- . , h c s - 1! Iff .n fat HtHflH, rlur. i xdpkxdp:xt in all thix( To. riu s Id ' ,. o c .5 "V . x-. VOL. XI. new ni;iLi-:, ckayex county, n. c, .km; im NO. II'. A l.U V K STORY. f X 1 p V i (7; Tl.e I rder-Stab i .i:mrr' A -a . ( : .il i n Th:.- b. - .i - : iT.i t . : . 1 .''V ::. At .i'ti ihe w;r,lry wikH tDJ inc.: , - , ..." . IW:iMholJir.T.!i. I Ilter-' .i'i1 .'! Ven .''Il i! .inner- wW'mmta iniPTnii nn vnim Tninmn wood by." :h t-. ami ciaepa my which n , At.inta. .a. n in liii iu Rifia i uri iu uu iuun i nnuiriu. hand v-- i w,,-u magma OETTINGER BROS. C and will 5oa t.j.i i- !) .i . t -a. State Oir nw lap, . And leavaa me thj is ail. To him a walk 'neath cloudy skies. The carelea mirth of friend To ni. a glimpe of paraJiK' That ail too urelT enJ Why niJ I, ttanJing in my room. Kocali hi parting worJi' Why drem of tluwera and -ununpr bloom . And mintrly of birdi'' 1 know that not a thought of me .nall till hi heart to m,;hi et. aa the mooobam on the .-. i''er me he cat a light Uu are the lunoy win of i!e. I'tMl ' Oil ' ' tiro (T.rrct;:.i': t:. lihiluo ami Forakor. I III! 1 V V 111. lis" AI :MI!l.'i A sjicciiil ilis:itch from ('o!u:n- us, (!i:o, under date of Momlay. H ii- I I inst. s;i: "It is sta lmI ht-rt', y .... , . .. j ,, . , - ipoii what is iegarded as good x- u ..;,,.".' ,f' ... ! patri. authority, that Oovenior l-oraUor with about tw i- asirifiiltunsts "as a letter irom uueiaw iteid. reacno.j iu-r c.i -ic riNs'tv Li i ri7 th.it r'.aine will not refuse tht i ii The New Beiiio House. kc-.i.l the ndvertiseuiHiit i.f the Nf I ; I c llnua.' ill tllirt irtSlli". 'i J i - ilc 1 Iu t-: ii :.-c- r - . t t ' n 1 1 n i, ; -;ur.i!:.'"m i:t this Vcrar. alK.w s I;..' ::i--in!'. rn f it last 1.:!.: I III I 1 1 1 i I I c.l I..M..:ni lcil(l. I v . .1 u i ic ; l I Uh patch ! III. I x.'licnj.' ') c Ic r r iti ( cutipany t-eid I i 'ii i i ; iii at 1 hit h lock jw Ii .i - -. t hi. r m ; . i. in When Ivin M'ri,'c-s ,,f . IVrrv li"in cur ,),,,..,, ,,,, I,,,,,. , ,, , . , : , i , , t ,,. . xt i.'c il c knew n I .e cn.' c I I 1 1 e c I e v .rcHl ' it h it t I men lie I fair I v ' ciih. ic HlH . Karly c"i tei ei an v w he re liii" :i I lei no. ri . wt.ne iceiinirig in, ..it., i . ..... ' ' . i rr.1 ll ut anv Hi'... .::Mir ' it... I r.r vi Tl.e j.e.-u; ar atid I mushiisg eon "ominat ion. If the Convention ot- therefun. theru was n7.t tile m f:.Ht ,!;;;,,:,,,: .11 . .-i.ee:ai!v :n 'ers It to hilll. Mr. iieid says that always before eh.-iraet. r.- 1 t!.- the S.-r.'Ti a n. ' i er'o! i ti en -r 1'ase.- t his statement upon iufor- train. There was aruj.le i f . ... int. lest'aiol ''!cio :i, .1 c-Mrrn. To 'nation in a private letter he has ;-; j,,tltly th. "nm 1 .v.. r. i. r- 1 U 1 -' 1 ...'.v hi nii'.'iiH in. in . , . . , , . : t- l(.,t a ' r s.-t .r ha- ruble. 1 inie li i tl.- . omfort ! ' . - t . ; : u' ' 1 1 1 1- 1 1-1.. ai e I c n i .-n. e a n 1 li.'is n-i'urcl the ' - ' i -. i.i I rcelalile. V i : i ve iJ. ' r h:i been 1 . I... -. ., , o..l,, .. ,1 i' ..'', '. I , l e Mteleis anv wh. re ' " ' 1 ' ' 11 ' 1 " i . . rirm chair. Ii" r.ile a few farewell ."' ."'"I ""' . . . hoicIh tn liiHinarcl; . )Ip afterward ;., ,-. .. ,i ii " ,f f"'"1 through n tuba, a :1 rV . .t:: t..o jeibhe S ,.f the i l.'im bi .. an - I 1 1 , . . . I ,,, I, ........ 1 . .- .V..,..a ii.- rl tc ilcc'toru I ie! lev e 1 1, o ilc . lenili neonT Ready Hade Clothing, Dress Goods, Notions, The bloeaom and the vine. Scith a Trie thorn, the itruggle and thr tr;re, Piece Goods, White Goods. i ao o, ar W ia, ad dupUreU for a. Wj alwtirt kp oa a fall ia c' reach a in-' : ron n: en ' s .1 :;:e!h.'.N r.lll.l ot'ieef A svi'i a: : ' . Ot III'! 1 c . 'tire : I 1 1 1 r i n from lllame. He wishes Governor .1 1 - a ; r ... 1 . .- .. 1 . ... . , 1 .... "ill 'ii.-tii.L ale making an 1 i 11 0 Ui'l 1. invention In ni'iicnate l.'..r.l - . l ,a., .tvifiai i... ,!i'.-.i' :i,ri'vt iwinivei to if'i iuc nn,uuu umc aboard an i a , 1. 1 tl.w.Ti fl.i ti.-L-.if leirli Tr ULlinn .. e urea, ailil t " L"v '..w .....1. Ure 01 uie ir: lUftOIl Will a'. I y t 1 the 1 . i : '.'. .- f.rer-elile.i lare ! a-K.-: ..f . f managed j udieiotialy, can be peaches crow n.-d w.:a .-a; e .,-s.am... o ,,,J.I f.. IMaltin Mr l'ni.l " Hie leacl.wr.- '1 l.i..-..n I'lilci :u-;iia. cjiu-:,.; . .;i i.e , 1- rv ,,.ai.v,, ,r ,,,, 'I ' i 1 . pi,. 1' ti,. 1 0 l aiLVIOllH HUH JLl. 1'Ulilh.Cl I a K t ill..!,. I I . ''i' I ll .uol t.-tr-.o.-c ,.f the 1 le points out that the 'onvention K leicir; men ; .- veJ the eutteaticn- f Ncttl. ' 'an i.'ia l',v.- :u TV. .illn, K-.., .r. mlr,. ll i, 1 111 . . i i 1 , 'Vf .llll' lo bin happy (ra and aa. the :n v igorat .n u pu.-i' A walootne fretihnria dwells. ipr.cktiied !;ie and etier ' nt diui me areaai or nigt.iarni una . e, arc i'a::"( s which : a c -. -, li.ti ,a nee ar (s u for Amoar'i Mau, l.jt an 1" -xi-. 1. . . i- i ' S Cottoa, NortX CroUa Plaid. In fact carry !ir;r S-. k j tkL of W. A NN . IUi.road Va pay tab for all oar p irtbnw , eoc i j1 ' ' t i '. t - ';cw. rt, aaiJ traaslW tae bne(5t of la -i: 3 . l one to kCiQJUJC, ani we wdi thit vt OETTINGER BROS. SIGN OF Tfli: CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT. A -roan the heather be!!". I I'uud my cattle but on a:i i know itaoon will fall. ut good by. a clasrin hand A tmil aod Lhi i all. A winter lunbeim faint and t'lile That bndi the nn i w to k i" , oa'.1" .V winter blcxwom, amaii and fraii i thir. M y hi a it only thia New Orleaiu I'c'.iyuti' tl.e .I..!.;-'! :e-. n,u-t tn- re.tii ! o ii ur 1 - ;: 1 11 1 c a l a T - :) 1 ' ; .a c eld :! c lr:'. soc: ( :; w . 1'- eV 11. c :he . ; l: tl day. J: - d.,v . j W ;'! be C" al inii-ri.M- and tccl ''""ge 01 the movemenc in tne honor our i.ej. ftti.g-.i,u retieu.y. ;,:s ci interest of Ulaine, declaring that A lare number era. red the u-a!.'. at 1 i..r0 this fact alone, when Mr. Blaine -',v ! n.e. an. 1. wli.-.m we n-iui 1 "' 1 ' . . '. ... fir .. r.r . I ........... ' .......... f .- 1.1- been nominated, will insure V , , ,' ' ;. ' r--' ' .ii. j.iiai uu '11. .is , . c cure re r . -1 o : a! ! ) To t his i ci. is' As . 1 1 . 1 i,..y t !ie second place to Koraker. IJat ;ucil k..,, ,' iba; .' li'i'.iJ .11. x unnvfi in imauug .scmc.s ui here on lurines 1 r I... i. letters from delegates to Chicago tore we can mi i r ..idv ..n. begging him to allow his name to are n.;i.y pretty i-n'.s i - r- ii.t ii M t .i.l t.i tl.i. I infi.Tit inli f.ii' 1 Iii' 1 i ; i .1 c i I I e i -I ll ll 11 111 1 L l '. 'LlCUUl'll i.-i i ll'Tc -lb, i. An i ; :.. J'nin-il iav 'U : . lv-;.' i.' . . p ,n;i!i it i'i i- : . . . b w c. bi -Ucl ' v. hi,'.-, i u 1 1 1 come i-ocn all. i n i I Hi m in. .lune i i n ..c. Thu rleath of the I'.mnercr e.iunc .1 inlcnm eieitca- ' in .libit, s ,Oc .- Il.it mi 111 inthiHiilv All llm mumhan Of .1 ii 1 - ,1... O......I r.... .i.. . . I .. . ( i n 'thai -. .iiir-ii in'iij iiiev ii mi, .1 liiim c i,e. i'i nn- iii'ini i.iiiiiiv nii'i ni i ii ip-it.rH wicri f'i'r'ir.l in :v be f, air if the -e. -on. 1 one in a- mic- pre-cnl in t lie . leal 1, . I ,;, ai I ,. i at Fred- , ... .. ,, ... rirkhht.krc.il I 'a I a. iclain A mio- ' -i.ii .i- iii.- iii-l. i ii. iiic-f .ll n.i, r I to 'i' -rim. .Is an.-llti i e a el c 1 at e for I'onereH - matter. t,V: - a 1 1 -1 we v, if, .1 i c . i ; I a 1 1 oil Hi-lull, I - 1 1 : 1 1 e , i a i r c i , r - i I! I'' ,! ;; A ar r Wll-I" ,s lie FliOll '- Tie i I,, j ,. i 1 1 pit t . dif tc De t'c.i Ii,'.' ,.!,.. ii tlni tul-nt ..ml ("'-".. lie p. ' l w" 1 ores d. 111. Pic f. "I LOOK! LOOK! Examine Carefully. Then Compare our Prices and an Average !;oV3 vaaM M t I i . bating ot ZD rer uem is uenain : t IccMllf t.ViTI ll "i 111 ail'lll M HCI.ail l j',' ,, S.VI.KM, ' une . 1 ' . ; l.::i. K . 1 1 ' t I! N A I . ; Among tiie deb u ' many ece.Ic::t fenialt educational ironi i iiihtitutiohs ;a ort!i (.arolma, M cc;; i up Salem Academy stands conspicu tie welcun. -d. ' ; ous. It is the oldest institution of ted by t!:e ' : - the knid in the Sonth, having been Assoc.. f i in operation for eighty-four consecu g:, :.- ... live year and mnmberi its gradu i; v j at?a by the hundred- scattered ; , . rM) p throagh all the Southern and sev .' i,. V. I . ... r : A;;:iiv l:c-. v.: ! c: ,l,.;,.g.,:...s ' ' " c P; esidellts . ' ' ve S' a' e- - !i ve ' :: e . : a . ' c : :, a' i -. ,. d and ,-,'.i lie o:i.ii l,o ernor is ambitious. r ,,.,.., i , ..iti. t . : . Tia-io is no doubt but that he re- pH-hed Trof. 1' i. Y..W-. ti-..- ;r, t -tanls the overture Ironi Air. iteltl ana tne ?tcr. tar as a mi' k . I h r. r si c ,-e an ! ..'.,.!.'. alio -' r ; -t ii i i i , ' ' . a 'll. i ' 'A mplimeitt, but tlieconipli- i.ay is cwiiup t... r,M i.n,nmu- ineutary letters he is receiving -Z. In nil delegates are making llim dr. of tiie nr, ; lent. Then hhort laikrt p: vainglorious, and he is not at all from r. pi-cM-niuiive teachers. Tom-.r- '-) ' i ' aveise to accepting the first place row tl... r.-ciii.i.- will Tne ic;. i.ei; i,.. irr l.' i-..- prc-iitcts f r a v. rv laru.. alteiidane- -1 n . ' . that :: hab ami I'i ' e . 1. 1 . 1 1 lt:e hi- 'iiriii . il i Ji i r pla r -oa-.s i n r o: ' v, r;ii l,. r. 1 1 lain n ii. 1 1 nc ui of Iii are a o,. ,.!..,. ,1... ..rr,r "l'1") K"HJ. . .1 ' I ' nit' a ! I . '. 1 C U I. C 0 Ua 11. miiiiiiii,,, m in, n,.,,Dio mod at ion- at tic in f ; ' I ,:..! ci'liiirii 111 !ill; i : i t V c '. I e tions of t he J'.laine leaders, and not L,7Cry comfort of'ihe u-n. -t bV very n-a; - are ngi.r.!..: allow bis head to be turned by t be carefully P.oke.1 after. 1 i.-r iictei in-y rre ui u c letters he is receiving asking him and U.ardin; hcu-e- e;. e .;imP ev, rv I nch of :.y the A'l in: i - ic an c t. . f tl.. ' ' i'i--i ' r m "' ' l':-r"1 ' :. Ar .' 'l. ben- that the Kepublican National oU aciuainiaia e,; a.! i inakin. 'new : i-i :di rv n.a has f.v.ihi.d.nl a ., e, o ticket will read: 'Tllaine and Tor ones. There i m. ti.u-r L.odv of nu-i: - r a d,.' i ' to enter the race for the tirst place, riil"- r the ,1,1, r,. m;n AP-enib.y. .i i.-i iuc 1 1 j 1 1 ii i ii 1 1 iu i uc nuiuic iiiLii .j. l-terial c ciila 'I v , he , hefnre th ip;e'ai. I to curt o K'eedy al.oiit of- ,,,,.,,.r ,) a I'm,,',, logman k . who a a ' a 1 1 d i I ivoi i M n ' .1 -1 1 r pa i - , n - 1 f I 1 1 " v prei-1 . 1 1 , I a t t h . . ai 1 1 , a 1 u :n iini. li agl i.,1, 'i 1, . . fc ir . aini i.la:, -. tat.-d. I lie 1 .11 1 In ran - 'll". i . j iIi of t he I u 1 1. ran huroh in in.- I n.i.-ci Sc '. .. ii ! iiainli a r- I . I'liicn .amen:; tl,. e luor- cf , ,, , , , f,.- w bat r uin- l.ca .1..; at- f i ll,c UmI 80 ' '-'..000; ; ,1,1,,,; 1.000, i i . i ..' in in iHtera ' ' ' - a. in i . . Sy nod .1 N i i ' i r. 1 1 nn, the ' '. ..ui bera; I . i, i.. .,..i,ii . i. ... ait . cue and th.- i I V.mIi 1 a . . ' . i i st i,. ..I. with "''.'' , i i , . . i . 1 1 ii 1 1, c h a f ' I a o, a i l 1 coo i . ar ii m n leant I. I'.l"'l- in 1 i .. I .1 I N . .1 1 ! I SlHl e Si I'. mi . laoii.-i. ., i ; ui, h. in our it v . wa- '. I in.. I.-1 th. .iucpicea f the Nm p, , 'a, in i . i , c 1. 1 May ".let, -""' - 'i o ' 1 11 ... .1 e.ali i .! ion w. a I. ... . I l ! .. . ,nie and It three p.iHtoi-' I, .. i.-iibcd. icfter 30 yearn, in aSiimlai ho,,'. ,,f nearly 200, , " . ill" enil.erhlllp ' a ' 1 1 i ' ! 'mil villi ill lliip-eceai wu-u cn .Mlinmii s , , I n I nrc a I h i a. "1 IvCnb W. I., s. , u mi e rs hail-i from. The i 'iii h mi l'l.int piila hint doivi' from ' ' .- v 11 u,oer: tic Wibninctcn Siai -a;.- Ii" i' freni Wake t he Me--.. ic-,a .' N. .1 It,. .,-. i i,.. i ...a . .. - a i t. Ne HIT' the I lleen-hc'I,, :. nd ( ilipcric r Mid i .t her p a I c r - .-ays lie n from iitanc. while , a - I b.-r paper- p i . e lam )., 1 hat ban i j Im a i" '111 p! , an I -e. hlippos.. w -a ;au e I - of N. r I h I ' ii , din i. "' A Fi.;i' Rem c:i!,l i- Will '1 '.apt. Hen. Jenkins and cieu uhile and I .. coming up from their iii aal li-hm I p. -ditieeri eaily cn TtieHilay inntiiiiii; met summer txcur-;oi: r I'll vm -1 nil - . " v - ' ...... . - - - - - . . ... . - .i ..... T. I erui oi tne .ortnern .-siairs. xur ,rm ifuj. linmlvinr (if 1 f J4 Rc'holiirS ..! n,r,a frcim Vnrll, i ' a rn 1 " 1 vun-, . . u., .-ui w.i i.-i, .Norh C.,r. .'.in. i. uhi.'h ar, ltnj, lilt' eilflleflll K11UUU OI iVUC iTr(1,u StAt tetn largely represented. It UUt UUIinili:UIC ll.l'rcun ii,,.- iv . tne hi uoiiirB mitnu some of the girls who were eiacated here in the earlier lavs of the Academy. is morn in a a- -pent uu ail ai t h , to vane:-, points in km! tine I-- to .:. Iter .! st. at ' col : ti ' the . 0:1 vc-n : ion desiring to ;.r:ng .cr lam me." to our charming summer resorts in our nioiiii 'aiiis or on the seashore, will find these excursion tickets convenient and cheap. Special rn ished mp!y to aker and women in North I'aroiina thai. 1 ; ll "": levo'rk ii 1 11 ;! 1 1 l be niiddieof Neu-e riv.r. The In 1 1 d 1 ne, for the Su nda 1 - bo. il . lerlll re. t! .U the ci.ii irmi .madearli- l"r was making hi-wav p. the ?-.rlh ' ''" "''"'r I"11!1""'. Mippnwi m ai'Ol!.,..'l,.llii -ide !,, I'apt.. .iMikm and rreiv made W"" V;"'""' '"''Vl' '1 , I ::oP'd-b.,son, .shirr. a ,,,,. nM.-.t-k r- T,... f "i -- '' ?t tun,!.,:. . .ti.-n-hol... ronkin. .1... iw p..ii..ns ..1 u... . ..v. an.i on one ,1 . ,. , ,,, ,1 ,,,.,', u , r t"''kui" la' h'''i'l ra . .0 ;- ,,. . 1 oai.'i 1.01 u'litiirf t'.oriote i.ci 1 ,-ar I ne , 01 1 1 s 1 ea 1 1 uis 1-1 1 . I 1 1 n , 1 n v I .11 Ite- tht'N. C. T. A. And it is a great treat that tlie little ir!s had l.fvn :.b!y taught feai wauld capsi,. the boat, but L. pi ' v"'w to meet and talk u uh -C'li.e of the be-t ni.l that they had ae.ui:. .1 ,,.: -kill in stiikinK di-tanre as well a ihey .. . . . n" ' , 1 'i t ll n 1 1 2 1 r f 1 . . , . i , . . . - ic .1 ci 1 11 1 1 11 ,-, .1 i.i- . , .1 1 la laC U-0 CI IC! leC-elC. -"Alh ' N ,..,,1. ,,,,,1 !,..,, , I-..,. .1.1 tr-,1.,1 ......I.i' the minds of some persons as to the The Kraded ,el..,.l svst.m of the State t.lt.gnt two not rs w.-cKly I'.v r, -penal ,.. ,Mr ' " '" """n ;,' ";. ' r,B" r . ' , .,. j4 well represented here' Prof tacl,er. beruinine; w ith cla--e r,. low, -t turn up 11 in. m. v n. 11 rn at in. fitoie , oiiiimihhioii. plar...i in lh apo l-nr at meaning Ot the Democratic 1 bit- , J.. M,1tes, of HaleiRh. Prof. Hlair of cla.. e.r..l endiin; w,th -la--! t. third tia-y yelled 10 the people living rlo ne tins pbire ..11 ) 1 ,,lay lal 11I.011I liad.OOO lorm of 1.SS1. u-inai,.., l'rnf l 1 s: V.a.lua nr c,i. vear in irrammar school. The averm-e l,v iI,p, ,.. .. ...;,i 1 .t V"nru hhad. Mr. Ib.hinHoti left Wil- Ihe l'latform. Some doubt heretofore existed in educators of the country ars. Yniir ;ieai. judi'e cf Ay 4iriajf; to pvrehaM. a St'KI.U "l 1 r 1 1 w .. 1 r.r.a ;-. m tseir me riKuvynniiiu nuuua. vnu- r lt , . 1 . ,.r , ,., ; Jy.aU U eall aJ .xa.in. mj .rot.i mencement took placf thia week. ' w . o m n. , v Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, ;vn r 1 T NT I. fcj A VJ I 1 I 1 1, w nuuuiuci ow"i-U' m i.jn.n . -Jv-- . , f Totm which lent sixteen of Ti.c ;, the bear sh liRlil after rearhinR niinpton with about S15 0IH), but in t r.inul'errint; arid in other whvh Hiippooea Mr. Randall insisted that it mineton. Prof. K. A. Alderman of a- 1 f these Rirl- 1- T-. n n f ,1... l.l i , I r I' nil ;.,l....rl ( 1 1 , 1 C r. - . .,.,.1 11. . f I !.,-, 1." 1C' '.II r. f C I 1 !' T . '- 1 i I T ( 1 i I. '. i -I ll ton l r . Reidv,lle.' Cai.f.I H Hr well of Peace need b' work, tail be j. e s cre-1B t he "' "'"ireuai ,erm,,t..l to hin 1 th.. Iohb to have l-..ii fully .(m(MI. Tb niii.-i iimi a icuiioiuu ui icicuuc : .... ... . .,if.,ii..., i .iu Institute. 1 ref. Aldermm o (ireeris- "i""1 1 i .a uc i --. n.-n im r-.-,vs t nai i ne nui.p. .u nn.m ,i..n v. ,i ,uuj n wi r" w. ..id-'i f c 1 1 v Genis1 and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, 1 1 A 1 aba ni a. i it : res , del, .- her daughters here this year and 1 the A--cc,,i: a n :.r le.irn will emi twentv more next State- are as .l!..ws XA k eoiaw4 tiat I can ill joi OooTj cheaper 'ha any other w,loni Soath Camlinft had nine- I!. I'. K. ..':. A ;'.'".::. koui ia the eity. .n "ircinia fifteen. Georgia 1.. I'. 1 eat !,et -. e;i , 1 1 cm Mil y Ma' fi Rlui Kliane! sasu !or f i. "... A g-y d fajwi- twelve, wbil TenneeW, Arkansas, Florida. G. II. I'a::ba:.ks. l-'.-n.an mt 8 f ti.?. A nu'i (rood NVool-o Si : -rdj X .; ac 1 I '-in MiMisaippi and Florida were re pre- dina : (Ip'-rgia. A. 1. Mclnt.xre. "O- n ht ama)l r nnmhrs 1 lOUi .Us V 1 1 e : LcUi-iaiia. .lidin 1 ' V - The commencement exercises em- mon.l. liclairi Nhss;:p :. M. N . bra.-vd three davs and were I.urke, ( ' . u r 1 1 . ; ; - : North Car.-lina. thoroughly enjoyed. The pro- 1'. McN. Nlcki. Averasbvio; l n :er Sr.-.r'.." J1ATnm was a 'verv attractive one South ar.d.na. 1 K M Iv.-r. l'.tl in an ini ieitsie ui unties uti uu- . . ,, ,, . ,, ,, ,. ., ,.. i,.c r,n ,. i, , , Liaic.. lemaie c uiirc. ami i'i. n. n. - - Ports. t.ewij cf Kin-ton I olleeP, represont the '"in!l ''klilfiiliy mad" The President, on the contrary, hich pchool-s and ccalleL-. A creat NV- passed r :i to t insisted in his message to ("ODeresS manv others will he h.-re in a few davs nriMS. lucked nca , 1 I'V that the ttnrtv wjis nledo-eil to a re- and we will then note iheni. Two col- "mi iiirreuHed in th Ciiif1 l-'ear and nLhM A Qui. ',. Ti ip and Useful Line. tureams ill the past fe yearn rind th 1 ' ,r and A t'b.e i am wa received on Tlnua-day coiilinuod utorkmi; of the htreniitH will he i.a ita all. or u ilalint- that the i-t. arner Kin- prove immc'iiKC. l.neht to onrttBh Mm -v-ii'Tcati" maiim r vimrh as exiacted eluviii thai duction of the tarid on raw inateri- leKT8 ." . !, :'!te wno are.no'-v inthe ,! n,eht .,, take ,;,! and other , . . c m in -1 oi i n e 1 1 i ai ii : : 1 1 e ra e m iiii exercise-, . ... US. and to ail enlargement 01 our wjll P(,na rrnrenrativea n-xt week this l!aor i- ahoa tl,(. 1 iraa as,. ml.lv ball, fn anhta. w as abound below buihU.ri . uiaikei.s oy .t Kfiieiai itiisiuu iiiui Ibe assembly building l- ready f .r e pau-'o ;. i i o t lie wril-r 1 he Hleamer I nut u as i m inml nit ely ,,,.ljlv ,,. lit ti trie il.mk llm l.oime of supply lay et lev ill,. OIncrrr. A mimr lanll Killed I.) I i Ii t ll I llf . I'iim l,i s'.e, June I I Al ( ceorijei 'xtensiou of the free list. the meeting. I: is comfort -ttdy seated, thi-; was t' HiliTi'-' inir roiim we fi jt g 4 tit for IJ A ko-j'i ood a-.t -r.-. : .." to !... iU kw riU, ftCTO 4 lo 12 y-art. from 1 1 i-' - '. '" M" ffo4 Sx. tl.rth I.i' a-e-" ii--. - S C kUoa aai m Shx, Mice Savslrv HV. pr pa;n No:i -a.- "- m i - ai 20. L4i' n:fs Slipr ti 'rem Iv. to 7V- I r. - !U- Fa KtjTd Joa IIi'j. Mti. I '';. - . SA or Slif, 6 wnt.4 up- Men- a i I.aif H -i-: " ' a Otkar OoccikI ko ammerroea. t. mention. a i -i MjUtlUK XT A fall Uc- Jf .1 -ri " .-. i . AT (X)3T.-HaTia Jtrai:n.i ' Omit, Crr-r. Lalia' l'airr, 1It.5;'.- r i; ; i, Ulawa lloeaca, Ilaadkarckur-f. ui vbi'.e Lawn i d 1' :i ir m( Sii0. tkia atdck wboaml to dd at yw "i ort i " c. WM. "J LiTAJ JkS. A. TlXOKAJ. .Salnia- Ofpny Pi-tut fs N treetneiu. In accordance with the views of .. i.i!.,'! ir. 1 v ' ..- r ' k consisting of music, vocal and in- me. to; i.-xa-. strumenf al, of the highest order Georg.-:own. and litei ary productions of a bnl-- Our State air,, i :.. b .nt character. We don't know peo; !c. and e-pec: ttiat we have ever on a commence- oi our beau'.:.., m. nt occasion anywhere heard the cordi.d.v ue.ee n. A ie ( i ; e : , . c . .c : - ' i 't Here was au irreconcilable disa- lighted with as. and has a .-.rpet.iown -"'"- .....re -om.-tnmit ery the n;ib e ais e ( in t t alform we 1 ' - ' pr-aa o-i i..n..- la- I.- notice- ar. elegact piano and or-ran. Over v,' re i-p, c, :):!: ' 'i iieie w a '"!an the r.r. od.-tn'n rha r banc the life like the nibr-tinti " ' ! th" daoiiv and all l-ieak tl.e I'restdent, the Democratic porti,i.o , f i'ipt r. .!. i-r,.y. th tirst r.term .Si.v.. i:ra .. f d .!.-u i.u .-d n!crii!'irs r.l' the Whys and Means t, resident . (in i!-e a!! n the rbthi if to deii.-ht Use .'.iv-r in at. Vr I 'oinmittee dralted a bill, now nend- the stei.'e :'s a .-ray n p, nr.- t r'f I '-r. it. it w;,- , ,.,1 Mi- p.niH ill I, ,!, n,i,,l H. i.ewis. pi'. I i'-s: ! r.t. and on tl liiedup .and l.di. al 7 p. in. fur. lolly Prof. M . i '. ( 'unpen, and intanl ly k illed did l-'i.-ld where liiuetv due l.j.nelH.if . ' "ino I'.r.oMi .at,.-.! J" '!'!" I"it- ii i ii ; i i, t , led a uiiiilnw pahHoii over an ............ i i . i... i .. - miaul in a i a.nlli' without in luring it, -terday iiiornnu;. cn- biindre.l ;m,i ..,,, i M ,,. 1 , , , ,, ii 1,,", wan niL- aii'i lili v three barrel-, of p,,tal,n--e were ' linn on a , han m ihe mnldle of I he I ik.-ii on al .'tner I and i n . a i r i inir ' 1 itr.si N. ,.v,.,, feature of the measure. ens OLDEST AND LABGE3T MUSIC HOUSE IN VA. e.jrial, a-s a whole of the seniors es sys, twenty eight in number, and the s.x honor addresses as they are called. They were gems in coneep t:on. eoir.jtos'.tion and delivery ot which the young ladies and the school may feel prond. The literary add reus w.ls de li ered N"ednejda bv llev. lidward our sister 1 'i e - : i Ass 'C I' le i ; ii.-r:: was. ; r . "ii left hares a p"rtia.:i of it f V A. A!- c....kir,;- v as i .l.rp'.nr l;,,. rhir 1 and T r -, m ia,-i- -'-cOlal c , . -- -. c ., ; Tin- only court before which Jeiit. 1 im Atlantic hul .-wr.eis not 'iurinu or..' i-i..in.i: ; ihc.-e il dl'el'ences could be settled only K' 1V'' a very iare -urn for the tl.e .ale ir: ',.'1 a th was a National Convention, and erect: -n ..( ti.e Alterably building, but thisr. -h p. . -ha- I -O 1 11 I'll i- ! . . s the pi- I!''-' i I I'll il'L'i'. a. . . c, .. , . . , lie Atiaiiii Ictel noi-t .- ita-.nlv be ".-..i ' -m - a o ,-pi i v t ranked r.n : T I "In, , ! - . . f Hiinra 111 eal- 'ill1'- I a a' he plat foi in adopted in 1S.S1, and uon. otl-.ei .-i -m, ,a-- ; . ;::dci ses the views expressed by Anotii. r i..rc l-.at. b f ai.-nd .-r' e.-.n--:- " :i" ' Pi.-s'deiit 'Icvel.tnd in his last down tonight ar.d tho-- .t tu'K ;''ft- -: :- ic.w...,o annua! message, as the coriect in- liTel-v- . l1, ' " ' t.-rpietation of that platform upon ,rA"u'" ' h,' V': : " 'PV "'V.':.- 1 - 1 eral verv geui.n cetiti. Run who ate ai- s .- Ihe question ot tar: 11 reduction, wavs f.,ulJ,l at th.. Ass, nib' v 1 r-fer Ti.en ... I : .. and It also indorses the eflOIts Ot to the reprt ntanves of the bra-tdii- ' i i;or. i -; ' i . 1 o. a : r We lind w ere a.: :ia,.i mat..- ;:, ,...:i.:: ii, -- ! : t o a i l -i... thai heie at i" ii ' lid. The cartel wan 1 h i ' d and i i 'tii-fei i ,- i I , . I h - I eai 1 1 er Ma 1 1 1 ,a i i 1 , ir ii i i I he in N i f 1 k I til. i u o i 1 1 1 n kt . 'lie r i i , I a i c villi v h ie h the N . ,V 1 : e h. I . e. k- foad f If '01 li I ici' appeal was made. This con- 1 ..!.. .1.. .. . ,V 'I .cn,. on ueciaies tinii il i t'.i I u I n : s ; l I i . I , e r .' ill . . bill and Walter D. Moses & Co. U14 MAIN STKEKT, UICHNOM. VA. ill, P, ,.,'. et Ne.rtli I ar., in:. I. .'u ii;" I .Mrk at l ic' ' ni r-a 1 i.e iieo: ,1'nl N i c ' ii I ar i . ::a ha v ...n.iih iir il l ir.i ir nf V l ... .1 -O. . ... . .'. . C , ,- .,l,.,n l.eiuuiu.uo, i..,-., ...iv in ...... , 8U0VVI1 thl'IIlM-IVes in lieinoiP i II. ill l ,i .i ii 1 1' 1 n . , . , T, . f im;. eoual to I'Vi-rv .-uiergencv. M al Further than this the Goaiittee iimi,, '..f i,...,,, ,-cn New and T. S. I,, run their hoatii u il h -ii, h .-micii. ,, n.i (l,.r captain- a- Ii.iw U .hills and (iiiar.l lui ksun -hoiibi pr .an pt the fanners to oiler them e i y T art mi' I'.ck we l'i ir.i.r. ue-nt. 'i ith -u. h a line ,. .-'..' r "I'-'-t mi; -1 can .. r- 1 1 u, k i n ran be su, , w-i-1 n I i A 1 " 1 .nee caiaieil on any here aloiif the N c 1 1 . . ' ' liver. Tins ratem ol pota t,n s a I o 1 1 e will , iniid r in v back nearly one thousand ,1 ,11. ,r- v '"o'.i- and i,, the pee, pie alone; the NeU-e who in Democratic representatives in eational pubii-biiie h.-us . We iimi , ,. Congress to secure a reduction in here Capt. NV. !?. K-n irick-. r. pre.si.t ,. ,., .. ing the firm of 1 Diversity Pub. Co.. v. ; ; n in i' - s te- t. C'Hi el Lot ra i-e l hem bill f, ii t . i i 1 1 b;l-. recently succeeded by Kev. John J 1 e , I . ' ; -1 no; .1- Clewell. He gave a sketch of the must pure Hngbsdi and Scotch ex- on Resolutions recommended and York: Mr. W. ll. U'aila r of the tirm of h!a. k-b ur.l and ms progreAs ot the Academy under his fraction, nowhere do.-s the love of i he convention adopted a resolution (.Jinn A Co . IUston: Mr. Walter Prown -imc 'ancc. -n .. administration and how it had pttcrty gh.w with a steadier an.i demanding the immediate passage -jf Harper A Hr..s .New- Y.rk-. nnd Mr. : ; J '- !" rown, the dumber of scholars the a more enduring t! une. Ihey were af t he Mills bill. J. W . .nuck - r m A:.: .v . ; ,,r;;:- Vti." past session numtnng two hnn- the nrst to resist PriNsii ,i;nioi: This seems to settle finally the 1 "' -lmii ir to ti at dred and thirty seven, the greatest ar y , n; ; :i crtor: . 1 n -rand words at issue between Mr. Randall on the : r- roir, i . ' . . but I tniuk. mere tl nnmberiu any one year, and the Charlotte tliev n!f t:t the tirst one side and nine-tenths of the Last n;.;ht at ,.;, it ti:.- a, ray p'-rf. ; Pui the ne nil ..irncitr of th dclni.il until i i . i . ', . , , , ., i ..a.. I imcn.r.ita nr. tlicini Iii.t I niiioi-iil., of teacher- and fric:, i- if edu.';.ti"ii and tne part cl tne , 14 1 1 i i .1, .... ,...v. ii.i .ii , i, ,' i i-i.i.ii I i 1 1 r- - i otiii'ii ill. will lie ill oil. i.ii.- iiic , , IN cum .4 (Ir,.-. -.rw muhlKl. . '. i i ...... . . i. . . . . n.-embbl 1 m Ic-ir I fu I bail. t)v ti:'- v.riar H 11 " - ' e n r uu i ctirci uui i.c'iii- vw iiiv imciii i,-, i ic i ,ii c iiivi " ' ten, ,1m frj a r.i m a ,1 . I , ' .. . I ... , takea in ti:aar b- uht. rented and T " , , vi.w icnnss . ue 1. 1 s ; to i n - rtvair.l The diplomas were presented to fltruct for a na: .ciiai d.-claratiem id ! ni .Kinsrr nr. ttnrtv graduates, the largest num- A separ.it ,ni oi : :.e cob m from Z,' T.V,;'--iV'..s..kr .V.'.. "Z graduated in any one year, by ,;reiU Britain. Iu ti;. bar.! con cmiM fr- stm-r:.v-: ( U "nloo Col. A. II. Helo, of GalverttOI), test t ll .It follow cd I..T pia lie '1 ado mivm :: S-r-l "'.cm'". :ilcliI t..,, ,.,.m,m.i,i, r il, r.ihouinr, , ., ., ..... . . . t Iwmuritav. ' a , 4 . .. r l-n.aJ ii'i, ,e,. ,ri.n oi w-...,... K1U1 ;hiki' .ec.ai.i 'lis eoou. - ews ana Ualia.s News. 1 ne i oio- ,"ortli ( aroi.na ::e . , r been . b. ..., B.i. ne a native of Salem but caM Krander ::. .l.-eds t:.a:i words and " ' '; '" 1 f W1 h,s lortunes and won lortune in h;ia aU.m loome.; u;. larger :n war i i-i. r...ii iui , ' -.. - . .k. !' !4L " ttian in pet. e. i ' . V QrWecUM Oct '!!..-. 4 " 4 A(ata i .. . i 0 VM1U A -.- Mw; i ir. I II ! He .a: e ar Hmrth Orallna Afrnt, A-3.q1dIzl Colin, At Hit T. Saaaly'aJBi Stisre. -vrner ?!rod an 1 f:d ! 4 JaalT NK'.V Pi-'KNi-i. N ou.ni ..o.iii.q.. Hymn 'Brightly lV..m- ..ar 1'f.herV depart oh at-. m " m Loye." was sun. iU l' v : j" :t:i; Kesolutions Coniiiiemoralive cf the Ii?s Cci kle. at th- 1 1 . I-.-.l thv fin,:- t'll;-! '- ;;1 cr irtuf-s of Jno. 1.. Kilpatriek. De- in. A selection J-.b.n'- ib-iel was ahibiy .o : -;: ceased then read t v I!,-. , br. T. Ii Skinner, '"st "- . vv,,.- followed I'V lira i-r f II in -aine S''h' I '' T th. II'. .1. Wardens arulMnn- ,s.; , cii-l.m-:.i . v :.: r of liountra l.mhjr, So. 'J I 1. ' '' '' '" A" 'w -yir N l--rr.-; .1. I . tl tll A. M. ' was then deliver. .1 by pren lent . . i - r - ! ' n j.:: . man. P. was a chaste, scaola: I v pro Ion I '' a .!' our committee appointed to ducli(.,n an j c.miaii.cd mur.y beautiful r- :.,.-. i . dr. lit resolutions evtiressivo Of tllP n-sant-es. He i stronc uronnd in fi,i', r Ilea! a V,.':;, '. r U it LT i e .- i . . , r i . u r .i.i, . . i . . . i-, T 1 . . . I. .1 . ... . . . . u . 'mil,'!'. ' .a -A I.telllies OI lilt' meillOerS Ot lUIS Oi inn puuni si. uooc-. ainuns oliiii mi ,l.-,l. ... n l,,e I, Cl "'O-.P .11.11.1,,... c ; . ..nil ueied . ii.oamf t!i,. Hi Ueiith ..I a Well Kis-.un Mar. , .ltd Ih.-ir evi.l. nt Mr Willie J I'nl r, lm Im vats : r was al-o an ,iti Superintendent of ll,,- i c-I i I u I n ai b ,.!.. f,,r the .leaf anddiimh ami the blirel. !- dead. He died at the M , hk-'U t. m In "' 1 ' ' - "' ' ": sane Asylum oil the .'id instant. ,ik;e I .',1 ' ' !"" schools, eleft iu-re ami went to Canada. 11. I "I Oi and nearer beraine a viclirn of diink and return. -.I ' htr.lutii: lealur. s dure a vear or more nro. a perfect co d in-,-l a.irinia d wieck. His death was the c-ull ,-. f ''. ic; ar. i f.,..kiliL' i,,,Wh bv ai.c.tii.o- natient . Siire'v t ie-.- i i.in.'hes ... .' , r ,, ,, , , , , e cl ip t ne ah. o i- f i a .ri i I he U 1 1 m u i r, : rani. :, ; noi, Id be t..,i , p. . ',. ,e 'i ll,. O'll Me-si l,t;l'I h Ibtleit:h ea.l re-p illdelu e fri Absolutely Pure. i ti ! m p'lwm i :. i' v r l'"r ' t . M l r i : ' I. . a . 1 U :; Mi v n' 1 1 1 c 1 1 t i lo.liiy juTrtoiiri ill t i I u i aru- ttrottf ni lrn I i ii m n 1 1, . r. - I. --.on i,a w,. be -ad intelliKeCce. d. eplv saei ,,,,,,. f the l ircunlslanc.'H preceejellt P"'l"". Helcle.rCv . r? r-f - x-r- -ci y Z - O - 5"m 9 i i . l v. . ... i . . j , , . , , , .,- iui..u:i -"oo. - stic sent up. re so.ci .,ts t .. ; lie neiu ,,.r. rUti,,, thimrs he said that the argument "that cmt tmction. In addition to the regular tlliU1 ,n other S-utioT:. State. ' r ' " ' , , public education male the masses d,s- Nome 'won graduate diplomas were awarded au n,-),!v tl,,. ( b,l 1 buninion , r0l.mr .,"". .' ;.,l)aFK'K contented" kmccc in favor rather than times, th. -e t .e.ivr u suL.uuy iuc luiiowuig . aain-t it. IV. .pie laiht to be discon- into n. rp-in.e Whereas. In the wise disnensa- i,-nied w -ith iinb- iai .wl.-de. thai ;.'.:n- i.-i. tloii of 11 is Prov idence God lias re- they may tx.r: them-.-lves to gvt more. I l.-hm m !'r moved from our midst our highlv But my P.a.-v f.-rbi i.-any aitempt w hat- t;C"!;' ever at (.'lv.ng v,i, iii: i ;t;i , : tne ex- i-.-., - :o thirty four in special branches. ,p, music, Nick k.-eping, te'.egr.ipny, lie r iii;; v. ir more ol i. aiolina .-:i V:io;i! . in : , j ..... .,,. f to bis death. Mr. Palmer wan in charge .'.ark m 1 h i- line. I of 1 1 , i n--l i L u I ion for t be deaf and dumb .had about sou im; , , , j .fj,, , i.f,,,a. and dining lb,- 1 ' ' ' 1 ' w a i' ii 1 1 1 f 1 . r -1 , i u t. 1 1 ii i :i I lei Kui l I Ie .-.'..11. 1 in th. i,i t ,1 j t j,. . . ( , . t , : (. .v. . e ..- ua -1 1 l,,,avvn iu i he p 1 1 : ,n I h i one b '.,.- I. i liii!',;.- if "id the Slate, by those uhohad I. da ' ' - 1 1 ' 1 up w.lb the n ,11.1 f i i, nds anii ms that imloilni. r.n-; :.. nit i od ma at o 1 -. o . ! o o ' i r 1 1 1 1 . e : . i n a. .- an- i ipHt vi"i rf . Ill.'llOIlk M t I. i ii i lt. Hiirl iD va : . f , : i, in it I tit id am r l)iNpltft1 hum llm ai MAk I Ja ' ( W 1 1 K K ' . 1 1 V U i 1 l or N.-iW -n N.- i .-i ii I.n l. v M I vlw Miliar. Round Knoh HoieL . I !l' IC . I I I' at. phoa.'gTaphy and type- writing, ail Knl; than Virginia b'lM'li. of practical character, eqtr.pp.ng state grandlv ri.C. bi-to:. 1 1 1 co m r O - ec. i5CS'a' ? w . iJ '-n 3 a. - TTi . 1 - m k: -s- S sr " c : ol 5 L S o 3 - 5uq o . 5" 5 W o B n it 5? M S fi 2 iit voting ladies who may be set dejH'ndent for some ol the ;n t . e avoc.it ic :.s o! life. It is a valuable feature in the course of th.s int.:u m.ign'.tii'oti; ..v iiiilii'.cieiit fame, she leaves i ' tc write i:. None 1 e u i; ' la her son- in I he li.-v ..ii KVl -s I i t ,-- tion and ouiit to be .u.op.eu a.. New l.:i'i . . i w .- schools lor the education of cnt.g tl.e i.-cid. N. . lad:e.. tt., ;- t ban :.. : s : The art eikibit . .::; .ng ,.f et : slm : : v 1 : 1 . specimens of needle wotk. painting .'onift :i . in: ai .e at;d drawing vras a centre ol inter other tr.u est, especially to the ladies. It j.-;; vra.s a collection, as a whole the p,.rou- t i',;:; i. ot wh:c!i we have seidotn i : i ,'ii-i.cd N , c : ! . : - r.i - o i B - 5. a p : i CX- O " cCj s1! 3 53 2 ? ? 3 5 12? If ES r Ll v .s t . a El a fo! tVxT) t3 c5 I"!1 I.. 17 tV V 2 ra- & ' O P . e '. i r s, , :i and the 'ip'f - 't id which we have (,. :, - ,. , ; ,. . never seen. St.vU i,, p. , . , :!.,.:'. The concert iu the eveumg w.us v- ... ,., m:k, hi :,,, Lmr a splendid one. A brilliant pro- Frederick, to : i - - 0 1 gramme, concluding with Handel's captain ever l.d i.-fb ?C.V i ' famoas Gralorio Samson, rendered iH-tter troops than em . g. a., V, r. l, I,.. ,...i ... . - -) -fA I T 1 c 1 V 111 UUCBI-JIU UJ J liuudieu eeeive.., t il T O 1 . I) I .1 II S W i 1 O I O I I 0 1 1 T her ' : hers to "it '.ban in. m. but i '.i write 'A eh ' I . i r right was i r is o v e i ai : her hi he great i v o : 1 1 1 r . I ' it tie e Nnllll n g v ears ,. ( 'on . ' ' heir L-lb nt ad. ires.-. a ;,;:!, I The president then ii.tr- -JUc- ! I ' r . I: rn-itters. est, fined brother, and whereas we desire to place upon record an ex pression oi our regard ior mm. ii. p.-wis. who -p k ,-al , ".r. two mm- of th.-.-e to ic!i. ' helef'ire be 1! utts. making tl'm 'in: :!;.: ir.-iead of p. yand h-r b.-r Pesolvecb 1st Tint in the. .I,.-, .b Un.mil).' education we ba i b, er. boom- er ,n , ;.. ; ii "a i. u- h an l.o!' i . 11 : I til it i . of i h I I ' 1 le tl . and oci n l ii i a b 'h place 11 the 1 1 c a III . ,f ail ll . .i or-- I imiiib in o ir.'-i'iiii'li i yvith him. 'I'he . "Ol-e of bis li' C in : e do ;-, , ! !, a. ia im-mber. nor of la .iiih-e ,pllt eaileer have- v " any 1 1 1 f, I 111 al ion ll red ' ''' pt in I lie I'I le I -1 at '-mo 1. 1 lie ti ; t ii ea m e a y set iiii drink . al.. f I I S I ' I, I .i ,.r...i...r lrti, I T.-,i.,,ri..i- irifT me ie,e in ' I I'I tl I HI 1 rUllll 1 . . 1 I I ',t l I II IV. I 11 1 S That K p Van Winkle was Dot Vet awake. i mat Cap:. !i. ii. rr : t r 1 1 i i i 1! i ti'.e I. iii long oi' cueri.sueu anil men- ive . in. i. r,. .-kiiiuc i mane ti tioucd 'with heartfelt svmpatbv : but very p unted speed-.. hi.s orphan children, an indulgent wa' fullowed by l f"f' ; . . ldair. who cannot s; ea ; in an f '.!;.- A Ko-b n S. h- e,l. I ' ' - I a ie et be r column v. i ! I he f , ai m I ., : U I 1"" r .. 1c ......... l I l . . ., 1 .. .. ( , .1 ; i , j , c,i . i in.-1 1 1 s' ii. 'i i'. ,i ..... j. j : , r al, j 1 1 , 1 t 'a n I i V i rem a New Pel ne side d . I le '.I..- esteem ot IS t Vl-l.-lilly llllplissctl Willi Hie milllllt-i 1V In this 1! wtoit j uhi.'h school matters ate conducted. v , . i.e. ,. ia... i i,.-,. - i .. i, II IT, t roil II. I Ipl II '111 ll el It ' . , mil , I .lull i.lil lo il I Oi l.oelge nas 10st one Ol US most Harrell was en.?of the bad-rsinti.e ton. si;- ic :m :' wort by members, one whose name pbn to awaken the old cJii-'.eman. -vy..-..-i which we will long be cherished and men- Kev. lr. T. K. Skinn. r made -hort. kn w . f h.-r abi.it.v l.ijjh flji'e' ci:'-' i vu W. A. every New P.rni parent : the communitv at larce. a k, ,'n,...:.. fo,.,.,- i i -. .,.. : " ,..:,, . T. . ;'.. . , .' ', .. ,'. .,. "1 Hut.. inaii-tna. e im an m , i... -.. i UI.. -mil nniat it. .... .1,1.1 on . ... , i . . " . -.. . . '.' '.' i . .. .... . l .' is h a I N or I h i ' 1 1 ' i na n, , d s t ,d r, i . A i ,.i i i.i'i. u.,u ,jiin i . ,i ii ..ei nil .y p a- ii i , w i i , l u -; e . i . . v ; i i . p.- o-e m . I :-. : . : :: . ; I I - I; i , , . .i tlOtiest Ilian. N. C- T. A. was th- ll r-ad t y .M:-s 1 1: h.-i .,. t. ie. I - . ic- : - '. l-o ' a, a - a bd i.ev v fill t" make a useful at 1 lb-solved. V'd. That we reCOm- Wicker. 1, 1. ill i p. i I1 f -I.e v. ill r-' 1 1 1 11 -1 l.ae the hands and the h.atl : mend his three orphan girls to the 0 J?u 'w''tTi.-n ' ' iu- '""'r.'-i- ''.'p'e v .J.viKC ,-ll - il,,- ,i.l i,i,;hi. kindest consideration ofa charitable ipnelward'inbr'-'ab " ' 'U' Ih'e b'1;' a';-! Tr m r t! iba'c" ', Vih a coo To. re has been m.i.- talk, n mile SEND Yo"C 0KDL11S TO US. public, autl especially Commend Tomorrow Dr. Mac ,-n. i i:-v V . S ,- ,,f -,,,0, ,.a,-bi r- as M :- . 1 Ian,-. 1, in I,. 1 a: . and a small amount ol ROBERTS BROS., ex- o p S A 1 J as:std by Salem Orchestra tone carried ;!,. b cui: y imO of the beat' and other instruments federacv ::",,n .,. under direction ol Prof. MarkgratT, bayonets. musical instrnctor in the Academy. Slodest. brave. :n:::: o:: ous, jj,. It was a brilliant close to one of dnlerent to 1.1 !.:. : .-n. icoms ol the grandest entertainments ever t heir rights, lov mg l.berty and a- presnted :n this section of coun j,reciating its blesMpg-. :"he .eop!e tr.v- of North Carolina are .1 -iiirely and independent and a noble race (eatrt 'i die Arademj Metl n g- of Mtx-k- Tliose who know them It-' will ap aolelrrv. preciate them the most. Tba ttod-k bolder of thia Academy mat The women ol N..f 1; ( .iitlinn 0 June 3J. and waa called to order by are above .ill praise. I hev arc as Allen Johnaon , aeecretarv. A large ma- true, as noble." .is p ,' 1 ic as .my ' -'- . . - .. ' r , k , t ni.tiirv c.i'i ia is ,,r r 1 1 tici- e V c r I them to Him "who tempers the I.acy. winds to the fehorn lamb."' - - - llesolved, drd. That a copy ol An AnIerV Pre-eiire of .Mini, these resolutions be spread Upon . A party of gentlemen were ii-iiin; i ii our records, that a copy be fur- j Hoar's Creek, in Albemarle to. Vir- nis 1 Pi t ie nun v o Tlit1 ileceaspd. i i " 'i- c"-"i. ... - . " . Mr e. the Kinston Free Press and New M. Peoli. one of the part v. "and rVia lisli were evcadlelit and ereal v en- l.erne .lol'KXAI. With request to JlyeJ at our noonday repast, as w: ptlllllSU. Kespectlully submitttd. I'KKI). HAkPIMI, 11. .!. Bhocks, Wm. L. Pest. Committee air St , P' 1,1 int r -Iu.' ani im pro". d ; 1 1 1. ; - a. a id ma I: ' a : ai 1 i! ! i n id in 1 it : : a ' !::'.'" ' bf 'ii r -.' fir.:,. ., ! - n '.-ill i o . s icr u J "-ii i v. f en: - lately . lll.s. I push ... ill oa-'.itlv f ,. I lui c! : i !'. '!' '. I,- " b ,,e I. ra We I I , V 1 .11 bell 1 ,f -.nd ( ., I ! : ,l a t i . SCniBflER'S MAGAZINE. .,l TK nl.l li.a-r.1 f "- o.sto... . .... . ' ' . i.e.. , wu re elect.! eieeDt W. It. Hiul.tr whn etlC lllllCV" h i . succoeded by Calyin Stokt-i. The fob wonder their 1, u -1 ci i. . i s. mips, i.iw irg coetuut tha board Spnrer brothers and ever- is ive iievi'l Brookf, chairman. Allen Johnson, K. t"i'r..r..,l o i,- i. r ,,t , r , acir ;rv 's d.irge: .' I ; ;. . !,: ..nd ' 1 r, , : ' ' . 1 " ' 'I'I Tk koliJa u. qo :-dj. ' " '' . 1 m ttur. Tba rover 1.1 nr".s-b ! bj in r-.ix--r.-a '. prvL-a aa bwa14 C e O t 1 t 'i - ' "- ' aJ tmji Jiatitiai.ti 1 tr vn, " : pcUl notice. To enab r-a J-r. p-i.- " Vi.-x.-' (tcWr (JMxary, l; the fj.lc-'.r ::.da- -A J aa'a akaTiptc and '.be nusr.b-r r ', - - . A ja' cabciMriplia and ihe - -. - '' r m, aloib gdt to, 3.00 A YEAR. 25 CENTS A NUMBER. A J.ihcwD. J I.. Tusker. J. H. K 1 1 -" patrick and Calvin Suke lie v. J I. Wmrield waa unanunouil t elerieil pnn -ipal for the next eeion. The echo-jl speaker w;ll open September .Mth V tr further went it.' information addre the cretarv ut j iri .' 'hnor.'i milli. .1.1 A 1.1 rv J h.n- . S.-,- v. ''' '.r in : :.e:r T" The uld.-.t Inhabitant. ''." f ait-.t Perhatw the reabr oldft 1 r. h a ! 1 1 n l l-o tb.e claret, id which amorally -air ply had been provided.' Mr. T. I.. Parish, an industrious li-herm -.u as wed as ;. good trencherm-nti. had done fair pis A cel. 1 bnct n tice to ths eat i nc an d 11 ri nk in af U 1 the fiom i-.i I ep tc 1: . n. morning's wor:. -naii .!, cl th-- I 1 1. When dinner woi- r-v. r. and after "!:om i.i ai li ! cigars hnd l- a-n la.-.iy enj vc- i. my nn-.n. w I... . : -co father and I picked up ii.- r...i" an i re- 'x "l '" ;'.'; - .' r.aired to the creek for an ai tern-ten V :' r '' N if" t Our section has the trucking fever, sport. Mr. Parish followed suit, taking ' I' No several of our farmers have planted and , up bis poCti-n in a I r;;e lo whi.b.naic are shipping Irish potatoes. exttnueei over tn- wa:. r. r me l.u no 1 a-o 1 11 Miss Hettie Patrick. Fred Johnson and ' yards n '"hr -"v':'.'e- '' 'llr I I Win,! tlehl ora ottccriilinc thp . WflS Salt ill. 1 ba.R.V. Uhd .Mr . I" . s"-E ;l t - Teachers ' Assembly at Morehead City. A very popular widowtr in our neigh- I" r n u ',1 n a- ail ractions u oi rnan y inou- .... . , . ( . ... . ... t r vv e bet on money approi tiateei. f'r an ii,,lusiiial V -' 1 " No.th . .oadina. - m, may ' ' GR0CERIKS & PROVISIONS. establlrbed after awhile, but ,.,.. will , , hll the bill. livery ,,! r civ 1 C S. PaPSOTlS & hllhS Hoot.B and Slioos, k,.,:, a public s,h,.oi op.,, e.eht 1 Penitentiary Boots & Shoes, . n in, mt lis in the v ear , , , Also Shores dlteel fit, In ihe l.-iflon a, .-1,1 to have an industrial l fa, liii l.'ie. b p-lltlll. tel. New Peril,' . ' 11 C , t lid to We lite Hell.l.t hII pedes I I.Ol'lt inn a public Hcle.,.1 another year with from the Mill.. n Mielniraii very low. We also oh P.. nihil. I anlioiilA Ai e.l-d l ! 1 i. m Johnson Mills Items. .lav oil I 1 1 1 1 1: ine; i be child reri in one ot in. .n i n i i u -t l ies . 1 lo w manv K 1 r Is in the city v ho hav e .graduated at the ( i rade.1 and lliel, S'lmnb that, know how to pre p.ae and .cd; a meal - "" Wc II but. -a-.- en... "iii. v t-.aii .c am that home, 'i and tin v can lomi books al home. s .l. :; wop. ei: J(n.l miles from I.atirang , c a a ; "c'.i: r Uig the him. i.e I on leib-r.icv : n hovve i -:-ns , f di alb i n, y a::- nt. icsta.-iil ii : n- . w , He'll I.-.:. . :i li.. V. was ex : r it d i, b !"g i r l restmif a a ; i : -1 a . ;m Mr. William (tardner has invented r,,,i lir,t, ,rt,.,j i,,.. '1 lleav ell : a" ' patented a very important farm im- is noddniti brcame i. 1 :,ev a: peer . ' W t 'Oil 111 II Mel. 'OlCl Clai M .!-. I I il ll - e ' I . a-.tl imit ty'JsnJt eMtck-rr monty or icr to CHAHLES eCmiBHI&'S SONP, New York n Wayne county it livir. u in Pork nt lownalnp. Mr Catharline II iw,;!, lie !! widow of the late Willi! Howell. She a I '(j i in the SVth year of Lar age and in yet due '' ',, hale and hearty, aitendicg lo all her (. ( 'f hero e hold dunea. aDdinlbecvonaciouu- - ' '" " r.tai ofa Chriatian life well pnt dur- fourths miles, lug l ha btii year that hare be-en told tit'iirti t and. - I ! ei bar " intimaiiona of immortality are of , , w w excavattd ! .' 1 1 '.oi n i ,ki s ol had a daily mail. tba moat cheering nature, aweelening . ..v ,inMti ,., wis -I null w I . n a . . s . . i w . , v 1 1 s . i. . , UII U0CI1U1UK ua,ciwiiiiMi.Y.ai.wcuBb.. . 1 1. .ii i fc.i.t. (Mm. It is s hm i to b iglite KUI L Bll HU 111 I Vm ihllUk lUIUO boro Arrua. electricity. itforiielp. piement to cultivates cotton. pronounced ucui he c nip.---.. ,y 1 -; hi- The crops are Improving eicce the balance, and t ;V lie w into the r- .a. heavy rains. If nothing happens we There was of c ;;r-e a iiv'iy ! icon " will roll up the usual number of bales stratiou in the w it..-r. ai.C t rettv - .on .f cotton and corn. Ihe hstoti-h. d au eder pulb : liiii. il u( We are badlv in need of better mail the bank, but he dil m l f r a :.. nn nt r.eiii.tea Win- w it ibar thpre j4 a lose his pie-ence .i nun :, i r r i-lo-i: j'ltt O ' 1 1 - lie e , i ii.ll I o i . - i t 1 i : i v. u s " tii.'C ! ; 1 V"ii i. n.e ' : i i t-ii t .(daily ma i 1 to Pel 1 t. Perry i n f ou r m i lee . 1 ' of us and ou r representative won 'l assist citeir.. nt, 1 :. .; ' i'1 ee ua in having the Kington mail continued flt0 C" '- '".y fr,. j.iti is .f be , . .. O lee in .s ,.,., Tl.ia is a r.M.ltn.r rr.nl- Jllplter. lie vv I w.d'ii. pi i. in munity and would be mare so if we weighed an ''''' 1 ' ' ' n Wrt ronld etifli v PV(-rii.i"fi..ieiii.'i: "- ."Vt 1 dispense with the mail from here to 1 iver i" ;l . !'"' . - M.-.r, b.-ii i s-.: u Maple Cypress without inconvenience, banged '.dire ;.a. iy drown. :. an j lie diiiful .v HillU III V I lllf I . ll vou uuii i ,. '- p la1le'"a-l c,-ae s , ml i ii i i lo! i - .iav i"Ot-:l:il . a-i i i i'i i -i ; 0 1 : i e. i ,' niman hid inn u mn-t he t ,-m , n, b,-1 .-, I I h it bin : t or i , i i ,. ,. ,k ; rn- i- .roper y .Ion.'. Pu i hi " , v. al er h-.i I a i .ol i n I I i v ,a 111 a a- ... , . ... - i : . i ; .... , I .'il'. 1 J t C i II , I 1 1 '" I " ' I ' , ' ' ' o 1 1 !' s e ' i . n , i . 1 1 c 1 1 v -L , , i li. . I a v - -"'' ' ". ' . - I a ! l ie .ut I ' I- I" '" "'. ': ' ' ' a ....... 1 I C ::..: .- , ; le ,1 0,1 ,', . ; i.,' ' " c o: ' " " '' I ' 'I" '!v I " .' . ' , e ,'e ,. : .- t , C ,1- i I lie i .hie. ' - ' One ,,, . , , , ; . i 1 i, ' I . u I , I., ; . ''' ' ';' !. ' 1 1 : 1. 1 b-ai'i. i I i .rn I ,1 " . t . alel !. ! lie- -! I Iii,-" I- . i, . a.: N- in iii- i 1 1 i ie-1 i - 1 1 ell -, ; . '1 i . I I - ' f '. II O I I I' I , , 1 I ' -Old 11 I '. ' I i - ':,.-.,,'. , x , I ( , h . . e illVtillli i ! , I i ! I , IA it h .1. lie. v e! I ,li. ill, I i . able lo led I, . '.V II ouch! i , I. , lot.. !l ll i know V bail II I- i I ' He 1 ' 'I e I I V . ar people inc. have a p t e ti . 1 i ,'( i-ain-t Now Jingl.ilil .v.ys, Ian one who visits that Oountry and examine'i ROBERTS BROS., South J-YontHt.. Vet. Herw.N. ) HEALTH IS WEALTH! READ CAREFULLY. ... i i 1 1 1 . . i ' . ' i i n t i n 'i tl t .l.lll.K 1 1 1 Ii. r aliiiK i . -.-I - lil 1 ' V iid i . i.r I cn Wl c.l u: v l I I sir t i K. s bv Ab the Jm HNAl. is plucky we fppeal to , awake." Forest and Stream. f C loo 'ice at , I I i.o t f ll i vv no visns ui.tt -o , ,...,,.-. ,...,,..., IH.,. .: '. a pioini -o tl.e'r h.vetem of t ducat i: n is sure t" 1 e i(1 p-py. ,lrueri-l. -a at-ou. favorably impresaed. .llerne.N. C. .... - icar 1 llle rit , bv li N ,a,e'il. New fpt!4 dwly i..a 'rt : .- - -; e ,"1 ,' o.' i '. . , -ll r r v - -

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