...... -iX-- n-Av-;:---.'- . Stan, -S4 .' y -X iJV- , 4 i- . a i -1 - , KS " - if saw Htarm, PT" 1NDEFKXDEXT IJST ALL T - 1 VOL. XI. NEW BKUXK, CRAY EX COUNTY, X. C., JAXIAHY :; is v.... XO. 40. 1 - - 't !' , 4 V i 1 1 If 7' 1 I ) . k There Is Found This Season in Kinston, L&rgtr, Better and Finer Stock of Goods than kept any where else in this cection, und we call your attention especially to the many branches of Goods displayed and for sale at OETTDNCER BROS. T m f C3otiUf for jgpand a. ; 0to' rmmUkiaf GoJ. Uu ! Cp. Too will ot injh:nf n i Mlk ytT kom UrMtie iwd eomiortabie f7t vurui otr prietf iae !ow. n 1 a - 'JLJMtAT for I : 10O bl. hT7 Mm Tork. 33 bbU- LrUri Uib Tojt hanf. SO boiM StAT Lj Potti'a , 10,i)OO yd, of BrUa 8kj to cue: e v.on too uwjr. O- rliJs l, (WO oi Cot' pool Co'.wb. And oihr good tl WWmu. R4piall7, Ttr i brfor. nrm an i WniTl Capi hare made their apparAOO in PenmjkaQia. Gk.. Bm i.A?(uH is prwsiLig to the front, and eaks of beiatf President of Prance. Hatty i th man who at the cio of tbe Tear bag bis account all nettled and cah in the bank. Ik lien. liarnaon haa a Cabinet position for a Southern gentlaman let it b-e (fiven to Sam Phillips. He is hoDeat aud capatle. ( i E N . BofLA.NOEE'j candidacy for a e at in the French t humb, r oi Pepatiea has txu endorsed by the Republican national committee. Gov. Gordon, tava the Macon lTEl:n I .M( ( VAI. hi the l'') ;i i'i J i c iiib- r Mr. Edmonds of Wild:;;, i. Hired the following rfo!u;:o! s iho I'nitod States Benate : "Resolved, b tin1 Senate and FIou.e of Represfii r at i ve ot the Untted StateH ot Amrnea in Con gress assembled. That the Govern ment of the I'mted State will look with he nous concern nd disap- 1 ! :l re s :i c S (;1 ' IC ;dy S li c ";h, :nt the n". mrcii .imiis (U i.inen conntv oommiesioners wnl deem nun ledlv rotten np. the and g,x)d and gnmcient. Jt seems to ment came on Cnristiuas bi. 'ion me. Mr. Kriiror. that there ouffht accord i hp- to t,n r.immi ?:!!,! . . .-. CP views of Congress to the govern .iri c trine up eiii:'h'e: S'itt .s .H iii w :c!i all c . t : 7 p n s pel feet 1'r. I., i tin- n r i ' n .ii: : a ; - now ( '.in..!. ed llt.t C U ..ml rr a 1 Vt I Kuuton, N. C-. tct. lv. In HARD TIMES MADE EASY 1 Telegraph. old his plantation near Bauer a lew dava ago to ttie runt mentf of the countries: oi l.urope. River Land and Live Stock Com- These resolutions ate mt parti panj tor f'-40,OX). Kiin Put national. Tiiey reafiirm AsTHEyear closes let us forget the.Monroel) the bitterness of political contests patriotic and and tbe acrimony of personal ot the United jealousies and b at peace with God accord. and all mankind. THK tariff questiou is here to stay. Men will not b i-iieut untler a gyiiecn tnat rot)s them of their hard earning and puts them in the pockei.8 of monopolists S -me dars ago it waa reported that the bite CajmofOhio hail beeu sappreed, but they have broken oat again and will probably break into the enitentiarT. yt'KDEC wants to rival New York, and asks a subsidy ot ttie government for tbe establishment .t a line of iwift mml steamers be tween QnetX'c aijd L:veijHXl. A.vcTilKE terrible disaster hai Pemocrati, Step I'orward. ( Ini(:T!a. ,it ' KiiiroR JorRNAL: In several 'I Ins fall t ho author issues of your valuable paper you of the academy al have taken ground in opposition, reeded in seem nig much to the gratification ot your .Miss Sallu Shield, leaders, to the custom among the and accomplished Democrats of signing the bonds of teacher from .Magi; Radical officials. Your suggestions assumed c haige mi were good and led to the appoint- and uuder her s1.::".;' ment of competent and worthy the school ht-s i'. : Democrats. pupils mad" iapid As the bonds to be given are A short ti:r.e In :a-a proral upon any connection ot any very heavy, I much fear that the was decided tu ha. Knropcan government with the recent appointees may have some ment by the pupil.- const i notion or control ot aintdnp difficulty in giving bonds that the the benefit of the cans! across : li or across ( cntr.d America, rxiu.-t regard any Mich oonMit or control as injurious to thejust not to be in the city, alone, to say so well rendered that everv ngnts ami inter, :s..t the I tnted nothing of the country, any dim the audience was delighted. .x States, and as a menace to their culty for a Democrac of good char- cept whet, the i m per.-oua: mn o welfare. acfer and recognized ability to some character r(-fp..:red a diii'eren: "Resolved, tl..- l'resoleiit give a good bond for r.nv office in costume, the girls w.-re beautifallv be and he is h.-i.-l.y ripiested to the gift of the county. I trust that drested in whire wiii : , i : I : '..-hes communicate this t xou.'-ion of the our neonle who have for manv and cans. The n.-fU'r'ari v.-... years been earnestly wishiug and lengtl-y.- The dialogues, i. ,ita: pra ing for a change of officers will and songs were nil choice se! c : take this matter into favorable and the rendition of them would consideration, and step forward have done credit to ohUr pe-soas and sign the bonds of all of the even on longer preparation. When Democratic appointees, who are, all did so well i: i hard to par without n exception, men of ability ticuianze, but we will mention ami ol nn blemished character. some specially who gave evidence Old Line Democrats. of rare talen'. Among the nailer pupils Master Rmory Waul ami A Step In the Eijbt Direction Misses Sadie Recton. Anna lu-ll Editor Journal : -The Board and Bianchie Hall, the daughter of of Tr.idn of New Berne has taket. a ULil lown.Mnan, .ur. Henry j.. nail. K'ep in the right direction in an tiointintr a committee to con-alt C HRISTMAS. C.'hr .i-;;:i;,r ia.b c n:c mid gone. Wher ever the h!e-s.J Peht -f ( hripi iauitj hag pi fjstrat.j.l the day im bp'-n cr-le-brata-i. San" haiUd it with rcveJry : BOiue Kreett'.J a. wall flportiv cnenr. i tiar.-: u ' I'-fiMpri the soy m:is io Kitiv. mini. ih-;t :;o. wori-i . a nh tf. lO'.VP.J :liiyu . that ! t ,k t-r.i i Li'.:'.' r thj f. ,M-,;l- kma:y '!! : ' i ; - i.ristiiia - t ; S:..! ioi: r merri- "H'TC J to the .1 hai- f)th m .lark .it f t tl v ti i r gal I r.' nam- :a;iy. mfVii ti'.i . iti l tLe i i! life streuRth-r.d-t.ip. an.l resde 'i r.-joi- ic' in :i o ' r Lo : Vi r U'O of sonen ' i Am i' I r occurred on tbe Mi&si.vtippi nv-r. tbat promi-.es mo:, The struct the day : lutt llill tl , government must go port of i he M on roe 1 ) curt) Kuropean po ei The ey es of all 1 1 a t o; to 1 1 is rail t a. e n r , a a d ' of Sou! h A m ei ica served from Ion and from su bsei v ictice t i n teres ts tty I he u. o i a 1 . pi.hr umI, the Ouancial. ai'd, it ;.ccssary. the mill tary power ot 1 ii." g'ea' i.-pul'lic ol A m e r i c a . Bat tie 1 ' . :, a uj i l i a n 1 his a rival in an Auiii:.',! :i intert't.se nan w.is evt-r a I .- L : e ( . Mill and I .oa. allied a 1 1 1 1 cs ( Mti only be pre gn a'gia'S.Moiis foreign were much adm will ai. (i s a v 11. Misse- with (idvernor Fowle in regard to the esteLision of the A. cv N. C. R 11. into tlie interior of the State. We hope the plan will Lot cease its operation until it taps the Missis sippi river. When that shall be completed we will have a direct railway communication from More hHud t'irr vin Churlotre rn Mem phis. When that is accomplished ' Bel1 lp,m (,1lir, afrrr ir.o.Ti-.r- ti, ,f no- tinH n n mirier m instrumental din t t largn th :r Mastel Madir Bell. instein's f dreamed uuder or i Luring the I. is" --e-o au of Con -gress a I ;Ii ...s '.a'lOi'.uced to lu lorpm.i'e : :.e M.r;':ii'e Canal L'oJjap.inv ol N . ,ir iiiiiri. The . I i lie l-l.l W i.ereiif , i'. : n '!. ur HaviD pnrchaAed an extra lare stock, we are prepared to sell Goods at Wholesale and Retail, AT Kock Bottom Prices. A' A ateamer wsa bnroed Monday night, and of one hundred iarsons on board only fourteen are known to t ,Ted. THE hue and cry jgaiust I.HwjtTf i common is us euele.-o. as it is uuju-st. It is aa:d tha" there art rnongh lawvera in tbe Leit Leg;.--ltare to coDsiitnte the jndici.iry . o:u m 1 1 1 ee. I HE Star --yrt : 'four thousand ootid boldi r.-, of the luama Cual ooajpny held a nieetlug in Paris States that a .': jet?rday h nd ananimoaaly adopted atrncted betwc, n a reolQtuin for poabiDg thecsual Pwiflc ,-ceaas on n to coplettou. It ia reported that Senatorial candidate are preaDilug their claima, aod that Minister Jarvis i running on hia looka. iliapictaie baa been taaren at,d appeaia in several newspapers. The Comptroller of the Curren- Prtnnfrrr MorcliaTiti T3D ill "lirAlr find it tn ct baa declared a second dividend Jf V A W HI I I b W AAA - U A V A J U AA V A V Wf Nr-w Otleaus, Charleston, Norfolk Hi.d Richmond, &c. would find an .'Uilet at Morehead City. This then would be the realization of the scheme which the original pro moters of our railroad nystem lormei 1 v planned. At present the rates of freights from Cincinnati. Chicago and other success a; . - . n not r i ,- eMern cines ro our .orr i aro- i--- - pupils w Ilerm an Lunne Wi-ks ruid Iiry Guthrie lid remarkably v. . I! and deserve a .-cial notice. . vocal solo, Driven from II, me,' by "Mis-, liintna Bell was one of the gems u the- eveninp. As the onrraln hid the little M isses Bianchie liall and Anna c a a rui i n u !a-m. the foimer "brought dov. n i he house" by eageily calling onr to hei' mates m a tone h ml too ugh to be dis tinctly understood by the en!;:, audience "Children, did we pla i ' o - aar ,a th" a:., ia iii- i-Vi.i st. on i a to mm. " is rti'l -'tin r i a . r.-. . i-. n na- a., i i a::; i :i c.--e. n hil!--w ' h - m .;jc:ai a--1 v. 1. - ::. al-.ia- f 1 : U,-.. ! ., Ia New JSerco lie.- .;. : us loveliness, an j mi w. wiiii mumlietmt uatiire. - v J pr- ; r m ur th- eloarci., . Hiai '. rau-; . the Aft-- a in ma. a , , (, . m ;, : , . - j turn, but l-vtry Cbri-f: .s :::.ro j jv acd t-envd iei iot:. A't- r disnc-r ii la rft n n m bt r of .eliS 1 ; "ry io i iod i ; L'--. Rood will bar throuch the oa l ii.d aLid sea : 'F - ( ch' a:;; along ri;;.; j;i tile th fill, i f in . ; . y was p-r:ect ,u a- in ft a: a hv reoKiom arvr.ri uoic ' c'alholic i.r.-l Lii enral V.' Rttc-nd .1 f,.imer. -peraolly charme 1 1-y ills s Ni-'iie V:,ikf r rr,"-i'i''l tit i a oaiiumraa'. . t-kid. : li i- .nits tt? 1 'brbi.ajp . h. .1:1 r t oja -.by I.:.!:.- r-i : : : , i : .a-.p- . s : : : . r i' r ; ;i ; l- .iv e . unity. e-t . j--e tin 1 1 . eh hud fair As full-blown i-i .i i r a n : ., it m. .i n -i ijr rv. or . an niailo uf sorrow or of V. -iipse.! th'- r-plc-r.il. r po wer. I(ut liappv in. ,n: i-ra h are n ,t mvo hi .-t . A s pretty Ii .v'l.t' to biieil . S , !'im "s im pet n mi - ' mij hldbt Strewts Karth "s d ir! Kay est he) . I ' ', I l a i n. i :i t v - ; :i ' e r - m , - ,. furloj. I u Klorivii- I r i ,i :o (1. i.vir Tut ;i s w .-, ' I ' n rem vt il thou paTv'-t thp in i 1 1 . ! 1 1. '' v. orhl Tn (;,', ry i i-i.- ,n iniiniiny i ii! 1 In- wie.ith . f .-a.ivalry mi I r.,'. i 'v 1 .. irro W fluni , .; , 1 y . t hr , -V t.v I I ill.! i; t h i r 1 t-i. ' i 9 nh I 1 ; f h 1 it i a ii 1 the nSTEB. MIRTH fAEOLIKl ic-. f s vvontcs, NKW HERNE. N. C. rtlouuments Tombt! i.i'idiDi work a ITALfAH&AERICAN MARBLE Or,! rr. 'ill I r.li- w i .1 ' .'-U. 1: ; h a.l: h l-.rin. '.a The thrcai.-- ' u r p - k . 1'r a I KnKlan.l f ipiering lan l T;-y ' hief linn ste the 'ierk. 1 n v.; in ,1 id Noriann t h. i r mlthl la v-.i'i i!;.j Sea:; t a 1 'omijat tl.v '-a '1 a F. Vv-h.!L- Kurop- I. v . ,! ispraef; , ii v ,ojril'T po r . K li.'- t'.l th. II- - 1 ' r io! hi, I ai- p W: ,.r,. h, I ' . v . t ho i a ! n i pn'inpt attnUr i rrt-ited i prlatox - it. 1 :! J fotih 1,1 111.. v aj.t. t.h..i-iKd agat t ra80-d r I. it i a I" en 1 1 M th'O pr, f Hie a n n R w , to nod the hair ground. And, urprii-ul Kvery one expected good!" The unaiuthons verdic was that t hey did. The entei ajinmeia w , i.-if',-c; i i was ! -, e i ' ! ! ! v i i next hig '. '!':; aoue id uopruvenit-nt hut no one had 1 1 a. it, ; a .- , loo I eauty ;;r.d tTegacce of the t',,-1--- . .1 a h" ait-ve that there is nnytii::. of th.- kind ia the S afe that tquais u. 'I.,,? Luildu.- uiv elfgant aud a-itiiirably adapted to the purpr.te ch taey are icteuJe.l. The rr:-. ligtmeat is euperb. f.t.d ti e - t: i .- t ntnied to a unanim-.uf. h .i.a ' v th;1 r'ntiio r ir.iiiitiD- Vt tl' i t v . p rr il in li. wm d- ' Co rsi m t-1 1 be i t e 1 1 cade S'a ii a : ion -. the p.ii' the NiceraugnA ron: olved," etc. That a can a'. c w n t rrs of t tie A t l.ui ' ina towns are greatly less than the WJS cvucea cam time u ,t mgiily Ider railroad men ever thought appreciative aridtente. i n a i Lie oen i u l '.a , i in these pos.-iuie. i ma ne w , i r.e w uicu is in facilita'e anticipation will cot only reduce the rates of freight.", but it will 1 w a e r f-rve an admirnhle tairnose in dp. ( i) . i t . t i ,1- v . 1 , , r ,i i , ir nn r pafrn prr inn tn.l nh loreign immigrants will hasten to occupy b ir.ihle lor Its lovely valleys, und convert its I e I'n'ted "olttutle iuto a scene of enterprising ' , activity , am! thus will be fultiiled a u t cou "dream of the past." Then the Atlantic and trade of that section could be i- known as secured to our own seaports. Our then-tore, re- Western cit zens would find it to their interest to deal with our in or chants and utib.e our home i 4, nip wharves and our own shinninc tun c 0 H 11 nil be Pacific interests along the whole line ol ! .af011. nittuced cannot be the road a feeling of unity would .a les.iv.ii. a the clmrch. was ia Id in connection with the entertainment and from the two sources a snug um of money was rea'a- 'd The scholars si: w ; la niy that a thorough! j couipt tent teacher has them n charge. During the brief soi out ; of Miss Shields she has en deared herself to both parents and scholars. .She loves the pupils and they love her and this mutual love accounts in a great measure for her success. Near the close of the entertainment on Christmas night ahe was presented bv Dr. C. N on behalf of the school, handsome n usic portfolio game v.as u-. a -!-' a iv:j: M 0 1 ) i i I i he ro nation . serve i ; d tui.:. pari-, b.i-e L i 1 ,y , t :il. i tan; .-. i-.l a ih.- oi ui; j. a ii wis in prugrte-!. It and meet of the uuuicr aat't i their r lafure ag e coafrfs that v. e know all . La ; had e h. a n -:..-: : a Jnarer if the cral-i nol have ob i , ..--.us.- of th.e rrarvel. i .,o;ty ai: arouni r.s. It-a an i i'ar.- her ilu- iUiy of Nl-w f'erne'e -i.:T-r i y ;; m- v; ;; I ) li ' r,c - irre it I a .', i -t Miit '' i i " . t v -a r I h . t f.;r,v" A n exile fir fo.ni It!, .r i o ! , o . 1 1 ,r i. Ti;,-' tluntieon dr ur. i b-- coovil Uf doth k n ) w Th-:- worth 1 1 1 1 1 1 : , i - . i of t'i pat, .v hand 1 iy lot. is cit- 'it ! li. -s tvi-i 1 in j- f . ;i rr . N i mora Krin ' . oil ta iiik , r -leer. '" iiy tie- !..- that hi J .! i.-::Vf nV I.Oil.e 1 ' .' re.tm i a' : i a. '- u . i-- ; ,, ; , ,-r thf ,li.p- I i.o I'. HI lot hi Ml ,o:.,i ,k III, OMld d i.iain . Tbo links of ! .- : -,i .i.-r ihun th pi r elo, in At ' very l.rn,'..- '.to;: - nifii-i -,.r i!n rn i i a M . I.. -itt di .tl t..:,k Fro, h il a and ( i'a.ao Aad wirh ! ha 1 ; i ,- -a ah mighty b oa i Afii.l tho : ; -: ,1 i: w.d.-mt. Dot.':, fail To Call On ROBERTS BROS., . a SEND Your ORDERS TO US. We l.uve in Hni a Full Line of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. C S. r.-irsons & Sons Boots and Shoos, Penitent tary Boots & Shoes, - do- t from the IkxtOO Also fa, Morn- We i, f mn. th We a! Siuot 1 t-i-ionir all Ktades FLOUR Mili- iri Mi, hiHn very low. .1 .b l.' ril'.ar.l and Oail & Kx ROBERTS BROS., r'runt nr.. ,er DemsJV. O i- air. op. brill ia ri t tin ouaitioDed : that tf must be the control of the Lnited States is too evident to r, .p.r.ie pi ot racted de bate. aer prevail, our seaport towns woaid , with her name and an appropriatt tli.n r.niHlv hi.,,m nnm m prr1 1 ' lUSCiipilon Oil U1L' HOUr. I.ODg iipplCMiCl.lDg 1-tst Tu day, insures th'- most -icaa. Strangers will ccme from abroad, the North and the South will gather here their beauty and their chivahy. tut Ntw Berne will tuffr r r.o eciifi.-e by knights er Ft .!-! ---tn tl.ey w h o r i r, v ma v . It is almost impossible to maJ' educational matters at Jlar- lone oe iiuiju'SMt c aim satis- of lu tHsr at. in favor of the their advantage to call upon us and examine creditors or the National Rank of - . . Raleigh, N. Cs, making in all 30 per SIOCK ana prices, we can give yuu l a dv. ETTER BARGAINS than any house in Eastern N. C. consiata of cent, on the claims proved. A LATE cablegram from Pao, France, atates thai Rv. Dr. Boyee, cbairman of tbe Boatbern Baptist Theological 8TDinary, waa dying at that place, ile went abroad for Qqj- fltOCkl bflt-k several months ago. 1 IT is dow anderatood that Blaine will b Secretary of State, McKinley South America Scretary of the Treasury and veasels of Run Wanamaker Poatmaater Geueral. McKinley ia a gentleman, the others are debauched partisaus. reaching the "The bitter Republican oppo Nor.h an,! S sition to the appointment of Leon sailing around O. Bailey to succeed Sellers in the at a great di-.i '. U.S. D'trict Attorney's oflice at with the w- Indianapolis is excellent proof that Thin can,.! will I o I .M , oavd.-i iDj1 re I at ain.s ol this or any ai Io wt d to i ise be t- tic ur country Dry Goods in all its Branches, Uans, Boys and Youth's Clothing, ZBOOTS SHOES, IVotLons, Etc. Furniture, Carpets, TiA in fart tnn mnnv artir.lps tn rnentinri J and State authoritiea at Austin, Pleaae call and we will guarantee it to be Teia. Gen. staniy and hiaaide , have been arrested while executing io your aavaniage. In his speech bill t he II rn. S. S. i ' York, said : " W : ; iua: any other route, or i !u auy other coontty to other rmite, I may be say that 'f rh:s mte; ; cesful, it will enable to compete succesttall, o:her hemisphere, not ot Pucific ctat of our own but with the coast id North and generally The pe now have ten daya of an advantage over us in time and l'.ium) miles m distance in factory as they now are. Much tiuiuse tueut was created on the km flight by a h an ilia rehief hemming match in which only men particijaited. .V fine scat f p;n. the (iri.-j for tin- bet hemmed handker- eentres estimate the practical advantage which a State derives from being cv of the possessed of thriviug cities of com ("f v-t.w merical importance. With thU plan earned our, anticijiated by the New Berne Board of Trade, More tieHil ( " l r will be r.n North ("irohna what Richmond an.l Norfolk is to chlef w-'; ;',' Virginia, and Charleston is to l.10" CuN. SMinlh fNtrobnn ThK riti.n tint NewLeriH'o., i.iiK add wealth to their respective ! lory, for Mi. Win. Broadstieet of for iioj : j r mir itTi4rpihaa n n nniinniu -j .---.a .v ..... , v-... -. with tbe ,or good in a thousand wavs. When nnJ? lor tue wor-ft bemmed y with the this is accomplished, we will have . .i. country, led t Li a Mr. th;S WasL-coiitest it: for her share ol There was a f- w, ,-te! II 1 ' h Cat v.i n ' he is the right man in the right represent place." It is probable that the manage ment of the Panama canal will pass into the hands of the French Government, and in that event, serious complications may arise be tween France and the I'uittd Statea. THERE is a conflict of National ,oC0 mile.-, n Francisco than L.verj of especial advantage ern cities. 'I favor ; he b.ll and anv suggestion winch down its scope, loree It will not (taly help metropolis w hu h 1 ha t in part to represent, tu: OCFlhk " a. 'r-: 1 : .'a. ti, rim .i. ..I., ' .viorton s, on iriursuay ltigtu. Caldwell. Morehead, Graham, and mil a basket pany at O.u 'aove othera, of a North Carolina railroad hurchlast nigut wnm-h tetratiiated trorn H-lnfnrt liarhnr tn lha f tlJC UOlidllV leStlVltlOS. sissipju valley under our manage -rrrrnr. This would create the necessity for branch roads in the Ladies'' Men ." Western portion of the State. J,- h,.- air and g.r t. ih- With these improvements under fashionable style of h:s c way, our productive soil, mild the killing cut 1 of his mi climate, cheap land, pure air, the "look and die" titrns mpared mineral waters, beautiful mountain his simpering face, ;; wurld scenery, will increase our wealth small talk, and sundry oth. and population. lsdom, prnaence ;1ud tokens of a ph tbot a t-f and labor will surely bring them, auti a lack of coul and brain May tbe New Berne Board of Trade may distinguish ut a glance Co.t.-t of merica. In ' II, i i: we are ; h t he city I irer to S m ol is. It i our S- ui h It. iiitra ..thing, .st ache, -;o;i ct ca::". of r sign.-, vanity, on "the i hat lie lias Pone. Li.1 Ji.-!'U.v.vl: I fed til at the Preiideiicy of the A. & Na C. Ii. R. j. troubiicK many of oar people. It doc not seem to me that a man's popularity should fce po much considered as hi-bubiui-.n ipjalities: what we need i.; a ror.u si,o will manage th.i rcul on strictly la: iuefd principles. I kr.ow but ',, :;. Pule .-.bout milr; aa.-- or thir luauiiti' i;.-rl. tut i rfo !;r-ov in, a Mr. Crvtir. has civen us th? lic-tt furiiitu'r ,ur ti'U' k : ;.r:y o:;,. us within ;'.' ho ji- New Yorl:. finii given u? vm;::;;'. ; .-.ai. he. contrary ta the expect; :ai; of ninny c f U3. moved the itntnete potato crop as fast as .ut on the real. ri I don't think ever mirsed connection &t Golds boro: he run a daily truck train when ihere was but little truck to cany: ,ir.d all these things help the farmers. I sincerely hope Mr. Jiryan wall he I II I. .1 FVt Fl s FN HI M l It Ol It I I KS. lluviiijr r-'.a'.r.rj from tin. si,r,ot.8 summt-i rtsoiis. tugged througSi tie I'rcri J en t ial cam pain . and struggled ihrougli the fall lair-iness, ihn imcsli. ti of a winter rrBOrl nxt e;it;:(Tf ,i the :it tetuion of the panel. A fter a d ue eorisiderat ion i f vnnoi.e points, places and pleasurcr. New Heme won the cup in the race, and will enjoy the advantages r.f the presence of this august body from now until lap bud ding and blooming of t-prmg; or mr.y be until the Fultry nights of sumtiur tjhali ngain ninonon the m ml .-if t. 1 1.. lii'l country arid tite sr-at-i.. The t'lC.'-l h,'o. ell W f Ilr-ii a.r i .1 ,n ihe ?r;ugg( ? t lit tic ha i i ' a f r. ni the n,-..r- '. wir,tor '. ''' i i-n I" .:: v . ., n d , . i . il i f- ii a : : l 1 1 i ng 'ram ; : h";e! . '.: I ai i.iij . 1 : 1 : J i.: otie-rs i a t : - -1 uoumlarv tiirr taio- one up io Brick! Brick! Brick! 50,000 W. P. 8URRUS & CO., GENERAL COiUMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GRAIN DEALERS, HiitKET Dock. NliW 1IKKNE, N. C. i-i' ('unsign us your produce. mv5 d if f I j r ' i' .tnph mission t , t the wo: I : . t a th- of hug.- b., themt Ivi-a. '- ,-.n e up o eat t ft 'i ived ."o .: r i . : i in i.ir'o v i ..-1 : o ih.a. ' a,., i i ot,! i ',. j;.. i : P.. 1 1, e i v?.: e ! : i .i I way . e sam pie ro,, .-),. i ty f tin- It cy pi . ; a 1 1 ! f , r 1 1: ni i i ) f re-t-lectod: for. although another might gence. to await the chanj more our truer: by taking air. Ijryan 6 rtfrps, yet he shrnld Fo ii ai ,red for his ital ustry . looks t SC. i-o L :- the way it a ery sir.a! I iirrv . ! I s? i u if. f b.iiiimore at the Carroll lusday. LVcember the M. Keerl, in the H-td vear sh.dl W O 1 1 1 , atid Io th EINSTEIN'S. Kinston, Sept 20. janl shines in t he hea', en the w oii.le r , I ' ;. : -by its liglr. I a a more beut;tu.. a-. th.it commerce wu: civilization and alii: V: Engel CO.'S The Bergner BREWING PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, IS TJXaiTESTION-ABLY THE Finest Beer Extant. It is brewed tam the finest Pale Canada West Bailey Mall and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and NU TRITIVE qualities. Tav ia repotailoo en,oy.d by the 1 1'. K l N KK & KNOKL rOUPAXY ia da to the ft. t t..at ol) ::u- IINLST A N I) BK&l MATERIALS ara a.M.d and that the great.-! SKILL and CARE art) exam.d tlariog tt bu nftc: are. jt4 dwtf Agent and Bottler, New Berne. N. C. an order of ejectment from the Secretary of War. What further action in the matter will fx' tiikeu 'y the go ern m e tr. has me yet bt-en determined. THE Charleston Cotton Eicharrge oo lat Wednesday uuuimotisly re solved to apjioint a stctil com mittee to investigate changes made in the L(ilature and elsewhere, that combinations exUt in Charles ton whereby the uuderwritem and others re systematically defrauded Tns kepabbcana insiit od tbe d.vuion ol the Sooihern vote, bat they only mean the division of the Southern whrte vote. Thej want the Soatbrn colored vote poll d ni fall, and tbej exjvect it to be solidly Repobltcan. The Greensboro Patriot payi : The moat, cutrageons frauds wi re teritrated id Mitchell county in and Allan the recent election, If all reports are densest pe true. Johnston will conteat Ewarts' election. Eren Republican Houae cannot fail to . ae-at hian, if the charge of trad-are sustained. THE AsheTllle Cituen says Gen. Clingman baa Jnst returned from New York from a long riait connected with his electrio light patent. The General haa patent for two sjstema, tbe incandescent and the arc. He is confident from experiments made with them that they are ippoKC break effect . Kte.,t the honor it will be of incalculable bench to the whole country m the revival of tho-e I u t ere h an ges, w h . c a groat desl derat U .o o t So long as : he S i now the or country, at hei n ( 'ross . so long will . c :oii t e led loi o r ,il;d :. emblem ol a produces ' ;.i i; : , I h 01 individual who plumes himself upou being a "lady's maQ.'; Liis belief in his own irresistibility is written all over him ; and to say the truth, your lad ie,s' men have - o me grounds for their self conceit. !r is indubi table t li at girls do sonic-times fall in love or what they suppose to be love with fellows, who look as if they had walked out of tailors' fashion plates creatures that by the aid of the vanons artists who contribute to the "make-np"' of human popinjays have been con- more auicity we find the fo push on the good work to comple tion. They will have the co opera tion of our people. T. C. D. Morehead CkyDec. 28, 1SS8. Bajboro New?. Ex Sheriff Dwboh moved his family to New Heme last week, Mr. Scott Swindell and family have moved to our town. We learn that he will take charge of Mr. Wm. Potter's saw mill. We arc glad to wee enterprising men come to our town. We have some sickness in town, verted into superb a tmples of w hat Mr. Nathan Hooker has been quite art can effect in the way of giving of Princeton College, ;md ill for the past few days. -Mr. men an unmanly appearance. The M.tlachi Potter has chronic lung woman who marries one c: I hose d:.-ea-e. Mr. William Hooker was rlutterers is to bo pitied, lor it she has anv glimmeiings of common Uf raid iowiag : .f taken sense a,, i 1 ,1 heart under her bod: rtU v Ptiiiro.s which , as e , r t recital by the genius of man. to guide ad venture oer the uueertatn ele men t s of the i-ea she will soon discover dainty hu-b.rad has no man's spirit in h i m t hai matie figure t; a Savny . Tlli. ilm .ngton Me.-.-etiger say s: VirginiH i- u n lieu I,' iai 1 y at the he- ginning of a movement of progress turuisbed by Mias Wingate'a mnsic and prosj'i-ii'y that kjui-; late her quite sick with a kind oi crimp on Saturday night. It is thought that he will recover within three or four days. The annual Christmas entertain ment of the Pamlico 51. and F. In stitute was held F'riday night, the organ. 21-t. The honse was filled with a' But a woman large and appreciative audience. 've never c . . ' The programme was well arranged specimen of oiiiame:, huiI showed careful preparation, ware. A secs.ble wo; The greater part of the music wai fact, a terror to l,id,e they are aware : hat m-r eUss. Wecannot eive the entire eye ioo.. i.irougit itiem : ton Hotel o lMi',. 1 h m of iuc e.e. la the P-.i; the 1'j.h iio c Mr. ThODjaa II. Keeil, a wealthy re tired lawyer, died suddenly about -ii o'clock yesterday afternoon of heart trouble, in his room at the Carrollton Uotel. Up to Monday afternoon he was en joy ing his usually good health and converged cheerfully with the at taches and othera about the house. That night he suffered with indigestion. Dr. Scarlf was sent for. and Mr. Keerl waa soon rc-iieved. Yesterday heart trouble came on. v. hieh in . short whilp resulted in death. Mr, Keeil whs wt-li known in Baltimore and iti Europe, having been a du cendaia from a noble family tf Bavaria, lie was a graduate for r r-hort while practiced law in this citv. For many years he haa devoted Lb tare to the care r f hi-s property and to travel ing, having frequently veiled Europe. Fie w:is Oil veais eld. but active fcud ship whi sit to ,1 1,1 ph: :i.ly Mid gr;u;a . -1 i : r, i eg in The i.p.. ti,, luxui Pius heating :.pp pattern ..f parla: c - a the pi - j co ing t e pip" ubiiadaio'e til energt tic and an secern eationaiiit aud pchoiar. His grandfather. Ir. .'liiic t li iltinroi e i.a 17' it: the practice of n,e lie iijir: I lbs d.oiaht'-r of hi' prom.i: ' :.ro id Treibvu w a 1 1 CO - c.umt i - found..-, a C bur h. Mr ut). P. conver- K-.-trl. 1 engngf d li-. lO-r! i.- a tin-,-? and '- German ! r a ior.K f ! i i i in . .i e : h r aio r i if.ee in tt.e Sates, among t sure as time is iron rack ol progr e -si ve Her eon, m. tc.il -upreinaCV i a t h Allan' ,' S ' a ' Cs is as anything can be. and the coming, not in the tar off. ilept of ' he o ' ' when the section (torn K ohmotid and Petersburg to t h" 'heapeake .11 i e-, :,: the at .o a ( ,n ; 1, ; - eon t i- Pent, when t lit largest , i m ;:; ei c: .1 1 popnlat ion of t he I'at'.-d S' a s w id Oe found some heie :a :'..c i.oiins we have desci i bed the:r man i : mate! !c: maa:i,-r a ::a- :. wholesorr.t1 com posit ion . The lath's map. slioa the She knows the tt umpe; no touch ,-; sitv to in. 1 1 programme but it was well ;ir ranged and neatly executed by all. Misses Lena aud Kosa Ilooker in -Polly Ann," liena ilooker iu "Wayward," and Betsey Hooker. May Cabo in "Antidote'' should be complimented for the nnrts thev ro well performed, also M aster mittcd to live and W illie Baxter deserves credit for his part in the '"rehearsal." Mr. Faruell seems to be tbe right mau for making a success of the Insti tute. He says that he vfU have several new pupils after the holi days. We wish him a greater sue cess. , , '.,', -r-. . iii.'. ra' in a a Mi JuJ, w a , j r 1 ' 4 of t r . ; oe ., t ;,e. an. a . it nan , f i an li." i i i :u;e ahk-n if endow e 1 v ,h int. 1 .- owner- i furni.-hcp thtni a aire trnr. re d istan t tnai kt t . W h ,i Ii is wed tii relish il,. .,.; n d r . i-tained ghi.--- w ii-.dow the n '; s no, -i : -. 1 1 i t . o .-ayle. r of : :,e K- .-(a t i- :,i , that i oi f..: I e -uld at-k. Th(-aaii-. of the u; 'St in:pia,v d h ,t n tronti in dealers' ihe , 'r r-t ee f 11 rt, 1 -.bed to I- i.t a en:-t ol 117. i.a-lud-Mid ry 1 in.ler-ni ; ' :. s nn f arnith on clou :j ,laj p. and with the md of the rain ia clear weather, renders tin Uanp rature ipaito summary. The furniture ihroughout is unique, foty and was procured with the aioi;;ii!an idea uppermost in the raitids of th-. who eon traded for it. fcverj thing i arranged on a rmbttantial PCtiie. t nd thire" of Fairbanks' 7"0 pcunde! 3 re there to verify the as-i r tioii. Tut' w;lls are fre-c-oed. and fur tli r riiaiii nted with glittering t-t. n cits s-ien t i li "h 1 1 y arranged for h e. in bii.ati ai (,f beauty and i-trii-' . Y i ih i ti the i m lor-u re of thiij tiiagtiili Cfcttt I'lace. considerable deposits of coal are found, as also an abundance of petroleum, from which the near-by oliices draw thtirtupply of the former, and of the latter the truck hand.- a suf licielicy t't grease tin ir lm..ks at: I mix the bhe 'iin f r nofliiia: e. it. n A sup ply i f v. .it : ;s al'vayp , n h .r, !. , b tulue i fioiaa wail '.'ia f . v t J ,, j, ,:, p. thirty r t "i ty y aid.- itnui the ,i mr i-i.l. Wi.oi ail . runted, tin re are ! v. jit . en - -t-.-ati.-iiips of -ui. u- si.os. !..r. i nhti a rill- .-hot . 1 th.- e: !., ,;. i , f tliu ba . ! ! o. . hi h The World Stands Aghast i :u Y I vY .'HICKS. And w ... !e:r-. low- is ,t that I can aell s i no.i -ii low.. i than nriv one elaeV 1 II t' II you I luivp determined to be easilv n:iti..i. d for Ihe cash, and WORK Ft dt'sM ALL FKOFITS. My Mntto i-. FA IK LFAFlNCi. i'. mi' .and bus fiom me. hjid you will n e v.. r r e - re; . K. R. JONES, New Heme, N. C. 1362. man im. THE JEWELER II o I IMC ST' OK (ip Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SOLID SILVEil AND PLATED WARE- SI'lll T.K I.KS. 1 ke, p a larger Hloek of Hpoctacle than any other store in North Carolina I take particular p-uns to fit them to the eyes of partic- needing them. 1 1 . 1 . ' I, H W e I k for ov.r l h i r as goo. 1 w i u k , Stia. . i '. i V 1 htendily at the be.ne.ta yi.ars, I believe I can do - any watchmaker in the A NH SFE ME. -- M K. KATON, M idd le Btreet. ; our. h f.)12 dwtf Tiu1. Lad;ca Must Come! The Genth in-.: May Come ! " !. ei . body " Come ! r I o 'I'll. Handsomest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets Ih ! i; 1 'a !'. ..: ' 'Ihits MaKKFT I 1 '- 1 i. h ,,r ' .- t . . ive-rl ; i , rsrot I .111, T , 'Ol - ,1 : r. 11 is oca: ; 'ii ; i to oatiglc sex, to talk soft nonscn. shawls ;iM.d fans, to ,ittn school i: asses, and to k flames gs evanesia ut and as the t winkle of a ligh i'.eitvlOl iel the to ''any baa: ! .lie iovc K e r ; . s -, : r .' il jb 1'. years old by a t-t.'-.ge t-acce White mount lir.s. ."fr. L' Ke;-ri. who i pract" ing I York, v ;ts tc-I'-giapli-cd lor a Baltimor e lata night. In :-v' le: t drive w . i t:a i ! t s-. -t eiiiM, r in: i 1 ii v, e:-t of t - t: I hi 1.. .:iib ! hp I Goods ..lied v. !., ;-, -tit iu the -. rs;;;-; i 1. .av in New ad came to - Mr. Keerl In thtj s.xth scnatoi iai the S t a t e o f New Y , i k t h e Democratic and It t j ti 1 1 i dates have p'i '.-ely t name Thorn. i - I i n,, i - i i both sign t h, inseiv a-s, Thomas Francis (ir.tdy known to fam 1 1 an d 1 1 superior to tbe systems are very much aline in 1 is: i :et i f opposing an candi he same .-ad t hey a:, ,1 in each is I, l'hey personal TKBHIBLE FO HE W A RM (. . t'euuh in the morning, hurried er duli- cu.t breaming, raising pmegm, tiLitUri.3 in the chest, quickened pnls, thUliueis in tii" evening or sweat at night, all or any of these thlDjrs are the first statea of cr. eiiuptinn. F'r. Ackers English Kciuidy for Cols unption will cure these feailul sea. toius, and is sold under a positive If, however, he iv. a Lencuick. let 1 some vain and si ral counterpart. of iitiioss not be ofd i age miiiiia'Ss a liglitnitig-ttiig, list lice, Is became im lie yoked with !:y il irt . n ; :: at S Mi: ii- i. cow in use. appearance. Huckiea's Arislca Salt, Tus Best Salve in the v.orld .' Oute, Bruises, Sore?, Ulcer?, Rneuui, Fever Sore?, Tetter, Ch u Hands. Chilblain-, (' a na. r.u d fill -:-Eruptions, and p- -ii'Tcli' cjio . or no pay require 1 . !: gu-.r.-vt.t- . . I) PRE WINES AND LIQUORS for gn e perfect "patia-f tlou :a 1 Medicinal and other usee for sale funded. Pric " rc f.la per I - by James Redmo.nd. sale by R. N. bit i v .... '7 raLt,'0 by K Herry. New i,. inc. N ptirchast d the we'd known rc-iJeuc'. Woodley. on Lafavette avenue, an i .-. cupied it until a few years ago. since which time 'uc has, when in the cty made hiu homo at the Carrollton '1 l.c family has been identified with the hi; tory of Baltimore ever since the llou iution. Their coat-of-arms is very ol 1, and the genealogical tree in their -s session dates back to l!r0. Mr. Keerl grduated at ,hin eo v. . 1 iegs ia I;;.-. ( i.-ht.'.-tith c.'.f 1 . ': Im; - v the hr-t hema-s : his . !rC At a'- time c I I.;- oeaih he v.., a III , !!;.(! ,: l ilie'.-. F: , . , ,-. t F i - ' pt! Ch FiaUimc r- ; ia-..Sr, Ui-.Matiar.i; li .it f- money as well as the rtt o lor 1. an i if V"i: iv,-.' ;nc i lease p .1. C. Wm; th,. cot city ca S h t -a' 1 1 .- n: -'st :r fa : ah. ut -or; li ing in a tb.c .e w 1 I. wl e h a f.-i- 2d ni i i i . ,r.ne I'.:' p in, I whl and b. a II. (TTLKK, &. 28 Midd'e Street, N S ". Y I'. !li!N It. N. ! GEQRBE aLLEH S CO ! 1 ' ' 'I Fits IN General Hardware A i a o ; 1 1 1 , I I io 1 1 I iii tt ri 1 p. t: w -, Hair ,v.s. Cultivator, it .-CH It I H 1 A IfH, U..,.il s tov.ers ;vnl Ite(iern, -s I it 111 I'. II ft i ItOH, v ;; t !i . iiiH :t:id I'reaHea, hei hii'o'i Laud iMiisior, Kainlt lo Fein s Idols mid 1 lard ware, i it;..-, i-t i t'i ment, l'laatar I'.ii., I'l.'.iif, I alsomiy e, Var- ti i-li ( .,! r.o i i . .!!, '-. I . '. i Sii-li o-s, fulty and Hair. ltef'rl-orjitora, Oil laireku Ilurglar , kfi, ivurrantetd to ta v i m e . c I r; ! 2 -nit. u '. io: Ill I -. a iirily aud Hatisfaotion. I LK IhS VKKY LOW. (diO. ALl.EN & CO. ' ' : y 1 f ; V, ? ( . JU . i . V' v ' at ... .ot --' o: - .- : " --. I . ,Sf -. i i. . .-.-. . -..- i ' -- ' - f v--N - -' ' I -v 'I . -: -.'"' J-f , i .. li y -. ?::. t. - ' a . v, v, , . fr - ' - a , i i : 1 56al'V5B9WS'ie;. 1. eiPW 11 1 f "W" 5 7 I - . - , " i. i , . - v .4 A. f -: I . -.