. 2 lW till C. I XDllXDEXT IN ALL THINGS. Toz-in IS 13 . 0 O Per Vfcr. VOL- XI. NEW BKRXK, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, DECEMBEH 1:;, Iss.s. NO. 37. There Is Found This Season in Kinston, EDITORIAL OTES. Tut outlook Y r a u c e Coll i i '. ii :: ai .ig,i;:i 1 1 Larger, Better and Finer Stock of Goods than kept any- stormy. where else in this section, and we call jour attention especially to the many branches of Goods displayed and for sale at OETTINCER BROS. DowatM a J Kj4t lrr (Jood. ! T rtomrt Ootkioj (or young and o'. l Gato' FrofclAgOoJa. thu aai Cap. OnH aa4 Liia, Mimm aad I'hiiJrrn' S.. A fTaJ lia Tiaaka, Bajn J Vtlw- C&p Fria Mltr.i. Tad will fta4 nC ayth'o; nJ 1 ' mala jox boom altrati an J oefortbU. fV.Wrraat prve th l.w-- a ! ik :o Am BATt for J : 100 la kTT M ISrk. S3 UIa. UrilW UixW Tot Saaf. 5v UlH BUT Lyt u4 f Xa. 10.000 TtU. f BsrUs Sk to eor u. ioo uiw a rw, "I.OO0 Cote pXt Cotton. Kpt!ly. l"s- J v iirm .ni If i i t:-.e v ir r'. Sh: KiMtoa, CVt. lv. HAiEB TIMES MADE EASY l'UVKLi!(D eihiLutJ the temper of a fnUeman and philosopher. Last aocoants imiicat consiiler able improrement in trade gencr KiKD, MoRinley, I'iimon .i:u! Burrows are canilnlatw for SpeaVer or the next Home of Kepre.sent.i Senator Fakwkli. (juotes rre.iident elect Hanison layinfr that he doea not propoie to offer, promue or Appoint any one to oftk'e for soma time to come. THE first pAge of the New ork World of the 1st instant has a map of the l"mtel State with Canada annexed. What a gorgeous e t pirel How beautifully Canada cut up ' iato States : Tut'MAs S. WiiiiiKX, of Norfolk, a . committed suicide lat Mon day. Hie deceased belonged to a protument Nirth Carolina family, and was brot her of the distinguished lr. FUlward Warren, of Tari. Oru et-emeil cititt'u, Col. L. 1.. l'o:k, elitor of the Progresjiive Farmer, seems to be in demand. He leares Kaleigh on Monday to attend the meeting of the National AUiance at Maiidian, Mi&s. He is firs: Vice President of tha Alliance and Chairman of :he Kxecutive t'onimittee. State Chron ; le. THE World referring to Colonel Oatea' snggestion of disfraachise meat sayi : ' Ot couree the propo rtion is an absurdity. The Con utitution provides that "the right Xui- Til i: Sapn-n.c ( '. I . . iu.i.iis ai f .i.i CN Tuesday the f repi esent.i'. ; vi- add : n : i m i i .i mi o ; !u:..l ;. :; ; :. se-:: i ' :. .i : :;, .: . :. .: :: .i.i.: . : : i . ! . A i:r. ; n : .: : cmnty in W t-; .i 1 rn; cr.4t ;c t i. : c si bly the ( i i :i v t AN Ai.ib.im.i l'.i t fit- marri.ikTt' uf M r. to M..x I.uti H i, i hatchet lia.i N o Wk had t'.i, columns tcd.iy with bnt thev scin':!lat I ,;,ii;:i the w 1 ,r. Te. art oecides t nat. Me ; o ; axat ion . Alabama House parsed a bill h- public school .'tial papers 'fil the 111 i it to. t i: e C' h. I la. so THE rRF.SIDEXrs MESSAGE. The message of t he President, ad dressed to the Congress that reas sembled on last Monday, is now be fore the country. Like alj the State papers of Mr. Cleveland, it is clear, strong and definite. It opens with a comprehensive review of the present happy condition ot 1 u jr . This coinn, unanimous i eco'n i : i eminence, made M its chairman, auil .. uou its vroi k . I' ll ml ti'l ri in;,. ' irOVfl' t'l- ill .. S '.;.' cawjnt iiin. Here ;n it h a . pre ifuakcr ijteied Kinston Items. Manyof our citizens have atten ded tiie annual conference in your city. Capt. .1. M. W in 'cu to I building i- i.ew factory gtir.a sni.in 1 1 the : n ', r c t ne a allil pos State. announces in as .1 ones So 'he w k . How ,i:d 'olin Wan theil work sar v for ; i. thecountrv, and then passes to the hae the milk consideration of legitimate subject of national legislation. The President's position rti the taiid'is unchanged, and he ccntin- sar.v for ti.e i':. ues to press upon Congress the lin- rescue ai'i! i : 1 portance of reducing the public threaten- to ei revenue to the nece.iUes of the Juhn W.r.iai govei nmenf economic illy adininis- bauched crew, i terid. to conduit a i The amendment of the Pension and they oi 11 mm ; .-' tir :'; I.ce we CtO'tlll'lt. tee. with head, ilo e i" iiecc.- . ni- ii n l ; L : . ne n. .r a n s ! o.P.. a : e 1: ii a :. i blje them. T n K roi n g to 1 e by the n ej tribi' would that. W:i. ti a 'a i it he i n bo-ei 'roe-. We ; ar . ;i "t:r ge ills. a I i i:. h ee. il:g a t e l i : : i . e laws is strongly insisted on, espe- retribution. The s-.cuiar hew -cially the importance of uniformity, papers oi the i -otintiy n own ujmh The President save: "A revision them, and the religions press going un. The frame work is nearly all m place. Kggs have felt the Christmas breeze that is blowing this way and have gone up to L'lM cts. per dozen. The -nbject of J )en;oeratie bonds men fur Republican oflice holders i agitaMng our community . ''ome w ! i : i : . l'i. Temple Cv Pro. will move iiieir diug- to the store now occu pied by Mr. P. 1". A hitehursr. m a few week-. Mrs. :. I.. Well lectured Friday hiizht at the court house on Tem perance. She is ( ne of t h W.C. T. U. Thanksgiving sei - weie held in the i;piscoal Church in the morning by Kev. J-rael Harding and at night in the Baptist w 1 1 : " and Inga 1 ' o riiK hitlook Publ.-li pniny.' I'oiiipi.-i d of protn: publicans, was eh.ii:ri .i mond lat W i 'i:o'-da . 1 pose to st.ii ' a da ty .it: paper. i; i ;i a i; modestly s.u ;ng campaign the presa was high : those who conda suppvorted it." CiKN. l.i'NiiSTKKF.l a:.- n,n Ii . : :i a t ed .III ' : his deiatatul I r. " " in i.:.t Ke ..t K. cil ia y pro-week'v nri'h ;,1 ol our pension laws count easily oe anaiuarna; ,.e uieni i :ie pnipir by Kev. A. J. Hires. made which would rest upon just thunders its maledictions, and principles and provide for every federal courts charge worthy object, but while criminals. The HomiliMi our general pension laws the leading American per remain confused and im perfect, hundreds of private pension laws are annually passed which are its class, au magazine o .n tern a! relig: i a papt : are Throughout t he ;.e of our State it.iinc auKO in ar. d ; hose w ho has been re V instein s of citiiens of the United Statea to banquet ted at ludianapo.is. Among rote shall not t denied or abridged the gueoto were Kuscll Harrison, ty tk United Staff, or by anj son of the President elect and State on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude." The Republican organs have discovered that Gen. Benjamin Han-isou is related to Air. Jefferson DarU. If the relationship wer Private Secretary llalford. I.ong atroet is sure to work his Repub licanism for all it ;s worth. Tiik federal grand jury convened at Indianapolis last Tuesday. The the sources of unj ust discriminat ion and popular demoralization." In reference to the State ot the l uion, he says: I have the satis faction to announce the close of the year rinds the United States in the enjoyment of domestic tranquility and a: peace with all nations. Since my last annual message our foreign relations have been strengthened and improved by the performance of international good offices and by new and re newed treaties of amity, commerce and reciprocal extradition of crimi nal. Those international questions which still await settlements are all reasonably within the domain of of the corruj amicable negotiation and there is no existing subject of dispute be tween the United States and any foreign power that is not suscep- them as Keview. "(Heal ol monthlv gio'u- Thought. sermonie i.teiatnre, and uiicussion of practicv.! issues, in discussing "Coirupttd Suffrage. "' says: "A cry should go up from every Ameri can pulpit against this infamy." The Review publishes the notorious I)u Hey letter and says, --it is an illustration of the systematic man ner in which this er in.,. ; f c: i up' ing .suffrage iseaiiieu -a by the Messrs. Cox & Pridgen are re ceiving goods in their store near (irand Ainij 'J.vniiinv. I.M-lANAl ' uas. U,?c. 4 The work of organizing the Democrat ie Veterans of this State in an order i mi eprnden t of the Grand Army of the Republic in pro cseding. and the head of the npw move ment m this city. (ien. Koontz. is re ceiving many er.eouraKinK lett'-rs from perb'jrjH outside of the St;ite. F.-ieh of the writern ri-fern tn noine partitular act of the '.rami Armv.h uias. ar;d an wi-h the new nr success. A letter from I ) S. Mn-ppar l. of Waliof;t,n, Ii) . Hays I hut lie urp ,i coldierfrom lvfil to 1 -d ) , entering tin army as a private and heirig piomotf-ii toMajjr. He joined the ( irand Ar.n Post in his city and thus writes regard ing its action : "The I Vet undertook to boom Fifer, I objected, and when they perflated I demandfd my diseharge from the I 'oft. Tliey thn Fupetnled me for two yearn for no otlu-r rea-on than that I wue a Ivnu crat. It. J Kavanagh of I)nver ritH " The D.-morrats of C olorado un- with you in the new nmv em r,t. We will cheerfully j jin the ne w organ izition. every roan of uh. " " Hugh II. Ilarbot. of Idaho SpringN. avs iD a letter to Ad.jl.Cen. Koontzi "I have long believed that the (Irand Array wag used indirectly for political purposes, and for tiiat reason I have withdrawn from the Post here.' r..j. .MCivi-naan, oi imph!. wnii Dor.'t Fail To Call On ROBERTS BROS., OH SEND Ycur ORDERS TO US. We have m Um k a Full Lina of 'roran'i' oMn GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. C S. Parsons & Sons Boots, and Shoes, Penitentiary Boots & Shoes, it from (he Boston A!-o Shoes factories. We arc k ! from the M 1 1 ir- We ;,!m, Snulf. n.g '..; gulden KIOUB in Mn nigaji very low. l.orillaid and (tail ft Ax ROBERTS BROS., Sour Front at.. ,eu, Iiems.N. O. Brick! Brick! Brick! 50,000 the residence Of Mr. .J. A. Pridgen. that he was in the army, but ha- b The firm will occupy both stores, and 31essrs. Fred. Taylor Cv' John lcRae will move one door south. T stoie house, recentlv moved treated bvf.'rand Army men lutleb. ter tl .an if he Iiad tie n a rebel bi-e:-iii"e he votes the Ut-moi.-ra'.ie ticket. H fa vors the riew organ iz it ion Rnd thinkp that the fervi -e performed by tlie I leni oeralic sobU'-rs in the sar will be n preciatt-d when they eore.e out fr.im a.in.r tl.. 1 .... 1. I . J . 1 . I Mr Will II,,,,, r.r -..1. 1. .1. " ;n "cf"'"-- 'i in.' M'opM- .1. ..i.. ..ooit. ... woi.i-owiu, in see now many of them fought for th. be oocupiied by Mr. II. C. Jiowen : preservation of the Union, and the little lOOIU ad joining will Reports from Democrat in ihir St itt be used bv Mr. I'resslv as an o ster CODli'!u to come iu. and if the lett-rn sl(,OI1 ' ' received ar. any indication, the t p i " ration will be complete. Several bu:- At a meeting of the magistrates Jred have signifieJ their intent i. n of ot Tenoir COUUTV SaTurdav. Decern withdrawing from the Iran 1 Armv f to the .-outlnvest corner of Queen and Caswell streets, belonsriur to .ciders of o d ii iicki l i tl - .'(!. ' i iuirL i' (".' ('" u rntr il: xi Hi r .' Hon the U. po Walter ,. (.i S." ) llf it "(-CC'irc (!' ' i'l,?.', o?v- nmijif lvji r " ( urnipti . sham, one ol irciiit .ludges. speaking methods pursued in ber 1-;. the foilowin" were elected to n.i vacancies in the board of county comu.i--ioi.ers : llurweli W. Canady, Albeit Coward and Wright Uzzell. Two of the vacan cies were caused by resignation. K. U. Cox and X. J. House ne l. death, R. M. Abbott. Several of our merchants; arc .showing Christmas and holiday goods. And the .stores are pre senting a gay and lively appear ance. The average boy has made the Republic, and many are nou- wait ing for ch irt--rs un.l. r wlie-!', t , organ ize. Tomorrow :.n It x.-r u I i v t'ommittee of one representative from each Con-gres.-ioual di-itrict in the S-ate will be named, widi two from the State at largo, and the permanent organ i . it ion will :o-;-i i o started. i I aiinil v l.j in lied. i'ec. li.-Van fan adv. the who confeHred t0 liaving Indiana, savs : Unless the.Siate takes steps t Slli.i.,.1 mulatto. murdered James rhillbeck. an old farmer, on the night of November ?J was taken from inil m tl i i Ft t d :i r n r. ti Up his Illind to spend all his spare Saturday night, by a band of armed cash, be the times "hard' or mt'n. carried to an oak tree about one liush. It is. perhaps, well that Having pnrchased an extra large stock, we are prepared to sell Goods at Wholesale and Retail, AT Mock Bottom Prices. Country Merchants will surely find it to their advantage to call upon us and examine itock and prices. We can give you BETTER BARGAINS thoTi any house in Eastern N. consists of Dry Goods in all its Branches, Uznz, Boys and Youth's Clothing, U. S. District Attorney, acting tible of satisfactory adjustment by btweQ Mr. ClereUnd and Mr. , QQder special instructions of the frank diplomatic treatment." DarU the Republicans woald hftve;onrt, tiring before the grand ln gpealing of the finances the found it out long ago, and what a 1 JaT a" evi dence obtainable tend- iresident says: '-The ordinary howl tliey wokl have raised ! blr. j ng to show corrupt : actiecs at the expenditures of the government Harrison is aa much entitled to . 'te election. for the fiscal vear ending June "0th, confratnlatlona boae of Uie blood j-kc"Nu U-si oi the lkssamer ISSS, were f25(J,6.33,9o8.G7, leaving ; wl!I in hia Taina as on account of the cast steel gun at the proving a surplus of ?119,G12,1 Kj OO stop the corruption at the polls, a some of our citizens can have bright condition of affairs will be pro prospects ahead and wring -some duced to which the rebellion will enjoyment out of the dull season, be but a circumstance. It is the . The open gate nuisance is again Pharisee who are doing this. It is men c f in lull Hiciwi. It is really danger ous for anv one to walk on the prominence and respecta- streets at night unless he has eves bill :y who raise these large sums like an owl. How long, O how long, of money knowing the use that tbev lr- -'yor and Commissioners, shall we have tq. suffer it. We rpnpu 11 rr era f i c m i n t r. -t..., openly in corruption one day and a0in if'Mnsrn.wif l't office to which he baa aeen elected.! grounds at the Naval Academy, Appropriate reference is made to go to church the next. It is these the "boys" on Christmas eve have A SPKCTAL from Columbia to the 'Annapolis, resulted in the bursting other subjects of public interest, New York Timea aaja: "Colored , of tb ii' t1111 ' thousand farm tenanta in various parts of fragments.'1 Well, that is bad: Ihe State have become imWuedJ but lC is nothing to the bursting of with the idea that they will not be oar "ig tun on the sixth of Noveiu required to pay their rents now Ul r- that General Harrison has len llv tllli promotion of Judges elected 1'reeident, and many of Avery aud Shepheid there will be .V X V r Furniture, Carpets, and in fact too many articles to mention. Please call and we will guarantee it to be to your advantage. EINSTEIN'S. Kinston. Sept 20. janl The Bergiier & Engel BREWING CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, IS TJlTQUISTIOrTADLT THE Finest Beer Extant. them are squandering their hard earned money in the purchase of musical instruments am! other lax ones.'7 Me. BLAIM4, Vice Urcsidfct elect Morton, fi-Senator PLatt, Conreajp man McKinley, Senator Hiscock, John C. New and other Ilepobli can leaders attended a conference in the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New OUT StOCk or'J' to con'ider Cabinet ap pointments. No reu!t has ben . formally annoanced, but it is be lievtd to have been favorable to John Sherman ax Secretary ol State and Thomxs l'latt as Secre tary of the Treasury. 15 reply to Chalmern, of Missis eippi, a few days ago, Harrison said : '-It is a fallacy to recognize sacti a tbing aa a Southern quea tiou only demand that the people of the whole country shall obey the laws of the nation without reference to the section in which they may live. It is an insult to me for the Southern people to intimate that it is my desire to deal harshly with two vacancies on the Superior Court l'.eiich in this Sta'e. The question arises, who will fill vacancv. Governor Scales and, taken as a whole, the message is worthy of its distinguished author, and should receive the care ful consideration of the Congress and the people of the United States. It is probable that -Mr. Cleveland will find it necessary to send other messages to Congress during the the remaining time of his occupancy of will the Presidential chair. We have men who bring disgrace upon the full liberty to hide every crate that State. You may convict a hundred stands open across the sidewalks. have the right to do so, but, it has no hesitancy iu saying that after been suggested that it would be a his term of oHice has expired the proper courtesy to Governor-elect people of the United States will Fowle to a! remain until on t he t en : low the vacancies to after I he inaugural ion let h o ! J an u arv. In the llou-e on Tuesday, many bills were introduced, including one lor the construction of two steel rams, to be armed w ;th heavy rilled dynamite gnu-, and one for the construction ot two steel cruisers to be armed w.th dynamite guns. Mr. McDonald, of Minnesota, pre sent ed pet it ions of cit i.'.ens of N'orth Dakota for immediate admission into the I niou of South Dakota While Tarn President I shall and Montana, and lor constitutional conventions in North Dakota, Washington Referred to tories. acknowled his patriotic services, and impartial history will assign him au honored position among the mo;t distinguished American citizens. es even a thousaud obscure voters for bribery, but the efl'ect upon a community would bo as nothing compared to that would follow the conviction of one promi nent man.' The learned Judge spoke as if he had Wanr.aruaker's Advisory Com mittee iu mind. They gave hungry men bread, bur votes iu exchange the floaters into blocks of five aud put a trusted mnn with necessary funds in charge of those live, and made him respousi! lc that ;:oi;e got away." They sent 7no.i 00 to Indiana with which to corrupt the suffrage and make freemen slaves 1 This wns the infamous work of the Advisory Committee 'svlmse mis- A NEW DKFAKTl'RE IN POLITICS. We have received the Philadel phia Tress, of the 1st inst.. contain ing a leader oa "A New Departure in Politics, " which has the signifi cant bine pencil mark around it. Journalistic courtesy requires that we sion was to provide the means of the campaign. I roai Wali i n ton. YVasHI.noton, Dec. . The K.vt-r t;J Harbor Committee i-pent several fours today in work upon tbe details of the River and Harbor bill for the next ti?cal year. The committee will u;t hear any A U I a c o t i nT-i a Aaairincr (n nri-d fU i ma make some reference ro their particular localities to an appio- There's more fruit for sale in Kinston this season than for many years past. J'.nt the native North Carolina product, the Mattarnus keet apple, is superior to every Northern specimen that is brought here. And we can grow other things here as well as apples. And if we would only take the advice given by Dr. II. O. Hyatt in Thurs day's Free Press, we would soon be demanded their a greater and a richer people. They ':divided At a meeting of Lenoir Lodge No. 171. K. of IT, last night, the following were elected officers for the ensuing year : Dictator, Sol. Oettinger: Yice Dictator, II. C. Lowell ; Assistant Dictator, Jas. A. Pridgen: Keporter. J. P. IJaskitt: Financial Reporter. T. J. Meachain: Treasurer, Jas. L. N'unn: Chap lain. Dr. U. II. Lewis; Guide, a r"' Dr. II. D. Harpers Sentinel, G. L. Kilpatrick : Guard i a i:. Jno. W. Collins : Medical Kxurniuer. Dr. Henry 'full : Trustees, Dr. II. O. Hyatt. Dr. II. D. Harper and Jas. A. Pridgen: Representative to Grand Lodge. 1'r. II. D. Harper, with alternate. Jno. W. Collins. mile from town and lynched. On l-rivlay Canady, who had been arrested on the previous Sunday , said that hi brother, knoun an Charley Armstrong, who was under arret-t, had committed tin? murder, but on Saturday fie retracted hi statement and said that he himself had committed the crime. His reason for confessing, he said, was because the eherilf had secured enough evidence against him to convict of three burgl aries. that he was going to be hung anyhow, and that he did not want any innocent m:in to snlTer for his misdeedn. The murder had excited the moit intense feeling; throughout the county, and as soon as it occurred threats were freely mad that the murderer, if ever caught, would be lynched. The con fession to which Sheriff Hamrick torii lied before the coroner's jury on Fridav in the examination of the charge against Bay I is Sisk, soon became known in the country, and on Saturday morn ing there was good reason to believe that an attempt would be made to lyr.eh Canady tha! night Sherilf Hamriek wan noti fied ef this and he summoned a posse to guard the jail. As mob did not ar rive at the time expected , part of the guard went home, so that by eleven o'clock but few remained. . P. BURRUS & CO., 0ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GRAIN DEALERS, MaI'.KKT l)'i(K, MOW IlKKN'K. N. V. C-i' ( 'onsigiius your produce. The Ladies Must Come! The Gentlemen May Come ! Everybody" Come ! i ' 1 SI I i 'I 1 1 1' Handsomest Tea, Dinner and Toilet Sets lAT.i: 'H r illT To THIS MARKET.' A I. SO A ITU. LINK OF House FurnishiEg Goods VI' I'.' TT .M THICKS. L. II. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW ItHICNE. N. O. wa v.s d the article. The blue mark usually and New Mexico. Commits- on Terri- priat'on, as a great deal of testimony vna taken iftar vpflr find rs thpri irt verv indicates that the writer supposes little time for work, the purpose being that he has done something very to have the bill ready for action by the - TT l r . 1 1 I ' . T I uuuHB ueiure lue ijuiiuu. s. iiie uulli- Si ' " at'er House on 1 Gates, ot Alabama, question of privilege tilt- meeting UesJ.iv. Hon. rose i n d of W the . . to a stated them. It woald also be an insult to them for me to anticipate that that he had been misrepresented they do not expect to obey the Continuing he remarked: ! san laws they do anil shall exist." Si'MK men are born ahead of the time, but the editor of the Mail and Kxpres. of New York, has arcjved tiHi late. He has mustered himsrlf into the military Beivice, and appointed bimself commander- that the only licanrt could b Democratic Si 'U ing the negro that is practical way t li.it the Kepub I'.lk 1, the ii was tiv ruin piil e b ad .' T solidly m i n a t -s, and ting a n.iting at that neb const ait ion al a meutlmt the suffrage to white men. bi in rhif of nn i muci narv armv that it was UOt probab.e that any ia to march into the South that he thing would ha proposed by them may queuch his fiery bladd in during Harrison's administration if preSHjcntial campaign. blood. Wht Ls the occasion of this ever. Such a movement would not martial display T Why, the Demo- stand the ghost of a t han j cr&U for a time thought that they cess if inaugurated by a hid a majority of the next Con- Democrat." j gre, and were determined to i inaist oa their right, and, on this j provocation, tbe Express man rises j in hi atirrop and shouts out. Do 1 you want wz1 What a pity ho did not come to tbe iront la time to hare ben at Fredericksburg, Bharpaborg; aad Oettysbarg. 'e of S u suc- tiern line, or that he has expatiated on a subject of uncommon interest, and the press of the country is ex pected to herald it abroad and ex tell its virtues. We don't know that the unpre tending New Berne Journal will ever fall under the eyes of the edi tor of the superb Philadelphia Press, but we cannot be so unjust to ourselves as to be wanting in journalistic politeness. A new departure in politics, says tbe Press. And pray, what is it! It purports to explain how an Advihory Committee came to be appointed by the National Committee in the late but it is in fact an apology for the infamous Curious to Know. Fdfior Journal: I see an in terrogation in your issue of the l':.M ult.. under Onslow I terns, in which the itemizer is curious to know 4ihow any one can" lose a breastpin from their neck unless it comes unclasped or breaks, yet such was the case ?" That is easily understood. Could riot the one unclasp. mittee has fixed S10.CC0,000 as the ag gregate amount of the appropriation to be carried by the bill. The bill introduced by Representa tive Gates of Alabame, today, to regu late immigration, providts that no alien shall be admitted into the Unit;d States who is au idiot, insane or pauper who has been ,'egally con victed cf any crime involving moral fnrnitnde. wro is a nnlvpamisf. an archist or socialist, who is affected with place the pin in tbe any contagious or loathsome disease, or reaching home, and take the pin from the breast, where everv American knows it is invariably worn, and not around the neck, as jour ltern izer would leave the impression, ap just before while getting Opinions of rlie Mi -.-nyre. W.vsrn.N'iiTos, Ii. ('., I . a. At il,. conclusion cf tin- reading of the I'r.-i dent's ncssnge tt.d.f, the r-r-ro. ntnuv of the United Prc-s fttti i)t-! to rl.ti.bi from prominent m: r- s. -men t i i r i s u I'm '11 tbe C' mill) n nical i ai . Manv S.-n i, i . r -and Represents i ve- d.rliiii-.i to espros themselves, iv:nj as re isons that tl.i-v had not he. ml but ortums of i: r.-i:d. As tin- Demon at s le a ' t i y ni i 1- f d ;! . the Reiiublirai x ei.uld nut !i:.d;u.v tl.iiifT .vid to say in its 1 . half A . u th' expressions nbtaiuf! nr.- ;. n h. low : Mr. Hoar "About a!! I ran -ay is. that it embodies t he rtti-r.u.ee- f a .ii.-aj p. in' ed politician iMr. Clllloli: '1' I l-Cv-silV la d,.v.-.in;e on his tat i;I i " and l,i r fete n' t in ten.nl aiTairs runs into a ;:re.a s "1! "ilr. Mnndi-.-son "I '..as no: puiticu larly sti uok with w !...! i !.. m.l f ie- na -sae. I ran say. lmwev.r, that if Mr. 1 i-vcland will visit the o: . a west ulln he Las mo: i- I his a re. la- w:;! t':!al that our farm, rs do not eiahir hij a ra: e-s . n the tariiT .juestii'i!. " M!r. li.ini'm ' i iLini; it u a.- ai! c ! Mr. (.'level. nid's p'alaie comma i.. .1 ions have been a very n'-'.- ana . .:.cis.-iy framed instrum- ut. " Mr. T.-Uer --Itiiink that the first par; of the message is full oi' spleen. There was no silver lining to the cl 'ie! that overhung Mr. Cleveland w hen he wrote it 1 do not believe thecountrv is iu such adtplorable coudition as h would hnve us believ. As to tiie administration ! the different departments, I want to sa in answer to the I'residei.t ti at th ment vis i . v. r i: a v. it is tod IV ' postotlice depRIt--e i- in ! i : ; oi than who is under contract to perform labor out of the buggy, then drop and in the L mtea Mates. to manes it a ..Woir'' in n,.. vanl n-l,rn fn.i.i.1 the following day 1 Mv friend vvh 1111 pre.- cf misdemeanor, punishable by fine 000 or i m rir i son m pn r for three vpa for any alien forbidden to enter the will you try and leave t he United states, to come ir. to t hi-ecu n try, and makes the same provisioa with regard to those who assist proscribed classes of irnmigrarj :s to land here. A tax of twenty-rive dollars is levied upon Republican eich immigiant, which is made a lien upon tae properry ot u;e transporLiu company bringing ?uch immigrant. The bill provides machinery for carry ing its provisions into effect. conduct of John Wanamaker and his associates in seducing the manhood of their underlings and 'How the negro laren,'" is beiug buying men like sheep in the ascertained by the World through shambles. The Press says : '-The intelligent colored men iu the South are four residents of North Caro- Advisory Committee. They Pina James H.Jones, of Kaleigh, cided to constitute the Advisory Baptist Congress. Richmond, Dec. j. - Dr. J. I.. M. Cur ry presided over the Baptist Cocrtrs. Dr. Bacon, of Brooklyn, read a paper advocating a national divorce law ty an amendment to the Constitution. lion. Joon Cr. Sawyer, of Newport. Chicago convention authorized the addressed the Congress in favor of lim- niong those heard from National Committee to appoint an "ipg.immration by the exclusion ot tr criminals, nauoers. lunatics and Chi- four residents of North Caro- Advisory Committee. They de- nese. Tonight the session was devoted to tLe ho waa txxly servant to I'resident Committee wholly ef representa- erai leading clergymen took part, all of ffereon Davis, savs: ''We tive business men everywhere them being quite conservative aud lib- A BTTaBAJfD's exhibition of love hope for an administration which known lor their high character and era m 1 eir vieWgt ion that a breastt'.iu is worn around the neck ? We will admit it is im material where Chinese wear their jewelry the toe is as good a place as any you certainly must be reading Chinese history, or ortho dcxed iu the spasm of the brains and muscles. Fvil to him who evil thinks. Curiosity killed the cat. Go to church, my fiiend. Take Chi 1st lor exemplar, worship the God cd reality, love and mercy, and not the goil d i-uiieistition. And all the good blessings that we are promised by both Biblical and pro fane histories will come along day after day, -and year after year, so long as we both shall live. Ciia R n v. 'edar Point. Stonewall Items. ia to ft woman glorious idea of will be just to the whole people, personal etanding, and so to give raptor, aad with no forbidden particularly to the Southern people. the business elements a new force ' fruit -ia iu Wls- fringed borders. We have no political rights here and position iu politics, with all of West Barley Halt and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and HTJ TBITIVE qualities. thrilling aad a beaatifol rythm. Lore expressed to her in honeyed endearment is to ber of all things on earth the ttadereet, the holiest, tbe purest and the Ixet. It is the Thoac it ia forerer flowing those that are not fn-eh accorded us. It iJ bnrsred from the finest Pale Canada' rippunf brooklet, of marmuring The elections are perfectly luiet fVj w m hp aa v viz m w mj iu m aUW LI v ' LUiUi v'i ui a la " io i " 1 ' b to comnla;n. The colored people here are shov n the most exact jus tice. They have good schools c.ixe fully looked after." The three others reside in Durham, and are HF.liGNKK v KNGalL, very soul of eontentment, affection's W. Cr Pearson, principal ot the r colored children, and C. N. Hunter, and Is ever slirDinir from it richlv tencher in the coh red graded Jeweled flngfrs those precious gems school. All of them say : 'Tlarri of lndeaxment that forever makes son has the confidence of the colored bjeaatifnl and glorious tbe grand people. I know of no intimidation paradise of home. Henry Blount. ' of colored voters." the higher tone and better influ ence and greater responsibility which this involves. Tit ih reputation eu,ojcd i.j i; DM PANT Wi daw U th f.-t tkat onlr -he FINK8T AND HKST nlnirtry and sonny dreams. It is public school i f rmt MATERIA LS ar aei and tr exerciavd dartng iu maaofact ure. jy4 dwtf The House Slil Doubtful. Washing ruN, D. C, Dec. 0. Up to today. 100 out of U2o certificates of elec tion of members of the "itet Corjgrees. have been received by Hon. John B Clark, clerk of the House of Represen tatives. No certificates have been re- The commit- ceived from West Virginia. ., . , , r "The next House will be close, saei tee thus came to be made up of clork CUrk today t0 a representatiTe of such leaders in' the business world the United Press. "It wi 1 take an of- as.Iohn Wanamaker aud Thomas ficjal count of certificates to decide the , political complexion ' f the next Dolan, of Philadelphia, James House." Seligman, CJsrnelius N. Bliss, H. There is some talk around tlu- House " ' ' of the possibility of a re count in ba K. Thurber, II. O. Armour, W. L. con a district in New York, the 15th. Strong, John F. Flummer and A. which wiU reuU in Baccn receiving T toe certificate. According to the pros Kountze of New York; . ii. ent count, a Republican is elected over of Bacon. With the uncertainly that exiits m Russell and William Whitman lAgent and Bottler. Hew. Berne. N. C Boston: U.Clay Frick and John ; thie di9trict tbe Tennessee distri'ct and W. Chalfaunt of Pittsburg; O. T. tbe four West Virginia districts, there , ... .. .,. . .- r, . ,, t are some Democrats about the House Talt ol ( incinnati ; S. V . Ailerton entertain the hope that the D?moerats of Chicago and others of like stand - 'will control the next House. Rev. 1. 1!. Clavton. T'mversaiist, is among u- atd will remain until llon d av . Jno. W. Bryan and Mrs. M. E Bryan of Goldsboro, are down on a vi;it to friends and relatives. Died of hemorrhagic fever in ibis place. 29th ult. , ( .eorge, son of Jas. C and Mrs. Julia Ormond. Aged about 4 j ears. Sam Cam pen and Mrs. Campen have the sympathy of their friends in the loss of their little son Sam on the evening of the tth inst. Dysentery was the cause of his death. Henry A. Siulfl of Wayne county, was down on a visit to S. B. Lane, Ksq., a day or so ago and report Wayne all right politically, and the best of ail was the licking that Jno. It Smith ami C II. Brogden got. Selah. The steamer Tahonia, Capt. Liussay. is on our line and is giving quite a dis patch to freighting, giving us two trips per week, and quite comfortable ac commodations for passengers. Capt. n. II. Dowdy is aboard and is as usual quite clever and accommodating. 1 he (inn Durst. ANNAlVLls, Mil.. Dec. 0 At the seixiid test of the Bessemer cast steel gun at the proving grounds at the Naval Academy this afternoon, the gun burst into uunaberlees pieces breaking a heavy timber platform. It was torn into a thousand fragments. The first charge was thirty six pounds, the second forty eight, the regulation charge. The gun was made of Bessemer ca.-t steel, by the Pittsburg Steel Casting Company: was sixteen feet one inch in length and weighe i 1U.00U pounds. It was charged with forty-eight pounds of powder, and the fhot was a concave ball of one hundred pounds. The (jOv eri.Riens lost in the de-tiurt i. .n of this property about Sa.oio by th.:- bursting of the tun. Kusign Kobeit A. Ddshiel. one of the ( tli.'ers who tin the lest said : "The experiment u..i- that Bt bse mcr cast steel v. ill ma d i f. r great gun.-: it ha- not elasticity nor tensile strength. The gun exploded had u pressure of fourteen and cue-tenth tons to the square inch. It was shattered from trunions to butt injso over twenty pieces. From the trunions to the muz .'Ie it remained in one pit ce. The gun showed weakness in the I rei-ch where it ought to have strength. ' Anarchist Demon! ra! iu:i. Cilh'Ao j. Dec. 0 A local paper says: The extensive preparations being made for the reception of Mrs. Lur y 10. Par soiifl. on her return to this city from her trip abroad, are very oi.ely t be knocked in th- head I y the p. dice Chief of Police Hubbard says: "If Mrs. Persons or her friend think they can parc.de the streets of Che-ago be hind a brass band, as they did in Lon don, they will find themselves greatly mistaken. There has been enough of this foolishness in the times joi-h, pnd anarchy will never be ai lowed to pa rade the streets of this rify again so long as I am Chief of Poli. o Since the conviction of llorneek, the Chicago anarchist, each eiail theraj i tol brings threatening letters to the Governor. Th? letters came t: only from Chicago, but from cites in the e a s t . or: V Cu CRN SUELLIORS, (5 rain Fans, Feed tters at Gko. Ai.m'.n tV Co, The World Stands Aghast AT MV LOW 1'KICKS, And wonders. How is it that I can Mill so much lower than anv one elBef I'll tell you: I have determined to be easily satisfied for the cash, and WORK FOR SMALL PROFITS, My Motto i . FA I It DEALING. Come and buy from me, find you will never regret i t . K. H. JONES, New Berne, N. J. 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER HAS a llNE STtX'K OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND FLATLD WARE- M'I'il 7 A ( I.K.N. I keep a larger stock of Spectacle than any other utore in North Carolina I take particular pains to lit them to tba eyes of part i.-s n. ed ing them. Having worked steadily al tho txjucb for over thirty yeais, I believe. I can do as good work as any watchmaker in tbe State. COMF AND SEE ME. SAM. K. EATON. Middle Btret. Opposite Baptist Church. f12 dwtf FASTER. W.TH f.liiOLlMi MARBLE WORKS, VKVV HKKMi. N.I. Monuments TomDs- . 1 t' l: ! tl' lit Wlt ft ti iTALIAN&AMERICAH MARBLE Orders will receive prompt mttnntior end satisfaction guaranteed JOE K. WILLIS. Proprlctoi Cor. HUOAP AD CH A V KA Sit. MCH HKHNK. JV. C G. E. Millkb ia my authorized agei t in e ' ma80-dvw GEORGE ALLEN & CO DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural 1 in l I m e n I a. IMows, lliirriivn, Cultivator, il..s and Axes, W.-imIk 3!iuorn miI I tea per a. Steam I'lifrlncs, C.it?..ii Jii.M a nl IrH8oa, Per I i 1 ! t : cm. I.u'ul flatter, Kniult cM linn les 'r.-i! himI Hardware, l.iimv I'.i iil., '-iii-i;t, I'lanter Hair, I'aint, K nlHomitie, Var nish, (Ml, i.iss, I'ntty and Hair. I'rce :!!, I J- frl fvtorii tor it. Oil Cook Motes, 1'ureUik IturKlar Pi oo! Siisli Locks, wiirrautod to triv r-i-curity and Hatihfactlou. I'lUClOH VERY LOW. OKO. ALI.EN & CO. 0 X i f. 'w .m 1 wi mj'i".mw a-' i ..' . ...i .j hi mm ii II I iumiim n . I mirirfim i i III II III r i I ' ' . "' ' ' " ' ' ' ""' "' '"' ' t- .. ? 'ha -s V'1"'' - ' 1

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