THE JOURNAL. m. . iBtf. SXW BGUtE. 1. C. ACO .4 M I . If O COITOKIAL SOTES, ilCtl utle to h : rr. oratory !'.. iry nit'!. ir I ; '.he ; '. k true piih i n ) w, in . n w ho mor.or 'i v ue '.lit::, member more w hi ch' i : Mill. TllK 1 ii'ir.iiT. iilvoca:o '. ri : that ihe .a : .in : w on id b ad .n (if . 1 . -.r ' .wed .:.! ho:.- the promo 1 ! poM;b c Mi tn.-; . and the :.t.-. u SI! !'- ' ' s m ;-r - s:.m-! or : i now ';:' re ri: r. r. " ' i ' . . r '. ,1 'Pt; do n on io on h.s ri- pnli'.'.o are What's in um? t ftdtAi&f letter. OXK honr't hard work is worth ma in of idle boasting. TiFT u ftll joia in rQiring honor to "3ant" (. ox. ' Tm Cincinnati Enquirer y lht Daiocrfttta harmony prevail j all aloof th Hoe. workm giuen demand' frt raw material. Monopolist prefer frej n labor. CaS'T some aetata lpahl;can f at op aad chirya this awful ho: vatbr to ( 'leTland' idmiiii'tr,t tioo T THE Italian will wor. a: any ' tMof , bat aaaally the. first thtn b tarns bla hind to 1 .rrindrng orjaa. STEADY, boys. Steady. Wc hAve them on the run, but keep j oar lines d re. -wed. and vonr coiN-s to tb front. ETTS&T breie that weej from Ahs Wett brings to our pars the boat J of Democrat and the shrieks of Republicans. CLSTSLiJD is for tariff reform ov, bat he cao't deny that hi. "beautiful wife wm born under a protective tanrl. t SElToa Vance u reported to have said "No civil service re form for me. When I fight a man ,aad lick him his ualp is mine." Wk have but one faalt to find with Chairman Whitaker He poke when only one precmrt had bewa heard from, a 1 :hat a ory ja all one. A FLASH of hjjhtuiaii pats out the lifhU on the exposition build iBf ta4 C'.ncinnati, Tuesday n-.jjh:. and left the 1 irg' and.eric :n total datkneas. Fob the bneac of ur reader . who are troabJed with insomnia we vill aajr, that a iaick way to go to Sleep ! to appiy a iren cui omuu to th nose and breathe deeply. Kkcii sabjectaor oon tderatloo hare become so scarce tbat the demands for Cleveland'- and Ilarruon's letters of acreptance are Teiiiij; th a r all over the lle-pabiu-. THE St. Paul OJotw saj s a Da kota Repabiican repcdiates Benja bid Ilamaoa because he believes Bin to be ansoand oa the doctrine o( iafaot baptism. Kik is the OSilj caadidate who rarries wjter ettoagb for all. AFTltB all th poor of America axe aot marh better off tbsn the of some foreign coantnes. There titled nobls cooame the imits of tbelr labor : here the millionaire ataaafactarers are allowed to rob Uiem under the pretense of" protect log them. A NoiiTH I'lsou.ii ed.tor says J-Tbe whipping poet in this Statu to psiaish petty offenders woold be a mercy." ve suppose he is orthodox, and stand by the old eve pie e : "TaJ mrcy I to olir oo TVt mrcy i ho w u aj Ho. S- S. Cox is now at More hd. We inggrst that he be in vited to speak ft Democracy in Xorta Carolina. Jeffersoniaa pnn eiplee hare no abler defender, the Soatb no more Mead fa t mend, aad the Demacracv no more ;n TinciWe champion TBB caarajs has been opened gnndly by the Democracy. Sena tors Vance, Voorbeea, Ciormao. Daniel and Coi-initt ; and Kepre eatatires Coi, Carlusie, Mills and Breckinridge hare s;oken, and the wooda are ablire with the fire of patriotism . Uassibi: Havti.iM says .ie fels it ta bis bonea that ilarnson will be eiectesJ. Of coarse he couldn't feet it any ocner wy. Hut IVaio crata feel i: m their :rit that ( lerelaad will be elected. Feeling ia the -bones," and feeling m the heart is the difference between old Republicans and yo-ing Demo crata. Thk accaat:on ;.a be n ma le against candidate Morton that he pare bi. tea all h.s .gs, which are the best that can be hail lor love or poney, direct in Paris, instead of patjoQ.'ine hoie industries.'" fbia is indeed a ser.o as offense. It were better f -T a ;ntr;o- o ; headed. Kv-K5ar s rn: km in . charged the other day return ing t smail a list of pro; erty f. r taxation in Columbus A I'.epub hcan tioAxd of ro,aal..ati mi has -'r tillesl that Mr Thurman s n r. retnrn is crre-r. iad s- .:.ot,.er campaign l.e goes rnmb n g do. into lb abv wh--re - e .-.l-- e abides (.)! last edneaday the enate adopted a resolntion providing for priatiag a baadred thoasand extra j Thnrman eopiee of the Tariff law of l's-.l. of las: with t ie Milla mJ 1 aa it passed the Iloaae and a com pari son of the two to be prepared by the Ways and Means Committee. This will make aa excellent camps gn d--nment lor both parties. THK New York V orid of last Thonday says: "That industrious aad watchfal representative . S. Cox yeaterday secured the paaaage canc to i'ioW the Fiitie'.h ("on-, gress. Thk bill prohibiting the landing of Chine immigrants in this country, based upon the new treaty withChlna signed ifl March last' jh.vs been passed t the S'nate j without a d:vi-.on. Tin' bill was introduced in M iv bv Senator ( "regon . .m.i . : its : . ! ' r o e ' it wiii en; off the t.Mux . t" ' lie hord-s irom the Orient . Mk. Dkim- .v . s r. lie spent an ? 'i t he n.ost i m 4 n : n '. h e A ! -ig'.and Stewart t provisions can .ii i, 'in.iOi. i Fariianu-nr, O e l I'll 1 and H.'tis . s s e n said .;,g doej not be ne fi t t t It b netlts by moans of -rote 1"! i m ni : n n : id-mng :!. : eca u s e i rator i have a ork i n g or. . has .i ot nre of of the ir m a nu t he in . to and give ;.. grow. ile con u m o u: i.o in a n u f. The ;-o!:r bu i Id n ; " : o , e s ; r o i :ed. ; ;r. fi : ie 11 ore wig. work the 1 :ogT i . .1 r . ,i -i-s He i '.. iui t it b-! ; e v -s , :.s .!' all i r m uni o' her industries ni, I h it t he wages i '...rer onl.l !'e in ;. ge ii er al w e 1 fare o I ' r '. w i i : 1 1 i 1 g r i a 1 1 y :o-peal ng, as far a.s axt-s upon raw ma educing or repealing n : he .ictual necos and u pMi t he e it oils ;; prop.8e.s lo n tho great - .1 o'n n ( , . ( ': M : I.KKK.IL SHEBIUA.N It is not necesaary for us to tell oar readers who General Sheridan was. All of us knew him. many of us met him in battle. He was a great soldier, but only a soldier. Y would not take a leaf from the i-h.ip'.'-t adorns his brow, ll he had faults let tin m U' buried in a soldier's grave. That he had .: tiles h.s Lie iibiiiidantU attests.' !.; them be held in perpetual re nein bi iiicc. ( Sheridan died at Non UiU, Miisa , Angnst ,"i, at Ki''n o'elo k .it night. l'he tirst nit iinatinii ol the sen oiis n.,tnre of the heart troubles, with nhioii (ien. Shernlan surtered slightly for mans years, cams on May the lL'th. He hail been on an visi: to Chicago, and on reaching his home in Washington fainted. A physician was called, and a consultation uf physicians wj.s quickly followed. (leneral Sheridan was m a most critical condition. For many days his life wis despaired of, and it was defi nitely said that the patient was suffering from valvular weakness of the heart. Alter many weeks ol suffering it was determined to tr the doubtful experiment of re mosing him from the heat the N at ion al Capitol to the cool breees of his summer home at Nonquitt. Mass. ( h the I'Jth ol Juno he was pi.ici-d on lioard the Swatara, and the ship ser sail, and on theMhof July he reached the cottage in which he died. His wife and chil dren were at his death ted. Ap propriate tributes are being of fered to the illustrious dead. I is ili. pa.d .i"one Tin-re now Fit it is said that resigned as dii'ee'or Shall this exoner.i'c h is the re Shall he offers to give r. j the t h e i ; has ben at a.l. Such is u oiver of - be iXcilsf. i : land. 1 from ti still a thoiisaio the road light is , Senators an trea'y. I 1 sition. N interest of : tie i o . 1 1 1 . Muiton ha.s f tin- road, n ' A m ii 1 1 leti good-, because he he goods after t-tect d ' Not the law o I the has resigned irce'ors, he is ; ; h untold NK'.V VUKK AMI INDIANA II HIT 15- l.H A VS. he whole held o the .li C.Ulipillgll :s closely , ' is to New ol '.; and 1 n es .ire tu: ned with d,ee i the la s- few ' I let ed more ' : 1 !i oar.': of d I'kln.'.der. of dollars invest ( '. r.ld liall bu" eel dawning. llepu ing the t;s i Illlinds .e.l ' oppOs I toll's lo rd m ai nly il ican ierien o i i tion m r.i Iro.o whica FdiiHinds is attoiney ' The Tribune nsks why siion!. DenoHT it :' N a' :. n il i - n. ::. trouble Itself when the Cobdeii all the campaign li'era'urr needei and t he N esv or k tat i e ; las It would certamlv have saved ie While Flesldei. wat, !., -d d.ana ..1 and et 1 ;i ring Sl.l'es at a t e n : : , , 1 n N e w hi k i he connii l'.l.oiie w as ;he great event, and in lnl. ana the Republican convention was the absorbing interest. No one ever received a wanner greeting, or was ever honored with a grander ovuti n than that ue- 1 aille: N'e'.V Yoi solic.; (hie. days tnese a n ord i n a ry of MB. IJLAIXEIX NEWYOKK. The great Blaine army, wilh Harrison and Morton as camp lolloweis, liad a magnificent review in New York City on Thursday night, but it was jnst such n display as the people of the American Allowances Made by 1 lie IJoanl or K. West .yl.00 ; Dinah W illiams County Commissioner!) of Craven goy . M. P. Walden l.f4. County at July Meeting, ISss Recapitulation-Support of poo, wioHuuuuiu.ui. hu,,. j, denart.menr o iilstice 9918.8G; miscellaneous department Jr.. for support of M. Harris, 2.00, for B. Kite, r1l.."0: Sarah Heritage T, VM.II I I 1101 (illTS .'.oil I I'ATON iTinl erclM S21 S .09; Shorifl on,l ioil fo C'HJ -.ii s i , . tt ii ii liral.l . .. .... i.wu i.ii i . s . iuvM. i, nan -o u : nenry ens Total ,)r the , ,7o -(i l.oO: Amanda ( lark T.50: A. i 1 1 ai i r of U.I 1 i in lll.V Toler tor Dan Kees 1.")U; Mrs. 'milui',,",mu( ,W"K u, eu ilLLU3" i Wesley (jray 2. OH; Wash. Spivey turned to. ior -v. P.onner f . 00 : Culia Her- We come now to consider the i rington 1.1'5; Hagar Blount for sneech of Mr. P.laine in i esnnse to Caesar Conner -1 oU : Bettie Nelson tlie address of welcome. 1 1.0U: llei ,r , l . . . . ti t .i -ri. 11' N H Till '. HV l H . V. vulu luou jnuce remai Ks auoui uis Becton for E. Becton LU0; !lary . I;)0'ut(, tue fherifl' on the neti CHi led c.t V night. Fiir show s (1. Flaine in the on last 11. . . . ee bout documents ( lii': w .11 furnish It dm New a ma, -s it .- ork m 1 i 'e -ignily : It is capable a : d : so a ; good deal t inonev ia e a tli-nc in st r.i! nui was n t necessary to i rove that the great nie'iopolis of the 'estern world, w i'li i s m 1 1 1 e tii in million o f 1 1 1 i m a n bi-.ngs, eo'.ild bring tog.-th.-r tweutvfive thousand nii-n with propr.ate mimpaign ished ready made. Ol It has been I'll! Ills ish headipiai tcrs al has been sent to ; n and distributed by ; hem. It : they who aie ! lying to run the Anieiiean campaign on the British matter I;: in 1 n i o r, in u h lied from 1'.:;--eadv. bur it ,. Republicans tot eii'-s and banner popu.anty was a bu" r had long and was nn:ver- Mr. Flaiii.-b undantly attested been established. ,11 v conceded. Tin i basis, bv ture. It first to s about, but Morton's d ai wa- the rect. ol imported , little pilzl ;t how this revelation i rsh i ji i n t he i iter a mg at came .1' Mr. i ana elore a on t est ti.i. hj' : m n at F.lam t wh;b m Ikiomi, i'. a great Harrison is proposes to u for Preei ,s to be 'ii! in' bhom is , absurd as many l.e chagrined by the a-; on of the man from Tiiere is no likehlnvod that Mr. Harrison will decline. He miv be sore, but a battery d irtiilerv ctMi'd ti shake h:m orl he ticket. Such a swapping ot norse.s as . hinted a: in Republican circles would g ' Mr. ( 'level and a n o as '. walkover Y . I ' ' i . k Hit T- . ot New Y ork. d.eclsres himelf :n favor f C' e ianiF Now, wl.en it is asserted by the iiepubiican press that Timothy Tbugmutton and Doolittle Hcxnly giv, have 1 't the Democratic party nd gone to the Republicans we don't care a ng We don't know them, and we hardly thick they know themselves. Fut when Judge ihl'on Incomes i Democrat every body is interested.. The judge ;s ka urn to have i large interest in ii'urj, w vol en mills and other manufacturing properties through out the He has looked iq'.o the Democratic platform, the Pres. dent's rr.c.sage i:.-l tlie Mills b.ii for, and he says the Detr. .x-rat . c p(-iicy is the only true and safe i-ntcy for the country . Thk New York Star. says "Too of much attention m : o r k he a. ' v s ; i g e i-rtti'-'snis uron th.e j D m r a t cax pa:gn i pre para'.. i amo in' cf w ir of c .nr. i j appare:.-. i CTcuiate'. a opera' ion s n .s and then tue w an. rev has been paid to iat lent Democrat oi th" National i'piart t-rs. 1 u e very :s neo's-sar; ly a ; n w h ;ch a great, the result be .m mediately documents are ey of detailed e settled upon. of preparatiou o te before arguments imii b1 oempieted iaid Ivfore the j e a g o to ro a m ir. P-log' one . '. . Ml sc lie aire a 1. e a' i :i c.i. I'liaino; work and -es are anlious o.i ttiey re.j so . ag ' eve . s i ir. tr Ie i l -i . . .. -t ri' era c r dec..-. '! il o n e y i John .1 : .j untitles the u:re for a cam Po ;ire-:i..neiit.y i r.e orepara in a iio i ' n no s mall limits of the work he National L'.un '. e a v.-1 , a. it ;4 f.u ,:n w.ll ei'end nude 1 o.utii s n line : nd is A : ' ie while ' ' .s - ,t! -.. .. s 1 1 - -" I o hi s S ' Tier, can n ue ,'.,t -on tunrg 1 1 ' I is ' u r i A a: ;. .- - a '.he a n n u nee g u nst t he - ' o s ,t that M.ils h: ' It is get. 1' :n F . ."' TllK SONS OK TH EI K KATHKItS. Sometime ago James tr. Blaine. Jr., was appointed to a clerkship at the National Republican Headquar ter in New York, his duties em bracing the compilation and distri bution of protection tanffliterature. "i eung Blame has nnule a study of the ev the tanil queation under his father. What i- i u the;'th inst. Iogan Carlisle, son of SMaker Carlisle, was placed :i charge of the Tariff Ile form Literary Bureau at the National Democratic Headquarters. Young Carlisle is said to be almost as well informed on the larilTas his lather These two young men, sous of the most conspicuous expxments of the two great t hooriea ot protection and tanft relorm, will t bus Ive pitted agmist each other throughout the campaign . James (i. Blaine. Jr., a-ud Logan Carlisle are destined to l? leaders among men. However magic the influence ot their fathers, they wonld not have been selected for their high and responsible po sitions if they were not indus trious men, of pure habits and great executive abilities. Furope. also, has two young men who are the sons of their fathers. . l'oss: namely, Count Ibsmarek and Her rn tert Gladstone. We like "cbiw of the old block." Look at Bayard. He is not only the "son of bis father," but of his grandfather also. For three gene rations the Bayards were I". S. Senators, from Delaware, and wheth er we look at tlie grandfather, the dian Paciti,'. which is simply a British Government road, taken in connection with the declarations of Fiiglish papers like the Leeds Mercury that Huriison should be elected in order to vindicate "the hereditary priuciple in American Government)' explains why the Republican campaign manag. is .ue conducting their canvass , ;: an Fuglish rather than on an Aim-n can basis. lay wa,s equal to the occasion. bu thoughtful men were led to eii'iuiie why is it that this hero oi the hour and idol of his party is not the standard bearer in tins campaign '. is his health so slut tried tha' he can not bea r t he shook ol battle '. He is in the vigor ot manhood an Atlas carrying the woild on his .shoulders. Men y 1 1 lo k ior the cans" ol Ins declina tion, and. whatever their hearts u :v wish, can not drive from their 'I.::. ds the eoiielusion that the .': ;.l 1 phantom id delea" lookeii hi in in t Ife fare, ami lid chake. ' Ids B. Griffin tor Simon Rhem l. 00 ; welcome home, Mr. Blaine .said:,Thos. Harris for self 1.00; iM. 'The campaign on which you are!Hahn for Dan McCray .1.00; J. about to enter should be nrefaned. lley anu iamny ; caesar if that were possible, by every voter in the I'nited States seeing what 1 have seen and heariDg what I have heard during the last year. The progress of the campaign in the Fnited States is viewed from the Furopean standpoint with an interest as profound as it is in the I'nited States. It is the opportun ity ot Kngland. It is the long looked for occasion upon which the cheaper labor and the cheaper fabricks of the old world expect to invade the new and lower the wages of American working men to the European standard. It is not ,i contest of capital against eipital : it is not a contest of par tisan against partisau. It is much higher than either ol these: it transcends all party motive. Whether the great mass of American citizens who earn their Tolson bread bv the sweat of their brow Commissioners Proceedings The board of commissioners ol Craven county convened at the court house on Monday, Aug. dth, 1SSS. Present: Wm. G. Fiirison. S. W. Latham, Thos. H. Malhs, n and W. M. Watson. On motion Commissioner Bin: son was elected chairman pro ti in. The iurv summoned and an A i i I . li ill hin lhal u (i I lie circling hkerry A. Willett 1.25: Mrs. E. Wright l.i'o: Shadracn R. Dunn 3.00 ; W. B. Pearce for B. C. West 3.00 ; Wm. J. Moore --J .50 : Sarah Han cock ?1..V: Thos. K. Ipock foi Kmily Daur.:ieity and children sj.00 : r. L.u.ghinghouse ?t.00; Stephen ( iaih il.00: Mrs. V. Perry tor Hannah Bums 1.00: Harriet Spruill for Nettie Spruill 1.00; K. A. Russell for Thos. Moore 1.00: Matilda Gunnerson 1.00: FJsey lbver 1.50; Isaac Brown lor Han ro.h Put tpr s 1 ."() : 1?. O Mnslov for v - ' ' J nC .1... V I Julia Ann Thomas 1.50: Ilezek ah V ll" i.eme Acaiieniy Davis for Penelope Taylor 1.00: R. CF Mosley for Mattio Buck 2.00 ; Mary Gatlm 2.00. The following accounts were al lowed, being the same as claimed unless otherwise stated : (dark oc Clark professional services 5.00 : R. G. Mosley Louse rent for paujvers 5.00 : J. Y. Miller, supt. traveling expenses of Bennis Harget, lunatic, claimed 5.70, allowed 3.10: J. J. rion oi jtasoerry gseison and oii.ers filed May. 187, in regard to lay mg out a putjiic road in No. 1 town submitted a report which approved and confirmed and road declared a public road, the clerk ordered to notilr supervisors of No. 1 towns!, the action of the board. Commissioner Brinson reported that, in obedience to the order id the board at the July meeting he had examined the county records and finds that the board of trustees ia " !' yc . i s the ami I he o o ! "! i he oi lij forgotten h( - ' w I.Ll h i h veil ih 1 I' IM I IliU HI I.. I J ' H ill -. ir : ( i v . less lai i .. i-1 hen h And iiiuii'l t In im' M m It fanni-i As with minii- nu it's; y, .1 reail hnvf. robred the vai t S.' fiirnes id lilt' lien I Inn. i h nverii-,l ears, A -. ii -1 w I lit i , . , i 1 1, r s i i j. ,,, (.j , el i ni i-; ' r . i y nl l hat nr'',-,i k'M'oijm ijuxin gUred n n c, all. l-'i i 1 ""I' I- life lo ne ej.lo tu c r it I . In,- i!,..,i,.a uimi rsif MiliucoiUai Y N"' t' 11 !ll-K M.ul I.QIU nf l)',v I r III 111" hie I .ir i n 1 1 1 i r curl tptp .if , cull. f'TKI' i ho holl.iM Imir it. if I 'l ren lii'.itii It, I "I! e,h the i; rnnrdtiiiK" i'l .J. eh II lil I In j njr nil hh'iri A Love - heaven 'H !; w ft, j (i question. verts the question from that ungle ith llcry im,,-, I a I.1IIUUHH. eh :n ln,llnll.B M I . , . UUhll.lUI, lr'wr" -uat .. lAinc the lot ' n,, , w r ,,, (,,. j on the f-outwesr corner of (he court 1 t,re house lot, lor a term ol thirty years 'I'l. en n ul .- I beginning on the 1st day of ( huober ' 'u,d ho1"- 1 808 at an annual reiir-.l of ici: oo I Till tt.ut .-ri at ..-,y v. AI., .... i i .1 t-e .iw.s. iiiiiia iiarrison was ;ii lowed one dollarand titty (-,.,ts per month for the suppoi't of Mrs. Louisa Paul, until further ordered. Ir was ordered that.lobev Carter be allowed two dollars Fe'r month his support, he having consented to leave the poor house. Jabin Jasper was one dollar per month An the sn , ljM ,r ; ,,t Patsy Shepanl, she having ,-.,,,;,t ed to leave the poor house. i ne application of I t eau : ei 1 1 . was re ' ' I a. v. n, il elt) l ii h ni t ran.'i- Iho n ihij Ihe li . 1,1 li ly h t diiiiiHeHt writ f f, ' U( In l!. 1,1 r me alone i my n'line I, 1 1 1 I. . ItK IPHO( ITV TllK SOLI HON THK I. H01t PKOIILKM. I e e l ' i ie 1 1 ,1 OK lit h h a k e : lis reward ipp o i I iv. : e m ei! v i rims' the Labor F: w hat the remedy ' Labor is a d.vitit Labor is houor.tbli pumslimeii'. "In : u; ; i 'in an A n J mat same v e . awe i h e w o r I d . I i h ie its 1 ustre. He this gii l their s... color doth reeo vere toi not pointed at lu.- face shalt thou eat bre.i man's first liisobedie feiture of Paradise, labor 1 1 is the inex-'r ot an intlexible 1 iw. Tht1 relat ion I c a j Is one o ( 'in- Vexed Inn Pod lance is j breast, and "He doth be.sirule the narrow yvo.rhi but labor is plke a Colouo. ' a' of thy Ir is ,-ven .suggested that "it is .I. loiioiwed not too late tor him to muster the nee and for- squadrons and lead the war." But Man must it is too late, 'l'he best that can able demand , now be done is for Iiarrison to hold the ti ig. v L 1 1 e Blaine cleaves ,.tal to labor the yvay to victory or death, questions of There can be no doubt that the i roPiem, , Kepu Plicans ot New l oik are en clhsness. thuscd. but Ihe enthusiasm does. t he not extend one inch beyond their and party lines. Causes that excite I selfish-j Bepublio. u.s to cheer for Blaine i laborers, i inspire Democrats to shout for J letories. Cleveland, and all history shows j as much .that when the Democracy of New woik out oi tin.' men, lor ,.i little I York are aroused they are invinei pay . as possible, so as to secure the 1 ble. largest profits, while the men wish W h ile t his gli ttei ing pageant was agt , rations ior poor, 110.27; J. P. C. Davis for shingles fn rpnuir linuse ;it Clermont bridPT' shall be seiiously reduced in their sL;)0. M. Williams poor house emoluments from day to day that keeper 10.00 : Margarett Oadman is tlie whole pith and moment of cook at poor house 3.00: M. T. this question. Anything that di- -i.ryan comns aim uui iais c i.o , Jcacnei Ireland keeper or yniiss lirid.crp s7.00 : J.J.Ballard keener point is a weakening of tlie of Clermont bridge 10.00; E.L campaigu. I say here as I hope to (juidley janitor of court house say with much more elaboration, I 10.00: O. Ilubbs record book for s.iv here that the wages of the ?nice 7-70. for i"S J-lx 'oks "... f , . for countv Llo, per diem, lees, Amenean.laborercannotbe reduced , sdx.20 : S, W. Latham, com., except with the consent and the'perdiem ami mileage :?r3(i : J. A. vote of the American laborer him-j Bryan, com., diem to date self. The appeal lies to him. It iU'OO; Y. G. BrinsoD, com , per , rlipm fr.r two davsi and three days comes to ins ttoor anu asks him it .; . . m It fi'in'd,i .,.i.i attention to oriuges tiu.uu ; a.n. r " -....iftm m nnm i-nnipanv with the great power of the Iran- Mallison, com., per diem and ln N - ' township for t he year 1 sX7. ' chise, and the great mtijoriry he 1 mileage 5. GO : W. M. Watson, com. ' an1 tl)at tl)0 board enter into a oossesses. he i willing for himself ner diem and sunt, of poor 0.00 ; i Hlu.!U agreement to ,av ' ' " U T , - r '1 he heavens i-h;, II ,en- li Ins i h i on e. S- .Ie 'in i i ihe v. nd al. -i . I'liee inure. Willi.- life ni.,1 !,..-ltl, ;,i., ,, ter i:iph. Anil only (.pint rein iiniH of nil thht was 1 Hhould nd I, rain a 1 u r h i iik irnl ni i.l Kroo.ln ii n 1 in tit - li 1 1. i. 1 i !. a . errei sioiu-r Watson w r ii )n Hi' pet j t j o o ; i t he CI t I "li s o , , 'i voting preeiiie' ot was changed to .l.i- Luuice oi lier ei i ; o o( change. M. I W. Stevenson, at.tor nev for S. H. Gray M'f'g (V, appeared belore the board and aske.l the suspension ot the collection of tlx lost- Arinis to ('omniis ,'Uel in lel 1 M ay a ii i o w 1 1 s h 1 1 1 . : h. fol k s 'i'l an given i I f I I . ni y 1 I'luoi ;e - ' f 1 1 H Met l( in h ii r ell l.i. 1 lie f a ii i mi h ( ';i 1 1 ! i , r ii i h 1 1. 1 u i I fruit ien,. ,l. Si nj' ,f 1ik1h. ininiiiHly jxip ii tar. i I I mis. h anil Tunt-H up th . lo'i.l an t fevi-npli Syatxni. and dl jicIh I ! i ail in- h e ('nhlHiind Keveri". K N . I In IT v . RKnt. New Il(rrjf, N . (' . agreement to hav,- th. , .i- w .t i - i r i- i- i liahilif r of a . i.l t .- . . and his 'isociflfp bis ehildren and C. W . .MCJUean unciaimeu iunus in J ....... . l.ui..iih nu mi ano nis associates, nis cnuuren ana a..,o -o . Davment of snid f,.n,. f.v .i..,.,.i... the da . and is t lie It is vei y rn an n fact i n e s.s o 1 The o w :i.-rs i and shops w is the i . di. spring iigely a of c,.r .IP,'!' of eonri iiorat ct ot oris rers. w i i :i I Vcs am r.n 1 1 " .ol s. to get js much lor a i1. 1 1 1 le work as eeuro the largest i t hem s'el ve s . It capita, a (i a s ; o in money is t he sei li h nes the seltistincss ot lab r. ness opiioses m iii.-iiih"--. i ne working men combine. T hen come being acted in New l'ork, events no less potential were transpiring in Indiana. The Republican State ssion in India- 'iniou i s the lather, or the son, we see the highest tye of an American. It wonld be well for the country i; more fathers and sons would con stantly reflect honor, the one nj-on the other. Too many men fail to present to their aspiring eons lofty ideals. Too fe men of real ex cellence take in their own hands the training of their sons. We don't kfcow at what college James G. Blaine, Jr., and Ixgan Carlisle graduated, and it is imma ten il They have lcen trained by their illustrious fathers, and the rich fruition comes in the tact that they are now "the sons of their fat her s . " HKITISM KEPI nLICAMi. strikes ii oi.e hand and on the other. Suspension ness and financial ruin lu re, yvant and wastefulness yonder. This is the evil. Reciproc'.'y ; the remedy. 'Render unto c'aesar the tilings that are Caesar's "Whatsoever, you would have nu n do unto you. do ye also unto ttieiu." Bear ye one another's burdens." When the divine law is made the rule of human business: when employer and the employed, capital and latxor. come up to this heaven given Stan dard, we will hear no more id strikes but the rich and the poor will meet in one great brotherhood before one common Bather of all. The rich are burdened in yvaysot which the poor never dream: and the poor have sorrows that never enter the palaces of the rich. Do unto'others as you would have them ainst , convent ion was lti 1 tish- . n jpol is. 1 he 1 1 iespite '. hi' leneated declarations of ex-Govcinor Porter that in no case would he accept a nomination Usi for Governor. was believed that do unto you." and The Republican papers bare been ; ,em is Mve, the labor prob y r ' s w a t 1 II i r r , so i a y i nd w r s e i ' John who t. in t n the ii Dav;,! dent ,.f tin. i rn port an.v local sen, exemplified N - 1 s . o a.l II il I 'ay ihd ., Her i a l ii. a ' i s I o'. in' '" Harmony n. . ' tii.s jrp ntlen q-.n; vr: .1 ' 1 ii. m y ii :L m : ert a : throafh the Hoose his jolu t the Harm. Johnston : y nony m. : ' hoes." Mr. .",uxi work me tented a-d happy 171 e ;j whu h i ' I 1 1 e man ger. t n t he town of 'h::-:, ri has nd they are c'ti They have the . hat Mr. n re I .1 i er fullest confidence in their su;erin- Isolation aatiioriiiag the roarer tiOQ t Ooremor's Island into a City pJk."t Now let the .Snat indent and always follow his lead MCt at OOC tad tb poor people oC aj jkw Harmon t mills so goes 'o downtown 2w York will jottj ho. N'eit. ringing the charges on ''Demo cratic alliance with Great Britai n , " "Democratic opposition to the industries," and "con gressional legislation : p. favor of England." 1 ' nable to see anything in the con duct of the Democracy to warrant such a line of attack, we have l?on watching the Republican meal t lb to see the cat jump. Senator Gorman mpped his long whip m the Senate th other day, and out j u in j 'di he cat. It was a devilish 'lok i ,i' with Fiiglish side whis k. rs, .iii.'i wore a gold necklace, engrayed with the name of I.ev: P. Morton. l'he distinguished Senator from Maryland brought out the fact that Lev. F. Morton is one of the l.notors of the Canadian Pacinc !:.. i. i 'rxration is;nre ,' pf of a verr large sulvsidy from the l'.'itish Go ernmeiit, and is iiii'i.opol . .ng a great part of our corn mere- i . nooid ng the ('nnese immigrants to the I mted Mates, who are arriving at a rate estima'ed by the Call forn i.l Sena tor as h gh as (,'hmi jier month, l'iiis i, nat Britain corporation is .icqun ng a lisit hold in the I'nited States by buy mg connecting roads through Maine and Nermont.and under ; h- pro-, ismns of the law of 1 s . j . ll'lVi of the sy stem of tran sjvort i ng iNnided g aids free of tax. Now, isn't here a nice kettl"of hsii ! Harn.vyn a)y icating the ad mission oi Chinese, and Morton actually bringing them here on his railroad' Senator Edmunds at tempted an apology for Morton, but instead of prizmg Morton out of the mud he got himself into the mire. It ws shon that Edmnnds Fet justice be done heavens tall, and the ring with joyous music: and the loom w:il pun thatswejls from loving mg hearts, and capita! though the anvil will ' he spindle he anthem and reioic and labor go hand in hand, building up the waste places ot earth, and making a highyvay for the Frd of Hosts and King of Gloi y . Itl I'l HI. K IN UIn: ON I K I : Fvansville is the lir.-t commercial and manufacturing i:;t of the , i , ana, of IF 1 ! ( and .1 apan. trauspsirtation of great Sta'e ol ln which ;s the hoini inn Harrison. F llee f'T the Flo: Fnited States. Bulletin a Repa! '. tins to say of "Home Revo! Harrison " -In this city y ast : in po; t.uiiv, t he I . with a y cry. y i y fe -,v are U t tel Iv disgusted a ' of the ( 'hi.'.ig.i 'on e ;, ; man m this commun that the Full let . u as pilbia'aii prmc: pies as . for any paper in ; he y , Those principles ;,iy t and hope to s,.,. stan. but: the f.u lican candidate I has proTed him on the Chi n esc enemy t tate 'en : l no mi 'il e in ideucy of the he 1 ivaiisv ille can paper, has against of such ejiii'.i! icans, ect pt ions, the action on. Every an i pre ail. ii : iia t li r Cue Pre, to Ke 'ossible to be. 1 honor -iden.y .1. py Ins record lies' ion . to 1 e an r and op- t avoids .ill toll to our posed nun: by taking advantage fanati to A rn i ican ia to libera! views by his sin on t he temperance ques tion. ( n all hands and among all classes ot Republicans we heard of their detenu mat ion not lo support Harrison, and it is as well for Re publicans all over the I iilotl 'o understand, once pt all. that Evansville, the first city uf manu facturing importance in Harrison's own State, has no earthly use for him and wiil not give him its lie publican support." h" would at the last minute yield to the demands of his party. It was only by a ban's breadth that the convention avoided the supreme folly of nominating him in the face of the positive declaration that he would not accept. All competition was withdrawn and he was asked to accept a unanimous nomination. He refused. Then' it was that the convent ion looked, elsew here for standard bearers, and Alvin P. Hovey yvas nominated for Gover nor, and Ira J. Chase for Lieuten ant Governor. Both candidates were good soldiers. The platform adopted yvas laud atory ot the Republican party and denunciatory of the Democratic. Special prominence is given to labor and pensions, yvith the hope of enlisting wo: kingmeii and old soldiers. Not the least i n teresting e ven t oi the day yvas the appearance ol General 1 larrison upon the platform in response to an invitation from the convention. He was received yvith Bespoke briefly but eloquently, confining himself to Mr. Blaine and Gen. Sheridan. 1 1 is said that his tribute to Sheridan yvas splendid. The Republicans of New York have not yet held their State con vention. Who their candidate for Governor w ill be is undetermined, but indications, so far as we can interpret them, point to the nomi nation of Warner Miller. It is evident that tin re is a marked contrast between Femo cratic and Republican methods of campaign. Th' Democracy will appeal to reason and judgment: the Republicans w ill depend upon display and hurrah. It maybe expected that both par ties will keep their men in line, and the issue will chietly depend upon the independent and tloating vote. If men can be made to thiuk, and will consider the relation of parties to t In-nisely es. their wives and their children, they will vote for Cleveland and Thurman. But it heedlessly rush on and only think of skyrockets and prancing steeds they may vote for Harrison and Morton. Fortuiiu'ely. ;t now seems that reason has assumed her sway, and judgment returned t i domi nate t he masses. sought to destroy this nation." Here is a revelation. Now we see tliejsituation. The New York demonstration was a political ne cessity. The Chicago platform :s an abortion. The nomination of Harrison a blunder and a misfor tune. The American people will not stand upon a platform which, reduced to its last analysis, is Yhiskey and Robbery. The moral sense of the nation is shocked by the platiorm ; and working men are driven off by the nomination of Iiarrison. Something must be done. Blaine is in Europe. Let him return "booted and spurred," and, yvith his white plume waving, tide like a whirlwind over the Chicago platform. The expedient is tried. Blaine has come. Rockets have lit up the heavens. But to what what purpose ! Can the peo pie be bamboozled by a nights parade that only covers a retreat ? No, by the eternals no ! Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boys are march ing .' Marching to the emancipation of labor. To the redemtion of the people. To the establishment of Demoerac; upon foundations of eternal adamant. One sentence in the extract quoted sparkles like a soltair diamond in a bushel of chaff Vance's compairi son would be better, and that is the one in which he declares that the great Democratic movement that is sweeping the country comes from the "American Congress' and an American President. A little while ago it was all English. Blaine is right in this. American genius, American institutions and Amferi- ( can interests, is the inspiration of American Democracy. Tae Democratic party believes that it would promote American inter ests to stop the collection of a contin oas surplus of 125,000.000 a year and leave the money in the pockets of the people who earn it. The Democratic party believes that it would promote American in terests to take off the uuaessary taxes from the food, the fuel, the clothing and the shelter of American citizens. The Democratic party believes that it would promote American interests, as against British or any other foreign interests, to give our manu factures their raw materals lree and thus enable them better to compete in our own markets and in the markets of the world. The Demo cratic party believes that it would promote American interests to secure steader work at better wages for American workmen, instead of subjecting them to the lock outs shut downs and strikes of the past. The Democratic party believes that it would promote American interests to keep the control of the Government in the hands that have adminstered it since the instalation ofGrover Cleveland, President of the Fnited States. The appl ioat ion ert xs7 l, o n n j r nnnlltr IrflienrOT, l;.0 0 . ins cnnoien s crinuren to rate tnat : Geo AUen (-0 liump aD(J pjpe ; ty tlie courts, latal step at the biddine of an 1 at in .ion ; .1. A. Krnnl. listinrr was refused. American Congress, and an Ameri- ! taxes in No. 2 township 40.00 ; A. ...T.e P" tax" charged to A can President whose noliov is 1 J- Chesnut listing taxes in No. 6. Hlcks o. b township for governed hv th.i Plu.nt u bieb township 40.00 ; N. S. Richardson waaYemU ,,, ... cv- Son printing voucher book . xut- "Plication ,i .m. m . W 11.50 : New Berne J ournal print ing, advertising and job work 18.50; E. E Quidley attending iranis to rent the poor hmis,. (arm on January next was referred to Commissioner Watson to examine and report at next meeting of board. Mrs. Sinia Dunn was allowed one dolhr and fifty cents .,- month for her support until further ordered. Henry Jeffreys, col., of No. ;; township was relieved from pay merit of poll tax on account of poverty and infirmity. Adjourned to Tuesday 10 o'clock. TUESDAY'S PHOrEKDIM.S. Board convened at lb a. m. Present: Jas. A. Bryan, W. G. Brinson, W. M. Watson and S. W. Latham. A petition signed by Addison P. Whitford and others praying the board to lay out a public road in No. 2 township was filed with the board and the clerk ordered to give notice of same as required by law. The valuation of 215 acres of land in No. 1 township listed by J. A. Askin was, upon the testimony ol J. A. Ernul, F. S. ErnnI and V. II. Ohase, reduced from 1,.'5(K) tost)0. Unpon the same testimony 1Mb acres listed by A. Cohn for Sarah Cohn in the same township was in creased lrm 700 to l,00u, also 300 acres listed by Barney Jackson was increased from 500 to S0. Sheriff Stimson submitted Inr. monthly report showing : balance duo county from last report . .. ? I'l.i -j2 To State and county taxen col lected . . V,-" J.I To school fund H'.'u en Total nt T i ' i ii (in :: Pi c 1 ONSLOW C0UMY CANVASS The Democratic candidates for the nominations tor the various county offices and member of the General Assembly will meet the people at the following times and places : court term 1SS8 $13.50; D. G. Smaw elbow for gutters 1.50 ; E. H. Meadows cc Co. medicines for poor house 10. GO; D. Stimson Sheriff summoning tales jurors 5.70, turnkey fees G.30, hire of horse and carriage for grand jury 2.50, ice lor court house $1.75, boarding prisoners 39.50; R. R. Davis baliff 0.00; W. P. Metts, sr., officer of grand jury 0.00; R. B. Blackledge, baliff 9.00; Henry Jamea baliff 0.00; II. H.James, baliili' $3.00 ; R. C. Kehoe baliff 9.00; ft. C. Kehoe iron boiler lor jail 10.00 ; J. P. Voliva repairing house at bridge 4.50 ; Clark & Clark pro fessional services, 5.00; T. H Mallison, com., per diem, mileage and ferriage 11.00 ; S. W. Latham, com., per diem and mileage 12.30; W. M. Watson, com., per diem and services on coimittee to adjust fence tax 10.00 ; YV. G. Brinson, com., per diem, one day adjasting fence tax and fifteen days getting up delinquent tax list of No. 8 town ship 4G.00; YV. F. Ronntree at tendance before the board three day8-G.00; S. R. Street attendance before the board two days 4.00 ; E, W. Carpenter clerk ri superior court stationery for office 5.05; Sheriff of Jones county expenses oi conveying Nelson Sanders, pauper, 8.50.' The following allowances are for fees in State cases at spring term of superior court 18S8 : Geo. White, Solicitor 44.50; E. W. Carpenter clerk claimed 300.85, allowed 310.10; Daniel Stimson, Sheriff, claimed 80.05, allowed 84.75: M. Hahn ex-sheriff, 1.50; J. D. Sutton Sheriff of Lenoir coun ty, 1.50; C. 11. Foy, Sheriff of Jones, 1.05: W. M. King Sheriff of Pitt, 30 cents ; Judge P. Stanly constable, 7.50; R.N. White con stable, 30 cents; J. M. Hargett, constable, 4.45; Peter YV. Spikes constable 1.45 ; Joseph E. Gaskill, constable, 1.10; V. G. Brinson J. P., 45.14; C. L. YVetherington J. P., 45 cents; YV. M. Watson J.P., 02 cents; Geo. Green, Jr. ,J .P. 1.40; E. G. Hill J. P., 5 10; F. V. Hancock J. P., 4.08; Robert Hancock,Jr.,J. P. ,$2.25. The follow ing are witness fees in State cases at spring term 1S8S : J.W.Bryant 1.00; Donon Burris claimed 3.14, allowed 1.57; Jane Battle 3.30; Silas Bryant claimed 4.03, allowed 3.00; 'Nathan Brinson 2.05; Caesar Becton 1 .00 ; David Best 1.40; Henry Brown 1.50; ILE. Baxter 2.00; W.G. Brinson 17.00: E. W. Carpenter 1.00; Samuel Crowell 2.30; Chas. Duffy 1.50 ; John Dav 2.00: B. F. Dinkins 3.93; H.'Dillahunt 1.50; II. B. Duffy 2.50; Dr. Frank Duffy 10.00; F. S. Ernul 3.08; Eliza Ernul 3 84; Millie Ernul 2.00 ; W. H. Ellison 1.01 ; J. T. Ewell SI. 50; Wm. Foy 1.00: Wm. Foy 3.01: Cora Finch 2.00: Lewis Foscue claimed 3.14, allowed 1.57; ICmanuel Fisher 4.00 ; Jerry Garvey S.10; J. O. Griffin 1.28; W. F. Gaskins 1.28 ; James Green field 1.80; YV. B. Griffin 1.98: Robt. Grady 2.25; Ella Gray 2.00; Jos. E. Gaskill 2.00; Y. T. Hooker 2.05; John Hill 2.00; Mary Havens 2.00 ; J. M. Hargett 1.00; Furney Hawkins 3.04; Arthur Holly 1.80; Hannah Hicks $3.00 ; J.D. Hargett 2.00; D. Hollo way 4.00 ; C. YV. Hardison 5.73 ; J.M. Hargett 50 cents ; John Jaycox she having died. 3.50; Jackson Jones 4.20: J. A. The chairman having announced Jones100; Jonaa Jones 1.50; i that he would necessarily be absent K. R. Jones 1.00 ; Amos j from the city, on motion Commis Jones 3.50: B. F. Jenkins j sioner WTatson was elected chair 3.90; W. D. Kirkman 1.00: Robt : man pro tern during bis absence. Kittrell 2.04; Willie Kirkman I The monthly bills were examined M By Commissions, live per on 1.417.01 By paid Isaac Patterson, county treasurer, interest fund By balance Total ib 14 17 01 The report was approved. The application of D. ( 'ongdon for a remittance of the tax assessed against him on the steamer '-Tiger Lily" was, after due consideration, refused and the sheriff ordered to collect said tax. The tax assessed against J. II. Mills on one hundred acres of land listed by him in No. 1 township tor the year 1887 and valued at 4i'd was remitted, the said land having been regularly listed by T. H. Van Ebersteiu and taxes paid by linn. Commissioner Latham was :ip pointed a committee of one wuh authority to examine the records ol the commissioners arid ascertain if all public roads laid out in the county during the last live or s x years have been duly laid out by a jury according to law and to report the result of his iny ertigation to the board at its next meeting in September 1888. Mr.U. H. Perry, registrar ol No. 7 township, James City precinct, having stated that he delivered the registration book of said township for the election of 1880 to Joseph Nelson, register of deeds, and it appearing that said books were not in the office of the Register of Deeds at the expiration of said Nelson's term of office, it is ordered that the clerk of the board ascer tain from Mr. Nelson what disposition was made of said books and report to the next meeting of board. Tne monthly allowance ol ''.(M per month heretofore made for Mrs. Wesley Gray was discontinued. li Mills i' .linns Cinintv OrcHnl- .ithni ni I i-f-iil i v Com Milt tee (nil lit I II II n 1 1 ( nil 1 . nt to. I. i n Wednesday, the sth of Aug. a' 1 c.oek. immediately after the ad , "ii i ii men : i.t the Senatorial ( 'on Ivention, the yeral eaiuunt fees of the county ol .Iiiiick met In the court Imiise to elect an Execut iftu. ! Committee for the county , winch i resulted as follows, electing one member from each voting precinct : Whit' Oak, K. 1''. Foscue. Folloksville, Samuel Hudson. Piney Grove, J. P. Harper. Trenton, P. M. Pearsall. l y press C n-ek. L. A . 1 1 ay wo d I'uckahoe, 1 1. ( 1. I 'tiri lor. I Reaver Creek, W. P.. Bier, j Chinquapin, L. Dillahunt, J C j On motion, Mr. S Hudson was ' elected chairman and K. F. Kokcik- secretary of theeommiUee for the ensuing tivo years. The committee thm named Saturday. t he 2!t li day of September to hold the county convention for the purpose of n urn i n a 1 1 n g county officers. A Iliot en w as made arid carried that t he eh mm a n ol I he Exec lit i ve. ( ' 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 : ee iMitl.oiie the chairmen of the to'.v nsh : p commit t cch to bold their primary meetings on Satur day the "2d ol September to elect delegates to the county emu cnlfon, where those delegates were not elected at the last primary meet ing, some precincts having mis understood ihe in tent imi of the meeting. The com mi! tec ad journed to meet at the call of its chairman. Sam it.i. H i psi n, Cliin'ii I om. Ey. ( 'm . 1 I . Fi S 'l ' K, Sec'y . llni lilfn'i Arnica .!.. TllK ISkbt Hai.ih in the wnrlrt for Cuts, Hruii'eH. S.ireb, Ulcers, Sal Klieuni. ,ii-H, Tetter, ( tl.Hppod Ilaniin. ( hill lii'n,. Crnn and nil Hkl Eruption., r.n.l ..witivoly euro pilfi or no my reo : 1 1 re.) . It m KU'irAiittmd to give jiei feet t. m mf notion . or money re funded. Price ri'iif p-r lui. Kor h ile l.y U. N. Duffy -n 17 Onslow County Itoms. ' ( im c' I at Nor ' hensl is t hi l v- ing li n i I . . M r. Joi n A Fi y in ! m are I ast w e. U . Ill' I Fry in or any one el i horse tin se 1 1 mis. j There haye been a good many trials this week and last in thin vicinity : yy e are attending one tonight. Will give you the par ticulars of it next week if no one else does, as it is a peculiar ony. I (hops arv promising ns et. We. Nunc heard a rood many of the farmers of Onslow k;i that if the seasons continued there would tie more cotton made this year than has I ecu m a d t he past t w o y ean On last Ei iday Susie Thompson, daughter of Mr. Walter Thompson, was seiiously scalded by turning over a tin pot of hot writer in her lace. The child yy us a y ear and ft half old. The little girl died y enter day, the 7'h,.ind was bu i led today . We had Ihe pleasure ol boiriL'at the picnic ni the Alum Springs 1 hiirsd.iy . 'I hero was quite a num ber of people present and we think everybody enjoyed themstlvrN in the highest degiee. Some had the oppoi i unity of dancing all that I hey w.shcd. !"! n 'ei mod to be rather yy.irni I. i mi.e'i xercise. There v. as o u r u i i . . 1 1 1 ; r,. a hot se i ii si i yy ay . I I, i i . a hill near 1 he Spring and a biifgy wiih on tin- hill and il t;ot a sluil smne way and went down ai such a rate as to stn k one shaft in the dirt and break oil near t he axle. lost a nice bad on Mr. e t o Ioh I 1(1 TO TIOTII K 1th tin r ih eiuitiinied lirnllint In!, I hui 1 1 h ii u in or (inreuoric : .ii unnatural crHVinir for A I 1 , i I v nu !ll II. I , e r , it 1 1 .-,! i h 1 1 rn u I i n i .. a 1 1 1 h k 1 1 Ih I lie timid or I h clod Acker h Pithy Hoot her i fcp ci illv i-r. jiari'd to tu n lit children and cure tln ir pains. It, ig hurmlonn n.l 1'iiiilaiii. nu opium or morphine S .1,1 by It. Berry, druggist. New Kerne THE AMERICAN AAGAZINE Beautifully Illustrated; 25 cts.,$3 a Year. ' was cured by timely use of this medi cine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters euved his 1 iff. ' Mr. Li. I . Wilcox.-un. uf Horse Cave: Ky.. add a like testimony, sayiDg: He positively believes he would have died, had it not been for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward off as well as cure all malarial diseases, and for all kidney, liver and stomach disor ders stands nnequaled. Price 50c. an 1 nt R N. Duffy's drug store. Linwood. Monday. Auer. 20th in claimed 4.30. allowed yi'.b ; . and allowed and the board the morning, at Swansboro in the I W. Lawrence 0.00 ; II. J. Lovick ! adjourned. afternoon. 2.50 ; Bryce Moore if (F50 ; Henry ! Morton's, luesaay, 1'Lst in the ; .Horns ?'.uo : iooi :ixon tj.uu; rue sk-"-" ACSTI.v. Tex.. Auk. 8, Is"" Marines, Saturday, Aug. IStb. A SOISI1 1.KUAL OPINION. K. Bainbridge Munday, Esq., County Any., Clay Co , Tex., says: "Have used L:iectric Bitters with mo8t happy re sults, .-u y uroiuer j - ,-xr;il .v,. TK0 Phino, .t 1 I Vott Pliinur yvith malari&l fever and jaundice, but muiuup, t jiuio iu iuo anei uoou. . jjhod m u.j. , -..j .t.v. Ftheridges, ednesdav .22a. -1.1-4; ia. 11. jxobs ; o. a. Half Moon school uaA'.-r.u- . . past Kicblands, Jrrulav l'4th. Stewart i.uu , cam 0001c ?! ou 1 nBRa. Roftr.eBS and fo, all Durnoses in Catherine Lake. Saturday -Jofli. C. I". Slover 2.00; Celia Twine j tended, they are not surpassed bv any ( ross lioads, Monday li7th. claimed 3.14, allowed $1.57 ; J. B. j that I have ever worn. I would recom- Amnn'ot Trmarl nv Oxtt h Whitehurst S2.1o: Moses Wavnfl mend them to all who want a superior Golden Place, Wednesday 29th. claimed 83.50, allowed $2.50 ; Jef Williams' store, Thursday the j ferson White $5.29 ; W. C. Willett :50th. ' 2 02: David Whitfield 1.57: Jas. it ncorr. fi... i.rfHr.r.-w " lit, n, 11 - . 1. , I.,,, ., An,-... v r tel 1 , f . , ,. ... Ii'-i.. 1.1. . ,, h , I - -n i- ami in - MAnntrni I ., . a 1. -via ind hwim, ftil 1 11 ' f il tiif hMI stAndard.. - " I 1 1 1 1 lir with Wl4 - .,..!. ,,m uf t rvl And mItvbW 11 -' 1 1- l1. .'-TlpLlT aooouDta tff ' .111,11: Muni,-., I.rinf Mftya o . f : . .. (...Tiod, nil, to aborv 11.,. .Main Distinct vc'y Rcrrrspntative ot Americnn Thought and Progr. It i. l"'-ll',l I-. C .r.. ,1 ru.H0 la tf most n,Mil.- und r n I ,-rt u I nl n of th ktW sday,22d. '4.14; H. H. Ross $2.15 ; J. A.i To Mr a. K. Hawkes Dear Hir It house, Thurs- 'Richardson $2.50; Kmperor Rouse I ivea me pleasure to say that 1 have "ryKTANT.wCS -3.00: S. H. Scott $2.50; j. W, been using your glasses for some t, me i'Tr.iTT.L" VlLlSfKS .. . A. ' . ... r, o i'.. -., past with much satisfaction. Ior clear- , i . wlll h CrVTlTTi '""".I" In 1'aah or Valublt rraalaam to ( lull Knl.f.r.. will be .. nt o. rt.c.1.1 mt J- Rraponalbla and k.r..M. - - - H arainted to aollrlt iDlxeMXIaaa. Whu -a glass. I am very respectfully yours, John Ireland, Ex-Guv. of TexaB. All fives fitted and fit guaranteed bv F. S. Duffy, New Berne, N. C. alSJlm 1 voce for cxclaalv ten-It ry. Annual, THE AXEHICAN HAaAZHIS OaX 79 Broadway, Ntw YorJUJ

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