; 1 "-..iSr "i,- 'v- if ' : - i- i r- 3 ,.i. v t . -s l ' i.tr-w V.C.. ctJ- f ,J, 1 " ' . ' 9Biiitntf gpo www m MUaMrKla, INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Torxxxw. $li.OO Ior Tar, VOL. XI. xi:v i:i:kne, craykx county, n. c, july 12. is.ss. NO. 15. 1 . TO GO TO KINSTON TO DO YOUR TRADING. TIIK I'AKTI KS. tru-k Honrv. in h:.- m';iur.i!.' Tilt HKKK 1 I 1 : V.MIIAK M 1 M K H .in; 1 'b' hr no tui t U nni; OETTINGER BROS. - 3 ( , ( ) : Ready Made Clothing. Dress Piece Goods, White Goons. Goods. A"il so oo, r noi wh;rh my i.-el are puiJoil bnt l.imp of eipenenco. 1 know w.t of juileine the future the nst." Tolitiral n.irtir- tanl on their retord, or Kll, like Lunftr.nerer to hor again. " ihe art.v which, from the foun dation cf the trovcrnment. h.v. op- p-sel evry monarchical and nriticratical tendeiH-v. a n 1 lias eadfaitl v contended .'r the rich;. of the States and tho 'iberties o; NotiOIlS, IeopIe, was called " I he Kepnt I'cnn Tarty" nntil. sometime n, ; "M'."i, the .letTersonian lieptiblioans Ir.ippd that name ar.d aeoepted ttiat of ''WiiemM, .lellerson .st.imi.ed .:s eai i ; : . n it a: ;is no' . e w I e I I !.;: . i; .1 .ng et elie:.- Olle ol . lit i.i u 1 a lies of ton : i 'lie whe her eh ; it i :e" ' i many ft tin said town, an mon .is if .C.. i : n : ' tel W.l ten l.y iiri- ; i.e t I 'e-i'Ltell w ii el Washing i e k no '. n In 'in : - ' : d"rsed by n' e.tlens of .ul moral that a your i inneli ; to t he u o i ; i . Tep.-.-'i l'e..e II d I !'e i .1. N . Hoavy Groceries, V I: r jreot.4 Tjc Artnon: uj kaiM likia of W. A. W. Ki'.ro!. A" py foT ail our pnrehv, prKw, aj trafr th b-rn;dl -'f th !: I .ai to kktnj'-.ir;, ir. ! w- 'hi' OETTINCER SIGN OF THL CELEBRAFt V !er:h, and : t has ti.ronh every t tme, l(i t lie pi Stati's ma i) si n at c -tin ill e T!: 1 i ; roiidly , t in It nt da'. has been cf . it. lor : i: : n ! n . I have reeen' -y I v,in:a Train;: p.ve and feeble T"h :ns:;t;;' :on ted anion ' t r railroad. I'hilade!:'! ; in i '1 it-- 1 i : I in, y : -'-ii Illlllilei : - 'oeau ' mv test I - it mental and k. .Mr. llditor, : : i.e letter in : would a.d a'tention .-e-'ed. li v. i 1 K -' K I I1KI'. 1 the I'tMin I loi defer 1 , Irei:. fill . v s:t i i.i- on tlenonn- ches from nane Stat' sey, no :he Wt'St ' ee : : m : les ! s . i its lined bv Nt i hi aware a :. 1 .ler- r, I a -also b r ; m .- At al tai.ee lines, and umler the lemorrat;e OW ll .1 . BROS. : SHIRT. n - a. :i a. he I . u: el; n The Fiction I - bt ia tkal of f au'.h r bQ o ftrttvit .1'innar 'Firt HfTtiU."bj Krd- njiibr, ao i art t in 'h-- - ai H Bar.s..r TV - ;i ;re r - J' li- .1 r.uirv r v Jim- New Summer (roods A T HOWARD & JONES. JUST RECEIVED: Whiu I'l.a anHW .lii rJbnia in i (!:: N w lot ( 1 cia Fail u' (''. .r i" li Imtii! s.- s won 'ii. 1. ( ellt .melits id n w : t-n h:- n . e--.-a u'e tt - he .-a.tl : "T I.e am bi t am leads me on :s an anxious and a fixed !et ei m :n at ion to --uade mT emintry men. so I ir as I may, that :t is not :n a spleioi.d government snpj'orted b;. power fal monKxl.e-i and aristocrat n'al est i 'il.sl. in r n ' s ; 1, it they will lintl !iai'p'.nej or their l.bert.es protect ed ; but m a plain 'stem, void of pomp, protecting all and grantmg fiver to none, dispensing it bless ings like the dews of heavens, un seen and nnfelt, sare in the fresh nens and N'anty they contribute to jnxlaee." This sentence, from the pn of Andrew Jackson, glow ing with the patriotic sentiments of Thomas .TetTenon, could hav e been incorporated into the mes-sae 1 1 1 rover ' leveland w : iie s. : ti t ejt t tie ;! ec I. no of its argument. As t tie army of and. e r ( i r a : . : m. as a. I I I.' a aten by 1. party was neons nias.-e :es w 1k"sc 1 f. 'Te t i.e ithoiit causing ti on from the o ! ; 1 r . v i ' e J ; . p : . -. I e.s...: ' i i ; :.e l.ir'e r a : 1 1 : e and 'aid i !r:,":.ii.!y ;ir- r.c d ! ; ' '':.:.-rt ai d eon- .- e , -e ei; i: : ::d I ed in mate-. It. K e: I: n. ' '.,u-r:t; -t ell de I. ' . a d; o.olsi iidi d . no I de m an. I .. d i C i'e i; ;: ; n e 1- e a in! '.i relita. eare : e edl ': '. d - 1:1111 tired i;n t- rt 'l n ; ' e , : !:. rein m ; ; t e. ! !. - eat- . I e : i, d neiice ot ;f. s a e . iiai. i - it-.' through ' !: w !.. le i!...' .tio::. He is add. . :-'ed i'v t o e 'ir "r more ol teai-la ;- atoi mat;. w ;,e say ; he v d i v o 1 1 1 1 a ; le , ' . . - m .adi affec tion ' r eh i hi rri. e ; -de !...t c.i pac : 'y a - d: :. .;:';;;: i te one-. 1 !. r - : ' --- - w ,cob rlul. The -tand t;-i l t ' : ei 'he cupr r : n : e ;al e;i ' - : d ' -h . Teacher-. ..:::! mt-. 1 p'.ip:!. are c n -t ra. i.e'l '.".iia . .:. .'e . t . The girls are ti ..'..'led bands of twenty 1 : e or t 1 ; l r ' '. , ".' lerthe constant rare nf a;i a' 'eiitl.m , ex cept when -he v.-rs them up to the teaeher. Ti . !'.;. - a;.- d. v.detl into tic !w. ti !- r the . or.stunt Huperv.-i.'ii : mile at ; eiidand-. Their a part m e'. ' - are en'tt ly sepa rate from 'l.ee ncetipied by the girls. Their 'he mttorii - are large and airv, then ed pertectly clean nice hair mattresses, waini blankets every pd.io'.v with a Bayboro Items. It. 1 . Id dates' new dwelling is Hearing coni'ietiou. W lm is sin .' The fouith was a dull, quiet day here, not even a pop cracker was heard during the day. A Sunday school convention is to be held here tomorrow a basket picnic in connection with it. The schooner Mattie Fl. Hiles, Holland master, is loading lum ber lor Hooker .N Caho, bound for Philadelphia ( rops ai e looking much better than a fe a weeks ago. Cotton is small, but looking well, while corn and rice seem to be on the rampage. The steam saw mill formerly be longing to .Miller .Sv Hooker was sold on Saturday last by Hooker iV ('alio, assignees, Wm. Potter, sr., being the purchaser. d. NY. Ilollis, the contractor, lias nearly completed the county poor house. Soon the paupers will have comfortable quarters to stay in when they call on the county for assist ance. K. 1. McCt'tter is prominently -pekeii of as a candidate for the State Senate, and 1. P.. Hooker for Representative, and .John P. Martin tor SheriiV. This would make a st rong t lcket . The Republican party of this county has at l.it succumbed. They will hold no convention, and make no nominations this year. This is but the forecast of the con dition of the party elsewhere, and alter tne iitn oi govern uer next me (i. O. P. will be known no more fore ei . A negro man by the name of dolu s, a resident of New Berne or .lame- ( d t in jail here this week for an at tempt to burn a dwelling house on Pawson's creek, in this county, a few nights ago. Your reporter has not learned all the particulars Vet. Pt) some. A lively time may be ex peeted down nere daring tne can vass. MI'SIC I HIH SCHOOL AM) HOME. An Ess.. y M ss Ella New Bern. . Ives, of Real Btire the Teachers' Assembly at S-sslon of 1888. The af at which children sh-mM be taught to si;u a question upon which musicians di-agree. That all children can be taught to sing is another much discussed question. I cannot entirely agree with many enthusiasts thati.od had created us all with the same musi eal voicej. the s ; acute musical ears and the same .. irate perception of tone and pitch. -.rv i : a alifrnt ior.s to express themselves in song? and do not laugh at them if their voices are sometimes discorded, and the tune d if -licult of recognition, for the little sing ers are oftentimes mere sensitive to ridicule than those of larger growth, but rather let us encourage the child to sing softly and sweetly, and if he ia in duced to sing at home, and hears good music there.it will exert a refreshing inthier.ee upon him through life and he may perhaps in after years look back ' upon the Sunday c-venings spent at home pinging some of our beautiful hymns, and the recollection of that time may act as a safeguard in time of temptation. Too many look upon the otudy of music only as a means of earn ing u livelihood, w hen there are hun dredsuf homes where it is needed for its purifying and elevating miluence. STATE NEWS CON I HISSED. osed its tifty- aii ot tnesp n for an agreeable singer may be cultiyat ej to a considerable extent, but the There is no nlarp w-hero it it mnre im training should begin at an early age. portant. and nowhere else does it shine and requires much patience and perse- with a blighter lustre. Kven if there verence on the part of both pupil and be no marked talent ia this direction teacher, unless the child is endowed by which v. uuld lead to the idea of display nature with what is commonly termed before the public, it is well worth the a correct musical ear. while to make the most of such as there I once heard an anec.iete of Ike Mar- be. and these parents who ignore music vel, who went home from school and because the son or daughter may give told his mother thafr his teacher said he no promise of eminence as musicians, had no ear for music, ami he begged are sadly in error. If right views Con ner to look and see. She got a candle earning the Eubject could generallv and examined his ear, then said "she prevail, we should hear less of wailing thought he had none as she could because young people are inclined to not find it." Another story is told of a spend their evenings away from home teacher in a public school w ho upon amid excitements which are not for being annoyed at hearing a little boy their best good , and I believe that man v ' is an art studio sing in a lower pitch than his compan- a hearth stone is shrouded in gloom ! bears the name of ions, tol l him to go up higher. After simply from neglecting the wonderful1 of the Bandanna trying two or three times, he said, "I i power which might have been wielded ; Mr. Shackloford s can t get up any higher. 1 am standing through music in making home atlrac- on my toes now ;" and that was all he tive and filling it with sunshine, knew about singing higher. Among the great reforms needed in The tendency with children is to sing our land today, none of greater ira- too loud, which will soon cause the tone portance than that of makiDg home life to sound rough and discordant, or will more puro, beautiful and attractive, produce tl.it tones, a fault hard to cor- In closing it may not be amiss to give rect. the "reasons for learning to sing," as -vii accurate musical ear may be edu- su" ui "u tu ijib quaim tniB and sister counties know that the catod to a j.reat extent, as has been preface to his collection of "songs and , Sute Normal opens here next Monday. .... 1 .... nnnnnln ' loLnl i. 1.fQ TUa .l J . . . 1 previa :u my own experience. ine nuucLo piiuiiojiou m i-tj, xucuuu most proficient and cultured pupil I spelling of many of the words adds te have taught during the last session the quaintness of expression. Reasons s-eme.l to have a most deficient ear brietly set down by the author to per suade every one to learn to sing: 1 . It is a know ledge easily taught and quickly learned when there is a good master and an apt scholar. 2. The exercise of singing is delight ful to nature, and good to preserve the health of man. 3. It doth strengthen all parts of the The Biblical Recorder r t drd volume last week. The pr.iise f Murehead o v is tei tl e lips of all who have been there. Tie-Mis no better seishore re-ort. From all parts of the State cemes the announcement that crops have greatly improved in the bt-t ten day. Hon. Alfred K inland has b.-.-n re nom iu.ited for ( '(ingress in ll-t: Oth -lis trict. S J. 1 'em bt-t ton , l.-a , h elector. Concord Times i .) mli Stewart, M ' from (ieorgiai "There is nut en nor Democratic side a man more honored and respected than Itm l in .1 He v. J . F. I.oie is ma u i eg earnest f forts to build a hou-t-j foi the church at Bayboro. Then- is not now a Baptist house of w orship in 1 'am I ico county . Mt i 'live Teha-ran, Tie-buck lel.erry boom -till continue Sie-h ncmp was nf: -r hear I .if I . . f . . i . . 'I I.e onlv .lis ad vantatte t i :, tu ct. 1 1 im: li the I iiiih-hh ia Our ine cfiatit-i c;im,.,t n-i hi.- crater fat enough to supply ihcm Cleveland and Kim If I i. iii.ic i mic Clubs have been org'ini.-d at New Berne, Kaleigh. Wilmington, Charlotte. Greensboro. Durham and many othtr places Hurrah! Hurrah' "The Coun try s rising." Tarboro Southerner : The tow n is oo a live boom. Among ruany attractions The basaball club Thurman. the Chief Tribe. NVork on kiiittinp factory is progressing rapidly. Oats are cheap er than corn: oats fifty tent- corn seventy-five. Washington (lii.-tle: The Western Union has reduced the rates to the press of this town. Now the (ia.ette has ad vantage of the same rate as the News and Observer. Let every teacher in mm fill we have fr. when she bngan study ing two years ago, and po-sessed the fault of hatting, due was arrested and put in a measure to carelessness of pitch on ner parr. i ne nanus or iiatung ana sharping are often due to the same causes, viz., w hat is termed an incorrect musical ear, and extremo nervousness in singing before others. Sharpness of tone id probably the more common ueart. anu uotn open tne pipes. fault, but is less r.ainful to the listener 4- It is a singular good remeiLy for a than ilatness, and is frequently caused stuttering and stammering in the tics is beginning to warm up from too great effort and energy used apeech remnants . had been K.'publ icar. the he: feated the P "1 II. ed, arm t Mn'i Hth:r. g J IIabbr ('.it. eh'J, rr ;T r '. A I- I Hx:d hi. r. P or frw-t A!p--, Swtiiw ia.i lrr i P.-- 1 Trunk, ValUy, Kci, Mimr; HOWARD k JONES, Nex: 33 V) tiwtf 1 e r.i x' c a . . r"ge: par; n it' . d:-t Nate n Phdatlelph:. issembleil in addressed "Ti ntttfd S: ates. flag .ac ! of the e- t hat -o the rmed of I" t!ie tie- had pretty over i w I -iiatn thrown Id , 1 1 e ave b f 1 p.ay t'.lat. do,T , 1 ie.lt i. i en en ' am ,!.:ne 1 -. I-'"d 'tir-uatite of a the people ol iithout regard nice w;' : t ere- taugh: ng g eerc. y an 1 e e r v : i a:n arg'- a: ; I r o ; : . Their lor; a id land s s w : We at. 1 i a s e Door td t pas; p vision . rtq'ea! of ditleren w : : ; ; : more , use ; h all ate n. it : 1 w. 5e?S g 9 E"j Z1-- - I plfliUlB-gg;,. MJ' 25 - - z n -s i n vt r '. . a a . were tip e M issom ti ' : :.' p. i. a t ; i : c administratnT'. to of slavery into free favor of t he a.'.in .s.s xs a idee State: of ac .0:1 of t he Federal to the nrmcit'leij ': anil JefTerson." It is not our purpose to speak of a! ivery further than is ne,es.-a:v to tne elucidation of our sublet. When M.ssouri appl.ed f r admts -;on -at" the 1 uiou. her a.lm;.-.-;on was oppovd becauao of the 1 .8 teLit'ecl -l.iNery in hei terr.'ory in the language ol s or 1 1 ; - posed to the 1 com prom n-e: dei.t P. tree's die extensuin terr.oTi : In en ot Kansas restoring Ihe ('ro eminent NNdi-li 1 11 gt 1 n 1 const ; va w a ;s m .1 a v tin.es t a' e . -oC h and or. The as M as -1 am .- e : tan ght tt boy s are t atigh' to u mat t re--es, -nine Mi and o; hers employ and 1 -n I ne farm . I ll e 1 r So not il e Mere by cale.-t henit's, du.li cluls. Those ' Me: c !sh:ngiy we!! !"::' " ber that every eh.! The greate-t patient in ossary t" deelo won del 1 u 1 rer. :i 1 1 s . school fl hour.- 1 Much of tin work play. Ida re are : Km dergar ; e r. -t h.."! t hi: y lU 1 aeli the 1.1U ;. ge.-t . y ears to t wei f. 1 v mtei e-tetl a evert Te- w . ' h 1 ney have lit it entertain u.t t hildren a.-.-.-t w ; hem-i ! - and ; per: u tendon; to. luginir.n go! t he ..-icily hoped. - that thout Their "Cell 5 lor out- 1 lass rooms i' lurn'.shed. : h and the subject ght. happy oral t each -man', use ell. lattei is u re to : he ot : he g;i is e t ry well, - 'im- of the in attempting to sing high notes. One cause of names of tone is incor- The Democrats Tare already "ct ana mcomp.ete tasing or Dream, taking more interest in organizing Btrument if one is use,i, or to the tone than heretofore BO early aa this, of those singing around him. In chorus The little scare they got two years singing the pup 1 should not be allowed ago has opened their eyes, and they t0 sinK quite as loud as he can, but the will be wide awake this year won't 0,ce fhouA be strained, and he will , , be inclined to fall from the key, and be caught napping any more. dr3g the entire c,a9S (iown t0 bi leve, Tbe County )emocratic Exec- of pitchy Children should learn to read titive Committee met on Saturday, music at sight, and should not be al- dune d.O, and called the county 10 a,Dg ty '"-ation or by ear so con ention for nominating candi- d . , . . , , . . - . Teach the musical scale c! eight notes tlates to hll the various county by Bvl,.ible6, M do. re , mii etc,f aieo 5y ollices lor Saturday, September 1st, lne letters of the notes, then by num- at Payboro. I'recinct meetings for oers. taking 1 for do. 2 for re, and so on appointing delegates to oe neiu on tuen use woras Saturday, August 18th, at 2 p. m., at the various votiDg precincts, A lowusnip imuuic i-uuiuiiiicc oi mstructed as to the dilierent kinds of I tive in each township was ap- time used in music, of course learning ' o. It is the nest means to preserve a perfect pronunciation, and to make a good orator. fi. It is the only way to know where nature hath bestowed the benefit of a good voice, which gift is so rare that there is not one among a thousand that hath Let us have the best Norm ever had in Washington Charlotte Chrotiicle: A special Winston says: Winston-Salem cele brated the Fourth in pmu.1 style. There was an immense crowd, estimated at 25, GOO. Speeches w ere made by Sena tors Hampton and Hansom In the base ball contest on the 1th Charlotte defeated Danville. The city was crowded with colored people who great ly enjoyed "the day we celebrate. " The Caucasian : A unique marriage In town, three people, and only three 1 under one license. They were of the, dusky persuasion anil from Mino 1 township. Last Tuesday there were' one hundred bushels of huckleberries : for which crates could not bp procured. Four hundred and tive crates were shipped that day that brought at least i ?1.000 clear profit into the county. Wilmington Me-senger: At the meet I POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThU powder never varies A rnarrel wt POrlly , ilrength , mid thulrLimiinni. Mo economical than the oriUnarv klnda.and nmm not be sold In aompxtltlon with lb mnltttoA I low teat, abort weigh t, alum or phoaphavM pnwdera. Hold only 1 u cam. IlijilLHtllla POTlii Oo.. 106 Wail-al.. N Y DOTlS-lrftW For nale :n New-horn bv Alex. Miller. THE SEASON I ss At II ..I,. I IlW Refrigerators, Ice Boxes, Ice Cream Freezers, vVater Coolers, Fly Fans, Wire Dish Covers, Lc. SA V 1-1 M( i. I N Till Nl FY l:o l PI VI NG L. II. rUTLKR, 26 & 28 Middlo Street N i: W HICKN It. N. C. it. and in many that excellent gift is, ing Monday night the organization of lost because they want an art to express ( the rowing club was perfected under nature. the name of ihe Recreation Iioin(r; 7. There is not any music of instru- j Club. The Regata Committee was : ments whatsoever, comparable to that authori.sd to arrange for a regata. which is made by the voices of men : wm. K Vanderhilt of Ww York l,s A black board should be used in class instruction, and after the scales have been thoroughly le. rned. and the pupil when the voices are good, and the same are well sorted and ordered. S. The better the voice is the sweeter it is to honor and serve God therewith, and the voice of man is chielly to be employed to that end. Omiiis .ijiiritus laudit domuixnn. "Since singing is so good a thing," I wish all men would learn to siDg. pointed. The committee is pro pairing to make a thorough organi . it ion. About Cavtor Oil. The aveiage boy has an idea that to count and beat each variety of musi cal notation, then pleasing glees can be introduced, in fact I have combined the exercises and glees at an early stage in ' my classes. Do not be content with the pupils simply pronouncing the words distinctly and correctly, but teach them to Study bought over a thousand acres of land just below Asheville, at the conlluence of the French Broad and Swananoa river. This is said to bo the finest property in Western North Carolina Mr. Yanderbilt w ill erect a handsome residence to be ready for occupancy next summer. Charlotte Observe: : Yesterday after noon thero occurred a fatal accident in Sharon township. Mr. NY. T. Taylor, accompanied by his little son Ferny, who was about eight years old, went out into the pasture to bring in the milk state i cow. Mr. Taylor Btarted to the aprin for a bucket of water. After starting the cow the little fellow tied the chain which was a light one, around his neck. Hon. D. L. Russel, in a conversation The cow became frightened and ran. HOW IS THIS I hon'. damei, l . kcssf.l declines the nomination for sitrimk court .JL'I'OE ON THE REl'CBLK'AN TICKET IIE SL'GUSTS A COALITION WITH THE PROHIBITION ISTS. -C i iocs anu tools. taidell to- ,1 rrf e, Oin lrHi.o SHU CUrrCCH n'f all L i is who hav eirpfn! mot h-1 the 8eD8e 01 the words and to eing with ! yesterday with a representative of tbe ' jerked the boy against a tree killing -------- me same expression mey would use u Star, said that he bad no hesitation in i mm lohiaany. eis m piuieci tueui num iu ieu reciting the words. A teacher or destrover. He is mistaken, like a Shakespeare would not be content sim- -' :c le .1 III t .:. ;;'.'. ne - r e : i i: an S T ' .! i, c.ell c i th.lt they ; e : :. :. n -rtli ' f the ne'. ;n :..e 'a, en; "hat ( i--d tv.-and. irv ..f M.-...i: : T:,.- : '' '!' '';'d'- 1 , . , . u n t r 1 1 1. . i e - are t :a m . e w a - a p . .oi -; : i. e : a' . t . . , , , ' :r.g;;te!i -I. M.itn ':.:.: was ,.t ,:.'.. ' he gc .... 1 (, , . , g v, run. a'. V. ...tend n t- m .t with a Ia n III! i - are ar.ei 1 bells, Indian fs are as;on -ell We IT in em -;.- ilehcient. and I' tvt- are -uch a lint st I"nev aie in . r.ng the day. - systeniu'ed o :ntci est ing ' .. en: y h c or 1 hese are ::. troin four are thorough through tile ir -am and i in . d. . to: ;o:is and ,nv . : the it;, ii t'lTii.t to cts. r:,e -u- iu tlie t n : h u tie do. bllt g: veil, they - of these lenetl and hem made md others. pleST h.l'.e :.' :e:;-at:on. t..-a;;;i ys on a tl ai! i'dight- luty ''lie ply to have pupils pronounce words cor rectly, but with no idea of the meaning. Yet tnis is what many singers do, and are then acquitted as not guilty. You may have heard the story of the old lady, who when asked about the sermon of her neof minioler, "that she did not remember the sermon, but she had derived great comfort from the way he had pronounced that blessed word Mesopotamia." And so it is with us all who have heard, though I fear too rarely, persons with such musical speaking voices, that there was a charm in listening to their words just for their own sake. I once heard a writer assert that the study of vocal music was all nonsense. lie said, "God has given ua vtiice. w hy should we study into their mechanism'.'" Let us sing freely and llifornia. Kansas, Iowa naturally, or words to that eilect. My menus let. me a-k you cuuiiueLiiiiwiy , ought God to be held responsible for much of the singing we hear. Y'et I do not doubt that this argument in lluenced many who consider patient plodding a grat waste of time majority ol grown people who only regard castor oil as a medicine. Only a very Mnall portion of it is consumed in that manner. Castor ml forms one of the best lubricator.-, and is used for greasing wagons ami other purposes where the price does not prohibit it. Then it is burned as an illuminator, not only by the Jews for their Sabbath lamp, but elsewhere. In India, where large quantities of the seed arc raised, the oil is added to the native condiments to flavor them. It is also made into an illuminating gas in India. In this country castor o:l is used to dress morocco leather. ( and Illinois are the principal sec tions of this country where the seed is raised, and the castor oil presses at lielville. 111., are among the most extensive in the world. saying that he will decline to accept the Wilson Advance nomination for Associate Justice of the opens on Monday Supreme Court on the Republican State ticket; and, furthermore, that in his letter of declination he will advise the withdrawal of the entire S;ate ticket, and that a coalition be formed with the Prohibitionists. He gave it as his opinion that it would bo futile for the Republican party to make a campaign in this State, and that the approaching election will be a walk-over for the Democrats. "In the first place, "' he said, "they (the Repub licans) cannot win : and in the second. if they could, they would be counted toes from a single a -re and out." He thinks that if a coalition ia formed with the Prohibitionists it will break the color line, and in this way, perhaps, lead to Republican success hereafter. "But," ne added, "if a Chinese gong campaign is inaugurated, with joint discussions between Fowle and Dockery, it will result, probably, in a majority of -10,000 for the Demo cratic ticket. Judge Russell was one of the dele gates from this State to the Chicago Convention, wns a member of the com- The Norman school A pleasant lawn party on the court house green. Contest betw-een the "Browns" of Wilson, and the Battleboro Base Ball Club resulted in victory for the Wilson boys. The Browns also defeated the Fenoirs of Kins ton. It appears ! - be sett let! that Jona W. Crowell , our present SheiitT will succeed himself. tin Monday the county commissioners appointed ,1 W. Davis, Esq., county treasurer to fill the place made vacant by the death of Col. John W. Farmer. A I'itt county farmer raised (). barrels of Irish pota leared -.'5(1. The World Stands Agnast AT MY LOW I'llICES, And wonders, How is it that I can sell so much lower than any one else? I'll tell you: I have determined to be easily satisfied for the cash, and NVORK FOR SMALL PROFITS. My Motto ib FAIR M AI. ING. Come and buy from me, and you will never regret it. K . R. JONES, New P.erne, N. C V -- X -- L T. E. MAGE & GO. i'. at Drugs, Paints, Oils, AND GARDEN KEEE8. i Ft. 1 smal I inn-e in motto. ( i i Mi.iii st mT'.i. Ulv 1 1 1 1 1 r v n n t ' li 1 1 : t - ' heap fa all ia I Ac t . . A II no ia'l id at i i ahli ih our oiiir ' .V. IWt bail 'I'm loll On GEORGE ALLEN & GO ROBERTS BROS., DEALERS IN ,, General Hardware SEND Ycnr ORDERS TO US. i" no i : . i : o Two Miles a Minute. Fancy travel at the rate ol" two miles a minute over an incline of polished ice, with an eighteeD inch toboggan lor a carriage, a pretty girl lor a bon comrade and a pair of electric bells hanging overhead l.kc harvest moons. Recall the sensations of being in love or a hot at li. re in em ber t lie details of your a t and strong voices. While today there are no schools of high rank and im portance where chorus singing is not ,. i.i i . taught, and reading music at fight is nr-t merry go round, the immediate 1 o aQ unuguifl accomplishgmem. ihiTciiceof champague. chloroform In fact many schools refuse to give a or any other delicious intoxicant, diploma to a" graduate in instrumental and you have a faint, very faint music unles the pupil has studied vocal i . .1. .- , ii- , . l inr.lo.3jor loast fi r nnn rflar itiea o i ne nos i ve v i ei c nu """" - j - seu.-atioii that a fly down a tobog- The study of vocal music should be mittee on credentials of that body and. brought more prominently into all our it will be remembered, had an animated schools, and if introduced as a regular discussion with John S. NVise, of Yir- brancb cf instruction, much may be ginia, on the status of the delegation done with even a moderate amount of from that State. He is an astute and material. Twenty-live years ago vocal sagacious politician and one of the most , music as a study was almost unknown influential members of the Republican in our schools excepting private lessons 1 party in this State, and there can be no which were only given to pupils who question that the Btand be ha taken in were thought to possess great talent this matter will have great weight witn his party. Wilmington Star. LOOK ! LOOK ! ttt VrE JEL W XI IE n. IE ! Examine Carefully. Then Compare our Prices and an Average Saving of 25 Per Gent is Certain ! r:f n ad .e r- m a w m a ' Ve gan chute produces. In the descent one seems to lose consciousness : the loute lies between earth and sky : you have your heart at your tongue's end. and when the bottom of the .-Inle is reached it is with shooting pulse," tingling blood and flaming spirits. You feel as ., :t i . .u... iiislou noamt tne importance amiucuiuiuiii him if hp Hid nnr nrancii oi a musical euucanou. one reason 1 give why music should be taught to all children in our schools is that music is an importont agent in correcting many faults of speech and declamation. NVe are all familiar with the loud, the harsh, the shrill and ur. y in pathetic mouthing of a child 's read ing and speaking, and we wonder what education (so called; has done to The Latest Scott 1'artiu Lore. The prisoner was interviewed yester day by Mr. Giles Bledsoe, who resides in the neighborhood of Scott Partin's home and used to know Partin well. As soon as he saw the prisoner he said instantly that it was Partin. He asked remember when they used to work together, and it is said the prisoner looked confused and walked away. Mr. Bledsoe positively affirmed that the man is Partin. Mr. F.d. Yarborouch also saw the Agricultural t t j , m e n t m. 1'Iowk, Harrows, Cultivator, Hoes and Axon, Woofl'tt Mowers and IteaperH, Steam Itiipriiios, Cotton Oins and Presses, Fertilizers. I .and Plaster, Kaiuit Mechanic TooN ami Hardware, Lime, Brick, Cement, Plaster Hair, Paint, Kalsomine, Var nish, Oil, Glass, Putty and Hair. Freezern, Itef'ritrerators, Oil Cook Stoves, Kureka Burglar Proof Sasli boflts, warranted to give security ami satisfaction. I KICKS VERY LOW. OKO. ALLEN' !; CO. AGENCY FOR R1 From the Dominion of Canada to the Possession of Alaska, and the rest of nrlarmor roiirurilini n n H 4A V R h P BA W h i m l.h O w or 1 1 t. h Ot 1 S a n d S U O0T1 1.0C0- of R. in Honda about four years ago. tie 1: h..d tone- of arc, rd Any iu".n U) pari-ba-- tirtaU to trail aJ exua-.n sj t i SPRING ()'" mora: : t. - t Clothing. Dry Goods. Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, TRl'NKS AM) A1.ISKS, Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, ,-".' . n .tone to ' us: . :y : ,.. :;. !"':. .s sect ; on al par : y -.:..; .y oran.r.ed the Terr: k arts a.- anil Nebraska :n with the h.thert't universally ac. oepted doctrine that "The Terr; t r.es ol the Puion are the common pro-erty d the pr-ople ol the L'nioo.' The Republican party w us made a sectional party, anil it iteadily conforms to the l.keness m which it waa created. w no-,- : ir , feel oar .: they Let d. sinking : ' he:r l. t s the fear: Will lit hand t. da: k- ..t ra :. our St.it nd eve 1 ll I 1' .1.- a ; 1 roil We n as are 1 . : v . ; ii t - N TIIK HUM. .c.tijC Men's t'orni.ng all MVS tOMlM., 1 emocratie ( dubs over the I'nited un lor ; :: n a : e t n . . iron a home, instructors patient, de clop their one Broaden and brighten the Rescue many from tin- alms from l:es ol ;:,.'an.y .it.d States neee.-sard v ;;,,.v- -d insanity, a helping a-s ot ht-I i . e them 'died and though you had at last reached the prvert sweet laughing voices 01 cnn- Ureii. llltBC lauiin J. Linun, iur pluvii of music will in part correct. Musical training in our schools is also valuable as a means of intellectual culture and mental discipline. What the object is to tbe eye in the traiaing of the powers of observation, such ii sound ti tbe ear, this organ communicating to the mind the impressions made upon it. scene ot enjoyment: that lite was a dream, earth a vision and tobog gming the boss game luter t b'ean . was then keeper of a summer residence for a wealthy lady. Mr. Yarborough says ho is sure he is the same man, and it is said that the prisoner claimB to have been in Florida at that time Ne ws and ' bser er. FOREKiN I. V .v W. Tansii.i.'s Fine Clears are smoked daily. Why7 Because they are the Very Best made for the pnen. They are honest in every particular, free We have in .u k a lull lane of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. C S. Parsons & Sons Boota and Shoos. Penitentiary Boots & Shoes, Also Slioes ilnnct fe m ;l,.- I '.out on factories. We are Helling hII e ,,!,. H.OUB from the Mills in MicIohii ry low. We also Job lotillfird and (mil V Al KnulT ROBERTS BROS., S.iulh hVont nt.. Mew (irtn.JV. V 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER HAS A KINK KTOCK UK Watches, Clocks. Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE- M'KITAd.K.K. I ke. p a larger slock of Spectacle than any oilier nlore in North Carolina. I take particular pmnH to tit them to tha eyes of parties needing tlietn. from all impurities, anil will keep you , in good health. They save doctor's 'mils Havrng worke.' xtearhlv t the hencb and make a man happy, keep peace in for over thirty year... 1 -i.-vn 1 can do .:i .V, ,.kil,lr,.n Kt.rr f nr RH C01 WOrk fit HliV WUt'IUJlKkr"' in t&C I r H I aillli . HUtl L1JU tan uiiu a. them. Call for any liliA.Ni of Tansill'sl Cigars and you will get a good one. Opportunity. There is an old story of a beggar talent . . ve: Ami 0 : 'IP ; 4 :. I caa H t 3 M : re tait for f t ' fT J 11 a OO.i li.'. C'nili kti iafJ, fr Meo' god Sho. . 1 ballon aa i lc Sho"-. - 2iir" Sn.'ipnJ'-r'', I at 'J-j. LaJ:?' n Sl.rr KW ttnndrel i-s't: 1U'... Soft or Stif, S act ir- Nl -t. Otar titHHlj .. zimtr - : j to b tra. X A :'-id AT COST. Harm i-:or..i OojU, Corti, Idia' I ai-ra MLwi Ilaadkr-br-r' ic of N'otioaa. taia (lock ia boind WM. JXS. A- THOHl. 3aliu ( 15- Ma'.ts, and are tilling up astonishing rapol.ty. A t'ontn to the New York Star -as A 7 r a." o".n. ' a, iU n a . m e ay -, v.'..- U of . )t mo, the .- t ..ey uitm.re y are con '. cr : :ne;pl,-f . or ; with citor l'he untry a: o al. rat a' standard d fogy Pepub . N hether it i levelau 1. o: to l)emo- i a: thev ht' mcantiu itllicted are : Are there i lie wctil'l a.- '.'. e 111 I an ; hou.-e, crime. 'wly, in ot our I.ond. .N. July -1 The trial of )he libel suit of O Donnel vs. the Times was re sumed today. Attorney-General Web ster, resuming the presentation of the case for the defence, quoted from the speeches in favor of boycotting made by I'arnell. M P. Ha said the defence published them in the Times, but they would not reveal who disclosed them, even thoueh such action should result eves, as I s ne won ii COmDCl lllllto iy taugnt ana siuuieu in our puunc ,n a verdict lor the rlaintm. ne men to w ho one day there appeared by We are constantly being reminded taat ; ne w avside a oeauti ui ueinar. warn as mencaus e ic uui a mummi - her hands out stretched, ladened with treasures. -N.8 he gazed at her tion, a trutn wnicu we must ever aa mit until we h:.ve enthroned music in itj nmnur r.l.ien in nnr Hchnril anil de- in stupiu suipuse, Hue fcimeu iiL vote intellect as well as feeling to musi him; and once more with beseeching cal culture. NVhen music is thorough ly '..- Paw. li it -Vc York 1 Opr--ite H a f : i : C.-jr:l N- l.id: li'E- B-rr.- w l.-ll to retain the President s i banning At- m the NVhito Ilouse f.-r four more ears dtHsii't mattt r. It may be a little of all three. The romant'e as well as the morality and "jst'.ee of pi'lito s is with the icm"0rary , and the poor old G, ( . P. has little to recommend it to the rising generation "of statesmen." late pp-m. e ; a-i an.l the -Ui met 1 )t rgt a n ' on ia Krl a. e .Hi i.- n ' W I iN'e , t , 1: w . trotn any oia ;ng this woi in our in al-t . men have k ; ;ei to them. Wa-h: lor flits w ,rh n n i n g in our kindly ie ripe . y ears ;bt but ; rained part in o n t era ble degree "eriellce and e an opi rn 'o near a lurtlier ! e m i nded "i genlle n.e t. re a . n . ,i .. take what the offered, she passed slowlv by and disappeared. She bad no sooner gone than, a if wak ing from a dream, he huiried eager ly in the direction she had taken. He met a traveler ami said, "have you seen a beautiful stranger, with her hands full of the things that I want, going along this road?'' Yes." replied the traveler, "her name is Opportunity. Put once offered and once refused she never returns. iff llube a'.s eti of entering with skill, sympathy and effectiveness into the difficulties of the study. Dr. Tourgee once remarked that throughout life th? difference be tween a musician from infancy and one from mature age will be visible at a elance. The latter may possess musical - knowledge and taste, the former will I 1 is not the most bountiful bene- possess both with a deeper musical factions nor the grandest displays feeliog, more power and greater cer- of honor of admiration that make tainty or judgment the most pleasing and lasting im-1 pressions on the human mind. It is the spirit, the manner, and the motive that actuate their performance. s;hools, thi prophecy will be fultilled when we are to sing with the spirit and understanding also. I read a short time ago an interesting account of the music taught in the Indian school at Carlisle, Benn. An hour eacn nay is aevoiea to whjch wag aJ ted b lhe chamber of tne study, ana tne interest taKeu uy p?puties vosterday, wa9 received by a lar" d to any l""c T Tl!u . vote of 2Tu to 157, and not yyti to l.J as Afmccessful career of l tOS DIIU" 3 IUCJ oil. i,t.jjt, read letters with a view to show ing that tho league instigated the Phienix Park murders. Pakis. July 4. The motion express ing confidence in tho Government, reported. The newspapers here agree that the vote has fortified the cabinet's position until the Chambers reassemble in October. Several of the papers re gard the vote as a fatal Wow to the op portunists. In the future they say the struggle will be confined to the Radi cals and Conservatives. thk Eurroics Mr. A. K. Hawkes riti.K. has gained Mi;-. M. P. Pi: on. V ( d AV N . Sincerity is the soul of virtue. NN'heu she flies away, the whole Podv deoavs, And now a few words in relation to national reputation as a practical opti- "Music in the Home" especially. cian, and his celebrated spectacles and It is strange that people do not make patent spring eye-glasses are known greater use of vocal and instrumental throughout the United States. NVe are music to brighten the home'life. writing this article with a pair of his NVe have all noticed the tendency of New Crystalized Lenses, and they seem very young children to attempt to sing, to us as transparent as light itself; and oftentimes before they can read or even with them the linest print is as clear as speak plainly and we exclaim "how in youth. Editor Christian Advocate, happy that child it-." Then shall we All eyes fitted and (it guaranteed by not encourage the little children thus I'd S. Puffy, New Berne, N. C. j7dlm TNS1I.1.'S Pl-NCIl AORNOY. Wm. F. PALMFK. Middle street. New , Berne. N. C. WALTER'S Photograph Gallery ! I take great pleasure in informing my friends, and the public generally, that my New Studio is now complete. My Fight is on the New ImprOTed Plan. 1 have spared neither pains or expense in arranging this Fight , so as to give to all my work that Soft Porce lain FtTect. Every style of picture copied and en- size desired. A successful career of twenty-tive years in Norfolk. Ya.. is a proof of the satisfaction I alnain give. My work speaks for it.-elf . by it 1 hope to gain y on r can li.leiice and nu tit yi'tir favors Very respect f a 1 1 V . THUS. WALTER, N. NV. cor. Middle and Pollock sts.. Over DutTv's drug store, jar,21dwtf NEW BERNE. N. C. Will be at Moreheatl City anil Beau fort during the summer. P. H. PELLETIER, A T T O It N I t Y A T LAW. Craven St.. two doors South of Journal otli. e. State. COME AND SEE ME. SAM. K. F.ATON, MirtdM. ". Opponite Baptist Church. fwl2 gt. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. NEW BERNE, N. C, Will move on or about Jainiaiy lftlh, lss-. to their new office, over Ihe Bank ing House of (ireen. 1 o .V Co-.thie doors below Hotel Albeit OWEN H. GUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. RoeMs -South I west of 'raven. four doora f. II dwtf Dr. G. L. SHACKLEFOBD i i: rN i irS'i IVLX LlUtii: Wl'i J3HT, dw N K NY lillllN'H, N. 0. WEAK Of tho IhhS Urfl .'.til -"t Will (a-.irt i.i- 1 11 t ' e I ' U :.t '. I It't t-t. Julie, t M'.K'.'U lll.il do I Illteit Milli-H I ..nit :.t Hupn-lilf I 'oil 1 t ol t lit' St at f. 111., I u f . TIIIBOI T. ro 25 w Trtll a4 4- ,,. tO rncuiit Nw n.Qilr. lOOIIwa all IjN.w lMIni fo, Bmbn.ld.rT aa4 ! i OO of ibt M aooir. iia " a k . 050 x.w Klddlat d (:ooa4raaM, 9gQ pnln rltw I'npnlM I'.rlT J.m, IwX !' J ..., e,a. ..ri.,n. i e.ubr ' " W liYVTcV orld MTg Co, 122 Ksau! If s- 1 . i ' f - . . - - . . t t . ... . . - '. - i, 1 f : ' r