn Wllile a n . ! m a 1 s ever i ant of such a simple thing.'' PORTFOLIO OF FASHIONS AND WHAT TO WEAR Is a largo Magazine of S- r.afrea rf Fac ;, n x tcs -j btylea, Oiustratetl w:tt .mi l.otlOLu Cli-t, J.ust-J.iid, f.I OJ 4,wit3 THE Demorest Sewing Machine. THIS STILE ONLY franchisement, nnti if tin nnhMp V',1.0. I A b:ll wd! ix- i eaa ilcctl in nil your dealings with the wellare demands that they be edu-; t!,e 1Ion-"-' ar tl,L' ":,t 1 t!-;;' ld and the Constitution andlo,ir Congressni.i-i. II. .n. 1. M. : ;tate rec- UU;1S- ,l-,r building :a v.-v,- ,; oy . m liiri of every Southern gnte that it does then the power but will nut one d our t.-teemcd bt made them citizens and in-,' Senators do the same thing for us Mt5d them with tbe privilege of in the Senate! We believe if one able btory, thetruth of which is vouched .v.m uin ra, Koar rho or both would take hold ot the mat- i" ' u. " ! I.T. . "Ami (-i." .-aid he. "it is alma.- wuild: be true. Thev will sell voti . , , , , , 1, ,, ,r - .,.r ., it ,-., for money or populantv : don'tltwti month- ago," 'J'i ue." .-aal tiu-tthen.. Wear but one face and u.. "bat then thciei- i: . d v at let that I.e.-on hone.-t one. I'arm. , ;i. beaches to -ee y.ai t ii. n" ' are going into the until." Mrs. Phoebe Cheney. Peterson, Clay roino'.oga-'s ctn-itier it a rem, lik en.. itiw, itin me ioiinB'irJK reman- o , o act 1:1' t ;e 11- aon e in paradise should bavr tinned out the lir.-t pair. b ballot Sbonld help to bear the "Ulu 73 years old, have been troubled with jj 1 ter in earnest an appropriation couiu kidney complaint and lameness for; ' ' lw seenrp i many years; could not dresa myself I Laxador i the result of ,-t ars , (' ob it WM OOjast tO the Southern ( ue fct cuieti. without help. Now I am free from all serration and experience I: is now pain and soreness, and am able to do recommended by lep.d i ri hy -'.. i a r. a far StAi'iptr reaics the truit of the v;r- all my own housewerk. I owe my costi venesa and md icstian dists to torn thia ma.ofigno MlteG UyotQ aod barden them alone ignor- j den. I told her every! hing.that had ' coiui' within mv observation. I 1 a l rax ding sh uv. J he --They don't teach those tuing- found i coiihl say my lessons bettei c l'amilv S civ I'apcr 1- a' schou!." answered the dealer, every ear, and instead of the pi ac : all inn a- iiai ;. "they are to easy. Ifoiir young tiee glowing irksome, it became at people leain them at all, 1: must be . pleasure to go over again the even's . at home. Professors have no tunc of the dav. to . a .': on sn.'h cnntnoii knowl- "lam indebted to this discipline ; cage. 101 ,1 ieniory in somewnau unu.-uai . teiiacity, ai.d I recommend the JI.ti::i is A rt i lie i a 1 ami .Natural prac ice loan wuo wish to store Attitit-ial goad in. tuners and up tacts, or expect to do with in- p.ibtci.ess of the heart are two dif- iiueiieing men." feieiit things. It i- easy enough A good memory is ol inestimable for any one with a particle of dirt- value, and is well woith the efforts cernment to distinguish between net ib. d to develop it. the two. The tone of cordial bos- :. ... .,c u.l Wlinn,.,!,. BuckUen'a Arnica 5lve. , . rt . ' -1 ril The Best Salve in the world fori E3"Don't pay other companies $40.00 tin- a gootl litarr- a oou temper, a Cut8) Bruisee Sores, Ulcers, San I profit on a machine NOT BO good as the tair etlucation, ana a proper amount Rh,.Um, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped D A !' I'LL SUPPLY ol (.() D II USPS, lU'l.l S aid j ON IKS always on hand, which w:i be suhl V J-.l, Y LOW fa CASH, or on I time with good security. Adso, P.UGGILS. LOAD CAliTS. II A UN LSS U i i I PS, fe. , It will be to your advantage to call n me d, I,,;,- uicha.-ing. ! A man in the Stables at all hours, dav ami mghp J. W. STEWART, I'lnad STiei t. New Lieiiie, N. (". det H KINSEY 8( H()(), Nearly 50,000 sold and siring perfect satisfaction. . tt f tnr'fmt o th whole ieop!e to i ish. um. Fever Sores. Tetter. Channed i DEMOREST. but buv direct of the man- f se!f-re.-pect, needs but few hints Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and al) Skin afacturers. Sent C. 0. D. "Paby is kir-K" nil the world ore r. nil t he subject of his manners. He Eruptions, and positively cures piles ' fVrilc for CtecttltHi. in- do pay required, u is guaraoteea to nrMnOCQT r AQUIrtM Nri give perfect satisfaction, or money re-: UtWIOntOI rAaniUNanCt i made better, the whole must hour- bottle" only OOc. at U. N. DulTv'sdruK Baby Syrup for all the ailments incident , 1,1 . ' funded. Price 25 cents per box Fori SEWING MACHINE CO,, ' to its condition. It is a safe remedy. Girls and Young Ladies La Grange, INT. O. Pull corps of Teachers. New Muildmg. Ample accommodations for Boarders. ..., , m mamUr n-1 , o .omi.nc, u- t Ii a u krt to lilectric Liitters tor Having; re 1 I I'H III rtll 11 T lll Ol. 1 s ,, i i ii i . i ii , , w , i l . . - . . .. - ... Hh tb dot Of preparing these and in proportions as ea-h ap.nt.s ?t TfT I?' an. ,reed tTI k.V , 'uT-l ,ni!r' trilI1'ress mere torms, im W store. ' sale by R. N. Duflv. dic!6 ly 1 17 East Street, New York City Write for terms to junlG dwtf JOSEPH KINSEY, PRINCIPAL. .w?ta.'.ii! tiw . S. r'.d.n' s'.V- ,..' - 1. .t.X f . . r,..v , ' .. . , - ..''W,yvffc ... ... l5glw.tr-iwMJ .tan "''"'fcu..' '-

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