THE JOURNAL: N V7 BE iNE. H. C JX 9S9 v E. H. C wfl tr ia - jaansah. - coe4 mr rriak.llac oowoa . TW &iMhMCMn will wotim oa Uoaday. rrQ fefc ftae.- 1. yrwilM.' r - Ta Piak BJ) aaa Tiaa (umn at tookaa W Ik NrpUM laiiarvaa Ogata. Xwry ytM mm as iwusa e uuUMf easmfnaiaa.aesaaaaMaa. - Xm tartUus siaalasa aia bo prapar- - lac for a rma w ha Iaa t Iimmm " till! 11111 rhagaaaCas aOOpl.ta of - - tram mbo "hmt ft UiMa mm! mm - u ol moamj dotaattrfXergraai utduoe ; Tha tis el Cassmiags Gray has iMiiif. TM UuwiM Unx. wul Qiu aU vnt ik lb ars bcto. baifcl- Oaa - ol ear aargw.o anoraays thjOSaght ha Mm4 aver) OMit u( ha few wbea a mimM a jaaie court ia - WouS)iagttsteawahIa a ootd aa - waah whrnttoouan had y ba hold, Vuuki, la lb oaeia b tha sida ol . ThsT awaa Ua aaairrsaat ot DmI OS OWW BIU .ww - iwiiti w .vim , t TM flra ha ha ton and Iven4s kMl ta Ul this sactsoa. u4 .- their away tew ada aop Uej amy own ' aas of ult 4 Ootaw arspsiw to r- v ra fHaads ia tha aelchborhood of tha aa w poaaWBo R pua. asa ootn bUlanttf that they h au soail wow, Tba crfjjoe bu tni uMifcmi bat U Mil wma m .ThwoM nitwtUi "aoa to thia patat aa be-a ra w-t and ih ' toU bom aa taa-a Pr . iipnani in -i w w CbM. W 8.Rir.-araalla f lat af faiMeaao4a.M ia omm WHr Ua wttA him rttr kMal to Wtea asfcad at ik rob- aa aacw!. I mtm tu awa fax bar X eat taat hmm4 oa a fton- UaWja mj pork. taiak a taa airat aoaipUlat ol kog caora. tha Capia oak to aaacrMVjaa klai Mltbaka baa Puck la mth Urn kw - aaa aort y a Uacktar lor which h .kttltaitSvM Bt aaaarca poaaa al aork a aa Mad4. Oar MiparlatM- fcoo .UI aot aa la Cat . Jlimaar af foaaa aa maMil at If J Saaa Em. affle ban Frt-lmy akck a will v ta- aa aw or otv hut Tt Ma OarMtea A-ncia tioa. . Jta d4Uita waa ava y to m fea iaaar Una am aackM- 1 aiiar tara, a4 Udimn too. baJ mmi tmh aa vlm-ra la. Ua atir Skf aa ai4 la mf vr aaaialT. r taartrftatlfaa4c ga- ranaa.- mmmnt a ttantry. prawtnlaa; a alawa fnr Paaot wit U Jaarmal Qib Bts r Wa aava mado arraacamoata with tha foUoarlac poblieationa. amoag tho blast aad moat alnablo of tha country wkaraby aabaoriaara' to 'tha JousjtxL aaa aaomra any ol tha balow namad, at tha folio winx low rataa, ttrictly in ad aaoa: JocftMAX and American Farmar . ...$300 " Amn'i AcrioultarUt S.60 " Soathan CulUvatar . 9.75 " DamoramtV lUfmaine 8.00 mmohdc mbmocu. . 8t. NicboUa.- 4.00 " " Century.. 8.00 ' 44 Daroit FTaa Preaa . ... 8.80 44 Tax8.ftini 8 85 44 North Amer. BaTiaw 5.85 44 44 Naw York World 8.50 44 44 8ar 85 44 Country Bomaa 8.00 44 44 Horn and Farm 8.00 " 44 8oothara BiToaao.... 8 00 " 44 Conrier Journal 8.50 44 44 Nan aod Observer. 9 85 44 44 Harpar'a Magasina ... 4.50 " 44 44 Weekly 4.70 44 Tonne People 8.10 44 " Atlanta Conatitation. 8 50 44 44 Cbtcaxo Nawa 9 85 Oto aubaoribara tna Jottb- AL, aad daajrins to have any of theae papara.eaa, by makinc application to tha oOoa ia person or by letter, hare a atatamaaiol thair aeooont on our booka ahowinx what they will hare to remit to aatitlathaai to any of tha abore publi- oatioaa thay aaar aalaet. VURlUa UDUCUCUFTa. Every abacriber to tne New York World olabbiaa with JovaRaJ. reoeiTee a haadaofsalj bouad illaetrat. d Hiatory of the United Stai XaotlieT Failure. Bureau of Labor Statistic. We rkirrrt very much to announce The first annual report of W. N another failure In biui ness. Tha well Jones, commissioner of tho bureau of known firm of Dail Broe. who hare for labor statistics, is out It ia a pamphlet many years don an er tensive business ; of two hund.ed and forty pages and j ia Snow Bill, Greene county, with a contains a good deal of ioforruution in. GENERAL NEWS. Frozi n to Deatb. , . ""T . , ' Chicago. Jm 21 A special to the Ten people perished in the flumes of a Tribuu.-. from Nebraska Chy . Neb . says burning; duusy 1 u tho town of Fuw ler. Judge J. F. Kiddcv, agent of the Yank ton Sioux Indian Agency in Dakota, ar rived here yeoter.iiiy. niter beiDg nine curious and Minn. The grain trade uf Ba'timore h i? not been so much deprr.eJ for tr.f put twenty years as it is at this time. contradictory report. The statistica ( Booth and Barrett, the great n' are compiled from reports made by bih gave North Carolina the goby V. - il, 1 liabilities are rt-ported at abour. $80,000. ! employers and employees, landlords . . . . U ftiAA AAA T i - k. t?. - mnA Mm..r.f. I I V, , . 1 . u . j 'u.i le describes the scenes which took place u vt ouuw tiin .ivk .uu The Dikf iron Droducuon in tho South i on board the cars. Tha coal was rnn- Eunaing over the page of th report . in i3g7 waj 929 433 tons aa increase of i nin luw- The passengers were crowded hurriedly w are forcicly struck 80 ner cent in two rear. The fnr.reaa ' at.. ODe car-. tryirJK to keep warm. Two branch house in this city, hare sue-' regard to the condition of labor in tLe , combed to tha stringency of the timai 1 State, and a great many and made an assignment of tbeir proper ty fnr th honflLnf thair c-r A i tn r TV, M uays on trie road. rive days were necessary for the party to travel thirty miles. fhe thermometer dining the five days was at 40 degrees below zero most of the time. The JudiiO savn the lots of life in Di- i.s not the first'iime we've been slight- i S.ota nas been greatly underiated. as the ouia (jaiere nave Lrieu to uuver it up Wallace for the New Berne W D branch. Tbeae gentlemen doubtless bad suffi cient credit to have continued their business without interruption, but it is presumed that they deemed it better to wind up their affairs than to bridge over until better time. This failure ia a great surprise to the people of Greene county, as well in this city, where the firm s for years oomniaaded the con fidence of the people and a large share of their u ade We are not Informed as to their futare plans for business, but they have friends far and wide who still have confidence in them and will follow them with their patronage. To Our Patrons. We will begin soon to send out state- menu of amounts d ue u for suhecrip ttoea. and we send them out for the paryo ot oulleotiog the money. We eaaaot lra4dbgr iadalgenee to those Sonh Carol in . aaoam JUsbssaa) aa - w kwMfia aad efaratWyoeraci -JaeraUy.rddtataaaefltaf th laaiaa eaaaH take ravcUt lasawet I jthir aaoTraaeat 'Beta tha ywaaar as aaterarlsa. 1 talked af eons a reefer fur iMkste swa oat lkt ka aa aa saw - raaiessad, S- aaw at ia . asaairy aa aack It tataa gisaana M -taoiariag adaMree ia tha aaly tataa -1 iwiTWt;. U auaau mm tm 4 wa vyaru v liaa. - Oaa thaa aad haade asapyei la fsetonss wtta taair lacaUiaa so aaa 1 part, ' waatd kaaaw Ufa sa trad - daaaa,.as ikaatW farase woatd fi k - raaay aaoa ay aa grawtag aisaacatag Waaaaottua) hWa as aaastai oswht t - aeaalaer -w-U bafur U Uw ap tba : 'epsseariea el a anatoa fa-Hory If ta A daalra to saw Ifcau. kira-a pr-pa. "rt e seat taw t g i.a r wnaio Jy aa rt4lowan k- ashere tss 1 tha eaawrk a( Kaaioa auald a jmo-s Vakaewa BsH. ' r- ' '-4 - - a La Ormsfe iuxaa vary diaagr QWav "Bfaawll aaye elgeteaa iaeha J Sv, atr. Hie preathi d Saavday aad Baaday afcr kaara air. Hi- r . wul kaaa taw ansa rag year. . Urr y.O FWtof Maaaaa, If C . t- poaadiag, aaaa-1 ass wn kvi-r aaa am. ' kfwa Lata, aaaase nacber ia rt Kn) a5to.C.'; -1 a anvara. dead as th saony at once Or aa prepared for our agent when be oelie. The prioe of the WutXT Jocbjul baa bea reduced to Si 50. when paid in adtnaos Tha Prvaidvntlal oaavaae aod Mae'iue will b oa hand tha oomiog rear. The Jovaxal propaaee to keep A Craven Cou ty Fa mer Visit the White Houmv-Is Raieed on t e Toea of Kit boots by the Presi dent a Grip, and ees Wade Hamp ton. Tbe Washington correspondent of the News a J Obsivr gets otf the folio r- iog good 00a on one of our bnt Craven Ouuuty farmers: "Joel Kinnay . one of Rr-presentttive Simmuos conatiiueoui, isiuxl tbe Whit Bdus the utber day and shook bands with the Pi evident By way ot introduction, be told the President that aa smi plain Cor Creek farmer frou that be bad read hi message twice aod that he endorst-o try word of it Tbe President made a M-cond pass at his hand and Kve it a grip that raied 1 he Coret'rrek farmer 00 the toes of his boots. Lmviu tne White Huum. ha went to tbe HeUiie to aa Wade Bamptoo. who 'Bill Lane aid was the biggeat maa 10 th coantry. lie shook th- d istinKUisbed 8 nth (ro lioiaa by the ban a with un.ffcted ite raadere posted on tbe progrees of the I prtda atid admiration; told bim bill' oaaipalga aa welt hs on tbe gaoeraJ aawaof tha day. Sand one dollar and a half aad get a good , live aewspaper for oaa year. CITY AND VIuLNirY. Lnn laid tiiat ha ww the beat fighter in the Confederate army aad tbe biggest nan in tbe coantry, and addad that Bill 'Lane was good authority down bin ray . Kinney said . on leaving the Sena tor, thai be was not essct y ready to die yet, but he was much better satia fled to go, now that he had seen Wsde Hampton T Ulrieh offers seed Irish potatoes for ad. Mr Geret Vyae of Bavelock. ia re- aatviag saacnisary by tha ECO tine for a saw mill. The firm of Gaioe dt Pel let is r will dtseorve by mataal eooeeat oa February . Swaaotioa. TVa atoanarr Neaee, nader command ol CaM. Dava Bvrberta, ie at Bachelor Enw Xn correct. Tbe Lynchburg (Va ) News says: "Tbe Uigeaiin that a man can t eat thirtv birds in thirty oonsecoiive day is all noneenea There is a New Berne N C . man who has eaten six a day for izty days, and say be win keep it up as long aa the birds are furnished with out obarre 8ix a day for sixty consecutive days. 340 birds. How preposterous. That ia creek talkie ooauty drtvlag piling for J"4 l,m " mD' " he d,d ' a hridga. Sbaviff 8tisoaoa gives timely warning aaaat pyug of taxes. Ttooae who have But aaattad would do well to read hie aottaa ia thia Mas. L UXt to frwade In the eity from Cape. Geo A . Wallaoe, who 1 now in Ftoci ia. taf ureas taeea that be ia now faaatibg oa string beaaa and new pot- 1 ;" -Taa sia rae re-aaw Oeraraar. se aad Aiex. Bpeaoii who a tha awaiiaai lary ahuajt tw. faaa aaaa paraeaed by tn. ! Jaw Paste aa4 Beary J.ihassa ar ba afaaaapsoai wnetUrs at ia; Ut f so WaJk Oaa al Lawoir lamina la's eatarprvittit pjescksasa. Mr a. W. Kaaaady. aaa iibbIsIi I hlesislf akA saw Arm ut Keaare Jay log, at Brtta. - TWcaMsaraaaa wl iWLta wdl cmh a aasatiasi au and triasapt aii aee grj paataaea.: Ail aaambara are rr quaeted to K area. at. - Mr. Bead Wootea rataraed last Taea day fiesa aMahaajg. waara ha ha bwo v taitiag has hrothar. C. B Wootra. M. Weotaa, resaana fair grape last year Mr. W. B. Basd. ear vary eOowat Mayer. whw;haa aaess coagaad to hi ia aoaTafcaeu g aad will aaoa aw oas Wa asw eorry so' chraalela tha fact SJua Joaaaka waa eoalaad so hie ronen est Saadey oa aeewaat - al tba ehar aaahet" aagiigeaoa. aMhaaW git yuar poaxa oa. Tha wsatksg la rather faelaosaat far a fellow a ait aa tha rsiifi" oaee tSa Cold aighaa two hoar Gaeae eosaa tha hoye aoald ataad ft aa thay are - W. CL Bill aaa of rTaataa yoaag tnaaw kwaeawaad a aakwaakd aaady ssawe ta that psacw . Mr MJilLtaapise aaa af Bios Wong aa bneh aaUdlaa oa broad way aad piopuaa aa eti aakea cheap Oiva hiaa aaav kwya t - I Graaga" saay wall gad Jaatly b gg tag: paat BjgTasaaa gaa The frti iaarv are being carted out from Meadows' factor by the ton. Tny snake several truck brands, be- stdr staadard rands f. r corn and cot- a- - - ueorge Jim od. col., waa taken to tr coaaty Maday, having been rrvacvd at Mpt Cypres on a oapiaa fr -m that Ouwntj for an sasuult and bat. ry. Xary - one that l in urea tad iaour Fair, gad surely ail tn thia vicinity bowld be. ought to aommenoa bow and Prepare for a Big- Thing. in that time. Thirty duail were eaten by a gentleman ia this city in thirty days, but that likes a great deal of being 880. How some reports get abroad oan hardly be accounted for. Music Bouse Wanted. There is not a regular place in New Berne where musical merchandise is kept We believe that a bouse cover ing this trade openiog on not too large scale could be made u pay here. Tbe person should be a musician bim self, practically, tborongbly under standing tiie repaitiag and tuning of all iuitrumeota. It does not require a trained ear to know that many of tbe pianos in New Berne are badly cut of tune, and there is no one to put ihem intone until some profeasiooal com s along- probably only a tinker who charge his own prioe, cleans up, never to return again. wih th contrast in two reports, one from a "Tea h-r" in Columbua county, the other front 1 " arpenter" in Craven county. Tha teacher reports that he works ten hours per nay nd receives S5 00 per week; pays 824 00 per year rent; has eikttu in family, four at school and accumulated something the past year. The carpenter r-ports th t he works ten hours per day at $175 per day; pays 87; 00 per year rent; has two in family, an! ac cumulated nothing Ut year. Tbn car penter also reports the coudition of working men as deplorable, vhile under the reports of employers tho railroad , shops of t h ouuty acute the educa- tloual, moral and financial condiiscn of woikmg men i there better than tare - earn ago A boiler ranker from the coumy reporw hn trouole is the c jni petition he nisew because of th A & S C R R shops taking private jobs lower toan be can nff ril. He has no objection to private compe tition but doe o j-ct to tins corporation ( ompt-iitMa. Uiid'r the head of 'Viiof l.'i: an. I Farm" one from J 'Lies county reports white li.i da 011 him farm receive m re ws-k th in colored ones, while ai other from the -a ne county reiirt t at "c ilornd hn:i t-. re Oeive better piv than white on-8, nil J in Columbua county one reports tha; the child ri n of tt nnnts und f rni l.iborei g noi able to ait-ni cho-)I or church for want of proper clothing, while guoihtr, of the saru- clacs rep rta that there ia more pro luce i'kd for y eara and waea is decreasing on account of the O'er u ppl y . There is a greot difference of opinion in regard to puhlic school. Some think they ar perfert humbug and ought to be abolished: n.anv others complain thit tbe sehooln are not ke . t open Ting enough during the er. and others favor compuUary educ.tion and abolixbiog the hqior traffl :. S ime re sort that education ru'rj the r egro an a laborer; pr oontra. a contractor in New Hanover oounty reporta that hi foreman is a c lored man and a collgo graduate, but admits that he id the only one known to him thit ever returned to bis trade after receiving ah educa tion. Some of all clashes, landlor is. tenants. mechanics an i farm laborers Uy their woes at the door of th- hmh tariff but the rnont universal opinion ith-itthe crop lien and m irtgage system ia the great curse of all. When we read in the papers of the fabulou prices paid for obacco ia some of the fobacco towns one would think that the farmers m the to.ic-o region ere getting rich ani living lik- Princes, but this report shows tWat ihn are not in aay better coalition than those in the corn, cotton, p tato an rice regions. It is a vry intereat'n report aod doubtless req nred mu -h abor in it-i make up. b it d mot if man after reading tli wholo will koo much more about tbe condition of I a bo n iNortu Uiroiina iqid Bt-rore reaj ng it, owing to th- contradictory re ports from the nmj cuntir-e and. ii many instances, from I'-.e sam-i class o reporters in Nor:h Carolina was 10 3 per cent. Telegraphic reports up to date make the total number of deaths from cold in Dakota over 1 000. The northern and central parts of the territory have not , babies perished. The men descarded all the outer garments they could spare j and gave them to tha ladies and chil dren. Finding these not .enough, they brought mail-sichs from the postal car and wrapped the children up in them: while at onestation in Honhomme coun- been heard from fully. The loss of stock r.7'. JUUKe says, nineteen frozen uuuies were urougtu into tne depot in cannot be estimated. Many farmers lost all they had. ! Oacar F. Beckwith, a notorious mur iderer, l;bt S iturdav received his sixth death sentence by Judge Edwards, at 1 Uudsou. N. V. It made him mad, and he launched iuto an encited tirade again-t the coiiru, Uwyers and jurore, and rx'ctiuued his stopped by the cou rt. At Mt. Holly. N. C, last TlnrOay, says thu Charlotte Chronicle. ih-- cm, : ed people a festival in their church. The braaa baud was there, of course, and when they began to play lively music, the brethren put reiuion in the back ground and engaged in an old fashiune break-down. On last Saturday ;i copy of the conili tutiou of toe Uulced Staus sent by PreMaeut Cleveland to the Pope, at Rom, w'cta with solemnity presented by a committee of American bishops and oth-r AoieriodijS. resijeats of Rjme, to the Holy Father, L-o XIII. who re ceived it with profound gra.UuJe. one day. In Bonhomme county tbe li-;t of dead will reach fully 160. The csumate.3 as made at Yanktr.n A Bloody Affair. San Diego, January 20 A year ago a rancher in Mosa Canon, named Lewis Stone went East. During his absence a family named Geon, consist ting of a widow, two sons and a daugh ter, took possession of his ranch and cabin. On Stone's return he instituted legal proceedings to eject the parties. His title was confirmed and last Wed nesday when the sheriff went to take possession the whsle familv of Of cms faced the officers with revolvers. Tbe . sheriff snatched the revolver from Mrs. Geon, who was at the door. She then eeied a gun and shot him in the face In the melee which followed citizen Reed was fatally wounded by Percy Geon. The married daughter of Mr?. Geon was accidentally shot in the neck by her brother, and fell dead. Percy j ueon is shot through the head and arm fatally. His sister and brother were dead when the officers retreated with their wounded, and Mrs. Geon holds the fort declaring she will not leave the place alive. For Sale, One Cottage House in Morehead City, lsT. C, with four rooms, with dining j room and kitchen attached. JSituated on Riilroad street, between the Atlantic Hotel and New Berne ; House. 1 Price of house ;iml lot, i'COO Parties desiring to ui cha-e the .-ib vve property , will cfrrer.-!-nd with M. A. DAVIS, j'-'O dSO i u 1: Mor. head City, N. C. Texas Horses. About Forty Head f-.t House Scabies. These are not the regn lar Texas Ponies but are Houses. Ex amine befor" jlod3w2c C. A. PUSEY George Tlsli, THE ADVICE XO MOTHERS. Mlt; Wtvbtiw'o RovrrrTien Rv&r-i) Thursday of tho ios throughout the should al .Territory figures up over 1.000 livts ! teething. It soothes the child, softens I Tv-Tr-n-m-r .-vr. the gums, allays all pain, cures wind ! colic, and is the best remedy for Jdiar- j dw hcea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. " mar71 dtuthsat wl y lost. The counties where tho loss ol life was the largest are: Bonhomme, 160: Hutchiujon. 14: Lincoln, 13. Beadle, 23: Spihk, 12: Hand, 10: Ward, 13. ihe northern mm(1 eentin! niru of 'he 1 harangue until Territory hav -t been heard from; fuily. Iioad i ft,...! the azency to Yank ton are lined with dead rattle, many farmers loosiug all they had. One man ; lost over one huudred. Tli los--- of j stock cannot be estimated. , FIFTY DEGREES BELOW ZERO. Makesan. Wis., 21, It is below zero here this morning, and some ; thermometers indicated 50 and then : froze. Dr. G. L. SHACKLEFORD, XEW BKRXE, N. C. NORTH ifJLOTHItt Has now consolidated his two storea and will, at the old stand on MiddlO street, next to L. H. Cutler's, continue a a m . m m 1 nat Slaughter s prices which he commenced some tima hafnra. the GaKton I the holidavs. our Htock has been replenished la every department, nnd if you are la need of anything in our line, call with out delay and you will wonder at tha Bargains We Givo Yea IN SIXTY FIVE BELOW. Chippewa Falls. Iowa, Januarv 21 This secti COMMERCIAL:'; COTTON MARKET. New York, Jan. 24.-10:20 a. m. Futures opened eteady. Sales of 5.100 bales. January. 10 -"52 July, 10 03 February. 10. 5G August, 10.96 March. 10 68 September. 10 47 ! April, 10.75 October, 10 12 May. 10.82 November. 9 97 June. 10 69 December. AROLINA MULES AND HORSES. Ai a n- Of-.-.,.. J . n m experiencing the cold-' 1 Blt"',ui est weather remembered by the oldest ; 1 1)1 Uliles at J 10 J '1"' inhabitants. This morning it is 65: be low zero, making the fifth in less than three weeks. 9 7 Sales Captain Ki, !..). h--.i a1, the Ilenderstn Hou3-. New B. rne. a line lot of N. C. Mu'.fs and Hordes, whir-h Ik,. i,i selling low down for cash. Call and fe tin-in. d28 wtf aa ia what way jjhay caa aid to make Oar Aarora oorreapoadeat writ ibaa thw people of has section are deai r. a. o a daily mail to New Berne. We Tba Wilmington Star makes ths fol lowing notice of our Fair: In our State new we copy from the N w Berae Jouajr al the time lor hold tug the pfopoaed exhibit of gama fl-b. oysters aod other Industrie. The whole tMighttofUr closer related to that prvwaatrn aod Atlantic section is inviV1 r,alf li.iJa sta I to join ia the show and send in their I beat productions, such aa "maoufao r. Ueurvs gear nas taken ti.a agency ,Ured goods. m.rU, roc, game flr.. fnrtbaold Stat o I-4and d r sing estab loatrs.olams " fco. L tba whole At lMaak Ra will awod auuda both I laalic aectioo eod their bear and unite , . . ,k. I in making the exhibit evr way credit In Leeds county Out., tho temperance people and their opp menu are at war. Eleven build ings belonging to temper ance people ut Irifih creek, have beib burned, and some cf tha lead r ol the t-mp?rance prty have been threatened with murder Iu retaliation, forty of the tavern keepers have been fined, and three ofleuders have been sent to the penitentiary . (AST CAROLINA IMPROVEMENT. A (osst Line of Railway. THE COLDE.ST DAY EVKU KNOWV. Minneapolis Minn., January 21. j this is the col Je-t day e;er known here. L,ist niijlit a reliable thermometer Miowed 4S degrees below zfro, and at 7 m. a standard government thermom eter showed 40 degrees below the low est that could be reiter-'d on it. .'g thiH morning. ia advriiamat. Farinere ere 'aooaieg to town hut very isuia aw Bappoa they are ma sing preparaUuaa far pitchiag tha eucosng crxjy wbich we hnpa. evea if it ie befofe it te plaated, may ba a bouBtaoua oa. Oar Joaae eouaty correspondent waste "A. ' thawrttvrof those excal taat amele, Greea Maa ring " to giva aehiag oa preparipgaad plsat iog Iriah potstoe. We hopa-Ji a ill riapod. able to toe stood oii North Croima wr II lov. or ooht fro love God bl ss Old North 8tt 1 Naw Pho og aph O-i ery. Prof. Thomas Walter has removed from Washington to this city aod is ar ranging a photograph gallery in tbe nom over IJoctors U. X t Uuny flic 00 the corner of Middle and Pol lock street. with entrance from Poiloufe . A large light, ten by twelve feet -has been pat in, and a good sue operatmg room, toilet room and a large, com for t- A few shad and a few timings are able waiting room are being arranged. agbroubt in by our fishormea- Fish dvaJvreaav that it ia rather early in the a aaoa. bat -with a few days of floe weather, they tbiak herrings will begin sncoen ia ahaadantly . Mr. Walter photogrsph gallery ovef B W. Duffy drag store, oa the ooraer of Pollack aad Middle at'eat. I now opt a for baeiaeee B ad ad vrtiemot la another eoluosa sad call sad se apasUsea of hi work. Prof. Walter conducud suoefuilv for twenty-five years a photograph gal lery in Norfolk. Va , but specimens of hie work, which be ba on band, are the beat evident e of hi proficiency. We welcome bim to the city and be peak for him a good patronage. Not Bill Will am but nothr D puty Sheriff R B. Black ledge re turned from Washington Tha red sy eve ning, whither he had been in response Several of our country friends were to a telegram to come and get Bill Wit thrtvr; eon da at thaa wr. Hara k thaadaaasAaaJeaaaraalCaaaara Carve- liaa. . Wa taavw- thtva aaai" with jj daily alasadeaea af thtew haadratf eladaata. We' harva Ira oaercOis aad everything fca aa tha kouca. Lather Xuror Item, Mrsar. Tattla gad Bawkla are ia daily asail to Hew Brae ie tha say log eerriaga T is tha , Tuanaasasasa are fca fWaioa. tba gwts ara havtag toaraaaswa -aap . Baw. J. A. Or, tha poawU at tha M. B Chareav fct baviag verv latawaettag sgsetlaga aa Wedaaadae aight aa wall aa 8uady aad Moaday aighta. " X patitlnei b aaiag . signed v oar people tagata daily a U frasa Aarora l Naw Baraa. Wo aaad a daily saait; -ara aaurhl ta bar s. aad wa WUevu Majna J iiha-M aad Mr. Bim nas ara tha takvapaegeeis. ai rtfcsaaa Aarora Academy arw twaarsatiag. Thia Fridas star aatvarsary ol tha birthday IB X. tea." a vary flatavg ar faltaate azawassa for aar aiuidraa so keen is - - - - saia irwlv iMsi aad good aaa Pros? Bonne fa tha right maa ia tha right ' Tha ve ia jo as ua yesterday to rraw their SubacTipiioaa tn cmr WlKXXT JocsXaL. Wear always glad to se thsm. es pecially a errands of thia sort. But briber thay call to pay money or tell ae the new ae are glad to see tbe m. Coeae again, ail of you. .Capt. A- B Powell iaforme a that tha A A 1. C. B baa steel rail eoough t la; the track to Godhoro aad that the work ot PuUisg lhm down will be eosaplatad by the first of March. A large aessber of new crow tie will be pat ia thia apt-log aod th summer eobadale fur travel will be the quickest einee tha war. The rep bl loan of tha second oon gresetoaal dlatrict bad a love feast at WUeoaoa Thursday. The "fractions'1 game together aad mad a whole, united party agaia aad fixed th ti me and plao of holding the next convention to a. m mat a candidal Th 81st of May as tba time and Wetdoe th place. Tab give four moeihs for aspiraate to orsMider their chance and fix their wire. Cha. F. Jones was taken to the peni taw I lary Monday morning where b ia to apead tha remainder of hie life. Be as ahoal twrnty eight years old. stout sCroog aad healthy and a good band lor ordinary work. H says h intends to do whatever ha ie tuld to do. If fad well aad rightly directed he bid fair to earn oaaay a dollar for in State before be appear before tha great judgment I to, DCCooai for 00 ef the most horrible awarders ever committed ia Crave a eouaty. Odta. axa an tha wart for Bora. Clasra, . Baa Favw jfJaraa. Tatter. Chapped HsalT CMIblaiae Oaraa rirapdna. ar aa pay req aired- It arlvw awrf sea .aJaf 1 faadad. Frioe S4 asss par hoa. fag aula by 8. H. DaJTr. . ya 17 'pasra liams, the murderer of Luke Ruaaell But it proved to b not Bill William hot W. H Kelr who struck th fatal blow wbioh killed Areodall Williams at James City several data ago He waa arretted in Martio eounty by A F. Stalling, who thought be met tbe de scription of Bill William, after haiug fired a shot into hi big to and was taken ta Washington to jail. Deput) Blackledg. not wishing to return empty handed. rrought bim along and lodged bits in jail The New Bank Eui ding-. The firm of Green. Foy & Co opened O their new quarters on Middle etie- Tueeday.v This is a bandaomo tw lory brick building next doi r north ol j H. Cutler's. The first fl or. the entrance to which is by the door Lett o Cutter's, is used for banking purpos s; has a fire proof vault, in which is a burglar proof cafe, of the laiet m proved sn Ie. and the counting 100m. receptiou and toofarecce ro ms art arranged with the greatest o nvenitner -nd Comfort, lbe llt door of the building is tl e ntracce to lh- it,irwy which lead. ihe second story the front room ot which are occupied by that well eetab hshed, energetic and reliable law firm. immoua & Manlj Their ioouh Me iu m irab I y a 1 r no ed for their busineet ,di1 clients will alwa meet a h- t. eicome and get the best law ttiere 1 in the bowse provided th. rtqu sne t is furi iched The east roouj on il aeoond fl or i oo-cupied hy those clever hoI S' Uled neo tl.-ojeii. J W Moor, and W. R Uuioo. It is also Mr. Moore 1 office, as d puty collector of loter, a revenue. The thorouh business qualification of Messrs Green oa Fo and thei book keeper, Mr. Stjron. are wel known. With their new convenience fire and burglar proof vault and saft. th-y are better prepared for businei than evur Th building is its deHtn sDd vaiiou apartment is a geru of arohitectua beauty and was planned ar d constructei b Mr. C J rcht-elky , of MariinsDur . West Virginia. NLMBEK 13. Editor Journal: Craven county has an eojue ot wealth in her waste lands, but a uttle over one fnih of her terri tory is improved land. The county comprise 251,592 acres, of which 52.893 m improved, and 199,199 unimproved land. Allowing for swamps and other un vilab!e land, she has. doubtlers 150, 000 acres in all, capable of a high state f cultivation; bo that there are todav aoout 100 000 acrei- of good land actual ly at vaate ia the county, and upon vbO'Q somebody u paying state and ounty taxes Uuimpruved lands are a drain upon ha vitality of a country's industries. The lite labor of marjy a modest, hard working farmer has been oe voted to the uayiug of taxes on unimproved, noc prouuetive land. Many estimable men it our acquaintance have employed lb--nergies or a life-time ia adding to their iready broad acres of waste land. We nev a magnificent fortune, running uto the bunureds thousaad, to be mally eaten up, and the estate left xxikrupt by tha acquisition and hold- 1 ug ot unimproved ana unproductive u.y jiureiij Ii is a crime against progress and the ell-bcing of the people to encourage he perpetuation of the wilderness in an Id settled community. Every effort should be made cn the jart of ull ihu peoplu of an old oommu uy like ours to increase the popula lon by biirjgiog in new people to fill ipid develop these waste lands. But at the rate we are goiDg on, the roepect for building up our waste places is not of tbe brightest: and when ue reflects that tbe people of Craven .re p-iying taxes on ff ve acres of land or every one that produces them a dol- r tbe wonder is not so great that they hould complain of taxes. One would think, however, that they ould b only too ready to adopt anj i. asure that would lead to the intro uction of their unoccupied and wasu .nrts to new people of mearn and in tustry who would buy. occupy and im rove them, thus lightening the com ion burden of taxation. Turaing to Jones and Onslow, we find a one-third of tbe land of the first mi aoout ont--fourtu of the second i nproved. The exact statement is: I .oe". ImprmeJ 53 605 acres; unim oved 139.324 Onflow, improved 6,7-tK; unimproved 215 932 acres. 1- it acy wonder that these commu ties co not improte; that they grow .0 richer; that their real estate value .8 not iocr eased a dollar in seventy ive years; that their population oe-rease- ; that the spirit of progress and oierpnse is dead within them? Suppose the taxes paid by the people 1 Craven. Jones and Onslow, on their mproductive, waste lands, for the p 031 vent live jears could be dumped wo in one lump what a vast amount wealih it would show to have been ore- thmi thrown away'r1 ('ompuied at compound interest, .hits mmof monsy it would repre eut as lost, forever, to the people ol n.e three counties Then, if you please, make an estimate -f seventy -five years' rent for these .nds. Eupposing them to have beeD leared and under cultivation, people hese lands with a thrifty population: 'im up tbe aggregate of their eurplu iroductiona for Beventy five years, and dding tha increased value of improveo n unimp oved land, aad yon have a ;rand aggregate of lost oounty wealth 1 uilutel astounding. Go 00 at the present rate another v.-nty -five years, and "u-hat tcill the 'larret 't be?" More Anojj. mere was a dense 1 which is now lifting. COLD WEATHER IN NEW E.NGI.aND. Hanover, N. H., January 21. The mercury dropped last night "to the low est pftint this season 28 degrees below. At Lynne the thermometer registered Deiow and at Norwich 30 below. FHOZBN TO DEATH . Adriqan. Mich.. Jan. 21. Eddie Dunn, a well known cattle dealer, aged thirty, was found tbis morning, a few miles east of Wellsville, on the high way, froze to death. He was driving a track wagon, and the horse evidently run away, throwing the rack off and pinning Dunn to the ground, where he perished . Wtst 2nd. Some of tbe industrious citizens of that section of our city known as Five Point have oome to tbe conclusion that in consideration of the improvement and prograae which ha been made ia that part of tbe town, the name shout h changed "Five Points" has a rather disreputable sound to their ears The) say that section is getting to be as re SDectable a any part of the city. The) want It to b called "West End." We think this is appropriate. Henceforth let it be called Weet End Correspond mg with West End, L-end on, " ou kaow." Thft by a Boy. A colored yoolb by tbe name of John Williams, bailing from Ooldsboro but who baa been in New Beroa lo g enough to be known to poaae a bad cUaraetar. was taken in by polioemaa Gaskul Saturday for stealing eume baooa that hong on exhibition in front of C . Siover's stor. He appeared before B-silroad Ag-ita ion. CharloLe is agitating the question 1 building a railroad to Smdford. Thif 1 one of the points to whi2h our peopl want the A & N. C R extended a a other effort w ill be made in the n-ai future to get 11. but noibiug is accom plished in these days of corruption ano monopoly without a long continueo Struggle. A line from Goldsboro to Charlotte through the counties of John Ston. Harnett. Moore. Montgomery aoo Stanly would shorten the present rail road route from Morehead City toCt ar lotte about one bund red miles The A. A N C R. with a little aid from each of these c iunties and Wayne and M ck lenburg furuiohes a sufficient basis ti build the connection The represecta tivea of itit-ae counties iu the next Gen eral Asemoly and thoee along the A. & N. C R ouht to j m together and secure uch legislation as will im-urt the extension of tbe road. Naw Btrro High Bcliool . Ihe usual nmnthly txercises of tbe New Berne Hiah School were held yesterday, when P. H. Pelletier, Eq . d ivered tbe firrt of a .eiies of lecturts on "Government." Tne students gave marked attention while the speaker traced the origin of political govern ments down to tbe formation, power, Speaker Carlisle Better. Washington, D. C, January 19. Vhile Speaker Carlisle is very much uproved today, and the indications p int to his speedy recovery, his physi ian says it will be quite out of tbe luration for the patient to undertake to eep bis Atlanta and Macon engage nents on the 23d and 2 1th of this month. Mr. Carlisle might stand tbe trip, but. in he opinion of tbe physician, it would be hazardous undertaking. Dr. Souers .ays. also, that it will be some time be ore the Speaker can resume his Con ressional duties. A Woman' Dltcovtry. "Another wonderful discovery has 'ieen made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutchee upon ber and for seven years she with tood its several tests, but her vital or gans were undermined and deatb -eemed imminent For three months she coughed incessantly and could not ik. p. he bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption oid was so much relieved on taking first doe that sba siept all night and wnh one bottle has been miraculously cured Her nam- is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus nte W. O. Hamrinh & Co., of -h- by N C. Get a bottle free at R. N Duffy's drug store. Coal Selling VeFy High. TaMaQUa. Pa., January 0. Coal is now Belling at S4 75 per ton. or 84 at the colliery, the highest ever known in 'bi section of the coal regions. Very little coal of domestic sizs can be had. For cleansing and healing foul and indolent Cicrs. Sores and Abscesses. Total Sclipa ol th K jcn. Thara will ba a total eclipse of tbe aa 00a oa .January 28th, vlaibl in ail an of 'thia S ate. Bba will enur Friday. January 10. h. p. agmbra at aV.iep.ta.. leaVlag at 8.69 fi and o reel long. 10 poa.; middle ol tba oolivea, COfi p.m. 1 and 80 inch around . Tha anooa will fall during the f otipre. ' oil waa taken from it. T.n ..A-4 r. influence IQU onaracier 01 wo uneu. . J Parliament. His next lecture will be and removing the bad odors arising J"' . ! opon thm nmture. power and influence therefrom, and for sloughing, contused : . . tt 1. - a . and lacerated wounds. Darbys Proj hy- A 8trnff- Oapturefl. of ih-government of the United States. , Ut Uc Fluid jg unequalled. A aeal waa captured by J. B. Shines The spring term or tne scuooi oegins 1 have used Darbys trophy lactic A w Postal Law. Washington, Jan. 20. Postmaster- General Dickinson today promulgated rules and regulations in conformity with the new law just passed by Con gress, and signed by the President today, respecting permissible writiDg and printing on second, third and fourth class matter. Under the regulations the restriction as to writing upon third and fourth class matter are substantially the same as under the old law. but in general all restrictions as to printing on these t-vo classes of matter are removed, except as to the reservation of ppace necessary for addressing tha matter and placing postage stamps on it. In all cases di rectioi s for transit delivery, forward ing or return, are to be deemed pirl of the ad 1 ess. Sew Berne District-lot (J. M. J. T. Harris, P. E.. Goldsboro. N. C. Mt. Olive ct., at Mt. Olive. Jan. 2S, 29. Lnoir Mission, Jan. 30. Carteret ct., at Uarlowe. Feb. 4, 5. Wayne Fremont. Feb 11. 12. Jones ct . at Trenton. Feb. 18. 19 Craven ct , at Ashury. Feb. 20. Goldsboro ct , at Pine Forest. Feb 2". 26. B?aufort Station, Mar. 3. 4. Straits ct., al SummerfTelil, Mar. 0. Core Sound Mision, at Neleon 's Neck. Mar. 8. Morehead Station, Mar. 10. 11 The General Deputy of the Slate Irange Patrons of Husbandry of North Carolina will addrees the public at ;hurcb near Cobb Mills 27. Shady Grove church 28 VVoodington 30 at night and SI ut 10 Tclock a. m. Airy Groye Acidemy Felrt'ry 1. 'ontentnea Nt-ck 2. 3 Johnsons' Millj 4. .tobton 0. 7. Vanceboro 8. 9. Speaking to commence at 10 o'clock 1. m. At each place the first d3y is for the public, and the second day a private oeenog with the Grange is requested ua order to impart further instructions o the members as to the working of the Grange. Masters and Secretaries of the I ifferent Granges will please circulate tbe appointments as much as possible. J. r. Eaton. General Deputy. DOMKS riC T! 1 U H. J.T. Peanuts 60 to 75 cts. per bushel. Eggs 15 to 16. Rice steady at Si 00 to 51.10 in sat k.-. Corn steady, 47 to 55. Fodder, 80o. to Si. 00 per hundred. Seed cotton 3.00 per hundred. Turkeys Si. 50 to S2.00 Der Dair. Ttjhpentike Hard. Si. 10; -n a2 0). Tar Sl.00agl.25. Oats 37ia40c. in bulk. Rkzswax ISc. per lb. Bbef On foot, 5c. FbeshPohk 6a7c. Der pound, Peanuts 80c.aSl.00por bushel Onions 32.00 per barrel. Ghiokenr Grown. 40j. ; ;rn g 30c. Mkai. 65c. per bushel. APPLES Matt. 75c rer bu-hel Irish Potatoes-83.C0o3.50. Potatoes Bahamas. 30c. ; yarns. 40c. Harrison. 40j. Shingles West India, dull and nm inal; 6 inch S2 00a2 50. Building. 5 inch hearts. $3.00; Der W. wholesale prices. New Mess Pork ?10 00. Pore New family, S16 0). HHOC'LDER MEAT 7c. C. B.'s, F. B's, B.'s and L. C- ?-'c Flour S3. 00a6.00. Lakd 8fc. bv the tierce. Nails Basis"l0'B,$2 50. Suqar Granulated, c 7' Coffee 20a22c. Cheese 15. Salt 80a85c. per sack. MOLAS8ES AED SYBTJP6 SOat&c- Powder S5. 00. Shot Drop, 81. E0: b-i-k. 81.75 hER08ESE-8ic. Hides Dry, 10c: gre6ti 5o. Tallow 3c. per lb. Dissolution Notice. liiru of (iflii.N A ri-'LLIJTJEH will e l.y nm tin! rnnrfnt on F( hruary 1st, Th dfss( All 1 eitru;s lucehlt-d to this tlim are re- iUtsted to niate Imuiediat? payment, and persons iioiding claims aralssl the firm are notified 10 pretx nt t lie fame before said date. t in ::ul nftei- v.),,ch ti r,e Owen H . Gu:on ; w',n ''CCUP5' ,ht" "i-s recently occupied i.y SimiiiOLSiJIaclr. v. n. I'elletier will re m;;n nt tht- ofiw i;..w occupied ht the lirm ". H. Gl'ION, I'. H I'KI.I.ETIEK. I-a-ylS.lsss. j 20d wtf An Explanation. When I advertised for Christmas Gifts and New Year's Presents, it was only a reminder to those who owed me little 1 amounts to pay up. After due time I I think I must have been dreaming for they don't pay worth a cent. I A few good friendrt have rni'3 t on-. j good friends have not paid. i j Well, they will, won't they ? I I don't know; time will tell. I think it will be after we g t the Railroad built ; from New Berne, through Jones county, i to Onslow, and on to the sea. We will eee. P. S. I will continue to supply all those in want of a good Cigar, Tobacco, j Smoking Tobac:o, Fine Cut. Chewing, i Pipes, Stems, and smoker's articles j generally, the best to be had, cheap for v w. L,. 1 ALMER, At the old ftand. New Berne, N. C GIVE THEM A CHANCE. That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery Very won- ierful machinery it is. Not only the larger air passag 8, but the thousands f little tuces and cavities leading from them. When these are cloggoi and choked ilh matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their ork. Aud what they do, they cannot lo well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the fam ily of throat and nose and head and lung ibstructious, all are bad. All ought to bo got rid of. There i just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Bos. bee s Gorman Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bot tle. Even if everything else has failed you, you may depend upon this for ertain MARRIED. In this city, at the residence of the bride's father. Mr. H. S. Gordiner, on January 17, at 8 o'clock a. m., Dr. W . S. Temple, of Pasquotank county, to Miss Hellen M. Gordiuer of New Berne. Rev. L. W. Crawford was the officiat ing clergyman. At Thurman, Craven county, N. C. on January 20ch. at the residence of the bride s father by Eider R. P. Hill, Miss Alice, daughter of Alex Hardison. of Thurman, N. C, to D. C Taylor of Tuscarora, Craven county. N. C. IK MEJIOBIAM, Fannie V. Hines, daughter of J. M. and Pauline Hines, fell "sweetly asleep in Jesus" in New Berne, N. C.June 14th, 1&87. Fannie joined the Methodiut Episcopal Church when quite young, and lived, as ehe died, a consistent Christian. A few weeks before she was aken sick, a friend interrogited her as to her hopes beyond this life, and her answer was. "I feel that all is well with me." Blessed words! How full of comfort to tha almost heart-broken mamma aud papa, whose home only ten months before had been saddened y the i oss of two ottiers of the once happy circle. Truly "God moves in mysterious way,"' W'hile the new made wounds weie bleeding and torn, in His infinite love another was necessary Oh! Father, we do not murmur, but asK for grace to bear, and say. ''Thy will be done." "Whom He loveth He chasteneth." Fannie was one of the most self sacrificing girls I ever knew. Her devotion to her grief -stricken mother was observed by all. and I thought as I gazed on her face so pure, and peaceful, . that surely the seal of Heaven is there. Tbe beautiful hands, so pure, so white, hands that were eo willing, so ready to relieve dear mamma, or give joy to the children so Just Reeeived; 250 Barrels of Early Eose Seed Potatoes, For sale CHEAP, AT :ST. Uiricli's, MIDDLE STREET. NEW BERNE. N. C. " P. S -Standard Stock. NOTICE. The underfcigned, K. Z. K. Davis, lias duly qualified as Administrator of the estate of uanlel Davis, deed., and hereby g:eB notice that he lequires all persons h.vir.g claims against thetsta'eof the said Daniel Davis, rtetd., to present them to tho said E. Z K, Davis duly aui hentisated, for payment, on or before tne 2oih day of January, 18S9, or eise this notice wilt be pleaded tn bar of recovery. Persons Indebted to Ihe estate must pay without delay E. Z. H. DAVIS. Jan2 dliw Administrator. The undersigned, E. Z. R. Dtivis. will, on the 20th day of February, 1888, at late residence of Daniel Davis, expose for sale ac Auction, the personal proper ty of the estate of Daniel Davis, consist ing of a fine Stallion known as the Davis horee. and House snd Kitchen Furniture. Farming Utensil?. Corn, Cotton. Live Stock, etc., etc. E. Z R. DAVIS, td Administrator. WALTER'S Photograph Oaiisiy! I take great pleasure in informing my friends, and the public generally, that my New Studio is now complete. My Light is on tho New Improved Plan. 1 have spared neither pains or expense in arranging this Light, so as to give to all my work that Soft Porce lain Effect. Every style of picture copied and en larged to any eize desired. A successful career of twenty-five years in Norfolk, Va., is a proof of the satisfaction I always give. My work speaks for itself; by it I hope to gain your confidence and merit your favors. Verv respectfully, THOS. WALTER, N. W. cor. Middle and Pollock sts.. Over Duffv's drug store. jt21dwtf NEW BERNE, N. C. Dr. C. J. Mattocks Having permanently located in Pollokc ville, offers his professional services to the citizens of tho surrounding country and public generally. Office at present at A. G. Babp.l"3' drug store. 19 s2t Sheriff's Office, Craven Co., January 19, 158?. ITotice, To Delinquent Tax Payers cf Cravsn Co. On and after Saturday, Jan. 2Sih. 188S, I shall rroceed to collect by destraint all taxes which may be due and unpaid at the time as required by the following law : Sec. 39, Machinery Act. If the party charged have r ereouul property of a value equal to the Tax charged against him, the Sheriff shall seize and eell the same aa he is required to sell other property under execution, and his fees for such leyy orpale8hall be the same ss on other executions. I hope all will come forward and p iy and save me from the painful necessity of levying on your property and adding cost to your taxes. D. STIMSON, 19 i2? Sheriff Craven County. Money To Loan. Examine the following list and see what you need for the coming year, and save money by buying from me at SHOUT CltOr PIJICI2S. and you will have money to loan. Pi-ows: PLowfi plows: I have the Champion, Granger, Boss, Dixie, Daiy, Clipper, Atlas, Pouey Queen and Avery, steel turn plows, and the Stonewall, Climax, Gem and Caro lina Cotton Plows, and Castings of eyery description. Also, a full line of Axes, Shovels, Spades. Forks. Rakes. Hoes. Marl Picks, Potato hakes, Hubs, Spokes and Rims', Cartwheels end Axles. Rod and Tire' Iron, Nails, Polts, Washes, and every thing in the Hardware Im- Corn Shellers, Grain Fans, Grain Cradles, Mowing Scythes. Mowera and Reapers, Belting, btram Fittings Machine Oils, Lace Leathers, Cant Hooks, and Saw Mill Supplies. Send for prices. Respectfully. J C. WHITTY. T. A. Green. C. E, Foy. Hlmmons Mnnly GREEN, FOY &. CO,, BANKERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i ' 1 NEW BERNE. N. C. We will move on or about January 16th, 1888, to our new BankiDg House in this city on Middle street, three doors below Hotel Albert, which is now being constructed under the supervision and directum ofjMr. C. J. Scheelkey, Archi tect and Builder, of Martinsburg, W. Va. It will contain a substantial fire and burglar proof vault, and the vault will be supplied with ono of Herring's latest improved burglar proof safes. With the increased facilities and safety thus afforded U3, we expect to greatly ex tend and enlarge our business, and to offer many additional advantages to our patrons. The usual office courtesies will be ex tended to our out-of-town friends We will be pleased to receive vour business, and will at all times pay -special attention to your account, and ac cord to you as liberal terms as is con sistent with judicious and conservative banking. , Very respectfully, d29 wlm GREEN, FOY & CO. all TmswflF TO THE Clothing, Boots & Shoes And all kinds of DRY 000333. We are making Special Drives this Month-' IN' Blankets, Shawls, Newmarkets, Walking Jackets, Ladies' and Men'i 1 TTnderwflaVr' 1 WE HAVE RECEIVED A New Line of Neckwear which is a collection of captivatinf beauties, that are being sold at popular prices. Our fine satin-lined Scarf mt 25c. beats any half dollar ecarf in other places. All our goods will please and girt satisfaction, and prices are eo lowyott cannot resist them. David M. Jones rf Beaufort ailfl ! noide forth at George Ash's. Middle street, Next to L. H. Cutlf. We have the Agency for The Old Ktaten Island Dyeinff Kstablislmient, 98 Duane,St. Established 1819. Ail goods delivered free of expreis charges. Delays Sre Dangerous. AT EATON th JiELER Can be found a Nice Stock of Watches, Clocks. Jewelryv SOLID SILVER AND PLAT2SD WARE- Full lipe of everything in my line. Come early and make your selections. SAM. K. EATON, nov29dwtf Middle street. Sale & Livery Stables. TH K FIRMS Or A M. HA UN AND M. HAHN & COM PANY has been dis solved by ths death of A. Hahn. M. Hahn will continue - tbe business of SALK. KXOHANQK AND MVKKYof H0RBB8. MULES, eta., at th old stsnd onMlddle atreet. where be baa been engaged in the same bnilnessln fhe city since 1806. will b? pleased 10 meet his old friends and customers. Will have on hand in dun seftson a FIRI LOT OF HORSES end fll'LM. Also. PINE LOT OF BIGGIE Sad HARNESS. - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. M. HAHN & CO. Wanted to Purchase 50,000 Bush. Rice. las o og tn t-3 o S3 i.'.indy, Cakes and (.'rackets, IIorsefordr8 Royal and Patapsco Powders, Knvelopes, Paper, Pencils, Books, Apples, Lemons, liaising, Pickles, Pepper, Spice, Country Butter and Hams, ALL COME BUY ! Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Hominy and Rice. SEALING LOW ! Tobacco, Snuff, Only try us and Return vou will, EVERY ONE ! Orsenvifle Institute, A First-Class lay and Board ing School. Sj.i Term opens January lLh, 188 Five teachers. 116 pupils enrolled Fall Term. Lare, new buildings. New Pianos. Offers the very best advantages to young ladies desiring to study either vocal or instrumental music. Tbe teacher in charge of this department is a graduate of the Illinois Conservatory of Music, and is thoroughly conversant with tbe latent and beet methods . F-'oard, tuition including music. 8S2.50 per firm; without music, 65. Extra charge for Languages. For further particulars address JOHN DUCKETT. Principal. Greenville. N. C. Dec. 8. 18S7. dw 7M60UNTY"GRIT,, 200,000 Tons Pure Agricultural Lime. W. P. BURRUS & CO., GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANT. Market Dock, -NEW BERNE, N. C. mafB dwtf SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. NEW BERNE, N. C, Will move on or about January 16th, 1888, to their new office, over tbe Bank ing House of Green. Foy & Co-, thrsa doora below Hotel Albert. EASTERN NORTH CARGLIll MARBLE WORKS, FEW BERNE. M. C. Monuments Tombs And all kinds Grave and Rntldlivc work la ITALIAN&AERiCAN GARBLE Orders will receive prompt nUntioy satisfaction guaranteed JOE Ii. WILLIS. Proprietor (Saocessor to Ooorge W . Clayiool) Cor. BROAD A D VIIAVKX St. SEW BERNE, . fc G. E. Millcu ip my authorized agB) in Kinsxm ma30-d i Surveying. - liolh r- UHI Own:.- - c :i '-i- :: t- v lt:t rti I .lictil. nl V ;' Persons wanting land surveyed, titles investigated, deeds written or calcula tions made for cisterns, ditching, build ing materials, etc., cau have it done promptly by applying to H. A. MARSHALL, Surveyor. I-ci 1, r '" -i 1. , Al-:r--S:,; ii- ; -!-itiu:i .Mill- ' Bloilt' ( U., 1 '. '! v.. at Dawsona crsa-k b Neusa rivsr laa wed, and good, praotioal work is being Fluid in hospital and private practice ... f . r f .1 r 1 raura ami frm-w rtf nntnmir hftt. Tt was between done. It is a p easure to note mat some ' . , " " 11 wm onwwn uuue. i- trf for BiOUghing. contued and lacerat- inohes diasnett-r who have been elsewhere to und better ed wouudSi foul and indolent ulcerB and About 1 lbs. 0 schools bsve returned, and entered tLe M a disinfectant. " J. F. Hastis, Pro- High Sohool. feasor Mobile Med. College. still and resting now ; but in tho blessed j Cor George anj ew 8t;eets I&uu wueio luviu ia uu u-iuto oiuaucoi. ? I'll0 Wtf pain nor death, we hope to clasp those i dear hands again, wnere no lareweiis are ever spoken, no fond ties sundered , no loving hearts bereft. Weep not, fond mamma and papa, your loved ones will watch for you at the "Bejutfiul Gate," where very burden wiil be laid down, and taken not up again, but where friendship is forever, and love etsrnal. Tottie. New Bern?, N. C. New Berne, N. C. TO KENT A Dwelling House with four or five rooms. With lot and stable room for two or more horses. App'y Rt once to SASSAFRAS, PEWYROYAl, WIS TH.K;IJ1EN, SPEARMINT, Ac. nought for Net Cash, on receipt and ap proval, without charge for Commission, Brokerage, etc., by DODGE &. OLCOTT, 80 & S8 WILLIADI ST.. REWTOilK. an gl" wBm REAL ESTATE AGENT. Newbern,N. C. dw J. J. -OLSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice Groceries and Provisions, Dry Geo dp, Boots aud Shoes BROAD STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C. tW Goods guaranted as represeaVea ocl9 d8t wtf