v ... y .j. " i - y . -,-4 THE JOURNAL. ?EW BEHS. M C. ALO. 3, .- jona I- RmnrisLD. h.i.i Twit lalMlM. win r.t)vi ntrtrii Joi Ran. Kinston ltemi. P-rt wlta the Jonrmal ( lab Rates Campaign Buj. HURRAH FOR THK BOYS We hare made arrangements with ' Che following publications smoc; the ableet in l ruo-el valuable f the country, whfrrbf luixiTiST" t. tne J tRNth can w'ur any the bel. w nmfil, a: the following '. 3- rM. str.ctly in a I Ol ; o in i'rin "i tatem-m: if their a.-c show : r. g w h a: they w i eo t : : ie " i : . !:. A Batf of the young ma of X n CM have gone Wfivto Montana eek Ike ir fortune. Titer ia a central com plain t of p.--r cor crop in the cuunty bat -oit ic (Mlh etaall. te fruitm proa teee a good yiIJ The Signal crrpon i tijinki Loaie) Orady will third party eaadiJaM for the SnM m Ihia. th tlth diatrvct. But tfc- campaign juj ae bees broken A petitioo aa circulated latt i yrayiae: the (OTrnor ." pardoo Chan. H- Brow a . Fq:. who wu ini to ja 1 bf Jaelic S. H Rountree fr contempt o eoart. J. C. Kennedy. K.q . who r eelved the terrible elow from the un gOWMblw temper ta about r cc t r r la lh death of Mr. Saisr.ck E. ' Pr"-. Lovia Kiaatoa Uwe ooe o it oldt lh ':" aad moat highly reapacUKl ciIjiq. Mr. Loftin wae la bw lh yar. wae a abar of the Baptiet Church :. i IT vaart the poetisajter of n K c toa offlea. Tb tarpeoline dietiii. ry of J joee A blcOowaa ta Piak Hill lowmtup h. tq raed oal a Mae quality of roain luring Lb eomtner. Prvatdeot Bryn f the A. A N. C. R. aaw a aampl f . bir roaia recently aad ptoooo oc.i . : laar quality the a any he a m oo mi.; biiioa at the Aliaata Expoaittoa of The Dieclplee of the llookir;. n J Kiaatoa dietrkte held thair unicc n-i tea the charch her on Satur Jy in i Baaday. The Woman ' Uiaetooary S eiaty of thie district la doio( a t d work to aiding the ipread of the goepel , Ta7 eaade a liberal dooation to ih baildlng of the ohorch in New Bern The Dnocrmt will bold thnr coonl y ouaTMlma oa Tharaday. Augut )h foe lae purpowe at nooiinatioc can J i data foe eoaaty ofScee and a member f Uka Ueaaral Aeeembly. There ia a dfcoaitloo among many to rule out th third termer aad bring in freh boreee. baleotaeof the old "o iiki a itr ng . grip on the people The a a ion meeting of the Ailaoi.c Baptiat Aaeociatioa wae held in Kineu o oat Friday aad 8atarday of iaet week There wera many ehorchee repreeectd aa-1 eooaeable eermooa delivered by the aaiaiaaare. aotably ooe by ReT. J H Dill ef Ooldaboro oa Satarda aiaht raaher Milla of the ThomaeTue Orphan I JT n Auguit ga wae oa head and gave an account I (oh1 time at ihm of hia etevardahlp which wae Inatruc Uew, eatertaiaing and highly icxurn lag. Ue te dotag a noble work. A i-.i-r u Kit; n.f r 8.' " A:u- r :-. An uliunsl S ulhorn Ci: iti valtir '2 Ji I ? mirt ' Magazine 3.' Srientitlc American. 4..'r) t. Nich-:- - 4.C'i '.T.'.urr 5.C ! :r ;t Vr.-t; l'r.'i . 5. HO N rth Amr. Rtiw .-J. N--.f rk World. 2. V S iat 2 '." 'our.'.ry Horr.t'' '2 "0 il me and Karm '2.00 i'''.inor Jjurm! 2 0 Now and Obeer-rer. 2 T'i Jlar-pr s Maarino ... i.''' Weekly .. . 4. TO Young People 3.10 Atlanta i "ontitution. 2 .V1 i b e r s r tH-! v . . t b o J 'VR ilr. U. H L)ivini'ri imi a, a curi ' n l-xiking bu It hm long hornn, an. I Mr. 1 'Ttrijxirt h.t.-t called it a campaign t-; Take either horn of 1 1. : Lu g an d t .-i w.. .a it !: lemma, so, w think, a :n re a; jropriate na;:.e m ' a ontr.p paiijn i.umhutf." and there are ir. idj tiieri tr.. uli altogether dirferent ;r. M A I K M;U S I OMM NM 1). A -he 1 1 le .1 r. Tin' i-11 i n ce r - i . f lli 'il . -1 1 n;t , t 'u in her ian i ( i i p a n-1 i h i i ! t;ir..a i are cert a 1 11 to r. .me ! i A - h'- Jj IV. : a. r Made. SEE WHAT MRS. JOE PERSON'S1 Y A. Th.-re i- ' 1 a n t 1 1 a a r at and snap, junt like a n 1 1 e like a ycur.n' ciamorir. f r protei'tio r a t It m a k e ute hen to l'h;lP ' ri i all -a.-1 il; '.r. e ,jn Mi . K. U. H.-ll hi -i d to ,p I... y.-ar- r.l i i ' u . i or. 'i 1 1, ir year. M r. r e Kr.jUirL'r l'.i.re-? '.ar:-i.-m thiri r.-rtio!) ure a failure. lroul.t r;iii:-. i thrm. K irly c ru ruinod. iat" 'Mil and cotton vriil probably be v 1 1 !. 1 1; ) I'd; OWEN H. GUI0N, I 1 O N i: Y AT LAW. mm : 1 1 i i , f our doors ' ppelltl- r i ; i i : r i - i i 1 . Li. i: Sovtrt Hui : o'apt. Samuel o: the A A N". C and painful hurt, whilw at work on Vedr.e,l i 'ibio an 1 desiring to hae ar.y of thus -. . Mr mating application to by letter, have a jr.l . :. . u r tnxj k ; 1 '. h a e to remit to to any of the above publi it eU;t. CITY AND VICINITY. r. Ar. .3-.-on u r N" - i.. nv So:, an a 1 d 1 1 ; t. .' . n vi 9 . r - . c Th Klep a . i: i: : v obt(DU v. ' . h . the Ah of An i.l ii jr I ' r. r. . r. MliTja tm rtt f'r . h o t. r. v-. A 3( p. t o ,, ' in '.hi ;ui.u A . ' W.nthr i Mr matter - are putting t; r i n ; . n x h o u t e u r.oe t i r ecu n ; . ' held cn 1 v. THK CROPS AMD WEATHKK. : i.aul ing '. fc-ett.r.g rea -iy : e--1. '. ab t .ih'kd ;;n r - a a . id . .4 p. : . 1 a : ; ; . e K t t.4 t r u gilt ; - f ' 'Cib w ..-ri f in e third . 1 ha Te a p ion ic e.-on 1 Satur iItki h a t e a V4 ry hi returned m fr purifying t :ie i e ;i m a 1 e ; uto-i ah i it a j'lirtn'.M of pure ic. V r. pr, doners in i'ri'n county jail la r-ruit. rciTJ lately wre one from Vtocb'ro for larceny. n by Juatic Hi'., f r r.terr.pt. ar-J one for wife beating At a meeting .' ir.e hoard of truateee ward, i ride n.arter K had a verv severe though not serious, Newport bridge cn .ecar evening. An iron rail with the weight of six men cn it struck hi right leg just above the knee, being on hn kneee at the time, with ouch force ai to tear the !'.esh to the bone. He came up Wednesday night and i. do ing very well under treatment of hi physician. The bone of his leg is not injured He is a sober, industriuis mechanic whose services on the road wi I be misaed. He hopes, however, to b out again in eight or ten days The Public Build. r.g. ' :r ' "ongriman Sm.in k, w !.. secure i a faTorabie report from the 'vmm.iW on put.ic buildings and grounds early iu tlie prtnent eation of 1 ing r es on the p ubi ic building for New livrn wh.ch was placed on the calen dar. Is watching every opportunity to have it called up and panned. This has t- te ijne i;h unanimous consent 'f the House, so .-ur people will see 1 1. e difticulty in getting a measure of this sort through ' 'n Wednesday Mr Sim n.ons called up the bill and in a few p- i n te d and a ppropr i a te remarks sho w p i hi it ught te pass, but Mr. I'avs. !. f ' hi -b t i r. g i '. ha 1 t-' g 1 v .- r i) - :- wa , 1 ,r, m-n : Ii .:: learn n. g . able r .' wad ai.:. dr. 11 u ... d epar t i i also been depart;:., i uig. ::. . painting, an a r : i " ; l.r.e rt-. cnarg- f prepar a : 'i n ; vi r-. ' v atii'ii charges , Write f r la' 1 rn r: g The At. a: r a 1 M I an A - ry A luif Tlie aft- ' :.rg- ' f . ' :::v ,.f i , o ' t : r a e- ! Illl rn.r.-r- : f i r 1 1 b : their r : fr- ni t! hav.- all t.ett . ! r:g fr a 1 I... in u -a! bit. 1 f,. p iinphl--i-rii-nf an 1 i :: ' t'hi.-iig,. I :tle i a f a 1 1 r lbiyr is - .'; i f ll-!:,- 1 f n J .- . :i.- .r.a.. g 7.-. by 1: i v ; -. c . u n t T.e gracg. asd ninth l at Kort Iltra P"li Diftd iiarry Hr: seventy :.ve r- 1 ii. -:. : rears f ag' The r l a : . 1 fail w n r". ; ps r e. 1 . :: '. :. They pi-r. imu.i 1 -e r a." I Th e H a : : y s w a te r ' r-Tn h " n chool cn The) North Carolina Weather rvice. ooeuiaeted by Prof. H R. Battle sends oat Ue following report of the crope for lost week eadiag Saturday. July 2to ae received from epecial corrt pond en te. la-rrra-v. wsrratLt Baaafort, Carteret eoanty fine rair.a throsjghosil the cooaty 4 a raog the week. ahTertaag all crop favorably Eliaabath City, Paaqoaank county Tha eool weathar for the paat week baa had an unfavorable rrTect upon al. eroea. eaperialty corn aad cotton. Kaiaoa, Duplin roaniy. All crope eufferiac. eTeciaJlr corn and veire- tabiM. Cotton le imal! and c eed 1 w w nlmin eatrs. .loedaboro. Wayne county All crope alter in for want of rain, ('otton ia ao yea eafferiag aeriouely. i Church -itu: lay beautify icg the ceme- Ualifas. Halifax eouatr. Dry wea- i ter-r at tbat p. ace w ,th s me cf hi fe.l "a.i at his h me near i-de t'atnp a'. 1 '. a m. on Tueeday. Ie had been lingering with Uwel o -nau m pt i on f or some months, but feeling better on Tueeday g"t up and roped his ox an 1 at tern pted to J r i ve him out of the Cotton patch. The ox made a dash to run ar. 1 jerked him down. As he wai im seen to move a f te r falling he w as c a 1 1 e i n i t answering h-' w-as piim.rii'.l and f. und dead. t 'or-mer ' Jen w. as noli tied . He sum moned a jury who viewed the body and found a verdict ir accordance with the above facts i.a n : I." 1 a - lit', an be in as the Sou; i. r ran. ' .. p. , pi. f ' ' O" hsv 1 " .'. 1 ..i i f'.r th" - I'otn; -but f -r the c 'in! and p- werfui c. been paying a h ililer- There wrangii rgs . : a i ;:..- and 1 !. it is A Kan of Appetite. A countryman walked i n to market of New IWn A -ad em y heiJ Kriday reetaurant kept by a colored woman evening, it was Jecided to open the week and ajked the price of a quare meal He waa sized, aad ap- next eeiion of the graded Monday. Sepxember '.Tth. The North Carolina Pharmaceutical Aseociation convenes in i ivi isboro on Wedneeday, Aug. ith. 'ur former 1- W htnciXk. r.-'l . is Preeider. t of the A soc : at i ox. . J. K. W.il.j wa.s at lkaoh lirove i ttoc k ther le damaging coca and hae ; jtt com- eced to In rare tha cotton ffHervford. Perqulmaae county Cot toei and com are looking better plenty warm for oorn. but no for cotton Littletno, Halifax county N) ran alaea lie. Cora crop poor. Lamhartoa, Robeeon county Sime parta of the county bare good crope. eahare very poor oa account of drought. Lac in oottoo. Wew Berne. Craven couctv Kine raiaa, good warm weather, very bene McieU to the growina crope Koety Moqai. .Naeh county -tern esrdua rain badly, t'otton doing very wall, ha I iu growth i checked by coo! next door to tfco weeuher. I wa-s a ;::- sale. ScoeJead "eck. Halifax county The Daat week hae been more like Sectam . ti ..s . I nan -e after weather bare alTectrd all cr:pe inju- j rkwaly. Tarboro, Kdgecombe county The a bee ace of aay marked fail of rain Le being badly felt by aid crope Taauao. Wilera county. Cotton ia loohiaat well, but oorn te a failure Warn, Duplin oounty Crop are eaceedingly aurry. eepecially corn Tfeadi raia very much. Waidoa. Halifax county The ceoi a la hia of tha paat week have had a bad effect oa oottoo WUliaJXMKoa . titrtia county The one, a nasi grain crope are sutTering from want of raia and the cool va;h(r. CWTUL CHTUCT Fay vttavil le , Cumberland countv Jo raia eaace laat report. Corn bad ',v damaged . Otbaoa'e Station. Richmond county Farenare aay all crope are tuifertng Corn of ad jotaiag aectiooe reported w rtosaafy lajared. Uaw Rteer, Alamance vos'.t - All eeona earTertag for want of rain eepe eialry ooro. II tiiaboro. Orange county Corn crop eervooaly damages Ttba.:.-o promiaoe a evy poor crop. M nro, t 'oioo couaty "r-5pe gn erally favorably effected by the rain of Uka 20th aad 2th. A amall po.rtioc f the esiuatv atillneed rain SaJeen. Toray the county Cr-pe ned last raia. i'oto an1 tor-e.--: cn a pleads tolaraoaely afTecUMl Wake tofmt. Kita ceqett - I'n ; BVaia nnch needed, t orn and -. cu n ! Mtiaaiag t aed It much ; Raleiga, Wake ooaaty Ths watb.r, for tha paat week hae ben "ry ua favorable for cotton Ww l n-.al; and I atioosk poor I Warreotoo W r rn t-oa a: r - N e i g ; raia n'w badly. asps- i.tT t. btc-o . wbich will r')Tjire the most favorable eaeoo-a to make a f ir crop ' pearmg no larger than an average man. wai told that the regular price was 2) cents. He took a aeat at a table and this l what he had gotten on the outside of when he wae interrupted by the keeper if the restaurant and told that he had already eaten more than the price charged Ten biacuit, two cups of cof fee, four latci of fish, four eggs and a r.n n I r.f "... f r a 1 I ) i ".in.T mfilSOil IV- report that Lne i--"-- - ... h ,nn. , v.r the anything more to eat, he walked out 1 . y e te r J ay marble , :i farmers . ut ti e r a ; u .o ; W learn that '.nereis a g ood c o m -pany of visitors djw at Kound Knob, la adJition t th ::nt scenery in Weauern N r'.h ' aroiir.a, a number of ex-ellent mineral springs have been discovered h k b. will greatlv ad 1 to the attract! ins f t.iat d e 1 ig nt 1 place. ilr. 1 Harks ha-s bought oat the large Jeclaring he would not pa-y for.o small a snack. He had bargained fcr a full rural and wvuid pay for nothing less. The woman fallowed him dawn the street an1 it waa only through the in terference of a policeman that she got her twenty -five cents. A:. 0; .nian t'the Prfta. From reading the accounts ! 'a v r t ;; . a e ; ; ; . : .. k hard earn- : n. .,- ; : I ; t les th at a '. '. in : ' - o s ' r i jue?ti n . f .,: n : - favorites -':. -,; I : . r - i I -'d Kiui: 1 tiiii.i " 1. '. a . i r OU t reg a r i . t b r- .' - r : oth-r c..rp rati n 1 1 1 d b:i-uvs m . r. i. the si'.uat:. n have Kn : v. the only bop- - f tio A. .v N ( the lit". fl.t uii'i.t f t!.: ' 1 1 its exteni 1 u . It ma St b :k f. r nections and a r."w -"it'.-t for ucte of its territory that ar-' n into other . hann. '.H 1 y nations and o mbmat; and prosperity tin 1 th" 1 1:1. i i r ears Iry g kxIs kept by il. Il the Ther speak of the l7 j i.v. .u t'nest i t uiew iwii tuuir i'i air f the 'ra. Preaj Lonvention in the d i.'Tereut papers thtoughout the State we have been rather forcibly reminded how many of n tee purhaer count- ! them touched on the ame subject when the Atlantic Hotel scantiness of more fashionable young ladies as be ing rather immodest and hardly becom ing We do not propoee to lay down a law for our own true .nuthern girls, but would like to ask them this iiuia tien If it is not a little inconsistent for them to to attire themselves when u faila tn please the male sex ' To do this, they are no doubt endeavoring, and it is their duly, but the queation is. are they suceeediDg' Certainly nit entire'v if the editors of these papers are to be counted, and they are not all "cur grape'' bachelors either Sv me of them are y oung, ucmarri- ) . an 1 nan iscm-" t.io a large 1 '. be e x ten . Conn ec 1 1 : the bat'. and u i ivunti' ' i 'harl tte r- o, ir- 1 Moor- a v - tt - n '. i n ni ...iid that P.. and ; i . . s m r. v. en tile pro 1 .v forced i :.- s.i 1 v ai i- n -lopni-nt of n is that it . - m f ir i igli 1 v. 'at--; We are h-la 1 f be ' -lat" that K.'V. W. (', Will; .ii, ckiville. though etill at lialeuh ::. ler tb.e peysii ians. is mu"h im prove,. js rfiviTT. though 1 -.v. -" ins stea i v . Wilson Advance The firmer; ': ir.ville county are yeiy backvv.ird mtn the. r crops. D't more th an 7 ' er cer.t. of the tnSi-:i-iM crop has been plante.l owing to t(..- severe ,1 r.uiL-'it 1 1 u now to i late to j. 1 wit to make g . J toha"C i Hnk. ry Press a;i'i Carolinian - ir ne ,v h 'tel is fast approaching cwmp.e '.; n l.a.-t Saturday night it was bril iiantly lighted up in all the rooms from brst to third story, as a test of th" gas lixtures just furnished. It was the b.rst gas i ver ,-etn in Hickory. K .. Uingham Ibckt-t i a T;ifsisv night of la.--t week the wine house oi' 1 .1 Steele. Esq.. located at his vino yar I, about thres miles from town, was . ..iieum-d by tire w ith all it.-- cui.it ;;ts, onsisting of about bOO gallons of w ine w. i " gallonj of vinegar. Evidently work of an incendiary. The loss s ib ' ,t --'I 2 -'l, with insurance of f'O'1 Twin City Daily: Col. Thomas 51. ii 1: i- coiitinud to his home with siok- s Mr. John Spelman will soon in:'' the publication if the State rnal at lUleigli Mr. J II End siy of the Kerr.ersville News lsick at i.tirohvilie. Ya. The total value of all real and peisonal property in Rowan ' may. jut asst-ssed, is i.ver b ur nul i . ons ..f ,i ,o 1 ars. ' i arl tt- t 'iironi be Mr. i W. V,1 iin.s. !:) k keeper for the S uthern N -( aper I'ci.-u. has receive I the ap ; intmer.t f railway p stai clerk 1 e tw.'.-n ihis ity and Washington Tim- 11 s. ,1 ! ier; are making t-wry pnpi n.ti n f 1 r tin :r pici.i". . i h. 1 1 in tb;- ::y t.i xt Saturday. The p;"n: : ' ; iti'i'i; under th- im-; ice M- .'tC' i.i urg Sjrvivor- A---:-. I ail the resiJent I ni in s"l !;,. teei; invited to attend. Salisbury Press. The Kicnm .. i i.iii me are n w gi v ing Sat u r ,1 a v in ex -ur-ion- to the mountains and the sea coast f r the beiieiit of the visitors w ho can ' r.lv he away a few days from their business. The workmen while Work ing on the water works Wednesday near the railroad found two bombs filled w ;;h p-iwder. the fuse had rotted o;T up to il... connection with the rowier w hich was damp. Evidently the b unit s would had been left there during the war as they were very rusty. Wilmington Star: The tireman s tour nament is down for the, '.6th of August. -Tar has advanced to SI. f0 per bar rel. At the same date last year it w;,s lUoted at SI 150 Spirits turpentir.ue advanced half a cent yesterday, the market selling; at 33: centa. At the same date last year the price was 2f: cents. The 6urvey of the entire route f the Cape Fear and Yadkin Yalley Kailroad between Wilmington and I'ayettev ille w as completed by Chief Engineer Roger P. Atkinson, last En -r.de 1 f, T.'.uma "''nat. r .lr.-s." 1 LLETIER, A ! LAW, I " I ' '"'II lli of ei ne. and i. i.i iiir f) r - i-k. VAMJSBii: PROPERTY Bale, Lii' rv; . ri,RK - f. r-4'r, sn uitm, . o. oiKMn Pol look uaEFORD ' i I Si' I ', HT1IBBT, - !,;: r N o. i r.1 ; . k .l I 'd T LAW, - i; ib- . . ( oi l the Hapk- a c.-rrhVaa bb t h 1- N III. -t n e r- n.i i tern w ii n li.-ai... ne. H it itn .1 I'll. s. t.t.-. ear i K i i or r tan k r Hi.: A I J.is. V7. Waters, : ' k ' ). Y A T L AW. i . o doore . to ;c iiSo . tlC) ( a Eran-'i.-..' New P-l! 1 III It II tn i.J igi.i fr id. of to p. t i 111 Hi t I . .a. I: h .V'l t" 1!'.. - Illit: ' in- ; id ,i 1 1- t w n i . l; t iu y vi . n : .- ::.:'..: tuiini,- .bni.i r j;v ::..::: Woo. i sit ale :niiti . ace, .m ;,,,,', Other o. .. i - !.,i,. ni'.ii. i . . party and 1. : i; t. ,.i - n . As he i... 1 a v. his ;i;r, j; m:i-eh iro a -b r: -o-c. camp, i oav i n g i . ,. . k .1 i i. hind . and then gi v,- ).'.-. en . no, to take Luii. ; 1.- : , i - .-. mi ing a o.,n ;. .. p op- ni-d lire. . . L. ; r- ,; , r Woodjdale m.'-n 'ait.e i The other t wo tl-J and Eoliiis i u I i :' . :e.'. . : ar ii: ; n the t -. ens a i - h a 1 same Iiel.r d I V t i tr.o i.i'.i. '';r,-ifin h: Is M f . ; t C igla & Female AlMjiV. MEiDuWS k v l . t ; ; v 1 1 ( -1 1 1 I''!! ' ' I' t I I'Ti: h I lOTASLI .ri", f.- m - la.iic- be a chance . r. reach :! pariiLS th-it four their to-, s. on escaped scratch. Cook lia-.-tened t'.i and gave an alarm, and soon party v.ent t i their ns-is-i.etingi!.L rarty oi Wid-.3h CURES 0!?- ti n; .. p- i uig I day. an ! the grading is now going on at both, ends of the line. layetteviiie Journal: Mrs. ileddie. wife of Mr. 5IcI. GedJie. was fatally injured this morning, dying in a short wliile. While drawing a bucEOt of wa ter the sweep broke, and in falling struck her squarely across the back. Tb.e basin on the south side of Mr. McNeill s mill pond is being converted j ar by the ( ycior.e Moating t lub into a i vvor neat park", k win, ot course be small. 1 n out it win supp y a want long telt in this ,-, niniiiiiity It is being fenced in, an i treis will be planted and neat benches placed at intervals. We are bod - hat (o'i"tu:.s w also placed: therein. without Hugaton an arm. tance. J m.-n ar. e three more per, r.s nu mber were won nd our informant the wl war. ,J Im Cro.--, county, was ; ,.r ti the s-con.1 ligh'. m win. il.. d and "crdiit-r 'iir-.try is ". Stove. il el 1 I n;t I - ;.- - I . . I I ' 'ne I : . I j . : .. " i l a SHED 11152. ' ' , NO PAY. . ' ' '' ' ' v LS i v,. "- :i'...l,ir. I, -::.' 1 . I. , - I ! I l.lllil j 'I'.-iiihCvIi o - M v I i; I . n 1 1 i s. V. I ' i i .1 I '. 1 ' .' .I'I I ,V do ,M. - ' A ? in .it ;. (V . c. liuih f ignmt.nt i i m i (TH, a-6 ; lib- aiict ion, ' . . I in the 'A - 1 ' ' - lay. the o a ' ' in . u n - r.k ui (roods I . x 1 ii r ph, 1 ' I t .11 . I .-. u . in i .'.' " it h the . . 1 b i po weir :i bw b . I, r. and all " t i a mi w tn il I . '' ' I i .! -M . A Iho A ::-' and ware- ' "v. No. i on . it v .f New f ' r a v . n si roet. i ; . i and I "lis i egm- ! col ton; M 1. Inncry . engine, r r i K ' w Ml t Oil Til Mr. W. H. Mor. City. P ut., wir, tak' i. with u atteh i J wk!i a di-lrc r-sir:-; rum.;...: into . onsumpticu stages, lie tri'-.i mar.v ; , o Cc.gil Ielilr ties .and ste Wbis r- d u ,-. 1 i :i .1 ult v in nre, p. h in and a- I. ;M' e cold h and it leep Email v- LMsC'.o i y lor i imrne.1 1 it - r el., a half u. ..--n E. trieU 1 'i 'I.-1II;: :. and ii I w i n t ' 1 1 y 1 hi : J'he publication cf le-- I i.L.1.1! and iui.-. iux i no rt-tu: n , .;' No (..tiler ri'iiiL'.iv ciiii sh o.i rec. r.1 . .f cii re i:- i-r. Km a Third Party piper will begin in Dur nam ,n the li r-t of A u gust . At tha e x p : r a t 'CO'-t-rv ! do Ml-! the stock there '. r h e w : ', 1 ne 1 1 an i e let can Slat. i thai r former poetc-tiice. be: tjigmgfrcm broa i 4 mi lee examining mist be lirg prcbt in it mighty cheap Trie p. :V. - tit. .a.s cleverfr r more et" it'C! not e- .' und in th are c.w snugly tilted ut new -juarters at the rner where Han cock Brce hei i f rth. Here they will likely etay nnt.l Mr Simm r.a gets the public buili.ng r te-i i Work haa bnec reeumed . u tne L'u- J cipies church n Hac -cvk street. The1 c hr :-'. .a -. i:;b ! : i! vkertc n and j Kinston l.a;.-. - te are r. ji. 1 ienjiag a j he.picg banj in in a g xxi work. The bu il i .r.g will s. ".: '. r-ad y f 1 r the seau ' anl then the ci'.irec f New IVrne will b ask I : :-.lp The a.-.r. ial f ar:-.;--t i.nr.-r a: Free- I man Ernul S'j , . n ir Street s rerry will b he. J j i '.he ".nVW Angus: The farmers of Cia: cemmun.ty meet here annually to break brea i . cut barbecue and ba" a g" .'. time s- vallr I : ia an . 3cca.s-.or. cf avul pl'asu"" and is al w a v h ; i t en; - ye ! v wh at lend sior. . Th h ope n and of M i b n of his term (ievernor Scales 1 bottle fr- establish and conduct a National j ,r C",-winit at .; iuii . g iiinieu I )Uibv all.l popu ii 1 1 1 v gre w ; II. had lil I v.rn.idr. to mg's New and found l-i lit' hli'.'U! im-; ii weil -o erar.d a 's New Dis lrantee.l p, r Trm drug .-tore I'llt lit. im,--. i I - , - iO.Ni.v ri;i ims;i. Ci O L 1 1 E N TAIJI, V, T S. virgin lin I rvi i: i i od.i (Jo. N.-w I. . 1 triple - be I I "I III. III. M . In IoIIom II, I I 11 1 ' I,, rv .1 I I .1 I I cva mm I': .1 I I I I I points i n r 14 rr 111 0f 1 70 17 10 li.'25 lelliril .ken oir i-.;.r:- V.'w . g r i,l Up th" ; ak to, a! .re c -im,; 1 ha-. . . wu :i be r l n o u r. -the This War Rnt;s.i'r. .'n. cf :h wt w ri . . . c n g t i ay -a .ae . r. n u '.a gr ap" iset which ita teetc. an 1 tS"it ba i y ! T r fr m '. u-. r gr i- ! f th-. -.v. ..." lit i c . i mili. ' -g" ; .a- 1 g last w.tna numberof I . v e. i :. -i m uch for '.'Tt f them were . g w a v J er.t! y ' . -i ' rv battle Retire Perauant to a reaoiatioo ( . .-.e rscrn: DHBorTtta- ' ooveottoo o( thi S-e 1 . ITuaareMaaoael L'ustrtct held at Weldoo ! N. C . tha delegatee to said coovention , are hereby notiae.! and rqited to eaet at Wileoo N. '' . ca Fitdav ' Aagaea '. Jta. 1 . at 3 p m to n irai aata a .read id ate for t"oogre f r taij J Jietr e-t Jo.tjN T. Wotip a sr. Ch a . rn in W W Hi t.i 'Wrvurr tDtlri TO CTH K M a Matt. WttvLw iwniij'i s-rarr ahi-ii I I alwaya bo imI tor ch...'.rr teMthtng It aoathee tne child, a.f'jir.j tha gum e. allay a ail pain. 'irs vol coitc aa-1 ie the beet rented y f ir ' I ir asaa. TweaCy dv-e ceole a txjti... oar I? dtotheet w '. Leaea tlillr a rpittnf LXJlt' Dmu laoei Kliair ie prepared fr-m LAe f reea ;vj -e ot Lrctaocie. con bined wiaa other veejeCeOle liver toatce a I ileal al in etiaaalanta and blo.s p. rifle re. Fifty estate ani one dollar p r bottle. rVq.l bv Ir-iggieta generaiv Prvrpared by !! U 'lit W 1 Atlanta. (a car baltoweaeee in,! -.-tw. .,-. -lake Laaaoo Eimr ar aatfh and mi u rialt.- - take Lamoa Eltsir For eiewpaeeeaeee an i ner --.sr.-n take Laasoa Elixir. Far loan of appetite ar. : v take Lecaoa Elixir For feeere malaria ar. ! -a. : laka Lanaoa E ixtr etnoej Eltxir will act fa:, you n ay ot tha above named die-seae 11 of which eriave fr-m a rpi ' r Jaseaeed liver E dlterlaJ. ( have tried I'r ktoaley i arn c. -lair, aad dad it all that ll ie represent a i ho T. P. L rrrna rtxij- Jeaap, tie . 8-anttn . from tho U el veetota Ch rotiaa Ad eocate Dr. Moaisry Leenoaa Eaixir hae deeer V t will v T r t . v - n g r 4e to n-. set n W prwur. to .".r p r V H rr.r I 1 . .-r. F . - u a r - i Thr is '-.j . -r pia "4 - -. n t.i. d i gu s : F.unh the C;u:t H;t.a H in i of our p-v-ple are , f i i mi' tha: building the new court house lor Craven county was a piece of extrays gauce tut all must agrae that the peedy completion of the building i very deeirable. i "jr court h ms. r:.r.ihe.l w -ii! 1 be an . rnament to the -i:t of '. w Pern-' indeed we kh"w , f r." t r i -'. u r m r r admirable in design r m re elegar-.t m "pearan - than t;i:J w.ll t when finished in ace rlar. e w.th '.'-.' plan al pte ! Hjt b-av .: g . u '. a 1 1 - n 4 1 1 e r - 1 1 i r. r '. appear.an - a r pT r.-g ar i .' r j 1 1 b ' : - c. r. m- y i -man is th tarl.yst p- s-.tle w.pietl n eg. : pr. :e-t: a : ; u ' one - f the J-iti'i . p'l ' Put if tho c -u r t h n e i s oishe-1 . ir rather whether '.. t'e tinishe-i -r not. the ' en.-loee 1 an ! err. be 1- would open u; stores and iun. 1 insure from th. local business f he re along y u r you would lmv portion of the E. is tern c. unt .e- now t.i'j -1; . : ' 1 n v iu r mi the 'R .V A would run con n t v " u'1, ,0. : of buame-s stores a I n g R It is th- ver mer.h an' - abl d u -e n. thing .:: and consume v v tj- 1 rt 1 1 .' f ar " . :. .in. it .v a i; It. but tn.r- . eve ry m . . e . f r -a ' 'n ti. rr p -s. 1 .'i n e r timber a n i I a n 1 s a:..'i t h - t fact the ver i 1 e- a- I . t ' , ti: . ir: :-. -.v e-tern mtg ::. ry c : an v w h. re ! - -itb r;. br --'. naval -.Ut -s and would t egii.r.ing a hue r . , 1 Anl right m.ii pend -nt line ark'-t f . r a large ur pi in . t your . c ru w .'inn. t f freight rate- w . banking business in Creensboro. The (lovernor seemn bent on retiring from public life. The iron industry in this State is developing. Eive. hundred men ar digging ore in Polk county, and live hundred more are connected with it, yer, r. 't one hundreth part of the ir. n re land .n Pol k- county are bctually OCCU pled Wilmington Star: There are one one thousand sub-Earmers' Alliances in North Carolina now. Lieutenant I hanks. E: :' i: : i.vAi.:-Pl. throng i tho columns o; paper to most htartily :' E. M. Simmons for the i; mails from J hn.sor.'s 5 Crpro-s p. Yar.f-!.' r- erv ib.f.setl, .;.ii.vi. and Fr.:czcr. Factory Prices. .k tl lurl 1-JI - ' '; r t" r -ri f.s- rn lr Bottom Prices. 103,000 BRICK Till: ( I I Oltli ' ; ol 1 A N i , us :-(;- i -v. ititnii s i iti'i'.i. im 1 1 1. i i 1. 1 1 1 1 . i 100 Bbls, Moss Pork, FULL WEIGHT, For Sale Cheap by Brick R5' ' . P A. Brick ! 50,000 fr a le cans L- I 1 li-e t i: e : .. an.mii.t i. n I naval : . v A K ." g r cerv r t ti "V pro .' itroceries I'n- re is ng the line i 1 1 r p e n 1 1 n e i -v m i i n t v r farming ' on v e. i , i n I tn is s.-rt how . e r Hal th.- w 'il 1 hi . 1 w C ll 1 1 u .; - r -pert - . : - era r. t t,5 be h.cne yar 1 ug'-. i t ". e in n and an i t: large fr in ref us. b.n i ; a I h .-: . A i r i t n v , rr. ' r ! - that ouierence lor uaia- i pr,,riri.-, the Uh Sunday j ma. : n i 1 1 1 1 ' . T 1 n t4 New : : o ii -1 u . -cS lei '.i w i-4 m n : . curt h a 1 e r n e -ie " li." on 1 lii" : n on e -.ill I Ir.'. r'l '.4 the p.- i 1- means ..f our i r tinishe ! i. in l.o , r: h aise .re am 1' that g r r'ss 1 e J ha 1 a men is ' At a- .ai- ! f r I I b" i. : t i. Wi..:. .1 s : eli.. t P. . ' '. t . 4 ' i Pugg V- a :: '. 'A ci 4 r '. 4 s. e. -. , r a : : -. t m a t w P . Mr ia . m 1 ' e r r. e . t 4 . cn a k . g i il . 4 c r t c c. 4ii;ut -r. ar. i M r. 4 1 '--.m or t. -peP n jor. 4 tn 1 t : tei '. i - f -r . v .t . r. ma-lea - r i g tng a w h.te t e t - r a! 'lliti-m t - t r e. - t '. i r. e r y v s "iir - -. 1 a: i :-. v n t . -. e ar -h et H .- r I , T ed .14-. w ee k t -opv of 1 t w 4 c f t i our. g He says the 1 4 1 . w ara tfnthu :; "44 rr - en I v - -.. :.e 4por t- 1 a r.d a n e and : h a r t v -vN i " w i . 1 t e - - -. atu rd ar H - Hi, D rlae rr. t v t .1 -s : e-'. ar r e r 1 4iM t 1 Vea-4 e.l - p icg 'a A. i r. t eat " e :-j : a. .' I ar. . i r. . - v 7 : . . 4 tt t 'A :: l n r r. e e'irs n 1 aji t r. e : i i i . . . .' mart e "i- 14 .0 -h- " !. t;--i tag ri up The entrance :s marked two hand towie vaeee and .' .:-. lit; n is f t icx . 11 r tti,.:i i w r k w ;. . vaAlr galwait a wide rtepstlatioa ia the bear critlciam and is ornamental to any ana'--'-' 4attVTh-n ot Texae. aad aaa c-a,,, that ia fortunate eno I lae)0CaM. pre bear c cemetery ec-are it. cough to 7;.e p-rs pie i f Crave:, county in their real f r their Mate and Naticvnal tickets muat not f rget that which concern mem meet-their local atTairs. There are interest here in Crayen county that should be kept steadily in view, promi- 1 nent among which ia the extension of the A A N C. R t'ounty cfllcers w 1. i show clean rec. rjs and are al ways ready to show the record and re; re sen ta: i ve in i he (ieneral A seem -tl y who.-an and w il I th w art ai I injuri ous . eg, s'.ati m and demand of the l"m.nant jiar'.y that rtcognition which tee peop.e . f the county are entitled i what the pec; le , f this County n." d ar.J what they must have if they n; . t p f ter their business and de ve'. ; the.r r.our-e There is n nee '. . r . : r. g ; 1 -. t . c s i r. 1. 1 business tut there ntust t e ni . i" business in. p ii : : -4 The t.n.e is past when the m ijis. s f i :. e t'i t 1 e w i i 1 s i n i p 1 y w hixip an i t.urrab. .' r the nominee of the part v n. j. ly because he is the nomi ne, tt-.ev wi.l tegin t- :r.qu:re. : . ;'. ;av " i 1 it pay ar y oom- m i. r. . t v '. ':.-.'. i;e eye to such men an 1 mes uresi as .liaivan-ethe genera! interest ar. i t 1 . i:d 1 y su - k to the r.. :n i r..-e w uncut regard to capacitv. I; ir.flj or integrity - Such a cuurse ii polit.es w itnoul bu ineae, and generally reeulta in injury to the community 111-1..I" -an n 1 ma ! ! v just t. m in '.A ts . t he S ii ; press mal ignan. y in. at ;- "In cm ry w 1 1 f u 1 . y w r o i sinuate ! agai: the 'stMtemei.t -1 a t e -. -a:J e Sli. il ;' . n i v tl e "l parti s ' U I -t no r . n w i . , . ;w.y . - . harg" i r ili-n-q hat . -al . v d i ny have n. th.ng p iy ut pre-ent. tnt h p. that those wheme gOo iiqunion I have heretofore t-r.j 'ye.l w 11 i. t uli'.w i; to be destroyed t'v the ! it'.er an i venomous attacks made up-n my men in their ccr.dit. n. circumstances any c .r.tr myself an i Mr. i r ' Ciill 1 1 e pr hi -t.v- . ' seems '. o n . anl r i , . abl" haracter by n ier present r-v I etween r Mr White . g 1. an 1 1 .me ha-. l : t he ; r t hen n - IbiNt--k :::' .ts . f M no w isb. to eh'.. wi'h the m . and . ks. fe. . a t-r. '. arl; i .T r I I tn I h i n the w : . Nail ni! P. . n t D n years a g direct r a ; art forming any calculated r p'.i i ! i - or i o a A '- tb" I r ne. ..ssarv I ' i ne 1 the w a r Mate t ban een a I v . n e 1 o liax e mi:.: ni .i: enient th in 1 a-k it tin..- r I Cob-To i Pioton performed on the slack r.- o at Carolina beach yesterday. I 'uririg the recent sham battle at Camp i Pender one of the battalions wa or l. red t i retreat, but the captains re-I fused to give the order to their com- j paries. L aptain r reeland of the Dur ham Eight Infantry, &id he never had retreated and he'd neblanked if ho ever won! 1. The ninth annual meeting of the N, rth Carolina Pharmaceutical As-so.-iuion wiil he held in Goldsln ro ( ri W.-diu-slay. August b'.h. Charlotte Chronicle: Mr. .1. ii. 1 . y - i Im. editor of the Wadesboro 5Iessenger, j has houglit the I nleliigeucer and w ill Co ,r.-,! id ate tiie two papers. 5Ir. Hearn. we understand, w ill engag" m business in Raleigh. We wish success to both gentlemen. Mr. E. Smith, a freight on.iueti r on the Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta rood, died at Hlac k s toe k 's y-st'-rday from injuries received the day before by being knocked fr. ni a run by a covered bridge. John T. M -K um..n . a merchant of 51:. CulroJ. It is (.f n killed by the accidental dis charge of a gun in his own hands Morgant-n News: Dried blackber ries are c ming in with a rush and our ui'-n b. w.ts are wearing a plea-nn: smile- We learn that Connel.y Springs hotel is crowded with visitors. 1 a- e immolate any more the rroprie t -r- will have lo eularge the building. 'am; meeting will be held at Mar- in. wii' ground in connection with p.n ,'iarterly . 11 c:r iit. embracin in eplembcr. A great spiritual feast is expected. The authorities of the Western A-y lum are having the grounds immediately surrounding the building le-. t ie i up. preparatory to sel 1 ing grass, "roeur.g f tinuiins, and beautifying the gr ;:.:-g. no-rally. With the exception fa few sk.lled workmen, the work n- 1 b" ! y 1 .tieiits w ho prefer takino fi'T I-" . being so closely cenhDed. Matesvh'.e Christian Advocate L'ur lit the Raleigh District Conference lately held at Selma, the Advocate says ST'.'l were raised to supplement the en ilownment fund of Trinity College and '." raise il to pay the debt on the church winch was ; ed icated by Bishop Duncan. The following were, elected delegates to the next annual conference : Rev. I'r P.. E. Ihxon. Donald W. Bain. J. E. 51c Kmney and S. 5E Parrish. Alternates, lie v T. Simmons and II. Mial. hxford w , unanimously chosen the plae for I1..- n.-xt Conference. Bro. T. A. Crews writes from WUkerton. N. C. : "' n. M end ay . Ju 1 y 9lh , quite a number of the members and friends of Love's as sembled to witness the laying of the corner stone fsr a new church. Our pastor. Bro. T. H. Pegram, ortlciating. 1 "nder the Ft me were placed a copy of the Bible, hymn book of M. E. Church. South. Discipline, list of members with name of pres id ing elder and preacher : n charge , Nash vil le Christian Ad vocate, Raleigh Ch r ist ian Ad vocate, Statesville Christian Advocate, 5Iissionarr Re porter. Duly Workman ami mm::: ? f tb'- N C annual conference 11 AT AM I TO DO ! The ,-y m toms of biliousness are un happily but too well known. They dif fer in .iiiferent ind lv id uals to som(. t. t' nt. A bilious man is seldom a break-fa-t eater. T-o frequently, alas, h" has an ex'.-ilent ;i'petite for liquids but iioi... for solids of a morning. His tongii" will hardly bear inspection at any time, if it is not w hite and f urr" i it is r mgh. at all events. The digestive system is u le I.y out f rier anl Diarrho-a or I'mi-t ifniiion mil) b a svmptoin or tlie t wo nnay al ternate There areofun hemorrhoi'.s r even i"s f blood. There may be g: i lines- and often headache and acid ity .r tlitulence and tenderness in the f ; he stomach. To correct allthi- . K t s. I I KK 111! Mrs. I'n " be i -Rosic-v . Pet: i . ii . Clay Co., Iowa, tells tne f e ; 1 o a i n g remark able siory. the t: u'.ii of w.:.-h k vt uchetl for by the rtsid.-rv.- , f ti.i t "I am 75 yeiirs il.l.havj i ,tn t...ublci: with kidney compla:::; an I l im'-ho-s. for m my years. , . ul i :; it dr-.ss nivseif w ltho'.i t in. 1 : ,. ;'.. I nm tree from all pain and ror.. r.v-s. nt. 1 :,::; abb- ..do all my own h ": :1.. ! . . e my thanks to Eh .no !-:::':? f : . , .ng renewed my y. oitli. at.d r-.-ni. i ; Itiely all do. -:.- :.n I ; on. 'lie ;i i .. ,ti.e . '0. and - : o N. t; '"'y - img store 1 li PI! "1 i cm ( nr. II I y I . . h . : i . ; 1 1 li T: e ;,., u :. -.-.ro - f the -. v, ral War i ar.d Precincts of Craven county are r quested to h..M n-ii-cimgs a:. 1 ,-U.-i .It! gates to attend the County 1 .'iivpntinn t'i be held at tio- '-nirt bev:-.- .n the ., ity of N 'w Perne. 'licir- : ,y. .'..i.pj.-t bib. at 12 o'clock m . 1 r ti.e p'.r; -. ef nominating county - ?'. -. .:. ! t-. tn.is act su -i, 't n - r b u-: :. --:,-..- : . n.i b -fore sa; 1 o-nvi nt; . it By or i. r of th - C: . ... ;,. v In put', .ca :. E.v . '..'lv Com,-... ! O it; 7 V. I 1 ( i ! . I . r . i rich. COYaftti.V i v, WALTER'S Photograph Gallery ! I take grtvit j. lea-air friends, a n 1 1 the p'l b 1 ?GSr 't: No IC id. fl, ale,.:, ! i iiii i; v s im ;; 'ni.v::v AM) j r.iiihs lorn itiosi 1 o - r. , C '. M i ! C. .'.;' r. v i A 1 1 . ( :. : ; . --:: ';;.. . i -1 v ' . i : r: '. t t; ! -( i 1 ikhitov. - , ' ; - ' - 1 " - - ' "' I my New Si ml ii i i- i t'A Ll'JIlU'S ( U.AK STlHti:, ' Pi wi. : .'ia - ' . -.li ; h -s. ; ex n- o in a ' - '!-...: - -I I n.-u 1 j,jVe t i ap i,,y -,v ... k tha! : o t -. :-: - '.-iie . V ',.-':'; v.'mVr' I lai" bn.-.'t. a . -. i 11 . i r v si 1- - of p; t u i . . - . - j . I- r'o.'ICK larg. d p. any s,.. ,,-.;r. I : - -- .o ov o -'I in; , , , years in . . o i i o , a . a . . i - a p i sat i.- fa ' : ri I a I a ii - g . , spe.-i!:- I -r its. If : by :; 1 i...; ', v ur i n b: I -1 1 -i and ii.ci u . in i n fi trm i n m v g"herall-. i!ir,t com plot ... .:i ;'. New In., .ro.-, sp 1 1 - .1 i ,. i t h, r j. a i lit- or 11 a; . g i in' thi- I iii.t. s. ii- ROB! SEND Y 1 1 i- a . I A 1 ' GRO-r i cs. ! Poi.U. DAVIS SCHOOL. f ib hJfmiiS & CO., C ;".N i i;,U, m.." r.' K KC HANTS, n , . , i - . 1 'i i'.ni On S BROS., TXELZ TO US. . . : ! ie of 1'iiOVIiiIONS. .V J ons liools Shoes, I t ton ! Military Boarding School '- ". ! ". s . -. : V- ' NO MFS'. '. - f -e.v f 11, -e- I I fl Hn. lilfiCB Ami:: The P.i::-t ai.vs oa t: 'Juts, Bruises. S .res. Rheum. Eev.-r Sorep. T.-i Hands. Cm'.plaihs. C--rr.s. 16. un.i f.ositii v li y required. Pl n- give perfect satisfaction, , ;unded. Price si a cent sale hv K. N. itnfv a! it, we rid -r. for rp, Sai t 'happed all Ski ,' cures piles KUari' uierd r,o ..r moro'-y te- t pel box. Ecu ' s.-.' . r llnti.e a, I C C i :lei, I - ; ru K It Y I !l V. . C. DA : t :i ll i-l i or- i tl 1 1 . ll I I 1 I llii.t., .!.. N, for; . r v r .pi.ei I n 1 1 v . Tip IS. V I ri.i;. W. , .i . Middle and Poll.., k -i i.-. r I li; ' f v - drug si oi ... -a. tf NEW PERNE. N Hie ;il M , r , 'head ( it y ami I luring tlie summer. J. J. TGLSON, i i ,' - ! A 'Pit . A i roup w6 yrup, 1 I Hard i'-i.it. and i i e I I 1 I ., e II I I eel ,, tea i A:: I.V ." P-ERN "b N v I e.eetnb ean'i.'.rv. New P.'rn,- ; iiipi y. ( rn m luring ti,.,' T. s SAL; ..li.i.M ACADEMY. Choice Groceries Provisions, and i i '- ii ' w 1 11 t I a 1 ' 1 I i I I ban b full .ii. I I i hell, -I .1.1 I ,, J 1 o . - 0 'H,U.' 'ti; bin! iUPS 1 ... I .f th(, edwigly in I he pllHt, I f ill Hlld e. Renie-m- 1,11 'I o ft.'M " W I I I T'I V. - 'in h 1 io:it, . in. N. C. r , 1 1 New Berne High School tlard i' '. ,P. . Ih '.- '. I 1 f'lised . Pod ier. -TcRPitxri Tan ST Oats-A", B K K B vV AX 1 7 I - 1 ' per Bezf (.: f. . t. ' i.to Tc FbhsH I' iliK -7 a - -. i c : Ham ' : n: : v . 1 : , : . P.: v . - : r ' a quality. Ai i'h - c, p- r ! -1 I'i- C;s- -..-,'. i'er I :-':.. W I. ' ja'-' '.-. Pkancts s' ; " : . 'h ICK Kh:l ( i rc-- :- gr .-. n. - iJ'. Vh:.:. - Ca--: bob, ,, . aiilNDLit--West 1-1,0, inn!. ,; i c ( U v J 0 1 - " . in-c. h-nris. S ' '.' A I - ;-,k nr; km:. ,. HOOK STOKK. J. L. HARTSFIELD U ! Vs T C. '' .' -7. ' H(JUK8 ami STATION 1 ill Y ; i M It Iliss .MAlt! W M N I , . , i . - i ; SEriEMRKIt KM ii , 18M8 lo --CI ti:w .,! It, ,.,!, nod S. ';... a - pi e I ;i 1 1 - . mfoclloiK . .'--,,.,'T. r'-.., Tl I'll ON 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 a r 1 .1 u n ,' . t Sen ! r I ii il i in a 1 1 ni 7- i .le.l ' ' , I ' . . . i pi i; ; . p 1 1 1 tt. ,i p. r' I A li f b, 00 .'III (Ml :tr, oo in , ul hly ,,f Vro ,1 If ,1 , ul1 J 1 DRIVER H 7 -.,-' ' , .'. .' I tin I R i -d IP! 0USE. Paul, lb! ! i 1662. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER V V . f-V . tr.-ct a cure try Gr r. it costs but a tril attest its ellicac v ' .1. a n tli u- -1 K:: Sib 'V LI Kit Me l C. R. 'e. E. E's, FLo'L'K S I " ei' Lari' " . : by N aii.B P'i'.sis Sro aK i .ran a C rr-iti-: '. " 1 1 -. I 'illtt'SK-- ) li S.U.T-b)iiv"i. . . MOLASSE3 AM' Powder c", ' : Shot lirrp. o; Keko&ene -' : Hides Dry. ,; Tallow i" r P.. 's ar a r v ii , ti ii i .- illllM. N . !'-- , Cl"::-. Jewelry S'lEiD SI I.VKU iM.A'il.n WAKK BINGHAM SCHOOL --I I M il. till I I.I 'I " I dl I Kll, UllKll.i. I'lUMI I. I I - to. . I" s. il H- i . n i ma i n nii oa. . i.i-.i i I'l l i . i . 1. It ! . - .. I . li I - : It . I ' ' a- l' hi lb mil I a, lea I .1 I IIH to ll,u " bench I can ,lu el II) t in- .r 1!:, Ms j. i: . it i m. ii n. 1 : 1 ii i: h a in s liool. Oinii". n. 11 Mil W-W Opposite Baj'tit t ( 'bun I ;: mi :. ! I XTi'N. Middle Ktreet. .. folSdwU 4 ' 4f x i

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