sl W. .- ' , ..v. ,-' LSTE:I CACIIU-DISPATCH ;rbe Ft Frlht Line rMte4IVte. aw Ttk.lteB, HJLGLET and VESPER w ttw wia m "m?"i a iMtlM flaw Kaa-na- Tcy MOM DAT, v . uH4T m r usat m rooa r. m. ft t wM4 CHVJ, aaai twaaaT, aa taa aalaow- 1 Caa I aaav aa"aat b MuwtlM wttk lb AUn..UH.R.aotoii feoUaatA. , K. aw Tor, Haiiax. aad Woctala R. IL. aaa t.,a ruTliMK U. aV. ttocm raMavaaa aaat tara'aa UaV Trta NfttW faajUMia ft mo Iraaapat-taUoaa. o traaaiaTw axaaf. at aUaaHA City, at vbJtt point Ori&a will a looted on oau (a rxrw aul fuoala b aAlppad Tte iMUfl Cavroaaa, liUWIO ally aa followa : from IMt, Fun. &. H.. Flar H. Marth RlTr. ' fToa aaaaaptota. ? rklUu. W. A Baiio. B. aV, waa, i. mmwB. JmaUction by lnU wu. A Faito, H. & Paaai1aa 8. HtsUoa. taraMoo. by areian' Minar, Traca- yortaucxaCcx- Saw ori nJ o pi.. and b CiW. KMM low and 3i ,ic S-fu !; J ttkllM. Mrwaa oorajVo ra,-,a;rv :. ' four . trtapt wk o run - JJTUk WriVWiX .Jan. -. Trart..- Arr. . ' aMa-H.), Oaaeral vm.t;-: a. kcwKK.t;i Fr- t P. w. H. K . Sorton.Vi- V.Pi: ur.rj. c a .' M-r. aV H. K. ort". a- Mbja ,Sw t- -rue OLD DOMINION Slsamship Gompany. SEMMYKVKLV triad OI,t Damloioa at. avay'a Old aa'l Vmvr: Kaata. i llit--. I . ' N ! . u , 1. 1 , it tr , I t r ad .: ? On aavl ." -r : , KU. t it' .ii'Wtn au4 :r" " BaHi- '. ; ' . ot. raUi.A iS. .. ... wta v. '. 8.B.V,' f. r , . -Pn aaodii:a r. - . .:. a , - tor 5u.ioLK ! . ,-t. - raiDAVs at :.-. . - 1m witi :t .' tar Saw To-. 8. s. V sr atauUxBOra, ClyJe- Lo . , aalpala. aad la a H T ' taaat aad trtldna 0 aaUrtaa afloria t ' aad anf aimoai prrtrft - K '- u- and S . . I . K. ;--::' K: ' , - M r. ilN K.- : 'A '. - a-.,1 aji : f ' r- . , , p. o . a o a v r -t.:; for Kta.a ll; ; a f. r 1W- - a 1 ur Ir-jr.l r for tr.e paa: r waava y fan. ha lo tat , uarat -. w .-mc r aii anippara ta to a .. r wi.. :.r aaa to Uia fatara. I Udar mix Buoda ar ai o l" - m . ! , .. or - IMLVa. rralc&aa aot raaalva, .mi,ar.: arvai at aa. aa aalllaa day. raaanaaa W!U tad a u--d labia, tumrort aaaa rooaaa, aad avary oaru.T and aitm Uoai viil a paid UMa oj tha olSeara. K. ROBKKTH. A4.DI HI CTJUrK7Pa aV TCK-NER. Aanta, orfotk. Vi ay. a- gtAHroun. raalda-nl. a Tor City Qugi l fur ii Irr let -The N. C. Freight Line FOB NEW YORK. BOSTON, PROVIDENCE aad ail point and West Altar taas aavaa wUI raaatvo fratckt la Haw tar Ii Baraa at PlKlt 7, HOBTU KIVEU, i4Sd N Ttrrt mud BUiwun ' TrmtfrUiU Co. r lail tatala aaaa aw Baa-aa MX3aT w xxklt steamers lilnu Irr lim ui BxJUxin artolk Janaa; In Baraa far Haiti ai a TV USD AT ftVLDATS a I m. Laava Baidaiara fa WUHUMTSiU SATCaVCAT Ad aaaa ara aa lattaaa BUBaUl fXXf Taia. Oaal A'aaavfar. M Larkt c. Bai l ava. ar. VaOA aJLU1 K, A . jrloi. Ta T. P. ada A Oa-. "kaaaaip a la, 11 Soat Tora a Barta. Trsaa lata. P".ar orxarlTar aWwaaipana, aWauaa. aj Cstrii abarf .M. RdaawaU. PYo-ridanva ii. I ft 0. Knl, Fall illr D-mc aarf afetpa '. Buataa. Taip la 1 Saiardaya Yr daily. Haiimor, w:a4s;i ana9atmraay fvil R.r.r tt oi?. WaOaaadaya rt.iara rr t: Wa.- a:ar,f HrittJi : la.l.r. r ( r ,n , aa4 : l. ( aarajl 1 i.l 7au a '. 1 B:'.i ui Sldp rii LINE. d RIVEE ipany. r. a c i a.".ai i.1 u w aa & a . ' i' -.ribcat Ccr w i,. r ;a i; laai ar . . r 1 1 c a ', u n . daya 1 Inc. a TSnr, ',. ii , Otv. Howard, t Stc.-tmboiU Line. . it "NDa the i : :h Jii AKt ii: r - For Tront. t; Friday. Keturran a '. - -te r. u 1 tv M c lay ar. d ,'vo ry T-j.,? and SituHay For Pollokavill every ,Vtd D,- 1 u I id , return id tha same day J. J. ITER. Manager J. J. Dj90Sira.T, Agant at New liorna la iaa. alia aadaa aad aaaaa, aaaalaw B - af Cab taaa Bad Card aaataraa ml lard wau, ratail arm, aja, A AVaaf aHaaaaa rimnna Aiaaaaa..-, 1 aaaanaaad aaaaaad aadaa, raid adcaa, aalaaaaoa aaaaa. a ilaiaa a mn af Caalaa aad Card aactana aw) la. ai .aa. nm. far aa. av lUaaaraaad li.ali- AtBUHS ACEIiTS z i a tkar nwta?T liiug ettf DKAM lalltaUaHi C Uf T f tM EaraissiniTUa? Cm fe lai q aw it fimUr mtvr lif he (tidta liror4inr7 Ump fat (aklrr cu for W aaMBIaXaaa. t ar Lf Ii Q of HaiNUA IciiXIN.CiMinutl.O. If MOORE MONTY GRIT." ROBERTS & HftHaUSRSOK rVe-w Berne, IV. CJ. Otiry flrtt cIam Compauuea repraaea ed La Rr. Lift AZl ldiSt !ST17aSd. ToUl Cpiul oTer Forty Atilllotujo DoUati. Jaa24dly atari aaaaa afcaaad raaaaaaaai aa paaa aa ai If aat af aaty naainiia arlia BalBmarr U aavaaaa, aad aa I J aaa ttnf. "7 Ta. aaaa Willi n aaaaa World ar Tafcl. MfaL Vaaaaaaataaaf af aaMaatl aaaaaaa aaa, Maakaaaaaaa. Aaataaaa AtaT faTlafaaal d r - -1 Caaa aOlaa, Paa aa4 rsaaw .aaaaa aa. MM aaa ar. aaa amaa aa- Kaartataav fcVaalara, aaw M mm, fWlaaa jaa. Waa'ia. nthm. riTa. a. . waaTa? tt.av.a- Ja IdWda. .aa r4. ar t, r aa aaaa al ad lam ai tjaaalTT?7?.Ia ITi llajraaJaaaT WiTu DYSPEPSIA. 1 19 laal anlaary upt1nl wbea we .J ataal beeoaia mn thai we poaaeaa a dtaboOcal, arraomot rallt iiomn-h Xk atomacl) la th rsrT(rtr from wry Obre and UaBue moil bo nouMuifl. aad &ay trouble with it Is toon felt ifarnunli oot h wbol Tit.-m. Amoui lir--n 1 ' UDtlMDOllllm Ul MU1 t'trjiili::- naat aymutoroa. lypptlc of arifvc m.-t-.m. powar aod atxlloni ivmpcnunent r. iut jed (oittk HMteha IhoM flot'J id p: :i utM bar i nllatla. me :r..ii aad MrTOQ ara auanilODal to gloomy far atBta. Pom dypet!ra won ilarfaily fcirxetfal ; oihara ho groat lir'.Ui binty of Umpr. w,'Da(Tar form Pyp.'p'.i may take, ona tfttoc a aartalu. Tlia aaarlrta( ttm la In Ik LIVEN, and oca thing mora !i cqo;;- fital i. u ooa mill rem iadr"rP111' wr.o It will eo.-rrt Acidity Btoa of th ch I I xpel fool aa. Allay Irritation, lull! Dla-eat'on. a:i ! it '.lie aa:m :zne TART T II K LIVER TO WORKING, WIIK ALL. OTIIEK THOI HLE1 OOy Dllll'PKlH. My w'.ft JTiii'Ol.r.:::u'.! ' S::., th-c a' ;,y ire a.1 v..-o -f l'r. .:kt. of A-:'ita. IM :n,!v:,-, .l o try S.::i"ion Uwr R'a.! r t f.-, !-..?;: !or t:.. r-l'.af :; .iAa'vrn k r. ar. l . w :.n i.l h and :Te -'M . n a:-, y w t w r . r or o r w '.(' . ..;::..'-.. -t 1 r K.-tf': an I : f ?r.' '.,'-'-'! ,, . . w : '..-. - u .sr.-.. Srr lht r"a Bl h liKXI I K. . v -. . Z v. fro:-.t f -; ; : sirui: n i v : II. . I ILIN A .. Philadelphia. I THE INCURABLE CURED ! .:in-.-a r" m - r :Trl -r.! n rrf a---a Trvira a Bn,rr r..l -rfc-a 1 .-. ' ft r . w imp: rma,lla b';l lh -ra .,.! 3 I , ivl. I fT w-r r--rr Tit r,r i- -.a ,,-.-. lfr iBoaat I m-i ,w.r a ,r uo 1 craicl i:bi I 1 flnUft-1 c.-i - ur --,M1 1 r.-.'. 11 m a ..clar lad. whi ,ta I -. 1. a a.tta : l aitfA-ija Maj. K. w W -r r la:y tI I.-. v r, i jT o'r.aulta.l w.ra ur.aKa I 1 io u r--'- Laa fall a yaar j I two u,lr-a . . a. at era r taflaiTla th r. aa.l i; t a.-na mora 1x-iianl irian - o m.-l ' Ua aty ran-. ll r laa.atl laai i .J laaoff mOuott. 1 V- Ua aunrthaa- S- A I tr.. -nJ J f t -o m )taa IM a-ra waaanlira.y .a-l- Tlilok tna -&ac US. rll out of my olltu'.l..n. 1 Tfi iaa mallrlK: b"i In S'rnir. to m.ama a ry .llaftl M.!noiil nmml. I a: ta ain , . s . aa.l no la alau J laplx-J-n I ha .-.rrr (ill la S a a ! d u m B' fa ri l U--t a. I -'-a J.-'..-r. ar t .l-.i a.dl e.oa. 1 e- Vo, W:vtT-a. C. Arr-a . :. :a.T i , que lr. ll or Q ma a- - blik w u vrr p.T r,. of S- a . h '- .r I tiaaa.1 I., lha Orr run ' thar i. a - .-'-..'.r-.-o i fta,rf -. . hAf-.-l.'r !'- t i t - i a --. f ., . . . ,.-nr - ' " n.- c. i-S'lllOt, 1 it. s ama!: f r fo - .1- I ara. win laia cun " II " co,!aa to "' ma to r--l- AN-ul o ' y.i.- ' ,' q-iila uwf. aa p,-oi ,o th a . . a.. rrr aaj I l"o a v urw, at u-n r k a a. TSa r-aull fcaa N-rn n c r cum a ul.-c oc eaiwr- ba '. . . . . .-ar Kr u I r a. rrrI a parvr"-a ' lhal ,'aj I ha loan RoaclAa ha-on parvSci a-.y ej.l '"" ir Uicraaaaa my arp" an 1 vr!r n y aaaV. la a ar,d. I fa. I ilaa a nrw w-ivaJ. an.1. baal all. lb r'shl a. --r w roat aolirly. Tjit aliw-ly, Traalan. Tod J Co.. Ey . tl C - '- TraaUaa oo Ft -o' an J St'n r"aa nul-fJ trav Tui S:rr Krtcrf v Urawar i. a- a. -a A.tlantic At N. C. Railroad TIMS TABLE Xo. ' In ElTect 0 00 A.M.. W, ...v. l ei'. n, is?. OOUtOrlliT. SCUEDVU4 tic I.v.i WEST- No. 51. roAMmjvr Trxrirui No. .'0 Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. ?m 4 55 Qoldsboro 1 1 S7 am 40 5 44 UOnnsf 10 31.10 42 0 81 41 Kinstoo 0 '- IOCS S 34 9 3S N'ewBaroe -10 S 25 10 58 am Uorehead City am 5 37 DauJy eicpt Sunday. Gets a East. SoiEDru: Gvimo Wect. 5o. . Mixed Fl. Pa. Train. No. 2 t Allied FV & 1'im. Train. 3 2-S p m 1 43 1 53 1 13 1 33 Sia;ioc. tioldiboro Bt'i Ldt Orange FaJling Creak Kicaton Caa well Dorer Core Cre"k Tuscarora Clark Newborn a m 44 7 1 1 ".45 S 14 f 10 51 7 21 7 50 s r4 13 44 13 49 13 03 12 20 1141 11 48 11 18 11 21 10 43 10 4 10 utf 10 19 53 9 57 a m 9 2t' i 15 9 o2 10 to 10 Oo 10 2V 10 M 10 4-5 10 V) 11 22 a ni ra.-,:. il 13J 1it ir. sa'.nri'.ay Vs,lu,ala an 1 lr !y Train j.. -.-.n a -la w::h 'tlmlnctn A Wei ion Traiu &-;nd NorUi. laaT'.n Cro.,iat.w-,rc . I V! a. m.. aa w'.Ui Kiciituond A U nvilia rraan Waav. laarla UolUatioro 3 3i p. rn. Train &1 coooarta .ua R'.bmocLl a laaTllle Traia, c-r.Tfnf al lv4.tro t -V p m . ana ar'.Ui w ;.ru:r.:4jn aad W.loa Traan from U-.a Na-r;n ai m Train .' xmaiwU w.'.c iv. .-i. n: ,r. J an-1 Pan v : a. l'.-.r,-a- h'.-:4 .'. .,av:ai eoidat3oro al . p.m. rraia J roriiw'i with Wiim'nc-.. n and .lon I'aja.aar Traa, or:h ; '.tav. .c i oi1a:),ir,5 al 4 p. m fra'.n J nnivu wan W : : n-. : :. toa and 7.a,,!i C'ra :-.. Tralr. "-..u::: ru:-.,l .avaij .io . ' 4 , t :. S- L. Dill, Su trint-nd ec t . ER Orer J. 000, 000 worn iurhip th-' rart sii IWdJ. TtlU aAr-rclorj3 guccx-as dj? lii. T J th u;u-teritT r f C. mttr.,' ott H other Ciaioxlaj, aj a stgTcer '. : C- rsvU. 2nd. To the super! -r quality. taf"i And worltn-aashlp of c a r (V rsow . o.. zii :d with : Lhtr i jtt f rlcee. Avoid cheap IrciUi:; l sii.!-- ' vart.-u oi cord. iicco ar" f'lae uigea ' DR. WARNERS CORALIN E ' ia printed oc LiMdo ef vs' cover. f09 VLC BY ALL LEADING MERCHAIXTS WARNER BROTHERS, 300 Broadway, New York Crty. EDU0ATE! EDUCATE! What Better Can Be Don For The Children? AURORA ACADEMY UHOIlA. C. B. T. BONNER, Miss E. O. LA.vasToy, Paj.vcTP.vx ASalSTAHr. l!io Fall Soj'.on and a Keb. . is frtpr'.Da: aalon al. eloa Jane U. lNss. .11 opn Sept. 79. I V, op-.T t'eb. . i.ssa, ajid H-"ard and tuition mcltrala. rSaptlaar rhargej from t.m of entranca :o rrtil of aeaalo-.i. 'o deOurlion iicrDt in lr -:.-.! 1 :reaa. - r r. -ornifl Con apply to K. T H i.VNEK. IV.r.ctpal TTtfMADN THE JOURNAL. rAKvrmuK h:mm hkkv(;kk Doxl heavfiir ho bnutifui nr. 1 briSi l-i - h o for whom I -ih ' Love lurk within Lho I: n.l ii'.t i 'f that dark drpamiriK o f. S oet nir-i of youth aroun 1 hor brea'.lu And flutter in her train; Good hearens! how beautiful is she And I, so old and plain' (iooi heavens! how beautiful iashe' As freeh and fair ad day . Dark a the night her shining hair, j Her lip a bud of May. I Yet all unconscious of her power, Though hundreds eish in vain; Oood heaveno' how beautiful is she' And I, so old and plain Good heavens! how beautiful io she' Can I her heart have won? I, from whoee cheerless desticy Ail hop and jjv had flown. Before her soft eyes emiled on me. Iove seemed a vision vain .) Go d h-'aTens! how beautif u Ijis she! An J I so old and plain' Good heaver.--' ho t fa itiful in fht' An 1 ytt she loves me now. She brine the ilower of ,nai len grace T i :. k thi furrow ed t row . She e to g;lJ my ev r) joy. r sv'tlie my every pain. 1 1 r e a : I . i v , i. - how beautiful l s ? iu I .,n ! 1 ,.i: ie:np r Vi;M AM) Y VK 1 11 . uks With the Me:: Who Guk the Pl:. i ;ik ii.k;;. w.'.iiein farmers have not yut fully learned the value of the har row. We break ami then bod laud perhaps, and that is all tha prepara tion it receives. Hut this (hies not hue no i1. if at all d'spo-ed to be hard or lumpy, as most old lands ,.io. Land broken before the first ot March is almost sure to be beat en down by hard rams the air is then excluded, with all its amelior ating luiluences. ( ne cannot afford to break ;t all ever again with an ordinary plow It takes much time. At this point the harrow ! comes in. With its five or six feet J mt Lin.l mu cone over ranidlv ' and quite thoroughly pulverized to a depth of three or four inches. o buried grass or weeds are brought to the surface again. .No harm is done, only good. We have been doing such work today on a field turned over some weeks ago, which had on it . heavy coating of crab gra", and which had been rather lacked and crusted by the recent heavy rams. A disc harrow dal the woik most satisfactory, pulvir ving the surface, nicely , and open ing up the soil to the a:r again. Other h.urows l.Ue the 1 nomas er lie Shares might, be made to do the same thing. Bun the harrow m same direction that the plow went. This settles down and lee!s oil the land very nicely. One hand and two mules w.ll go over six to eight acres a day. Could time or labor be better -pent than to break the crust after every hard rain, from the time the land was broken till it planted? Keep the harrows going up to planting time ; plant a part of the crop without bedding, and let us know- how you like it, at the end of the year. W. I.. ,1.. in Atlanta Constitution. 1'oiiQlar MipvTstitions -Their Explana tion. Popular superstitious, if not in destructible, are at least very hard to kill. We know full well that the miracle-working pagans of antiqui ty were scientific jugglers, who imposed upon an ignorant laity, and that the supernaturalu3ms of the middle apes were tricks that any accomplished mountebank, with the aid of a smattering of natural philosphy, can now exhibit to admiring audiences witnouc ukm piasttr : u will add greatly to the slightest assistance from the other j va,10 ut- thp mauure .uui the satis world. And yet, even in this era of fiK,tkm of having clean, sweet, odor general education, half the peoi'lo coops and healthv docks, will one knows liave their pet snpersti- ,lblnliU1iv ,,,v expenses. Trv it "0D!'- . . Set a ladder u thoroughfare in mark how manv on any public New York, and of the wayfarers ill st-p into the mud to avoid pas- sing under it. Thousands, who would be ashamed, perhaps, to own it. would uch rather see the new moon over the right shoulder than the lefr. The howling of his dog. or the accidental stopping of a fun eral before h;s door, gives many a brave man an unquiet leeling, and journeys and erious enterprises are often "held over" for a day, m order that their commencement may not tall on a Friday . The fracture of a looking-gl.LSs, the upsetting of a s l: -cellar, and fifty other incidents as inconsequent ud trivial, are looked upon as "ill omens" by multitudes of civilized and Christian folk, and the horse shoes naded over the doors of barns and byres, in various parts of the country, prove the dread of witch craft did not die out with the w itch persecution in New tngland. Some of the common superstitions of the dav are, m their origin, as old as historv itself, and most of the modern "spiritual phenomena'7 by which the credulous are astonished and bewildered, are really only re- rivals of the humbugs of antiquity, Superstition is. as we have hinted, a hardlived monster. A tendency to believe in what is physically lm- possible seems to pervade most of thhnmiri unpeiKS- n or rr n ed ne.a- tion extermidate, though it njjY modify and control, this tendency. i The simplest and most logical explanation ef our proneness to credulity is this: there are so many things phytically impossible which be true there is so much in the origin ot' man, his fall, his pre servation ou the earth, his redemp tion, his eternal destiny, which he knows and feels to be independent of all the principles of cause and etfect of which mere reason can take cognizance, that he is apt to forget his duties have been fixed, his course laid dow n, his life-lesfon so written that he who runs may read, and all the e'in sequences of his departure from the "straight path'' to happi ness here and hereafter, so clearly expressed and defined, as to render t lie interposition ol signs and won ders in his behalf or for his guidance unnecessary and useless. Eet him rest assured that the Master of the supernatural world never employs its mighty powers for unnecessary or useless purposes. Keaiiy. girls, I'm too badly rat lieu uy t n o uouur couierreu upon , l . r 1 me to givevou much of my cuff, It'ri the first, time I ever tnmhled to anything uf this sort, and I hardly know just how to catch on. How'- ever. I'll try to be sufficiently np to while doing the president ol this ..!.( anf Tm with vnn , thi i a.s-.- or ,- fe- it. All over our land slang uju t r, aua uuu 1 iiu ) vi 1 u u ivitci words and phrases are multiplping like flies in sorghum time, and it is our dutv to help knock this crying v,l . luir a nooihle Ir onr motto be -Shoot the Slangistl" ' . . it..--.'sS:v.- r.. rr.! .iw l - i:,tirr i:..... :-. L'iu-rr ,. .I'.i: M i T ol kcerf.Il ; oar a can It it St a' r : an r- gro-s !ii just not bo .-accos m a t.f: ; h. ullv rctu'iMl. be true, as some maintain, that a ! good condition of pub i' highwavs ot a country ui index to tue I progres s and then. eivi!i.a: aei ot the a.leod, 1: c in truth people. fully bo said thar North Carolina has made but little progress in ad vanced civilization. The almost impassable of our roa is daring the winter inflicts upon the farmer one of his greatest hard-h:; s. Now, the suret wa '.o accom plish a desired i -im ;n ; t c "a slant agita! ;on. 1 ; i-- my p l : p. in " . - .11 ; ii ic to ea'.i o " r on t ; a to a :. 1 b; a ;! disca-i 1 lie ; n eg ,! a : . ' a:.,i ; a i 'iceoi :i:i' m-'ioi rl uork.:.1; p .'1 lie roa-i - m N : a ('.:':,. i : t here ; ,v" 1 c. : :i i ' ! . ; c . o :: Miipbc;-'. :" S !. ' ! '. - ! governtne!: ': . ' r-..- true in t h.- w a ... .v ';. roads d not ad::.:' e: i do .1,-. There i ir its i '::: ti: r. I.Ur.- .1 ::: ::i t! it ' :- 'a : g. a- niac!i a- do, - ic- v. !:.. ,: : a thousand-;. e-;., w of mean s is t r. r: ! o i.e bonehtod sy.-tetn o p t i a ' - a : : -' er lo-i'rc: : lor c x i m ; A . ;t sec; ;on ot i o i 1 littV labor to be 1 cond; t ion . and. t a lartre i. a ai !er i , ; a re II ,i 1 ire there is anot lu-r sie' ;o it as is freq'.ien: ly ' I. is exceedingly d:fli 'til; and has b it tew hand. But the l ii i a- ;ce i t II, I: is not the only th'.ng ni.-i:- is not the only thing t consideration. It it secuia consideration. It it secure l g.uni roads, it might !" submitted to with some degree of toleration. A system deserves contempt and re 1 pudiation tha" o com h lv fails of its ; i 1 1 - ; n i ads will : . ' ; :n e u ' 1 ettel. to accompli. i 1 existence. I tru-t, Mr. Hiiitor. th it port an t sn ! ; o i-1 ot bet ; er i be agtta'ed u:.".! a j - u 18 built up that will more jus' and a moie si system . ,1 . M . 1 t Lemav . N. C. Cl c- : M i i I I s, s f ri.h'iT. i here seems to be an ..; :.. o p: , valent wi'h many tha is p. is-, a or sulph a'e ot . no- do- s : . ;i. : largely into t he com , : :i plan's, it can : . ; t.-ir ..'. u--of a lertil er. i ' ; !, I,..' c :: sider that t h. : . u. " - which . ii' ::'! icy d. ' to . :. t r : ' c l ' directly ti) the glow : a . t plan's. have cheinic.ii or :i. i propertii s t hat play a ei v tant part in egetat;on. has both these properties tntcal laipor- ' As a disinfectant a to I de .h-nxer it is one of the best, as well as cheapest. oar emmum!. Any one who lias kept stock of any kind stabled during the warm summer months, knows what a hard task it is to keep their apartments el-an and odorless. Now. if they will keep a barrel of fresh ground plas ter in a convenient corner, and every (lav. on sweeping tne noor .1,, o,,rinl-U if- fr-,U' XT I f h tllP I plaster, it will absorb all disagree - able, noxious odors, rendering the air sweet and pure, w bile the value j of the manure will be greatly en hanced bv the retention of the am monia. Poultry houses should also be swept clean at least twice a week in summer, and once a week in winter, anil the floor sprink.eii witn - and be convinced. American Agr: cult ur ist . A 1'risnin r's 'i emh'i till Inw uti ui. ib-oeiitly an ele L. Ibirre't was s county . i i :r a days u r u.-::.g lo-ce!! t I L. Birr,--': count v l.I day s "p r Collt!' V cotl ho il.lellt, calls a n; ti ;cl ill named n'euced to t W 1 1 aii'o ; t w .re at ' a ti rod w Oik. i w . it ; : . escape by . any other tested today .tens, they j oilers awmg by a in-t i n tern p. rag t " ti.itig or using means, it was number of c' 1 1- t themselves in a b.ic'.v part id' the -dosed. A el.a k frot.t r om ;n tin with door pru-ou. was put ;:i ii on Every click could be distinct room. .V saw was - heard in the lSed gently on the bars, an ing noise. produci i The in a ouid s.r-v-trumetit is workt d by elect ric wire, the various no coming over it di-tr y on a single .es of the Cells tie. The in- vei LlOil is eOIlilcIered wondelll Globe Memocrat. - here lla-ilie Vi a'er i.oik-: From observations made along the entire chain of lakes the start ' bus discovery has been made that j the surface of all the great inland seas has been lowered nearly a foot and a half during the last year, The attention of vessel men was first drawn to theiact ' W ,1 1 e r was going down that the last fall. ur:i numeious rad inexplicable cases of vessels grounding were re ported. From '. Le midd'e to the il iM- of the last season of uavig.i -tion owners and m.iste: s ol tlie larger ( lass of boats on the lakes weie troubled by the low stage ot the waiter. Heavy bills of expense in releasing grounded vessels and consequent eo-! ly delay s were borne by owners. Complaints were made of insufiiciei.: tlredging and govein tiient engineers ex pres.- ed doubt in several cases where vessels touched bottom, especially in the Detroit river and in Like St. Clair. The ea'use of t his re mai kable s - ate ofail'atrs is a mystery. Whether some immense subterranean outlet has suddenly been ail mlcd for the vast bodv of watei or whether the tributary stream-' 'nave b. eiC ali'cct ed by drought is a matter for sci, n titic Illetl to deteiiniia-. The open ing of navigation wiii be looked forward to with interest. I'iiil.i-J.'l-phia Dress. l'in ( an ( an-tt en. a curious illustration of the A.- . V. n r .T-.r.l.i li.iil.r.-, tl,-, -f iujus" uiuj "in'i,i lu.ii. oi canteen may oe ci eo. ic is, as everv one knows, a vessel in which soldiers during a campaign carry water or other lluids. When the Bmke of Marlborough's army was a "tin can." The French adopted the vessel into their armv. and. in nmnkn witli tl., rpnin 'nt their v.''.aia'v. . . v l . . v . . . . v . . -. language, they placed the article qualifying tlie.noun. maKingean-tm, pronounced can ten. In this form the Knglish again took the word from the French, and canteen it must ever remain. v .-i;,r.;'. - ,s, ., : -r .- - . r -w - . v t. -- , - - Tlic Cutllo of . iliire. I Ti..- Avrshires are to us i-xccol-' .'!;. a;; i active un aeeouiit ft their i-'Ui-ii . t.Ii.r. tlie white sjiots ami -.Us ronn.istiiig beautifully titli irk 10 i or hroun of the bniiy col r a a I a io. bei n lu te n i lied alol) he edos of the wliite. ami yet, trance to say, there la a craze for l;d colors among breeders. 1 he bleed is weh adapted to make the most of short commons or the best ot abundance hardy, active, prolific, going all to milk when milking, and piling on llesh when dry a breed evfry farmer and dairyman who owns one is proud of. filling the eye and filling the pail. The milk is of medium quali - ty and abundant, making up in liow wnai it lacics in quality wnen com- paicd with the special butter breeds, always rich in solids, hence admirable lor cheese production. Were we to name a breed of cattle -inch vwald. the greatest en a g ig i.tni Veil . or ..rea ol tanning loo tons ol : meal into aid iaaa - c, ! A a Ay i 1 u ; '. i T e . o . - t . i k A A.i an; k.ih I,- steam 1 imiia-. K:ig!ih n: in have H'o . ted a stn.iii light eompi , u i. .c h . ;;i pot n ; o I we alol 111. anything liel ei o is made ol built. 1 and IT phospoi -tiroii.e; all parts ate imii: as light as possible, the iods and shutting and all parts possible being bored out to reduce weight. At a speed of only .".00 revolutions a mm ute they indicate ovi-r twenty horse .j,i ei. aud weigh but 1 0. pounds ail tool.' 'fins eng. lie w ould givelully f 1 1 : 1 1 horse now er actual at spistou d d .lim feet a minute. The ii ; ee and t ll 1 1 e 'p.l a : e. seVeu and a halt lid li-e stroke. Ti. ui i I ca U be li a d 1 1 i i : u low j r t! a, a ; .oi pi sii : oi s,eaui lid poll! 'st as'.,,.,! h i ing ; h : A er Ol l m i n s 1 1 d no y e Ms! ' e i : ; : ; ii:g:a-s- e!a-s ol thi ne, i. as iiom ;s.:ou jo 1 c al ui a.icenient. am; eu- o.O'O to lll.oi (I one holsc- -e veral ol i he t rausatlan! ic o', er. i : ii i ia have snown a mean ocean - speed ot twenty miles a make 1 he passage ::i hour, and ass than .'i n da -lpular S. nee mvu i- Oin slions far lloiisck How do yam treat yoti servants'.' "None of my i pn-s. ' hollseln bus'ne.s But it is yours: and for fear you should forget it, I take the liberty to call your attention to it. Are thev overworked? underpaid? indif ferently fed! I'o you ever give them a holiday? Do vou ever lend thern , a book to read ofa ieisurc evening! . n ever ,rive them a lsisure evening! Do you care for them when they are sick? Do you re member that they, like yourself, have fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, toward whom a good word ! or kind action from you, might be ; fVl ,., nnnn ,vi,iP, their whole IUV r'l ' V' .-a.v.a . a- life should, turn, for good or evil, joy or sorrow? Perhaps some young gifl among them, dependent and oppressed, despondent and discouraged, to whose side you might stip. and to whose heart vou might biiug that delicious j y, the sense of protection, fur the want of i, so manv g !eet turn . -tr.r. : None o ; a : : a A i to lo-r. Mving isteless. letl of D ; t v , T I , sts r,n- ll!-N aaii Ciilhi s, s. In order to more completely in sure tne g'Val quality ol tne swords and cutlasses issued to the Dritish : navy, orders have been given for the iollowing tests to be applied to a large number of cutlasses which are to be repointed and reduced to a uniform blade length of tweuty-M-ven inches. First the sword is to be subjected to a direct vertical pressure on the hilt in a machine 'specially "onstructed for the pur pose, and it ia required to stand a pressure of forty pounds without deviating from the straight lines. Then additional vertical pressure is to be applied in the machine un til the sword is bent so that the distance from point to hilt is re duced three inches. Finally the blade ha to be bent round a suit able curved block, so that every poition ol it partakes of the bend, t he distance ltom point to ink be- j ing ic, lin ed t wo and a half inches, j The sU,i.d al.-o has to be struck: wit h moderate force, bacL and edge, J on a block of oak to test t lie sound-j nessofthe hilt. Scientific Amen-; cm. In Ilxp'.ore Ancient Knin-. ' Tio' 1'niversiiy of lYnnsy Ivania ' is preparing to send an expedition, headed by J r. John P. 1'eters, to thoroughly explore t!:e ancient city of Sepharvaim. whoso ruins are to be feiiiid above Dabyloii. on theFu phrates, almost directly wast of. F.agdad. The city is better known! under the name of I'tTsepoiis. It has been estimated that -b".oi.;i wall b- needed to cover the neces sary expenses (if e.uryii.'g ou dig-' 'ing for lira or three years. Most of' tlie sum has aiieady been r.rsed. The time for the starting of the ex pedition has not yet been deter mined, and some diplomatic com- muiiieation with the Saltan of Tur- asked him why, and he immediate key will first be necessary, iy answered: '-Because you en- -- j trusted a lac of rupees to men you -a a.l .1 1 . A Sure Cure. lease take this medicine, my dear, and I'll be hanged if it doesn't cure vou," said a husband to his wife "-Uh, I will take if, then, by 1 ill means, for it is sure to do good one way or the other. f 1 When Fatti !roes to South Amtri- v ca on lier professional tour sue win j tae n;u net me 0n.s. voice in the world and a wardrobe filling forty-three huge trunks.' Her costumes for the opera ot "Traviata" alone cost l,,0(i,i. . VSr CPW i..i.,.m la.iaiJ 1 u f-il - 11. r;rr - , - Kr';vr rr-;- , , 'S , ry,1 1","-S,-1. 4 T" 1 -r. . 7 - - - s , r- .. - Js-.i.- - l&r'-si? ,'.0: : V.1 V- ;.,'.,,:".l- - 9 i - tS.o' 4 - ao .-t- . :-: o- J Reading f 3i-Farmers Boys. The chancer of n nprsoti is dp- me cuaracter ot a person is de velopod largely by his reading. if he read.-, at all. If he has an aptitude in any j.ccial direction, quite naturally his reading will be of the kind most suited to his peculiar bent of mind, Every parent should study the characteristics of his children, and help them to sach reading as will most nracticallv assist them in develo)ing their capabilities. The farmer should put before such of his boys as are incliued to work on the farm, good 'agricultural papers not those with ( theories which he knows to be impracticable, but common-sense . papers which are edited from a ' practical standpoint and are for practical men. The bov who reads such a paper will become interested in it, because it treats of the work and the daily life going on about him the work and the life he knows most about. Whenever he reads of new methods of doing things he unp, ire them with the method ii w inch In ls lami, and the method i ; the one he will tol new or the old. The -t ed lor ; hoti-ht in wit it i boy :.'-cds, is :t.:.'.r:g. lie d .ot o ;. : ,, ;,. t m -a ' h t o t you t hi li be own . hich lami! ta.illu pap ar to n i in . 1 . : of tile 1 1 ,11, 1 , I- ng. ami i aiiiv a: lie ,1 . used to perform ome sei.e ycur l a nt grasii one that land foot i e bit a liare 1 with t. ii d and holding y our . , a own. Sue !i l -; t h e . ; : i.e jolly tar. 1 eady to ist slu t III the loekel t he stranger ot the hour, uttieis. ran ger of the again, seize your hand with as much fervency, and may mean as well toward you, but they do not dnectly at you, but past your cheek with eyes steadily set, as if looking lor some uudefinded ghostliuess bey olid, and seeming to converse with the same. (;hers give too great a show of iei veuey the salu tion. causing your to tingle with pain: ou involuntarily glance at th h I o ti a ger in jured hand, expi-ct ing it to lii en c oin pressed into one bruised, extended ihat(T Others, aoatn. add to this t x In 1 1 1 ion ot in iM'u I a r -vs in 'Hit: v, ur h i:id up : i rt ubii you 'tak a!i : th it o , i ; 1 , s : , r-: o . i i . 1 a e .akiug is tig: gi'-i" to liia ll haiiils -0 . . 1 . o i s ' if. I a , i I s e ,e shak - u: e. 0 an v. e w i ; 1 1 siii h pors,.;,s. and the memoiy ot it annoyed us tor an hour afterward. It was like touching a wet dish cloth, or a cold, quivering frog. An ; embarrassing .-hake of the hand is when tne party greets you hastily, vet silentlv. as if he feit guiitv of boldness, or w,.s not quite sure that he hud not been misled by a resem blance. It is as awkward as a pause in conversation no one knowing quite what to sav under the circumstance: -Ex. Comj)03ition on "(iooscs.'" Gosses are the biggest bird known to the human eye, and the be one is a gander. The gander is the monark of the air. but the roos ter can lik him, cos the rooster he is brave like Gen. Solomon, but the gander isent fighty, more like preachers. The goose is a sailer, but not a wicked one like Jack Briley, which chews tobacco and swears, and everything, and it has got leather between its toes for to wolk the wotter like a thing of life. Ducks they are sailers too, but the swon has got a long neck like a giraft, and when it has got a sore throte it is mighty sick. Tne little gooses is goslums and is green. My sister she see a goslum and she ast Cuele N'ed wotfmade it green, and he said. Uuele iNed did. that it was cos it w. isn't ripe. Then Billy, he spoke nt! and said wcn it was ripe it W d be picked. Kiua:i l i pc in (.ieriaaiiy. a iioman tvpe and script are mak- ' ing their way s!owdy but surely in Germany, The society for the ! abolition of the old Geiman letters. which in ISOd numbereil only hS71 members, now has i.-idij on its list, which includes teachers, physicians. oooKseoei aim UiCi cuan i s. xu tne last year thirty-one- professors joined tiie league a notable fact. In the year ISM), according to Uinrich's 'Bibliography," out of bjUJ.o books on artistic, scientific, mercantile and industrial subjects o.31G were printed in Homan type. As is well known. Bismarck has set his face most stubbornly against ttiis reformation, which will, when fully accomplished, be for Germany, as well as for the rest of the world, a real blessing, inasmuch as their barbarous system of type and script has, as it rere, shut the world out of their domain cf letters. Emeralda. rimy relates that a tomb at Cyprus bore a lion carved with eyes of emeralds so bright they frigh tened away the fish in the sea Nero wore an eyeglass of emerald which was supposed good for the sight, and it is said that Lipid dries wiio cut emeralds have good eye sight because the hue of the stone refreshes the eye. The Orientals believe that wearing an emerald imparts courage and averts disas ter. If w as ground down and taken as a medicine in doses of six grains us a cure for various disorders. At the conquest of l'eru the Spani ards captured hundred weights of emeralds, and one dedicated to the goddess lOsmeralda was the size of an ostrich egg. Cortex gave his! bride a large emerald carveo like a rose, which roused the queen's envy and lost him the court favor. 'Wide Awake. The Kii.-r Headed the List. The Jving of IV-rsia once ordered his vizier to make out a list of all the lools in Lis dominions. He did so, and put his majesty's name at the head of them. The king tlon'C Know to uuy norses ror you a thousand miles off, and who'll never come hack." "Ay, out suppose 'they come back?" "Then I shall erase your name and insert theirs." lte tP16"11"" Ja ' . Lin George, you do not Ion e me as well as you nsed to do - nusuituu, ""j' .tv. 7u ... .. .. , Set up to light t ne tu e. . 1 H. .Nonsense, my love. i oar ; getting up 10 iigtii me mc manes me love you an tne more. THE .ESTHETIC OWL. .... iueowl tits percueu on tne nemiooa tree j As wide awake as an ou 1 can be, The sky is clear and the air is still, And he hoots to the night as long as he will. I Oh! the light of the eun is no light for him, j Give him the moon and the starlight: dim. For all the hours of the garibh day Deep in the thicket he blinks away. To-wit! to-whoo! there'a another shout, From the midst of the forest the cry breaks out; It comes from the heart of the doddered oak And he knows fu!l well the voice that spoke. 'Tis the Bignal shout that his mate has made. Away! it is time for their nightly raid. Softly and slow through the gloom they go, Wingihg their way t.ver',fleld and wood, While their eyeballs stare with a fiend ish glare At the thought of blue-1. Woe to the mouse that is outof his hole. One squeak aud the y ictiru is swallowed vftioie. And ttruKgiim Du-i ma w ; and raw in that raven- He lie The !e In le: t :i Ti. u . ii e !)!., L tv ti id 13 f the delving mul e. UTr Mr.' ill at ret t r ri ?y no st . : care or drc-arn of fear, ;i.j!v 1 e in hoverino re h , 1. vv i i h -1 rh..-- f l.tsn ' ith a phoiv !' k.-nse. of fe-uher.H and phrer pretense. IT, -I . . and dull, t theutfht in Ins Wi. (Jut Hal i w , uom p ores! . "B it fr.-iu.! at brt. ins met his fate : a, a i : i la-at , 111- r.i i r- l h ii : 'bi h il a l.,v id. ourani Panic nt a l'.:.l. FU'ht. Wheu any accident occurs to a large number of people, the general sympathy is usually lessened when it can be proved that they have assembled for some wicked or foolish purpose. Said a young man who was thrown from his carriage on Sunday, '-There! my mother told me something would happen to me if 1 went to ride today,'- aud beseemed to bear his ionises with greatei philosophy liom the consciousness that pie e hey weie deserved. The pco- gaged in the panic (iesciibed a.ight well .uiOft the same I resignation. recent . . : t I r - O t - i : .11 ii it ell l. si lie mats had two without any e i in d, an ani- it. i i men rl Ml ' o led : I ! o ! el I 1 hie 1 lib, j il a: ped over t he a a : a i ) : : h c '. ; : o and i man and a boy. panic ami tumuli at The spectators lea i - A o U l e e ii sUei I . ed to their feet. lu the twinkling of an eye, the space about the bull was vacated, and the crowd rmhed into a corner, trying to protect it self, by means ol planks and sticks, from his charge. Salado made a desperate rush for a young girl, who, with a shriek, fell to the ground, but one of the toreadors, with great presence of mind, trailed a red cloth in another direction, and thus diverted his attention from the girl, who was dragged unconscious to a place of safety. The bull next trampled underfoot an unfortunate vender of drinking water, and made his way into still another portion of the ring. A young man in one of the boxes tried to shoot him, bnt the three bullets lodged in his flesh only increased his fury. One of the men then attempted to run him through, but missed his aim, and the bull charged him furi ously. The man stepped aside, and the bull's horns penetrated the wooden paling so deeply that, beforp he could draw them out, two men had plunged their swords into him. Even this did not kill him out right; the enraged animal staggered some thirty yards, and broke down a numberof benches before expiring. Youth's Companion. Mrs.s Blanche (speaking from ex perience,1. ';Have you made any conquests this summer!" Miss Lillian. "Oh, yes; Mr. Jones proposed the day before wo came away." Mis.-; Blanche. Dosen't he pop the question in the most awkward manner imaginable?" Thev meet as strangers. A lady who had been abroad was describing some of the sights of her trip to her friends. '-But what pleased me most of anything," she continued, "was the Strasburg clock." "Oh. how I should love to see it,'' gushed a sweet companion, "I am so interested in such loreign sights. And did you did seo the Watch on the Ehine, too?" A portly lady endeavored to skate on the ice at Central Park, but she suddenly sat down, making a noise like an iron safe dropping from a sixth story window. A gentleman ran to her assistance, and 'as he helped her to lper feet, he remarked; "I presume you are skating for the first time?" "No, for the last time," replied the disgusted female. False Witness. The children at a Sunday school not long since, asked among other questions what bearing false witness against one's neighbor meant, a pert little girl replied: "It is when nobody haiut done nothing, and somebody goes and tells." 1 i A fresh piano-forte salesman be- j ing asked by a young ladv if he ,' had any nice piano pieces, petrified I her by replying that he sold his J pianos whole! i - - - - - - - G. L, SHACKLEFOED i p.'iiddije stueet, dw IN'BW BFBNB. X. C. Dr. N. H. Street. Office on Middle street, opposite Hotel Albert. d30J w8m NEW BERNE, N. C. Robert Hancock, Jr., trial JUSTICE. Office in rear of Hanoock drug store, next door to Hotel Albert. Open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Will give prompt attention to all matters pertain ing to Justices ' courts. d29 dtf SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. NEW BERNE, N. C, 1 will move on or about January 16th, isss, to their new onice, over the Bank-1 ing House of Green.' Foy & Co-, threo 1 doors below Hotel Albert. a a mm Ufa . 1 1 PA nnH I Be Sure and Come to the Fair AND BE SURE YOU uy Your Clothing FROM HOWAR 0 7 The only exclusive Clothing and Gents' 1'urnishiBg Store in the City. "We will sell the balance of our Winter Stock ol Clothing at Cost. New Spring Stock of Clothing now arriving. 35 Black and lirown Cutaway and Sack Corkscrew Hails at fl5, worth 18 and $20. 30 Suits of Middlesex Blue Flannel at irnn anU d not to fade. We have some bargains left in W inter I'nderwear. An all wool medicated Scarlet Shirt at .1.(0, cost in New York if 1. !;.". They cannot be bought for less than 1.,"0 next fall. Drawers to match. 75a. white Shirts, unlauudried, it (idc., nil sizes 1 J to 1(1. Linen Collars and Suspenders ;it reduced prices. Celluloid Collars and Cuffs, all sizes. Hull stock of II. Hose, Handkerchiefs, etc. Sew lot of Ljc. Scarfs and Ties. NKW SHIMMl STOCK OF 1 1 ATH, soft and stiff. Agents for Jas. Means ...J (in . The Diamond and Pearl Shirls. A stock of Ilanan vc Son's Shoes to '1'iunks, ';i'ises and Shawl Straps. ( ar new line of Mattings will be in i" BI-: Sl'KK AND Sl-Ii-; HOWARD & JONES, Next dwtt 98.00. OKLO" ENDORSED BY LEADING BUSINESS MEN. i r a N VT. T. ii iiTiifl1iiffJ-yn n 7io T TTTBT riilj-y35 HILL fc CO., Gl hM K A I (J I i v -V-s vlajft TCt. irm'e. Rend for one. Il will 811 yon wlrti a.tonl.hmTil nnd ton pet oriran. Send P.O. ordor Rir. itr4 Lsuei or xpres, A4ikwi OLDEST AND LARGEST alter '.n i aia.n stki:i:t, :-i1fcft &mimsr- IvLi. AZJfiii.. Correspondence solicited. Catalogues our iNorth Carolina Agent, j Agents anted. P. - Adolpli Cohn, At Mrs. S. F. Stanly's Rook junlT dw6m KINSEY rlsand Yo Full t Board e: Wr rps of Teach, terms junlG dwtf r-rri 1 mr tea looueiuia iruu XJKfty-jirp tienta a large proxrtion rJL kSEhSU of w ham to. k n. 1 u 1 1 1 ru. I mentend woro restored to heaiLh by nso of H?a??.FR. SEMINAL PASTILLE: A Eodical Onraf or NAmnR nhi JiH- )-an Xi Wealcnesa on d Phrsi col Decar i n Yonni? or M i die Aired Men. Tested for PichtYMtra n nnn 'hoasand CABAB thar nhaafilntAlv rinn r rom ,.inMlv iffd aad broken down men to the fall enjormmit of orfeet and full Manly 6trentrth and Viijoroau JIiiolLh. To those who snlTer from the irmny obscure di8eaftj "rontrht nhOTit hr Tndiar-ratinn. VTnnnnLl'vnr.nrfi:r Work, or too free Indulgence, we atk that yon 6enl ua par nftmewlib statement of roar troable, and eecnr f IIUALPAChGBFJaEBthlUQat'dPani RUPTURED PERSONS can havo FREE PKOkSPia'TL'S The maUi r. 1 1 -Jay issue, now r a ay. 1'he cjvir i.-, earicle 1 Lv usuiu. 2o cents, i ; i i - . - - i , rice . l:iii il, -1 and cssav . Amorja. following i'j Ulsiiiiguisiuii wi ihc iiuporiaiit urtici r-. l i tociid lor prospect u: Robert Louis Stevenson during the year. He will write ,f na and personal way, which will f,.ni, i,, and his thousands of ri :id,. r. la t! 1 reams, appearing in th,- January i.i.nd iie'.tiou witu the general snloat, aic 1 1 Ot the famous story "Strange Case of Dr. nanway Accidents, Ly . s. ( mm Hnaw J-uurS I' sr-w ran 1 important and interesting M-nes of pajiers on rail I construction, including gn at enginec nriL' fea t.-, indeed, those branches of the suloect which m : j the whole country. The illustrations 11.. 1 a a . - . very ciaoorate original, and bcuatdnl. articles will bu announced later. Dr. D. A. Sargent's papers on Physical 1'roportious and Phy.Mcaa Training will be contiucd by several of increasing interest, with as rich and unique illustrations as those which have already appeared. Illustrations. The Magazine will show ipereased excellence in it illustrations. They will be more abundant and elaborate than evpr. It ii the intention of the publishers to represent the best work of the leading artitt, and 10 promote and foster the most ski. ful methods of wood engraving. Special notice. To enable readers to possess the Magazine from the first number (January, 1887) the following inducements arc offered: A year's subscription and the numbers for 1XH7, .... fl.CO A year's subscription and the numbers for 1887, bound in two vol umes, cloth gilt top, coo $3.00 A YEAR, 25 CENTS A NUMBER. Remit by bcuik check-or money order to CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, New York, ,,wiwMtk v - T7m, -'- I ." 1 " I S f ' . o'C .. ...fv .vr-.--?. .- - . . -s... : -- 1-r i - - w & JONES. I on Shoes. an ive t ii at!,. I S. New p atterns and nov- Door to National Bank. $8.00 TYPE WRITER, :STp-vv T3er no. 1ST NT I OU STATK. Send foe Ciuculaks The New American ROLLER ORGAN t nprit4l Rfmnmr to th- flnart French Motrttr Boxtw tntf p'r(prc tuneand tlm. Gf-ei bttr tufau-tkao tW A HUNDRED DOLLAR PARLOR ORGAN lea I imeH mor ple-uor. This Oriravn i tb Mrfe- turn of mu-icaJ InntmmenU and th rrmndMl bumT tiwaaA marv-Moutt instrument er pre- C APDCll U I IO I sented to the puMic. It pUji O fj W LU lYI U O I L MARCHES, WALTZES, POLKAS, JIGS, REELS! Opara R-lo-tionft, Popular Ponjra, Churrh lan.le, aa V.U an .117 orgf.n. N.ithmir frrfindnr, or combintav ao ananj feaiurM ran ho fnuttd in French or HwIm Htulc fioxea. enaV tip fin. WK WANT A HPFl'Ml A1JENT, EITHER MIX, IN EVERY I 0 A I,1T Y.anJ OFEEK HICH INlHTEtll EN TM THAI t.A It HST WORHKKHC'AN NOT FA II. TO r. r. TP HOT 1 MAKE 8IOO TO 3H) PER MONTH. C,r' Hpi'-tr". Price Only Sii Dollars. d.l'ul.i. If yon want It mm COD. aaad 8'i.SO ahaa Toa In II V A I TIPII I V riDTTn isaa WORLD M'FG CO. 122 Nassau Street, In York MUSIC HOUSE IN VA. AtSlQie iV afaf-A iucinioxi). va. PIA.roS ! PianoH and OrganB on eany monthly plan at factory price". OM l DUtrumenU taken in exchange, bought, ret ted and repaired. ImmtlUf Stork af SHEET I(7SIC. liii.ruolion Itookaor all kind. Bpatrlal Dta, count to Teacher and School. CaUloaQaa mailed free. AHaortniPDt of Mualc aaoaoa selerlllori ir deslreil Htrlnifi lor all mioalaa) 1 nKlriunetila. A few a ha-ullv tiled I'lanoa aaa orKana of stunriard rnakea. from tV u t'M. ioubou a 1'rofiaalunal blWar Bell . .VIoIIuh, Arci , Arcord'.ori. and everytbli.g Id tha Mimical I.Iub. mailed free on application at the office of Store, corner Rroal and Middle Sts., NEW BERNE.l. Q. SCHOOL ig Ladies 3, 3NT. O, Ample accommodations for iia.. JOSEPH KINSEY, TKINCJPAL. Amd tit nnpxjantiou of pretaixawMJai nii i vrhoaeouly aixn iatoblmid thalrvio TTTAnr e, ,WTV-U,' x R el'KRa-lOr iliaiii with attention u bucinai, or rauM pai-i OD ctenbic modtrtvl pri'notnlM. 11? !,- 1 orirKXnvenjnr ,n nn Toun-LJ v application to trip of dicraar ll pnLe Innnencrin felt u'lthoul nla I'K iui c I foDrtjon" of t h human omnurii rrjat. rani t . -a(fJ anrmatinff ciomcnti oflift arcfiveti bawlt. tb paUi. tft becomes tlicerlui mud g.iuM both $Uixik aUiai hxxu TKLATUEHT; Ono Month. 3. Two Hot. IS. Taxoc, -ira-i- nbrnbiv ww. mrv UHLKUT SOOW N.TnthBtxo4.fiT.ixrTJT w. Trial of our ApWiano, MKfwf T-Orntot MAGAZINE. FOR 1888. f I . J 1 1 t.' I! iiat:i, at il If, con t a i ii i tig no Ferial r priiite, bghtful n c,d(l. Tho . L il ICS, fiel'UlH, lo i;i lln-tr.-il im.,1. oi- tie' , a is- are the ; il, at, ri gulatly to e eh n umber 1 and newt and jn a familiar i . v t - r i n is of fra inlshiri betw ecu the author fmi :i p r, (hiitl(d"A Chapter on r, he relati's i fi e iilt n t al I v. in con 1 o re,v 1 1 1) 17 lacln coiiiiernirii' the on 'g'fl dekyll and ilr. Hvde." hajdiiin. will be 1 Hi. ivi , I !,( the lirht of an enneeia v way s, t ,cir administrations and I oaous tunnels and passes, and las day engage the attention of f . which will arcoinrian v this scries will bo The authors and the titles of the future ... 11 tw - :o - ai w aaVaryitcierr'iiil'a FJTnarraJ I" . ..'?.. ft r. ,