V - ; :','- ; ; '- .' iSrt-Vj" ' --v': ';'' 7 " f ..T '' '" , -c. !i . W 1- CP ITJ VWM' ' V -fk I, -i. b--S. f I RL1 . HI frl I r IXDEPKXDEXT 1 1ST ALL TI-J I -N G VOL. XI. new cuavkx county, x. c, o( roi-;.:;; i NO. 2' F l) I TORI A L OTFS. Si v 1 ; V I 0,000 Yards of Heavy Cotton Bagging . 1,000 Bundles Delta and Arrow At boys A v x i Ties. IOC Bbls. of New ftless Pork. For sale Low for Cash. GETTINGER BROS., Our New Fall Goods are now on the way. April 20, 1888. XW. STEWART, Sale and Livery Stable. Nkitukr Trout nor tr.iaps .ire rodncLa of the low t.nft'er.v 'ev Yi kk's ront nb;:tioim re tLe Tell iw frver fund eice d . TJ N''T for i'iie raoniput h.-ix I;'!p ert-,1 the r! ijj of the u n t t-rr : tied 1 'e oi ivrarv . CfEM. HiilNK, Utf Mrnh.ii t'! France, dun! in .SI lnd, on Sund.iv of hear: disa. Thk joint debate ; oer ;ind nithfr Kowle nor l'.- k.-ry is down with indigestion. O'iir; .Ii.dK'r Ml"I.Tl MII.I.IuNAIKKS aud roll- -!i'p : ! '.ract paair i a borers came with the - Kk : i:: protective tan rT por; f.- n: .ill Ir :s reported th.it Kaip-rr th.it tin- William and Trinre l'.:rm irek are are :r- .. . no longer friends. Ior;n in.l i FK'st in Alabama is the gixxi news that comes from Mon t H'i:u ry. Prase r t he Lord' -I'v.,:.!. N' w come the fanners ot lna lint N a;. . i : tliri-e small !: A::;!r: . : h.'tel. ! 1,1. v. , i . then M i a-:y t i.-cli he THK SCENE I'llAXiKS. SVIIAT 1 UK I! (.(; i ; . I I: - Politics has been denominated MONOPOLISTS A I ( l;oi "T::e sriuiice of circumstance.-." If A n .ui w ia ha- d. : . i t:,is is a correct uelimtiori the le- onia p:: 1 'licans arc t he pi eat est ol p j - i:.-ck.- ;:c;a:is. The mo-t accompiished c ::. acinbat ciniiiit cunpare with Sin:i:.ii a: ol l. I' ) P.i r i i r. t u -: put. . ' I:; , : ' .n . 11 l i ! i j hi,.-u t;, i.-i . y in i li ti.-n of !;. l.'e 1 r,; ..-;:!,' ; ur- i it s M i ;', - : lis : . ' i!. -it il. 1 1 1 n . i f i 1, t hem in t i.e .,i a-' v of t heir er- ,!:, d ma,i.' Wa.-i,; bat r . ! ! r-' i cal re-:den innoN a" :o:i. Ml I; o m e K ia-a- .i i e f cvi-iv r It .ind ,-a the war taritymust ' li.i-- tavd out its welcome. th'- people arc tired i f it. IP 'N . d. L. M. I'l'BKV, who re CM.fr ieslgned his post as I'mttil States Minister to Spain, has re turned to h:s home in Virginia. WHY should politick! ethtC.s allow purposes, methods and actions which are forbidden by all eodes of mora Is gn cr :i ; n persona! "t: duct N , paper, ;n .i Tt has per : for the pa-Vute- w . : r ever t i: ere ai c r a ' : S ' I! oa r- oil I! . " 1 1 ! ::oerat a 1 emn- Stock Ton hand will be closed out at very low trices. A full supply of new stock, horses and mules, the best for this section, will be on hand this fall and winter. I Hit ; n 1 1 be , ; a i ; : ' ha- . : : the -c. COI: ,','" have dr.fted were lit Co!i.-,l-e ' h i- bee i n ecu I ,. i . i ; ; eat .:i.e e o,.,! e :. a r :c- we V e , a , ' i 1 1 r .- Broad Street, New Berne. N. C. The Bergner iV: Eiiirel f BREWING PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER. CO.'S i ink m. -p.ndle.s ;n l.anea--lore. FujjIh.'hI, have coii.menced rut.:, 'ii; in slicirt time, the mill o'.v ;icn' object I e u, ; t o defea t the American cotton in.. Ir is reK3r'ed a I)emocratie hend;u irters tht the farmers ol Western New York who have here tofore been Republican are now, S' 'Mi: t.n.e . : w , :.p, :::,ct d almost to a man, lor Cleveland and that candidate Han.- -a "iiM re- Tharman. ivive v:.-i:i;:g delefj.it s every day THE fonrth biennial meeting of until the election, except on Ship the Order of Odd Fellows which wa.s day. Now it is sa:d tha oMitinr.al to have convened at Nashville on hand-hakit; j wa- fotnid. to bo too the 2d of October, has been post- fatiguing lor so' sm.d! a man. and poued nntil the Hh Tuesday in 80 tle 1ms C'- ''1 ! 'n'l re'urned November. to nls 'aw cilice. I: i- further state, 1 t ha - -:i door, !).) per r.i-i the ti-h X :nl . r," !. i - bee :i r. i "c to formance- and the jeriei t ion ,; I : a , n ;r their .-cmersets. ; , , , -, ,r ; Take any subject you please, and !a:- li , a tl.ey change color w ith the facility 1 a. i:a a :a' ! t: of a chameleon. trust -.-t to v. L ; k I- it Civil Service Kefoim? Then feated i, i ti,, n x heir attitude depends upon the B: ecken: : , i Ai outs and ins." If they are in active :u r r u. command of the Ship of State they I'arnie; ..; ; r,- swept the decks of all Democrats, be xe.'i '; . tin- 1 l'.u : . if a i a-w captain steps aboard, has been in u lo : it h the Democratic colors in his l.trii.r. lb . - ; . : hand, they .-ay "it ni l never do to pro,eo a, in-, ., , . .1 ,. . -t rcuifi eli "i : . , , . , i , m ,1,1 . ,v ... 1- ;t the Internal Ueveiine s s 1 1-in ? That depends upon who are to :.,ie the office- incident to that -v-tein. If t he otlicials ai e to be Republicans, the more of i the better, but if the Democrats ale to t lie i fl'p'es, it is an ever 'a-t - :::g di.-grace. Put lor lofty t u tabling and somcr -aulf.ng estraordtnary the tai.ll all id- the be.-t springboard ever -eeii in tins or any other country. There is no conceivable position, from the horizontal to the perpen dicular, that a Republican cannot take and be in company with leaders of his party, and the deolar it ion - nt h i i plat lorm na,i ; iitrod'ice a biil ;o' F: a-' v, inch is attcii: : wo inii!;oi: of ! l.t ' -- . ' lie have i.:;n 1 : - a s w . i -to ; ,-,e e .'1 r. -.No the " IIS llii". -f S :N ll.din - a ::i -i r " i - w as I. ;i ! v... r, fu-( .1 ;.r, '-i ;i i ' ! a' it . t ' :.Vl l"-i"V ,r,t .-it e !: i . ,i . i he .'-a.xa.ii-; to n.i ko - !..-ri if 1 h in to f-r SI., , ,;r li .!,::. I "i l'. " llil! V C ir l '-, ! it p- f 1 1 fe. i ir, ' . t i , , 9 c il,! Pa f..r II " ' ! p la . l'- p, r - ' VI i.i i, re alia .1,; I 1 1 , , , .: . --'r i " -a h- i ; " r.-j... l" aat" . t--.il ,i, i A t p- , i a I !"r mii M, T: I- '.- ( ; . s 1 1 ' , ! J , , '. 1 l lll 11 let. I, V I p' f.-v. V l.l.. L lf7N. ROYAL rSS'.ll Ji ; r i x ; in ai n a of a nil n.i l i a I il a , h nil e in , o M ,'!il e man w!io 1 prominent in a-.voc p ;:i' aral ; - in g t it ri 11 IP' in and light nig i i ... , , tiu-ts and c ;:. a p.p ;,,ns ir i,,.v , . , i i ; i , , transpires taai it Oeeonn - Ml. ( . R. Hieckini idae's ; in n to light :!.- m 111 the Second C,,:,gI'e-.-anal i!:-- tl let ol t in- Sia'e. H e i s so St M ,-: g o i; "itiithe Democrats here thai he i,",',' was reiiounna-i ,'. by t ht m t his year p.-riai without osj .o. : : i":i , and ie.ently ar v,V Cabot i lie Wheelers, an ag; p n 1 1 '.l I a ! ihis , organiation. mnor-ed inn ': ,pjr;ll; was tlacigin ta.it tie uaann n w, oppo.- i ' i ' 1 1 i.v the ! lepi; bi ica :. s, tile Ie-ii'lP- ..J t i.C TCOtalt S'.,!'e tion h,. ve can t lam ; . im their plans. The leal light n, :!: c -aga i n -1 the farmers. T :-, i i v. i;h Mr. i I u i. P 1 . -. ',1: i 1'," : ;o,,. , I , . Mi..-- p ' 1 s !" li .P- . 1 . ,i. op, - part'-, I lor ti,e P 1 Pan I' -lOii ,v . p 111 ti vs" &a a Absolutely Pure. ii i Slirsi- n ,- i, r.l- P , , n-l a P r: ',- P,. 'ir,, 11, ,1 al,, !'r.,. 1 1 v.-r v. (-re r i-a ; f ::r !, m-n : ' i)i" p i-; h -rpa . m' nil' e. : nl 1 mi irauetis rs to IP tl.e i. f tin ' 1 a a r:-- l ret,: a- an. I tn x oa -r "i, i --7. - ti 1.'': I - ' : -! how .,; 1 1- a ; r- a an l.t is , f t :, n - In "inn r , 'IU.1,11, s , P--r i f e narr.l rf ' Mo " and in II 1 1 tod iMipht - i aiiii i , i irdv . Millw. 1 ;r The Chicago platform and the Sena'e tai:ll bill are exact an t i pode . The (Tiii-ago platform declares again-t taritl' revision except for the purpose of checking .imports. I; would make prevention id' for eign commerce the keynote of the customs laws of the United States. It was upon this issue that Harrison was nominated. Rut it is not upon this issue that the Senate bill is framed. Why this change? The people have been heard fiom. lively bret e that .-weeps fiom the Whkn .Simmons took the Rag '"'' " '"' North e.-t i.- laden with execrations i .... . . . . ... ing Trust hy the boms the monster ' " " ' ''"'''' ' 1 ol the iobtier tariff. Tl.e cues of pawed and bellowpd, but Simmons ' ' ' en ,j;i -irmpl!i CT hos-e incomes have held on antft the farmers got there ron")'"''- ' been diminishing wLiie their mort- and tied the li-east witli their own "Nati i; : laws. ub-truct- gages grew, have forced the Repub- bomMpaD, etl or ovcrboi ;-.e. tr.irp-te: their lican Seriate upon Democratic THK Philadelphia Times .bay : . energy to ub laa s. in,i in ,-,i;r case ground. True they are merely "Xo snch campaign as this ha8nb ,!w ll-n, Pr" iio-ed.on otic -q-iatteis in the territories," but ever bn condncted before, and the i:lni'. corpora: .ons atid tru-t -. o:i they swagger around like old results ol other years are of little the other hat. 1 I ib.-r organi.t itioiis. settlers, although they don't know i 'arm ! r "1 la. . n ; n i m -ria ,, s nopioiists i,a vir.g i:xe wring mora v l.opn men iike Simmon- an I 1 na ridge are as ;ii :rp; m ; '.t-ir ,-ii T'ne'.' li i ve elm -en to chain pion farnni.-' c.,u-e and j-;i' a we.ip- a in their hand- that will eiia! to del'v ail Midi comlnlna: p robbeiii-. but in dicing :i tip-;. ollVnd t he money kings. Wln.t ought faniaps to do Uiidel such circuin-t.uice.s ? The answer is very simple. They ought to re double their eia-rgies and u-e all honorable means to return such men as Simmons ; (N-iigu.-.s. R is pi time tor ;iu:n to stop ami ,-i,m-ine ;n n talk .bout n.ii'v ln,,s and nanv , . . ' . , . ' tin- cn m l pi inc. p. e.-. i iii.' j lu-. comoiii.i- lit re en s,;m . i, ti.ro rover.s a p-:r,od of ; .: -. inn, : in it nt S ,i m- ' - :..-.: ' . ur.t li i a a. m .'. - '. a ;!( lll' FiP fit-' Pa'. . S ,. r '.T - . : ;, - 11 ' . j- i ; 1 Pi i nre that iii t 1:3 ri. . ,: r t .-, :.tv- th ree hn;: j re J iars i. ;.nn. hi . Per .in-' t.nurce. ana et (,,.: , i.u 1,1 have propN to I -, r. crJ covtr.- hi-entire A lit 11 It l.t. i .- n',V!T? Mif ! u.- ) ;n 1 Pe v..i . v. -.-(,... , 1 1 -: r ; c ; - i.i:,nv wliethf-r or n.-t t!a v 1 1 . . v . In: i hriff-r !-ela:i.l terra finee Siim-. i an.l Piitteiaon have 1 eeti in fTi lie i:i aik Lie Irin.h a: ,J i.i.i ie i.y tii( tralin , :: i tl. - J..fi. aP .-. ill la - n.s- tie ' . si a 1 1. MI'iVs l imn Nsi 1). ( 1 . ! 1 cro A I'iUi f i; e vs ,'i.r w e t i ti -ria .'- im in tin- enj here en wi eb . i a tin nit .-1 1 I'.irty " v. ioK of lie- a W 1 1 a i i r; ii " "Ij ii -view : I-: is ;n ,- fa, an 1 : e m art -lock in .u: I in, u r, n 1 ii tae IP V (' : ; '..- I el art in "a-, ii oi tin-. e 'Tnira -Hi pal ty . a I a I P an i -vi ,i tleo ' ia irnp.ny will i,..-.v -n., irv r e A I" . ri-in ,1 1 1. a h;,,-,-i.i1 ,i t ','. . i'lirn wa (t : l)r. I'.ilna-r u ti,.. ; -; pli r i. i oi to i'.mi'iii nee i P.- pr -. i ., ' i 1 , v f . v. '! !e. : , ii n.ei ( i ! 1 ,'-i , . -ai C-'i li; i in- iiiiin ' nil la- i r . . v. ,-i ,b mi . ,1 : - 1 n , . . i : i in k t !.- fr. i.:i i- .a i ia i ; i r p-ant V.,i,v ,f !'!- a i . . Th. eitiz ' - v iio rrai , 1 1 . ; ,- , n-ai-a In, . -fnl in. ! me .r. -n. .- la.- i-nnTi;, in y . A i-pei iai to t!,,i ';,.;, : I in n ,'. :n (J a i lie.-vi 1 ! e :.t 'J ii i tin- ni'Ti. ing - i la, ,. ,v (-.l'L-scr HVinjiaans i,f a; i. i . a v . i i-M-er, ts ;;, nil ili.iin; v.- i! -.i., u : , , - HI ' V, 1 l.., Pi' h'lS-filal. 'i ' " I : : a!. , .', - i k i ! ri . Mi! er. v. Ie , i i t x . t i,-. e Mi ii'iii- Ti nv . s-pi PC- I M .: el, el I in , i -,: ,1 IP i, f , ,r 1 '.' , , : tins niiiriiiijH. P in, i Pna fr. ,f 1. v, r. :,r,.i unin sitat.iitly ronaui ,: l,,-hi,k-n. 'Ss of P,st i- ve ii 1 1 o. i i , .. a, -ii'-h i-si-iti in. -nt. i-iiiv : i.e .. i i. : , Pet , i a t drill. k. Tnere i n i ..'.:. :;..; Let II. re sir,:'.' the true ! :els i f );. nt e l - l In. Hrf h;e I :i inaije public. Jacks N. Mi-; . S -;: 'I e, -i;,i , ti'lU lie; e t ;,i iy IV,. - lie' "1, 1 n i- . , day. Tie ie v., r.- no dehth- an i n ia c:i-. s. Tiii -I'd; a r.- .1 "I hi; PP .' PI. MA ". I.A . Sri. er. I A il -,, at ;a St'i 1 1 i a en ac." , 1 n t, , ' 1 h . . , i . , ! . , j peine i,,'-.H , I, tin ! - u ! 1 d e,l . I.' 'PI--. I PP K i . S (t :ni ti , i, p.- a; a, P li 1-V ; lie , f ( !.. t I p r 1. i ll , - .'.--III' , I . ' ' s till! T : . ; - Is n,p r. .. r .- ,i i . .n . , i . , I. ..iji,: i.i I pr . i , e : i . re i ,f , . 1-, v f , . r r . a - -li'in J a"; envnle. 1 ' i i i r . .!:,;;-',:, , r , 1 e v , -1 , Men pin-, i a i r 1 1 P i 1 1 : a a p ,i r i Pen Tin- 0. .on .f .ii!;o N,. ;- i.-r t-iliitsa -V ill.. liu d in an . i.n 1 tin ,iMDS I.e. 1 I i . i iterial iliGES. troet. IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant, It ia brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt and highly recommended for TROTVE qualities. Laazer Hops, and its TONIC and NU Tk hifch rrpatation enoy.d X)MPAN Y i dae to the f.rt H 7 :.p- i i i : i r n ;-: i . only -i.e 1 1 MIST AND RRdT. MATERIALS n aei and that the creav.-: SKI!.!, and CARE in exemaed daring it miaafacture. j t dw-.f serrice in forming a correct judg ment now. Thkkk are "Jo.Ckhj workiDg men on a strike in Havana. There will b a rise in cigars, and it will be said "the -Mills biil did it." As we41 say it caused the rte of fur at St. Petersburg, or of rats at Can. b-n. I r is rep "'Kv Orleans is declared to committee bj free from e en a suspicions c.vse 'vpt'n turn rvni'i of yellow fpver." This is verv re that the Mil w:i, re. luce tin- revenut markable. It is rarely the case ,H",-n " 1 he im.:,' wp take that there is no eIlow fever in m,t, Repu I a c i n - are not Tilt' ti r - " ale c i - ' Ie holds of ac.pp: nn it.-d second a: c t he -a ai d entren , In n can. p.- of ol weait In lien should h a e peace, and t ure would have nni ; n t i but f "i ma:, '- in e, 1. 1 1 . p g and s'rong the wea'n tin t ! i L -Sena'e bed. P 1 , arolmarks in a single town.-hip. i. the 'Thev will be hopeles-lv lo-t in the 1 cities and wilderiie-s. he producers II-.w Democratic hone.-tN rises - war where we and shine.- by the side ol lb-pubii and where ii. i r.i ii d u p 1 ie i t y . To k now Democrat ie peace piiucipies once, is to Know tliem toreer. JctTerson's inaugural ad dress was the prelude to the I'etuo eratic anthem that Tills the earth and ip-es lo the heavens. tions have alieady diawn the lines: the edict ha- gone forth from them that Simmons, because und rtoad that it.e iiam.mo to the .-rep- u.orian fnlU fifty p, rs .us c.iiicd ,o he dare.l to throw himself between ''ot 60, r"at hH" bu rc0,'"t v u,'allh l" m,,k'; "i';;' le:ire,l. i, 1 mi u t'. li m s une few sections eunceriong 1 1 1 1 eonii ition of IP 1' I' their scheme "t robbery and the the las exet as the ormmr.1 et-liinnti-H I'.jliir. vsli.iaiii'iMi frimi I i:i:r l.i-i flrmers 'a- slii'l in' li Pirn ?o In this iiniueci it- -tenon ihy hav e mxlit uml who ih noiv ill. Tl. ImkkK'- been hurt v. iy luti-. m. I in - aiie near of til- refugees will he diemfeeied i,i Congress. bv loi'a!iti..- t!a j- aie bett-r t'ian they anil row E ery paBseneer who lent a Col. D'H'kelV. tile Ie' I ,i ic i n have been in years. nurik or viiIihh 1. ft the hey w i:!i th ' .' Wilmington S: ,n Deim ;,rc f-i..w mn in charge and . y ery t u, v. , 1 1 "he Candid.Kc for (. 'Vel llor. p- boI.., lrl In;ikl:.K lh,.ir ,,r;;1.. , u; Iu ,rkH, tt:o.,li;hly laminated, proclaiming on ihe stlllip 'hat ll this ;-. :i. ( ' -a - ii-ra' ! ,-n-k rier-- is H t'rant "f N'i,rk, (P. v. ho e mi,. e. i. .... i... -. ,.i i renorted iilanu- tin- Cine Fear riv. r as vv it n trie p ,r t l r,,tn wcuiir. 'i,,i,m,.y Ol UIjCI i ' . -X I . -V a , . , n . is.i'. , a . , t . a le-'.ni i 1 ia.- it eat tret-n-t nomiDiltid by the Deiin-'lats ioi lr)iZ to ,). h .; a.-.i dn.-s-of ti,e crop- i:,av.,r,,r P.- Il.ei.-,.rv woll',1 Tint HIM till' lid' ,1 ni,-iH 'il lU'ilVl raln-.tle ,m , s-S The vVaid Uan'is Aghast i v 1 1 1 1 u: i Wi-,-: IS II, 'St i m iii.mI Ir,,fll 1 nave acceptui tile nomiiiatp-n i:oni we-k m -t ,b.-r t a p.-ri'..i Nevniiii.er 1'Jih and l et the Jlepnblicaii party, lie w not oppo.-e Cap t. A it xan Oil .tl asl ni men c a w, -t I; . 1 , . - ! a lliein iiie tnnUiCt a: :T ie.il ha-i- estnnatei he knew him to farmers, Simmons lias in stantial vrav shown his fi l his farmer constituents, and we take it that if Col. Dnckerv is hon i nei ns i vi', hicail-e ., . . , P inrp-eie i Pr.a.i.-it to the Chr iiK-P- from Ati Sii I). ifiiii to csjsr. o- tJ c-- j-o 5 p 1- !3 O 0 V ar 2S '" - n ,3 - a cc Z. 2. O ff ca s r t 2. - O OR CO p " i 5! 9 5"; v.'. 3 E 3 "3 New Orleann in the month ol Sep tember. JvrxrK Thvbma.n is to return to cw ork (ireat nntnarntiiiiw Agent and Bottler. New Berne. N. C. being made for an immense meet- Hng on Sta'eu Island, atwut the finit of October, winch will be ad , dressed by Allen G. Thurnian and Dayid B. Hill. AX.1 DCKlNso: wa.s sent to Indiana to speak for the Republi cans and a protective tanrT. She has made a failure on the stump. It wonld have been better to have made her stand fn a barrel u:'h plenty of hoors. "Those who are bitterly opposed tj tobacco smoking should take note of the fact that not aeiDgle cigir maker in Florida has been attacked by the yellow fever, and that phy isicians recommend cigar smoking as a preventive." IIkkk is the cere of the trouble that besets our times; here is the chief, btif a balden source of the social unrest, the industrial disor ders that mar the symmetry of American prosperity: Hconomic !-;.!. ha not arquircd et hical 'orc(-. CiE.nti.kmkn who have traveled extensively in the West assert that otp ect ; n g o m of the tariff a- n tot lie r due; ion a y are P, ;'s being T iiev are done bv Demo, i at.-. after I'amp.rgn am in ::. : t ;nn ami they have n:aded tlie Dcmoc.rat it EX, -- sir p o CO CD CD CO - - a X f PT - b a . i 5 & o P ca P n oo if f -1 p p p SIM op P o l o CD 2 Q p- lis lasy x 3 ! xh- f CD O w -o A-rv lAl So P I -t camp t ' ge- ;t. them i- they U-e it and ai e Hi t he ill -1 . es i; ; Wi; are In !ee ti c! am, ; i: Oi-racy, but from I'liiniii -'I.I t i.e ,) 1 1 t : i a. : ic with k p o ,v how to . r ' : 'alow ing er 'A i, i have t' T tile Drill iv. 1 11 g special 1IMK.KA110N OF I'F.ltSO.NS OP COLOK. On last Saturday, September the L.'1-t, a bill was introduced into the Senate of the United States direct ing' the Secretary of the Treasury not Republican tanners do the to pay out of the fund created by t,in,- the Direct Tax act of 1SG2 the sum d" f.'M to the Congo Emigration Steam.-hip Company for each adult person of color who shall desire to i - pel lai to tile -,,ys ih.it "all routes I i Arkansas ,aml T,.ja have bet n titr jrimni t-d aud ti.e.-e i- do pos sible i-ini:,',' to nt-x ti.r-'iicil until the qaarartine i rais.-d. Ii'-v. Mr V. MeDulIee. a liatiye u' thi Slate, who est in his sta'ement about miming went to Xew Brunsweas. N" J.. to ,,in Onv.,ii ',,r tli a ho ve.aibl year- agu and took charge of the Iiem sell AVt'IlUtf aite for and advocate Simmon's election if he lived in the second district. This t eing true whv can i me Eayboro Items. Bipll-t Church of that citv. is Stirling the waters by a s. ncs ot g-rmoras in which h" inv- t are th sociitl im qu ilii'.es ,,f that pi i.-e. They are ti-iikna; ahunt htm in ml tbe biy p .p r?. Tie cl.v Inn a f a-mr it - of the citv t.re alt; - .d of e-. t r;. ?!:. it; the Unite : Stat' -. Wii-os. Miir r: lie !. i U- n ;:na ii is tile fever. Fifteen per-..t:s are now h. c. e l !,-r at the li- i'lt-O- i ie- Nen lurnir ( ,niili a i a i ' I;. : t p ' eie . aiiU this ne.nnnK tiny In- ,1 pi k;.. away. N. ; Carr.el. Ia-a! au'enl ill ' ,yn il irate that ha- Pen bnuiniip' N.- v I i, I'lltui. arnv,' I ins! lOKlil. He tin : I.e aid cut leave I'l-c ,u i' Pe Wa- :,fr .:! . t tia- 1,'Vt-r t"at t.eeanse he was hniii', I'll e ,-,-,,,i,' in Lit ca 111 r . " he t-ai i . a 1 1 ad nearly eturviu. and iln ie is no u ., f ,r them to Ket fno.l. There are fanner v. ith 1 u a f e iv m : i. - who ha ve prov in an they w.aii.i likr !-, .nsj),,.,. ,,f pm ttiev came into to a n they ell d n ,! be iierniiltt-d to leave, and the citiz.-i,-- are .t ,1 ivi.m Ii r-p Haw is it thni 1 can nil s.rnneh IiiiWt lliali Itlll i ,ne elm? I'll tell y on 1 Im ve d et er m mud to bm ert-ilv HHlit-tied f,,r thn e ,sh. nud WORK I'OlfsM API. I'KOFITS M Mutto im: !'PIIt liHALINU. ('nine and buy from rue unit , ttu will never regret r K. R. JOTCES, : - . c. 1388. n- We Li..t3 II A - '. I I M' ST' 'OK or Watches. Clocks. J:welr, SOLID SIlVeR AND FLAT:.!) '.ARE. - : I . I I: II i It I ' I. I l.k. eye- , . d Spectacle .ni, I iarolina Iii rtn ii i i r pons to til them loth I , ;r ; a ; 1,.1'ii i lift t liem. from hf; h with e t i w Vnl k raises ex- , i . . p World is significant a pecta ion- :n. ht-ri toeue iuiluigei " htcago. Sept . Jo. The I lemocrat ic State ('oinmiiiee ;- greatly elated over fhree nu'en; aci ,-s-ion- to the Democrat ic ran ks in Illinois that will be nf ri'.P i a. p' i : a :. i e ::i t ho cuning election. A "in; meeting of the (1 1 ne vance 'om m 1 1 1 ees of t he I'.rotherhooil ot I. ., 'motive Engin eers and l'.ieineii, the Santilimell and l'.rakemeii, ha- ad. ;c.-.i a re.-o i tit: on to suppoii Cieu. Palmer, tl.e Democrat ;c cam 1 1 da' e : ,,r C o vernor. and Ikh reijuestid the co-ii;.eratio:i of all the subordinate lodg. s of each order in tlie S'ate. There are aboil t !i-!iP two t hou-and hi ot her hood men in the S'ate who will .most u nan : m . u - I i or The em pa p ees (, t lie feel Work-, tl.e .argt.-t ln- iit Cliicago, m hostility of he South, aud now he proposes to eucourage the c-mi The rains continue, making hard on those trying to make hay. Cosiness is 1 ,e aj -, n j o rr to boom. emigrate to any free State in sonK. iltt ;e cotton is beginning to Africa on the shins of their line. make its appearance on our stiaets. This is "a nice kettle of ii-h." The Rayboro Male and J-Ymale No man has gone beyond Chandler Institute began its third session n chemistry l.thinsf. About III stmlenPsare tools ni enrolled with others to come. Tl. .i I1.,,,t , s . ,t' I ' .ii.'' e. ,a :.. grat ion of t he colored people to A f- . , ' ",. , V : ,,i ',' " 1 1 ty expect to have a big baibeeue nc1- i.n the '!;!iot Oc-.-'oer. the tiny M r. Chandler autl the rest of his thatdudge -'ow!e is to be in the ciowd. ni.iv as well understand county. T hey expeut to have a lag that the colore.l people of this ratification meeting iMid pronii.e . 1 r. Eowle anil I he rest ol tne S-atc ;yid country are not going to Africa. N;itioIlai , ;,,lu.t ,p:o maju i'y. We Thev were born here, aral herJ are shall want the ,Ii'CKN.l to be the graves n! their fathers and represented here by the ed:tor-ni ki.o.vn that Mmau mothers. Ther are satisfied here chief and learn something. ' -r.i n,l camii iat Tim I'rotnbit'iin n e th si ,,-a k e r. ha- t.ei n euiitint e- C. N. (irandi-on, spoke here mi the lil li in-r.. aeciiiiiiiip'- to nreviona .-ending them awav :la-v will ..,.,,, ...r 1 1 , s s-,pn,,'r j --. i r..t.! : r ms in 'ij 'n;s r,e in ti.e first he- m i t siiiniiier. -irapi'- sii.il" up n his brow anil a j'iesr.j;- in. ir- h-o:-i. Tie- Iiiaek Hills his dt-.-; nniti.an. f.u.e ana glery ami gala tin- p. P. riimtn-r -p-nt amid the aurifircu - rock- indie-try p.-nae verance and a rar- kr, It itc ef i niiia-r;ihgy l,i-i netful 1 1, n to ti e pa Lax-', l;,-- ralts :-.rs -ne l - i it h : n to return r ;a-r man l.l- ma-t sauuuire I.,u,-vi.l" n, 1 N,-lai expectation- li'id alliovrd l.imt. dream ( iy , p, u . 's -; i ie of tioina Ainiii.n Ineae. be ta,u3 -s oat it w.as ie,.in. d il ti.,i - ide ti.e I'.ain u Ii 1 1 1 riiiitlall an . Kpn.l- ,,,, b,,,r, u j,,, , ..j ,. : t.. his waiimu. evp...-; ,ilt parents ti.e h ,(. i; , . v rt h,.r,, , ,,, f, V(. following tiiiiWa-f ii. ' I - r : r i r r of ,,bt not allatf e i to to out after an tiling, sa tlmn ;.t) oti .r -tor- m t-tri -t is the ija.ii i.nt me. vV.vshinot N -Snreiin ,1. V I,' h an.l .-.s-lMuiH--uri-ori W in. Maitiii.i.; the Navy, have been ordered to repint to Su rtp oip ( ieneral Hamilton ,d tie Marine Ho-pinii linr. ina ! r n i n ri i ; ri ert i. -a u itii the 'ii'.'.v f.'v, r .a iii!,' '1 Icy have e : n I, ol , x ;. a : ne i:, t ." tre.itmt-nt f ;. !! :-r -aid each v.dut.t' er- 1 i. - r-. :-.-t - the pre-.-nt i n - tan ' , ; wiil Pe place, i m rli".i,:" , f ilc (i .v. in n:en'.. s- rvi'j, at l ertain ic a. ! ia . ma; A -s isi a lil Si: i m ul: M Ot III v- i I i a't .: a- si-1 an i t , Su i pteon l i n r.n lion i n . , in U'lehiiifinii for ile- in i s. r -L I. Cl- ll.I.K S (it.-iat . r ii'i -- .I .. ties-ipo iiu'l'Pa'.t is r I.e., ,i i v . , 1, tt'-r uii i I'liiia frorn tie- ' :: ;.a - Ilnvin,: worked otendil.i at the bench f i ,r over 1 1' 1 r ;. ea . - ! Pt ' ieve 1 cno do i ' ... v 'Lo in the : ( in, t-l r.ft. PJ dn tf ROE;; HI 1 1 iin' a b par. t-. blanket raid got a hat. " p Ft a-: . ', A! m I'M 'Ana. It J..PPNAP 1 1- 1 and they intend to remain here. If the Republican part- insists on in tin- IV l:,e 1 a! P., li l-t r K soon a- 1 1 ,- a ne 1 1 o i ! ; . , a i ,a ii:-n l ley w.ia : , tl.e P ti .. her i r u i. k an.l t n t w it oif th.-tl slopped .Jlid th" 111, f'-M': mm ' - i if i n 1 h e i, o ..I! a- in- so tj:..-kp t h a' la in i , 1 Ii t! ;t a i l: hi f ol . I !.- ;, km w v i: o. I. a I h m. aa-n M : Mil tl e wi.liiitu b'-'l-.. I a- I , c7' GR'. C- S t ai in ne, Tru-t. tu S.illLJ. lit l!,v Cni The itleik that the Republican party can treat the colored people INSEY school, vott a the farmers are goingovei rn matae pailu.r to the Democratic party. The i nlin s opinion is frpcly expressed that the MtItllMo!1 tlu, k; farmers of :he country will elect ,-1. 1 1 ,-T-l 1 ,.1 icieianu anu laurman oeyon.i tne porr VAim. La-t night the United shadow ot iwloubt. Labor Rait vine! m its headipiarters Rro'FEssoi: rBi'OToij's last and unaniinou-.lv pa-scti a resolu- contriDutioti to science is nn inter- tion pledging tlie intrt v ; o vo-e for porters to another candidate, it is esticg paper, entitled "The Moon a Palmer. The United 1 ib-.r men a mistake. lie may have made a dead World, but never like our b.ive about -:x thei-and v, m I ' ar t h . " It appears in Harper's Cook county almie." eek!v of Setitember and is ' show that paity that they air free- take with the coloied brutl'i-r. He oa th men. and will live where thev advised them to lav a.-ide their am-s p ease, obey the laws, aud make prejudices and tii-card those white . . , . T-. .! leaders who ihev had beeu tollov.-iug their own living. Turther than blindIv for tlu,',1l!it - u-nrs. ami this, ll the Republicans are tired of wi,0 Wt.re their worst enemies, ami them, they can get along as well divide up their vote, following tlie without it as it can without them. lead of the he.-t white men ot their communities. inns wa- oueer ;a.a hem o. wlio-e w hole :ue an J the v. a t, la insure the ,ie . , .. n a ! 1 . - fi i - i i k r a i r 1 y .'a - pa i n t- ' in. i ' p' -.1 at .Nir llUli I - t n . 1 1 1 1 .IP. Per. ,,n On OS., : to us. I . lie of MONS. Hoots Toes, I -on ton FLOUR I low. ai A Ax oir-fl I. Jtwl H-; ol ll,, -IT 11:1' iii- l 1 opi ri-i" tia-' limiios :a ! n t t.ii.iiin.'o tm- i i.ut : l i l isistin Mr Sim;,, i i-t ; a -4 ni - i ,' u n 1 v.- a! i 1 r P u ' .1 ia . F. . . f. '. er I, .s la, kell ell! ill mi: -1 n ion vv t - : of M I , . r 1 1 i It 1 1 1 iv a v an: N Mr F J P. ai- '!. P.p. OH. I! I ' il 1 i Pi Brick ! -1,1 r . a n "-c I u i for the avern' ii, l i ,i: h; nl 1 ,1 .: iuTitic.il make up is i.rchuT'-e. So like so many cattle is all a mistake. Graialp-on's speech k.lad Riohi Not long ago it was said that a bition with the negroes. One o! colored candidate for Congress in the leading Prohibition negroes Saul "ins speeen was too m uc n like a Democrat for the negioe. to fol- I Hi: pi , . 1 1. r 1 1 - , i this district had sold oat. Sold out what! It it is meaDt that lie sold his friendf, and conveyed his sup- porte a mi: tratie, r. a V e fi ; - r ' ui - hf.-.i ; p.-; j.- . - " t h of t lie profoc. nd at ten tion ot sc !, mars. Sit ppill-Mi'Il. s la e,.s. Learn our busiiie-s u.m.. uglily. Keep at mie thing ;.i nowi-e low him." A notice was post'"', t In eughmi! the county calling a tern erauee eat he can t deliver the mass una ung ai j.i.m.oi,, .a, ii,,- goods. The time is past (or selling -' a in-r.. lm-t be purpos eol.ired Tit.nrib. in this ennnrrr and Hating a 1 thev won't emigrate unless it suits 1. 1 - a 1 1 , t in ;.. i t , , - !..:!--. i n, y . i , i r ;'. - an Illil j : 1:1 . i,o - ill.'' , Iiei L;, i Pe V n.p ti..u in a i naa-s 1. :.- u.e C to.,, li ,e- ait.g Tiiist. i. i- ia a : hard luatter. Mr. Fait:!, in .rr im-Coiipi '...n ! i -1 1 i t : i IP" III- t U.- I 'Ml, 1 - ..ul 1 u : !. : I - i- r Soon So u. ot: i v. , ;il l u- ,nnn. o. k... -'IIO 1 I ;' ' Ptil I. tie! : ' I : t , CO., HANT8, 1 1 and wa tneii t hem to do so. I - -i i.v2jL TtlE lKmocratic campaign hi he i change, i );i--rvc in all v oil undertake. S'ate of New York is well eon ducted, and va consequent! y en l'.e self reliant : do n rntlcli ad :c. thusiatic. Among the KeiikPH , vnurM,ii. anioanced are Oovernor Hill. Never i i I lep r.i - in r ol no an u i t ion en':!;;; V ! I c :P ' ' . , "M :p, Ci'i." n- '' " "ho --.MaiiV CitiPOi-" aie. ihe people ol tins vicincy are ttymg r A Substitute for Jute Hasrfrintr. to ascei tain, hut one kiiown l'm Cu ari.ksTi 'N. S. C . Sent. 21 (Suecial'n bibitioaisr outside ol to,' town 'aa- ' An important trial; which promiat-e seen on tlie streets diiling the day. ,ke too untold benefrts to the entire South, was Tliase m town wen- t!1'" n-d in . , made here today Two bales of cotton tlieir USual avocations and "did not ',' 1 vi uro (ix.iar(ii1 tv In ntna urrair ruiotrinu r utni made nr Wilmington. N. attend the meeting. S.) IIO Til a - la 1 t . : - i - p a s a f III, in. '1 ,n i nn GO Til r I For Girls and Young, Ladies. $90.00 for Board, Tuition, Music. ' 1 '1 n i. - Ttninr. Writ far catalogue to -peaker Carlisle, and Congressmen ' tuents VI O !.... I 1.-.. I . VI . 1 I ., . i in in lit .1 -1, fc.lt l Ml ril I 1111'. .Ml .T1IIIAI1 .11,', S'. n r. er Is n not true that thi.i ,.d ministration is to Ive held respon sible for the introduction of yellow fever mto Ptorida," asks the New I '! to the preot". where they were eubjcted to a prt-sure of l.Oi 0 tons, and then were .mr Klv 11 to a KnH f Todk Bhorenien, who neeting was held. ,!oh;i . Stilly mil the Raul faction, of the Keput; man parte met down in the wood-. Never :, :..e. ;;p ,cen Murr Kiy.ntoaRariK ci lonK-stioremen. who however, and nut out the bilowipe , , , , , , . , u-eii tneir noots ireeiv, tossing tne . , , . , ,. hands or in..,, - u-e. .. v . uiphaed aboutfor fifteen or uemy min- ''"""'V Republa iii. ticket : l ot except w hen s.eepnig. uien. The bagging stood the test. Representative. John I i .'.nknn I se charity to ,,.! : i , ever Water was next poured over the bales. Paul: for Si.er:!l. .Ioi. 11 M . W es- generous in thought or dt e,i help and was ehed as freely as by the jute for Ti e,'-p, : ;i l ', eorge Wheal others along hie s t hoin pathwav. oaKB'ng r ire was appnea to coin jute .( jt.,rjs: rI- ,,t , ,,;s ,F Make no h i-te n, i... in h: ie Pit Ul II. a IM' 1, -t ol I . , t:.i bus hi "nip u p ai Pi" : i ;;v,' b ! - : fa ( , a ' a f.r M l.tll -' J'.'iV ol !!, I Pilar- ! a e. 1 taet ta a 1 r f pi a n ' I e r 1 1: o lie- c at i . - r a.:.; i th it r ." !-...-., ..... ol-l liiM' '.In- i;. r i a. 1 u ' l- r f I ' a I a i Ail tiltaintil Saii -Ti'ii, F, 1' ' Kr. -.1 " - I 'll-, a!, 1 ai: tiller, iiii'.i'e u- ti.- .. .ia - i- r, I';,!.,.' 1 1 , , 1 1 : p a it 1 1 m . : . i 'ior,s',.r ,,t l.oOs . I o . 1 ! . I , and nine straw: there was no difference .. ' ' . ' ... .'..' ' & w-v mae i..:.-.i ty lenm-i " "V : '' , lh. r..nlt. Tt ...tll.nn.nim, 1 , 1' 11 II 1 . '.' C . 1 ' I' 1 1 i V C ' ' P . - 1 I ! I ,1 lil eiatlS M ,a.l!t '.HI, .1 Ol.lv t'V tl' York Tribune. Whv oertainlv. member ti.at small and steady oranion that the substitute had been Alpheiis Carawan. 'This p- the leraiii syrup dmp.iny. S.:! iaiim five comiieiencv and trail InnnH for into The Iwn holoa iri,r t itna ,,P1 1 .' . . 1 ai 1 ,! i , 1 Tl tiel.-ef that Ci?"a. I ,1. quillty of Ullinl. snt to New York tonight and will be has been deleattd time and again !i Never put oil until tomorrow what estuoitea at tn .vw ii ootton tx- b tht i),.aiocraey of I'amlico. and ,)ust as much as for fogs, lrosta, tornadoes and earthqQakf s. What a mouater cieveianu 19 to wrmit vntl r I n ll.l tnil ll' in.) n,.vur lr,,nl.l.i o""1. I others with your complaints. N. Dull.-, i s-pi: TUr. fin i. 1.1 11c " nut c 10 iu auc 1 1 u iu 111 1 r 3 the le.ves of th nin which ith nre- willoeueieaieu.ig.ini iui u'.u oti yading forest wood all over the South. ' ovei whelming majority. O PINACII, Turnip kJ Seed at , j .N .11.1 to : . a, " . I ; 1 P . . .: " I 1 air t 11-11.. 1. , :o .- . ii r e sack of I I, I loads ,11... I S ,,l . v pi .-ti'. N. ( York 1 ".. 1'nis 1- no f ran i . we bu.-11.es-. Feller ielaii or vvhalesaP customers will li n d H tothtir aiteie-l Lid Siberian Ivale . to call tin us. GEO. Allek & CO. ' s20 dim A. M. DAKER. rFUC; ,-. ii Ware 1:1 0,111 1 I- . 1 , I.. 1. n 1 1, '-. ti .r..w- innlo r, 'I o 1 . 1 ;er. i- Kamlt i.ia . I ware, 1 ' 1 aHtr i . 1- it'll-, Var . 1 -:. . 1 --. 1 1. ; - uml lltttr. t-'i.t lii-li ittelalnrs OH rt Cue:. t..s. laii.-Ka iturKlar 1:. i " 1 . it .1 Nn-li la.ekfi, rrantod t ii - security uml sat IsfuCtiOB, fit UitCS VICItY LOW, , GKU, AJLLiliN ,& CO. - y N.p 1 t-, j ' v f I