"4..!'.. " ., .1 . ' Jt x i ib i ib i sa . imm in i obi i bi i iii r DEPENDENT 1 1ST ALL THINGS. Torm 4B.OO Per 1Tr. VOL. XI. XKW Hi L. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JAM'AHY Ml, 188D. NO. 44. 7 DISSOLUTION. 9!ona Oattiaxf aalr ti 5ro ani of I i t : d . Ab'thim ltd - f tU lits d iiM)trJ by atnal fona' KiMWt, y. C, JU. 7, nw ahi: i ; ; oirrri nckk. ( 1 . T I S't'rKR, r. rr: m kl. continue tn 9'.:. - - : - , V " toil - t j, .... r "-if .; t ftbor ie we bJ "tor. -'. V Iubu4 ioptl ih oM ftrsi lino '' ETTiNGER BROS. ktti v)ultKakbf f& pt kiad pUo el'.-aJ'-i us indoor fbTMT Brtr, t Wf oonttBa.nc "f a for lh ta'.ur.v W r prpri to Mtrt oof fr-..nl a4 f well nv; i with tonbl 500 bbU Htj V r'. 40 bb!. MoluwM, 25 bbU. LwillAnl' San J, 100 Wttt 014 fiskaho Tob-co. 100 tOM Kuait, 23bbU- Str. 50O ktbU It. P. 0'j. StiO VuWl WtrB Com, '25 bi Alraoc PUi i, 100O diM Spool Cotton. Aai garl $Ux't ot DKY GOODS K- ui1 1 ET0KIAL 0TF.S. ViEiiiMi wm visired by a ever snow storm Sunday. Tuk uteel craispr Atlanta in at r tvciand for Hayti Senator SiniJf lia. been 1 1 . f-atrd in Minnesota by V. Ii. ' yh burn . The (. S. steamer Vaddiilia left Sjii Francicco Monday on ht-r wv loSamoi. Edhond'8 PDAm:i Caniil reaola lion m now before tb iloQs and it i probable that :t will pa.s ananimoQily. Tns Kugh-ti GoverntueDt has Ut IqIIv in formed of and nhart-s in the Tinted S;ates Government's vipw of wfTairs ut S.cuoa. I.ord Salisbury's Utw: new,, from Api is of m threatening na ture Iu coU8eqQenc ol tbeno advicea, tbe British fleet in thf I'aoiflc will be increased iraruediiUe- bv at leant two ixjwerlul vessels. CrHEAT exoitement has been CAQed at M idlotbian, Texas, by the inking Dear the Union depot, withoat apparent cause, ot "A '. A N .' i Ar.ibs have Of lj ( .i 3 t -p A : i: ii. .i 'm' the t'N .icuation lv ( t er in .in t hi' Ii rst .t:i:red n i is poleon, hi' is -'wrapped in the solituilo of his own orig naliLy .'' We fear nothing from Jadge the recognition of Samoa's right to in dependence. Endeavor to prevent extreme measures against the Smans and to bring about a Uussell. His peaceful settlement.'7 ; Domingo gongs v However ardently this (lovern- 1 North mor- than i; . meut may desire pace, the presence , Ilai rison. whatever The Schooner J. B. Anderson Water-Logg-sd. The scnooner J. B. Anderson, Capt. to relea.-t sioii.iries. W K always ei:;are an ojuniou of N"e! irgihia atl'airs ith hesita tion, but our wort!.- I is clear up tin: W'e-r Virginia will indicative or a belligerent spirit, hive a Democratic Covernor and There is no telling what will occur comes James Shepard, bound to New York from Bogue Inlet with a cargo of 145, 00 feet of lumber, was water-logged l.i'e-t :s in these of American war hi)s, at Samoa , preconceived opinion.0, wiil take i.ow begiLtnng to wi" be accepted by Germany as warning, and pause on the banks iting of San '1 terrify the ; , :o sontn. 0 Ocracoke last Sunday and taken in be hia tow by a steam tue on Tuesdav. Don't Fail To Call On ROBERTS BROS., on Fluted Sratcs Senator." I. AST Tuesday was a gr for United States Senator. "oke was re elected to the from I'exas, ,!o;iii K. M IroUl N e w .1 er-e , S he! Ii M eat day Ki chard Senate Piierson , ( 'ullom from Illuiotn and M. W . Kaiisom irtun North Carolina. .Mcl'herson, B.niKom and ('"ke aie Demi crats and CuMom is a Republican. 'TlIE con vent l m of ( 'on federate pensioners in this State was held iu Raleigh !a-t Tuesday. Two hundred veteran-" were in atten dance, and they "ill pet. tarn the Legislature to ineiease the pension appropriation." We tru-t that the Legislature will listen to the ap- u rnr Peal, and give the old soldiers the of the Kubicon. lie dare not cross the stream and build his fortunes when Admiral Kimberly on his country's, . uins. up aloDg side the German The troth is the world has diawn men of war in the waters of Samoa. , the contrast between the South as But last advices are far more it was in the reconstruction period. werions than anything that had and the South as it is today, and away and she drifted during the nigiht occurred previous to t he writing of no amount of paiti-au i.igeand Secretary Whitney's instructions. ' personal madness can remand these "The World has a special irom ' States to u territorial condition. Samoa, dated 5'h the "Gallatin National Bank" of New York, and worth about 860.000,000, the Twobleyg, also of New York, worth about 815. 000, 000, and the Horbecks. of New York, who represent nearly $20. 000,000; aggregating 8135,000,000. ibese people are in every way able to gratify their desires in almost every direction, and having the entire world to Belect from, hnva r.hnapn nnr ritv in SpKtrlBn Rtonlion ITaoftnr.a a A rrt a mV, inli a J . U J . fT-UI- . 1 .D1..U1,0 0i nLll,u ttniwwn wiuwr. inn laeu flT O P"PT? TTT Q If T T MTTOTnVO other of the crew arrived Thursday and j of itself speaks volumes for the climatic j "AWUXjAVAXiO a L n,UV IBlUaB, from him we get the following particu- j n.a'nral advantages possessed by fj g par80ns & gon8 Boot SEND Your ORDERS TO US. We have in etock a Full Lin of la re : The Anderson w as in a gale all Sun day, during which time the yawl boat was lost. Sunday evening it was dis covered that the vessel was fast filling with water. The mainmast was cut Monday morning about 10 o'clock Ocra cofee liht was made. Attemnt was made to b arh her, but the mainmast j pr0prty' but a' they have been lookiDK Asheville over any other place in the new and old world, and justly gives to it the reputation of being the resort of the Southern mountain country." In this we concur. Asheville is the resort of the Southern mountain coun try. But it cannot compare with New Berne as a winter resort. Many people are here from the North, but they hive Snuff. not seen fit to give an inventory of their and Shoes, Penitontiary Boots & Shoes, Also Shoos direct from the Boston factories. We are selling all grades FLOUR from the Mills In Michigan very low. Wealsojoh Jxjriliarfi and Oail Ax R0BEKT3 BROS., S(,vtK FYont nt.. JVeu Bems.N. O. Yours truly . m KI3STON, January ABh' AND SOL 0ETTINGER, l!vV. ! - -f V 4 . ' t f 7' f Havinfc boaght out the liat.re Stock, ot y X. PaTTRKSox, I will continne the bQj:aA at the sime plAce, and would resjxetfaUj a -hare of the patronge of th trading public. I b.iw complete Ha, bat make spvciAlty in P THIN ad BOOTS And SHOES. VV. B FLAN NT. H. KIN SET I r'li I III I" ' ' " --i . .. . 3f. ' ;I -- t iNL, , ,, M, f . SCHOOL, r For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16 th. W Wrfl foe Ca1oii to J08EPB K'N8EY, Principal. M "FOR THE NEXT AY We mil sell the balance of our Stock of Clothing at Cost We wish to make room for onr 8prlng and Summer Stock. o:' territory '200 yards long, over which rnu the Fort Worth and New Orleans Railroad. Ir is stated on trustworthy au thorlty that the British Govern ment has decided to nphoM the treaty, by the terms of which Earopean powers are precluded Irom obtaining or attempting to obtain dominance in Samoa. The Star says: "Iiev. Dr. Haw thorne of Atlanta, one of the fore most ministers in the Baptist denomination has accepted the preaidencj of a new Baptist Uni versity to b bnilt at Florence, Alabama.'' Dr. Hawthorne is a native Alabamian and his devotion to ta State la wonderful. The Soldiers Convention adopted the resolution introduced by Col H.l ol Wilmington, as follows: r.esolvsd, That the committee of the veteran soldiers of Noi th Caro lina do respectfally bat most earnesdy petition the General As sembiy of North Carolina to add five per ceut. to the annual tax levied for the purpose of adding to and extending the pension list of disabled soldiers and the widows of disabled soldiers. Lh the discussion of the tariff in the U. S. Senate last Monday; Senaror George ot Mississippi, presented some general observa tions on the bill, first taking the ground that "the bill which the Senate was considering was not the till that originated in the IIoorp of Representatives, as the Constitution reqmred bill to raise revenue to originate. Technically speaking t might be called an amendment, but the House bill had only been a j unsdictiouttl fact by which the Senate has assumed con frol of the outject." Correct. Tn e C b a r lot t C hronicle suggests and endorses Messrs. Alexander, Jarviaand Waddeil for the railroad eommiaston. It save : '-North Caro llua ooght to have the services of ex Gov. Jarvis, Col. Waddeil and Capt- Alexander. They are all able, honorable men in whom the people have absolute confidence. The present Legislature will create a railroad commission. It onghr not to consUt of oer three mem tiers; more would bt- cu cuIxtso me." The Chronicle correctly urges that p.o (e-rter neleCtlons could be made than the names of the three de feated candidates lor the UuHed Stares Senate, and Maj Hughes would Oil the. bill exactly. IT h as Deen al ways claimed that the last charge of Confederate troops was made at Appomattox by Gen. W. R. Cox's brigade of North Carol' mans. It is now asse ted that while Cox's brigade fired ihe last volly the last charge was made by Major General Bryan Grimes' division, composed of Cox's and I'aniels' North Carolina brigades, Cook's Georgia and Battle's Ala bama brigades." This writer has ten of the opinion that Battle's largest pension consistent with the tinanicial condition of the State. "A ciKCt'LAK has been issued by the Irish Parliamentary Fund As sociation Ot New Vol , to lue i;:ert losing people of America, asking their cooperation and smpath to defeat tiie scheme to destrov the great I;i-h leader and apostle ot human rights, Charles Stewart I'arnell." With out expressing any opinion on the merits of the "Irish (Jiustion,' we trust that our countrymen will make a liberal response to this appeal. It would be a shame for so heroic a man as I'arnell to be crashed by the money power of the London Times Tin: Augusta Chronicle says : "The Kiposition has within the, past Hum t h at t ractei ami forty thoo.sain i'l.i 1 1 e Apia, Samoa, dated o'h inst which tells of the firing on the American flag, ty the Germans, their tearing it down and burning it and making Americans prisoners, Their homes were also burnt by German men of-war and the U. S. Marshal was stabbed." If these things are true, -'the war has actually begun." Geutle men may cry peace, peace, but t here is no peace. could not give her sail REST ACTIVITY. All things need rest. The great Creator, after He had finished the work ol creation, rested the seventh forced b . day and hallowed it. The divine fearing that she would strike Diamond Author of our being so arranged ShoaIs, she anchored in 11 fathom the material universe that night water about beifju gone enough. Towards Doon vessels at Hatteras were sighted, and one attempted to res pond to the signal of distress but was Monday night, Brick! Brick! Brick! 50,000 follows day draws her sable cur tains around the world, and invites to balmy sleep. Our statesmen appieciate the a . Angns have p , j done rn.c the ail ar witnesses enterprise progress, and 1 the great i it a i. fe! inspected . i ;,e city, been : e.r pluck and !. im pact of her a contributed to z'.ng stream of ad vert is: ng w h a h has placed Augusta upon a high plane la-fore the woild. The Exposition has paid Augusta ten fold t.'r its .!i vostr shown the pub!..-, am t ll.it. h .IS I that v. for t -a e aii C ALYI.V BKIt'E. Calvin S. Brice, of Ohio and New York, is said to cherish au ambition addressed consonant with his plethoric pocket hook. He wants to succeed Payne Senator from uhio. It is said that President Cleveland is interested in the political future of Brice and will do what he can iu a quiet way to place the wonderful Ohioan in a position to make a content for the seat he craves. N. Y. World. The World is a great newspaper, but its attacks npon Mr. Cleveland will not add to its greatness. The above paragraph is sensational only, and will deceive no one. Mr. Cleveland is not the man to use high position "';o place the wonderful Ohioan in a position to make a contest for the seat he craves." But even if Mr. Cleveland could be induced to prostitute his nationa office, it would not be done to de feat Senator Pauie. In an open contest involving nothing but a senatorial election totally sepa rated from personal and social environments Mr. Cleveland might prefer Mr. Brice to Mr. Payne ; but 1 meat, when it is remembered that the i (jur blesseduess of rest. Absolutely men went up on the foremast-head and nothing is being done at WashiDg- hoisted the signal of distress. Soon a ton except such action as is inci- boat rounded tha point and about an dent lo the dreary routine of of ficial life. The Senate has passed the taut! bill, but it will rest undisturbed. hour after eunriRe was alongside. It was i 6-k i CF manned by the following pilots of HiUteras: William Gaskins. Alphonso Willis, William A. Smith, Nothing of national BeDjimiu Gaskins, James Styron and importance will be done until the John W. Austin. The Captain and ides of March comes to awake to wife, mate and crew, were all taken serene repose. for a suitable place for the establish ment of lumber mills, furniture manu factories, machine shops and ootton fac tories, and have concluded to locate here, we presume that they are modett men of large means. We rejoice at the prosperity of As-he- j ville. It richly merits its distinction, 0 or 8 miles southeast of " every a.nuaan largely: to tne treasure of North Carolina. W ill the Citizen have the kindness to an- the beautiful and progressive city of Asheville that there is to be a winter COMMISSION MERCHANTS. .exposition at iiew tserne, commencing on the 19lh of February, that will rich ly repay all its visitors!1 Nothing equal to it has been seen under the sun. To all who have the good fortune to wit ness ii, it, win De a Deauty ana a joy forever." New Berne will do the handsome thing to all visitors, but she openB wide her arms to Asheville and her visitors. Hatteras. FJere she remained during the night, the Captain, his wife and crew lashed to the rigging to prevent beirjg waehed off by the waves. About daylight Tuesday morning one of the IV. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL AND GRAIN DEALERS, Market Dock. m:w bekne. n. c. iT Consign us your produce. inn d vvtf or cilin to more one hundred people to p'.e ot course nt thev have Vl ashore but lost their entire effects. Before reaching the shore a eteam tug was seen to e-o alonfi" side the Anderson SVe look hopefully, but not con- and take her in tow, it is supposed for fidently to the luture. We trust Norfolk. that the country will have rest. The Captain, wife aDd mate were on Rest from political turmoil; rest their way to this city on a schooner Irom sectional stnie; rest from the "ith these two seaman but meeting the steamer eaglet were tanen aooara ana went on their way to Norfolk. One man and the cook remain at Hatteras to take a schooner for Philadelphia. Seaman Hastings says the Captain and crew feel profoundly grateful to the pilots of Hatteras who rescued them and to the people for their kind assistance after they had landed. He Bays the people there think the life saving force ought to have reached the ever disquieting influence of "race problems." There is but one hope for this rest, and that is the hope that Harrison will address all the ener gies of his administration to ifVaits the revival ol supremacy of the on every sea, and inalienal) i ol 111 any t 1 1 1 t V may be our Ls; the .- U I 1 lor din Nor I'll-. : UIi i sup tines a: ni n ; ' h o: Sm i:d w;!l 'ion I'll ."tint: o ri v i' n. e , ent. It has better than r ii ." n people ! untiling el- t tie greatest he equals of m an d versa .lust what ' he efUf t of s Line and the magnificent structure. So let it remain, and neither the ravages of time nor the madness of party ; can obliterate its glory. As it is mercifully ordained that day with its In conversation with a gentleman who recently visited Sampson county, we were informed that the poor of that county are cared for, and well cared for, at a cost of about 819 OtTper head. activities succeeds It i done by me-ms of the poor house ... lJK Ij, irt tl.r.n nnir.c.tnin. icnt with its re nose, so we trust he party was disappointed in tiat the ria is dawning in which m' . . , . , . renttc out every year but does vvry amoa trae- ion . u ii ; m pi it. ocean, it i ' r r ol lu ll ,i tieeu eek 111 the become as re at naval d so 1 1 government : u te: ft-1 ence a .inn (1 o -V t 11 e t re t o for e . A i.fl I I'Ui 1,-es famous as an s ot t lit battlefields of the world. But what is the matter ! Sune years ago Germans. Kngiarui and the United State- made a treats in which the three govern m en ts are pledged to "protect the S.imoans in their rght without ans without Germans has violated tins treats and is puisuiug England's method in her acq u 1 s i ; ion ot semi bar -barioiis termors. " 1 '. dies is to mingle m a local con n -' 'et veen tribal tactions, assist one party to power and theu absorb the territory as part pas for services rendered. This is the processof annexation as made apparent in Samoa today." Acting under the pretense ol protecting German interests, a German force was landed "n the Calvin S island and a battle ensued, in w which a number of Germans were killed A nntntwrot Americans had taken si es ss .ih :he Samoni ans and partn ipati d in i he engage ment. and driven commerce, th American Ilai whatever else tends to place the Anderson Monday night. He also says United States in the front rank of that Mrs. Shepard, the captain's wife, nations leaving to the States the went through the trying ordeal bravely. right of ft If govern to O . -r. rt JJ-, The greatest burden to Craven county fathers believed that the ia in the trial and punishment of crimi- Senator is the father of Mrs. states were competent to deal with nai8 and caring for the poor. Some Whitney, the heroic defeuder ofjOCtll affairs, and, in erecting the mcaris should be devised to reduce the the President and the bosom friend ! tempi of liberty, they made local cost in these departments, provided of his peerless wife, it. is impossible 8elf government! he corner stone of . thpr are fOiciently and properly sus- L"JUC11CCLUC II Ul HI OOLOICUICIU. We are not of those who hold Colonel Brice responsible f r the defeat of Cleveland. An abler man in command of the Democracy might have given us the victory, hut of i his we are not confident. That the amount of his contribution to . people of the Union will awake tne national u.-mociatic ca m pal g n j t o n e w n ess ot lite, and t hrow into little towards supporting the poor. If has ofren beeu asserted. "Bi ice's j q IDt depart men ts of labor the a good superintendent was employed barrel didn't mateiialize ss or th a . lMleI-gV an d enterprise so peculiaily to lake charge of the farm it could un- cent," wasasery emmon exp, es- AnieI u-an. Then will we have a oubtedly be made self-sustaining. . .i t , , . u i . , , r Right here ould be a demand for the siou just alter the election. -elunlou (1 States and a union of , r . , labor of thoao svho serve out sentences do not mean to intimate that Mr. - hnrtu Kvers section will renew - -, j r j . .u u , uearis. r-tiy BCl-l"m icuc.-. ln J;11i ancj are fe(j atj the expense of the Brice is unworthy ol Democratic i lts 8trengt h and Irom a thousand county. If these prisoners were put support because he did not pour figUs uf honorable toil bring price- upon the farm and the county commis- out his money like water and "buy iefiS contributions to a common siocers were given the power to shorten tloaters iu blocks of live;" but, pnnntrv their trms of imprisonment upon wh.n a man is pressed! in- who can picture the future ol sition on the ground tioc ... s try , orth Carolina with every impedi--...i i ;.. ... ...... i . i i "uu 10 "i"iiiuuj oc rueut to her progress removeu, anu in8tance, if one is sentenced to four fortune in his .country 's service, he ; eVery incentiveltothe developmentof months' imprisonment in j ail, put him ought to meet the expectations , ner powers in successful operation 1 on the farm and if he works and be- Irom necessarily involved iu t he situation, j To prophet, though imbued with a 'haves himself let him be discharged at Rnt uii.-Im rf tin- if Mr U 1 1 nu I c i -1 . ; . i. v . i ; the end of three or two months as the ..-..I.. vu.., .v (louoie poiiiouoi i.njdu n 5iiuii, ui i i li . i ... . uuui l may uncut I...C, u.ir-i,ir.i-i.il nn i hi. I i .it. j IK.. .. l :.!. T 1.- J iii a otuiviiti ijiiiiiiuktiLiuiij t ucj q- OleCi WltU nave beeu held iu reserve. He is a gentleman of some culiure, a politician ol some shrewdness, and a railroad mau of acknowledged, THE ability but, he has given the uuoatriotic a speech bv a Southern by ti.e county are able to do light work world no evideuce of his states-! man has not been made, manship. (since the reconstruction era. when We trust that the Democrats of : the prospect of Federal office stimU the Ohio Legislature have more ! lateal the eloquence of a number of honor and manhood than to cast self seeking politicians of the their votes lor United Senator for nujaller calibi e." This is in refer- their terms of imprisonment upon a certificate of good behavior from the superintendent of the farm, we think it would work to great advantage. For vision, glory. Tf Via cerQrao niiKlfl Isaiah s heaven lit . . . . .. the term of imprisonment if recaD- coual behold the Coming tured. IQ this way the farm might be worked and made to support both the : poor and the criminals of the county. Baltimore Sun says: ''So Manj of those who are now cared for The Ladies' Department of the Fair Is under the managementof the follow ing committees : Com of Qen. Managers Mrs. Geo. Roberts, Mrs. J. A. Meadows, Mrs C. E. 8lover. Miss Metts. Chairman. Miss M. M. Manly. Secretary, Miss M. L Allen. Duties of this Committee Recom mending and assigning duties to sub committees; awarding special and un assigned premiums; receiving and reg istering articles entered for exhibition, and recommending judges for the sev eral departments. Com. on Hall Management Miss M Oliver, Miss F. Smallwood, Mrs. C. E. Slover, Mibs F. Bryan, Miss M. TJlricb, Miss M. Manly. Duties Decorating and preparing rooms for the reception of exhibits, lo cating different exhibits, and directing work of janitor. Floral Committee Mrs. L C. Vass, Mrs F. C. Roberts, Mrs. S. S Nelson. Miss Jennie Hughes, Miss Bessie Whit ford. Miss iViaude Amyette. Duties Collection, arrangement and general supervision of plants and flow ers. Com. on Culinary Department Mrs. Geo. Roberts. Mrs. C. E. Slover, Mrs. John Dunn, Mrs. J. A. Meadows. Duties Receiving and arranging all contributions to this department. Arte cles entered for premiums in the culi nary department will be tasted and then returned. Judging day in this dept Wednes day, Feb. 20, 1889. Com. on Art and Curios. Mrs. Reiz enstein. Miss Nellie Jones, Miss Janet Bollieter, Miss Metts, Mrs. R. P. Wil liams. Duties Soliciting and arranging con tributions to this department. Com. on Fancy Work and Plain Seic ing Miss F. Bryaa, Miss F. Small wood . Miss M. Oliver, Miss M. Ulrich. Duties Classifying and arranging the various articles entered for exhibit in this department. SPECIAL PREMIUMS IN FLORAL DEPT Collection of choice roses and book for first and second best exhibit of plants, home culture. Writing desk and glass set, for first and second best exhibit of cut flowers, home culture. Judging day for floral dept Wed nesday, Feb. 20, 1889. 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER HAS A FINK STOCK OF Watches, Clocks. Jewelry 80LID SILVER AND PLATED WARE. SPECTACLES. I keep a larger stock of Spectacles than any other store in North Carolina I take particular pa his to fit them to th eyes of parties needing them. Having worked steadily at the benck for over thir y years, I believe I can do as good work as any watchmaker in the State. COME AND SEE ME. SAM. K. EATON, Middle street. Opposite Baptist Church. f12 dwtf w it r ir.in -rr The World Stands Aghast AT 31 Y LOW i-KIOKH. And wonders. How is it that I can sell so much lower than any one else? I'll tell you: I have determined to be easily satisfied for th- canh, and WORK FOR SMALL PKOI- IT.-C My Motto is: FAIR DEALING. Comn and buy from me. and you will never regret it. K. Fl. JONES, New Berne, N. O. The Ladies Must Cornel The Gentle men May Come ! AM) Everybody" Como ! TO SEK Til te Handsomest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets EVEU Hlt(i!-;HT To Tills MARKET. A I .Si ) A I I I. I. I. INK OK Brie H" 1 1 .- L J lVO LE ITER. Two leiers have lately been given to the public which are re markable productions. One is by rhe Germans were defeated Oliver H . Dockery, late Republican ence to a speech made by Hanson of Georgia. He Is playing '-tit lor tat," for if mere is any man de spised in the community, in wnich he lives he is tin man. on the farm or garden. An acre in garden vegetables properly cultivated will support quite a number of people. The present plan of supporting the poor is not only costly but it is ineffi cient. A pitiful allowance of one or two dollars per moDtb, which is very often spent at, a stoie before the vouch er is issued, is very little help. If the county had good comfortable houses on The Veterang Organize. The Confederate veterans met again yesterday morning at Metropolitan Hall at 10 o'clock as per adjournment, Presi dent Carr in the chair. On motion a permanent organization of the Confederate veterans of the State was formed by the election of Mr. Tt t1 i n j Julian S. Carr as president, and Mr. W. j MOUSC I UmiSlling 1x0008 C. Stronach as secretary. The privi-' lege was granted Mr. Stronach to em- i 1 l "'1"" I M KS. ploy an assistant if he found it neces- sary. lhe name adopted was tne uou- i I j I ( ! I I Ii l 26 & 28 Middle Street, NKW IU KM . M I federate Veteran's Association of North Carolina." The following excellent executive committee was appointed: Col. W. F. Beasley. Oxford; Mr C. B. Watson, Winston; Col. W. H. S. Bur gwyn, Vance; Mr. J. F. Tuttle, Rowan, Ool T C. Fuller, Raleigh; Hon. T. M. Emry , Halifax. Very flattering resolutions of thanks were introduced and uoanimous y adopted expressing the appreciation of the convention of the eloquent address es of Col. Fuller, Gov. Fowle. Mr Carr and others on the nixht before, and of the courteous and able manner in which the president Mr Julian S. Carr, pre sided over the convention. Resolutions were unanimously udopt t.a thoi-iWintr IhA piri7Mna itf T?liiuVi for the farm, thise people who receive this, lheir bind bo8piuUty in entertaining HOWARD & JONES. threaten to ta brigade captured the last guns and tlie 1;.iiiri( ln fired the last shot, bat he has never claimed suprior ment on account of it, and, if the claim is challenged, he cheerfally yields the honor to the chivalnc soldiers of the old North State. tT, but they now candidate for Governor of North e full possession of Carolina, aud the other is Irom the utter disregard of pen ol Daniel L. Russell, late Re- for Supreme treaty obligations, and in gross pnblican nominee violation of the laws of nations. Court Judge. At the State Department and at Col. Dockery's epistle is a gar- the German Legation there is con ruons complaint of unfair treat- siderable anxiety and apprehension ment. His righteous soul is vexed ng tne state ot a Hairs at Mr. Carr iu hi- address at the Pensioners' Convention paid a merited compliment to General Ramseur, The writer desires to add his humble tnoute to this distin guished soldier. Associated with him most intimately during the war, he unhesitatingly declares little pittance could aiJ in cultivating the gard n and raising chickens and thereby obtain a more decent and com fortable living. We suggest to our board of commis sioners to investigate the matter aod e if the expenditures in th: se depart ments canDOt be reduced and at the same time made more efficient Per haps it would pay one of the board to vieit Sampson and investigate their plan of operations. As tne county al ii - J. W. STEWART, Sale and Livery Stable. a J will at once proceed extend full pro; eot ;. to A met lean ci t : ens oil w id consult ss ;tl V, 1 I tare ieeiel TWO VlOl L GAU LOADS vatek were m!mUI ej me ;c ! - J "'- arehase X ial oat w ita rcust raea, a-J i' 4 ee. Will pica are 10 sho v . o ' sb-oih oj Stable n road Street, -New Beine, v At Over one hondred wounded soldiers were present at the Con federate Veteran Convention in Raleigh. The veterans went in procession to Executive office wnere to proceed they were appropriately received Trenton, to by the Governor and his staff, and a party of young ladies. At 7:.) the convention met with the Legis hi'nre. I a accordance with ar rjDgements, Col. L. L. Polk pre sented Jolisn S. Carr, the presiding oflicerof the convention . Mr. Carr ws enthusiastically received and ileoseied au eloquent aud patriotic -;.-ecii Mr. Ctrr was lollowed by i d. D C I-'uller who delivered the address of welcome. At the close of his remarks Col. Fuller intro .rr n 1 Males, iluc-d Governor Powle, who, in In tasking my turn, wa followed by Col. V . H. D but good end Kitchen, Mr. C. B. Watson of Winston, Hou. T. L. Clinginan, Col. W. U.S. Bugwyn, Co:. L L. Polk, Col. Beasley and Senator W. II . Lqcas. seur. because of the wickedness that compassed his defeat, and the mean ness by which he was counted out. If the people of North Carolina Human ingenuity seems to have were as Col .Dockery pictures them, no limit. It is now proposed to that the army of Lee had on its ready has the farm it ought not to cost shiaintr roll s no name more worthy a great deal to put it in operation, and of lasting fame than that of Ram ii the right man is employed as super intendent we are certain it can be made- a success the soldiers and the railroads for trans porting them. A resolution thankmg ihe ladies for many attentions and kindnesses was unanimoualy adopted. A resolution to exclude all from tbe convention except those bearing cre dentials occasioned a spirited debate, in which Col. Beasley madi- an eloquent and ringing speech crniing much en thusiasm. Mr Fenton, on behalf of Mr Jos. li Wheeler, a veteran old soldiei of An son, presented to Mr. President Can the ola fl g of the Anson Guards, whicn Mr Wheeler had kept treasereri aa; ever since the rurrender till this occa sion Mr. Wheeler was sergeant of the company On receiving tbe flag Mr. Carr said there was nothing he honored and cherished more than a tattered banner of tbe Confederacy, and waving it over concern Samoa. Secretary Whitney has ordered Rear Admiral Kimberly, command ing our naval forces in the Pacific, in Unship, the the present would be a fit occasion protect our harbors, in case of war, the country was summer resorts. But, I 'nd'rentthelh- with scouts-til uh Apia, m n. s instruc tor humiliation ana prayer, out wuu nre. cue naruors are to ue there ha been a chsme in tte situation airlv reverberated . tiona the Secretary said: "You as we all know that thev are not as filled svith Petroleum, which, when and no the diesideratum is winter re-i Col McCloud , of Asheviile, who was Winter Retorts. ! his head gave a shout, when instantly ... . 1 .4 ,l,n V, n I I t n-Kn, I 1 la the olden time the great demand of i otcijt um c.c.u . m.... H M aT1. ,. rose ; hall GEORGE ALLEN & GO DEALERS IN General Hardware V tf ricn II ii ' n i I in I- ' n c ii I H. Plows, Harrows, ( uitiviiwr tines and Awn, Wood 's !V1 w ro and liHn"! (i, tSt'.am I -ki nH. Cotton Uins n ii I'n-Mc, Ferti Iizer. I .and I'h-h Kimttt MeCtlUIDCH ' i n.'il : ! .1 e-t a HT 1.1 me Urio .m i. l'lii!Hci Hair, I'ainl Km- nn. o, 'ir nish, oil, Ji.iss, - ni .il l llnii. Freezorn, iteli i i .it - OO Cook Stovch. I- ii.. .vi. r. m Proof Sash I...M. i.humI m tfive H-CH'"itJ a- l -- I !t.H lllitl l'RI(li I l(V . i - W i. ll,l I ' A i JOHN McSORLLY, FAaHIOIM ADLE Boot and Shoe (fiaker, Pollock bt.- Newbern, N. C- hut Mh FAI.I. i-TOOK ii m i i ivi-il h nd he la r..i . i. li lt, i. 1 1 prepHli'd l FINE CUSTOM-MADE BOOTo AND SHOES sh 1 1 led workmen. aU to Samoa and he represents them, all hearts swell set on fire, wiil bum no or smoke sorts -u and defense with gratitude and paise to the out the enemy. Many navy and and property, great Creator for His wonderful army officers declare that it will i t de American goodness. prove a sure defense, while others md imprac- Vice Consul, examine Ins archives Judge Russell is equally as regard it as visionary and otherwise inl'oim yourself as to vituperative as Col. Dockery, and ticable. AT the Democratic the s : 1 1 1 a t i o i iiro i i -. h U ' 'J Ugal ol, lie ll a' . S e t ' s German posit is e a standing i tuit inform alio a ..ni n.sp; gos em men s ,i - recent oc . 1 1 1 1 s ' the .cement of ol Samoa i v iolation of a : and under- Legisl.it i ve night Mr. is more revolutionary. He would overtnrow me exisimg oruer 01 ca,icus Wednesday .i- i.i .J: ll: in ngs, ueruroue iriue ami luieiu jr,,-.un, iv,i,.io of tin i,ito r- i . , P, -j 6 ' Josepuus IJanieis, ot tne State Carolina is superior to Florida as a win gence,and "give the negro absolute Chroniciei was nominated for State ter resort. rule and control over the public rriDteri Congratulations to our affairs of the Southern States." In in the hall, was cat ed upon for eoib- In the past Jacksonville, Florida, was j sbort riDting Bpeech. eliciting enthu ' the most attractive winter resort, and : i M a Lie appUuse. He made some valu- thither the people of the North went able suggestions to tne association. with their treasures of gold. After calling the roll of counties and ,, . , , choosing a chairman for each count" But tie yellow fever has eerved an the conenlion adjourned Pm(f die.- injunction od Florida, or rather on the j Newa an. Observer. Jan 24 public prohibiting them from going to . Florida, and ip ie with surprise that the : AN AID TO THE execu tive. people cf the North realize that North1 BaT-jN Rouqk, La.. Jan. 23 181. MHVI k unlt-Th pi III H i I I C l 1 I I i H iifl (1 h h ; H . AH "lit- ii 1 n ' r 1 - t He I I 'if Well knwr. r 1 I'M'I Kb 'Ul ( 'iiM M l."' lis i Wo HI 1 pr ii i p 1 1 n Tin p:!i 11 1 . t ii V 1,1 r irrt-ri.t'i,: :wt n :rtat lowers, private lile Jndge Kassell is repre Mm rt'puent At: es of Rented as a gentleman. Id politico gallant friend. To Mr A K HawkeK Dear Sir: I The Asheville Citizen of the 22d has i this to say: j y our Crystalizd Lenten. They com- "That Asheville is growing in popu- j bine great brilliancy with hofuienH and I 'FA K K U I 1 T H i -a r h. 'tt 1 r i i-st 1 inonlRll of th k !h Ktilijoined from a .in umiW" t ry: N i H I'H M, S I , ct. 5Lh, 18KB n hi; II m h pfti r of k 1 ma le me two ii.t: i in i w v - r h.i d 1 i . b i wen n ok h s Hie ' h1 ! . - pe.-i . I . I i H 1,1. I .i i m ri v '1.ne. 12'. flw c. ;!,e Gem. ni and Lntish govern mints of S"tii readiness to co operate in causing ,,11 treaty rights Texas to be respected, ami in restoring policy peace aud !eil, . o l d e i EEFEERI"G to Judge Kusseli the he is a madman. Fortunately his Y liming: on Mcs-eugcr say s : "lie rage is as impotent as that of a prates of our 'In e institutions' en bull in a prairie fire. The dangered, but he svould submerge he advocates has no sup tbem beneath t -,e dai k, dismal -city." Mrs Moses Taylor, a leade ;u the basis of a porteis. As I'u.,1 o...d of Na- wave of nero domination. , . t i -i- i- pleaBantnesa to the eye. mere than i.y be denied. People are coming here who r never came before, and the wealth of , I have ever foucd the country is largely represented at 8 U McF ekv Buttery Park this week. Among the ! several times millionaires now in this Goternor i.f Iminaim. i ill Hf r..a r.,l h. .. r . ... , K. TT Ul "IU C1GAH? FOR SALE AT COST. IIhviik i'irehi i a i s n ii lh. d 840 000,000; Mr. Gallatin, founder of 1 F. S. Duffy, New Berne. N. O. jl2jlm i a large ftnek of nin i for -m bvinff -null n o". io lh. merchants IUAliS AT i ()S' in .til rnv -trtk il r .1 mi-. .1 1 'm-Ii ... '. I v"r - .ei-ai P- v'l '. '- K ', , f , :. v . .0 c v . v'l . V V

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