a;; r'r- iiSt&zizX ' I ' - ii1 '' Iff T i F' L i ft . WW, I X JO K 1 KC OKNTT I IS" ALL THINGS. Terms $B.OO X' VOL. XI. NEW hi:kxe, craven county, n. c, august NO. 22. MERVE TO MIC EDITORIAL NOTES. sines irr Jivl v. ; romtil tr Vnc 1 x . - i: urvniriliu lsJ riitftj a-'.-'-ji rvt-ru. rurtnf 4 ALTERATIVE. 4 LAXATlfE I -iir- hs;c;A. r..ti:;:kic. mi measures, .- form, l.ur 1 A I! kit hi Cevfl.i',.l i i! cratie . i r r if Ik Tin' I -m in rarii j)t'uii-ii: i: ( 11 1 1, of a; ni. in. I never i ! i . wa an i r . ; v n N . m-i ir , i ; : r . i r r: -.i i ' 0 ( : i .11, omfjound A DIURETIC. W.18 in.UIr it For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. !n ftj nmpiV.lion '..-' 't r.'1 .; !;-.-". .f : V ydlr a: 'in- I t. : i I.mT.I :1: i . i ' i i : : In- I 'ism) N..: a; .ill. . Hi'! i It' ll i' 1 1 : Lines w.is and ii)tal I'l.U'V. Il "MiDSOS A CO , Pr-c't n :ti ni.Tiiy vr C'U'Vcl.iinl i-i i ill In- tii. 1 ) eiiiuc r.ir ; . a'nl tli.' '.'(..- HO (1.1IIL'I-I ot l.lllll. W k (...v.- i. .i.! ; lire, .mil no Jr'lf ::...-! i pain p li ! t-t i t N i il i a in 1 I New I'.rrnr. mi t ho silver It Si-oil .n!n- i: s l! t lit-l e ct l"oo ( t, no.-- , I 0,000 Yards of Meavy Cotton Bagging 1,000 Bundles of Delta and Arrow Ties. w o ; . i 1 1 r arrive. made a Mi tei't , Ht 1.1111!, roiiol n ioi, a - 1 1. 1 'e ! 5D far a - w,. ir, ;, r . ! .;: , i . it lull ll 1 .1 Hi1' eX ' e In! V o ooii: tneiiil Mr Hiui I to t ho o. i ret ii 1 in! i all III t he lll e; i.j- ,i'i i.; ( j il o 1 1 1 1 n . ( i Hi '1.1 ha to .luil'e litliin vrnii."-. V in whali he e grot that .- V. I.- kep! h:m 'H' ( pie I' ll, t he . r 0: t II'.-. ci- w e I Il.e - le t vime Ii O.iver. i : i 1 1 ' a I - ii I . - : : i . i ; i - e : reared : - - ;. or 1 1. il d.l Aii j. : , r. -i I he J 'Ii l r the I I. 1 Vv-V 1.1- II- -n has e hh ass. pro-ei. t lie IOO Bbls. of New SUless Pork na 1 1 For sale Lowfor Cash. an il that h de ; rac th I ).- Ill i . r a e a !e I n e 1 1 i n i nothing Iron no t o lu ll is t he t lu ll is. to 1 ' ETT6NCER BROS., Our Hew Fall Goods are now on the way. April 20, 1888. KINSET SCHOOL, have made ,o treaty n; -1, a I'nlli.uit n grounds r patnoti.-m sen so. The dis- t in i r ., ,"" i m 11 - For Girls and -Young Ladies. $90.00 for Board, Tuition, Music. No extras except Drawing ami Pintinf. Wr::o for catalogue to Jane23dwtf JOSEPH KIN3Y, Principal 255 3 "2. 53 r1 P 2- p w q - v a o - k i jrtia - f. m iaiP t-; S ! v, Cte; ft; Mil: i f gl iJL : 1: i o S en L i.l ) 1 If; i g g ?vy ----- 5- Z. - 5 S 0 IfSl i o o P . -i The.Bergner & Kngel 'BREWING CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, IS UNaUESTION'ABI.Y THE Finest Beer Extant It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada 7est Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and NIT BTTWE qualities. The Popo is again suffering irom rheumatism. Retohts from Jacksonville are Dot reiiAHunntf, PsouEEs : lSiu Lard eider; lS-vS fre whiskey. MlHAi'VLot's cures aro reported at a faith cure revival at Itreou ville, N. .1. Mr. Sanukhlin is aKalD 011 stamp and Democratic ."took is jfOiQg up rapidly. A Hl.oODY battle U-twoen the Sioux and the U. S. troops in I.i kott is expected. New YORK is to witness a tariff debate between Henry lieore ami Hubert J. Ingcrsoll. Ms. Bseckinbide of Kentucky, h.vs lntrodaced into the House live bills ag-am.-t trast. The White Caps of Indiana lime disbandeil. Startling develop ments are expected. Mills of Texas, and Blackburn of Kentucky, have ox?D&d the cam paign in West Virginia. All O. K. Tt'KKEV is in a bad way tiuau cially. Uflicials have resigned Ih cue if the nonpayment ot sal irie.s. TlIK Jiepubiicau National l oin mittet; have received a great mau letters protesting against Blame's Trust spech. The I'nited States ship Cialena Judging from left Newport. K. I . I oat Satunlav condition, am night to look after American his diease. we nie-niiH interests at Hayti. will not he i-hle to ;..!c p. ALL vessels Irom ports south of campaign. I hi (afe Heulopen, bound for New Yi.rk, must hereafter htop at ijuar antine for inspection. Mr. Murky, short-stop for the ttu" !h" 1"':;"1' Ontario b.ve ball club, wa.s hit by Ai'tKi; a ,),' x-ending a pitched ball at Rochester Sunda through ma n auk-, 'in- l.-hi-ies afternoon and killed. His neck Treat w it:i (i . r I'n r. t-. : en wm broken. reiec'ed b -i a-: p-.:t vo'o TUE Freeman's Journal. I'Jlh, m I'emocrats for. Ha.!;, ais aga:nt 1 1 e a leading article declares that Mr. treaty Such action had been de Parnell is able to make the clearest torminedon before the debate be- loible case in proving the Times gan. Ur the nnn'i-ra-.-. with letters to be forzeries. Senate Morgan of Alabama in A roc that waa placed on a polo at the National Republican headqaartrs in New York city has been taken down. Most persons thought it wa-s a skunk. "Tiikv say' is poor authority. Bnt "a reliable gentleman" says that Harrison has sut an engineer officer to ascertain the prospects for a thrivins basineaa uu salt river The tall aud beautiful tower if the uew church of the covenant, Washington City, fell with ft tre mendona crash Wednesday and carrying with it all the front por tion of the edifice. London papers do not consider the failure of the Senate to ratify the Fisheries Treaty a matter of any consquence, as they regard it as simply postponement until after the Presidential election. Correct. Ten million dollan on accouut of pensions were paid oat yester day by the Treasury Department, bat in !pite of this the total re ceipts of the month so far exceed the total disbursements by five million dollars. The gale and heavy rain which prevailed in the South from Fnday morning until Sunday morning, did gTeat damage in New O: leans and throughout the sugar tn-lt. from Baton Rouge to the Gulf, including all the rice section of iho State. Mr. Blaine has kicked the Chicago platform to pieces and Gen. ILirrisou complains thit the tcorktnymrn d'd not make it slning enough, but they inMt that the) made it water tu;h, but it i uld not hold iriiaivt. A heavy rain storm deterred iatrt"' many people from going to the A P K l" lant-a ('hatauqua last Monday to hear Hon. William McKiuley tpeak on the Mihiect of protection, conse quently the crowd was not lare. It n.a be added that Georgia is a bad place f 'r a protection orator any way. (iESBK.il. B i v I. AN i ; ek is more popular 1:1 France than ever. At the election on the l'Jth lust., he w.us elected to the. Chamber of Deputies to represeut the Depart mcnt of Somnies. of which Amiens is Capital, by 34,72. majority. The announcement of the figures created great excitement in 1'arus. (Hit fello ill I! Kl UOI'FAN" I'OIIKKSPOSPKM.'E wore again on land, iinl train at Dieppe, in route 1: 1 . 1 . 1 as.- D.I' Ni I'.utr Fkam e, Aug. 7, have fallen to DIEPPE. This is .1 dirty seapor populated, and doing a Hess i u lumper the north of Fur 1 about the New Berne's Quarantine. matic condiiionH making her peculiar- lor I'. iris. We have been repeatedly asked why ,v liable to ihe diHeane. theJoUKNAI. did not strike hark ar th 2 Th8 unquestioned d ianoMp of the . densely tioldsboro Argua for its repeated llings " . t ousi- and insults townrHs ths ritv rniinnil nf .T Tha r-i . cr nicn i.oii.es irom ; rw tw , ill -n . e o.,i.- n.n. ikiiwi 10 .u watering piae. resoi ;ant places in wonderful Bon- Fiench Antoorac: L'r.nltch nciiiila lira TanrQllr i i . i ' i thought ot as cold, fault iiuding anil domineering. No so has our experience been. A warm southern invitation awaited our arrival in 1 r is to a of fish- gnel upon by three i byni- nt f h ii icjihiyed in man- intiniiite connections onger London rom two Scotch ladies. relatives of Sir Walter Scott, to make their house our home. And it was a most delightful entre into cultivated English society. Our hostesses were most intelligent and h re lined ladies, musicians 01 a nigu (j0 U()t ,smok(.. 'C;irii and whiskev are the terror of the eiistoin house Of the strict aeruent. a ,- nimrmhn. ra,l,l ,AU. 4 OurcloSBIill bv ' . ... - , . ., with Goldrtboro. T00d . "--- ""'uuu",uu U1 r,. Inefficient quaraDtine. it seemed the only propt-r cou-m was ve. ls with, various Colored H J c P1UJ-U,J osJ luat we cau to deal with the case in such a manner : and many whaling ships, and otw8e.! a,nJth,.DK t0 Ka,n bjr "BtrikinK a to insure immunity Kaiiwt it nd )o.its of a fine old clltireh Sr. lJau"- 10 EeeP lno that co.il.1 ocly have been .lon.-l.v hIo,.- iiatlDg liom the twelfth " . llJC "UU'K page of all communication withi an riKnc tninaine neOD o. w ith the i, r-- IIUIU. llir s.u ili- 01 dor ; stilled in Classic literature : ear ne.-t m practical benevolent work and like North Carolina ladies, most solicitous in unostentatious ways ot the comfort of their guests. One of tlu-m was an artist of fine J .IqlH Cent in v. As wo pass the ouavs we see many of Cm fish-wives in their facts before them, will approve the ac- Some discretionary power,. bI.ouM primitive atul "llliar COStumes of t,on of the board of council: and the have been left with the port phyH.ci.n scant measmo. Here we run the ony important fact for them to know wlth regrird to thr0l,Kh lravH ,u,fl gannMet of the Custom House. that the board ucted upon the ad- frt.iKhlB. The meanures were enforc.,1 ur baggage is nut opened, as we vice of physicians known for their high not Wlth theult.,iof ner(,ssar,iv !,.,, standmg in the profession and as gen- thetn oper;uivo for lwPnlv.ivt, d h y f . tlemen fif honor nr.H nnniioalinnaKlA in .... .u out simiil? lontr pcmi a i to izive ns an opportunity to uard Si'onst the in- folks. On the "e.st of Fiance Fail way wo speed on our ay. Jt England was beautiful, France is larmoreso. i no eounriv is rn; imp: r ih on rnre tu -..ii.:.. . conception and skillful touch with ; nerteet: the erons are tilled in 'f , . .. ... . ... I. , - , ...... t 1 1 viu uuc in uui it'a'jint r-icat( nan -rf wilt tjivc bOLac idea as to how people at tecnty. aLd that they gave their advice upon information received from Golda boroaedthe factoftheexistenceof yel low fever to an alarming extent in Hiii. Her Oru-n, and me wans ,uore rien -;mall section- ' , , l n. .u ." k... '-e eU'IK.l"?! l adistancewhotakeanimparti.. viewof .... v .x . . . ... . .. eaeu umri . l i eo f i ui lie ihaiihi.t.'u ... .j i, . i..i,,. ,n,l trt.,n WIipi, the situation regard the matter: i'i""-,i.,r' .... " . . . H pecuiia maiinei . nc cross aim and lie. Iil;e dors beside .Nil, - or. l wo lorget ineir merry laugn- recross the their circles of friends and t heir tnw al-m i: little i i ver Scie and fol- val v. IS "The city council of New Berne held a special meeting on Thursday and adopt- cubativc Kici' of Ihi. ilit-i-iine. to watch th..' d e -el oprnt-iH .if thniH. rind be. able, for our-elven. to come to mine definite conclusions. Nir.e (lay-i idler tl.e I Hiding of the I.atient indoldaboro and five after the passage of the resolutions, they were modified, not brcause they were con sidered too stringent in the firnt in- like; a eiithe ver: Ktrictncai nn.mnMn r.. stance, but because the BtatUB of afTairH genuine warmth ot .ragrailt hospl- little run, but It is a power here, lations. A recurrence of the scourge of was such, no case having in the mean- tailtj ? Soon tl.e valley broadens Utul great lbG4 wil1 be avoided if posiible. There 1 time appeared there, we felt that we Another friend, one of the largest numbers of co'tton mills are seen. a.many who remember that scourge. "' could do bo. without j.npardmng tr.- uiauulacturors in Groat Britain. Tall chimneys shoot tip in the air: tlTt't ?:,rTlh,ad.ua lives of our neonle ' would scarcely permit us to abide dark smoke rises. Large villages river and quarantined, his vacated bed It i unneces-ary to Mat- that the wiiii the lirst trieuds lie nail are coiitinuallv bursting on our burnt and his room fumigated thorough neonle of N niiiiNeii iniu ine noil 01 ine oiu V le w ail il litis ' 1 !i e 1 1 HI mes t he varied 'J-J1- lumc in uuoctasion ior alarm tViln ,..rh Nir.ti. umi tlm l.it..)i of Hid , -1-1:.'.. i . i t This as only dona out of th orpaipat - v' noc., v. ....... v.. ai-fuc mis i.-. oeaiHin.i rrauce. , . T" hnm nn in ;rr v,, ani r..r door was up all the time. Well, we What shall we not -co' Here is T : v r v aVD ue" V " .,' , M , , '. ' ljeLIti side the sea aa New Berne can afford to ; protection. She has adopted only such ' '" - me oeme appeaiiii ou uui i im, as run any neks. Let other towns be as Nome das. He almost installed hirrro as the Thames at London .The, Drudent.-' Absofutcly Pure. Tbl ,i..wc. i POrl ty , t n-r .- ' ooDomKB'i1 ' . Hot b oa(l In c i f low teat, leuir I v. . povden. Hold nn v : . . Powoie (To . 1 ' V. u r: For Rale -n ".-v. I .-r f. muni rf 'O imn, lio -a, and mb . Itio maiutod .li. or pbocphAt Hot a i. Bull 1 UOVlJ-lTdW Alex. Miller. ew lii-rne have acted, in this matter, with no i lea of dninc (iolds- Brick! Brick ! Brick! 50,000 measures as she deemed absolutely . . . , n . . nei-eHrtHrv. ."inn w n r i imvu ,ir u iih in ic tlm iiiyii ni nw nmi. i; r..... ii. . i... v. .. ,l. in-i.- ..... o. , J- i . . . ... m. i , i t n n .1 i 1 1. t . , .. tne ai ne i.n i,,,Y , muci auKi imu irom j;ieppe. A Ii no panorama we take the following which bears lour other Tar Heels there we did snreads oat to nnr sifht: card have a North Carolina home in- and private homes, the broad river, The Augusta Chronicle savs that in ! tbat th neceBelty th,,uld have ,u,s,'n' deed in London. Don't von know tu m,n,. 0,,ir,.0 nf ti, lor, nitrAf m?a a fmii .f , i and as soon as thd case would admit. - - t! LLlO Lll tlUI ..'OtO Ol Llll. l.S.p VI VI i.w u.u... i.j ULIJO OJ LUaV IOWQ I lOEll o tiad a goou timei Uti, tne Konen It has more than 100.000 ernanaina and "were attacked vio Here wo must rest L. C. VasS. W. P. Ou most unanimous approvnl of her Citizens. It was with feelings of regret COMMISSI AND G siL'htseoinEr: the ( "VStal Fa ace : inli.ihir anu- tl..ro w-o mini ror I entiy witn lever six weeks after ar- j t a 1 1 a 1 1 E x h i b i 1 1 oi 1 , a 1 le r v o f aWbi,e- ' L" i'mf amlr SSl Quarantine Ma" " railway emp.oye who had not o.l painting anil man granu OUlld been to Savannah caught fever rrom the mgs. I wish I had time, space and The following i from fie Wilm-.ng- eflecia of sleeping in a car and died in healt to talk about them. ton otar. loio. Kauroau managers should take they were modified. We extend our hearty congratulations to the city of Ooldsboro on their escape from such an unwelcomed guest. STAT K NEWS CONDENSED. Sale i. oo., 7-T . .'HANTS, ' LF.R3, i : w 1862. mm 1888. ITALIAN' EXPOSITION. THE JtWtLER Goldeboro Mercury : The Catholics of T T l l . l l . TV,.. i;. . .cn.,, due notice and nv,n ,hm.J .n. I ur"u"uiiu l"' pleasure oi a visit . ,,oo.. c ....... v, - - '.,,"! from Kev. pother Puce of New Rerne, u ul oi i o w n nee.iu hr i. hv nHn CHmH ln ....p,.j. a.. a. am uuqii nan . . .. This occupies the ground of the contact with refugues from Jacksonville correctviews of a 'Mi i.:t quarantine. " ' n r- no m-i. ..r la e American ludian exhibition bv when quarantined here some two weeks Ic 18 the rofaZ e . elusion of all cars and Durham Recorder: From i-tery bpc- Sir, mil' Bull " It is designed to ago. have returned to the city, and yes- ' baggage He says: tlon comes the ood news that those ,. WatCHCS, CCllS. si I Vell, r V i, ,1, ,f it-.Ti h, n,l,K terdav reported at police headquarters 'Never let asingle car come to a j "d true men who comer, plated ,,IT. . et loi.h the Ntateol It.lll. U lUdtls- fQr d-u Th(j Jab!!0nville refuge, healthy town that is freighted or takes VOIlDg 'he third party ticket are cominK bCL.'.D ..iLiVi-II ir and art. Lich ;uid heautllul have ale, been discharged after two passengers in an infected port let j back lo tne Democratic fold. They are A KT) VI T t I) rAiV Nclllpture, line paintings sent b weeks quarantine. There is no relaxa- tLem .be met at least twenty miles from j Pure temperance men. vAk.r. the Italian government, most ex- tion. howev r. in the regulafona insti-; tce city b" rresh cars for both the pas-1 Goldeboro Argus: The artesian well mm-. t i i i.-. Quisite native Italian work in tnted sometime ago. and there have sengerB and the freight. ' at the Ice Factory has reached a depth I keep a inrti-r m,i-k , f Spectacle . . , ,, ,. . hen n,, .ivii-m fnim inUm.l Klnri.ia Let the authorities of Wilmincton of over 260 feet and etill the other riHb ,Hn unv i,..r ...t..,, .i. i'.,ii.. noi-.iie ci rir iini pn i s u-. nor. ---- " - - - . , . . . . . . . . - . ...v. .....-.-v...-, ...... I ... 1 ., . , ; f .. 1 f ., . rt ,, r.aKA nn nnricA aryrl haT-a --u b,., ..f Ihu etfrn h.rrmr ham tery, bronzes, etc., burden the Florjda who have "reached Northern Quarantine the not been I tke part no 1., r j ,u.- u, In them to the the lead, ficrht for t crtdPable alike to and their common cnsion very clearly showed that the object of tie- Loptibiio.K: wa- tO g.Ull i!eS I .r 1 1 u I .-oa l.y arousing Irish c-t .; i-is : 'i.e I )e mocraey . FliuM the Wiiui.iig:..:. S'ar : -An ounce of provoritive ;s w ,-r' h a train load ,,f cure. I ' in lie'tcr to keip yellow fe , r a .v , i,y i!.u!y fiitiiiga tions than to kee.i tiom spread tng after it gets a firm foot hold. We would be glad to know tint 'the city authorities are d ing ai 1 they can to prevent' the lover from comini htrr. and to prevent it lvmn living if it should get here. We believe that much could an 1 should be done that has not aeon done, and we fear will not bo done." The Star expresses in regard to Wilmington rist what wo have ad vocated m behalf of New Heme. It is the right po--it:o:i. The ol fleers ot eit.es. si;ua"el as Wil mington and Now Feme are, are criminally g-r.lty it they neglect anything for the tu-'trr piotecf.ou and com plot e seiiii :: ,: 'In- i-t'iv'e. .;r; v.) A ,u;u . i. ' t,utr, riicuuut . coi. lic-u , ury ouu wim.li nit iijciuae- eves o, ri,ir:,.K,iiiio..' ii.-m sightseer and excite most covete- cities give a much more discouraging -sense. ment hope to strike water in inex- Otis desires. It is a dangerous report of the epidemic at Jacksonville This is exactly the position taken i naustible abundance. Having worked Mei,.hly at th bench place to take one's wile or sweet- than the advices ie?eivtd from the by our city physicians whom the city1 Clinton Caucasian: Complaints are for over ihir y yeai. I 1.,-lieve I can do heait l got into trouble, and can council regard as immeasurably u-; -Mrs. 'HtoTc. Tlt .-leak leelingl. last. Friday, gives a doleful account of ' penor in fcientific knowledge and pro-1 rooster sitting upon a nest of eggs. He' ('OMR AND HI'K ME. Ihen Italian Mountain scenery the situation. lie says tbat he escaped , ficiency in their profession to those j is said to nnderstnnd the bussuesB first! NAM. K EATON, was i epresented in miniature, with quarantine by a twenty mile drive out who would ridicule them ind trifle with i rate- Rev- J- L. Stewart is holding ; Mi .idle street. a leal "switch back" railway in of Jacksonville. All business, he says, is ,- . tt A , .. . . ( n interesting protracted meeting at ! Opposite Hap tint ( 'l,ur.-l, foia dwtf . , i,..i i., at a standstill, citizens are rarelv met a serious matter, bo inst ad of sink- x H h . ! w a s re rodu 7oA gta's 8p nn n ?n the -d.lh- eilo- lUg floats ing back' at the Argus we will simply j EUzabeth city EcocomiBt: Tbe com. 1 , . ' 7 ti. . i ...L cT, from many dwellings, and the deaths restate the facts and endeavor to give ! miUee on wells have recommended to . 1 .o. as wen astn- run extent or neepiuemic them fuUer than heretofore spun i.is.", auu neoKiiea auu uiut-i are suppress, a altieh-s wore made before OUT eves urn olnl t.n th it our sister citv iii .f irifHm..Uri;,l IJnmn .- ' probably do not undeVstaDd the facts of ....... ..mi . liw.il. v...... j .x.. IH UlULUlillllli: H, nail.UlU.Ut;i3 llUkUSL lliki i.dsc ud iiuuwu uy uur ouy couuui. in order the board of town commissioners th.it that neonle elsewhere in thn Stto trhr, i artesian wells be Blink in the town in- . , . , ii. r I stead of wooden reservoirs aa were at bud, lings wer e greater in model, the introduction of so terrible a scourge Fpeci.uly was the grand Loliseiiru rebuilt in actual size, and there be fore thousands of spectators were re-enacted the fearful gladiatorial fights, wrestlings, chariot races, loot i aces and deadly combats. A vicioiious Koman army, clad in olden armor, with grand trumpets and shining banner and hordes of captives, marched in supreme tri umph around the arena. Old classic da s live again. llow much one can learn in a cosmopolitan city. ENGLISH NOBILITY. We had some opportunity of see ing the best blood of England' An entertainment was given oar Council at the Duke of Argyle's, and another at the Earl of Aber deen as yellow fever Had Goldsboro promptly institute i a strict quarantine when the exodus began iu Florida there would hare be n k-rs cjue for alarm in New B.-rne. But instead of that they published to the world thru they had a . case quarantined a mile from town, refused the courtesy of a reply to our port physician who asked for informa tion in regard to the case: and began a tirade against our people for taking steps to protect themselves; that is, if the various slurs and unkind things: published iu the Argus are their senti ments. In the columns of that paptr and physicians, may think the meas ures hasty and more stringent than were demanded . Without entering into any discussion as to the germ theory of yellow fever, the requisites necessary for its propagation, its manner of being conveyed from person to person and place to place, we will simply state that New Berne's geo- first recommended. The Nowi of Oxford is the name of a paper to be started at Oxford, N. C, in September. The Elizabeth Citv Fir will be held here on the 16th, 17th and 18th of October. Winston Republican: A short time since reveuue officer Vand-rford seized a quantity of whiskey belonging to a man named Cain near Mocksvllle. Davie county, and placed a guard over the same. List Friday Deputy Codec tor Roberts started with wagons to re Don't Fui! Tu Call On ROBERTS BROS., SEND Ycur GRiJrliSTO US. graphical position and climate make her j move the same to tho r-id-nce of a peculiarly liable, should the germs of : AnderBon. The wagons preceded . . the collector and upon arriving at their yellow fever be inrtoduced . Ho an epi- destination a brother of the man t , demic. This terrible scourge that visited our city in 1864 is well to be remembered when the mortality wasl, 300. with anjav- constantly arPear such c the follow- eraeof 20 death a day and onthe5thto the whlBkey, burning it and whom the whiskey belonged declared that it Bhould not be removed to the i j bouse of Mr. Anderson aDd deliberately 1 cut the hoops of th barrels and set fim 1 the 1 Wo have i n geocerit: C S. Pars Penltt-n! . Also Sh... factorii s We arc from the Mil,- i.- We also 1 I i Snuir. ROM. ' :i I nil lane of i'i.OVISIONS. & ' c:ii. Boots ' c ' Shoes, i." Boston . . - i-lour" i ii. v i-r v low. .ill inil A Ai . F.R0S., '- : .'r.4..V o ing: and 6ih days of Oct. reaching as high as ' store-house to the ground. 0 .. .1 T. ; ,.'.,.. .U. . I t:i O . .. . -T-I. . 111:1 : Just how people who kGOW the Situ- 3- n.0U,c.0 tuvC u,, ( m, uu ow,r. lue vv.immgl. n ationlook upon the action of the City well dread, and one that we ha ve no , Dwtrici Conference of the Method ist h. councilor New Berne in quarantining riht to meet with gloved bands. While Cnurch South, convenes at Kichlands. Ihen another nobleman, against Goldsboro. may he seen from a we felt that we should use every effort : C 1 11,! ,n Wht,. GEORGE aiEb GO lo' - !.!:: ! Gene:;.; '.7?.r& tiier.arioi tiarrowtn , rue successor '"V""';lu T ' to beep it from our midst, we realized good people of Houthport are no little ,,f , i,i i'ari.ii Ulnithnrnii Proti man in Uichcuond. Il is indeed a sd r K o " ot L'ooil l.ari ol ShattesDury as f rest- ,,Qrjr n ,v, .plm " at the same time that other interests disturbed at the appearance of scur- n- i , . . o , ..a oa v. , . e i , , -v.. rilous placards and caricatures of some Wucimr.v n HP if MM It I' im esrO,,S.ftnn Viaiilnnwnnn l.lnp.m on.l if nnoaih m . I'.lblo Society, received US ill tho ,,i.,,f ttr ,.,., of oninion on ..... - ........ .- of the leading citizens of the place Mil. MMMJ ti Till W o a g.ii n i on i:i .i u '. i ' i of tie Second '. ' i gi e - -tr ict on t he; r good it t u n Hon. F. M. S nunc:: liepiesoiitat i'e. 1' : r that one so eu;.g in Congressional r. to ; to I'.H ot t he w .t n t v I PUT. I lie po quo -:..:. ,il 1 is i in 1 1 . r. : : i g n .in their i' in 1 1 k i I i , 1 1 s .Mid v.i n i eadv ir aaaty tn rn .. pi.ii nt.".nl.i fif i r . 1 1 d M h 1 1 T O beautiful nlll,ht nnre for all to nut a ston to thl- But She was follv of New Berne by legal means. I 't II- ,, -plO with ' rity. On SO is th, "i.g .i lli'jre tl IIn; Moio; i M a lei! :n : b.iggn.g : he .1 i e o to t le- n. .1 li i M. c. of the Y.i s at.d "d t-o :.. d M : S.u. W ,l t ., ol .i ' 1 ! eg . I Not oi.!. l- It.: S to Ih.' col. g i a : u' it ,- d action, bu ' he w ; duciiig rog i n is urn to tills sou o I I . 1 1 i 1 . 1 as the guardian ot A I, . - ( ' ii ii. "n-i liltile rooms. e louuil tne n00lllt our part. Ihe wrmr. alter Bpeasiug pke our cultured ladies and gentle- of the great damage New Berne hte men. Tho Countess Aberdeen was 'bus perpetrated up. n tioldsboro in the . , outside commercial world, says: liut i no oi ino most courteous uuu iMihshed. affable and ladies we ever met simplv and et truly like a South- do not know- anything of the ancient cm woman. One feit at home with lla8e myself but it seems to be well ni . i ., , . ,i enough knownhi-re. An old gray haired her. Did we not do the right thug frien5 of mine 8aid u, ,ue today in his b niung her enduring lame by 0aice on Mhid street: Yes. that is an old haviiitr hcisell and excellent bus- trick of New Berne's O hdin il picture Qf US all 011 his the town for forty years and between mile of Goldsboro and had been in that beautiful giounds The Earl was fogyism. fools and chronic candidates, citv Even then n(J aiarm or uneasi- a bright watchful and utrpreten- unA ne was felt, being assured that the tioiis gentleman, with kind words t00UKbt bn 'old sore head town' case was rigidly quarantined, until it and warm grasp of hand. From which was easily thrown into panicky was learned on the authority of one of tho bill on which his country resi- convulsions by any sort of sensational th e rihVr3icians who had visited the case. adopt such measures ai would insure which are posted curing the night on safety to our community and at the walls and fences about the town. Ev- same time not interfere with through ery t fTort has been made to catch the ..... u... :.u :l IM . travel or tratti;. With this object in ' Ajtricm I-1..V ... WM'i" - i'ttl- IV i -tilis-.' Mo'li ;i ii I.ini. is. perpetrators but without avail. Tl posters are torn down daily by indig view., quarantine measures were in- : narjt cltlzen8 only lo reappear w ith glar stituted. An inspection of the train ; ing effrontery the following morning was insisted upon at Goldsboro, also at ! Il " mentioned that two men armed, ' . .. I with snot cuns were nested one niuht i iew oerne ana tnese measureB were jQ th(j ,eaf- crancheH Qf a t, ee t wat'ch satisfactory to our city council, until it a certain building, the walls of which was learned that there was an unmis- i were placarded every niiihc with these I have known j takable case of yellow fever within one : oojecuonauie posters, iney sept ciose watcn tnrougu tne nigni wunoui seeiDK any one, ana yet wnen morning 1. dawned much to their amazement, they found fresh placards staring them in the face that had been posted during the night, right under their noses People begin to think that there in something uncanny in all this, and are nish, Oil, ';as., I-Freocr-i, ICelr (JOOk StOes, Fll Proof Sash I-. 1. -givo soon i . : ;, a i ! f t : n ; i ;''. i . ait t it e Ii la. IIMll )!-, 1 tn apr-rn, ' ; es-n, ,or, Kamit ' . ardware, Plaster i nn, V'ar v and 1 1 air. atorn. Oil i Hurlar n a!,'l to . I.iedon. I OW. - ( o. icle N Ol I', 1 i . ! . . T T.-iKr. ooT-ta uor eliCe s.anos, we looked uowu on t5,'".', , . " : Z that there were five others in the familv awaitinsr further developments with no Iia lli'liis, Willi Ii;i"rilUlMlULk . , . ,,.,,. . tn ,QorQ in onnaranr RnriAti,,n with th natient. everybody is perfectly willm-tol ay, hawthorn jt to it8 hopeless dry rot provide t he auu swaiius 01 na, nawiuuiu it tQ jt8 hopeless dry rot provided it that neighbors had been allowed to visit tieilge.N ana ciusteis oi nooie uees. don t assume to 'cut the cables to the l licil off on the Other iile stretched detriment of live an.1 vwul places, as aA.iv miles of brick and mortor in tbis instance." Ve coey this para- rr y- i i.K a.mfilt- ll.1l th J lT.A.1 T"l O i f 1 A ( 1 f si moat count ess been care- t ouiing ti.at ion. He and his wife are our sister city may see how fecsible people in other towns and sy.ates who 'In l tl the Capitol M r. S. m nioi s n.ltcil for th,e greatl honors, have been an if citi7.cn Ham. DoJTj, trjct. It is t N. p.. -pillar and doing goou. tsue Used are entirely disinterested comiaeot on to ;aeb in the Sabbath school Ol the 6ilty action of the city council in lr John Hall's church in Ireland. Quarantining agiinst tho wnold worll. Alack 1 Alack 1 1 I.oNDuN GROWS. .. ., . ,-i , i . , ii- Sensible poeple iu IceJ . b j tl.inKS the Do not think that Loudon is , J; ... ,. , , ,-n i',f, . Argus. But Djn Piatt wcuhl say cf standing still. iNo. l ilteen vears . , , , . , ,- , i , , this Richmond letter writer and his i.Ti rhw -,-e sprr nn wnerp I was ' ... nmr-liairpd fri-, d . ihev mnke them- tir. ...... h... .... was a vase strawDerrv - -.."j.- T'AO . i - -. I : n li uiipi.--t n irt ; pmielitN s dlS-nab!e vote as he lly i eriiind tii.,; .Mr. :!, t..r the Te-; iect i ve '.'ho ecr ess. sta ing, ti. hi. N'ow it is densely rtormlatod. houses, churches, schools, railway misfortune of th.-ir acquaintance. Their stations, stores, cover all the space self-ceserted excellence ar:d surenor w.rl, tepminp- forces nf hnmiinit v. wisdom qualify them to attack the sins selves living iDSuits to all s ho liavj the to another: that the train hands on the Tb htfth reparation rn;iw v'OUl'AST i-i Aa to tho f.. t TVP f 1 I 4 j r n o. 1 m.l 1 1. I rt eKrcl-d daring it m.v-ut j..-f.:re i . ' e , i.KUCNKI' .V ENGKI. l lM.sr AND Fl'.ST -N- SKIFF and FAUK ! v 1 dwtf Agent and Bottler, New Berne. N. C. K-'i , has received a letter from a right of overs i gent leman in Michigan in w h;ch he pe 1(;PS u , sas: "1 am very much suri r.sed pa,nots ol .ill at tne turn this State has taken immonS has d politically. From pre.-ent indica- )e0pi,. ,,f IH tions it Kxiks as if will go Demo- of j)arty, as cratie. We think in the North 0,.,.UI,ie.l a sea: that the Democrat will be success It was throagh his j :.;; ,:.v and ful tn these elections." Mr. Duffy's bv 1)j8eITorts a post, -h;.-,- w ,- ,.,;,,!,. correspondent is well informed and itstuMi at ja;;-.es : t y . . t : i . 1 tins;.. ha.s traveled extensively. but an illustr.i: -n ot ; work he A i "BHESPOKDF.NT of the New is doing for tho people. Other Vork Times interviewed Senator men may bo as patriotic as Mr. Vance, and from the interview we Simmons, Fa; when all h:s ijii ihf;- coj,v the following: Now, who in cations are considered : when it this protection cry is protecteilf is remembered that he has h ad ,-: The manufacturer ot course. He porionce pub!;,- atFr.is. and is reo-ives twice the sum the working- especially :",.r the poMtinti ho men do for their labor, and as he occupies by natural . inl-wmL-nts. Dlaoea it securely in his pocket lie careful training, an hollows' loudly for tbe benefit of study, there should bo in. hesitancy the workingmen. 1 have disagret d ' returning bun t with President Cleveland on lome oi the Fuited States And rapidly the city is adding to its millions of inhabitants. FRANCE. Fut wo must advance, too. So we grasped onr traveliug bags and turned our faces to "La Belle France.'' Oh, the beauty of Fug land 1 Her fields of surpassing green : her Mowing her hedgerows, Hocks, quiet hamlets, and follies of the people of Xciv E5t-rn. and if they have any other business ic is unknown in New Berne. Tne Argus calls ther.i "'sensible ' because, for sooth they a-sist it in abuiiui the city council ar.d physicians of tins city whose action thy peoi. le. endorse, and which action was brought about by the folly oi ooldsboro itself. The Arus mtuht aa well understand that the p.-o pie of New Bi'rue will al way s take such and the d is ease spread, as we had every steps in matters concerning their own reason to fear it wcul-1. from ourinti- salety ana weua.e a.- me.r o goou relalionshio with Goldsboro an little curiosity. Ilincs, the A. A N. C Uefaiillcr. Col. John V Hinsdale, attorney fer the State, left j-ecterdnv afternoon fur Chicago, w here he goes tu tnke Heps to cring Hints, iho A it N C defaulter, here. It seems that limes intends to mike a light of it hn- en.pl ved an attorney ami will ret-,-i the r. i)ui-.uinii sent fur him a fnw oas hiio in the hands nf Sir days pr sent themsel v.-s and realizing John Upchurch The history of itie that the av.-rage incu; alive stag of ' -rT ,ir. as related to us y-sfrda) even- , . , ing by t ol H le-d tie is v rv inleresi the disease is ten days and during that , ,.T . hM ,,MI . . , . , ,n,.s r -hwit',i, H' n i.nsiiint nf tin A. & N R-, m -a,- u 1. 1 en ot nifct If. i, is A & N. C. R R. wa re in Goldsboro t" i-i i.in his u h. reabcts He whs , tin-illy i-p ilt'-il at St I, -mis twi-Mimr, CW13 day from lllcO a. tn. to o p. m. triinl,h,.r h. w,t ,,, N,.w Y..rk It ana ,-ici-p m citv council hid fi.Ilu. 1 him thi re. H- wa- llier him. and tbat the case had lessly managed. Doctors proverbially disjgreov Ileie it w a the opinion of ihree. a unanimous vote, that the case as y.llo.v fever Believing that such was the case ana that in ail huujan probamlity other cates would in the cnurs of a i'tw : r .m one person ew B -rr.e every mbt. the was ,,,,u air,-rwards learned that b ctinir under the advice of bad g"ii- to Chicago and tbat bis if.- as determined to adopt rigid puy s quarantine measures against tbe city of Goldsboro during this incubative stage. Ii was utterly impossible for them to tell what would be the condi tion of fcifairri in a week's time, and had such inear-ures not been enforced. sh id ( i -d by the iiieic staled wh cip.ured from Presio-m Bo mi Mr John Ui'-hu r.-h requisition I . . loin ; heard fr..m l.im li;l e. and i s im a tc eiil with aid imt hind w i-Mrrd i C 'i hills; deer, solid villages, rub harvests, gentle streams; how one gazes as on a Scene of en chantment, which he expects to pass s- on away. Well It all did pass as tices as the one copied above from the ... . ". ,i, .i.ii, nlmll- nlifl'j Ai-.rna iius nnnnii.'fil . hnr their ron- WeO.lHlO 11 MU Llio nuill-iuomuiiu , niniantilm meniirHH itni. ia.sh-I lliprn of tho oo-isf ground Xewhaveil 8 ant appearance ia becoming annoy ing quarantine measures were p,sc,j there ot the coast arouuu ewnavtu. tf) thope who have respect for that pa- was a general exodus of people from There we embarked on the steamer per Ua dart8 and 8hng8 are a,WHyf, Florida. Four or flva hun,lrt.d p,.,,p,e KAri.e ,for.,.OQr voyage acroaa the aimed at the board of counci.. hnoirino from thu coramurjltv. wero 9t,llterefi in,1rrm:Jnl cnuiPr RIK Tllr. 11 nf H KllP1 gstions of tbe Argus or its gra --haired epiJemic would, in all probability, have afternoon Richmond lelt.'r writers. appeared here simultaneously, with a 1 We have endeavored to let luch no- things favorinp it. Furthermore at the i.ae the rigid Hinsrtal e-i-nii-il that Hices h-iil s h-iboiB eorpu- ' ' diat'-i wned and ground of the writ. The F ib' ving w as r; c-iv , tel. g ram -tin r n out a i o . .f I Mo i- ImK- i - - r- k cO 1; i ', v its t !;' The Wcrii ..:z.: Aghast j A i ' M ! -S . . : I .tm Aim! woiplir-. 1 i . - a , i i a I run hII s II it 1 ( ' h 1 1 w ; t .' . , ' i ; 1 1 - , ; n I , I "1 1 i-h 'i I . . . ii. - f nn m-ii to h ' t-MKiiv -in i-t.. i f i ! ' i i-i WORK H)ii's)l 1. i'l;' III- M v Mat.. :- I I ;; ! i i I N ( Mil i- (I'M ( '.i 1 i -i.i Oil W ill ht fort- ti- v r rt-r, ,'K,a'" f. ::. c-;:.es, a ,...,- ne. . . K). t-s ri ii si. u eiuii.L . -. I I I V A. F. I A 1 i'l,.-- I'i; i i ; i k T 'K. "''""y HV. i r.O . OI' . J88. (I110AOO. II!.. Aug t-'H. J Hinsdale: -Ground is that i: is deb- ard not eml-i zzlemem No ion fty ieqiiird J. 15. C I'i ':t t la : I Col. Ilili6.i.-!e also rec ive.l I (-.1 lewing from Hines' attomej to win b he si-rit the r,pl apriendd ClilCAOO I 1 . Allgllrt 20 - "nl J W It was im p issir.le Hinsdale: Can Hmes'in i- ki- i-iiirj n-h.,, .i ,,n il.radrireof tin- re.tvlent vliii.neians an o er mat oiaie. . ' . , ..f , ;...i.i Viosh rpnutation. learning, skill, scien- for the Don nbysiciin. be b- ever s by pa merit of amount short CDOrpiDg, aoomiuauie ci " , rT . . , " A .., ,sv i r ,r,lL ta ,-ovporor It U nrthodoT tiflc knowledge, and nonor and mteg- careful. to prevent people frcm cm- r "' P '' greets the oyage. It is ortnoaox . Arus dare uot aUact. . . L .TJ . .-w.L- thorM if non-hero psc . : , , o t mg mio our city, snouia mey ue wining iu ni. .-11. . i' t . , . . .. - - . - II1B alus "in inc iu itici buiud ui .o t he passengers obeyed, andXep- the unkind things said of our people. dilr'ctit tunes conquered many, the saloons We know that a communication has al- were ternbb e p aces. But my wile re?u UB u ... , T, n , i suit ne telegram sent in the name of Mr. nnd I have pivou over all such bust- j ; ;i i .,. r.inirri.ss c, , , , ii Bmm auu wiuiuriiiiis iiiomuviru.ci ,ini.it.. m ness Ue j.ept the jtcki defied tjjg signature of '"J. B B." and it will the sea-god, ;ind in K ur or five hours ' be eent to the Argus for publication. i. , I. l. d T. 1" li M Sll sl KM.ll Altcm- .. Iiii. RaI.eioH N i. . Aiiir. 'JO to make false statements, and under B y shaifner: -. Hinns' elTense ih such circumstances they are. feeling jvionv heie. whe"i run .it be com that every man's door is shut against ptumdeii. them. Col l!i.,s la!e U ft est-rd',v evening With these facts before us anf to re- for the purpose . ' rnui - g t :" rn ..f view them briefly. habeas corpus v. inch cm- up n.-xt 1. New Berne's geographical and cli- Friday. New s at.d Oiiserv, r. N I. W M ' ( pi II f I !T Mm f. i h il a , 1 1 ii-- crcui-rv. u beach oil il' B n 1 1 i . i I I ! I I I.i. r l f..r f inci i ,-r- t each w ;i i folk S:. .... t r , s f i -in linn-' ' ' .. ! V 1 .1- n'I a. ... lU'H.DINO. ' ' -tuber 1st. :,n bo many iioiih Grand .'I th finest Il.voiK Good i -n a i.i ind uot i pi K-t plaoe anil al Ir 1 1 . Rteam I hi ir paaiiftgtt I rne and Nor ,,i i weekly ii lion. Wll o iii h. Eden- id re n .M i linger, . Head. N. C w f v:J0 r . ..yfgiMii y npm, mmmmmmm r. jl . -J LT1' ! J :L2f5?Wf3PtW- v.r v