TILE JOURNAL. MXW 8X291. H. C. OCT. It UM ttruetioa of the Visoixia. on who drk Barb an an atool when tb Cnmbrlind sndt'.he Cmigre wnt ilotn under the fire o; her inn. It i Aid that Dockery -bis wpjxti thus devil for witch." With t apuin Kitcbia after hnn hp can't iAy bU opponent deiL only WOBK now, sod nrt whn the m flower of rhetoric If he don't tktWJ Is WOa. if1 tn fsc.s in the plainest oo t (.it to hear mem. Hack KOTTOSUL JOT E. mtxt liirtj dsys. As raa ytsxs ft by tl brighter Eiasa tbs tUr of Le. Xn thoataad dack ia Trent rlttr, baI l bamimi tbooMal in UtM toaad. Tins offct to b s month of coo .tail Ubor by tbs fnn.ls of (rood fOTsrunsst. THXJLS is s steady rie ia tioar. So SMk for th bJ work of jni Un who esll tatnlve "oper tSrt." Bursii lout bis tpc oat Wmi. Wktaer Harrison kwt or midf YOt by th? circrjBKtao : not tUted. IT Is tsid thkt translation of Lbs Esapsror Fredsxick's diary wiK b pabtisaed m few dart by -viiafJedfw la London. Tat trtw of iip SJ Hu tors sx being ajd by tb Repabli csa easnpsiffTi commiUe to swindle tbs postsl department. yoa Adslitj to doty, stout resu tsoc to wrong, and unwavering dT9lioa to bis friend. Cteav Slaosioas takes the cske. Carxr Jrsnrs Ktlxkr wm formally tnaaarated last Safari! a j ' ba4 took bis msI at tb bad of tbe Saprsms Coa rt of tbe Taitd Bta&e. TSXsVE is macb eomplAist ol Kite ha any not N n per; w;'. h '.he mall nword. bT. he :s 'err.Ne w.:h a broad aii. The beauty ol it ; Mr. Simmoii' consider every man n his district bis friend. He don't expect ail of them to vote for him. but he ex pevts enough of them to do it to elect him. He h.ui served every cuan in the dutrict without waiting tc consider whether he wis a Democrat or a UepubiiC-an. and ever man feels that ht rn tru.t h;w. NN'e wil! elect h.m. "P 'STMASTKK-iK'KliAl. 1I K INS' ?( , m the letter to Con jresjman i'oi, pabl.she! :n the World of S:ard.y. rixf.i tbe responsibility for t !-.e .ibno of the franking privt .ege. 11m I'ojsU'ftioe Department not.fted Senator Caay ami Kepre muu:.i' Kean of the use of their franks on political documents bar mg no right to free carriage m th" mi,1.4 There ia no eridence that the Republican committees stoprved , the fraud or that either of tbe j members notified objected to it " Tiik Nfwj md (Derver brlagw the gratifying intelligence lb.it tbe eloquent oice ot ot. iienry t. Bryan, of C'rwven, ha.s teen beard in this campaign We congratu late the pexiple ol Chatham upon their good fortune, and we trust tbat tbev will roll up a Urge ma- tbs iajary to crops by tbe recent jjoritj for Iemocraey on the rth of eoUvsatbsr. Ia aiany placa to- VoTemter W,n DOt tbe e loquent ' of hl8 j,ariKa(, Meco, ncs ana wneat wera gTuy i ntleman txntinae the goc-ii wnrkT isJareJ. Craven ha-i many elcjnent sons. Taut to yoar neighbor and bias Lbal thr U a magaiocnt fbtors for Craven coaaty if all savsda wiil oaite and elect the Coa lltioa ticket. I CAST afford to enter th-s eaaapsJgn." Indeed Yoa hTe Jd, Ml San lb lervaat of tbe po pis,7 sad sow tbe people order yoa 13 go to work. IT is as id tbat Col. Dockery baa taltvtT th di.scaASioa of tbe tariff bas gtine to throwing mod. tYsopfod it woald come to thu. tH and her own field is white for the harvest. A L i: stk :.-. i: Si. story comes from Ramsey county, Dakot.i, where the entire population is said ro rx on the ! rnk of starvation. An appeal has been isaued urging that imme diate step be taken to alleviate the distress. Tbe appeal for aid is accompanied by tbe statement that tbe recent froeta destroyed thou lEV fLOPIE.VT OK POWER The philosopher Trexidelenburg .i.ij s -No odier demand cm bo mide on nnn thn thuf he realize- the idea of his Ixiog; he cannot comprehend or recogniae any other demand than onewbich harnionies with tbe inner purposes of h,- Ik' ing. F.rery other demand made on him would tx i nrom prehensi lile. and if it were contrary to his de sign, it wnnld re.sult m evil." The iilea of a man's bein de termines Ins :h;mioii. He must seek to develop to the utmost the powers with which he is endowed. It would indeed be a strange de mand to ask him to make of him self what he w.ia not intended to be and never can become. The titplicate nature of man, arising from the sseaion of body, m nd anl spirit, cannot be ignored in considering the development of powers: and we asrt that it is only when 'he elements of his three fold Wing are in perfect har--iionj that this development is comi'leti-. Religion, science and philosophy must in equipoise. Re ligion sublimating the spirit: science filling the storehouses of the mind, and philosophic living vitalizing and sustaining the physi cal organ ism . Hat it is not our purpose to in dulge in speculation or scientific disquisition, bu. to emphasize the importance that every man realize the Idea of his being, in order to the development of his powers. Th U life is a failure tbatha.s no fixed purpose, and it is equally a failure when the individual is not in harmony with his purjvose. If a man has the fixed purpoee to become a poet and haa no poetic genius he is a failure. 'o amount of nork, no laborious study; no combination of asaiduitj, patience and toil can assure the attainment If a man, inspired by tae fame of a Marshall, a Web ster or a Gaston, decide to be a lawyer when be haj none of the qualities tbat win succeas at the Liar, he is a failure. Tbe woman, raatchlesa in beaatv ; her carriage tbe poetry of motion, and her bosom the home of love ; may have a passion for music and paintiDg, but if she bag no ability to charm with the melody of sound, and no upon the - b'.ith. a i . Tammany, but it came field, on the day of it colosssal giant, re.nh I r !att is composed largely of . r- ve youn Democrats, r.ieh as Flower. Whit- : ney, I.amont and Rowers. There is no question thai the County Denns racy will stand squarely to their work in tDe suppor' of Clrve land and Hill. Indeed wmihi not (e siwprising if they should re turn the compliment of Tammany, in proposing the nomination of Secretary Whitney, and crdorse the nomination of Shernl drant. IOoking calmly at the .situation we consider the united support of Tammany and the County Democ racy is assurtd to Cleveland and Hill. It is t he candidacy of Mr. Hewitt that oanse.s the most serious compli cation . fltiftioien: to ; iisfi fv Mr. Hewitt, in 1 of city affairs o ff e n d e Recent even: v illumine ;h do not situation well defined conclusions. administration ias, somewhat, both Tain in an v and the County Democracy, but he has kept his Democracy pure and unimpeach able. The meeting' was re nominated v meeting, and it wa. jH)ed of Republicans, men . 1 1 ere is a I act what comforting. T cans and workingme: ing Mr. Hewitt, w: ha' llS0t like water, asaaily ftnd their lsTeL THKeissiag of two sugar reflaer tsa Is Williamabarg in obedience to lbs com nand of tbe Trust, which is bsscd opoa tbs high protective tariff, tbrovs a boat n hundred aaea oat of employment. tactics. Ia tbe East bis speecb vms s Isadsiioa of tbs protectire Uriff( is tbs Wsst he folmiaate dsaaavcistaoas o CIsTsUasi. Blaine ' Is liks pirsts ship with a flag for try port. MTXCTH is the rhtf ' (ktaa, as spposssl to ail falsehood, illosioo mA AimLm dmntirm aDDesr- ocs, asd BSaobstsatiai, ansadnr laf food ; reality ts. appearance ; sabs tan ce ra. shadow ; certaiotyt-g. doobt.'' IT is not sapposed that Mr. Taarmaa will pabkab a letter of cceptaacc. Tbs Old Roman has accepted tbe aooninatioa a boot a aoaslxcd times aince tbe St. Ixais Coartatioa, and be don't see any as ia doing it any more. A Globx special from Chal field, Mian., saya : Richard Mcyeil, ditor of tbe Democrat, a prom i asal Republican and nominee for lk f mortal a til re on f h Renahlicn ticket, bss changed his politics and come ont for Cleveland and Thar as. The Cbinamen of St. Raal have HxcTnsioa act. Incendiary speeches vers made denoanciOg tbe pres ssd tbreatening ts born tie news paper offices. Now ia tbe time for Ilarrisoa to pat oa bu epaulets and lead bis forces. THJE Republicans of New Yotk are try log to bring a boat antagoa isms' between tbe Trieoda of Presi dsat CleTeLand and Governor Hill, bat tbey wiil no, be aacsessfal. Both of these distinguished gentle V aaea will fet tbe solid vote of tbe 2Taw York Democracy. SoctAlASTt bss nreted attention oa the poorer classes, bat there are startling evidences that society is dscsyiag at tbe top, at least at what esteems itself first class. And j the) t ices at the top, I ke waierj percolate down thrc-ngh u.'. the layers of society. Or hope tbat tbe Ieaios-racy of Vmwm Vtrfcr riff wlnli (in: rn .1 ! W W a w m essdidate for Mayor ha. not ye' ! beea realned Rerhas, after ail, U is best as it is. If Tammany and the Coanry Democracy to:h pre eat tickets the eiTect w:.. ue to brisg erery Democrat to the polls, aad may swell Mr "e viand's majority. COBBC PTH 'N cont in ues : a A men can politics, and will continue until the ethics of politics is elevated to the plsae of personal morals. 1; appears that Mr. aay, manager of the KapabJican natiooal campaign, is peeper! f to transfer jO.iXK) PcoasTlraaisas to New York to rantare that State for aa4 Morton. Tbe scheme will lail, bat the blot of sacb condo t win rest oa tke nation Wears partial to the Wilmiog toa Star, bat we don't like to see HeaUiBf "tbe fl'st iron dadeTer tailt" tbe Merrimack. No Con fedsrate fls erer flouted over a erait of that same. Tbe ball of t be CerTtnaa-. WM osesl in the con by which he a a citi.en's . mostly com and woi king s i u 1 1 e - .e l.eputili n sujipnrt cast their vote.s for one of the niost radical tariff reform men m tae Ciiion. Any tariff reformer who can vote (or Hewitt can vote for Cleveland and Hill: and Hewitt's candidacy may le the loat that will carry thousands ot Republi'aus ami workingmeii to the Remocratic party. It is possible that the ;unt,ing ct more than one Democratic c.iudi date may result in the tltctuni o: a Republican Mayor, but it will bring to the Spoils every Democrat in the city of New York, and swell the majority of ( 'Ieve'and and Hill. Since wr.tmg the above we have learned that the Couaty Dem ocracy in convention indorsed the nomination of Mayor Hewitt, pre viously made by the citizor.'s meet ing. There is no lonper ary doubt alout it. Tammany and tht County Democracy stand in open opposi- power to impress npon the ilead tion lor the Mayoralty of New York canvas the living creations of her ( 'itv. I'.ach of these organ .at ions ands of basbeLa of wbeat, and left i gtnins. she cannot bocome an artist ; are trying to throw the blame of destitute the residents ot all bat but she may be an admirable house-I tbe failure to unite upon the other, one of the townships in the county. 1 wife and a charming companion. Tammany claims that they offered Appbcation has been made to tht Adaptability is tbe secret ol snc county authorities Jot assistance, ' ces. We lvelieve that nine tenths bnt it would financially rain the'of the failures, that burl their dis mal wrecks against the shores of time, result from the non develop ment of powers. Kvery man should subject him self to the closest analvsis, and connty to attempt to alienate it. Thaise have been rrre ijrtat ctrmlm whence life bas radiated : three metropolitan exponents: Komt left us a legacy of law that is even yet tbe basia of the code of ' ascertain what be is ; mark well the tbe most enlightened nations, bounds of bis individuality to de frectv was the mother of arts, elo ' termine for what he was made, and qaence, and the models she left are then parsae the path of duty with a tbe standards today. Rut Irom Jeruralem and Jndea went forth the grandest conceptions oi moral and religioaa troth, before which all ethical teachings pales its splen dor. All other systems of morals or religion ahine, at best, like the moon, with a light !orrowed from the son." The Repub.ican circular alluded tj on our editorial page reminds us of a doabt that once bewddured ua. A preacher announced as bis text; T.-, wmr .-rr, . 1.- w r, " jn.l I'rrs n-i ,f ' nrar!iil a sermon on the fol,j pursue it and sinfulness of tbe sisters in wearing their hair in knots on the tops o( their heads. A good wo- DISAPPOINTED BIT CONFIDEST. man who wanted to do right, asked w? are disappointed. We had for the chanter and verse where ' boped for the union of Tammany, 1 i . . could be found, aud having , the Lounty Democracy, and. that fixedness of pnrpose that nothing can shake. Change of basiness is not usually beneficial, but if a man finds that he has made a bad choice, and that insuperable obstacles stand in tbe way oi his saccesa, he should lose no lime in abandoning a fruitless purpose, and turning to fields ripe for the harvest. Many a noble ship, with experienced officers and gallant crew, has gone down be cause it was on the wrong track Choose well yoar calling, and then ell, and the bright goal ill be reached, amid the cheers ol tbe a u gels. the tex found it, read "I,et those who are on the house .'"; not come io'rn." That what perplexed us w.us, to what denomination that preacher belonged. It is now large class of citizens who, declin ing to join either of these organiza tion, content themselves with be ing -'simon pure'" Democrats, in the selection of a candidate, to clear that he wa.s the forerunner of carry tbe Democratic flag in the Matt CJuay, preaching in the wilder- : contest for tbe high office of Mayor ness of Reims Iran a. of New Y'ork, but we have been Tiik Daily Tobacco riant of disappointed. Saturday. October oil., is a beauti- There is always more or less of fal -ewel of journalism. Durham j reret m disappointment. There has made the Tobacco Riant whatm W pleasurable snrprise, but it is, and the Tobacco Riant .s mak-1 disappointment always aenda a chill ing Durham what it is :o be This to the nPart ' Nevertheless we arp issue has eight pages, and. a.s a,""ui. New Herman said about his eight j l' ls r"ed. much evi- sweettearts. each more beautiful ' den,e t0 upport it, that the Presi than the rest. The center of the dent desired a perfect union first ; a croas, extending the length and breadth of tbe page, in which is the graphic anneuncement of tbe com ng e ent, r he Grand impo sition In the corners of th.s page are beautiful and artistic pictures of Somerset '.la, residence of.I.S. Carr. i; . Riai kwel'.'s : "tctorv. Hotel l lai'.-irae, a:,d ISirham cot "on m.''s i 'n 'he last page, are elegant ecgraings ot I'urham (Muntv ci ;;rt hon.se, and Trinity M. F. Church, aiul excellent photo graphic 1. kenessea of G rover t'ieve and Allen G. rhnrman to take any man that the County Democracy would name who was known to be the steadfast friend of President Cleveland and Governor Hill. The County Democracy re ply tbat no time was iven them to consider the proposition before Tammany met in convention and nominated men who are specially obnoxious to the County Democra cy. The nomination of Sheriff Grant, whom the County Democra cy once defeated for Mayor, leftthe County Democracy no alternative but to indorse tbe candidacy of Mayor Hewitt. And still we are con Sdent of the elei ; ion of Cleve land and Hill. d oe Ir the n ite TanrT bC! d no', consent to kill the is-rax iudu try of l 'a! ; torn ;a, or to help a French copper ring by placing that oar ou the free I'st. New York Tribune. Is this the best the great Tribune can say for the Senate bill 1 It so it were better for the bill that nothing be said . Tbe Miils bill doe.s not consent to tai every washerwoman and blacksmith in tbe land m order to euable two or three men to grow rich out of a bounty of nature in ' the shape of a borax mine. (o! all the Democratic elements of ; the city ; and, while present indica tions give little promise of such a .consummation, it is not too late to secure it if the nght means are used for its accomplishment. Rut we propose to consider this morning, what will te the efleet ujon the National and State elec tinns of this being three Democratic candidates for tbe Mayoralty ol the i itv of New York. We say t'lf-c, f.r although Mr. Hewitt was niminated by a mass meeting ol e tiens, he is, has ever leen and w 1! alwas be a Democrat. Lot us consider tbe local factions in t he i r order. Tainmanv is much the older, aad for many 3 ears bad a prepon , INDIANA AND ILLINOIS. Indiana and Illinois are sister States. They stand side by side have the game climate and the same agricultural productions Their people are homogeneous and Influences that control the one af fect the other. For many years they have been usually allied with different political parties, Indiana being Democrat ic and Illinois Rc publican. It now seems probable that thev will stand together in the approaching election. In the earlv part ot this cam paign Indiana was comment! claimed by the Republicans. Iu deod General Harrison was nomi nated because of his supposed ability to carry Indiana. Republi can newspapers anil campaigD orators still claim the State, but it is evident, to those accustomed to party tactics, tbat the effort, now being made in Indiana, is to pre vent the route oi the party and ave as many Republican members of Congress as possible. A little while ago there was great cheering in the Republican camp over re ported gains in western Indiana, but an investigation of the facts transferred the cheering from the Republican to the Democratic camp. Indiana will not orjly vote for 1 leveland and Tburman, but she will give toil or three more Congressmen to the Demoeratic party. Rut we have said that it is probable that Illinois will stand by Indiana in the Democratic column. Such are the present indications. Tbe Democrats hae the advantage of the Republicans 1 u the guber natorial contest . General Rainier, the Democratic nominee for Gov ernor, is the magnetic statesman of Illinois. For a long time he lias leen i ecognized as the purest and best representative of the chivalry of Illinois. He has the love and It depended in 1 SSI largely upon the popularity ofTogan. who had a strong hold upon the State. With the death of General Logan this in tluence disappeared, and the war sentiment to which he appealed was largely weakened as a motive in active politics, and, in personal sympa'hy and atliliation.it turned to Palmer as its hrighes: representa tive Illinois is clearly entitled to be classed us a doubtful State. 1".... . 1 C-i 1.0... wii.ii can lie learneu 01 me will in a few days have a full snp eanvivss. Republicans would not be ply of bagging to wrap their cotton astonished if it should eo for Cleve- in and jt won't be Trust bagging Jones County Items. We had heavy thunder and. rain on Saturday night last. Seed cotton was selling at Tren ton on Saturday last at 3.10 per hundrad. Farmers are gathering corn and report that the yield is much better than they expected. The trees are fast being denuded ot their foilage, reminding us that a killing frost is near. We learn the farmers of .Jones land by a.s large a majority as it did for Haves in ls7u AN OPPOKITNITV FOH FAKMHKS. The larmers ot the South are be ginning to realize their power. They begin to set1 what can be ac eoinpliphed by concert of action w hich is brought about by proper organ ; . .it ion . They will push the war nil the Ragging Trust until a covering made of their own product will be us'-d to cover their cotton. Iu this the base done well if they do not falter too quick. The war should not end with the mar ket ing of t he present crop, but steps should at once be inaugurated to make them lorever independent ol sin-',! con b nut ions. Hat tht re are other combinations to tigiit. We treipiently hear tit corners" in ti.e wheat market: tloiir and pork are subjected to the same influences. The 'cornel" in these articles ought to be favorable to the farmers, but it is well known that there is a large class honored with the name of -'farmer" ami membership in the Alliance who buy their pork aud breadstuffs. Tdis class will squeal when the "coinei" is made on tlour and pork and a sharp advance is made. Tut- Alliance can to a great extent remedy this evil by making the raising of all the meat and bread consumed ou the farm a qualification for membership. There is nothing that will put urn larmers on the roatl to prosperity quicker than making their own provisions. Let them make the same war on pork and Western dour that they have made on the Flagging Trust and they will be independent. either We must say that the citizens of our county are remarkably healthy this season. No need of going to the mountains. Our M. D's. are having a real dull, quiet time. Your itemizer never was much of a 'coon hunter, but succeeded in capturing one on Wednesday last with a ir.annre fork in his yard. We suppose that the perfume of grapes attracted him there. Politics are warming up with as Southern Enterprise. A very remarkable illustration of the spirit which animates the South and of the enterprise of the people of this section has been given in the manner in which "Trusts" are handled. Wo believe that only two ''Trusts'' of any special im portance organized to control business interests centering exclu sively in the South have ever been practically defeated by the deter mination and enterprise of South ern people, while of "Trusts'' or ganized in other sections we cannot recall the defeat of any single one of note. The American Cotton Oil Trust, an offshoot ot the great Standard Oil Co., was organized to monopo lize the cottonseed oil business. Before the public was aware of what was being done, this "Trust" had secured the control of almost every first class cotton oil mill in the South, and its monopoly seemed complete. Like the Stan dard Oil. Co. m Pennsylvania, the American Cotton Oil Trust was bent upon nn absolute control of every branch of the trade, and, backed by the vast wealth of its ill real pnrnfiaf nrhilo tha panilirlQtpa are busy shaking hands, smiling ! Parent, it looked to many as though and examining their political fences Roth parties are watching each other, and wherever there is a week panel it is carefully watched for tear that the other will succeed in making a breach therein. R was useless to fight it. The South, however, did not so regard the matter, and just when its con trol seemed most absolute and a A Good Name. A good name is rather to oe chosen than great riches." Kven Yellow FeTer Preventive. Maysville Jones Co., Oct. stb. isss. Kditob Journal: Aseveryonej unscrupulous men know Ihe worth is interested in what would prevent ol good piincfples that can not be or stop the yellow fevr, I will give ' moved. yoa what I believe would Btop thej A gentleman turned off a man in fever in forty eight hours after be-'his employ at the bank because be ing done, and leave to scientific refused to write for him on SuDday. men to give the why aud wherefore. When asked afierward to name It is to plow up deep and turn over 'ome reliable person he might know the soil in every lot and street in as suitable for a cashier in another the town or city; the newly turned bank, he mentioned this Hume man. up earth will absorb the germ of the 1 uVou can depend upon him," be lever and stop the disease. Plaster naid, "for lie refused to work for of Paris sprinkled over 1 he ' me 011 Sunday . " newly turned earth will help to con 1 A gentleman w ho employed centrate the germ for the earth to many persons 111 Ins large estab absorb. This may appear foolish ; bailment said: "When I e one but it will not cost much to give n of 111 onng men riding ior pleas a trial. Respectfully. ure on Smidav. I dismiss Imn on C. 1). r ( V. Indignant physician: "Man. v hat have you done! You sent my pa tient the wrong prescription, and it killed him." Druggist (calm man, unaccus tomed to abuse) "Vhell, vhat va der madder mit you? Last week I send your odder patient der righd Description, und dot killed him. How can somebody blease sooeb a man 1 Ex. After long experience of the world, I affirm before God I never fight against it most hopeless, a 1 ""w a rogue who was not unhap vouner Carolinian, who had made a f-' Junius. Our cotton narcl.es are ilive with 1 Wlue rcpulttuou as an euKlneer prople evervwmerk S li e 1 e n ' d V ' plaDDed 8,1,1 0rganiZed in COnnec j Confirm our statement when wo say t in lou jiil nei s an lue m e long taa , u hia i,.:,1j. a- aiuwiah ih. A,.t'. Pr.u.i. d j . ; and at night the homes ot the , , R ' :, . c.,,,w . .u. , , . , . , . eomuauv lu uimu muepeuueut uu J " uj nuu uu mui-i pickers are enlivened with their tin horns harps and whistles. The ' happiest anil the best contented1 People in all Christendom. Could it; but last always. Posters are up for the joint can vass of the Democratic and Repub lican candidates of Jones county ' for the Legislature and county cilices, at the following times and j places: .Maysvliie, uctooer istn ; Polloksville 19, Piney Grove 20th, Reaver Creek (Heath's Mill), 22d ; Chinquapin (Phillip's Mill), 23d : mills. Within a few months from its formation this company had eight of the best cotton oil mills ever build in full operation, located at points where they could best compete with the mills of the 'Trust." The monopoly was broken and the South was saved from the danger of hiving this great indus try controlled by oue company, which could force prices of seed down and of oil up at its own good pleasure. Millions of dollars were saved to the planters by this sue other preparations for the Throat and FunR In Whooping Cough and Croup it in magic and relieves at once. We ofTpr you a sample bottle free. Remember, this Remedy ia sold on a positive guar antee. Sold by R Berry, drugift. New Berne. .Mono. i : J know Mich an one can not be t rusted. Nor will 1 employ .any one who even occasionally I drinks lupinr of any kind." Ri3s, 1, t ihe Rord'M tlay and all the tt .'. , mgs of the liible, and ou will not fail to find favor with (iod and with man also. Home Journal. We know of a beautiful cirl who would pmvea capital speculation for a tortiine hunter of the right sort. Her vmce is of nilver, her , hair of gold, her teeth of pearl, her cheeks of rubies, and her ejes of diamonds. s Hi p Of rum Is Nature's own true laxative. H m ihe most easily takvn. and the mom -(T act ive remedy known t 'Joanne th Hy- . tem wh n Hilious or ('.Rtive: to l)ipttl Headache, ("olds, and Fevers; to Cure Habitual CnoRiintion. Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, Han Francirtco, Cal. K N DufTv. agent, ' New Berne. mra2H d4w wly Low Trenton 27th. parties are re FR.WH AM) MEANNESS. Attention has been called to tbe fraud perpetrated on the Postal Repartment, by the Republican Campaign Committee, iu sending out eampaign documents under the franks of Republican Senators. Previous to last night none of this precious literature had reached this office, but it is now flowing at a rate that threatens a delnge. The paper before us, at this moment, is a circular entitled Rsti mates and Appropriation?. The estimates are made by the Republican Campaign Committee, and are accurately misleading. The truth is told in detail so as to make an immense lie in the aggregate. The Postal Department is swindled by joining these estimates to ex tracts from the Congressional Rec ord, in the form of a circular, and sending thousands and thousands of them all over the country free of jiostarje under the franks of Repub lican Senators and Representa tives. This circular must be examined to be appreciated. A man has no idea ot what a polecat is by its looks. The circular contains about one hundred and twenty live lines in priut. It begins with an esti mate running through nine lines, and then comes an extract, of seven lines, from the speech of William R. Allison, a Republican Senator from Iowa Then we have thnty-thne lines of estimates fol lowed by sis lines from a speech of Hon. W, S. Ilolman ot Indiana, twenty live lines from a speech ol Hon. James O'Donnell, of Michi gan , twenty-nine iines from a speech of Republican Senator Plumb and twenty eight lines from a speech of Republican Senator Allison. Not a whole speech is published rarely a fall paragraph. Scraps are put together, the whole re- Simbling a "crazy qnilt." Suppose this k i ml ot woik is admitted to be fair, and there is no creed among christians, ami no practice among sinners, that can not be sustained by the words ol Che liible. The liible, as a v hu!e, is the wisdom of God: and he is an infidel and impostor who "sets the word against the word. Give us a whole Republican speech; a whole Republican platform and it will repell by its hidiousness. Tuckahoe 24th, Dogwood 25th, ( ceSsfnl fight against the first great "Trust" which threatened Southern prosperity. The jute bagging Trust was 60 skillfully planned and so badly managed that not until the cotton crop was beginning to move was its existence realized. Its organ izers felt safe. They knew that the cotton must be bagged promptly and sent to market, and they boasted of what they were going to do in the way of advancing prices. To attempt to fight this '-Trust" by bringing out a substitute for jute bagging in time for the present crop was apparently worse than useless. It would only lead to de lay in shipping cotton and to still higher prices for bagging. Planters were advised to submit with the best grace possible this year in hopes that before another season rolled around a remedy for the evil would have been found. This ad vice, however, was not taken. In stead of that the whole South was bent upon delending the TruBt" at the very start, and many have been the devices brought out to accomplish it. Practically the 'Trust" is dead. Substitutes even better than jute have been found. As already known to our readers the Lane Mills, of New Orleans, and the Acme Manufacturing Co. have produced bagging, one from low grade cotton and one from pine straw, which meet all the require ments and which are destined to supplant jute bagging Night and day the mills will run to meet the demand for this bag ging, and thus from what seemed Cypress Creek 2Cth, The voters oi both qnested to attend. We met an old colored man with a huge tickler in each coat pocket and one in his hand a few days ago wending homeward, whistling a merry tune. I told him that he appeared to be well armed. "Yes, sir,'' said he, "but it is not sperits. This bottle is camphlre and this is costeen ( kerosene) and this tother one is vinegar. I am a temperance man, but don't expect to vote the Prohibition ticket, not a bit of it for me. Rut I am going to vote the Republican ticket one more time, and if tbe leaders don't give us a colored man for the Legisla ture I am going to jine your party, as I am tired bein' told that the time has not arrived yet for ns to elect a colored man, that the white Republicans will not vote for him. How is it, boss, that the wirke Re publicans can vote for a Democrat in preference to a colored man and then turn aronnd and tell us that we must stick to the party, or the country is ruined? Tell you it sounds to me like the song, 'Naught is a naught and a figure is a figure all for the white man and none for the nigger.' " STILL rices LEAD ! derating influence in the politics of onfidence of the masses. New York city. A majority of the . people are proud of him Nor Harrison do it protect an American Cop pr Trust ring in contracting to Tammany braves are devoted friends of Cleveland and Hill. Conspicuous among them is that brightest ol aII Congressmen S. S. Cox. It is not too much to s.iy that Tammany will stand by the State and National tickets with indomitable resolution. This waa indicated on last Thursday by their and the n the contrary the candidate of the Re publicans is a Mr. Fifer, a man who is comparatively unknown, and who has little to recommend him except the fact that he is the nomi nee of his party. Democrats are more confident of electidg Palmer than they are of carrying the State for Cleveland ami Thurman : but it is very far from certain tbat the electoral vote of Illinois can be had A Request of Postmaster-. Eiutor Journal : Rear Sir We beg to make enquiry through your paper of the Postmasters on the route from here to Newport why it is that our mail matter, con sistmg of letters, are delayed be- een here and Newport! 11ns is the third time within three weeks tbat the mail bags have come here without a single letter, and once the letters going from New Rerne were delayed also : and we have been informed tbat the fault is in some Postmaster on the route from here to Newport. Now we don't wish to cast any reflection upon any one, but we do hope the Post masters on the route will be a little more careful and see that the letters are put in the mail bags at each office, as we have but little use for an empty pouch. J. A. PlTTMAN. Swansboro. N. C, Oct. (J, 1SSS. Onslow Tefichers In Counsel. Maysville, N. C, Oct. 4, ?88 The teachers of Onslow county met at Jacksonville on Saturday September 29tb, and organized Teachers' Council for the benefit of the white teaahersof Onslow conn ty. The Council was called to order by Mr. II. M. Koonce, when we proceeded to elect the officers protempore, E. M. Koonce Chair man and A. WT. Cooper Secretary We theu proceeded to elect perma nent officers, voting by ballot which resulted in the election of the foilowingas permanent officers For President, Dr. Cyrus Thomp son ; Secretary, A. . Cooper Treasurer, C. D. Koonce. Having gotten the business in order lor work the Council then adjourned to meet in the court house at Jack sonville, Saturday, October 20, at 11 a. m. A. W. Coofer, Secretary. To the Teachersof Onslotc County : We earnestly request you to come together with us in the interest of the educational cause of Onslow county. And as things, become noble by association, there is no better way for men to improve their usefulness than to come to gether and confer with each other, thereby getting new ideas. And teaching is no exception to the rule, for, surely if any profession needs careful attention and im provement, teaching should have the full and honest share. As we all know that however marked may ba the 6kul of the statesman, ora tor, lord, or sage, it must have its hrst training, care, and attention in the ordinary school room. Then how important is the work of the teacher, who has charge of laying an example for the pupil's first consideration. How careful, then the teacher should be to inform himself, that he may perform this important duty well, for early im pressions are lasting ones ! And the best way to do this is to come together and consider the different modes ol teaching. By doing this, alijmight reduce the different modes of teaching to a single unit, thus relievieg the embarrassment both to teachers and pupils, when the teachers are changed. Then when a teacher takes charge of a class, he will know that the last teacher taught on the same princi pie that he is to pursue; thus there will not be a portion of ihe term lost trying to get his pupils started on a different plan. This may be done by systemizing the modes of teaching, which we cannot do with out your presence in our council. We know that Onslow county is behind badly in her educational work, but with a sufficient amount of energy, used in the proper way, she is not beyond redemption, and 1 by the proper course, old Onslow i can yet come to the front and stand ' side by side with her sister counties, in an educational capacity, clothed iu the splendid robe of an educated mind A. W. C. .fiVlA I am now prepared to offer better induce ments for the future than ever in the past. My stock is much larger and could not be better selected. I Buy in Large Quantities for GASH, direct from Importers, Jobbers and Manufac turers, which enables me to sell cheaper. A trial will convince that 0. MAKES is really the LEADER OF LOW PRICES. It would be folly for me to attempt a lull description of all my utoek The most elegant line of DRESS GOODS a curse has sprung the blessing of that has ever been brought to this market, including all the 111 U 1-1 1 T IUUUOL1IC. i LI lillv kWUlU which will add several million dol lars a year to Southern prosperity In these facts can be seen tbe spirit of energy and enterprise which l building up the South and planting new industries everywhere, over coming obstacles tbat would appall others and pressing steadily lor ward, undaunted by difficulties The South is at work and its people are desperately in earnest, so "Trusts'7 had better shun this sec tion. Baltimore Manufacturer's I lot of Record. All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods! Silks! Satins! Velvets! and Velveteens! AND MY LIN R OF Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks ! well you will have to come and see them, they, are beyond description the largest, handsomest and P.FST line in the city. Aiso a handsome Wraps and Shawls, Flannels, Etc., Etc. IT-' DON'T FAIL to see my line of Why the Devil Never Uets Editors. Once upon a time an editor died. This was an unusual occurrence. Editors rarely ever die. Tbev gen- -.,11.. J 11 -i I cwmjr uuuie uay i.uurem or mi.- 5efore purchasing, which is very large, embracing all grades from the UllCailCai LU lUC UHIL . ill) mil" aiiiii1 1 ' ' I ' I n '""i , ' ' i"i iiifimiJB, etc., etc. Napier Matting, Pine Matting, Oil ClothB, all width, Table Oil Cloths, Mats, Rugs, Etc., Etc. event winds up their earthly career Rut in this instance a real, speak ing, living, breathing, genuine edi tor paid the debt ol Nature. (Oh, how his other creditors did envy mature:) well, a few days after tbe funeral the editor arose, took up his soul, and prepared for his final journey to his allotted abode ; after awhile he drew near to the outer gates of hades. Here he knocked loud and long. Finally Uov. Nick came to the gate and asked wbat was wanted. The edi tor told him that he had been evic ted from the upper world and wanted a home where rent is free and fuel cheap. The devil eyed STianfi would not uermit. and besides thev are or half a minute I X- 7 " Shoes! Shoes! Such a line of Shoes never was exhibited in this place before. .Mens, Ladies, Misses anil Children's of nil descriptions m endless variety. By calling at my store you will find very many things that cannot be mentioned here; uim suspiciously for half a minute and then asked him what had been his profession up above ! "lour Majesty," said our friend. I am an Editor. Por years I have boen 7 "You can't come iu here, then," said his Majesty. "I am ruler here and propose to continue so. Can't you see that your advent in side this gate would be dangerous to the peace and dignity of mv too numerous to mention. willingness to nominate Secretary geJI all i la ore to foreign Copper Whitney, a member of the Cabinet syndicate.". And ;n .vsking con-: and an enthusiastic County Demo-j for Harrison and Morton. National i geemed imminent jnmrn of copper iu th country to crat . It was only after Mr. Whitney and State tickets usually run to pv 16 cents a pound for metal that coats les. than rj cents ft poand. The Tribune is slow to learn tbat the Democratic party ij agiinst monopoly everywhere, and for the people everywhere. Some of those old saws have a ttt- great deal to answer lor. l or m- a wom.n i Ducorcry. stance, if somebody hadn't once ' Another wonderful discovery has , said, "It is never too late to mend," been made and that too by a lady in this ' prohabIv a good many people would county. Disease fastened it clutches I , ,,fta7nr,nin0, rhft nrneena Kn upon her and for seven years she with- not be Postponing the process SO stood its several tesu. but her vital or- 'ong. Kans were undermined ana ueaiu geemed imminent. For three monthe PI.HPLKS OPT THE FACE she coughed incessantly and could not -Denote an impure etate ot the blood i - u. ff no a Krt I a nf Dr. nnrl nrn lrwilr pfl n non hv manv with ad positively refused to accept a gether, and it is believed that there , King's New Discovery for Consumption suspicion. Acker'i Blood Eliiir will remove an impurities ana leave trie complexion smooth and clear. There is nothing that will bo thoroughly build The County Democracy has not Cleveland and Thurman. The Re- cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." u-p the constitution, purify and nnhlirn iminrirv in lllinm'Q han us write VY. U. asmricn o tu. , ui ; Btrougiuou toe waoio system, twin buu publican majority in Illinois has v r r.i ft hottle free at R. N. : sruaranteed bv R. Berrr. druceist. New subjects ? AH those subscribers of yours who didn't pay for their paper are in here, and you would no; be here a week before you would com mence dunning them, and would cause dissensions, discords, and the final disruption ofmy kingdom." "But if I promise " "Xo, sir .' you can't come iu here. Go up there," continued the devil, pointing to the Celestial City, "there you will find all your pay ing subscribers and no deadheads, and there you can dwell in peace." And the heart of the editor was glad. Joyfully he turned aside from the gate and wended his way up the golden stairs to enter npon his just reward, where unpaid bills troubleth not and delinquent sub scribers never come Madison Leader. Two thousand yards .'!-4 Cashmere a.'. !;. per yd Tro thousand yds. double width Cashmeie at Ylk The prettiest and best Ladies' I'.titron Shoes in th Pants Cloth, 10c. up. Fine imported nail Hose ur lOe . wuith 'JUc Towels, oo. up. Turkish Bath Soap, 5c. Good Xote Paper, 5c quire. I'.uve! ipa-, Hose and Half Hose, 5c. pair. Ladies' Collars, 5c. A big drive in Ladies' Kid Gloves. I bar only 50c, worth 1.00. Ladies' Jerseys from 00c. up. Red and white Flannel from 15c up. Corsets, 25c. Men's Scarlet Wool Undershirts, 50j e..c! Ladies andtjents' Undershirts, L.'5c per d. wci ih 1 rc. i n im --i g" in iiMiideretl back for nomination that Tammany nomi-; will be no great difference between j and was bo much relieved on taking nated Sheriff Grant. ret met in Convention. This or- the vote of Palmer and that of first dose that she slept all night aDd with one bottle has beea miraculously gniration in much yonnger than , been steadily shrinking since I S7l ! pUrTy"s dmg store ' Berne, N. C. Very Different. "Well, how did you like the sermon today T" "The sermon T" "Yes; you were at church weren't you T" "Why, yes, certainly." "Then you can tell me how you liked the sermon, I suppose. You heard it, didn't you?" "Heard it! Certainly not. I belong to the choir." To the Wholesale Trade. I am now prepared to offer better inducements to Wholesale Buyers than ever before. My stock is much larger, more varied and complete. I buy in large quantities from FIRST HANDS for SPOT CASH, which enables me to sell CIIEAPKKIn Miiall quantities than Northern Houses. Come and see me. I can save you Money. Agency for Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton. .el IS LIFE WORTH UVIMGI Not if you go through the world a dys peptic. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive cure for the worst forma of dyspepsia, indigestion, flatulency and constipation. Guaranteed and sold by R. Berry, druggist, New Berne. Allow me to thank you kindly, one and all, for jour liberal patronage in the past, and to ask for a continuance of the same, assuring yon that LOW PRICES SHALL ALWAYS LEAD. I am, very truly yours, O. MARKS.

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