THE JOURNAL. at. a. aci.. f KVf K U. 17 IMS. tMa4 M fw O. liaTOXLLL sons. - COAL. Ufoo4 la Ulxtj SUttt HTia TtrrUor'e la the Coital : Ta BHUtlk aad fj jtiaa troop CIal brUJlaat victory over tb EbU at Saal. Tm tportl raptor of Kmtn Lj aa4 Utaiy M . endltad at Btrlla. ; X HMHT Comtmaj, a hPP7 aal proprooa a jax to all the rv4r ( ta Jocbxal. STICK I Certain bot headed Democratic official aoe coamiaaions will o;teiptra for two or threa year, hare declared their parpoae to re sljr oo the 4th of Mircb, cot beioji will in jr. to hold office andr Re pabiican administration Fudge. To Democrat.! about to reaiffo The World advice is: Stick! The office do not WloDe te the Repablican party simply because , mtnt it h as aecorcd by hook and by i iear, divide according to the dictates of reason and coorictioo. We know there are large nnm bert ia this sectiou who tbiuk as we do aod are only restrained from pablic expression and adrocacy of , sarin j? h,m: their ODlntone by a feeling of on- i interest ami DONT MORTIJAGE THE FAUX. MiERJOHS SHADOW. certaintj an to wnat win te me policy adopted in the treatment ol the Southern problem and appre hension that any change iu oar local government will be a detri- to oar beat interest. Ibis e believe, will be. materially majority of the electoral ; lessened by good crook . . . .. . 1 , . i . I f .. . I . vote. The offices telong to all trie ana me im reuu oi jour cia peopre. They are for the service of tion will lx assured by making ap a!l. All contribute to their snpport. pointmenta from that class of Ke A faithful and competent postmas pnblicans who command the conn ttr or other official commissioned : Jence sad respect of the oommani for four rears ha jast a much tie in which they lire. Soch SUalj Is not 1 r,gQt to aerre oat bis term as ha a appointments will develop two J adg appoint ei for life. strong parties ami inns secure to The reform principle to which ns good government, both partiea are pledged requires After the memorial was preient- tbat there shall be mo rrmorai wha out eauj. It is bad enongh to T M,.d, or" black dutnet, : rplt - it a ow um oaijr BrlMl man. for Daatoczatifl gains election. party reaaons in the tecBt ,ion. onou the ainiration of his term. It ia a gToaa misnse ot power to remore him before that time. If MHiAIH - .rtm U.4 a a r. nf r.nred. a f txp)xbnaU to diaeoeer a prac tieabi proceaa for solidify tog p trolaum. - Wttll na become of the "Oon raraUcaiarEecord ! Tka Jovn 9XZ. cflfiw baa room for one bat it 4o&1on." " .' TSx EagUab Itiaaiooarr Society, t&Urjreat aadeaa of the oldeat auJaaioaary aocietiefl ia the world, Jka4a Uooma Laat year ot 91,107,-C3i eommtaaioo of tbe President of the United States should be. If the Ilepabhcn party wauU the offlcea belore they .ire vacant let it take them by looting. No Democrat should be fo 1 sh enough to resign. '. V. World. Th s are oar sentiments, stick, stick to the last moment custodian of a sacrel trust, and he who surrenders it is guilty of infi delity to tb people and treason to Ttm At l la th Ant fbilimin to his party. M. . , t, ,, A lew us i?0 iieis ira.Kutu mairw U title. of DJ. Lie came to t&i eoontry aa a delegate to the ' Twoeat toarvalion f Methodists in 2Tv Tetk. V I1T prlaoaera, aeld for grand larceny aad kJgaway robbery, at 2 rort Towaaead, Wmaalngtoa Tern lory, trerpo wired and gagged the jaar aad made their eacape. ' XrUaaidlkai Qeaerai OarTlsoa kaa Lorited ail Eepohiicaa Senators - U flT him tkelr counsel h regard tACsbiaat appoiataieota, aad it ia tkaajBt tkat Blaine will be left. TSl Leglaiatare of Sooth Caxo .. Uaa kaa paaacd tae bill gt ring the Sailroad Cbmaiaaiooer power to the office of 1'oitad States District Attorney for the northern district of Indiana, and the President ;p pointed Mr. Leon t'. Hailey his sue cesaor. It is an opeu secret that tae Kepoblicaa Senators are to re ject Mr. ltailev. "The ostensible reason is that he is no WIt.I.IAM H. MAKE I , i'MI". Two count ry n kers were m t : i n iu t he d : rectory's room of n '1'nled" d :ji'!1.-i n g r.ites o! tonkins? t!i i nt'-tis generally. (inc, lmriL-r in a farm mg ciurit v 1:1 Northern ()hio: "Olii b'"t loins are made to f ir mers, or in disciunr mr larmciV ! noteH." ' l-'.-irnie r-' iinf s Vt-s: notes yiven to nnp'eiiieii'. tiu-ii. 'There aie st.icks ot them dVered appointmeata, ns every car. ml we can generally make twelve per cent, on them. 'Down our .i.t :he other visitor. "I don'r bel:e'e mi c.iii flud n larm th.t' ;s nut mortgaged, or it' there are an mii'N they will not rem urn so long." "They are sending a goml deal of inone into oar county Irn-n M !ch:'a;i." -a.d the tirst cpeaki r, and loaning it on farms a' een ;n-r c-n'. I think (j,0oo li.n !.,-, ii pl.n-. d tin re this siKiirner. T.'iere an- vi-r !-s not Hi' rtg.iged." In iv general w i al. ').uikei"i know Hint l.rii)ei are money borrower-', and much is given them because i.f ;!.: burdi n of debt they crry, but i: is not sure that this nip f ii y is weil placed, or c.i'.led lor. On the con trary, it is a pl.rn indication ; the 1. 1 civ ol go id !:i-.i:ie-s in Igno-nt among farmers. They ate pei petu.tily discounting the fu'uie: thev are working todav on the formed at Birmingham, strength they expect from vinor- . . . ' l ... 1. 1 .. . . 1 ' : bv men interested in the rcw iMnew ma.. aie gpen '.mg in ine piiiig i;e money they expect to receive from the antumn"n crops. I-;ver body is willing to give credit to the owner of land. Wb ? Not because he is more honest thin other men: the support or the city oi firming- he dea ires to p. iv more than others do; but because the sher tl can fluil his land easily when the creditor desires to levy on ;t. It is said that only five per cent, of the men who enter bu-mess ue ceed in it. If they all went into debt as recklc-sly as farmers do not one would succeed. The live ter cent, that succeed learn t ed they pointed out that their object was, first, to establish Pro-' tection, and second to divide the South on the tariiT issue into two big parties, irith enov'jh Jfcnt peo ple in each. $ that a mun could ally himeli' infs tke Republican in the' South, an,l iltll maintain hi .'' reipert as mnch as a man did who became a liepubbcan :n the North. Y insider this the most insig nificant of all parties. They tell us that it Alabama, development of the mineral re- A man holding aa office is the sources and manufacturing estab- ishments of the country. We venture the assertion that the new party cannot command ham, much less that of the county of Jefferson. We have leen told, over and over again, that Northern capital was building up Birmingham, and it is reasonable to suppose that Northern capital is at the bottom oi this morement. There Is no . . , .i n l. mftkP m"uri iyr." r lilt " i-i qaahfled State in the I nlon more thorough-. - for the place, bot that is disproved ly Democratic than Alabama, and Take aQ average by the fact that he has been As aietant District Attorney and has had the principal work of the ofSce oa hi hand while Mr Sellers wa.s at iti bead " it is absolutely certain mat no ah- i Middle states, i.eginning Kama iimfwTftt ismaklnea fuss he goes in debt for all he about "free elections." We take it that the parties to this party are Northern liepabli- r- : I The mot significant reason given ( cans who have gone to uirminguani for Mr. Bailey's rejection is that nd found that Republicanism is 'hi confirmation would te a per- not respectable in that section, and &t rates of freight aad passengers' tonal affront . I prevent ttsjtzss diacrinioailoo. ' Taot later-State Coatoierce Com !nioa haa eoocladed Ua inquiry " lata tat rate aad ciaaai flea t ions in Cbm a Soathern railroads, and ' t&i report U looked for with 'in tartat. t" Xa General Aaaeoibiy would do : veTJ to rtaaember that tae East ia aatil!d ta Seaator Eaaaom's sao- .t V. ! 1 f.-- IK md SUX aad the Sooth that he aaccaed hiavself. ' TTl rejret t9 see it anaotiaced 1 Uat Sender Beck win hardly be able to take hia aeat for a year to ' eeax. Ee la oae of oar best men aad hi abaeaea froi the Sea ate is a pablia ea'aaity. Htflrlt av iiUbt muwrtjia in . Ueir Iiadky Slateay are entitled CO a3 Lbe eooaoUtloB to be derived . froa. the fact that college prts ideate aad literalore are boat te.asJTy tfirided as to whether "momr'' ia i alaralae or eioraJ. . - ; . TfiX aaooey girea by the women . of th PreebTtertaa Cbarch ia the Called State deriag the peat ai x ' toea J tare aaoaats to r?,lO,0OO, ii ta r t ia as v raam mm r l pa inrttwwr i asore tham ZOO womea asiaaioaariea, soft a aura miu readers aad nore 1 tlaa 13d schools. Anaerieaa Queea. : EtXCTmiCXTT haa been developed : lat) anew aaefaioeae in inreeti ratlog-the pnrify of water. The Taitajoeter faiia to show say cor renttareagh water that ie pare, hiJo the enrrent grows greater " the saline or acid increa-se- . IJT joa are obliged to be oa jour feet all day, chaagw yoar shoe oc - caaiooally. Toa will be astoolshed to diecorcr how much it will rest uw imt taw aitivi itaavu thai oa two shoes will com pre the feet la prtciaeJy the same place. A TaTV Saadajs ago, the pa tor af taa Jfew York Areaae Kpiscap) CharclL, Brooklyo, asked his people to fjr focoO towards a new .eaarca ia flty sniaatea. Beloie Gil kill Maf hi4 lh anm ef i.V). Oxzof the moat togeniouj novel aV . uci oi reccai laoor saving inven 'tknia ia a mammoth fl.-vatincr n " saill, eighty feet by forty, in Floi Ida. By ita aid the owner J are now, able to cosamaaa aa oniimiteo supply - m .1 . m v '.. from poiaU heretofore practicably iaaeceeaibie. TUX Utah Oen ti leu are very Tlgorou ia their proteat against the proposed sdaniAsion of the Ter litory to the L'aioa. They hare an orxaaiaatioa composed both of Decoocraea aad Kepobiicaas called ' tha liberal Territorial Committee. Thla bodr haa Lsaaed aa address to ". the coo a try prayiog that Utah be not handed over to the Mormon pcieetbood, a it would if it vera bow made a State. Wl thiak it Le appavrent to all v4Kt lltlnklA t)mivrit thit fimiaa Mawa . , - .... North Caroiiaa aad the Soatb could 111 aiTot d to diapaoM wiih the ser Tke of Jtteaator Raasom for the S? aaJtt tlx years. Alabaona, (.ieorg-a " aad SaWth L'aroiiaa have returned '.:Seaaiors Iforgaa, t'oiijoitt and - Bot!er aad North Carolina could . aot do better thaa follow their exaaaple aad retara Senator IUa oat. The JocaMiL has always taooght it poor policy to change rerreeeotativea ia ongres ao . oftea ; ' it w e paeiall bad policy J ait bow. No ee weald have gTeater tadaence la preeeatiag legislation hostile to tha Sooth thaa Seaator Raasom Tia Gtaerai Aaaembiy will show' .-nadoaaio ret re in g him. elect." Does aa aiio nest ion that it he President-( they want to get up a kind oi go i between concern that will shelter them while they gamer up me treason to the. party for a Demo- , shekels. erat to surrender an efflce and give The idea that a true Southerner Diace to a Republican T Mr. Cleve- can want a better party than the land is entitled to Democratic sup port in aa official position, to the clcwe of his administration. In finitely higher is the clsims of the people opoo all Democratic official. What right ha a man to surrender protectionists, aa office which he holds tytirtue;of the eople of his Democracy T We repeat, office is a sacrd trust, snd a sur readsrtjf it to the opposition is a shameful surrender of the interests of the people. Democratic party is simply prepos terous. Manufacturers iu the rkmth are a very small part of the people, and even among them very few are the rls o(- e The great majority that cent, are farmers, who. The men -ban have been in the habit of contribut 1:1 the n spring eatK and all he wears, on the promise of the harvest. In March lie gets trusted for a plow ; in April for a harrow : in May for a mowing machine : in July for a t hrah i rig machine ; in September for a corn shelier, and at almost any time for a lightning rod and a windmill. When harvest comes the crops rarely meet his expectations. If not scanty be cause of t io much or too little rain, the price is too low beeiu-e of bounteous crops everywhere. In either he raiely sells wheu the crop are ready. Some one in that neighlorhood, once upon a time, sold 1m wheat at ninety cents when if he had waited ten days longer he could have sold for ninet one, and thereafter no one would run ling early and losing Mr. W. J. Tkoylin, of the Mon roe Eoqairer snd Kxpress, with Mr. M. A. I'aderwood announce that oa or before January 1st, 1SS9 they will begin the pablication at Mon roe of an eight page fory column weekly newspaper, the sire of the Raleigh Progressive Farmer to be called the Soathern Farm." Nothing ia said of the continuation of the Eaqairer and Fx press. e trust that it will be continued as we con aider it one of the best weekly pa pers in the State. W are ready to welcome the Southern Farm as we are quite sure Messrs. IJoylin and I'uderwood will publish an agTiculturl journal of decided merit. Farming is the chief vocation of oar people, and everything is to l encouraged that tends to i's im provement and elevation. Bat the publication of papers will do no gcxxl unless tbey are read by practical farmer. One of the difll- caltle iu toe w.v of agricultural access is the latiure to unite theoretical and practical farming. We sometimes see a man who can take his pen and make farming appear the most beautiful and sue ceasful vocation :n the world ; vet, if you go on his farm and sej his practical result" joa caunot escape the conclusion that he has made a miserable failure. Science cannot take the place of experience; study in the library cannot atone for delinquency in the roeld. There must be a judicious eombiuatiou of theory and practice, or failure is inevitable. The agricultural pjper will furnish the theory, the farmer him self must supply the practice. There is no business in which sound judgment and hard common cense l in such constant demand as it is in farming. Many a :ij.n who is ise in the !.brar : -. a I'"1 in the field. is anxious fr the amount of his account : he re- in g largely to the profit of manu- hp h uoes pivpn facturers, but who hare concluded for machines find their way into that whatever surplus they may the bank, and the fanner walks in har m fnfnrf ahall po to Lucv and : with his interest. Iu Mi mouths the children. The men who engineered the new party are beginners. They are rough lumbermen in a cabinet shop If they had been skilled workmen they might have gone in fox protection, but they never would have wedged in "fair elec tions." Those two words tell, as plain as English, who they are and where they belong. . more there is more interest, and some renewing of notes. Another six months and some of the notes are preyed upon hi-t attention. More notes are out. The gross amount of these is a large sum. He is afraid he will be sued, and is even threatened with ti e law. How easy to borrow enough to take up these notes by giving a mortgate on thefarm ! The bank is glad to accommodate him at seven per cent. ier annum, pavable semi anntiallv. It is e.u-v that he adds DE. TALMAGE recently expressed , a eaV of hand-ed to the amount . . to cover some machines he thinks the opinion that the modem Sun- ef hajiDgf and the loan ia miille. day would not turn out any better ..j maje a gilt edged loan." Baid men or women than were our grand one of my visitors: 4?S0U on an fathers and grandmothers under eighty acre farm, at eight per cen t.- the old fashioned Sunday that ' VDVT V l" "V f" , , , , . , , I asked. " 1 es, oltener than less : maue our u.u-iaauivucu '- ,bnt eastern money is coming m fathers and gramimotnerfl, out tne 1 fr0m insurance ami investment belief apjears to exist among companies and reducing tiie rate, .om. th-,r ,r w.a r-nr nlH fhtr.n) They are satisfied with Feven and grandfathers and grandmothers who made the old-lashioned Sun dav instead. A C lernmaa Who Belleree In Bretity. even six per cent, down there. The farmer who has thirtv-two dollars interest to pay every eix months on this "gilt edged" loan has assumed a comparatively light burden, vet it is a burden which, In the uaptist cbnrqri ot al things considered, a shrewd Haletown. now Weare, N. IT, business man would avoid with "voted a desirs (which was unani- fear. it cosU, him more than eight moos) that Pelatiah Tingley settle - per cent. Among a eomruuiiitj among us in the work of the gospel i where all farms are mortgaged it ministry." He waa a gradaate of , mav- not he a diserace to be in this Yale college, had studied theology : condition, but the men who give A H I 1H.IV ST'iKV. forecle.-o on him, of be ottiv chuckled course as he 1 :1! !' r ii 1 1 ' 1 1 .... uauua LOU lent b in i he money mid he can't pay it back, and why should a't I take hit houc and lot ? I'll take a walk up that way. They needn't from earth tonight there is not one miser, and na I'm , humaa being in all this world who aDd the poor and unfortunate hare appealed to you in vain." "They wanted my money' whined the old man. 'Men have learned to hate you and children to shun you," con tinued the voice. "You have gold hidden away, but you have no tneuds. If your soul was to nass call ni o an oh hard hearted. I's a straight m ,t tur ol business. 1 lend money on a mortgige: if the money isn't repaid I'm entriedto the secui it y. Tint's straight liusiness the world over." It v. as ( t;d ,,.hn White," as ery ri: m. woman and child in t he town cad. d him. When they iiidn"; refer to lum by that name it was to f-peak of him as "Miser John," "Stingy White," or "Mean John." Men had tried to recall one kind or liberal act. on his pair, bur 1:1 vain. Women had sought to ti'ld ecuse for his sel li h I; t;s and ar.iri' e, but it was a hard thing to do. If he had ever been mar ried :f wife or child had shared his bo :,o one ccii'd rem em be l it. He 1 ! ah.ine hellish, penurious and I : lend less. man eiitertd hi.-i unless in tinancial distress and di i ven to put himself in t lie nr. of the sharl;. '.. rhtld eve; h a 1 ed n u instant in 1 1 on t o t i b e grim, tumbled down building M:-. r John called hnrne. I' w a nlmoit ( '1. i i.-t ;n as trie would volunteer to toll your years upon t he nearest church bell Point n. e to one who is your friend. Tell mo the name of one you have be fiiended. If you have never done one kind act towards humanity speak of it that I may have it re corded on the books of the angel in Heaven.'' The old roan was silent. Anecdote of Franklin. A young person once mentioned to Dr. Franklin his enrprise that the possession ef 1 ich- should be attended with undue s aide, and instanced a merchant, o, in pos session of unboutided wealth, was as buf.y, and much more anxious, than the most industrious clerk in his counting house. The doctor, in reply, took an apple from a basket, and presented it to a child in the room, who could hardly grasp it iu his hand. He then gave liim a second, which filled the other; and choosing a third, remarkable for its size, he otlered that also. The child, after many ineffectual attempts to hoi ; the tinea apples, dropped the last on the carper, mid burs: into tears. "See." said the "lou have been an usurer ol the doctor, "there is a little ricn a robber ot the poor. I-ven ! ra0re riches than this night you went forth to gloat man w ii h e can enjoy." over me troubles ana misfortunes of a fellow being. Haik to the winter winds! Feel the cold as it creeps in through crack and crevice. Ami jet, to add a few dollars to your board you would turn helpless children out of doors !"' There was never a word from the shivering, trembling man who ciuued over the dying fire. "And this is the last week of Vmi 1 fe," whispered the voice. i ou ni uie ne:e in j our oeu, ami cuamrjer i" may be days nd davs before ; the one .hriitmas Under Hie Polar Star In southern Lapland, should the householder neglect to provide an ample store of ft; -i for the season's needs, in belief the dis gusted Y de sw tins on Christmas goblins y. ni ro befoul the wood pile that there shall be no getting at its contents. There, also, it is that the girl who wishes, nuptually speaking, to learn her fate, places a tabic in the centre of a vacant kikI on ir. two glasses ! SaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaawaaaBBBaaaia. . t.i . t iHti tthpiAU, . . , 1 iter wi wolves Is were uid now and snow- was can g!ir up t he hen and Tie w i tt ' h i the !,-:,: whirled over street and housetop in a spi'eful way. Tue rich shivered as tiny stepped trom their doors: the poor suffered even as they re m lined within. Miser John left his cheeiless home for a walk of a mile, and as the winds took hold of him lie i'anly gapped tor breath. His garments were old ami thin and worn, but he jf water, i he other of i '.. T I 111 IOL1 inn a n I nti f hp t K in rr r i m I . . . ,1 . l. l ' .ni. j ' j au w i-uici in fcnui ui ami j , i iieu, i a k i ri g a oroom, sue old house and find you dead. Your ; must sweep the room three times hoard of gold will buy you a coffin, carefully, against the suu ; and if a shroud and a grave, but theie'she is to enter the married state wid be no mourners. Children will ; her future husband will appear even rejoice that you are gODe. before she completes the third With head in his hands, and his round, and drink from the water lnlfclostd eyes looking into the ; glass if a sober man, or from the tire, the old man remained silent j brandy tumbler if he be a drunk foraLng, longtime. By and by ard Table Talk, in- lifted his head with a sudden' st a; t of surpr ise, and the something The Earliest Pea in -fie World. FARLYMORNINGQTAR Besides being- the EARLIEST, is the II AUDI EST and MOST PRODUCTIVE variety ever introduced. Plant themnd nee tjic MARVELOUS result. Sold only iu our leaded sealed .bunliel sacks. Per bushel, 4.50. Ten bushels 4.25 per bushel. BUST'S PREMIER EXTRA EARLY PEA The STANDARD VARIETY with MARKET (iARDENEHS, Per bushel, $3.75. Ten bushels, 3.5() per bushel. Send for our SOUTHERN GARDEN MANUAL for 1888-just Usucd. ROBERT BUI ST, Jr., Seed C rower, PHILADELPHIA, PA. r v must io In m wa gone, ile caiieci out to ir, ne searched the dark corners, but it h id silently disappeared. It was the day before Christmas. Clark, the mechanic, entered Miser John's house with fear and tremb l ng. He came out wiping the tears from his eyes and his face illuminated with the great joy in his heart; Miser John had cancelled the mortgage. Others came and went with the same feeling widowed and the fatherless in a "When that is done you must toll the death of Miser John. He died an Press. hour ago.?' Detroit Free two years, and was noted for short prayers and short Mrmooi. The brevity of some of sis sermons they were not more than eight minutes in length made him a him credit thereafter will take into account the fact that his security is no longer what it was. As the years go on he will scarcely see the time when it is convenient to pay notable preacher m an age when anv nart nf the nnncmal : but ma ministers discoursed for an hour, chines will wear out, buildings will and even longer. Once, being neej repairs, misfortunes come to called upon to lead in prayer at a tLe famlV) 0r to the stock, and the puouc meeting, ne ieu on nia Knees i raortcage recorded in Vol. so and so. Page so and so. in the recorder's h oi p! Mined that for t he winter. "It laij't so ory cold," he said to himself as he hurried along. All this talk about the poor sr.tlct :ng so much is nonsense. Let 'em move around and keep their blood ciiculating and they will bo waim pi. 'Ugh." lie held a mortgage on the little home of Clark, the mechanic. Death hoi entered the man's family sickness had conn a great factory dozen homes were made glad by had shut down, and left scores of presents or food and luel. and men men without work of wages. There whispered to each other as they wu-i interest due as well as prin- i passed : "Isn't it curious, Miser eipal, and the day had come when .John has gone crazy !" the law would permit Miser John ' to oomemence proceeding lor ' When the sextons stood in the foreclosure. He was not the man churches to ring the requiem of the to delay an hour. The misfortunes j dying year, and then to peal the of other were nothing to him. It . deep toned bells to welcome in the I ho owed a debt he had to go pay new, men came to them and said: ; it ; if others owed him it would go i hard but what he would have the 1 amount. I'll just pass the house softly ! pan by it," he whispered as he came near it. "There ought to be half an acre of ground there, and I want every inch it. And I want Clark to leave the house in good repair, and to be out as roon as possible. I'm not to blame that his boy died, nor for his sickness, nor for the trouble at the factory. People who borrow money must par it back." It was lamplight as he paused in front of the door. It was a better building than he had hoped for, ami ths land seemed all there to the last inch. Miser John was softly rubbing his hands when he noticed an object leaning on the fence a few yards away. It did not ?eem solid enough for a human being, and yet what could cast a shadow in the gloom in such a place ? "It may be a robber 1" he whis psred. ".No one has ever tried to rob me yet. but the time may come. People may hate me and would be glad to see me lose my last shilling. .Jo in White would get no sympathy here. Suppose it is an assassin ! I declare if it didn't move then. I'll go home. Clark may burn the house down to spite me. but if he does I'll send him to State piison ;f it costs me CUO. As he moved away on his route home the something followed after. He made a run across the dark some commons. It kept its dis tance. He slowed up as he reached a frequented street. It was no nearer to him no further away. Coder the gaslight it disappeared entirely, bnt as he entered upon his own dark street, lo 1 the something was nearer to him than before. He heard no fotsteps on the walk ex cept his own. There was no word or rustle of garments as they en tered the gate side by side and passed to the door. There was no presence beside him, and yet there was. It was nothing, and yet it was a something. He was awed and frightened, but at the door he TERRIBLE. Two-tlc.rds of all deaths in New York City are f rom cocsumntiun or pneumonia. The samp propor' ion for most other cities. Delays are dar.gsrou. Dr. Acker's English ltemedy for C.i.sumptirn will al ways relieve, and imy ave your life. For sale by R. Berry, druggist, New Bern. From the time that at my mother's feet or on my father's knee I first learned to lisp the sacred writings, they have been my daily study. If there be anything Tbe in my style or thoughts to be com mended, it is due to my early love of the Scriptures Daniel Webster. Why do co many parents think chil dren iroubleaotne? Because they cry. And why do children cry'' Because they Buffer. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup will relieve all pain that babyhood is gubjeot to. If your tongue is ceated or if you hare a bad breath, take a dose of Laxa dor, it will cure you. B. DUFFY'S BARGAIN HOUSE! We returned our thanks to our friends and customers who hare so much helped us to dispose of the large Rtcek.s we have bought during the past twelve months. Large Mocks, did wo say. Yes, that is exactly what we meant to say, although it may cause i ipplo io suddenly appear athwart the ordinarily cr mposcd and fombre and stolid countenance of some of our comi etitors lo ihink of hucu presumption on our part, butjet, such is the case; according to tb returns given m ty the mere liants o! the city semi-annually, under oath upon the Holy Evangelist of the Won! of God, our returns lor the six months ending June.'Knh. 18.SS, were more than $2,000. greater, according to this sworn statement, than any other dry goods merchant in the place. And yet this wholesale robbery of the people's money ia permitted. Why ! Our trade of last month, October, was better thaa any month before, and it must bo because Ve Sell Good Goods at the Lowest Pcssiblo Prices, and Deal Legitimately. We take this opportunity to mention a few things thai we are selling a great many of : Yard wide white Homespun, fie. Yard wide bleached Domestics, oc. Good Pants goods at 7c per yard. Men's all wool Undershirts, Mle. The best 25c. Shirt in the town ; come and sec it. Ladies' Vests, 25c. Gents' Camel's hair Undershirts, $1.00. Double width Cashmere, black and colors, oul lii'e.., worth ISc. 36 inches wide Cashmere, 20c. 36 inches wide Serge dress goods, all wind, stiictly :v bargain, 37Ac. All wool Henriettas, 50c. Silk warp Henriettas 85c, black. 6-4 De Bege Dress Goods, 25c. Dress Flannels, 52 in. wide, 50c. The best embroidered back Kid Glove lor ladies ever offered at the price, they fit well; and we have them in colors and black, price 50c. We have the best line of oOc. Corsets, all sizes, white and drab, really worth 75c. 284 yards Hemp Carpet, 12"-e. yd. A full Ii; -f Maltings. All wool 2 ply Super. Ingram Carpet at GOc. We are also agents for Thos. M. Holt's cele We have also been agents of Clark's -O. . tt- u .i ... neDrfmner. i?vsf k-ppn a rmi xroeir on h:inii business man is not particularly ff' " , ' 7 55c., less 6 per cent, for cash. The manner ' impressed with the value OI a . " this well known and deservedly nonnbir . h . iiiji-Ai.i-nmiii-iiMJvnfiviMHW i hih i i i i - j i i - college degree, in forecasting ine i UriJhfa Vh .i,, tuJ discard to a certain extent other thread and add this to their rmrL-of nr riorarmininor th ia np oucuu I r , , .,, , , . . ....o... v,. Uv.....u.6 v , . rveuiem uer. vour uruer win aiwavs e n en in . n. . i - i i . . i i ugcucaiit l - oi "jo i) lois, uecause ue kuuwb -mm hnsines is nor a rhporv at a . hnr. WOKDERirrL rrRRti a bard lact. men too, collegians w. jj.joyt s uo., Wholesale and XlVt?S3ciXC5 II ,T'q,Q- nff on i t Vi o m a a cn ncrinr Retail Drucrei&ts of Romn. Oft.. an-PH- I ... ... a r which do nor down w th We have been ellinK Dr. King's New 8elllff m goods in that line and in larger quantities, and believe it airs, wuicu uo uot go uowu wilu Di8COvery Electric Bitters and Buck- 18 conceded, than any other house. You will 1 ne money if you do not """ . . tu . "UT"U,C never nanaiea remeaies mat sen so As to Shoes, we have more Shoes than almost an I hin f pho. A enad in.i5eKF.Si ltJAM'oM iner and outer sole Women's Shoe 38 for 75c. All Solid siauces, auauaem.ue leiiueiucen --.w .-. u. .. u. nhi(,,. Shno rfl . , ., , tf,.lr i , u ....,v, r. nn. M,ot tniua Mcnrr f v, cures enectea dv tnese mea lcmes in tbis r . " ts"" . . . ... ., mru ui .F -.u.fe.c. U1..CM me a,..,.! .., n nHmni And a others in nrnnnrlinn. "He cites from every authority except Almighty God," was the terse comment of a listener to a sermon which had bristled with quotations from Huxlev, Shake speare, liennn, and other lights of literature. PEBSO.V.1L Mr. N. H. Frolichstein, of Mobile, Ala., writes: I take great pleasure in Collegians vs. Apprentices The question is often asked why- educated young men do not suc ceed as well in obtaining employ ment as do boys who grow up in recommendinr Dr. Kidk's New Discov trade, and received their education ery for Consumption, haying used it for and experience nlong with the hard a severe attack of bronchitis and irrL-a nnmmnnlir nallori iicrattincr catarrh. It gave me instant relief and fk fiK u tko Z fanl 6 entirely cured n and I have not been J icclu vui. u & i. afflicted since. I also beg to state that I as thus stated, is true cannot be had tried other remedies with no good denied. The precise reason wonld, result. Have also use i Electric Bitters perhaps, be hard to find, but there nd Dr. King's New Life Pills, both of n.. , mr,T- fKiintra nrKih ti,a min whicn 1 can recommend Ul U 1X1 aU Y tUIO.0 Tt U1VU tUJ UJ IUV f- TT t ivT t-s . J. , , Dr. King's New Discovery for cod recurs to at ouoe Aa rug a oca- 6umption, C0Ughs and colds, is sold on ing on the SUDjeot. a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free First, college bred young men are at R. N. Duffy's drug store. Wholesale without experience on the practical ana retail side of life. The pushing, alert e'. 1 Iiaw River PJaids. ! Spool Cotton siuce n II it to 1 he trade for hic!i we have pushed id hart forced some to impressionable and formative 6umption have been entirely cured by Come to see ua, and be period of life having been spent in use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New prevail. ' convinced, for ''Truth is mighty and will Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold, wholesale and retail, at R. N. Duffy's drug store. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY snd said : '() Lord, teach ua to feel the need the ofThy grace and sek it ; to know Thy will and to do i' : to find our place and to keep it. Amen.' ' The historian of Weare tells this anecdote of the laconic minis office, will rise like a ghost to frighten away those who would now lend but lor thi. For many years I traveled regu larlv over a cood nart of Ohio and ter'swit: A young minister being I Indira doing business with the in a company wher several clergy- i hardware dealers. These men were THE rROPOSKD .NEW p.utn. I: is nothing ; to hear of "new party." We ire ni; pre pared to say how many have sprung p in the last decide. Pir thev have ln'fn nnir.i ron. The cue wv now refer to nf Sou' hern or g.n, snd its rfrnr stone are ; rotc tion and r election." Thee new light sent a delega tion to 1 odianapol: - t i interview cbe l'residf ut elect. Capitalists and business men representing, it is said, l(X,00O,M of investments went up Irom the I-y-uith anl sub muted to General Harrison ihfir suggestions for rmanent!y split ting tte oli l South. Here is the memorial : iff. Vj'.'i arn.Ji We, the uudersigned, c ti.ens of Alabama, congratulate you and the coantry oa the success of thoe principle which have caused your lection, because we believe that a protective tariff will promote and men were present so engrossed the conversation that all feared that his volubility was limitless. At last, turning to Father Tingley. he said, with an air of familiarity: "Sir, wp read of Judas' part of the ministry : and what part do you think it .is!" 'T think it wasthe talkative part, srr," answered the I old man: and the young man's j loquacity departed lor a season. reelected. I'eruliarl tlf of the Lw I he law is supposed to be an engine to administer jasticc, but it seems sometimes to defeat its end. A rii iM i 1 i a r i a a in w Tnr 1 a that nf a Massachusetts woman who mar ried a man in good faith nineteen vears ago and lived with him at his death, in 1SS5. She then learned' that her supposed husband was1 already married when he married her; that his wife is still living,' and that no decree of separation has ever been entered. Learning that she had no legal right to his 1 property, she sued to receTer for services as his housekeeper. Here the law stepped in and in formed her that aa he lived with the late lamented as bis wife she had no claim on hin for services as usually local agents for machines. 'plows, wagons, etc. They would talk to me freely of their sales and their profits, as well as of their troubles in collecting their bills. I used to think then, and I think now, that a majority of our farmers were working dOo days in the year for the sole benefit of the imple ment men. The absurd desire of every man to own every machine that his neighbor had, and the facility with which he could buy it, on a year's time, by giving his note, led the community as a whole into purchases that were positively absurd, and kept every farmers nose to the grindstone for the bene j fit of the implement maker and the i money lender. As a business man 1 I see the same condition of affairs today, and as director of a bank I hear these complaints from first hands. A mortgage on a man's homestead, except a purchase money mortgage, ought to be avoided by every man, unless lie can show excellent reasons for it. Teach yourself and your family to keep out of debt and keep the homestead lree from mortgages. The rt popularity and puccsi of Salvation Oil, th grat psia destroyer, have mad it a t .rget for counterfeit- ; turned at bay and struck out furiously and shouted: "Back! Go awaj ! You may be lieve me old and helpless, but I'll grapple with the strongest man and tight to the death I'1 He struck only at the empty air. though the shadow was at his el bow. It took the key from his hand, unlocked the door, and he was loived to en:er first. As he stood in the daikness of tho room he heard the key turn in the lock again. The something was locked in with him 1 It's only foir.e trick to scare him." he whipeied; "uf else my long walk in tho cold has made nie nervous and near sighted. As soon as I strike a match it will be gone." A candle soon shed i'8 light over the room, and the old man threw some fagots on the lire which was nearly dead on the hearth. There!" he whispered as he looked about him, "it's gone! It was some trick by the boys. They hate me and like to annoy me. Yes, it's gone.' ' It's here"' answered a voice, and lo ! the shadow stepped into view on the hearthstone. In ids amazement the old man was silent lor a moment, aod before he had found his voice the shadow the something said : 'T have been with you for half a century, but never before this night have you seen me.'' And aud why ton ight ?" asked Miser John in a trembling voice. "Because y our life ends with the year 1 When the bells ring out the old and ring in the new you wi!i be no more on earth. John White, what has keen placed to your credit i on the books of Heaven !" the school room, they have not ac quired that alertness, that power to grasp a business situation or problem and instantly solve it. Nothing in their school books taught them the shrewd, watchfal readiness competition makes neces sarv. Their refined mental discip line IS almost Useless, and at Once As agents for owners we offer for sale on nnnn ntorincr th fiplrl of trnrlA thou ea8y aHcl accommodating terms the lollow upon entering ine DeiU Ol iraae tney iQgd escribed Improved Real Estate In the find thev hav a erear. riflal to nn. CityofNe-v Bern-: i t i. f v, j j tu 4.1 Iio- " WHA.KK PROPERTY AT UNIOS learn. It IS npt tO be denied that "POINT ; Includes the piece or land known at a t hree rin Mar r erkshin anri t.hw '''.' " &e wharf or roadway C ayrllnff I hsroto f mm hoot kTVi-ivi S10W, paininl Climi) lO OUSineSS Also, water space now being filled In. The nc,t- :i(.; location is tne Destin the city for all mann Luauuuuu luuol occui luouiLiuft iu facturlne rmmoses. whlla tha lart o.ft young fellow Who Can t08S Off Greek visiting our waters have ample depth or liCAaujCLCia uli tan, ui ucutci au w&arr, Mo. a. TWO HOUSES AND L.OTS Al LMUM yojiT. ocoup'ed as dwellings. No. 3. HARVKY WHARF PROPERTY. Including part of water front of Lot No. Ui. In the plan of the city. Upon the D'ODerti is lucaiea a. commodious Dncz warehouse. The O. D. 8. 8. C. use a portion of the prop erty. No. 4. THE IRON FRONT WAREHOUSE UHAVt Kl'KEHT. No. 5. BRICK &TORE AND DWELLING ON CRAVEN STREET occupied by R. O. E. Kespeotfullv, H- B. DUFFY. Christ mas 1LNG! oration on Ciceronian Latin. We are far from denying the value of academic training to the profes sional man, bat the tradesman's requirements are different. Take the young fellow who left school as soon as he had mastered the rule of three, and entered Upon the Struggle for existence. HlS A full description of this valuable proper- mind was open to all impression- & win'K 11.8' he learned business Without know- application 10 the undersigned at their office , . , .,, inaouiu r rout street ing he was learning, as a child watros & street. learns to talk. H has formed ie6dwtf Ins and Real Estate Agts. Do not spend your money foolishly, ba' your Husband, Brolher or Item. something useful lor Shirts, Underwear, Trunks, Valises, TO ADVERTISERS. A list of 1000 newspapers divided Into Newspaper Advertising Bureau notl8 dwlm 10 Spruce street. New York business habits unconsciously. His mind was moulded to alertness. rnnirhtr nf nrnm nrirn rla .1 newpjeTa aiyiaeaii v. "fe " ' 1 BiA1(,s ami bMJXlursH will De sent on of action, the requirements of busi- application frkb. ' I I r thniA wnn vent, thalr BrlvArtlilnf, ucoa mmnLici. uci ua uiunu aio . pay, we can orrer no Detter medium ror tnor- Take a little fellow of eieht or nine ough and effeet've work than 1 he vane us idh.e a iiLiie iniun ut ciul oi nine sections of our Selrct Local I 1st. years, brought up in a well regu- geo f buwkll ro , lated home, and place him beside the street Arab, boot black, or newsboy. On the score of mental ictivity and practical knowledge! and shrewdness, the latter will run him to cover in two minutes. Doei not some such difference exist be tween the educated young man and LUD UUC iu it uum I'MOiucci UdOUCCU Wlhv on hmil .nil l mvlvlti. a matter Of daily life Since early day handsome Parlor salts, Chamber Bults. x-r,fn -hih .nol-OG 0mnUrr0 at".".UB' . . ' ' V. ar- juulu uiamia "j F' j c o i nages, winow Chairs, Lounges, Tin Bares. prefer the latter 7 Is there not "tfrSTE. ,., ... unyc a, ii lxtj kji at i.ui. r it-. some way Ot conjoining an in tel tnres, Picture rramti, Ulocks, and V. tndow i,.,i .tu k, Shades. iociuoi nitu piaunuisi uuoiucop Ue div irnot rh lor onr m iraiuiug WU1CU lU-Uies LO llieocoenc umcouui 01 iori,y per oen 1, inererore e c n L1115 Cliy, yours respectfully. T. J. TUB.VER t CO , 22 A 21 Middle St.. ocl3 dwtf New Berne. N. C. Hosiery, Rubber Coats for Men Collars and Cuffs, and Boys, Gloves, Initial Scarf Pins, Neckwear, Cuffs tmd Collars, Silk and Linen Hand- Buttons, kerchiefs, Boys' Plaid Ties, Umbrellas, Etc., rtc.; Etc. ES. FvxrnitLire HOWAIlD Z JS ANTl PT.nPTrH ' T. J. TURNER & CO. STIIiIj ZjELD I TO THE Voters of Craven Count; of all concerned ! We have no desire to discourage intellectual ambition, but the majority of man kind must work for their living, and the time to receive the neces sary training for that work mnst, to accomplish the best results, be commenced in youth. Baldwin's Textile Designer. The creed of a narrow man : If a friend changes his mind, he is a traitor : if a stranger does not think as you do, he is a fool. LOOK OIT FOR THEM. The great reputation my spectacles a servant ; and that as she was no wile in law, thoagh undeniably so i.'uj the genuine, ''nee cn. in fact, no dowercan be maintained. "Dl of .mmom., poor feiiow."id . . , . , . , Mrs. I Arlington, on learning of a bbe temi to be Jait enoog h wife . friBd., dMfh from fneumon1a. te defeat her claim for rCmpnS : believe I should have died too. but for . . 1 . f 1 - . V . . AHAMwl. frt T- - I,.. II ' ' 1 t ' . ' T , T I I 1 ' kid toe oevclOpmrni Ol our u Plural iu a ntnaui, uui uvi ouuugu iu; ur. buii n.uuKn b irrup nr. nun i rMoarres, and bcaue an iue, ' establish her claim to share in his 1 Cough Sjrup she meant, of course, free from sectional feeling and etate. This may be law a yard )URE wises AND LIQUORS for prejudice, i-s now presented, upon wide, but it is scant justice New 1 Medicinal and other use for sale which the people of the Sooth can 1 York Graphic. by Jame Rfpmmxd. "Why why, I've obeyed the ; and eye-glasses have attained through law, haven't 1 And I never done , out lhe v, g. has ied unacrupulous per- nobodv anv harm. I ain't no I . , . 1 . , 1 , i:,.;sodb to counterfeit them. There are) Liiiiaudu, inn 1 . 1 uiru t '-t me none genuine unless the name of these ! Hawkes is stamped on the frame, and I would respectfully announce that I positively employ no ped Here. CONNECTICUT Mutual Life Ins. Go. Of Hartford, Conn. ORGANIZED 1846. Gash Assets $55,128,568.55 Death Claim paid in Newbern, N. C, $52,500.00. Oai during the 43 yeara eioce its Public Cenes-aHy ! TAKE NOTICE, THAT AT Clothing and Shoe Store, Two doora north of Hotel Albert. Middle Flrcrt. Well Selected Line of you will find a Large and right." 'I've been with you all loner ears, .John White! You have bton an usurer. You have let avarice triumph in your heart. Selfishness has chased all pity from j All eyes fitted and fit guaranteed bj I yonr soul. The widow, the orphan ' f. S. Duffy, New Berne, N. C. olSdlm organization paid to its Policy Holders and their Beneficiaries tha enormous sum of $128,777,136.82. 33" A Company whose record is Un paralleled. WM. H. OLIVER, Newbein, N. C. AGENT. ClottLS, Efc. Ffe. Rnvc' Mftfhino' in Vnrifttu - J .w. ' w j w wawsasssas w MS IWIJI Beit remembered, any article bought at my store If not satisfactory will be taken back and money refunded w iihout question. Mr. S. R. Ball will endeavor to make your visit pleasant end agreeable. Thanking the public for past patronage, I reppectfully ask a continuance. Respectfully your obt. svt., F. T. PATTERSON.

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