i. i ila j." h - ..-.'"' ... -j- .. ....riiB1' "n IT' A i -v. ft -e I mtixm IN'DKPKXDEXT IZNT ALL TI-I I s'Ci K Torm$!!.Of - i Yenr. VOL. XL NKW IiKIINK, CILVVKX COUNTY, N. C.5 H . N(). 17 V. I I V. - 'J Will Pay TO GOTO KINSTOfi TO DO YOUR TRADING. over i V oabl 'i'l.T. h .: i:: I' lN - a: enOr.is: is. :' . ; .ro-ipe; - of ;lit':r p.irty .i:.t. Nii o::i .l.'tiS'.- t : : a t (rrevii Mountain St.itc Kf r. in, 'and : ' ot n con- wtHher tlu-ir ni.ij'Ti: ;l:v,l or fifteen thoux.itul i"i-r.. . tli.-:. i;irv 'A . OETTINGrER BROS. ('a uJ will yoa Ciov-i j '. w .i . Ready Made Clothing, Dress Goods, Notions, Piece Goods, White Goods, A l"iv . N . V. paper b .u- ii oovcrfl seven i (.-u)icr.it3 who are "auiint levt'laml .ind tre trade." I'.very i -iit- of them is .i mai.nf.ie tarer. .i!u! : : riphtf ih-i! at the prope't- uf ',o;iig the nouree of ill gotten r.i)H tlironh the optT.i non of .i 1 lemocr.i: ;e tar; :1 lor revenue nlv. .ir A o.l to fl'i iuiplij'i for . ue k' I.J oi l''.AJ In fct -mrrt t ih. I- . 1 0 ' ar iut for Araotf'i Iu a j boiM taui id- of W. W. Kiiirou!. r" pj (uh for til oar parchu. cor.c ;uer . .t i , ; . w- prit aa.i lrnf-r the bn5t f th." iiv,'3n' ' " ' ':" " "'r ' On to tinjlon, ind we will ir lht t -a -i OETTIIWGER BROS. SIGN OF THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT. Thk New York WorM says; Th.' iron f.ipitalrstA' game with the workmnu'ii nnder the present diitie- us, "Head-s I w.n ; t.ni.s yon lose.' -Give u the hih tariiT.' they T"and we w;!l give yon employ ment o lonp as it profits us. 1'nt vhi ri the th:ug iX'$ the other w.iy w:i; l;ve on our wealth, u li:!e '--; ran look out for y ou rsr ! c .i nil p. iv h:'h pru'e for oi;: .!o.i. i: i h-r i' .in:;;; o 1 1 Tr :; ,-e a i ; e ; o..; the :efi; be e pei for a ,le: ': 'v eo' 1 tinani a! th:s. :f : atHi:he. even to the led huh and 1 1 v ; i .0:1 laws ;ipon ;! eon-ti:;.i'd tn . land. vA'he;i has 1:0 -, i'o::.M .d -ii r ; 1 '. i h an I H (I I . :: the -ell " orch 1 r 1 pit.t;on of the '...-; ;!!at ion tiio-e orchards. ii- lax n poll the; md snpHressin 1 u man .- t lie com w llieh would bo t he re-i;Ir ot ' lie : r;i 1 1.-- oi but neither the 1 A I i i V, 1 la' disa.-ter i IS S -o'l 1 t liere 110 , ,ini '11,11' 11. irt . respn - ! ue fi i f the i'0'n'r e.in it -1 a ' !; to pro i 1 ! e i'r-i'ort ...ns. ..r .i ' '1.1 nt 'o ' :. 1 1 e I'.o w orse t loin ;n -1.. .id be totally o ,'d b. ;.o rooii'. ' en ' oj a j lenny for .travapantly : ae- now ; in j 10.-1 d : n i-i j u ; t atile tariff t! I'Oes-.lI ;e- o t lite house!.. 'Id ::; tne snia.. manulaeiuier i':,,' a ret U-s weed "ii nor the 1 orchard i; if ciLtais and nor the producer ol : he 1 ne oi l r:ri; i an en ': i n: j r , Wi I m ii-.-i t' o.v.i;,; v::h I" tie- n; .1 . ::ir v -:. ol whieh t hey ai e made, nor man who owns an the districts, ol' mv co!- t wet food the coin to not 111 po!:,;, eho: '' rt!a::- che Ollle II. e. l-k me. leagues and my sel I ai e bene Ii te i In t hese t axe-. I.e- u- be done with argump in la -. t of t he-e millionaire manufacturer-and the.-e gieal whisky rings and combinations, and let us do tor once some nort ol justice to the small dealers, who are neither able nor disposed to combine into unlaw tul trust.- or to intluence legislation lor the advancement oft heir selfish interests. 1 hope both the amendment lor t he repeal ol" t he tax on cigars, etc., and : he amendment for the removal A-l.v;ln ( 10 e 'Ii t of the W, It inruaa 1 u in ?! x t y .' v --. 7 telefdcne .-til . Hi a-i-nrcit f 1 ' wili t;iv .-oi ! V-ich en I.1.; ;. The Ulfr I I, ti'.a:-- riis.K- ici the !'.o.e'1 hi r ei , e.i : erea-f-.i . i ! . . r ItabeMiri t.i !.; . with p3r.1l!- i:l.-l by tne ;:,r , ,rre te'j-.'eiir,-. .Ir - ul 1 e .1; 1111 NOTES. 1 i ! o; e - r ! i ,i 1 1 1 . I ii,r . : . 1 ev I. a 1.1- le -i i 1 ; I I -l.il, 1 -ere-: a ! h 1 11 1 .111 1 : 1 ;i I 1- Mr. 1; ir. i.iil. jther LOtt rei 11 at i taxes mi Ii uit brandies w: rc- I and peep! lo' j neapi-r asse- o! -Ill u'er '.on do 1 sound . 1 make A i hi: n mmi 1 nu. (in .f 1 ci at o .1 ; 1 u it 1 ;,i:i,i', I ; ,d Keform r, 1 on the appointment O! Il.etl . in IV I e '1 ip Xhe Fiction will b Vr'-n. not r. fcvt M tint o( Bw kuUtor iu M."ini:; w :. b ao fortmaM Jario ik lrt 79.- of pub Flrt H uihU," by Krd;ri- J. Si.-r... r. itaW, a-i in lh j-r n.:TelC;. w.'. II. C . Uaannr. Ta hort t'.an . '.r , l". r. vr ', pntiUt d :rt ,Inury t 11-T.rv Jinti-J ' "h xu'i fr.'r. - New Slimmer Goods the I u;ted States House of Kepre sen t at ; ves of a com m i tte to inquire into the evasion of the Contract l.ibor Law, with special reference to the inrlQX of Italians into Amer ica, says the Italian government will tx on its guard to see that neither America nor any other country shall take measures con trary t international law or in eppos.tior. to the rights conferred on Italy through diplomatic re'a- tiOCd. ot a e- the AT- HOWARD & JONES. JUST RECEIVED: KKEE WlHtL. President Cleveland's message to Congress wu a bombshell in the amp of the enemy. It was a clarion call to the people to awake and. hrvak their fettery like Samp son mrt lies til at Ix-mrid - stein in r to relea-e t lie tiou at 'he Uleiit. 1 am -a-have eo : : e to !." I e m . e- a 1,1 101 1,1 11 in upon t o! . 1, the i .cei. -e lv mod:::.-- systcm. titi against maiii . annoyances w marked ;s e: accept , if not 1 e as ' with g w !i :c h it m ike the rej'eal of the A 1 pla i-e on the 1 ihev will aecept ;' the part that the;, tem whe- Troiii t not!;::. - axe lilt am 'h have fee m f : . th sa'i grace 111 the 1 -a.- ; i.i t -treat ions atol rf-fotore io-y w:l! e t ion, a; tie -ep - : 1 h al t! r a ; ; 1 e Wh m ot tem . tic -idc. irnes' on ; 1 party an tooument than 'he I we W OS ' 1 . growers Wait Fii aai Wj!j!1 Koir IWbritfaa wii Gtiai 1 ai-rf Hi fiw Uc of Lawn T ua.. wm Slippr- Fall lm a( Collar in i 11 iix. Iaiti! P n Si---. M Nothing in t h it I a m o u s .it tr acted more attention !': -ident'- advocary of A convention of w,il i.nickly a.'iemb!ed m Washington. They anathem:it;.-ed Mr. Cleveland, and demonstrated to their entire satisfaction that no administration could stand that had the audncity to .iilvin'.iti1 such a measure, lhit 't m 1 sc il c; 1 atetl t he American : eople. : of taa that: to the en: 1:1 t his c certain capi-ah lnsnr.iio- It the re. en 1 1 y tin- sui guise hones foil n - i em e x 1 ll'et ear m at; li 1- e - S e t: vi' 11 i r t y - stem ot more ; during 'Temacs It. Wl'il it. 1 sii1 .-et.'d interpretation to tie a ib 1 1 a ra' - e . 1 1 e . t i . 1 - - I - a . !i.4t r . f I e r -. Mtt' iUtaia Sai'J, r. i Ha'. tnJ KabbT Cnttn for :'f. a:r. 'it t ! Atpw, Sifltiun ia-i Drip Tranks. Vaiiaes, Ko(V Vflt HOWARD & JONES, Neil D v janl3dwtf come ; 1 a i - se y. a e in t iotes oi approval ami 0: t he man of destiny ted to the country tin ible Cleveland Pernocracy. le Ways and Means Co mm wed the lead of their illiHtruui '. the St. Louis Convention re : 1 1 ie.lt M ' - 1 wi.o I 1 n i ttee j .1;: r 3.1: d to m .1 or n ,e denian le free w and no - af j 1 a -, B3 C ri " m SO a rr (n C ; a 3- o o r rt M ? DC Z- K. w 31 " O C W JT w :,i t 1 - ' h - mm u mmmm m m w mm mm 1 i:i : ill If I alSS o -f o C3 . -( :- l.ar u nan : nr. of t lie peo -ii a part id Congress, , h as passetl t: the free Ti.e were ngh enen. es 1 t he M i.ls b 11 considering tree wool a.s the most important feature of that measure. It 19 the Ctibraltar of Democracy. The enemy brought ail their batteries to bear upon it: and it replied, and silenced every hctiie gun. The idea tkat tree wool means ruin to the sheep grower is posi tively absurd. lias a hicrh tariff kept up the prices of woo! ' Never was domestic wool cheaper than it !, -h .IS ilecl. taxa'ioi platlori W 1 . . s k W h l.i SO ii'll' , 1 - : ; 1 it. and th.-:, preserve to-tive taxes. Here the hi:: l b'l mot : ui of Simmons was h ve m: 11 u: i-s hm Mr. Stv.vt exist and w ho ! with -1; i 1 1 e r the Wa s .ind agai;.-t ti.e tot tenia! I e . 1 . lie think. -a. Mi against tlem an to ren.o cigarett against gent It'ii: Sowdel; n 1 o: 1 ; i.r atol will be 1 aga. list I . 1 - Well 1, -th tar.:! -ed tlia tax upon rrellde red II 'I e ell' M r. M N! Mr. M. : i.e amen 1 : om i iv tlie s. am! the ami 111 trmi. n-r t i.e 1 : 1 o ier. rii' . - M 1 1 1 I ' i 1 : -he .:. limn-. 1 urged t !;e gen- e ars. nor the Mr. i a x 1 he l'r i -one i'n I'iio c- I" h- a l'ili kt rturi )i 1i 1 l: 1'. Ci.!1 A'lO.July I '' --Sei.:it i.-n-i 1 1-vel "pnicntJ ui the triil of tl-.o ' liyna miters Brid the hope of r'.o.'p startling i isc loinir hroiipht a larp crowd today to Jude 1 Irexham'a court room whole 1 '"ninii'f on-.'r Hayne is hearing evi-'l--r.ee. If tho defend ;ntr are convicted f ''.-irry lr.g and dealing in explosives. hi. 'h h only puuishable by a tine thpy an "schedule nut" under th poor li:btor net. CnitedScatPPCificialJ.it is said . have decided, in view of thi fat. to tirirg the charge of conspiracy. 1 crime which can bo punUhed by two y ears ' imprisonment in the penitentiary or a tine of ten thousand dollarsor both This charge, it was intimated, might be brought today. Bowers, si r,ce con fes in. has been kept in the office of the I ". S. Marnhal. Two pleaoant looking women were brought .into the crowded court room and given seats behind the defk. One of ttiem was said to be a woman to whom Eiowers, though a married man. made love while on his dynamite expe dition in Indiana, and whoeepreser.ee in court, brought about by the prosecu tion, had, more than anything else, in duced Bowers to confess in order to head ctT a suit for divorce. Alex. Smith, the Aurora Brother hor J fireman who turned informer, wns the tirst witness called He was interrupted at the very outset by lawyer David for the defence moving that all evidence concerning the informer Bowles be stri-ken out on the ground that lie was not now under investigation. David Isj asked to have the testimony of in former Keller and witness Llyd nulli fied, because they mentioned none of the defendants but Bowles, and the tes- 1 tirr.onv was t he ref ire i r. c impeton t . Dis trict Attorney It .ring contended that it would be -hown that dynamite was I ur -hased and delivered by some, at least, of the defendants. The Court let it !and. nn i then Smith proceeded with his testimony, unhesitatingly c- n tirming the case so htartbnglv outlined the first day of the trial by District At torney I'.wing for the prosecution. Smith whs retirid before the beginning f the afters-op. s.-sion. having been su! j'cted to a en -SB-examination of great length by the' defend ant 's counsel . They failed of their purpose to get him to contrali t himself, but dii establisd the fact t!ia t he knew nothing alwjt the dynamite f -imi on the train when !'ro ieri-k. ' o.vles :ip. 1 Wilson were ar re-ted. i':;io . July Iu a Miiall frame Ci u-e in the vicinity of Ashland avenue and - J 1 street, were found twelve dyn.i- riu'.e Le inn", a revolver anil snne, ana a- the owner of the articles t-leppeJ to the i i. walk he was arrested by Inspec t rHer.iicld in person, and taken to the pi '.ice stati m. Two other arrests were male later. When questioned as to hat the prisoner iatmded to do. In--I ,! r B-inriehl confintd himself to sayii-.g "there was a conspirocy i f long -t in img, and it was about to be put in to execution. They intended to use dynamite on Judee (iary. Judge (!rin neli and myself." The chief prisoner is an old-time Anarchist, and was prominent in scenes or liaymarket Wilm in gn in ? I .-. lieX t. tie- j ..);. th,. tr t - (jiiari. now in enearnpi!:-;. v 1 1 le, will be in Ws'm inn!..: and the e-.-ei- ll.er, known to he ',') in 1 eir.o -i mg to parad e too ! t h'1 - ! ed that the ve.-s, j -ira ! city In !'. :: r !: - a I " Dram he .. nr. I r ;..-:. I ear river Th 1 . r . ' -' ; -an Is ef . s-i- -. 'Vll ill III gtvil. Mc.--e!:g- . siv" city today witiiea.-. I t wi. : -n ncr p'i ... I ; sj,; 1 i:.ked forward with Ui. ticipati;-n the forma! o en 'amp-met. t of th-' Stat the beginning of , perati mington street ra.lwar. street cars arrii ! y.'?t. i placed irair." i lately n; Double team wero hit- r them. 1 1 a h cars wco r ' tr:: Ti." 1 ' r 11 1,1 ti 1 . 1 , p. .0 1 1 - 1 , . , n a -;II" the Itii 1 1 11 1 .ar Bon I- oifer ed to th.- Ti --'O i 1 Tv -hh .'.la.r -e ! .-!:; .. '.V.. are glad t" he able t am o j j e .it Mi. J i .in 1 1 a ! I i- i-a 1 1 1 imj-r-a in,:. ' c, . ui '-.-r lii" s ; t i 1 will he a I-.-.-, i . -1 y Oi N ir th 1 'a n ! in a . i i 1 ' , I'd, ci-- are . . 1 , , . - ;,i 1 1 1 I ' f 1 I . I - 1 1 - 1 1 1 . 1 ill- : 1 : e I . . o . , - ; . a i , - ' I I 1 ; O s ibtl. ii-- ha- ha I a ban r . x 1 en li.. 1 1 . j -1 i ' ,1 a k 1 ! - ' - ar.- -1 -a i i ! y u..ing up. Whit ' - :l iM'-aii' I- ini-aic eiao' hiii i- in 1 I -1 and a t it .if f-i 1 v a i u '- 0VM r LMC'' 'A fe ' '0 ) : ) f'1,',5 pi.wilf, : , , , , , . I'Ur ; 1 t.!i,-i :: , '" 1 o'ar-e 1 Willi the 1 ingress w,, ,,,,, ,. , . II." T.riir hiil. Ii ,il ... !,,ihlv pass "' ''-H-..-I i ,- ,, ' J .mi-.' l-rfmrc ih-' . r. l the i.r-H-ni P"wI'-in m. 1 Powi-ii, Abso':.tfc!v Pure. ' N inarvl rf . 1 ": n ,. r .1 n in. htid omm- IllllltlllUt 1 i-lieipbat I ,tl. llAKIV re iv I J IrdW A I. Millor. I '- Peoj a t -: n ar e f g tie I 'harlotte 1 'h.-.-bi . i . : 1 0 Ti 1 e court h .use 1- j;;,. hear Mr. W. T. Walker aii M. ltobbite-. Mr, Waiker as ed his cause, political th;-'. prohibiti 'n. Ma;.r Itobbiu "er.ted his cause, locai o; tie -iy ; r. 'i.t I party and at. v pre-iroh.hi- ' '"' P "'" .- ',!( , I i ' .- . it; of tie n th" 1 m 1 - ,n he a. - I ' -..- - 1 o e- I , a I - I ,' I - 1 ! I he lie I. u 1 i I t 1 I. e I'h-.C" on the L'-J I of July . that . f ih, o I 1: hi ican part y will . ,cc 11 r on tie- C; h r NuVember. Mr 1 lev. lai.d -ay- Die i.Iij i I of tr if the atta in m.i, t . .f p.c,.-,. ;t.. I"i; . 1 i'--uis would have 11- heil'-ve ' ,.. -! p.-n- a .ni- 1 h'' good of ! ! 1 e ci ill n I r v i - I he h 1 1 1 taaie oh;eet i.f o a I i-ln-i 1 1 - ! 1 p Saee le I iihn-.il!- -.-. in to think boo lie : : t),e o.nl ol'i-et of ptalesman-hip. V -- X -- L T. E. HAGE & CO. Drugs, Paints. Oils, AND tJ A K D II N ffKF.ES. teal and Democratic '-jpn nnry ir; N'-rih Carolina. (, 'a ptj.lt: Srd. Alex ander having declineu to he a candidate for the tate Senate, a to: reppouijent names J. Sol. Heid of Matthews lor the place. An A-hvilie special of July '.' says: A few minutes atur 4 o'clock yesterday morning the jail was broken ipen by a ; arty of maske 1 men, who took the 1.1 en John Itau.phreys ,,ut and hung him. In is is the hrst lyncning known in 'sttrn North 1 ar iiina Ti-.e av.-raee trnper3tiire in th- c -tton belt, in which Wilmington and Char Lute are i idled, was 0' degrees during the recent iu.t speli. Ta work of wi.ienmir. i'r.tdinkr. carbine ari l mac adamizing Seventh ,-treec h.as trans formed it into a perfect.-, beautiful avenue The I id.es H i.rmod Memorial Association rf itidirnoiiii ar peal to ti:e pcoiile ot Norh 1 'aro'.iaa for help to a:d th in jr. making tt.e graves ra or 10 hi ..her th-'.' iai a- r il') ee ... ...,r..ahi;i. hi 1 l..o. .-: .- l.tc Cniiiitry 1110. I, ,:,'.. 1 uppl led at small in loin ( 1.. ... f . . ... 1 . ... " 'r ' ' -t"ii in oui J a r r 1 o ! -1 ! 1 y mil direct. 1! s at I a, ; 1 ai motto. . : y . u s ,-, t , , , ; to tru-I- during the ramp'tigl' " i las ',,' ,,..' . . . . , good poliii -s. Tin. trust is i nn of inTad w 1 v A I. nl : h .'-I th.. I fai-uhc 1 r a. ce 1 ,. 1 ' t h.-r i : ! i. ai . oil" . or , .-. :, 1 n ..' .v n-r : ' - ca , 1 t a , ' . . i i -: 1 1 ivi 1 II p- I . ml the lead mg f.-at 11 re- if t! ,- r- -hher larilf . M 1 1 . 1 1 1 e his ' i e c ! i 1 1 1 1 1 1 he p r-.p. .hi t n .11 "f liio Wi-e faction that a eoinhinat en 1. electoral tick, t he m ,de out of the two r Republican fin te.iial u.-UeU in Virginia. ii""!. I lined wetland, divided they fall 1 i. n. Harrison 1- repmi. d to hi loly hi caking down under the great . '.' .X' ( '. 1, j 1 -1 of the Cut: Holly v ood sol 1 lers t ii N' rth Car. should n .; 1 lO-rate ,e.le 'eico-terv . 1 aed the: '. ro. and this e l-"l ire I l)-.- .1: ried the ' ere f r - for t. I lie ur! !i ami ina (.ia-i' -(ailed in the Pitt- hii v.- Th.e :iian alio wears the of '.-lollies a Pittsburg liiiic Vy i I'.i.tntii - drinks ti. meiil, nr. posed to perar.c 1 ree : uart.-J of v, ati vi 1 1 : has :i:e qu: ;-i with rotundity ught f jrr.lsti Cter sketch. Ni m : ' r- ;C -p.- ..- n.ai to pier"0 the pi. r- on::l :ty f th: n, r. he may be ana!;-c 'd with the r.i.aOil " . No fear to make his aei:uaint:ir.c., cept that your hand may a:l a littl after the grasp ji c. ;. or rr-jr Ic.- ' orij for a week from very exct'Sjiv, merriment. You would like tj met; him. Well, g" t-' the I'ith-t'arg pvt ollice and a,-k to see i .-.ptaiu Vi' liana W. Carraway. inrpvet..r f-.-r tho I'ltfburg division. You'll tin 1 him. provided is not out in the " " -d - a: tc r g '.me, hard at work in a little d.-n hack am-ji g books and letter racks hue ! '--:;;. m "f postal inspector is uos.necure. in- possibilities are many, and its duiies ar-Jaaus. It takes broad . hou'eii r'. hke thosv i.f Captaiu Carra iv. to tear them grace fully. You see a typical Souther:. r v. y -u d.lr K- ' iff. t' go . e ...,. . . r i.e true in "' ,;t l1 '!rain whi. h has been Hiiddenly f 'h ri -i iatids forced upon hi, n. It takes n man f Mr ' ,r' l!; 'I'-'riei. Cleveland's solid and ma jest ic proper '' . r .'.'.'"'eii'bv tU n t0 st''in'l tli-' wear and tear of n :.',v in whose I'reiidential campaign, g proiiuct. that The Kansas City Times says "Keep "''-'V1;' r"r' :'."' your eye on Michigan There may be e.i ' o 'I. great surprises for brother Harrison And wonee ,:o u,i-. xfic this fall. The labor people a re u p and mi'' l'vi. r t!,:,;i auv , neeWV . - -, - ..:rr;.,r . .u, 1, , i-.- . I II tell you: I h a .- d. t.-i unni'il to bo j . . .... ,i;t ".' '"" 1 oanoiu'iin-is are . paK1y s;.t,,(i, , f..r l; ;, w ,RK fiVLiiut; in nui; (iik jnere win re . ion sjiai.i, n;' 1: i r : . lively times in brother A Igor's baili- My Motto w: I "A ! It . 1. Come atid bo-, (1 .... The Wcrld Stands Aghast AT M V I, I'UUIKN, H"V . - i , (hat I can anil n . v, h 1 e : ! .".: : 1 ! 't;. . alel oil w ill never n v ret 1 1 . The IhiiTitlo Courier has a long arti.-Ie h . R. JONES ' l-.-ilie. N. ('. a ,-otto-. ah ut bv oropr. i't on tne coming election, and sets down 1 ; the in rilli. (fmililfnl il, t,.ll i v.'.- ... . -.,. .o.'.jl. ... iuc iiiiiiiv. 111 oirt l es . New ork. New Jersey, Connecticut. ' 'hi". Indiana. Tllir ois. Michigan, Wis r nearly ronsin. California and Nebraska lour cues iroiii of them Democratic States .and sjw,f t vvotild be . . them Kepubliean in 1--1. .- i'i 'i.n- 111 ' :l;tr-, o X he' in.it; 1 ; . I r e li 11 Th They t.-ll us that Ceneral II. .n i.-oii a man of deeds, not of words. " )a it . c h the meet Inspector Carrawav. was bji n a n g h their J'he WOol mited SCRIBNEB'S PROSPECTUr MAGAZINE. 1? v lias been under the present tarn. Sheep have been si teiad for market hecau.-o wool was Wi ll tllg!l Worthless. A". r Kl say ,s . The truth is that domest.c is low because there is a 1 demand for it. ur inanufactureri lire confined to the home market for their clothes and carpets by the tan tT enhanced cost of foreign wool of a qtial.ty not produced here, that they must have to make the best 'pialitv of goods. These goods are tew 1 ireefy imported, in spite of he tariff, and cost ai. average of er cent more than they should. With free wool our manufacturers could extend their markets and thus increase their consumption of the domestic article. Did they not tear a retaliatory loss of their ow n protection, five-sixths of the manu acturers would lavor free wool. Above all these special interests, however, is the right of the people to cheaper and better clothing upon fruit brand . The revenue at pre-ciit : ecetved by the Ciovenimeii' liom the taxes imposed upon the articles covered by these amendments amounts to but little oer 7. oo.i.'-no pt-r an num. That a comparatively small amount, and I be'.. eve it can be surrendered witlnmt inconven ience to tin- ( ' o vern men t or per ceptibly i n t ci ten n g u : t li t he I emo times Before making the tirst arrest uu a piauirtuou m 1. ac , . o-a:n. ."jrin Bontitld had the house surrounded by Carolina, w htre he was a planter at the rive picked officers. Just as daylight breaking out of the war. When Tee was breaking the Inspector was joined surrendered at Appomattox he found in the vicmitv by a stranger, and a few himself reduced from wealth u. poverty, moments later a man emerged from the Al1 lhe family estate were nwiyt away house. The stranger nudged Bonrield and young Bill was posseted cd little and an order was given to the officers, else lhan the lule ut captain, well who closed on the man. He made a earned at the head of Company Ii. Third desperate fight, but was quickly over- North Carolina Cavalry. Having a powered and placed in charge of two of happy penchant for story-telling, the tho , 01 -ers. Bonfield and nihor ettterQ captain can siun som" exciting yarns -1 a s' 1 ua , S 1 1 ! p I . i adve. cratic po.ii i.e' - -s ir., I have n t he ai gum ' Sides 0! tie, H,i two amendment in en of the W.n tl) it tee t el! lis ! ha' t h of distil. g'l.shmg bl and brandy , am 1 : f t h aes iipoli ed upon th" o the other tra; ' ,IT1. - n 1 mi : 1 . iced "tl both aga. ti.- these 1 t am gelitle i Mean,- ( 'om et e is no way t wci-n whisky- tax h- retain : r:;i' . ed from 1 le - 1 1 I e . i.d t he ill ,!. 1 think a; a l. . 1 r r a e-1, : me ; v r--- '. - Dr J -o i ' h 1 - 1 1 - . Aaoag in mpnirUiK irte-.' r:--i: fallowiojt 8. nd f r pr pe' ia Rotxrt Louli BttTenion .- dnojr tl-' Jr. ll will rn'-'f ua-"' a-i pr'(ui war, which will f rtr. sew ' r. : Ai his t-ridj o( rdr. la '.he Sr '. DejOn," pprinit ia th Jmoirv dmi'-t mU with tJlnr; tub; oi tit faoa ttory "9ttoi w D.nT Accidents, bv v S important aA murt.ii( -'pr'' aor.CTTi.-tioa, iaNil.o r--. ria'ri ld4. thoo braci' ( 'J' . ' ' t4 wioJ oaatry Tt :. n;-'- ' rrj labor ot .ml. a i .-tn- ' rUele will wjaJ3i i:e IUtttrtd Article ! WkUrloo, by Jjha (.'. Kor a 1 -tw pprt by Kdward 1. 'c rjck; a farther uti.-le -t wlk U rwnt jo n tr-. but. a '-' v, --' ProfsMur Skal.r ifU.- ;- -. S -.-'i ftlMlM apoa two of th e 3i--. ' r. ' r-s . wrtUr Wtll b .-.'ompn. i b ' ' '- ir Illaatratioaa TV. Mi! illajtration. T1t w.ll b uti s (h iaCenUon of too pab!-.' er "rr aa4 to promote od router a flncii notice. Tj eubl - - :o p iiabr (Juurr, 1"-"T) th fo.!o .o jtat't wbcnpuoo ad ihe o iajber f r '. X ya'i Mripio tie number for I . . ii am -t fni ! ir -i - A hip:, r fin Ar r t : t nd 1 -s, n I i"'-r. ti :r. of 1 - w ! '1 ': ' hii'i-f r':xr. to i : I. i- : 'ia THK TAX ON KKI IT IIRA.MIV. l;i the llousv on Tuesday la.st when the internal revenue clause of the i;lls bill ,n under disvons s.on Mr. Sinnion- made tho follow ing remarks . Mr. SIMM. Ns. Mr. Chairman., mv absence when the amendment otT--re.'. 'a-, my iail!eapue Mr. Jolia i'.o :, tor tne revenue - s.derat ion , t roubi 1 n general 1 1 peal ol m was inn m v excuse ; the 1 1 ouse , remarks upon t .. of that amendment . 1 am , as 1 sa 1 d : n the 1 m remarks -n tm i t 'ed to t h ilur of the ; 1 a r internal e T Co'. for iio-A n so m e 1 r sf Horn in fai tie gentle::..-;: cat e " a -' . ,, . . : , -: re veil m- e liia: o: ,-. 'System ot'detei tiVeS, e.-p surveillance which the ( employs in this vstcm believe that lie fraud ot ing wliisky lor brandy will prove too 1, -medal tiovcrn men t . It t-heie tit'ic test and my tr Tennessee sa- there 1- det'ct;ng t i.e a.tiil' with braudv we reason hope, : f t h my (riend from 1 vai! s, imi'ii'i ve stimulated tnd 1. Ive disco ere.',. The opi 'sit ;on : ,cir fiiends tot he rope il . t cigars and cigarettes -,s ; argllineli' which v e acc-ist oinei! t ici t during the . t-' t a. The gent le:n 1:1 Mr. !'a:- ;!i ir a W '.',. the 'hage, and "Ve; nment I can not -n i I-. : t ;; ' -one v. h.ch le for the s no sc it'll -.end from non. for ra : -ti ot y hisky m a yy i t h goo amendment 1 11 11 - 1 an: 1 j re gel) 111s yy a 1 bt yy 11 in due .::.. then rushed into the house. They were abuu' hl"3 war experience, met on the stairs by a woman, the wife ca-iou be had been sent b of the man who had been captured, but to -''irrr a .-ecret m---sage she was brushed aside, and the police, Prtan guided by the stranger, entered the hall bed room, where, hidden in a corner, the Inspector found an even dozen of dynamite cartridges wrapped in hroyvn paper. Further search of the room dis closed a large revolver and a dagger. Some letters and other papers, which were also taken care of by the paliee. were found- The officers next went to a house some distance away, where two ether arrests were made, and all three were taken to the Central station. Inspector Bontield is reported to have s.aei that the plot w-as a well arranged r.e. Ab.ut twenty determined mur derers were iu the consp. racy, and they v ere. at a certain hour af ter midnight tonight, to be at the house of (irinuell. 'irav. Bai.helJ. Frank Walker, Gen ;:lis. an J others prominent in the pr '.o.'uu n of the Anarchists. The dynamite was to be placed beneath the houses of these, and the powerful ex plosives were to be touched off simul taneously The Board of Trade was to be blown to the sky at the same hour, and a wholesale reijjn of terror in augurated . ItALKSlU'Kii. 111.. July 17. I'.S. Mar shal Marsh and two denuties hrmmla News and Observer informer Bowles this mornmp- to tosf been an active polilieiau the truth of hi Htorv thAt a iknimim every man, woman, child Or. one oc conv ey an e great :m- ith .his-. v.-lr:."is to be this ,. of the neun a -egram no t ;a till- '. v- -.- o J p.. C ' '. o r 1 ac-aally '. . -i 1 th.s c it- and. r:io; ligej to .-..;' --. 1 ie r.l!- ia r 1 ( lat- Centrd t ... -. e.:..,t ,f lr,. memory may need brushing up, but the r t i tes. most notable "deed " we can recall in inc.'-r tin. ;,.neral Harrison's civil career is that : Lioiic.an . , , ., he once ran for (.overnor 111 Indiana . :.. .-( y atei w as beaten bv Blue Jeans Wil- l.a .-:. .utn iiams. y cann- -t pr i 1 '. 1 J I. sso( I 1 I0 01 III MO! It V I 100 Bbls, Vt Pork, 'IT, P by Ii. FULL F01 Sale ' t ?! ! Win M.l l.itlV IP. :I! ta' t.al an 1 1 .;,y case t a - ; 1 . - c 1 - '!.,':: ae: - , v iahu 7'-, ,.. I( ( 'LITIS. (all Ier a Inn 1 enl 001. J : ..-r.ll..- I c..;.. . .V ;. 1862. THE JE, 1 - "-.,-. 1888. I! a; I .- 1 1 1 I ! 1 : a .".ta uieelir-g of the delegates repre l. . . I . .... - . a. . 1 . . 1 . 1 . e si 111111 liii 1 eiinn irti.11; v inns '11 ,nrill I Carolina, at the National Convention TJTfl t rT? ." .,-). 1,1 l.-ltnlv lll'lil i'l Rllltilllliri. it -,- ilnun,,.,! VV atwUw, '. . W-WliD , 30T -I) AND Y.h "s It 1 lo p a I e yy neu lie m 1 iers in a d ark w him cut of tl..- wag with their gun-. "Where are y rebel'.' " ye! led a I at his shoulder. "I'm sickly, thought a buegv Eood ." replied a up a lung. The fellow scanned his -1: feet good Southern statur :. that road': " he asked airogar " Yes. " Csrrayvay rep'.i' 1 "Well, that's a da-h'-ty -1 dirt road. ."-iip. you But c'arraw'iiy hai skipt i heard the pet etitlu-t. Ia ,. f: became u tievy spapt r wr.ter ovu the Smith far his -,' stories of the war. This v. a- .ci; lirst lie wrote, and it gave-ham th of "Ihrt itoad Waiker ' p. name has clung to him ever since. H to sign all hu productions "Th h ker" and many persona in Nort! lina think he was christened ja way. Mr. Carraway Jul most writing for the Kaieigh. N. C. Uc has ml . 1:1 haul latelv held in Baltimore, it was deemed adyisable to call a convention of the I a. .ratio Iieinocratic Clubs of the .--.ate for the - i. today purpose of forming a State Association. : . ' ;a. a; c the and the undersigned, members for a 1 .lectors North Carolina of the leneral Commit 1 . uses ..r .1... '.,.. : ..: . . . ... u .... .- ..1 1. ;ie- ..nii.jimi ,- sni 11 i ,t 1 101 1 , ui'ii' t ll ail 111'. . " I - V. 'St'.'li. instructed to call such ennvention and Itakej.o:, ,., i.'Liitt.-e. an- p, iix ti-,,. time and place for holding ev 1 ot .,rii. eiy t 1 a tel- tiu. same. . io rs. who 'Ibis comaottie theref.'ie n.xites Having : ol It .pels, ey a ry i lemoc ra: ic c 1 11 b f or in ed . or to be for v r 1 1. 1 1 1 inference f , ,rmed 1 n the State, to send d el. gates to aH,l ., , nier w mi ;l eanveiition lo I.e held ar M. in-head State -,1) 1 1 RK pe. t.icle 1 an il 1 tia . in to I he a.' bench I can do iit in the 1 1 id V ih day a IH-I. ' dwtf Brick ! Brick Brick ! d 1. Ot 111:' Daily 1! ways 1; 11 ' , 1 y V. War i i h .t o 1 r'i li- ' ill" a I hie'!:. 11. y eia a b v 1'itv. N. C. on Wednesday tl ''- nli ..; August, I---. c in 1 o iirov 1 ie for th" g il Ina 1 n,; f dele t .-ii g it s. and to form a ba-w of orgaina- lt, a o tieii until otllei w ise ordered l.y the con no - vi ilion.the following prov i-i.n hay ' ' 1 " b . -11 a lopted : ick t I ' l.-ll chili shall be etll 11 led I,, tl v delegates. Clubs of over one hundred members to I.e entitled t" one addition a I delegate fur i-:ii-i hu nl re I or fnii'linii i lie mar lihy. e: ..ie w . r The ceri i i'i -ate of the Presidents and :, r tin- Secretaries of clu bs wil I const 1 ttite ere- bv '. ic- -ih'.iiii d'T.tiahs for delegates Such certilicates 1 t., i,. ,n in., -houbi. in all cases, set forth the actual ::: a - - an a-d number of members In rue on the club - ( -hre-r ro-i.-i at the time ol naming delegates. .0 i I ' -1 1 a; iit . s v. 1 ! i be entitled to reduced of board at M ti'Iii-iu) City, and t" 1 . r -ee a,- laoioad ;ind eteaniboii rates lo :i Mr. and from M in-iiead t'tiv during the COMMISSION MKHCHANT8 i !i i 5 o 1 Sale 1 W. P. BURRUS & CO GENU! A I 1 ta r n . .ih o fe - 1 and bunt:: lii-pnii nt . 1 o pliln, the tax he sa no hay.- ' can 1 in old a X a 1 m- ;. ' r- mi Tin - . 1 . 11 re ig the month ot May , ii repeal 01 every part aim that odious svsti in, and of ia : . : t. : ' 1 melt- ! m a nd nf r. : : i;e tmflv fill Up, CHAELES SCEIBNER'S SONS, New York. a 0 Sr-t s . are '!.e peo''e of the State wlia ii 1 in part represent here. Hut ain.ousas I am f-T t he repeal ol the sij'i'in and the removal of the re o'.r'.ct i"i;s which it imposes upon he 1. 'erty of ; he individual ct 1 ... :; and upon the commerce of the eointry. 1 recognize the fact, as do mvaiy o' h e r gen t leme n on this .de of the House, who agree with me :n wishing its abrogation, that uader present financial conditions , it.s reieal at thu time is not only r- yv e y e are a c I'.arn:' : e. mean t si prospe: it ' t hat every ; bv taxing : 1 have n : .11 u ti - of bellel.ted I are loat h t 1 The great are 1 . k e w 1 s 1 11 1 a 1 s and ci; s t ix an his arei give 111 yy !i:.-k y : :u no i! ia they s advantage, s ol the West it. beiieiited !v artriJge had been placed on the Bur 1 lington track, northeast of here, and f subsequently , in consequence of fear f results, had been concealed ina hedge nearby. Officers and railroad oihcials, and a number of municipal "Cheers and citizens, went lo the spot that Bowles indicated and after c D.a--lderable digging found the dynamite cartridge. It wa of the Hercules kind and has caf s at both ends. It is now in the hands of the rail road officials. The -h.eriil and other officers then went to the house of (ieorge Clarke, one of the h ading Brotherhood engineers, and put loin under arrest on a State's warrant. lark" made no resistance, and would -iv nothing save to assert his innocer.ee li.i' ve . July t-. lhe great-st rr -wd yet assembled to wittness , -nil -race, dings agai.-ist the Burling ton lynannters yy as present t' day. Further examination of informer Alex, "-iiiilh was waived. Another sensation v. a- sprung u t'-'ii t he d ef eiice this morn ing. John Wil-on. one of the prisoner- wl - was arrested with Brodoriek it: I !' o.Ces as an arch-conspirator and 1 1 rot .".erhco 1 er.giueer. c-olly left his seat in a group f w Inch Frederick and Ihiiii ii-i-n yy r-' members, and walked 1 v . -r t " the si ! of the room where th" pn s-. c :i t i n g attorney- .-at tin i t -ok a chair I !-' liiwes.withyyli.nl he het'an t .-hat in a friendly manner. Then it was developed that Wilson was not an en gineer, in t a Brotherhood man and not even Wil-on. His name is John Mulli gan and be is a Pinkerton detective, and n"t only is this the case but it ap I ears he hai had the confidence of all the prisoners and their attorneys. corner in North Carolina. H a s;uni the State with ytoverncrs J,,rvis Scales, and won them many a vote his wnty sp.-.-che- and .pur. songs. Singimr is a ate: political campaigns -Jii'h ' Fix on 's line, as : t never f . the 1 o'.ored vote. 1 V.j.'ii savs he has -a.ag '"Sweet ropaign ; u ! e : n : a a ici a: t r a-'t a o. of ni No -1 v . fel r. a . Fiesidenls and Seer.-iaiies ,.f elubs are re'iuested to fu ward to the S . re tary of this e-im mi f I i'e t he titles of their w . ! otata 11 i .at ions and the natm s ..f then .,'!, "tii'-.-rs. -pital I" Ir the progress of arrangements f..i" a. -pi. iv Ibe coll ill 1 1 -'Il statements will be pi e , t!,.- pared from time to time of what ha ,1-11,,.-.-, hi . n ie com 'l ished , signed by the pre-i laiai d i t and .a'cri-tary of this commitiee ; . 1 !'l,. -e yvill be given out to ihe Demo 11 ,n 1 -r ill' iire-s lor promulgation. 11ml 111 AND GUAIN DKAI.KllS, M i 1 a 1 I i- a , N 1 :v it it ic ! : t I ''-lis ij.: ii - V ol I I j a 1 1 lie '' "SAVE MONEY." : i ' d is every U State. am 1 1 n ( i e n f r a 1 0; ... ihlr insi' ptair. pn : , 1 nt-ourch was at f r ,..t I n rawa v a p. isti h 111, "as the c M mneseta , e.. -I in a wint- . th.e i t 1 1'.- ii i i.c ! "--: A- 11 'ad l.y ;i.h" tami d at W hen h W eek. 'Vll.i leal lie i 1 '. ,,1" the forty if.-p.---; -the list, lie sen; this clu to th.e postmaster at i', "All thecleu is w Fl our house have I h wn and I will so- n ! -a - .! c.-vl vertebras Fay-.- r, and we tia F-.a, . the blessed i ' ov- v friends a:, h ,': r t apta.n i- r.i w o, 1 1 ve i xhc; ing e 1 1 n . ObjCtlli'll lo a ', from his No: ' h '..rei ;; are t h little C. : -a .v:. -think the w . . 1 I father. His .- dim the funny thinga era brook, a baker - ic a burgh Post. a', ;.-d. and all cases may be regarded as ,fs, .'.ally RCIH ft CratOrC, Watd CCOlCPS I I . e i :: ,. a t - ' f addressed to clubs. w 7l:i- ;,.. 1 he i,l. jects of this Association diall 2JIQ. TVCCZCIZ ;,i,g 'oi. .hi ' he. To foster the formation of D. tno i I. aiiaei.i. cratic clubs, lo improve our methods..! At FnCtOl'V Pl'lCOS. i , 1. J lMli.s I i, campaign work, to increase our facil r,:lc:.y lie itus for promulgating Detnoeratie plan- f , , ( , , ,., , i( . a " ; s . i aph-s, and toco-operate with theregu- m, 'd o. : .1 lar liemoeraticorgani.anon in pro,,.,,.- LIME AND CEMENT - : i ll'.i-,,l lll, i fin 'xi-n hi i 'i mil mi ii in. -eui and I lemooratio men. 1 1 I - si t on I v i in as o this end we invoke the co-opera ne- 1 ii n of all good Democrats, ask tlo-ac . . ii live -upport and ns-ista i ice . f the pa ,.. d cratic press throughout lie- Sane, aid a, ii.yo.Ie tl..- p irt icipat i. ai t f our Demo , t ci 1 1 : n- n t in .-es , h nd we i . . nest ina! : . "o on r p 1 1 1 v organ i. it ! - a: - .nd Us th, n a I in peaking this ,, ,.i -n en.- of i : lev -1 ertee . -i r.il i n . , C 1 ! a i ' M I a i I M ee , I s I : . I 1 . I I , .- v I e vv - : i .it a maiy o oi i r e e --a .-a- a. c i i i is- ! ' : ! .-d 1 i '. I I V lead el . . , :.: . - s. 1 v ui, : I.e vain.- . ! ig. .on .t ,-i --a. -i chi1'-. a a in.; in aid el i ! I o I','' I I ' I '. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 We rfc" I 1 ! ; i ' : - - M o f Sip I I I' I 11 ' 111 Oi IV .1 v . v t ' '. ace atid t i w n-h i ; , in 1 1 o. e : t-i a l!:.-ii incitil-i-el.iji .-h-aod i'ui- .. i! I I . ' e e V . t V Oil-r I I I ll- II' I .-Si-C 1 1 e I, li- wli'i eieet- I" support our ilu 'lali.' n . ai 1 1 n ees at the i s III .-.iiber in- ' Vv e ( in-1 that all "... will he full v" i r a ni.-.'- d ill 1 1 1 . 1 1 to i -I . legates to th i- c ti ven i ion 111' 1 1 vi i ! . I: -. S vi 1 T i I I ' h n . 1 ta 1 :h I I I 'l:i:- r - 1 ' v .1 1: . Tar b. .r. Tina e F. K I.n . S ihsbui v . On m. Mama, Newbern. B. l'. BreKyy ith. See., li.iingh taleigh, July 17, lsss. At Bottom Prices. 100,000 BR7CK - ru;i i ! o!rc(!t, "y . '. O.....N. esmt..frV'' e Oe. 1 I ; , . r I I . -1 ) I I -s , O -- -I of - W l it dig i v i 'a-h lis Old nil I s . i I ; ! k. V AND I I k I v l It II I i K. " i i MUDtTI-a KiAR, I . I . I i.v: v i i : i i c ii n . H 1 1 i: i -i van iioitTOlf. i v, . . Ik, Is y I i i v , ..... i t,,!- ih ' y ' i i 1 v.atr . i . - ni - a - oit !:. I i ... I la. ' . -li h.'Wlni, i I ttvarft, -. e. wlor. . Ir . V .Hull, . ci Know It i I'I. 'Ml I't a '' ' i -': i i. v-' 4 if -MA 1 , ij" '1, tV,fjJ i-v" v ,C- t.'"-e J"--" ... -? -s ' -' if," "s Jt s. - "-5i?!ai'i-tS!v . t , M fee.-. 4tKS-i f e" 1- V I IIW I'.IIHH I

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