- ' - w -. .... -:. - ;3 iS9 Ka KJ : li B 4k W , M:4 mi n Q- 1'.- . r y t" 5- I - 1 c v INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Tornn 5js JJ . O t X" r- T"r. VOL. XL NEW P,KiiNK, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JANI AIH 17s 1,11 NO. 42. KINSET SCHOOL, arig:o, INT. O. For Giris and Young I.-..: Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. W Wm for CfctiWu. w JOSEPH KINSEY. Principal NEW BERNE. H. G. A NATURAL WINTER RESORT Situation and Routei - a a Sanitarium Hunting and fi ime Hotel and LJoard-Iok- StrrtB and Walk I'limatc Church and S a '. - 1 an i M jr- h . Loc.ii I ransporta i N.iti"iml 1 c meter y Point of liter est L'tc. ... - : ..i.r- N . . ,: .1 I . ; :vt-r-, ' 1 :;. . ::...! ' 1 r A ' .in t li" . i .t:i .ii. il .'. !:oi'it c: i -. 1 1. cr Irom 'he Unl lifkoil sea known aa l'.im .' u-ii S)a nd. em Ixo w ered in el m. New Hrne, with to fttmo' Dere always redolent of riowern, yrstles in the KDITOKIAL NOTES. .in J Hi ft-; - are pi i ' ;.-.i!'y i::iknown. t lie t hi-r ii.":). otcr - c!il i n. r t-t eriiig h..!,iir r i.. t'r.... r - ,,,-n ( H ' lii.' coMi'-r 1 .-. of tho u.nrtT Panama mal exri 1 ifccin ' 'i r "'ii, u !n n the Paris. recont A' : Jliee.-. r..-;;i-di'ri i's. 1 I) 1 .!!. ''. ' - i, o v t (1 ' 1 de- he d.iv to ; ; ;: e i .ii ly 1 1 ;n e e in-r.it ure THK I.L(.r Senators" debate on the The f'1-'111'1'''1 A ill will in -'roiiua nov. election i.t II:. MesRenf-er speaki ih ; ; . u i : - i lie TitK Wilmington speaks of Wilson as "a little town of great men." KvmtioNs continue in Ireland b.it the tenants are making no re- -' u;ee. ( 'ohtinn il ilrcvps ol water iii-.u .i a a s' on e. i i;0 a : e The :: Tit- ;'i.t t.iar iho to an i)cc-.)iij.';.-uv pari .amen : ana n a crat. The Li-gi- i( t Un i.! Diti it t st, tl .ml-. .! . Jt. :-. i'i-tri 'i . Till ( a:. .;.;i I' .nf. i I! i liUI.h - ) ii 1 1 1 . I!.' .'il r: i I'r-viei-' m ; :;h: r 1 a . N . i ., i-1 -'. i 1 ii . v. i: a. Vv'ii.i,. at uie I iii'i i' grot i s i-orn pi.. lie -r ; : r : ' ..: tiel.l 1 a hol'ei - II! '.di- tor: ' i -i : e the ('!.:. e.e re-: rict i n !.;: ..,:,: ;;om . !lVr : J ! I K World i-laims 'h.C :!n- No :n York Legislature :s '-u'-' tug the cancel', .i:id t h vt ilieiewi'.l not be .State are to he only oil ; l.r '. . hut iiji.in In Ohiiging oliirial It is .t.d !;,.t- the Ihai -i- Hon. y,. . i: .-. S: iir- a' . . a K ;.i.-.,d C .;. t'.ll..!i:: ,. Tliew a:.- . :: c: ngrat U: .on of :;; a a . 1 1 . o 1 e rr.t I'. i: , : J,r r. i . . si .-rt t ,r . I..-A Hi- r ( ' i , i r l: f ,1.1. Vi. 1. EASTEEM NORTH CAB0LH1 ARBLE WORKS, Monuments Tdmbg-! r. i; r '. l' :. 1 ! tl I ii e woiki :h N ew HOLIDAYS ! Year Do not nad your ionv : . yar liashand, Pro' her or la i. ShirU, Underwear, Trunks. Valises, T.'.e gr.. '.. .1 a:.,! h.gh cupv two large hr.ek hud. " m ufmcv ui nurrvuoiiiUK wiri . t c ree a re e . in j l - The rivers on the eatt and sootb the ei". . l ia'-e. n the city, together with the Urge ,.v ,.ra; A-,. hay at their junction. atTard at all tea, hers, a :l :.!''. tiaies pleasant and sate laee tor f,,r ,., 4r ;, aillDg and rowing. ,,v, rv '.- t ,. From Moiebead on t he ocean. ,.,,;,.,,! ,- ,. where the immense cumnier cra vnary. ;lo Atlantic Hotel, is lo ca:ed. ft i.- ,irhour' journe over the A:I.n: e and North Carolina L ii Iroad to this point. Hi ' Ti ' ilKT THF.KK. 1 he traveler re:idily reaches vemeneelor CroM.'lvoro Irom the North, South or trai.su,:--: n ;..:.: West by one ot the two long rail -: i: m--rs roail systems tlie Atlantic Coast lor Line and the Piedmont Air Line -Ki.-Is mdAI fKara Quil I linni'H if IN - i , , tl( . have Ion: fMijovnl ;i ronutation, ..., .. n and few places are aujLMjiii iLrri ain oi i uv AnaiuiL - ii i w : . 1 1 1 1 1 . i k . ' i ' a . . i a : i ih.uiu'dii, les.de brning of votes number o! Legislat ure bet', re such whi. nereatrer. Legislature. N'e know noth:nr TilK fact that Mrs. ,1. G. Llaine the relative merits of contestant.- l:NK-. The Na'aa.,: ',,;. Lei i.e. . i I ; d h e )T: . (ireell. l'e o . : ti i) a nc:a 1 a lV i . I - o : t and thev alb'td eVel' I e : i - . i , : I'U.n OC- ngs on a en : re o ! , .; -a ; ' ! j bas been called to Washington is but the contests ought to be setti, d d :i.u.-;c taken as an indication that her at the eai!:e-t moment consistent : .. il 1 : . eS a, r.OII, Il rri..t.V ...-. wirli ll.,i m.'.-i..."; . C tl,.i ..,,.1 1. MiJ tl I. ill W(. til !' -V. " u II L1IV .11 -VI LUl. !(l.'. tl .1 II tary of SMte. the rigiits of individuals. hi-ux,n ; TitK election to till the vacant justice be done, woh. i!: regard ;.. -eat in tl'e French Chamber of party or sect lull . Deputies for the department ot Lepo.-mg cotitidenee in the wks resulted in a victor lo: mm: iiti.l p I'li.-tistn ol the Oeuei.u Assembly, v cannot doubf that ' 1 r i-e- - .si.iii ;'l ri.il 1 1 : .1 'n ha e the I ,v ink ol i: tni; 1 f A ( I km li : '.;! . t-.t h iv,i -, 1 1 ure at iu: t., I;.-l-urt:.': vAi l - ;r- i i A- : 1 e L.ii .; eii-Ud hef. r:ui::al . d 11. t'i - .v tiint ; tlie . ia .f !' I . i . .. 1 . . . 1 ;i I : . . .' no. : f. r. ".- 1 . : i. !..::: :, . '1 .. l 1. v. 1 - . . I j , . 1 -r-ii 1 : 1 '. f , in 1 ,1 ; . , 1 , 1 i . : a 1 e.a d I ii ,t L n t in 1 i i-l.tLnui .) - -0 I.U Ill" J 1.. V - il.U'v I 1 au-burn. Sv Ihoil a:: 1 iati'.:i iiu ia h ... ; 1 : e.. - I : aa M 1 1 1 I . e l! 1 ,: o. 1 . 1 . 1 ii.- i . 1 1 w ; a .''ii;.:- . ..- - : tie .- l ev ii 1 . . :a.a.. ; . . :. 1. 1. 1 .1 1 I le i . a1 Jii me aet tl.e 11. u ii ; ' y . e.l lain nd sale Ch.ircu the lhuil.ingist.'- - . .. .. 1 ,..a. , u;e V I I I t ti C'ii A LLS LI UIM11L I 111. Lor i':.-h, iiysters, game and vege tables, the markets of New Heme laws of North Carolina ample to prevent corruption, and hence will make no recommendation to the Legislature on the subject. we. 1 ire - ti ll :; 1 ho 101 (if the State. r.VIt.MKKS. There me nearlv eight mul of farmers in t he countre, andur et ter suiiplieil and North Carolina .1 , 1. f..,i f. ,v,.o i.,,i., in ;UU'U I. 11 I 1 . lie llli-i..-, in Lll.?i l.uir ''li; hern i CI . . arges' t.-li in 1 eg' trkei This on the believe thev Lave eiilv t'tt'n me::.- Collars and Cuffs. Gloves, Neckwear. Silk and Linen Hand kerchiefs, . Umbrellas, HOWARD Thronch f.:pkiN run h had at all I ' 1 A I Hosiery. Rubber CniltS fnr Men railway stations. Shonld one pre The fan fer a safe and qniet sail through rouudmg country ar the great canal and inland waters ernl well appointed of the coast, the elegant service of oiler oveiy eouveiia the Old Dominion Steamship Com or driving. Da.l : a nd Boys. Initial Scarf Pins, Cuffs and Collars, Buttons. Boys' Plaid ies. Etc., Etc Etc. & JONES. : i: i a i n. es tor v: -; ; : n g t he si; r ample net- tor rioing a:ns to More- pany, plying between Norfolk and head an lto thu port, . offers eery fac.li'y as aeoa;.;r . well as lainry. read: a- 3! NEW UKHN'K AS A .-AMIAUH ' V. . '.ngl'e.il.-y ,ivf r s l : ' 1 e 1 i : I i :eheai 0:1 tin earner :p and 1 t -. William Hulluway of ludi- I n .iiia! ifl i-lii-. lu -i u irna-il rMllflei ill i.LMI Hill.-. , llVl.TOU.V... .'V..fc....l, . , ters 'ii the Amei:cau C ongn ,-s. is authority for the statement that Il)aUllicient m ,,iI;ia,t,IS aild utl.;. both Llaine and Piatt will have helpless and p : !, s. Pr ogi i s- daces in the new Cabinet. sixe Farmer. A report comes that White This paragraph iVom the org , n Sev- Caps have shown their hands at 01 the Alliance, a paper edited oy blee Pridgenort, Conn., and warned a true son of North Carolina whose promiHent club men in that city to talents and energies are devoted to cnenri pviaiin ir at home nt'ce in a the .n l '. '.: !: c-in ii t ol tae vocation which i matei ial n -pei hi Dr. Charles Duffv cpres the fol lowing information : ' '"p .."' i.t i. niii. a v.niW ,., and In j ur v. 11 , in uuiiii . jiuiiil 01 land formed by the contluence ol "' the Neuae and Trent rivers, and is a.Cl'(' kirted for two thirds of its limits te t,aii baa- by these rivers. The land slopes ng ojipor :-:tinany he would "discriminate against the iTiior- 1 Congress utteilv n of ail .- 1 l :, o : ..v., '. Ale the : ia Aa.ericaii kelpies and a-y are not like 1 . f tiii- it ar.k lv the utianiiii v. - f I i:--:--'kii !Jeri;uiJ tonri i f .anr; r- I a a l.'.v th'.- (.ulv clii ;er e a. a v . . i :a. ::.'. 1 .o.k wi. l.vM n: ; he time w n 1 - eh'err !. luru 1 Ui u !!.: Hi., iii.ia 1 :.i:,;t ; .-.ye t ,U, n 11 phi - j i 1 ;:. ; ,! : , . :. ;.- : i ; vie.'-I'rt SiJc-;.t-. h--. '.- : a. i v r ; ai ihlL-n at b a.rai ( ! . : -. s .: !i ..f a . ?i .-f :' . 1. f- ... h ,:, . : ; -' i Uii.i'i I 1 : : U I C:4 i. " 1 ; , . . : . h a. :tiv ehi a.! el-i ila:::'.; ;:. - : i ! tiaie, ! f- i t thill i I I a; : 1 1 : 1: . ..a v. in lijin.; ii,;wn ;. y " ollicc. la ii I ; fO wall u ci-ar e ' 1.1. ..... i . 1 . n 1 ..i 1 . ' . . . . 1 C r.. t ; : , ; . 1 :. : . f ; ; . , r ; - v ii. .! the h:o-;. '. : -; : 1 ::, : - - .0 .' t'r- ,it . t ;. 1. . ,: ; .-. . r : a : . r ' :0a j.-r ; ei.i. -a ai I:. .;. : .. .. ., ;. :. ; " tir-t becam- Pre-iUtit- 1 :.r : .."ail J. iy graicau 1 t . . j . '..r ; .1.; coiitiLUt-il ial.!; f :.. a 1 I::;, ine -. 1 hnpe the' bank ju..y I l -o in :tr. ! thut its .re.-pnt !...-1 enty j m;iv rruvv .". e ir:;--t of it- future f-uc-- ' in C'if. I w a hi he ,'..z - at ia J 1 -la e t the O'.lirf ' ia ' -r- i,l the !.,.l:!i:i.,rl- h lies-, t'a a ,!.;, fainil.;ri;y wiiii. a: ial-1 1 . e'i. t :i 'l.firi;e ti the Ve-ry lira va- :.!i : ie-p a"s.b:- ilutu - of tl.vix 1 -' a - e h a ' ' 1 1 , ' 1 . mi-ii ... . :i ; I e. n 11. 1 - - i :. - la . e. :i( r -a.ei .--1 ! Ti 1 a 1 ' v ( 0m 1 -! : 1 . I ) .111 . 1 11 1 a 1 Ms;. II.. 1:1:10 M'LIAN&AMERICAN MARBLE Or.ii m w ill receivo prompt attention "nd Kaiisfaetion guaranteed or. 1.. W I LI. 18. Proprietor ... 1 ; a 1 : 1 'ha v Ef 8u. VKH- UKRNK, A. C n aO-Itw I'. lii To Call On ROBERTS BROS., SEND Ycur 0E.DERS TO US. "A'e!i.. m -: . k a Full Line of GILj T.ILIKS & PR0VI8I0N8. C S. PiirsoiiH & Sons Boots aiit! Shoos, Pcni'.r i:i i:try Boots & Shoes, 4. " lir.rt from the fkxton I '; a ifZn : see.s ;-J:.-i' l l.illll 1.x laairl .1 ' 1 t!i em la ;:slation. ostle (a ('alhoun n and a The Bergner & Engel BREWING CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, IS UFIQUEoT:0NA3L.Y THE Finest Beer Extant. It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and NTT TRITTVE qualities. T&4 hlftb rrpaUtioo etyej-'i JOilPAyY dae to the fa.-t t". f , : . MATERIALS are ad and that th. eiercuwrd dunog l m aaafacfr.re. 1 ar e . ." : .illeai' e,- 1.1:0: i ' . e faverahh. riinii .1 la : i . v 1 a : At a ra. . : 1 : ti 1 le - a V I ive 1 atuiL- ii-i a,- -a. ( 1.!. 1 1 I 1 i.r 1 cf ihr. there is a layer of hard limestone about one mile. The Cemeterv ew Uileaos .luly 6 rock, throcgb which the snrface wa road, whi n macadamized, will he ter cannot percolate, one ol the attractions of the city. "The -rater below thi roelt is ckdai: t,u ye cfmi: rr.RY clear and cool, and is free from or N ,,,,1,.,, ,-,,r game impurities. I luring t he pajt whlHl slurinil. lew years mis water has ueen oo tained by boring from fifty to one hondred feet, anil the rise ol it ha sabetratun: ,of fire to lifteen feet of, a batiful sj-ot, carefully kept by agreemfeIlt was 8igQed in Toronto " r saad, which readily carriM off the 1 the L nited States (loveriiment, and , , , . , , -lany sarplas water; below the sand i is reached hv a pleasa.it drive of and the battle 13 t0 take VLlce UC3r to cont ;w ui leans uiv o. ,t,- nation. Tin: inauguration committee in- that the Ofteen farau-rs in Congress Precri jent ana the Director.- ef this forms all persons wishing to vU.it K-iii i. withonr. influent an.l ''r' , .,'VVr ,ry -: r. - J '. i : I ' L'iiuicii K. t: !:- ii . I I -ne a '' i ' a . i , i;i rai -o.vi Tet.b ; .a: c-.. Mt. fi 'J-elri Ki n- t" i To: rttli Kx tt i.m' ii s i h n- i" -' ' e.er - h.Vi 1 oial .-"J'J7 KicH.uti StHtn.n- It..-i.-p- -:- -1 1 er vin M i!i! us .-dal 'J '. l..in-lie Mi--lens is.yj LU. ('en!. I i o in,; a ts : 'A II l.'.'uirch Hxtt-nsion .-:'! '-'". Tiaia v t'ul i i pass through ;g in game, and while. the finest fish- Kii.-rn 1hmmi Mia-MT II.O, A-lant.c coast STK41', is iM ,.no'r 0r having a U,-!U-n, a lie al most a , i... ., Oil . I , l.MI ITI.-OI, ,.V ST1I- tll oW'l the Ni'USe eiiumcL jiecriLiMii itu i v-vk.-e tor I anche K. Jiiuee. not because powerless r i: so. f.-.T-r,..,. . a, . . i . , .. . xionofanv statesmen, but ire aiw.r. 8 read v. . . ', " the halls ot nato usi oecause. THK NA I'l N A ! KA5F.1KRY Jefte!.-01). the great l.-t-t , t- . ,...i I.-,!-..;.. I. from centre to circumference, giv- Is handsomelv Ia:d on; with nuiner- libei v, v. as a I inner. iog fine surface drainage, even ouh drives iind walks This is the agreed to fight lor 2u,00O and the. w a'iawVt.r a ..., ilCr tD0 o viwtrn us resting piaee o. i ne , a so. u.e. uiamouo utn, .ej.ieuti. iuc phllo90,)hvr, hu Uv UuiHi-U t.rs. held this ,! ay , oa matian . the ihT- "The soil is a light loam, with , who fell in Pastern f aiolma. It is chamoionbhin of the world. The. . - ' Iowidk iap-t was ieiopted and onlt-red to be snrea.l nima t ip minutes. farmers have brains enough Ve, the Hoard of Directors, dtire lo J.fK? "--,. ,u' eiierai tuni. r.xpen-e record our appreciation of the pieatiant - J IU- rotui .J. -o. rwl harir.emi.iu relatioriB that harp for 1 LaC. range Ciretl it ! ii.-hi . c -'J t . 1 . r nation. Let it not be snnnospd so m mv v?ra existed between the tun Missions $76 it), L.mei.ii.- Mh-i.'h- A ho facteri We foaa t We ; III. -.Ihni; all Krftdow- FLOTJB .M.IIh i r. Michigan vpry low. ' J '. I Mllard nnil (Jail & Ax P.013ERT3 BROS-, h l runt .'.. .Veto flm.A. O l.ii'.h' r'-nt r i hu : f-T r t i' u r i-'a i i ;r e m-i it i.t a ii . if I nd lie aa la-arti'v to ' aa-i 1 c rat i. ,n ar.d er., e. w !;i -ti I :. ' v ..- a i -a I: i i a i i I v I 1 1 : I . I . v a ' H h the Capitol during the Harrison power: rather K and Morton inaugural ceremoniea built of a speeies el i and. so far a - k n w :: it a' I ,,i !. L n , i n .. grvadr improved the heal; hfulne.-- o f t h e c 1 1 y . ii--::: " The aTerage m:n::i.n:ii filter I aete are :;. r v :. - temperatQre fir the pa: thirty e: t he :-. ' or- ' . years is alx"at "0 degrees. The ood pia.e l.o .ory. on seed o:, average diurnal mean temperature m,!'. the cotton g:r:s. turpentine for the winter is degrees, which distilleries, -team saw mills, oyster ia a boot the same a that of South- cannery, fertilz.ir factory, nee mill, rn France. the cotton exchange. lemains ol "The climate is favorablu for the old Colonial I'.ihi e, t he Nation .ell rock w,ill Ihis wall is An, -Morton inaugural ceremonies capable of grap; ir-e eoipima. on reh 4th next, that they can ,1LU.stioiis of State. ; sthe o:o secure good rooms aud board at their get;;;i- upon t 'enee. private housed throughout the city, (-ne countrv. at priees ranging from 2 to 1 per It is a great ::.:- .:.. to n.N-r day. by communicating with Col. t ti.it: fanner- onl- L. I'. Wright, chairman ot the pub fanners, or : h , o: lie coin fort committee. interested in i-t'or It will be noticed that Senators farmers. Where, ; r is believe them in:: w;;h great ,:, mi; iessmg o- h-gisJation oi t" sii;.po;e e m i epresen ; I,' farmers are l.s beUetie-iit! to a all the woi id, otei rae x 1 liuil'P-'. J. We i ft i i n c . : the '. :.,: .r IhiJi.i eoi.scrvativ.- : ev. r w, .;;-,! al ! e r. t . .1 t: i li Vance, Plackburn and Hampton can be found a 111:11 were the only Senators who voted more re.- w ho Intel v iv farmer.- ; :;.n:-:i; a k.ngkl Fi N I ST AND HFST : SKILL and CAME t4 dwtf Inriir al emeterv tia iMniiMi n, 1 . do Carol : na I .-'pa' a h 1: 1 exhibit ef the C ir.-i; ter. ( ian.e .1 ; ; 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 : .-th-n, -ind the 1 '.r;r : th'Misahil ae Agent and Bottler, New Berne. N. C. JOHN McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE Boot and Shoe Llaker, Pollock St.- Newborn. Pf. C rrin cUiTQii-xiDS shot, lvj I r M1 tlrt ptttlOl tVi iu-&- r i t fOaMj a 1 1 r ti 4 1 i j on aan tBn ' fn-if of my -ri ft- WV U UOO CI -i.e u , . . o --i r ! " ITIO Tril lf I'iIHI x. MrlriLiT tW wu-CWw Kk in ft plr (Allam itniJIT U UiM 70a a: t m '. jr rtra a. I Mat worn Ua n i to Tn iai! iQiw flftf m jn m7 . ..f :-. -tTi-i" fc: rW t -karf A.aaUJ V 1 M V l. v ikh patients with thmat, nasal antirheumatic troubles and enteric diseases. lit" NT I.N 1.. A d v e r 1 1 se m e n ta of winter 1 e s o r t s nsiiallv sav in ii-eiieral terms that " . i.".. 1 . 1 1 1 joannc ; he eh. kiiiinr awuuua. 111 n ifukiui: 1.11 " New I'.-erne one can be more .uaai rate and particular. Partridges , liob White . wood cock and snipe, under the prou et .on of the game laws of North Carolina the observance of which is en forced by the Craven County Gun Club of New Berne are the birds mot abundant in this locality. They may be found within an hour's walk in nnmlers sufficient to sat isfy any sportsman. Ihe Gun Club, last March, turned out three hundred pairs of partridges, w h'.eh. under favorable seasons, have been very fruitful. The clab proposes to inaugurate, in February nex. a series of Held trial meetings. nt'CK AND DF.KR. Daring the period from Decern tier to April the hundred smaller man seat water courses emptying into the pit, and !:.-'ei.ei Neus and Trent rivers afford ex- attention The d . ' ' " ti, against the Edmond'rf resolution, than G rover .lie S . e .1 il . er s o I t ne 1 ; astern a : 1 1'. annual h, Oys ' ; . .1 ; A --oeai-iijiv farms ad : . h g over one itand.s right.- Cleveland .' 'A lio We d not consider this vote evi- ever plead :'-r tin. :n like deuce of their opposition to the Vance in the Senate and Mills in .Monroe Doctrine. Probably tLey the lior.-e.' We considered the resolution as un- there ar.- liiteen farmei - in Con necessary, and really offensive to gre.-s. 1 A t 1 y in ,1 n o t' t he rn may b the nations with w h- m we are at a eh ie f so t rue an 1! bi ave t ha t a; , n eia- r v 1 : e s 1 :' ;i J a w i - e . aa 1 j-rutietit 1 'for id era . !' it the iiH : ( !' the a, :: r-:: i nan fi:l tla :.. - c-l the n-'i:i ! 1 a :. b y and :;n-rs of the H.m ic . ,-ratuI ite him '. itirini; the n O' i.'.v ia largely u: iniij t h:a e f :!-,: Hai.k fr aa i' a ; .ra- iive riiai t 1 a mj. rk-d ) ra-p: r;; : and we i-sn.i to loai in h.is r -l-it-l'.l. C'enf. Ohiimants s f '..rJ. t 'l.ur. li Kx'.er.sion '"') 1 r). Triuit y ( "el a -,;-- - .' ' ! ' liener.il (Jjtif. Ksp-rise hl"S. I' O 111 Je.r.t-r. ( "irenit- - p.i- !;; s j - ".- ra 1 :. M.s-1 -i,s :-:: (a. 1 1 irueslie Misi-aa,-.-II -4 e . ( ', ill f . ( 'hi 1 rn an t ' c:a - I ( 'Ii 11 re h Brick! Brick! Brick! 50,000 F"or Sale W. P. OURRUS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GRAIN DEALER 8, Maickct Dock. 111 iin vniir produce. ::i.i. .I'vlf I . x ' e Ii s 1 1 1 1 .- . 1 ' it nernl i ' it,s. I r,a i n ilia ei-i !;--;, ith . -"ei Lul.f ( .. V. . e as i'rr-i ! iue y .- r. t h e :. iT-i: r- .a. al : C i f. r: ratv I X.- I -e l:.-he; -, 1 ' ,.i. ,:..IiI- .-" re. , I '. 1 'i .f,l ' :.''. . I ,.r- : e- M i -.-loli-: ' inj 1 1 h Irom tii" v. a r n; c r t w l-l. - : a pin e-s. A: a m held Jan. ire glad that ur.n: a; a :ti i n ! il !. - a - n; el. ; . . our h, st -s r.i.a h. -r-d I l 1 : r i v if i la I i i.t- ( Ol n 1 1. .11 l.e Iha . I : is i'jm-'I a ; ho Kl-H-i . b i stores, b a possesst d i ; thoughts ai.d great d i v : n i-s him, to h: skill fu 1 s p I ; i of passages. Fort un at el v composed 1. - aiiilii i:i-i deeply skilled ;n p;,:; ; with sili-h he passed I"! of erud: ! ion . I h a ppe ne that the ib a",.: -a a - -ie', larcenies. ( :io Sa :; d a v a t; r.e. i . in -t e.ice. - a- w i-at SKNATl'K SaWYKU, llepuolic.iil, pie. fin-;, not, who has never been accounted a on h:s own special admirer of the it-form idin , a ,x WHICH ii e Ou. I i e. upon his b jrl. hum w er vo;;ii a thou-ar.d men." r l t , 1 i j ri nnliiil -ij cain(T- 'f i.i 'H 1 IO l UV1VU UO dUIIUIL. . ' 1 a:.:o op: iat;ng the ' ' . ' , , i lan.o.iage of other lievt) 10 allowing every Democrat v, ho had gone before whose office has a fixed tenure aud own u-e, and by a who has discharged his duties satisfactorily. lo remain until the end ot his term, and have so noti tied mv eoiiatiueuts in Wisconsin." ..:..! dove- tailing i as o ii; ,u,i a w hole . r h : ni . ; h sa ho I'll F. AT 1(1 1! E V litM II VI. Ki i'Oi: I lion Tin o. F. D,iv:i.i::i, A: tor r.ev Geheial oi the :-'".re of orth Caroliu.i. has mail..- h :- t tlicial re port tt; (i.v. Si-ales. T is a care fully piepareii aiid well written iloeunied'. and Ue regret our in ability to rieselit it lii '' h-.le to our reader.-. ;a-t Ever -ana f e.u-a.e a . h la w h 1 1 h h 1 - w : . u n Ah at the e i - i i ai aid I . hv u hi:-h a a :; ea.fa-i : ire in : : . - a. e rn- .-h h. .n .iKht a en v. ;-e burue.1 fa ii-et:h. I'HT-i.ri.o. Jan. 'a A: :-:'-! a :i . - i ay . ii;;:ha .-in ;i -t aaa .a i ,r.d r.t'.a. a e---v I'. ii- s-.r l"a.ia:rit; . e a i w I : i . I i I- iifiJii M : - - i a - l ias -h"i 10. t O I : i : r i -I i 1 x ! i roa 1 1 1 e'e ch I 7a. i ii. r.tl -7 i a. "I i lai - -Lii ha. I'arai ic t 1011 it i '. ei.ii M i-sii a ; -:;- in. r;f. l Ate::-: .a i ; ,-i.cr .1 . :.: 1 liliah i l r I.-: a .M I a ai -'" a h t -a i . hxieii-ion -' '. - la: a v ( x : ; Mi-.-i 1 1 -Oh ar i. I:. In.. . - ire : i I a- I e. i v. i ; I. :v Ti;,r ere not 'ii', and won tier ;owe er. -d in his Col. :u-oii :e.;;. "- to observe Till". Spuingtield Pvepublican say.-: tha! ..A-lth.;n tl,(. ,..,- . (.,.r or two a Tin- Fresideru hits summarily re- disposition has been ii.ainlesU d in some loe.ilit ic.-, b- evil minded or o,d re:,;;,-, io-e to t he pill :'h ; r 1 1 1 in n 1 1 r ii.ol scarcely -ii And aa ! r. Ii iw n .t that I cm .i mil - h i--r f hin nv i-dm' m ' riit.oT u I hsv determined ui t" Arul many other varieties. cellent shelter and feeding grounds finished his third sentence before crain- I for great numbers of ducks can the old gen; leinan s.nd. loud enough Citv I 11. 1 V . I . l . 1 1. .... I V 1 1 I .! I iifl u jc k, i ni ueau, oiaek. uutu, icai ro ne iiearn nv in -e near nim: .-i, , , j , I i,f. i m,wt ,,r-i(vfiil Wild That's Shetloek." 'Ihe doctor moved the post master at Kansas Ci:, Mo , against whom charges of me .iiipeteiicy have been for two e.u-. and who had refused to re - gn. Gen. Harrison has a Demo- her living in Kansas appointment to the misguided nun. to iv.-oit to the barbarous and wii-liy : rj a -:. liable methods kiiuw ii n- 1 . l.iw' to punish crime." Ail good ( it it us join with the learned Attornrv General in this .jii't jii.r":.. I '. r tho cih tiiil Yi 'RK KOKSH All. f'ihiFITS ii j w t 1 1- i. ? i :. i k vt in; i'.'H-." r ! ' - a fr rr: -t-. m l ji-u ill n v r - r- : regret, "Lnch law" 's a f, upon the t scu'ic'econ of ::::;, Ui.lt special from ludi- that permits it to ex:.-" ui "Ihe Gentlemen s ooniers. o (a-mmun-.ty ; t AGENCY FOR ft If K. H. JONES, New Heme, N, C. MVA)AH riK ina'.i. r.a . ot. ado. fry On H A V a A U TeJB.e . . i-t r r !kl. kf do a raa goto rALWEft'4 CltttR rTOBK ttt r tCim iv not r buBbn4 tT ete mt Irun g: & s ' ,wil tail b bApj- ftf.a Jim rmm rl n jAiit v.nt il:. Ml aa. o wnt VlVC I'HI K. TH. tr at Ar taw enu. f-3 tc - v a. jnnam aoU try .aai w L ri!.KI. M .la .a t-. ?i a rar-n Look Out For "land Iu4 Tfcav. mm Taa .-aralagir TV aUotioO eanoaw off t TdiT ..,J w Wv II will raawll lo lha imlUr .. it wry elUwo n4 !o tka hrml tntar -J tha -.xioerT la tlia aiaa:.a2a w Mh '. of rni i r ctlll ia buaiaai.-. a4 may ba f -a-d : Tntvllh BJatfklik " iU ba (laj t.) aa nor pirima tuJ u ' i htr jrvlara. UaalKM flay will ba lakaa lo r.S. a M tr1 ,t cUa oM -' -n n ahaa w s .. '. Ia ia Wr iuJ.mo va hit. oa Ma. Jam Hv" . wk la Vail kaual t Iht niiaria '. -r hi a.li in wm kmaaakip- Saad ia nir. W. a rxm.'.y ' - : CDWist'S a oi i::x Mtl awl; geese and brant in vast rafts are frowned, but went en. He had not 1 w set n in midwinter. As there is proceeded much lurin r. u hen his W never ice et sutticien: thickness to grave auditor broke i n: with: tnjpj sa"S urevent the dncks from fep(-inp, the Thur'j T:!',,a,in " I1 .. ,i,.,.nr tar 1 - shooting is constantly god. his l:ps and paused, bu';' again went ,-iterar3: Club' whicL comprises the Irom rapine j.ie p.uniier v. I... re ; he Within five miles of New Heme, on. At a third exclamation of intellectual aristocracy of the Indi- mob rules, i he butcheiyat i',;r in ran easily accessible county, deer "That's Flair." ihe do. tor los" all ana canitol. aud of which Beniamin mingham" was teinble. I.,; :ie OCn DLI r ri nun re fonnd in soch namoere that it patience, and leaning over the side Harrison, Blanche K. Bruce, ex- maiet-tv of the i.iw was vi;.d.i,-.,;ed. tOU DDIS Ot rLOUH, larrrel:Tthatararty f'rtTe, frU,e ,,ul,,,t- ,1V,11,ow'" he cripd' Governor Porter, Judge Woods, and life, liberty and p; ..pert v n.ade ' return from hunting empty handed. -Mfvoudo not hold vour tongue, 1 "uuu"' ' 1 1 Tun Hi'TEl. ALHEET youshall be turned out ." Without JlI,ie Cresham, and fifty or sixty more secure. - r thk wa.s erected in the year 1SS7. It is altering a muscle, the old cynic, others of the brainiest men in We tnit that the w:-.- v-:d . t i iiimoiinrr hnrfc-" hniMirxr with lookiiigthe doctor full in the face, Indiana are members, met tonisht. the Attorney Genera! '.:.: i n-eh. i forty rooms, and can accommodate "i;'' Ihe rear waii.i ot t - 0:1.1 e: e cra-ie i as if they lis cf pap- r . a r, d : h-i r f rata w 1 1, e p a venn", t on Wood -;r - e v . r ii I p . -1 1 ; i i- ;rj I i i e d i anc ,!, h aiah; v ( i. ih. a girl aliil hoy. ' lie a i.a in it ; ii v.-t i c ; i k . a i a a ; i a ! he 1 i a . a 1 1 :iie 11 ; : .. h cit ra. i. ; . and 1:1 a 1 e .e sir. i l- -a ri ourali.-u- th" i d w t i e h.ii k w r.h j.i- . i . 1 willing lai nds. hr-t a le-- -iheiiifehf s. w o r. I to w, rk :a h !h,i d ie f. re,- w - . nr.- i: : I, ii oil a r I i.iidif--,- had la eti ni'i e - f. II un a : . ! ti ry o : l . -, ai i i. a. i and . I . i. n Mi.iia ' li en it -1 h -h .an Ml--n n- --"el h I 1 : .- , -J - II 1. Ill ' I 1 1 : : 1 i 1 1 1 - Kit ii-aoi - 7 - : ho . v i i ner.O ' -'. 1 1 i , ii i i ihe vrctia.s ol :o -1 p. rr, -'J : u i Id i r. ; i if - v. r.i - i.. a. i- a a. -1 in i ' i r -. . n u r r ' A - a" -i .i at. 1 i . i h. -, ;i f.lo n h i. i srreet w t-T: . I -ad arid i t h .1 i ae-'-,-i v ,1-i.e e-1;;,h.-, . x ! i- a- a r i I I ' I .11 M : - -; iii.iiy a- u-i 12. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER II V - I INK ST X'K OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE. SI1. TArl.Kfc. 1 I-. ei i a huirer hto k of Spectacle thai, any other store in North Carolina I take Mi t i. i i ho paniH to fit them to th eye i j i r i i - r- ic c .britf them. ii.- na.- w ; 1 1., d MeRdily at th" bench f r '.v. ; lh:r eats. I helmve I oan do 'H t a ! a-Ht:y u atelmtaker in the ' i '"I i ANIi SKK ME. i- A M K KATON, Middle utrwl. "h. . I.;;.-: hhnr !,. f12 dwtf zmmL mm & co I 'liAl.KKH IN General Hardware V ; u a : 1 1 . . I 1 r.i I i' in ii n I a. li.iiiiui.s, ( u tivalur', i i . it ixl Aim, .", .limiem nl KHer, .-ii. am I iirrhien, oit.i'i iiillM and I'rCHKPH, ! : i '. io i - ! ,iod INa-ier, Kainlt ...ii., - i nnil 1 1 itrdvt are, I'.i i. U iim'iiI. I'laster i'.,'.'. i'.iin: Iv a 1 m in i n ei, Var-'il-.1; -ol . l . i -s. I l lit in i (I II Mir. I'i- . I : e 1 1 i r a 1 1 rs ! - .-! o J.ii.i utt Iturylar 1 -a ti l.' Ui, irranUxl to a . i oil', ki (I siit isI'moiIoii. 1-iCH I S Vl liV LOW. -i(. via ia v ro. I!." C lib Must (Jome ! ". May Come ! i . .' . a i -1 1 r i '.a. i o-n I' t..i .-; h t l.e rr. ot in :a .ia hi, n i: e p. -a i- i, i r "I l ,h v a . ..c - .a I . t it-.- c LAST DECLINE, For Sale Very Cheap at xr . xii'ioii, That's his own.' The (.rand I.od.'p of .Ma-oii- ate a big dinner aud attested to by the Ia ' f.b f.lhuly" Come ! s: i: ; ill-. Kandsoiuest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets i '-. i ., i.a 'hh I . ' Till MAHKET. "I i I INI. l tlie President elect the pride they finitely rnor, felt at his success." .Now if liar be re.-pectt ;l atoat one haDdre-d gueshs. This hotel is furnished through- i.nt with hnf arul ri-il,l mUr h.tli Thi' I IrsnJ I.od-e,,f M ,i(,r,s c f X.irrh rooms, gas, electric Hs, and is Carol.ua a8 ,;r. ,n fei..n jeHter.y risoD, Bruce, Porter, Woods and moral and heated by steam pipr. 'V.''f'Lf , , , , Gresham are members of the same the State i i , ,, The question cf removal of the (, rand , The farniture and tniddlng are idge uf Masons frum l:ihaK-h t" Ox- flub, and dine together, why nmy upon mob new and cf snprior quality. ford ha-miK been maae a np.ei.ii order not Bruce go into the Cabinet! exerted ! i ue ii ai l u x tuura is tin e oi i ne 1 u u - - l 1 " " 1 '-nu. ar handiODjeSt in the ytate. taken up. and alter a fir .1 a- -ussien the Tiik following is the Ltlmomi s -1 it lii e : i in mi ; ,u hv f !... . -1 I r d: i M: be n td l.lnl. IK . The proprietors promise to s;are vote wa taken by lodges. each result :- .-. .-: HOLIDAY GOODS ! The linest Cluiri, Ticture Frame. Pictures, Ward- i J 1 1 : c a - last - .n . I u.t in t h . r p-ii 1 1 il I 1 . : n to r, rn no pains to make their guests com heing lor-t. ': f r r. -a. i'ortable. a-ainet, ar.d the i I r u. i I. Tprrn ivtuvin- tinue to h.'t.l i : - ., i : . ; . : , tions in tim city. There are within the city limits At the regular a n-.m-aa. ui n atiout ten ruilea of broad, lerel aud night the foilowic c 'a . -rs ere well ahaded streets, several miles el : Samuel 11 Saa.h f Y.i of which have ten macadamized "rand M-t-t.-r II. A i. :N-r. f Ash.? . , ,, , , , , , rill. Leru:v iir.iad M.-t-'.- r J.hn N . i;h sheha and afford fine hard LoUen. lif f-n- s,-r.a.r ..r..l War roads for pleadare-dnving. den K xt it v r Wh-. n. J nnor I he Sidewalk are generally Grand Warder: th W. l.,:n. of I; ib-iKh. ffiiml Kf Vrnnt sfrp.-f on the Gran.i he-ret irv W. i A ri : er- n . i f robfi, Book Caica. Parlor banks of the Sense, and Pollock Kaie.h Grat.d lr-.-ur.-r 8ulta, Work Dukcti, Hat street, are favonto places for eiectj direct ''r'.'f'ii Rack, A.C. for Chriatmaa promeuaders. Atylum for a u am .d o'Clford 1 awiuiii'u iia il m.i.icu c ii v and ;: iu Senate : Will COI1- lig:ou- Uld ii ' the iliclllca reverence lor ; he- la -v of ; i and le.-j-t ct lor nil ; ci . authority. Le: ear j.a:. know that i; ; no .'-aci hood to be law abiding ei: i all time.- and under all circumstances. y : : . r r :,e are In ;;iri j . without du' Kl-iAhih-.. 1 -a- i th a : i aho-le - I r a e v id. ne. :,t two 1 1 u 1 1 . i i e . ' .'--ri It i er I e 1 to HI ! ..a i'lirr. d in trie . :. r it oi ro i a lai,: an v f r.aie lil'lil tile 1 : ! ( . . -1 - i In aa: hi- r iieil ever brought to New Derne m MaiaaA w.w ia. w.i ' ' - ,f . . . t Kerne Academ ' AH -riTSs Market. In tact the beat ,llea!ian. ro,or: lor ,,, ii liii'??-.'"' " atock ol Furni'ure ever of- pl..ers. jr'afal fi?!? 7V iTjTtT- fcred in New Dernc. bv nkwiikrn The teautlful grounds of the The report . f !). .- mn. New r.erne Aeademv furnish a ramdinfc the api- mtir.-t.t 1 nn:s and ball ftor ,,f f1'1 ',;-Ir' ","' 3iaters a- a . j i .' T-; r . i i .i. . w.,- re i x .' r.i ' r ph an y -iirs ' n .- rn- "Itesolved by the Senate and House of Kepresentati ves of the I'nited States of America in Con gress assembled, That the govern ment of the United States will look with serious concern and disap proval upon connection of any lu the Sena'.-, and I'.uropean government with the con Democrats keep 1. ah, struction or control of any ship to the exclusion id canal across the Isthmus of Darieu, niore honest men. r across Central America, and s-ar. J" HlKAVN d Geo;,, uracil ot a niidec".. ;..-: ,.- nd yo ;ii in : I ; aii ( ", a:-,, r, -W.bl. - taasij n 4 ? r' fHHALBUnSi JOHN SUTER, d!5d-r Middle Street. If ar.r t: t;w:ng in us nearness to the Mil and to the Gulf S ream, has V"' ,i;y t' 1. 1 r a . t . i an ; i . - e - ti frequently passe tx tent ton :c ritDOUt SU0W, equal. I.ixad. r. ii ; i . c . a I r aricse nothing 'ri -e -j". cents- must regard any such connection or control as injurious to the just rights and iuterests of the United hetirnni states, and as a menace to their mo.-t u y 'lr;r'.! welfare. Bu: "S-jc. That the President be, a-lM and he is hereby requested to com . hah are mnnicate this expression of the re r lee views of the Government of the Ater t ii c war, d struction era. .T . tl eir tie l-.iili- ' oi j ;'. i-1, t uiiiia. a. : t . . It. ma:: .j, I i -1 . . - i . i ar- v. ei '. ilS at turn.-.!. :. -i.e of the a- r-i expi Ue 1 ana tae h - it ; i hher e,,- c 1 a rr, b . r s alsi exj.;..,ic,j the car.- t-a r ia ,1. atid all t h it tin. a a lt v.,;- '..are., a. 'i'nirlv m-n 'a e 0:1.1 ia ram-. I . a r , .; : j,. .... liiiiiiii t 1 a eat.a Tm- r.:. . -, ,r-ii-ii out. -.n.e of t ! - ai r- ,-nv 10 t i 1 i .... I'a . J 01. h i ': t 1 o Viij.. k l. ton l I . a 1 1 i . - . . h ; . . i. b.-t-n tio-n from tie' ru. :.-.' th- nail, il-vai u:irh- ai: i f ar r.-er... only ih" -'irfaee of ; ae dt hr ;- h..- h 1 ., ti h-d . 'i'a e -: k 1 a o 1 1 - 1 e H 1 , : : -; : .' .ira! ad In 1 !: - ;o . a 1 : i . . r r 1. . - at :'. tl 1- : a H IS- Mi iii.hing Goods I ' : Mill IS i TTLKU, Middle. Street, 1 i ; N ! .. N . : . co::::e:ti:ut hi-.! Life Ins. Go. Of Hartford, Conn. 1 v 1 : h' 1. Id 1 ie.. man Hi e 1 1 i.hiuvn v,as tut' man in (1 eorg: 1 . : - in- t -v 1 a ; 1 t and v. h.-n 1 Sl ii ' -il e : rati All 1 he ah. .v.- i -I' he f wsli Kltiiii-l ' r t . 1 1 iy v .c, - r : r e ,-y . . -sa - e o 1 t at .a .i.i,i- n -.'i.a. I!.-- ll: e e.aiiia by love o reconversion sand ih.ll.ii- d G.-org: 1. p and give ti: . n,iiii oi.mou ti,., n.tifc.o - 11 -as .1 ,,iri..i States to the governments i.m ratoio; miiio iiuii.it. 1 ur cuun niuici ,..., ..,-,,. . ,1 r- Km. iidh actn- :hi-u-Bap end of the coantries of Europe." c.ime up smiling. t oat ( r a:,. 1 iaa. ia n el v t w, ia n ,eet IiUsi. at tin- ti 'i vvii I. il nd re 1 a il 1 I i i L I i 1 " s ,-r - a i - w o : .1 'i.t I h p -,el in the una!, tan , i oi:y Kil !- iia-i Ian et a i , : - i i i . . i r work an I L'-nf hen - a a. ,u t i-..tn,,-( .in. - t et I o"ii- rk. :-o ill at 1 7 a pe. pie u t r e in tie' tai i c. A".- . .a a h fi..ia.iir when it v,is .a-irmnl. u! h i- mv, i. c ;oi : th, h,-tC-r! :.--;J ll ij u. t oat lla-ui a i - i a : o I. s. I v. i . r v. e ri' lo ,' p , . r. t '.v c h : i 'a a t ' r ' r a r i :iija:a- I la- i:-.v,s f i on j'! to 7 a o! li. ;r.e 1 1 s i,i,':i a h.i.;e j.jiiifl love h.-I tii.ir and hob) trig, livoa. 1 1 t i oi an . and t HI 111 of $5b 128,508.55 ;i - ; i. I in New her n , N . C, .VJ,r)00.(J0. . -.1,1,1.- ihe I .' V .'lll unci il 1 i i i - I h .1 ii v 1 lo dera. I i a i m the not mout i i 1 'aii e ; ; a I ' lid e it... a ;i. N. nit- Pi', kit j;. it ;. Wlii it he nbtaltied 'J. M. N. 1:28,777.136.82. :. i o n lni.i record ii I'ev WM. H. 0LIVEB, Now hem, N. C. AGENT. ab 1